Unit Four The French are known for their t endency to take over things they enjoy, and for their appreciatio n of the finer things in life. T hey know best in the world about how to enjoy their lives, drinki ng coffee, watching movies, tast ing wines, having a sunbath and so on. However, a life of ease a nd leisure in France is an art o f living, not idleness. The Fren ch believe that they have a rest in order to work well, and they work in order to enjoy the lif. In this sense, a soft life is th e source and cause of their vigo r.

Unit Four The French are known for their tendency to take over things they enjoy, and for their appreciation of the finer things in life. They know best

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Page 1: Unit Four The French are known for their tendency to take over things they enjoy, and for their appreciation of the finer things in life. They know best

Unit Four

The French are known for their tendency to take over things they enjoy, and for their appreciation of the finer things in life. They know best in the world about how to enjoy their lives, drinking coffee, watching movies, tasting wines, having a sunbath and so on. However, a life of ease and leisure in France is an art of living, not idleness. The French believe that they have a rest in order to work well, and they work in order to enjoy the lif. In this sense, a soft life is the source and cause of their vigor.

Page 2: Unit Four The French are known for their tendency to take over things they enjoy, and for their appreciation of the finer things in life. They know best

Short Conversations1. A W: I can’t bear the air pollution in this city anymore. It is

getting worse and worse.M: You said it. We’ve never had so many factories before.Q: What does the man mean?

2. B M: The doctor said if I kept smoking, I would increase my chances of having a heart attack.

W: Did he suggest reducing weight, too?Q: What does the woman think the man should also do?

3. A W: Derrick was acting strangely today, wasn’t he?M: Yes. I couldn’t help noticing that myself. So rude and

impatient, not like him at all.Q: What do we learn from the conversation? (A)

4. C M: I’m told Alice is trying to find a job in an electronics company.

W: As far as I know, she is good at anything but electronics.Q: What does the woman mean? (C)

5. D W: Hi, John. I hear that you walk all the way to office these days.

M: Yes. I have found great pleasure in walking. That’s the type of exercises I enjoy very much.

Q: Why dose the man walk all the way to the office? (D)

6. D M: I’m really exhausted. But I don’t want to miss the film that comes on at 11.

W: If I were you , I’d give it up. We both have to get up early tomorrow. And anyway, I’ve heard it isn’t that exciting.

Q: What does the woman mean? (D)

7. B W: I hear you are thinking about transferring to biology.M: What? And give up my dream to become a physicist? Who

on earth told you that?Q: What do we learn about the man? (B)

8. DM: I don’t know what to do with Jimmy. This morning I found

orange juice spilled all over the floor.W: Don’t be so hard on him. He’s only five.Q: What does the woman mean? (D)

Page 3: Unit Four The French are known for their tendency to take over things they enjoy, and for their appreciation of the finer things in life. They know best

Long Conversation

1. A

2. C

3. D

4. B

Page 4: Unit Four The French are known for their tendency to take over things they enjoy, and for their appreciation of the finer things in life. They know best

M: Excuse me, 9.may I have some information about the reception Party that you’re advertising outside? It’s for new students, isn’t that right?W: That’s right, and what would you like to know about it?M: Well, I’m not really sure what the purpose of the event is.W: The party will provide students with a chance to get to know each other, and a chance for students who have successfully finished university to pass on some useful advice.M: who’s organizing the event? Is it the faculty or…W: Actually, it is the Students Association that’s organizing this event. So, it’s strictly a student to student event.M:10. I hope we won’t have to sit through a lot of boring speeches. What can they actually do to help a guy like me? Will we have any time for some fun at his party?W: Most of the time will be divided between eating, dancing, and singing, so not to worry. 11. However, some of the former students will share their experiences with new students. Their words of wisdom should not be missed.M: You’ve got a point. They are, after all, success stories if they’ve managed to survive university life. I hear only about half of all students who start university actually finish it.W: And besides that, there’s another reason to go to the party.M: What’s that?W: The pie they’ll be serving is delicious. 12. I know it since I’m the one who will be making it.

Page 5: Unit Four The French are known for their tendency to take over things they enjoy, and for their appreciation of the finer things in life. They know best

Passage Two As Free as French

Why do many American companies serve coffee for the staff?

What was said about café in the past? How do French people usually kill time? What do we know about French people from the passage?

2. A 3. B 4. C1. D


Page 6: Unit Four The French are known for their tendency to take over things they enjoy, and for their appreciation of the finer things in life. They know best

As Free as French If McDonald is representative of American culture, those cafes which

spread all over the country can speak for the lifestyle of the French. Coffee has always been central to the French way of life.1. In the eyes of the American who admires practice, coffee is drunk for keeping quick pace and maximizing efficiency. Therefore many American companies and organizations all serve coffee for the staff. But it is different in France. They drink coffee not for refreshing but relaxing.

Their habit of sitting in the cafes almost all day has a long history.2. In the past, the café was full of atmosphere of arts and literatures. It was a favorite meeting place for famous writers, thinkers, and artists. In addition, it was their unusual workshop where many handed-down works were born.

A soft life is not laziness or idleness. It is a lifestyle developed from a kind of life philosophy. 3.In order to kill time, French people will not play cards or gamble; instead, they go to museums and libraries. If you have a look around on a subway, plan, or train, there are few people chatting, dozing, or sitting with eyes set. In fact, most of them are reading. 4. The French people are good at building up enthusiasm about working in a relaxing state. They believe they have a rest in order to work well, and they work in order to enjoy life. In this sense, a soft life is the source and cause of their vigor.

Page 7: Unit Four The French are known for their tendency to take over things they enjoy, and for their appreciation of the finer things in life. They know best

Passage One Riches and Romance from France’s Wine Harvest

Where does the name of the drink “Champagne” come from?

What is the traditional way of making grape juice? What do French people usually drink wine for?

2. D 3. C1. B

Page 8: Unit Four The French are known for their tendency to take over things they enjoy, and for their appreciation of the finer things in life. They know best

Riches and Romance from France’s Wine Harvest September is harvest time. And with bunches of grapes swinging in

the wind, the people in southern France are getting ready to celebrate it.

The yearly wine festival is held in honor of the Roman god of wine. It's a fun time with parties, music, dancing, big meals and, of course, lots of wine.1. Champagne, a drink named after the place where sparkling wine was first produced in 1700, is used in celebration.

French wine-making began more than 2,500 years ago. The world's oldest type of vine grows in France and always produces a good quality wine. Wine is made from the juice of freshly picked grapes. It is the sugars that turn into alcohol.

2.Traditionally, people used to take off their shoes and crush the grapes with their bare feet to bring out the juice. Nowadays, this practice is usually carried out by machines.

The taste of wine changes with time. Until 1850, a11 French champagne was sweet. Now, both wine and champagne taste slightly bitter.

The drink has always been 1inked with riches, romance and nobleness. Yet the French think of it in more ordinary terms. For a Frenchman, a meal without wine is like a day without sunshine. 3. They believe it makes daily living easier,1ess hurried and with fewer problems.

Page 9: Unit Four The French are known for their tendency to take over things they enjoy, and for their appreciation of the finer things in life. They know best

Compound Dictation

1. stimulates2. efficient3. across4. Westerners5. general6. alert7. behaviour (behavior)8. introduced9. coffee houses were filled with people making plans, talking b

usiness and doing deals10. the deals done in the coffee houses were partly responsible

for a rapid increase in British trade11. It was caffeine that helped the west make a great step forw

ard a few hundred years ago


Page 10: Unit Four The French are known for their tendency to take over things they enjoy, and for their appreciation of the finer things in life. They know best

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