UOS Part2 Questions

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111. PAPER I IMPORTANT QUESTIONS - POETRY1. WILLIAM BLAKE1. Answer the following questions. (Types of Poems)(i) Define poetry.(ii) What is an aubade?(iii) What is a ballad?(iv) What is a folk ballad?(v) Define a carol?(vi) What is a dramatic monologue?(vii) Define elegy.(viii) Define an epic.(ix) What is a mock epic?(x) What is an epigram?(xi) What is an epithalamion?(xii) What is a hymn? (xiii) What is a lyric? (xiv) Define an ode. (xv) What is a sonnet? 2. Answer the following questions. (i) What is the uniqueness of Blake as a poet?(ii) What are the major themes of Blake's poetry?(iii) What are the contraries in Blake's poetry?(iv) How does Blake view and handle religion in his poetry?(v) What do you consider to be the task or purpose of Songs of Innocence?(vi) Why are 'mercy, pity, peace, and love' good attributes in 'The Divine Image'?(vii) How does the speaker describe the movements of the children in 'Holy Thursday'?(viii) Where has the child learned that he is 'bereaved of light' in 'The Little Black Boy'?(ix) How is the issue of race dealt with in 'The Little Black Boy'?(x) What are the strong feelings used in the poem 'Little Black Boy'?(xi) What is the child-speaker's relationship to little Tom Darce in 'The Chimney Sweepers'?(xii) What does the apple symbolize in the poem 'The Poison Tree'?(xiii) What is the 'apple' and why does it kill the foe?(xiv) Why does the foe try to steal the apple?(xv) What is the moral lesson of the poem 'A Poison Tree'?3. Blake As a Romantic Poet4. Blake As a Mystic Poet5. Symbolism in Blake's Poetry6. Comparison Between Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience7. Depth of Thought and Simplicity of Language in Blake's Poetry8. Blake As a Religious Poet2. WILLIAM WORDSWORTH9. Answer the following questions. (Structural Elements of a Poem)(i) How many types are there of verse form?(ii) What do you understand by rhyme scheme?(iii) What is rhythm?(iv) What is a couplet?(v) What is a heroic couplet?(vi) Define a stanza?(vii) What is a quatrain?(viii) What is a sestet?(ix) What is an octave?(x) What is a blank verse?(xi) What is a free verse?(xii) Define meter.(xiii) What is an iamb?(xiv) Define iambic pentameter.(xv) What is foot is poetry?10. Answer the following questions. (i) What, according to Wordsworth, is the role of a poet?(ii) What is Wordsworth's theory of poetry?(iii) What is the function of beauty according to Wordsworth?(iv) What does Wordsworth think of humanity?(v) What was Wordsworth's attitude towards the French Revolution?(vi) Why 'The Prelude' is not an epic?(vii) Does Wordsworth attitude towards nature undergo a significant change in the course of 'The Prelude'?(viii) What is the main idea of 'The Prelude'?(ix) What is the role of 'effective memory' in 'Tintern Abbey'?(x) In what sense does 'Tintern Abbey' offer readers a 'religion of nature'?(xi) How is the poem 'Tintern Abbey' pantheistic?(xii) What is the main idea of 'Tintern Abbey'?(xiii) What are the major themes of 'Ode on Immortality'?(xiv) Interpret 'The Child is the Father of Man'.(xv) What does Wordsworth mean by imagination? Is it comparable to fancy?11. Wordsworth As a Romantic Poet12. Wordsworth As a Poet of Nature13. Theme of Memory in Wordsworth's Poetry14. Main Features of 'The Prelude Book - I'15. Critical Appreciation of 'Tintern Abbey, Revisited'16. Critical Appreciation of 'Ode on Immortality'3. P.B. SHELLEY17. Answer the following questions. (Sound Devices Used in Poetry) (i) Define alliteration.(ii) Define assonance.(iii) What is consonance?(iv) Define resonance.(v) What is cacophony?(vi) What is euphony?(vii) Define onomatopoeia.(viii) What is repetition?(ix) Define rhyme.(x) What is an internal rhyme?(xi) What is a near rhyme?(xii) Define rhythm.(xiii) What is an accent?(xiv) What is modulation?(xv) Define meter.18. Answer the following questions. (i) Why do we call Shelley a revolutionary poet?(ii) Describe the structure of the poem 'Ode to the West Wind'.(iii) How is Shelley's west wind in reality both a destroyed and a preserver?(iv) What assistance does the poet ask of the west wind in 'Ode to the West Wind'?(v) In what ways does 'Ode to the West Wind' fit the definition of an ode?(vi) How is the natural world being transformed in 'Ode to the West Wind'?(vii) Interpret 'If winter comes, can spring be far behind'.(viii) Why does Shelley call beauty 'intellectual'? Can it be experienced only through the mind?(ix) What is Shelley's concept of deity in 'Hymn to Intellectual Beauty'?(x) What things are compared with 'intellectual beauty' in 'Hymn to Intellectual Beauty'?(xi) What does the cloud symbolize in 'The Cloud'?(xii) How mankind is being benefited by the clouds as described in 'The Cloud'?(xiii) Why can't the poet define the skylark in 'To a Skylark'?(xiv) What is the relationship between the skylark and the physical nature in 'To a skylark'?(xv) Interpret 'Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought'.19. Shelley As a Romantic Poet20. Shelley's Lyricism21. Shelley As a Revolutionary Poet Reformer22. Shelley's Treatment of Nature23. Critical Appreciation of(i) Ode to the West Wind(ii) The Cloud24. Critical Appreciation of (i) Hymn to Intellectual Beauty(ii) To a Skylark4. JOHN KEATS25. Answer the following questions. (Poetic Devices of Meaning I) (i) What do you mean by figurative language?(ii) What is a literary illusion?(iii) What is an analogy?(iv) What is an ambiguity?(v) What is apostrophe?(vi) What is an allegory?(vii) How is a simile different from a metaphor?(viii) What is personification?(ix) What is hyperbole?(x) Define symbolism.(xi) Define understatement.(xii) Define irony.(xiii) What is a dramatic irony?(xiv) What is imagery?(xv) What is euphemism?26. Answer the following questions. (i) Why is Keats known as a lover of beauty?(ii) How do the odes of Keats establish connection with ancient art?(iii) The form of Keats' odes is said to have resulted from his study of the sonnet. In what way are they indebted to the sonnet?(iv) Interpret 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever'.(v) What is imagery in 'Ode to Autumn'?(vi) What is special to Keats speaker about Autumn?(vii) Why does Keats call autumn 'Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness'?(viii) What is the message of 'To Autumn?(ix) What is making the poet so happy at the beginning of 'Ode to a Nightingale'?(x) What emotions and desires does Keats' speaker describe in connection with the nightingale?(xi) What does Keats mean by 'charm'd magic casements ... In faery lands forlong'?(xii) What scenes or images are depicted on the urn?(xiii) Why does Keats address the urn as a 'cold pastoral'?(xiv) Interpret 'Truth is beauty, beauty truth'.(xv) Interpret 'Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard, are sweeter'.27. Keats As a Pure Poet28. Keats As a Poet of Beauty29. Sensuousness in Keats' Poetry30. Negative Capability in Keats' Poetry31. Comparison Between 'Ode to a Nightingale' and 'Ode to a Grecian Urn'32. Hellenism in Keats' Poetry5. T.S. ELIOT, W.B. YEATS & PHILIP LARKIN33. Answer the following questions. (Poetic Devices of Meaning II) (i) Define oxymoron.(ii) What is a paradox?(iii) Define satire.(iv) What is escapism?(v) What is escape literature?(vi) What is pessimism?(vii) What is mysticism?(viii) Define romanticism.(ix) What is negative capability?(x) What is Hellenism?(xi) What do you mean by supernaturalism?(xii) What do you understand by medievalism?(xiii) Define comedy.(xiv) What is a parable?(xv) What is sensuousness?34. Answer the following questions. (i) Name the characters in 'Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock'.(ii) How is Prufrock like Guido? How are they different?(iii) What is the significance of the title 'The Waste Land'?(iv) What is the major theme of 'The Waste Land'?(v) What is the function of Tiresias in 'The Waste Land'?(vi) Why is the speaker so obsessed with swans in 'Wilde Swans at Colle'?(vii) Explain the imagery of 'When You are Old'.(viii) Why is Helen of Troy being blamed for the burning of Troy?(ix) What are the major theme of 'The Second Coming'?(x) What is the significance of the Sphinx myth mentioned in 'The Second Coming'?(xi) What is the significance of 'frigid' and 'grinned' in 'Mr. Bleaney'?(xii) What is the significance of the title 'Church Going'?(xiii) What is the difference between religion and superstition as described in 'Church Going'?(xiv) What does an ambulance stand for in the poem 'Ambulances'?(xv) What is the main idea of the poem '1914'35. Important Features of T.S. Eliot's Poetry36. Critical Appreciation of(i) Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock(ii) The Waste Land37. Important Features of W.B. Yeats' Poetry38. Critical Appreciation of (i) When You are Old(ii) The Second Coming39. Important Features of Larkin's Poetry40. Critical Appreciation of(i) Church Going(ii) Ambulances2. PAPER II IMPORTANT QUESTIONS - DRAMA1. HEDDA GABLER BY IBSEN1. Answer the following questions. (i) What is Epic Theatre?(ii) What is Absurd Theatre?(iii) What is socialism?(iv) Why is 'Hedda Gabler' rather than 'Hedda Tesman' the title of the drama?(v) Why does Ibsen choose a woman as his protagonist in 'Hedda Gabler'?(vi) Describe the physical structure of Hedda Gabler.(vii) Is Hedda a symbol of new women?(viii) What clashes between aristocracy and the bourgeoisie does the play 'Hedda Gabler' reveal?(ix) What does Hedda complain?(x) Why is Hedda so cruel to other females in 'Hedda Gabler'?(xi) How do we know that Hedda is a dishonest character?(xii) Hedda may be portrayed as a victim of circumstances.(xiii) According to Hedda, what is 'beautiful death'?(xiv) For the achievement of what ideal does Hedda die?(xv) What is the thematic significance to Aunt Rina's sickness and death? 2. Answer the following questions. (i) Why did Hedda marry George Tesman?(ii) What did Hedda think of her honeymoon?(iii) Why does Hedda want to destroy Eilet's manuscript?(iv) How is Hedda's behaviour with Tesman's aunts?(v) What is Tesman's academic specialty?(vi) What is George Tesman's attitude towards his scholarly pursuits?(vii) Write the dominant traits in Judge Brack's character.(viii) What happened to Lovborg's manuscript?(ix) Who is Mrs. Elvsted?(x) To whom is Mrs. Elvsted married?(xi) Why does Thea come to visit Hedda?(xii) What does Mrs. Elvsted tell Hedda about Lovborg?(xiii) What is the importance of the character of Aunt Julle?(xiv) What are Judge Brack's motives in overseeing Tesman's finances?(xv) Who is Berta? 3. 'Hedda Gabler' As a Modern Tragedy4. 'Hedda Gabler' As a Feminist Play5. Relationship Between the Individual and the Society in 'Hedda Gabler'6. Dramatic Significance of Symbols in 'Hedda Gabler'7. Character Sketch of Hedda8. Character Sketch of Loevborg2. ARMS AND THE MAN BY G.B. SHAW9. Answer the following questions. (i) Name three other plays written by Shaw.(ii) What is the source of the title 'Arms and the Man'?(iii) What is the historical background of the play 'Arms and the Man'?(iv) What are the major themes of 'Arms and the Man'?(v) What is the major conflict in 'Arms and the Man'?(vi) In which two countries the war was going in 'Arms and the Man'?(vii) What is pragmatism?(viii) How does Bernard Shaw view romanticism?(ix) What is meant by the subtitle 'An Anti-Romantic Comedy'?(x) What is Byronism?(xi) There are many types of war and many types of love in 'Arms and the Man'.(xii) What characteristics make a person a good soldier?(xiii) Which character best serves as Shaw's spokesman?(xiv) Which characters have illusions about themselves and the world they live in?(xv) Who holds the most power in Petkoff's household? 10. Answer the following questions. (i) Who is Captain Blintschli?(ii) How can Bluntschli be called an Anti-Hero?(iii) Why is 'the chocolate creme soldier' an effective descriptor for Bluntschli as a fighter?(iv) Who is Raina Petkoff?(v) Why does Riana save Bluntschi?(vi) Who is Sergius Saranoff?(vii) How does Sergus' vies of war differ from Bluntschi's?(viii) Why do Sergius and Raina find 'higher love' tiring?(ix) Who is Major Petkoff?(x) Who is Catherine Petkoff?(xi) Who is Louka?(xii) Is Louka's entrapment of Sergius believable?(xiii) What is the soul of a servant? Does Louka has the soul of a servant?(xiv) Discuss the validity of Louka's definition of bravery.(xv) Who is Nicola? 11. Symbolic Significance of the Title 'Arms and the Man'12. Elements of Farce in 'Arms and the Man'13. Realism in 'Arms and the Man'14. Major Themes in 'Arms and the Man'15. Role of Petkoff and Catherine in 'Arms and the Man'16. Character Sketch of Captain Bluntschi3. WAITING FOR GODOT BY SAMUEL BECKETT17. Answer the following questions. (i) When and where does the play 'Waiting for Godot' take place?(ii) Why is the play 'Waiting for Godot' in two acts?(iii) What is the basic difference between Act I and Act II of 'Waiting for Godot'?(iv) What are the major themes of 'Waiting for Godot'?(v) What is the significance of Godot in the play 'Waiting for Godot'?(vi) What is an absurd play?(vii) How does 'Waiting for Godot' demonstrate the qualities of theatre of the Absurd?(viii) Mention the modern qualities which are present in 'Waiting for Godot'.(ix) How is 'Waiting for Godot' a tragicomedy?(x) What is the moral of the play 'Waiting for Godot'?(xi) In what language was 'Waiting for Godot' originally written?(xii) What is 'mandrakes'? What is its symbolic reference?(xiii) What does the song about the dog signify in 'Waiting for Godot'?(xiv) What does Lucky's 'Dance in a Net' symbolize?(xv) What is the function of the audience in 'Waiting for Godot'?18. Answer the following questions. (i) Who is Estragon?(ii) Who is Vladimir?(iii) What is the relationship between Vladimir and Estragon?(iv) Why are Vladimir and Estragon waiting for Godot?(v) What are the nicknames of Estragon and Vladimir?(vi) What method of suicide does Vladimir suggest? Why wouldn't it work?(vii) Why does Estragon compare himself to Christ?(viii) Who is Pozzo and what does he want to do with his slave?(ix) What are Lucky's physical characteristics?(x) Describe the role of Lucky in 'Waiting for Godot'.(xi) What is the relationship between Pozzo and Lucky?(xii) What does Estragon want from Pozzo?(xiii) What is the essence of Lucky's speech?(xiv) What is the function of the boy in 'Waiting for Godot'?(xv) Why don't Vladimir and Estragon leave at the end of the play? 19. 'Waiting for Godot' As an Absurd Play20. 'Waiting for Godot' As a Tragic-Comedy21. Major Themes in 'Waiting for Godot'22. Significance of the Title 'Waiting for Godot'23. Role of Language in the Context of 'Waiting for Godot'24. Characters of Vladimir and Estragon4. THE SEA BY EDWARD BOND25. Answer the following questions. (i) Write the names of four major plays of Edward Bond.(ii) When did Edward Bond win the Ohie award?(iii) What is Bond's attitude towards religion?(iv) What are the major themes of 'The Sea'?(v) Define symbolism.(vi) What are the major symbols in 'The Sea'?(vii) What is poetic tragedy?(viii) Describe surrealism in 'The Sea'.(ix) What is the setting of the play 'The Sea'?(x) What is the significance of the title 'The Sea'?(xi) What are the targets of satire in 'The Sea'?(xii) Why does Bond encourage the audience to 'change the world'?(xiii) Sea is the domain of life. How?(xiv) 'People are judged by what they have on their hands. They are important'. What does it mean?(xv) 'It's a bad world. You have to be a bit mad to understand it'. What does it mean? 26. Answer the following questions. (i) Write the names of the leading characters in 'The Sea'.(ii) Who is Willy Carson?(iii) What is Willy's tragic flaw?(iv) Why does Willy fail in saving Collin?(v) Who is Evens?(vi) Who is Mrs. Rafi?(vii) Who is Hatch?(viii) Why does Mrs. Rafi insult Hatch?(ix) What does Hatch term Mrs. Rafi?(x) Who is Mafanwy?(xi) What does Mrs. Rafi want Mafanwy to be in the play?(xii) How is Hallarcut?(xiii) Who is Thompson?(xiv) Who is Rose Jones?(xv) Who is Jessica Tilehouse?27. 'The Sea' As a Social Comedy28. Symbolic Significance of the Title 'The Sea'29. Symbolism in 'The Sea'30. Theme of Individual and Society in 'The Sea'31. Character Sketch of Willy32. Character Sketch of Mrs. Rafi5. THE CHERRY ORCHARD BY ANTON CHEKHOV33. Answer the following questions. (i) What are the major themes in The Cherry Orchard?(ii) What are the major symbols in The Cherry Orchard?(iii) What is the role of music in The Cherry Orchard?(iv) What is naturalism?(v) How is The Cherry Orchard a naturalistic play?(vi) What does The Cherry Orchard signify?(vii) Define tragic comedy.(viii) Is The Cherry Orchard a tragedy or comedy?(ix) What is modernism?(x) What is modern about The Cherry Orchard?(xi) What is the setting of The Cherry Orchard?(xii) What is the central conflict in The Cherry Orchard?(xiii) How is The Cherry Orchard perceived by the servant class?(xiv) What is the significance of the axe falling in The Cherry Orchard?(xv) What is the ultimate fate of Firs at the end of The Cherry Orchard? 34. Answer the following questions. (i) Mention the salient features of Charlotta Ivanovna.(ii) What attitude does Trofimov have towards society?(iii) Describe the salient features of Lopakhin.(iv) Who buys the Cherry Orchard?(v) How does Ranevsky look aristocratic?(vi) What is Yephikodov's nick name?(vii) If you had to side with the philosophies of Lobov, Lopakhin or Trofimov, which would it be?(viii) What character do you think presents Chekhov's prescriptive in 'The Cherry Orchard'?(ix) What role does Yephikodov play in 'The Cherry Orchard'?(x) Why does Trofimov say that he is not interested in love?(xi) What is Varya's relation to Mrs. Ranevksy?(xii) What is the main character flaw of Trofimov in 'The Cherry Orchard'?(xiii) What does Varya want to do mostly in her life?(xiv) What kind of person is Firs?(xv) What is the importance of cherry orchard for Madame Ranevskaya?35. Is 'The Cherry Orchard' a Tragedy or Comedy?36. 'The Cherry Orchard' As a Political Play37. Theme of Change in 'The Cherry Orchard'38. Symbolism in 'The Cherry Orchard'39. Character Sketch of Lopakhin40. Salient Features of Twentieth Century Drama3. PAPER III IMPORTANT QUESTIONS - NOVEL1. HEART OF DARKNESS BY JOSEPH CONRAD1. Answer the following questions. (i) What elements in 'Heart of Darkness' appear to be drawn from Conrad's own life?(ii) What are the unspeakable rites in 'Heart of Darkness'?(iii) What does the Congo river symbolize in 'Heart of Darkness'?(iv) How does Conrad complicate the idea of colonization being 'good'? What kind of negative effects does it have on both white and the black men of Africa?(v) What does darkness represent in 'Heart of Darkness'?(vi) Trace the role of Russian in 'Heart of Darkness'.(vii) What is the overall impression of the natives that Conrad produces?(viii) How does Conrad depict African as different from Europeans?(ix) Which literary devices in 'Heart of Darkness' are proto-Modernist?(x) Who attacks the steamboat as it reaches the Inner Station?(xi) What has the wreck of Marlow's steamer been compared to?(xii) What are the major conflicts in 'Heart of Darkness'?(xiii) How are women characterized in 'Heart of Darkness'?(xiv) What is the message of 'Heart of Darkness'?(xv) Besides Marlow and Kurtz, other character are not given personal names. Why? 2. Answer the following questions.(i) Why does 'Heart of Darkness' have two competing heroes?(ii) Why does Marlow desire to go to Africa?(iii) Why is Marlow telling us a story? What does he want to get out of it?(iv) With what two men does Marlow meet in Brussels?(v) What are the two types of devils Marlow describes?(vi) What happens to Marlow after Kurtz's death?(vii) Why does the doctor measure Marlow's head?(viii) Name two character symbolizing inefficiency in 'Heart of Darkness'.(ix) What is admirable about Kurtz's character?(x) Describe Kurtz's parentage.(xi) Write a short note on Kurtz's gift of gab.(xii) When did Kurtz's mother die?(xiii) Trace irony in the character of Kurtz.(xiv) What does Kurtz say in his final illness?(xv) Interpret Kurtz's dying words: 'The horror! The horror!'3. Major Themes in 'Heart of Darkness'4. Symbolism in 'Heart of Darkness'5. 'Heart of Darkness' As a Political Allegory6. Symbolic Representation of Evil in 'Heart of Darkness'7. Character Sketch of Marlow8. Character Sketch of Kuttz2. SONS AND LOVERS BY D.H. LAWRENCE9. Answer the following questions.(i) Write the names of four novels of D.H. Lawrence.(ii) What is the setting of 'Sons and Lovers'?(iii) What is the significance of the title 'Sons and Lovers'?(iv) Why does D.H. Lawrence adopt the omniscient narrator in 'Sons and Lovers'?(v) What are the major themes in 'Sons and Lovers'?(vi) What is Oedipus complex?(vii) How does 'Sons and Lovers' explore the Oedipus complex?(viii) What relationships have been described in 'Sons and Lovers'?(ix) Why is 'Sons and Lovers' a bildungsroman?(x) What are the elements of Freudian psychoanalysis in 'Sons and Lovers'?(xi) What is euthanasia? Who are the victims of euthanasia in 'Sons and Lovers'?(xii) What are the factors that keep Morel family together in spite of their difference?(xiii) Interpret 'He was an outsider. He had denied the God in him'.(xiv) Who is Gertrude?(xv) Who is Walter Morel?10. Answer the following questions.(i) Write the names of the children of Gertrude and Walter Morel?(ii) What is the main reason Walter can't patch things with his family?(iii) Do you have sympathy for Walter Morel? Why or why not?(iv) Who is Paul Morel?(v) Who is Marriam Lievers?(vi) What goes wring between Paul and Mirriam?(vii) Why does Mrs. Morel disapprove of Paul's relationship with Mirriam?(viii) Who is Baxter Dawes?(ix) Why was Baxter fired from his job?(x) Why does Paul come to value his relationship with Baxter Dawes?(xi) Who is Clara Dawes?(xii) What are Clara's strong and weak points?(xiii) Who is Annie Morel?(xiv) Who is Mrs. Radford?(xv) Who is Arthur Morel? 11. Major Themes in 'Sons and Lovers'12. 'Sons and Lovers' As an Autobiographical Novel 13. Psychoanalytical and Feminist Approaches to 'Sons and Lovers'14.Symbolism in 'Sons and Lovers'15. Mother - Son Relationship in 'Sons and Lovers'16. Walter Morel As a Tragic Character3. TO THE LIGHTHOUSE BY VIRGINIA WOOLF17. Answer the following questions.(i) Write the names of four novels of Virginia Woolf.(ii) What is the function of the 'to' in the title? Why isn't the title just 'The Lighthouse'?(iii) In how many sections 'To the Lighthouse' has been divided? Also write the names of the sections.(iv) What is the importance of brackets in 'To the Lighthouse'?(v) What is stream-of-consciousness?(vi) What does the lighthouse symbolize in 'To the Lighthouse'?(vii) How is 'To the Lighthouse' a study of human relationships?(viii) What is the relationship between the Lighthouse and the novel's narrator?(ix) What is the effect of the passage of time in 'To the Lighthouse'?(x) What are some of the main symbols in 'To the Lighthouse'?(xi) What are the major conflicts in 'To the Lighthouse'?(xii) How does Virginia Woolf depict marriage in 'To the Lighthouse'?(xiii) What is the significance of water in 'To the Lighthouse'?(xiv) What is the place of objectivity and omniscience in 'To the Lighthouse'?(xv) Would you consider the ending of 'To the Lighthouse' a happy ending? 18. Answer the following questions.(i) Who is Mr. Ramsay?(ii) Who is Mrs. Ramsay?(iii) Describe the role of Mrs. Ramsay as a perfect host.(iv) Compare Mr. Ramsay and Mrs. Ramsay.(v) Is Mrs. Ramsay a net positive, negative, or neutral force?(vi) Who is Lily Briscoe?(vii) Discuss Lily as a painter.(viii) What is the nature of relationship between Mrs. Ramsay and Lily?(ix) Who is James Ramsey?(x) Why does James hate Mrs. Ramsay?(xi) Who is Nancy Ramsay?(xii) Who is Cam Ramsay?(xiii) Who is Charles Tansley?(xiv) Why do the waves make Mrs. Ramsay sad?(xv) How does Andrew Ramsay die?19. Major Themes in 'To the Lighthouse'20. Virginia Woolf As a Novelist21. Structure of 'To the Lighthouse'22. Symbolism in 'To the Lighthouse'23. Stream of Consciousness in 'To the Lighthouse'24. Characters of Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay4. THINGS FALL APART BY CHINUA ACHEBE25. Answer the following questions.(i) From where has Achebe taken the title 'Things Fall Apart'?(ii) What is the significance of the title 'Things Fall Apart'?(iii) Describe the Feast of the New Yam.(iv) What is the meaning of the Ibo proverb, 'When a man says yes his chi says yes also'?(v) Why had the men of Umuofia called a meeting?(vi) What role do egwugwu play in village culture?(vii) What was considered the greatest crime in Umofia?(viii) Describe the 'isa-ifi' ceremony.(ix) What does 'Ezigbo' mean?(x) What were the ingredients that went into making the medicine for 'iba'?(xi) Give an account of Chelo's journey to Agbala, having Emuma on her back.(xii) Describe an instance of humour in 'Things Fall Apart'.(xiii) According to the oracle, why do Unoko's crops fail year after year?(xiv) What does the repetition the the number seven suggest in 'Things Fall Apart'?(xv) Who followed the pot bearers in 'Uri' ceremony of Obierika's daughter? 26. Answer the following questions.(i) Why was Okonkow famous?(ii) What were Okonkow's greatest fear and greatest passion?(iii) What are the tragic errors or faults in Okonkow that finally lead to his downfall?(iv) What is the nature of Okonkow's relationship with Ezinma?(v) What present was given to Obierika's daughter and her husband by Okonkow?(vi) Why did Okonkow beat Ojiogo?(vii) How did Okonkow prove himself a successful negotiator?(viii) Why is Okonkow against his father?(ix) Describe the leader of the Egwugwu and his way of addressing the people.(x) Who was Osu? How was he buried? How was he treated by the villagers?(xi) Who is Chielo and why is she important?(xii) Describe the relationship between Ekwefi and Ezinma.(xiii) In what ways does Reverend James Smith differ from Mr. Brown?(xiv) Why does Okonkow kill himself?(xv) Why can't Obierika and Okonkow's other friends bury Okonkow's body? 27. Major Themes in 'Things Fall Apart'28. Symbolic Significance of the Title 'Things Fall Apart'29. 'Things Fall Apart' As a Tragedy30. Female Characters in 'Things Fall Apart'31. Okonkwo As a Tragic Hero32. Comparison Between 'Heart of Darkness' and 'Things Fall Apart'5. LORD OF THE FLIES BY WILLIAM GOLDING33. Answer the following questions.(i) Write the names of four novels of William Golding.(ii) What is the setting of 'Lord of the Flies'?(iii) What is the significance of the title 'Lord of the Flies'?(iv) Why does Golding use British schoolboys in 'Lord of the Flies'?(v) What are the major theme of 'Lord of the Flies'?(vi) How do the boys happen to come to the island?(vii) What is the role of religion in the lives of the boys?(viii) What is the purpose of the expedition of Jack, Ralph and Simon?(ix) What role does the conch play in 'Lord of the Flies'?(x) How and why do the boys make fire?(xi) Who or what is the Lord of the Flies?(xii) Interpret 'The head is for the best. It's a gift'.(xiii) Interpret 'Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood'.(xiv) What does the dead parachutist symbolize?(xv) Why does the boys' plan for rescue fail? 34. Answer the following questions.(i) Who is Ralph?(ii) What strong qualities does Ralph have?(iii) Why does Ralph call a meeting?(iv) What happens when Ralph blows the conch?(v) Who is Piggy?(vi) What is the significance of Piggy's plea to join the expedition?(vii) Who is Jack?(viii) Why is Jack unable to kill the pig?(ix) Describe the relationship between Ralph and Jack.(x) Why does Jack paint his face?(xi) Why does Jack deny that the best is dead?(xi) Why does Simon go to the bower?(xii) What important qualities do Ralph, Simon and Piggy have that the other boys seem to lack?(xiv) Who are Sam & Eric?(xv) Who are 'the littluns'? 35. Major Themes in 'Lord of Flies'36. 'Lord of Flies' As an Allegorical Novel37. Golding's Art of Characterization38. Role of Fear in 'Lord of Flies' 39. Characters of Ralph and Simon40. Salient Features of Modern English NovelKashif WaqasM.A.Eng.M.Ed.03007410384