RK&S SMART SOLUTIONS, INC. Since the beginning of time, scientists have shown that in the physical world, change is constant. They have probed into change and adjusted their models as they discovered new theories and concepts involving change. Their discoveries have led to new technologies and equipment and have transformed or converted many mathematical and business models. Change has made the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone. Yet, most businesses and individuals were surprised by the economic crisis, although behavioral economists predicted such a crisis by viewing economic changes since Roosevelt set up a structure to avoid another depression. If you consider how many Companies and products no longer exist because something newer, better, faster, smarter came along; you realize the dynamics of change can be viewed in terms of needed characteristics in management, changes in technology, alternative competition. The causes are short sightedness in today’s fast evolving technology and economy, and lack by most senior officers to base their planning on future opportunities and set up risk avoidance for future challenges. In evaluating any company, the predominant force is change and its impact on your business's operational and financial life line. The Strategic Opportunity Group was formed so that businesses and individuals can discuss how predicting the presence of change generates strategic initiative that capitalize a Company’s strengths on future opportunities and minimize the risk of future challenges. In this Group, we are not only interested in how you predicted the impact of change but the results you generated and thoughts you have on how change will affect your industry or Company. By switching focus from the past to the future we are convinced that economic growth will increase substantially and hear from the businesses and industries generating this change.

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Since the beginning of time, scientists have shown that in the physical world, change is constant. They have probed into change and adjusted their models as they discovered new theories and concepts involving change. Their discoveries have led to new technologies and equipment and have transformed or converted many mathematical and business models. Change has made the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone.

Yet, most businesses and individuals were surprised by the economic crisis, although behavioral economists predicted such a crisis by viewing economic changes since Roosevelt set up a structure to avoid another depression. If you consider how many Companies and products no longer exist because something newer, better, faster, smarter came along; you realize the dynamics of change can be viewed in terms of needed characteristics in management, changes in technology, alternative competition. The causes are short sightedness in today’s fast evolving technology and economy, and lack by most senior officers to base their planning on future opportunities and set up risk avoidance for future challenges. In evaluating any company, the predominant force is change and its impact on your business's operational and financial life line.

The Strategic Opportunity Group was formed so that businesses and individuals can discuss how predicting the presence of change generates strategic initiative that capitalize a Company’s strengths on future opportunities and minimize the risk of future challenges. In this Group, we are not only interested in how you predicted the impact of change but the results you generated and thoughts you have on how change will affect your industry or Company. By switching focus from the past to the future we are convinced that economic growth will increase substantially and hear from the businesses and industries generating this change.

The Strategic Opportunity Group has created strategic initiatives that enable businesses to redirect their emphasis to areas that show future potential for expansion, growth, and success. Because change is an ongoing process in every phase of human existence, it is only natural to determine the opportunities and challenges that come with change and direct our efforts towards initiating strategies to capitalize on the opportunities and initiate risk management to avoid, defer or eliminate the challenges. We expect to use this as the core methodology for assisting businesses grow, expand and succeed. Without this method of consulting, all businesses wind up with finite lives. With this method, all businesses change to become the next new business. Our mission is to assist you grow, expand and succeed. Our methodology is to evaluate your Company and work with your team to consider how change can keep you technologically, operationally, financially and managerially ahead of the curve.

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