i E aWjVrw pfl-r- fllsa tstalLaBEscsdJ Vol 1Y f st- n- SCO FOR STOYBSIU For Wood or Coal The Universal Stoves and Ranges A Large Invoice Just to Hand Tho Castings of this Factory aro so far away superior to all other makoa that COMPARISON IS FUTILE Tho Australia brought a largo invoico of assorted goods to tho Faoifio Hardware Oo XjinciitedL Call aud oxatniuo thoir stock or writo thein for anything you want It has taken sovoral years to satisfy usors of WIND MILLS that thoro is nothing niado which equals tho ooi iOisrEi Orders aro coming in faster than wo can fill them but we aro doing tho best wo can Pacific Hardware Co Ld HONOLULU II I fneo 9 igi SUU A Jb ACTORS IMPORTERS OF Q ener al Merchandise AND COMMISSION IMKOELAJXTTi Agents for Lloyds Canadian Australian Steamship Line British Foreign Marino Insurance Co Northern Assurance Co Fire and Life Canadian Pacific Railway Co Pioneer Line of Packets from Liverpool Telephone 92 P Box 145 H E McINTYKE BRO east Corner port kino sts IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries Provisions and Feed New and Fresh Goods received by every paolcot from California Eastern Btates and European Markets Standard Grade of Canned Vepetablos Fruits aucl Fish Cflf- c- Goods delivered to any part of the City -- QHl IRTANn THAIW BOTrniPin aTioirinii aw intkuii Oceanic Steamship Company TIME TABLE Tho Pino Passongor Steamers of This Lino Will Arrive and Leave This Port as Hereunder FROM SAN FRANCISCO AUSTRALIA JUNE 22d MARIPOSA JULY 1st AUSTRALIA JULY 20th MOANA JULY 29th AUSTRALIA AUG 17th ALAMEDA AUG 2Gth MOANA In tho sailing of tho nbovo steamers tho Agents aro to to passengers through tiokots by any railroad San Francisco to all in tho United and by any lino all ports For further particulars apply to Sr S F The Ilet Calros of all kinds fresh evory day Fresh Ico made of tho Best lawn In all Flavors Ibe finest l7 tf ivw -- d to II I JUNE 22 1897 O on FOR SAN FRANCISCO JUNE 21th AUSTRALIA JUNE 80th ALAMEDA JULY 22d AUSTRALIA JULY 2Rth AUG 19th AUSTRALIA Aug 25th connection with prepared issue intendiug coupon from points States from Now York steamship European Wm G Irwin Co LIMITED General Agents Oceanio Company HORN Pioneer Bakery Bread Cream Wood Cream Homo made Confectionery HONOLULU TUESDAY MARIPOSA THOS LINDSAY Jeweler IB IJtRIAltBD TO Manufacture and Repair All lilndB of Jewolry FIUBX OLASB WORK ONLY 600 Lovo Building Fort St tf Hands Across tho Bon Hands across tho sea x Aud voices round the world Proclaim a Jubileo With Britains flag unfurled Sixty y6ar of worth Victorias own thoy Boom Have shown to all tho earth Good monarchys no dream All around tho earth The nnoient war orios die Since Victorias birth Forovor girn tho lio Pure and good and true Maid thouwifo thon Queen Whatner there was to do In Christian influence Scon Her own tho signal shown To Africs chiefs in quost Why Britain had so grown Tho Biblo twas the best Ayo over thus tho lino So drawn has boon fulfilled Whateor has boon tho oost Its boen what God has willed This tho socret truo Why Britons love thoir Queen And nations vie with them To lot nwpeot be eeon Then hands across tho sea Our voices round tho world Proclaim Her Jubilee Whoro Britains flags unfurled GEortan Cahson Kenton Victoria Reigm BY J T STEWAIIT Auspicious Morn I Victorias dia ¬ mond dayl Now sixty yoara havo como and gone heuoath hor sway Empires havo fallen RopfHjMcs crumbled into dust She lives to rule hor Empire by her actions just Sho lives and rules within the hearts of men Oh I May hor firm established Em- pire ¬ have no mid From burning Indias sands to far Australias shores Victoria reigns For sixty years and more As maiden wifo and Quoon and mother kiud Hor life has been the admiration of mankind No crouching slaves beneath hor llag aro found Her strength aud glory are supremo tho whole world round Hor hardy sons explored tho round world oer Aud fouudedEmpires strong on every shoro From Africs trackless wilds to dii- - tant Indias plains The cry to day resounds Tho good Victoria reigns Loud let the caunons roai Vibrato from shore to shoro Loved Queen aud country wo adoro for ovorraoro Long may thy matchless reign en- dure ¬ Be thy nuccossion sure Victoria reigns Four hundred millions join in loud acclaim Britannias Empross Quoon within our hoarts rouiaiu Supremo on land aud sea hor power established euro God Save the Queen Long may Victoria reign Let loud hosannas rend tho skies God Savo tho Queen from all arise Long shall hor uoblo works endure Loving kind and good and pure Victoria roigus With laws administered and Justico straight defined Her reign has boen a model to man- kind ¬ Lot distant nations seek thy ruggod shoro To loam thy moroy Victorias Jus- tico ¬ to adore Then blessed forevor bo tho llag thats wavod a thousand yoars From Salamancas blood stained walls Talavora Poiutiors That laid the Russiaus in tho dust on Balaclava day Aud crownod with glory Britains armi for over and for aye Victoria Reigns Mens ready made pants at 1 per pair at Kerrs Mens SuitB ready to woor at 125 tho suit at Kerrs Dont Mvorry or wear out your eyes making under wear when you can buy it so cheap all ready iaado at N S Sauhs Tho Victoria Galop Tho following aro tho words of tho galop played and sung by Capt Bergors band at the Hawaiian Hotel last evening All hail to thou beloved Quoon To tby peoplo thou hast been Ever gracious noble kind Ruling both with heart and mind With joyfulnosa thon let us sing And in tho dauce our voices ring For faithful subjects love thee well Aud eeu must try that love to tell In loyal hoarts thoult ever live Fidelity to thoo thoy givo Long Victoria be thy reign Oer Englands glory prido aud fame Hurrahl Hurrah Hurrah I IT IS PURE Rainier beer is not injurious to the weakest organization but promotes health anil strength and preserves it As a wholesome tonic It has NO EQUAL On tap or In bottles at tho Criterion Saloon BUSINESS LOCALS Mo n a lints at 25 aud 85 cents each at Kerrs Ladies Skirts with rufllM only 50 Cents Ladies Drawers well made trimmed with Embroidery and Tucks for 50 Cents at Sachp Hardly crodiblo but still true Ladies Chemisec 3 for SI Ladies Night Gowiir for 50 Cents Corset Covins for 60 Conts at N S Sachs H Carl ono of tho most export barbers in Honolulu is now to bo found at tho tousoriul parlors of M A Peixoto at tho Union Art Gallory Lane One ounco of provontion is hotter than ton ounces of euro Tho Em- pire ¬ boasts of infallible remedies ngaiuRt the varioloid Wiolaud beer on draft boats vacciuntion and Doctor Charlie Andrew prcsidnsovor tho finest stock of remedies that can bo found in town All for modi oiual purposes and cash From casks rotund tho mellow brow Of Pabst spriuga perfect to tho light For naturo sure and sciouco true Conspire to brow it right Tho Royal and Pacific too Supply this perfect gem Tho Cosmopolitan is not behind With chocks which chango with them ooes-A-isit- o Steamship Co FOR SAN FRANCISCO 6fc THK Al STEAMSHIP AUSTRALIA WILL LEAVE HONOLULU FOR TUB ABOVE rOllT OH Wednesday June 30th AT 1 OCLOCK T M The undersigned are now prepared to issao Through Tickets from thiH City to all points In tho United States SM For further particulars regarding Freight or Passage apply to Wm G IRWIN CO Ld Gonoral Agonts Brace Waring Co Real Estate Dealers 603 Port St near King Building lots Houses and lots and lands fob sale 87 Parties wishing to dispose o their PrnrrtlR nr Invltprl in mill on in I LANCASTER Professional Horsesaoer Has Openod His Shop at No 321 on King Street fT II Murrays Promises Horsn Ownors will llnd It to their odvan- - Inge to patronlzo tho now shop where tho best work Is Guaranteed Telephone No 57a 417 tf if Wifes Steamship Co TIME TABLE C L WIGHT Prcs 8 B ItOBK Beo Copt J A Port Supt Stmr KINATJ OLAItKB Commander VU11 leave Honolulu at 10 a m touching at Lahnlim Manlm a liny and Mukena the same day Mahuksnn Kawalboe and Lau pnlioihoe the following day arriving al Hllo the same afternoon LEAVES HONOLULU AMUVES HONOLULU Tuesday Juno 20 Friday July 0 luesuay juiyuo Friday JulyXO Tuesday Aug 10 Friday Aug SO Tuesday Aug 31 Friday Sept 10 Tuesday Septal Friday Oct 1 luesday Oct 12 Friday OctS Tuesday Nov 2 Fndny bov 12 Tucaduy Iov2J Friday Deo 3 Tufsday DeoH Thursday Deo 23 No 516 KING Friday Juno 25 Tuesday July 0 Friday July 16 Tuesday July 27 Friday Aug C luesaay Aug 17 Friday Aug 27 Tuesday Sept 7 Fiduy Sept 17 Tuosday Sept 28 Fxiuuy uot 8 lucsuay Oct 10 Friday Oct 20 Uuesduy Nov 9 Friduy Nov 19 Tuesday Nov 30 Friday Deo 10 Ta sdity Deo 21 Friday Dec 31 Kolurning will loavo HJlo at 8 oclock a m touching at Lanpahoohoe Mann Kona and Kawalhao sume day ilakena Alaulaua Jlny und Lahalna the following duy arriving ut Honolulu the afternoons of luesday a and Fridays r Will call ut Ponoikl Puna on trip marked kMr No Frolght will be received after Am on day of sailing Tho popular route to tho Volcano is via Hllo A good carriage roud tho entlro dis ¬ tance Hound trip tickets cofcring all expensos 5000 btmr CLAUDINE OAMEHON Commander Will leave Honolulu Tuesdays at 5 r m touch ng at Kuhului Hana Homoa and Kipahulu Muui Iteturning arrives ut Honolulu Sunday mornings Will call at Nnu Kaupo once each month iUjf- - No Freight will be received after 4 p m on day of sailing This Company will reserves the rightto make changeB in the tlmoof departuio and arrival of Us Steamers without notice and it will not ho responsible for any oonse quences arising therefrom Consignees must bo ut the Landings to receive their freight this Company will not hold Itsolf rosponsiblo for freight after It has boenlandod Live Stock roceiyed only at owners risk This Compuny will not bo responsible lor Money or Valuubles of passengers unless placed in the cure of Pnrsera W Passengers are requested to pur ¬ chase Tickets before embarking Those falling to do so will be subject to an addi- tional ¬ charge of twenty five por cont OLAU3 SPItECKELS WM Q IRWIN Glaus SprecMs Co B A3STKERS HONOLULU - Sin Francisco Agent THE NEVADA BANK OF AN FRANOISCO nit AW BXCItANOB ON SAN FUANOIBCO Tho Noyada Bank of San Francisco LONDON Tho Union Bank of London Ltd NEW YOItK Amcrlcan Exchange Na tional Bunk OHIOAGO Merchanta National Bank PAHIB Comptolr National dEscompte do Paris BKltLIN Dresdnor Bank HONG KONG AND YOKOHAMA Hone Kong Hhunglml BankiugCorporatlon NEW ZiSALAND AND AUSrKALI- A- Bauk of New Zealand VIOIOUIA AND VANCOUVEB Bank of British North America Transact a General HanUng and Exchange Vusinus Dopoelts Kecelved Loans made on Ap ¬ proved tfeeurlty Commorolal und Travel era Credit Issued Bills of ExonJngo bought and sold Oollootlouo Promptly Accountod For 839 tf

Universal Just - University of Hawaii · Proclaim a Jubileo With Britains flag unfurled Sixty y6ar of worth Victorias own thoy Boom Have shown to all tho earth Good monarchys no dream

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Page 1: Universal Just - University of Hawaii · Proclaim a Jubileo With Britains flag unfurled Sixty y6ar of worth Victorias own thoy Boom Have shown to all tho earth Good monarchys no dream



aWjVrw pfl-r-

fllsa tstalLaBEscsdJ

Vol 1Y

f st-n-


The Universal Stoves and RangesA Large Invoice Just to Hand

Tho Castings of this Factory aro so far away superior to all other makoathat

COMPARISON IS FUTILETho Australia brought a largo invoico of assorted goods to tho

Faoifio Hardware Oo XjinciitedLCall aud oxatniuo thoir stock or writo thein for anything you want

It has taken sovoral years to satisfy usors of WIND MILLS that thoro isnothing niado which equals thoooi iOisrEi

Orders aro coming in faster than wo can fill them but we aro doing thobest wo can

Pacific Hardware Co LdHONOLULU II I

fneo9 igi


Qeneral MerchandiseAND


Canadian Australian Steamship LineBritish Foreign Marino Insurance Co

Northern Assurance Co Fire and LifeCanadian Pacific Railway Co

Pioneer Line of Packets from Liverpool

Telephone 92 P Box 145

H E McINTYKE BROeast Corner port kino sts


Groceries Provisions and FeedNew and Fresh Goods received by every paolcot from California Eastern

Btates and European Markets

Standard Grade of Canned Vepetablos Fruits aucl FishCflf- c- Goods delivered to any part of the City --QHl

IRTANn THAIW BOTrniPin aTioirinii a w intkuii

Oceanic Steamship Company

TIME TABLETho Pino Passongor Steamers of This Lino Will Arrive and Leave

This Port as Hereunder




In tho sailing of tho nbovo steamers tho Agents aroto to passengers through tiokots by any

railroad San Francisco to all in tho United andby any lino all ports

For further particulars apply to

Sr S


TheIlet Calros of all kinds fresh

evory day

Fresh Ico made of tho Bestlawn In all Flavors

Ibe finestl7 tf




II I JUNE 22 1897





AUG 19thAUSTRALIA Aug 25th

connection withprepared issue intendiug coupon

from points States fromNow York steamship European


General Agents Oceanio Company


Pioneer BakeryBread

Cream WoodCream

Homo made Confectionery





Manufacture and RepairAll lilndB of Jewolry

FIUBX OLASB WORK ONLY600 Lovo Building Fort St tf

Hands Across tho Bon

Hands across tho seax Aud voices round the world

Proclaim a JubileoWith Britains flag unfurled

Sixty y6ar of worthVictorias own thoy Boom

Have shown to all tho earthGood monarchys no dream

All around tho earthThe nnoient war orios die

Since Victorias birthForovor girn tho lio

Pure and good and trueMaid thouwifo thon Queen

Whatner there was to doIn Christian influence Scon

Her own tho signal shownTo Africs chiefs in quost

Why Britain had so grownTho Biblo twas the best

Ayo over thus tho linoSo drawn has boon fulfilled

Whateor has boon tho oostIts boen what God has willed

This tho socret truoWhy Britons love thoir Queen

And nations vie with themTo lot nwpeot be eeon

Then hands across tho seaOur voices round tho world

Proclaim Her JubileeWhoro Britains flags unfurled

GEortan Cahson Kenton

Victoria ReigmBY J T STEWAIIT

Auspicious Morn I Victorias dia ¬

mond daylNow sixty yoara havo como and gone

heuoath hor swayEmpires havo fallen RopfHjMcs

crumbled into dustShe lives to rule hor Empire by her

actions justSho lives and rules within the hearts

of menOh I May hor firm established Em-


have no midFrom burning Indias sands to far

Australias shoresVictoria reigns For sixty years and


As maiden wifo and Quoon andmother kiud

Hor life has been the admiration ofmankind

No crouching slaves beneath horllag aro found

Her strength aud glory are supremotho whole world round

Hor hardy sons explored tho roundworld oer

Aud fouudedEmpires strong onevery shoro

From Africs trackless wilds to dii- -tant Indias plains

The cry to day resounds Tho goodVictoria reigns

Loud let the caunons roai Vibratofrom shore to shoro

Loved Queen aud country wo adorofor ovorraoro

Long may thy matchless reign en-dure


Be thy nuccossion sure Victoriareigns

Four hundred millions join in loudacclaim

Britannias Empross Quoon withinour hoarts rouiaiu

Supremo on land aud sea hor powerestablished euro

God Save the Queen Long mayVictoria reign

Let loud hosannas rend tho skiesGod Savo tho Queen from all arise

Long shall hor uoblo works endureLoving kind and good and pure

Victoria roigus

With laws administered and Justicostraight defined

Her reign has boen a model to man-kind


Lot distant nations seek thy ruggodshoro

To loam thy moroy Victorias Jus-tico


to adore

Then blessed forevor bo tho llagthats wavod a thousand yoars

From Salamancas blood stainedwalls Talavora Poiutiors

That laid the Russiaus in tho duston Balaclava day

Aud crownod with glory Britainsarmi for over and for aye

Victoria Reigns

Mens ready made pants at 1 perpair at Kerrs

Mens SuitB ready to woor at 125tho suit at Kerrs

Dont Mvorry or wear out youreyes making under wear when youcan buy it so cheap all ready iaadoat N S Sauhs

Tho Victoria Galop

Tho following aro tho words oftho galop played and sung by CaptBergors band at the Hawaiian Hotellast evening

All hail to thou beloved QuoonTo tby peoplo thou hast been

Ever gracious noble kindRuling both with heart and mind

With joyfulnosa thon let us singAnd in tho dauce our voices ring

For faithful subjects love thee wellAud eeu must try that love to tell

In loyal hoarts thoult ever liveFidelity to thoo thoy givo

Long Victoria be thy reignOer Englands glory prido aud

fameHurrahl Hurrah Hurrah I

IT IS PURERainier beer is not injurious to the

weakest organization but promoteshealth anil strength and preserves itAs a wholesome tonic It has NOEQUAL On tap or In bottles at thoCriterion Saloon


Mo n a lints at 25 aud 85 cents eachat Kerrs

Ladies Skirts with rufllM only 50Cents Ladies Drawers well madetrimmed with Embroidery andTucks for 50 Cents at Sachp

Hardly crodiblo but still trueLadies Chemisec 3 for SI LadiesNight Gowiir for 50 Cents CorsetCovins for 60 Conts at N S Sachs

H Carl ono of tho most exportbarbers in Honolulu is now to bofound at tho tousoriul parlors of MA Peixoto at tho Union Art GalloryLane

One ounco of provontion is hotterthan ton ounces of euro Tho Em-pire


boasts of infallible remediesngaiuRt the varioloid Wiolaud beeron draft boats vacciuntion andDoctor Charlie Andrew prcsidnsovortho finest stock of remedies thatcan bo found in town All for modioiual purposes and cash

From casks rotund tho mellow browOf Pabst spriuga perfect to tho

lightFor naturo sure and sciouco true

Conspire to brow it rightTho Royal and Pacific too

Supply this perfect gemTho Cosmopolitan is not behind

With chocks which chango withthem

ooes-A-isit- o

Steamship Co






Wednesday June 30thAT 1 OCLOCK T M

The undersigned are now prepared toissao Through Tickets from thiH City to allpoints In tho United States

SM For further particulars regardingFreight or Passage apply to

Wm G IRWIN CO LdGonoral Agonts

Brace Waring Co

Real Estate Dealers603 Port St near King

Building lotsHouses and lots and

lands fob sale

87 Parties wishing to dispose o theirPrnrrtlR nr Invltprl in mill on in


Professional HorsesaoerHas Openod His Shop at No 321 on King

Street fT II Murrays Promises

Horsn Ownors will llnd It to their odvan- -Inge to patronlzo tho now shop

where tho best work IsGuaranteed

Telephone No 57a417 tf if

Wifes Steamship Co


C L WIGHT Prcs 8 B ItOBK BeoCopt J A Port Supt


OLAItKB Commander

VU11 leave Honolulu at 10 a m touching atLahnlim Manlm a liny and Mukena thesame day Mahuksnn Kawalboe and Laupnlioihoe the following day arriving alHllo the same afternoon


Tuesday Juno 20Friday July 0

luesuay juiyuoFriday JulyXO

Tuesday Aug 10Friday Aug SOTuesday Aug 31Friday Sept 10

Tuesday SeptalFriday Oct 1

luesday Oct 12Friday OctSTuesday Nov 2Fndny bov 12

Tucaduy Iov2JFriday Deo 3

Tufsday DeoHThursday Deo 23

No 516


Friday Juno 25Tuesday July 0Friday July 16Tuesday July 27Friday Aug Cluesaay Aug 17Friday Aug 27Tuesday Sept 7Fiduy Sept 17Tuosday Sept 28Fxiuuy uot 8lucsuay Oct 10Friday Oct 20Uuesduy Nov 9Friduy Nov 19Tuesday Nov 30Friday Deo 10Ta sdity Deo 21Friday Dec 31

Kolurning will loavo HJlo at 8 oclocka m touching at Lanpahoohoe MannKona and Kawalhao sume day ilakenaAlaulaua Jlny und Lahalna the followingduy arriving ut Honolulu the afternoonsof luesday a and Fridaysr Will call ut Ponoikl Puna on tripmarked

kMr No Frolght will be received afterAm on day of sailingTho popular route to tho Volcano is viaHllo A good carriage roud tho entlro dis ¬

tance Hound trip tickets cofcring allexpensos 5000


Will leave Honolulu Tuesdays at 5 r mtouch ng at Kuhului Hana Homoa andKipahulu Muui Iteturning arrives utHonolulu Sunday mornings

Will call at Nnu Kaupo once eachmonth

iUjf-- No Freight will be received after 4p m on day ofsailing

This Company will reserves the righttomake changeB in the tlmoof departuio andarrival of Us Steamers without notice andit will not ho responsible for any oonsequences arising therefrom

Consignees must bo ut the Landings toreceive their freight this Company willnot hold Itsolf rosponsiblo for freight afterIt has boenlandod

Live Stock roceiyed only at owners riskThis Compuny will not bo responsible lorMoney or Valuubles of passengers unless

placed in the cure of PnrseraW Passengers are requested to pur ¬

chase Tickets before embarking Thosefalling to do so will be subject to an addi-tional


charge of twenty five por cont


Glaus SprecMs Co




San FranciscoLONDON Tho Union Bank of London

LtdNEW YOItK Amcrlcan Exchange Na

tional BunkOHIOAGO Merchanta National BankPAHIB Comptolr National dEscompte do


Kong Hhunglml BankiugCorporatlonNEW ZiSALAND AND AUSrKALI-A-


of British North America

Transact a General HanUng and ExchangeVusinus

Dopoelts Kecelved Loans made on Ap ¬

proved tfeeurlty Commorolal und Travelera Credit Issued Bills of ExonJngobought and sold

Oollootlouo Promptly Accountod For839 tf

Page 2: Universal Just - University of Hawaii · Proclaim a Jubileo With Britains flag unfurled Sixty y6ar of worth Victorias own thoy Boom Have shown to all tho earth Good monarchys no dream



i BrJto Hull IConiu Btrwit

iJ Telephone 841 j3SOKBOBIVTION IlATKSi

Her Month anywhere In the Ha ¬

waiian Islnmls f Ml

fr Year 0 00IVr Year postpaid to Foreign Coun-


r 8U0Payable Invariably In Advauco

T J TESTA Proprietor and PubUsher


W HORAOK WRIGHT AssistantEditor

Residing in Honolulu



Veil not in tears tbo skies this dayla cheerful mood lot minbennu payOomo all with jojous glte attostTho love for matron Queon Tho

bestOor Goas and lakoe oer ooutiuonta

and islesRaise up the voice and wreathe tho

face in smilesImmortal is Victoria royal nnmeAnd loving hearts enthrino her

blessed fame


Drowning men clutch at strawsThis proverb was emphatically ox

omplified this morning upon the ar-


of the Australias mail Thocountenances of our morning wouldbe Amorioan citizens shortened upwonderfully oven tho lugubriousfaco of tho Hawaiian historianbroardsned at least an oighth of aninch at tho thought of annexationSerono was itching to speculate onodds in favor of anuexati u and we

wish he could bo accomodated

In Sau Francisco it is a case of 10

to 1 with annexation on the shortend The Examiner says we mustbe a county of California but ad-


that we would make a ratherremote one Yes but tho chancesfor any annexation treaty are mororamote

Tiie Independents tip says Iam positivoly informed that thonowspaper accounts that PresidentMoKiuloy and the Administrationaro favorable to tho- - annexation ofHawaii have no word of truth inthem but that to tho contrary theyaro distinctly and irrevocably op-


to annexation I am also asaured that tho representatives ofHawaii must consent to a verymaterial modification of tho exist-


treaty or notice of its abrogationwill bo served I asked to what ex¬

tent the modification would go andwas told that if the sugar plantersof Hawaii secured ono half the present benefita under any arrangementit will be all thoy can hope forTho changes in tho treaty will alsoprovide that a larger schedule ofAmerican goods will find free entryinto tho islands if not iu fact abso-


free trade botweou tho twocountries

Headers of Tue Independent maydepend upon tho information wegive Tho minority in favor of an ¬

nexation admit that wo get thomost reliable nows from Washingtonin spito of Moses Hatch and thepresence of tho Hawaiian Bar at thoCapitol of tho U S

Roportod Changes

It is understood that Judge A

Carter has tondorod his resignationaud will ontor iu to private law prac-



Judge Perry will tako tho po

sition of Judgo Carter aud Mr E PDole will bo appointed CircuitJudge It is not yet decided whowill succoed Mr Dolo as DeputyAttorney General


Historical Truths may be hadat 327 King streot if applied forearly Although tho edition wasconsidered largo enough fqr all de-


tho books aro already be ¬

coming rather soarce


Tho Fight Probably on In tho Bfluatoor Won or Loot

Washington Tun lfi Tlio treatyfor tho nuiieintion of tho HawaiianTslimls to tho United Stato will hesent to the Senate by President McTCinloy to morrow unloss prcfontplana are changed

Men rloso to tho Administrationand others engaged in pushingthrouqh tho tariff bill bavo been in-



that ths treaty will bo tran ¬

smitted to morrowIt is stated that there will bo no

consideration of tho Hawaiian reci-


provision in the tariff billuntil tho treaty is receivod

Tho one point of importanlaucoin which tho treaty differs from thoconvention negotiated by SecretaryFoster in Provident Harrisono ad-


ii tho omiacion of anyprovision for ex Queen Liliuokalaniand the Princess Kaiulani

Tho Examinnr doubts tho practic-ability


of tho Treaty over panningtho Senate and tho EuropeanPowers are watching tho oitutionwith rpiiet interest

fl n Australia Arrives

The Atntrilii arrived at R1E n

m in 0 davs 17 hourS 45 minutofrom Snu ErnnpUeo The followingis Purser McCnmhns report of thevoyagp Left San Ernnnirco June15th at 2 p m with 50 enhin nnd 7fl

steerage nwnsnri 5R has ofmail and 1150 torn of freicrht OnJune 1st at noon pned the steamship Gaelie bound north Promi-nent


among theteamors cabin panseneers are Mrs Admiral Beardslee Hon Wm Haywood wife andfnmilv ViVn Cnnnl J E Snper M

Brasoh Mr T W ITohron n A

Jaeger Mrs Montaguo Turner DG- - Camarino fr and Mrs O JEnlk She will sail on WednesdayJune 80 at 4 p m

Ex Australia

Oamnrinos refrigerator con-


Cherries Pearlies ApricotsPlums AsotrnKiis Rhubarb Goose ¬

berries Currants Celerv Cauli-flower


Froh Silmon ElounderCrabs Frozen Ovtors tin andshelH Navol Orano LemonsQnepii Olives Early Rofo PotatoesPickle-- EtnCALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET

Read Administrators notice in thoestato of W N Dauiolp deceased

Bluo Sergo Suits well made for 57at Kerrs

Shirts and Collars in all qualitiescan bo had at bottom notch pricesnt Kerrs


Tho British residents of Hono-lulu


invito thegoneral public to joinwith thom in celebrating on Wed-nesday


June 23d tho Sixtieth Anniversary of tho accession of theirSovereign

For this purposo tho followingprogram has been arranged

Regatta iu the harbor at 8 a mThanksgiving Servieo in St An ¬

drews Cathedral nt 10 a mChildrens Sports at Kapiolani

Park 10 o m to 1 p mField Sports at Kapioliii Park at

1 p in OLIVE DA VIESChairman of tho Executive Com-


G14 3t


UNDTCItBiaNKD HAVINO WHINTIJK appointed by tho Honorable JohnW Kalua Circuit Judo of tho Sicon l

Judiularv tirmil as Ailiiiiiilstrain ol thoKstaiootW ii Dunlolsof Wnlluku MauiIpcomhI therefore no lu Is hereby jjlvonto all po mods having nnv claims iiiaiisttho sold Kstato to present tho Mini ilnyauthenticated within six mo dliN from dittoto tho mule sIkiimI nt liltolllcn In Wnilnkuor thoy will I o forovor barred mid all tliosnimlcbttil to tho falil Imnto tiro requestedto mate ImmnMito piyniiit of tbo t Hittoto tho uiulorsiirnoj at his I aw Otllco InWaiiiika Maui

A N KKlOIKATAdministrator of tho Kdtitto of W H

DanleiBWall len Juno 10 1607 GUWHoaw

administrators notioeunmucksioneT having ijeinThi appoint d Aiinlnls ratur f lho

Kstato ofAniilo K Mnhn In Into of Wnlalna Oahn dccoHHOi itoilc la hereby givento all nrodltdrn of tho drcea ed to presenttliolr claims with pmpor vouchers if anyexists to tho umIcrdlnod within sixmonths rom tho dato thorrof or they willbo forovor b irred nnd all prrsnns Inilt bindto said iloccnsed aru rrquested to inalto Itnmediato pajmentto W Jl Wrlgbc at thoTax OMIco ilono ulti

A S MAHMllUAdtuinlstrntor ot tho Estato of Amilo K

llulmuluWalalua JunulD 187 Oll Gt oaw

Iffli iely mS

Honolulu June J9 1SV7

FIAT LUXIn pacu para bcslluin In

tho limi of peace prepare forwar You cant fiht with-out


light and when our reaeivoirs are dry you cant relyupon our electric lights Seminccnsinnully thoy willleuvc usin terrible durances and atmo 1 inopportune i04H6l6Take our advice before theJubdeo and dth of July cele ¬

brations and inepcit wiirDIEIZ LAMPri One ofour largo square barn lampswill r llect as much light ov- - ryour garden grounds as alocomotive headlight whileour little corner lamp is justth ival exqui ite necessaryfor tho lanai A tububir streetLimp is a gem for tho lamppost or yo r jate and willpivvenl many accidents Useyour common Kurobonc oilfor tho above - nd dont bescared about the oil faminewe have pi nty Then foryour ii tcriors we hnvo somebeautiful OHANDlflLIERrftwo three or four burners tosuit any tato also someexquisie HALL LAMPS inwliiGti you can u o ml insteadof flickering candles andht Hiding ornamental orPIANO LAMPS of everyhizo hh pe and price Comeand inspect them and donttrust to the fickle moon orelectric light

Tna Hawaiian Hardware Co Lc

307 Fort Stueet


J T Waterliouse

Have you thought of goods

for eiimmer frocks ribbons

for trimmings

dre ses



Tho Assortment of





Bargain Counters

Your opportunity to secure

bargains is








For beveral weeks our spacein the daily papers was occu-



with the descriptions ofthe Jo el Stoves and Eangeswe slopped talking only whenwo thought the public wastired reading about stoves Abreak in the monotony i- - goodfor business good for theleaders of the panoiv

In tho interval coveringtwo or three weeks wo havedilatid upon utensils whichgo with the stoves kitchenfurniture crockery andIf touch chinii but all the timewe have been fairly busy bell ¬

ing Jewel btuvcrt Wo arowilling to neb more Ourstock includes ev ry possiblevariety style or bizo isomoof them burn wood onlyothers coal or wood Wehave them with reservoir orhot water coil von aboveand oven nbove and belowall kinds of btoves with ovensto hllit

Persons with stoves nenrlyworn out will receive a lib¬

eral allowance for them whenpurchiisinu a Jewel stove fromih an opportunity not offeicd by other dealers

borne of the best house ¬

keepers in Honolulu have sentus testimonial on thu JewelThey may bo seen atfetoru


rJU JLVon Holt Block

the Diamond JubileeAND THE -

Fourth of Julyi

We have made special preparations farthese

Coixilxig EventsOur most Recent Importations have

been Exclusively Confined to66 Goods Particularly Adapted

for wear in theseAu uLspicioxs Occasions

Look at our plain and figured organdieLook at our Confictions

Look at our Swisses and Mulls

Hi B-- IEIESIR3R Queen St Honolulu


Page 3: Universal Just - University of Hawaii · Proclaim a Jubileo With Britains flag unfurled Sixty y6ar of worth Victorias own thoy Boom Have shown to all tho earth Good monarchys no dream




No iNDFrnNruNT to morrow

Tho starling point of the regattais tho Inter Island wharf

Barnoy Barnato i ho DiamondKing ban cotumittrd suioido

All Silk Neckties made up and totie 2 for 2fe at Korrp

Compliments to tho 1 C Advoitisor on this moruinga issue

Which ii your favorite Hoalanisor Myrtles Marion or Philadelphia

To morrows programs are dis ¬

tributed freo by tho Sports Com ¬

mitteeThe Sports Committoo will be

recognizable by tho Red White andBlue badges -

Tho steamer Aoraugicouvor on tho 11 inst forand i hourly due




Tho Suproinn Cour was nnt insession to day owing to Judge Whit ¬

ing spraining au ankle

Mrs T R Walker will present thoprizes for the Jubilee Field Sportsto morrow at the Park

Monoy time and labor saved bybuying your Muslin Under Wearall raady made at N S Saehs

St Louis College band gives aconcert on tho CoWt ge campus at 1

oclock this afternoon

Where aro tho Firemans prizesou tho Fourth of July programThe boys deserve tho host

Tho Mounted Guards triplet de ¬

feated the Citizen Guards by twopointB yesterday 122 to 120

Oyster Cocktails at the MerchantsExchange with Enterprise Boer bythe Australia ready ou tap

The Auimatoscopo is taking holdAll who have seen I he wonderfulmoving pictures praise them

Lind and MuLean will havo theirrestaurant to morrow under thograud stand at Kapiolaui Park

Tho Hotel Stablos challenge 290to a tug-of-w- for any wager froma hack staud to an iuvigorator

Telephone 878 California FruitMarket for fresh delicacies fromCalifornia by tho Australia thismorning

Another cargo of Enterprise Beerhas arrived by the Australia forJimmy Dotfd at the Pauthoon Calland sample it

All ships vill bo drcsod withbunting to morrowj aud tho Hawai-ian


Govornmeut will fuuish a battory for a salute

Tho O S S Co Australia andsteamers of tho local iulor islntidboats quit work to morrow forQueen Victorias Jubilee

Tho King of Spain aud the Queenof Holland may have their DiamondJubilee but what matters that forwholl be there to see

Out of respect to Quoen Victoriaaud her faithful subJHuts here andthe wiio world over Tub Indepen¬

dent will not be issued to morrow

The Governmout band will playat the reception of the British Cornmissioner and distinguished gueststhis ovening from about 8 to 880at Independence Park

Hou William Haywood whocomes to reliove Cousul GoneralMills in tho United States Consulatein Hawaii was a passenger by thoAustralia this mornjng

- Tho Hawaiian Govornmeut hasaoted nobly geuorously audthoughtfully throughout in aidingthoJubiloo celebration It will beaccounted to their orodit iu loyalBritish hearts

To morrow being a public holidaythere will bo almost a general sus-pension


among the leading whole-sale


aud retail business men aud alliu honor of Victoria the rovorod audbelovod Lady of the Islos

II M Queen Dowager Kapioliuihas accepted an invitation from EI

B Ms Commissioner to attend theJubiloo divine services at St Andrews Cathodral to morrow HorMajesty will bo acoompauiod by hernephews aud suite

The Prosideut Cabinot Diplomatio and Consular Corps have beeninvited to attend to morrow morn--ing- a

sorvioos at St Andrews Catho-dral


Wray Taylor will load a choirof about 00 voices aud tho servicewill oooupy undor au hour

Tho oommitte on sports havomado complete preparation for to-


sports and largo entrieslfava boon made for every eventYacht and boat races at 8 a msharp Church at 10 Ohildrouusports at Kapiolani Park from 10to 1 aud Fiold eportB at 1 j in

60 Not Out Ml Hayed

Not Queen Alono But Mother Queon

and Krioncl In Ono

Victoria Queon of Groat Britainaud Ireland aud EmpresB of Indiahas now reigned seated ou thethrouo of a long lino of noblo an ¬

cestors for a longer period than nnyEnglish soveroign During I hat unprooedontedly oxtended reign bIio

has added to tho loving esteem andveneration iu which sho is regardednot only by tho four hundred mil-


of people over whom sho hasruled so long and so woll but bythe whole world of nations wherevertho fame of her name has reachedand that has been to the uttormostcon Pines of earth

Strange seems tho dispensation ofProvidence in tho guidance of Bri-tains


wolfaro when it is rememberedthat the most memorablo epochs iuher history of prosperity graudourand respect are tho Elizabethan eraand tho Victorian ago Elizabeththe heart soro maiden and Victoriathe widowed matron Both timesniii glorified by mental aud moralas ell as material progress Twoother English Queens share withthem tho Klory of Englands great ¬

ness Mary tho consort of Williamof Orange and Auue

In comparison with other groatand glorious reigns of England thatof Victoria is most remarkable as anera ofvpeaco and progress iu educa ¬

tion art science literature cirilizatiou colonizntion mechanical in ¬

ventions and commerce Therehavo boon wars and great warsheavy losses and glorious victoriesdearly won and oven as tho days ofjubilation surround us the horizonis darkened with war clouds of im-


and portentous omens Butthefo events are necessary ohaugsiu tho lives of great nations aud aremonumental records of Natures im-


laws of evolution develop-ment


mid progressionVioloria is to day honored not

merely as the monarch of hor vastEmpire vaster than England everdreamed of in her most ambitiousciays nut asano true type ol a mothor of hor people tho loving audbeloved head of a great householdguided by tho gentle touch of anaffectionate and sympathetic haudand tho soft swcot tones of a voicothat knows not the asperity of therule of fear and despotism Godrules I reign with His laws as myguide and His will and wisdom asmy protooting shield has been Vic-


principle through life frominfanoy to the portals of tho cyprosBlined lane which leads to immor-tality


In the greatest and purest Repub-lic


ou earth while Victoria has constitutionally and invariably benther will to tho supreme law audpowor of tho people she has by thoforce of hor character thodisorotiouof her judgment tho acouraoy ofher knowledge aud hor purity ofmotivo unconsciously and graciouslywielded a power almost uuBoenand uufelt iu tho councils of horpeoplo that sho has almost destroy-ed


tho radical anarchical and dema-gogical


democratic seutlmonts thatprevailed half a century ago and hasrestored monarchical faith to herpeoplo Her roign of sixty yearshas preserved her dynasty andpaved tho way for the fodoratiou ofhor colonial nations into vast commonwoalths to bo unitod iu onocommon unity for tho welfare audproteotiou of all- Victoria is the only child of Ed ¬

ward Duko of Kent fourth sou ofGeorge III and of tho PriucossLouisa Victoria of Saxo CoburgHer fathor dyiug in 1820 aud neitherGeorgo IV nor his brothers thoDukes of York and Olaronco havingiBHiie sho became hoir presumptlveto tho throuo aud eventually thosixth Sovoreign of tho Houbo ofUauover Sho was bom on May 21

1819 at Keusingtou Palace A

month later sho was baptized by theArchbishop of Canterbury and thoBishop of London iu tho gold fontwhich had been brought from theTouor aud received tho names ofAlexnudrioa Victoria after tho Em-


of Russia aud hor motherSubsequently sho herself decidedthat she should bo simply calledVictoria On Jan 23 1820 theQueens father died Tho Queensfavorito travollingtitlo is well knownto be the Duchess of Kout or ifstrictly inroynila Baroness- - Roufrow

Tho childhood of t ho Quoeu maybo said to havo ended aud hor girl-


to havo begun at tho time ofhor confirmation This took placeon Aug 80 1831 iu the ChapolRoyal St James Tho officiatingclergy wore tho Archbishop of Cantorbury and tho Bishop of LoudonTho Princess Victoria had her allow-


and was oxpected to msko itsuffice aud many anecdotes are toldof hor integrity of conduct in thisregard Ou May 21 1837 whichwas hor 18th birthday tho priucossattained her majority There worefeasts illuminations aud all kindsof holiday doiugs King WilliamIV gave a ball at which tho prin ¬

cess for the first timo took pre ¬

cedence of hor mother and occupiedthe central chair of State ThoKing himself was too ill to attendbut ho sent his niece a proseut of a

piano worth 200

On June 20 1837 William IVdied at Wiudsor Castle In ex ¬

pectation of this result a carriagehad beou kept ready aud hastilyentering it tho Archbishop of Can-


and the Lord Chamberlaindrove to Kensington Palaco Herois a description qf what took place

They kuoaked they rang theythumped for a considerable time bo

foro they could rouse tho porter atthe gate they wero again koptwaiting in tliocourtyard than turn ¬

ed itito one of tho lower roomswhere they seemed to be forgottenby everybody Thoy rang the bellaud desired that tho attendant oftho Priucess Victoria might be sentto inform Her Royal Highness thatthey requested au uudioueoou busi-



of importance After anotherdelay aud another ringing to inquiretho cause tho attendant was summoned who stated that the Princesswas in such a sweet sleep that shecould not venturo to disturb horThen they Baid Wo aro corns oubusiness of Slate to tho Queen andnveu her sleep must givo way tothat It did aud to prove that shodid not keep them waiting iu a fenmoments sho came into tho room iua loose whito night gown and shawlhor nightcap thrown off and herhair falling upon hor shoulders herfcot iu slippers tears ia h r eyesbut perfectly collected aud dignified

The Queens first words turningto tho primate were I bog yourgraco to pray for mo For GO

years hor faith in prayer has nevorbeou sbnkeu

Ou tho samo day as William IVdied the Quoen hold hor first PrivyCouncil Nevor said Grovillo

was auythiug like tho first impres-


sho produced or the ohorus ofpraiso and admiration which is

raised about hor manner and be-


Sho went through thofirst ceremonies with perfect calmness and self poBsotsiou but at thotime with a graceful modesty andpropriety particularly interestingand ingratiatiug Tho Duko ofWellington told the Clork of thoCouncil that if she had boon hisown daughter ho could not havodesired to see hor perform hor parthotter Au hour oftor tho PrivyCouncil there was auother Councilthat of Cabinot Ministors Paloand fatiguod sho went at its con ¬

clusion to her mother and throw-ing


hersolf on hor loving broastbruBt into tears Whou soothodand quieted she said I oauscarcely believe I am Queon of Englaud but I supposo I am Thomother anewerodi You kuow youuro my love Tho scene you havejmt loft must hnvo assured youSmiliug the Quoon Bald I supposeI shall grow used to it Thonhalf earnestly half playfullj Sincoit so aud your little daughter is


Established 1860 Capital 1000000Insurance effected ou Buildings Goods Ships and Morohaudiso

Insunmco Company ol North America0 Philadelphia 1a

Founded 1792 Cash Capital 3000000Oldest Firo Inrurance Company in tho United StatesLosses paid since organization over - - - 90000000

f For lowest rates apply to

General Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands

Sovereign of this great country Ishall mako you tho object of my firstroyal experiment Your Queencommands you dear mama to leaveher quite alono for 2 hours Manyanecdotes that show her Majestyskiuduoss and integrity belonging tothis period are lovingly told

On tho day after hor accessionthe Queen escorted by guardsdrove to St Jamess Palaco to ho

proclaimed and tot make her appoarauco according to custom at thowindow of tho Presenco ChamberA week later her Majesty wont iuStato to prorogue Parliament TheQueen began to read hor speech ina voice which Fauiiy Kemble thegreat actress who was presentBaid was exquisite Nor have Iover hoard any spoken words moremusical in their gentle distinctnessthan My Lords and Gentlemenwhich broke tho breathless silenceof tho illustrious assembly whosegaze was riveted ou that fair flowerof royally Tho onunciation was asptrfoct as tho intonation was melo-

dious and I think it impossible tohear a more excellent utterancethan that of the Queens English bytho English Queen The speechended with an emphatic commenda-tion of the proposal to diminishcapital punishment aud a pioinisethat sho would endeavour tostrengthen aud improve tho civilaud ocolesiastical institutions of thecountry Tho Duko of Sussex withtears rolling down his aged cheekscould not rofrain from softly ox

claimiug as with deep feeling thoQueen thus struck tho key note ofher roiiin Beautiful I beautiful 1

That this coromouy following as itdid so many othors was a greatstrain is proved by tho faot that ouroturuiug to tho robing room thoyoung Sovereign fainted

The corouation of tho Queon tookplace on June 28 at WestmiusterAbbey Days before the streets werethronged with plumed rotainors ofambassadors swarthy strangorsand easily distinguished provincialsWhen tho great day canio tho peo-



wore said to havo become Coro-


mad Tho royal maideu ofnineteou wore a robo of crimsonfurred with ermine and bordoredwith gold loco rior tram wasborno by eight beautiful youngladles Just at the moment whentho Queou took her seat the cloudswhich had beou heavy all tho morn-


broke and tho suu buoiio intotho Abbey It was hailod as a happyomou Tho light caused tho diamonds of tho peeresses to gleamand whou Princo EUorhuzy whowas covered with brilliants movedhe cast a dauoiug radiance all roundNothing could havo been moro en-


thiu tho cry of Godsavo the Queen 1 that was raitedwhou tho Archbishop of Canterburypresented to tho British peoploQueou Victoria

Lt was on Oct 10 1839 that PrincoAlbert with his brother Ernestcamo on a visit to England Fourdays later a momontous scoue waswitnessed during a graud ball atWindsor In au interval of dancingHer Maiostv cave her partuorPrinco Aloert some whito heatherand pjusioa from a bouquet she car-


accompanying tho gift with aglnuoo that spoke volumes ThoPrinces dross afforded no means ofwearing tho flowers but ho wasequal to the occasion Takiug outins pflnuniio una cuiiing a sin in urntight green Rifle Brigade uniformho placed thorn immediately ovorIds heart aud tho dauoiug was con-


Tho next day tho princowas told that the Quoen desired tospoak to him and ho was thoushown iuto an apartment whoro thoSovereign sat alouo Iu the courseof conversation sho askod the princohow ho liked England and on hisreplying Very much Bald ThouwhV should you leavo it Aud im

mediately afterwards iu an outburstof genuine lovo informed him thathe had gained hor hoart and wouldmako her intensely happy if howould sacrifice hitnsolf and sharoher lifo with hor

The morning of Feb 10 1810 wascold and rainy but iu spite of thistho crowds were onormous Thoroyal partv aud great officers ofStato assembled at BuckinghamPalaco arid wont in procession tothe chapel in St James Palacowhioh had been splendidly docorated The Queon looked extremoly palo as sho passed along crownedwith nothing but those flowerswhich are dedicated to the days ofbridal Her veil cost 1000 andwas especially ordered to encouragetho lnco trado in the Devonshire vil-lage


of Houiton whoro at the timothere was much destitution Thebrides train was borno by twelvenoble maidens dressed iu whitosatin trimmed with garlands ofwhito roses Whou tho ring wsbplaced on hor finger guus aud bellsproclaimed tho iutelligenco to thomultitudes outside The sun shonoout and there was real Queenswoather tho rest of tho day Aftertho wedding breakfast tho happypair drove down to Windsor throughtwenty two miles of spectators TheQueeus traveling dress was of whitosatin trimmed with swaus down

Tho Quoen started with tho wisomaxim that hor children should bebrought up as simply and iu a do-mestic


a way as possible that notinterfering with their lessons theyshould bo as much sb possible withtheir parents and learn to placotheir greatest confidonco iu thoTi inall things No foolish luxuries wereallowed in tho royal nuraery Onoof tho nurses writes that tho chil-dren


were kopt vory plain indeedit was quite poor living only a bitof roast beef and perhaps a plainpudding and tho nurse goes on tofar that hor royal mistress wasquite fit to havo been a poor mana

wife as well as a queen As a mattor of faot each member of thoRoyal Family has been taught atrado or moans of gaining a liveli-hood


iu tho oveut of misfortunoThe sad details of Princo Alberts

illness are necessarily passed overAfter saying to tho Queen Goodlittle wife this best of husbaudiand fathers went whoro tho spiritsof the just aro made perfect Theomission of the princes namo at Di ¬

vine service on Sunday morningDec 16 1861 notified tho peoplowhat had happened tho night boforo

During tho closing weeks of 1871tho shadow of a great anxiety foilupou Hor Majesty tho Prinoo ofWales being soized with an attackof typhoid fever which was almostfatal Tho death of Princess Alicocaused by maternal dovotednoss outho fatal Doc 1 1 1878 was terriblyfelt by Her Mxjesty So too wasthat of Princo Leopold in 1881

Deep sorrow marked tho opeuingof 1892 for on Jau 11 tho Duko ofClareuco died whioh iu July ou thofollowing year gavo way to an out-burst


of untiouil joy when the Dukoof York married Princess May at thoChapel Royal St Jamess On Deo7 1895 tho Queen by telegramwished bon voyage to Princo Henryof Battonborir who startod for thoAshauti expedition All wont wollwith the bloodless campaign till ouJan 22 of tho present yoar came thosudden telegram announcing thoprinces death Time howeverbrings hoaling on its wings andwith Julv 21 came again tho soundof wedding bolls when anotherirrand daughtor Princoss Maud ofWales married Priuco Oharlea ofDenmark

All English hearts to day expressbut one desire and millions of othersunder different Hags and nilers joinwith them iu their wish that Vic-


Queou and Empress may longbo spared to reign ovor thorn

Tno eulighteuod polioy and thopurity of conduct which has markod4 lwt Court lifo of Her Attualv haswon for hor tho distinotion of beingtho best monarch tho country hasover seen Her example in the prac-tice


of ovory social and domesticvirtue has been of tho moBt bene ¬

ficial oharaoter in checking ovll andpromoting good among all olassesTho ory will ascend from tho heartsof all hor loyal subjects

Lono Live Oun Noble QueenGOD SAVE THE QUEEN


Page 4: Universal Just - University of Hawaii · Proclaim a Jubileo With Britains flag unfurled Sixty y6ar of worth Victorias own thoy Boom Have shown to all tho earth Good monarchys no dream

ftTv- - T w

JUST ARRIVEDA now lotol tho Finest

Musical InstrumoulsAutoharps Guitars VlolinB Ktc

Also a nuw Invoice of the Celebrated

Westernieyey PianosSpecially manufactured for tho tropicd

ell unto second to nunc


On ths Hawaiian Islands luring tho Instyears



General Merchandise

Also tlio choicest European and Ameri ¬


Boevs Ale Wines LiquorsAT MOST nSASOHAULE PIltCES


Comer King Bethol Streots

T B MURRAY1 it 823 King Street

i tie leading

Carriage and

Vfugon ManufacturerALL MArBniALS OH IIAHD

viM furnish everything outside steamboats and boilers

Worse Shoeing a Specialty


fKLEruoKK M7 I 0 Box 321


Carriage Manufactory128 130 Fort BtrceL

Carriage BuildezAND REPAIRER

Blacksmitliing in all Its Brauclies

Orders from the other Islands in BuildingTrimming Painting Etc Etc

promptly attended to

W W WRIGHT ProprietorSuccessor to G West


Wm G Irwin President ManagerGlaus Sprockets Vice PresidentW M Glflard Secretary TreasurerIhco 0 Portor Auditor


Commission AgentsAGENTS OF Till

Oceanic Steamship GompyOf Bnn FniTintdon flnl

Metropolitan Meat Go


G J Walleb - M AMAH KB

Wholesale andRotall


Navy Contractors

ttRYiv vnrtmnwi

A Family HotelT KBOTJBE - Prop

Per Day f 200Per Week 1200


The Best of Attendance the Best SituationK ini if - twi rHtv

Do You Life Fish Pr OQrain of EventsLobitcrs Ud Ittckof

U i r i ili 2 2 doz In casoShrimps L nbiri I II uuu Krubbcn

smallfihrltuii and roinatooiDeviled i rubs 2 lb tins

u ii iiAnohovy Bloater it Shrimp 1iiBte fancy

potsAnonovy 11 oatcr Shrimp 1asto small

pitsThou Marino Toyiw square tins

witn Pickles Pimento ondTrn files

AppetUSlidsmall keg

Bombay DuckAncliovif in unit

oilYarino h Bloaters llusslan CaviarFish homierChun Chow dor CIhiii BouillonFlnilon IIi1doksHerrings Fresh Toiunto Sanco

MustardTomatoBoatedKipperedSmoked- Holland GonulneWhho Salted

Mickorol In Oil Suit KitsSardines 5 vnrlctlnsiSalmon In Wood nnd Tin 0 Varieties

To Sebve Bombay Duck Servo thoCnrV and Klco on a feparato dish Laythf Bombay Duck on n lroIicr and Vcatthnrnutthlv hen crumb it over thcnrryand rice By hmtlnu tho Bombay Dnck ftbecomcsUriitlo and crumbs easily


Telephone 210 Freo delivery twice dally



AGENTS FORWestern sugar refining co

San Francisco Cat


NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL COManf National Oitnc Shredder

New York U S A

N OHLANDT fc COSan Francisco Cal


BS2 tf San Francisco Cal


General Business Agent


Coiivoyoncinij in All Us BranchesCollecting nnd All Buoiuooa

Mattel s of Trust

All basincsH ontmsted to him will receiveprompt and careful attontlon

OHIco Hunnkna Hnrnnkna Hawaii





Buainasa Gardo

HuMiimvif Macdonald



113 Kaahumanu StreetHonolulu


Real Estate and Genehal BusinessAoents Also Subveyors

Ofllco VA Konla Stcot Honolulu


ScnvESon and Real Estate Agent

Ofllco Bethel Strcot ovor tho NewModel Restaurant



Plumbing Tin Coiteii and SheetInoN Work

King Street Honolulu



Kaahumanu Street Honolulu


Frank Brown Manager


Dealers in Louder and Coal andBuildinq Materials op

All Kinds

Qrtnan Hnnnluln


Diamond Jubilee

June 23d Spurts

Following is tho program ofsporting events arranged by thosub committer having the matter iucharge for the Diamond Jubileewhich taken place on Juno 23d

REGATTACommittee A G M --Robertson

W F Lovo and J S Walker Allentries to bo in boforo noon Satur ¬

day Juno 19th at tho ofllco of A GMRobertson first race to start at8 o m

1 Ymht Second class Firstprize 50 second prize 525 CourseOff Waikiki and return

2 Oanoo six paddle First prizo20 Bcoud prize 10 Course

From start to lirst can buoy nud re ¬

turnR Six oared pliding seat barge

Prize 50 Courso Spar buoy andreturn

i Five oared whalelioat Firstpriz50 second prize 20 CourseSp ir buoy and return

fi Ton oared barge Prize 50Jourso Hell buoy ami return

3 Surf Boat raco for ships crewsCourse Knuckle buoy and returnFirst prizo W0 second prize 15

Starting polut for all races will booil tho filter Island wharf

CHILDRENS SPORTSAt Knpiolani Park commencing

at 10 oclock a in

Committee Thos Wright ChasCrozier and Douglas Collins

1 100 yards dash for boys underId years

280 yards dash for girls underId years

8 Half mile bicycle race ffor bnys

d llalf milo bicycle race freo-for-a-

for girls5 80 yards dash for boys under

12 yearn0 GO yards dash for girls under

12 years7 CO yard3 dash for boys under

10 years850 yards dash for girls under

10 years050 yards dash for boys under

8 j ears1050 yards dash for girls under

8 oars11 Rope shipping contest for

boys12 Rope Bliipping contest for

girls13 Sack raco for boys uuder Id

yearsId High jump for boys under 16

years15 Broad jump for boys undor 10

yoars1G Post Office raco for girls17 Wheel race for boys

FCELD SPORTSCommitteo Thomas Wright F

Harrison G S Harris Jr and BBoardmoro All entries to be in bo ¬

foro uoon Saturday Juno 19th andnil entries to bo mado to ThomasWright

1 One milo bioyole novicoFirst prize medal second prizemedal

2 Ono mile run First prizemedal eecond prize modal

8 Putting lG pound shot Firstprizo modal second prize modal

d Half uulo bicyclo opon Firstprize medal seeoud prize modal

5 100 yards dash First prizemedal second prize medal

0 150 yards wheelbarrow raceFirst prize 10 second prize 5

7 Half mile bioyalo second olassFirst prizo modal second prizemedal

8 Running high jump Firstprize medal second prizo modal

9 Ono milo bicyclo opon Firstprizo medal second prize medal

10 Third-of-a-mil- o ruu Firstprize medal socond prize modal

11 120 yards hurdlo First prizomedal second prize medal

12 Ouo milo bioyole tandomFirst prizo modal second prizemedalIS Three logged raco First prizo

mndal second prize modal11 100 yards dash for boys un-


11 yoara First prizo modalseeoud prize medal

15 Novelty rano First prize 20seeoud prize 10

10 Ring throwing oontost Firstprize medal socond prize medal17 Polo vault First prize medal

second prize medal18 Quarter mile run First prize

modal second prize modal

19 Sack race First prize 10second prize 5

20 Ono mile bicycle second clnsFlrnt prizv medal sC md pr zemedal

21 Running broad jump Firstprize medal second prize medal

22 Two mile bicycle open Firstprize modal second prize modal

23 Consolation raco quartermile First prize medal secondprize medal21 220 yards dash First prize

watch and chainFirst raco to commence at 1

oclock sharpJudges Thomai Wright A G

M Robertson and H HerbertReferee George H AngusStarter J L TorbortTiniokeopors W F Lovo and L

de L WardClerks of Courso F Harrison

G S Harris Jr and DouglasCollins

Excopting whero other prizes willbe given gold medals will be awardedto tho winners of the forogoing racessilver modals for second prizes

GOO td


In accordance with Section I of ChapterXXVI of tho laws of 1850

All persons holdlm water prlvlloges ortlios paying watT rates nro hereby noti-fied


that tho water rates firtho term end ¬

ing Dccombor 31 1807 will bo due andpajablo at tho ofHco of tho HonoluluWater Works on tho 1st day nf July 1807

All snch rates romalniug unpaid torfifteen days oftor they nro duo will bo subject to an addltlonxl 10 per cent

Rates ero pajablo at tho ofllco of thoWaterworks In tho Kapnalwa Bnllding

ANDREW BROWNSupt Honolulu Wator Works

Honolulu H I Juno 15 1M7 OKI lit


Holders of Wator Privileges or thosopaying water rates uro horcby notified thatthe hours for Irrigation purposes aro from0 to 8 oclock a m nnd from 1 to 0 oclockv M

II Holders of water privileges on thoSlopes of Punchbowl abovo Greon Streotand in Nuuanu Valley above rohool Streetaro hereby notified that they v Ill not bnrestricted to the irrigat on hours of 0 to 8

a m and 1 to 0 r m but will be allowedto Irrlgato whonovcr snlllclent water Isavailable provlic that thoy do not usethe water for irrigation purposos for morothan four hours In i very twenty four

ANDRKW BROWNSupt Honolulu Wator Works

Approved1 A Kinci

Mlnlstorof InteriorHonolulu I Juno 17 1807 012 tf

TWO REASONSWhy people como long distances to buy at


3alama GrroceryREASON 1 BecnuFoono customer tolls

another how mnch they have save i bydealing at this llvo and lot Hro establish-ment


REASON 2 Becauso tho savlnc fromtheir grocery bill helps thotn to pay tholinusu rent

If you dont bHevo what our customersay fust givo us a call and bo convinced


Palama OroeoryTEL 755 Opposite Rnllway Depot

Occidental HotelCorner Klnc and Alakea Streets


MrsA S0HMEDEN Fropriutross

Rooms Eusuito and Siuglo withBoard from 5 50 por week accord ¬

ing to requiromonts of tho guostswith Hot aud Cold Baths

Tho only PromnnadoRoof Gardouin the city GEO OAVENAGH

MnnngorEg-- Tolophono 004



Caioful and ExperiencedCanoeists

Who will Land Their Passencors BAPELYmay bo obtained at tho lorg estahllshedpopular LONG BRANCH BATHS

tmr Speolal caro taken of Ladies andChildren Cars fass tho Door

578 tf O J SHERWOOD Prop


Horse or DogIS 8IOK

Call on A R ROW AT D V 6OH Offlce Clab Stables tf


First clast Canoes With Experienced

Native CanoeistsMay bo obtained on five iniuutos no- -

tico at any hour in tho dayfrom the


09 Tickets 1 por hour for eachspersou to be oblainod from tho

Hale OiwiW W Dimonds store von Holt

Block or at auy of thn popularbeach rosorts or by tolophono 50on week days or 921 on Sundays

Oimoos sent nnywhoro on tho Beachnsi tf

Morcliaiits wm8 I SHAW Proprietor

Corner King aud Nuuanu Streets

Choics LiquorsAND- -

FIe Beers


ftI fcJ J

Corner Nnnanu and Hotel Bts

OiunLES W ANDiutws - - Managor

CllliiRG VIMS Liprs AlliS


Wieland Beer on DraughtNOW ON TAP

Rainier in Bottlos

Handmade Som MashA SI BCIAtTY

Hew Market Restaurant303 Merchant Strcot near Alakea

JUAN OAMANCHO PropHis tablo oxcols any In Honolulu

Caters for Balls DinnersWeddings aud Picmo Parties

Coiree Hot Rolls and Breakfasc S till 1a m DInnor 11 a m till v m Supper4 i M till 8 r m

Extra Tender Refrigerator Beefsteaks to


TURKEY DINNER ON SUNDAYSSend in Ordors for Homo mado Bread

CaUos and Pastry tho day boforo528 3m

Hawaiian GrownOysters

Tho abovo delicaoy uan now boprocured in such quantities as re ¬

quired upon leaving orders with

H E IflclDtyre Bro307 1 f


JOHN PHILLIPSHas re m ond his Plumbing Bastnesb from

King Btroot to tho premises on

Hotel StreetFormerly occupied by Woven

Wlro pn

Page 5: Universal Just - University of Hawaii · Proclaim a Jubileo With Britains flag unfurled Sixty y6ar of worth Victorias own thoy Boom Have shown to all tho earth Good monarchys no dream



aWjVrw pfl-r-

fllsa tstalLaBEscsdJ

Vol 1Y

f st-n-


The Universal Stoves and RangesA Large Invoice Just to Hand

Tho Castings of this Factory aro so far away superior to all other makoathat

COMPARISON IS FUTILETho Australia brought a largo invoico of assorted goods to tho

Faoifio Hardware Oo XjinciitedLCall aud oxatniuo thoir stock or writo thein for anything you want

It has taken sovoral years to satisfy usors of WIND MILLS that thoro isnothing niado which equals thoooi iOisrEi

Orders aro coming in faster than wo can fill them but we aro doing thobest wo can

Pacific Hardware Co LdHONOLULU II I

fneo9 igi


Qeneral MerchandiseAND


Canadian Australian Steamship LineBritish Foreign Marino Insurance Co

Northern Assurance Co Fire and LifeCanadian Pacific Railway Co

Pioneer Line of Packets from Liverpool

Telephone 92 P Box 145

H E McINTYKE BROeast Corner port kino sts


Groceries Provisions and FeedNew and Fresh Goods received by every paolcot from California Eastern

Btates and European Markets

Standard Grade of Canned Vepetablos Fruits aucl FishCflf- c- Goods delivered to any part of the City --QHl

IRTANn THAIW BOTrniPin aTioirinii a w intkuii

Oceanic Steamship Company

TIME TABLETho Pino Passongor Steamers of This Lino Will Arrive and Leave

This Port as Hereunder




In tho sailing of tho nbovo steamers tho Agents aroto to passengers through tiokots by any

railroad San Francisco to all in tho United andby any lino all ports

For further particulars apply to

Sr S


TheIlet Calros of all kinds fresh

evory day

Fresh Ico made of tho Bestlawn In all Flavors

Ibe finestl7 tf




II I JUNE 22 1897





AUG 19thAUSTRALIA Aug 25th

connection withprepared issue intendiug coupon

from points States fromNow York steamship European


General Agents Oceanio Company


Pioneer BakeryBread

Cream WoodCream

Homo made Confectionery





Manufacture and RepairAll lilndB of Jewolry

FIUBX OLASB WORK ONLY600 Lovo Building Fort St tf

Hands Across tho Bon

Hands across tho seax Aud voices round the world

Proclaim a JubileoWith Britains flag unfurled

Sixty y6ar of worthVictorias own thoy Boom

Have shown to all tho earthGood monarchys no dream

All around tho earthThe nnoient war orios die

Since Victorias birthForovor girn tho lio

Pure and good and trueMaid thouwifo thon Queen

Whatner there was to doIn Christian influence Scon

Her own tho signal shownTo Africs chiefs in quost

Why Britain had so grownTho Biblo twas the best

Ayo over thus tho linoSo drawn has boon fulfilled

Whateor has boon tho oostIts boen what God has willed

This tho socret truoWhy Britons love thoir Queen

And nations vie with themTo lot nwpeot be eeon

Then hands across tho seaOur voices round tho world

Proclaim Her JubileeWhoro Britains flags unfurled

GEortan Cahson Kenton

Victoria ReigmBY J T STEWAIIT

Auspicious Morn I Victorias dia ¬

mond daylNow sixty yoara havo como and gone

heuoath hor swayEmpires havo fallen RopfHjMcs

crumbled into dustShe lives to rule hor Empire by her

actions justSho lives and rules within the hearts

of menOh I May hor firm established Em-


have no midFrom burning Indias sands to far

Australias shoresVictoria reigns For sixty years and


As maiden wifo and Quoon andmother kiud

Hor life has been the admiration ofmankind

No crouching slaves beneath horllag aro found

Her strength aud glory are supremotho whole world round

Hor hardy sons explored tho roundworld oer

Aud fouudedEmpires strong onevery shoro

From Africs trackless wilds to dii- -tant Indias plains

The cry to day resounds Tho goodVictoria reigns

Loud let the caunons roai Vibratofrom shore to shoro

Loved Queen aud country wo adorofor ovorraoro

Long may thy matchless reign en-dure


Be thy nuccossion sure Victoriareigns

Four hundred millions join in loudacclaim

Britannias Empross Quoon withinour hoarts rouiaiu

Supremo on land aud sea hor powerestablished euro

God Save the Queen Long mayVictoria reign

Let loud hosannas rend tho skiesGod Savo tho Queen from all arise

Long shall hor uoblo works endureLoving kind and good and pure

Victoria roigus

With laws administered and Justicostraight defined

Her reign has boen a model to man-kind


Lot distant nations seek thy ruggodshoro

To loam thy moroy Victorias Jus-tico


to adore

Then blessed forevor bo tho llagthats wavod a thousand yoars

From Salamancas blood stainedwalls Talavora Poiutiors

That laid the Russiaus in tho duston Balaclava day

Aud crownod with glory Britainsarmi for over and for aye

Victoria Reigns

Mens ready made pants at 1 perpair at Kerrs

Mens SuitB ready to woor at 125tho suit at Kerrs

Dont Mvorry or wear out youreyes making under wear when youcan buy it so cheap all ready iaadoat N S Sauhs

Tho Victoria Galop

Tho following aro tho words oftho galop played and sung by CaptBergors band at the Hawaiian Hotellast evening

All hail to thou beloved QuoonTo tby peoplo thou hast been

Ever gracious noble kindRuling both with heart and mind

With joyfulnosa thon let us singAnd in tho dauce our voices ring

For faithful subjects love thee wellAud eeu must try that love to tell

In loyal hoarts thoult ever liveFidelity to thoo thoy givo

Long Victoria be thy reignOer Englands glory prido aud

fameHurrahl Hurrah Hurrah I

IT IS PURERainier beer is not injurious to the

weakest organization but promoteshealth anil strength and preserves itAs a wholesome tonic It has NOEQUAL On tap or In bottles at thoCriterion Saloon


Mo n a lints at 25 aud 85 cents eachat Kerrs

Ladies Skirts with rufllM only 50Cents Ladies Drawers well madetrimmed with Embroidery andTucks for 50 Cents at Sachp

Hardly crodiblo but still trueLadies Chemisec 3 for SI LadiesNight Gowiir for 50 Cents CorsetCovins for 60 Conts at N S Sachs

H Carl ono of tho most exportbarbers in Honolulu is now to bofound at tho tousoriul parlors of MA Peixoto at tho Union Art GalloryLane

One ounco of provontion is hotterthan ton ounces of euro Tho Em-pire


boasts of infallible remediesngaiuRt the varioloid Wiolaud beeron draft boats vacciuntion andDoctor Charlie Andrew prcsidnsovortho finest stock of remedies thatcan bo found in town All for modioiual purposes and cash

From casks rotund tho mellow browOf Pabst spriuga perfect to tho

lightFor naturo sure and sciouco true

Conspire to brow it rightTho Royal and Pacific too

Supply this perfect gemTho Cosmopolitan is not behind

With chocks which chango withthem

ooes-A-isit- o

Steamship Co






Wednesday June 30thAT 1 OCLOCK T M

The undersigned are now prepared toissao Through Tickets from thiH City to allpoints In tho United States

SM For further particulars regardingFreight or Passage apply to

Wm G IRWIN CO LdGonoral Agonts

Brace Waring Co

Real Estate Dealers603 Port St near King

Building lotsHouses and lots and

lands fob sale

87 Parties wishing to dispose o theirPrnrrtlR nr Invltprl in mill on in


Professional HorsesaoerHas Openod His Shop at No 321 on King

Street fT II Murrays Promises

Horsn Ownors will llnd It to their odvan- -Inge to patronlzo tho now shop

where tho best work IsGuaranteed

Telephone No 57a417 tf if

Wifes Steamship Co


C L WIGHT Prcs 8 B ItOBK BeoCopt J A Port Supt


OLAItKB Commander

VU11 leave Honolulu at 10 a m touching atLahnlim Manlm a liny and Mukena thesame day Mahuksnn Kawalboe and Laupnlioihoe the following day arriving alHllo the same afternoon


Tuesday Juno 20Friday July 0

luesuay juiyuoFriday JulyXO

Tuesday Aug 10Friday Aug SOTuesday Aug 31Friday Sept 10

Tuesday SeptalFriday Oct 1

luesday Oct 12Friday OctSTuesday Nov 2Fndny bov 12

Tucaduy Iov2JFriday Deo 3

Tufsday DeoHThursday Deo 23

No 516


Friday Juno 25Tuesday July 0Friday July 16Tuesday July 27Friday Aug Cluesaay Aug 17Friday Aug 27Tuesday Sept 7Fiduy Sept 17Tuosday Sept 28Fxiuuy uot 8lucsuay Oct 10Friday Oct 20Uuesduy Nov 9Friduy Nov 19Tuesday Nov 30Friday Deo 10Ta sdity Deo 21Friday Dec 31

Kolurning will loavo HJlo at 8 oclocka m touching at Lanpahoohoe MannKona and Kawalhao sume day ilakenaAlaulaua Jlny und Lahalna the followingduy arriving ut Honolulu the afternoonsof luesday a and Fridaysr Will call ut Ponoikl Puna on tripmarked

kMr No Frolght will be received afterAm on day of sailingTho popular route to tho Volcano is viaHllo A good carriage roud tho entlro dis ¬

tance Hound trip tickets cofcring allexpensos 5000


Will leave Honolulu Tuesdays at 5 r mtouch ng at Kuhului Hana Homoa andKipahulu Muui Iteturning arrives utHonolulu Sunday mornings

Will call at Nnu Kaupo once eachmonth

iUjf-- No Freight will be received after 4p m on day ofsailing

This Company will reserves the righttomake changeB in the tlmoof departuio andarrival of Us Steamers without notice andit will not ho responsible for any oonsequences arising therefrom

Consignees must bo ut the Landings toreceive their freight this Company willnot hold Itsolf rosponsiblo for freight afterIt has boenlandod

Live Stock roceiyed only at owners riskThis Compuny will not bo responsible lorMoney or Valuubles of passengers unless

placed in the cure of PnrseraW Passengers are requested to pur ¬

chase Tickets before embarking Thosefalling to do so will be subject to an addi-tional


charge of twenty five por cont


Glaus SprecMs Co




San FranciscoLONDON Tho Union Bank of London

LtdNEW YOItK Amcrlcan Exchange Na

tional BunkOHIOAGO Merchanta National BankPAHIB Comptolr National dEscompte do


Kong Hhunglml BankiugCorporatlonNEW ZiSALAND AND AUSrKALI-A-


of British North America

Transact a General HanUng and ExchangeVusinus

Dopoelts Kecelved Loans made on Ap ¬

proved tfeeurlty Commorolal und Travelera Credit Issued Bills of ExonJngobought and sold

Oollootlouo Promptly Accountod For839 tf

Page 6: Universal Just - University of Hawaii · Proclaim a Jubileo With Britains flag unfurled Sixty y6ar of worth Victorias own thoy Boom Have shown to all tho earth Good monarchys no dream



i BrJto Hull IConiu Btrwit

iJ Telephone 841 j3SOKBOBIVTION IlATKSi

Her Month anywhere In the Ha ¬

waiian Islnmls f Ml

fr Year 0 00IVr Year postpaid to Foreign Coun-


r 8U0Payable Invariably In Advauco

T J TESTA Proprietor and PubUsher


W HORAOK WRIGHT AssistantEditor

Residing in Honolulu



Veil not in tears tbo skies this dayla cheerful mood lot minbennu payOomo all with jojous glte attostTho love for matron Queon Tho

bestOor Goas and lakoe oer ooutiuonta

and islesRaise up the voice and wreathe tho

face in smilesImmortal is Victoria royal nnmeAnd loving hearts enthrino her

blessed fame


Drowning men clutch at strawsThis proverb was emphatically ox

omplified this morning upon the ar-


of the Australias mail Thocountenances of our morning wouldbe Amorioan citizens shortened upwonderfully oven tho lugubriousfaco of tho Hawaiian historianbroardsned at least an oighth of aninch at tho thought of annexationSerono was itching to speculate onodds in favor of anuexati u and we

wish he could bo accomodated

In Sau Francisco it is a case of 10

to 1 with annexation on the shortend The Examiner says we mustbe a county of California but ad-


that we would make a ratherremote one Yes but tho chancesfor any annexation treaty are mororamote

Tiie Independents tip says Iam positivoly informed that thonowspaper accounts that PresidentMoKiuloy and the Administrationaro favorable to tho- - annexation ofHawaii have no word of truth inthem but that to tho contrary theyaro distinctly and irrevocably op-


to annexation I am also asaured that tho representatives ofHawaii must consent to a verymaterial modification of tho exist-


treaty or notice of its abrogationwill bo served I asked to what ex¬

tent the modification would go andwas told that if the sugar plantersof Hawaii secured ono half the present benefita under any arrangementit will be all thoy can hope forTho changes in tho treaty will alsoprovide that a larger schedule ofAmerican goods will find free entryinto tho islands if not iu fact abso-


free trade botweou tho twocountries

Headers of Tue Independent maydepend upon tho information wegive Tho minority in favor of an ¬

nexation admit that wo get thomost reliable nows from Washingtonin spito of Moses Hatch and thepresence of tho Hawaiian Bar at thoCapitol of tho U S

Roportod Changes

It is understood that Judge A

Carter has tondorod his resignationaud will ontor iu to private law prac-



Judge Perry will tako tho po

sition of Judgo Carter aud Mr E PDole will bo appointed CircuitJudge It is not yet decided whowill succoed Mr Dolo as DeputyAttorney General


Historical Truths may be hadat 327 King streot if applied forearly Although tho edition wasconsidered largo enough fqr all de-


tho books aro already be ¬

coming rather soarce


Tho Fight Probably on In tho Bfluatoor Won or Loot

Washington Tun lfi Tlio treatyfor tho nuiieintion of tho HawaiianTslimls to tho United Stato will hesent to the Senate by President McTCinloy to morrow unloss prcfontplana are changed

Men rloso to tho Administrationand others engaged in pushingthrouqh tho tariff bill bavo been in-



that ths treaty will bo tran ¬

smitted to morrowIt is stated that there will bo no

consideration of tho Hawaiian reci-


provision in the tariff billuntil tho treaty is receivod

Tho one point of importanlaucoin which tho treaty differs from thoconvention negotiated by SecretaryFoster in Provident Harrisono ad-


ii tho omiacion of anyprovision for ex Queen Liliuokalaniand the Princess Kaiulani

Tho Examinnr doubts tho practic-ability


of tho Treaty over panningtho Senate and tho EuropeanPowers are watching tho oitutionwith rpiiet interest

fl n Australia Arrives

The Atntrilii arrived at R1E n

m in 0 davs 17 hourS 45 minutofrom Snu ErnnpUeo The followingis Purser McCnmhns report of thevoyagp Left San Ernnnirco June15th at 2 p m with 50 enhin nnd 7fl

steerage nwnsnri 5R has ofmail and 1150 torn of freicrht OnJune 1st at noon pned the steamship Gaelie bound north Promi-nent


among theteamors cabin panseneers are Mrs Admiral Beardslee Hon Wm Haywood wife andfnmilv ViVn Cnnnl J E Snper M

Brasoh Mr T W ITohron n A

Jaeger Mrs Montaguo Turner DG- - Camarino fr and Mrs O JEnlk She will sail on WednesdayJune 80 at 4 p m

Ex Australia

Oamnrinos refrigerator con-


Cherries Pearlies ApricotsPlums AsotrnKiis Rhubarb Goose ¬

berries Currants Celerv Cauli-flower


Froh Silmon ElounderCrabs Frozen Ovtors tin andshelH Navol Orano LemonsQnepii Olives Early Rofo PotatoesPickle-- EtnCALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET

Read Administrators notice in thoestato of W N Dauiolp deceased

Bluo Sergo Suits well made for 57at Kerrs

Shirts and Collars in all qualitiescan bo had at bottom notch pricesnt Kerrs


Tho British residents of Hono-lulu


invito thegoneral public to joinwith thom in celebrating on Wed-nesday


June 23d tho Sixtieth Anniversary of tho accession of theirSovereign

For this purposo tho followingprogram has been arranged

Regatta iu the harbor at 8 a mThanksgiving Servieo in St An ¬

drews Cathedral nt 10 a mChildrens Sports at Kapiolani

Park 10 o m to 1 p mField Sports at Kapioliii Park at

1 p in OLIVE DA VIESChairman of tho Executive Com-


G14 3t


UNDTCItBiaNKD HAVINO WHINTIJK appointed by tho Honorable JohnW Kalua Circuit Judo of tho Sicon l

Judiularv tirmil as Ailiiiiiilstrain ol thoKstaiootW ii Dunlolsof Wnlluku MauiIpcomhI therefore no lu Is hereby jjlvonto all po mods having nnv claims iiiaiisttho sold Kstato to present tho Mini ilnyauthenticated within six mo dliN from dittoto tho mule sIkiimI nt liltolllcn In Wnilnkuor thoy will I o forovor barred mid all tliosnimlcbttil to tho falil Imnto tiro requestedto mate ImmnMito piyniiit of tbo t Hittoto tho uiulorsiirnoj at his I aw Otllco InWaiiiika Maui

A N KKlOIKATAdministrator of tho Kdtitto of W H

DanleiBWall len Juno 10 1607 GUWHoaw

administrators notioeunmucksioneT having ijeinThi appoint d Aiinlnls ratur f lho

Kstato ofAniilo K Mnhn In Into of Wnlalna Oahn dccoHHOi itoilc la hereby givento all nrodltdrn of tho drcea ed to presenttliolr claims with pmpor vouchers if anyexists to tho umIcrdlnod within sixmonths rom tho dato thorrof or they willbo forovor b irred nnd all prrsnns Inilt bindto said iloccnsed aru rrquested to inalto Itnmediato pajmentto W Jl Wrlgbc at thoTax OMIco ilono ulti

A S MAHMllUAdtuinlstrntor ot tho Estato of Amilo K

llulmuluWalalua JunulD 187 Oll Gt oaw

Iffli iely mS

Honolulu June J9 1SV7

FIAT LUXIn pacu para bcslluin In

tho limi of peace prepare forwar You cant fiht with-out


light and when our reaeivoirs are dry you cant relyupon our electric lights Seminccnsinnully thoy willleuvc usin terrible durances and atmo 1 inopportune i04H6l6Take our advice before theJubdeo and dth of July cele ¬

brations and inepcit wiirDIEIZ LAMPri One ofour largo square barn lampswill r llect as much light ov- - ryour garden grounds as alocomotive headlight whileour little corner lamp is justth ival exqui ite necessaryfor tho lanai A tububir streetLimp is a gem for tho lamppost or yo r jate and willpivvenl many accidents Useyour common Kurobonc oilfor tho above - nd dont bescared about the oil faminewe have pi nty Then foryour ii tcriors we hnvo somebeautiful OHANDlflLIERrftwo three or four burners tosuit any tato also someexquisie HALL LAMPS inwliiGti you can u o ml insteadof flickering candles andht Hiding ornamental orPIANO LAMPS of everyhizo hh pe and price Comeand inspect them and donttrust to the fickle moon orelectric light

Tna Hawaiian Hardware Co Lc

307 Fort Stueet


J T Waterliouse

Have you thought of goods

for eiimmer frocks ribbons

for trimmings

dre ses



Tho Assortment of





Bargain Counters

Your opportunity to secure

bargains is








For beveral weeks our spacein the daily papers was occu-



with the descriptions ofthe Jo el Stoves and Eangeswe slopped talking only whenwo thought the public wastired reading about stoves Abreak in the monotony i- - goodfor business good for theleaders of the panoiv

In tho interval coveringtwo or three weeks wo havedilatid upon utensils whichgo with the stoves kitchenfurniture crockery andIf touch chinii but all the timewe have been fairly busy bell ¬

ing Jewel btuvcrt Wo arowilling to neb more Ourstock includes ev ry possiblevariety style or bizo isomoof them burn wood onlyothers coal or wood Wehave them with reservoir orhot water coil von aboveand oven nbove and belowall kinds of btoves with ovensto hllit

Persons with stoves nenrlyworn out will receive a lib¬

eral allowance for them whenpurchiisinu a Jewel stove fromih an opportunity not offeicd by other dealers

borne of the best house ¬

keepers in Honolulu have sentus testimonial on thu JewelThey may bo seen atfetoru


rJU JLVon Holt Block

the Diamond JubileeAND THE -

Fourth of Julyi

We have made special preparations farthese

Coixilxig EventsOur most Recent Importations have

been Exclusively Confined to66 Goods Particularly Adapted

for wear in theseAu uLspicioxs Occasions

Look at our plain and figured organdieLook at our Confictions

Look at our Swisses and Mulls

Hi B-- IEIESIR3R Queen St Honolulu


Page 7: Universal Just - University of Hawaii · Proclaim a Jubileo With Britains flag unfurled Sixty y6ar of worth Victorias own thoy Boom Have shown to all tho earth Good monarchys no dream




No iNDFrnNruNT to morrow

Tho starling point of the regattais tho Inter Island wharf

Barnoy Barnato i ho DiamondKing ban cotumittrd suioido

All Silk Neckties made up and totie 2 for 2fe at Korrp

Compliments to tho 1 C Advoitisor on this moruinga issue

Which ii your favorite Hoalanisor Myrtles Marion or Philadelphia

To morrows programs are dis ¬

tributed freo by tho Sports Com ¬

mitteeThe Sports Committoo will be

recognizable by tho Red White andBlue badges -

Tho steamer Aoraugicouvor on tho 11 inst forand i hourly due




Tho Suproinn Cour was nnt insession to day owing to Judge Whit ¬

ing spraining au ankle

Mrs T R Walker will present thoprizes for the Jubilee Field Sportsto morrow at the Park

Monoy time and labor saved bybuying your Muslin Under Wearall raady made at N S Saehs

St Louis College band gives aconcert on tho CoWt ge campus at 1

oclock this afternoon

Where aro tho Firemans prizesou tho Fourth of July programThe boys deserve tho host

Tho Mounted Guards triplet de ¬

feated the Citizen Guards by twopointB yesterday 122 to 120

Oyster Cocktails at the MerchantsExchange with Enterprise Boer bythe Australia ready ou tap

The Auimatoscopo is taking holdAll who have seen I he wonderfulmoving pictures praise them

Lind and MuLean will havo theirrestaurant to morrow under thograud stand at Kapiolaui Park

Tho Hotel Stablos challenge 290to a tug-of-w- for any wager froma hack staud to an iuvigorator

Telephone 878 California FruitMarket for fresh delicacies fromCalifornia by tho Australia thismorning

Another cargo of Enterprise Beerhas arrived by the Australia forJimmy Dotfd at the Pauthoon Calland sample it

All ships vill bo drcsod withbunting to morrowj aud tho Hawai-ian


Govornmeut will fuuish a battory for a salute

Tho O S S Co Australia andsteamers of tho local iulor islntidboats quit work to morrow forQueen Victorias Jubilee

Tho King of Spain aud the Queenof Holland may have their DiamondJubilee but what matters that forwholl be there to see

Out of respect to Quoen Victoriaaud her faithful subJHuts here andthe wiio world over Tub Indepen¬

dent will not be issued to morrow

The Governmout band will playat the reception of the British Cornmissioner and distinguished gueststhis ovening from about 8 to 880at Independence Park

Hou William Haywood whocomes to reliove Cousul GoneralMills in tho United States Consulatein Hawaii was a passenger by thoAustralia this mornjng

- Tho Hawaiian Govornmeut hasaoted nobly geuorously audthoughtfully throughout in aidingthoJubiloo celebration It will beaccounted to their orodit iu loyalBritish hearts

To morrow being a public holidaythere will bo almost a general sus-pension


among the leading whole-sale


aud retail business men aud alliu honor of Victoria the rovorod audbelovod Lady of the Islos

II M Queen Dowager Kapioliuihas accepted an invitation from EI

B Ms Commissioner to attend theJubiloo divine services at St Andrews Cathodral to morrow HorMajesty will bo acoompauiod by hernephews aud suite

The Prosideut Cabinot Diplomatio and Consular Corps have beeninvited to attend to morrow morn--ing- a

sorvioos at St Andrews Catho-dral


Wray Taylor will load a choirof about 00 voices aud tho servicewill oooupy undor au hour

Tho oommitte on sports havomado complete preparation for to-


sports and largo entrieslfava boon made for every eventYacht and boat races at 8 a msharp Church at 10 Ohildrouusports at Kapiolani Park from 10to 1 aud Fiold eportB at 1 j in

60 Not Out Ml Hayed

Not Queen Alono But Mother Queon

and Krioncl In Ono

Victoria Queon of Groat Britainaud Ireland aud EmpresB of Indiahas now reigned seated ou thethrouo of a long lino of noblo an ¬

cestors for a longer period than nnyEnglish soveroign During I hat unprooedontedly oxtended reign bIio

has added to tho loving esteem andveneration iu which sho is regardednot only by tho four hundred mil-


of people over whom sho hasruled so long and so woll but bythe whole world of nations wherevertho fame of her name has reachedand that has been to the uttormostcon Pines of earth

Strange seems tho dispensation ofProvidence in tho guidance of Bri-tains


wolfaro when it is rememberedthat the most memorablo epochs iuher history of prosperity graudourand respect are tho Elizabethan eraand tho Victorian ago Elizabeththe heart soro maiden and Victoriathe widowed matron Both timesniii glorified by mental aud moralas ell as material progress Twoother English Queens share withthem tho Klory of Englands great ¬

ness Mary tho consort of Williamof Orange and Auue

In comparison with other groatand glorious reigns of England thatof Victoria is most remarkable as anera ofvpeaco and progress iu educa ¬

tion art science literature cirilizatiou colonizntion mechanical in ¬

ventions and commerce Therehavo boon wars and great warsheavy losses and glorious victoriesdearly won and oven as tho days ofjubilation surround us the horizonis darkened with war clouds of im-


and portentous omens Butthefo events are necessary ohaugsiu tho lives of great nations aud aremonumental records of Natures im-


laws of evolution develop-ment


mid progressionVioloria is to day honored not

merely as the monarch of hor vastEmpire vaster than England everdreamed of in her most ambitiousciays nut asano true type ol a mothor of hor people tho loving audbeloved head of a great householdguided by tho gentle touch of anaffectionate and sympathetic haudand tho soft swcot tones of a voicothat knows not the asperity of therule of fear and despotism Godrules I reign with His laws as myguide and His will and wisdom asmy protooting shield has been Vic-


principle through life frominfanoy to the portals of tho cyprosBlined lane which leads to immor-tality


In the greatest and purest Repub-lic


ou earth while Victoria has constitutionally and invariably benther will to tho supreme law audpowor of tho people she has by thoforce of hor character thodisorotiouof her judgment tho acouraoy ofher knowledge aud hor purity ofmotivo unconsciously and graciouslywielded a power almost uuBoenand uufelt iu tho councils of horpeoplo that sho has almost destroy-ed


tho radical anarchical and dema-gogical


democratic seutlmonts thatprevailed half a century ago and hasrestored monarchical faith to herpeoplo Her roign of sixty yearshas preserved her dynasty andpaved tho way for the fodoratiou ofhor colonial nations into vast commonwoalths to bo unitod iu onocommon unity for tho welfare audproteotiou of all- Victoria is the only child of Ed ¬

ward Duko of Kent fourth sou ofGeorge III and of tho PriucossLouisa Victoria of Saxo CoburgHer fathor dyiug in 1820 aud neitherGeorgo IV nor his brothers thoDukes of York and Olaronco havingiBHiie sho became hoir presumptlveto tho throuo aud eventually thosixth Sovoreign of tho Houbo ofUauover Sho was bom on May 21

1819 at Keusingtou Palace A

month later sho was baptized by theArchbishop of Canterbury and thoBishop of London iu tho gold fontwhich had been brought from theTouor aud received tho names ofAlexnudrioa Victoria after tho Em-


of Russia aud hor motherSubsequently sho herself decidedthat she should bo simply calledVictoria On Jan 23 1820 theQueens father died Tho Queensfavorito travollingtitlo is well knownto be the Duchess of Kout or ifstrictly inroynila Baroness- - Roufrow

Tho childhood of t ho Quoeu maybo said to havo ended aud hor girl-


to havo begun at tho time ofhor confirmation This took placeon Aug 80 1831 iu the ChapolRoyal St James Tho officiatingclergy wore tho Archbishop of Cantorbury and tho Bishop of LoudonTho Princess Victoria had her allow-


and was oxpected to msko itsuffice aud many anecdotes are toldof hor integrity of conduct in thisregard Ou May 21 1837 whichwas hor 18th birthday tho priucossattained her majority There worefeasts illuminations aud all kindsof holiday doiugs King WilliamIV gave a ball at which tho prin ¬

cess for the first timo took pre ¬

cedence of hor mother and occupiedthe central chair of State ThoKing himself was too ill to attendbut ho sent his niece a proseut of a

piano worth 200

On June 20 1837 William IVdied at Wiudsor Castle In ex ¬

pectation of this result a carriagehad beou kept ready aud hastilyentering it tho Archbishop of Can-


and the Lord Chamberlaindrove to Kensington Palaco Herois a description qf what took place

They kuoaked they rang theythumped for a considerable time bo

foro they could rouse tho porter atthe gate they wero again koptwaiting in tliocourtyard than turn ¬

ed itito one of tho lower roomswhere they seemed to be forgottenby everybody Thoy rang the bellaud desired that tho attendant oftho Priucess Victoria might be sentto inform Her Royal Highness thatthey requested au uudioueoou busi-



of importance After anotherdelay aud another ringing to inquiretho cause tho attendant was summoned who stated that the Princesswas in such a sweet sleep that shecould not venturo to disturb horThen they Baid Wo aro corns oubusiness of Slate to tho Queen andnveu her sleep must givo way tothat It did aud to prove that shodid not keep them waiting iu a fenmoments sho came into tho room iua loose whito night gown and shawlhor nightcap thrown off and herhair falling upon hor shoulders herfcot iu slippers tears ia h r eyesbut perfectly collected aud dignified

The Queens first words turningto tho primate were I bog yourgraco to pray for mo For GO

years hor faith in prayer has nevorbeou sbnkeu

Ou tho samo day as William IVdied the Quoen hold hor first PrivyCouncil Nevor said Grovillo

was auythiug like tho first impres-


sho produced or the ohorus ofpraiso and admiration which is

raised about hor manner and be-


Sho went through thofirst ceremonies with perfect calmness and self poBsotsiou but at thotime with a graceful modesty andpropriety particularly interestingand ingratiatiug Tho Duko ofWellington told the Clork of thoCouncil that if she had boon hisown daughter ho could not havodesired to see hor perform hor parthotter Au hour oftor tho PrivyCouncil there was auother Councilthat of Cabinot Ministors Paloand fatiguod sho went at its con ¬

clusion to her mother and throw-ing


hersolf on hor loving broastbruBt into tears Whou soothodand quieted she said I oauscarcely believe I am Queon of Englaud but I supposo I am Thomother anewerodi You kuow youuro my love Tho scene you havejmt loft must hnvo assured youSmiliug the Quoon Bald I supposeI shall grow used to it Thonhalf earnestly half playfullj Sincoit so aud your little daughter is


Established 1860 Capital 1000000Insurance effected ou Buildings Goods Ships and Morohaudiso

Insunmco Company ol North America0 Philadelphia 1a

Founded 1792 Cash Capital 3000000Oldest Firo Inrurance Company in tho United StatesLosses paid since organization over - - - 90000000

f For lowest rates apply to

General Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands

Sovereign of this great country Ishall mako you tho object of my firstroyal experiment Your Queencommands you dear mama to leaveher quite alono for 2 hours Manyanecdotes that show her Majestyskiuduoss and integrity belonging tothis period are lovingly told

On tho day after hor accessionthe Queen escorted by guardsdrove to St Jamess Palaco to ho

proclaimed and tot make her appoarauco according to custom at thowindow of tho Presenco ChamberA week later her Majesty wont iuStato to prorogue Parliament TheQueen began to read hor speech ina voice which Fauiiy Kemble thegreat actress who was presentBaid was exquisite Nor have Iover hoard any spoken words moremusical in their gentle distinctnessthan My Lords and Gentlemenwhich broke tho breathless silenceof tho illustrious assembly whosegaze was riveted ou that fair flowerof royally Tho onunciation was asptrfoct as tho intonation was melo-

dious and I think it impossible tohear a more excellent utterancethan that of the Queens English bytho English Queen The speechended with an emphatic commenda-tion of the proposal to diminishcapital punishment aud a pioinisethat sho would endeavour tostrengthen aud improve tho civilaud ocolesiastical institutions of thecountry Tho Duko of Sussex withtears rolling down his aged cheekscould not rofrain from softly ox

claimiug as with deep feeling thoQueen thus struck tho key note ofher roiiin Beautiful I beautiful 1

That this coromouy following as itdid so many othors was a greatstrain is proved by tho faot that ouroturuiug to tho robing room thoyoung Sovereign fainted

The corouation of tho Queon tookplace on June 28 at WestmiusterAbbey Days before the streets werethronged with plumed rotainors ofambassadors swarthy strangorsand easily distinguished provincialsWhen tho great day canio tho peo-



wore said to havo become Coro-


mad Tho royal maideu ofnineteou wore a robo of crimsonfurred with ermine and bordoredwith gold loco rior tram wasborno by eight beautiful youngladles Just at the moment whentho Queou took her seat the cloudswhich had beou heavy all tho morn-


broke and tho suu buoiio intotho Abbey It was hailod as a happyomou Tho light caused tho diamonds of tho peeresses to gleamand whou Princo EUorhuzy whowas covered with brilliants movedhe cast a dauoiug radiance all roundNothing could havo been moro en-


thiu tho cry of Godsavo the Queen 1 that was raitedwhou tho Archbishop of Canterburypresented to tho British peoploQueou Victoria

Lt was on Oct 10 1839 that PrincoAlbert with his brother Ernestcamo on a visit to England Fourdays later a momontous scoue waswitnessed during a graud ball atWindsor In au interval of dancingHer Maiostv cave her partuorPrinco Aloert some whito heatherand pjusioa from a bouquet she car-


accompanying tho gift with aglnuoo that spoke volumes ThoPrinces dross afforded no means ofwearing tho flowers but ho wasequal to the occasion Takiug outins pflnuniio una cuiiing a sin in urntight green Rifle Brigade uniformho placed thorn immediately ovorIds heart aud tho dauoiug was con-


Tho next day tho princowas told that the Quoen desired tospoak to him and ho was thoushown iuto an apartment whoro thoSovereign sat alouo Iu the courseof conversation sho askod the princohow ho liked England and on hisreplying Very much Bald ThouwhV should you leavo it Aud im

mediately afterwards iu an outburstof genuine lovo informed him thathe had gained hor hoart and wouldmako her intensely happy if howould sacrifice hitnsolf and sharoher lifo with hor

The morning of Feb 10 1810 wascold and rainy but iu spite of thistho crowds were onormous Thoroyal partv aud great officers ofStato assembled at BuckinghamPalaco arid wont in procession tothe chapel in St James Palacowhioh had been splendidly docorated The Queon looked extremoly palo as sho passed along crownedwith nothing but those flowerswhich are dedicated to the days ofbridal Her veil cost 1000 andwas especially ordered to encouragetho lnco trado in the Devonshire vil-lage


of Houiton whoro at the timothere was much destitution Thebrides train was borno by twelvenoble maidens dressed iu whitosatin trimmed with garlands ofwhito roses Whou tho ring wsbplaced on hor finger guus aud bellsproclaimed tho iutelligenco to thomultitudes outside The sun shonoout and there was real Queenswoather tho rest of tho day Aftertho wedding breakfast tho happypair drove down to Windsor throughtwenty two miles of spectators TheQueeus traveling dress was of whitosatin trimmed with swaus down

Tho Quoen started with tho wisomaxim that hor children should bebrought up as simply and iu a do-mestic


a way as possible that notinterfering with their lessons theyshould bo as much sb possible withtheir parents and learn to placotheir greatest confidonco iu thoTi inall things No foolish luxuries wereallowed in tho royal nuraery Onoof tho nurses writes that tho chil-dren


were kopt vory plain indeedit was quite poor living only a bitof roast beef and perhaps a plainpudding and tho nurse goes on tofar that hor royal mistress wasquite fit to havo been a poor mana

wife as well as a queen As a mattor of faot each member of thoRoyal Family has been taught atrado or moans of gaining a liveli-hood


iu tho oveut of misfortunoThe sad details of Princo Alberts

illness are necessarily passed overAfter saying to tho Queen Goodlittle wife this best of husbaudiand fathers went whoro tho spiritsof the just aro made perfect Theomission of the princes namo at Di ¬

vine service on Sunday morningDec 16 1861 notified tho peoplowhat had happened tho night boforo

During tho closing weeks of 1871tho shadow of a great anxiety foilupou Hor Majesty tho Prinoo ofWales being soized with an attackof typhoid fever which was almostfatal Tho death of Princess Alicocaused by maternal dovotednoss outho fatal Doc 1 1 1878 was terriblyfelt by Her Mxjesty So too wasthat of Princo Leopold in 1881

Deep sorrow marked tho opeuingof 1892 for on Jau 11 tho Duko ofClareuco died whioh iu July ou thofollowing year gavo way to an out-burst


of untiouil joy when the Dukoof York married Princess May at thoChapel Royal St Jamess On Deo7 1895 tho Queen by telegramwished bon voyage to Princo Henryof Battonborir who startod for thoAshauti expedition All wont wollwith the bloodless campaign till ouJan 22 of tho present yoar came thosudden telegram announcing thoprinces death Time howeverbrings hoaling on its wings andwith Julv 21 came again tho soundof wedding bolls when anotherirrand daughtor Princoss Maud ofWales married Priuco Oharlea ofDenmark

All English hearts to day expressbut one desire and millions of othersunder different Hags and nilers joinwith them iu their wish that Vic-


Queou and Empress may longbo spared to reign ovor thorn

Tno eulighteuod polioy and thopurity of conduct which has markod4 lwt Court lifo of Her Attualv haswon for hor tho distinotion of beingtho best monarch tho country hasover seen Her example in the prac-tice


of ovory social and domesticvirtue has been of tho moBt bene ¬

ficial oharaoter in checking ovll andpromoting good among all olassesTho ory will ascend from tho heartsof all hor loyal subjects

Lono Live Oun Noble QueenGOD SAVE THE QUEEN


Page 8: Universal Just - University of Hawaii · Proclaim a Jubileo With Britains flag unfurled Sixty y6ar of worth Victorias own thoy Boom Have shown to all tho earth Good monarchys no dream

ftTv- - T w

JUST ARRIVEDA now lotol tho Finest

Musical InstrumoulsAutoharps Guitars VlolinB Ktc

Also a nuw Invoice of the Celebrated

Westernieyey PianosSpecially manufactured for tho tropicd

ell unto second to nunc


On ths Hawaiian Islands luring tho Instyears



General Merchandise

Also tlio choicest European and Ameri ¬


Boevs Ale Wines LiquorsAT MOST nSASOHAULE PIltCES


Comer King Bethol Streots

T B MURRAY1 it 823 King Street

i tie leading

Carriage and

Vfugon ManufacturerALL MArBniALS OH IIAHD

viM furnish everything outside steamboats and boilers

Worse Shoeing a Specialty


fKLEruoKK M7 I 0 Box 321


Carriage Manufactory128 130 Fort BtrceL

Carriage BuildezAND REPAIRER

Blacksmitliing in all Its Brauclies

Orders from the other Islands in BuildingTrimming Painting Etc Etc

promptly attended to

W W WRIGHT ProprietorSuccessor to G West


Wm G Irwin President ManagerGlaus Sprockets Vice PresidentW M Glflard Secretary TreasurerIhco 0 Portor Auditor


Commission AgentsAGENTS OF Till

Oceanic Steamship GompyOf Bnn FniTintdon flnl

Metropolitan Meat Go


G J Walleb - M AMAH KB

Wholesale andRotall


Navy Contractors

ttRYiv vnrtmnwi

A Family HotelT KBOTJBE - Prop

Per Day f 200Per Week 1200


The Best of Attendance the Best SituationK ini if - twi rHtv

Do You Life Fish Pr OQrain of EventsLobitcrs Ud Ittckof

U i r i ili 2 2 doz In casoShrimps L nbiri I II uuu Krubbcn

smallfihrltuii and roinatooiDeviled i rubs 2 lb tins

u ii iiAnohovy Bloater it Shrimp 1iiBte fancy

potsAnonovy 11 oatcr Shrimp 1asto small

pitsThou Marino Toyiw square tins

witn Pickles Pimento ondTrn files

AppetUSlidsmall keg

Bombay DuckAncliovif in unit

oilYarino h Bloaters llusslan CaviarFish homierChun Chow dor CIhiii BouillonFlnilon IIi1doksHerrings Fresh Toiunto Sanco

MustardTomatoBoatedKipperedSmoked- Holland GonulneWhho Salted

Mickorol In Oil Suit KitsSardines 5 vnrlctlnsiSalmon In Wood nnd Tin 0 Varieties

To Sebve Bombay Duck Servo thoCnrV and Klco on a feparato dish Laythf Bombay Duck on n lroIicr and Vcatthnrnutthlv hen crumb it over thcnrryand rice By hmtlnu tho Bombay Dnck ftbecomcsUriitlo and crumbs easily


Telephone 210 Freo delivery twice dally



AGENTS FORWestern sugar refining co

San Francisco Cat


NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL COManf National Oitnc Shredder

New York U S A

N OHLANDT fc COSan Francisco Cal


BS2 tf San Francisco Cal


General Business Agent


Coiivoyoncinij in All Us BranchesCollecting nnd All Buoiuooa

Mattel s of Trust

All basincsH ontmsted to him will receiveprompt and careful attontlon

OHIco Hunnkna Hnrnnkna Hawaii





Buainasa Gardo

HuMiimvif Macdonald



113 Kaahumanu StreetHonolulu


Real Estate and Genehal BusinessAoents Also Subveyors

Ofllco VA Konla Stcot Honolulu


ScnvESon and Real Estate Agent

Ofllco Bethel Strcot ovor tho NewModel Restaurant



Plumbing Tin Coiteii and SheetInoN Work

King Street Honolulu



Kaahumanu Street Honolulu


Frank Brown Manager


Dealers in Louder and Coal andBuildinq Materials op

All Kinds

Qrtnan Hnnnluln


Diamond Jubilee

June 23d Spurts

Following is tho program ofsporting events arranged by thosub committer having the matter iucharge for the Diamond Jubileewhich taken place on Juno 23d

REGATTACommittee A G M --Robertson

W F Lovo and J S Walker Allentries to bo in boforo noon Satur ¬

day Juno 19th at tho ofllco of A GMRobertson first race to start at8 o m

1 Ymht Second class Firstprize 50 second prize 525 CourseOff Waikiki and return

2 Oanoo six paddle First prizo20 Bcoud prize 10 Course

From start to lirst can buoy nud re ¬

turnR Six oared pliding seat barge

Prize 50 Courso Spar buoy andreturn

i Five oared whalelioat Firstpriz50 second prize 20 CourseSp ir buoy and return

fi Ton oared barge Prize 50Jourso Hell buoy ami return

3 Surf Boat raco for ships crewsCourse Knuckle buoy and returnFirst prizo W0 second prize 15

Starting polut for all races will booil tho filter Island wharf

CHILDRENS SPORTSAt Knpiolani Park commencing

at 10 oclock a in

Committee Thos Wright ChasCrozier and Douglas Collins

1 100 yards dash for boys underId years

280 yards dash for girls underId years

8 Half mile bicycle race ffor bnys

d llalf milo bicycle race freo-for-a-

for girls5 80 yards dash for boys under

12 yearn0 GO yards dash for girls under

12 years7 CO yard3 dash for boys under

10 years850 yards dash for girls under

10 years050 yards dash for boys under

8 j ears1050 yards dash for girls under

8 oars11 Rope shipping contest for

boys12 Rope Bliipping contest for

girls13 Sack raco for boys uuder Id

yearsId High jump for boys under 16

years15 Broad jump for boys undor 10

yoars1G Post Office raco for girls17 Wheel race for boys

FCELD SPORTSCommitteo Thomas Wright F

Harrison G S Harris Jr and BBoardmoro All entries to be in bo ¬

foro uoon Saturday Juno 19th andnil entries to bo mado to ThomasWright

1 One milo bioyole novicoFirst prize medal second prizemedal

2 Ono mile run First prizemedal eecond prize modal

8 Putting lG pound shot Firstprizo modal second prize modal

d Half uulo bicyclo opon Firstprize medal seeoud prize modal

5 100 yards dash First prizemedal second prize medal

0 150 yards wheelbarrow raceFirst prize 10 second prize 5

7 Half mile bioyalo second olassFirst prizo modal second prizemedal

8 Running high jump Firstprize medal second prizo modal

9 Ono milo bicyclo opon Firstprizo medal second prize medal

10 Third-of-a-mil- o ruu Firstprize medal socond prize modal

11 120 yards hurdlo First prizomedal second prize medal

12 Ouo milo bioyole tandomFirst prizo modal second prizemedalIS Three logged raco First prizo

mndal second prize modal11 100 yards dash for boys un-


11 yoara First prizo modalseeoud prize medal

15 Novelty rano First prize 20seeoud prize 10

10 Ring throwing oontost Firstprize medal socond prize medal17 Polo vault First prize medal

second prize medal18 Quarter mile run First prize

modal second prize modal

19 Sack race First prize 10second prize 5

20 Ono mile bicycle second clnsFlrnt prizv medal sC md pr zemedal

21 Running broad jump Firstprize medal second prize medal

22 Two mile bicycle open Firstprize modal second prize modal

23 Consolation raco quartermile First prize medal secondprize medal21 220 yards dash First prize

watch and chainFirst raco to commence at 1

oclock sharpJudges Thomai Wright A G

M Robertson and H HerbertReferee George H AngusStarter J L TorbortTiniokeopors W F Lovo and L

de L WardClerks of Courso F Harrison

G S Harris Jr and DouglasCollins

Excopting whero other prizes willbe given gold medals will be awardedto tho winners of the forogoing racessilver modals for second prizes

GOO td


In accordance with Section I of ChapterXXVI of tho laws of 1850

All persons holdlm water prlvlloges ortlios paying watT rates nro hereby noti-fied


that tho water rates firtho term end ¬

ing Dccombor 31 1807 will bo due andpajablo at tho ofHco of tho HonoluluWater Works on tho 1st day nf July 1807

All snch rates romalniug unpaid torfifteen days oftor they nro duo will bo subject to an addltlonxl 10 per cent

Rates ero pajablo at tho ofllco of thoWaterworks In tho Kapnalwa Bnllding

ANDREW BROWNSupt Honolulu Wator Works

Honolulu H I Juno 15 1M7 OKI lit


Holders of Wator Privileges or thosopaying water rates uro horcby notified thatthe hours for Irrigation purposes aro from0 to 8 oclock a m nnd from 1 to 0 oclockv M

II Holders of water privileges on thoSlopes of Punchbowl abovo Greon Streotand in Nuuanu Valley above rohool Streetaro hereby notified that they v Ill not bnrestricted to the irrigat on hours of 0 to 8

a m and 1 to 0 r m but will be allowedto Irrlgato whonovcr snlllclent water Isavailable provlic that thoy do not usethe water for irrigation purposos for morothan four hours In i very twenty four

ANDRKW BROWNSupt Honolulu Wator Works

Approved1 A Kinci

Mlnlstorof InteriorHonolulu I Juno 17 1807 012 tf

TWO REASONSWhy people como long distances to buy at


3alama GrroceryREASON 1 BecnuFoono customer tolls

another how mnch they have save i bydealing at this llvo and lot Hro establish-ment


REASON 2 Becauso tho savlnc fromtheir grocery bill helps thotn to pay tholinusu rent

If you dont bHevo what our customersay fust givo us a call and bo convinced


Palama OroeoryTEL 755 Opposite Rnllway Depot

Occidental HotelCorner Klnc and Alakea Streets


MrsA S0HMEDEN Fropriutross

Rooms Eusuito and Siuglo withBoard from 5 50 por week accord ¬

ing to requiromonts of tho guostswith Hot aud Cold Baths

Tho only PromnnadoRoof Gardouin the city GEO OAVENAGH

MnnngorEg-- Tolophono 004



Caioful and ExperiencedCanoeists

Who will Land Their Passencors BAPELYmay bo obtained at tho lorg estahllshedpopular LONG BRANCH BATHS

tmr Speolal caro taken of Ladies andChildren Cars fass tho Door

578 tf O J SHERWOOD Prop


Horse or DogIS 8IOK

Call on A R ROW AT D V 6OH Offlce Clab Stables tf


First clast Canoes With Experienced

Native CanoeistsMay bo obtained on five iniuutos no- -

tico at any hour in tho dayfrom the


09 Tickets 1 por hour for eachspersou to be oblainod from tho

Hale OiwiW W Dimonds store von Holt

Block or at auy of thn popularbeach rosorts or by tolophono 50on week days or 921 on Sundays

Oimoos sent nnywhoro on tho Beachnsi tf

Morcliaiits wm8 I SHAW Proprietor

Corner King aud Nuuanu Streets

Choics LiquorsAND- -

FIe Beers


ftI fcJ J

Corner Nnnanu and Hotel Bts

OiunLES W ANDiutws - - Managor

CllliiRG VIMS Liprs AlliS


Wieland Beer on DraughtNOW ON TAP

Rainier in Bottlos

Handmade Som MashA SI BCIAtTY

Hew Market Restaurant303 Merchant Strcot near Alakea

JUAN OAMANCHO PropHis tablo oxcols any In Honolulu

Caters for Balls DinnersWeddings aud Picmo Parties

Coiree Hot Rolls and Breakfasc S till 1a m DInnor 11 a m till v m Supper4 i M till 8 r m

Extra Tender Refrigerator Beefsteaks to


TURKEY DINNER ON SUNDAYSSend in Ordors for Homo mado Bread

CaUos and Pastry tho day boforo528 3m

Hawaiian GrownOysters

Tho abovo delicaoy uan now boprocured in such quantities as re ¬

quired upon leaving orders with

H E IflclDtyre Bro307 1 f


JOHN PHILLIPSHas re m ond his Plumbing Bastnesb from

King Btroot to tho premises on

Hotel StreetFormerly occupied by Woven

Wlro pn