United States History and Government Regents Review When? Tuesday June 16, 2015 7:30am Where? Cafeteria Format? 50 multiple choice questions- chronological One Thematic Essay One DBQ Essay w/ short answer

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United States History and Government Regents Review. When? Thursday June 14, 2012 7am Where? Cafeteria Format? 50 multiple choice questions- chronological One Thematic Essay One DBQ Essay w/ short answer. United States History and Government- Regents Review. What to bring? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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United States History and Government Regents Review

• When?• Tuesday June 16, 2015 7:30am• Where?• Cafeteria • Format?• 50 multiple choice questions-chronological• One Thematic Essay• One DBQ Essay w/ short answer

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United States History and Government-Regents Review

• What to bring?• 2 Pens-Blue or Black ink-No Pencil This Year!• How long is the test?• 3 hours-You Must Stay the entire time!• Answer all; • Multiple Choice questions • Short Answer DBQ questions• Write BOTH essays

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United States History and Government Regents Review


DOCUMENTS ONLY!!!!• Use the documents to help you write the essay

and prove your point(s).• Use the Historical context to help you write your

introduction-not word for word!!• YOU MUST HAVE OUTSIDE INFORMATION IN


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United States History and Government Regents Review

• DBQ Essay-• Use the A-Z brain storming to help you get

outside information for DBQ• Place document numbers in parentheses at

the end of the sentence or paragraph for which you used it.

• Example (doc. 1) NOT “In document one”…

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United States History and Government Regents Review

• Government-Early History/Concepts• Ideas from Greeks + European Enlightenment• People born w/Natural Rights-Locke-Limits on

power• Government gets power from the people-• Consent of the Governed• 1st Constitution –Articles of Confederation• Weak-feared strong central/national gov’t.• states power, no ex/jud branches

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United States History and Government Regents Review

• Constitutional Convention-Shay’s Rebellion• New Constitution written• Debates-1.Representation for states• 2. Slavery• 3. Commerce• 4. President• Compromises- 1. Great Compromise • 2. 3/5• 3. Import tax not export• 4. Electoral College indirect

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United States History and Government Regents Review

• Ratification- New Const. had to be approved• Federalists/Anti-federalists-Bill of Rights

• The Constitution-• 3 Branches-Leg/Ex/Jud-Separate powers-

Checks and Balances-• Amend/Elastic Clause=Flexibility• Ex. Br.-Amends.-12th,20th, 22nd, 23rd, 25th • Commander-in-Chief-head of military

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United States History and Government Regents Review

• War Powers Act-limits presidential power• Makes Foreign Policy/Senate approval• Leg. Br.-Congress-BiCameral-House/Senate• Law makers-Impeaches-• Jud Br.-S.C.-Judicial Review-MarburyCase-

J.Marshall-increased federal power-• Constitutional Rights-Amds.-1st,4th,5th,6th

Rights of the Accused ,14th

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United States History and Government Regents Review

• SC Justices appointed for life to prevent political pressures/bribes

• Miranda,Gideon,Escobedo 5th 6th amends• Warren Court 1950s-1960’s Rights of Accused• Schenck/Korematsu –Rights limited during War.• Plessy/Brown-Separate but Equal

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United States History and Government Regents Review

• Washington-Precedents-Cabinet , 2 terms• Foreign Pol.-Neutrality/Isolation- • No Entangling Alliances• Economic Pol.-Hamilton-Pay off debt TAXES-• Whiskey Rebellion-New Gov’t power enforce• Louisiana Purchase-Doubles size U.S.-Jefferson• War of 1812-Freedom of Seas-War Hawks• Manifest Destiny-Expansion-Mex-Am War• Seneca Falls Convention-Mott/Stanton• New Land/States-Slavery?-Compromises

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United States History and Government Regents Review

• Dred Scott Case-Slaves Property- No Comps.• Civil War-North vs.South-feared loss of $$$• Lincoln-fights war to Preserve Union• North wins-Nat’l Gov’t Supreme to States• Reconstruction-Rights former slaves• 13th,14th,15th-Free,Citizens,Vote• Jim Crow Laws-segregation-Plessy-sep =• South denies rights-poll taxes/literacy tests

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United States History and Government Regents Review

• Industrialization-Big Business Leaders- Rockefeller, Carnegie, Vanderbuilt

• Corporations/Assembly line• Robber Barons/Captains of Industry• Laissez-faire-Trusts/Monopolies allowed

corrupt Senators- “Rich Man’s Club”• Monopolies-high prices/no competititon• Regulations begin- Sherman

Anti Trust/Monopoly

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United States History and Government Regents Review

• Immigrants needed to fill jobs-No limits • Treated poorly by employers +people here• Nativists- anti-immigrant- Know

Nothings/KKK get Congress to pass laws Limiting immgration –

• Chinese Ex., Gentlemen’s Agreement, • Quota Acts,

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United States History and Government Regents Review

• Industrialization-caused many problems-• Cities overcrowded, Monopolies, Poor working

conditions, unsafe products• PROGRESSIVES- • try fix problems Industrialization• Muckrakers-Sinclair, Riis• Progressive Presidents- TR,Taft,Wilson• Prog. Laws-Meat Inspection Act, Sherman Anti

Trust Act, 16th, 17th, 18th,19th Amds

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United States History and Government Regents Review

• IMPERIALISM- • Monroe Doctrine 1823-No new Euro Colonies

Western Hem.• Spanish Am. War 1898-Gain P.R., Philippines• TR-Roosevelt Corollary-Policeman West Hem.• China-Open Door Policy-Trade$$$• WWI-Freedom of Seas year of fighting in Europe


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United States History and Government Regents Review

• 20’s- 3 Republican Presidents• Harding, Coolidge, Hoover• All favored Big Business-Trickle Down Theory• “The business of America is Business”• Economy great-Ford-CREDIT-Production up• Harlem Renaissance-Flappers- Red Scare-

Sacco +Vanzetti-Scopes Monkey Trial-Jazz-Women’s Suffrage

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United States History and Government Regents Review

• Great Depression-Stock Market Crash-sparks• Real Causes-Credit, over production, unequal

wealth• FDR-New Deal-Government Involved Eco.• 3R’s- Relief, Recovery, Reform-• Soc. Sec., SEC, FDIC, Wagner Act(Collective

Bargaining), Fair Labor Standards Act-minimum wage, maximum hours.

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United States History and Government Regents Review

• FDR- Court Packing-denied-checks + balances• WW2- interrupts New Deal-Ends Depression• Neutral-Cash +Carry, Lend-Lease-Trying to

stay out of war • Pearl Harbor-Ends Isolationism• Homefront-Contolled Economy- “Rosie”• WW2- Ends Depression + Isolationism

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• Cold War-USSR vs. U.S.• Containment-stop spread of Communism• Marshall Plan, Truman + Eisenhower Doctrine• McCarthyism• NATO/Warsaw Pact• 2 Wars-Korea/Vietnam- Undeclared• JFK-Bay of Pigs, Berlin Wall, Cuban Missile


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United States History and Government Regents Review

• Civil Rights Movement-• Truman, Jackie Robinson, MLK jr.• Non-Violent Civil Disobedience-Sit ins,

Freedom Rides• Brown ends Plessy-NAACP fights Jim Crow• Black Civil Rights Movement becomes

inspiration to Women + Latino Movements

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• Vietnam War-undeclared-Domino Theory• LBJ-Gulf of Tonkin Resolution-Escalation• War Powers Act-Limits President’s Power• U.S. loses war-Technology doesn’t always win• LBJ Great Society-War on Poverty-Medicaid/re• Nixon-Watergate-Resigns-U.S. v Nixon-

President must follow laws-Disillusioned public

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• Carter-Camp David Accords-Egypt/Israel Peace Treaty-Peace to Middle East

• Reagan-Supply Side Economics/Trickle Down• Huge budget deficit building up military,

Wins Cold War• Bush 1-Desert Storm-Iraq invades Kuwait U.S.

wins• Clinton-popular-Good Economy-Impeached

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United States History and Government Regents Review

• 9/11/2001-Terrorist Attacks-U.S. Responds• Homeland Security Created• Attack Taliban in Afghanistan • Patriot Act-Limited Rights

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United States History and Government Regents Review

• Foreign Policy Today-• War on Terror-Iraq-Involved wherever our

interests are at stake.• Economic Policy Today-• Too much credit led to loss of jobs, bank

closings, house foreclosures, stock market falters-Loss of $$ and Confidence

• $700+ B Stimulus Package-Bail Outs