University of Hawaii at Manoa Music Department 2411 Dole Street. Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 Telephone (B08} 948-7756. Cable Address : UNIHAW May 18, 1984 Dear Member of the Council For Traditional Music with research interests in Oceania: At the Twenty-seventh Conference of the International Council For Traditional Music (New York, 1983), in addition to the formal presentations, there was a very pleasant informal gathering of those members who attended that Conference who have active research interests in Oceania. During this gathering, it was suggested that a more active Study Group on Oceania would be beneficial to these members. Subsequently, the Board of Directors has asked me to chair the Study Group on Oceania. I have accepted the appointment on a short-term basis. I propose that, as a preliminary step, we establish a list of ICTM members who wish to be active members of the Study Group on Oceania (this has been accomplished effectively by some other ICTM study groups). This, not too extensive, list may facilitate sharing information about recent and forth- coming events and activities, ideas for meeting topics, perhaps eventually even a special meeting/conference, and other appropriate matters. It is hoped that such communication may be an additional benefit to receipt of the Yearbook, Bulletin and, when we are fortunate, attendance at the conference. The only additional expense to ICTM members is anticipated to be that of 'a s t'amp . rto mail t he uenc.Losed vrephy form to me( I am sending this letter, as a Preliminary Circular, to ICTM members listed in the 1982 Membership Directory who have research interests in Oceania that. are known to me. You are welcome to share it with other scholars, advanced students, etc. who may be interested in joining ICTM and this Study Group. In hopes that some of you will be attending the Twenty-eighth Conference (Stockholm-Helsinki-Leningrad, July 30 - August 8, 1985) I am requesting to reserve a room for a meeting of the Study Group on Oceania. I encourage you to send proposals for papers and/or panels directly to Dr. Krister MaIm. It might also be helpful in how many members with this geocultural interest may be attending this conference if you indicate your intent on the reply form. Also, because many of us would enjoy attending the South Pacific Festival of Arts in Noumea in December, and because it might be helpful to know who else is going so that contact could be arranged in ad- vance if desired, ple?se indicate your intent. I will circulate the infor- mtion received in late July to all those who have responded to this invita- tion to join the Study Group on Oceania by that time. Best wishes and aloha, Barbara B. Smith Professor Emeritus AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER

University ofHawaii at Manoa · 2015. 5. 15. · riginal Australia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia are invi ted to join this Study Group. The initial goal is to share infor

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Page 1: University ofHawaii at Manoa · 2015. 5. 15. · riginal Australia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia are invi ted to join this Study Group. The initial goal is to share infor

University of Hawaii at ManoaMusic Department

2411 Dole Street. Honolulu, Hawaii 96822Telephone (B08} 948-7756. Cable Address: UNIHAW

May 18, 1984

Dear Member of the Council For Traditional Music with researchinterests in Oceania:

At the Twenty-seventh Conference of the International Council For TraditionalMusic (New York, 1983), in addition to the formal presentations, there was avery pleasant informal gathering of those members who attended that Conferencewho have active research interests in Oceania. During this gathering, it wassuggested that a more active Study Group on Oceania would be beneficial tothese members. Subsequently, the Board of Directors has asked me to chairthe Study Group on Oceania. I have accepted the appointment on a short-termbasis.

I propose that, as a preliminary step, we establish a list of ICTM memberswho wish to be active members of the Study Group on Oceania (this has beenaccomplished effectively by some other ICTM study groups). This, not tooextensive, list may facilitate sharing information about recent and forth­coming events and activities, ideas for meeting topics, perhaps eventuallyeven a special meeting/conference, and other appropriate matters. It ishoped that such communication may be an additional benefit to receipt ofthe Yearbook, Bulletin and, when we are fortunate, attendance at the b~ennial

conference. The only additional expense to ICTM members is anticipated tobe that of 'a s t'amp .rto mail t heuenc.Losedvrephy form to me(

I am sending this letter, as a Preliminary Circular, to ICTM members listedin the 1982 Membership Directory who have research interests in Oceania that.are known to me. You are welcome to share it with other scholars, advancedstudents, etc. who may be interested in joining ICTM and this Study Group.

In hopes that some of you will be attending the Twenty-eighth Conference(Stockholm-Helsinki-Leningrad, July 30 - August 8, 1985) I am requestingto reserve a room for a meeting of the Study Group on Oceania. I encourageyou to send proposals for papers and/or panels directly to Dr. Krister MaIm.It might also be helpful in ~nowing how many members with this geoculturalinterest may be attending this conference if you indicate your intent onthe reply form. Also, because many of us would enjoy attending the SouthPacific Festival of Arts in Noumea in December, and because it might behelpful to know who else is going so that contact could be arranged in ad­vance if desired, ple?se indicate your intent. I will circulate the infor­mtion received in late July to all those who have responded to this invita­tion to join the Study Group on Oceania by that time.

Best wishes and aloha,

13~.~~#tl-Barbara B. SmithProfessor Emeritus


Page 2: University ofHawaii at Manoa · 2015. 5. 15. · riginal Australia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia are invi ted to join this Study Group. The initial goal is to share infor

I wish to be an active member of The Study Group on Oceania of theInternational Council on Traditional Music.

Please put my name on the mailing list of active members, and pleasesend circulars to me at the address below:



I am planning to attend the ICTM Conference in Stockho1m-He1sinki-LeningradJuly 30 - August 8, 1985:

yes: no: (don't know yet: )

I am planning to attend the South Pacific Festival of Arts in Noumea, NewCaledonia, December 8-22, 1984:

yes : __ no : (don' t know yet : )

I would like to have the following information circulated to members ofthe Study Group on Oceania on recent and/or forthcoming activites, etc.



RETURN THIS FORM TO:Barbara B. SmithMusic DepartmentUniversity of Hawaii at Manoa2411 Dole StreetHonolulu, Hawaii 96822, U.S.A.

Page 3: University ofHawaii at Manoa · 2015. 5. 15. · riginal Australia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia are invi ted to join this Study Group. The initial goal is to share infor

University of Hawaii at ManoaMusic Department

2411 Dole Street. Honolulu, Hawaii 96822Telephone (BOB} 948-7756. Cable Address: UNIHAW

September 11, 1984

To Participants in the Conference for Ethnomusicologists held atGoroka Teachers' College in 1982:

This is written to inform you that the International Council forTraditional Music has recently undertaken a more active interestin the musics of the Pacific Islands through its Study Group onOceania . ICTM members with research interests in musics of abo­riginal Australia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia are invi­ted to join this Study Group. The initial goal is to share infor­mation about members' activities, and about forthcoming eventssignificant to knowledge of musics of Oceania. It is hoped thatin the future a special conference may be planned for the StudyGroup. There are no dues for Study Group membership beyond thoseof ICTM membership--the only additional expense will be that ofpostage to reply to the periodic communications.

You may be interested to know that of current ICTM members withspecial interest in Pacific Islands musics, approximately 70%became active members of the Study Group within .the ftrst twomonths. Names and addresses (including, where relevant, thoseof current field work), a list of those who plan (and those notyet sure) to attend the IFMC conference in Scandinavia in Summer1985, a comparable list regarding attendance at the Festival ofPacific Arts to be held in New Caledonia in December 1984, itemsabout members' activities, and various other information was dis­tributed in a circular dated July 29th. Since this circular, atwo-day workshop on Western Polynesia is being planned for the1985 ICTM meeting, and those attending the Festival in Decemberare able to make advance plans about how to locate one anotheramong the large crowds at simultaneous performances in scatteredvenues.

With the thought that you might be interested in joining ICTM andi t s Study Group on Oceania, I am enclosing an ICTM membershipapplication (to be returned to the New York office), and a ques­tionnaire (to be returned to me, as chair of this Study Group).Information received by October 22nd will be included in the nextStudy Group Circular.

We will be happy if you decide to join us.

Sincerely yours, _ ~

d3tt~~~J / 3, .~/,atBarbara B. SmithProfessor Emeritus


Page 4: University ofHawaii at Manoa · 2015. 5. 15. · riginal Australia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia are invi ted to join this Study Group. The initial goal is to share infor

University of Hawaii at ManoaMusic Department

2411 Dole Street. Honolulu. Hawaii 96822Telephone (BOa) 948-7756. Cable Address: UNIHA W

September 11, 1984To Ethnomusicologists with research i nt er es t s in Pacific Islands

musics who are not listed in the 1982 Membership Directory ofThe International Council for Traditional Music:

This is written to inform you that the International Council forTraditional Music has recently undertaken a more active interestin the musics of the Pacific Islands through its Study Group onOceania. ICTM members with research interests in musics of abo­riginal Australia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia are invi­ted to join this Study Group. The initial goal is to share infor­mation about members' activities, and about forthcoming eventssignificant to knowledge of musics of Oceania. It is hoped thatin the future a special conference may be planned for the StudyGroup. There are no dues for Study Group membership beyond thoseof ICTM membership--the only additional expense will be that ofpostage to reply to the periodic communications.

You may be interested to know that of current ICTM members withspecial interest in Pacific Islands musics, approximately 70%became active members of the Study Group within .t he ftrst twomonths. Names and addresses (including, where relevant, thoseof current field work), a list of those who plan (and those notyet sure) to attend the IFMC conference in Scandinavia in Summer1985, a comparable list regarding attendance at the Festival ofPacific Arts to be held in New Caledonia in December 1984, itemsabout members' activities, and various other information was dis­tributed in a circular dated July 29th. Since this circular, atwo-day workshop on Western Polynesia is being planned for the1985 ICTM meeting, and those attending the Festival in Decemberare able to make advance plans about how to locate one anotheramong the large crowds at simultaneous performances in scatteredv enues .

With the thought that you might be interested in joining ICTM andits Study Group on Oceania, I am enclosing an ICTM membershipapplication (to be returned to the New York office), and a ques­tionnaire (to be returned to me, as chair of this Study Group).Information received by October 22nd will be included in the nextStudy Group Circular.

We will be happy if you decide to join us.

Sincerely yours,

00tt~~~ / 3, .~/.u!Barbara B. SmithProfessor Emeritus