Curriculum For Excellence Higher Physics Particles and Waves Compiled and edited by F. Kastelein Boroughmuir High School Original - George Watson’s College 1 City of Edinburgh Council Unit 2 - Particles and Waves – Part 1 THE STANDARD MODEL 1. Orders of Magnitude The range of orders of magnitude of length from the very small (sub- nuclear) to the very large (distance to furthest known celestial objects). 2. The Standard Model of Fundamental Particles and Interactions The evidence for the sub-nuclear particles and the existence of antimatter Fermions, the matter particles, consist of: i. Quarks (6 types) ii. Leptons (electron, muon and tau, together with their neutrinos) Hadrons are composite particles composed of Quarks Baryons are made of three Quarks Mesons are made of two Quarks The force mediating particles are bosons (Photons, W and Z Bosons and Gluons) Description of beta decay as the first evidence for the neutrino FORCES ON CHARGED PARTICLES 3. Electric fields around charged particles and between parallel plates Examples of electric field patterns including single point charges, systems of two point charges and the field between parallel plates 4. Movement of charge in an electric field, p.d. and work, electrical charge The relationship between potential difference, work done and charge gives the definition of the volt Calculating the speed of a charged particle which has been accelerated in an electric field 5. Charged particles in a magnetic field A moving charge produces a magnetic field The direction of the force on a charged particle moving in a magnetic field should be described for negative and positive charges 6. Particle accelerators Basic operations of particle accelerators in terms of acceleration, deflection and collision of charged particles NUCLEAR REACTIONS 7. Fission and fusion Nuclear equations to describe radioactive decay, fission and fusion reactions Mass and energy equivalence, including calculations Coolant and containment issues in nuclear fission reactors

Unit 2 - Particles and Waves Part 1 Notes

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Page 1: Unit 2 - Particles and Waves Part 1 Notes

Curriculum For Excellence Higher Physics Particles and Waves

Compiled and edited by F. Kastelein Boroughmuir High School

Original - George Watson’s College 1 City of Edinburgh Council

Unit 2 - Particles and Waves – Part 1


1. Orders of Magnitude

• The range of orders of magnitude of length from the very small (sub-

nuclear) to the very large (distance to furthest known celestial objects).

2. The Standard Model of Fundamental Particles and Interactions

• The evidence for the sub-nuclear particles and the existence of antimatter

• Fermions, the matter particles, consist of:

i. Quarks (6 types)

ii. Leptons (electron, muon and tau, together with their neutrinos)

• Hadrons are composite particles composed of Quarks

• Baryons are made of three Quarks

• Mesons are made of two Quarks

• The force mediating particles are bosons (Photons, W and Z Bosons and


• Description of beta decay as the first evidence for the neutrino


3. Electric fields around charged particles and between parallel plates

• Examples of electric field patterns including single point charges, systems

of two point charges and the field between parallel plates

4. Movement of charge in an electric field, p.d. and work, electrical charge

• The relationship between potential difference, work done and charge gives

the definition of the volt

• Calculating the speed of a charged particle which has been accelerated in an

electric field

5. Charged particles in a magnetic field

• A moving charge produces a magnetic field

• The direction of the force on a charged particle moving in a magnetic field

should be described for negative and positive charges

6. Particle accelerators

• Basic operations of particle accelerators in terms of acceleration, deflection

and collision of charged particles


7. Fission and fusion

• Nuclear equations to describe radioactive decay, fission and fusion reactions

• Mass and energy equivalence, including calculations

• Coolant and containment issues in nuclear fission reactors

Page 2: Unit 2 - Particles and Waves Part 1 Notes

Curriculum For Excellence Higher Physics Particles and Waves

Compiled and edited by F. Kastelein Boroughmuir High School

Original - George Watson’s College 2 City of Edinburgh Council


In Physics it is necessary to measure extremely large and extremely small objects.

From the size of the Universe:

To the size of subatomic particles.

The average distance from the Earth to the Sun is 150 000 000 km. There are two problems

with quoting a measurement in this way: the inconvenience of writing so many zeros, the

uncertainty in the value (How many significant figures are important?) These are over

come if scientific notation is used. 150 000 000 km = 1.5 x 108 km.


In a particle accelerator a very small particle, eg

an electron, can be accelerated by electric and

magnetic fields to a very high speed. Being very

small, speeds near to the speed of light may be

achieved. When these particles collide with a

stationary target, or other fast-moving particles, a

substantial amount of energy is released in a small

space. Some of this energy may be converted into

mass (E=mc2), producing showers of nuclear

particles. By passing these particles through a

magnetic field and observing the deflection their

mass and charge can be measured. For example, an

electron with low mass will be more easily deflected

than its heavier cousin, the muon. A positive

particle will be deflected in the opposite direction to

a negative particle. Cosmic rays from outer space

also contain particles, which can be studied in a

similar manner.

Most matter particles, such as protons, electrons and neutrons have corresponding


These have the same rest mass as the particles but the opposite charge. With the exception

of the antiparticle of the electron e-, which is the positron e+, antiparticles are given the

same symbol as the particle but with a bar over the top.

When a particle and its antiparticle meet, in most cases, they will annihilate each other

and their combined mass is converted into energy. There are far more particles than

antiparticles in the Universe, so annihilation is extremely rare.

Helium Atom

elementary particles

electron (-)

proton (+)


Page 3: Unit 2 - Particles and Waves Part 1 Notes

Curriculum For Excellence Higher Physics Particles and Waves

Compiled and edited by F. Kastelein Boroughmuir High School

Original - George Watson’s College 3 City of Edinburgh Council


Fundamental particles are particles that cannot be divided into smaller particles. In the

standard model of particle physics, there are 12 fundamental particles (called Fermions).

There are 6 types of quarks and 6 types of leptons. These all have corresponding

antiparticles. There are also 4 force carriers, also known as force mediators.

Quarks have fractional charges. The top quark is the most massive fundamental particle,

almost 200 times the mass of a proton. There are also three generations. Individual quarks

have never been detected.

Leptons have no size and in most cases low or no mass. There are three generations of

leptons, only electrons occur in ordinary mass. Muons occur in the upper atmosphere and

the tau has only been seen in laboratory experiments.

Each of these particles has an antimatter counterpart with equal mass

and lifespan but opposite charge!

In Particle Physics mass is denoted in units of eV/c2. This notation is

derived from the equations E = mc2 and W = QV. During interactions

certain quantities must be conserved, these values include charge and


Energies are also denoted in terms of the electron volt, eV. Which

again comes from the equation W = QV.


u up 2/3


c charm



t top 2/3


γ photon



H Higgs Boson



d down



s strange



b bottom



g gluon



νe electron neutrino



νµ muon neutrino



ντ tau neutrino



Z0 Z boson



e electron



µ muon



τ tau -1


W± W boson




bol name charge








s Q






Page 4: Unit 2 - Particles and Waves Part 1 Notes

Curriculum For Excellence Higher Physics Particles and Waves

Compiled and edited by F. Kastelein Boroughmuir High School

Original - George Watson’s College 4 City of Edinburgh Council

Hadrons are particles made from quarks that are held together by the strong force,

Hadrons are composite particles. The strong force is so strong that quarks have never been

found individually.

There are two types of hadron:

Baryons - made of three quarks or three antiquarks (known as antibaryons)

Mesons - made of a quark and an antiquark.

The baryons and mesons can only have whole integer charges, 2e, e, 0, -e and -2e. There

are other rules governing the joining of interactions, strangeness, spin, topness.

We will not cover these in this course.

Quarks Quark charges Total charge Baryon or meson


(neutron) 2/3 -1/3 -1/3 0 baryon


(proton) 2/3 2/3 -1/3 +1 baryon

(pion) 2/3 1/3 +1 meson


(negative pion) -2/3 -1/3 -1 meson

There are approximately 140 possible meson combinations, there are a predicted 40

possible baryons.

Ordinary matter contains only the first generation of quarks as the lifetime of higher

generation quarks are very low, they quickly decay into up quarks or down quarks. Very

high energies are needed to make hadrons composed of other quarks.

SQA Revised Higher 2012

Page 5: Unit 2 - Particles and Waves Part 1 Notes

Curriculum For Excellence Higher Physics Particles and Waves

Compiled and edited by F. Kastelein Boroughmuir High School

Original - George Watson’s College 5 City of Edinburgh Council

Fundamental Forces and Force Mediating Particles

Particles may experience four forces: strong (nuclear) force, weak (nuclear) force,

gravitational force and electromagnetic force.

Strong (Nuclear) Force

• Electrostatic theory predicts that the

protons in the nucleus should fly apart.

This does not happen so there must be

another force present. This is known as

the strong force and holds the nucleons


• The strong force acts over a short range

and over this short range it is stronger

than the electrostatic force.

• Only experienced by quarks

Gravitational Force

• See Unit 1 notes

• Has infinite range

• Weakest of the fundamental forces

Weak (Nuclear) Force

• Involved in radioactive beta decay

• Acts over a short range

• Is weaker than the strong nuclear force

(hence its name)

• Experienced in quark and lepton


Electromagnetic Force

• Combination of the electrostatic and

magnetic forces

• Has infinite range

Grand Unification Theory

Scientists are working towards a Grand Unification Theory which will link all the forces

into one theory. The Gravitational Force is proving more difficult to link to the other

forces. For this reason the gravitational force is not included in the Standard Model. The

gravitational force is relatively very weak and therefore can be ignored in terms of

subatomic particles.

The sub-atomic non contact forces are explained using force carriers. The force carriers



Carrier Photon Gluon W boson Z boson Graviton*

Force Electromagnetic Strong





Nuclear Gravitational

*Gravitons are purely theoretical and have not been discovered. It should be noted that he

graviton is not the Higgs Boson. The Higgs Boson is responsible for the mass of particles,

with mass the particle produces a gravitational field (like a charged particle produces an

electric field). The graviton is the mediator for the gravitational field (like the photon is

the mediator for the electromagnetic).

Page 6: Unit 2 - Particles and Waves Part 1 Notes

Curriculum For Excellence Higher Physics Particles and Waves

Compiled and edited by F. Kastelein Boroughmuir High School

Original - George Watson’s College 6 City of Edinburgh Council

Beta Decay and the Evidence for the Neutrino

More often than not it is when a theory is proven incorrect that we learn the most about it.

One example of this is beta decay.

Beta decay can occur in unstable nuclei where the nucleus emits an electron, leaving a

nucleus with the same mass number but an increase in atomic number of 1. For example:

eNC 0





6 −+→

In more general terms we can consider just the neutron becoming a proton:

epn 0





0 −+→

Notice that mass number and charge number are

conserved. These are not the only quantities that

need to be conserved in a situation like this. Energy

must also have been conserved. While mass number

is conserved the actual mass of the proton is less than

the mass of the neutron, this decrease in mass results

in a release of energy (E=mc2), available as kinetic

energy to the electron. Particle Physicists discovered

that the kinetic energy of the electron was not always

equal to this value, in fact the electron could have

any of a number of values for its kinetic energy:

The evidence points to the presence of a second particle, which shares the kinetic energy.

This particle would have to have no charge (since charge is already conserved) and a very

low mass since it is almost undetectable. This neutral, tiny one was named the neutrino

(which in Italian means just about the same thing).

And so the equation can be completed:


−epn 0






Ultimately the particle was determined to be an electron anti neutrino, the antimatter

equivalent to the electron neutrino, which we have seen earlier.

Advanced Beta Decay

For further interest we can analyse the interaction in terms of the fundamental particles

involved. We would see that a neutron (udd) becoming a proton (udu) would require a

down quark to become an up quark:


−eud 13/21/3-

Notice that charge, even with fractional charges is still conserved.

Page 7: Unit 2 - Particles and Waves Part 1 Notes

Curriculum For Excellence Higher Physics Particles and Waves

Compiled and edited by F. Kastelein Boroughmuir High School

Original - George Watson’s College 7 City of Edinburgh Council





Richard Feynman developed a way to represent such an interaction in terms of the particles

involved and the mediating particles, these are now known as Feynman diagrams. In a

Feynman diagram a particle may be changed in form, or direction, by a mediating particle.

All interactions can only involve these three parts: "particle in", "particle out" and the

mediator (represented by the wavy line). Any of these lines can then go on to be part of

another interaction, where the rules are the same.

The full Feynman Diagram for beta decay is shown below. Notice that two quarks are

unaffected by the interaction (we could technically ignore them here).

The important down quark decays into an up quark, emitting a W- boson (charge, -1, still

conserving charge):

−+→ Wud 12/31/3-

The W- boson has an extremely short lifespan and is never truly observed. It decays into

an electron and an electron antineutrino



−eW 11

Again charge is conserved (and with the electron antineutrino, so is electron-ness, this is

apparently a thing!)

You may notice that the electron antineutrino travels backwards in time on this diagram.

Not only does this fit with the rules for the Feynman diagram, this notation actually

interprets the behavior of antimatter correctly and all antimatter particles are drawn to

move backwards in time.

There is also another type of beta decay, known as beta +. In this process a proton decays

into a neutron, a positron (anti electron) and an electron neutrino are emitted.




u d u

u d d





A neutron in P

decays by W-



The decay process moves the

Carbon nucleus up one step

in the periodic table to


Page 8: Unit 2 - Particles and Waves Part 1 Notes

Curriculum For Excellence Higher Physics Particles and Waves

Compiled and edited by F. Kastelein Boroughmuir High School

Original - George Watson’s College 8 City of Edinburgh Council

Detecting and Identifying Particles

While these notes are presented to follow the order of the course as set out by the SQA, it is recommended

that students familiarise themselves with the section on electric and magnetic fields and the forces which

charged particles experience within these fields. This section is included here to help understand how

fundamental particles and anti-matter can be identified.

Cloud Chambers

A cloud chamber is a container which contains a supersaturated vapour. The molecules in

this vapour are polar, meaning that they have a positive end and a negative end. When a

charged particles, say an electron, passes though the chamber the vapour is ionised along

the path of the particle. The ionised particles then act as condensation nuclei, the polar

molecules align themselves and are drawn towards the electrons path. As they become

closer the vapour condenses enough to become visible and we trails of “cloud”, similar in

appearance to the vapour trails left in the sky by aeroplanes.


If we apply an electric field across the cloud chamber then charged particles will be

deflected from their paths. Negatively charged particles will be attracted to positively

charged plates and repelled by negatively charged plates, and vice versa. By observing the

given paths we can make comparisons and determine the nature of the particles travelling

through the chamber.

Example 1

Here two particles are observed to deflect in opposite


Since their paths are seen to be symmetrical in can be

determined that:

• they have opposite but equal charge

• the have equal mass

Conclusion: we are observing a particle and its equivalent antiparticle.

Example 2

Two particles are observed to deflect in opposite


Since their paths are not symmetrical we determine


• they have opposite charge (can we say equal?)

• (b) is most likely more massive than (a)

Conclusion: we may be observing an electron (a) and a proton (b)

There are more complex and precise detectors in use at CERN and other facilities but this

gives you an introduction to the basics.

Page 9: Unit 2 - Particles and Waves Part 1 Notes

Curriculum For Excellence Higher Physics Particles and Waves

Compiled and edited by F. Kastelein Boroughmuir High School

Original - George Watson’s College 9 City of Edinburgh Council


Electric Fields

An electric field is a region where a charged particle (such as an electron or proton)

experiences a force (an electrical force) without being touched.

If the charged particle is free to move, it will accelerate in the direction of the unbalanced


To represent an electric field, we draw electric field lines. The field line represents the

motion of a test positive charge.

Work is done when a charge is moved in an electric field.

The electric field

from an isolated

positive charge. A

positive test

charge would

experience a

repulsive force

The electric field

from an isolated

negative charge.

A positive test

charge would

experience an

attractive force

To move an electron (negative charge)

towards the negatively charged plate,

energy must be needed in order to

overcome the repulsion force between

the electron and the negatively charged

plate. The work done is gained by the

electron as electrical potential energy.

If the electron is free to move back

towards the positively charged plate,

the electric field does work on the

electron. The electron’s electrical

potential energy is changed to kinetic

energy as the electric field accelerates

the electron towards the positively

charged plate.













Page 10: Unit 2 - Particles and Waves Part 1 Notes

Curriculum For Excellence Higher Physics Particles and Waves

Compiled and edited by F. Kastelein Boroughmuir High School

Original - George Watson’s College 10 City of Edinburgh Council

Work Done Moving a Charge and Potential Difference

The potential difference (V) between 2 points in an electric field is a measure of the work

done (W) in moving 1 coulomb of charge between the 2 points.

Calculate the potential difference between 2 points in an electric field, if the field does:

Electrical Potential Energy to Kinetic Energy

When an electron is free to move in the electric field between two oppositely charged

metal plates, the work done by the electric field on the electron is converted to kinetic

energy of the electron.

[This equation also applies to any other charged particle in an electric field].


An electron is free to move in an electric field. The electron is accelerated by the field from

rest through a potential difference of 500 V. Calculate the speed of the electron at the end

of the acceleration.


work done in moving

quantity of charge

between 2 points in an

electric field/ joules (J)

potential difference between 2

points in an electric field/ joules

per coulomb (JC-1) OR volts (V)

quantity of charge/

coulombs (C)

25 J of work moving 5 C of charge

W = 25 J W = QV

Q = 5 C 25 = 5 x V

V = 5V

100 J of work moving 2.5 C of charge

between the 2 points.

W = 100 J W = QV

Q = 2.5 C 100 = 2.5 x V

V = 40V



1QV mv=



















electron ofenergy kineticin gain field electricby electron on donework










Page 11: Unit 2 - Particles and Waves Part 1 Notes

Curriculum For Excellence Higher Physics Particles and Waves

Compiled and edited by F. Kastelein Boroughmuir High School

Original - George Watson’s College 11 City of Edinburgh Council

Charged particles in a magnetic field Magnetic fields are produced by moving charges or currents in wires. In a simple bar

magnet there do not appear to be any currents but the magnetic field is generated by

electrons orbiting atoms that make up the structure of the magnet.


Current can be considered as the flow of electrons or as conventional current (the

flow of positive charges). For Higher Physics you need to know how to interpret the

effects of BOTH on a current carrying wire.

If a current flows through a piece of wire then a magnetic field will be produced around

the wire.

The direction of the magnetic field depends on the direction of current flow.

The direction can be determined using the screw rule.

Page 12: Unit 2 - Particles and Waves Part 1 Notes

Curriculum For Excellence Higher Physics Particles and Waves

Compiled and edited by F. Kastelein Boroughmuir High School

Original - George Watson’s College 12 City of Edinburgh Council

Forces acting on a current carrying wire

A wire carrying an electric current will experience a mechanical force when placed in a

magnetic field. When this happens, the magnetic field pushes on the wire. The force of

this "push" relates directly to the intensity of the current, the strength of the magnetic

field and the length of the wire in the field.

You can visualize this relationship by using the “right hand rule” (electron current) or

"left hand rule" (conventional current). If the first finger points in the direction of the

magnetic field, the second finger in the direction of the current, then the thumb represents

the direction of the force thrust (or motion).

Forces acting on a charged particles

Conversely if we have a magnetic field acting on a moving charge it will experience a

force. However, if the charge travels parallel to the magnetic field, it will not experience a


The direction of the force is determined using the same “hand rules”.

The speed of the charge will not change, only the direction of motion changes.

Page 13: Unit 2 - Particles and Waves Part 1 Notes

Curriculum For Excellence Higher Physics Particles and Waves

Compiled and edited by F. Kastelein Boroughmuir High School

Original - George Watson’s College 13 City of Edinburgh Council

Particle Accelerators

Beams of charged particles experience a deflection by both electric and magnetic fields.

This can be used to accelerate particles, cause collisions and investigate the particles and

energies produced.


In a cyclotron, ions are injected at a point near the

centre. An alternating potential difference

between the ‘dee’ shaped electrodes accelerates

the particles. A magnetic field causes the particles

to move in a circular path. When the particle

crosses from one dee to another it accelerates.

After each acceleration the particle moves to a

slightly larger orbit. When it reaches the outer

edge of the cyclotron the particle beam is

extracted and used in other experiments.

Linear accelerator (LINAC)

Charged particles are accelerated in a vacuum pipe through a series of electrodes by an

alternating voltage. The beam of particles is then directed at a target or into a synchrotron.


This is similar to a linear accelerator, bent into a

ring so the charged particles can be given more

energy each time they go round. Electromagnets

keep the particles in a curved path. As the speed

increases, the magnetic field strength is increased.

As the speed increases and relativistic effect

cause the mass of the particles to increase, a

larger force is needed to accelerate them and keep

them in a circular path.


CERN is the European particle physics laboratory, it is near Geneva in Switzerland and

was established in 1954. 20 European countries collaborated in funding and running

CERN. About 3000 people work there, with are many visiting scientists that represent over

80 nations. They have a number of accelerators and a number of detectors, ATLAS,


Scientists working at CERN have a large amount of information to send to each other. In

1989 Tim Berners Lee wrote a proposal for an information system, and by the end of 1990

the World-Wide Web was up and running.

Page 14: Unit 2 - Particles and Waves Part 1 Notes

Curriculum For Excellence Higher Physics Particles and Waves

Compiled and edited by F. Kastelein Boroughmuir High School

Original - George Watson’s College 14 City of Edinburgh Council

Very, very few positively-

charged alpha particles

(about 1 in every 8 000)

were deflected backwards

in almost the direction

they had come from.

Most of the positively-

charged alpha particles

(99%) passed straight

through the gold foil.

A few of the positively-

charged alpha particles were

deflected slightly.

Nuclear Physics

Rutherfords Scattering Experiment - model of the atom

At the start of the 20th century, Ernest Rutherford devised an experiment to investigate the

structure of atoms.

Positively-charged alpha particles were fired at a very thin piece of gold foil in the

apparatus shown below. Because of the vacuum, the alpha particles were able to travel


Every time an alpha particle hit the

fluorescent screen, the screen

glowed for a short time.

The microscope was moved all

around the outside of the circular

fluorescent screen, so that the

number of alpha particles hitting the

screen at every position could be





1) Because most of the positively-charged alpha particles passed straight through the gold

atoms in the foil, most of the atom must be empty space.

2) Because only very, very few positively-charged alpha particles were deflected

backwards in almost the direction they had come from, most of the mass of the atom

must be concentrated in a very small central area (which we call the nucleus).

3) Because some of the positively-charged alpha particles were deflected backwards by the

nucleus, the nucleus must be positively-charged. (Like charges repel).

Page 15: Unit 2 - Particles and Waves Part 1 Notes

Curriculum For Excellence Higher Physics Particles and Waves

Compiled and edited by F. Kastelein Boroughmuir High School

Original - George Watson’s College 15 City of Edinburgh Council

mass number

(represents the total number of

protons plus neutrons in the nucleus)

atomic number

(represents the number of

protons in the nucleus)



Model of the Atom

Nuclide Notation

The symbol for an atom is often written in this form:



Nuclear Decay

From National 5 Physics, you know that three types of radioactivity may be emitted from

atomic nuclei during radioactive decay - alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays.

Alpha Decay

Alpha decay takes place when an alpha particle (consisting of 2 protons plus 2 neutrons)

is ejected from an atom's nucleus.

An alpha particle is represented by the symbol: He4


A different atom is created as a result:

HeTh U 4





92 +→

The mass number of the new (daughter) atom is four less than the original (parent). The

atomic number is two less than the original. Mass number and atomic number have

been conserved.

Nucleus. Contains protons (+ charge) and

neutrons (0 charge), so has overall + charge.

electrons (- charge)

orbit around the

nucleus at different

energy levels

Page 16: Unit 2 - Particles and Waves Part 1 Notes

Curriculum For Excellence Higher Physics Particles and Waves

Compiled and edited by F. Kastelein Boroughmuir High School

Original - George Watson’s College 16 City of Edinburgh Council

Beta Decay

Beta decay takes place when a neutron in the nucleus decays into a proton and an

electron The proton stays in the nucleus (so the atomic number increases by 1) while the

electron is ejected from the atom's nucleus as a beta particle.

An beta particle is represented by the symbol: e0


A different atom is created as a result:

e U Pa 0





91 +→

The mass number of the new (daughter) atom is the same as the original (parent). The

atomic number is increased by 1. Mass number and atomic number have been


Gamma Decay

Gamma rays are photons of electromagnetic energy - They are not particles. When gamma rays are ejected from an atom's nucleus, this does not change the mass number or

atomic number of the atom. It does however change the energy state of the nucleus.

Nuclear Reactions

Nuclear Fission

In nuclear fission, a large atomic nucleus splits into 2 smaller nuclei and sometimes

several neutrons. The smaller nuclei and neutrons that are produced gain large amounts

of kinetic energy, we interpret this energy as heat.

Fission may be either:

(a) Spontaneous

The large atomic nucleus splits up by itself at random - There is no "outside influence".

(b) Stimulated by Neutron Bombardment

A neutron is "fired" at a uranium nucleus,

causing the uranium nucleus to split.

Smaller Daughter particles are produces as

well as 3 further neutrons, all of which have

a great deal of kinetic energy.

n3Kr Ba Un 1









0 ++→+

Note that the mass numbers (top) and atomic

number (bottom) must be conserved.

Page 17: Unit 2 - Particles and Waves Part 1 Notes

Curriculum For Excellence Higher Physics Particles and Waves

Compiled and edited by F. Kastelein Boroughmuir High School

Original - George Watson’s College 17 City of Edinburgh Council

Nuclear Fusion

In nuclear fusion, 2 small atomic nuclei combine to form a larger nucleus. Other small

particles (such as neutrons) may also be left over.

energyn He H H 1







1 ++→+

The larger nucleus and other particles produced gain large amounts of kinetic energy,

which we interpret as heat energy. Nuclear fusion takes place in stars, like the sun.

Lost Mass and E = mc2

In both nuclear fission and nuclear fusion reactions, the mass of the products formed is

always less than the mass of the starting species - Mass is lost during the reaction.

The "lost mass" is converted into kinetic energy of the products, in accordance with

Albert Einstein's famous equation:

2mcE =

Example 1 (fission)

n4Zr Ten U 1









92 ++→+

3.901x10-25kg 0.017x10-25kg 2.221x10-25kg 1.626x10-25kg 0.017x10-25kg

(a) Describe what happens in a nuclear fission reaction:

A larger atomic nucleus splints into 2 smaller nuclei, several neutrons and large amounts of


(b) Explain whether the above nuclear fission reaction is "spontaneous" or "induced":

Induced. A neutron is fired at the nucleus to start the process.

(c) Calculate the total mass of the species on the left of the arrow (the reactants):

3.901x10-25 + 0.017x10-25 = 3.918x10-25 kg

(d) Calculate the total mass of the species on the right of the arrow (the products):

2.221x10-25 + 1.626x10-25 + (4 x 0.017x10-25 ) = 3.915x10-25 kg

kinetic energy of the

products (J)

mass lost in reaction (kg)

speed of light (3x108ms-1)

Page 18: Unit 2 - Particles and Waves Part 1 Notes

Curriculum For Excellence Higher Physics Particles and Waves

Compiled and edited by F. Kastelein Boroughmuir High School

Original - George Watson’s College 18 City of Edinburgh Council

(e) Calculate the lost mass when this nuclear fission reaction happens once:

3.918x10-25 - 3.915x10-25 = 0.003-25 kg

(f) Calculate the kinetic energy gained by the products when this nuclear fission reaction

happens once:

E = mc2

E = 0.003x10-25 x (3x108)2

E = 2.7x10-11 J

Example 2 (fusion)

n He H H 1







1 +→+

3.342x10-27kg 3.342x10-27kg 5.004x10-27kg 1.674x10-27kg

Calculate the kinetic energy gained by the products when this nuclear fusion reaction

happens once.

lost mass = ( 3.342x10-27 + 3.342x10-27 ) - (5.004x10-27 + 1.674x10-27 )

lost mass = 0.006x10-27 kg

E = mc2

E = 0.006x10-27 x (3x108)2

E = 5.4x10-13 J

Shielding and Cooling of ReactorsShielding and Cooling of ReactorsShielding and Cooling of ReactorsShielding and Cooling of Reactors

nnnnuclear fuel uclear fuel uclear fuel uclear fuel ---- where the reaction takes


graphite coregraphite coregraphite coregraphite core ---- main reaction rate control

ccccontrol rods ontrol rods ontrol rods ontrol rods ---- control the rate of the

nuclear reaction by absorbing neutrons

when inserted

concrete shield concrete shield concrete shield concrete shield ---- outermost containment

preventing the release of radioactive

material into the environment

reactor vessel reactor vessel reactor vessel reactor vessel ---- innermost containment

preventing the release of radioactive

material into the environment

liquid coolantliquid coolantliquid coolantliquid coolant ---- maintains a safe operating

temperature for the reactor