Unit 1 Good friends

Unit 1 Good friends The items you can use: a knife a box of matches a mirror a radio a frying pan a gun a hammer a book a saw an umbrella a rope a compass

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Unit 1 Good friends

The items you can use: a knife a box of matche

s a mirror a radio a frying pan a gun a hammer a book a saw an umbrella a rope a compass

Sentence Pattern I think that ---------------

would be the most useful, because I could use it to --------------, to -------, and to ------.

Reading Chuck’s Friend

Enjoy some wonderful pictures from the famous film Cast Away !

Cast awayCast away The movie stars Tom Hanks and Helen Hunt and is directed by R

obert Zemeckis. Hanks plays Chuck Noland, a workaholic Federal Express system

s engineer, who always lives by the clock. On Christmas Day, he has a call and has to board a plane to Malaysia. In a terrible storm, his plane crashes over the South Seas, killing the few on board with the exception of Chuck.

Stranded(陷入困境 )on a deserted island for four years, Chuck makes friends with a volleyball. He communicates(交流 )with it, names it Wilson and even paints a face on it with his own blood, almost making a ball as a real person with real feelings.After four years, he realizes that there is much more to life than work.

T/F Questions 1. Chuck is a businessman working in a company. 2. Chuck is one of the people who survive the plane

crash. 3. Chuck makes some friends there one of whom is

Wilson, a football. 4. Staying on the island helps Chuck realize his ow

n shortcomings. 5. Wilson is fond of Chuck because he is well cares

for by him.






Careful reading and understanding the text1. Tom Hanks _____________. A. is a successful businessman B. doesn't have much free time C. is the main actor in the movie Cast Away D. had a plane accident over the Pacific2. A deserted island ____________. A. has no post office on it B. lies in the middle of the Pacific Ocean C. is an empty place where nobody lives D. is a place where plane crashes are most likely to happen



3. To be short of is what makes it most difficult for Chuck to live on the island. A. volleyballs B. fresh water C. friendship D. enough food4. After 5 years alone on the island, Chuck would probably disagree that _________. A. a good friend should never think about himself B. people can make friends with some unusual things like animals C. friends are the people who can share your happiness and sorrow D. as a good friend, you must give as much as you take



5. Which can be learned from the last paragraph of the passage? A. Everyone need an unusual friend. B. Friends can learn from each other. C. A friend in need is a friend indeed. D. Animals and things can make better friends than human beings.


Task1: A Face-to-face Interview Chuck became famous after he was rescued fr

om the deserted island. He returned to the civilization/the cultivated world. Many people wanted to know him. Suppose you are reporters from news agencies. Now there is a press conference(记者招待会 ). Try to make a face-to-face interview with Hanks.