Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading

Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

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Page 1: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

Unit 5

It must belong to



Unit 5

It must belong to



Page 2: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

It must belong to Carla

同义句( It must _____ _______. )

be Carla’s

否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.)


Page 3: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

3a Reading (P38) Strange events in Bell

Tower neighborhood.

Page 4: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

Read the passage and answer the following questions.

Page 5: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

1. What can you see in the picture ?

1. What can you see in the picture ?

She is a little afraid and terrified.She is a little afraid and terrified.

There is a woman looking out of the window.

2. What can we know

about the woman?

Page 6: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

3. Where is the article( 文章) from? 3. Where is the article( 文章) from?

It’s from the newspaper .

The passage is about strange events in Bell Tower neighborhood.

5. What is the strange thing?

What do the people think of it?

4. What is the passage about?

Page 7: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

A local school teacher called Zhou

Gu heard strange noises outside his w

indow every night. His wife thinks th

at it could be an animal. His friends a

nd he think it must be teenagers havi

ng fun. His parents think it might be t

he wind. His neighbor thinks it might

be a dog.

A local school teacher called Zhou

Gu heard strange noises outside his w

indow every night. His wife thinks th

at it could be an animal. His friends a

nd he think it must be teenagers havi

ng fun. His parents think it might be t

he wind. His neighbor thinks it might

be a dog.

Page 8: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

Read the passage (段落) again, and complete the following chart.

Page 9: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

3a, reading for info

Who? What did they find?What did they think it was?

Zhou Gu’s wife

Zhou Gu

The police

Qi Hui

strange noises outside their


could be an animal

strange noises outside their


must be teenagers having fun

nothing strange

might be the wind

? might be a dog

couldn’t see the dog, but there was still

noises outside ?

Page 10: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

A local school teacher called Zhou

Gu heard _______ noises outside his

window every night. His wife thinks th

at it could be __ _______. His friends a

nd he think it must be _____________

______ ____ . The police think it migh

t be ____ _____. His neighbor thinks it

might be ___ ____.


an animalteenagers

having fun

the wind

a dog

Page 11: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

3b Reading (P38) Strange events in Bell

Tower neighborhood.

Page 12: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

Let’s see what’s happening.

Chu family – late-night footsteps in the hallway – might be the Neighbors

Lao Zheng – something trying to get in the window – might be the wind

Xiao Ning – finds garbage in front of her house – might be cats

Write another paragraph about Bell TowerWrite another paragraph about Bell Towerusing these notes.using these notes.

Page 13: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

Chu family – late-night footsteps in the hallway – might be the neighbors

Write another paragraph about Bell TowerWrite another paragraph about Bell Towerusing these notes.using these notes.

Late that night, the Chu family found some strange footsteps in the hallway. They thought they might be their neighbor’s.

Page 14: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

Write another paragraph about Bell TowerWrite another paragraph about Bell Towerusing these notes.using these notes.Lao Zheng – something trying to get in the window – might be the wind

Lao Zheng, one of the Chus’ friends thought it could be something trying to get in the window. It might be the wind.

Page 15: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

Write another paragraph about Bell TowerWrite another paragraph about Bell Towerusing these notes.using these notes.

Xiao Ning – finds garbage in front of her house – might be cats

Then one morning, Xiao Ning, a student who lives next door, found some garbage in front of her house. She thought it might be garbage of cats.

Page 16: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

Writing (3b: P38)

One sample version( 范文 )

Writing (3b: P38)

One sample version( 范文 ) Late that night, the Chu family fou

nd some strange footsteps in the hall

way. They thought they might be thei

r neighbor’s. Lao Zheng, one of the C

hus’ friends thought it could be somet

hing trying to get in the window. It m

ight be the wind.

Late that night, the Chu family fou

nd some strange footsteps in the hall

way. They thought they might be thei

r neighbor’s. Lao Zheng, one of the C

hus’ friends thought it could be somet

hing trying to get in the window. It m

ight be the wind.

Page 17: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

Then one morning, Xiao Ning, a stud

ent who lives next door, found some g

arbage in front of her house. She thou

ght it might be garbage of some wild

cats. There must be some animals visi

ting the hallway. But what could it be?

Then one morning, Xiao Ning, a stud

ent who lives next door, found some g

arbage in front of her house. She thou

ght it might be garbage of some wild

cats. There must be some animals visi

ting the hallway. But what could it be?

Page 18: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

No more mystery. Look at 3c and find out the truth. Can you tell me what the strange noise is?

It’s three monkeys escaped from the local zoo and make the noises in Bell Tower neighborhood.

Page 19: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

Find out the useful expressions in the passage.

1.used to do sth. 2.these days

3.in our neighbourhood 4.be interviewed by…

5.the local school/newspaper/… 6.could be/might be

7.must be 8.have fun

9.anything strange 10.next door neighbour

11.at first 12.there must be

Page 20: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

Self Check

A proverb is a short popular sayi

ng, usually of unknown and ancie

nt origin, that expresses effectivel

y some common truth or useful th

ought. It is a wise saying.

Page 21: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

1. One finger cannot lift a small stone.

2. When an ant says “ocean”, he’s t

alking about a small pool.

We must unite to do things. 众人拾柴火焰高。

Different people have different views on things. 人们所处的环境不同,对事物的看法也不同。

Page 22: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

3. It is less of a problem to be poor tha

n to be dishonest.

4. Be careful of the person who does not talk, and the dog that does not bark.

We should be honest even if we are poor. 诚信为先,富贵在后。

People or animals who are silent might be thinking about hurting others. 小心不说话的人和不叫的狗。

be careful of

Page 23: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

6. Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me and I may not remember. Let me try, and I’ll understand.

5. You can’t wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

If others don’t need help, it’s useless to offer them some. 帮人也需要人同意。

The best way of learning is to practice doing something. 多听和多看,不如多实践。

Page 24: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

7. Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.

8. He who would do great things should not attempt them all alone.

Don’t let past things worry you anymore.


If you want to do something great, do not be shy to ask for help. 一个好汉三个帮。

use up

Page 25: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

be careful of 注意 ······ ,当心 ······ ;相当于 take care of , 其后接名词或代词,引出注意的对象。Eg : Be careful of your money when you’re out. 出门在外要当心你的钱。

Page 26: Unit 5 It must belong to Carla Reading. It must belong to Carla 同义句( It must _____ _______. ) be Carla’s 否定句 ( It ________ be Carla’s.) can’t

use up 用完、用光;耗尽,是由“动词 + 副词”构成的短语,如果代词作宾语,须放在 use 和 up 的中间。Eg : We have used up the money.也可以用于被动语态,此时主语为被用光的对象。Eg : The paper is almost used up.