Unit X Blog

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Welcome to E Y E S T A L K

Flick up on an item to begin

This weekʼs Facebook running time total: 7hrs 23mins

Welcome to E Y E S T A L K

Flick up on an item to begin

This weekʼs Facebook running time total: 7hrs 23mins

Facebook Running time total: 2hrs 16mins


Like Book

Details on the number of likes youʼve made and viewed.

TorchHow many albums have you had a poke about in today? View the amount of photos youʼve viewed, commented on and liked.


How many peoples lives have you had a nosey at? Take a look at the amount of profiles youʼve viewed.

Poke StickHow many people have you poked?


How many people have you checked in?

GlovesHow many peoples lives have you had a nosey at? Take a look at the amount of profiles youʼve viewed.

Plastic CupBeen reading into other peoples conversations have we? Check out how many comments youʼve viewed and liked.


This weekʼs Facebook running time total: 7hrs 23minsThis weekʼs Facebook running time total: 7hrs 23mins This weekʼs Facebook running time total: 7hrs 23mins

This weekʼs Facebook running time total: 7hrs 23mins This weekʼs Facebook running time total: 7hrs 23minsThis weekʼs Facebook running time total: 7hrs 23mins

Total friends profileʼs viewed

Total non-friends profiles viewed



Total profiles viewed

69Total places checked in

Total checked inʼs viewed

Total people checked in




Total relationships viewed


Total interests viewed


Total contact info viewed


Total friends poked

Total people poked

Total non-friends poked




Total photos commented on

Total wallposts commented on

Total statusʼs commented on




Total pages commented on

Total videos commented on

Total groups commented on




Total photos liked


Total statusʼs liked


Total wallposts liked


Total videos liked


Total pages liked


% %


Facebook running time: 2hrs 16mins


Are you sure you want to comment on this?

Facebook running time: 2hrs 16mins


Do you really like this?

Facebook running time: 2hrs 16mins


This is the 6th profile youʼve looked at today.

Facebook running time: 2hrs 16mins


Are you sure you know this person well enough to poke?

% %


invisible inspectors- looking through peoples interests torch-looking through photos

listener-listening in on someones conversation like- liking a relationship break-up

poking stick- giving a stranger a poke binoculars- looking at what people are up to

This Project really helped me to develop my Idea selection and filtering as we were shuffled around in groups we had to select the best ideas and expand on them. I started by looking at a new viewpoint on food but our strongest idea as a group was ‘define our generation’. By pushing our idea further i feel our project was more succesful. Our idea developed when we all agreed to be part of an experiment and go off facebook for a week each day we did video diaries to record how we felt and the problems we came across. It was by doing this experiment as a group when we discussed our time after we realised we didn’t miss the social side of facebook more the checking out what other people were doing. This taught me that if you really get involved and throw yourself into a project as a group then you can make your idea much stronger.

By identifying we missed stalking people we defined our generation as a generation of facebook stalkers. We worked on defining the idea together looking at the comparison between if you were to do what you do in facebook in real life. We came up with an app which would identify how much of a stalker you are and in hand by having this realisation you would stop doing it. We also made a Kit to promote it which had the things you would do on facebook in physical form. We decided a viral video would humourously show our concept the direct comparisons would shock people and make them think twice for example checking in on facebook and writing outside your house in chalk i am here.

We split up our roles within the group and I decided to go for doing the film as i’ve never done filming or editing before so i thought it was a great oppurtunity to learn some new skills. Making the video took a lot of planning as we wanted to make sure we got good comparisons and didn’t want to use to much dialogue. By planning well it meant our real life facebook shots came out really well and didn’t need much editing as they spoke for themselves. This made me realise if you plan before it does save a lot of work in the long run. We used final cut pro to edit. Editing the facebook screens was tricky as we didn’t want to drag it on to much as it was boring to watch but we needed to get the comparison across. I found a tool called the Ken Burns tool which meant i could zoom in and out of the recorded screens which gave it a bit more interest and looked more profesional than just cropping in. I also learnt how to change the sound settings, add in stills, freeze frame, cut up footage, add text add a few subtle effects. Overall it was a big learning process but i really enjoyed it and now feel confident in making a video and editing it where as before i would have been to scared.

For our presentation we wanted it to be memorable so we stalked people from our Graphics group and took there first ever profile picture off facebook and created teaser posters, we also started off our presentation this way. By doing this it made people think about what they are putting on facebook and the fact anybody can access it and publish it. We also physically ‘tagged’ everyone into the room and then did it on facebook as an extention of our video. The Dragons didn’t quite get our concept and thought people would not use the app but i feel as it was aimed at our generation and they weren’t it was a tough audience as we did ask people if they’d download it and the majority of people said yes.

A problem we had with this project is the kit, it ended up mixing up our message as it was as if we were telling people to go and stalk in real life instead of facebook so for our presentation we dropped the kit which i feel was a good decision.

Overall we all worked really well together and had a really good time everyone put in equal effort which meant we all had respect for each other and you didn’t want to let the team down. This was my favourite group project and has definately changed my opinion on group projects if you are put with people you work well with it is very beneficial as everybody has different skills they can offer.



launching in autumn2013







we ourselves are inventors of our own image constantly re-inventing fashions.

Topman have collaborated with The Wellcome Collectionto bring you a range of vintage garments

re-invented for today.

I really enjoyed this project gill came in to present to us and i felt this was really innspirational and was a good way to get the project going. It was also good from a research point of view as by the end I felt like i really knew the topman brand - quite simple and staright to the point with nice looking imagery but a concept holding it all together.

Science meets fashion initially was a hard brief to figure out as science is such a broad subject but can also be very cliche. I didn’t want to go with the initial obvious ideas - bacteria because of the colours and patterns would fit topman well or the molecule route. I felt i wanted to push myself further than these initial thoughts. I started thinking about sci-fi and the inventions and how they can make people bionical. I then came across some really nice invention drawings and this trigured a link. How people use fashion to invent themselves and re-invent themselves this is where the name came from. Just like inventors come up with new drawings and inventions within fashion people plan how they will wear something to invent themselves or how they will wear the same thing differently. Vintage fashion is also very in at the moment which is old clothing made into something new. So i took this taking something old and making it new philosophy and applied it to the invention drawings i cut them up and edited them around the models and made them look bionical and new.

In this project i struggled with applying type to my lookbook it was hard to know what words to marriage with the imagery to get the right message across I also struggled with applying the same deconstruction effect to the type. I’m happy i did keep going with the type though as i feel it has improved my lookbook and gave it a context.

This project has made me more interested in the digital collage effect I feel this aesthetic is succesful and i will use this style again. I think to improve this project i would have liked to consider the paper stock more but due to time management i couldn’t put as much consideration into this as i’d hoped. Overall i feel it answers the science meets fashion brief though without being to obvious.