UNIVERSE MULTINATIONAL LIMITED GEMSTONE 39 Marine Road Apapa GRA Lagos Natural Gemstones Natural Gemstones are defined as being any type of mineral, organic matter or stone that can be use in jewelry or other type of adornment. At least that is the definition as given by the US Governments Science for a changing world, web site. We believe that definition of the term is somewhat limited because it only deals with natural gemstones from the standpoint of jewelry and as we all know, gemstones have many other uses in both the magical and the mundane world. It is important to note that the government's definition of the term states that the stones "can be" cut. Natural gemstones are in their natural form. They may have been washed to remove the dirt that has accumulated on them during the thousands of years it took for them to form within the earth, but to be called a natural stone, it cannot have been cut or polished in any way. Many magical people prefer their stones to be this way when being used for magical purposes. Yet depending on the intended use of the stone, it is sometimes preferable to have the stone cut and/or polished, even for magical purposes. When natural gemstones are first removed from the earth, rarely are they the beautiful works of art we see on display shelves. There are few perfectly smooth edges or sharply defined facets like you would find in precious gemstones that have been cut for jewelry use. Most magical people have dealt with beautiful crystal points which come in a wide variety of mainly semiprecious gemstones. They are almost always worked by man to have the wonderful smooth and polished edges everyone favors. Rarely will you find precious gemstones cut into points simply because the cost would be extravagant and in most cases, the natural gemstone is so small it simply could not be cut into anything that large. When you are looking for the perfect natural gemstones to add to your personal collection or to use in your magical workings, it is important to look for gemstones that appeal to you personally. Don't worry about what others think you should have. Look for the gemstones that call to you. When you are truly meant to have a specific gemstone, it will call for you and you can hear it over great distances. One year, while on vacation, I had the overpowering need to visit a mall in a town I had never been in before. At the mall I walked straight to a little store I had never heard of before, went to the back of the store to a specific counter, looked in and there was an amethyst wand at an unbelievable price. I would have paid $100 for it because I knew before I saw it I was meant to have it. That is part of the beauty and magic of natural gemstones. Their ability to touch our lives can reach across thousands of miles and leave us blessed. Have you ever wondered exactly what the difference between precious gemstones and semiprecious gemstones is? Precious gemstones have 3 distinct qualities. They are: beauty,


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Natural Gemstones

Natural Gemstones are defined as being any type of mineral, organic matter or stone that can be use in jewelry or other type of adornment. At least that is the definition as given by the US Governments Science for a changing world, web site.

We believe that definition of the term is somewhat limited because it only deals with natural gemstones from the standpoint of jewelry and as we all know, gemstones have many other uses in both the magical and the mundane world.

It is important to note that the government's definition of the term states that the stones "can be" cut. Natural gemstones are in their natural form. They may have been washed to remove the dirt that has accumulated on them during the thousands of years it took for them to form within the earth, but to be called a natural stone, it cannot have been cut or polished in any way.

Many magical people prefer their stones to be this way when being used for magical purposes. Yet depending on the intended use of the stone, it is sometimes preferable to have the stone cut and/or polished, even for magical purposes.

When natural gemstones are first removed from the earth, rarely are they the beautiful works of art we see on display shelves. There are few perfectly smooth edges or sharply defined facets like you would find in precious gemstones that have been cut for jewelry use.

Most magical people have dealt with beautiful crystal points which come in a wide variety of mainly semiprecious gemstones. They are almost always worked by man to have the wonderful smooth and polished edges everyone favors. Rarely will you find precious gemstones cut into points simply because the cost would be extravagant and in most case s, the natural gemstone is so small it simply could not be cut into anything that large.

When you are looking for the perfect natural gemstones to add to your personal collection or to use in your magical workings, it is important to look for gemstones that appeal to you personally. Don't worry about what others think you should have. Look for the gemstones that call to you.

When you are truly meant to have a specific gemstone, it will call for you and you can hear it over great distances. One year, while on vacation, I had the overpowering need to visit a mall in a town I had never been in before. At the mall I walked straight to a little store I had never heard of before, went to the back of the store to a specific counter, looked in and there was an amethyst wand at an unbelievable price. I would have paid $100 for it because I knew before I saw it I was meant to have it. That is part of the beauty and magic of natural gemstones. Their ability to touch our lives can reach across thousands of miles and leave us blessed.

Have you ever wondered exactly what the difference between precious gemstones and semiprecious gemstones is? Precious gemstones have 3 distinct qualities. They are: beauty,

durability and rarity. Semiprecious gemstones only have 1 or 2 of tho se qualities. In many cases they are lacking in the rarity department but semiprecious gemstones can be quiet rare. In those cases it is usually the durability quality that they lack. I personally do not know of a single case where beauty is the quality that is lacking. For me, stones i personally dug from the ground mean much more to me than one I purchased.

For the most part, precious gemstones including Diamonds, Corundum which includes all the ruby and the various colors of sapphire, beryls which includes emerald and aquamarine, topaz, and opal. All the other gemstones used in jewelry are generally considered to be semiprecious gemstones. It is important to note however that often when a new stone is first discovered, it is classified originally as a precious gemstone because of its rarity, but when additional deposits are found it is moved to the semiprecious list. Its place on the list has nothing to do with its healing or magical abilities. It is 100% based on how much money can be made from it.

All in all, natural gemstones can be a boost to your magical workings and look beautiful in any collection. While it is nice to have nice big examples of stones, never be afraid to make use of the small stone in your favorite piece of jewelry in a pinch. Size has little to do with power when dealing with natural gemstones.

UML supply different kinds of precious such as: Alexandrite, Amblygonite, Amethyst, Ametrine, Andalusite, Andesine, Apatite, Aquamarine, Axinite, Benitoite, Beryl, Chrysoberyl, Citrine, Danburite,Demantoid Garnet, Diamond, Diopside,Emerald, Enstatite, Fancy Diamond, Fire Opal, Fluorite, Garnet Color Change Garnet Malaia, Garnet Mali, Hessonite Garnet, Hiddenite, Idocrase, Iolite, Kornerupine Kunzite,Kyanite, Labradorite, Opal (Australi...a), Opal (Ethiopia), Peridot, Petalite, Pezzotaite Phenakite, Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Rhodolite Garnet (Pyrope-Almandine), Ruby, Sapphire Scapolite, Sillimanite, Sinhalite, Spessartite Garnet, Sphalerite, Sphene, Spinel, Sunstone Taaffeite, Tanzanite, Topaz, Tourmaline, Tourmaline Bi-Color, Tourmaline Paraiba (Brazil) Tourmaline Rubelite, Tsavorite Garnet, Zircon, Zultanite (Color Change Diaspore)


Sapphire gemstone comes in many colors. The best know color is the Blue Sapphire which is the most sought after variety for jewelry and therefore commands high prices. From a metaphysical

standpoint, all sapphires have the same basic properties as blue sapphire gemstone, just in varying degrees. This article is based mainly on the blue sapphire gemstone, with a short synopsis of some of the better known other colors at the end.

The word Sapphire comes from the Greek word for Blue. The best known colors of sapphire run

from a blue so deep it is considered black, to a very pale blue. In jewelry terms, a strong blue shade is the most valued. For healing and metaphysical properties, any shade that has the

properties you are looking for will do, especially since the price between the shades varies greatly.

Most of todays sapphire gemstones are mined in Sri Lanka, Australia, Madagascar, Thailand and Myanmar. Some of the finest Sapphires come from Sri Lanka and the territory of Kashmir where

controls on the amount of mining allowed is strictly regulated to prevent prices from being reduced by over production.

Sapphire Gemstone Traits

The following traits are presented as traditional uses in healing and metaphysical applications and should not be taken as being medical advice.

1. Helps clear the mind of stresses. 2. Considered by some to be a symbol of heaven and joyful devotion to God. 3. Open your ability to peerceive the energies that move through the universe.

4. Cures a sore throat when worn near the throat. 5. Attracts money and financial opportunities. 6. Promotes inner peace by clearing negative energies from the mind.

7. Organizes thoughts in a logical sequence so they can be dealt with to clear the mind as easily as possible.

8. Helps you determine which thoughts must be forgotten. 9. Removes negativity. 10. Relieve stress.

11. Expands the mind. 12. Improves memory and mental recall.

13. Any healing where the blue light ray is needed. 14. Recharges your mind with fresh energies. 15. Clears blocked mucus to allow drainage.

16. Heals damaged nerves. 17. Stimulates throat and 3rd eye chakras.

18. Expands psychic abilities. 19. Useful in legal matters. 20. Can reflect harmful spells back to the sender.

21. Activates the crown chakra. 22. Allows you to see your lifes work.

23. Aids in Channeling. 24. Helps obtain material desires. 25. In an office situation, helps ensure employee loyalty.

26. Good for healing eye problems. 27. Reduces fevers.

28. Protects from the Evil Eye. 29. Releases confusion. 30. Helps one obtain self discipline.

31. Reduces inflammation.

32. Heals nose bleeds. 33. Helps hearing problems.

34. Increases the reception of Clairaudience. 35. An astringent for bathing and healing infection.

When dealing with ancient knowledge, it is often impossible to distinguish what is fact from

what is myth. The following is presented only as ancient knowledge without regard to the possiblities of fact or myth.

1. Some believe the 10 commandments was given to Mosses on tablets of sapphire.

2. British Crown Jewels are full of large blue sapphires, because it is believed to be the symbol of a pure and wise ruler.

3. Prince Charles chose a sapphire engagement ring for Princess Diana.

4. If you have an idea a star sapphire can help you hold the dream and make it a reality. White Sapphire Gemstone - Is a good stone for anyone to use as their personal power stone as it

helps you find your potential and lifes work. Useful in activating the Crown Chakra. Yellow Sapphire Gemstone - A good stone for a healer, especially useful for those dealing with trauma that originated in their childhood. Also works well in helping children that are seriously

ill. Helps to provide a golden ray shield of protection. Green Sapphire Gemstone - A good stone to activate and balance the heart chakra. Useful for

any type of money spells or where prosperity energies are needed. Helps restore energy to the body. Is a good stone for healing when the green ray energy is needed. Purple Sapphire Gemstone - A good stone for anyone that channels or works with any type of

psychic abilities or any of the divinatory arts. Helps to clear the mind so you can receive messages clearly. Main Chakra: 6th and 7th

Planet: (dark blue) Saturn, (light blue) Venus Vibrates to the number: 6

Element: Water Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Virgo, Libra and Capricorn

Sapphire Gemstone Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - Al2O3

Hardness - 9 Specific Gravity - 4 Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.762-1.770 (+.009,-.005)

Bi-refringence - 0.008-0.010 Optic Sign - Negative

Optical Character - Uniaxial

Aquamarine Stone

As a metaphysical and healing crystal, the aquamarine stone has a fairly long list of positive influences. Each with good historical backing to its many uses. Perhaps the most powerful

meanings for aquamarine stone is in its ability to cleanse both the physical and spiritual bodies. Wearing jewelry with one or more aquamarine stones in it can help to clean out the body's lymph

system, align your chakras, remove blockages from the aura and help strengthen the connection between the mind and body.

This cleansing can be increased by wearing a string of aquamarine stones around any point on the body. This can easily and naturally be accomplished by simply wearing a necklace, bracelet

or anklet made of aquamarine stone. The idea is to circle a point on the body so as the blood flows through that part of your body, it can bathe in the healing energies the crystal generates.

A second powerful aquamarine stone meaning is found within its ability to improve

communication between the user and others. Much like the way it cleanses your personal body allowing all aspects of it to communicate better, it also helps to cleanse and remove barriers in communication between you and other people.

If you are a shy type of person, aquamarine stone can not only reduce your fear of speaking to other, but also help to attract the types of people that would make you feel more comfortable when you speak with them. They would be people you can trust and that show compassion for

you. Think how powerful this meaning of aquamarine is as it not only helps to overcome shyness but connects you with the type of people that are best for you personally.

When and if you happen to find yourself in a situation where there is a misunderstanding, an aquamarine stone can help diffuse the situation so any disagreements can be resolved calmly and peacefully, without physical or emotional harm to any persons involved.

The meaning of aquamarine stone I have personally received the most use from is its ability to

help us literally feel and see our connection to the people, world and universe around us. It helps strengthen our ability to feel our connection with spirit that runs through all of us. Helps us to

understand how, while we are individual beings with our own wants and desires, we are also part of a life force or group energy that acts and reacts between each and every one of us.

This makes it a great gift for someone involved in any type of work dealing with those that are less fortunate because it fosters a desire within us to want to see our communities become the

best they can be and this includes helping to lift others out of troubled situations they may find themselves in.

An aquamarine stone makes a great gift for a student, no matter what age level they are because

it gives them courage and the ability to excel in learning. It just might help them go on to become one of the intellectual leaders of the world.

Continue below for the Chakra, Astrological, Planetary, Elemental and technical Properties of aquamarine stone.

For more on the metaphysical, magical and healing properties visit our Aquamarine Gemstone Part 2 page.

Main Chakra: Throat

Planet: Neptune Vibrates to the number 1

Element: Water Astrological Sign: Pisces

Aquamarine Stone Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - Al2Be3Si6O18, aluminum beryllium silicate

Hardness - 7.5 - 8 (Mohs scale) Specific Gravity - 2.68 - 2.74 Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.564 - 1.596

Bi-refringence - -0.004 to - -0.005 Optic Sign -

Optical Character -

Ruby Stone

Found in many places around the world, most high quality stones are mined in Afghanistan, Australia, Cambodia, Greenland, Kenya, Madagascar, Myanmar, Nepal, North Vietnam, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand and Vietnam. In the United States, most are minded in Montana, North Carolina, and South Carolina.

Ruby gemstone is a metaphysical stone of both love and wisdom. It is a royal gemstone worn by

Kings, Queens and Priests throughout history. Any sort of ruler or teacher must lead their followers with wisdom and caring and the ruby stones ability to teach you how to make wise

decisions and guide you to making decisions from the heart and not just the brain may be why they were always so fond of it.

Ruby stone stimulates the heart chakras in a way like no other gemstone. It helps you to set your

basic value system and decide what is acceptable in your world and what it not. This is the pure value system that is unadulterated by the heart aches and chest pains the world dishes out at times.

The protective abilities of the Ruby stone may be why it was so often used in the breast plates and shields of Kings and Knights of old. In our modern times, it makes an excellent stone to

wear as a shielding stone. Simply carry or wear a stone so you can easily get to it and when you feel the need for protection, grasp the stone and visualize a bright red light shining out from it

and surrounding your entire being.

You can also pre-program a ruby stone as a shield so it can send out protective energies to surround you at all times. This is an especially good way to help prevent psychic attacks.

The instances of life that are the most troublesome to us, often happen for a specific reason, a life

lesson needing to be learned or to bring us back into alignment with out true selves and the needs and desires we are able to fill in the world. Ruby stones can help you see the lessons you need to learn before the turmoil hits in our lives. Of course each instance is different but occasionally we

can keep from having to deal with these events.

It is believed by some cultures that if you own a ruby stone, you will never lose your wealth and is often used in work to ensure the stability of your income.

To help improve your ability to enter a Lucid Dream State, wear or carry a ruby stone during

your attempts. It helps you to remain lucid while entering the dream state and increases your ability to control the dream without slipping into a normal sleep pattern.

Create a ruby elixir by soaking a crystal in water for at least a few hours (longer is better), then

use the elixir to bathe the skin of anyone with a fever to help reduce it.

f you suffer from any type of disorder of the heart, especially if blockages of the veins is involved, mediate while laying down with a ruby gemstone placed above the heart. Wearing ruby stones on a necklace long enough so it hangs even with the heart can also serve the same

purpose. It can help to ease the flow of blood through the veins.

When the body has too many toxins in it, either from slowly accumulating out of the environment or from accidental (or intentional) poisoning, wear 2 or more ruby stones on

opposite sides of a part of the body. For instance, wearing a bracelet or anklet with multiple rubies so they are on both sides of the wrist or ankle. Then as your blood flows through your body and circulates through that specific part of the body, the rubies will purify the blood,

helping to remove the toxins and speed healing. Main Chakra: Base

Planet: Mars Vibrates to the number: 3 Element: Fire

Astrological Sign: Leo, Scorpio, Cancer

Ruby Stone Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - Al2O3 aluminum oxide Hardness - 9 Specific Gravity - 3.97 - 4.05

Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.762 -1.778 Bi-refringence - -0.008

Optic Sign - Negative Optical Character - Unaxial

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz can be found in smaller quanities in most places around the world and is one of the more common types of crystals. Quantities large enough to make mining the crystal economically feasible are found maining in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, England, Ghana, Hungary, India, Madagascar, Mozambique, Scotland, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, and the

United States (in numerous states).

There are two main varieties of Smoky Quarz. Most people are familiar with the typical gray/brown to almost black colored crystals from which smoky quartz got its name. There is also

a variety that is a yellowish to redish brown shade often called Whiskey Quartz. This variety is rarer than the typical colored crystal but can be found in many places. The higher quality

Whiskey Quartz is minded in Scotland and is highly prized from jewelry.

Smoky Quartz helps to calm behavior others would categorize as headstrong or willful. It gently balances and brings harmony into your life and is the perfect gemstone to help calm the thinking mind that tends to interfere with meditation.

The stone grounds your energies, but gently, never forcing you to change or to let go of something, but guiding you to do what is best for you and in the way that is best for you

personally. Chances are good that your smoky quartz will not work as fast as a clear quarzt crystal will, but this is actually better for some people, especially those that don't handle change

in a positive manner. The energy stays with you, always there when you need it until you have resolved the matter at hand and no longer need it.

This is a great healing crystal to share between people in a personal relationship or any relationship that is working toward a common goal. It is a good stone to have in an office where

team work is important. A large cluster sitting in the middle of the conference table can help everyone get along and work better together.

When the economy is shrinking as fast as it is during this resession, it is easy to hold on to anger

and resentment over many things in our lives. But as we know, like attracts like in spiritual matters and if you want to attract something better into your life, you need to let go of the

negative emotions to allow room for the positive ones. Smokey Quartz can transform thoses negative energies into positive ones and bring you back to the here and now.

Many gemstones help attract money into your life, but smoky quartz helps you to keep the money that you get by teaching you to manage your money wisely and guiding you into

choosing those purchases that are best for you. If you are prone to spending too much on all the wrong things and tend to run out of money before you run out of bills, try keeping a few smoky

quartz crystals around the desk where you pay your bills to ensure everything gets paid and you don't overspend.

A smoky quartz point placed one at each of the 4 directions around your bed with the points

turned toward the center of the bed, will help with marital communication problems and help prevent back pain.

Keeping several smoky quartz in the bedroom can help couples to overcome communication

problems. It helps to dissolve mental and emotional blockages that can get in the way of the two of you learning who the other person has really become. This is especially important because

people change and relationships can sour if it does not change to keep up with the new needs of the people involved.

Have problems with pain in your feet? Whether from a structural defect or just having to stand too much on the job, tie a couple of smoky quartz crystals into your shoe laces for some relief.

If your hands or wrists hurt from arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome, wear smoky quartz as

jewelry to help eleviate the pain. If you can wear a bracelet made of smoky quartz around your wrist it is particularly helpful to those with carpal tunnel.

Can be used as a protective sheild to block and absorb any negative energies sent your way. Most

people don't realize the amount of negative energy people do send their way. Everyone from the jealous co-worker to the guy that didn't like how fast you pulled into traffic this morning, there is

always someone sending negativity at you. Smoky quartz can help if you place them somewhere near you.

We are all psychic but often our psychic sense become blocked for any number of reasons. Meditate with smoky quartz in your hands to open up your psychic senses.

If you are having problems getting your get up and go to get up and take care of the house, try

placing a few smoky quartz around the room. They will increase your pride and joy in your living space and make you want to keep things nice and shiny.

Are you one of those people that can never find what you are looking for? Constantly forgetting

where you put things and basically just unorganized. Put of few smoky quartz around so they can help you improve your organizational skills.

To receive prophetic auditory messages better, take a wide stretchy hair band and put it around

your head. Slip smoky quartz under the band as it crosses over your ears. Just make sure the stones are large enough they don't fall into your ears!

If you find yourself feeling depressed or a little blue more often than not; hold a crystal in each hand. Take a few deep breaths and allow all of the depression to flow down your arms and into

the stones. When you have gotten as much out as possible, cleanse the stone under running water to wash all the negativity out of so you can keep it around without picking those energies back

up again.

Main Chakra: Base Planet: The Sun Vibrates to the number: 8

Element: Earth Astrological Sign: Capricorn and Sagittarius

Smoky Quartz Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - SiO2 Hardness - 7 Specific Gravity - 2.65

Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.54 - 1.55 Bi-refringence - 0.009

Optic Sign - Positive Optical Character - Uniaxial

Topaz Stone

Topaz stone is most commonly mined in Australia, Brazil, Nanibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia and the United States in California, New Hapshire and Utah. Both surface mining and

underground mining operations are used to remove Topaz stone from the earth.

Topaz stone grows in prismatic crystal shapes that will often have striations moving up the crystal. They may or moy not have points that are developed enough to be recognized as such. At

times, Topaz stones will grow in shapes similar to pebbles that have been worn down in running water over the years. Both of these main formations of Topaz gemstone can be found in a wide varity of colors, ranging from blue, brown, green, gold, pink, red, yellow, white, gray and


Topaz Stone Metaphysical Properties

From a metaphysical standpoint, Topaz stone is one of the greatest gifts from the gemstone world and helps on the metaphysical level with many of the problems that affect us in our daily

lives. When it is spoken of as the gemstone of true love, it is because it allows you to see everything that is involved in a relationship with someone. This of course means both the good

and the bad, for no matter how sweet a person is or how much we love them, they do have a bad side that will occasionally come out.

When you learn the whole person, all the uncertainty that sits in the back of your mind will either

drop away as you learn that you can love this person as a whole person, or it will fester and show that there are things that can not be accepted and allow you to release those feelings either by

releasing the person or actually releasing the feelings so you can accept the person as the whole person they are.

Topaz stone is also known as the gemstone of success in all endeavors. This is due to its ability

to work as a gemstone of manifestation via the law of attraction which when activated results in success in everything you seek to accomplish. This is brought about because unlike quartz crystal points which permits energy to flow in the direction of the point, the points of Topaz and

the facets of a faceted stone, allow alternating currents to flow through the stone. This permits the stone to relay your needs into the universal flow of energy we all draw from and attract it

back into your auric field to be manifested in your life.

Topaz stones can help you to create changes in your life even when you are not 100% sure what changes need to be made. It allows you to open up to the unlimited knowledge that exists in the universal flow and to absorb what you need the most at this point in time, it allows you to see

beyond what is important in your personal world by enhancing your awareness of how you are but a small part of a much bigger whole. A whole that includes everyone and every thing in the

universe and the entire whole works together with each act having an affect on the whole.

The mystical powers of Topaz stone shows up in many ancient writings and in various myths. One of its many used by ancient Kings was to check whether someone had poisoned the King's food. Topaz gemstones were placed near the King's food. If it stayed the same color, the food

was thought safe, if it changed color, it was thought the food was poisoned.

Ancient Kings and Prince's often had their breastplate armor encrusted with various gemstones and Topaz stone was a common one to be found on them. It was believed that Topaz stone would

increase the wearers strength and to help make him invisible giving him a much greater chance of success in battle.

Topaz Stone Healing Properties

As a healing gemstone, Topaz stone is used to to correct sexual dysfunction, cleanses the body

by cleansing the kidneys and the liver. This helps to improve all their functions, allowing them to keep the body cleansed properly. If you have a problem with poor blood circulation in any place

in your body, try affixing a topaz to it to help increase blood flow.

Anyone who suffers from any type of arthritic pain may find some relief by rubbing the affected area with a Topaz gemstone.

A Topaz elixer can be made by soaking a Topaz stone in water, under the light of a full moon.

This elixer can be taken internally to help purify the body of any type of infection or bacteria. It can also be used as a wash on the body to help heal any type of skin eruption or wound.

Both the Egyptians and the Romans associated Topaz stone with their Sun God. The Egyptians believe the gemstone would protect them from all types of harm. The Romans believed the stone

would protect them from enchantments and scorcery of all types and would give them the power to see the approach of their enemies from a greater distance.

Main Chakra: Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra Planet: Jupiter

Vibrates to the number: 6 Element: Air Astrological Sign: Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius

Topaz stone Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - Al2SiO4(F,OH)2 Aluminum silicate fluoride hydroxide

Hardness - 8 Specific Gravity - 3.49-3.57

Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.606-1.644 Bi-refringence - 0.008 - 0.010 Optic Sign - Positive

Optical Character - Biaxial

Bloodstone Meaning

Before we get into varied bloodstone meanings, lets look first at where it is found. Most of the worlds mines are located in Australia, Brazil, Czech Republic, China, Germany, India, Russia,

Scotland and the USA. Few people realize there are 10 states in the USA from which quantities of bloodstone gemstone are minded. They include California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Maine, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Texas.

What we call the bloodstone gemstone is a combination of green chalcedony (a mixture of quartz

and moganite) also called a green jasper and inclusions of iron oxide or red jasper. Occasionally the stone is found with yellow inclusions and in this form is it called plasma however it is the

green and red form that is the telltale variety most people think of when they think about a bloodstone gemstone.

Bloodstone Gemstone Historical, Healing, Metaphysical and

Magical properties

At one time, bloodstone gem was known as Heliotrope. The word heliotrope is composed of the greek word for "the sun", helios and the greek word for "to turn", trepein. The first historical uses of bloodstone gemstone were to cause changes in the weather. One bloodstone meaning that is

associated with this belief is if you put a bloodstone gem in water and allowed that water (and the gemstone) to absorb the rays of the sun, it would cause a storm to rise up in the area.

During the Middle Ages, the red spots on the bloodstone gemstone were believed to be the blood

of Jesus and the early Christians thought the stone held all the supposed powers of Jesus, including the ability to make the wearer invisible. Some believe when Jesus was on the cross, his

blood fell on some jasper on the ground at the foot of the cross and this is how the bloodstone gem was created. It was said that the stones from that area held tremendous ability to heal almost anything and the gemstone was given the nickname "The Martyr's Stone" because of it.

Perhaps the best known bloodstone meaning is when we call it a hero's gemstone. It was often seen in armor breast plates and on swords for it's ability to arouse courage in the most dangerous situations. Also considered to be a very strong healing gem allowing the wearer to remain strong

in battle long after those around you have fallen. In ancient times, warriors carried a bloodstone gemstone amulet into battle with them because it was thought that if the amulet was applied to a

wound, it would cause the wound to quit bleeding. Ancient Egyptians used bloodstone gemstone magic to help them win in battles. They used magically empowered gemstones as amulets for the warriors to increase their personal strength.

Bloodstone Gems make a great gift for anyone that earns their living from their art. It promotes

creativity, self-expression, and artistry. Keep one of more bloodstone gemstone on your desk or work table to help increase your business and wealth. Even those that do not run their own

business can benefit by allowing the stone to attract additional sources of income into their lives. Continue Below for the technical aspects of Bloodstone Gemstone Click to go to part 2 of Bloodstone Gemstone.

Main Chakra: heart Planet: Mars

Vibrates to the number: 4 & 6 Element: Fire Astrological Sign: Aries, Pisces, Scorpio

Bloodstone Gemstone Technical Details

Chemical Composition - SiO2 with variouis impurities

Hardness - 7 Specific Gravity - 2.65 to 2.66

Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.53-1.54 Bi-refringence - 0.003 - 0.009 Optic Sign - positive

Optical Character – Uniaxial

Garnet Gemstones

Fabulous garnet gemstones are very common and can be found in many areas around the world.

The most common being Africa, Argentina, Bohemia, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, India, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, Russia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Thailand and Turkey. In the United States, the most common areas are Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado,

Connecticut, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Utah and Virginia.

There are actually 10 classes of garnet gemstones, generally listed as being 7 classes with 3 sub-classes. These include Almandine, Andradite, Demantoid, Grossular, Hessonite, Pyrope,

Rhodolite, Spessartite, Tsavorite and Uvarovite. This article deals with the gemstone properties that are basic to all types of Garnet gemstone. If we have added an article on the individual types,

the name will be clickable and it will be included in the menu on the right side of the web site. Other articles will be added as time allows.

Due to the abundance of garnet gemstones available around the world, they are one of the least expensive gemstones on the market and are not used in jewlery as often as many other types of

gemstones for that very reason. But what the jewelry industry snubs, the metaphysical market craves because they are one of the most top notch healing gemstones available.

Garnet stones can help bring out your best side making you more attractive to employers and more popular with co-workers. It makes others want to work with you giving you an advantage over others. This makes it a great stone to wear or carry when you are competing with other co-

workers for a raise or promotion.

Wear or carry a garnet stone to a job interview to help the interviewer be impressed by you. You will be the one they think about first when it comes time to decide who gets the job.

A garnet crystal worn as jewelry or simply held in your hand (or pocket) helps to expand your

awareness of the world around you and all the spiritual energies contained there in. They are the perfect stones to aid in helping you to manifest your desires and needs into reality. If you are

working "The Secret (Law of Attraction)", keep one with you any time you are attuning your mind to the things you are manifesting. It not only helps you keep your mind on your goal but also helps to speed the process.

If you find yourself feeling down in the dumps and having a hard time getting going, try

meditating with or wearing garnet gemstones. It can bring out your passion for life and for living, bringing you closer to family and friends. It restores your vitality and passion for life giving you

extra energy and stay-ability. Don't turn to stimulants like caffeine, absorb the healing energies of a garnet gemstone to increase your energies and sail through the rest of your day.

If you are looking for that special someone in your life and you want to be lucky in love, wear or carry a garnet gemstone any time you are going somewhere you might meet that special

someone. They help increase your personal magnetism helping you to draw that special someone to you. But what happens when you are not 100% positive the person you met is the right one for

you? Ask the stone if the person is right for you and then sleep with it under your pillow. The answer should come to you in a dream during the night.

Once you are sure you have met the right person for you, use a garnet gemstone as a stone of commitment. It helps both of you see the best attributes of the other creating a loving atmosphere

of devotion and understanding that can withstand the test of time.

All businesses need more than a little luck to survive, especially in these trying times. If you want your business to have a little more luck that all the others, put a garnet gemstone in the cash

register and/or hang a few from the ceiling over your cash register or business office to attract the luck that you need to soar above your competition.

To bring a little extra luck into your job situation, try a garnet stone. This is especially true if you

have a dangerous job or have to travel dangerous areas on a regular basis. Wear or carry one to ensure you are lucky in staying safe.

Garnet gemstones can help balance and stimulate the entire chakra system from the base chakra to the crown. A meditation done while allowing one to rest on the body above each of the

chakras can leave you feeling empowered, balanced and ready to take on anything the world has to throw at you.

Main Chakra: Base

Planet: Mars Vibrates to the number: 2 Element: Fire

Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Garnet Gemstones Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - Silicates (Nesosilicates) Hardness - 6.5 to 7.5

Specific Gravity - 3.5 - 4.3 Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.780 - 1.889

Bi-refringence - None Optic Sign - Optical Character - Isotropic

Rose Quartz Crystal

Rose quartz crystal, like most other forms of quartz gemstones, started life within the molten lava that swirls within the earth to this day. The pressure within the earth pushes the liquid lava

into every tiny crack and crevice it can find and it is within this inner kingdom where the minerals start to mix with other minerals and rose quartz crystal starts to grow.

In a way, the term Rose Quartz Crystal is actually a misnomer because this healing gemstone rarely forms crystals with actual points. In most cases it will not grow above extremely tiny,

almost too small to be seen points. Occasionally however, actual pieces with individually terminated points are found in the Minas Garis and Poco D'Anta mines in Brazil.

The vast majority of rose quartz crystal points on the market are cut, shaped and polished from

large chunks of stone, are imitation, or they are reconstituted. In that case, they take the chunks left over after cutting, melt and then pour them into slabs which are cut and shaped after cooling.

There is much debate about whether reconstituted stones have the same metaphysical properties as their natural counterparts. After all, they are being made from real rose quartz crystal, leading one to think they would have the same properties. My personal feeling on the subject is they are

not the same. In fact, I found out about the stones 7 or 8 years ago when I won an action for a nice tall rose quartz Obelisk at what I thought was a GREAT price. When it arrived however, I did not feel any life in it. It is beautiful but feels spiritually dead.

This would make sense when you think about the fact it is the crystaline structure of natural rose quartz crystal that holds the power. Melting the stone destroys the crystals. Many people tell me I am wrong and they can feel the life within the crytal, so each person must make their own

decision on the subject.

If you are extremely lucky, you might happen upon a rose quartz gemstone that actually glows in the dark from the phosphorus content of the stone. Rarely a Rose Quartz crystal will be found

with a star, much like what is seen in star rubies. This is very rare with rose quartz crystals however and can only be seen once the stone has been cut and polished.

Probably the most widely know rose quartz crystal meaning is as the stone of love and marriage, you can keep your marriage alive and spicy by keeping a rose quartz gemstone under your


Youth and beauty are fleeting and we need every drop of help we can get to maintain our youthful appearances as they tend to fade too fast for anyone to be comfortable with it. Since

ancient times women have kept rose quartz crystals under their pillow so the soothing beauty of the stone will help their bodies maintain their youthful appearance.

During times of stress or any time emotions get out of control, use a rose quartz crystal to bring

calm and peaceful energies to the situation. Makes a great stone to be kept in businesses where there tends to be a lot of stress such as the doctors or dentist office where its soothing energies can help ease the patients tensions.

Place a few rose quartz crystals in a glass container of water then set it outside under the full

moon and allow it to stay there overnight. This elixir makes a great beauty aid to bathe in to keep your skin smooth.

Just like it helps in the doctors office, keeping a stone in a room will help remove negativity for

the people in it. This is exceptionally helpful if a family member gets caught up in a negative phase and is very helpful when teenagers go through those hormonal roller coaster phases.

If your body is full of stress or anxiety from any cause, take a few moments to relax with rose

quartz crystal in each hand. Perhaps the second best known rose quartz meaning is that it helps reduces stress and anxiety in the body and all you have to do is relax for a few moments and allow it to happen. With todays economic problems this is one use the entire world could make

use of.

Without intentionally meaning to, often people make us feel as if we are not worthy of the lives we lead. Plus our society thinks if you are not part of the upper crust, you are not as worthy as

they are. This causes a feeling of negative self worth that can affect our ability to live life to its fullest. Carry or wear a rose quartz crystal to increase your feeling of self worth and banish this problem.

Are you ready to accept a love into your life? Don't let prior bad choices harden your heart

against accepting love. Allow this special stone to open your heart and make it ready to accept love. This is a special rose quartz meaning that can change the lives of those who will allow it to

work its magic for them.

Magic makes the world go round and if you are ready to call that one special someone into your life and planning on using magic to do it, be sure to include a couple of rose quartz crystals to help draw that perfect someone to you.

This rose quartz property is for anyone that works hard, to the point of having blisters and is also good for sun bathers that stay out a little too long. Make an elixir by soaking a crystal in water overnight (under the moons light if possible. Then bathe burns and blisters in the elixir to speed


If your job requires you to deal with people, especially when it is during their times of need, this rose quartz property can help in those times when you may find yourself a little short on patience

and understanding. Carry one with you at all times to help bring patience and understanding to any situation where it is needed.

If life, job, family, the economy and everything else has left you with raw emotions and you are no longer sure if your choices are being made for the right reasons, meditate on the situation with

rose quartz crystal in your hand and allow it to purify your emotions.

Our bodies have a vibrational level just like everything else in the universe and the various stresses and situations we encounter can cause our vibrational level to lower, become baser,

which in turn attracts lower things and situations to us. (like attracts like) Carry Rose Quartz Crystals to help raise the vibrational level of your body.

Rose quartz crystals are especially good for someone who has experienced a spouse who was

unfaithful or abusive. Working with the stone can help you to let go of the pent up emotions that go along with the hurt they caused you, so you can move on with your life and find the person that is right for you.

Whether it is from being a victim of crime or simply the unthinking things people say it is easy

to forget how to trust others. Don't get me wrong it is often in your best interest to not immediately trust others, but I'm talking about the inability to trust pretty much anyone. That can

lead to all sorts of problems both emotional and financial. If you find yourself in one of these situations, wear a rose quartz gemstone and allow it to unharden your heart so it can teach you to trust others agains.

When our emotions become pent up, especially when it is any emotion that makes us want to

hurt someone or destroy something, we need to release those feelings and we want to do it without hurting others or breaking things. Trust a rose quartz crystal to make it happen.

Rose Quartz Crystals have a long history of use in healing the human body. Ancient Romans

used it to relieve headaches and cure breathing problems. Todays gemstone healers use it to help lower blood pressure and many people wear jewelry with rose quartz stones to help supplement their doctors orders.

Main Chakra: Heart to Crown Planet: Venus

Vibrates to the number: 8 Element: All Astrological Sign: Libra and Taurus

Rose Quartz Crystal Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - SiO2, Silicon Dioxide Hardness - 7 Specific Gravity - 2.65

Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.544-1.553 Bi-refringence - 0.009

Optic Sign - Positive Optical Character - UNIAXIAL

Opal Stones

About 95% of the world Opal stones are mined in Australia where it is the national gemstone. Most of the remaining opal stone is mined in the United States, Mexico and Slovakia.

There are 4 main types of natural opal stones, namely Black Opal, Boulder Opal, White Opal and

Crystal Opal. The rarest and therefore the most expensive is Black Opal. The body of the stone

can range from a dark grey to an almost black and this dark coloring allows the fire of the opal to flash in an exceptional way.

Boulder Opal stones are found only in Queensland, Australia where they form in the cracks of

ironstone boulders. This means they are exceptionally thin stones and are usually cut with a layer of the boulder still attached to give the stone the strength to be usable in jewelry.

The most common form of opal stone is the white opal. It formed in almost the exact same conditions as black opal but the carbon and iron oxide trace elements that give the black opal its

darker color were not present. White Opal gemstones are the least expensive of all opals and are often used in rings and pendants of all types.

Crystal Opal stones are any type of opal in which the body of the stone is transparent. The colors

range mainly from yellow to oranges but can be other colors. The stones transparency allows the flash of fire to show through making this gemstone not quiet as valuable as black opal but on a level with boulder opal.

It is important to note that opal stones are also being made synthetically. The fire flash tends to

be stronger but more squared in synthetic opals giving the stone a somewhat snakeskin pattern across the face of the stone.

A gem cutter will always prefer to cut opal stones as a single, solid stone but opals are very

fragile and this sometimes means they can not stand up to the pressure of finishing the piece. Cutters will often make doublets or triplets for the stones by layering one or two slices of thin

opal and gluing it to a thin slice of a dark colored base stone. This makes for an exceptionally beautiful stone and many collectors seek out these stones in particular.

If you want to increase the power of your magical working, adding an opal stone to the work can do just that because it is a natural amplifier. In magickal workings you can charge opal stone for

any type of work making it a great stone to keep around in case you happen to not have a specific stone that you need.

Known as a stone of love, opal stones bring good fortune to the one you love. But if your love is

unfaithful, it is known to bring heartache to the unfaithful one. This could well be where so many of the rumors about opal being unlucky originated from

Opal is only unlucky to those that are unworthy of it due to cheating. The average person has nothing to fear from opal stones. My first ring given to me at high school graduation was an opal

I have treasured for all of my life and it has never brought me bad luck.

Shamans use opal stones to connect with spirit guides and totem animals. The stones ability to speed entry into a meditative state and the way it makes visualizations more defined and realistic

makes it a great stone to use during any type of meditation work or a vision quest.

Many choose to call opal stones the most powerful of healing stones available. It helps the body to align all the energy systems, clearing out blockages and restarting the natural energy flows

within the body.

If you want to increase your emotional experiences of a situation, wear an opal. This makes it a great stone to wear in nature, on vacation or while journeying through guided meditations. Keep in mind however that it turns up the volume on all emotions so do not use it when having to deal

with negative emotions.

Trapped within the confines of Opal stones are a wide variety of colors, including all the colors associated with the Chakras. This makes them great stones to use in opening the chakras.

Fire opals help to clear the causes of sexual dysfunction bringing back the desire to share

intimate moments with a partner.

During labor and childbirth, place an opal stone on the navel of the woman to help ease her pain and to make sure the baby arrives health and safely.

If you find yourself in a rut or just not enjoying life to the fullest anymore, opal stones can help

to bring back your zest and enthusiasm for life. It helps you see brighter tomorrow, find answers to questions that may be holding you back and shows you the possibilities of what life can bring.

Opal stones have a common need to humans. Both must have water to survive. It is the water within opal gemstones that cause the flashes of fire across the stone. This connection with water

means that opals can help humans with any aspect under the ruling of water. This is especially true with anything dealing with the mind or emotions and includes memory, happiness, desires,

loves and lifting your spirits.

Makes a great stone to use while working on any type of psychic reading. Keep one around while reading tarot cards, runes, angel cards or a pendulum to increase your ability to hone in on what

you are being told. It awakens psychic perception and increases your mystical awareness.

It has been said opal stones are the stones of the gods because they bring all things God wants for you in your life. Peace, happiness, a zest for life, love, sex, health, vitality and more are the gifts God gives to us and all are aspects of the beautiful opal stone.

Main Chakra: All Chakras

Planet: Mercury Vibrates to the number: 2

Element: Water Astrological Sign: Cancer, Libra, Pisces and Scorpio

Opal Stones Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - SiO2.nH2O

Hardness - 5.5-6 Specific Gravity - 2.15 (+0.07;-0.90)

Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.45 (+.020;-0.080) Bi-refringence -

Optic Sign - Optical Character - Isotropic

Amethyst Crystal - Part 1

Amethyst Crystal formations can be found in many places around the world. The quality and number of additional minerals that may be found mixed with it vary from place to place. The

more common places to find Amethyst crystals are: Africa, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Mexico, Russia and The United States. Due to the various minerals found in each area, each mine produces a slightly different form of the stone.

Amethyst Crystal formations are part of the quartz family of crystals. Quartz is the most abundant mineral formation on the planet. Used since ancient times, Amethyst crystal has been found in the tombs and burial crypts of early ancient Egyptian Kings and Pharoahs. They were

also found in tombs as far back as the Babylonian era, giving us a long and colorful history wrapped around this stone of Royalty.

Amethysts are inexpensive gemstones and can brighten the atmosphere in any room they are in.

They come in many shapes and sizes, with prices that can fit most any budget. Individual tumbled stones can be purchased for less than $2 each. Faceted or cabachon stones run a little more, but even a high quality facted stones can be purchased for less than $30. The word

amethyst comes from the Ancient Greek a- ("not") and methustos ("intoxicated") and one of the many abilities Amethyst Crystal formations are believed to have is to prevent intoxication. In

fact, the greeks and Romans carved goblets from it, from which they drank their wine in order to avoid drunkeness.

The word amethyst comes from the Ancient Greek a- ("not") and methustos ("intoxicated") and one of the many abilities Amethyst Crystal is believed to have is to prevent intoxication. In fact,

the greeks and Romans carved goblets from it, from which they drank their wine in order to avoid drunkeness.

Amethyst Crystal is one of the more important gemstones in crystal healing and magick. Plus they are a favored stone for use in jewelry, perhaps due to the way it makes people feel when

they wear it.

For Chakra, color, planetary and technical data on Amethyst crystal, please see below.

For Metaphysical, magical and healing properties, please visit our Amethyst crystal additional data page.

Chakra: Crown Colors: All shades of purple, violet and mauve

Astrological Sign(s):Pisces, Aquarius, Sagittarius Element: Water Planet: Jupiter

Vibratory #: 3

Amethyst Crystal Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - Silica (silicon dioxide, SiO2) Hardness - 7

Specific Gravity - 2.65 constant Refractive Index (R.I.) - nw = 1.543-1.553 ne = 1.552-1.554 Bi-refringence - +0.009

Optic Sign - Positive

Tigers Eye

Tigers Eye (also known as Tiger Eye) draws upon the best qualities of a Tiger allowing you to absorb them into your being to get the most benefit from them.

1) Patience: A tiger can wait patiently for hours or even days until the right opportunity presents

itself. In business and in life, patience is a virtue. Often we run head long into a project without doing the proper research or learning and we find ourselves having to backtrack. Allow the tiger eye to bring you clear thinking and insight in to the situation. Listen to the tiger and bide your

time is our first tiger eye meaning.

2) Focused: A tiger will stay focused on the object he desires for as long as it takes. In business, if we allow ourselves to lose focus, we allow our competition to gain a foothold and we miss

opportunities to grow and increase our businesses. A tiger eye rock will keep you focused if you allow it to. This Tiger eye meaning warns you to stay focused on your goal.

3) Determination: A tiger is totally determined to get what he wants and needs. You must be also to be successful in your business. If you are not determined to succeed, it will not happen. Learn

from the tiger and allow the tigers eye gemstone to help maintain and increase your determination is all aspect of life and business. Listen to this tiger eye meaning and stay

determined to reach your goal.

Tigers Eye healing properties

A Tiger Eye can assure the correct use of power, courage, grace and the ability to see clearly and

without illusion. All of which clears the way before you to allow success to enter your life.

A tiger eye makes an excellent healing stone for adults with ADD or any type of emotional disorder as it gives strength, restores balance, relieves doubt and helps you make decisions with vision and clarity. Especially helpful if you're feeling drained, overwhelmed, or unfocused.

Does your mind flit from one thought to another, making it hard to concentrate, impossible to

meditate. Use Tiger Eye to ground yourself. It stills the mind and helps you move deeper into meditation. It can also create harmony in your life and is especially suited for anyone seeking

peace and calm in their life.

Tigers Eye attracts money

Too often, those that come into money after a long lack of money in their life, tend to become abusive with the power that money brings. They tend to shun those they knew most of their life

and tend to be obnoxious to servants. Tigers Eye helps prevent the abuse of power, leaving you better able to get along with everyone involved, which makes relationships with those that work

for us much smoother.

Since ancient times, tiger eye stones have been used to stimulate wealth by attracting money into the life of the wearer. At the same time, it helps you keep the wealth you have and it prevents you from becoming abusive with your money or greedy.

Take a Tiger Eye outside on the night of the full moon, hold it to the moon and ask that She

Bless it to draw money into your life. Allow it to sit in the moonlight as long as possible, then take it in and keep it in your pocket or purse along with your money to draw more into your life.

Miscellaneous Fact about Tigers Eye

A times it can be hard to find information on Tiger Eye Gemstones because of the various spelling of the name. Tiger Eye, Tigers Eye and Tiger's Eye all are speaking of the same stone, which is also occasionally listed as Cat's Eye. Cats eye however can be any one of a variety to

gemstone types which when cut properly, displays a band of light across the top of the stone which looks similar to the slash of reflected light in a cats eye.

Tigers Eye stone comes in a few different colors, the most common of which are gold, blue and

red tiger eye. All have the flash of color that resembles the flash you see in a tigers eye when the light hits is at night and this is where the name Tiger Eye comes from.

Tiger eye rock is a good choice to use while meditating as they help you to calm your emotions

and mind so you can enter the meditative state.

Feeling out of sorts lately, stressed from your job or life in general? Tiger eye stone is a great stone for you to wear or carry. They correct the problems that leave you feeling drained,

overwhelmed, confused, or unfocused.

If your home or office is a high stress area where tempers can easily get riled, try placing a large tiger eye gemstone (or several smaller ones) in the room to sooth the tensions.

Have a job in which you have to drive at night? Carry a tigers eye as it helps improve night


Main Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra Planet: Sun

Vibrates to the number: 4 Element: Fire & Earth Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Tigers Eye Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - A Silicate. (Tectosilicates). A variation of Quartz

Hardness - 7 Specific Gravity - 2.64 – 2.71

Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1,544 -1,553 Bi-refringence - 0.009 Optic Sign - Positive

Optical Character - Uniaxial

Amber Stone: A negative energy transformer

Many people think what we call Amber stone is actual stones (minerals ). In reality however they are fossils. Fossilized tree sap to be exact. Amber stone does not belong to a mineral family, it is

more of a natural plastic and there is not an exact chemical composition that makes up amber stone for that reason.

Amber stone feels almost warm to the touch. Minerals feel cool to the touch but amber does not conduct heat the way mineral stones do. If it gets hot enough, amber will actually burn. Amber

can be made to attract electro static electricity. Simply rub it with a soft cloth and it will attract small pieces of paper placed near it.

Most amber stone is a warm golden yellow color, but the colors can vary between shades of

yellow, orange, red, white, brown, green and a bluish almost black color.

Everyone who spends long periods of time on a computer should keep an amber stone on their desk due to its ability to detoxify the body from all types of radiation (sun, computers, xrays,


An excellent healing stone, not only is it stronger than some other healing stones but also has the ability to take negative energy that could be causing the illness and transmutting it into positive energy that helps heal the affected area. It is an excellent stone for those working with the Law

of Attraction due to its ability to help in manifesting your desires.

Other Amber Stone meanings

Trying to get pregnant? Want to get every possible bit of help to speed up the process? Try wearing an amber stone on a belt hung low from the waist or carry one in your pocket to help

ensure conception.

Have you noticed the small plants and animals that are often trapped within the golden confines of this gemstone? These help connect us directly to the Universal Life force making it a great stone for energy workers.

An amber stone carved into the shape of a rabbit, frog or fish would make a great gift for anyone trying to get pregnant, those 3 animals are some of the most abundant producers of offspring around and when you add in the stones ability to help in conception it makes a perfect match!

Amber stone helps draw out negative energy from the body then allows the body to heal itself by

taking that negative energy and transmuting it into a positive energy that purifies the body, soul, heart and spirit. Luck does not have to be left to just fate, we have the ability to increase our luck

via conscious choices and amber stone is an excellent choice to be used to attract good luck. Carry one in your pocket, drop one in your purse or wear one on a chain around your neck; all make the perfect good luck charm.

Making decisions are often one of the hardest things we ever have to face, but you don't have to

face it all alone. Hold an amber stone in your hands and fold your hands over your heart while making your decision as the stone will make your decision much easier to deal with. Most

everyone has dreams of a better and brighter future, but your dreams are personally yours and they come in all sizes and shapes. It is the getting those dreams to come true that is the hard part. Want your dreams to come true? Sleep near an amber stone so it can help you make correct

choices in your life.

Everyone needs love in their life and helping to attract love into your life is an amber stone metaphysical property that excels! Talismans are object that have been empowered (charged)

with specific energies to be embued to the wearer. When possible, natural objects with their own similar powers are embued with the powers making the talisman exceptionally strong. Since ancient times, people have empowered the amber stone to be a protective talismans.

Have you ever known someone that is always bright and cheerful, even on the darkest of days? Did you notice if they happen to have some of this "sunshine frozen in time" amber stone on

them. Since ancient times, a string of amber stone beads around the neck has been thought to bring the wearer inner peace and a sunny disposition.

Egyptians used amber stone to protect mummies from destruction and decay. It was not unusual

for amulets made of amber stones to be found in tombs because it protected the deceased on their journey thought the afterlife. Make a gemstone elixir by soaking one or more stones in a glass container of water overnight, under the moonlight if possible. Use the elixir to wash your face or

in the making of products for skin care to enhance beauty.

Early doctors prescribed amber stones to be taken internally to cure various ailments like headaches, heart problems and arthritis. (Not sure if I would try this one or not. Do so at your

own risk.)

Meditation can improve all aspects of our lives, but sometimes trying to find the time and place to be able to relax enough to meditate can be a problem. So we of course want to get the most out

of the time that we do have. By placing an amber stone on top of the head during meditation it not only helps to cleanse the crown chakra but improves your ability to get the most our of your mediation.

Our mind, body and soul are constantly being bombarded with negativity. Its in the air and the

food we eat. Let's not forget computers, medical equipment and the hundreds of other machines that give off small doses of raditional. It is no wonder our bodies are constantly having problems.

Try passing a large amber stone through the aura of a person to detoxify the body and remove all sorts of negative energies or you can sleep with a few stones and receive their benefits all night long.

Having an off day? Sit for 3 to 5 minutes with an amber stone held to your solar plexus chakra to

balance your mind, body and soul and bring clarity to your day.

Knee and joint problems haunt a huge number of Americans and this is one gemstone that can help alieve the pain. If you are having knee problems (or any other joint), wrap the joint with an

ace bandage and place one or more amber stones under the bandage, next to the skin. The healing properties will have direct access to the problem area.

Life is hectic and if you are having a bad day and are exceptionally up tight, draw a nice warm

bath and place a few amber stones in the water, then sink in with them and allow their healing powers to remove the tensions from your body.

There are numerous references to the uses of this fabulous gemstone throughout history. One of the most enduring is during the Middle Ages, when amber was use heavily in Rosary Beads.

Often thought of as being sunshine frozen in time, you can take advantage of that captured warmth and use it when you are feeling cold for any reason. Hold an amber stone in your hand and visualize its warmth spreading throughout your body to warm you up!

Give a gift of amber to anyone who is recovering from any sort of illness. It's ability to connect

to the life force of the Universe can help speed healing.

We have within our personal abilities the access to a wide range of ancient knowledge. Taping this knowledge is not always easy but if you meditate with an amber stone in each hand it helps

you connect to the ancient knowledge.

For you guys who are hoping to get your wife pregnant, carry an amber stone in your pocket. It is helps keep the equipment in top working order.

Chakra: Solar plexus Chakra

Element: Fire

Astrological sign: Leo and Sagittarius

Vibrates to #3

Turquoise Stones

Turquoise stones ar found all over the world in places where volcanic activity has occurred. In the United States, turquoise stones are found in Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico,

Nevada, Utah and Virginia.

The turquoise stones found in Virginia are a rare form that grows in crystals that are prismatic in nature. Most of the stones in other parts of the world do not grow in crystal shapes.

The highest quality of stones are found in Persia, which is also where the earliest mines

supplying modern day turquoise are found. Large successfully mined deposits have also been found in China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Tibet.

The color of the stone ranges from the famous sky blue color of the Persia crystals, through various shades of blue greens. The color depends on the minerals found in the area where it

grew. The more copper in the mix produces a bluer stone. The more iron in the mix produces a greener stone.

Turquoise stones help us attune our physical selves to the highest realms. It helps us to better understand ourselves and to bring our ideas and emotions under control so we can see them

become fruitful in our reality. You have but to stop and listen, be still and be ready to hear the truth about who and what you are. Only then will you obtain your full power.

Honored by native Americans as a sacred stone, turauoise gemstone absorbs negativity,

transmuting it into useful energy. It also helps you to become one with the universe.

The true Turquoise meaning for each person comes directly from the heart and the soul of the person using them. This page represents the turquoise meanings others have found to be true in

their search for the power of healing crystals energies. If you find it helps you with something not listed here, claim it as your own for you have been given a gift.

Turquoise Stones Healing Properties

The list of turquoise stone healing properties is long and varied. The varieties of turquoise crystal shapes, sizes and colors that can be used are as varied as the people that use them.

Some people prefer to use tumbled turquoise stones of approximately 1 inch in size. Others prefer natural turquoise stones, unchanged by mans hands. The choice is 100% up to you. The

energies are there, waiting to be used by those that choose to use them.

Worn anywhere on the body, a turquoise stone will protect and bless the wearer. It is considered a sacred stone in some cultures, being a gift from the gods.

A String of turquoise beads worn around the neck absorbs all negativity from the body and mind

and helps you develop your own natural powers.

You can align your chakras by laying a turquoise stone on each of the chakra points for 3 to 5 minutes while the gem does its work. Don't have 7 turquoise? It may take a little longer, but

laying a single stone on 1 chakra at a time for the same 3 to 5 minutes will still align your chakras for maximum power.

A string of turquoise stone beads used as a bracelet, necklace or even an anklet will help detoxify the body from alcohol, pollution, poison and radiation. The idea is to wear a circle of beads

around one area of the body so as the blood flows back and forth through the area, the turquoise can purify it.

Perhaps my favorite healing method that I use a couple of times a month when I get a headache

is to wear one on my head to help heal and to bring wisdom. I purchased a package of stretchy hair bands at Walmart but you can find them anyplace that sells brushes and such. Use one as a head band around your forehead. The pressure helps ease the headache and provides the perfect

place to slip a gemstone underneath to hold the crystal in place. I sleep like this often so I wake up headache free in the mornings.

Anyone that has problems with their lungs, throat or from asthma, can hang a turquoise stone

from a cord or chain so it hangs directly over the area causing the problem. This allows the gem energies to get as close as possible to the problem area and begin the healing work even faster.

Have problems with your hearing or with ear infections. Use the head band trick above to hold a

large turquoise gemstone against the ear so the stone can do its work. NOTE: Make sure the stone you use is large enough it will not go inside your ear.

Those suffering from depression can sleep with a turquoise to help lift the depression faster. I can attest to this ability from experience in my mother's later years. When her health started

failing she suffered with severe depression and the stones helped to ease her suffering.

NOTE: Turquoise stone healing crystal remedies should always be used to compliment traditional medical treatments, not replace it. As with all alternative therapies, always check with

your doctor before using.

Add a few turquoise rocks to a container of water and allow it to sit outdoors overnight where the moon can shine upon it and then so the sun can shine upon it during the day. That evening, pour

the water into a tub of warm water, step in, sit down and allow the healing energies to work upon your body.

This same Healing Elixir can be used to soak a sprained or pulled muscle, strengthen the body so

you can fight off viruses and infections, and help damaged or cut tissues to heal. For headaches, soak a cloth in the Elixir and place on your forehead till the pain goes away.

Have a speaking engagement coming up? Sleep with a turquoise taped to your neck (with a band aid) at night and wear one on a chain around your neck during the day to ensure your ability to

communicate with others is at it's highest.

Turquoise Stones Metaphysical Properties

Turquoise stones have a long list of metaphysical properties. It's ability to strenghten us goes

beyond physical strength to give us the strength to do what must be done. The strength to look within ourselves and see both the good an the bad, without feeling we are lessened by the parts which are not perfect.

When we need to connect to another person on a deep level, whether for lasting love or a deep

freindship, turquoise stones can be a solution to make it happen and make it last a lifetime. It can also help to ensure the relationship remains loyal on both side and the gem instill loyalty to those

who use it.

If you find your life is out of balance, causing tensions to rule rathen than peace, try brining a turquoise stone into your environment. It can help increase serenity, balance negative and postive energies and allow those within it sphere of influence to have honest communications so the

cause of the stress can be removed.

A turquoise stone is the perfect gift for anyone having problems with negative thinking. It increases our ability to think postive and to be able to empathize with others so we can see the

brighter side of life.

Last but not least, turquoise stones protective qualities can allow us to stay safe on the physical, mental and spiritual levels. It allows us to connect with all of life, to communicate in a positive

and honest way and stay sensitive to others feels while protecting your own at the same time.

Main Chakra: Heart

Planet: Jupiter

Vibrates to the number: 4, 6 and 7

Element: Earth

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Turquoise Stone Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8•4(H2O) Hardness - 5 to 6 Specific Gravity - 2.89 gm/cc.

Refractive Index (R.I.) - na = 1.610 nß = 1.615 ny = 1.650 Bi-refringence - +0.040

Optic Sign - Positive Optical Character - Biaxial

Apatite Gemstone

The best sources for the most brilliant colors of apatite crystals include Brazil, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Mexico, Myanmar (Burma), Norway, Sri Lanka, South Africa and the United

States. These wonderous beautiful Apatite gemstones comes in a wide range of colors ranging from neon and other shades of blue, colorless, purple, violet, pink, green, yellow and red.

Like most other minerals, the color depends on the additional minerals in the area where the

apatite gemstone grows. The most in demand color is the rich purple found in Maine at Mount Apatite. From Brazil we find the 2nd most sought after color which is a brilliant blue color. Recently a neon blue-green variety has been minded in Madagascar that is quickly gaining in


The name apatite comes from the Greek word for deceive or cheat, which is apatao. Throughout history it has been called the deceitful or cheating stone because it is so easy to confuse it with

other types of gemstones. While this is especially true in the cut stones used in jewelry, it is also true when it is in the raw crystal state as it is often mistaken for beryl and tourmaline.

It has often been said, before you can change something, you must accept it as it is. This is very true for most people where excess weight is an issue. We become less than happy with ourselves and take on a negative view of our life and body. Apatite gemstone is multi-talented, helping us attune to our inner selves and accept the healing, communication, balancing and teaching it has

to offer. This allows you to become comfortable with who you are now so you can make changes to create the person you want to be. An Apatite gemstone is also thought to help with appetite


The perfect gemstone for use on any of the chakras since it can both stimulate under activity and calm over activity while clearing congestion. Apatite gemstone helps in the development of

psychic abilities and helps you attune your mind, body and soul to the spiritual forces that run throughout the universe.

Apatite gemsotnes helps bones to heal faster and stronger. It helps your body absorb calcium from the foods you eat, which helps to keep bones and teeth strong. To help ease the pain of

arthritis, wrap the affected joint in an elastic bandage allowing it to hold one or more apatite crystals against the affected joint. This can help heal the pain and heal the joint faster.

To help lower high blood pressure, wear an apatite crystal so it hangs near the heart. Wearing

one on a chain is fine or if all else fails, pin a stone to the inside of your shirt. Simply slip it inside a cotton bag and use a saftey pin to attach it.

An apatite gemstone is a great gift for anyone in the healthcare industry. It is often hard for

healthcare workers to find the right words to say to their patients and these crystals are known for helping you find the life lesson meant to be learned from the situation and to express it to the patient in a way that helps them the most in their time of need.

Continue below for the Chakra, Astrological, Planetary and Elemental Properties.

For the metaphysical, magical and healing properties visit our Apatite Gemstone Part 2 page. Chakra: Solar Plexus

Vibrates to the number 9 Astrological Sign: Gemini Planetary Sign: Mercury

Element: Water

Apatite gemstone Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - calcium phosphate

Hardness - 5

Specific Gravity - 3.17-3.23

Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.632-1.646

Cleavage: Poor, imperfect

Fracture: Conchoidal, brittle

Dispersion: Medium (.013-.016)

Heat sensitivity: High

Birefringence (double refraction): Weak (.002-.004)

Crystal structure: Hexagonal

Colors: blue, green, yellow, pink, violet, colorless


Chrysoprase is one of the specific types of chalcedony, but instead of the normal blue most

peoplethink of as good quality chalcedony, it is an apple-green color. It is mined in numerous locations around the world including, Australia, Germany, Japan, Kazakhstan, Madagascar,

Poland, Portugal, Russia and the United States.

Chrysoprase grows in a cryptocrystalline structure which means its crystals are so small, they can not been seen with the human eye, so you never see the large crystals you expect to see from the quartz family.

The apple green color of chrysoprase comes from the addition of nickel to chalcedony as it was forming. The brighter the green color, the more expensive the stone. The higher qualities are actually on the rare side, making the stone more expensive, especially in larger sizes.

The name Chrysoprase comes from the Greeks who named it a combination of chrysos which means gold and prason which means bloom, or gold bloom, because of the drops of gold that

appear to be contained within the stone.

Many people will confuse chrysoprase with various forms of Jade, especially imperial jadeite. In Australia, people often call it Australian Jade as a folk name.

From a metaphysical standpoint, chrysoprase is good at balancing opposing energies, the yin and

the yang, light and dark, good and bad for we are not all of any one type of energy but a mixture of the opposing energies and this stone can help to realign the energies into a workable balance.

Think of all the many ways that ability can be used in your life. Those that are caught up in the

need for perfection can release that need and find a balance that is more attuned with normal human abilities. Those that feel superior or even inferior to others can change to allow themselves to work on an even level with those around them.

Those that are greedy can learn to share. Those that are irritable can learn to be calm. Those that

are selfish can learn to give. The possibilities are endless, making this a must have stone for anyone serious about making changes in their lives.

In doing my research for this article I ran across an old Rumanian legend which states that a

person who works with a Chrysoprase has the ability to understand the language of lizards. Perhaps this is why I so enjoy sitting on my back deck and watching the lizard family that lives

under the deck come out to play and sun themselves on the deck railings.

As a healing gemstone, chrysoprase is used to treat any disorder of the heart, to help heal wounds, to increase fertility, to help stop blood flow from a wound, to treat disorders of the reproductive organs and to relieve pain associated with arthritic ailments.

Main Chakra: Heart

Planet: Venus Vibrates to the number: 3

Element: Earth Astrological Sign: Libra

Chrysoprase Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - Silicon Dioxide with inclusions of Nickel

Hardness - 7 Specific Gravity - 2.58 to 2.64 Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.530 to 1.543

Bi-refringence - up to 0.004

Optic Sign - Positive Optical Character - Uniaxial


In the United States chrysocolla is mined mainly in Arizona and New Mexico. Outside the United States, the most common places where it is mined is in Australia, Chile, China, England,

Greece, Israel, Namibia, Russia and Zaire.

Chrysocolla is a fantastic mixture of colors. The gem itself can range from a blue green shade similar to turquoise all the way to a robins egg blue. Most of the time however it will be mixed

with other gemstones such as malachite and turquoise, making a wonderfully shaded mixture of blues and greens that swirls and mix to form one of the most breath taking gems on the market.

Has someone broken your heart and left you unable to think about being able to love someone

else? A chrysocolla helps to heal your broken heart and open it to receive love into it. This holds true even when the one that hurt you is a friend or family member. It has the added advantage of helping to open up the lines of communication so the healing can begin on both sides. Being able

to keep your heart open to love is perhaps the most important thing we can do in our lives. It helps to fulfill us on so many levels. When you put a protective wall around your heart the

healing energies that normally flow from the heart are bottled up and can cause all sorts of health and mental problems if we don't release that energy.

When arguments, fights or break ups leave your living space a jumbled mess of negative energies making it impossible to heal, a Chrysocolla can purify your environment by removing negative energies and emotions from within people and their surroundings. It also promotes harmony by stabilizing the energies in the home (or building) and helps to rebuild the

relationships of those within its sphere of influence. This property also makes it a good choice for keeping in a office environment so everyone can work together as a group without negative

energies causing tensions to run high.

If fears, anxiety or guilt are holding you down or keeping you from becoming all you can be in life, try keeping one or more chrysocolla around. They can wash those negative energies away

and leave you feeling inner peace and acceptance, even if everything around you is falling apart.

A chrysocolla is an excellent stone for keeping in your office or near the cash register. It ensures prosperity and makes sure there is plenty of good luck around.

To connect with your Spirit Guide, hold a chrysocolla in your hand, close your eyes, take a few

deep breaths and allow the gems energies to flow through you, up to your head and out the top of your head. Visualize it as it continues, forming a string, connecting you to the Universe. Know

this string is your connection to your Spirit Guide. You can both send and receive information via this string.

A chrysocolla is the perfect stone of anyone in management as it gives you the ability to keep your head about you in high stress environments. Also helps you to know what to say, when to

say it and when it is best to not say anything in a given situation.

Are you suffering from a severe case of writers block? A chrysocolla gem can help break down that block and allow your creative juices to flow. But it does not stop with just helping you find

new ideas to write about. It also helps you to find ways to allow those ideas to flow through the words and across the paper so everyone can follow your ideas as if they were actually seeing the scene in their heads.

The above also holds true for teachers. The act of teaching requires you to be able to explain concepts and ideas in terms the students can understand, but a truly great teacher also makes the concepts come alive for his/her students and the chrysocolla does just that.

Patience is not just something you should show to others, it is also something you must show to

and for yourself. Use a chrysocolla to find that spiritual place within you where you can find the unconditional love that is needed to take you to a new level of wisdom.

If you suffer from any type of arthritis or joint pain, wrap the area in an elastic bandage and slip

one or more chrysocolla under the wrapping so it is near the problem area. This gets the gemstone right to the root of the problems and allows the healing energies to go to work. This also works for muscle problems and headaches. Just wrap the affected area with something to

hold the stone in place.

Those with any type of lung disorder can benefits by wearing a chrysocolla so it hangs between the lungs so the energies can get as near the affected area as possible.

Main Chakra: Throat

Planet: Venus Vibrates to the number: 4 & 7

Element: Water Astrological Sign: Gemini and Taurus

Chrysocolla Technical Details Chemical Composition - (Cu,Al)2H2Si2O5(OH)4•n(H2O) Hardness - 2.5-3.5

Specific Gravity - 1.9 - 2.4 Refractive Index (R.I.) - na = 1.575 - 1.585 nß = 1.597 n? = 1.598 - 1.635

Bi-refringence - 0.023 - 0.050

Optic Sign - Positive Optical Character - Uniaxial


Charoite is found in only one place in the entire world, along the Chary River in the Sakha Republic, Siberia, Russia.

It forms when limestone is infused with a unique composition of an alkali rich nephline syenite intrusion. But that infusion was not all it took to make Charoite. There had to also be the right amount of heat, the right amount of pressure and the right amount of time. This unique

combination of circumstances occurred in only one place.

As Charoite was growing, it grew in swirled layers of purples, blacks, oranges and greens. The blacks are inclusions of Augite, the greens are from Feldspars and the oranges are from Tinaksite

Originally exported starting in the 1970's, it was often hard to come by not because of its rarity, but also because Russian law prevents it from being exported until after it has been worked into a finished product. Either those laws have been relaxed or someone is smuggling it out of the country however, as you can not occasionally find raw stone available.

Charoite Gemstone opens and amplifies the connection between the head and the heart, allowing

us to accept logically the things we need to let go of and the things we need to bring into our lives, making the transition easier on every level.

Our lives are all about change, we are in constant flux, yet one of the strongest human

attachments is to try to hold on to the past. To try to keep things exactly the same as they always have been. But change is growth and growth gives an increase in power and should be accepted on every level. Charoite allows you to flow through the changes, never getting caught up and

allowing emotion to trap you in a stagnant relationship. It allows you to see what a fantastic person you are and to accept the gifts of wisdom that comes with every transformation.

Charoite negates things like anger, rage, impatience, fear and confusion all the while boosting your own powers and ability to increase psychic and spiritual awareness and bring peace,

calmness and balance into your life.

Charoite is the perfect stone for those suffering with obsessive compulsive disorder because it grounds our emotions and opens and balances the crown chakra. It not only helps you to

overcome the disorder but its transformational abilities helps you to redirect those energies into something more positive and life affirming for you.

If you find yourself holding on to fears and allowing them to hold you back from being all that

you can be, try meditating with a Charoite. It helps you to let go of fears and transform them into positive energy you can use to move on to bigger and better things.

If you know you will be having a long and tiring day and want to have a little extra energy to get through everything you need to accomplish, wear or carry Charoite to get an extra boost of

energy when you need it the most.

To cleanse and/or balance the crown chakra, any sort of meditation or cleansing ritual using a Charoite is very helpful. An easy meditation I use regularly involves sitting with your spine

straight. Place a charoite stone on the top of your head and visualize white light coming from the Universe, through the stone and into your body. Allow the light to fill your body and continue out your feet and into the earth.

Sleep with a Charoite Gemstone under your pillow at all times. It not only helps to ensure your dreams are prophetic, but also helps to prevent nightmares. This makes it a great stone to hang above the bed of a child that is being haunted with nightmares.

It is also a great stone for those trying to learn to lucid dream. It helps you to maintain your

consciousness throughout the dream and if you pay close attention to your dreams you can work through most of the fears that are holding you back while in the dream state instead of dealing

with them in the wake state.

Do you feel like someone or something is adding negative energies into your life or home? Hold a Charoite and ask it to show you where these energies are coming from. Then quiet your mind and listen for thoughts, ideas or sounds that lead you in a specific direction. In some ways, it is

like a dowsing rod, or perhaps it would be best to say it turns your body into a dowsing rod that zeroes in on negative energies so you can remove the source.

Charoite helps the head and the heart work together. Often it is hard to choose the best solution

because the heart says to do one thing and the head says to do another. This gemstones helps the two work on finding the best solution for you and everyone involved instead of just depending on one or the other.

Have problems with your head aching or ear problems? Take an wide elastic hair band, and wear it so it covers your forehead and ears, then slip a Charoite Gemstone over your ears or on the forehead to take care of the problem.

Charoite makes a great gift to those with psychic abilities or those that need to develop their

intuitive abilities for it not only helps to activate the psychic abilities but also helps activate your spiritual awareness, making you more receptive to messages from guides.

Main Chakra: Crown & Heart

Planet: Neptune Vibrates to the number: 7

Element: Water Astrological Sign: Sagittarius, Scorpio, Virgo

Charoite Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - K(Na,Ca)11(Ba,Sr)Si18O46(OH,F)-nH2O Hydrated

Potassium Sodium Calcium Barium Strontium Silicate Hydroxide Fluoride Hardness - 5 Specific Gravity - 2.54 - 2.58

Refractive Index (R.I.) - na = 1.550 nß = 1.553 n? = 1.559 Bi-refringence - 0.009

Optic Sign - Positive Optical Character - Biaxil


Rhodonite is found in deposits mainly in Australia, Brazil, British Columbia, India, Japan, Madagascar, Mexico, New Zealand and the United State in Alaska, California, Montana, New

Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina and Washington state.

Rhodonite is a stone of grace and elegance. When you think about the qualities of the lady of the manor, you are thinking about Rhodonite. The lady must pay strict attention to detail, yet never

allow her anxiety to show in public. She of course is passionately in love with her man, yet she must also be grounded in the knowledge that her passions are not for public view.

The lady must listen as rhodonite tells her to hold her head high with self confidence, trust her own heart, establish her own voice in the world and make her own choices, all the while

maintaining the discipline that marks her the lady of the manor.

Much like Rose Quartz, rhodonite teaches us about love. But rhodonite teaches not just about self love and the love towards others, but of all the important aspects about love. When to hold on to it, when to let it go and how to make that decision when things are at their worse.

If you find you intuition seems to be blocked or letting you down when you need it the most, use

a rhodonite to clear your psychic centers. This can be done by simply wearing one or more gemstones, carrying them in your pocket, or the fastest method is through intention by

meditating while having a rhodonite gemstone placed on the 4 top most chakras and allowing the energies to cleanse and activate them.

If your job or family life has you going through more than your fair share of "those" moments

where you have to have a LOT of understanding to get buy, carry a rhodonite in your pocket. When those moments arise, take a deep breath and rub the gemstone. It opens up a whole new

level of understand and patience within you that can ease the tensions these moments tend to bring.

Do you often get caught in the middle, having to decide what the best course of action is for

everyone involved? Often it is hard to find a solution that keeps everyone happy. Finger a rhodonite stone while thinking of the subject; it will help you find a unique solution that is fair and equitable to everyone involved.

This is an especially useful stone for anyone that has to be both mother and father to their

children. It brings out the best, most loving attributes of both, just when they are needed the most and can help a father show love in situations it is needed or a mother be stern when tough love is

called for.

Are you still suffering from the pains of love gone wrong? Add a rhodonite stone to your meditations and allow it heal the emotional scars and to allow forgiveness to bloom within your heart.

Have you recently suffered a severe cut, perhaps a surgery, where you know it will leave a scar? While the wound is fresh, add a rhodonite to the bandage to help the wound heal faster and to prevent it from scaring as badly.

If you have older scars that have already healed over, you can make an elixir by placing one or

more stones in water overnight. If possible allow it to sit outside under the full moon. Then use the water to wash the wound each day to help smooth the appearance of the scar.

Anyone that has recently had a heart attack, major surgery, stroke and any other type of serious

illness can benefit by keeping a rhodonite stone nearby. It helps the patient recover more quickly and can make the healing more complete or fuller.

Know as a rescue stone, the rhodonite can help to ease the pain of emotional trauma. Much like having a pair of nice strong arms wrapped around you, this gemstone makes you feel safe and

secure. It also raises your self worth and helps to remove negativity from the situation which can ease the pain of the trauma.

Healers who work with unblocking and removing illness or injury from others can benefit from

wearing one or more rhodonite stones because it prevents the negative energies from entering your body while you are working with the patient, allowing you to spend more time on them

without fear of causing injury or illness in yourself.

Anyone suffering from emphysema or any other lung disease, or those suffering with throat infections or cancers can speed their recovery by wearing one or more rhodonites on a chain. Wear it up high, near the throat for throat problems or down lower, between the lungs for lung


Main Chakra: Base Planet: Venus

Vibrates to the number: 9 Element: Earth

Astrological Sign: Taurus

Rhodonite Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - CaMn4(SiO3)5

Hardness - 5.5 to 6.5 Specific Gravity - 3.4 - 3.7 Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.711 to 1.752

Bi-refringence - 0.010 to 0.014 Optic Sign - +

Optical Character - Biaxial

Hematite Stone

Hematite stone is the main mineral in Iron and is mined in locations all around the world. The most notable places being Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Cuba, England, Germany, India, Mexico, Spain and Russia. In the United States, the states where hematite stone mining is

the most common includes Alabama, Arizona, Michigan, Missouri, New York, Tennessee, Wyoming and Utah.

Hematite stone is always opaque and is a grey metallic color or almost black. Occasionally you

will find small amounts of red within the stone. This is where the iron has oxidized and is why in times past, hematite was called "bloodstone" because many of the stones would "bleed" a red color when they were cut.

The so called "bleeding" is actually nothing more than the iron oxidizing, which is nothing more

than rust. Yet this red "blood" is where it got it's name. It comes from the Greek word haima meaning blood.

Our world has become so complex, it is hard to find time to take a deep breath, much less actually relax and let go of a little stress. The hematite stone can help you maximize those few moments you may find to let go of stress. It leaves you in a calm state but at the same time, it

leaves you in tuned to the universal energies, allowing you psychic abilities to increase.

If you have reached the age where your memory is not as good as it use to be, wearing hematite can help to increase your memory, making it easier to remember to get to appointments on time,

to pay bills on time or even just to call your relatives on a semi-regular basis.

Hematite stone is a balancing healing stone, that bring all sides of the subject into balance. Self control and a go getter attitude can live side by side. Body, mind and Spirit can all work in


Not sure which path to take in your life to ensure you have all that you need? This also includes having peace and true inner happiness in your life. Hematite can cause your intuition to peak,

helping you make the right choices to ensure all your hopes, dreams and desires can take you on the path to reach your goals.

Hematite is a great stone for students, mathematicians and engineers or anyone that use a lot of analytical skills in their jobs. It helps with memory, makes memorization easier, improves

mathematical skills and aids in logically moving from a single concept through the many possible conclusions that could arise.

A hematite is a great stone for a beginner just learning to meditate. Often beginners will feel

overwhelmed by the information and feelings they receive during their early attempts at meditation. Hematite helps you to stay grounded so you are not so overwhelmed, but at the same time, still allows you to maintain a meditative state.

If you are ill, especially where fever is concerned or the if the body has a build up of toxins, have someone comb your aura while holding a hematite stone. If you don't have someone to do this for you, meditate while holding one of the stones and visualize the stone drawing the

fever/toxins/illness from your body and into the stone. Afterwards, make sure you wash the stone under running water to remove the build up of negative energy from it.

If you are in need of a chiropractic treatments but can't get one done at this point in time, lay on

your stomach and have someone place several hematite stones on your back in a line down your spine. Hematite stone helps ease back pain and the magnetic qualities can help align your spine.

Hematite stone works closely with the base chakra helping to keep you grounded. This makes it the perfect stone for someone who tends to have their head in the clouds. It helps them to keep

their mind on what has to be done, without cutting off their love of life and flow of creativity.

Hematite stone is great for anyone that does any sort of public speaking, including teachers, business executives and such. It gives you courage and self control while also reducing stress,

which can help you to shine when communicating with others.

Main Chakra: Base Planet: Mars & Saturn

Vibrates to the number: 9 Element: Fire Astrological Sign: Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn

Hematite Stone Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - Fe2O3 (Iron and Oxygen)

Hardness - 5 - 6 Specific Gravity - 5.3

Refractive Index (R.I.) -2.87 to 3.15

Bi-refringence - high (0.28) Optic Sign - Negative

Optical Character - Uniaxial

Emerald Stone

Emerald stone has been mined in numerous places around the world in times past, some of these mines were exceptionally dangerous leading to the deaths of many people, all in the name of getting this fabulous gemstone out of the ground.

Most of todays emerald stones are mined in Afghanistan, Australia, Brazil, Columbia, India,

Pakistan, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. More recently the mines in North Carolina, USA and Vancouver BC, Canada have started producing some fantastic gems.

Emerald gemstone is one of the many forms of Beryl. Depending on the exact color of the gemstone and if there are no inclusions, the perfect stone can be more valuable that a diamond.

Other forms of beryl include aquamarine, golden beryl, heliodor and morganite. There is also a very rare red beryl.

Emerald Eyewash: Start with a clean gas jar with a tight fitting lid. Fill it with purified water and place an Emerald stone in it. Find a safe place outdoors during the full moon, where it can sit for

at least 24 hours getting the moon light at night and the sun light during the day, directly on the jar.

After at least 24 hours (longer is stronger) remove the emerald stone and use the water as an eye wash for any type of illness or disease of the eye.

For backaches, make an elixir by the instructions for the emerald eyewash above. Heat the elixir till it is as hot as you can stand, then dip a towel into the elixir. Lay face down and have someone place the towel on your back. The combination of the heat and the emerald stone elixir will help

your back feel much better.

If you find your work life or your home life filled with negative energies causing too much tension and arguments, especially if this is preventing life/work from being taken care of, try

placing emerald stones into the environment. They bring harmony to those within its sphere of action and can improve all aspects of the environment.

Historically, emerald stone has been used to heal cancer. It is important to note however that you

should never use this treatment in place of medical care from a certified doctor. Gemstone therapy should only be used in conjunction with competent medical care.

Continue below for the Astrological, planetary, elemental, chakra and technical information

about emerald stones. Click here to go to the 2nd part of this Emerald Stone article. Main Chakra: Heart

Planet: Jupiter, Mercury, Moon, Venus Vibrates to the number:

Element: Earth Astrological Sign: Cancer

Emerald Stone Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - Be3Al2(SiO3)6 Hardness - 7.5 to 8

Specific Gravity - 2.67 - 2.78 Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.566 - 1.602

Bi-refringence - 0.005 - 0.008 Optic Sign - Negative Optical Character - Uniaxial


In the United State, Dumortierite has been mined mainly in California and Nevada, but it is found in many areas around the country. The most commons places where it is mined in the rest of the world include Brazil, Canada, France, Madagascar, Norway, Poland, Russia and Sri Lanka.

The most sought after colors are usually blue or violet, however it can also be found in various shades of pink and green. It is important to note that stones called Dumortierite Quartz and quartz crystals that contain dumortierite inclusions in them are their own separate stone and will

not be covered on this page.

In the mundane world, dumortierite is used in the making of ceramics, porcelain and even spark plugs. The stone was named in the 1880's for Eugene Dumortier a French paleontologist of the


Dumortierite helps the lower and upper chakras communicate better by bringing the lower physical energy and the higher spiritual energy into balance and harmony. This can be brought

about by simply wearing or carrying one or more dumortierites on a regular basis, or if you want faster results, have a friend or loved one "comb" your aura clean with a stone. A good combing

should last around 20 to 30 minutes and when it is finished you should feel much lighter both physically and spiritually.

Dumortierite is a wonderful stone to give to students of any kind as it helps with mental discipline, helping you keep your mind on the subject at hand instead of wandering. It also helps

you to absorb more data in less time. When learning something new, I have found it helps to finger a dumortierite while studying, my retention seems to be much better that way.

If you want to contact your Spirit Guide or receive a prophetic dream, sleep with a dumortierite

in your hand or under your pillow to connect your mind with the source. This can also be done during meditation. Simply hold the stone and after you have relaxed and cleared your mind, let

your consciousness pull energy from the stone, into your body, then allow the energy to help you connect with the universal source.

Aura combing with a dumortierite can also help your body to remain in a state of health and/or give your immune system a boost by removing toxins from the body. Just have a friend or loved

one comb your aura while holding a dumortierite.

Healers will often use a dumortierite to help them diagnose disease. By holding a stone while slowly moving up and down the patients body, the dumortierite amplifies the energy where the

illness is at making it easier to recognize.

For an upset stomach, especially if cramps, diarrhea or nausea is involved, meditate for 20 to 30 minutes while laying down with one or more stones on your stomach.

Dumortierite is a stone for increasing psychic abilities. It is known for opening the third eye

chakra and stimulating psychic and/or prophetic dreams.

Keep one or more stones under your pillow or sleep with one in your hand to help you have prophetic dreams. Make sure to log your dreams in a dream journal immediately upon rising so you can remember as much detail as possible. By tracking your dreams it is easier to see trends

that point to important events.

Meditating while holding a stone can help to open your psychic abilities in all aspects of you life. Think of it as a silent teacher working on increasing your psychic abilities without conscious

knowledge on your part. This can lead to an increase in prophetic dreams, ESP, visions and seeing omens.

Need to organized your home or office or need help getting things lined up in the way that will

allow everything to run as quickly and smoothly as possible? Work with dumortierite to help you establish the procedures and set up the filing system to get everything accomplished.

Dumortierite is a great stone for anyone involved in sales. It not only helps you to show the best

side of yourself, it helps you to find the words the customer needs to hear to close the sale.

Do you have problems getting others to understand what you are talking about, dumortierite can help you to express yourself in ways others find easy to comprehend. This is especially true when you are speaking of spiritual or mystical events, thoughts and concepts.

Make an elixir from this stone and use it to wash irritated skin. It helps smooth and sooth the

irritation and leaves skin feeling smoother.

Dumortierite is an excellent stone for someone going through withdrawal from any type of addiction. Have a friend or family member hold the stone in their hand while they "comb" your

aura, this helps to remove the toxins and allow healing faster.

Main Chakra: Throat Planet: Saturn

Vibrates to the number: 4 Element: Astrological Sign: Leo

Dumortierite Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - Al7(O3(BO3)(SiO4)3)

Hardness - 7-8.5 Specific Gravity - 3.26-3.45

Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.686-1.723 Bi-refringence - Optic Sign - Negative

Optical Character - Biaxial


Dolomite is found in many shapes and forms including masses, grains, rhombohedral and prismatic crystals. It forms in a wide range of colors including white, grey, greenish-white, red,

rose red, green, pink, brown and black. Individual pieces can run from a pearly hue, to a dull shade.

Dolomite can be found throughout much of the world in various quantities and grades. Most used in modern needs is mined from Ontario, Canada, Mexico, Switzerland, Pamplona, Spain; and the


Dolomite was named for the the French mineralogist Deodat de Dolomieu who discovered the mineral in 1791. It is often found growing in sedimentary and metamorphic rock and is often

found with Limestone and Calcite.

From a metaphysical standpoint, dolomite is used to help persons become more charitable in their demeanor and actions. This makes it a great stone for someone that is having problems

getting past their own problems so they can be a help to others. This often happens after the loss of a loved one or a major upheaval in ones life.

We tend to forget that even though things may look dark or we may feel like the world is against us, there is a specific reason for what we are going through. It may be simply that we can not

help others with their sorrow when we have not experienced it ourselves or it may we can not help others overcome their fears if we have not experienced fear in our lives. No matter what the

reason, when you can stop thinking the bad things in life are aimed at you and understand the bad things in life simply make us stronger and more capable in our lives, all the anger, fear and frustration starts to drop away.

Dolomite is also a good stone for writers or those that need a good supply of new ideas in their

work. It helps to clarify our thinking and allow new ideas to flow in an exciting way.

In times when we are stressed, especially when the stress has become long term, our chakras can become damaged by the stress and begin to leak energy resulting in a weakening of all the bodily

symptoms. A Dolomite crystal can be kept within the bodies aura to help stop the energy leaks, resulting in an increase in all the body systems.

Large crystals or massive granular formations would be a great addition to the waiting room of

any doctors office and would be especially helpful for any patients who's ailments are caused by the bodies energy systems or through spiritual detachment rather than from a specific medical condition.

In healing, dolomite in a purified form purchased from a reputable dealer can be taken internally

and is useful to help the body balance calcium and magnesium in a synergist ic way. It helps to build blood, improves the structure of muscles within the body and helps build strong and

healthy teeth, nails, skin and bones. Main Chakra: Root Planet:

Vibrates to the number: 3 Element: Earth

Astrological Sign: Aries

Dolomite Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - CaMg (CO3)2 Hardness - 3.5 - 4

Specific Gravity - 2.85 Refractive Index (R.I.) - n? = 1.679 - 1.681 and ne = 1.500

Bi-refringence - d = 0.179 - 0.181 Optic Sign - negative Optical Character - Uniaxial

Jade Gemstone

Jade gemstone occurs in two forms, jadeite and nephrite jade. Some sources claim a third type of Jade known as Transvaal Jade, however this is not a true Jade. It is a grossular garnet. The main differences between the two types of jade are mainly chemical in nature as both have very

similar metaphysical properties.

Nephrite Jade gemstone comes mainly in a creamy white color and a variety of green colors. The green colors tend to be on the lighter side. Jadeite jade gemstone comes in a much larger variety

of colors and include various shades of blue, lavender, mauve, pink, and a variety of wonderful green shade's. The almost emerald green shades of jade colors are the most sought after. Sadly with today's new manufacturing techniques, the Jade colors you see may or may not be natural as

it is now possible to dye Jade. Always make sure you purchase your jade from a reputable dealer if you want to ensure your stones are natural and not chemically treated.

Of the two forms of Jade stones, jadeite is the rarest and the most sought after shade is the almost emerald green color it has when it is in an almost perfect mineral mixture. It has been mined

throughout much of Asia for centuries however today it is mined mainly in Guatemala and Burma. Nephrite Jade stone on the other hand is mined mainly in Canada these days but can also

be found in the United States in Alaska, California, Washington State, Oregon, North Carolina, and Wyoming.

When you think of Jade stones, the color that comes to mind first is one of the many wonderful shades of green that Jade comes in and it is the green color that we have the most historical

background information to draw from.

Like most green stones, Jade gemstone has been used in many ways to help attract money into the life of the user. If it seems like you never have enough money, always looking for extra

money to pay a bill or replace something that broke, you may need to change your attitude towards money. Too often we find ourselves upset with what we need most in our life, this is especially true when dealing with money. When there's not enough money to take care of all that

has to be done, we tend to develop a negative attitude towards money. This act alone can result in our never having enough money and by taking the time to change our attitude towards money

to something more positive and life-affirming, the doors to a constant flow of money can swing wide allowing us to receive all that we need and deserve.

Continue below for the Chakra, planet, element, astrological and chemical composition of jade


Go to part 2 of the Jade Gemstone article.

Main Chakra: Heart Planet: Venus

Vibrates to the number: 11 Element: Water Astrological Sign: Libra, Aries, Gemini, Taurus

Jadeite Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - NaAl(SiO3)2 Hardness - 6.5 to 7 Specific Gravity - 3.34

Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.66 Bi-refringence -

Optic Sign - Optical Character -

Nephrite Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - Ca2(MgFe)5(OH)2(Si4O11)2 Hardness - 6 to 6.5

Specific Gravity - 2.95 Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.61 to 1.62 Bi-refringence -

Optic Sign - Optical Character -

Labradorite Stone

Labradorite stone, with its flash of color is minded mainly in Africa, Australia, Canada, Finland, India, Madagascar, Newfoundland, New South Wales, Romania, Russia and Scandinavia. It is

mined in several locations in the United States with Utah having the unique clear variety which is one of the most unusual specimens to be found anywhere in the world.

Labradorite stone is one of my favorite gemstones. There is just something about the flash of

color in all the gemstones that exhibit the iridescent schiller effect, that I find fascinating and this gem never lets me down. It makes an excellent meditation tool. By allowing your mind to walk through the mystical world which unfolds in the various layers of iridescent color within the

stone, your body can easily follow into a complete, relax meditation.

Labradorite stone was discover about 1770. It gets its name from where it was first found, Labrador Canada. The variety of Labradorite stone found in Finland in the 1940's is usually

called Spectrolite.

One Labradorite meaning is as a gemstone of destiny because it opens up your psychic abilities by connecting you to the Universal flow of energies that permeates our world and universe. Of

course with this increase in personal psychic abilities, comes the need for the wisdom to know how to use the gifts in a way that never harms others. Gifts such as these should only be used for positive results, in the service of others rather than to harm or control others in any way.

Sleep with a labradorite stone to receive prophetic dreams and guidance on your life path from

ascended beings. If you listen to the meanings they have to give you, they will teach you all you need to know to live a positive life, helping others while still fulfilling your own hopes, desires

and dreams.

Allow it and a labradorite crystal will teach you how valuable you are as a spiritual being. It will release your inner securities about yourself, your powers and your abilities to give you a sense of inner worth and strength of will.

Labradorite earrings tend to be preferred over other types of jewelry by professional psychics. This is because of trying to get the labradorite as close to the third eye as possible. I find if I slip a labradorite under a scarf of head band while doing readings I get much clearer results.

An excellent gemstone for those seeking to bring your diet, health and exercise habits under

control because it regulates your metabolism and jump starts your energy levels to get your moving.

Labradorite stone is useful for those with arthritic disorders such as gout and rheumatism. Slip

one or more gemstones under any sort of bandage to hold it near the joint, or place a few loose beads in a warm foot bath and sink your feet in to help with gout in the feet.

When a head cold is getting you down, try relaxing with a labradorite stone on your forehead

and/or cheeks to relieve the sinus problems associated with colds, flu or hay fever.

If you find yourself suffering from the affects of stress or from any stress related disorder, try meditating with a labradorite stone. It provides relief from stress in all it's many forms. If you

find yourself suffering for any type of anxiety, depression or hopelessness, labradorite stone can wash them away leaving enthusiasm and self confidence in it's place.

As an aid to reducing blood pressure, wear of bracelet or necklace of labradorite beads. The idea

is to wear a circle of stones around a part of your body so as you blood travels through your body, it can be cleansed and purified by the gemstones.

Perhaps my favorite Labradorite meaning is to help you relax and reach the meditative state

easier. This allows you to get better results from all types of meditation.

Labradorite crystal helps to remove negativity from people and their immediate environment. It helps you to find the ability to think clearly in any situation and teaches you the ability to work in balance and harmony with others. If you find yourself needing to learn to stick to a job or

needing the strength to complete any project, turn to this labradorite meaning to find those qualities within yourself.

In earlier history, Eskimo's thought that what we know as the Aurora Borealis (the Northern

Lights) had been trapped inside the gemstones and one of their ancestors stabbed the stone with his spear and let them loose into the sky. But some of the lights remained trapped inside to make what we call labradorite stone.

One of the many gemstone myths is that people who are exceptionally attracted to labradorite are descended from the lost city of Atlantis, whereas those that are exceptionally attracted to Angelite are descended from Lemuria.

If you are having problems connecting with your Spirit Guide or if you want to turn up the

connection, try holding or wearing a labradorite stone during the process. Taking advantage of this labradorite meaning helps open up the channels allowing easier and clear communication to


If you rnight vision is poor, preventing you from being able to drive at night, try spending a few minute each day relaxing with a labradorite gemstone on each closed eyelid.

Main Chakra: Brow Planet:

Vibrates to the number: Element: Water

Astrological Sign: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo

Labradorite Stone Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - (Ca,Na)(Si,Al)4 O8 - Calcium Sodium Aluminum Silicate Hardness - 6.0 - 6.5

Specific Gravity - 2.5 - 2.9 Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.560 to 1.568 Bi-refringence - weak maximum birefringence of 0.010

Optic Sign - Positive Optical Character - Biaxial

Lapis Lazuli Stone

Afghanistan has been mining Lapis Lazuli Stone for about 6500 year and was the supplier of most of the lapis stone used in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. It is still lbeing minded there

today and still produces some of the finest quality stones to be found in the world.

Today other sources from around the world include The Andes, Canada, Chile, India, Pakistan and Russia. In the United States, the most prolific mines are found in California, Colorado and

most recently in Illinois.

To hold a Lapis Lazuli stone in your hand is akin to holding a piece of the sky on a starry, moonlit night. From the deep blue background, to the wisps of fluffy white clouds to the

twinkling of stars, this healing crystal holds them all for us to tap into and use for our benefit.

Most people think of Lapis stone as a mineral however technically it is a rock that is composed of various minerals including aluminum, calcium, sulfur, silicon, sodium, augite, diopside, enstatite, mica, hauynite, hornblende and nosean. It is small chunks of pyrite crystals embedded

with the stone that gives the flash of gold that looks so much like the twinkle of distant stars.

Lapis Lazuli stone comes mainly in shades of blue but has been found in slightly greenish shades. Stones of intense blue shades without white veins (calcite) but with lots of pyrite flakes are the most sought after specimens.

In Ancient Egypt, the dead were buried with Lapis Lazuli stone jewelry and other adornments to protect them in the afterlife. It is the gemstone most commonly carved into the shape of an eye and then decorated with pure gold, typical of the ornaments found in tombs of the Pharoahs.

One old folk tale says if you dream of Lapis stone, the person you love will be true to you

forever, never straying and never breaking your heart.

If you need help in finding a career or life path, try mediating with or wear jewelry with lapis lazuli stone in it. It inspires you to reach for the stars and become all you can be and it will guide

you to the path to that is right for you.

Often we find end up almost fighting with ourselves. Our heart says to do one thing, but our mind says to do something else. Lapis stone helps your heart and mind work together instead of

fighting against each other allowing you to manifest your hearts desires.

A lapis stone makes a great gift for a psychic, especially when worn in a circlet which hangs over the third eye. The Lapis healings to develop psychic abilities which may be laying dormant

while strengthening the abilities that are already being used.

Lapis Lazuli is a great stone for those seeking understanding of the spiritual world or to understand your purpose in life. Simply meditate while holding a stone and listen to the lesson to

be taught.

This is another lapis lazuli stone meaning psychics can take advantage of. If you find yourself needing answers to a heavy problem or worries about what is to come in the near future, try sleeping with Lapis, it increases prophetic dreams and helps with dream recall. You can also

wear a ring with a large lapis on your right hand to increase your ability to channel Ultimate Knowledge.

As a healing stone Lapis lazuli feeds the skeletal system, increasing bone strength and density,

making it the perfect stone for women in their later years when bone loss can be a problem.

Gemstone healers recommend wearing a lapis lazauli stone so it hangs near the base of the throat. This allows its healing energies to sooth and nourish the thyroid gland. This is useful for

either and over active or underactive thyroid gland, as it normalizes the gland.

Lapis is a Sacred stone the the Goddess Isis. Wear a Lapis during any attunement rituals or during magic calling upon Isis to add all the powers of the Goddess to your rites.

If you have enemies that may be sending negative energies your way or if someone with evil intentions is sending a full scale psychic attack at you, wear or carry a lapis stone to prevent (or

absorb) the attack.

With all the stresses in todays world a lapis stone can be vital to retaining your sanity. It is calming to the nervous system, relieves stress and can ease the symptoms of insomnia. Spend a

few moment meditating with a gemstone and/or place one under your pillow to help with all of these symptoms. It is also often used in healing rituals to help reduce blood pressure, release anger and ease asthma or other breathing problems. In ancient times is was also used to help

reduce fevers.

Ancient Egyptian women powdered lapis and used it as eye shadow. In fact, much of the brilliant blue color seen in Egyptian artwork includes lapis in the paint. It should not be used in any type

of makeup or beauty products however due to the aluminum content of this mineral.

Ancient kings wore lapis lazuli stone on their breastplate's to protect them in battle and to keep them connected to the divine so they could rule their citizens properly and fairly. In the tombs of

the ancient Sumerian Kings, over 6000 individual items made of lapis were found. This included various carvings and dishes among other items. The huge amount of stones found in the ancient tombs proves how highly values this stone was to ancient rulers.

Since ancient times, some cultures have believe that to possess a lapis lazuli stone is said to

possess the favor and blessings of the gods. This is testament to how much power this stone held in the ancient belief systems and why there were so many stones in the tombs of the rulers.

If you want to build loyalty and trust with someone, give him/her a lapis lazuli stone to help the two of you connect in ways that goes beyond simple friendship. If you ever have any reason to

doubt how true the friendship has remained, meditate with a lapis stone to learn the truth of the situation.

Main Chakra: Throat and Brow

Planet: Venus Vibrates to the number: 3 Element: Water

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Lapis Lazuli Stone Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name -

Lazurite: (Na,CA)8(AlSiO4)6(SO4,S,Cl)2 Hauynite: (Na,CA)4-8(AlSiO4)6(SO4)1-2

Sodalite: Na8(AlSiO4)6Cl2 Noselite: Na8(AlSiO4)6SO4 Calcite: CaCO3

Pyrite: FeS2 Hardness - 5.0 to 5.5

Specific Gravity - generally 2.7 to 2.9, higher with increasing pyrite content Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.500 - 1.670 Bi-refringence - None

Optic Sign - Optical Character - None

Malachite Stone of Transformation

Malachite is formed over hundred (thousands) of years as water seeps through copper formations. The process that turns copper green when exposed to water is the same process that

gives malachite its green color. It is a chemical reaction between the actual copper ore and oxygen and hydrogen in water.

Rarely is malachite stone found in crystal form. Usually it is found in small grape like balls or

larger mass forms similar to stalagtite bases, where the liquid minerals have dripped over time. This dripping of minerals is also what causes the familar bulleyes to wavy patterns within each individual malachite stone.

The most highly sought after pieces have intricate bands of color. Often these bands form "eyes" within a piece. You will often find these eyes called "peacock eyes" within the jewelry industry and they are highly sought after by collectors.

Azurite often grows with malachite stone. Both are formed where copper is plentiful and it is not

unusual to find these two minerals growing together in one stone in the metaphyscial community. Jewelers usually prefer stones that are solid malachite, however it is not uncommon

to see pocket stones or specimen size pieces that include both stones.

1. Malachite stone is a Protector of Children and they make an excellent stone for putting in jewelry designed spcifically for children. Hang a malachite stone in the window of the

childs room to absorb any negative energies that might come through. Place one in your childs pocket as a lucky stone to protect them from others that may wish to harm them.

2. Traveling always puts us at extra risk. Not only from the strangers we may encounted but

also from the risk of an accident while on the road. Wear jewelry made of malachite stone or carry a gemstone in your pocket to protect you while you travel and hang one

from your rear view mirror to protect from injury in accidents. 3. Whether you are the CEO of a multi-billion dollar corporation or the sole proprietor of a

home business you can benefit from the power of this money colored stone. Place a gem

in your cash register or display a specimen in a place of honor near your desk to bring success in businesses.

4. With the pressures put upon employees in todays modern offices and the stress of everyday living that is almost impossible to leave outside our homes, it is no wonder that homes and business tend to have an air of stress about them that often leads to arguments.

Use malachite stone as a decorative piece in your home or office to help maintain harmony in the relationships carried on there.

5. The curse of the evil eye has been documented throughout history with the earliest mention in ancient text coming from about 5000 BC in ancient Mesomatamia writings. Wear earrings or a necklace containing malachite stone to protect against the evil eye.

6. Nightmares can ruin the lives of both children and adults and can be brought on by a wide range of triggers. If you or any of your loved ones are bothered by nightmares, place

a malachite crystal under your pilliow to calm the wild beasts of the night. 7. Our bodies can tell us what we need, what we are missing and what we need to do to

correct the problem, but often it is hard to be able to listen to what our bodies are saying.

Meditate with a stone and allow it to show you where disharmonies are within your mind, body and soul and allow it to show you how to improve them.

8. The malachite stone works much like a spring tonic to bring all the bodies systems into harmony. Wear the stones in jewelry or meditate with a stone laying on each chakra to receive this powerful benefit.

9. As a healing gemstone, use a malachite gemstone to cleanse and balance the energies of the heart, lungs and other organs. This can be accomplished by wearing a gemstone on a

chain so it hangs near the heart and between the lungs or take a few moments to lay down, placing a gemstone over the heart area then relaxing while it does it work.

10. Our connection with God/Spirit is one of the more important connections we have in our lives. Wear any type of malachite crystal to heighten the Spiritual awareness of the

wearer. 11. A hard day of running, football, soccer and even just walking on unlevel ground can

leave us with pain from muscles that have been over worked. Use a string of malachite beads or chips worn around the arm or leg to help heal muscles, bones and ligaments.

12. To help prevent injury during a workout, try wearing or carrying a malachite stone to

help improve flexibility within the body. It nothing else, string a couple of beads onto a large safety pin and pin it to the inside of your workout gear so you will be protected

without the worry of it coming off or getting in your way. 13. If you suffer with arthritis or any other type of joint pain, it can be debilitating, making

normal everyday life almost unbareable without medication that can be unhealthy if used

too much. Wrap the joint with an ace bandage and slip a malachite gemstone under it to help with arthritis and joint pain.

14. Do you normally wake each morning with stiff and sore muscles and joints? Sleep with malachite stone to ease the morning stiffness.

15. Everyone knows the forumla for losing weight is nothing more than eating fewer calories

than you burn, but that does not make it easy to make the right choices when we are constantly bombarded with food in television, magazines and even at the office party. A

malachite stone makes a great gift for anyone trying to lose weight because malachite helps you make good food choices to increase weight loss.

16. Wear a string of malachite beads around your neck. As your blood flows through the ring

of stones, it clears impurities from the blood keeping the arteries and veins clear. 17. Here is a great meditation to help strengthen the immune system. Hold a malachite stone

in each hand while meditating and allow the energies to flush through your body. Visualize the energy sweeping through your blood stream cleaning out all the little germs and viruses that make us sick and see it adding strength and vigor to the body systems

that control our immunity. 18. Soak one or more malachite stones in a quart of pure water for at least 24 hours, then

pour the water into a tub full of nice hot water. Step in, sit down and relax and allow the gemstone elixir to detoxify and purify all your organs and body. NOTE: DO NOT DRINK the elixir as it can be toxic when taken internally.

19. Since ancient times one of the most popular malachite uses has been to attract money. It makes a great amulet to obtain the wealth you need and makes the perfect stone to put

into Mojo bags for this very purpose. 20. Malachite can be used to clear and activate any of the chakras and is the perfect stone for

the heart chakras when working with color chakra therapy.

21. Wearing earrings or a necklace of malachite helps to improve concentration. Animals carved of malachite stone make a great gift for college students for this reason.

22. Display a gemstone near the doors of your house or bury a gemstone just outside the doors to keep spiders and snakes out of the house.

23. Having cramps and other menstration problems? Use a small bandage to tape a malachite

stone to your belly, just below the navel to help relieve these symptoms. 24. DO NOT use in elixirs to be drank - Toxic. Do not take internally.

Main Chakra: Heart

Planet: Venus Vibrates to the number: 9 Element: Earth

Astrological Sign: Virgo and Capricorn

Malachite stone Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - Cu2CO3(OH)2

Hardness - 3.5-4 Specific Gravity - 4.03

Refractive Index (R.I.) - na = 1.655 nß = 1.875 n? = 1.909 Bi-refringence - d = 0.254

Optic Sign - Optical Character - Biaxial

Obsidian Rock

Obsidian rock is actually a type of glass that formed when molten lava cooled so quickly, there was not time for any crystals to form. The actual composition of the rock is dependent on what

minerals, gases, and such were in the immediate area when the lava cooled.

Since ancient times, obsidian rock has been used in making various tools such as arrowheads, knives, and saws for cutting animal bones and skins. Today, some of the best scalpels in the

world are made from it because of how thinly and smoothly the blade can be sharpened.

Most people are familiar with black obsidian. There are several other types including: Apache Tear, Blue, Blue/Green, Gold Sheen, Mahogany, Rainbow, Red, Silver Sheen and Snowflake.

Obsidian stone can be found almost anywhere there has been volcanic activity in the past, but not all the sources are currently being mined. Most mining is done in Armenia, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Java, Kenya, Mexico, New Zealand, Scotland and Turkey. In the United

States, the most common places where it is mined includes Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas and Utah.

Originally used for arrowheads and knives by the native peoples, obsidian rock is a very strong

gemstone of protection. Worn by ancient warriors to ensure both protection in battle and that they maintain their high standards of honor by being honest, sincere and truthful. Obsidian stone can help you connect to the ancient warrior within you and reclaim forgotten abilities you

learned in past lives.

Mayan Priests used mirrors made of obsidian rock to foretell the future. They called the mirrors, "smoking mirrors", but what they were referring to is the same as what we call a scrying mirror.

Today's scrying mirrors are usually clear glass with a black background on them. Much like the ancient version, the seer would gaze into the mirror and see signs and portent's of what is to


As a healing stone, obsidian crystal can help relieve pain. If no one is around to perform a healing ritual on you, try wrapping the affected area with an ace bandage and placing a rock

under the bandage so it is touching the skin.

If you find yourself with thoughts that are running wild or you are having a hard time concentrating on any single subject, try meditating while holding one or more obsidian rocks. Its

grounding properties can send all those excess energies into the earth where they can be transmuted into more positive energies.

Carrying or wearing an obsidian stone can be highly protective, keeping negative energies of all

types away from you. It works by diverting the excess or negative energies away from you and into the earth. This prevents negative energies from reaching you and allows the earth to transform the energies into something more positive in nature.

The reflective qualities of this natural glass beauty can help you to look deep within yourself and

find the negative qualities of your personality that needs to be worked on. It not only teaches you to see where the problem is at, but guides you to removing the problem from your way of


If those living within your home have a tendency to argue too much or anytime the air at your home or work tends to feel charged with negative energy, bring an obsidian into the environment and allow it to absorb the energies, Remember to cleanse the stone of the negative energies

occasionally. Allowing water to flow over the stone while visiualising the negative energies being washed out of the stone is easy and works fine.

Any piece of obsidian that has at least one side of it polished makes an excellent divination tool.

Similar to a hand held scrying mirror, looking within the depths of rock unlocks universal information and brings it to your minds eye to be seen and interpreted.

This is not a crystal healing stone just anyone should wear. It is too forceful in showing you the

reality of life and only those of strong spirit can deal with it unless the reality is softened by combining Obsidian stone with Rose Quartz, Aventurine or Chrysocolla. Or instead of using the black form of Obsidian, try using the Snowflake Form which has the same properties but with a

light, easy to digest touch.

So far, the properties we have discussed are common to all forms of obsidian stone. Now let's look at some of the properties available in individual types of obsidian.

Continue with Part 2 of the article on Obsidian Rock

Look below for the Planetary, chakra, astrological and technical details of Obsidian Stone. Main Chakra: Base Planet: Saturn

Vibrates to the number: 3 & 7 Element: Earth and Fire

Astrological Sign: Scorpio, Sagittarius

Obsidian Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - 70–75% SiO2, plus MgO, Fe3O4 Hardness - 5 - 6

Specific Gravity - ~2.4 Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.45 to 1.55 Bi-refringence - None

Optic Sign - Optical Character - Isotropic

Moonstones; the psychic stones

Best known as the psychic's gemstone, moonstones go far beyond just improving psychic abilities. A type of feldspar, the most common variety of moonstone is usually a dreamy, milky sort of white. You can find other forms in a wide range of colors including black, blue, yellow, rose pink and even a mixture of colors, but white is the predominate color and is what people

tend to mean when they speak of moonstones.

The main characteristic that makes them such a popular choice is the luminous sheen that flashes through the stones. Known as the schiller effect, the colors of light that dance through the stone

can be white, pink, yellow or blue. The colors are similar to those seen within opals and make you think of the moon reflecting off glass.

There has been reference made to a select few stones whose sparkle would come and go as the

moon moved through her cycles over the course of the month. The flash would be bright when the moon was full and almost non-existent when the moon was in her new moon phase. I can not say I have known personally of this happening and have no way of knowing if it is simply

wishful thinking or if these stones do exist.

Most stones are mined in Brazil, Europe, India, Madagascar, North America, Tanzania, with the most popular and largest gemstones coming from the Ceylonese mines

The most commonly known Moonstone meaning is that it is perhaps the strongest gemstone available to help bring out psychic abilities. I have heard stories of someone touching a stone for

the first time and having instant visions that change their lives.

Moonstones help to heighten your intuition and increase your ability to perceive the minute energy fluxes that happen around us on a constant basis and are perfect for anyone that uses any

form of divining tool like Tarot Cards, Scrying Mirror, Crystal Ball or Rune Stones.

Another popular Moonstone meaning is that it helps in wish fulfillment. This tends to work best on things that are needed versus things that are just wanted. Too often we want things that really are not good for us and moonstones help us understand why we should not have what we want.

Hold a moonstone in your right hand and breathe upon the stone the wish you need fulfilled.

Then leave the stone outside on the night of the full moon so it can communicate directly with the moon in all her glory. Leave the stone there until the next full moon. Whisper your wish out

your window each night until the next full moon when you will bring the gemstone inside and keep it near you so your wish will come true.

If you are an insomniac, hold a moonstone gem in your hand, just before bed. Ask it to help you drift quickly into a peaceful sleep, and then place it under your pillow. Lie down and enjoy the

comfortable night's sleep that you get.

Moonstone gemstone have been used through out history by women. Some call the stones a woman's best friend for its healing powers come in handy in many phases of a woman's life. It is

known for helping in all phases of having children; from actually getting pregnant, throughout the 9 months of carrying the child and then easing the actual pains of delivery. Even those that are not ready for child birth can find relief from monthly cramps if they but keep it near them.

In today's busy society, we often find our work forces us to give up the caring, loving side of ourselves in favor of a detached almost robotic automaton, just to survive without losing our minds. A moonstone gemstone can help bring your heart and mind into emotional balance. It

allows you to stay detached but at the same time allows you to empathize with those around you in a caring and loving way. This makes it a perfect gemstone for all healthcare workers and

lawyers. They would do well to fill their offices full of moonstones.

Wear a pendant or carry a piece of moonstone in your pocket during all phases of your gardening. Doing so will help ensure the fertility of your garden and help it grow an abundant crop. As you are watering your garden, allow the water to flow over the stone and into your

garden. When it comes time to weed your garden however, leave the moonstone in the house. You wouldn't want to increase the fertility of the weeds after all, lol.

Moonstone jewelry, especially rings, earrings, bracelets and necklaces are sought after by Pagan

peoples to wear during psychic or tarot card readings. All types of jewelry make great gifts for anyone who works as a psychic or would like to increase their abilities.

Anyone working in a field where they see the worst of humanity often has to close off their emotions to stay sane. This can set up a situation where they are no longer capable of feeling

empathy with people, including their loved ones. By wearing a stone or keeping it in a pocket, it allows them to feel and share the empathy that comes with compassion. At the same time, it

prevents the emotions from overpowering them, giving them the best of both worlds.

Our emotions can often make it hard for us to make changes in our lives, even when the changes are positive and helpful for us. You can ease the emotional impact of those changes by using on

of the more popular rituals from moonstones history. On the night of the full moon, sit outside in the moonlight with a gemstone in your hand. Close your eyes and think on the things that must be changed. Say the words, "Mother Moon, take these trials from me". Each night until the new

moon, say again the words of power. On the night of the new moon, take the gemstone with you while you travel to a road that leads away from your area. Bury the gemstone along the roadside,

leave and never look back. Know the unwanted parts of your life are now behind you.

If you are in management or run your own business and want to keep your employees happy and as productive as possible, carry moonstones in your pocket. It will help you to see all problems from everyone's perspective and make decisions that are the best possible in each situation.

Main Chakra: Brow

Planet: Moon Vibrates to the number: 4

Element: Water Astrological Sign: Pisces

Moonstones Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - KAlSi3O8 (Potassium Aluminum Silicate) Hardness - 6.0 Specific Gravity - 2.6

Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.533 to 1.552 Bi-refringence - 0.006 to 0.007

Optic Sign - Negative Optical Character - Biaxial

Rhyolite: Stone of balance, regeneration and

mind abilities

Rhyolite is an Igneous Rock that is usually seen in light shades of gray, whites, pinks and light browns. It can however contain reasonably bright to dark shades of green, reds, browns and even black which gives nice patterns. At times the patterns looks much like drip patterns reminiscent

of malachite. Other times it appears in flowing patterns much like various agates. Either way, simply tumbled rhyolite stones can create nice jewelry that keeps they eye moving through out

the piece.

Similar to granite but with a much smaller grain size, it is used for many of the same things granite is used for. It can be carved into statues and is often used in mixtures used in construction and roads. In recent years, it is becoming known as an inexpensive stone for use in jewelry.

It can be found in many places around the world where there has been volcanic activity in the past. When magma flows quickly out of a volcano, then flows in thick layers down the side of the cone, the layers cool quickly in the surrounding air. This creates either rock or volcanic glass.

Rhyolite is one of the rocks that are formed.

Rhyolite Metaphysical Meanings

The keywords for rhyolite are balance, regeneration and mind abilities. As a balancing stone, rhyolite helps you see and understand all the parts of yourself that are out of balance. It then

helps you let go of any past blockages that are causing the problems. This makes it a great stone for anyone working with any type of self esteem issues and procrastination. It is also useful for finding love that is a healthier type of relationship for you.

As a regeneration stone, it is useful in all aspects of maintaining or regaining beauty. It helps you both look and feel younger. It can help rekindle a relationship when love has grown cold. Perhaps best of all, it helps you to know what you need and don't need in your life, and then

helps you attract or remove those things as needed.

Where mind abilities are involved, rhyolite is useful in most any situation. It can help those using their psychic abilities to connect easier and is a powerful stone for anyone attempting to astral

travel or for channeling.

In your magical working, rhyolite is perfect for use in any sort of working that use elemental forces. If you find yourself want to stay off the radar, whether at work or from a relationship that is over, use rhyolite in invisibility magic. Pour the energies into the stone and then carry it with

you at all times. It's like having a shield to block you from view so you can go about you day without having to worry about them.

As a healing stone, rhyolite helps boost the immune system. This helps your body to fight off

minor problems and recover more quickly from serious one. It helps cleanse both the liver and kidneys making it a great gift for diabetics or anyone with problems that directly affect these vital organs.

Many gemstone healers recommend using an elixir made from rhyolite for skin problems. It can be added to bath water or simply rubbed into the problem area to help with healing infections and to aid in keeping the sky smooth, soft, silky and young looking.

Main Chakra: heart

Planet: Mercury Vibrates to the number: 4

Element: Air and earth Astrological Sign: Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini

Rhyolite Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - SiO2 + K2O. 70–75% Silicon Dioxide + Potassium Oxide Hardness - 6 Specific Gravity - 2.4 - 2.6

Refractive Index (R.I.) - Bi-refringence -

Optic Sign - Optical Character -

Agate Stone

Agate stone comes in many forms and is considered a power stone; excellent for those that deal with numbers as they help you be more precise by stimulating your analytical capabilities. Agate

stone's are very good for all aspects of money including acquiring it, keeping it by protecting it, and your generosity in sharing it. They bring balance and harmony to your life by allowing you to accept the things you can not change and giving you the courage to change the things you can.

It is also a good stone to help you show forgiveness to those that have done you wrong and can help you release stress and tension so it can be converted to positive energy.

Agate stone comes in a HUGE range of colors and designs; from most every country in the

world. They are one of the least expensive healing gemstones because they are one of the most common types of crystals on earth. While all agates have basic meanings in common, most types of agate also have powers and healing properties that are unique to the individual agate stone


Individual Agate Stone Healing Properties

Moss Agate:

Known for it's ability to help you connect with the natural world. Considered to be the most

powerful of all the agates and was used in the breast plates of warriors to ensure the warriors abilities as a fighter and to ensure his success.

As a healing gemstone, Moss Agate known for helping to balance blood sugar, help control eating disorders and cleansing the lymph nodes. Helps to increase energy in cases where

exhaustion is a problem. It is often used to help speed up recovery after childbirth or any long illness.

Traditionally worn by gardeners to increase crop size. When used in jewelry, it attracts friends

and riches to the owner.

Picture Agate:

The perfect healing stone to use during meditation because it helps to balance both sides of the brain allowing better communication with your highest power. Activates and purifies the pinneal

and pituitary glands to awaken and energize natural abilities.

Mexican Lace Agate:

Useful for person suffering from depression as it lifts the mood and allows positive thoughts to reign.

Pink Lace Agate:

The perfect healing agate stone for persons that tend to be grumpy because it increases ones ability to accept and emit friendliness and happiness.

White Lace Agate:

The metaphysical properties of this healing agate stone helps align your mind and heart with the energies of your highest power. Useful in connecting to your Spirit Guide or in improving

communication between you and your guide.

Botswana Agate:

Also known as an Eye Agate because it's unusual banding tends to form eye shapes. An especially good healing stone for women during their child bearing years as it has been said to

increase fertility and is known for increasing sensuality and passion in the person that carries it.

Helps ward off the evil eye curse when carried regularly. Helps to overcome shyness and loneliness. Can bring the comfort of a nice warm blanket on a cold winter night when emotions

are raw and in need of a little tender loving care.

Crazy Lace Agate:

A good healing agate stone for those dealing with loss as it helps relieve emotional pain. It clears energy blockages in the major organs and chakras allowing love and laughter back into your life.

Flame Agate:

Like treats like and historically Flame Agate has been used to help relieve the pain during

treatment of burns. Helps to stimulate your awareness of the world and universe around you.

Tree Agate:

Commonly called Tree Agate, this form of agate is actually called Dendritic Agate because of the dendrite branches that form within the stone. Also known as the Stone of Plentitude for it

draws abundance into your life, but be patient. Tree Agate works slowly but surely to complete its tasks.

Place a Tree Agate in your houseplants to encourage their growth. This has the added benefit of keeping the stone within your home which helps to provide a peaceful living space for those you

love. Meditate with the stone to improve your connection to the energy flows of the earth. Useful for any healing that deals with blood vessels, nerves or the skeletal system.

Main Chakra: Heart

Vibrates to the number 1 Astrological Sign of Virgo - Elemental

Birthstone: June

Agate Stone Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name Hardness -

Specific Gravity - Refractive Index (R.I.) - Bi-refringence -

Optic Sign - Optical Character -


Amazonite is a beautiful blue green stone that is usually seen with white streaks running through it. The green color comes from copper that infuses as the crystals are forming. If you take some

time to do some research on Amazonite, you'll find there is not a lot of information to be found about this crystal. This could be because it has only recently become well known in the New

Age/Metaphysical/magical communities.

Contrary to what many people think, amazonite does not come from the Amazon. It is actually found right here in the good old USA and in Madagascar and parts of Russia too.

Amazonite's metaphysical Properties includes its ability to create a feeling of power within you.

It is almost like you can feel the power of the Amazon running through this crystal. It inspires truth, sincerity, honor, self love, courage, communication, eloquence, integrity, trust, clairvoyance, clarity, prophecy and openness. Hold a piece to your third eye (middle of forehead)

to unlock psychic vision.

Amazonite helps one to analyze and sort out information and combines this process with intuitive wisdom. It helps you to manifest and retain the pure energy of Universal Love. It is a

Spiritual Gem stone of Faith and Self discovery. Too often we tend to use our thinking mind's reasoning abilities to try to rationalize thoughts and images we receive, rather than letting our

intuitive selves show us the meanings. It brings you closer to the Spirit that works within you and allows you to trust and act upon those intuitive flashes.

Often, when our faith lags, we tend to get aggravated at ourselves and others around us. This can range from simple aggravation to somewhat self destructive behavior. Amazonite's energies can

restore our faith, gives us the self confidence we need to make those tough life decisions and still be able to show compassion to others.

Amazonite is very soothing and calming. It accomplishes this by dispelling negative energy and

allowing us to let go of sadness and grief. It is very calming on both the brain and the nervous system. Amazonite has a nice schiller affect. As light bounces around on the internal planes of

the crystal formation, it creates an almost iridescent shine from within the crystal.

Amazonite makes the perfect gemstone to give to someone with anger issues. It helps to eliminate the aggravation that often causes anger within people. It's energies also have the amazing ability of helping you let go of the old stagnant parts of your life that are holding you

back, allowing you to move on and become all that you were meant to be.

Add in Amazonite's ability to boost self-love and it allows you to cleanse your spirit of the negative issues that have been holding you back. No more will you sit to the side while the world

passes you by. Amazonite allows you to spread your wings and fly, soaring to the heights you were made to fly to.

Amazonite's energies make it a good gemstone for those that are dieting as it helps regulate the metabolism and can flip the switch on a sluggish metabolism and jump start the fat burning

process. It is a good stone for any woman to have around as it helps to relieve cramps during the monthly gift and also helps to ensure a smooth pregancy, both in getting pregnant and through

the entire 9 months and delivery.

Facing a tough decision? Hold an amazonite and it will help you make the right decision that is perfect for you.

If you find yourself in a situation where you are surrounded by chaotic energies and you are left

feeling out of balance, almost in pain from your chakras being so far out of balance, use an amazonite stone layed on each of the 7 chakras for 3 to 5 minutes to allow the stone to regulate each chakra and bring peace back into your life.

Vibrates to the number 5

Astrological Signs of Virgo and Aquarius Planet: Uranus

Chakra: Throat Chakra

Amazonite Technical Details Chemical Composition - KAlSi3O8 Hardness - 6 to 6.5

Specific Gravity - 2.56-2.57 Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.53 Bi-refringence - weak maximum birefringence of 0.008 seen on {001} sections

Optic Sign - Optical Character -

Class: tektosilicate Crystal system: triclinic; bar 1

Crystal habit: as anhedral to euhedral crystals or massive, lattice (perthitic) intergrowth with albite is usually present, also rarely in a cuneform interpenetrating pattern with quartz known as graphic granite

Twinning: twinned according to the albite twin law with {010} the twin plane, and the pericline twin law with b the twin axis. Carlsbad twins also occur, but baveno and manebach twins are

rare. Color: various shades of green to blue-green Luster: vitreous

Transparency: opaque to translucent, rarely transparent Cleavage: characteristic cleavages are {001} perfect and {010} distinct intersecting at

approximately ninety degrees Fracture: conchoidal

Aventurine Stone

When most people think of aventurine stone, they usually think of the typical green aventurine stone, however aventurine actually comes in several different colors. Green is by far the most

common color but there is enough peach and blue shades around they have started to develop their own fans and following. Aventurine stone can also be found in various shades of browns, grays, oranges and yellows.

Most of the worlds supply of aventurine stone comes from India, but it is also mined in many

other places in the world in lesser amounts. These include Austria, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Japan, Nepal, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Tanzania and Tibet. In

the USA it is mined mainly in Arkansas, Nebraska, Vernmont, Virginia and Wisconsin.

The composition of each crystal is what determines it aventurine meaning. Fine grained Quartz is the base mineral from which to base the meaning of aventurine stone. Other meanings are

dependant on what additional minerals are mixed in to give the crystal its color with some of the most common being mica, goethite, hematite and iron hydroxides.

Aventurine Properties

Aventurine stone contains the mineral Fuchsite which is a form of Mica. This is what gives it the sparkling effect everyone is use to seeing in green aventurine. Sadly it is very hard to photograph

the affect Fushsite gives in green aventurine, but when you see and can hold a nicely polished stone in your hand it is much easier to see.

Aventurine stone attracts wealth and abundance through opportunity. Now think about what that

means. Where or what is your opportunity? If you are looking for instant, overnight riches without any effort on your part, that is really not what green aventurine stone is about. On the

other hand, if you are looking for a new job or a new business opportunity to get invoved with, carrying a green aventurine stone with you just might be your solution. Keep your aventurine stone in your left pocket and keep your eyes open for new opportunities to make money. The

aventurine stone will attract the opportunity but you have to be ready to grab the opportunity before it passes you by.

Aventurine stone is the perfect gemstone for entrepreneurs and anyone who is self employed.

These people need to stay motivated and ready to strike while the iron is hot and they are ready, willing and able to accept opportunities as they come. Aventurine stone loves to attract these

opportunities to you.

A great gemstone for leaders of any sort and business persons. In fact, I often suggest to business leaders that they find large specimens to keep in their office for helping them to make correct decisions. Aventurine stone opens the mind by allowing you to see alternatives and potentials. It

has the added benefit of leaving you in a anxiety free and stress free state which for obvious reasons would be a great boost to the health and welfare of those in high stress managment jobs.

Another major benefit aventurine stone can give to those in management positions is to help

shield you from the drain psychic vampires can exert on you. Many psychic vampries have no idea they are actually draining energy from people and placing a green aventurine stone on your desk between you and any employees or clients you may have sitting at your desk can prevent

them from being able to drain your energies.

It is the before mentioned calming abilities of aventurine stone that makes it perfect for teenagers as they go through their hormone roller coaster on their way to adulthood. During these high

stress times in their lives, a simple worry stone in their pocket or a pendant around their neck could help prevent them from making wrong decisions they will later regret because they made the decision based on a stress they were feeling at the time rather than a firm, logical choice.

Aventurine stone is beneficial to the blood and circulatory systems. It can help relieve headaches and improve general health and helps you sleep better. It is also associated with the Heart Chakra.

Peach Aventurine

Associated with the base or sacral chakra, peach aventurine stone helps boost creativity and is perfect for anyone that has to make decisions that affect many people or those that make business decisions. Peach aventurine can be used to treat problems with the lungs, heart and adrenal


Blue Aventurine

Blue Aventurine stone helps balance and open the 3rd eye chakra. This helps to increase all

psychic abilities plus it helps keep you in a postivie frame of mind, with a positive outlook on

life and a general increase in vitality. Also good for those needing self discipline in their life or those that need help in developing their inner strength.

General Aventurine Healing Properties

Metaphysical healers used aventurine stone not just for the emotional and mental healing it is known for but also for it's ability to bring down a fever, relieve stress from all over the nervous

system, heal migraines, aid in healing eye ailments, normalize high blood pressure and soothe and heal Urinary tract disorders.

Main Chakra: heart Planet: Mercury

Vibrates to the number: 1 & 4 Element: Earth

Astrological Sign: Aries

Aventurine Stone Technical Details Chemical Composition: SiO2 - Green color is from fuchsite mica: K(Al,Cr)2AlSi3O10(OH)2 Hardness - 7 Specific Gravity - 2.64 to 2.69

Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.55 Bi-refringence - weak, maximum of 0.009

Optic Sign - Positive Optical Character - Uniaxial

Unakite Stone

When looking upon a highly polished unakite stone, it is easy to imagine a field of green growing plants with lovely warm peach colored flowers for it often looks like a slice of this

scene was cut out and immediately frozen into what that we call unakite stone.

Some people call unakite stone, epidote but this is not completely accurate because unakite is a combination of gemstones, one of which is epidote. It is actually an alter form of granite

comprised of epidote, feldspar and quartz. It is interesting to note that the word epidote is derived from the Greek word epidosis which means "growing together". Because the stones grow together as if they were one single stone.

The name Unakite stone comes from where it was originally discovered in the Unaka Mountain

in Tennessee and North Carolina, USA. Outside of the United States, Unakite stone can also be found in Zimbabwe and Switzerland.

It forms in masses so you will never find the typical crystal shape most people think of when talking about healing gemstones or crystals.

Hold a unakite gemstone or hang one from a chain at heart level to draw negative energies from

the body and remove blockages from the heart chakra.

Wear a Unakite stone during spell casting to give yourself more confidence in performing the spell. This often happens when casting a certain spell for the first time or when others are

involved and you are use to going solo. This can greatly increase the spells power.

Wear a unakite anywhere on the body to stabilize your entire system. The is an especially good stone for times when bad news has you out of sorts. Hold or wear the stone(s) and allow the

energies to take away the pain and heartache.

A large unakite stone specimen makes a good gift for anyone in ill health or any other sort of fragile condition because of its nurturing abilities on the human body. If a large specimen is not

available, adding several tumbled stones as decorations in a live plant can nurture them while going through the healing process.

Soak a unakite stone in water and leave outside under the moon light overnight. Use the water to bathe the skin to help smooth and soothe any sort of skin problems (and wrinkles)

Sleep with Unakite stones in the bed to help relieve tense muscles and relax the body for better

sleep and healing. If you are someone that tosses and turns all night, place several stones underneath the bed and you should see a decrease in how much you toss and turn.

If you know you will need extra patience to deal with a specific situation, wear a Unakite crystal

to give you the patience needed.

A good stone for someone with anger issues as it helps bring out the softer side of your personality. If they won't take the stone or won't keep it near them, place a few stones under their

bed so they can work on the person all through the night.

If you are feeling down, spend a few moments meditating with a Unakite gemstone in your hand to lift your spirits. If there is not time to meditate, simply holding a stone for a few minutes or carrying one in your pocket while you work can lift your spirits dramatically.

Having a problem where you know a person is being deceptive to you, but you hav no proof?

Give them a unakite stone so the deception can be uncovered. This is especially useful when the person you suspect is a loved one and you don't want to hurt them, but is also useful for

employees and friends too.

Know someone who is constantly misplacing something? Whether it is their keys, glasses or any other item, giving them a unakite stone can help them find the lost item as quickly as possible.

Simply have them hold the Unakite stone while they search for the lost items. They will find the item(s) quicker and with much less stress.

Wear a strand of unakite stone beads in a necklace, bracelet or anklet so it encircles a part of your body and it will cleanse and purify the organs of the body as the blood passed through the

circle of stones and takes the energy through the organs of your body.

Crystal healers often apply the use of unakite stone when blood pressure is too low. To date, I have not heard of anyone with normal or blood pressure having it rise more after using the stone.

However everyone is different so use at your own risk.

We are spiritual beings living in physical bodies in a mundane world. Keeping those 3 worlds functioning within our lives take conscious effort and a lot of luck. Unakite stone helps balance

and integrate the mind, body and soul and give a feeling of completeness. This allows all 3 worlds to function better.

Helps connect your everyday life and your spiritual life so you connected to the all that is even

when life tries to keep you tied up in knots. This is exceptionally important in todays busy lives because the trials of just getting by can make you feel like you have been deserted by your higher


Helps you to move past the obstacles in your past that want to haunt and hold you back from being all you can be. Very good for someone who is having a hard time moving on after the loss

of a loved one or for anyone who has recently went through a divorce.

Unakite stone is also great stone for all stages of pregnancy. From conception to birth the stone helps nurish both mother and child to ensure a healthy birth.

Main Chakra: Heart Planet: Mars & Venus

Vibrates to the number: 9 Element: Fire & Water

Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Unakite Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - KAISi3O8 Hardness - 6 - 7

Specific Gravity - 2.85 to 3.20. Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.525 (+/-) to 1.760 (+/-) Bi-refringence -

Optic Sign - A Optical Character -

Tektite Stone

The word tektite comes from the greek word "tektos" which means molten. Whether the meteorite explodes in the air or upon impact, what we call tektite stone is thrown out from the

explosive force.

Tektite stones are found in what are known as strewnfields. The concept of a strewnfield is basically that when the meteorite impacted the earth, the tektites, along with other assorted debris

are "strewn" out from the impact location. These strewnfields tend to move outward in the direction of impact, ie if the meteorite impacted from the west, the strewnfield will stretch to the east of the impact area.

Due to the tremendous size of the strewnfields however, it is often hard to know exactly where the tektite originated from. Strewnfields can reach out up to 1000 miles from the impact site.

There are 4 well known strewnfields on earth and each is home to its own specific type of tektite. The North American strewnfield reaches from Georgia to Texas and is home of the Georgia Tektites and the Bediasite Tektites. The Moldavite strewnfield is in Europe, The Ivory Coast

strewnfield is on the Ivory Coast and the Australasian strewnfield reaches from southern Australia up to southern China.

The color of tektites depend on a number of factors and range from an almost gold color, to a greenish shade to various dark greens, grays and black. Unless sliced very thinly, most tektites

are opaque, however the Australasian tektites are sometimes known to have a goldish color on the thinner edges when seen with a back light.

Tektite stone is known as the telepathy gemstone because it increase psychic abilities, especially the ability to communicate with others at a distance through telepathy. Many believe that by

meditating with a tektite, your ability to communicate telepathically will increase in regards to the amount of time the tektite remains in your personal energy field.

Experimentation is being done by placing two similar size and shape tektite stones within a

crystal vortex for varying amounts of time ranging from 1 week to 1 year. The resulting charged tektites are then considered a mated pair and are use by two people at distant locations to communicate via telepathy. Should you decide to continue this research, it is important that you

keep accurate records of your experimentation which should include, date, times, local weather at both locations, how each experimenter is feeling prior to and after the trials and any additional

information that might factor into the results.

It is thought that by carrying a tektite in your pocket or as a necklace so that it stays within the aura on a regular basis, that your psychic abilities will be increased. This possibly has something

to do with the ability of tektites to increase energy.

Tektite Stones are known as good luck stones, especially in India where it is considered a sacred stone. Simply keep one in your pocket or purse or wear it on a string around your neck to enjoy the benefits.

Can be used by healers and energy workers to clear and unblock the lower chakras. This can be

accomplished by placing the tektite stone directly on the patient's chakras one at a time or by slowing moving the tektite above the patients chakras and sweeping the blocked energy out to

the side and away from the patient.

Adds power to any type of magic as it provides a direct connect with the universal energies. It can be placed on an altar while performing magic, added to a mojo bag, or a series of tektite stones can be used in a crystal vortex to charge objects.

Tektite Stone can help remove fear from people and situations making it a possible stone to help those suffering from depression brought on by fear.

When someone is ill whether from a major illness or just a bout of the flu, placing a tektite stone within their auric field can help to strengthen the body to fight off the illness.

Tektite stone is believed by some to help connect your personal thoughts and energies with alien

beings from other planets.

Work is being investigated by some on the ways in which tektite stone helps in astral travel and lucid dreaming.

Main Chakra: All

Planet: Jupiter and Pluto Vibrates to the number: 9

Element: Fire Astrological Sign: Aries and Cancer

Tektite Stone Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - Varies but often includes SiO2, Al2 O3, Fe2O3, FeO, MgO,

CaO, Na2O, K2O, TiO2, MnO Hardness - 6 to 7

Specific Gravity - 2.275 and 2.510 Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.4600 and 1.5200

Bi-refringence - None Optic Sign -

Optical Character - Isotropic

Tanzanite Stones

Tanzanite stones are a member of the Zoisite family and are in fact, often called blue Zoisite. Its name comes from the area it was discover in, Tanzania Africa, where it was first discovered in 1967 and has since gone on to become one of the favorites among the healing arts community.

Unlike Zoisite however which can be found all over the world, Tanzanite can only be found in Tanzania and specifically in and around the Usumburu mountains and Umba valley in the North of the country.

Tanzanite stones where first discovered by Manuel D'Souza who was a tailor by trade. He noticed a sparkly blue crystal lying on the ground near his home. The German Society for Precious Stones in Ida-Oberstein performed the initial testing on the stone and discovered the

chemical signature for Zoisite.

When Tanzanite stones first come out of the ground, most of the stones look nothing like the beautiful blues and purples that made this stone so precious to the jewelry trade. In fact, most are

in shades of brown, with perhaps some blues and grays mixed in or even a bronze shade. But by heating the stones to a temperature of 500 to 700 degrees, the fabulous blues and purples come

shining through in all their glory.

If it were not for one problem with this stone, it would probably be the darling of the jewelry industry and command prices many hundreds of times above what it actually demands. There is a

debate within the community as to where the problem is natural to Tanzanite stone or if it is an affect of the heating of the stones, however the stone tends to fracture and break quiet easily.

For those more interested in the Jewelry value aspect of it, it is not likely to go dramatically up in value. Also jewelry made from it can not be sonically cleaned. From a metaphysical standpoint,

it really does not affect the value at all.

This fracturing problem, coupled with the high costs involved in mining the stones (including loss of human life) and the stones tendency to be much smaller than most crystals used in

jewelry, resulted in many of the mines being closed in 1999. It is still being mined however and many people believe the mine closures were more of a move in increase the price rather than actual necessity.

Tanzanite Stones Healing and Metaphysical Properties

Tanzanite gemstones are good stones to use in meditations. For this purpose, many prefer the stones that are basically colorless or clear. The stone helps you to slow down and let go of stress

and tensions, allowing you to become more composed, able to maintain your poise and work in harmony with the universe even when everyone around you is jumpy and tense.

This is a wonderful stone for helping you to become more in tuned with your own body, mind and soul. During those times when we need to be extremely truthful with ourselves in order to

advance beyond our current level, Tanzanite gemstones can help you look at yourself and look honestly, without condemnation and without fooling ourselves into thinking we are more than we

really are. This is often extremely hard for most people to do. We tend to want to place blame on others or outside of ourselves because we feel to admit our mistakes will somehow make us less than we are.

What many don't realize however is that mistakes are nothing more than opportunities to learn.

We could have been made perfect, but we would have lost those many opportunities to improve ourselves. Tanzanite stones will not lie to you or sugar coat the truth, but it will also help make

sure you do not lie to yourself and pretend the situation is more or less than it really is

Tanzanite stones help to clear and balance the throat chakra which opens up and increase your communication ability. It can help you to find the right words to say when needing to comfort

others and is a good stone for those in management that have to let employees go as it can help you to do your job in a compassionate way, without taking on the other persons pain or frustration.

It also activates and clears the third eye chakra helping you to define and empower your ability

to "know". It can aid in helping to improve any of the psychic abilities. It can help those who experience visions to see more clearly and is a good stone for professional psychics to keep

around while doing readings of any type.

Those involved in magic of any type or who work on manifesting within your life will find Tanzanite stones can lend strength to your workings. It helps you to focus your mind and your energies to almost pin point intensity to help make your dreams and desires a reality.

Main Chakra: 3rd eye

Planet: Saturn Vibrates to the number: 2

Element: Air Astrological Sign: Virgo and Sagittarius

Tanzanite Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - Ca2Al3Si3O12(OH)

Hardness - 6.5-7 Specific Gravity - 3.2 to 3.4 Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.691 - 1.700 / 0.009; Range: 1.688 - 1.707

Bi-refringence - Optic Sign - Positive

Optical Character - Biaxial


Sugilite is a rare stone, found in only a few places in Australia, India, Italy, Japan, Wales and South Africa. Most of what has been found in the world is not gem quality however. Gem quality comes almost exclusively from Japan and South Africa with the vast majority coming from

South Africa. The gem quality stone found in Japan is simply too deep to be mined in a cost effective way.

Sugilite comes in many colors. A pale, almost clear pink, all shades of purple, yellows, browns and black. From a metaphysical standpoint all colors are sought after. From a jewelry standpoint,

the deep purples are the most highly favored (and expensive) stones with the exception of an extreme rare completely translucent form known and Gel Sugilite.

Sugilite has been called Purple Turquoise because in their raw from, the two gemstones look

very much alike, other than color. However the two stones are completely different in their mineral content and are considered two different species of stone.

Known as one of the more important stones dealing with love in its many forms, you can always be sure if your working deals with matters of love, Sugilite is a stone you can use. Our heart and the love it can hold and share with others, is our connection to Spirit and the love that comes

from Spirit.

This makes Sugilite a great stone when working on problems between people where love should always rules. This includes problems between any two family members obviously but would also include cases where the problems are in the best interest of a larger group of people. Any type of

government or business meeting where decisions are being made on what is best for everyone, would do well the allow Sugilites energies to keep calm heads and open hearts.

Sugilite is a very protective stone and is especially useful in cases where negative entites are

causing problem. It helps by breaking the connection the negative entity has developed. This same ability works for people too, helping then break their connection with peole and things that are not good for them.

It does this by awakening our understanding of how and why things are out of balance in our lives. Then Sugilite gentle guides us to the Spiritual reasons how and why to make changes.

But the healing propertites of Sugiliate go well beyond just those dealing with love, it is also useful in soothing all emotionally based illnesss, tensions and diseaases and help to enrich the

immune system, allowing it to work at its optimal perforance level.

Some of the many things Sugilite has been used for include:

1. Protecting from shock and trauma after the death of a loved one. 2. Helps you to forgive others

3. Soothes despair allowing you to come back into the mundane world. 4. Eases emotions 5. Helps make it easier to face unpleasant situations.

6. Helps in healing after injury or illness by boosting the immune system.

7. Aid in reaching states of high consciousness 8. Heals remove pain form the body, especially headaches.

9. Good for most brain based illnesses such as memory lapses, depression, bi-polar, Alzheimers and schizophrenia.

10. Helps the user to adentify and deal with personal emotions which may be hidden such as anger, hate, jealousy, aggressiveness, etc.

11. To improve conditions of the blood.

12. To aid in curing dsylexia. 13. To purify the lymph node system.

14. Helps ease painful conditions. Main Chakra: All

Planet: Jupiter Vibrates to the number: 2,3,7

Element: Water Astrological Sign: Aquarius and Libra

Sugilite Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - (K,Na)(Na,Fe+3)2(Li2Fe+3)Si12O30 + Mn Hardness - 6 to 6.5

Specific Gravity - 2.74, variable Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.607 - 1.610

Bi-refringence - Optic Sign - Optical Character -


Sodalite is a gemstone of peace and is perfect for use as a focusing device when meditating. Simply holding a small stone in each hand while meditating can help your mind to let go of the throughts of the various problems that present during our day and allow the peaceful energies to

flow over you like a silken river.

The base color of sodalite is a rather dark blue to a violet blue color, however it usually appears to have almost all shades of blue in it because of the veins of white that flow through the blue. It is quiet easy to confuse sodalite with Lapis lazuli because sodalite can also have flecks of pyrite.

But Lapis rarely has the actual veins of white that we see in sodalite.

The most common places in the world where sodalite is mined is in Boliva, Brazil, Columbia, Greenland, India, Namibia, Norway, Ontario & Quebec Canada, Portugal, Romania and Maine

and Arkanasas in the United States.

Sodalite is usually found in masses and rarely is found in crystal form in nature with the exception of some striking 12 sided crystals found in Italy around the mount Vesuvius volcano. Cutters will often take large chunks of sodalite and from it into crystal shapes, wands and

massagers. It can be purchased in slabs or chunks for those who seek to carve or finish their own stones and is readily available by the piece or by the pound as a tumbled stone for use in wire

wrapped jewelry or meditation uses. It can also be purchased as beads, cabachons or faceted for jewelry.

As sodalite soothes your mind and body, it allows you to let go of the stresses that often prevent us from reaching our higher selves. As we let go of those tensions, it becomes easiesr to see

where our thoughts, ideas, fears and worries can cause negative imbalances within us. This help us to identify areas that need work while being able to understand the tremendous physical and

emotional empact these changes can bring into our lives.

If you know someone who is a athlete or who is working on strengthening their physical bodies, have them wear or carry one of more pieces of sodalite as it has been used to help increase physical endurance.

Persons who write for a living often will keep pieces of sodalite on their desk or wear sodalite in their jewelry as it has been known to help writers be more prolific. This is probably an effect of the calming properties of sodalite. By calming the mind and body it allows a writer to focus more

intently on the task at hand.

Anyone who is having problems with being overly critical of the things others say or do, would do well to wear sodalite. This is especially true if worn near the heart and/or head as it helps

connected you with your higher self. This allows you better understand why and how others do the things they do.

As a healing cyrstal, sodalite has historically been used to help level blood sugar in diabetics and to help cleanse and balance the energy levels in the various glands of the body such as the

pituitary, thyroid and lymph glands. This also helps to increase the immune systems ability to function as the cleansing spreads throughout the body and allows all of the organs to regain their

strength and balance.

Sodalite makes a great worry stone or pocket stone to carry around. Simply have it near you on a regular basis, because the healing affects are believed to be compounded the longer the stone is

kept near the person using it.

Main Chakra: Throat Planet: Venus

Vibrates to the number: 4 Element: Water Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Sodalite Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - Silicate of Sodium and aluminium, with sodium chloride. Na8Al6(Si6O24)Cl2 Hardness - 5.5 - 6

Specific Gravity - 2.15 - 2.35 (2.28) Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.480 - 1.486 (1.48) / Nil.

Bi-refringence - None Optic Sign - Optical Character - Isotropic

Serpentine Stone

Serpentine stone has been mined successfully in Afghanistan, China, England, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States. It is actually not a mineral but a group of minerals which combine into what we call Serpentine stone.

Rarely will Serpentine stone be found in fine jewelry. For metaphysical uses, it is used mainly in the form of pendant beads or tumbled stones rather than actual beads, however with some effort,

serpentine beads can occasionally be found.

When the stone has a higher calcite content, it is often used in decorative carvings as it has a look very similar to marble. When th stone has a higher bound water content, is it often used as filler

between the various layers of steel used to shield nuclear ractors.

Serpentine stone is often called New Jade because many forms of it resemble Jade once it has been polished. It comes in many colors varying all the way from almost pure white, through

various shades of yellows, greens and reds and into the shades of brown.

In it's raw form, many of the darker shades of serpentine stone appear similar to the skin of a snake or serpent, which gave rise to the name, serpentine.

Serpentine gemstone is an excellent stone to use when peace is needed in any situation. Keep one

in your home to help calm arguments and place one near the cash register to keep your customers extra happy.

To help you take your meditation to new heights, keep a serpentine stone nearby. It will help

calm your inner conflicts and bring greater peace into your life.

In times past, serpentine stone has been used as an amulet against all sorts of poisonous bites from insects, snakes and scorpions. Of course when dealing with any insect or animal which may be poisonous, always use common sense and never tempt fate simly because you have an amulet

against it.

When kidney or stomach problems seem to keep hanging on, gemstone healers often recommend taping a serpentine stone at your navel level. Sleep with it in place to help pull out infections and

the negative energies that are causing the problems.

An excellent stone to help with a wide range of womens problems. It has been used to regulate the supply of breast milk in nursing mothers, ease menstrual pain and adominal cramping during

menstration and has been placed in the bed or under the pillow to help women achieve orgasm when tension and nervousness is preventing it from happening.

Magickal Uses of Serpentine

1. accomplishment

2. accord 3. dreams 4. Fidelity

5. peace 6. realization of potential

7. resourcefulness Main Chakra: Heart Planet: Saturn

Vibrates to the number: 8 Element: Fire

Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Serpentine Stone Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - NOTE: Serpentine is comprised of a gorup of minerals. The formula X2-3Si2O5(OH)4 is an example which contains all the members of the serpentine

group. Hardness - 2.5-5.5 Specific Gravity - 2.5 - 3.2

Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.56 - 1.571 Bi-refringence - 0.008 to 0.014

Optic Sign - Negative

Optical Character – Biaxial

Magnetite; stone of manifestation

Magnetite is a mineral that forms in crystalline form in metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary rocks. It is found in at least small quanities almost the world over but is mined mainly in Austria, South Africa, Switzerland, and the United States (Arkansas, Franklin, New Jersey, Utah,


The most common colors of magnetite are black, brown and gray and it tends to have a metallic color or almost glass like appearance. The form it takes is somewhat dependant on the quantities

it is found in. When found mixed with other minerals or stones, it tends to form as grains or crusts, but when found in large quanities it often take the shape of octahedrons,

rhombdodecahedrons, crystals and dendrites, but can also be masses of granular formations.

Magnetite is strongly magnetic and while science tends to see magnetite and lodestone as the same stone, the metaphysical community sees them as 2 different stones. The difference being that lodestone has a specific polarity within its magnetism and magnetite does not have a specific

polarity. From a metaphysical standpoint, lodestone has the charateristics of magnetite, plus characteristics that are unique to it. We will cover those unqiue characteristic in an article

specifically about lodestone at a later date.

Among the many metaphysical properties of magnetite, it is perhaps best known as a stone of manifestation. It's magnetite properties attract and capture things, much as if you had tossed out a

net and captured the things you wanted or needed in your life. If you are lacking anything in your life, whether it be a material item or an emotional need that has not be filled or is lacking in your

life; magnetite can help draw it to you.

Many people speak of using magnetite to align the chakras and while it does help to align the chakras, it is more temporary in nature. In most cases, they are actually using lodestone which is much better at chakra alignment.

Magnetite is a grounding stone, but instead of just grounding out negativity, it serves as a

connection to the energies of the earth and other worlds, allowing an exchange of energies with the negative aspects of the unwanted energies being removed from the body and aura and then

being replaced by the positive aspect of the same energy.

This is somewhat unique in grounding stones, allowing for exchanges such as ridding the body of the stress associated with fear while replacing that negative with the positive of being quick

thinking and acting in a fearful situation.

Magnetite has been used in amulets and talisman's since ancient times as a strong protection stone. It's connection with the earth provides the wearer with a magnification of their positive

aspects needed most when protection is needed, such as enhanced endurance, the tenacity to keep going and the right words and actions to take to help to remove yourself from the unwanted situation.

Crystal healers use magnetite for situations and illnesses such as any type of disorder of the blood and or circulatory system. It can help to prevent excess bleeding or bruising and is often taped to the injury site after a fall to help reduce or prevent bruises from forming. In the case of

nose bleed, placing a magnetite on each side of the nose has been used to help stop nose bleeds. It has also been used to alleviate pain and boost the immune system.

Persons who suffer from any type of nervous system disorder, especially those that result in the

nervous extremes such as severe agitation or severe depression, often find relief by spending time with a Megnetite stone. Meditation while holding a magnetite can help one to connect with the universal energies to not just ease what causes the extremes but to also allow one to see how

to prevent the situations that caused the original problems.

Main Chakra: Base Planet:

Vibrates to the number: 4 Element: Earth Astrological Sign: Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Virgo

Magnetite Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - Fe++Fe+++2O4 Hardness - 5.5-6 Specific Gravity - 5.15 gm/cc

Refractive Index (R.I.) - 2.42 Bi-refringence -

Optic Sign - Optical Character -


Originally celestite was called Celestine but is better known today by the name Celestite. It is usually blue in color but can be found in colors ranging from white, yellow, orange, red and red-

brown. It grows in nodules, granular masses and as tabular orthorhombic crystals. Celestite is one of the more popular stones in healing practices.

Celestite crystal grows mainly in sedimentary rocks and is often found in deposits of gypsum and halite. Many times it is found in cavities along with limestone and dolomite. Most Celestite is

mined in England, Sicily, and in the United States on the Islands around Lake Erie, Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania. Occasionally it grows in double wings that are reminiscent of Angel

Wings. When found in this form, it is called Angelite; this is yet another reason why celestite is becoming so very well known.

The name Celestite comes from the word Celestial referring to the stars and the other heavenly bodies in the Universe. This is actually a perfect name for it because one of its best known

properties is how it helps you to connect to the celestial energies. It helps us to adjust our personal mental energies to the energies of the Universe and to integrate those energies inside

ourselves so that we can better understand the oneness of everything that is and ever was.

Persons wishing to connect with their Spirit Guides often use Celestite to aid in helping them make the connection. Simply hold the stone during meditation and reach out with your mind, asking for your guide to speak to you. Then listen, not just with your ears but with your body,

heart, mind and spirit.

Celestite is a wonderful stone for anyone that works with people in any sort of stressful situations. This would include people who work as therapists, teachers, clergy and even

emergency personnel. It helps you to find the right words to use in each situation so that you can articulate what needs to be said in a way that causes the least stress. It can also help with the manifestation of spiritual goals, allowing you to easily see when your desires are for earthly

manifestation versus spiritual manifestations which can help keep your path clear for you.

Hold or wear a Celestite when sleeping to aid in dream recall or when attempting to Astral Travel to aid in getting to the chosen site easier and to help remove any stresses that may be

preventing you from accomplishing Astral Travel.

Celestite makes great gifts for anyone experiencing the loss of a loved one or a stressful time such as the lost of a job. It acts like a ray of sunshine in the wearers life and allows calmness and

harmony to flow into their life, gently pushing all negativity and stress out in the process.

If you have an artistic person who needs a gift, whether they are involved in music, painting, sewing, jewelry making or any other type of creative endeavor, take advantage of the Celestite properties that allows light and love to flow into their life and allows their creative juices to


Gemstone healers use Celestite to treat disorders of the eyes, increase the patients ability to hear and to bring stability to those suffering mental imbalances. it is often used to remove negativity

from the body and aura, especially when they have become toxic and are causing destruction on a cellular level.

Main Chakra: Throat

Planet: Neptune & Venuse Vibrates to the number: 8 & 2

Element: Water Astrological Sign: Aquarius

Celestite Crystal Technical Details Chemical Composition - SrSO4

Hardness - 3-3.5 Specific Gravity - 3.9+ Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.622

Bi-refringence - 0.009 to 0.010 Optic Sign - Positive

Optical Character - Biaxial

Carnelian Stone

One of the many varieties of Chalcedony, carnelian stone is thought of as if it was its own separate class of gemstone as far as metaphysical, healing and magickal properties go. Carnelian stone can be found around the world but mainly is mined in Australia, Brazil, Madagascar, India,

California, Oregon, Russia, Washington, Nevada, parts of Africa and Idaho in the U.S.A.. Most of the gemstones on the market today are mined in Brazil.

One main meaning of Carnelian stone is as the self esteem gemstone because it is such a powerful motivator. It helps you to overcome the various parts of your personality that may be

holding you back allowing you to step out into the world and claim your destiny. Keep a few carnelian stones in your pocket so you can rub them any time you feel excess stress coming on.

This can be when situations cause anxiety to be high or even when it is due to depression.

Carnelian stone is a Master Communicator, it gives you the courage to take charge of your life or stand up in front of the crowd to give the company report. Any time you need to be the center of

attention in a public arena it can help you do so with confidence as it works to bring all aspects of yourself into alignment,

Another meaning is as a major grounding gemstone, carnelian stone helps you to focus on where you are currently at in life and to get you through times of stress so you can concentrate on your confidence. If you have trouble finding words, don't sweat it, just draw upon the energies of your

carnelian stone and allow inspiration to bloom and creativity to flourish; the solutions will become apparent.

Of the healing properties of carnelian stone, relieve pain may be its best known. It aligns all

aspects of self, bringing the mind, body and soul into alignment for optimum health. Are you in a mental rut and need to get back on track? Carnelian stone gives you the ambition and drive you need to succeed and sets you on the path to success in both the long and short terms. It can help

you make decisions and make your life experiences more enjoyable.

Chakra healers connect Carnelian stone to the spleen chakra which is known as the center for creative, sexual and emotional energies. As the energies are unblocked and start to flow through

the chakras, you become more deeply connected to your body, friends, family and lovers making you a more spontaneous, loving and giving person.

Carnelian stone is used for all types of disorders dealing with the sexual organs. It helps men with impotence and prostate troubles and women with menstrual and fertility problems.

Continue below for the Chakra, Astrological, Planetary and Elemental Properties

For additional metaphysical, magical and healing properties of Carnelian Stone continue to part 2. Main Chakra: Sacral

Planet: Saturn Vibrates to the number: 5 & 6

Element: Fire Astrological Sign: Aries

Carnelian Stone Technical Details Chemical Composition - SiO2 with impurities Hardness - 6.5-7.0

Specific Gravity - 2.65 Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.55 - 1.54

Bi-refringence - .004 Optic Sign -

Optical Character -

Calcite Crystal

Calcite Crystal is one of the more abundant minerals on earth, comprising about 4% of total minerals. This is one of the reasons why calcite crystal has been so widely researched. It is found virtually everywhere but it is mostly mined in New Jersey, Tennessee, Illinois, and other states in

the United States, Brazil, Mexico, Germany, India and England.

You have probably seen calcite crystal in nature numerous times without knowing exactly what it was. Calcite crystal is found in the little veins and streaks found in Granite and Limestone and

most "rocks" mined for use in ground cover (to prevent erosion), driveways, roads and such, will be speckled with crushed calcite crystal. It makes you wonder if the road crews ever think about

the fact they are helping to spread the healing calcite crystal with every road they lay.

Calcite crystal comes in many colors. Clear or coloreless calcite is the base stone. All calcite crystals have the meanings and properties of clear calcite. Each color also has some of it's own properties. Calcite crystal is known as an energy amplifier. It clears and activates all the chakras

and helps you remember information you learned during Out of Body experiences and during Astral Travel.

Pure calcite crystal is colorless. As the crystals are forming additional minerals from the area can

become mixed in the solution causing the calcite crystal to be colored. The more common colors are blue, clear, green, orange, pink, red and yellow. These additional minerals are what makes the calcite crystal properties different within each color.

Optical calcite crystal has a unique ability to cause images to appear doubled when you look

through the stone. The easiest way to see this affect is to place an optical calcite over a line drawn on a piece of paper or on a line of print. When you look through the crystal, the line will

appear doubled.

Main Chakra: Crown Planet: Moon

Vibrates to the number: 3 Element: Astrological Sign: Leo

Colored Calcite Properties

Black Calcite Crystal:

Black calcite crystal is actually extremely rare. More often than not, you are either looking at an

extremely dark blue or brown calcite or perhaps the stone was mislabeled. Black Calcite properties include its ability to help you predict and prevent problems in your life.

Main Chakra: Planet:

Vibrates to the number: Element:

Astrological Sign: Blue Calcite Crystal:

Blue Calcite Crystal properties include helping you balance your emotions and remove

emotional blockages that have hounded you from your past. Opens, heals and unblocks all chakras.

Meditating while holding a blue calcite crystal can help you to increase your psychic abilities, let go of stress and remain calm in situations where you normally don't stay calm and helps to

enhance your memory. All you need do is guide the meditation to bring about the ability you need the most.

Keep one or more calcite crystals nearby to aid you in being able to reach the astral plain and to

assist in having an out of body experience. Some people prefer to hold the crystals during their travels while others prefer to simply wear one or more crystals in jewelry.

One property of blue calcite crystal can help if you are having a problem getting ahead in life because you tend to not trust your own choices. Wearing or carrying a blue calcite could be your

answer because it helps you to learn to trust yourself to know what is best for you.

If you or someone you know tends to be on the lazy side and you need something to give them the motivation to get up and become the best they can be, give them a blue calcite to wear or

carry in their pocket. Blue Calcite crystal also helps you balance your emotions and remove emotional blockages that have haunted you from your past. Opens, heals and unblocks all


Trying to lose weight? A Blue Calcite crystal can help stimulate your metabolism which could make the entire process a little easier. Wearing or carrying a blue calcite crystal can help reduce high blood pressure and to help regulate the beat of the heart. This makes it a great stone for

anyone with any sort of a heart murmur.

If you or someone you know is having health problems, especially problems that seem to just keep dragging on and on, keeping one or more blue calcite crystals in the room with them could

help to strengthen their immune system. You could also make an elixir by soaking one or more crystal in water overnight, and using the water to bathe the person.

If you are having pain in any part of your body, wrap the area with an elastic bandage and slide a

blue calcite crystal underneath the bandage to help dissolve the pain. NOTE: Do this AFTER you have been to the doctor not instead of going to the doctor.

Main Chakra: Throat Planet: Venus

Vibrates to the number: 8 Element: Water

Astrological Sign: Cancer Brown Calcite Crystal: Brown Calcite gives you insight into truths that may have been hidden from you and opens your

mind to Universal wisdoms of the ages.

Green Calcite Crystal

When dealing with the mind or the body, we often speak in terms of postive and negative, good or bad, harmony or disharmony. Green Calcite helps to balance all of the above. Place one or

more green calcite crystal just inside your front door to invite more money to enter the house.

If you need to let go of old beliefs to allow room for new, green calcite crystal will help you do so. If your living arrangements are having a negative impact on you, it will help you to find other

arrangements that will be positive and supporting of you. If your body is overcome with negative energy, causing illness, it will absorb the negative and fill you with positive energies that will help heal you.

Useful in healing any type of injury or illness where swelling is involved such as arthritis, broken

bones or torn or sprained muscles. DO NOT use with anything such as an infection, tumor or cancer. Green is a growing color and these are not things you want to grow bigger.

Green calcite crystal is a very calming and soothing stone making it a great choice when you

need to calm your mind. This makes it a great stone to use during meditation or to calm the emotions. This is especially good to use after an upset, such as receiving bad news or after the

loss of a loved one.

Green calcite crystal properties helps you to accept changes, especially changes dealing with or because of a path to enlightenment (spiritual). Often it is hard to accept the things within our

physical worlds being so different than what we thought they were and this crystal helps to soften those shocks so they become less and less of a shock to your system.

Due to green calcite's property of helping things to grow, it is an excellent crystal to use in any

sort of magic for business, success or propserity. It is also a great crystal for anything dealing with fertility, whether it is to ensure pregancy in humans, animals or seeds.

Main Chakra: Heart Planet: Venus Vibrates to the number:

Element: Earth Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate is one of the rarest of all the agate gemstones. It was discovered by a man

named George Swanson on his farm in the south western part of Africa. To this day, the original seam found on his farm still produces the best blue lace agates in the world.

One Blue Lace Agate meaning brings out your more personable side allowing you to let problems and irritations slide off your back rather than internalizing and dwelling on them. In

todays hectic world this can be like a gift from the creator. Everyone is so busy and so pushed to hurry, hurry, hurry we often end up hurting peoples feelings without meaning to. The properties

of blue lace agate work almost like a protective shield around you, helping you to simply allow those negative remarks to flow over and away from you rather than you accepting them as a part of yourself. Helps to connect with your highest power and to emit positive feelings of hope, joy

and positive thinking. Makes a great stone to be used as a wishing stone.

Blue Lace Agate Meaning

Agate healing properties for this particular variety are very calming and uplifting. Blue lace agate is great to use in any situation where tensions may reside. Keep one in your home or at

your office to help keep everyone at peace. It is a gentle stone that brings a calming tranquil feeling to anyone that is around it. It is a great stone to help you reach higher spiritual energies,

communicate with angels and spirit guides and helps to open the throat chakra, the communication center of our being.

Use a blue lace agate for any instances that involve any type of communicating with others. This makes it the perfect stone for those involved in any type of public speaking, teaching, any type of

written communication including books, letters, commercials and advertising.

If you know of someone who is writing a book or studying any subject where they must write a thesis in order to graduate, the agate healing properties make a blue lace agate the perfect gift.

Try to find something rather large that can sit on the desk they work from, or give them a pendant with a blue lace agate stone in it, with a chain set to allow the stone to hang just at the bottom of their throat to get the best effect.

These same properties of blue agate hold true for those who do any sort of public speaking. Having a blue lace agate hanging at throat level not only helps the voice to be clear and strong, giving the best impression possible but also helps the speaker to find the right words to be able to

get their point across eloquently.

Blue lace agates are used as a healing stone to help people that stutter, have arthritis, severe headaches, throat problems, nervous problems that affect their speech and all types of skin and

bone problems. If you find yourself in a stressed out condition for any reason, try meditating with one or more blue lace agates. They can help you let go of the stresses so you can be at a peaceful and calm state.

One of the properties of blue agate that make it a great gift for anyone who uses their

intuitiveness in their work (think police officers, teachers, etc.) or even for those seeking to open their psychic abilities to help others; is its ability to help increase pyschic abilities. It clears the

mind and eases the connection between yourself and the spirit world giving you better access to knowledge and information when it is needed the most.

If you find yourself in a situation where you are not being honest with yourself, which almost always leads to even bigger problems, try meditating with a blue lace agate. Many people find

accepting the fact that we often lie to ourselves to be almost impossible. Yet most everyone does it. Accepting allows you to deal with it and it ceases to be a problem. Internalizing it and refusing

to accept it, forces us to keep dealing with the problems over and over again. Blue lace agate will allow you to connect your inner self with the higher beings that can guide you to where you need to be.

Blue lace agates are great stones to decorate in an office where meetings are held on a regular basis. They help to keep all communications on a smooth and even basis, which makes everything run a little easier. A collection of large pieces of blue lace agate arranged in a display

and placed in the center of the meeting room table can actually reduce costs within a business allowing everyone to keep petty arguements out of meetings and stay on topic better. Of course

if larger pieces are not available, try a small fountain and place multiple tumbled stones in strategic places inside and around the fountain to have the same affect.

Main Chakra: Throat Planet: Venus

Vibrates to the number: 5 Element: Water & Air

Astrological Sign: Pisces

Blue Lace Agate Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - SiO2 Hardness - 7

Specific Gravity - 2.60 – 2.65 Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.544-1.553

Bi-refringence - Optic Sign -

Optical Character -

Blue Chalcedony

What we non-scientific types of humans call Chalcedony, is actually a specific form of quartz, one who's crystals are so tiny they are hard to be seen by a normal microscope. On the Market, only solid colored stones that range from a soft gray to a very nice blue shade are sold as

Chalcedony. Chalcedony stone with other colors or multiple colors are sold under their individual names.

You may be familiar with gemstone names such as agate, bloodstone, chrysoprase, carnelian,

chert, flint, jasper, onyx, sardonyx, touchstone and petrified wood. They are all varieties of chalcedony stone. This article deals specifically with what is called Blue Chalcedony. It's properties, apply to all the forms of chalcedony listed above, plus they each have their own

specific meanings.

Chalcedony stone is found in various places around the world including Brazil, India, Madagascar, Namibia, Sri Lanka, Uruguay, Zimbabwe and in California and Nevada in the

United State of America.

Blue Chalcedony - Metaphysical, Healing and Magical


Blue Chalcedony stone, has all of the properties of clear quartz crystals and is especially good at opening you up to spiritual enlightenment in an exceptionally peaceful way. The natural energy

coming from Blue Chalcedony has been described as being almost dream like, gentle, smooth as silk and flowing like a breeze upon the skin.

Blue Chalcedony stone is the perfect stone to keep in an office where tensions might tend to run

a little hot during certain times (like deadlines). It not only helps communications to flow smoothly but also helps keep emotions under control and promotes honesty, especially with the spoken word and brotherhood.

Blue Chalcedony is exceptional for use as a decoration in a childs bedroom. I have seen several stones added to a fish aquarium in a childs room, add on top of the soil in a plant and glued to the

wall in a border around the room. Doing any of the above almost guarantees your child will not have bad dreams because the protective properties of Blue Chalcedony will keep all the things

that normally cause a childs bad dreams away from the room so they can sleep in peace.

One blue chalcedony meaning makes it a natural amulet to protect against the evil eye curse, wear a blue chalcedony stone on or near your head so it can reflect the curse back to the sender.

There are many blue chalcedony meanings that can be used to help improve your psychic

abilities. Meditating with one of more stones held in your hands can help open your abilities. Sleeping with one held to your third eye with a bandage or an elastic hair band, helps to develop those abilities also. You can also keep one or more stones with your tarot cards to help you

attune to them and get a truer reading. Just keeping a blue chaledony stone near you, either during the day or at night helps you to open up your psychic abilities.

Several of the blue chalcedony meanings fall into the healing properties category. It has

historically been used by wearing a blue chalcedony stone on a chain so it hangs over your heart area to help purify the emotions of the heart. If you are having problems with your eyes, whether from infection or your vision not being as sharp as it use to be, lay flat on your back and place a

blue chalcedony gemstone on each eyelid. Relax for a while and allow the energies to do their work. To help purify the blood, wear two or more blue chalcedony stones on opposite sides of

your body. For instance, wear one on the front and the back of your wrist. This is done so your blood flows between the two stones. This allows the stones to purify the blood as it moves through your body.

Make an elixir by placing one or more blue chalcedony gemstones in water held in a glass

container. Leave the container outside overnight, so the moonlight can shine upon it. You can use the elixir to cleanse the skin around a wound to help it heal faster. To ensure you have

enough milk to keep your baby fed, wear a blue chalcedony so it hangs between your breast and it will keep your milk supply at its best level.

To help a broken bone heal faster, wrap one or more blue chalcedony stones in an elastic bandage around the broken bone. This can go right over the outside of your cast. Just try to get

the stones as close to where the break is at as possible. In need of physical energy to get through a strenuous task? Hold a blue chalcedony in your hand, close your eyes and feel the energies of

the stone go into your hand, up your arm and around through your entire body, energizing you.

Wearing or carrying a blue chalcedony gemstone helps protect you from any type of negative magic. This includes not only the negative magic that is intentionally sent your way, but also the

negative magic from people you do not even know. Those that get upset because you do not drive fast enough, or cut them off, or anyone else that sends negativity at you for any reason. Main Chakra: Root and Sacral

Planet: Moon Vibrates to the number: 3

Element: Water Astrological Sign: Cancer

Technical Details Chemical Composition and Name - SiO2, silicon dioxide Hardness - 6.5 - 7

Specific Gravity - 2.58 - 2.64

Refractive Index (R.I.) - 1.530 - 1.540 Bi-refringence - up to 0.004

Optic Sign - Positive Optical Character - Uniaxial

Azurite Crystal

Azurite is found around the world almost anywhere copper is present. Many locations are known to produce spectacular colors of gemstones. Crystals from La Salle County Utah in the United

States are known for some wonderful azurite clusters. Finely terminated crystals are found in Tsumeb, Namibia (Africa). The highly favored electric blue color is found in Bisbee, Australia

and the crystals found in Chessy France are often called Chessylite instead of azurite.

Other deposits have been found in Greece, Russia, the Black Forest in Germany and in various locations in Australia, China, England, Mexico and the United States.

Azurite crystal grows in areas where a lot of other well known crystals are found. Cuprite,

Chrysocolla, Malachite, Turquoise and Wulfenite are all grown from the same base of copper which is why they tend to form in the same locations.

Azurite crystal is a fantastic deep blue colored mineral that often grows with malachite. Azurite is unstable in air and over time, air will weather the azurite, causing it's surface to chemically

change to malachite. (NOTE: Tumbling and polishing slows or even stops this process)

Azurite Crystal Metaphysical, Healing and

Magickal Properties

Azurite crystal is a gemstone of "Letting Go". In meditation it helps us let go of the thoughts that tend to flitter through our minds and helps us move into deeper levels of consciousness. It allows

us to let go of old patterns, thoughts, behaviors and attitudes so we can see with clarity and wisdom what lies before us. It allows us to let go of our conscious minds, allowing us better communication with the Spirit world, and helps us integrate the Universal knowledge into our

everyday lives.

Azurite renews us by aligning the Chakras and letting their energy flow through our bodies calmly, smoothly and completely. This can be accomplished over time by simply wearing an

azurite crystal on the body. The process can happen faster by meditating with an azurite crystal laid on each of the main chakras points and allowing the energy of this wonderful stone to do it's


Some cultures call azurite crystal the gemstone of heaven because it helps to increase your desire to seek your higher self. It makes the perfect crystal to hold while meditating to contact your Spirit Guide as it helps open the lines of communications. Simply allow the energy to fill your

mind and body; then listen with your ears and your heart.

By mastering your emotions, you also increase your psychic abilities and azurite crystal helps you develop the mental control to accomplish both. It also stimulates the third eye, helping to

open you to receive guidance information from the fine energies that permeate the universe.

Anyone that suffers from any type of arthritis or joint problem can be helped by wrapping the affected area with an elastic bandage. Then slide an azurite cyrstal under the bandage so it is

being held next to the skin as close to the affected joint as possible.

Make an azurite crystal elixir by soaking one of more crystals in water overnight, then use this water to cleanse the skin after exposure to the sun to help prevent skin cancer and dry skin

Wearing azurite crystal as a bracelet, anklet or necklace that surrounds a part of your body,

allows your blood to pass through the stones. This allows the stone to help purify the blood, cleanse the liver, help to relieve depression and dry up sinus and skin problems.

Ancient cultures used azurite crystal to dye products blue. Egyptians used it to make eye shadow and it was used in other type of dyed products but as the manufacturing processes changed the

various chemicals introduced in the processes caused chemical reactions with the copper in the azurite crystals and it was no longer possible to get the fantastic blue so eventually they quit

using azurite because of it.

In its pure form, azurite crystal is too brittle to use in jewelry. It is only through injecting the stone with polymers or wax that it becomes strong enough to be used in jewelry.

Need a solution to a problem and at a loss on which way to go from this point? Just before laying down to sleep at night, hold an azurite in your hand and whisper your problem to it. Ask it to

guide your dreams to the solution you need. When ready, lay down, still holding on to the stone. It helps you to have prophetic dreams that hold the answer to your problems.

One of the wide elastic hair bands you can buy anywhere that sells hair brushes is perfect to hold

an azurite crystal over your 3rd eye chakras. Doing this while meditating or when you sleep at night will help you connect with your psychic abilities and increase prophetic dreams.

An Azurite crystal makes the perfect stone for anyone that is a student or has a job that requires

the use of logic. Simply keeping a crystal on your desk or wearing one of more in jewelry can help you find solutions to problems that may have haunted you for some time. It also brings out the creative side of you, often helping to find the combination of things necessary to create a


If you are having problems choosing between two or more choices, keep an azurite nearby to help you. It allows you to see the sometimes hidden outcomes that can happen because of our

choices, and assists in making a decision that is the best one possible for everyone involved.

If you have a broken bone, attach an azurite crystal to your cast as close to the break as possible. Its healing powers can assist in helping the bones heal faster.

Azurite crystals are great stones for an expectant mother to wear as they help the fetus to be

healthier and stronger.

If you know of anyone that is suffering with any stage of post traumatic stress disorder or just having a hard time dealing with the loss of a loved one, azurite crystal makes a great gift. It

calms anxiety and helps us come to terms with anger and grief, by giving us an emotional release.

Main Chakra: Heart Planet: Venus

Vibrates to the number: 7 & ( Element: Water

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Azurite Crystal Technical Details Chemical Composition: Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2 Hardness - 3.5 to 4

Specific Gravity - 3.83 Refractive Index (R.I.) - na = 1.730 nß = 1.758 ny = 1.838 Bi-refringence - 0.108

Optic Sign - positive Optical Character - Biaxial To see more of our Gemstone pictures check our Facebook link below: Email:[email protected] https://www.facebook.com/groups/313882118809336/ https://www.facebook.com/hakamas.coopthrift https://www.facebook.com/groups/313882118809336/