United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division High-Level Group Achievements and Plans Steven Vale UNECE steven.vale@unece. org

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division High-Level Group Achievements and Plans Steven Vale UNECE [email protected]

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United Nations Economic Commission for EuropeStatistical DivisionUnited Nations Economic Commission for EuropeStatistical Division

High-Level Group

Achievements and Plans

Steven ValeUNECE

[email protected]

Introducing the HLG

High-level Group for the Modernisation of Statistical Production and ServicesCreated by the Conference of European Statisticians in 2010Vision and strategy endorsed by CES in 2011/2012

Who are the HLG members?

Pádraig Dalton (Ireland) - Chairman Trevor Sutton (Australia) Wayne Smith (Canada) Giorgio Alleva (Italy) Bert Kroese (Netherlands) Liz MacPherson (New Zealand) Park, Hyungsoo (Republic of Korea) Genovefa Ružić (Slovenia) Walter Radermacher (Eurostat) Martine Durand (OECD) Lidia Bratanova (UNECE) 

What does the HLG do?

Oversees activities that support modernisation of statistical organisations

Stimulates development of global standards and international collaboration activities

“Within the official statistics community ... take a leadership and coordination role”

The Challenges

These challenges are too big for statistical organisations to

tackle on their own

We need to work together


Expert Groups


The story so far


New in 2014

Big Data

What does Big Data mean for official statistics?

Priorities:Partnerships – GuidelinesPrivacy – GuidelinesQuality – GuidelinesSkills – Survey Skills profileIT / methodological issues - Sandbox

Implementation of the CSPA

Services built

1. Seasonal adjustment – France,Australia, New Zealand

2. Confidentiality on the fly – Canada, Australia

3. SVG generator – OECD

4. SDMX transform – OECD

5. Sample selection – Netherlands

6. Linear error localisation – Netherlands

7. Linear rule checking – Netherlands

8. Error correction – Italy

Architecture Working Group

Catalogue team

**Just released**http://www1.unece.org/stat/platform/display/CSPA/CSPA+Global+Artefacts+Catalogue

Big Data More sandbox experiments More data

• Wikipedia

• UNSD Comtrade

Future of the sandbox approach?

Challenge from the High-Level Group:

Produce and release a set ofinternationally comparable statisticsfrom one or more Big Data sources

CSPA Implementation

See presentations by Thérèseon Thursday!

Get involved!Anyone is welcome to contribute!

Contact: [email protected]

More Information HLG Wiki: www1.unece.org/stat/platform/display/hlgbas

LinkedIn group:“Modernising official statistics”

Workshop on International Collaboration for Standards-based Modernization

Progress on priorities from 2013 to 2015

May 5-7, 2015

From METIS to MC on Standards• 2013 Work Session on Statistical metadata

– Metadata standards and models (part B of CMF, DDI, SDMX, early GSIM)

– Metadata in statistical business process (metadata flows, GSIM and GSBPM)

– Case studies and tools (NSO implementations)• Recommendations for future work

– Integration of Neuchâtel into GSIM – Update of Part B CMF, inventory of standards – Official statistics profile for DDI – Use of BPMN/BPEL for GSBPM – Further work on GSIM – GSBPM relationships – Development of process/technical metadata standards – Linked Open Data related to GSBPM, etc.

New governance structure introduced at 2013 Work Session – birth of MC on Standards under HLG for modernization of statistics




HLG Secretariat Team

Modernisation Committee


Modernisation Committee

Production and methods

Modernisation Committee

Products and sources

Modernisation Committee

Organisational framework

and evaluation

Executive Board

Project 1

Project 2

Project n

Terms of Reference for Modernization Committee on Standards

• Develop, enhance, integrate, promote, support and facilitate implementation of the range of standards needed for statistical modernisation

• Maintain an information resource about standards needed to support statistical modernisation

• Operational responsibility for the maintenance and development of GSBPM, GSIM and GAMSO

• Follow developments in geospatial standards, semantic web and others

2013 HLG project for MC Standards• GSBPM 5.0 (Dec 2013)

• GSIM 1.0 (Dec 2013)• GSIM Statistical Classification Model (Dec 2013)• Mapping between GSIM and GSBPM

• Mapping GSIM to DDI and SDMX

• UNECE virtual helpdesk for Standards

1. Establish the need

GSIM 1.1(2013)

GSBPM 5.0 (2013)

CMF A2009

CMF B2011, 2013




DDI Profiles2013

2. Develop

Model -Based DDI

DDI 3.2


3. Adopt

4. Disseminate / Implement

5. Maintain / Review

DDI 2.5


Core frameworks & standards overseen by

MC StandardsOther artefacts overseen

by MC Standards

Other artefacts overseen

by MC Standards

Standards of relevance to modernisation, not overseen by MC Standards but of interest

Standards of relevance to modernisation, not overseen by MC Standards but of interest



SDMX Glossary

UNECEMetadata Vocabulary

GAMSO 1.0 (2015) Quality

Indicators - GSBPM

Quality Indicators Big Data/Admin data

Priority topics for2014-2015• Governance, maintenance, support and

integration of key standards• Generic Activity Model for Statistical

Organizations (GAMSO)• Quality indicators for GSBPM• Implementation standards to support GSIM

and CSPA• 2015 MC Standards meeting

2015 MC Standards meetingTOPIC I Maintaining and governing statistical standards

– Role of standards, co-ordination across metadata standards groups, ensuring implementation across statistical organizations; refresh of the Common Metadata Framework

TOPIC II Increasing the efficiency of statistical business processes through the use of standards – GSIM implementation use cases, DDI profiles, Help Desks

TOPIC III Standards to describe or exchange data and metadata– DDI, SDMX, other formats, semantic web

TOPIC IV Future of statistical standards– Gaps– Meeting future needs of statistical systems

2015/16 Priorities for MC Standards

We need your Input!