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I hope you enjoy our presentation !!<3

The Athenian legislative body's were split into 3 groups.

The presidency role in athens was not as important or treasureed as it is in the U.S.A

Unlike Athens the U.S has representatives from the house.

we vote every few years for our leaders and they stay in office for a certain amount of time,wherearness

To become president in the US you have to fall within the rules and guidlines to be presdent.

whereas in athens any male figure over 30 could become president

About 15,000 to 20,000 inhabitants were metics, or resident aliens. Out of the 100,000 or so

small size of the population. Athens at that time had approximately 300,000 inhabitants, about

100,000 of whom were unenfranchised slaves and 100,000 of whom were unenfranchised women.

Athenian government in the fifth century B.C.

In addition to votes on many specific matters, the assembly set aside nine scheduled meetingsper year in which members would approve or disapprove of how magistrates were handling their jobs.

They would dismiss them for mismanagement of funds, etc. After all normal business wasfinished, the Assembly voted on the measures initiated by the Council of 500, called the Boule.

As you can see, the Athenian system of direct democracy was not perfect

Athenians were divided into 10 tribes, however Americans are divided into 50 states

Athenians elected 50 men from each tribe, however Americans elect by population

Athenians had a direct democracy (participated directly), however Americans have a representative democracy (elect representatives)

Athenians had the Council of Five Hundred, however Americans have the Government

Athenians had slaves, however Americans don't have slaves (well, they used to until 1863 when all of the slaves were freed by Abraham Lincoln)

In Athens, women stayed at home and work, however in America, women participate in all kinds of daily activities, even in the Army

In Athens, slaves were just captured war prisoners, however in America, slaves were Africans who were treated as property due to their dark skin