Unit 5 y 6. Animals Science 1º ESO 0 Unit 5 y 6. Animals. NAME__________________________________________________________ Adapted from Natural Science. 1º ESO. Anaya Natural Science 1º ESO

Unit 5 y 6. Animals. - …booklet+2015.pdf · Look the diagram on the cover and add the following terms in the appropriate place: ... This takes different forms, ... Unit 5 y 6. Animals

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Unit 5 y 6. Animals Science 1º ESO


Unit 5 y 6. Animals.


Adapted from Natural Science. 1º ESO. Anaya

Natural Science 1º ESO

Unit 5 y 6. Animals Science 1º ESO



1. VOCABULARY........................................................................ 1

2. VOCABULARIO...................................................................... 2

3. UNIT CHART........................................................Cover and 3

4. UNIT ACTIVITIES AND NOTES.................................... 4-14

1. VOCABULARY UNIT 5 y 6. ANIMALS Here you have 5 key words of this Unit. You have to study them. If you

include more definition in your notebook (4 MORE AT LEAST), you will

have extra points in your notebook marks.

1. VERTEBRATE: Animal that has a spinal cord

2. OVIPAROUS. When animals produces eggs that contain their

young. Example chicken, ant, frog…

3. VIVIPAROUS. When animals give birth to fully developed babies.

Example: deer, cow, lion, kangaroo…

4. POIKILOTHERM. Organism whose body temperature is not constant. Example, snake, snail, turtle, spider…

5. Homoeothermic. Organism whose body temperature is constant independently of the temperature around it. Example: Seal, Eagle,

penguin, duck, parrot 6. METAMORPHOSIS a process in the lifecycle of many animals

during which a rapid change from the immature organism to the adult takes place

Write 10 examples of viviparous animals Write 10 examples of oviparous animals

Write 10 examples of Poikilotherm animals

Write 10 examples of homeotherm animals

Activity 0. Translate all these words:

Cartilaginous fish Size lung gill To breathe

Bony fish Shape tail Warm-blooded Tadpole

Limb Feather beak Cold- blooded Womb

Wing scale shell insulator tentacle

Oviparous hollow claw disguise Predators

Fin Fur backbone Sweat-gland viviparous

Unit 5 y 6. Animals Science 1º ESO



De cada palabra escribe su definición, un ejemplo si te lo pido

y su traducción al inglés. No olvides incluirlo en tu cuaderno.

1. Metamorfosis. Ejemplo

2. Exoesqueleto. Ejemplo de animal que lo tenga.

3. Vivíparo. Ejemplo

4. Ovíparo. Ejemplo

5. Ovovivíparo. Ejemplo

6. Vejiga natatoria. Ejemplo de animal que la tenga

7. Poiquilotermo. Ejemplo

8. Homeotermo. Ejemplo

9. Quilla. Ejemplo de animal que la tenga.

10. Placenta. Ejemplo de animal que la tenga

Unit 5 y 6. Animals Science 1º ESO



1. Look the diagram on the cover and add the following terms in the appropriate place: Frog, Penguin, Platypus, deer, tadpole, kangaroo, seal, sparrow, eagle, duck, cow, tortoise, alligator, and sardine. 2. Reptiles are classified into which groups? 3. And Birds? 4. And Mammals?

5. What is the difference between a cartilaginous fish and bony fish? Examples of each type.



Here you have some useful words to describe the bodies of animals:

According to the place they live they can be land animals or aquatic animals. There are also parasitic animals.

Regarding the size of the animal we can use these adjectives: large, small, medium sized...

Shape. Animals can be round like an urchin, long like a worm, flat like a fish...

A mammal’s body can be divided into a head, a trunk and limbs while an insect’s body includes a head, a thorax and an abdomen.

We can distinguish different kinds of limbs: legs for walking, wings for flying and fins for swimming.. Human beings have fingernails but cats have claws which are sharper and longer. Horses have hooves.

Many mammals have a tail, the octopus has tentacles and many arthropods have


Our skin is covered in hair but fishes and reptiles have scales. Birds are covered in feathers and can also be recognised by their beaks.

Inside our bodies there are bones. Other animals haven’t got bones; their bodies are soft or are protected by a shell; a very hard shell like those of molluscs or not so hard like the shells of insects or prawns. The vertebrates have got backbone and the invertebrate haven’t got it.

Unit 5 y 6. Animals Science 1º ESO


There are several respiratory systems by which animals feed themselves. Aquatic animals use

gills to breathe but land animals have lungs. Land arthropods have a net of tiny pipes called


Fertilization, that is the union of sexual cells, can take place in the environment (external

fertilization) or inside the female’s body (internal fertilization). The internal one is more

common for land animals. The embryo develops inside an egg, either outside the mother’s

body (oviparous animals) or inside the mother’s body (viviparous animals).

1. In complete sentences, describe a grasshopper using the correct words from this list. (20 words) long, small, pink, jump, wings, fins, green, invertebrate, short, vertebrate, big, swim, aquatic, land, red, mollusc, insect, fly

Example: A grasshopper is green.

2. Try to describe an spider a butterfly 3- Choose an animal you are interested in and make a card using the following descriptions ( EXTRA POINT- VOLUNTARY ):

Common name and scientific name. Classification Description (parts of the body, size, colours, main features...). Abilities (jump, climb, run, hunt, fly…). Food. Enemies Habitat and location (country, continent). Population. Is it endangered?


Common name and scientific name. Cat/Felis Catus

Classification Kingdom Animalia. Mammal

Description (parts of the body, size, colours, main features...).

Unit 5 y 6. Animals Science 1º ESO


It has got four legs, fur, a tail, whiskers and a nose It can be many different colours but mainly white, black, orange and brown. It is not very big. It is usually smaller than a dog.

Abilities (jump, climb, run, hunt, fly…). It is very good at running and jumping.

Food. It eats lots of meat like mice, insects and birds.

Enemies Its enemies include dogs, wolves and foxes.

Habitat and location (country, continent). It is located all over the world.

Population. Is it endangered? It is not endangered.

VERTEBRATES AND INVERTEBRATES Depending on their backbone or spinal column we can distinguish two groups:

Vertebrates. Animals that have got a backbone. It is a part of an internal skeleton.

Invertebrates. Animals that have not got an internal skeleton with a backbone. Some of them have not got a skeleton (like worms and jelly-fish) and others have got an external skeleton (like insects, spiders, and crabs).

Which group is the largest?


Activity 3. You have to know ALL these animals. Write the translation next to each one.

Unit 5 y 6. Animals Science 1º ESO


Unit 5 y 6. Animals Science 1º ESO


Activity 4. Classify all the animals from the list into vertebrates and invertebrates

Animal Parts Odd One Out Activity 5. Circle the three animals that are the same and explain what they have in common in a complete sentence: (a) fish (b) lizard (c) bear (d) snake

Fish, lizards, and snakes all have scales, but bears don’t. (a) hermit crab (b) scorpion (c) lobster (d) rattle snake (a) cow (b) dog (c) cat (d) black bear (a) cow (b) horse (c) polar bear (d) sheep (a) zebra (b) leopard (c) tiger (d) coral snake (a) tadpole

(b) frog (c) shark (d) angelfish


VIDEO.THE EXOSKELETON. From Anaya Digital. Fill in the gaps.

This takes different forms, for example in many beetles, the first pair of wings forms a concave

shield which is hard and even. This makes capturing a beetle difficult, but in any case it is better

for it to hide. In other beetles, such as this male flying deer beetle, which is almost 6cm long,

the armour of the jaws forms huge defences which look 1)________. Predators do not know that

they are not really dangerous. Another form of defense is 2)_________. This happens with this

harmless cerambycidae whose black and yellow exoskeleton make him look like a dangerous

wasp. Indeed, it moves the same way that wasps do. Other insects have exoskeletons with bright

colours to indicate a real danger, for example this monarch 3)_______ warns that it is poisonous

through its colours, a striking combination of orange and 4)_______.

Unit 5 y 6. Animals Science 1º ESO


Some questions:

1) Give three examples of how insects are protected in the environment.

2) Is the cerambycidae a dangerous insect?

3) What is the advantage for a beetle to have smooth and even wings?

Activity 6. How many groups of arthropods are there? Explain the differences between

insects and arachnids.

Activity 7. Try to classify all the invertebrates in activity 3 in its group.

Unit 5 y 6. Animals Science 1º ESO



Mammals and birds are warm-blooded, which means that they can make their own

body heat even when it is cold outside.

Cold-blooded animals, like reptiles, amphibians, and fish, become hotter and colder,

depending on the temperature outside

Activity 8. Complete the following table

Limbs shapes

Skin covering

Temperature control

Type of breathing

Type of diet

Type of reproduction






Unit 5 y 6. Animals Science 1º ESO


Activity 9. Graph A and Graph B show the body temperature of an animal over several hours.

Which graph represents a warm blooded

animal? Explain.

Which graph represents a cold blooded

animal? Explain.

Name a vertebrate that could be represented by:

Graph A: _____________ Graph B: _______________

Classify all the vertebrates in activity in Warm-blooded and cold-blooded

Activity 10. Answer the following questions 1. Give the name of a mammal that has got fins................................................................... 2. Do all birds fly? If not, give the name of one that cannot fly...................................... 3. What have a turtle and a duck got in common? 4. Why cannot a whale stay under the water for a long time? 5. What have a dolphin and a turtle got in common? 6. How can a frog get oxygen?

VIDEO. The Metamorphosis of Frogs Fill in the script.

The typical formula of amphibians´ growth is very interesting and it is similar to that of insects.

These animals also undergo some type of metamorphosis. Most of them lay huge quantities of

1)________ which when they hatch produce animals in their lavae phase. The larvae of frogs and

toads are called tadpoles. At first, they do not have legs and they are just a head and a 2)_______.

During this stage, their life is totally aquatic and they breathe through gills, the same as fish do.

They feed mainly on vegetation, although they also eat carrion and if there are few sources

available, they even become 3)_________. The key is to grow fast and to become a real amphibian

as soon as possible. Their legs develop wrapped up by the epidermis (outer layer of skin). The hind

legs show first and this helps them to develop their cabability of 4)_________, then the forelegs

show. When a limb is completely developed, a small hole opens in the skin and making a

movement, they pull that limb out, as we would pull out our arm through a shirt sleeve. As all this is

happening, the 5)________ and the rest of the organs are preparing for a future when everything

will be different: their diet, their breathing and the way they move. Their external experience is also

changing and little by little the tail is reabsorbed. The head and the rest of the body now have the

appearance of a new animal, an animal which will live by 6)_________ between Earth and water.

Bonus question! What is the name of a baby frog or toad?

Unit 5 y 6. Animals Science 1º ESO


Put in order the cartoons below and write what does it represent

MAMMALS 1. Match the words on the left column with the sentences on the right

1 Bat A It is the place where young mammals grow 2 Whale B It is part of the internal skeleton 3 Womb C With this organ mammals can hear 4 Warm-blooded D They are mammals that can fly 5 Ear E They are mammals that live in sea 6 Sweat gland F It is a gland that makes body temperature decrease 7 Backbone G They are animals with constant temperature

MAMMALS. DISCOVERY CHANEL VIDEO. Fill in the script with these words

Tools/ claw/ reptiles/ climates/ apes/ sea/ whales/ Limbs/ glands/ hair/ eight/ oceans/ mammals

Mammals from giant______ to small mice, to great apes much like ourselves, are among the most

advanced of Earth's creatures. All __________share two traits: we feed our young with mothers

milk, and we have_____ (more or less). Mammals nursing other young produce fewer offspring

than other animals but the youngsters have a much higher rate of survival than newly hatched birds,

______ and insect. This young orangutan will stay with its mother for _______ years.


Hair, like the coats worn by these high alpine guanacos offer mammals another advantage: hair and

the sweat ________that come with it helps mammal stay warm in cold_________. Overtime

mammals have moved into nearly all earth’s habitats polar______ have adapted to life in the Arctic

where the inhospitable cold makes fur coats essential. Marine mammals like porpoises and

humpback whales thrive in cold_________. They still have a few hairs around their mouths but a

more efficient underwater_________ is a thick layer of fat keeping heat in and cold out. Elephants

battle heat their skin covered in fine hairs is wrinkled making it easy to trap cooling mud in the

creases. Pots on the coats of leopards and cheetahs help them hide.


Their fur works to camouflage the big cats stalking prey in tall grasses. There are seventy five

hundred species of reptiles and amphibians and some 8600 species of birds only forty one hundred

species of mammals exist but they dominate the land and_____. The mammals have evolved with

greater speed and agility than most other animals. ______that are lined up to support weight and

drive mammals forward help browsing mammals run from mammalian predators armed with tooth

and______. And when natural advantages fail some mammals fashion ________to help them out.


this orangutan is working on a spoon to help him scoop ants out of a tree. Toolmaking was once

thought to be a skilled exclusive to the human mammal but all great______ and some other animals

make tools. So what separates us from the rest of the mammals? Our ability to communicate, to

parent, to show emotion. Perhaps a better question is to ask what makes us all so alike.

Unit 5 y 6. Animals Science 1º ESO


Answer the following questions 1. What kind of limbs have dolphins got?................................................................................. 2. How does a horse breathe?............................................................................................. 3. What does warm-blooded mean?........................................................................................ 4. Give an example of omnivorous mammal.................................................................... 5. What is the importance of hair in mammals?............................................................. 6. Do the young mammals eat for themselves?.................................................................. 7. How does a whale breathe?............................................................................................... 8. What is the function of mammary glands? ............................................................... 9. What is the name of mammals which eat plants? ..........................................................

10. Match the correct description with the correct term. Write the letter in the space provided. ______ a mammal that lays shelled eggs ______ a mammal with offspring that finish developing in the mother’s pouch ______ a mammal with an organ that exchanges wastes and nutrients with developing offspring

a. placental b. marsupial c. monotreme

BIRDS Match the words in the left column with the words on the right

1 Skeleton A It covers the main part of a bird body 2 Oviparous B It is very developed as a keel 3 Feather C It has very lightweight bones 4 Beak D It depends on the kind of food. 5 Chest bone E It means that they lay eggs

Answer the following questions 1. What is the reason of the aerodynamic shape body of

birds?..................................................... 2. Why are the birds bones hollow?...................................................................................... 3. What kind of fertilization have birds got?...................................................................... 4. Have birds got beak or teeth?..................................................................................... 5. Are young birds born from eggs or from live birth?................................................... 6. How is the temperature of birds in relation to their environment? 7. What is the name of the structures which cover the bird’s body?

Label the picture with the help of the power point “ bird’s skeleton” (Anaya digital)