Unit 14: Jesus Builds the Kingdom of God through Deeds

Unit 14: Jesus Builds the Kingdom of God through Deeds

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Page 1: Unit 14: Jesus Builds the Kingdom of God through Deeds

Unit 14: Jesus Builds the Kingdom of God

through Deeds

Page 2: Unit 14: Jesus Builds the Kingdom of God through Deeds

Section 4: Jesus’ Interactions with Women

The Gospel According to John

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Jesus’ Interactions with Women

• Interactions with Women in the Gospel of John– The Wedding Feast at Cana (John 2: 1-12)

• Mary, the Mother of Jesus

– The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4: 4-42)

– A Woman Caught in Adultery (John 7: 53 – 8: 11)

– The Raising of Lazarus from the Dead (John 11: 1-44)

• Martha and Mary, the sisters of Lazarus (11: 1-44)

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Jesus’ Interactions with Women

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Section 5: Jesus: A Historical Portrait,

Chapter Seven: Jesus and Women

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Jesus and Women

• How does Jesus compare with the other Jewish religious leaders of his day on the topic of women?– Jesus lived in a particular time, place, and

culture– Jesus was ahead of his time culturally and

remarkably open to the participation of women in his movement

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Jesus and Women

• What do the various episodes contained in the Gospels about Mary, the mother of Jesus, express about her?– Mary is the perfect example of discipleship– Mary accepts the word of God, believes that it was being fulfilled in

her, and reflects on what was said about her son • How do the Gospel writers describe the female disciples of

Jesus?– The ones who provided for Jesus and his male disciples– Given the patriarchal character of Jewish society at the time, it is

unlikely that the male disciples regarded women as their equals• How is Mary of Magdala (Magdalene) depicted and best

understood in the Gospels?– Mary of Magdala is one of the Galilean women who accompanied

Jesus throughout his public ministry– Mary of Magdala is best understood as a witness to Jesus’ death

and resurrection (she is referred to as “the apostle to the apostles”)

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Jesus and Women

• Why did Jesus refrain from marriage and practice voluntary celibacy?– Primarily as a sign of total dedication and commitment

to his mission of proclaiming God’s Kingdom– “For the sake of the kingdom” (Matthew 19: 12)

• In the Fist Letter to the Corinthians, what did Paul promote as Christian ideals that would help toward more fervent consecration to God and God’s Kingdom?– Paul promotes virginity, abstinence, and celibacy

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Jesus and Women

• What stories of Jesus and women in the Gospels do you find most memorable? What message of challenge, comfort, or hope do you hear in these stories?

• How well do you judge that our Church has followed Jesus’ lead in regard to inclusion of and respect for the gifts of women? How is your own parish doing in this regard?

• What woman in your life has been most influential in helping you along your faith journey? Find a way to express your appreciation to her.

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Jesus and Women

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Section 6: Jesus’ Interactions with Religion,

Politics, and Economics

The Gospel According to

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Jesus’ Interactions with Religion, Politics, and Economics

• The Cleansing of the Temple (Mark 11: 15-19; Luke 19: 45-48; Matthew 21: 12-17; John 2: 13-25)

• Paying Taxes to the Emperor (Mark 12: 13-17; Luke 20: 20-26; Matthew 22: 15-22)

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Jesus’ Interactions with Religion, Politics, and Economics

• The Beatitude: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.” (Luke 6: 20; Matthew 5: 3)

• The Mission of the Twelve: “Take nothing for your journey, no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money – not even an extra tunic.” (Mark 6: 8-9; Luke 9: 3; Matthew 10: 9-10)

• God and Money: “You cannot serve God and wealth.” (Luke 16: 13; Matthew 6: 24)

• The Rich Man: “Go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” and “How hard it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!” (Mark 10: 17-31; Luke 18: 18-30; Matthew 19: 16-30)

• The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16: 19-31)

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Jesus’ Interactions with Religion, Politics, and Economics

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Section 7: Jesus: A Historical Portrait,

Chapter Eight: Jesus and Politics

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Jesus and Politics

• What got Jesus into trouble with the Jewish political and religious leaders and Roman imperial officials?– Jesus’ teachings about the Kingdom of God and

justice that had political, economic, and social implications

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Jesus and Politics

• What right did the Jewish people want the different political powers of conquering foreign empires to respect?– The right to worship the God of Israel and observe their ancestral

laws– The Jewish people could not accept any attempt to replace their

God with another god or with the emperor or being forced to act against their religious traditions

• What is Jesus’ response to the question “Is it lawful to pay the census tax to the emperor, or not?”– Jesus challenged his questioners to be as diligent in observing

their obligations to God as they were to the emperor and his officials

– Jesus remained true to his own principles that God is the real king over all creation and deserves more respect and service than any earthly ruler does)

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Jesus and Politics

• What are the three major strands in Jesus’ teachings about wealth and poverty?– Poverty can be a positive personal good– Simplicity of lifestyle as a prelude for

proclaiming the Kingdom of God– The need for the rich to share their material

possessions with the poor in this world

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Jesus and Politics• Why does Jesus teach that “poverty can be a positive personal good”?

– The “poor” are in a position of unique openness to God (and the service of God) because they have correctly recognized that humans are totally dependent on God

• Why does Jesus insist on “simplicity of lifestyle from his followers”?– Not for its own sake, but in the context of their mission of proclaiming the

Kingdom of God and bringing healing to those in need• What is Jesus’ strong conviction about riches and possessions?

– That riches and possessions can be obstacles to serving and attaining God’s Kingdom

– That it can be very hard for rich people to enter the Kingdom of heaven• Why does Jesus emphasize “the need for the rich to share their

material possessions with the poor in this world”?– Because it is too late to do so in the next world after we die

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Jesus and Politics

• How much do your faith and religious convictions enter into your political and economic choices? How much do you think they should?

• What do you believe Jesus’ position would be on some of the controversial political issues facing your government today? Are your judgments based on your values, gospel values, or both?

• How do Jesus’ teachings about wealth and poverty challenge your attitudes about the poor? Your material concerns and choices? Your actions on behalf of the poor? Choose one attitude or behavior that you will work on this week to make it better reflect that of Christ.

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Jesus and Politics

• What are some of the more controversial political issues facing our government today?

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Jesus and Politics

Controversial Political Issues• The Economy• War, Torture, and Terrorism• Immigration and Border Control• Poverty, Crime, Corruption, and Drugs• Discrimination (racism, sexism)• Health Care, Disease, and Natural Disasters

• Same-sex unions• Abortion• Stem Cell Research and Cloning• Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide• Capital Punishment (The Death Penalty)• The Environment (Energy Sources, Pollution)

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Jesus and Politics

• The Relationship between Church and State in the United States– Is there a Separation of Church and State in the U.S.?– The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

• “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”

– The government will not establish/create a national religion nor will the government have preferences with regard to religion

– The government will not prohibit people from freely practicing their religion of choice

• This Amendment protects religion (and the Church) against the influence of or involvement from government (the State)

– Religious beliefs can and should influence a person’s political beliefs

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Jesus and Politics

• What do you believe Jesus’ position would be on some of these controversial political issues?

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Jesus and Politics

• What do you believe Jesus’ position would be on some of these controversial political issues?– The issue of Capital Punishment (The Death

Penalty)– Recall the passage: A Woman Caught in

Adultery (John 7: 53 – 8: 11)• Jesus opposes the death penalty and torture• Jesus supports mercy, compassion, and forgiveness

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Jesus and Politics

• What are your attitudes about . . . ?– Material wealth– Poverty– The rich and wealthy of the world– The poor and destitute of the world– Government sponsored social welfare programs– Charitable giving and almsgiving– Community service– Peace & Justice issues

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Jesus and Politics

• How do Jesus’ teachings about wealth and poverty challenge . . . ?– Your attitudes about the rich and poor of the

world– Your material concerns and choices on an

everyday basis– Your actions (charitable giving and community

service) on behalf of the poor

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Jesus and Politics

• Choose one attitude or behavior that you will work on this week to make it better reflect that of Christ’s teachings about wealth and poverty.

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Jesus and Politics