Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

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Page 1: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books
Page 2: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

1. QuoteWilliam Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books is like a wingless bird.

Cultural information

Cultural information

Page 3: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

2. Science Fiction

Science fiction is a genre of fiction. It differs from fantasy in that, within the context of the story, its imaginary elements are largely possible within scientifically established or scientifically postulated laws of nature (though some elements in a story might still be pure imaginative speculation). Science fiction is largely based on writing rationally about alternative possibilities. The settings for science fiction are often contrary to the known reality, but the majority of science fiction relies on a considerable degree of suspension of disbelief provided by potential scientific explanations to various fictional elements.

Cultural information

Page 4: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

These may include:1. A setting in the future, in alternative timelines, or in an historical past that contradicts known facts of history or the archaeological record; 2. A setting in outer space, on other worlds, or involving aliens; 3. Stories that involve technology or scientific principles that contradict known laws of nature;

Cultural information

4. Stories that involve discovery or application of new scientific principles, such as time travel or psionics, or new technology, such as nanotechnology, faster-than-light travel or robots, or of new and different political or social systems (e.g. a dystopia, or a situation where organized society has collapsed)

Page 5: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

What does the narrative tell us? The text tells us that Margie, a girl who is aged 11 in 2157, always school because her teacher is a one and she has to learn at regular hours and put her into a slot in the . It also tells us how she is the children who studied together, experienced , and had teachers about two hundred years earlier.

Main idea



homework and test papers _____________________________

Text analysis Structural analysisMain idea

machine_________ envious_________ of___

great fun__________


Page 6: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

How is the story organized and developed?

Text analysis

Text analysis Structural analysisMain idea

The story is mostly arranged in a chronological order, with the exception of the beginning, where the last event of that eventful day is recorded, and with a flashback unfolding in the near middle of the story.

Page 7: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Work out the structure of the text by completing the table.

Structural analysis


Main idea

It serves as the background of the story.It tells us a conversation between the two leading characters, Margie and Tommy, running through most of it.

Text analysis Structural analysisMain idea



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Main idea

It tells us something about the schoolroom, the mechanical teacher, and Margie’s thoughts. It also reveals indirectly how children in the distant future dislike school with a mechanical teacher only and how they wish to have human teachers teaching them.

Text analysis Structural analysisMain idea


Page 9: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

1. Margie even wrote about it that night in her diary. On the page headed May 17, 2157, she wrote, “Today Tommy found a real book!”2. It was a very old book. Margie’s grandfather once said that when he was a little boy his grandfather told him that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper. They turned the pages, which were yellow and crinkly, and it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to on a screen, you know. And then, when they turned back to the page before, it had the same words on it that it had had when they read it the first time.

The Fun They Had

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Issac Asimov

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3. “Gee,” said Tommy, “what a waste! When you’re through with the book, you just throw it away, I guess. Our television screen must have a million books on it and it’s good for plenty more. I wouldn’t throw it away.”“Same with mine,” said Margie. She was eleven and hadn’t seen as many telebooks as Tommy had. He was thirteen.4. She said, “Where did you find it?”5. “In my house,” he pointed without looking because he was busy reading. “In the attic.”6. “What’s it about?”7. “School.”8. Margie was scornful. “School? What’s there to write about school? I hate school.”

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9. Margie always hated school, but now she hated it more than ever. The mechanical teacher had been giving her test after test in geography and she had been doing worse and worse until her mother had shaken her head sorrowfully and sent for the County Inspector.10. He was a round little man with a red face and a whole box of tools with dials and wires. He smiled at Margie and gave her an apple, then took the teacher apart. Margie had hoped he wouldn’t know how to put it together again, but he knew how all right, and, after an hour or so, there it was again, large and black and ugly, with a big screen on which all the lessons were shown and the questions were asked. That wasn’t so bad. The part Margie

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hated most was the slot where she had to put homework and test papers. She always had to write them out in a punch code they made her learn when she was six years old, and the mechanical teacher calculated the mark in no time. 11. Margie was disappointed. She had been hoping they would take the teacher away altogether. So she said to Tommy, “Why would anyone write about school?” 12. Tommy looked at her with very superior eyes, “Because it’s not our kind of school, stupid. This is the old kind of school that they had hundreds and hundreds of years ago.” He added loftily, pronouncing the word carefully, “Centuries ago.”

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13. Margie was hurt. “Well, I don’t know what kind of school they had all that time ago.” She read the book over his shoulder for a while, and then said, “Anyway, they had a teacher.”14. “Sure they had a teacher, but it wasn’t a regular teacher. It was a man.”15. “A man? How could a man be a teacher?”16. “Well, he just told the boys and girls things and gave them homework and asked them questions.”17. “A man isn’t smart enough.”18. “Sure he is. My father knows as much as my teacher.”19. Margie wasn’t prepared to dispute that. She said, “I wouldn’t want a strange man in my house to teach me.”

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20. Tommy screamed with laughter. “You don’t know much, Margie. The teachers didn’t live in the house. They had a special building and all the kids went there.” 21. “And all the kids learned the same thing?”22. “Sure, if they were the same age.”23. “But my mother says a teacher has to be adjusted to fit the minds of each boy and girl it teaches and that each kid has to be taught differently.”24. They weren’t even half-finished when Margie’s mother called, “Margie! School!”25. Margie looked up. “Not yet, Mamma.”26. “Now!” said Mrs. Jones. “And it’s probably time for Tommy, too.”

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29. Margie went into the schoolroom. It was right next to her bedroom, and the mechanical teacher was on and waiting for her. It was always on at the same time every day except Saturday and Sunday, because her mother said little girls learned better if they learned at regular hours.30. The screen was lit up, and it said: “Today’s arithmetic lesson is on the addition of proper fractions. Please insert yesterday’s homework in the proper slot.”

27. Margie said to Tommy, “Can I read the book some more with you after school?”28. “Maybe,” he said nonchalantly. He walked away whistling, the dusty old book tucked beneath his arm.

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31. Margie did so with a sigh. She was thinking about the old school they had when her grandfather’s grandfather was a little boy. All the kids from the whole neighborhood came, laughing and shouting in the schoolyard, sitting together in the schoolroom, going home together at the end of the day. They learned the same things, so they could help one another on the homework and talk about it.32. And the teachers were people.33. Margie was thinking about how the kids must have loved it in the old days. She was thinking about the fun they had.

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Paragraph 1Questions

1) When did the story happen?

The story took place on May 17, 2157.

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2) What did Margie write in her diary on the night of May 17, 2157?

Margie wrote, “Today Tommy found a real book!”

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Paragraph 2Question

What is the conversation concerned with?

A very old book about the old kind of school with human teachers that existed about two centuries ago.

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Paragraph 13Question

Why does Margie hate school?

Because learning with the help of a machine teacher is both boring and full of pressure.

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Paragraph 31Question

1) What do you know about the schoolroom and the mechanical teacher?

The schoolroom was right next to Margie’s bedroom, and the mechanical teacher appeared at the same time on weekdays. It asked Margie to insert her homework and test papers in the slot.

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Paragraph 33Question

What was Margie thinking about?

She was thinking about the old school the children had when her grandfather’s grandfather was a little boy and the fun they had.

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head: vt.1) to be at the front or top of something

e.g.The chapter was headed My Early Life.这一章的标题是“我早年的生活”。

The Queen’s carriage headed the procession.

e.g.She heads one of Britain’s leading travel firms.她是英国一家主要的旅游公司的领导人。

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2) to be in charge of a group or organization

Synonym: lead

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crinkly: adj.

e.g. The pages of the book are yellow and crinkly as a result of long age.


crinkle vt./ n.

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having many thin folds or wrinkles; curly

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be supposed to:

e.g. They were supposed to be here an hour ago.他们应该在一小时以前到达这里。What are you doing out of bed? You’re supposed to be asleep.You’re not supposed (= allowed) to park here.

e.g. These batteries are supposed to last for a year.这些电池应该可以用上一年。We were supposed to have gone away this week, but Debbie’s ill so we couldn’t go.

Synonyms: ought to, should

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1) to have to; to have a duty or a responsibility to

2) to be intended to

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e.g. As I had plenty of money I was able to help her.我有很多钱,所以能帮助她。If a lawyer has plenty of clients, he grows rich.律师如果有大量的诉讼委托人,就会财源不断。A growing child needs plenty of sleep.正发育的孩子必须有充足的睡眠。“Would you like some more wine?” “No thanks, I’ve had plenty.”

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1) n./pron. (the state of having) enough or more than enough, or a large amount

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2) adv. as much as necessary

e.g. This car cost me plenty (= a lot of money). There’s plenty more beer in the fridge.


plenty more 还有很多, 大量的 ;in plenty 很多;处于优裕环境之中,(过)优裕的生活

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enough adv.

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scornful: adj. showing contempt or disrespect for

e.g. He felt humiliated by her scornful remarks.他因为听到她那些嘲讽的话而感到屈辱。He gave a scornful laugh at my proposal.他对我的建议轻蔑地一笑。

Collocation:be scornful of

e.g.He is scornful of the greed of others.他看不惯别人的贪心。

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Synonyms: contemptuous, disdainful

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mechanical: adj. 1) of or moved, worked, or produced by machinery

e.g.The new car had to be withdrawn from the market because of a mechanical defect.那种新汽车因有机械缺陷只好撤出市场。

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2) without thinking about what you are doing, especially because you do something often e.g. He was asked the same question so many times tha

t the answer became mechanical.同样的问题人们问得太多了,所以他的答案也是千篇一律。I was taught to read in a mechanical way.

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machine n.

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send for: ask sb. to request sb. else to come

e.g. The child is running a high fever. We must send for a doctor at once.孩子在发高烧,我们必须马上派人去请医生。There is something wrong with the TV. You have to send for someone to repair it.电视机坏了,你必须请人来修理。

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Synonym: call

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slot: n. a long narrow hole, especially one for putting coins into or for fitting a separate piece into

e.g. Pick up the receiver and deposit a coin in the slot.拿起听筒之后,放一个硬币在这个小口子里。I put my money in the slot and pressed the button but nothing came out.

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in no time: very quickly or very soon e.g. It’s all ready and I’ll get you something to eat in

no time.都准备好了,我马上给你们弄点吃的。We’ll have that leak fixed in no time.


quickly, soon

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superior:1) adj. better than average or better than other

people or things of the same type; higher in rank or social position than others

e.g. I’ll report you to your superior officer!我要把你的情况报告给你的上司!This is clearly the work of a superior artist. 这显然是出自一位优秀的艺术家之手的作品。

e.g. He always does what his superior tells him.他总是听从上级的命令。I will pass your complaint on to my superior.

2) n. a person or group of people who are higher in rank or social position than others

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Derivation:superiority n.



Collocation:be superior to: be better than or be of higher position than

e.g. For all babies, breastfeeding is far superior to bottle-feeding. 对于所有的婴儿来说 , 母乳喂养远胜于牛奶喂养。

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regular: adj. 1) happening or doing something often e.g. I am a regular reader of this newspaper.

我是这份报纸的长期读者。Top footballers make regular appearances on TV.

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2) usual or ordinary

e.g. He has very regular features.他五官端正。Her regular secretary was off sick for a week.I couldn’t see my regular dentist.

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Derivation:regularity n.


even; often; ordinary

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e.g. They are disputing about the rights and wrongs of the case.他们正在激烈争论这个事件的是非曲直。The question was hotly disputed among these scholars.

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1) vi. /vt. to argue about sth. esp. angrily and for a long time


dispute aboutdispute over


argue, debate

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2) n. an argument or disagreement, especially an official one between, for example, workers and employers or two countries with a common border

e.g. It’s a matter of dispute whether they did the right thing.他们做得对还是不对,这是有争议的。The two countries are involved in a border dispute.They have been unable to settle/resolve the dispute over working conditions.

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beyond (all) dispute: certainlye.g. He is beyond all dispute the finest actor in

Hollywood today.in dispute: being doubted I don’t think her ability is in dispute. What I question is her attitude.


open to dispute: not certain

He says it’s the best musical equipment you can buy, but I think that’s open to dispute.


Synonyms:argument, difference

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e.g. This kind of desk can be adjusted to the height you need.这种书桌的高低可以按照你的需要调节。Over the years, we all learned to adjust, to become more comfortable with each other, and to adapt to our new family arrangement.年复一年,我们都学会了调整自己,学会了彼此宽容,学会了适应我们新的家庭规则。

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1) vt. / vi. to change something slightly, especially to make it more correct, effective, or suitable

2) vt./vi. to arrange your clothing to make yourself look tidy

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3) vt. to become more familiar with a new situation

e.g.She adjusted her skirt, took a deep breath and walked into the room.

e.g.He can’t adjust himself to the busy life in this big city.他无法适应这个大都市的忙碌生活。I can’t adjust myself to living on my own.Her eyes are slowly adjusted to the dark.



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tuck: vt. put something into a safe or convenient place e.g. Tuck your gloves in your pocket so that you won’t lo

se them.把你的手套放进口袋里以免弄丢了。She had a doll tucked under her arm. 她腋下夹着一只布娃娃。Eventually I found the certificate tucked under a pile of old letters.

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collocation:tuck sb. in: to make someone comfortable in their bed, especially a child, by arranging the covers round them

e.g. He was asleep before I tucked him in.我还没来得及给他盖好被子,他就睡着了。

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light up:

e.g.The fire lit up her face.火光照亮了她的脸。A brilliant sun lit up their rooms.灿烂的阳光照亮了他们的屋子。

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e.g. The girl’s face lit up with joy when she saw her mother.那个女孩看到母亲时,脸上闪耀着喜悦之情。

1) (cause to) start to burn, give light to

2) cause to become bright with pleasure or excitement

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insert: vt. put something inside something else, or to add something, especially words, to something else e.g. She inserted the key into the lock.

她把钥匙插入锁中。I’ve filled in the form, but you still need to insert (= add) your bank details and date of birth.

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e.g. She sighed as she lay back on the bed.她在床上向后一躺,叹了口气。She looked out of the window, sighing for her lost youth.她看着窗外,为她失去的青春而惋惜。

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1) vi. to breathe out slowly and noisily, expressing tiredness, sadness, pleasure, etc.

2) n. a slow noisy breath

e.g. He gave a deep sigh and continued to work.他深深地叹了口气,又继续工作了。With a hopeless sigh, he turned away.他发出一声绝望的叹息,转身走开了。

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neighborhood: n. the area of a town that surrounds someone’s home, or the people who live in this area

e.g. The whole neighborhood praises him.周围的邻居都称赞他。You’ll find the hotel in the neighborhood.你会在附近找到这家旅店。

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Many single-child parents feel a stigma associated with their decision to have only one child.

Paraphrase: Many single-child families have a strong sense of shame in their decision to have only one child.



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… this may lead to the child feeling lonely at times, …?


lead to sb. doing sth.: cause sth. to happen to sb. or cause sb. to do sth.

Translation:……这样一种环境可能经常会让孩子感到孤独 ,……?

e.g. His actions could lead to him losing his job.

Paraphrase: … such a situation will probably result in the child having a sense of loneliness from time to time, …?

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They turned the pages, which were yellow and crinkly, and it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to on a screen, you know.


To modify verbs, we usually use adverbs. But with certain verbs, adjectives can be used. This aims to describe the subject of the sentence, not the action. Verbs of this kind are be, seem, appear, look, go, sound, taste, feel, smell, stand, etc.

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Paraphrase: The kids opened the yellow and crinkly book, and found it very interesting that all the words are motionless, quite contrary to what they were expected to on a screen, you know.

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He smiled at Margie and gave her an apple, then took the teacher apart.


He smiled at Margie and gave her an apple, then dissembled the teacher apart.

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He walked away whistling, the dusty old book tucked beneath his arm.

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Activity: Story Retelling

Direction: Retell the story from Paragraphs 1-30 by using the following words.

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head, crinkly, be supposed to, plenty, scornful, mechanical, send for, in no time, superior, regular, dispute, adjust, tuck

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Activity: Sentence Making

Direction : You are supposed to make sentences by using the following words.

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light up, insert, sigh, neighborhood

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Phrase practice

Word / Phrase comparison

Synonym / Antonym

Word derivation

Vocabulary Translation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWriting ListeningGrammar

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be through with = have sth. finished 完成

Vocabulary Translation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWriting ListeningGrammar

e.g. Are you through with the thesis? 你的论文写完了么?She was through with him long ago. 她跟他的关系早就结束了。

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look over one’s shoulder = by looking from behind one’s shoulder 回头看

e.g. Do not look over one’s shoulder while listening. 听别人说话的时候,回头看是不礼貌的。

Vocabulary Translation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWriting ListeningGrammar

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take … apart =dissemble 拆开;粗暴对待

e.g. The little boy took the TV set apart with a screwdriver. 小男孩用一把螺丝刀拆开了电视机。

Vocabulary Translation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWriting ListeningGrammar

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be prepared to = like / want to 想要做

e.g. I’m not prepared to live here anymore, since the room is terribly dirty.因为这个房间太脏了,我再也不准备住这儿了。All the parties should be prepared to negotiate in this situation. 在这种情况下,各方都需要做好协商的准备。

Vocabulary Translation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWriting ListeningGrammar

Page 60: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

entitle: to give a title to a book

e.g. His latest novel, entitled “The Forgotten Sex”, is out this week.

Group 1

tag: if you tag something, you attach something to it or mark it so that it can be identified later e.g. Let's tag the disks now or else we will forget

which is which.

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Page 61: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

label: to use a word or phrase to describe someone or something, but often unfairly or incorrectlye.g. If you spend any time in prison, you will

labeled as a criminal for the rest of your life.

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head: if a page is headed with a particular name, title, image, etc. it has it on the top e.g. The page was headed “Expenses”.


Group 1

Page 62: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

scornful: if you are scornful of someone or something, you show contempt for them e.g. He is deeply scornful of politicians.

Group 2

proud: feeling pleased about something that you have done or something that you own, or about someone or something you are involved with or ine.g.Her parents are very proud of her.

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Group 2

afraid: if you are afraid of someone or afraid to do something, you are frightened because you think that something very unpleasant is going to happen to you

e.g. I was afraid of the other boys.

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sorrowful: very sad

e.g.With a sorrowful sigh she folded the letter and put it away.


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Group 3

technical: a technical language is the one that is difficult for most people to understand because it is connected with one particular subject or used in one particular job

e.g. If possible, a doctor should avoid using technical terms when talking to patients.

mechanical: describing machines or their parts

e.g. The plane appeared to have crashed because of a mechanical problem.

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Page 65: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

logical: seeming reasonable and sensible

e.g. It is a logical site for a new supermarket, with the housing development nearby.

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sentimental: relating to or involving feelings such as pity or love, especially for things in the past e.g. Our paintings and photographs are of a

sentimental value only.


Group 3

Page 66: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

code: a set of rules which are accepted as general principles, or a set of written rules which state how people in a particular organization or country should behave

e.g.Clinics will be subject to a new code of conduct and stronger controls by local authorities.

discipline: the practice of making people obey rules or standards of behavior, and punishing them when they do not

e.g. Children have to obey the discinples.

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Group 4

Page 67: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

key: the part of a plan, action, etc. that will make it possible for it to succeed

e.g. Working well as a team is key to success.

principle: a basic idea or rule that explains or controls how something happens or works

e.g. The most important principle is the equal opportunity for all.

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Group 4

Page 68: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

number: to give a number to something that is part of an ordered set or list

e.g.They have not numbered the pages of the report.

calculate: to judge the number or amount of something by using the information that you already have, and adding, multiplying, subtracting or dividing numbers

e.g.The new tax system would be calculated on the value of property owned by an individual.

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Group 5

Page 69: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

figure: to calculate an amount

e.g.I am still figuring my taxes.

estimate: If you estimate a quantity or value, you make an approximate judgment or calculation of it.

e.g. I estimate that the total cost for treatment will be $12,500.

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Group 5

Page 70: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

point: one of the marks or numbers that shows your score in a game or sport

e.g. He is three points behind the leader.

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score: the number of points, goals, etc. achieved in a game or competition

e.g. Have you heard of the latest cricket score?


Group 6

Page 71: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

mark: a point that is given for a correct answer or for doing something well in an exam or competition

e.g.He did well to get such a good mark.

number: one of a series of symbols used in counting, which is used to mark a particular example of something

e.g. Please write your credit card number on this form.

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Group 6

Page 72: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

superior: used to describe someone who believes that they are better than other people and acts in such a way

e.g.I can’t bear Amanda — she’s so superior.

lofty: if you say that someone behaves in a lofty way, you are criticizing them for behaving in a proud and rather unpleasant way, as if they think they are very important

e.g. She has such a lofty manner.

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Group 7

Page 73: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

advanced: modern and well developede.g. This is the most advanced type of engine


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stupid: if you say that someone or something is stupid, you mean that they show a lack of good judgment or intelligence and they are not sensible at all e.g. I’ll never do anything so stupid again.


Group 7

Page 74: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

wise: a wise person is able to use their experience and knowledge in order to make sensible decisions and judgments

e.g. She has the air of a wise woman.

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smart: intelligent or sensible

e.g. The smart kids get good grades and go off to the college.


Group 8

Page 75: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

modern: made or done using the most recent designs or methods

e.g. A lot of progress has been made with the use of modern technology.

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intelligent: being able to learn and understand things easily

e.g. Helen had a few intelligent things to say on the subject.


Group 8

Page 76: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

moving, movable, mobile, restless

Give synonyms or antonyms of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.1. Today Tommy found a real book.

Synonyms:actual, genuine, true

2. They turned the pages, which were yellow and crinkly, and it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to — on a screen, you know.


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3. They turned the pages, which were yellow and crinkly, and it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to — on a screen, you know.

Synonyms:rough, coarse, uneven

4. Margie always hated school, but now she hated it more than ever.

Antonyms:like, love, enjoy

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5. Margie was scornful.

Synonyms:disdainful, contemptuous

6. Tommy looked at her with very superior eyes.

Antonyms:inferior, subordinate, secondary

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7. “Maybe,” he said nonchalantly.

Synonyms:indifferently, coldly, coolly, casually, offhandedly

8. Little girls learned better if they learned at regular hours.

Antonyms:irregular, uncertain, random

Page 80: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Fill in the blank(s) in each sentence with an appropriate form of the given word in brackets.

1. It’s quite to ask him again. He’ll never agree. (point)


2. No, this is not the original; it’s a good , though. (produce)


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Page 81: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

3. We’d better go by train. The car is too for such a long journey. (rely)

4. Thanks to your we have now collected the money we need. (generous)



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Fill in the blank(s) in each sentence with an appropriate form of the given word in brackets.

Page 82: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

5. Jenny has sent me a very letter

explaining why she didn’t do what she had

promised. (apology)

6. You must realize that such cannot be tolerated. (obey)


disobedience _______________

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Fill in the blank(s) in each sentence with an appropriate form of the given word in brackets.

Page 83: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

7. I have never worked for such a considerate employer; I think all the other have the same opinion

(employ)8. Without your he would never

have been able to do it. (courage)


encouragement __________________

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Fill in the blank(s) in each sentence with an appropriate form of the given word in brackets.

Page 84: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

point (n.) 点,要点,尖端,细节,目标pointless (adj.) 不尖的,钝的,不得要领的pointy (adj.) 非常尖的,有明显尖状突出部分的

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e.g. This point is no leeway for dispute. 这一点是没有争论的余地的。

He heaped scorn on painting and sculpture which he described as pointless pastimes. 他嘲笑绘画和雕塑,称它们为无意义的消遣。


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2. produce (v.)生产,提出,引起,生产 product (n.) 产品,成果 production (n.) 生产,产品,产量,作品,成果 productivity (n.) 生产率,生产能力 productive (adj.) 能生产的,有生产价值的,多产的 reproduce (v.) 复制,再生,生殖 reproduction (n.) 复制品,复制,繁殖,生殖

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e.g. Can water turn into wine? How can earth and water produce a live frog! 水能变成酒吗 ? 泥土与水何以能制造出一只活生生的青蛙 ?

During the most productive time in her career, she wrote five novels. 在她创作生涯中最多产的时期,她写了五本小说。

We need to build a sales force with high productivity. 我们必须建立一支高产能的销售队伍。

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3. rely (v.)依赖,依靠 reliable (adj.) 可靠地,可信的 reliability (n.) 可靠性 unreliable (adj.) 不可靠的 unreliability (n.) 不可靠性,不安全性

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e.g. The only man a girl can rely on is her father . 一个女孩唯一可以依赖一生的男人就是她的父亲。

I don’t think he is a reliable man. 我不认为他是一个可靠的人。

That he always failed to appear raises serious doubts as to his reliability. 他一直未露面,实在使人怀疑他是否可靠。

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4. generous (adj.)慷慨的,宽宏大量的,丰盛的,味浓的 generousness (n.) 慷慨,宽大,丰富,肥沃 generosity (n.) 慷慨,大方

e.g. The generous man receives more than he gives. 大方的人得到的比给予的多。

If children live with sharing, they learn generosity. 如果生活在分享之中,孩子们将学会慷慨。


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In my judgment, we should accept their apology. 依我看,我们应该接受他们的道歉。

I apologize for what happened. 我为所发生的事情道歉。

He spoke in an apologetic voice. 他说话充满歉意。

5. apology (n.) 道歉;勉强的替代物 apologize (v.) 道歉,谢罪 apologetic (adj.) 道歉的,认错的,赔罪的

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6. obey (v.) 服从,听从,顺从 obedient (adj.) 服从的,顺从的 obedience (n.) 服从,顺从 disobedient (adj.) 不服从的,不顺从的 disobedience (n.) 不服从,违抗

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e.g. You must obey her without question. 你必须绝对服从她的命令。

“I only wish to have three obedient boys.” answered the mother. “ 我只想要三个听话的孩子,”母亲回答。

His father beat the disobedient boy. 父亲打了那个不听话的孩子 .

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I employ all my energies in writing. 我把我的全部精力用于写作。

He has no permanent employment. 他没有固定的工作。

Lack of job opportunities results in severe unemployment. 工作机会的缺乏导致严重的失业。

7. employ ( v.)雇佣,使用 employee (n.) 雇员 employer (n.) 雇主 employment (n.) 职业,雇佣,使用 unemployment (n.) 失业率,失业人数 unemploy (v.) 解雇,使失业

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Courage is grace under pressure. 勇气是压力下的风度。

A courageous man never wants weapons. 勇敢之人从来不需要武器。

Teachers should discourage their students from smoking and drinking. 教师应劝阻学生吸烟喝酒。

8. courage (n.) 勇敢,胆量 courageous (adj.) 勇敢的 discourage (v.) 使气馁,阻碍 discouraged (adj.) 泄气的,沮丧的 discouragement (n.) 挫折

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My mother always speaks words of cheer to me when I feel discouraged. 每当我觉得气馁的时候,我母亲总会对我说安慰鼓励的话。

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Page 94: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Generic reference and specific reference of a/an, the

“Go to school” or “go to the school”

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Page 95: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Generic reference and specific reference of a/an, the

We usually use “the” when we talk about things that are unique: the sun, the sky, etc, and about things that are context specific and are known by both the speaker and the listener. If we want to describe a particular instance of these we can use “a/an”.

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I could see the plane (context specific, both the speaker and the listener know about the plane that is mentioned) high up in the sky (unique). When I woke up there was a bright blue sky (an instance).


Page 96: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

1. Renaissance was the period of the revival of classical art and literature in the 14th to 16th centuries.

2. English has become international language of business.

3. Within a day of washing, my hair starts to feel greasy. I have yet to find shampoo to solve this problem.

PracticePut in a/an or the where necessary.




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4. Do you remember when Mark and Julie came over and had that terrible row? That was day I wouldn’t want to go through again.

5. I couldn’t go to Jane’s party. It was day I was babysitting for Derek and Linda.

6. I know the meeting will be on Sunday in June, but I don’t know the exact date yet.




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Page 98: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

“Go to school" or "go to the school” A/an, the and zero articles can all be used in set

collocations or fixed collocations and idioms. Caution that collocations with different choices of articles can mean differently.

e.g. A man is standing in the front of the house. (The man is in the house.)A tree is standing in front of the house. (The tree is outside the house.)I go to school every day. (=I go to the school to study every day.)I went to the school today. (=Today I went to some place and that place was a school.)

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Page 99: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

1. He sleeps during day and works at night.

2. It is cold outside. Put on your sweater or you will

catch cold.3. We heard the news on radio. They

watched the news on television. 4. He was very religious. He used to go to

church every Sunday. 5. He couldn’t wait any longer. He decided to go to church to find her himself. 6. He was the officer in charge of the


PracticePut in the where necessary.



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Page 100: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

1. a unique event in history

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2. unique and context specific

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3. a kind of shampoo

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4. an instance

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5. context specific, both the speaker and the listener know which day

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6. one

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Page 106: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

1. 一个由外交部长率领的政府代表团昨天抵达南非,开始对该国进行为期 3天的友好访问。 (head)

If you head a group of people (sometimes followed by up), you go at the head of or in front of them or you are the head or chief of them: e.g. to head a school; to head up a department. When you head something, you direct the course of sth. or turn the head or front of in a specified direction.Yesterday a government delegation headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in South Africa and began a three-day friendly visit to the country.

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Translate the following sentences into English.

Page 107: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Practice : Translate the following sentence into English.我们看见他向我们走来 , 就让到一边。

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We saw him heading for us, so we stepped aside.

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2. 小张的母亲前天突然病倒,他赶紧派人去请医生。 (send for)

To send for sb. is to request someone to come by sending them a message.

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Xiao Zhang’s mother fell ill the day before yesterday; he sent for a doctor immediately.

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Practice : Translate the following sentence into English. 静脉注射液快要输完了,我要准备叫护士来了。

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I’m going to send for a nurse, as the intravenous drip will run out soon.

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3. 在这个信息爆炸的时代,我们必须不断努力更新知识, 才能适应工作的需要。 (become adjusted to)

If you become adjusted to something or a place, you get used to it.

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In this era of information explosion, we have to make constant efforts to renew our knowledge. Only thus can we become adjusted to the requirement of our work.

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Practice :Translate the following sentence into English. 去适应一个腐朽的社会也是心理健康的表现么?

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Is becoming well-adjusted to a sick society a sign of good mental health?

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4. 那男孩把衬衫塞到裤腰里,将皮包夹在腋下,看上去俨然一副老板样。 (tuck)

To tuck is to make one or more folds in or to gather up and fold, thrust, or turn in so as to secure or confine.

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With his shirt tucked into the top of his trousers and a leather bag under his arm, the boy looks just like a boss.

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Practice : Translate the following sentences into English.俗语说:“夹紧尾巴做人。”


As the saying goes, “Behave yourself and tuck your tail between your legs.” 

When you go for a walk in the countryside, remember to tuck a plastic bag in your bag.

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Fill in the blanks

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DictationYou will hear a passage read three times. At the first reading, you should listen carefully for its general idea. At the second reading, you are required to write down the exact words you have just heard (with proper punctuation). At the third reading, you should check what you have written down.

Page 116: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Dictation Children learn almost nothing from television, / and the more they watch, / the less they remember. / They regard television purely as entertainment, / resent programs that make demands on them / and are surprised that anybody should take the medium seriously. / Far from being over-excited by programs, / they are mildly bored with the whole thing. / These are the main conclusions from a new study of children and television. / Its author confirms / that the modern child is a dedicated viewer. / The study suggests / that there is little point in the television company’s attempts / to isolate adult viewing in the later hours. / More than a third of the children regularly watched their programs after 9 p.m. / All 11-year-olds had watched programs after midnight.

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Page 117: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate. What (1) it is to jump into a pool or go swimming in a river in summer! How joyful and relaxing it is to have a (2) of table tennis after a day of study at school! And how exciting it is to play or (3) a close game of basketball or volleyball! All over the world (4) of people take part in different kinds of sports. Sports are perhaps the most (5) form of relaxation that almost all can enjoy, no matter (6) they are, boys or girls, men or women, young or old.

fun ____

game ______

millions ________

watch ______

who _____

popular ________

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Page 118: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Some people seem to think that sports and games are unimportant things that people do (7) times when they are not working, instead of going to the cinema, listening to the (8) , or sleeping. But in fact sports and games can be of great (9) , especially to people who work with their brains. They should not be treated only as (10) .

at ___

value ______


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Page 119: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

fun ____

What (1) it is to jump into a pool or go swimming in a river in summer! How joyful and relaxing it is to have a (2) of table tennis after a day of study at school! And how exciting it is to play or (3) a close game of basketball or volleyball! All over the world (4) of people take part in different kinds of sports. Sports are perhaps the most (5) form of relaxation that almost all can enjoy, no matter (6) they are, boys or girls, men or women, young or old.

Here you can use a noun meaning “joy” so that this sentence can have the similar meaning with the following sentence.

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game ______

millions ________

watch ______

who _____

popular ________

Page 120: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

This word collocates with “table tennis”.

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fun ____

What (1) it is to jump into a pool or go swimming in a river in summer! How joyful and relaxing it is to have a (2) of table tennis after a day of study at school! And how exciting it is to play or (3) a close game of basketball or volleyball! All over the world (4) of people take part in different kinds of sports. Sports are perhaps the most (5) form of relaxation that almost all can enjoy, no matter (6) they are, boys or girls, men or women, young or old.

game ______

millions ________

watch ______

who _____

popular ________

Page 121: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

fun ____

What (1) it is to jump into a pool or go swimming in a river in summer! How joyful and relaxing it is to have a (2) of table tennis after a day of study at school! And how exciting it is to play or (3) a close game of basketball or volleyball! All over the world (4) of people take part in different kinds of sports. Sports are perhaps the most (5) form of relaxation that almost all can enjoy, no matter (6) they are, boys or girls, men or women, young or old.

game ______

millions ________

watch ______

who _____

popular ________

fun ____

This word collocates with “game of basketball or volleyball”. If you do not play the game of basketball or volleyball, what esle could you do?

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Page 122: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

fun ____

What (1) it is to jump into a pool or go swimming in a river in summer! How joyful and relaxing it is to have a (2) of table tennis after a day of study at school! And how exciting it is to play or (3) a close game of basketball or volleyball! All over the world (4) of people take part in different kinds of sports. Sports are perhaps the most (5) form of relaxation that almost all can enjoy, no matter (6) they are, boys or girls, men or women, young or old.

game ______

millions ________

watch ______

who _____

popular ________

This word is used to describe that the number of sports fans is huge.

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Page 123: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

fun ____

What (1) it is to jump into a pool or go swimming in a river in summer! How joyful and relaxing it is to have a (2) of table tennis after a day of study at school! And how exciting it is to play or (3) a close game of basketball or volleyball! All over the world (4) of people take part in different kinds of sports. Sports are perhaps the most (5) form of relaxation that almost all can enjoy, no matter (6) they are, boys or girls, men or women, young or old.

game ______

millions ________

watch ______

who _____

popular ________

This adjective is used to describe something that is enjoyed or liked by a lot of people.

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Page 124: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

fun ____

What (1) it is to jump into a pool or go swimming in a river in summer! How joyful and relaxing it is to have a (2) of table tennis after a day of study at school! And how exciting it is to play or (3) a close game of basketball or volleyball! All over the world (4) of people take part in different kinds of sports. Sports are perhaps the most (5) form of relaxation that almost all can enjoy, no matter (6) they are, boys or girls, men or women, young or old.

game ______

millions ________

watch ______

who _____

popular ________

Here you can use a word to lead a confessional adverbial clause.

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Page 125: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Some people seem to think that sports and games are unimportant things that people do (7) times when they are not working, instead of going to the cinema, listening to the (8) , or sleeping. But in fact sports and games can be of great (9) , especially to people who work with their brains. They should not be treated only as (10) .

at ___

value ______



This is a phrase with the word “times”. It is used to say that something happens or is true on some occasions at some moments.

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Page 126: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Some people seem to think that sports and games are unimportant things that people do (7) times when they are not working, instead of going to the cinema, listening to the (8) , or sleeping. But in fact sports and games can be of great (9) , especially to people who work with their brains. They should not be treated only as (10) .

at ___

value ______



This word collocates with “listen to”. What do the people do when they do not work?

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Page 127: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Some people seem to think that sports and games are unimportant things that people do (7) times when they are not working, instead of going to the cinema, listening to the (8) , or sleeping. But in fact sports and games can be of great (9) , especially to people who work with their brains. They should not be treated only as (10) .

at ___

value ______



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You can use a word to emphasize that the sports and games are important and useful.

Page 128: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Some people seem to think that sports and games are unimportant things that people do (7) times when they are not working, instead of going to the cinema, listening to the (8) , or sleeping. But in fact sports and games can be of great (9) , especially to people who work with their brains. They should not be treated only as (10) .

at ___

value ______



Here you can use a noun meaning “pleasure”.

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Page 129: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

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Giving a talk

Making a dialogue

Page 130: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Giving a talk Some day when you’re 90 years old, you will likely tell your grandchildren about the school you went to in your childhood. Undoubtedly the school your grandchildren go to will be almost totally different from yours. Describe to them your teachers, the way you were taught, the way you learned, the way you did your homework, your textbooks and examinations, etc. You could probably begin your description with “I began my school at the age of six. I still remember the school I went to was a very large one in the suburbs of our city.”

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Page 131: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

1) You may want to use the following words or expressions in your talk:

For your reference

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real book, printed textbook, exercise books, real teacher, classmates, blackboard, chalk, classroom, teaching building, communication, interaction, answer the questions in class, paper-and-pencil examination

Page 132: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

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— My classmates and I have fun in the garden and in the playground of the school.

— Face-to-face communication between teachers and

students is impressive and unforgettable.

2) You may want to express the following feelings to your grandchildren:

— Everything can be seen, smelled, touched and felt. Everything is real and vivid.

Page 133: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Making a dialogue Invite one of your fellow students to make a dialogue, imagining that you were Tommy and Margie and were talking about your likes and dislikes about your school life.

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Page 134: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

A dialogue for reference:

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Tommy: Hi, Margie, what’s up? You don’t look good.

Margie: Oh, terrible! I failed in my arithmetic test. The mechanical teacher gave me “F” again. I hate test! I hate school!

Tommy: Take it easy, Margie. Well, I think school is not so bad. You see, we have our regular lessons hours, and if we are sick, we can arrange the study time by ourselves. I think the mechanical teacher is kind and powerful. When I input a keyword to search for something, he can give me thousands of references at once.

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Margie: Kind? When I am nervous about the exam and when I have difficulty in my arithmetic lessons, he never smiles at me and encourages me! Of course, he can’t! He is just a machine! I really hope that there would have a real teacher, I mean, a real person, and … er … a lot of classmates. We can study and have fun together. How wonderful!

Tommy: Poor litter Margie. Don’t be so angry. Come here. Let me help you with your lesson.

Margie: Thanks, Tommy.Tommy: You are welcome.

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Run-on sentences and comma splices


Page 137: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

1 . Run-on Sentences A run-on sentence is a sentence that actually has two or more sentences combined into one without a punctuation mark or a sentence connector. Run-on Sentences can rarely be understood on first reading, and they are never acceptable in standard written English.Example: Run-on: The cat jumped from step to step it gracefully landed with each jump. Correct: The cat jumped from step to step; it gracefully landed with each jump. Generally, run-on sentences can be corrected in the following ways:

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Page 138: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

e.g.B. Add a subordinating conjunction.

Since our foreign policy is not well defined, it confuses many countries.


C. Add a full stop and capitalize the beginning of the latter sentence.

Our foreign policy is not well defined. It confuses many countries.

e.g.A. Add a coordinating conjunction.

Our foreign policy is not well defined and it confuses many countries.

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Page 139: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

2. Comma Splices


D. Add a semicolon.

Our foreign policy is not well defined; it confuses many countries.

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A comma splice is one of the common errors that inexperienced writers make — separating independent clauses by only a comma and a conjunctive adverb or a transitional phrase. Conjunctive adverbs include such words as furthermore, however, and moreover; transitional phrases are expressions such as in fact and for example.

Page 140: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Example:Comma splice: Learning a new language is like learning to swim, it takes a lot of practice.Correct: Learning a new language is like learning to swim and it takes a lot of practice.Like the run-on sentences, a comma splice can be corrected in the following ways:Run-on: The examination was finally over, Becky felt free to enjoy herself once more.

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Page 141: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books


B. Keep the comma and add a subordinating conjunction.

Since the examination was finally over, Becky felt free to enjoy herself once more.


A. Keep the comma and add a coordinating conjunction.

The examination was finally over, and Becky felt free to enjoy herself once more.

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Page 142: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books


D. Replace the comma with a semicolon.

The examination was finally over; Becky felt free to enjoy herself once more.


C. Replace the comma with a full stop and capitalize the beginning of the latter sentence.

The examination was finally over. Becky felt free to enjoy herself once more.

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Page 143: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

PracticeCorrect the following run-on sentences or

comma splices in the ways suggested above.

1. It is easy to do a good deed once, it is difficult to do

good deeds all one’s life.

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Although/Though/While it is easy to do a good deed once, it is difficult to do good deeds all one’s life. [Add a subordinating conjunction.]

Page 144: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

2. Einstein is famous for E=mc². Edison is famous for the invention of the light bulb.

3. All over the country, people sell products over the Internet, these people are making impressive profits.

Vocabulary Grammar Translation Integrated skillsOral activitiesWriting Listening

Einstein is famous for E=mc²; Edison is famous for the invention of the light bulb. [Add a semicolon.]

All over the country, people sell products over the Internet. These people are making impressive profits. [Replace the comma with a full stop and capitalize the beginning of the latter sentence.]

Page 145: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

4. It is reported that graduate students’ salaries are not as high as expected, some cannot earn as much as university students.

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It is reported that graduate students’ salaries are not as high as expected and some cannot earn as much as university students. [Add a coordinating conjunction.]

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5. Mother’s Day is always on a Sunday, Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday.

Mother’s Day is always on a Sunday. Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday. [Replace the comma with a full stop and capitalize the beginning of the latter sentence.]

Page 147: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

From Television Back to GamesYou are going to hear a small talk in which the speaker compares television with board games.

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A. Listen carefully. Supply the missing words. For each blank you need to write three words.

Page 148: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

In a society where every one is to be able to spend a lot of money on entertainment, most of us end up with either a television or spending time with our family and friends of some kind. While television is probably the most popular form there is a small group of us who still believe board games offer offer us a variety of ways to and most importantly, to

so fortunate as ________________

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in front of ___________

playing a game _________________

of home entertainment __________________________,the most enjoyment

to learn new information test your skills________________ , bring us together






Page 149: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Instead of watching television , people are finding that board games give us the outlet to test our against each other. They are putting away and giving up their “ ” , and gathering around for an exciting game. I would much pretend that , playing for , rather than watch someone else on pretending to be one. , less expensive, and best of all, I spend the time with people.

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all the time_____________

skills and knowledge _______________________

their remote controls _______________________ Executive Couch Potato the kitchen table ___________________

I’m a millionaire__________________

the high stakes________________

a grass tube ______________ It’s more exciting ____________________

real and interesting ______________________



Page 150: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

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B. Listen again and complete the following chart, which shows the difference between television and board games.

Television Board Games

Sources ofinformation

Television is one of our  , but for a lot of the time it is not


Board games are set up to offer , such as

in a way that makes you and lets you choose  .e.g. Trivial Pursuit

best sources of _________________

information _____________

the kind of _____________

information that you want or need 



a variety of ______________


geography, vocabulary, or financial investment 



want to learn ______________

what you learn ________________

Page 151: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

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Television Board Games


You are forced to become when watching television.e.g.

Board games with   ahead, letting you use your  to win the game.e.g. , Trump

a passive spectator

Game show____________

test your skills and knowledge a particular outcome ______________________


ideas and strategies______________________





Page 152: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

for thewhole family

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Television Board Games


is nice, but it’s very difficult to find a show on .

Playing a board game

, not only , but also .e.g. How to Host a Murder

Getting the family together to watch a show on television




gives you the chance to learn about the subject ____________________

about each other ___________________





Page 153: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

From Television Back to Games In a society where every one is so fortunate as to be able to spend a lot of money on entertainment, most of us end up with either in front of a television or spending time with our family and friends playing a game of some kind. While television is probably the most popular form of home entertainment, there is a small group of us who still believe board games offer the most enjoyment. They offer us a variety of ways to learn new information, to test our skills, and most importantly, to bring us together.

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Page 154: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Television is one of our best sources of information, but a lot of times it is not the kind of information that you want or need. The commercials for instance always insult your intelligence. On the other hand, board games are set up to offer a variety of information, which can cover subjects such as geography, vocabulary, or financial investment. All of this information is offered in a way that makes you want to learn and lets you choose what you learn. I have acquired more information about history, geography, and science from “Trivial Pursuit” alone than I have ever been able to get from the boring way they are presented on television.

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Page 155: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Added to the benefits of learning new information, board games test your skills and knowledge with a particular outcome ahead. They let you use your ideas and strategies to win the game. Whether you are trying to get your opponent’s king in chess or trying to make the most money in “Trump,” there is an outcome which you brought about with these ideas and strategies. However, you are forced to become a passive spectator when watching television. In some cases a program might be produced to stimulate your thought processes, but it doesn't offer you an outlet for following through with your ideas, such as the useless concept of the game show for entertainment.

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Page 156: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Still the most important difference between television and the board game is the interaction with others. Getting the family together to watch a show on television is nice; that is, if you can find a show on for the whole family. But playing a board game gives you the chance to learn, not only about the subject, but also about each other. Everyone is different, with their own views and unique ways of handling situations, giving each game a different outcome. One of the nicest parties I ever attended was one where we played a murder-mystery game called “How to Host a Murder.” We never knew what to expect next, and it was a wonderful way to get to know everyone.

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Page 157: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Instead of watching television all the time, people are finding that board games give us the outlet to test our skills and knowledge against each other. They are putting their remote controls away and giving up their “Executive Couch Potato” status, and gathering around the kitchen table for an exciting game. I would much rather pretend that I’m a millionaire, playing for the high stakes, rather than watch someone else on a glass tube pretending to be one. It’s more exciting, less expensive, and best of all, I spend the time with real and interesting people.

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Text II Memorable quotes

Lead-in questions


Questions for discussion

Page 159: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Lead-in questions1. What kind of weird jobs do you know that people can make a living at? 2. Do you find those jobs appealing? Why or why not?

Text II Memorable quotes

Page 160: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

The Laugher

1. When someone asks me what business I am in, I am seized with embarrassment: I blush and stammer, I who am otherwise known as a man of poise. I envy people who can say: I am a bricklayer. I envy barbers, bookkeepers and writers the simplicity of their avowal, for all these professions speak for themselves and need no lengthy explanation, which I am constrained to reply to such questions: I am a laugher. An admission of this kind demands another, since I have to answer the second question “Is that how you make your living?” Truthfully with

Text II Memorable quotes

Heinrich Böll

Page 161: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

“Yes,” I actually do make a living at my laughing, and a good one too, for my laughing is — commercially speaking — much in demand. I am a good laugher, experienced, no one else laughs as well as I do, no one else has such command of the fine points of my art. For a long time, in order to avoid tiresome explanations, I called myself an actor, but my talents in the field of mime and elocution are so meager that I felt this designation to be too far from the truth: I love the truth, and the truth is: I am a laugher. I am neither a clown nor a comedian, I do not make people gay, I portray gaiety: I laugh like a Roman emperor, or like a sensitive schoolboy, I am as much at home in the laughter of the seventeenth

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century as in that of the nineteenth, and when occasion demands I laugh my way through all the centuries, all classes of society, all categories of age — it is simply a skill which I have acquired, like the skill of being able to repair shoes. In my breast I harbor the laugher of America, the laughter of Africa, white, red, yellow laughter — and for the right fee I let it peal out in accordance with the director’s requirements.2. I have become indispensable; I laugh on records, I laugh on tape, and television directors treat me with respect. I laugh mournfully, moderately, hysterically; I laugh like a streetcar conductor or like a helper in the grocery business; laughter in the morning, laughter in the evening, nocturnal laughter and the laughter of twilight.

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Page 163: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

In short: wherever and however laughter is required — I do it.3. It need hardly be pointed out that a profession of this kind is tiring, especially as I have also — this is my specialty — mastered the art of infectious laughter; his has also made me indispensable to third- and fourth-rate comedians, who are scared — and with good reason—that their audiences will miss their punch lines, so I spend most evenings in night clubs as a kind of discreet claque, my job being to laugh infectiously during the weaker parts of the program. It has to be carefully timed: my hearty, boisterous laughter must not come too soon, but neither must it come too late, it must come just at the right spot: at the prearranged moment I burst out laughing, the whole audience roars with me, and the joke is saved.

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4. But as for me, I drag myself exhausted to the checkroom, put on my overcoat, happy that I can go off duty at last. At home I usually find telegrams waiting for me: “Urgently require your laughter. Recording Tuesday.” and a few hours later I am sitting in an overheated express train bemoaning my fate.5. I need scarcely say that when I am off duty or on vacation I have little inclination to laugh: the cowhand is glad when he can forget the cow, the bricklayer when he can forget the mortar, and carpenters usually have doors at home which don’t work or drawers which are hard to open. Confectioners like sour pickles, butchers like marzipan, and the baker prefers sausage to bread; bullfighters raise pigeons for a hobby, boxers turn pale when their children have nosebleeds:

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I find all this quite natural, for I never laugh off duty. I am a very solemn person, and people consider me — perhaps rightly so — a pessimist.6. During the first years of our married life, my wife would often say to me: “Do laugh!” but since then she has come to realize that I cannot grant her this wish. I am happy when I am free to relax my tense face muscles, my frayed spirit, in profound solemnity. Indeed, even other people’s laughter gets on my nerves, since it reminds me too much of my profession. So our marriage is a quiet, peaceful one, because my wife has also forgotten how to laugh: now and again I catch her smiling, and I smile too. We converse in low tones, for I detest the noise of the night clubs, the noise that sometimes fills the recording studios.

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People who do not know me think I am taciturn. Perhaps I am, because I have to open my mouth so often to laugh.7. I go through life with an impassive expression, from time to time permitting myself a gentle smile, and I often wonder whether I have ever laughed. I think not. My brothers and sisters have always known me for a serious boy.8. So I laugh in many different ways, but my own laughter I have never heard.

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Page 167: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Heinrich Böll (1917—1985) is a German novelist and Nobel laureate. Boll’s fiction is an uncompromising, yet compassionate, survey of modern Germany, depicting the absurdity of war and the dehumanization of the individual.

Text II Memorable quotes

Page 168: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

I envy barbers, bookkeepers and writers the simplicity of their avowal, … (Paragraph 1): I am jealous of barbers, bookkeepers and writers, who can openly tell people what they are, … The verb “envy” can be followed by two objects: the direct object and the indirect object. The indirect object usually refers to a person, and often comes first.

Text II Memorable quotes

e.g. I don’t envy you your journey in this bad weather.

However, the indirect object can also be put after the direct object, with a preposition in between. This happens particularly when the direct object is much shorter than the indirect object, or when we want to lay special emphasis on the indirect object.e.g. He envied Rosalind for her youth and


Page 169: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Text II Memorable quotes

avowal: (an) open declaration or act of admitting


She made (an) avowal of her ambition to be a movie star.

Page 170: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

speak for themselves (Paragraph 1): show sth. so clearly that no explanation is necessary

Text II Memorable quotes


The company has had a very good year: the figures speak for themselves.

Page 171: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

at home in (Paragraph 1): happy or confident about doing or using sth.

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By the end of the week she was beginning to feel at home in her new job.

Page 172: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

In my breast I harbor the laughter of America, the laughter of Africa, white, red, yellow laughter … (Paragraph 1): I have acquired the skill of imitating the laughter of people of different nationalities …

Text II Memorable quotes

Page 173: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

let it peal out in accordance with the director (Paragraph 1): The phrase peal out is “to say sth. loudly.” Here the author means that he laughs loudly according to the director’s requirements.

Text II Memorable quotes

Page 174: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

indispensable (Paragraph 2): too important or useful to live without

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A diving suit is a piece of equipment that modern divers regard as indispensable.She is good but not indispensable for the team.

Page 175: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

infectious laughter (Paragraph 3): Infectious laughter spreads quickly from one person to another.

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Her giggles were infectious and soon we were all laughing.

Page 176: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

punch lines (Paragraph 3): the last few words of a joke or story that give meaning to the whole and cause amusement or surprise

Text II Memorable quotes

e.g. The punch line for the joke “How do you

know an elephant has been in your fridge?” is “You can see its footprints in the butter!”

Page 177: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

claque (Paragraph 3): a group of people hired to give support by clapping at a performance

Text II Memorable quotes

Page 178: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

bemoaning my fate (Paragraph 4): complaining about my fate

Text II Memorable quotes

Page 179: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

marzipan (Paragraph 5): a sweet paste made of ground almonds and sugar, often with egg whites or yolks, used as a layer in cakes or molded into ornamental shapes

Text II Memorable quotes

Page 180: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

gets on my nerves (Paragraph 6): annoys me, esp. by repeatedly doing sth.

Text II Memorable quotes


Her constant moaning really gets on my nerves.

Page 181: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Questions for discussion

1. Why does the narrator envy such professions as bankers, bookkeepers and writers?

He thinks that the nature of all these professions is easy to explain.

Text II Memorable quotes

His talents in the field of mime and elocution are not good enough to meet the requirements of an actor.

2. What does the narrator say about his talents in the field of mime and elocution?

Page 182: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Questions for discussion

Text II Memorable quotes

3. What can we infer from the passage about the narrator’s occupation?

He is a professional laugher, imitating the laughter of different kinds of people and of different occasions.

4. Why does the narrator mention the skill of repairing shoes?

He wants to stress that skill comes from practice.

Page 183: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Questions for discussion

5. Why are third- and fourth-rate comedians scared?

They do not feel at home in punch lines. As a result, their performance may fail to entertain its audience.

Text II Memorable quotes

6. Why does the author bemoan his fate?

He feels sad because he cannot change or control the way that things will happen.

Page 184: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Questions for discussion7. What change can you find in the author when he is off duty?

He goes back to normal, and in fact he feels happy because he does not have to play the laugher.

Text II Memorable quotes

Page 185: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Memorable quotesWhat is science and art? Read the following quotes and analyze the significance of science and art to all of us.

Guidance: Science has discovered some of the wonderful knowledge about how the natural world works, the place of humans in the world, and the science-based technology on which modern civilization exists. Science follows truth, and truth is universal. Art is the expression without language, allowing individuals to relate to one another on human levels transcending nationality. Art is capable of bringing about understanding amongst people regardless of faith or nationality.

Text II Memorable quotes

Page 186: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Memorable quotes1. Books must follow sciences, not sciences books. — Francis Bacon

e.g. Not wanting to get lost in the city, I preferred to follow the guidebook.

Text II Memorable quotes

Books must follow truths themselves, not vice versa.

Follow: do in a way someone or something has told or advised you to do

Page 187: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books

Science and art are universal, have no ethnic or cultural biases and can be appreciated by all.

vanish: disappear completely

2. Science and art belong to the whole world, and before them vanish the barriers of nationality.

—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Some species of animals have now vanished from the earth.


Text II Memorable quotes

Page 188: Unit2 1. Quote William Shakespeare: Books are the nutrient of the whole world. A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books