fC pJ fTJoJIars » Year Uolbin a Year STABLISHED 1S93 —Me 55;" ORANFORO-UNION COUNlJf.'-VJ ;'i -—i. ** S|«rrj 4. llutiliuis.'ii tSrtvn Trailing Stnm| s gi If ynui'ollKt Trail).:'lamp ai V ** r. m*-ntv\a\ ro BEST SUO A It Free to Ml l'urcliH*r<. lire «ood SMALL ' . & CAr,lFOItNI;A iiAMS 10u P KLOUH xxxx BAUUEL »4.T5.: COFFEE 27i: UOLU MEDAL COFFEE . li' n M . i U l i lul l.ru n 1null ir >-IHDI| p;imlilt u r I! clrf UA ^ i'ut* Iti lun<l« " Vtluineb «i til" 1 muu ilimi* \ir> llhfnitlr. we m'wncliKc IIIIHI'1 r Itlaiiiir«a>i>rnihirli hifiiur Um <i. mid we ttikt* tlilt* iiM-nna *>f ulvlnfr our ruxlitmera lln>)viii-h'ii. wlirri-liytlifv b.-niillf}' thvlr .huninmlwo-' Intelv frce.o( c BI to themst'lye^: . • - . » Fii **tJ,mp* frt'fi wlltL C'entml .oo 13-op I3.00 nTrSfiiliriTsTrSrwiliiTSClrran^lTnrir-Baklns—% In Sta'mpii Irr-' wllii eiit-h pound: Oolong 'IVll '* ' '' In-Slumps free with rnrh jioulld KIIKIMI Irf'fcTiwl" free with encli ponnil Yuinif Hyson. Ji iron. Uii l> wnVrTmi. . I ' , 1 „Q., >" Htiim « Ire. with fticll pound India- ^ •* OO '!' 8 ? 1 "" a free'wirtT'ifarti found lilted _ - _ ^ In Stnm / free«|lli i-ach pounil Bajket- 3.OO. „„.,!.in Ul Jnpiin. 1V», > .. [ Z, r\< 1". em.iiijia frm wlih each pound l«u»l , "__ Ii" V 'siu n imi?7;..o wltli .'urfi box WMre—i . l.OO Uullfll OHt4% ' ~" III minims full v.llli pmlii-an HreakfHrt 1 Of> '« "tiiiupii free •wllli two bottled .Tomato lii'.Miiiiiu« Jtw n-lli j^eti l«" lie jViiivej- . In Slifmim ,freo wll'ii "air. uiixi'S Special In .-iuin'ia r'ri'i' with racli linttl- Flavor'' Inir JCxlr rl—Vaiiilln. Union. Klrawbrr y, *IIIL'-'I>I>I<'. oniiutt', I o(»i'. 'l!lli»-r Almond, ifiilm. t'luvrs, . ntme iiiKU'liinumun. In AttiiiiiiH n-o T.ltti ctKli IKIX I'IITV 1 .round SpX'u I1..U-K. Wlil'r, IU-II Pi-|>i»vrVCInliHliion,. InMn'tiipr fr.e withiiuiiimnrljiuiili' Wine ur I.Uitinrut 5 is **- . , In»t inmlrrewitli* caeliquurl bntjlu Wine BOOK BINDINO Medical Book., Law Beaks, Magaxlncs, LIBRARY AND FINE JOB WORK. THE RAHWAV JOBBOOK BINDING CO., Room 3, Wocxlruff lluililintv Kahway. . PECK LUlHflER MFC. CO. Contractors & Builders We build liotneB and mrtonen— - - C L. BELL, Her f CiusFonii NM* For a Satisfying Diqqer at the moderate price of 2 s 2.LO ' ' ' I ..OU ' . l.OO , - . _ In St ml»( frill) with t'lii'h qua: v u(J <ir l.k|Ui>r. M 1 00. Hon JOHN KEAN, President. JULIAN H. KEAN, Vlc«-Prcmident. JAMES MA6UIRE, Cashier THErNATlONAl, STATE BANK . OF ELIZABETH. ; v cilAilTEnED. J8i*. ' •'•• Capital - - $350,000.00 Surplus profits - 550,000.00 Stockholders' Liability 350,000.00 $1,250,000.00 Qo to J. D. flyer's RESTAURANT, Fett Building, Cranford. QEORQE W. PEEK,JR , ELECTRICIAN! Office, Standard BuildiPf. Westfl^lci, 3ST- J MRS. A. W. MEYERS, _ i OFFIQE. ladxa Supplied with Reliable Help, and employment found for girls Apply, at '/••,:.•• " • Street CRANFORl) The Consumers' teifue. :inir of the V. 1. A[daughter nrriveil at the home L. Couilert iistenlnj^ . Dorenlua ami fainil/iirer. -: 1 in the liigilim lnrti-<e, on \I1I11 I-'I f » t " Ik »" l to- Lenpuo (•ohlmnfk the anaintaiH ^eiretary. MIBH Unlil mark apeaks PUHily, nitliout l.uti'B, anil pnssenataa \ery agrivablc \01ce. she BUC- •Kllii llurriB, Marjorie 5, Natalie S. J.Cox'HOIlUv-.uperj.ii-.i.we. m . ll(lll ina, Ouaing muib interest in blot I. \\ nshin^tnn a imluled nt th«CrtSino furl i*l IV Feb 21st Mr |Hurrj V WIIPPIIT of L 11 I »n, tu ntcerliun nlmt.' Kngliind, isngueat ut tho hull if I utiiKr <\hiih auliwwomeu 8 Ilillur -rfit^work- -Miss Oolilmni-k toldoftht! •trug^ltyol ibi Lentiige when it wan sturtnl aomo ten Jearti ngo. The haul] ill ol e irtiegt wpnieh who trieil First Urad •oole, Tsfk'.iiuvi, Untold Lbamberlaiii, Klijith Clark,' Stanley Hums, Walter Tabb, Wen-" •lell Thoinan, jr> , Second Orade—Kiitlinn llourue 3, [Catherine Hill 5, Sylvia Porcella, Helen Severns 5, Pn.ul Connor 5, Elmer Cromh 5, Albert Haste, Willie retail Mr ami Mm Janus HCM1,JIII- 11 tertaniH I )<ni>ri|l fiionj- 111 dill 011 \Vediii«ila> i\ mug Ur anil Win 1 itignnl lof Ni » ik, sliirid work J, were met "ith rebuu*M on u r n sun One shopkeeper told tin 111 that In lould inatiagu liis own busitiesH 1iilii.v the Wlyle List of the ljuigmu on tains the nuineH.ofa'J Cliurtlion ' Hev rnd Iliiidmb ig r a 1 'il »r of I'nljce Olllcer IlinileiiliergBr, ill with »cuf!et fever at Mailisoh, .*'. •!.. . MlSJ^e linn is I 1 _m hoping uu> tin n I11. bi ndilinl to the list. 11 TheViliject of the League-in to lime- lionite ihe lonilii'on of the wonnn ..A'n,iirry »IH. to \vhetlii>u_tbe olvi l:ise Hinl-«ltiijrt?ii employed in New. Yolk carriage is fur siile him been n._ ed t'ity. Its immediate aim is to from lluselii^bv l'liion IIOHI. 'panyr ' ~^~.\ —--— '-" ; r,.».!'«., Tlio While IJst is tiie list of rotuil yesterday, the tlieriiiomet.ir»tii"..nig tiie ftaudartl of a ' fuirhoin<Q,"where *%'2 .legreea ubo.ve ?LMII eiirly^m tjie iiienjiiid wo'Diji^ are palileqilitl wages fnr the sum"work, timmiiiitnulu wage il lie " beiugsix dollars a iveek,(paid weekly.) opeol tlie.leuture.fiit the CiiHlno t o ; for aiililt. workers and two dollars j Uther con liliuns aru tlmt no uhild u's i-i.ii'ler 14 yi'irs oiiigeshallbeemploy morning. The Ladies' lluulicifjr eoutesl•"•.vi balances of $5<)(%,or pyer. . Accounts SollcHed. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS 1 . y Title BuaraqtBB and Trust, Gonipany. ,1.$300,000.00 CNbiviuLu PROur* V.'.'."..',. .-..;...**so.«oo.»»- I Receive! Depo.lli Subltct to Ch«k .ndAlTow. Int.re.t on Dally Balance*. Utut. Tlmt •nJ Demand Certificate* ol Ucpojlt.i Btarlnj Interest, IMPORTANT TO RENTERS OF SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES IN N. V. ' "Tl,« IJ.JIIH amllnlurltiinin Tin I n»."-a« cnai-lncl \\m\wT tllVlaws til the-. W»t« of ., I K.w \ork . .uCl hinler «"c.( IHI . anUwrlxe.eltr nreniwly <>nicli.l» to .exani'iw HM &M™if'afe.!|«..ltllo.M.itlhi.l)cutli.of .renter. In unler to ,l«i.-rmlne the aiBQii^( I ot tax to l»« lt\lid 1111the .... llo\rt To HI NT FKOM $VI» TO 8»:oI'KI! ASNtM. *NEW JERSEY TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST MOMbOVtlll STHEET; . THE CtlMPANY. PRACTICAL WATCH MAKER AND JEWELER 140 BROAD STREET, WKSTFIEI.D; A RICH ^ASSORTMENT IN SOUD COLD RINGS. ' • A splendid stoek inSterlinR iiniiTnTOTrtTOtHlPtrnHhrrBH^ WKDMM1 I'ltliSHN TS. . NOVELTIES FOR I'ARTIEB. l E Henilquurtcw fot line Wiitrlii», Clock-, Jewelry jiinl Eye Now is Ihe tiini- to Jinvi-jour Wutehes mid Clocks'promptly done- "All nt my tiMjnil feaspnalile prices.!'"..' Two FINE OFFICFS To Let —in tixpE. V/ IIADDBS—Hoofs filled, pniuttil and rciiniicd; nictnl ceilings mid siilc nulls put on « l o w « * price. Tel. 2201 1177 Bast Grand Street. F.IIZAIKIII. W« promptly obtguU8r»inl torctglr ihoto ol linrciiticn lor' For Inebook, nrlft to Tt U.S. PATENT (IFFJCEr SHINCTOM.D.C. M. F. WIIEEIiKIt, IN ICE Q|iAIIT% UMIIVAIMI ShJH 1CK PROMPT English & Knox, Sanitary Plumbino;, Steam and Qos Fitting, f inninx.and Sheet Hetal Work. wilt be l,eld at .he parBonnnvn.-xt Hot exeeed <•() limii-s pi Moudliy night. < ' 1 ; Hid4'Cre.ightoiMvill given piiji ron Siibliiitl/Oiiaorvnncii" at thii i;. OBaiNC PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. time tn be paid for; nil workers t o be allowed, the live principal legal (loli duyn; ever.v worker given one wcekV _ . , , , 1 -n . vneiuion with full pay irt the summer P. D. niecting to be held 011 fiii-H lay . . ' ' * ..." .•henfuon, at the. ... of Mrs. Van- ^1";..,,,^ lloll8jl n conforms in nl suun._. ^ resjiectH to rhe |)rr8entBiinitiiryIi».ws WilliamTu'mlorpotil; wlm. hns\l 11 n 10 wi,ri4- rooms lunch mid Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. D. A; EVERETT, : lormerly E»crett * Pierian.) Wason and,Builder. Reliable work done at short notice. .,. CRANFORD. - NEW JERSEY. JOHN •DOYLE, Sinltirv Plmnblnr, Oas Fitting, Siesta", Hot Water «nd Hot Air Heatinf, Tin, Copper andSheet Iron Woik. Agents for, Bichardson 4 Boytiton Co., Furnaces and Ranges. . , Cr»nford, N RELIABLE NEW 4 SUOHTLV USED FURNITURE; CARPETS, BEDDING, ETC., CHEAfr CO TO THE N. J. AUCTION CO.. '55 BKOAD STRUT, ELIZABKTU. < GRAY B. LESTER, Mf r. >We Bay, Sell or Exchange. Rasedatc and Linden Park Cemetery, Ijiiiileii, N*. J , open (ps-mrpri tiont large nml l«<t iqni|i,iiii ctmeiery lodpe 111 the emititr) rne triini|inrtftti(in to |in»peetive I t lni}er , 1 irna^ii IIIIH'I all trains to take witorttner llw |ini|«rtic<; special ml van- tages nhw olTercd 10 (.(lurches Iraterna| orRiminillulia and imll'iJual lof bnjrera. Offices, 10 West Twenty- Third St, N. T., and Linden LndRe, Limlcn .V. J U Ul live tMuklet* anil full iiitiirinulion can l e olipmiwl "f WUlwm X. Gray, Funeral j Director, Cninfonl, N. J. Viday night. The ilrat .11 •of tiie Honor Rolf lof Tliird (iriulc— LouiB0|Ueyer, Elinor Clement 5, Audrey Murehall, Liilio Neipp, time* l'itt, Inez Smith, Helen 8her\vood, Louise Triiylor'i, Hejen Vhti Tine "», Leslie WugxtnlT, Kntli Western 5, Andrew Hurley 5, Kenneth Jo.nea,- A l e c - Mi-Donald, ' Ueorge litidlerli, Edw;in Towl.5. „ Fourth (i'nule—Lucille Allen, Frank Ureniien, Mildred Crnne, I^onco Niudert, Helen Grow-5, Gertrude Hill, Helen Khise .*, ICi'becea Mix 5, Frank I'lunie, Lueilli! Woodling ">. Fifth Ufade—Alines Itrmnlnte, Kate Canieniiu. Ahuii Ponnhup, Do- rothy Day, LUiie Ilinkeldey, Muy Kleiufelder, Ada Krcin, r'lliel Moore, Udim l'elersou. Mubel Hiee, Minnio SeiKi'15,Ma);diileiie80haferr>, Harriet Smock, Jvatlrerine JVarner, Marion WnyatnlT. I iileii Connor, L'urliaCnliii, I'liiiuuceyJlirolie, WillieH^irrin.Albert, jeniuliey, Chafles Miirahilll, Williiini Oidlinln, Cnrlton Pierce. SeveniU (irade-rt'nrrie Clrube, Irmil Hart 5, Lucy .loiles ii, Klorcnco ivpii,- 'I'heiesMii WyckolT ">, ,lnuh giH, Thumus Cooper, -Tli^lit h firnde—Miifj;nrut FliFrt 5(" ICUIIIV Kreie; . . HIUCIIMAN Kiltiidgi) lllazier, Juini'S Carey, Anita lltiuiiel, Kalhryu. Ueiiman, e Kiililenschmidt, 1'eurl I^ong- , Carrio Meyeis, Helen Ityan, Clenii'ntiiia Si'lwnilz, Florein'e Swcn' " ion, ViolaThygeson, Anulia Wcnke, Jiilin'llnwllliv eure. arrived from llavunii mi Wml- t>ne sent for every tlireo twiliijr' niKlit. Ho is. vlBitin;; his mudt lie pniyidedhillwalorefc Tlicne brother Uiirold at II. E. Auvat .iV. | , rr0 8om,> () f tho comlitlous domnuded The operetta, "Tin! National l'Y>w- j bufore the Htore's uittrn 1 t t'llteri'il on j Mouse ttinipht (iTFThe beiieflt of TPJII- | ' The Cmi-Mitnera' I^iiiftiR in Ity.Cburcli". The pi+finhianct 1 :H>'ttre'..wotni'ii-^•'>'•'•• to the• ,fi|ct• th i ! i l li ihii i opening thiijt thr,\ o Im artistic, and il deNerves to be : have areHpnusibili'y reeling on tbelli pruHtablc. ^ . . i)viiry_liiiii) they do any .sboppinc Mr. Sterling and fainilyOf Cull-ge' Let- Ili-ui putroiijj.. tiie W.liita.'L * Wntj Ni T. ciime to this pin.;• on sjliops ami , demand' Ctiiisuiin- b' ue&duy and nreocuupyingtlicli'ok- League labels' on gaiments. IJy •! boat house on Springlleld uv..i 1ue.' doing they will strengthen the pow. 1 Mr. Sterling will conduct' \\-• IJ.'.J-'M iif the League aiiil:iiiiika easier tlft (•ouditious of the xuleswoinen'B 1 iI<. Uiiriiig'tli -an ten years I he work hut-', gr.'wn to s^li tin extent that there it UOW'.II Nil tionnl League with braiichu in ninny of the states. Suveral fuc; toTies .are luinlrig out goods willi boarding school. , Tlio Epwnr.th Lonjjue of .'the I'irst K C i d t l h M. K. Ctiurcii conductml the meeting lit Unnvooil Chapitl l.iat jj-Lillie. IV. Mendeij .'vnH the lender. TJII reprcHentati.ej of the League vVero present. A rcriiinderor the Y. 1'. S. C. K. leuux and: muaical entortniiiii.. in t|ie League label ut tnclied, ;. Mm. Ficd'iiek Nathan liFNi'w York is the president (>f the ConHUiner'K League, and tlio Iiet of honnrdry vice prcsidont'fl »f the Nitiionitl °l<ougne includes 1'rof. lludley of Yale. Tin ii'i order that tlinae \vi«hing"t6'.'jv!;>ml ; fs>w York' Board of llenlth ja'.ct)-. HieTresbylcrian Clnip"! on tlis . - e n - 1 .pr'Mit ing of Tuesday, Fob'. 2S, : is hers jriytin jnclia it niuy avoid makiiig conllicti.i. en jrnjrements.'. . ' ' songs'will be the features (if ui< filter- y der tainment to lie. given in the 1' teriau Ch'api-1 on Monday nigTt. .: thi>au"pice's'oftlii> r.adii'8 1 AidSiLiHtyi Among the subjects that Mr. O ten- hum will:, preuenr urn; thfl C o l u I'lin-' 1 .Shaniroik yucht race, Iti-d h .ing Hood, Cinderelln, i.ind the Hoc ' /nr. opRrating with tlio League, and as- sisfing it In ev»ry way. -'.Wliitt about New Jersey? Yes, there V. I. A. Election. lion IIHIUIIH (innualinpHting-c flay afternoon injii-efectcil-thi . ; mo- ^S Royal Arcennm Uiilrfcl Meetia(. A'cnnuni men from every ico- Mrs. of stringent factory luws the len^ue work js;M)pt yet efTeutiyc. Cmwoini'provethoBKlaws? Do wo riot ngree with Bisliop'Potter? ileBiiyB, "1 believu in tlii) princip'e of the Coni-umers League anil wicl) It all 8ULII6H." councils bc*idpB held 11 celebration in the. OperaJiousi' ottluisilaj bveiimg cliuiri'inn of tlio committee o «UH kenyon S|]l CUII ,|,,] n(m , were nntiated by year: President, )Mi«s Aliee liUke; preBidPiitH, Mrs ( F. K 15»le»n J. R. Mil'uj; «ta-c»rJni« Sfl r > l '" - i.'the new ritual of the order. .Music Mrs. It A. Heiiedict; ••ornsj.Mii.ling B1||)r(., 1(],. r,,j 0J u quarloltecompiis secretury, Mrs. E. ^L. ikiltiJi-rg; o j ,,f MI-BSH. 11. It. VuuSnun. K."A "treiiBurcr, Mt*. II. Damon. | j oun soii. J urn s Kodgers find W illurc ^JtoHL'ucrailtx.^ SSuppt r_wps JJUTVI d at tliedoscol tbeenlcrtainmeiit. About 'Jot) were pieseot. 'Special Notices. iohlmurk mnde_an r 'concerning the w<nlT o t t l i e l n i , m m - ers' Lenjiue. Wnlem and ti» «ere e-erved at thetlnse. The Mini of %"t - ,na8 voted to the I<eagiie to who** name* it in ntt cchvil wore on hulior roll fi mouths, anil thurohy became J-II'IIIJII (nun examinations. Communicated. Vttltor f'JIriiriii/r. .Vllim 1111M0 adj my tnitu to tlio ontriiversy on cnir streets, roads, le. Oiir ruuilM area disgrace, to-our it.heitviHe piaturiwnio and nourishing .AMI. 1 luive lived 1111 d owned-prop- rty here for tlviiyeiirsnml 1 can posi* •ivelysay that during Unit time. I hero us never been a BIHJVI'IIUI of dirt put HI MndiHon aveuiii', 1have hud to <ny lor IIHIII'H tolie put on the road, iiid_iay. iii'ighborH. liiivi.- douo the mine. . . ' . AVheri! does the money go? Kit had lot been fur the V.I. A. where would nir improvemuutH havo been? Not hat 1 wholly iigreo in women curry- ug mi ineu's wonk.lmt give the praifo' whei-tf it is dui-T' I hope-, with Mi« Vigelius that' tin- tuxpaycra and, litliers will take thin road question up iind.ngitnti' it unvij. condkions are improved. .. Look iit our bridges iiiul eroRsings. Il is mtnply a question of lilo and ia u Lcagii« here,lmt pwing to the^; \attt^To cross them.: riow'we nro the question, let all of us join in and agitate the. subject of better roai!s> MAUISON -AVENUE. St. Paul's M. E. Church Note*. 'Ihe unnunl clcclioji of ollicen) of Ihe St. PaulV Smidiiy School «as lit Id" last .owning 111 the primary room. The lollowmg were elected: Superintend) nt,C L. liell; assistant pufli{ronue'tit;^?iT."''lfr^ wecietar\." (ieorge' Nick," secretar>. I*. IliiiniUiiii, treasurer, p Hi'rretnrj bhowed tiie iiveraguattend ' uiiio at the Snudiiy Stliuol to bo sixty. of the Juvenile Mission- WASTH)—\ lnrjje free anil clo r prop' ^•u.- t»«w ^.••T -ertyiinnm»eil or iimiiinrtnol call ) «eml ply iv _ -THb PA&srtiKI 1 full imrticulnn Cniir..rt &Ihiuh-, <002 X. J. A business and «horthand training, ulxrt y "i™- 1 - x «* Vorl< ' 87 each as is given at the. , Moxiv TO IJO*JI on Q «L morl/ano An l 1 J i l h U U l 1 ' l l l l d O IJO*JI on Q «L morl/n 1-J, i l a n h UuiUlui|r, 1'liilnln.ld, u a Society were noiiiiiintvd as fol- lofls- l'rwiideiit, MM IS. T. Allen; viLe-premdint, MifS 1.3 Everett; sec- rvtwry, Wiilhngtmi MltB tleorgiellill. Address on Mission Work, The regular lint ting of the Misswn- iirj Society of Trimy Chuith nilM)0 lield ut MIHB Lnkfj'if'20'J M^ln street make\an«* inner; .CK-Pemo,, expert piano onTue j, February l j t h t»t | J > . ; 87 llroad «treet, hltta-'m. The ltev. Mr. Ourdlier of New U qioq Busiqess. York nillgivou tnlk onmisBionwork cor- HIZABITH, N. J.

Uolbin a Year i, IHinrois · i, IHinrois ite-But-ftou-fle ffle*. - potable 'events Both are" landmarks i the. history of the town' T,ut west. The first was the'cop. the town from

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Page 1: Uolbin a Year i, IHinrois · i, IHinrois ite-But-ftou-fle ffle*. - potable 'events Both are" landmarks i the. history of the town' T,ut west. The first was the'cop. the town from

i, IHinroisite-But-ftou-fleffle*. -

potable 'eventsBoth are" landmarks

i the. history of the town' T,ut

west. The first was the'cop.the town from the British h,Rogers Clark. Illinois ha,

he -scene of murderous Indianinstigated- by the British

vas a Kentucklaju Both Keulind Illinois were considered: tl

yffSToTSeaSS^rfinlu Clark outlined a plan ofgn against the British andi In Illinois, and _he was ;au--A to carry-out his scheme. Ileat the-old deserted Fort Sic*..:'d marched Six days across the .'..a part oT the, time without -Dok Kaskaskia by surprise theg of July, 4. Not a shot wasor a man lost in-the whole ex.i. . . . , _ ' . — . • '

78 also, and at Kaskaskia, oo-tho first exercise of the elect-achise west of the Allegheny

In the^century just gone Kas-'.reached the .height of ita im-!C, it became a center" of pub.I distribution, the United-,!,jro'verniricgt having opened up -'•>fllce there. For some years ited the most important townpis,_butJt_nes-er_reachcd the.--predicted for it. by its early>, It ,3'as, jjrobabjy -,of .about ...ne that Reynolds wrote as-above. Then began the~de-lo.w^ but-surer'*This™-was1-aue " 'whole to natural causes. Lou-it. Louis and Chicago, all moregeously situated, probably1 something1 to do with th»n Eiuh, though just apprir


ho hcenc, was beginning tsa measure the mission whichbeen expected Kasknukls

i form. Then, too, it became|nd more evident as timethat a more central locationrnble for a permanent cap-with statehood came the se-

loiiiflit of change of gbvern-ndqiuirters, and in 1810 Oe-schosen and occupied.

other things Kaskaskia isi<< having had the firstllclinjr erected in ihe entire

was built for a residence,turned over to the uses of

>>se, town hall, and executive

,.aa- the Sucker state, is said,ottcn its name at Kaskaskia.'ted that when'Clark's brave!i_o£-Virjjinlans charged into.i they perceived the Frenchitting on their verandas,

Ililnp mint j"'»p throughIn thunder'tones the rangera

"SuiTjhder; you suckers."y is well enough, for thephen A. Dnuglas told It. butch were hardly Imbibing^p at the time, inasmuch ams enabled to surprise thele Its inhabitants were yet

ne tar Blue and Gray.-kable soldiers' home will bebuilding at Johnson City,

[ere both union and confed-liers in the civil war and

p *bored.—'This-home-will-oonuHding«ramongrthc)u a uw

three-quarters "long-1 and•tera of a mile wide In thehe mountains; the groundsid out by a landscape gar-I each barrack will have its:. Congress appropriated'or the home.

Jn.t 1,1k* m Man.•oka—il-.vte-mov«*into tbat-4— ]Be; we'll lOBe caste. J " Iks—I don't care if we do;t we can afford wlthont run-essly into debt; and,besides,ortable place, anyhow.•k»—Huh I Just like a manlje can be .oomfdrtable, anJtttle bill asquick as it comijl't care what the won. Y. Weekly.

I s Extenatloa.1 unmitigated liar, Isn't 1ere are extenuatlngclrij, -is fathrr was a weathei]f b U mother a societytown Toples.

fC pJfTJoJIars » Year

Uolbin a Year

STABLISHED 1S93 —Me 55;" ORANFORO-UNION COUNlJf.'-VJ ;'i-—i. * *

S|«rrj 4. llutiliuis.'ii tSrtvn Trailing Stnm| s giIf ynui'ollKt Trail).:'lamp

ai V ** r. m*-ntv\a\ ro


Free to Ml l'urcliH*r<.

lire u» «ood








li' n M . i U l i l u l l.ru n 1 null ir >-IHDI|p;imlilt u r I! clrf UA ^ i'ut* Iti lun<l«

" Vtluineb «i til"1 muu i l imi* \ir> llhfnitlr. wem'wncl iKc IIIIHI'1 r Itlaiiiir«a>i>rnihirli hifiiurUm <i. mid we ttikt* tlilt* iiM-nna *>f ulvlnfr our ruxlitmeralln>)viii-h'ii. wlirri-liytlifv b.-niillf}' thvlr .huninmlwo-'Intelv frce.o( c BI to themst'lye^: . • - . »

Fii **tJ,mp* frt'fi wlltL C'entml



In Sta'mpii Irr-' wllii eiit-h pound: Oolong'IVll '* ' ''In-Slumps free with rnrh jioulld KIIKIMI

Irf'fcTiwl" free with encli ponnil YuinifHyson. Ji iron. Uii l> wnVrTmi. . I ' ,

1 „Q. , >" Htiim « Ire. with fticll pound India- ^

•* OO '!' 8?1"" a free'wirtT'ifarti found li lted _

- _ ^ In Stnm / f ree« | l l i i-ach pounil Bajket-3.OO. „„.,!.in U l Jnpiin. 1V», > .. [Z, r\< 1". em.iiijia frm wlih each pound l«u»l ,

" _ _ Ii"V'siunimi?7;..o wltli .'urfi box WMre—i. l .OO Uullfll OHt4% ' ~"

III minims full v.llli pmlii-an HreakfHrt

1 Of> '« "tiiiupii free •wllli two bottled .Tomato

lii'.Miiiiiu« Jtw n-lli j^eti l«" lie jViiivej- .

In Slifmim ,freo wll'ii "air. uiixi'S SpecialIn .-iuin'ia r'ri'i' with racli linttl- Flavor''Inir JCxlr rl—Vaiiilln. Union. Klrawbrr y,• *IIIL'-'I>I>I<'. oniiutt', I o(»i'. 'l!lli»-r Almond,ifiilm. t'luvrs, . ntme iiiKU'liinumun.In AttiiiiiiH n-o T.ltti ctKli IKIX I'IITV 1 .roundSpX'u I1..U-K. Wlil'r, IU-II Pi-|>i»vrVCInliHliion,.InMn'tiipr fr.e withiiuiiimnrljiuiili' Wineur I.Uitinrut 5 is **- . ,In»t inmlrrewitli* caeliquurl bntjlu Wine

BOOK BINDINOMedical Book., Law Beaks, Magaxlncs,



Room 3 , Wocxlruff lluililintv Kahway.


Contractors & BuildersWe build liotneB and m r t o n e n —

- - C L. BELL, Her f

CiusFonii NM*

For a Satisfying Diqqerat the moderate price of 2 s

2.LO' ' 'I ..OU

• • ' .


, - . _ In St ml»( frill) with t'lii'h qua:v u ( J <ir l.k|Ui>r. M 1 00.

Hon JOHN KEAN,President.

JULIAN H. KEAN,Vlc«-Prcmident.



cilAilTEnED. J8i*. • ' •'••

Capital - - $350,000.00Surplus profits - 550,000.00Stockholders' Liability 350,000.00


Qo to J. D. flyer's RESTAURANT,

Fett Building, Cranford.

QEORQE W . P E E K , J R ,

ELECTRICIAN!Office, Standard BuildiPf.

Westfl^lci, 3ST- J


i OFFIQE.ladxa Supplied with Reliable

Help, and employment found for girls

A p p l y , a t ' / • • , : . • • " •


CRANFORl) The Consumers' teifue.

:inir of the V. 1.

A[daughter nrriveil at the homeL. Couilert i istenlnj^

. Dorenlua ami fainil/iirer. -: 1

in the liigilim lnrti-<e, on \I1I11 I-'I

f » t " I k »"l



the anaintaiH ^eiretary. MIBH Unlilmark apeaks PUHily, nitliout l.uti'B,anil pnssenataa \ery agrivablc \01ce.

she BUC-

•Kllii llurriB, Marjorie5, Natalie

S. J.Cox'HOIlUv-.uperj.ii-.i.we. m . l l ( l l l i n a,Ouaing muib interest inblot I.

\ \ nshin^tnn aimluled nt th«CrtSino furl i*l IV

Feb 21stMr |Hurrj V WIIPPIIT of L 11 I »n, tu ntcerliun nlmt.'

Kngliind, isngueat ut tho hull if I utiiKr <\hiih auliwwomeu8 Ilillur

-rfit^work- -Miss Oolilmni-k toldoftht!•trug^ltyol ibi Lentiige when it wansturtnl aomo ten Jearti ngo. Thehaul] ill ol e irtiegt wpnieh who trieil

First Urad•oole,

Tsfk'.iiuvi,Untold Lbamberlaiii, Klijith Clark,'Stanley H u m s , Walter Tabb, Wen-"•lell Thoinan, jr> , •

Second Orade—Kiitlinn llourue 3 ,[Catherine Hill 5, Sylvia Porcella,Helen Severns 5, Pn.ul Connor 5 ,Elmer Cromh 5, Albert Haste, Willie


Mr ami Mm Janus HCM1,JIII- 11

tertaniH I )<ni>ri|l fiionj- 111 dill 011\Vediii«ila> i \ mug

Ur anil Win 1 itignnl lof Ni » ik,

sliirid work J, were met "ith rebuu*Mon u r n sun One shopkeeper toldtin 111 that In lould inatiagu liis ownbusitiesH 1 iilii.v the Wlyle List ofthe ljuigmu on tains the nuineH.ofa'J

Cliurtlion '

Hev r n d Iliiidmb ig r a 1 'il »rof I'nljce Olllcer IlinileiiliergBr, :« illwith »cuf!et fever at Mailisoh, .*'. •!.. .

MlSJ^elinn is I 1 _m hopinguu> tin n I11. bi ndilinl to the list.11 TheViliject of the League-in to lime-

lionite ihe lonilii'on of the wonnn..A'n,iirry »IH. to \vhetlii>u_tbe olvi l:ise Hinl-«ltiijrt?ii employed in New. Yolk

carriage is fur siile him been n._ ed t'ity. Its immediate aim is tofrom lluselii^bv l'liion IIOHI.'panyr '~^~.\ — - - — '-"

;r,.».!'«.,Tlio While IJst is tiie list of rotuil

yesterday, the tlieriiiomet.ir»tii"..nig tiie ftaudartl of a ' fuirhoin<Q,"where*%'2 .legreea ubo.ve ?LMII eiirly^m tjie iiienjiiid wo'Diji are palileqilitl wages

fnr the sum"work, timmiiiitnulu wageil lie " beiugsix dollars a iveek,(paid weekly.)

opeol tlie.leuture.fiit the CiiHlno t o ; for aiililt. workers and two dollars

j Uther con liliuns aru tlmt no uhildu's i-i.ii'ler 14 yi'irs oiiigeshallbeemploy


The Ladies' lluulicifjr eoutesl•"•.vi

balances of $5<)(%,or pyer.. Accounts SollcHed.


y Title BuaraqtBB and Trust, Gonipany.,1.$300,000.00

CNbiviuLu PROur* V.'.'."..',. .-..;...**so.«oo.»»-I Receive! Depo.lli Subltct to Ch«k .nd AlTow. Int.re.t on Dally Balance*. Utut . Tlmt

•nJ Demand Certificate* ol Ucpojlt.i Btarlnj Interest,

IMPORTANT TO RENTERS OF SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES IN N. V.' "Tl,« IJ.JIIH amllnlurltiinin Tin I n»."-a« cnai-lncl \\m\wT tllVlaws til the-. W»t« of .,I K.w \ork . . u C l hinler «"c.( IHI . anUwrlxe.eltr nreniwly <>nicli.l» to .exani'iw HM

& M ™ i f ' a f e . ! | « . . l t l l o . M . i t l h i . l ) c u t l i . o f .renter. In unler to ,l«i.-rmlne the aiBQii^ (

I ot tax to l»« lt\ l id 1111 the . . . .l l o \ r t To HI NT FKOM $VI» TO 8»:o I'KI! ASNtM.




A RICH ASSORTMENT IN SOUD COLD RINGS. ' •A splendid stoek in SterlinR iiniiTnTOTrtTOtHlPtrnHhrrBH^


l EHenilquurtcw fot line Wiitrlii», Clock-, Jewelry j i inl EyeNow is Ihe tiini- to Jinvi-jour Wutehes mid Clocks'promptly d o n e -

"All nt my tiMjnil feaspnalile prices.!'"..'

Two FINE OFFICFS To Let—in tixp—

E. V/ IIADDBS—Hoofs filled, pniuttiland rciiniicd; nictnl ceilings mid siilc nullsput on « l o w « * price. Tel. 2201 1177Bast Grand Street. F.IIZAIKIII.

W« promptly obtguU8r»inl torctglr

ihoto ol linrciiticn lor'For Ine book,






English & Knox,Sanitary Plumbino;, Steam and

Qos Fitting, f inninx.andSheet Hetal Work.

wilt be l,eld a t .he parBonnnvn.-xt Hot exeeed <•() limii-s pi

Moudliy night. < ' 1 ;

Hid4'Cre.ightoiMvill given piiji ronSiibliiitl/Oiiaorvnncii" at thii i;.


time tn be paid for; nil workers t o beallowed, the live principal legal (loliduyn; ever.v worker given one wcekV

• _ . , , , 1 -n . vneiuion with full pay irt the summer

P. D. niecting to be held 011 fiii-H lay . . ' ' * ..."

.•henfuon, at the. . . . o f Mrs. Van- ^ 1 " ; . . , , , ^ l l o l l 8 j ln conforms in nl

suun._. ^ resjiectH to rhe |)rr8entBiinitiiryIi».wsWilliamTu'mlorpotil; wlm. hns\l 11 n1 0 wi,ri4- rooms lunch mid

Estimates Cheerfully Furnished.

D. A; EVERETT,: lormerly E»crett * Pierian.)

Wason and,Builder.

Reliable work done at short

notice. . , .



Sinltirv Plmnblnr, Oas Fitting, Siesta",

Hot Water «nd Hot Air Heatinf,

Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Woik.

Agents for, Bichardson 4 Boytiton

Co., Furnaces and Ranges. . ,

Cr»nford, N






> We Bay, Sell or Exchange.

Rasedatc and Linden Park Cemetery,

Ijiiiileii, N*. J , open (ps-mrpri tiont largenml l«<t iqni|i,iiii ctmeiery lodpe 111 theemititr) rne triini|inrtftti(in to |in»peetiveI t lni}er , 1 irna^ii IIIIH'I all trains to takewitorttner llw |ini|«rtic<; special ml van-tages nhw olTercd 10 (.(lurches Iraterna|orRiminillulia and imll'iJual lof bnjrera.Offices, 10 West Twenty- Third S t , N. T.,and Linden LndRe, Limlcn .V. J U

U llive tMuklet* anil full iiitiirinulion can leolipmiwl "f WUlwm X. Gray, Funeral

j Director, Cninfonl, N. J.

Viday night.

The ilrat .11 •of tiie

Honor Rolf lof

Tliird (iriulc— LouiB0|Ueyer, ElinorClement 5, Audrey Murehall, LiilioNeipp, time* l'itt, Inez Smith, Helen8her\vood, Louise Triiylor'i, HejenVhti Tine "», Leslie WugxtnlT, KntliWestern 5, Andrew Hurley 5, KennethJo.nea,- A l e c - Mi-Donald, ' U e o r g e

litidlerli, Edw;in Towl.5.„ Fourth (i'nule—Lucille Allen, FrankUreniien, Mildred Crnne, I^oncoNiudert, Helen Grow-5, Gertrude Hill,

Helen Khise .*, ICi'becea Mix 5, FrankI'lunie, Lueilli! Woodling ">.

Fifth Ufade—Alines Itrmnlnte,Kate Canieniiu. Ahuii Ponnhup, Do-rothy Day, LUiie Ilinkeldey, MuyKleiufelder, Ada Krcin, r'lliel Moore,Udim l'elersou. Mubel Hiee, MinnioSeiKi'15,Ma);diileiie80haferr>, HarrietSmock, Jvatlrerine JVarner, MarionWnyatnlT. I iileii Connor, L'urliaCnliii,I'liiiuuceyJlirolie, WillieH^irrin.Albert,jeniuliey, Chafles Miirahilll, WilliiiniOidlinln, Cnrlton Pierce.

SeveniU (irade-rt'nrrie Clrube, IrmilHart 5, Lucy .loiles ii, Klorcnco

ivpii,- 'I'heiesMii WyckolT ">, ,lnuhgiH, Thumus Cooper,

• -Tli lit h firnde—Miifj;nrut FliFrt 5("ICUIIIV Kreie; . . •


Kiltiidgi) lllazier, Juini'S Carey,Anita lltiuiiel, Kalhryu. Ueiiman,

e Kiililenschmidt, 1'eurl I^ong-, Carrio Meyeis, Helen Ityan,

Clenii'ntiiia Si'lwnilz, Florein'e Swcn' "ion, ViolaThygeson, Anulia Wcnke,Jiilin'llnwllliv

eure. arrived from llavunii mi Wml- t>ne sent for every tlireotwiliijr' niKlit. Ho is . vlBitin;; his m u d t lie pniyidedhillwalorefc Tlicne

brother Uiirold at II. E. Auvat .iV. | , r r 0 8om ,> ()f tho comlitlous domnudedThe operetta, "Tin! National l'Y>w- j bufore the Htore's uittrn1 t»t t'llteri'il on

jMouse ttinipht (iTFThe beiieflt of TPJII- | ' The Cmi-Mitnera' I^iiiftiR inIty.Cburcli". The pi+finhianct1 :H>'ttre'..wotni'ii-^•'>'•'•• to the• ,fi|ct• th

i ! i l li ihii i

openingthiijt thr,\

o Im artistic, and il deNerves to be : have a reHpnusibili'y reeling on tbellipruHtablc. ^ . . i)viiry_liiiii) they do any .sboppinc

Mr. Sterling and fainilyOf Cull-ge' Let- Ili-ui putroiijj.. tiie W.liita.'L *Wntj Ni T. ciime to this pin.;• on sjl iops ami , demand' Ctiiisuiin- b'ue&duy and nreocuupyingtlicli'ok- League labels' on gaiments. IJy •!

b o a t house on Springlleld uv..i1ue.' doing they will strengthen the pow. 1Mr. Sterling will conduct' \\-• IJ.'.J-'M iif the League aiiil:iiiiika easier tlft

(•ouditious of the xuleswoinen'B 1 iI<.Uiiriiig'tli -an ten years I he work hut-',

gr.'wn to s^ l i tin extent that there itUOW'.II Nil tionnl League with braiichuin ninny of the states. Suveral fuc;toTies .are luinlrig out goods willi

boarding school. ,

Tlio Epwnr.th Lonjjue of .'the I'irstK C i d t l hM. K. Ctiurcii conductml the

meeting lit Unnvooil Chapitl l.iatj j - L i l l i e . IV. Mendeij .'vnH

the lender. TJII reprcHentati.ej ofthe League vVero present.

A rcriiinderor the Y. 1'. S. C. K.leuux and: muaical entortniiiii.. in

t|ie League label ut tnclied, ; .Mm. Ficd'iiek Nathan liFNi'w York

is the president (>f the ConHUiner'KLeague, and tlio Iiet of honnrdry viceprcsidont'fl » f the Nitiionitl °l<ougneincludes 1'rof. lludley of Yale. Tin

ii'i order that tlinae \vi«hing"t6'.'jv!;>ml ; fs>w York' Board of llenlth ja'.ct)-.

HieTresbylcrian Clnip"! on tlis . -en-1 .pr'Miting of Tuesday, Fob'. 2S,: is hers jriytin jnclia

it niuy avoid makiiig conllicti.i. enjrnjrements.'. . • ' '

songs'will be the features (if ui< filter-


tainment to lie. given in the 1'teriau Ch'api-1 on Monday nigTt. .:thi>au"pice's'oftlii> r.adii'81 AidSiLiHtyiAmong the subjects that Mr. O ten-hum will:, preuenr urn; thfl Colu I'lin-'1

.Shaniroik yucht race, Iti-d h .ingHood, Cinderelln, i.ind the Hoc ' /nr.

opRrating with tlio League, and as-sisfing it In ev»ry way.-'.Wliitt about New Jersey? Yes, there

V. I. A. Election.

lion IIHIUIIH (innualinpHting-cflay afternoon injii-efectcil-thi

. ; mo-

^S Royal Arcennm Uiilrfcl Meetia(.

A'cnnuni men from every


of stringent factoryluws the len^ue work js;M)pt yetefTeutiyc. Cmwoini'provethoBKlaws?Do wo riot ngree with Bisliop'Potter?ileBiiyB, "1 believu in tlii) princip'eof the Coni-umers League anil wicl)It all 8ULII6H."

councils bc*idpB held 11 celebration in

the. OperaJiousi' ottluisilaj bveiimg

cliuiri'inn of tlio committee o«UH kenyon

S | ] l C U I I , | , , ] n ( m , were nntiated by

year:President, )Mi«s Aliee liUke;

preBidPiitH, Mrs (F. K 15»le»nJ . R. Mil'uj; «ta-c»rJni« Sfl r> l '" - i . ' the new ritual of the order. .MusicMrs. It A. Heiiedict; ••ornsj.Mii.ling B 1 | | ) r(.,1(],.r,,j 0 J u quarloltecompiissecretury, Mrs. E. L. iki l t iJi-rg; o j ,,f MI-BSH. 11. It. VuuSnun. K."A"treiiBurcr, Mt*. II. Damon. | j o u n s o i i . J urn s Kodgers find W illurc

^JtoHL'ucrailtx.^ SSuppt r_wps JJUTVI d att l i edosco l tbeenlcrtainmeiit. About'Jot) were pieseot.

'Special Notices.

iohlmurk mnde_an r'concerning the w<nlT o t t l i e ln i ,mm-

ers' Lenjiue. Wnlem and t i» «eree-erved at thetlnse. The Mini of %"t

- ,na8 voted to the I<eagiie

to who** name* it in ntt cchvil wore on huliorroll fi mouths, anil thurohy became J-II'IIIJII(nun examinations.


Vttltor f'JIriiriii/r.

.Vllim 1111M0 adj my tnitu to tlioontriiversy on cnir streets, roads,le. Oiir ruuilM area disgrace, to-ourit.heitviHe piaturiwnio and nourishing.AMI. 1 luive lived 1111 d owned-prop-rty here for tlviiyeiirsnml 1 can posi*

•ivelysay that during Unit time. I herous never been a BIHJVI'IIUI of dirt put

HI MndiHon aveuiii', 1 have hud to<ny lor IIHIII'H tolie put on the road,iiid_iay. iii'ighborH. liiivi.- douo themine. . . ' .

AVheri! does the money go? Kit hadlot been fur the V.I. A. where wouldnir improvemuutH havo been? Nothat 1 wholly iigreo in women curry-ug mi ineu's wonk.lmt give the praifo'

whei-tf it is dui-T' I hope-, with Mi«Vigelius that' tin- tuxpaycra and,litliers will take thin road question upiind.ngitnti' it unvij. condkions areimproved. ..

Look iit our bridges iiiul eroRsings.Il is mtnply a question of lilo and

ia u Lcagii« here,lmt pwing to the^; \attt^To cross them.: riow'we nrothe question, let all of us join in andagitate the. subject of better roai!s>


St. Paul's M. E. Church Note*.

'Ihe unnunl clcclioji of ollicen) ofIhe St. PaulV Smidiiy School « a slit Id" last .owning 111 the primaryroom. The lollowmg were elected:

Superintend) nt ,C L. liell; assistantp u f l i { r o n u e ' t i t ; ^ ? i T . " ' ' l f r ^

wecietar\." (ieorge' Nick,"secretar>. I*. IliiiniUiiii, treasurer,

pHi'rretnrj bhowed tiie iiveraguattend 'uiiio at the Snudiiy Stliuol to bosixty.

of the Juvenile Mission-

W A S T H ) — \ lnrjje free anil clo r prop'^•u . - t»«w ^ . • • T -ertyiinnm»eil or iimiiinrtnol call ) «eml ply iv

_ - T H b PA&srt iKI 1 full imrticulnn Cniir..rt & Ihiuh-, <0 02 X. J.A business and «horthand training, ulxrty "i™-1- x « * Vor l< ' 8 7

each as is given a t the . ,

Moxiv TO IJO*JI on Q «L morl/ano Anl 1 J i l h U U l 1 ' l l l l d

O IJO*JI on Q «L morl /n1-J, ilanh UuiUlui|r, 1'liilnln.ld,

u a Society were noiiiiiintvd as fol-lofls- l'rwiideiit, MM IS. T. Allen;viLe-premdint, MifS 1.3 Everett; sec-rvtwry, WiilhngtmiMltB tleorgiellill.

Address on Mission Work,

The regular lint ting of the Misswn-iirj Society of T r i m y Chuith nilM)0lield ut MIHB Lnkfj'if'20'J M ln street

make\an«* inner;.CK-Pemo,, expert piano onTue j , February l j t h t»t | J > .; 87 llroad «treet, hltta-'m. The ltev. Mr. Ourdlier of New

U qioq Busiqess.York n i l l g ivou tnlk onmisBionwork



Page 2: Uolbin a Year i, IHinrois · i, IHinrois ite-But-ftou-fle ffle*. - potable 'events Both are" landmarks i the. history of the town' T,ut west. The first was the'cop. the town from

" ' ' / / ' . ,' - ' ,'/,-> ,<» ' * „ „ „ , , ™-.>~ 1" ' ^ , , * ' ' « • , ,

r Tuesday aid M t a r at terth

and Union Ararat*.

JOOM AUTEID POTTKB. • giittr amd fnp'r

THM: ''" Adr««e«.

I'n laiiSix Komis


Adre-tlilnc rates furnuiied upon application

Tba Chronicle mar be fuunil on s*ie at the

Union Nam Stand and ut I be climnkle Ofllor


.Anyone privileged to Imic "even ncasual nrquaintuuco with the peopleol Cranford must lie nivn/e of'theprovalcnce among tliom of .the die-

; position to serve, pthers. ' Xloat olthe card games' arc cburity cut-lire*or fresh nir wliioiH. und beneficencefinds exercise through scores of other

i jTo euch a community, tho dt'acrip-l

tion of tho objects und actiiuvraientgof the ConBumoni League. a»« givenb i t S &fl&^|f«»J0oliii«ark,M*aIho V. I. A. on Tuesday, and as re-peated in substance in today's Cimo.viCLBtnustbe of moro tliun piissinginterest. It Is truly n sourcool satis-faction to learn tlint IhiTonri: store*and factories fa which einploycitt nmtreated as liwnhri beings, entitled toliving tinges uud li 'twrtnin junount

f l d i ^ ^ tp ^ r S e t l i e s eegtab iBhmeuts which lire very prop

" crly plucbd otfWIiut"tfrkiioivn! ns*~tli«"white Ijsl" is a privilege •'which ni>ftro sure the sliopperi> of Cranford willboglail totakonjyaritiiKe'or.

Oilmen wjtli sistors-dearOh men wll(i.motlicrs anil wives

. It is not linen jou'ro wniriiii? oiitHilt IIUIIIA n chaitiirt'ii' lives I

To this torrijile indictment, *tiit>purchaser of goods at "whiiti list"stores mny piouiimit utility. A fewof tbeso stores are tliiinm

work for .the present,

some for the future, the

i wise

-*-""•-- Eifer Insurance policy in ~


bin^s^fesSrtf "pfWecfidrr* -

with profitable invest-

ment for the future.


PRUDENTIALinsurance Co. of 3m«rica.

i ;..••,.-.. H o n e Off ice:N e w a r k , N . J .

JOHN P: pKYDEN.President.LESLIE D. WARD, VIce-PiMldeDt.EDOAK. lOVAHD,Sd VfcePres.f-»nd

' Counsel.\ DBl'DEN,

(I.E. Sup'I.. 3^4 Bknk Building E. Front Street nn<l Park Avenue, •Box 700.. Tel: No. 1848, PlalntMd, NiTJ'. __ m '.'.

on Sunday evening, at her residence onE l m s t r e e t . • . - - . ' . . - ' • • - • . • • ' . . '

Mrs, Stitt liad not been in good healthfur sbreral weeks, but was able to be npand nroand, and on Sunday bad


We know of no way in which we can- Uof man service to our reaileis than to tellthenTof something that will bq of real gwdto them. For this reason we want to ac-

thoduyi with her daughter, Mrs.1 J. B; quaint them with what we consider one ofHarrison. 8hortly after tea she left for | J™ J ^ ' ^ f T ^ , ' 1 * . 0 " . th« I™"*8' for

home and JH> -P. Oondit, whri was pros-•intend abont to go -to his homo,'of'

accompany • :hor,—On-thewar she nearly gayoontand it was withdifficulty tiwV Mr. Conditsuocoododiugetting-her homo. . ' - • " . . '

When lie helped her into 5 the hallwayho found she wan in a serious condition,and seating her on the called in

- W?"' S™ & Co, U lloulilller Bros.

Host & Co.A 11 Uruinmejl

James McCutchoon

^ 'K A Morrison & fym

Ehrleh _ForsythoJaegor

& Himi« oirnnfiori •••. .Slater,.! 4 J

A A 'u . . - Y • ™ ""• Jolilii WaiinnmkcrMeyer Jonnssuii&Co. Huvlor's MQco. P LangeiibHcher " ' , : ; I ' ' ,"/ X—£-i--'l...,l__i . ••"


Tho election oHIiss Alico Lnkey to, the prpsidcncyof tho VilluKi1 Improve-

ment Association enlls fur more Humn word of conjrratnhition to the oneso highly honored; for it is u guiirantee by tho association of'continueddUi(rencein the public swvicn. Mm.Bates was tho Elijah of tho Hociety.Her exccutiilo'ability and rcsolulc

_ will enabled it to Burvivt^Hdiculo diidopposition in its curly duys and snL-

- sequently to commuhd .respect nudco-operationr , ;

, Her tfluntlo has now fiijlon upon onewho may be likened to the prophetEliiba. In Mies Lnkpy, niitdnPHg oftemper is associated with liict. HITability to accomplish rrsullsouprateiiinsbowing-theirBweetrcasunabiiMiras.


' Tho Wostflold'Base Ball Associationhas seenred its team for tlio.coiiiing sen-son with tho exception of n shortTho seloctiou of tho mnn to 11111"<tion has-been left with Cnptniri

tho neighbors, while he wont Tor Dr.ilarrison. . The doctor arrived in a fewnnhntcs and had her taken upstairs toher room and'laid upon the .bed. Sheexpired shortly after.- • •; _ .

Mrs? Stilt's maiden'- namd was Rosenkrund, she was bom in .Cincinnnti 72years ago. She camo with her hus-band to Wentfield in 1805, since whichtime she had lived hero. Mr. Stitt diedin. 1805. She is survived by four child-ren, ouo son and throe'daughters. Theytire William, Emhui I i , (Mrs. 0. B.

<Mrs. J^B, Harrinou),of Woatfleld and Mary, (Mrs. . 8 . W.Pcarsall), of Newark, """ . ,;

Mrs. Stitt was a woman of a good deaof decision and tho sneeess with whichslio managed her business affairs provedher business ability. ~ '

Tho funeral >vas held at her [late resi(lento at 8 o'clock last' eveningi Rev. NfW. Cod well, of tho Presbyterian church,of which tlio deceased was a member,oondncting the services. Th4 burialtook place this morning in the familyplot at Fairview. * .

N. Niekcii's milk wagon was smash-oil np on Prospect street last night againfthis tinio by the hone taking fright at atrolley, car and running away. Thedriver, Henry Behove, was oat of thewagon at tho time. This is the thirdtitno that Mr. Neilsen has had hla wa-gbn broken in that part of the town, inthe hut few woeka, the other times bytho cars running into him. He has beenunablo to drive his wagon since thesecond accident Tho trolley companyand he havo not come to any settlementas yet. •.." . •• J\- "I. _ .'

Sanday was the twenty-first birthdayof tho Cliristian Endeavor Society. Th»occasion was observed in the-Baptist;Presbyterian and Oongrej

Cough liemedy. \V« hnrc used it with suchgood re>ultf in our family so -long fiat'ithas bmnne a household necessity. By Itsprompt us* we haven't any doubt but thatit has timwarid again prevented croup. Thetestimony Js given upon our own experienceand we suggett that our nwdera, espeoiallythneewho havoHmnll children, always keenit in their homes a«a safeguard againstcroup.—famden (S. C.) Messenger.- Forsalebyalldiugglsts. • , -



XoaaaMDU and Headjlone. for CenwtctrHoU. AllOrdenDeUiimlandHetOD. :

GARBAGE COLLECTOR.Collections mode daily or otber-

Reasonable Prices.P.O.Box09 , ' • • - , * C E J S F O I D .

Charles Ffedler,

——Dealer in

RISING SUN LAGER BEER.• • • . : • . • " • . , . • • • - . • ' ~ J

- Bottled '$eer deiiyered

daily at homes. .Orders by Mill Promptly Filled:


A discount of twenty-five '(-5) cents per •

thousan'd feet, will be allow ed on^ira:

.__ . I.OOQ feeLai\d.ovtriIse4^pier.,month. iLpaid at-Uiis— -

office .within 10 daj s from "da*te of presentation


• •'• — D e a l e r I n — '•' '.

Beef, Miittdn, Lanqb, Veal,

Pork, Corned Beef,




I flat CmmwA^mm AfauA fc»- •>_ _•_ A . . *


• Otaltr I n —


Customers of 20 years standing IDCnnford who will vouch for satisfactionreceived. R e p s I r l D » and painting aspecialty." ', .. ' ' "' ' •' ;-••;'. • "

M» Elm Street. . Westfleld

New Jersey CentralwiKTin *«a»i<u«in!iT ix i m c T n o r j ; , lOOI.



-'..-. pcnler In .



(JKKICK ClironL-le. Rliick.-!- • ..


- . NEW JiciuBt

OUR FANCY FORMSIce Cream are up-to-date and de'ivered within ike

miles of Newark at $nt)O"a dozen." " ~'—u

The finest thing in refreshments for all parties.ISI Market Street.

TEL J97. 157 Market Street, •. 6 7 7 Broad Street,

NEWARK, N . j ;


Electricity for Light and Poweiv


OfHoe: S17Froad St

You Will Wonder • "fesmorB" ^hovy you ever got along with common coal stoves,to heat your house if you have i i hipdern steamheatingc system-introduced. It is so much more'convenient.- : Hut of: course' -you are figuring on ~the cost. EverybHody has to, \Ve can tdl you howtotlo it cheaply and stiM.perfectly.

r aridL 'pcalcr In



NEW YORK.t^iSVtiPr1I*> ^W. BUS. ,8|f, 8>l,i o n , l i sa A . H. :3so. 101.147 soo»0J S O t4t7O 8 M » M 10M i

sbeen left with Cnptniri aeorge•'Millou nud a g»»od mnn U assiired. Theneoson will opon Miiy 3d. Cure will betaken hi securing-gbdd Hr-ronB team? only for jnppuuouts; mill in thiit lhic

-May iMthrt>st hill is promised for—OrrtT; ~

wood intormts is /imlcinR outWu OtisBollnrd. the instructor ai,,l nJSger oftho Aeolian Iiiuur, is niitliilriiwito ourollmembers mid disposc.'of season tiokctsntthe orgnu works mKr

h i kPrnnkSitt

Who is known only i^ n bustlerthi h in any-"""K'"' nndi-rtaki*. is taking mn r _ t u

theO. aiidC works und the Oorwood

y gchurches. At tho Baptist.cJ. Hamilton, Jr., ledthomeeting,whichwas very enjoyable.- At the Pretbyter-ion church, Rev. Dr. Charles K. Her-riiig, of Flainfield, spoke on the firstchionp ill tho pledge, "Trusting in theLordJesns Christ for strength.'! .Theremw special .music by a quartette andthe Christiaa Endeavor choir,

In tho oratorical contest at-the Congregiiiional church on iMooday levellingunder the auspices. of.Willard W. O.T. U . MisiXaon WUcox was awarded

i^paSsSd a ) "

. 8«pt.C. M. BUBT.

News- and Opinions

• Office and Store,


Need a

j . f .s^, get the BESi?. Flag walk}s la|t a Jife|! time \

and are np trouble to keep in order. ;'.iThey.'are- also the

cheapest. Let us convince you by furnishing an estimate





Ontarafor Bvttied Beer Dcl lvind.

Newly famished Rooms/ AH Improv


BayrDr. O .Mr^Savin and-Jamea-O.-

h L hoati id-i

ofrrXrJ?•The /Kp-


L. M. PoarsaU, M-T. Townley and J.S. Bariums, Jrri forobdied gbod tnnsic.'Neither Miss iWgef nor Mrs. Worcester,was abla to be present. ,

Tho township oommittee met last «x-ening and worked on the annual report.Tho error in paying Wellington .More-house's bill for six months in advance ascustodian of school moneys Was reotified-

National Importance;


^ a n s ; ladleTparlor, piano' and everything uecex-Jary for the comfort of guests! Iioaid»t Reasonable Ratrr.." •. i _ '


TO LET«Asiembly Hall-Vo/3 Urtlpii A v e n u e

•ror-Dances. Entertainments, Meetings. Fairs andpub-' IHc gaherin^s. Floorfpacei 1x34,. Seating capacity 250

Pressing, robms-andkitckeiu-. Terrhs-m'oderater—— • - —

j . A. POTTER; rroo'r




n.iTOi» Mmnac » •»•«* »IH1 d n•mleklr. atraralR «nr orbilna freeInrenlkm M pn>h»Mj r I i ^ t M aaoafUUMOMest *nfi«rforMraiinri«l. Patents taken ttenoeii Btnut A CoT

tidal *oUl. wtlhoot rtirS™t£

Sitifi Jftt . oot rtrSt£.

Scientific JftneficaitA h u J l n h M d

.Old im.jiiU.r«of the A~h*x-iatum nre re-qucstod to make npplinition for

tikson Uckuts to II. 0. Pikur, txensurur. ItIs none to eitrly to calculate rcvpime, asdates-with good clubs iiiust be Bladeearly towenro them nnd tho Associa-ationnius.tkno\v its Btrwigth in mem-bership to regulnti) its expense accord-ingly.

Mrs. Cynthia L. Stitt, widow of thelate William Stitt, died suddenly ofheart disease at abont half-pust

nor »125-foriEe:flrstriialfyear. Tho following bflli were passed:H Willoaghby, 110.80; 8. D. Winter,$33.60; Juo. Darsh, $7.73; "Wm. Howard,813.05; United Bleo. iARht Ob., $306.25.


"I hare used Chamberlain's Cough Rentedy lot a number of n a ntaney in say that il is thft best • remeny for:coughs colds and croop Ihaveerer used iftmylsmily. 1 han notwonb tomtmm [

The Sundayis the greatest'Sunday Newspaper in

t h e W o r l d . ' • • ; • ' • '-. ,

PHce <c a copy. By mall, $2 a y a r

Mdrraa THE SUN, M«w rork.




& Your Aiteiitiwi. And send to us your soiled laundry.

You eon not «ret .< better sat iafactionthan in our establishment. We have

pillfjl" JAHN.

House. Sign andrPresco* Painting:.ir«iff.jnd.flrrnr

Paper:. '•'. *J«1> llBALKn IH.

'Glass. Oil. Point,,

nishes anS ©all

•bet, 51 b I-. otb'Area. 1811, St.

Luncheon S*rved from la to t p m'Location centra) forsbnpp^n.. Rec«pti<»n ronni

. for. the CODTepleut* of patnin*.." •" AflernooaTea j t o g P.fl. .


oiitakind in the State, but '.we havealaoUhe beat', fercilltiea to do Rood Iwork . , - . ; - ' -""• • : ; ; . .

Sendo jposfalcardotid weUlaend| 'onr wagon,

Alericao Steam and Hand Laundry. caH at

PittturcjFra in ing^

Artist's Materials.


TelepboneJ14«J{ntnBl.~**~iL, oc-hBuence- is this Be«»QT_.M».!3itAVl;^:;^-; AddreM^'O.'BQ* 17;v'"'«vW«S-w'^lePW'n'e»«J«". «»K:;,S Sf^;- a':^ WeatfleM. New Jeriey.'uddenly of Bloore.NorthSUr.HiOuthta»taV^hr;''-''^:^^^'r^'^^ m^m^ms^d'^'.s>^-',f:::--l^:.

of- tbp above

BROTHERS,WeatfleM. New Jeriey.


Teon't fail to cnll.on

Boston Dental Ass'n• <*•_• 663 Broad St., Mcwark.

> Tire bmuljf.ojjlieir Te?tlL is'the nd-nVJi'.tl! "f'•'.'••"rt-lwrly and the' LOWl K l l t i flmrxii]'nra-owbig tu theiiuiiiciise iv.imWr of wu' inserted. •


licTIPe_ . . -.ias.ViTiilizcdAiro; , . . ,„„.ain! uuymic «in take-it; with perfectwfeiy. youiig «r old. . ' . ' . :Full S.U ol"TMtk,

lettli Ext j«c« with'flu (ir nerilo, jf*^-•i-^nWS^rATtON-FlilEH.Vv--'^-^v-Dusff jiistipci inKiiociTiox.;-"


isdrtand 'we hlerlntlsedheln

- • i : . . .

• • - : ' • • • • ; , • . ; :

• • • • • ; - ' , " • . • . ' ' : " '

' Tthe 1


• mod*'. _or cr

, P-H.' -




Page 3: Uolbin a Year i, IHinrois · i, IHinrois ite-But-ftou-fle ffle*. - potable 'events Both are" landmarks i the. history of the town' T,ut west. The first was the'cop. the town from


te of presentation

s for all parties.

151 Market Street.. . / , IS7 Marktt Slreei, >

677 Broid Slreet,

NEWARK, N. j ;


**» *•****$** »*

If we did not know that Profes or Mar-

cuni's ciier^ie> were ilirectdl in other fields

we might bt.lie\e that h • wa > UMIIJJ om store

as a station for the dis^ mination of the

._. A Utter pl*n ' U MPan-American congress i

oka mrmmiJnmrmn^trTri i "ffirTiVninTin rTuiTujini'nT runifVirtrvi-busybody.. Just beciuea the doclarj^lberim road,'•topped i t our haute yesterday sb*>'tj»outh. The Pan-American congresa mImmediately wanted ia know what «a» Mexico will consider a proposed roadthe matter. |down the ba-kbone of the continent

Mrs. Najcher—Yc»; I wonder how' from Texas through Mexico and theh ' d l k h i h b r s to be that Central and South \mei-icnn nates to

tease* lit Ihe I»lerm»t|amal trrltm lawFebruary », 10OS-Tk» Slat of

Tllfc LESSON TfcVT(\CIB 4-11 >

U But a certain nun named

{tlalr—No, I suppose not; bat what1 are'you driving at?1 Uauc.t—Uhen J called on Bow;I man last m -lit he was playing on theI \iolin lie J>J|I1 lie n a , playing for his

owu ainu-i mem if be hadn't toldMrs. Najcher—Yc»; I wonder how from Texas through Mexico and the

she'd like her neighbors to be that Central and South \mei-icnn nates tob t h ? You know the doe- j the ver\ 1IP<-1 of dull It would be by

hbors to be that Central and South \You know the doe- j the ver\ 1IP<-1 of dul l

d |fh l dth 1 1 f Ifar,the lunce'-t rind ia thetor stopped at herhome to-da\,too.

after makmj; ln»e to the

-.., . „ .. . . _- reporterhanded id an account of n burglaryin a butcher's shop which commenceil:' "Mr. Jeremiah Cleaver, thiwell-known butcher, is losing- 'fleshrapidly of late."—Tit-Hitk

most impirtjnt leatures of Newark s retail —

mercantile life, as the rapidit\ in which'the _

""peopla of" TJcw Jcf>.*t > ~ha\e knoujerigr o f -

our bargain douig-. is simply mar\ellous

Telegraphing 2 ooo miles \w<1 o it wires i1- a

wonderful performance, but in its way no

m<>rc wonderful than the monc\-saving

poss bihtics of our 2 ooo and some odd

bargains we h rear ranged for earl) Feb-

ru.in bu\ers

A Qar i t l oa . t ,Thl- rmal ncrOFi ihe I'thmi f I

lt» (dvantnw — whweah iloiitil itTWill It take • • lorn to i»K it

A« It ukes to talk about li* *—\Vfl*hlnRton Stjtr.



m i l i m n i | ta a a L a I L I M •» • fa • w • — » ™* - •** —

aultan of Turkey, h i* pi rinlsslon'tobuilt] a railroad from the , Bi iporusopposite Constantinople to the Persian4Pilf It would hit Kiriman, Iflrsus,Mosul, hagdad, It would route; pas-sengers to the Imli.^n ocenn qiilcttrthan the} can go by IlrilMi steamersThe line In Its 2,SO0nnlt s t|ire.ids greatmountains; crossrs TjirrM nml Kn-phthr

uf Kden the plnce of Hit jrK thof man ifter the deluge \ s ihi Filltan has guaranteed intt n <-t the rnndmight be built At onee in spiti of dorhi

SI iul Old llarlrnjile- A hundreddollars for a Hull of elnilir*! I.neverpa ul Hint fora milt In mj 11 ft.

Spnrtj Son-Well MUI II h m to be-gin non fuller, here* Hie lull—Har-

L S PLAUT & CO.,707 lo 721 Bruad Slre.i, Newark,* N. J.


F l n l AM lo Afliaicfcer•I car* not ffr KuU thoiiKh I 'hall rot

concealA certain vnmie learning for pt-lf

But JUKI «lve nwstnik 111 the initul railedsteel

And the jold will take eare ot Uncle—\v ivhlt gton Htar

toliir KnOMlcdurl i t - ihc jounu innn «ho i» piyniR

attention In Mindiilnixf' ^<» he'aal iww r

She 1 undirstnnd h e d o i s i t knownn\thing about law

Jlc-Well, be Knows enough sbout

/alkrs last a life, time

. 'I hey aie also the

urnishing an estimate


e n u e

tings. Fairs and

Seating capacity 250

>-moderatei -

POTTER, Proo'r

l|fn and-P'resctf Painting.

er Hanging,-AJ«1> DKAI.Kll in,

OH. Point, $cr-

anS ©all paper.

ropngiiig. Arlifloial _ Tes,Fun- iliin't fini to cull oil

>nr Dental Ass'nS63 Broad St., Mtw'ark.ily of their Teclh is tlie nd-f pirrtlmljr nml the LOWiFuirmtl iit-o ovfuig tu the•miller of setn inserted.


a W 3 t ^ e H fmntrimony",--PiJr.k. •

u i i u l i i i i i O f v * A i r i e r n J . ' k ' ' ' M • • " a J » « -

lr.itek, of ancient fjinL.; vvandirsirough Misopotamla , L ncari threnes of lbbllcal Instnrvi the dnrr'in' Kden the plnce of Hit jrK tin hcnii"' man i f t e r the deluge \ s ihi FUn has guaranteed I n t t n M the rnn

night be built At onee in spiti of delmine's financial di presLiini Hut —

Hut Russia ha1* hi r ev e In the 1'irxia..gulf which she hopes to rrich bv r-railroad -from tht t aiipiMts GreatBrltnln will f-ivor vvhehevtr of therivals offers hrr moat tompennationelsewhere ' -

>^orc-^[i)r«title st i l l t * < « i l JJho£e*t"Cipe lo l a i r o " prolect Interruptednow by the liorr war but crrt-nn to bepuslitil wlien it Is oMf I p \p t Is build-ing her railro id up the Nili thnnks npnrt to \ n n nenn hr dg< m i l l n i lnrsTo meet it from tin smith tin IP is nl-re uly a road from (. ip i Inn 11 to Mnfi-king and another just by It from theeast coast lo I g u u ' i tin imttitrv I iv-tngston found bilnnti I titt \ 11 toi inXinn/.n—noil 0 fine l.iki t is a s bigi s our Superior and tho real soiu'eeo f . t h e Nile _

AVhif a building it wfl".' On oni sec-tion in I gnnilii n big linn nte «o n n n \trncklnjers t i n t tin Mirv imr» Mi lickwork and eoweritl In th i i r 1 impn.trembling at n u l l w i n d Ihi t ni»l-neers hnd to dro]i then thimTi In en forr.fW to break up the Intunetinn h nlion<hlp plirtfl in the bin <llr IT,*- TOwork on this lint ( h im ••( ni il Illi doeool i i swcrc imported but Ihrv i'iidi-fast In thi new el m i l e t h i t the* m-pmv hliii to enlili mil tame 1 a i m « toJit |he work

fine diniculu l i n « l!h 11 s r indfirrmin Va'-t Afi'i 1 li n 1 H up I L I I I «l

hi Congo T n c Stall mi l fri in 1 1 e orhi other pt 1 nnc»lr.n Win Ft In nbt 1 11 d

lo join the Nili nnd I'g mt'n lln< < In n«lr i ighla«nv pmiri-e of ' 00" nn 1»Thci'osl of Iin> port ion v i t tinbuill rn.ij

-be-»10OiOOO-,OQ0 ""


nto nun but i . L . j c l6. Ai J Arii i l i - luarnB tliese»ordc (>11

oo»n ai<i L I " 'I' ihi Klioit uml sr, Jt(ear taint uu ull them thut K'aril thoferHi I\B"

0. And •the.-yoiiiiK. nrtn aroje. wonnil lilmup. nnil cnrriii'il ram out. uml burjid him.

7. And II W.IR abuut Iho »pace of thrt't-houm nfU'r. ..win n Ills wlff, not knciwlr.i;wlim -wa>i.iloiu'i camt1 ln.:&.And' I ' n u «i!tw«feil unlo her. Tell im

• llethi r ye polil thf luril torio ranch? Andili !! Y a tor KS luilrh• l l ye polil th lur

Yea, tor KS luilrhlii »u!i!, Yea, tor KS luilrh.9. Th>n l'eur xitlcj. unto her, How Is it

thai ,\i> ha\e agreed toRet^itr to ttinitt ihi<Spirit <\i tlie Luril? bcllolj. the feet 0! themwlilt-h linvc burltil thy huftlmr.il arc ut thelr.iir. 41r.il «h:»ll tarry ihee out:

IV. TluEn vhe t^U'iluwu Ktralglittvuy ut Mtevl.'and yloldcd up the. ghost: nnfl the

yoirtiK nun i-iiine' In and liiurd hfr.diatl,And, earrylnK'tier forth, burled hf r by nerhusband.

11.' And; Breat. fear riiine upon nil the['hiirch, ui.d- iip.on as many ii» heard IIILM

•JIM"UIS^~Ti?\ r.—\\ hrrrforr lmllinkk l


BUILIs drawing crowd* our way—heavy buylng's be«nK don*. and we're last getting needed'elbow Toom. For^l years jwe have faithfully carried out every promise—and the of- »ferinKS In this sale, great ns they ore, ore i.s they're adver-tised. If you're «hort of ready cash, our easy terms willhelp you. ; • -' • •

,br.-tie-. .• A %•

this Solid Oik Toby.I (eet extension —5 mosaivo topo

ned legs—!t's wwth faa.no. \




,. v. „—French levelede mirror- value |»o.v

Every Vcnr W. LUt^Uo.en-t th.t

'f tin". Vitnlin d'Airnr Dento.c inn fiike it withng nr old.Titth, . , • . « . . .

r«th ui, Red Rubber, »8 oo

clr. 'with d u nr l"enlo, "'



3N DENTISTS,& 0«8 Brond,Streel.Store. i> VKWAHK, K. J.

.'-B. HOLT, 1

$15.00 Upward' The Kafigolhnt't sold »p to

the i) 000 niiJ-l Tiery knownI nprovo-ncnt. Ooaranwed fromtop to base


The Sale of Misfit Carpet* and ftade-, up CarpeW.1

Great fivimr-brlnir your room meaaure with)uu". Bale won't l i t lunglOn. A.^flMerCarprtreeniarly •»• $15.53"oalij'1 price...,' , " •pie Axmhirter Cnrpet, reRiilarly «J*. JJfj.flO

One Jtoquet'o Carpet, resulnrlj «i| JJJ £0

O-i-Doiil''eF-«traTapeiitrj.Tegul~r Jifl ?7 iI, ( , -bjh. price _ * - " »

. Maplrt All Aroond. ,l'ntlenee—l »ent a poglul enrd to"\V(r

ln>t week, ".ami forgot to put his ifnmror address oli.lt. . . . I' •

Patrice—llontl.v? IV lVesi hemiiHt lin ll.when be, (jot ll.--j'o

Ip llu>ii(?bl me:Htij-


Kol K sii-r War or ruiiiiiat it.She- Oh, Pr. l'lllsbiiry, I inn so

anxious abmit. Mr«.. IVrklns. She Ison yotir hnnds. Is «he nut?

| . Dr/rillsbury-She. was; liiit, I. haveleft iilf iittemllng her for the present

,. She-.Oil. that's good!. ! S h e Is outr them!— .Tudpe, •

A Sew ArrWail. •. , . , » , f R i r - n i e n r Mrs. OiiBRenhelm-

•r bnd u small flerman last night.Thingumbiib—lndee.d! Oreat crowd


the purse,.. 1'refs.. • ' ' . .

m b .people there, I suppose?

N l ^ t h d l ndN o n y ;1 believe.—Philadelphia

r ~ Hoard Inn llnuae Jora.' "Do you ever have to go to bed on

nn empty stomach?" nsk«d the firstboarder. • • - . . ' . - "

"Yes; nnd what's worse," said thesecond bonrder, "on; an empty, mat;tress."—Vonkers Sta'tesmnn. ..-

! ' Olorlnna Raeeraa.Wife of the Professor—ChiirleH, here

Hat "Salhlnir-llem'a the J^ntch."

On any old map of Holland a* h.rbody of \ynter Is marked "HnnrlemMeer," o r s c n . Khler maps do ro<show it, for the excellent reason tint IIsn't there. It has been tufi.ied intodry land— dry enough, n't any ratethough 40 feet/helowifen level, lo'Mipply half the world with Ednmchre«e'and t-o .feed the finest of HnNlilnc a t t l e . • " . - • • • • . . . ' " ' ; •

When Queen TOlhelmlnn is n mliViraged wema'n the Kuyde'f Zee will alsohave 'disappeared; • Dutch cnginer-rare planning to.drain it.'lciivlng c.nl.icanals for local shipping. The HJI i80 miles long by ID to -to wide. Thework will cost $70,000,001); (Tie »alurof the land obtained- will double tha

im. ,'.-.".Vor that matter, the descendnntB o

the dilch-dlggtog DutclV In Nf» Yorkare dbirig a fair job. Thel^ricw under--ground-rallrond Jscds-t ing,.»il h itsbranches, & million a mile for. 35 nille».The task will be finished in 3'/, }t-ars—upeed-thaL-wpuld. have ajna"zcd_n n old-fashioned engineer. New-York iR nlsobuilding three bridge*cojtins $:.onnn,.MO and Is about to begin a $10,000 000tunnel. The Pejin'sylvanin r.nllroad isplanning two tunnels: n private eorpo

laboratory nnd the place is wrecked!• Professor- -Thank heaven! I lien that

experiment wan a s'iree»» after nll!^X. Y.

| ' "- • ' ' • M y a l e r y . • . . . ' . -1 '-"llober't,-dear,'how di> .you suppose

those dozens and downs of empty bot-tles ever got Into the cellar?"* . , '

"Why. I ilon't know, my ilenr. '. 1nevir lioiiKbt an einptv buttle inlife" II it li ni lift

r s a fh u lej; wln'e •ut ing the life of *bui i 'Uul In n>-a it a rail»33 cros»-iiV. t-. —to nnrr\ the Rirl hhe1 dli-ni "t-ii all 111. i n a i d offered berielftii him.

Mrs I (nuaninpl^)—Verj tennble.pir1 MK'II knun » h e ' * h e r h u « b a n d l snielit-. i n \ » i i — \ ^ ^ e e l l j

k r r a o l i . r rva l l on .•It jdii U i « an}thing about thenp'e'-nho h ive moved ' hrjtl door?"r inquiri-il."Not inii.-h " he^ottrnerrd; "exceptiat l l m r li"iU'> monn i^hot j e t over.""How |l ij i»ii fu-d that out".'" |

Hi , , l iwivin; . It » . n raining Hheaif vatni' lii'llip this evening, but she djdml ni.iki- li. 111 «lop ,11 the tron'ttloor


IS^Ti? r• «>n> ly lnu. B)»ruk ewlll l ilia arlklilMir.—i:

in am. . lilM.

NUTKH AND CO.MMENTB- „ -F the->l „ ..„

In thit lefcsou we arc ui.lilc aci|uanitCil >\itii n new power gnen to tlieapoHtles thrmigli the Holy Spirit.—

lie ptiwelr*Tif~Jdetrcting fiiNehoodlint tlint, ImniuT, i> not the cli.cfpuint for UM to consider. Anntiii!>

Sjppliiiu wire evjiohed that « imlpht .see Ihe repulbiiciiess of li}-poerisy and the fact that 1 nsin-

Tit^ in nny rell^iuiiH prtifesKiou lalie, not to men merely, hut to Uod,

Somi'thui ** It iiiipohi'H upuii men, butIt ui'ier tint's upon Him, and fromfilm, in*" llU own time, is aure tomelt with the fenrful punishmentwhich is il» just .mil titling due.

.llliilhelliiiiHl of tilt' Church.—Tincoiiiuiuiiil\ •>T thi" cliuri'h here dct,rUbeil Is e\ideiilly not u uiatter oc.\nct foim The things which cili'liniin possetisi it ui ri' hi Id b) ciieh. binno one bn.isteil of- Inn fPuuTttlilp inii-t it Interfere ui th tlie relief of nn\

I't'il i>f 'iN brethren. The preiencr.if this Hpinl niiiung the dixcipli'n Uclcnll) eoiinei'tlil ill till-' iKCOUIlt willthe puwcr that the npiistleH lintl itprciu'hing. 'I he Mile of piopei tj »n\olunl.113 (,"''-1), and less uniiersiithan tin- I'.vict wtiiils of leise Juuiild lmpl\. It UUH it'ry coiiunonliowi'M'r, nml itn . practice luipowiixhed the church so-tli;it I'll 111 bin

ing funils*forllynnsta.ntlj to lie p r i f fnn

the C"llri tI. ns ut Jeriisnleiii. y\e iy milurnl arraiigeiuent, the itportics weie trcnhiirera of the coniinnfund, Hie ii-u bt'liig slmllnr tn thnuhicli they tlii-iiiM'hi'ii prni'tlenwhen iijM'ling ultntit Pulcstlne witTJesus. We di>. not-se* on tin- MirUcwhy lini-iinliaO (,'lft bioufilit him mmuch favorable notice. The giffninbtne b'on nuiiMially lnif,'i-, or Ills »cidl posit ion nuioiig Ihe JCH-H ninbilvi- been sneh as (to eall nUrntitito him. 'I'Jiat, In hardly IlkcJ.V, -lion

l I ' ' btbl tl

J , y . ,anil It '.s 'mure [trubltble. tlin- w n i iiomrtliiiiK r:-|"'oiiilly at

way in which h

ever,thirtractive nbout thumade the onVring. The word "ejchortntlou" Jn the interpretation 11Il.irn.ih.'iK* inline is from the Miniroot ns "Comforter," the title J«"fci»gine to the Holy Spirit. We binchanged the meaning of the won!"exhortation," which _orjginallymeant "encouragement."'

Judgment I pon Ananias and Sapphlra.—These people unntcd thicredit of generosity without makingthe necessary sacrifice. The ertthuilantic comments of the dUelplcs upolthe act of those who brought in auclgifts mndc them desire to be coinmended thus. It seems slVnnge Hin

a^>u • • • • • • • ( > . • - — - - - • - l U l M U M l l l i l l l " * . I b n i l l i n P I I U I I ^ l a m *

ration is to put MS.OOO.OOO into a Hud- ( ) | t , y d i ( ] n 0 ( c o m o to iT,, t |1(.r. i>crlinp:son river.bridge. In alii snmi $!00,- gn-jphij-a hoped lay t*n entrance n000,000 i s ; being 4nve(ted_for_ transit . t t h ( , r,. h , n i 0 1 I l c n t t o p r o | o l l ( f 11,,about New.York within a radius of i* Xothusliisin, Aiiunins .told his li

And then the new utenimhTplinei; if ""ran be put In circnljtlon in thimighty steel works; the nrsenals big w . 7 f,,.t(,r-H charge that Ananlastations In our cities: far-seeing plans . 1 | ( , d ' t o , h c n o ) y c h o i l ]„ „ recogniof trolley mapnates that swell to him- t ] o n o f t,](1 p r c s ( . n c c o f t h c S p i r i t |dredsof milllou»ahdlinkHoston New . , . . am U l c n p ( ) b t | e ,dreds of milllous ahd link Boston, NYork, Albany,'Buffalo,- Philadelphia!

l H I / d e AndThe rebuke Peter gaie Ananias, isharp nnd stinging, showing the- usiIcssnO'S of Ills' deception as well cits outrageous wickedness. Thdeath of AnVhina «ns probably noa nine result of the terrible surprlsi

mmuut H.uut... ,,. .^.....^. , Qj pLter'R relmke, but n direct judgjiot brag too much, only Ju.«t i l out t f Coa_ E v e n |f i t were>-»«»!. A17TTTI II R A \ n s . .

York, A l b a n y , u f f a , pTruly H Is an sge-q/-wonders. And-yet— - - • • . • ' : ..'

Kot one .of all HICFC works, nnr allof them together, eould.eipial theujin-der of the pyramids of Egypt,- ]n>l upwithout modern "machinery:.. So le

Wlml llr- « oolil SrfU.M\ (iii-ml."f\<l.iiniul the eloquent

lliliis.lei. "»err the nieragv man toAIMI !„, k liiiii-<lf kernel} In the

• j , - . nml :i-k liiinvi It itbnl lie rrullyt i r !

•pl\ stip^csleil tit- Ins milltl .>M

"A mliliii iin-l.1"sliiiiifeil thejiu'co-OII< nn bin ill thi 11.ir nf the loom.


l l i r ronaolnllon I'r'Uf.Inni'.i Mm- h.i- tp/n lining bildal

|ire«enl>Ktbrl ll«« «|iiwr' What is her

reuMiu?"I,.HUM- - Well, .-In- •• u s when n wed-

liliR 1nv1l.ltion iiiini-, she fiflu hnp-|lll'l If i-ln t.lki". mine money milllima hri - i l f :i iii-ii I1011U.- Detroit.Kiee I'lc-1"

l'nuil l \ I'llrtr.'Mr ( unmix 11 inil\ ^ulTeriiig, fromiiri'in.iiv ni'il, I lii In le ," mid the

III|MIIII J e Msitur ,*"Will," .111-uiiiil Mi", ("innrnr,

"Ki'ie I'IIII' iiu'l lii"! i» I f ' l 1 ll~fruinhr li^ nnlin.TM \\»-'vr n i i l fur iheiinKt 1 \ |n I'^m* |0i\ v'u.in in 1 the. city. r

— \Va»Jinijjti,ii Si.ir.

Ilia Tn>lr l>"Tlnlh."I'oiili1" siilil D,ii-\ «• "i i i lu l l j . "lha

11I1,1 of Mini lii-lng .1I1.ml nf 11 pimr ulilhnuvi- di,|>! \Mi.\, he m i s nut of mylinnil."

'I ilim't iloitlit I t" leplled llur-rniiKli>. iliililmislv. "bill nbnl I am

finid •>( is lli.il be IIIIJTM Hike a no-tion Int-iil «iiuiif-ni,v l.|i,"'-hiii.iil-aitt

I nrrn«i,nalilr Slmi."\V1i\ do j o n unilCenri!!1 i inarrc l io

111111I1V" aski'il Ihe nmlherlie is so iiine.iNiiiLililf." iinowered

Jlic-tlnueee. "I ni.il.i-lit 11 pnllil I" Iflhim h.iM' Ins iiwii «! i \ niH'e in Irir

lev nml •.Ull In- is nut Kiilllixed."—

« i » i > r .Tbr<t<ir\ mi^liihl 111 kilt \ VI11MH ing

of 1111 nmily i" Virginia « lm %MI* 101M nld. ulin hnil Imili 1 hewed nmlMIH.IKI-II tnli.iei'ii fin »7 MliVs. li'ml whoHunt} lit-lli-v.il Uu l.ntil hiul foiMollenher.

"I don't hi mie ihr Lord," until Kilty,-.'Uilcii|*o TiiliiMK'

. Ai>mj« rni t ie .TlirnkiH (,11 he opens llie cell llonr)

— \ n p o l t e r nlllhiile nnu l s In L l l o n .If viin'll. m.ike n Mnlrtii im.

j'riHuiirr No Irll him I'll him—snythinR tell him I'm nut al home.—N. Y. Tillies.

mA*-lliimni». .Ullrrur.

e tlii'.%tHtiln In voiir f«c*,"

r >"Ki l l

. J>i>nr I


' i |H,I " 1 hf prlrinirr

n |M'l>on;il rellrcl Ion "M1I> Ne»il

o base .OHelntha too! job jordi of rcmtianik or


, Mnquctte. Rtlf, 5 *» ' '««. lt">rl'1 *"• $ 7 ^ 0 1* ' . . . - . _» t . l * i t . . l . '

shont entln

n-nnl lock

at one half their

luh-mnde n nit


[CASK 0 1 YOU*

H. l/cn Morn,- Ltd.Sr ltuaO . - . - A « o . > I t o ' ' t

rest of Brood.

whether herein support n wife, he R0Tribune:counts in everything e\cept Ihe rent | xbc bridebuliher and grocer, c'othes, and imdentals—N \ Preia.

On. war «o s ^ «_ . "It ,s c)o,e aitention to

i , , t „ . , - J litrge ind h i n v \ , nnd(ne groom smnll and mecK looking

lEverjIhing; n u reijuHr After theUeremon^ the bride explained herpo^I

j l t t l c ^ o n , ^ ^

l ie la Kxpu

ngoodhiredman and get h nnf ell Brokein and the first thing louknnn heqriitsand goesofMotovtn or somewhere e ie

ngooanireamananugeiii m » n i » n i « c r K-J» the beH thTngLS which nre milinandthefirstthln(r*ouk_nn.nlieqriits C 0 U n t f r f c i l P , i . \ 0 one counterfr-its

dnnjterous to the life.thc church.-The ! " • ; _ _ _ ^ —.

circiimstnnccs connected with the I n t r I'nlilinic lir<).(Until 9f Sapphirn, leave no room for' "A folding bul >•. .nfiiei-rihinR," re-doubt that her fate was thc result of nmrked the Olisernr nf Kienls anilCod's displensurc nnd not of, mere Things; "it ha« to be ilnwn when mndcnatural causes, vtioieyer part ijiieh , up."—Yonkers Sialesin.in.

y have had In the result. |—"— „ „ , — — ,„ CMV.BO.

"Do jjiuArmik marri.igr'iu Chicago

sln-'pavs to vIrtu(1- » W ° » " it"|i"1"xS


?sucte!rHon;'-To/rnTop. _robes that it may lw honored. . fcs.


^r lie is cspaaainK ftna goesoll 10 lown or somennt.*ri-'e n-1 He bellives In expansion, doesut ' j j 8 5 t spring I had a flrsl class hind,

ne?" ' - about as Rood fti I evLrirxpect to get,"Well, I shoiild soy so Wh}. JQU'but Just vihrti HIE scatoh got n^ht

- ought to see him eat''—Chicago Post, D U , j - he np nnd quit me.•—— ' ' I "I just mode up im mind that I wni

leacher-VUat'do %. n,e.n b, . - ^ V o ^ ^ ^ ' ^ e - ' ^ b V l d ' . ' -CJtllCtm S linri tin till no* lit till ttl 8ST T1V

p^P ' l -A blow In the solarj»l«n^- (f£™too6 a j l d m l I e d „ „ „ , .

the bills of a broken bank.No one is ankiil to gl\e to Cbd

ngtnnrt his will. Wliat he glius heshould ffi»c heartily and fully.

Whin the day of unmasking and•nt comes, how hjpcirrites willbefore the holy God I

I ' .Tilt- End.\ "Thrj m\ he"pln\c<l a fine game of

coif until he « a i married.""Well, A on know ro man enn serve;

lira in:i«ter«.!"—Puck J_ _ A Drnnl|l|>n. " ,r I

Pn. what fe 3 dip'omat?" jA diplomat, my ion. is a liar whol

shows the content rff char-, joe* not get found onL'—Ham's Horn." *. ' ' ?onm«l.

Page 4: Uolbin a Year i, IHinrois · i, IHinrois ite-But-ftou-fle ffle*. - potable 'events Both are" landmarks i the. history of the town' T,ut west. The first was the'cop. the town from

' v < ' ' ' • - . • r £ - " i / ' % * ' ' : »//•)'"'' t'*:" ' ' ' - 1

-?B»okk6«pei»-MttVine out Mr. Bn!- i s the fare ry * nroleT" ._ "So. Oar cook's hu$b«nd, - fromwtinm «he got i. divorce (even!months »J»J, has been coming: aroundbotherli.g her, and last night she got „after Mni with a couple of flatlrona,"i "but Hhat has that to do nlth your

trvmttotua UOm "me. LsriUt M.Tsam «tf* "All right, rha rg» h m an extra *10O

tor Mndrtti." 6"HadVt I tetter put in tie lten>»?"

- '•There "ire lio item*. They weren't DR. DAVID KENNEDYS

Chicago Eecord-Herald.

"I hat* rafcnsl off and on." writes S.ra.&»t<-m*.i.-,J.- nearly 10 t o r * with kidneyan>l bUit.hri ;rtnl.l<\ complicated witb. liver

A CMC ! • Point.Manning—John, I believe you

•re the biggestfact is. toil don't

"Well, you see, kleplomania is rtryfashionable now, ami bell think hi*Wife has got it."—X. Y. Weekly.

Bill Borrower—I'm in a deueedhole, Tom. If jou can I wish yon

~ would help me exitTom Wuggina—I'll help you any

\Tay I can, Jnit don't nsk me againto* pat my name on tbe bark of yournote.

Bill Borrower {injured)—I wain'lgoltfg to ask you for j our credit.

" Tomj-I-was-only looking-for-ajittleeash.—N. Y. Times. . :

' • j M itH.IIome.•": '"Henry," his wife whispered, "there'li

a burglar downstairs in tlie dining-room. I just heard him rattling the• l i v e r . " : . , •'. ' \ \ . ' • . , . - • '

"Well," he replied, sleepily, "it'»your_ «Hver," ' . • •••• . ' • ; .

"Listen! That sound* as if lie wassampling thnt i'rcanl-er of whislcy'."

"Oee wlilzl Wnlt lill I (jet my re.Tolver,"—Philadelphia Tress

Snffirirnt llraaon.— -y-Thfrlrouble w trtlTni

man In the mackintosh, "Mhui it come*to making tficrtlif'./ls tlmt I can't

1 think on mj fit t.""I don't MnndiT," oli^enrd the man

tn the Imitation Miilslun cap. lookingat their ninple proportions. "I'd beawfulh cmliarr.i'-ed mj"-elf with

\ pair of fact !H>e tlut."—( hliagn Trib-une.

IV, that Hr. rtv».|-lvtc»e<l>-u e for thure trouble*. £o I .n 1KJI11<- awl begin 'its use, an<I 1 e»-perirDcnl tclief almokt at once. I nowlike it whenever I feel (lie need of aiiieilicinr-. and it does me a worldpo»L"

I>r. Daiiil Kennedy's Favorite Itemedywill care any case of Bright'a) disease or

LttheikiOneycr bladder lrotible. livercomplaint, or any diseam of the blood.It w the only Kidney Medicine t hat doea

harmful drug*. ' g< ;: One of oar local physicians said in ex-plaining! the demand for Dr. David Ken-nedy's Favorite Remedy:

--Grimes—'lhej *a.\ *tlinf MiUon haigone all to pieci". Wonder what the

" cauteisl Xfier In aril lli.it lie had any'- -vlcei. Perhaps Ii « i s • peeu'atfnn

_,. Means—He Mkil(d the church fair£ lait vtcek, nnd lie npp.and all rlgh

then.Grimes—Was nt tlio f.nr, was he?

-.Qh,,tfe.ll Uj.it accounts fnr U. all .right,—Boston Tranicnpt.

I°n.»r 1 liluirtTets—I don't FIIJIJIO I Mi*-* I'asfny

ever had an} liriuv when slic was ayourig girl

Jess—No, she » » ' too dlirmnrd andold-fashioned,

Tess—And she has noju nnn"Jess—No, site's too KltKnish now.—

Philadelphia Uulletin,

Hnrel> \»t,Chotly—I said Roiiirihing t<p Misallekatrp flip other il.n. nnri nil »he

said was that children nnd fools speak..the truth. I wondir, Imw Jove, If she

meant nnythjng personal!Hiss De'Miur—C'<rt_iinl.\ not. Kv-

"|'eryDo"(lyTcnows~joTi'ri i child. — Chi-I cngo Trlllunc. _

Ne*>r Thunnlit of Him.,Softly (wlio liiif, fill', n ovorlioardi

nnd'linn bet n ilrunatic.ilU ro'riied)—Did—you—an—flint, uli.n ^ou heardthem yell, "Min ineihuard?"

Helen (sobblnir)—\n- no. t holly. Inever once mippit'lid thij could meanyou.'-Tlt-Blts

Powrr of the I'ri-n*.' FanV-ousScientist (ixcitedlj)—boine-tliing must be dnne to mop tin- spreadof the opium hnl> t among women.

Great Edhnr (calmlj)—Vcrj well,air; I'll put In n paragraph sajitlg thnta hankering fnr opium is n *iprn of old•ge. -X. Y. Wecklj.

Tbmita,.,„-..„..„ .....„.,,_ - _...rdinjt to report* from Trentontlmt the Meeker act pawed lut'ycor

Mjliclpng spring electiona in'citiesnil! be«o amended as to do away with8ucb elections in air other raunicipali-tirs. Asseoiblymun Uolioun of OceanConn! y-ha» announceduiaVintcn tionto introduce »uch an act next Mon-diiy night; and in i w e % becomes nhi w and takes effect at once, no elec-tion will beheld here lliis spring. •'"•!tlie present officials whose terror ,areabout' to expire mill hold, over untilnext fall; The report stairs tlmt theproposition meets with th« favor ofthe n-pr«entntive» of the rural dis-tricts, and the Ocean County man.has been encouraged to put tlio

Willie II m lIs hla father'* Jis

l ie 's fourteen nndIs a smnkplf* boj

h ' O Trlliimr.

now inrFi:iiK\T.


•Jtrs. SlUbbs—A<j, ,li>hn 1 remember

"the wirore divl'ipre wns tlmmph a tun-nel.—Clnc,it;o U.ii1 \ \ c \ u .

ltlcnNf>«l Amnnii U o n r i ."She la lnpp> in h.-r tieune lift?"

* • "rreiuninlih She has had theSlime husband fur ten joars, and thesame cook nlinost n< tonjr'"—TownTdplcs.

Krrddie—Flint's u kicpioftiantac,' dad? - . ^

.Cpbnipjrcr- A pji^on wbu hasmoney viinugh to piy for nliat hestenh.—Juilgo. '

The Killlor's Mhlr Jokr.Reporter—llcri is the notice of two

chums marrying two-Miters.Editor—Held'ltt "rutting Tw6 and

..Two Together."-^Brool,lyn Kagle.

Two"She Ii what I call a breezy girl."

' "Yes. I notice she has a good many,, ^Irn."—Tammany Times. V 1

time.' There was a time "lien jou saidI was the best and sweetest woman-onearth,

ysk. Manning—And you believed it.Their why can't you believe the littleflbi r-iell you sow?—Boston Tran-script.

A Trasedr.I >ued for her hand—

The dear little thlnc-And now I am sulns;

To vet back my ring*.—Yonkers Statesman


1COHPLETE STORE!Dressed ©pmen tpill \ah,e a

I ,* interosl in our offars.- r»

beaut? of .'weave,

. . I I I .

. . ••< ikal m 4xn«M>4W l l l l l M l l l l • — «—* *M UK «*—«» » « • • • . • . • ! « • • . - • • . • -

K l t»m*t eoaitant'•»«»

No BedlM tfeb S-titai ?_


in "by the leaden thrbughouit-theState, who belieTe, or say so, thatthe operation of tbe act of last yearin relation to cities has been so suc-cessful thj>t it would be a_«Iiume LOdi ny the same legislation to. tliottiwnB. townships, borpughs.apd.vil-hiKes of tbe State. Tbe Molman billmil be patterned after the Mcekornet, anil tbe lawyers of the Legisla-ture will give it a thorough overhaul-ing and atnrefnl scrutiny, so as tohe perfectly *un> that it will be ingood shape when the law-maker* areculled; on to pan on it. '

' Leatea Scrrkc* at Triaity Ckarch.

Lent will begin on Wednesday ofnull, in

custom, the season will be observedwith numerous services at TrinityChurch. .On" Ash ' Wediiesday-three;services will bs held: holy communionat 7:30a.m.;matins and-litany at10:30; evensong and address at 8p.m.

The Sunday services will consist ofmorning service at 11 o'clock, evensong at 4:30, with .holy communion


ricajie Dan does to a Ktrniiircf.iu townif in touch him fer a loan.. '

tStranger (In Krozeii Cat)—Anil how'•hall I-get out of it? '

Bronco Bill—Well, dl-rr's three• »ysr—either lend all jer ninnry.tertfle first, or clue hold up ,ver blinds midVt Don go thrpugh.yer, (ir ehc drnw.quicker than Dan does!—1'nck.

l a r e i o Mali..ji-Chlef.Clerk—Here's nn order for abill of , good»i-froih a western man

but I guess he's all right.. He says"he'll pay for them next "roiind up."

Head of Firm—Huh! These cnttle-men are jiiit.aK.Ukely to.Jost monty_as to make It." ' )-I—Chief Clerk—ThinH>inJH|f7pntileTnniirHe's an undertaker.—NV-Y. Weekly.. • . | - i— — ^ .' ,'p "' ', Mow l«| PIKed. -i. • ,-',

Mr. Doubleduff (effusively)—! thinkMiss Sbnpkln* is every bit as good adreaamaker a» that expensive Mine.Soakyoul Why, that -waist she madeyou fits you like the paper on the wall!

Mrs. Doubleduff (prlinl.v) —: YCR!Like the paper on the ilinlng-roomwall, that you put on yourself!—Brookfyn Eagle. . -

Hamaa 5atar«, . -Tommy—If I had a million dollars,

Milly, I'd give you half. _Billy—You don't mean it! ~ """".-.'Presently Tommy picked up a ten-

accordance with jeejitplece^andJje_never jnid ii wordabout sharing it wlth'Blllv. There'sa pood deal of grown-up human na-tnre In toys.—Boston Transcript.

on the nrst arid ffiirti SumlaysTT7:30 and 11 a. m. " '

The week day serrices will be Mo'ndays, matins at 9:30; Tuesdays,evensong and devotional readings at4:30; Wedneedays, evensong andsermon at 8; .Thursdays^ matjns-at9-30; Fridays, litany service at 4:30.

Additional week-day wrvicpR inHoly week will be holy communionat 8 p. nt. on Maundy-Thursday, and"The Three Hours," 12 t o 3 , .on

"Easfer will be relefanited with * holycommnnion at _730 a. - m.. Bervice

Sunday school festival and evensong-nt 4:30.

BO0KXOTE.The reader may makenn his mind to be

p!i«sanllji onnrheliaed. hy the opulenceand vivacity of 'Aroond tbe Pan.' publish™!br the SobbeU PnUidinu; Company, 1059ThtRia«nM>vXe«York

wooden begin with tbe frontispieceictute of President VcKinley, drawn in a

single line, beginning at a poinWon thecheek<'Onc and going roraj and ronnd in aconstantly widrning circle, wiih waverings'anddownbraimjrsof tbe pen in the properilaces to leeun; dctacbiseiit and shading.

We are told that Oil portraits consideredthe mort nninoe work of its land in tbeworld, and if then are deems of unique-tussle aw riling to beuete that this ism->n the thina;<7 wfaidi tLere a n no dn-plicmt'S. Of.comm.-t en is tttt in addi-l»n to thepretaots.and w«should beam-pnsrd iSdftdlokcar tfm any purchaserthe opinion UaU hs had not gothai money's

C'ttlnan—1 hear your, fplhm-towrm-m-.i), Mr. Ilackl-nu, Is <jnnr.-mttin <I nthome on account of smallpox.—Sabbubs-^YeK-r'tnere's'minllpirx Inhis hotise; oue of-thc-clilldr.'ii sick.Hut it'sj.otaiiliii;l as it mlpht lie.' Citlman--Xo? •" "="•--• -;;"'•'-Siibhubs—Xo.. The tervn'nt pirl in

quarantined thfje; 1<Sh,-'l>lillni!i IphlaI'feoii. . • ' ' . . . " • •

'-r'--~,•—~Lotn-«f-Cholc'*i"' ' .

•^dinliness"-of coloring and. i)\e grace of design in


Kind l,artj — Why ilon't jou go toWork?

Trjinp—l'ln'trjlng to set a positionilnef\l. ^,n\x, -*. » v - •'-— ,-•--••-* • '—..'.-:

Kind lj,id>— Wliat d o i n g ?Tnimp—Linetiwin fer a wlrelcss . tele 1

graphcoinp. iny,— Clnvinnnti KliqulreT.

Mnry*« Ctiulcr. ' VBald I ttrMary: "Arr you liunery?"

" Y M , " ».ifi1 tbe, "I am."So "N'amo jour chnlco."! I sail), and Mary

line! n llltlr Inmh. >-I'Mliulclphla llulktln. - .. .'• ;.'

Ilia l l m i t o n W u ClaiMl.'The Dear (ilrl—J am really n»lon-

Inlicd tn bear you a.lvancivlbe propo*nit ion that a child slinuld not lie cor-reeled In tho presence'•' The Savage Uathelor—!Ie should notbe, because he should never be in thepresence! of strnngers; that's why,Tlt-Bits. : • " : • • • . " •

_ ,-j ; .._ H a r d L a c k . ;

"WhnVsj-tlie trouble, Croosus; youseem as il] you were jn bitrd .liick." j>

* Croesus—llnrcl enough!-i .Tjiink' ofIt; Jhi'iT I s]ic'ml n shinii fortune onmj" daiiglitcr studying mi'dicinc nnd.she—-marries-Jicr first patient!—X.Y,Times.

A Slip of IbeHe ((royly)—Isn't it A beauty of an

engagrinent ring!She '.'(thoughtlessly)—YPS! ' Hut,'

oh, George, papa doesn't ullmv me toaccept such expensive presiMits fromgentlemen I do not expect to marry.^Brooklyn Eagle.

Before find-After.Mrs. Crimsoubeak—Before she was

married I underatand she IIHCII todance for money..

Mri' Crimsoubeak—And now, I un-derstand, if she doesn't_(ret moneyshe. makes her husband dance — Yon-keis Statesman. . "•;

..;.' .' ."" liipmultr. '"'This vprld deltchts strange pranks tn.plny

And bid the weak rejoice;The- man who has the least to My *

Oft has the blg-arest votce. —'Washington fltar. ' . _


' ' Dnnsierottii CnrloMlt^."Liiara—Yes/^Sfl sec.-tlie told him

her father-haiHosFaJl his-wcalth.-justto test his love for her.

Ada—And then?.]«iurn—Well, she-will know better

next time.'—Smart Set, ,j

Correcting a MUapprehpnvlon.Ned—Miss Stuj»estant told ny sis-

ter thnt you asked her to marry youtwice.

Tom—Xo,' 1 didn't. 1 asked h'ertwice to marry.me onct.—Sonrorville'Journal.

"What is this negro problem that soman) people are v»nt,nfr jbout'"

"1 don't know." ,"Then you: Have a decided advantage

over the writers who.think they knowand don't."—Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Kot Wholly m sopeni, /Honrietta—UovfVwis the club meet-

Ing, Hortcnsc? 'llortensp—Ob,-thc Ilternrj pnpers

were nil right, but the coffee and grind-wiches weic 'way below par— DetroitFree Press.

am told, sir, that you spoke ol mea common liar."TOBSStjnd

Lady—M's not good for;oil to'crylike that.'

Kid—Oh, I don't know. I got erslckel fer crytu* dis way jesterdaj'.—Chicago American..

OB* » <kc ^Should old Batancver go to law.

Hs'lrwln kls case. I'm saUsfled,Because MM lawyers, out and all,

mi l so doubt t» upon Ms tide.—Ckleago ballr News.

have bven trying to~~break it to jougently. I snld jou ueie a whole bu-reau of statistics."—Chicago Tribune.

A Dnlilom Aflitin(Na;e., He—And do jou rcallj think jourworthy father will accept me as aaon-ln-lnw ?

She—I don't doubt it. Father and.verjJie.ldam.Qirre.sJzr^ Y. Times, t ,

The Labor.Blobbs—I hcar'jou have a political)b. Is it bard wollc?Slobbs-^Xot after jou i?et it — l'hil-

[•delphia Record. ,, —

Best,i Newestj . and} Lowesti Priced.





1OO2.' 9

Largest 9

inStocks I

9a.9aNew J9

Jersey. 19

Q are Fhown here In weal h of choice and excellence ol character in 2

o» formidable rivalry fo New York's Besl and Oijrgest Displays. a

: . i '99






—Printed Foulards, Printed Satin Liberty,Printed CHma Silks 50c. to $2.00 yard.

All new and desirable designs and colorings.

OfP'CC finr»ilc~I>r'nlecl ' S'"* P"cl Wool^ ^ ^ " T O y ^ C h a l l i ^ ^ l l - W 0 0 1 A l -lies, .AlUSillc Grenadines, thetiewest in thi market.'

Emb'rbidei'ed l£cru groundy on Swiss, Grenadine Hip-

pique, Banang Silks, in solid colors, Paillette deSoieand.all Staples and.Novelties for.1902. .

Laces, Ernbroideries.UiulcTrri'uslins, Outer Garments,^Furniture. .Upnolstcries, Floor Coverings, House-

•'keeping.-Dry Goods and everything else forHome and Personal Use. • ' • ' . " .• -.

iIhe^ireat Passion Play,

;.'•• I qiijacte'.l.cv'-efy ten, iyears in Oberammergau ''h'-.^| Bavaria, wJIJ .be reprbducecl, in rhiniati rc- with J'I pictures and lefcUtie ih •ouViAmuscmcnt Hall, ibegirt- $ninjj hebruary 3 . : : ; *

9Tree QHmissioulb purchasers of ooHsin^ our ?

s^orc on Sales of SO C?enis or upwara$;;-" ",';'.... a• Tbjfi will be the greatest Blore cnierainmcnl ever oflercd.' »

• • • ' • : ' ' • ' • - • f

HAfliiGO., -Newark; I8 <»•«-<»-


Mendel's Meat Market115 13roa3 Street, Slizabeth.. ^Ncxl l0 c'i<>''aw'»-)



Loins Jersey Pork,. lic-ib.

cs 1^-ix.jih*.

—B~cc f r5c Ib.

Frch Beef Liver,8c 1b.

Strip Bacon,10; Ib,

9i-2c Ib.

Ih-, Lamb25c.


—;W-B3-O-IV:E3-TR,jA.I>I-3Srer - S T A M P S :

' She Llkrd.thr Sninplr.

6Bhe—Did she cij when jou kissedher? • _r- —

He—Yes; she cried out for more.—Eonkers Statesman. ,

Too Bad.Teaoher-^Compare the Word HI.

1 Bright Bay—III, worse, dead.—N. T,

jTis possible thnt thi1 visitofl'rinccHenry will jnspircEdninMiirklinuiiutlio nritiiicornpnim tocninmi'iinriiti1 hi" orcnsionJ II couM l»Lciilleil ''TheMnn With the Ho-en«j|leniT"'

Houi kce|»rs aro often in a qimniliirj''nito «hm to gnc their fiimi ic* to eat. Theproblem may lie easily suited by a cull althe store n[ Aliller Uh»..»ho ill oj s hate u

I Cue linn of vegetables and f ruits4 \ |

I IlHEUSIATISMi - _ _, , •During the KIIH. i"nf 1-Dg I wns so inn-o, in nii J..111H hi r.irtiil|o>crniytm(lyllmtlI imilil Imnlli hi.hlilo nrnim.l. vrfii-n Ihouglitniiiiitle.irC'Iminlicrlam'HPiiiiiiinii,! Ffoni

tln> llr t iip|ihciliim I l».Cnn loi'et well anil»m cinj.l 111,1 hnie Vl, ked stemlily Ml thejeiir —K \\ lireler. Nortliwood, N Y." For»il. by all (Iruggwis.

Fli e currlngs ctjuipmcnb at U. L. PinksWcstfleld. - '
