Unit8 morning Changxing Central Primary School Yin Yanjun

Unit8 morning Changxing Central Primary School Yin Yanjun

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Unit8 morning

Changxing Central Primary School Yin Yanjun

What day is today?

It’s Monday.

What’s in your pencil-box?

There are some pencils.

How much is three plus thirty?

It’s thirty-three.

What time is it?

It’s eight twenty-five.

Brush my teeth, brush my teeth. Brush, brush, brush.


Tooth-brush, tooth-brush,I brush my teeth,With a tooth-brush.

These are ______________.

They are _______.

They are _______.

I like them(它们 ).



I like Zhonghua toothpaste.

Tooth-brush, tooth-brush,I brush my teeth with a toothbrush.

Mini Chant

Tooth-paste, tooth-paste,I brush my teeth with toothpaste. So, so, We brush our teeth,With our tooth-brushes, And toothpaste.

Wash my face, wash my face. Wash, wash, wash.

t_ _el

how now cow


s_ _pSoap, soap, I can wash my hands, With a soap.



Mini Chant

A towel, a soap, I can see.

A towel, a soap, for you and me.

Quick Response: (快速反应 )

What can you see?





Hello, my name is ________.I am a good boy/girl.

I can brush my teeth with a and .

I can wash my face with a .

I can wash my hands with a .

Do you like me?

These(这些 ) are ______.They are _______.I like them(它们 ).

towels colourful

towels flowers


These are ________. Those are _________.



teddy bears Barbie dolls

clothes shoes

(单数句 )This is a towel.(复数句 ) .These are towels

(单数句 )This is a tooth-brush.These are tooth-brushes(复数句 ) .

(单数句 )That is a soap.

(复数句 ) .Those are soaps

(单数句 )That is a flower.(复数句 ) Those are flowers.

1. Who are they?

They are Norman and Norman’s mother.

2. Where are they?

They are at home.

3. What time is it?

It’s four thirty.

4. How are Norman’s clothes?

They are dirty.

5. Does Norman take a bath?

No, he doesn’t.

6. What is Norman doing(做 )?

He is washing the tub.