Unit Eight College Life

Unit Eight College Life. Secrets of Straight-A Students Text A

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Page 1: Unit Eight College Life. Secrets of Straight-A Students Text A

Unit Eight College Life

Page 2: Unit Eight College Life. Secrets of Straight-A Students Text A

Secrets of Straight-A Students

Text A

Page 3: Unit Eight College Life. Secrets of Straight-A Students Text A

Unit Seven Text A:

1. Teaching Aims and Requirements

2. Teaching Focus

4. Abstract of the Text

5. Text A study

6. Summary of Text A

3.Cultual Background

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1. Teaching Aims and Requirements

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1. Teaching Aims and Requirements

A. Grasp the main idea and structure of the text.B. Master the key language points and grammatical structure in the text.C. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme if the unit.

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2. Teaching Focus

a. Grammar Review:Besides the rules mentioned in Unit7, there are some special rules and exceptions about the use of article. Read the following for detail.

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2. Teaching Focus

定冠词 “ the” 的特殊用法归纳 a) 用于表示大自然中的物体、方向、现象的名词之前 * the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, the w

orld, the east, the horizon b) 用于普通名词构成的专有名词前 * the Summer Palace( 颐和园 ),the Great Wall c) 用于形容词最高级和序数词前 * the first day, the most beautiful girl, d) 用于乐器、文娱场所的名词前 * Play the violin, play the piano, play the guitar,

go to the cinema, go to the theatre

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2. Teaching Focus

e) 用于表江河、海洋、湖泊、山脉、港口等名词前 * the Chang Jiang River, the pacific Ocean, the

Tai Hang mountains, the West Lake f) 用于姓氏复数名词前,表示“……夫妇” * the Whites 怀特夫妇 / 一家人 g) 用于某些形容词前表某一类人 * the rich, the poor, the old, the dead, the sick,

the living, the disabled, the Chinese, the Japanese

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3. Cultural Background

Confucius Confucius was a teacher, scholar and

minor political official whose commentary on Chinese literary classics developed into a pragmatic philosophy for daily life. Not strictly religious, the teachings of Confucius were a useful approach to social harmony and defined moral obligations between individuals and social systems. After his death his pupils collected notes on his sayings and doings and recorded them as the Analects.

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Secrets of Straight-A Students

Unit Eight Book One

Text A

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Paragraph 1:

A professor of education who has conducted

major studies of super-achieving students

revealed that top grades do not always go to

the brightest students. According to him,

other education experts and top students

themselves, it is far more important for a

student to know how to make the most of his

or her innate abilities.

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Words and Expressions:

carry out or direct; go with and guide or lead

We are conducting a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food.

Is it really necessary to conduct experiments on animals?

conduct a meeting 主持会议conduct an investigation 进行调查


conduct: vt.

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Paragraph 2:

The students at the top of the class attain academic excellence by mastering a few basic principles that others can easily learn. To begin with, top students know how to set their priorities right. Study time is never compromised for phone calls, television programmes or snacks. In other words, it is always placed above recreation. In addition, top students make a point of studying anywhere or everywhere. A top student who is also a top athlete memorises biology terms as he works out every day. Another student learns a new word every morning while brushing his teeth. Among all the students interviewed, everyone agreed that study times are strictly a matter of personal preference. Some thrive at night when all is silent. Others prefer to study as soon as they come home from school when the lessons are fresh in their minds. However, all agreed that consistency is a main factor if one is to perform well at all times.

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Words and Expressions:

(of a quality) which someone was born with

The kids have an innate curiosity about the physical world.

Children have an innate ability to learn language.

innate: adj.

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Words and Expressions:

gain or arrive at, esp. after long effort; reach

India attained independence in 1947.

I would tell them that they could attain levels of quality and customer satisfaction greater than they had ever imagined.

attain: vt.

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Words and Expressions:

CF: attain, achieve & accomplish这三个动词均有“达到、完成”之意。




指努力去达成或实现目标,常指事先没有确信会成功而去追求的目标。例如 :

She finally attained her ends.

指由于功绩或努力而理所当然应该得到的成功。例如 :

指完成规定的任务。例如 :

He will never achieve his objectives if he does not work harder.

He accomplished the building of the bookcase.

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Words and Expressions:

concerning education, esp. college or university level; being or based on subjects that are taught to develop the mind rather than to provide practical skills

Her name is well known in academic circles. Teachers must provide challenging activities for their more academic pupils.

academic research an academic degree an academic discussion an academic year



academic: adj.

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Words and Expressions:

a truth or belief that is accepted as a base for reasoning or action; the general rules on which a skill, science, etc. is based, and which a beginner must understand

He prided himself on his high moral principles (= strong ideas about how it is right or wrong to behave).

Schools try to teach children a set of principles.

principle: n.

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Words and Expressions:

against somebody’s principles 违背原则


a person of principle 有原则的人

in principle 原则上

It’s against my principles to accept gifts from clients.

He considered himself to be a man of principle.

In principle, the new software should make the accounting system a lot simpler.

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Words and Expressions:

something that needs attention, consideration, service, etc. before others

After several burglaries in the area, security is now a high priority.

With so little money available, repairs must remain a low priority.

a first/top/main priority 优先考虑的问题


priority over ……比 优先

This project has priority over others.

priority: n.

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Words and Expressions:

do something that is against one’s principles or does not reach the standards that one has set

The captain refused to compromise on any of his demands.

She admitted that she was unable to compromise.

The employers will have to be ready to compromise if they want to avoid a strike.

compromise: vi.

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Words and Expressions:

compromise with 和某人妥协


compromise on 在某事上妥协

We cannot compromise with those whose principles are directly opposed to our own.

The President might be willing to compromise on defense spending.

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Words and Expressions:

Vancouver is a city more in tune with outdoor recreation than cultural institutions.

[C; U] (a form of) amusement and enjoyment; way of spending free time

His only recreations are drinking beer and watching football.

They see the outdoors as a recreation activity, not a job opportunity.

recreation: n.

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Words and Expressions:

the act of adding, esp. of adding numbers together; something added

Additions are made to the list from time to time.

In the last three months there has been a new addition to the family — our daughter, Rachel.

in addition 此外,另外


in addition to ……除了 之外

The boss forced him to work sixteen hours a day and beat him in addition.

In addition to his salary, he earns a lot from royalties.

addition: n.

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Sentence Structure:

The Text Sentence:


Study time is never compromised for phone calls, television programmes or snacks. In other words, it is always placed above recreation.

Never make phone calls, watch television or have snacks when it’s time to study. Study is forever the first choice.

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Paragraph 3:

A student must also learn to be organised. For example, a top student who is actively involved in his school band, track and field, rugby association and debate team disclosed that he keeps his things in their proper places because he simply cannot afford time-wasting searches. Another student immediately files the day’s notes in colour-coded folders so that they are available for review nearing examination time. Another technique advocated by top students is to read effectively. This includes speed-reading, improving one’s memory or retention ability, and actively asking questions that will lead to a full understanding of the author’s message.

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Words and Expressions:

consistency: n. the state of always keeping to the same

principles or course of action

Consistency of performance depends on several factors.

Consumer groups are demanding greater consistency in the labeling of food products.

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Words and Expressions:

perform: vt. 1. do; carry out (a piece of work, duty, ceremony, etc.), esp. according to a usual or established method

Students perform increasingly difficult tasks as the course continues.

2. give, act, or show (a play, a part in a play, a piece of music, tricks, etc.), esp. in the presence of the public

The operation was performed by a team of surgeons at Brooks Hospital.

The opera was performed in over 100 cities.

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Words and Expressions:

disclose: vt. make known (esp. something that has been kept secret) publicly

The Security Service is unlikely to disclose any information.

He did not disclose details of the agreement.

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Words and Expressions:

advocate: vt. speak in favour of; support (an idea or plan), esp. publicly

It’s terrible that some people are now openly advocating violence.

They advocated state control of all public services.

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Words and Expressions:

effectively: adv. effective: adj. producing the desired result; having a pleasing effect

Our training program covers a range of effective management techniques.

An effective teacher will always produce better exam results.

The effective use of color can make a small room look much bigger.

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Words and Expressions:

retention: n.

[U] [fml] ability to remember things; the state or action of retaining

I have a real problem with retention of information.

Without water retention the land becomes baked.

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Paragraph 4:

It is also important for students to know how to schedule their time. They must know how to pace each assignment or project according to their daily timetable and work ability so that they might not be overwhelmed by the tasks at hand. Being able to set timetables not only allows students more time to review and polish their work, it also prevents them from procrastinating. Top students believe that a secret of their success is the taking down of good notes during lessons and using them for revision. One student revealed that she writes notes from the text on one side of her notebook and those from her teachers’ lectures on the other side. This allows her to review both aspects of each lesson at once. The student also revealed that instead of wasting time whispering to friends and getting ready to rush out of the class just before the bell rings, she uses those few minutes to jot down a two or three-sentence summary of the lesson’s principal points. She then scans the notes to refresh her memory before the next day’s class.

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Words and Expressions:


1. n. a plan of what someone is going to do and when they are going to do it

She has a pretty tight schedule, but she may be able to meet you for lunch.

on schedule 按照时间表,准时


ahead of/behind schedule 提前 /落后于时间表

The majority of holiday flights depart and arrive on schedule.

Due to the bad weather, the building work was already behind schedule.

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Words and Expressions:

2. vt. plan that something will happen at a particular time

Monday’s performance is scheduled to start at 7:30 pm.

I’ve scheduled a meeting for tomorrow. I hope everyone can attend.

Pattern: be scheduled for June/Monday, etc. 安排在六月 / 周一等be scheduled for elease/publication/completion, etc. 计划发布 /出版 / 完成等be scheduled to do something 计划做某事

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Words and Expressions:

improve by practicing; make smooth, bright, and shiny by continual rubbing

He polished the piano until the wood shone.

Edward’s essay is good, but he needs to polish it a little bit.

After she had polished the furniture, she cleaned the windows.

polish: vt.

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Sentence Structure:

They must know how to pace each assignment or project according to their daily timetable and work ability so that they might not be overwhelmed by the tasks at hand.

The Text Sentence:

Our time and energy are limited, so we have to organize our assignments and activities skillfully so that we do not have too much to do and still have energy left near the end.


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Paragraph 5:

Another winning formula which teachers promote lies in a student’s ability to hand in neat work. According to one professor, the student who turns in neat work is already on the way to scoring an A. In the classroom context, it is equally important for students to speak up and ask questions. This is perhaps the best way for a student to clarify any doubts. Classroom participation also demonstrates a student’s intellectual curiosity. As a student concisely puts it, “Better grades come from better understanding.”

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Words and Expressions:

help the progress of (something); encourage or support

A balanced diet promotes good health and normal development.

The aim of the meeting is to promote trade between the two countries.

promote: vt.

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Sentence Structure:

Another winning formula which teachers promote lies in a student’s ability to hand in neat work.

The Text Sentence:

Formula means a list of the substances used to make a medicine, drink, etc. Here winning formula refers to a method that leads to success.


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Paragraph 6:

The value of studying together was demonstrated in an experiment conducted at one top university. The study revealed that students who discussed homework and problems together, tried different approaches and explained their solutions to one another scored higher than those who laboured on their own. The experiment also illuminated the value of hypothetical tests conducted among the students and on their own. This means that students frame tentative test questions based on their notes and give each other or themselves written examinations the day before a test. Experts confirmed that students who devise possible test questions often find many of the same questions during the real examination and thus score higher.

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Words and Expressions:

cause to understand; explain; make clear; give light to; fill (esp. a room) with light

The report illuminated the difficult points.

A small path was illuminated by low orange lamps in the flower beds.

Newly discovered facts may help illuminate the culture of the Aztecs (阿兹特克人 ).

The room was illuminated by candles.

illuminate: vt.

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Words and Expressions:

give support or certainty to (a fact, belief, statement, etc.), e.g. by providing more proof or by stating that something is true or correct

I’ll call the hotel and confirm our reservations.

The discovery seems to confirm that people lived here over 10,000 years ago.

Have you called to confirm your flight yet?

confirm: vt.

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Sentence Structure:

Experts confirmed that students who devise possible test questions often find many of the same questions during the real examination and thus score higher.

The Text Sentence:

By devising questions that might possibly appear in the test, the students undertake a thorough review of what they’ve learned and become better prepared for the real test.


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Paragraph 7:

Another technique employed by top students is to do more than the assigned homework. A student revealed that if her teacher gives five problems, she will undertake ten. In the student’s words, “Part of learning is practising. The more you practise, the more you learn.” Last but not least, all experts and top students agree that the most important “secret” of super-achievers lies in the crucial contribution by parents. From infancy, super-achievers were taught the importance of learning by their parents. The latter set high standards for their children and held them to those standards. They encouraged their children in their studies but did not undertake the work for them. Instead of pressuring their children, these parents were always loving, gentle and took pains to explain and motivate. They impressed the lessons of responsibility on their children, and the children delivered.

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Words and Expressions:

give as a share or duty

After her promotion took effect, she was assigned a research job.

I’ve been assigned the task of looking after the new students.

Pattern:assign somebody to something 分配某人到某岗位assign somebody to do something 分派某人做某事assign somebody something 分配……给某人

assign: vt.

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Words and Expressions:

take up or accept (a duty or piece of work, esp. one that is difficult or needs effort)

Two new studies have been undertaken to determine the effects of the chemicals.

Pattern:undertake to do something 承担做某事的任务

undertake a task/a project/research 承担一项任务 /工程 /研究


Dr White undertook the task of writing a comprehensive English dictionary.

undertake: v.

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Words and Expressions:


Inflationary pressures will lead to higher prices.

1. n. the influence or effect of someone or something; the feeling of stressful urgency caused by the necessity of doing or achieving something

I just can’t take the pressure at work anymore.

2. vt. (try to) make (someone) do something by using strong or unfair influence; forceful influence; strong persuasion

Over the next few years, Mrs. Smith was pressured into lending her son large sums of money.

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Sentence Structure:

They impressed the lessons of responsibility on their children, and the children delivered.

The Text Sentence:

Explain the part “impressed the lessons of responsibility on their children”.

“Impress something on somebody” means to make the importance of something clear to someone. The parents made it clear to their children that responsibility is very important.

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6. Summary of Text A

Working towards academic excellence constitutes one of the most important parts of college life and is the goal of most college students. Straight-A students, in this respect, can be of great help by sharing their secrets in achieving academic excellence.