Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars Learning about language 河河河河河河河河河 河河河

Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars Learning about language 河东区高考补习学校 魏光存

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Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars

Learning about language



Step1 Revision: Fill in the blanks according to the reading passage.

• After the “Big Bang”, the earth was just a cloud of energetic dust. It exploded loudly with fire and rock, which were _________to produce the water vapour, carbon dioxide and other gases. Then small plants grew .They___________and filled the oceans and seas with oxygen. Many millions of years later the first green plants began to appear on land. When the plants grew into forests, reptiles appeared for the first time.

In time


They produced young generally by_______eggs. When dinosaurs ________on the earth for more than 140 million years and disappeared, mammals became more important. Now small clever animals with hands and feet appeared and spread all over the world. As time go by they covered the earth and they are putting too much carbon dioxide into the __________, which ________heat ____ escaping from the earth into space. Whether life will continue on earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved.



atmosphereprevents from

Step2 words and expressions1.in time 【原文再现】 They were in time to produce

carbon, nitrogen, water vapour and other gases, which were to make the earth’s atmosphere.

句子分析: which were to make the earth’s atmosphere 是 ________________ 成分 ,

指代 ______________________________【归纳】 in time 来得及;总有一天,迟早 例如 :1)I was just in time for the flight. ___________________ 2) I will see him in time ________________

定语从句carbon,nitrogen,watervapour and other gases


【拓展】与 time 有关的短语 in no time 立即,立刻 ; at any

time 在任何时候 ; at one time 曾经 , 一度 ;

at times 有时,偶尔 ; on time 按时,准时 ; of the time 现在的,当时的

【即学活用】 1) If you keep on, you’ll succeed_______. (93 年全国卷 I)

A. in time B. at one time C. at the same time D. on time

2. multiply(1) 【原文再现】 They multiplied and filled the

oceans and seas with oxygen, which encouraged the later shellfish and all sorts of fish.

(2)Using this method, you’ll find the efficiency is multiplied several times

(3)7 multiplied by 8 is 56【归纳】 multiply 的含义是: (1)_______

(2)________________ (3)_________

【即学活用】 ____________9________3,and the product is 27.

繁殖增多,增加 相乘

multiply by

3. lay【原文再现】 They produced young generally

by laying eggs【拓展 】 1) 放,置 lay it on the table ; 2) 摆放

好 to lay the table ; 3) 产,下(蛋) The hen laid three eggs

【辨析】原形 单数 过去式 过去



lie lies lied lied lying 撒谎lie lies lay lain lying 躺,位于

lay lays laid laid laying 产蛋,放置

【即学活用】 They ____ us ____ for three months.A .Laid off ________ B. laid down ________ C. laid on _________ D. laid out _________解雇 放下

安装 设计,花费

4.exist(1) 【原文再现】 They laid eggs too and existed on the earth for more than 140 million years.(2)The laid-off workers mainly exist on bread and tea.(3)This kind of trees only exists in China.

【归纳】1). exist ( on sth )生存,活下来,

幸存 ; 靠…… 为生 2).exist in sth 存在于……之中 3).existence n. 存在 ; 生活 .

【即学活用】People do not now believe in the

_____of ghosts. A. birth B. evidence

C. existence D. occurrence

5. atmosphere(1) 【原文再现 】 they are putting too much carbon

dioxide into the atmosphere

(2)The atmosphere changed as soon as she

walked in.

【归纳】 atmosphere 为名词,其含义 1)________ 2)________ 其形容词 atmospheric[ætməs′ferɪk] adj. 大气的 e.g. atmospheric pressure 大气压力。

【即学活用】 The top leaders of the two countries are holding

talks in a friendly______ ( 22 湖北 08 ) A. atmosphere B.state C.situationD.phenomenon


6. prevent …from… 【原文再现】 which prevent heat from

escaping from the earth into space【注意】 prevent 后面跟名词和代词作宾语,在

宾语后可跟 from doing , from 可以省略。因此 prevent sb ( from ) doing 和 prevent sb/sb’ doing 都可以。

【辨析】 prevent…from , stop…from , keep…from

三者意思相近,常可互换, prevent…from 和stop…from 用于主动语态时 from 可以省略,但用于被动语态时不可省略; keep…from 中的 from 不能省略。

【即学活用】Nobody can stop me ______the tennis match on my radio.A. to listen B. listening C. listen to D. listening to

Step3 Discovering useful words and expressions

Deal with “Discovering useful words and expressions” of the


Answers to “ Discovering useful words and expressions”Ex.1:

Prefix or suffix

-ence un- -al -ist

example presence uncertain cultural artistEX.2: C;A;C;B.EX.3:1.fundamental;2.astronomy;3.gives birth to; 4.existed; 5.as a result; 6.atoms; 7.prevents… from; 8.puzzleEX.4: Emotional words:1.violent; 2.angry; 3.rude;4.Shocked 5.Excited; 6.crazy.

Step4 Discovering useful structures : Noun clauses as the subject 1.study the rule:

(1) What part does the underlined part serve as in each sentence of group 1 ?

1 ) A tree has fallen across the road.

2 ) You are a student.

3 ) To find your way can be a problem.

4 ) Smoking is bad for you.

The underlined part serves as_________Subject

What part does the underlined part serve as in each sentence of group 2 ?

1)“How do you do?” is a greeting.

2) What she said is not yet known.

3)That we shall be late is certain.

4)It is certain that we shall be late.

We can see from these sentences that a sentence serves as _______, so we call it _____________________.

SubjectSubject Clause

(2) Sentences- making practice

① It is certain. We will be late (that)

e.g: It is certain that we will be late

② Is she coming or not? We don’t know.(whether)


③ What does he want to tell us? We don’t know. (what)


④When will you come back? It doesn’t matter (when)


We don’t know whether she is coming or not

We don’t know what he wants to tell us

When you will come back doesn’t matter

2.Find the rule (1) 在句子中起 名词作用的句子叫 _______,

名词性从句的功能相当于名词词组,在复合句中担任主语时就叫 ______

(2) 名词性从句的连接词可以分为三类 :

连接词 that, whether ;连接代词 who, whoever, what, whatever,

和 which ;连接副词 when, whenever , where, how 和




( 3 )有时为了使句子结构平衡 , 避免 “头重脚轻” , 常用 it 作形式主语 , 而把从句放在后面。 例如 : It is a pity that she has made such a mistake.

(4) 用于 It is important / natural / necessary / impossible that... 句型中 , 主语从句应使用虚拟语气 , 谓语动词用 \“should + 动词原形 \” 的形式 , should 有时有感情色彩。

(5) 两点注意: 1 )主语从句放句首时,必须有连接词引导,不能省略;如果 it 作形式主语,而把主语从句放句末时,从属连词 that 可以省略;2 )主语从句放句首,不能用 if 引导。

3. Apply the rule: multiple choices

1. _____ is known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing. (福建卷)

A. It B. What

C. As D. Which

.2. ______ was most important to her, she told me, was her family. (山东卷)

A. It B. This

C. What D. As

Step5 当堂小练一、 Finish the multiple choices1.We can’t continue to pretend that the

problem of homelessness doesn’t ______ in this city. A. exist B. live C. be D. survive2. He wants to see changes in the company

and I am sure he will, ______. A. on time B. at a time C. at one time D. in time3. ______ anyone should want to kill her was

unbelievable. A. Whether B. That C. What D. If

4. They have put the bird in a cage to ____it from flying away.

A. avoid B. prevent C. let D. resist5. 兔子繁殖得很快( multiply )______________________________

6. 一只躺在树下的公鸡撒谎说它生了一个蛋。


Rabbits multiply rapidly

A cock lying under the tree lied to lay an egg

二、 Complete the following passage with words and phrases below in the correct form.

Is the moon a planet? Debates about this question __________ since it appeared. Some scientists living in the _________think that the earth gives birth to the moon because the moon circles our planet. Others believe that the moon _______ before the earth was formed.

in time ; multiply ; lay …on; atmosphere; exist; prevent …from



They think that earlier in time it travelled through space as a small planet which was caught by the earth’s gravity. As a result, it goes around our planet. These scientists ______ the evidence for this theory ___ the fact that the atoms that make up the rocks on the moon seem to be different from those on earth. What is clear is that the moon is smaller than the earth and this _________ it _______ escaping from the earth. Although its origin may still be a puzzle, we believe human beings can solve it___________.

laid on


In time

Homework:1.Remember the usage of important words and expressions.2.Review noun clauses as the subject.

Thank you!
