1 NT7.7 Paul Tells Lydia about Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2018 Unit 7: Paul the Apostle NT7.7 Paul Tells Lydia about Jesus Scripture: Acts 15:38-16:16 Lesson Goal: Paul was an Apostle chosen by God to take the gospel to the world. He was the first missionary and the greatest preacher of all time. God called Paul to be the one who would bring the gospel to the Gentiles and to suffer much for His name. This lesson is about Paul’s Second Missionary Journey and how he told Lydia about Jesus. Introduction: This is the seventh lesson in Unit 7: Paul the Apostle. Paul was an Apostle chosen by God to take the gospel to the world. He was the first missionary and the greatest preacher of all time This lesson is about Paul’s Second Missionary Journey and how he told Lydia about Jesus. This lesson comes from the book of Acts. Acts is the fifth book in the New Testament. This book was written by Luke. The first four books of the New Testament--Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John-- tell about the life of Christ. The fifth book--Acts--tells about the beginning of the church. Let's say the first five books of the New Testament together--Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts. Attention Getter: “Color of Clothes” What color do you like to wear? Some girls like to wear pink dresses. Some boys like to wear blue shirts. Sometimes we wear a color to show that we support our team. For example our school colors might be red and black so we wear our school colors to sporting events. Long ago people showed that they were royalty or special leaders by the colors of their rank or family. The color purple was often worn as a sign that you were a king or queen. In this lesson we will learn about Lydia a woman who was a seller of purple cloth. She lived in Philippi. On Paul’s Second Missionary Journey he told her about Jesus and the news changed her life. Optional: As the students arrive drape purple ribbons over their shoulders. If actual purple ribbons are not available, then purple ribbons cut from paper will work just as well. Say: “The ribbon I draped over your shoulders isn’t necessarily extravagant these days but it would have been at one time. In this lesson we are going to talk about a lady who sold purple cloth at a time when purple dye was expensive. She probably had a nice home and a comfortable lifestyle because of her business. There was nothing the woman had that was more valuable than what would happen with God after she met Paul and Silas.” Opening Prayer: Our Father in heaven, thank you for the example of Lydia and for her showing us how we too can share our faith with others. We want to offer you a sacrifice of praise by openly thanking You for saving us from our sins and providing us a way of salvation. Lord, we know that You desire that everyoneincluding Jews and Gentiles, men and women and boys and girls all come to faith in You as their Savior. Help us to do good and share this message with others. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.” Memory Verse: Our memory verses are Hebrews 13:15-16 “ 15 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praisethe fruit of lips that openly profess his name. 16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

Unit 7: Paul the Apostle NT7.7 Paul Tells Lydia …...On day Paul said to Barnabas, “Let’s go back and visit the brothers in all the towns where we preached the word of the Lord

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Page 1: Unit 7: Paul the Apostle NT7.7 Paul Tells Lydia …...On day Paul said to Barnabas, “Let’s go back and visit the brothers in all the towns where we preached the word of the Lord


NT7.7 Paul Tells Lydia about Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2018

Unit 7: Paul the Apostle

NT7.7 Paul Tells Lydia about Jesus

Scripture: Acts 15:38-16:16

Lesson Goal: Paul was an Apostle chosen by God to take the gospel to the world. He was the first missionary and the greatest preacher of all time. God called Paul to be the one who would bring the gospel to the Gentiles and to suffer much for His name. This lesson is about Paul’s Second Missionary Journey and how he told Lydia about Jesus.

Introduction: This is the seventh lesson in Unit 7: Paul the Apostle. Paul was an Apostle chosen by God to take the gospel to the world. He was the first missionary and the greatest preacher of all time This lesson is about Paul’s Second Missionary Journey and how he told Lydia about Jesus. This lesson comes from the book of Acts. Acts is the fifth book in the New Testament. This book was written by Luke. The first four books of the New Testament--Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John-- tell about the life of Christ. The fifth book--Acts--tells about the beginning of the church. Let's say the first five books of the New Testament together--Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts.

Attention Getter: “Color of Clothes” What color do you like to wear? Some girls like to wear pink dresses. Some boys like to wear blue shirts. Sometimes we wear a color to show that we support our team. For example our school colors might be red and black so we wear our school colors to sporting events. Long ago people showed that they were royalty or special leaders by the colors of their rank or family. The color purple was often worn as a sign that you were a king or queen. In this lesson we will learn about Lydia a woman who was a seller of purple cloth. She lived in Philippi. On Paul’s Second Missionary Journey he told her about Jesus and the news changed her life. Optional: As the students arrive drape purple ribbons over their shoulders. If actual purple ribbons are not available, then purple ribbons cut from paper will work just as well. Say: “The ribbon I draped over your shoulders isn’t necessarily extravagant these days but it would have been at one time. In this lesson we are going to talk about a lady who sold purple cloth at a time when purple dye was expensive. She probably had a nice home and a comfortable lifestyle because of her business. There was nothing the woman had that was more valuable than what would happen with God after she met Paul and Silas.”

Opening Prayer: “Our Father in heaven, thank you for the example of Lydia and for her showing us how we too can share our faith with others. We want to offer you a sacrifice of praise by openly thanking You for saving us from our sins and providing us a way of salvation. Lord, we know that You desire that everyone—including Jews and Gentiles, men and women and boys and girls all come to faith in You as their Savior. Help us to do good and share this message with others. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”

Memory Verse: Our memory verses are Hebrews 13:15-16 “

15 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a

sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. 16

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”

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NT7.7 Paul Tells Lydia about Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2018

Lesson Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmfHQTq5du8&t=20s Paul was an Apostle chosen by God to take the gospel to the world. Jesus had appeared to him on the Road to Damascus and revealed that He was really the Son of God. Paul believed in Jesus that day and he was a changed man. He became the first missionary and the greatest preacher of all time. God called Paul to be the one who would bring the gospel to the Gentiles and to suffer much for His name. On his first Missionary Journey Paul and his companion Barnabas visited the major cities in Cyprus and Galatia. Despite much opposition they continued to preach the gospel and several new churches were established in Antioch of Psidia, Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe. The gospel was spreading throughout the region and many Gentiles were believing in Jesus as their Savior. After Paul reported the good news about the Gentiles believers in Galatia to their home church in Antioch, some Jewish teachers arrived and began telling the new Gentile converts that they must obey the Jewish Law in order to be saved. This caused a big problem in the church. So Paul and Barnabas traveled to Jerusalem to discuss the issue with the early church leaders Peter and James. At this council meeting they sought the guidance of the Holy Spirit and consulted the Old Testament prophets. They determined that salvation was by faith and faith alone. It was not a result of works. The new Gentile believers would not have to obey the Law to be saved. Salvation could not be earned or deserved. It was a result of God’s grace and mercy and forgiveness. This was an important decision for the church to accept. After the Council meeting Paul and Barnabas returned to their home church in Antioch along with Silas and a prophet named Judas from Jerusalem. They brought a letter written by Peter and James to the Gentile churches. The letter was good news to the Gentile believers and everyone rejoiced. Paul and Barnabas continued to preach at the church in Antioch for quite a while. Paul often thought about the new believers in Galatia that had come to Christ. Previously he had written to them a letter. This letter is the book of Galatians in our Bible. He knew that they would need encouragement and instruction in how to live the new Christian life. On day Paul said to Barnabas, “Let’s go back and visit the brothers in all the towns where we preached the word of the Lord and see how they are doing.” Barnabas agreed. Barnabas wanted to take his young cousin John Mark with them. Paul did not want John Mark to go because he had deserted them on their first trip. The disagreement between Paul and Barnabas was very sharp and they separated. After a big discussion Paul and Barnabas decided that each of them would go different ways. Paul would take Silas as his partner and Barnabas would take John Mark. Barnabas and John Mark set off together. They sailed for Cyprus to visit the Christians there and to encourage them. Cyprus was Barnabas’ home and he and Paul had gone there on the First Missionary Journey. Paul teamed up with Silas. Silas was one of those who had come from Jerusalem. The church in Antioch entrusted them to God’s care as they set off. They traveled over land through Syria and into the region of Cilicia. Silas was able to share the letter the leaders in Jerusalem had written to help and encourage the Gentile Christians. Both men taught God’s Word to help the churches grow stronger in faith. They then moved onto Derbe and the other nearby places that Paul had visited on his first trip. Paul preached to the churches and encouraged everyone to keep living for God. The next city they visited was Lystra. When Paul had been there before on the first missionary journey, he had healed a lame man. It was in this city that the people thought that he and Barnabas were gods. It was also here in this city that the some Jewish leaders had come from Iconium and had confused the people. Then they had stoned Paul! How brave it must have been for Paul to go back to that city. But now in Lystra there were Christians! At Lystra they met a young Christian called Timothy who loved the Lord. His mother was a Jewish believer, but his father was a Greek. His mother had probably heard Paul’s preaching when he was there before on the First Missionary Journey. Timothy’s mother Eunice and his grandmother Lois had both

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NT7.7 Paul Tells Lydia about Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2018

become believers. From his birth Timothy was a young man who had been faithfully taught the Scriptures very well by his mother Eunice and his grandmother Lois. Although Timothy’s father was not a Christian, the local believers thought very highly of him. Paul thought that he would be a wonderful helper on this missionary journey so Paul invited Timothy to join them. From Lystra Paul, Silas and Timothy traveled to Iconium then to Antioch and ended up in Troas. All along the way they instructed the believers to follow the decisions made by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem. The churches were strengthened in their faith and grew larger every day. They had visited all the churches that Paul and Barnabas had started in the area of Phrygia and Galatia on the First Missionary Journey so where would they go now? At first Paul thought they ought to stay in Asia and preach. But the Holy Spirit stopped him. So they headed north for the province of Bithynia, but again the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them to go there. Instead they went on through Mysia to the seaport of Troas. That night Paul had a vision. A man from Macedonia in northern Greece was standing there, pleading with him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” When Paul told Silas and Timothy about this vision, they concluded that God was calling them to Macedonia in Greece to preach the Good News there. They packed up at once. They boarded a boat at Troas and sailed straight across to the island of Samothrace, and the next day they landed at Neapolis. From there they reached Philippi, a major city of the district of Macedonia which was a Roman colony. The city of Philippi was located on an important Roman road named the Egnatian Way which was the main way to the eastern provinces of Italy. God wanted the people of Philippi to become believers so the gospel could spread toward the capital city of Rome and eventually into the European countries. So Paul, Silas, Timothy and Luke who had now joined them on the journey entered that city. On the Sabbath they went outside the city to a riverbank, where they thought people would be meeting for prayer. They sat down to speak with some women who had gathered there. The people of Philippi did not have a place in the city to go to worship God so they went outside the city gate and gathered along the river. “ Hello, My name is Paul and this my friend Luke. We’ve come here to find a place to pray. Oh, are you a worshipper of god? So are we. Come sit with us. We do worship God, the God of Jesus Christ. “ “Have you heard about Jesus and what He’s done for you? No, I don’t understand. What are you talking about? Let me tell you what God has done for you through His only son Jesus.” “Jesus came and lived a sinless life on earth. He died on a cross to pay the price for our sins. Then he rose from the grace and conquered death. Now He calls us to believe in Him and have true life. Lydia, now that you have heard about Jesus, do you believe that He died for your sins? Would you like to become a follower of Jesus? “Oh my. Thank you, Paul for coming here and for telling me this. I feel so different inside. I feel like my heart has changed because of the message you have given to me. I do want to become a follower of Jesus. But first, let me run home to get my family so that they can hear this good news. Will you wait here for us?” Paul waited at the river while Lydia went to get her family. After they heard Paul's message about Jesus they all wanted to become followers of Jesus just like Lydia. “Paul, the river is right here. Would you please baptize me and everyone in my household?” “I would love to. Come, we will do it now. (Water, baptism) Lydia, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” “I am so excited. I don't think I have the words to tell you how joyful I am. I have so many people that I want to tell about Jesus. Paul and Luke, please come stay with me in my home for as long as you are in

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Philippi. I am sure that more people will want to hear about Jesus and I have plenty of room for you to meet with them at my house.” “Thank you Lydia. We would be honored to stay with you. I believe that God will use you to start a Christian church right here in Philippi. And my prayer for this church is that their love for God and for each other will grow more and more. And I pray that they will be holy and that all they do will bring glory and praise to God.” Lydia from Thyatira was a merchant of expensive purple cloth. She worshipped God and was used by Him to open the door for the gospel in her city of Philippi. She was the first believer in that region. As she listened to Paul share the good news about Jesus, the Lord opened her heart, and she became a Christian. She was baptized along with other members of her household. Baptism was an outward sign that a person had believed in Jesus as his Savior. Paul never let gender or cultural boundaries keep him from preaching about Jesus. God often worked in and through women in the early church. Lydia was probably a very wealthy woman because purple cloth was very valuable and expensive. It was often worn by the noblemen and kings and queens. Lydia invited Paul, Silas, and Timothy to stay as guests in her home while they were in Philippi. They lived with her as they shared the gospel with the people of that city. Because Lydia’s house was so large the church of Philippi met in her home. God used Lydia and her home in a very important way to spread the gospel throughout the area of Macedonia. Just like Lydia we need to believe that Jesus is the Son of God. We need to put our faith and trust in Him as the only way to go to heaven. When Jesus died on the cross He paid the price for our sins and provided a place for us to be with Him. Jesus told us to go into all the world and preach the gospel. He wants us to share our faith with everyone. We need to be like Lydia who provided a place for Paul and his friends to meet in her home to build the church in Philippi. We need to tell others about Jesus like Paul and Silas and Timothy and Luke.

Remember God wants us to share the good news about Jesus!

Review Questions: “Bop the Good News” Preparation: You will need some toy badminton rackets or you can make “rackets” by taping paint stirrer or rulers to the back of paper plates or you can use fly swatters! Procedure: Blow up several balloons and tie them off. Allow children to find partners and use the rackets to bop balloons back and forth. As each child correctly answers one of the following review questions he or she can hit a balloon across to the partner. Points are given to the partner who does not allow the balloon to fall to the floor. Flyswatters or toy rackets are the rackets and balloons are the birdies. Objective: To keep the balloon from landing on your side of the court and try to make it land on your opponent’s side of the court. Game Rules: Play just like badminton. Earn one point per rally. 1. What special mission did God call Paul to do? (God called Paul the Apostle to become the first

missionary who would bring the gospel to both the Jews and the Gentiles.) 2. Who did the church in Antioch send to spread the gospel in Galatia and Cyprus? (The church laid

hands on Paul and Barnabas and they became the first missionaries.) 3. How did the Gentiles in Galatia and Cyprus respond to the news of salvation? (Despite much

opposition they preached the gospel and many believed. Several new churches were established in Antioch of Psidia, Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe.)

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NT7.7 Paul Tells Lydia about Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2018

4. Why did Paul and Barnabas go to the Council meeting in Jerusalem? (Some people in the early church began to teach the Gentiles that they had to follow the Law of Moses in order to be saved. The Apostles in Jerusalem met to decide about the issue.)

5. What was the conclusion that the Council in Jerusalem reached about salvation? (Gentiles did not have to keep the Jewish Law to be saved. Salvation was by faith alone and not through works. Works did not save because no one was perfect and could keep all the Law. Salvation was by faith in Christ alone.)

6. What did the letter that the church leaders in Jerusalem sent to the Gentile believers say? (They did not have to become Jews to be saved but they should not eat food that has been sacrificed to idols, or drink blood from dead animals and live moral lives.)

7. What disagreement did Paul and Barnabas have about the Second Missionary Journey? (Barnabas wanted to take John Mark along but Paul didn’t because John Mark had deserted them on the first trip.)

8. Why did Paul and Silas decide to go to Macedonia to preach? (The Holy Spirit gave Paul a vision of a man calling to them from Macedonia to come and preach to them.)

9. What direction did Paul and Silas go first as they left on the Second Missionary Journey? (They revisited the churches Paul had established on the First Missionary Journey and encouraged the believers there.)

10. Who joined them on the Second Missionary Journey in Lystra? (They met a young man named Timothy who had been taught the scriptures by his mother Eunice and grandmother Lois from his youth. Paul invited Timothy to join them.)

11. What was the first city in Macedonia that Paul and Silas and Timothy and Luke visited? Why was it important? (They visited Philippi, a major city of the district of Macedonia which was a Roman colony. The city of Philippi was located on an important Roman road named the Egnatian Way which was the main way to the eastern provinces of Italy.)

12. Why did they go down to the riverbank of the city to pray and preach? (The city of Philippi worshipped many gods and did not have any places of worship for the one true God. The few people who wanted to worship just went down to the riverbank to pray.)

13. Who first heard and believed the message of salvation in Philippi? (Lydia, a seller of purple cloth, first heard and believed the message of salvation that Paul preached.)

14. What did Lydia want Paul to do for her whole household? (She asked him to preach to them as well. She and all her household believed and were baptized.)

15. What did Lydia offer to Paul and the other men after she became a Christian? (She offered her home to Paul and Silas, Timothy and Luke as a place to stay and also as a place to have the new church in Philippi meet.)

16. What business did Lydia have that she could afford such a large house for the church to meet in? (Lydia was a seller of purple cloth which was very expensive. She was probably quite wealthy and had a very large home.)

17. Why was Lydia important to the spread of the gospel in the city of Philippi? (Her home became the meeting place for the church in that city. This was a very important way to spread the gospel throughout the area of Macedonia.)

18. How should we be like Lydia? (We should place our faith and trust in Christ and be baptized. We should tell the good news of the gospel to many others.)

19. What is the memory verse? (Hebrews 13:15-16 “15 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. 16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”)

Bible Memory Verse Activity: “News Reporter” The memory verses are Hebrews 13:15-16 “

15 Through Jesus, therefore,

let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.

16 And do not forget to do good and to share with

others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Have students locate the verse in scripture and read it orally several times together.

Say: “In this verse God is telling us to offer a sacrifice of praise. That means we are to continually thank Him for His sacrifice on the cross and

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tell others about it. God uses our acts of kindness as a way of showing His love to others.”

Preparation: You will need Bibles and a toy or used microphone. You can use a live microphone if available or desired. Say: “Today we are going to imagine that we are on television and a reporter is asking if they have a message for anyone. They know the news will be seen by people who do not know Jesus so they want to say the Memory verses.” Procedure: Go around the room holding a microphone but each student only ten seconds to report the verse. Allow multiple attempts as the kids learn the verse. Encourage them to practice the memory verses during the week to share it with someone who might not know Jesus.

Group Learning Game Activity: “Remote Controlled” (Grades K-5) Preparation: You will need a remote controlled car, blindfolds for half of your class, and plates of treats. Say: “In this lesson we learned that Paul listened to the direction of the Holy Spirit as to which direction he and his companions were to go to share the gospel with others. God used a vision of a man from Macedonia calling to Paul to come to Macedonia and tell them about Jesus. We are going to complete some activities today to help us learn how God can give us direction and help for doing the things that He wants us to do. We are going to play a game called “Remote Controlled.” Procedure: Show the children a remote controlled car and let the children play with it a few minutes. Discuss how the car was designed to do what the controller tells it to do. When we pray we should be asking God for direction. Just like the remote sends signals to the car we are to obey the Lord’s direction and will for our lives. Say: “I’m going to have you get into pairs to try to find a plate of treats. One of you gets to see. You are the guide. Your partner has to wear a blindfold. If you are blindfolded, you can ask your guide questions like “Should I go forward?” or “Should I turn around?” The guide can only reply with “yes” or “no”. Have the students pair off and give each pair a blindfold. Once all the blindfolds are on, set out the plate of treats. Let the children find their way to the treats according to the rules you have given them. As each pair of students arrives at the plate, let the child who was blindfolded have a treat. Once all the pairs have arrived at the plate, have the partners switch roles and play again so that those who were guides in the first round will also get a treat. Say: “When you were blindfolded, was it easy or hard to follow the instructions of your guide? Why? (Answers will vary.) How was listening to your guide like praying to God? (We have to really listen to know what God wants us to do. We have to read His Word to know what He is saying to us.) How was listening to your guide different from praying to God? (Human guides make mistakes and can take us in the wrong direction. God is perfect and His way is always the right and best way.) We need to learn that God’s desires and plans should always guide our prayers. Your guide wanted you to find the treat. When you asked your guide for help, you got it. God also wants us to obey Him here on earth, the same way the angels obey Him in heaven. When we ask God to help us obey Him, He will answer our prayers.” Guide students to understand that God wants us to share the gospel with others. Read 1 John 5:14-15 “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.” This verse promises us that if we pray and ask for His direction He will guide us. He wants us to tell others about Christ. He will guide us to tell the message of salvation to those who want to hear. The challenge we face is our willingness to listen and obey Him.”

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NT7.7 Paul Tells Lydia about Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2018

Group Learning Activity: “Make a Compass” (Grades K-5) Preparation: You will need a needle, magnet, small piece of cork, and a shallow bowl of water. Say: “In 1 John 5:14-15 God says that “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.” This verse means that God promises to answer our prayers when we pray for things that are God’s desires and plans. When we want what God wants, God answers our prayer. “In this lesson we learned that Paul listened to the direction of the Holy Spirit as to which direction he and his companions were to go to share the gospel with others. God used a vision of a man from Macedonia calling to Paul to come to Macedonia and tell them about Jesus. We are going to learn how God can give us direction and help for doing the things that He wants us to do through prayer. God wants us to tell others about salvation and He can guide us to people who need and want to listen.” Procedure: Have the students make a simple compass by stoking a needle over a magnet in the same direction at least fifty times. This will magnetize the needle. Place the needle on a small piece of cork in a shallow bowl of water. Float the needle in a dish of water. The needle will point north. Talk about how a compass points us in the right direction and how knowing the Bible can guide how we pray. The compass is like the direction of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Paul was directed by the Holy Spirit through the vision. We are directed by the Holy Spirit through prayer and reading God’s Word. Have the children brainstorm things that they know God wants like “obeying our parents,” “being kind,” “telling others about Jesus.” Give the children five minutes to brainstorm and write their answers on sheets of newsprint. Have children sit where they can see the sheets of newsprint. Consider these answers as you discuss the following questions; Say” “How do you know whether something is God’s desire or not? (Read the Bible.) Why should God’s desires and plans guide how we pray? (God answers prayer according to His will. Knowing what He desires means that we will know how to pray.) How will knowing that God answers us, when we pray for things He wants, change the way we pray? (Knowing what He desires increases our faith. As our faith increases we will become more obedient to His will. God’s desires and plans should guide our prayers.) “We know that God wants us to share the good news of salvation with others. We are to pray that we will be effective in sharing the gospel with others. God will give us the opportunity to witness to others if we will ask Him. Let’s be like Paul and Silas, Timothy and Luke, and Lydia and share our faith with others.”

Group Learning Activity Game: “Four Corners of the World” (Grades K-3) Preparation: You will need paper, markers, scissors, and masking tape. Print the names of the continents on separate sheets of paper and number the papers 1-7. Examples: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia. Hang the sheets of paper around the sides and corners of the classroom. Say: “We will pretend that each corner and wall of our room is a different part of the world. These parts of the world are called continents.” (Walk to each sheet of paper and name the continent and identify the location of that part of the world in your room and the identifying number.) Say: “I will choose a child to be our counter. He will close his eyes and count to 10. Everyone else will walk around the room moving from corner to corner and wall to wall as the counter counts. When he says 10, everyone freezes. The

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counter will then say one of the numbers from 1-7 before opening his eyes. Everyone standing at that numbered area will sit down in the center of the room. We will play until only one or two children are left standing.” Select a child to close his eyes and count to 10. Encourage the students to walk then freeze when the counter says 10. Have the student tell the group a number. Everyone standing by that number will sit in the center of the room. Continue the game until one person or a small group is left standing. Say: “We walked around the room and pretended to travel to different parts of the world. People from churches go on mission trips around the world to tell people about Jesus. In our lesson today we learned that Paul and his friends told others in Macedonia about Jesus. They preached in the city of Philippi. Lydia also wanted others to learn about Jesus. She provided her home as a place for the missionaries to invite others to come and listen to the message of salvation.”

Group Learning Activity: Dramatic Play “Create a River Scene” (Grades K-2) Preparation: You will need a blue plastic drop cloth or blue plastic table cloth or a roll of blue plain wrapping paper. You will also need blue drawing paper and colored markers. Say: “Who told Lydia about Jesus? Paul found Lydia sitting by the river. Lydia believed what Paul told her about Jesus. Let’s make a river scene and tell what words Paul might have used to tell Lydia about Jesus.” Procedure: Distribute the roll of blue wrapping paper or open the blue plastic drop cloth or table cloth. Encourage the students to work together to place the blue plastic cloth or paper on the floor to resemble a river. (Pictured is an example where students have glued clear rocks to a blue river bed.) Have students sit along the side of the river. Take turns acting out the Bible story using dramatic play. Encourage the children to tell one another something they know about Jesus. Say: “We are supposed to tell other people about Jesus just like Paul told Lydia about Jesus. What are some ways people at our church tell about Jesus? Guide answers to include teaching in Sunday School and leading in worship. Talk about ways your church tells people about Jesus such as buying Bible, supporting missionaries, or helping people in need. Say: “Everyone get a blue paper. Draw pictures of ways that people at church tell about Jesus.” Pray that the Lord will guide people at church to have many ways and opportunities to share their faith with others.”

Group Learning Activity: “Whisper the Message” (Grades 1-5) Preparation: Each student will need a pencil and Bible and their spiritual notebook. Say: “In this lesson we learned how Paul and Silas, Timothy, and Luke went to Macedonia to tell others about Jesus. Lydia listened to the message of salvation, believed in Jesus, and was baptized. She was excited about her new faith in the Lord and wanted to share the good news with everyone in the city of Philippi. Today we are going to share some scriptures that tell the good news about Jesus. Before we look up the scriptures we are going to see how well you can listen.” Procedure: Ask: “How well do you listen? I am going to read aloud a statement. I want you to listen and see how many words I say that start with the letter S.” State: “Sarah sold silver shoes to seven sleepy sheep.” Ask: “How many words that begin with the letter S did you hear? (7) Continue: “The answer is seven. Now let’s see how well you can listen to this statement. Each time I say a word that starts with a B in it, stand up.” State in a slow manner: “Buster the beaver built a beautiful

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bridge over the Blue River. His brothers did not like that Buster had built a bridge over the Blue River. The brothers brought bricks and built a bridge as well.” Have the students stand in a circle. Have students pass a word from one to the next by whispering a word in their ear. Begin the activity by whispering on word from the lesson into the first person’s ear beside you. Students will continue whispering the word around the circle. The last person will state aloud the word. Use the following phrases or words: Jesus loves you. Paul told Lydia and her family about Jesus. Be ready to tell others about Jesus. Lydia and her family were baptized. The Holy Spirit told Paul to go to Macedonia to preach. Have students locate the following scriptures about the gospel and salvation: Discuss the meaning of each set of verses. Listen carefully to what God says about salvation and the gospel.

Acts 4: 12 “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” No other god or religion will get a person into heaven except the person of Jesus Christ. He is the only way, the truth, and the life.

Titus 2:11 “For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people.” God’s grace and forgiveness of sin is available to all who believe in Him. No one is exempt because of race, gender, or culture.

Romans 3:21-22 “But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile,” The purpose of the Law was to show us where we have gone wrong. We are helpless and in need of a Savior. We do not earn salvation by keeping the Law rather we receive our righteousness from Christ Jesus who died on the cross to pay the sacrifice for sin.

Romans 5:1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Because we are saved by our faith in Christ, we are now no longer at war with God. He is our peacemaker. He is no longer our enemy but our Heavenly Father. He has made His power available to us to live a holy and acceptable life for Him.

Romans 10:10 “For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” Salvation is not a complicated process. It is available to us by simply believing and trusting Jesus as our Savior in our hearts. We then openly confess our faith to others by professing with our mouth that Jesus is our Lord and we will be saved.

Have students summarize what they have learned in their spiritual journals.

Group Learning Activity: “Ways to Tell About Jesus” (Grades K-5) Preparation: You will need objects that could be used to tell about Jesus (tools, basketball, Bible, tract, hymnal, small bag of cookies, clothes, shoes, etc. and a large container or box or laundry bag. Place all the objects in the container. Procedure: Invite a staff member or lay person to talk about ways he tells people about Jesus. Prepare the guest by telling him today’s lesson about Paul’s Second Missionary Journey to Philippi and telling Lydia about Jesus. Invite the guest to bring a prop he uses to tell about Jesus. Say: “I have things in my container that can be used when telling people about Jesus. Let’s guess how we can use these items. Invite the students to think of different ways to use the items to tell people about Jesus. Take items from the container and discuss each.

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(Show a basketball.) “A coach might help boys and girls learn to play basketball. He could also tell the children about Jesus as they play together.” (Show a Bible or a tract or a hymnal.) “We can use a Bible to read verse of scripture about the promises of God. Jesus tells us that He is the Son of God and that He died on the cross for our sins. We can use a tract to help explain the verses that tell about God’s gift of salvation. We can use a hymnal to sing praises to God for helping and saving us. The words of hymns also tell us about the message of God’s love. (Show the clothes or shoes.) “Many people around us have needs that we can meet. We can share food with people that are hungry. We can share clothing with people who have suffered a disaster. (Show games,) “We can share love with those who are sick or have lost people they love. We can take time to play games and encourage those who are sick.” Conclude: “Paul was one of the first missionaries. After Paul told Lydia about Jesus, Lydia told other people about Jesus. Missionaries today tell people around the world about Jesus. We read stories about missionaries that to all the continents on the earth. People at our church tell about Jesus Many of our members use things like this (point to items) to tell people about Jesus.”

Group Learning Activity: “Paper Clip or Paper Bridge Engineering” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: You will need once box of paper clips for each group of 2-3 students, plastic bucket or container with a handle, and some weights (can be pennies, coke cans, or other items.) OR for paper bridge use 5 X 8 index cards, scissors, paper clips, pennies and stacks of books for weights. Print the paper bridge data sheet template below. Procedure: Divide the class into groups of 2-3 students each. Distribute the index cards, paper clips, weight, and plastic container to each group. Say: “Using one box of paper clips and the index cards can your group create a paper chain bridge that will hold the most weight.” Suggested solution for using paper clips only: They make the paper clip chain and then thread the paper clip chain through the bucket handle. As the bucket hangs from the paper clip chain, add weights to the bucket to test the strength of the paper clip chain. A winning group might make a bridge that will hold 4-5 full pop cans within the bucket and hanging. Procedure for index card engineering: Have each student create a “valley” for their bridge by making two

stacks of books and separating them so that the gap in‐between measures approximately 7 inches. Hand out seven index cards, a roll of pennies, a data sheet, and a pair of scissors to each student. Ask each student to place one index card between the book stacks to act as a basic beam bridge. They should slowly place pennies on their bridge and count how many their bridge is able to hold before falling down. Next, challenge the students to think of ways they can make their bridge stronger. How many pennies can

their bridge hold if they fold a file card: In half? In the shape of a 4‐sided beam? In the shape of a curved

arch? Into big triangle‐shaped pleats? Into small triangle‐shaped pleats? In a combination of these folds? Have each student record their results for each bridge on their data sheet. Scientific explanation: By looking for the basic shapes that make up a bridge, bridge engineers can better understand how forces act on it. Rectangle shapes, such as those that are formed by beam bridges and the ground beneath them, tend to be the weakest of shapes. As weight is added to the top, the beam begins to sag in the middle, causing the top of the beam to undergo compression and the bottom of the beam to undergo tension. If too much weight is added, the beam will tear apart and fail. Arch shapes, found in arch bridges, are more stable than rectangle shapes. The more weight is applied to the top of the arch bridge, the more the arch experiences compression. This squishing force is transferred to the abutments, which pushes back on the arch and prevents it from spreading apart and collapsing. Triangles, such as those seen in suspension bridges, are the most stable of shapes. As weight is added to the deck, the cables experience tension, and this pulling force causes the towers to compress. The towers support most of the weight of the bridge and contribute greatly to its stability.

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Say: “Building a strong bridge is an important engineering feat. We need strong bridges to transfer things between areas that are separated from one another. These bridges are like the relationships that we make with others. Often before we can share the message of Christ with others we have to “build a relationship” bridge with that unsaved person. We have to demonstrate that we really love and care for them. We want them to see the difference that Christ has made in our life. He brings peace and joy and assurance for living our daily life. More important Jesus gives to us the gift of salvation through His death on the cross.” Procedure: Guide a discussion to illustrate how people can build bridges that connect one another. Explains that God puts us together for a reason and He allows us to share our lives with others. The most important thing we can share with others is the love of Jesus. Sometimes God will put people in your life for that exact reason. You never know when He will cause your path to cross with someone so that you can tell them about Jesus. Be ready. Recite the memory verse together: Hebrews 13:15-16 “

15 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer

to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. 16

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”

Craft Learning Activity” “Sew Purple Cloth” (Grades K-2) Preparation: You will need purple felt, purple yarn, hole punch, bobby pins (1 per child), markers, ruler, scissors, and pictures or items representing a ministry of your church to reach others for Christ. Procedure: Cut the felt into 5 inch squares (one per child.) Punch holes around the edges of the squares. Cut yarn into 12 inch lengths (one per child.) Tie one end of a yarn piece to each felt square. Tie the yarn pieces to the bobby pins. Say: “Paul found Lydia and some other women sitting by a river. He told the women about Jesus. Lydia believed what he told her about Jesus. Lydia invited Paul and his friends to her house. What did Lydia sell? (purple cloth) Let’s sew with purple cloth and yarn.” Distribute the felt, yarn and bobby pins. Instructions: Thread the yarn through the rounded end of the bobby pin. (Demonstrate.) Use the bobby pins like needles and sew through the holes of the felt square. Suggest that the students use markers to draw designs on the purple squares. Say: “Who tells people at our church about Jesus?” (teachers, ministers, and missionaries) “People at our church tell people about Jesus in many ways. People go on mission trip or give money and supplies for the trips. People go door to door talking to people. People drive others to the store and doctors’ appointments. The people can tell other people about Jesus as they drive.” Talk about a particular ministry that your church participates in. Say: “Even as children we can help tell other people about Jesus. We can tell our friends, give offerings or bring food items clothes, or school items. We can all pray that Jesus will give us many opportunities to share His love with others.”

Craft Learning Activity: “Drip and Dye” (Grades K-4) Preparation: You will need coffee filters, drinking straws, muffin tins, water, blue and red food coloring, newsprint or butcher paper. Say: “In this lesson we learned that Lydia was a woman who sold purple cloth. In Bible times only wealthy people wore richly dyed purple cloth. Today we are going to dye enough purple “cloth” that each of you will have a piece.”

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Procedure: Cover a table with at least three layers of newsprint or butcher paper. Fill muffin tins half full of water. Add five drops of red or blue food coloring to each cup. You will need an even number of red and blue cups. Set out the muffin tins on the table along with the coffee filters, and drinking straws cut in half. Show the children how to place a drinking straw in the colored water, cover the top of the straw with a thumb, and then hold the straw over the coffee filter, release the thumb, and drip red and blue water to turn a coffee filter into a purple “cloth.” Set cloths aside to dry. Say: “Lydia was a wealthy woman who owned a big house. She offered her home as a place for Paul, Silas, Timothy, and Luke to live while they preached about Jesus in the city of Philippi. She also offered her home as a place where the new Christians could meet and pray and worship God. What kind of resources do we have that we could use to tell others about Jesus?” Lead discussion of sharing clothing for those in disaster relief, sharing food for poor, sharing toys and games with children that are sick, reading Bible stories to younger children, etc.

Craft Learning Activity: “Monochromatic Painting” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: You will need white heavyweight paper, washable paint in a variety of colors, paintbrushes, permanent markers in the same colors as the paint. Say: “What color of cloth did Lydia sell? (She sold purple cloth.) Why do you think the Bible included that detail? (Selling purple cloth meant that she had wealth. It explained why she owned a large house that could be used to hold the church and provide a place for Paul and his friends to stay while they preached in that city.) Procedure: Have students choose any color of paint and a marker they wish, but they can only choose one color. Have students print the theme of the lesson “Tell others about Jesus” on the piece of heavyweight paper with their selected color of permanent marker. Distribute the paint and paintbrushes. Once the students have their supplies, they can paint their signs. They may make a pattern, a border, paint objects, or cover the entire paper. As the paint dries, encourage the students to think about the people they will meet this week. Say: “What is the main idea of our lesson today? (We should tell people about Jesus just like Lydia and Paul did in the city of Philippi. How can we tell people about Jesus? (We should be able to tell them about Jesus’ love for them, His death on the cross to pay for their sins, and His gift of salvation if they will believe and trust in him. We can show Christ’s love for them through our own deeds of kindness and love.) Say: “The most important thing we can share with others is the love of Jesus. Sometimes God will put people in your life for that exact reason. You never know when He will cause your path to cross with someone so that you can tell them about Jesus. Be ready to share your love for Jesus with others.”

Craft Learning Activity: “Making Tri-Fold Books” (Grades K-3) Preparation: You will need one page of white paper per student, glue sticks, scissors, crayons, small gift bag, and one printed page of “Telling about Jesus” per child. Template is below. Print an extra set of pictures, cut apart and place in gift bag. Add photographs or items to the gift bag that relate to ministries of your church. Say: “In this lesson we learned that Paul told Lydia about Jesus. Some people do not know about Jesus. People at our church tell about Jesus. What are some ways that people at our church tell about Jesus?” Procedure: Have students take turns pulling a picture or item from the gift bag. Encourage the child to describe how the person in the picture is telling someone about Jesus.

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Distribute the white paper, scissors, glue sticks, crayons, and “Telling about Jesus” pages. Demonstrate how to tri-fold the paper. (Fold into thirds with one end overlapping the other. Fold the white paper pages down the center to make 6 even blocks on the page. Fold edges to meet in the center or have students cut apart the pictures and glue them to the sheet as desired. Say: “Glue the title across the front of your book. Cut apart and glue the pictures inside your book. Draw pictures telling about Jesus.” Review the Bible lesson. Lead students to say the memory verses: Hebrews 13:15-16 “

15 Through Jesus,

therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.

16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”

Have students show their books to one another and encourage them to use their books to tell their friends about Jesus.

Craft Learning Activity: “Open Your Heart” (Grades K-4) Preparation: You will need one sheet of purple construction paper per child, scissors, and black markers. Procedure: Set out the safety scissors and half sheets of purple construction paper. Demonstrate to children how to fold their paper accordion style into fourths and then cut half of heart shape. Have children open the folded paper to reveal one whole heart and two halves. Demonstrate how to fold the halves toward the middle so they make “doors.” Have students write the word “Jesus” across the center heart with the black markers. Say: “In this lesson we learned that Lydia listened to Paul preach the good news about Jesus. She opened her heart to believe in Jesus as her Savior. Use your folded paper heart to tell the Bible lesson to a family member or a friend.”

Life Application Challenge: “Magnetic Prayer Board” Preparation: Use a metal white board frame and cover with colorful craft paper. Decorate clothespins to hold the prayer requests and praises. Add stick on magnets to the clothespins so they will attach to the metal display board. This is a great way to remind students of what God can do when we pray together about those who need salvation. Add a “Dear Jesus” title and a key prayer verse to the board. Glue clothes pins to the board or use magnets. Procedure: Distribute index cards to each of the students. Have students share the names of people they know that they want to pray for. Encourage students to think of people who need Jesus as their Savior. Have students write the prayer requests on the cards and then attach the cards to the bulletin board with clothes pins to display. Say a prayer that all the people mentioned will turn to Jesus.


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Paul Tells Lydia about Jesus

Hebrews 13:15-16

“Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. And do not

forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”

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Building Strong Relationship Bridges to Share Christ with Others