Unfit To Breathe A Report On Air Quality Around The Thermal Power Plant Cluster in Ennore, Tamil Nadu The Coastal Resource Centre A Campaign of The Other Media April 2016 1 Photo : Amirtharaj Stephen

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Unfit To Breathe A Report On Air Quality Around The Thermal Power Plant Cluster in Ennore, Tamil Nadu

The Coastal Resource Centre A Campaign of The Other Media

April 2016


Photo : Amirtharaj Stephen


Executive Summary ……………………………………………………………………….. 3

1. Methodology for Air Samples …………………………………………………………5

2. Location of Air Samples ……………………………………………………………….5

3. Map Showing Locations of Air Samples …………………………………………….6

4. Sampling Details ……………………………………………………………………….7

5. Findings ……………………………………………………………………………… 10

6. Analysis ……………………………………………………………………………… 11

7. Recommendations ………………………………………………………………….. 15


Executive Summary

Followingfrequentcomplaintsbyresidentsand7isherfolkofairpollutionduetocoal-7ired thermal power plants in the Ennore region, members of CoastalResource Centre in the presence of local community leaders took four airsamples in February 2016. These samples were taken from villages ofKattukuppam,Mughathwara Kuppam, Athipattu and Ernavur. from around theclusterofthermalpowerplants locatedaroundEnnorecreek.Allsamplesweretakenfromrooftopsofresidentialhomesinthesevillageswithin2-3kmradiusofthenearestplantorashponds.24-hoursamplesweretakenusing7ilters7ittedtoalowvolumeairsamplerandanalysedforPM2.5(ParticulateMatterordustless than 2.5 micrometres in size) and all heavy metals in Chester LabNet atOregon,USA.


1. PM2.5levelsinallfoursamplesrangedfrom105.7to141.5micrograms/m3(µg/m3)andwere1.7to2.3timeshigherthanstandardsprescribedby theMinistry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC).Levels of PM2.5 are so high for all the samples that if the samples hadbeen taken in the US, the US Environmental Protection Agency wouldissueanadvisoryforunhealthyairquality.

2. Manganese levels inall four sampleswereabove theCaliforniaOf7iceofEnvironmentalHealthHazardAssessment (OEHHA) standards by 1.2 to2.5times.TherearenostandardsinIndiaforManganeseinambientair.Manganese is a known neurotoxin and affects the neurobehavioralfunctions.AccordingtotheUSEPA,chronic(long-term)exposuretohighlevels of manganese by inhalation in humans may result in centralnervous system (CNS) effects that can harm the brain. Visual reactiontime, hand steadiness, and eye-hand coordination were affected inchronicallyexposedworkers.

3. Lead levels intwosamples[KattukuppamandAthipattu]exceedUSEPANationalAmbientAirQualityStandards for long-termexposure.LeadatKattukuppamsampleis3.7timesabovethehealthbasedlevels;whileatthe Athipattu, the sample contained lead at 1.07 times above thestandards.TherearenostandardsinIndiaforLeadinambientair.Leadisaknownneurotoxin.Childrenareparticularlyvulnerabletotheeffectsofthis heavymetal. Exposures to even low levels of lead early in life havebeenlinkedtoeffectsonIQ,learning,memory,andbehaviour.


4. Arsenic levels in one sample at Kattukuppam exceeds the IndianMoEFannual standard of 0.006 µg/m3 by 1.25 times. Arsenic is a knowncarcinogen.AccordingtoUSEPA,chronic(long-term)inhalationexposuretoinorganicarsenicofhumansisassociatedwithirritationoftheskinandmucousmembranesandeffectsinthebrainandnervoussystem.

5. Nickel levels in one sample at Athipattu exceed the California Of7ice ofEnvironmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) standards by 1.2times. There are no standards in India for Nickel in ambient air. Nickelaffectstherespiratoryandimmunesystemsinthebody.

Theresultsofthedustsamplesrevealedthataluminum,calcium,ironandsilicon–fourmetalsthatarepredominantincoalash--areastrikinglyhighfractionoftotal PM2.5 in the 7iltered air samples, varying from20.4% to 57.6%betweensamples. It can therefore be concluded that overall PM2.5 in these samples arelikelyimpactedbysourcesofcoalashemissions.


Basedonthese+indingsandobservations,CoastalResourceCenterdemandsthefollowing immediate action from the Tamil Nadu Government in the Ennoreregion:



3.CommissionaCumulativeEnvironmentalandHealthImpactAssessmentstudytoassessthecarryingcapacityofthedensely industrialisedareasofManali,Ennore,ThiruvottriyurandKattupalli.


5.Providefor long-termhealthmonitoringby initiatinghealthstudiesamongtheresidentsofvillagesandworkersinandaroundEnnore,NorthChennai.


Report on Results of Air Samples in Ennore, Tamil Nadu

Followingfrequentcomplaintsbyresidentsand7isherfolkofairpollutionintheEnnore region, members of Coastal Resource Center in the presence of localcommunitymembersandleaderstookfourairsamplesinFebruary2016.


Samplesofdustinambientairweretakenfromresidentialhousesinthevillagesin the vicinity of the plants and were analysed for the PM2.5 levels and thepresenceoftoxicheavymetalsintheair.

Theequipmentusedisalowvolumeair-samplingdevicecalledtheMiniVol .All1

sampleswere taken continuously over a period of 24-hour. The sampleswereandsentforanalysistotheChesterLabNet ,alaboratorybasedinOregon,USA.2

The laboratory tested the samplers for Particulate Matter (PM2.5) using theGravimetry technique and used the X-ray Fluorsescence (XRF) technique to3



Allsamplesweretakenfromrooftopsofresidentsinthevillageswithin2-3kmradius of the nearest plant or ash pond. Given that the predominant winddirection in this regionduring the sampling period isWest to East andNorth-WesttoSouth-East,3outof4samplinglocations(A1,A2andA4)werelocateddownwind of the suspected sources of pollution; sampling location A3 waslocatedNorth-West of Vallur plant and South-East ofNCTPS ashpond. See thesamplelocationsinthemapbelow.






Fig 1 : Locations of Air Sample in Ennore

Sampling Details

Table 1 - Conditions during SamplingSampleID

Date/Time Location WeatherCondition

A1 From8:00amon03.02.2016till8:00amon04.02.2016





A2 From7:20amon07.02.2016till7:20amon08.02.2016



A3 From7:40amon09.02.2016till7:40amon10.02.2016



Date/Time Location WeatherCondition



A4 From7:05amon24.02.2016till7:05amon25.02.2016



Date/Time Location WeatherCondition




1. PM2.5 levels in all four samples were above the MoEF prescribedstandards by 1.7 to 2.3 times. Levels of PM2.5 are so high for all thesamplesthattheUSEPAwouldissueanadvisoryforunhealthyairquality.

2. Manganese levels inall four sampleswereabove theCaliforniaOf7iceofEnvironmentalHealthHazardAssessment (OEHHA) standards by 1.2 to2.5times.

3. Lead levels in twosamples [KattukuppamandAthipattu]exceedhealth-basedguidelinesforlong-termexposure.LeadatKattukuppamsampleis3.7 times above the health based levels; while at the Athipattu samplecontained were 1.07 times more lead than above the prescribedstandards.

4. Arsenic levels in one sample at Kattukuppam exceeds the IndianMoEFannualstandardof0.006µg/m3by1.25times.

5. Nickel levels inonesampleatAthipattuexceedhealth-basedguidelinesforlong-termexposureby1.2times.

Note : All values are in µg/m3




Allofthelevelsofvery7ineparticulatematter(PM2.5) inthe7ilteredairsample(PM2.5) greatly exceed the 24-hour WHO standard of 25 µg/m3; the 24-hourUSEPAstandardof35µg/m3;andtheIndianMoEF24-hourstandardof60µg/m3.ThesePM2.5levelsinthefoursamplesexceededtheIndianstandardsby1.7to2.3times.Levels of PM2.5 are sohigh for all the samples that theUSEPAwould issue anadvisoryforunhealthyairqualityifthesampleshadbeentakenintheUS.Thiswould imply that theairquality issuchthateveryonemaybegin toexperiencesome adverse health effects, and members of the sensitive groups mayexperiencemoreseriouseffects. 4

About PM 2.5: Particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter (PM2.5) arereferred to as "7ine"particles andarebelieved topose the largesthealth risks.Becauseoftheirsmallsize(lessthanone-sevenththeaveragewidthofahumanhair),7ineparticlescanlodgedeepintothelungs.

“Health studies have shown a signi7icant association between exposure to 7ineparticlesandprematuremortality.Otherimportanteffectsincludeaggravationofrespiratory and cardiovascular disease (as indicated by increased hospitaladmissions,emergencyroomvisits,absencesfromschoolorwork,andrestrictedactivitydays),lungdisease,decreasedlungfunction,asthmaattacks,andcertaincardiovascular problems such as heart attacks and cardiac arrhythmia.Individualsparticularly sensitive to 7ineparticle exposure includeolder adults,peoplewithheartandlungdisease,andchildren.” 5

The IndianMinistry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), the U.S. EPA and theWorldHealthOrganizationhave all adoptedhealth-based air quality standardsforexposureto 7ineparticulatematter.Theyhavealsoadoptedshort-term(24-hour)andlong-term(annualaverage)standardsforexposureto7ineparticulatematter in order to prevent both acute and chronic effects of exposure toparticulates.

Table2containssampledate-wisedatacomparingthelevelsofPM2.5atManalias recorded real time by the Central Pollution Control Board with the levels




found in Ennore. It is evident that the air quality in Ennore is far morecompromisedthaninManali,oneofthecriticallypollutedareasinChennaiduetothegrowthoftheManaliIndustrialEstate.




Levels of manganese (which cause adverse neurodevelopmental andneurobehavioral health effects) exceed health-based guidelines for long-termexposureinallthefoursamples[seeyellowshadedcells]by1.2to2.5times. 6

Table 2 Ennore Air Quality Far Worse Than Manali Industrial Area*

Station 3 Feb 7 Feb 9 Feb 24 Feb

Manali 37.12 37.68 49.2 40.36

Ennore (CRC Sampling)

141.5 124.0 105.7 113.5



The US EPA has observed that:

“Chronic (long-term) exposure to high levels of manganese by inhalation in humans may result in central nervous system (CNS) effects.   Visual reaction time, hand steadiness, and eye-hand coordination were affected in chronically-exposed workers.   A syndrome named manganism may result from chronic exposure to higher levels; manganism is characterized by feelings of weakness and lethargy, tremors, a mask-like face, and psychological disturbances.”


Levelsoflead(whichcauseadverseneuro-developmentalandneurobehavioralhealth effects) in two samples exceed health-based guidelines for long-termexposure [see yellow shaded cells – Kattukuppam and Athipattu]. SamplesresultsofLeadinKattukuppamis3.7timesabovethehealthbasedlevels

Arsenicresults: 78

The levels of arsenic in one sample atKattu-kuppamexceeds the IndianMoEFannualstandardof0.006µg/m3[seeredshadedcells]by1.25times.


8 https://www3.epa.gov/airtoxics/hlthef/arsenic.html


The US EPA has observed that:

“Acute (short-term) high-level inhalation exposure to arsenic dust or fumes has resulted in gastrointestinal effects (nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain); central and peripheral nervous system disorders have occurred in workers acutely exposed to inorganic arsenic. Chronic (long-term) inhalation exposure to inorganic arsenic of humans is associated with irritation of the skin and mucous membranes and effects in the brain and nervous system. Inorganic arsenic exposure of humans, by the inhalation route, has been shown to be strongly associated with lung cancer, while ingestion of inorganic arsenic by humans has been linked to a form of skin cancer and also to bladder, liver, and lung cancer.  EPA has classified inorganic arsenic as a human carcinogen.” 8

The U.S.EPA has observed that:

“Children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of lead. Exposures to low levels of lead early in life have been linked to effects on IQ, learning, memory, and behavior. There is no known safe level of lead in the body.”7

Nickelresults:The levelsofnickel (whichcausesadverse immunesystemandrespiratory system impacts) in one sample (Athipattu) exceed health-basedguidelinesforlong-termexposure[seeyellowsadedcells]by1.2times. 9


AccordingtoDr.MarkChernaik,StaffScientist,ELAWUS,“thefourelementsthatoccur in thehighest levels in coal asharealuminum, calcium, iron, andsilicon,withsomewhatvaryingcompositions.Thesefourelementscompriseastrikinglyhigh fraction of total PM2.5 in the 7iltered air samples, varying from 20.4% to57.6%(average=33.1%).Bycontrast,thesesamefourelementscomprisedonly1.3%oftotalPM2.5levelsofatypicalurbanareaintheU.S.(Wilmington,DE)10 .10

One can therefore conclude that overall PM2.5 in these samples are likelyimpactedby sourcesof coal ashemissionsandnot signiEicantly impactedby sources of liquid fuel combustion (e.g. vehicle emissions and dieselgenerators)alone.”


AccordingtoDr.RakhalGaitonde,aPublicHealthspecialist, “Theairsamplingresults show a very concerning level of toxic substances that adversely effecthealth. Their presence at such high levels shows that there is a signi7icant

9 https://www3.epa.gov/airtoxics/hlthef/nickel.html

10 "Analysis of Speciation Trends Network Data Measured at the State of Delaware" http://regulations.delaware.gov/register/november2008/general/Appendix9-11.pdf


The US EPA has observed that:

“Nickel dermatitis, consisting of itching of the fingers, hands, and forearms, is the most common effect in humans from chronic (long-term) skin contact with nickel.  Respiratory effects have also been reported in humans from inhalation exposure to nickel.  Human and animal studies have reported an increased risk of lung and nasal cancers from exposure to nickel refinery dusts and nickel subsulfide.  Animal studies of soluble nickel compounds (i.e., nickel carbonyl) have reported lung tumors. EPA has classified nickel refinery dust and nickel subsulfide as Group A, human carcinogens, and nickel carbonyl as a Group B2, probable human carcinogen.” 9

possibilityofchronichealtheffects.Lead,ManganeseandArsenicarewellknowntoxinsandtheireffectsonhumanhealthhavebeenwelldocumented.WhileLeadand Manganese are mainly neuro-toxins, Arsenic is a carcinogen. Themeasurementofsuchtoxicsubstancesfromtherooftopsofhumansettlementsisindeedacauseforconcern.Further,itneedstobenotedthatthiscommunitybased sampling technique being used in Ennore, follows the development ofexpertise in the use of this technique in Cuddalore. The 7indings in Cuddalorehavebeencon7irmedbyformalscienti7ictestingbythepremierNationalagencyNEERI. This further underlines the signi7icance of these results. There is anurgent need not only to take immediate steps to reduce the presence of suchtoxins in the air, but also to institute a comprehensive health survey to assesswhatdamagehasalreadybeendone,andinstitutefollowupofthepopulationfordetectinglongtermharmfromtheexposuretillnow.Furtherthehealthsystemneedstotakethesechemicalsintoaccountanddevelopaplanonhowtoproviderelevantandadequatecaretothosewhohavebeenexpose

Recommendations Basedonthese7indingsandobservations,CoastalResourceCenterrecommendsthattheTamilNaduPollutionControlBoardshould:

1. Initiate continuous and long-term monitoring of emissions in Ennoreregionandpublishtheresultsperiodicallyandissueadvisories.

2.Usethepollutiondatatoapprehendpollutersandtakecorrectiveactiontobring levels of dust and heavy metals in dust to below detection limits inresidentialareas.

3. Commission a Cumulative Environmental andHealth Impact Assessmentstudy to assess the carrying capacity of the densely industrialised areas ofManali,Ennore,ThiruvottriyurandKattupally.

4.Enforceamoratoriumonanyexpansionofcoal-7iredthermalpowerplantsandanyotherpolluting industries in theregionpending the 7indingsof thestudy.


6.Setupspecializedhealthcare infrastructureoperatedbytheGovernmenthealthdepartment at polluters’ cost to cater to pollution- impactedEnnoreresidentsandfactoryworkers.
