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Pratian Technologies (India) Pvt. Ltd.www.pratian.com

Basic Java

Unit 5 - Packages

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Unit 5 & Packages


'aming lashes

Packagesreating Packages in Java

 ccessing Package em*ers

 ccess +peci,iers

'ested Packages

The import statement

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Unit 5 & Packages

class onnection


  p0*lic void connectTo1racle()


22 Logic o, connecting to

1racle 3B



onnect to



*! team

'aming lashes

class onnection


  p0*lic void connectTo+!*ase()


22 Logic o, connecting to

+!*ase 3B



class 3ata*ase6riter 


  p0*lic static void main(+tring7 8 s)


  onnection connection 9 newonnection():





 nother Team ; 0ses 0tilit! classes

provided *! *oth teams < =


onnect to



*! team =

6hat happens when

all the three classes

are integrated <


is e>ec0ted ?

@ow do we solve

the pro*lem o, 

'ame clashes ?

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Unit 5 & Packages


Package is a collection o, related classes and inter,aces.

Packages are 0sed to avoid naming con,licts.

The! also provide access protection.

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Unit 5 & Packages

reating Packages

hoose an appropriate

name ,or the package.

Use the  package 

statement at the top o,

every source file  that

contains the classes or


package oracleDB;

class onnection


  p0*lic void connectTo1racle()

/ 4



package cybaseDB;

class onnection


  p0*lic void connectTo+!*ase()

/ 4



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Unit 5 & Packages

reating Packages

hoose an appropriate

name ,or the package.

Use the  package 

statement at the top o,

every source file  that

contains the classes or


package oracleDB

class onnection


  p0*lic void connectTo1racle()

/ 4



package cybaseDB:

class onnection


  p0*lic void connectTo+!*ase()

/ 4




package statement m0st *e the

,irst line in the so0rce ,ile

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Unit 5 & Packages

reating Packages

hoose an appropriate

name ,or the package.

Use the  package 

statement at the top o,

every source file  that

contains the classes or


package oracleDB

class onnection


  p0*lic void connectTo1racle()

/ 4



package cybaseDB:

class onnection


  p0*lic void connectTo+!*ase()

/ 4




There can *e onl! one packagestatement in each so0rce ,ile andit applies to all t!pes in the ,ile.

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Unit 5 & Packages

Package is a li*rar! as well

  ph!sical ,older with the same name as the package has

to created

 ll the .class ,iles *elonging to that package has to *e

incl0ded in that ,older.

oracle3B.onnection s!*ase3B.onnection

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Unit 5 & Packages

lasspath +etting lasspath setting is 0sed *! the JC to locate class ,iles

lass loader looks ,or a class ,ile in the path mentioned and loads the

*!tecodes in memor! The environment varia*le lasspath needs to *e set to the parent

,older o, the package ,older 

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Unit 5 & Packages

 ccessing package mem*ers

De,erring to the mem*er *! its ,0ll! E0ali,ied name

  class or inter,ace *elonging a package needs to *e re,erred toas package name.class name

class 3ata*ase6riter 


  p0*lic static void main(+tring7 8 s)


  oracleDB.Connection conn 9 new


  conn. connectTo1racle():



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Unit 5 & Packages

reating Packages

+0mmariFing steps involved in creating packages

i. Incl0de package statement

ii. reate the corresponding ph!sical ,older str0ct0re

iii. +et the classpath environment varia*le

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Unit 5 & Packages

 ccess +peci,iers - Devisited p0*lic

 n! class mem*er declared as p0*lic is visi*le (or accessi*le) to

an! class *elonging to an! package

protected   n! class mem*er declared as protected is visi*le (or accessi*le)

to all classes in the same package as well as to s0* classes*elonging to other packages

de,a0lt   n! class mem*er declared witho0t an! o, the a*ove is visi*le (or

accessi*le) to all classes in the same package onl!.

private  n! class mem*er declared as private is visi*le (or accessi*le)

onl! within the same class

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Unit 5 & Packages

Gnowledge heck Incl0de an! class that !o0 have written in a package and 0se the

class in another class.

'ote H To r0n a class that *elongs to a package remem*er to provide

the ,0ll! E0ali,ied class name as arg0ment to the ava command

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Unit 5 & Packages

Package 'aming onvention It is important to ens0re 0niE0eness o, package names

+ince the Internet domain names are 0niE0e ,or acompan! the reversed domain name is 0sed to name apackage. K> com.pratian.avatraining ,or a package avatraining 

Package names are written in lowercase to avoid con,lictwith the names o, classes or inter,aces.

Packages in the Java lang0age itsel, *egin with  java.  or javax.

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Unit 5 & Packages

'ested Packages - K>ample

lass 0stomer *elongs topackage


In another class 0stomer31it needs to

*e accessed as


o0ld *e


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Unit 5 & Packages

The import shorthand

The import statement is a convenience s!nta> 0sed to

access classes that *elong to a package

The import statement

makes it easier to

access package


The import statement

m0st appear at the

*eginning onl! ne>t to

the package statement

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Unit 5 & Packages

The import shorthand

The wild card character * is 0sed to speci,!

all classes o, the


U it 5 P k

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Unit 5 & Packages

'ested Packages   package can *e nested inside another package.

  . separated name is 0sed to nest package within packages.

1n compilation o, the a*ove code we wo0ld get a 0itar.class ,ilethis ,ile sho0ld *e incl0ded in a director! instr0ments2western.


package instr0ments.western:

p0*lic class 0itar implements



  p0*lic void pla!() / 4


U it 5 P k

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Unit 5 & Packages

JD Miles The Java rchive (JD) ,ile ,ormat ena*les to *0ndle

m0ltiple ,iles into a single archive ,ile.

'eed ,or JD ,iles   Compression  & The JD ,ormat allows compression o, ,iles ,or

e,,icient storage.

 Decreased download time & I, a li*rar! is *0ndled in a JD ,ilethe reso0rces can *e downloaded in a single transaction witho0tthe need ,or opening a new connection ,or each ,ile.

  Portability  - The mechanism ,or handling JD ,iles is a standardpart o, the Java plat,ormNs core PI.

U it 5 P k

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Unit 5 & Packages

reating a JD Mile The *asic ,ormat o, the command ,or creating a JD

,ile isH

 jar cvf jar-file input-file(s)  The options and arg0ments 0sed in this command

The c option indicates that !o0 want to create a JD ,ile.

The f  option indicates that !o0 want the o0tp0t to go to a file rather than to stdo0t.

 jarfile is the name that !o0 want the res0lting JD ,ile to have.B! convention JD ,ilenames are given a .ar e>tensiontho0gh this is not reE0ired.

The inputfile!s"  arg0ment is a space-separated list o, one ormore ,iles that !o0 want to incl0de in !o0r JD ,ile. The inp0t-,ile(s) arg0ment can contain the wildcard O s!m*ol. I, an! o, the

inp0t-,iles are directories the contents o, those directories areadded to the JD archive rec0rsivel!.

This command will generate a compressed JD ,ileand place it in the c0rrent director!.

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Unit 5 & Packages

Ciewing contents o, a JD Mile The *asic ,ormat o, the command ,or viewing the contents

o, a JD ,ile isH

 jar tvf jar-file  The options and arg0ments 0sed in this command areH

The t option indicates that !o0 want to view the table o, contentso, the JD ,ile.

The f  option indicates that the JD ,ile whose contents are to *eviewed is speci,ied on the command line.

The jarfile arg0ment is the path and name o, the JD ,ile whosecontents !o0 want to view.

The t and f  options can appear in either order *0t there m0st not

*e an! space *etween them. This command will displa! the JD ,ileNs ta*le o, contents

to stdo0t.

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Unit 5 & Packages

 dding a JD ,ile to class path

6hile adding JD ,iles to the classpath it is necessar! to

add not 0st the location *0t also the ,ile name o, the

JD ,ile.

K.g. & onsider a JD ,ile called !Li*.ar located in


set classpath9HQ!JavaQProectQ!Li*.ar

 nd not

set classpath9HQ!JavaQProectQ


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Unit 5 & Packages

Please try to limit the questions to the topics discussed during the session. Thank you.

R0estion time

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Unit 5 & Packages

reating Packages

reating packages involves the ,ollowing three steps

i. #nclude $package%


ii. reate the corresponding ph!sical ,older str0ct0re

iii. +et the classpath environment varia*le

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Unit 5 Packages

reating Packages

reating packages involves the ,ollowing three steps

i. Incl0de package statement

ii. Create t&e corresponding

p&ysical folder structure

iii. +et the classpath environment varia*le

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Unit 5 Packages

reating Packages

reating packages involves the ,ollowing three steps

i. Incl0de package statement

ii. reate the corresponding ph!sical ,older str0ct0re

iii. 'et t&e $classpat&%

environment variable