Updating Content and Assessments

Updating Content and Assessments - Curriculum21 · Whatdo%you%think%the%most importantconsideraons%are%for% updang%curriculum/lessons?% % h9p:

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Updating Content and Assessments

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What  do  you  think  the  most  important  considera3ons  are  for  upda3ng  curriculum/lessons?  


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Web’s  Four  Levels  of  Depth  of  Knowledge  

Level  2  Skills  &  Concepts  Level  1  

Recall  &  Reproduc3on  

Level  3  Strategic  Thinking  

Level  4  Extended  Thinking  

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Let’s  drill  in  and  dig  deeper…  

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Assessing Assessment

1.        50%  of  20:  2.        67%  of  81:  3.      Shawn  got  7  correct  answers  out  of  10  possible  answers  on  his  science  test.    What  percent  of  ques3ons  did  he  get  correct?  4.      J.J.  Redick  was  on  pace  to  set  an  NCAA  record  in  career  free  throw  percentage.    Leading  into  the  NCAA  tournament  in  2004,  he  made  97  of  104  free  throw  a9empts.  What  percentage  of  free  throws  did  he  make?  

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Assessing Assessment

5.  J.J.  Redick  was  on  pace  to  set  an  NCAA  record  in  career  free  throw  percentage.  Leading  into  the  NCAA  tournament  in  2004,  he  made  97  of  104  free  throw  a9empts.  In  the  first  tournament  game,  Redick  missed  his  first  five  free  throws.  How  far  did  his  percentage  drop  from  before  the  tournament  game  to  right  a^er  missing  those  free  throws?  

6.  J.J.  Redick  and  Chris  Paul  were  compe3ng  for  the  best  free-­‐throw  shoo3ng  percentage.  Redick  made  94%  of  his  first  103  shots,  while  Paul  made  47  out  of  51  shots.      

•  Which  one  had  a  be9er  shoo3ng  percentage?  •  In  the  next  game,  Redick  made  only  2  of  10  shots  while  Paul  made  7  of  10  

shots.    What  are  their  new  overall  shoo3ng  percentages?  Who  is  the  be9er  shooter?  

•  Jason  argued  that  if  Paul  and  J.J.  each  made  the  next  ten  shots,  their  shoo3ng  percentages  would  go  up  the  same  amount.  Is  this  true?  Why  or  why  not?        

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Assessing Assessment

Standards  (and  objec3ves)  are  meaningless  un3l  you  define  how  to  assess  them.    This  Instruc3onal  Shi^  is  about  defining  our  work  and  deepening  the  rigor  of  our  professional  prac3ce.  

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1.  What  is  the  main  idea?      2.    This  story  is  mostly  about:      

 A.    Two  boys  figh@ng    B.    A  girl  playing  in  the  woods    C.    LiCle  Red  Riding  Hood’s  encounter  with  a  wolf    D.    A  wolf  in  the  forest  

   3.  This  story  is  mostly  about:      

 A.  LiCle  Red  Riding  Hood’s  journey  through  the  woods    B.  The  pain  of  losing  your  grandmother    C.  Everything  is  not  always  what  it  seems    D.  Fear  of  wolves      


Assessing Assessment

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In  an  open-­‐ended  ques3on,  the  rubric  defines  the  rigor.    In  a  mul3ple  choice  ques3on,  the  op3ons  define  the  rigor.    This  shi^  gives  us  the  opportunity  to  teach  strategic  thinking  skills  so  students  can  be  college  and  career  successful.  

Assessing Assessment

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So how is

THINKING being assessed in your classrooms? h9p://www.todaysmeet.com/update  

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What  are  your  current  no3ons  around  modern  assessment?        How  is  assessment  in  today’s  classroom  different  than  assessments  of,  say,  1995,  or  1965?    

And  now,  let’s  drill  even  further  in…  

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Evidence  of  Learning  2.0  There  has  to  be  some  considera@on  for  HOW  we  assess/evaluate  student  learning  using  not  only  mul@ple  types  of  rigorous  ques@ons,  but  also  mul@ple  types  of  modern  media.  That,  in  turn,  will  change  instruc@onal  design  around  content  and  skills.  

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This  is  the  beginning  of  your  explora@on  of  considera@ons  for  new  ways  of  assessing  students,  and  thinking  of  how  that  will  impact  content  and  skill  upgrades.  Today  is  about  giving  you  some  food  for  thought  as  well  as  connec@ng  to  the  importance  of  considering  college  and  career  readiness  and  digital  upgrades.  You  now  have  24-­‐7  access  to  develop  this  in  your  own  professional  prac@ce  at  your  own  pace.  

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 Let’s  go  back  to  Today’s  Meet:  


• As  we  poke  around  in  the  Binder,  what  do  you  No3ce,  Think,  or  Wonder?  • What  opportuni3es  are  you  visualizing  in  your  own  prac3ce  that  could  engage  new  tools,  new  methodologies,  or  new  ways  of  assessing  students?  


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(Physical  or  Virtual!)    



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If  you’d  like  to  see  an  example  of  a  Unit  Appraisal,  there  is  one  following  this  slide.  Note  the  Prologue,  Caveat,  and  Endnotes  for  informa@on  about  this  specific  appraisal.  

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Unit Appraisal Annotated

Grade 11

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Prologue:    Curriculum  Design  with  depth  and  rigor,  for  many  teachers  transi@oning  to  the  Common  Core,  is  a  new  space.    In  a  general  sense,  the  curriculum  design  work  that  is  being  engaged  in  right  now  is  far  above  the  instruc@onal  prac@ces  of  the  past.    Any  work  done  is  meant  to  be  a  baseline  from  which  all  future  curriculum  work  will  develop.  Being  though\ul  and  transparent  in  our  work  allows  exponen@al  growth  in  professional  prac@ce  and  student  achievement.    

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Why  do  this?  

To  Support  Data  Informed  Decision  Making  

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Data informed culture to improve student achievement

Data informs your decisions

Curriculum data aligned to standards

Assessment data aligned to standards

Curriculum mapping Analysis of results

Written curriculum

Taught curriculum

State and National Local

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       “Unit  Plans  (Maps)  equal  data  …  Data  equals  facts  and  figures  …  Facts  and  figures  show  trends  …  And  with  this  

knowledge,  we  can  give  ‘all  of  the  above’  meaning  by  looking  at  the  trends  and  comparing  it  to  other  data  bases.”  

Bena  Kallick,  Curriculum  Mapping  Conference,  2003  

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Caveat:    This  annota@on  represents  a  look  through  several  lenses  of  opportuni@es  for  improvement.    The  depth  of  this  annota@on  is  specifically  for  the  purpose  of  this  analysis  only  and  does  not  necessarily  represent  what  would  be  involved  in  a  curriculum  coaching  moment.  Cri@cal  decisions  would  have  to  be  made  around  “do  now”  vs.  “explore  later”  depending  on  several  variables  that  could  include:  delivery  of  the  unit  plan,  collabora@on  and  consensus,  alignment  of  the  unit  as  a  whole  versus  a  pinpoint  alignment  moment,  opportuni@es  for  growth  over  @me,  further  fleshing  out  of  details  related  to  curriculum  prac@ce  vs.  design,  how  this  unit  is  situated  both  ver@cally  and  horizontally,  etc.  

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C                          Clarity  and  Transparency  

are  important.  Is  what  you  intend  apparent  to  others?  


Is  Lively  and  Dynamic  instruc@on  apparent?  



Do  your  assessments  provide  Evidence  that  

skills  have  been  mastered?  Big  Ideas  answered?  

A                                  Does  your  Alignment  represent  a  balance  in  

content,  skills,  and  


R          Compared  to  the  previous  

version  of  your  unit,  is  the  new  one  Robust,  Hearty,  and  Strong?  

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America’s  Beginnings  (11th  Grade)  Essen3al  Ques3ons:  How  does  Geography  influence  culture?    What  causes  people  to  revolt?  

Content:    Early  Geography,  Colonial  Experience,  French/Indian  War,  Events  leading  to  the  American  Revolu3on,  War  for  Independence.      How  have  the  na3on’s  physical  and  human  characteris3cs  influenced  the  development  of  the  United  States?  What  was  the  economic  rela3onship  of  the  colonies  to  Europe  during  this  period;  how  was  it  beneficial/detrimental  to  the  colonies?  How  did  Britain’s  neglect  of  the  colonies  lead  to  independence?  

Skills:    • Iden3fy  American  States,  major  physical  features,  and  economic  zones  on  a  US  Map.  • Create  Venn  diagram  on  different  colonial  regions.  • Cite  the  causes  and  effects  of  the  French  &  Indian  War.  • Created  a  3meline  of  the  events  leading  to  the  revolu3on.  • Describe  the  causes  and  effects  of  the  War  for  Independence.  

Assessments:  US  Map  Assignment  Unit  1  –  Early  Beginnings  Test  

Resources:    Vocabulary  Colony,  joint  stock  company,  cash  crop,  French  &  Indian  War,  Proclama3on  of  1763,  salutary  neglect,  mercan3lism,  Stamp  Act,  Boston  Massacre,  Lexington  &  Concord,  Con3nental  Congress  

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America’s  Beginnings  (11th  Grade)  Essen3al  Ques3ons:  How  does  Geography  influence  culture?    What  causes  people  to  revolt?  

Content:    Early  Geography,  Colonial  Experience,  French/Indian  War,  Events  leading  to  the  American  Revolu3on,  War  for  Independence.      How  have  the  na3on’s  physical  and  human  characteris3cs  influenced  the  development  of  the  United  States?  What  was  the  economic  rela3onship  of  the  colonies  to  Europe  during  this  period;  how  was  it  beneficial/detrimental  to  the  colonies?  How  did  Britain’s  neglect  of  the  colonies  lead  to  independence?  

Skills:    • Iden3fy  American  States,  major  physical  features,  and  economic  zones  on  a  US  Map.  • Create  Venn  diagram  on  different  colonial  regions.  • Cite  the  causes  and  effects  of  the  French  &  Indian  War.  • Created  a  3meline  of  the  events  leading  to  the  revolu3on.  • Describe  the  causes  and  effects  of  the  War  for  Independence.  

Assessments:  US  Map  Assignment  Unit  1  –  Early  Beginnings  Test  

Resources:    Vocabulary  Colony,  joint  stock  company,  cash  crop,  French  &  Indian  War,  Proclama3on  of  1763,  salutary  neglect,  mercan3lism,  Stamp  Act,  Boston  Massacre,  Lexington  &  Concord,  Con3nental  Congress  

• Clarity:  The  content  and  skills  are  clear  enough  to  replicate,  but  much  addi3onal  informa3on  (see  alignment  sec3on)  is  needed  and  what  is  here  needs  some  clarifica3on,  in  terms  of  interconnectedness.  • Lively  (and  Robust):  Without  the  inclusion  of  ac3vi3es/lessons,  there  is  li9le  evidence  for  depth  and  engagement,  although,  there  are  opportuni3es  apparent.  (such  as  upgrading  the  measurable  verbs,  engaging  in  specific  vocabulary  instruc3on,  and  leveraging  available  technology)  • Evidence:    Without  knowing  what  is  on  the  Unit  1  test,  there  is  li9le  wri9en  evidence  here  to  support  what  proficiency  looks  like.  The  Map  Assignment  is  not  described  but  seems  to  support  one  part  of  one  skill  statement.  • Alignment:  See  subsequent  slides.  Connec3ons  need  to  be  more  transparent  and  in  depth.  

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America’s  Beginnings  (11th  Grade)  Essen3al  Ques3ons:  How  does  Geography  influence  culture?    What  causes  people  to  revolt?  

NY1.1:  analyze  the  development  of  American  culture,  explaining  how  ideas,  values,  beliefs,  and  tradi3ons  have  changed  over  3me  and  how  they  unite  all  Americans  

NY1.3:  compare  and  contrast  the  experiences  of  different  ethnic,  na3onal,  and  religious  groups,  including  Na3ve  American  Indians,  in  the  United  States,  explaining  their  contribu3ons  to  American  society  and  culture  

NY3.1:  iden3fy  and  compare  the  physical,  human,  and  cultural  characteris3cs  of  different  regions  and  people  

NY3.2:  develop  and  test  generaliza3ons  and  conclusions  and  pose  analy3cal  ques3ons  based  on  the  results  of  geographic  inquiry  

NY1.1h:  view  historic  events  through  the  eyes  of  those  who  were  there,  as  shown  in  their  art,  wri3ngs,  music,  and  ar3facts.  

NY1.1b:  know  the  roots  of  American  culture,  its  development  from  many  different  tradi3ons,  and  the  ways  many  people  from  a  variety  of  groups  and  backgrounds  played  a  role  in  crea3ng  it  

RH.11-­‐12.4:  Determine  the  meaning  of  words  and  phrases  as  they  are  used  in  text,  including  analyzing  how  an  author  uses  and  refines  the  meaning  of  a  key  term  over  the  course  of  the  text.  

RH.11-­‐12.8:  Evaluate  an  author’s  premises,  claims,  and  evidence  by  corrobora3ng  or  challenging  them  with  other  informa3on.  

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America’s  Beginnings  (11th  Grade)  Essen3al  Ques3ons:  How  does  Geography  influence  culture?    What  causes  people  to  revolt?  

NY1.1:  analyze  the  development  of  American  culture,  explaining  how  ideas,  values,  beliefs,  and  tradi3ons  have  changed  over  3me  and  how  they  unite  all  Americans  

NY1.3:  compare  and  contrast  the  experiences  of  different  ethnic,  na3onal,  and  religious  groups,  including  Na3ve  American  Indians,  in  the  United  States,  explaining  their  contribu3ons  to  American  society  and  culture  

NY3.1:  iden3fy  and  compare  the  physical,  human,  and  cultural  characteris3cs  of  different  regions  and  people  

NY3.2:  develop  and  test  generaliza3ons  and  conclusions  and  pose  analy3cal  ques3ons  based  on  the  results  of  geographic  inquiry  

NY1.1h:  view  historic  events  through  the  eyes  of  those  who  were  there,  as  shown  in  their  art,  wri3ngs,  music,  and  ar3facts.  

NY1.1b:  know  the  roots  of  American  culture,  its  development  from  many  different  tradi3ons,  and  the  ways  many  people  from  a  variety  of  groups  and  backgrounds  played  a  role  in  crea3ng  it  

RH.11-­‐12.4:  Determine  the  meaning  of  words  and  phrases  as  they  are  used  in  text,  including  analyzing  how  an  author  uses  and  refines  the  meaning  of  a  key  term  over  the  course  of  the  text.  

RH.11-­‐12.8:  Evaluate  an  author’s  premises,  claims,  and  evidence  by  corrobora3ng  or  challenging  them  with  other  informa3on.  

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America’s  Beginnings  (11th  Grade)  Essen3al  Ques3ons:  How  does  Geography  influence  culture?    What  causes  people  to  revolt?  

Content:    Early  Geography,  Colonial  Experience,  French/Indian  War,  Events  leading  to  the  American  Revolu3on,  War  for  Independence.      How  have  the  na3on’s  physical  and  human  characteris3cs  influenced  the  development  of  the  United  States?  What  was  the  economic  rela3onship  of  the  colonies  to  Europe  during  this  period;  how  was  it  beneficial/detrimental  to  the  colonies?  How  did  Britain’s  neglect  of  the  colonies  lead  to  independence?  

Skills:    • Iden@fy  American  States,  major  physical  features,  and  economic  zones  on  a  US  Map.  • Create  Venn  diagram  on  different  colonial  regions.  • Cite  the  causes  and  effects  of  the  French  &  Indian  War.  • Created  a  3meline  of  the  events  leading  to  the  revolu3on.  • Describe  the  causes  and  effects  of  the  War  for  Independence.  

NY3.2:  develop  and  test  generaliza3ons  and  conclusions  and  pose  analy3cal  ques3ons  based  on  the  results  of  geographic  inquiry  

NY1.1b:  know  the  roots  of  American  culture,  its  development  from  many  different  tradi3ons,  and  the  ways  many  people  from  a  variety  of  groups  and  backgrounds  played  a  role  in  crea3ng  it  

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America’s  Beginnings  (11th  Grade)  Essen3al  Ques3ons:  How  does  Geography  influence  culture?    What  causes  people  to  revolt?  

Content:    Early  Geography,  Colonial  Experience,  French/Indian  War,  Events  leading  to  the  American  Revolu3on,  War  for  Independence.      How  have  the  na3on’s  physical  and  human  characteris3cs  influenced  the  development  of  the  United  States?  What  was  the  economic  rela3onship  of  the  colonies  to  Europe  during  this  period;  how  was  it  beneficial/detrimental  to  the  colonies?  How  did  Britain’s  neglect  of  the  colonies  lead  to  independence?  

Skills:    • Iden3fy  American  States,  major  physical  features,  and  economic  zones  on  a  US  Map.  • Create  Venn  diagram  on  different  colonial  regions.  • Cite  the  causes  and  effects  of  the  French  &  Indian  War.  • Created  a  3meline  of  the  events  leading  to  the  revolu3on.  • Describe  the  causes  and  effects  of  the  War  for  Independence.  

Assessments:  US  Map  Assignment  Unit  1  –  Early  Beginnings  Test  

Resources:    Vocabulary  Colony,  joint  stock  company,  cash  crop,  French  &  Indian  War,  Proclama3on  of  1763,  salutary  neglect,  mercan3lism,  Stamp  Act,  Boston  Massacre,  Lexington  &  Concord,  Con3nental  Congress  

Aside  from  the  standards,  and  based  solely  on  the  content  and  skills  evidenced  here,  there  is  a  lot  of  informa@on  for  only  two  assessments.    Without  the  explana@on  here,  some  clarifica@on  is  needed  on  what  the  map  assignment  is  assessing  and  whether  or  not  the  depth  and  rigor  of  that  assignment  is  developmentally  appropriate.    The  crea@on  of  the  Venn  diagram,  the  crea@on  of  a  @meline  of  events,  and  the  compara@ve  analysis  of  cultures  are  opportuni@es  to  engage  ALL  of  the  CCR  capaci@es  in  some  way,  and  to  explore  the  opportuni@es  of  assessing  in  different  ways  with  mul@ple  types  of  media.  

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Endnote:    While  there  may  be  several  areas  of  improvement  in  this  unit  plan,  the  cri3cal  “do  now”  element  is  a  more  specific  alignment  to  the  standards.    Perhaps  there  are  other  standards  to  align  the  already  included  content  and  skills  to?    When  the  standards  issue  is  improved,  the  “do  next”  moment  may  include  upgrading  the  measurable  verbs,  instruc3onal  targets,  and  descriptors  to  evidence  lively  and  robust  instruc3on.  (That  could  include  ac3vi3es,  too!)  Further  “explore  later”  moments  would  include  specific  vocabulary  instruc3on,  more  forma3ve  assessment  opportuni3es,  an  analysis    and  upgrade  of  the  current  assessments,  and  an  ar3culated  alignment  to  the  College  and  Career  Readiness  capaci3es.  

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Let’s  look  at  the  next  one  together:    Use  Today’s  Meet  to  par3cipate  in  the  discussion.    h9p://www.todaysmeet.com/update    

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C                          Clarity  and  Transparency  

are  important.  Is  what  you  intend  apparent  to  others?  


Is  Lively  and  Dynamic  instruc@on  apparent?  



Do  your  assessments  provide  Evidence  that  

skills  have  been  mastered?  Big  Ideas  answered?  

A                                  Does  your  Alignment  represent  a  balance  in  

content,  skills,  and  


R          Compared  to  the  previous  

version  of  your  unit,  is  the  new  one  Robust,  Hearty,  and  Strong?  


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Consider  what  else  might  be  useful  to  know:    • How  this  unit  is  situated  in  the  instruc@onal  sequence.  • Whether  or  not  the  content,  skills,  and  assessments  are  grade  level  appropriate.  • Whether  or  not  there  is  a  clear  alignment  to  the  standards.  • How  the  assessment  is  measuring  proficiency  with  the  intended  skills  and  content.  

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What  would  be  your:  Do  Now  Do  Next  

Explore  Later  Moments?  



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(Physical  or  Virtual!)        
