Trainees of the project Integration and progress through protection and empowerment of displaced groups in South Sudan display their new designs. Photo by Lidwina Dox/UNIDO NOVEMBER 2013 ISSUE 7 UNIDO Times LI Yong is the former Vice-Minister of Finance of China. Throughout his long career spanning stints at the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, GEF and IFAD, he has been a strong advocate of industrial devel- opment to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth. China is one of the world’s largest manufacturing economies and its economic transformation has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty”, explained LI Yong shortly after being confirmed as the Organiza- tion’s 7th Director General in June. This experience could be shared with other developing countries fighting to eradicate poverty”. Li has held numerous high-level posi- tions in the national and international arena. >> Cont’d on page 10 LI YONG ELECTED AS DIRECTOR GENERAL OF UNIDO NEW SKILLS HELP YOUNG PEOPLE ENTER THE SOUTH SUDANESE CLOTHING MARKET Equipped with creative skills in textile design and starter kits with a sewing machine and materials, UNIDO trainees now have the necessary start-up elements to help them start growing their own businesses, and they are finding that their work is in demand. The UNIDO project, Integration and pro- gress through protection and empower- ment of displaced groups in South Sudan, funded by the Government of Japan, trained youths in tailoring, carpentry, welding and construction. >> cont’d on page 6

UNIDO Times 7 - November 2013

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Newsletter of the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

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Page 1: UNIDO Times 7 - November 2013

Trainees of the project Integration and progress through protection and empowerment of displaced groups in South Sudan display their new designs. Photo by Lidwina Dox/UNIDO

NOVEMBER 2013 IssuE 7



LI Yong is the former Vice-Minister of Finance of China. Throughout his long career spanning stints at the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, GEF and IFAD, he has been a strong advocate of industrial devel-opment to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth.

“China is one of the world’s largest manufacturing economies and its economic transformation has lifted

hundreds of millions of people out of poverty”, explained LI Yong shortly after being confirmed as the Organiza-tion’s 7th Director General in June. “This experience could be shared with other developing countries fighting to eradicate poverty”.

Li has held numerous high-level posi-tions in the national and international arena.

>> Cont’d on page 10


NEW SKILLS HELP YOUNG PEOPLE ENTER THE SOUTH SUDANESE CLOTHING MARKETEquipped with creative skills in textile design and starter kits with a sewing machine and materials, UNIDO trainees now have the necessary start-up elements to help them start growing their own businesses, and they are finding that their work is in demand.

The UNIDO project, Integration and pro-gress through protection and empower-ment of displaced groups in South Sudan, funded by the Government of Japan, trained youths in tailoring, carpentry, welding and construction. >> cont’d on page 6

Page 2: UNIDO Times 7 - November 2013

2 unido times | noVember 2013

All photos copyright of UNIDO unless otherwise stated.


UNIDO HeadquartersVienna International CentreP.O. Box 300 1400 Vienna, Austria

Tel: (+43-1) 26060-0Fax: (+43-1) 26926-69www.unido.org

The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this newsletter do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development. Designations such as “developed”, “industrialized” and “developing” are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. Mention of firm names or commercial products does not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. The opinions, statistical data and estimates contained in signed articles are the responsibility of the author(s), including those who are UNIDO members of staff, and should not be considered as reflecting the views or bearing the endorsement of UNIDO. This document has been produced without formal United Nations editing.



The paper elaborates on the key chal­lenges for youth employment, identifies ways to enhance the creative sector by tapping into youth culture and entrepreneurship led by youth, and outlines necessary policy approaches.


The report confirms the essential role of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in creating jobs and improving financial resources, access to technology and managerial know­how. It also highlights that the majority of foreign­invested enterprises are heavily dependent on imported capital and intermediate inputs, whilst being engaged in the production of low­value­added manu­facturing activities.


uNIDO’s flagship publication provides economists, planners, policymakers and business people with worldwide statistics on current levels, structures and trends in the manufacturing sector.


This MDG Fund joint programme improves the oil seeds processing efficiency and access to markets for relevant stakeholders. It is implemented by uNIDO as the lead agency, FAO and ILO with a series of national counterparts.

Visit the uNIDO YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/unidobeta


Working closely with companies and foundations, uNIDO builds partner­ships that advance inclusive and sus­tainable industrial development while simultaneously driving business value.

Visit the uNIDO YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/unidobeta


A unique source of information for the development of technical assistance programmes and to facilitate the coordination of trade capacity building activities within the united Nations system.



With the financial support of Japan, uNIDO developed this project to demonstrate the benefits that small­scale soybean processing and the consumption of soybean­based foods can bring to rural communities.

Visit the uNIDO YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/unidobeta


Page 3: UNIDO Times 7 - November 2013

New skills help young people enter the South Sudanese clothing market >> page 6


04 Snapshots From climate change to metrology, an overview

of what’s new

05 Institute trains policymakers, young professionals and researchers

Vienna Energy forum calls for integration of energy into SDGs

06 New skills help young people enter the South Sudanese clothing market

The challenges for middle-income countries

07 Report names UNIDO as lead implementing agency of the Montreal Protocol


08 Beneficiaries in Sierra Leone tell their stories Improving lives through skills training

10 LI Yong elected as Director General of UNIDO A new vision for the future of the Organization

Projects by region

11 Africa Quality is our byword. Enhancing entrepreneurship education in schools

12 Arab states Opening markets for Tunisia’s agricultural products

13 Asia and the Pacific Creating cooperative networks to promote eco-cities. Pakistani mangoes make their way into Walmart

14 Europe and NIS Working with and for young entrepreneurs in Armenia

15 Latin America and the Caribbean Traditional products shape new businesses


16 Forthcoming eventsReducing poverty through the promotion of traditional food products >> pages 11-15

Beneficiaries in Sierra Leone tell their stories >> pages 8-9

“People were highly motivated and enjoyed the good working atmosphere”

>> See page 6

“The hopelessness we had before has changed, and we see that we can do things by ourselves”

>> See page 8

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4 unido times | noVember 2013

New metrology laboratory in Mozambique

UNIDO expands network of sustainable energy centres to SADC

United Nations launches centre to tackle climate change

Significant increase in cooperation with India

UNIDO to increase technical cooperation with Belarus

Without the ability to determine length, mass, volume, time and temperature, even the simplest of transactions would be open to abuse, reliable trade would be impossible and legislation aimed at protecting the health and welfare of citizens would have no effect. The new laboratory in the city of Zimpeto was established as part of the project “Competing with quality”, funded by the EU, and supports the main quality infrastruc-ture bodies in Mozambique.

Building on its experience designing the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), UNIDO will assist with designing the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE), expected to be operational in 2014. SACREEE aims to create an enabling environment for regional renewable energy and energy efficiency markets by mitigating various barriers for the dissemination of green energy technolo-gies and services.

The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) will establish an information platform for improved sharing of knowledge related to climate technologies and will conduct regional and national workshops on priority issues, entrepreneurship, and the development of policies and programmes to attract Foreign Direct Investment. The CTCN is supported by a consortium of 12 international research and development bodies, including UNIDO.

Over the next five years, the budget for the Country Programme and a second phase of the UNIDO Centre for South-South Industrial Cooperation (UCSSIC) will exceed $107 million. The Country Programme will transfer new green technology to improve the competitiveness of industrial enterprises. It will also increase the productivity, quality, occupa-tional health and safety, and environmental sustainability of industrial production. Phase two of the UCSSIC will enhance South-South industrial cooperation and will especially benefit the Least Developed Countries (LDC).

The newly signed Framework Pro-gramme of Cooperation for the period of 2013-2017 will develop a portfolio of technical cooperation projects for the Republic of Belarus to meet its objectives in the area of sustainable industrial development. UNIDO and the Government of Belarus will cooperate in the mobilization of financial resources for potential projects under this programme, and will explore financing from such sources as international financial institutions, donor countries and the private sector, as part of a funds mobilization strategy.

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A global transition towards sustainable energy systems is imperative, and the window of opportunity is now, said participants at the third edition of the Vienna Energy Forum, held in the Austrian capital on 28-30 May.

The Forum This year’s event brought together over 1,600 policymakers, country delegations, experts and representatives from the pri-vate sector and civil society from 116 countries, to deliberate on sustainable energy and the way forward after Rio+20. The debate was led by approximately 110 high-level speakers.

Key messagesThe key message of the forum clearly positions energy in the post-2015 devel-opment agenda and underlines the sig-nificance of financing and partnership in ensuring a sustainable energy future.

The need for tangible and measurable benchmarks as part of this energy goal was also a central theme, not only for the global mobilization of action but also for the concrete assessment of viability and progress in achieving these goals.

Strategic goals at the global level, such as the three overarching goals of SE4All—universal energy access, renewable energy and energy efficiency—were deemed essential for encouraging global action and policy change. Related goals at the regional, municipal and local levels are equally important and necessary to ensure implementation and action at all levels.

Six key recommendations on Energy in the Post-2015 Development Agenda have emerged from the VEF2013, and are available in the summary report.


Plenary session 5: public and private partnerships, Vienna Enegy Forum 2013. L-R: Gunther Maier, Harry Verhaar, Thomas Stelzer, Rajendra Pachauri, Irene Giner-Reichl. Photo by UNIDO/Gerhard Fally

INSTITUTE TRAINS POLICY-MAKERS, YOUNG PROFESSIONALS & RESEARCHERS During 2013, the UNIDO Institute has conducted three major training programmes on trade capacity building, environmental manage-ment, and energy and climate change. Over 500 people have applied for the next course, to be held in November.

The first programme, a five-week distance learning course on standardiza-tion and quality infrastructures, was followed by an eight day in-residence training of policymakers from Central Asian countries, held in May in Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan. While several hundred participated in the distance-learning section of the Institute’s programme, only the most committed 26 partici-pants were invited to attend their in-residence training.

The Future of Manufacturing brought together policymakers from middle-

income countries to learn about future trends and developments in manufactur-ing. Lectures were delivered by high-level policymakers (including Arun Maira from the Indian Planning Commission), and experts from the University of Cambridge, the University of California, Berkeley and the Fraunhofer Institute, as well as by renowned authors on manufacturing such as Peter Marsh (former editor, Financial Times) and Paul Markillie (The Economist).

This year’s edition of the Summer Course on green industry, held in July, was jointly organized with the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. Following an online course for around 200 participants, a select group of young professionals and researchers were invited to Hungary to learn how to improve the environmental performance of industry and bring the concept of “green industry” into practice. The course was led by UNIDO experts, senior policymakers and internationally renowned scholars.

The Institute’s next course, held in November in partnership with the Inter-national Centre for Promotion of Enter-prises (ICPE) in Ljubljana, Slovenia, will explore new trends and solutions in sustainable industrial energy production.

For more information, visit: institute.unido.org

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Helping develop a marketable fashion with cultural identity is a follow-up course on basic industrial skills.

“We have been encouraging the young ‘fashion designers’ to blend the country’s rich culture into their designs”, says Ammar Al-Kital, the UNIDO project advisor in Juba.

To-date, three product design workshops have taken place. They featured invited designers, artists and professors.

Lidwina Dox, an expert in product design, who was also one of the trainers, said that she was surprised by how fast the young people developed their skills. “In the beginning, some participants did not even sew evenly and had to redo their work several times. However, they improved their skills very fast and the quality (of their work) improved over time. People were highly motivated and they enjoyed the good working atmos-phere. They also saw that their work was appreciated and in demand.”

To find out more, contact [email protected]


CHALLENGES FOR MIDDLE-INCOME COUNTRIESHigh-level representatives from some 70 countries gathered in Costa Rica in June to discuss what should be at the heart of the development agenda for middle-income countries (MICs) after the current development goals expire in 2015.

The conference, titled “Challenges for sus-tainable development and international cooperation in middle-income countries: the role of networks for prosperity”, was hosted by the Government of Costa Rica and co-organized by UNIDO.

“Participants were trained to use

sewing machines, and learnt that even

elements of waste like plastic bags,

old textiles and paper could be used to

produce original works.”

The event concentrated on the role and posi-tion of MICs in regional and global develop-ment issues and resulted in the San José Declaration, which promotes international and national measures and cooperation to advance inclusive and equitable economic growth and prosperity, industrialization in the framework of sustainable development, and finance and investment opportunities in middle-income countries.

More information at www.unido.org/mic-conference/

>> cont’d from page 1

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UNIDO has been ranked as the best implementing agency of the Montreal Protocol for 2012, according to an evaluation report released by the Multilateral Fund Secretariat of the Montreal Protocol. The report gave UNIDO the highest possible score of 100 points and stated that it achieved eight out of eight targets—a score no other agency had ever received before. In the last 21 years, UNIDO has helped in the phasing-out of more than one-third of the ozone- depleting substances in the developing world and supported over 100 countries to comply with their commitments under the Montreal Protocol.


Arab States

Asia and the Pacific

Europe and niS

Latin America and the caribbean

number of countries

number of projects

tonnes of ozone-depleting

potential phased out

36 1882,618




12 366 33,216

15 2344,986

23 23710,171

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BENEFICIARIES IN SIERRA LEONE TELL THEIR STORIES “When you have a skill, even if some-thing bad happens in a country, you won’t have to hand it in. You won’t steal or hurt people willfully, and you won’t take a gun for a companion,” explains 21-year-old Malikie Kanneh.

Kanneh has just completed a two-year training programme to become a mechanic. He is one of the 145 young men and women who have benefited from a UNIDO project, funded by the Government of Japan, in Kailahun and Koindu in eastern Sierra Leone, a rural area bordering Liberia and Guinea.

The project, which ran from March 2011 to September 2012, provided on-the-job training for apprentices to learn various entrepreneurial skills, including carpen-try, smithing, welding, auto mechanics, tailoring and weaving.

The objective of the project was to build the local economies’ resilience to shocks

craftspeople to pass on their skills to others who had no experience of their craft, and then equipped them with the tools they needed. These trainers were taught teaching and coaching skills, both to help them to teach better, and also to reinforce the message that their appren-tices would be there to learn, not to work as low-paid labour.

In the second stage, these craftspeople passed on their skills to others, like Kanneh, who would otherwise have not have had the opportunity to learn a skill. By using this apprenticeship method, which is well-established and understood in Sierra Leone, both trainers and trainees knew what was expected of them. To give a voice to some of those trainees who now have a livelihood thanks to the pro-gramme, Kanneh and others in Kailahun District, in eastern Sierra Leone, were interviewed and photographed. The fol-lowing extracts were taken from the Voices of Kailahun blog.

by improving the entrepreneurial, leader-ship and management skills of youth and diversifying income-generation activities in the vulnerable communities. It is one of seven projects implemented in Africa by UNIDO under the umbrella title, “Response to the humanitarian crisis in Africa”. The seven projects have been funded by a $ 9.8m grant from the Gov-ernment of Japan.

In the first stage of the programme in eastern Sierra Leone, UNIDO selected 11 talented Sierra Leonean master-

The project has been a great success, with about 70 per cent of the trainees starting their own income-generating activities or finding jobs with existing businesses.

Malikie Kanneh, apprentice mechanic.

Malikie Kanneh, apprentice mechanic“For me, learning was not just about making money but it was also to avoid becoming a thief. I have never stolen anything, but I used to see the boys I played football with resort to that. I am a careful person and I don’t like steal-ing, so I wanted to go and learn some-thing.” Malikie Kanneh is originally from Shegbwema, several hours from Kailahun Town, but he left home to come to Kailahun Town when he heard about the mechanics apprenticeship. Before the training, he didn’t know anything about mechanics or how to save money or develop a business. After two years of training, he is now able to repair machines even without his trainer present, and he now knows which steps to take to start his business.

Now the training has ended, this cheerful young man, who has started saving a part of his salary, wants to open his own

shop and pass on his newly acquired skills to others.

“I can go and teach my own friends so that we can all be working for the development of the country and our-selves. When I help my friends, I am developing the country.”

Since the end of the civil war in 2002, rural eastern Sierra Leone has recov-ered slowly. A generation of young people experienced a decade of con-flict that severely disrupted their edu-cation. Kanneh is convinced that by ensuring a livelihood for people he can play an active role in maintaining peace in Sierra Leone. As he puts it, “If someone said to me, ‘go and fight over there’, I would sit and think to myself, ‘Am I going to leave my garage, where I can earn 10,000 Le (€1.86) per day, just to go and fight over there?’ I wouldn’t do it. With all the learning, I don’t think that I will be influenced by anyone to do such things.”

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Thirty-eight-year-old Umaru Aruna is a successful and passionate blacksmith in Kailahun Town. The craftsman, who developed his interest for blacksmith-ing at a young age, even talks about his profession in a weekly broadcast on the local radio station.

Because of this enthusiasm for his craft, UNIDO chose Aruna to become a trainer and taught him new craft skills, like how to build a cassava-grinding machine, an essential food processing tool. He also developed a different approach to business during the training, “Any business should not stay still; it should grow, so they taught us how to keep documents, how to con-trol the site, to know if you are making profit or loss, and even how to talk to customers.” He says that before, he only had a few customers, but as he learned how to write contracts, his business area enlarged.

Thanks to the training, his life changed significantly. As Aruna reports, “I didn’t use to save anything, but when I came back from the training, the first thing I did was open a bank account and not only that, but I also joined a credit union. So, now whatever we make, I make sure I save some.” Through the credit union, he gets loans to buy additional equipment. That is an extraordinary achievement in Sierra Leone, where owning a bank account is still unusual.

Aruna has become a very popular trainer, passing on all his crafting tech-niques, from manufacturing cutlasses (machetes) and steel doors to musical drums, as well the newly gained busi-ness skills. He beams, when he states that the apprenticeship with him increased his trainees’ well-being.

Mary Sesay, a renowned gara tie-dyer, lives in the remote eastern town of Koindu, on the border with Guinea and Liberia. UNIDO invited Sesay to participate in the training of trainers, as a master-craftsperson. She recalls the benefits of the training, “They taught us about how you sell, how you save money, and how you have to write everything down, and how, if you are in a group, you have to appoint some-one to take care of the money. At that time, we didn’t know anything about business economics but they taught us all that.”

Like many others in Sierra Leone, Sesay had fled to the neighbouring country of Guinea when her town was overrun by rebels during the war. In 2007, when she returned to Koindu and to a plundered home, she brought with her the technique of gara tie-dying that she had learnt in Guinea. Her skill has helped her to fund the restoration of

her home and to take care of her fam-ily: “I sent my son, Came, to Ethiopia to study computer engineering, and all through my gara tie-dying. For this reason, I take it seriously because I know what is has done for me.”

Having successfully completed the teaching and coaching programme, Sesay was eager to help other women in her community develop their skills. She informed the whole town that she was looking for apprentices, “We called a meeting and 500 people came! We told them that this skill would help their home to have peace in it, because if you have a problem with your hus-band or you lose your husband, the group will support you and help you to know that there is hope.”

She has successfully trained many members of her community, and now she wants to take the next step and open a training school.

Mary Sesay, gara tie-dyer master“What makes me feel good is the way the trainees act. I am proud of them. This project really did well for us. The hopelessness we had before has changed, and we see that we can do things by ourselves.”

Umaru Aruna, blacksmith and trainer“I don’t know a lot and I am not edu-cated but I can sit where educated people sit and the community values me. The skills that you learn take you a step ahead. I have been recognized in the community more than before. I am proud of that.”

Mary Sesay, gara tie-dyer master.

Umaru Aruna (R), blacksmith and trainer.

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Before becoming Vice-Minister of Finance, a position he held from 2003 until 2013, he was the Executive Director for China in the World Bank Group and the Secretary General at the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

His vision“The theme of inclusive and sustainable industrial development provides for enhanced partnerships with all relevant development actors and encompasses consideration of both social equity and environmental sustainability. This is instru mental in addressing the challenges of poverty eradication and job creation”, said Li during his meeting with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in New York in September.

Providing industrial solutions for inclu-sive and sustainable development has been a priority for Li all throughout his career.

Under LI Yong’s stewardship, China saw the introduction of a wide range of pref-erential policies to promote microfinance, agricultural insurance and rural finance. One such microfinance programme cre-ated job opportunities for five million women. He also supported small and medium size enterprise development and competitiveness, South-South coopera-tion, energy conservation and environ-mental protection.

Five pillarsDuring his acceptance speech, Li out-lined his areas of focus as Director General of UNIDO:


Director General LI Yong at UNIDO’s Headquarters in Vienna, Austria.

“We need to raise UNIDO’s profile on the international development agenda, provide tailored services,

build stronger partnerships to mobilize more resources, ensure delivery to maximize the impact, and provide an enabling environ-ment for the staff to achieve their

full potential.”

Li, serving an initial four-year term, takes over from Kandeh K. Yumkella of Sierra Leone, who led the organization since 2005, and who is now the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Representa-tive for Sustainable Energy for All and CEO of the Initiative.

For more information, contact [email protected]

>> cont’d from page 1

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WESt AfricA

BUDgEt: €14,000,000

THE WEST AFRICAN QUALITY PROGRAMME aims to foster compliance with international trade rules and regulations, in particular the World Trade Organization agreements on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and sanitary and Phyto­sanitary (sPs) measures, through the establishment and strengthening of national and regional quality infrastructure for the entire West African region. It builds on a previous uNIDO programme, also funded by the Eu.

The programme has eight thematic work streams: trade analysis, accreditation, standardization, metrology, product testing, quality promotion, traceability and inspection.

Read the project results.

“The programme aims to address the employment challenge of the

three million pupils who graduate every year in Nigeria.”

coUntrY: nigEriANIGERIA PARTNERS WITH UNIDO TO IMPROVE ENTREPRE-NEURSHIP EDUCATION IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS. The key areas of focus in the course of the partnership will include strengthening the 34 trade and entrepreneurship subjects that already exist in the curriculum for senior secondary schools, and developing teachers guides, and monitoring and evaluation tools.

The project will cover the country’s 36 states as well as the Federal Capital Territory (Abuja), and will be coordinated by the Federal Ministry of Education with inputs from the Nigerian Educational Development and Research Council (NERDC) and the state­level ministries of education.

Former UNIDO trainees start their own business: United Brothers Business Inc.

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coUntrY: tUniSiA

BUDgEt: $5,400,000

MARKET ACCESS PROJECT FOR AGRO-FOOD AND TRADI-TIONAL PRODUCTS aims at improving the market access for Harissa, Djebba fig and the cactus/prickly pear produce from Kasserine governorate in the centre of the country. It will contrib­ute to the implementation of the country’s fruit and vegetable export strategy endorsed in 2011, as well as to the overall national agro­food development programme, benefitting one of the most important economic sectors in terms of employment and GDP.

It has been developed through a participatory approach process involving the main actors of the value chains selected and on the basis of the official requests of assistance formulated by the Tunisian Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Agriculture. Project activities started in 2013. It is funded by switzerland’s state secretariat for Economic Affairs (sECO).

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BUDgEt: $600,000THE SOUTH-EAST ASIA: ECO-CITIES NETWORK aims to inspire improvements in the implementation of eco­city principles and low­carbon policies in south­east Asian cities.

The project, funded by the Government of Japan, was launched in september, when officials from five eco­cities from across the region visited the Japanese eco­cities of Yokohama and Kitakyushu and participated in the International Conference on the Future of Cities. The five cities invited to participate in the week­long exchange were Pintan, China; Iskandar, Malaysia; Cebu, the Philippines; Map Ta Phut, Thailand; and Da Nang, Viet Nam.

This exchange is the first of a series of planned peer review visits and will contribute to the building of a network to share mutual learning and best practices.

“I couldn’t understand the minds of European customers. Importers told me that my mango quality was not up to standard. Now I know what to do.”

Promoting eco-cities. © iStockphoto.com/cienpies

coUntrY: PAkiStAn BUDgEt $9,500,000

RETAILER PARTNERSHIP FOR MANGOES. Pakistani mango producers have been supported by uNIDO to access inter­national retail markets through strengthened compliance with Eu and retailer requirements. Potential exporters were linked up with retailers in The Netherlands, France and the uK under an Eu­funded trade related technical assistance programme.

In June and July, AsDA, a Walmart subsidiary, ordered its first shipments for its uK stores. About 43,000 boxes of mangoes were sold in six weeks.

For the Pakistani producers this was their first­ever direct link to a major global retailer. It is expected that this direct export opportu­nity will positively impact employment and wages in the rural communities. similar export contracts have been established with Asian retailers.

Azhar Khichi, mango producer, Pakistan

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“We expect that over 300 potential and existing young entrepreneurs will receive

tailored training. Furthermore, the Armenia Youth Entrepreneurship Fund

will allow up to 80 youth-led businesses and start-ups to access loans.”

coUntrY: ArmEniA

BUDgEt: €750,000

PRODUCTIVE WORK FOR YOUTH IN ARMENIA—SUPPORT-ING YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS. The project aims to help young entrepreneurs start and expand their enterprises, as well as dem­onstrate that youth are credit worthy and capable of turning loans into profitable businesses.

In close cooperation with the implementing partner, small and Medium Enterprises—Development National Center (sME­DNC), uNIDO will provide financial and non­financial services such as entrepreneurship and technical training, development of financial literacy and business skills, counseling and technical assistance.

As part of the project, the Armenia Youth Entrepreneurship Fund will provide loans to help young entrepreneurs turn their ideas into profitable businesses. The fund will be established by sME­DNC, with initial contributions of €200,000 each from uNIDO and sME­DNC.

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coUntrY: PErU

BUDgEt: €200,000

“Collective brands are ideal for generating business opportunities, since owners face the market collectively, unify the quality of

products, reduce marketing costs and promote the touristic appeal of the

area in which they live.”


REDUCING POVERTY THROUGH THE PROMOTION OF TRADITIONAL FOOD PRODUCTS. With the financial support of the Italian Cooperation, uNIDO has partnered with Peru’s National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Intellectual Property (INDECOPI) and the Ministry of Agriculture to promote origin consortia and collective brands as tools for sustainable rural development.

The project covers eight of the poorest regions in Peru. It assists producers of traditional products to set­up an origin consortium, define the product specifications, register a collective brand, improve product quality and implement a joint marketing strategy.

so far five origin consortia, integrating 748 rural producers, have officially registered their collective brands and five more, including 700 producers, are in the process of registering them.

As a result of the project, over 2,000 families in extreme poverty areas in the Peruvian Andean highlands have improved their living conditions.

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16 unido times | noVember 2013

forthcoming EVEntS

gEnErAL confErEncE, 15th SESSionLima, Peru 2 to 6 December 2013

In the context of the discussions about the future of inter­national development, the Conference will highlight the role of industry in inclusive and sustainable development and the need for new partner­ships.

grEEn inDUStrY confErEncEguangzhou, china 7 to 9 november 2013

The third Green Industry Conference will explore how to promote the rapid up­take of green industry in harmony with Earth’s ecosystems.

LDc miniStEriAL confErEncELima, Peru 30 november to 1 December 2013

confErEncE of LAtin AmEricA AnD thE cAriBBEAn miniStErS of inDUStrYLima, Peru, 1 December 2013

This edition of the LDC high­level meeting will bring together more than 250 participants to promote the forma­tion of partnerships that will bring sus­tainable livelihoods and inclusive welfare for LDC’s citizens.

The conference will address the impor­tance of industrial production and trade for inclusive and sustainable economic growth, with a focus on innovation and technology transfer.