Unit2 School life Reading 1 Unit 2 School Life

Unit2 School life Reading 1 Unit 2 School Life film- autumn- Maths- rubber- dustbin- secondary school- lift- ground floor- football- American football-

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Page 1: Unit2 School life Reading 1 Unit 2 School Life film- autumn- Maths- rubber- dustbin- secondary school- lift- ground floor- football- American football-

Unit2 School life

Reading 1

 Unit 2 School Life

Page 2: Unit2 School life Reading 1 Unit 2 School Life film- autumn- Maths- rubber- dustbin- secondary school- lift- ground floor- football- American football-

film- autumn- Maths- rubber- dustbin-

secondary school- lift- ground floor- football- American football-

Look for friends for the words

movie, garbage canfootball ,soccer ,first floor ,

elevator,high school,eraser,Math,fall,

Page 3: Unit2 School life Reading 1 Unit 2 School Life film- autumn- Maths- rubber- dustbin- secondary school- lift- ground floor- football- American football-

(1)How many lessons do you have every day?

(2)What subjects do you learn?

(3)How often do you have a class meeting?

(4)What after-school activities do you have?

(5)Have you joined a club?

(6)A hero is someone that you respect or admire. Do you have a hero?

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What do you think British and American school would be like?

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1.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions about a life in a British school.(1)Who wrote the first passage?

(2)What’s John’s favourite subject?

(1)What activity does the school have every



They have a Reading Week every year.

Home Economics

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Skim the first part of the passage and judge the following statements whether they are true or false.(1) John likes Home Economics best of all

(2) John is in Year 9 at Woodland School , a mixed school.

(3)He knew how to cook healthy and tasty meals before coming to this school.

(4) They think Reading Week is too short because they want to read more books.





Year 8


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1.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions about Life in an American school.

1.Which grade is Nancy in?

2. How often does Nancy play softball?

3. Who is Nancy’s hero?

Twice a week


In 9th grade

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2.Read Life in an American school , and answer the following questions.

(1)What did Jim do in school last year?

(2)How does Nancy go to school every day?

(3)What do the students do in the Buddy Club?

He had driving lessons.

Her brother drives her to school.

Older students talk to new students about school life.

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(4) Why does Nancy say Julie is her hero?

(5)What do American students do during lunchtime?

(6)What do the students sometimes do after school?

Because Julie helps Nancy learn all about her new school, helps her with her homework and listens to her problems.

They meet their friends and they have a great time talking to each other.

Sometimes, they go to shopping malls after school.

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read more carefully:Life in a British school Life in an American school



Subject activities


What to do

in year 8 at Woodland School near London

in 9th grade at Rocky Mountain High School in Denver

Home Economics

reading week

driving lessons

softball buddy club

every yeartwice a week

every Monday

can cook healthy and tasty meals

read any books from the school library

drive me to school every day

spend a lot of time practicing

help me with homework and listen to my problems

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Read after the tape and finish Part A1 on P25 and Part C1 on P26.

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Check the answers of B1 on P25

1.Home Economics


3.as well



a a close friend

b with a pleasant taste

c too

d a kind of ball game

e a subject about cooking and sewing



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1. In a mixed school, boys and girls have lessons together.

2. John’s favourite subject is English.

3. Students at John’s school can read magazines during the reading week.

4. Students must not talk in class during the reading week.

5. You can have driving lessons at age 16 in the USA.

6. Nancy plays softball twice a week.

7. Every Monday, Nancy meets Julie to talk about school.

8. American students go to shopping malls at lunchtime.

Home Economics

can talk to friends near the end of the class

after school

Do “T” or “F” questions:

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1. I don’t know how to do things for myself before.

I know how to cook healthy and tasty meals now.

1) 我的妹妹不知道如何读这个单词

2) 你能告诉我如何到达最近的邮局吗?

My sister doesn’t know how to read the word.

Can you tell me how to get to the nearest post office?

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healthy adj. 健康的

→health n. 健康 → healthily adv. 健康地

1) 不要吃太多的快餐,这对你的健康不利。

Don’t eat too much fast food . It’s not good for your health.

2) 梅梅是个健康的女孩,她总是吃得很健康。

Meimei is a healthy girl. She always eats healthily.

3) 你吃得越健康,你看上去越健康。

The more healthily you eat , the healthier you will look.

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2.I read the most books in my class.

1) I have the most flowers of all the students.2) Daniel has the most money.

3 We have to tell our teacher what we are reading.

1)Do you believe what she says.

2) I can’t remember what I did yesterday.

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4. Near the end of each class ,we can talk to our classmates about our books.


near the end of … 将近结束的时候

at the end of … 在… …结束的时候;在… …的尽头

in the end = at last = finally 最后,终于5.We want to read all my classmates ’ books as well.

as well “ 同样,与前者一样,也 ” 句末 肯定句 (前面不用逗号)

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1 He is a teacher. I am ____ a teacher.

2 He can ski ,and he can skate,______.

3 We aren’t doctors; they aren’t doctors, _______.

4 He is good at using computers. I am good at using computers _________.

alsotoo either

as well

too 句末 肯定句或作为插入语放在句中 ( 有逗号隔开 )

also 句中 肯定句

either 句末 否定句

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John is a student in a mixed school. Boys and girls have l______ together. His f_____ subject is Home E________. He likes l_______ how to cook and sew. Now, he knows how to cool h____ and t____ meals. His school has a R______ week every year. The students can read a_____ books from the library. They can also b______ in books and m_______ from home.

essonsavorite conomics



nyring agazines

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1. He drives me to school every day.=He takes me to school by car every day.1) 我爸爸每天开车上班。My father drives to work every day.2) 去年夏天,他的表哥开车送他去机场Last summer, his cousin drove him to the airport.

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2. This is great because it takes less time than taking the bus.

3.I spend a lot of time practicing .

1)The young man spends two years traveling around the world.

2) We should spend half an hour reading English every day.

= It takes me a lot time to practise.

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4. We always have a great time talking to each other.

have a great time doing sth.

1)We have a great time studying and playing at school every day.

2)The boy students had a great time playing football yesterday.

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Nancy is 14 years old. She is in an _________ school. Her brother is 17 years old. So he had _______________ in school last year. Now he can ___________ school every day. It’s _____ than taking the bus. Nancy likes playing __________. Every Monday she goes to a “_____________”. There they can make some good friends. Julie is her __________. She helps Nancy a lot. So Nancy thinks Julie is her __________.

American driving

lessons drive to faster softball

Buddy Club



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Try to translate the following phrases into English.

1 一所混合学校

2 一起上课

3 健康和美味的饭菜

4 一个阅读周

5 每节课的结束

6 也

7 家政课

a mixed school

have lessons together

healthy and tasty meals

a Reading week

the end of each class

as well

Home Economics

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1 在九年级

2 上驾驶课

3 开车送我上学

4 更少的时间

5 一周两次

6 打垒球

7 花大量时间锻炼

8 倾听我的问题

in 9th grade

have driving lessons

drive me to school

less time

twice a week

play softball

spend a lot of time practicing

listen to my problems

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Complete the sentences .

1. 我的哥哥在学校上了驾驶课。

My brother ____________________ at school.

2. 我的爸爸每天开车送我上学。

My father ______________________ every day.

3.May 每周放学之后打两次垒球。

May plays softball _________________________.

4. 午饭期间我们与朋友总是聊得很开心。

We always ________________________________.

had driving lessons

drives me to school

twice a week after school

have a great time chatting with our friends

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1.Complete Part B2 on P25

2. Read the dialogue

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1. In a __ (mix) school, boys and girls have lessons together.2. Lin Tao goes to the country to see his grandparents _ (two) a month.3. Simon has _ (little) orange juice than Millie.4. His grandfather is ill. He was even ___ (ill) this morning.5. The dishes in the restaurant are _______(taste). We often go there.6. The singer is not popular now., and his songs are _________(popular).7. I am old enough to look after ____ (I). You needn’t worry about me.8. Which subject is __________ (interesting), History, Geography or Science?9. What’s the __ (long) of your desk? It’s about one meter.10. Please practice as __ (much) as you can.







The most interesting



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1. Woodland school Is a m________ school.

2. Tom and I are good friends. We often go to school t____.

3. My favorite s______ is Home Economics.

4. I didn’t know how to do things for m_____ before I came to this school.

5. I know how to cook healthy and t______ meals.

6. Yaoming and Liu xiang are our h__________.

7. She goes to see her sister t______ a week.

8. I play s______ after school.

9. I spent a lot time p_____ games.

10. He is my c______ friend.

11. I read an a__________ about animals.

12.We a______ him very much. He is a good student.












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1.Our school is a _____ (mix) school.

2.Do you know how _______(swim).

3.The food is _______(health) and _____ (taste).

4.They had a great time _____ (sing) there.

5.She helps the old man _____ (cross) the road.

6.Mum spends ten minutes _______(water) the flowers.


to swim

healthy tasty




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选择填空 ( ) 1. What________ your school life_________ ? A. does; like B. do; like C. is; like D. is; likes ( ) 2. Millie has_________ than Kitty. A. more egg B. fewer carrots C. least rice D. most bananas ( ) 3. Simon scored__________ points in the exam. A . most B. the most C. less D. the least ( ) 4. Do you and your brother_________ each other? A.is like B. be like C. are like D. look like ( ) 5. Tommy usually chats____ the phone__ his friends. A. with; on B. on; at C. at; on D. on; with






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( ) 6. The teacher will give us a talk on how___ English well. A. learning B. learn C. to learn D. learned ( ) 7. Millie has______ free time than Sandy because she has

______ work to do than Sandy. A. less; more B. fewer; more C. least; most D. fewest; m

ost ( ) 8. This classroom is bigger than____________ . A. any one B. all these ones C. any other one D. all ones ( )9. One of my_________ is clean, but_________ one isn’t. A..foot, other B. feet; the other C. foot; the other D.feet;the other ( ) 10. This kind of fruit___________ A taste sweetly B. looks well C. sounds beautiful D.tastes delicious






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Page 34: Unit2 School life Reading 1 Unit 2 School Life film- autumn- Maths- rubber- dustbin- secondary school- lift- ground floor- football- American football-

John/in year 8/mixed school/favourite subject—Home Economics/how to cook and sew/before/how to do things for myself/now…/a Reading Week/every year/books from…/talk…/tell…/short/ because…

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Nancy/14 years old/ in 9th grade/Jim/ driving lessons/ great because…/twice a week/softball/every Monday/buddy club/older students—new students/enjoy/Julie/help me with…/hero/during lunchtime…/sometimes…