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Unemployment or Underemployment Strategies to Get Ahead—and STAY Ahead!

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Unemployment or Underemployment Strategies to Get Ahead—and STAY Ahead!. Tracie Lowe Career Consultant, IUPUI University College Academic and Career Development Coming Up in Job Search 2010. Changing nature of job seeking Variety of ways to hunt for jobs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unemployment or Underemployment Strategies to Get Aheadand STAY Ahead!Tracie LoweCareer Consultant, IUPUI University CollegeAcademic and Career

Coming Up in Job Search 2010Changing nature of job seekingVariety of ways to hunt for jobsGeneric no longer works; TAILOR your informationNetworkingWHY Networking is essentialContacts you didnt know you hadInformational interviewingInterviewingPreparation is KEYBehavioral interviewingWhy candidates ARENT hired

Today we will coverPast, present and future of your career journeyWhat does it take to move forward? Direction!Knowing yourselfKnow your marketKnow how to strategize your job searchKnow how to sell yourself especially on a resume!Common mistakes made by job seekersCareer Goal-settingQuestions?

3Why are YOU here?Career changeDownsized or laid off from jobBored in current careerLooking for job advancementUnsure where to start for a job searchMy resume is ten years old . . .Networking scares meWant to know in demand skillsOther reasons??

Unemployed? Important considerationsKeep a positive sense of self- it carries over to your interviewing and networking, and companies like to hire confident, positive peopleStay positive about your purpose. Learn new skills or volunteer to boost your well-being. Keep things in perspective and your emotions in balancejob searching will have highs and lows. Dont personalize or overanalyze.Focus on what YOU can control. There are many things that are within your scope, like making new networking contacts.

Unemployed? More important considerationsMaintain a routine and schedule. This will keep you less stressed and help you be focused and efficient.Create a job search plan. Strategize your resume, networking, and job search activities.Stay connected to supportive people for both your mental well-being and your job search. Unemployment can be lonely and isolating. Participate in activities that keep your mind and body CALM. Consider exercise, writing, hobbies they may even help you uncover potential jobs or new contacts.Remember, job searching is a process that takes time and hard work. The right job doesnt come along overnight. Unemployment feels much like a pothole on your career journeyFeel like youre stuck on an unfamiliar highway? Not sure where you even want to go?Feel like youre going in circles (or someone took the map!)Wish you had a GPS instead of a compass?NOW

Can you assess where youve been, your current situation, and where youre headed in your career? Do you have a plan and a strategy? Create your own Career GPS!!


I need a job who cares about a career journey?YOU should. Changing your career situation requires living in the present, but alsoCan you determine your destination? If you dont know where youd like to go, how can you get there? Successful job searching requires an honest assessment of where you are NOW. What skills do you have? What are your past accomplishments? Do you need/want to acquire further education or training? To GET what you want, instead of just hoping to get it, you need to have a plan!

Why should you care NOW?65-70% of college students change their majors at least once before graduating. As we graduate, many of us dont know what we can do with our degrees.Majority of jobs are not degree specific but we do a poor job of selling our degrees and worse, ourselvesChanges in the market greatly impact what is available. Planning a path before heading off on your journey will save time and dissatisfaction down the roadWork-related stress greatly affects your quality of lifeSo where should you start?

9Making wise decisions: When people choose a career or major that is not a good fit for them, it is often because they havent taken into account complete information about themselves AND/OR they dont know enough about their career and major options65 70%...: Even when people THINK they know what they want to do, they often find out through experience that they were wrong. It is important to do the research prior to selecting a career to avoid the trap of changing majors often, or late, or NOT changing and staying in a major that doesnt fit.Work-related Stress: More people die at 9 am on Monday than any other time. We spend a majority of our time at work, isnt it worth it to do a lot of work ahead of time to be certain that we are making a choice that fits? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans work more hours than workers in any other industrialized country. The average number of hours per week for Americans with jobs classified as "professionals" or "managers" is 48. A study shows that, nationally, seventy percent, and globally, eighty-one percent, say their jobs are affecting their health.S elf focus (who am I) T arget (what do I want)E xplore (whats out there, how does it fit)P lan (what are my next steps)

Career journey = ongoing process

10Give each participant a STEP brochure (optional)Self-Focus = Who am I?Target = Whats out there?Explore = Whats out there? And How does it fit?Plan = my next steps

SELF FOCUS Who am I? Skills = the ability to do something well, usually gained through experience and training

Personality = attitudes, behavior patterns, other individual traits that endure over long periods of time

Interests = Things that you enjoy doing or that grab your attentionValues = your personal principles or standards, your priorities. (Values impact the choices you make about the other three areas)How? See resource page; also Work One centers, career services 11Self-focus: Assessment of important information about yourself that forms the basis of determining what you want and need to be satisfied in a major and career.

Why is it important?: If you make decisions without a complete picture of who you are, you are unlikely to feel satisfied with your choices Play Job Giveaway GameMay choose to demo Discover now or on the next slide with Exploration of majors/careers

What if I dont know what I want?If youre unsure, look for self-assessments or inventories online. Refer to the resource page for many online resources, as well as GREAT books. Career counseling is also an option. Visit your local WorkOne office.

Learn more by doing research. Start with information that is readily available to you online, in books, journals, and many other locations.

Talk to people in your field of choice. Its one of the best ways to learn about career paths. Try informational interviewing, job shadowing, etc.

TARGET / EXPLOREWhats out there, and what is it all about?Make a short list of careers, then research themOur website for trends specific to our state and region.Talk to someone in the field (Informational interviews, job shadowing)Publications in the fieldVolunteering/Professional Organizations Be sure to state that assessments are only a tool and that it does NOT tell them what they SHOULD do!

13Learn more about occupationsO*Net Online descriptions of many occupations on the Occupational Information Network

Occupational Outlook Handbook OOH tells you the training and education needed, earnings, expected job prospects, what workers do on the job, working conditions, and more for hundreds of jobs

Create a Personal Action PlanAssess what you have to offer: your VIPSTarget occupations/industries who need what you have to offerExplore what you need to be successful Do you need to build skills? If so, how? Education? Computer training (esp. word processing) Set goals and commit to paperLong-range planWhere do I want to be in 1 year, 5 years, etc.Break larger goals down into smaller piecesConsider volunteering, community service, etc. Writing an Effective Resume-It Has to Sell YOU For the Position You Want!

Resume situation??-fine tune?-rework about half?-start from scratch?16What does your resume say?Your resume is your marketing brochure; a picture of you as an employee. Its NOT a job application with details about past employersIts about accomplishments and achievementsIts NOT a list of tasks, like a job descriptionYour resume gets you the interviewYour ability to articulate your skills gets you the job!In a competitive job market, you must have a strong, tailored resume AND excellent interviewing skills!

17Your resume is your initial marketing brochure. Period. Nothing more and nothing less.

Once you start looking at the resume from a marketing perspective, you will be on your way toward developing a more effective resume. It cannot "make the sale" any more than a marketing brochure can sell you a car--there still has to be the test drive, a look under the hood, a chance to kick the tires, etc. But if the marketing brochure is effective, you have already been sold on the car before you arrive in the showroom. Same rules apply to resumes.

Your resume is a picture of you. You want it to be a good picture. Your resume should instill confidence in you. You should be able to look at it when its finished and say Man, I look good!

Your resume will not get you a job. A good resume will get you interviews. Its up to you to get the job and to do that, you need to be able to effectively articulate the skills you have and why you would be a good fit for the job.

And before we get started, let me say at the outset-DO NOT USE A RESUME TEMPLATE SOFTWARE PROGRAM!

How do I start writing a resume?Know yourself!Values, Interests, Personality, Strengths, and SkillsBe aware of weaknesses, failures. What have you done to improve upon these? Play to your strengths and not your weaknesses! What have others mentioned as your greatest strengths? What are your past experiences and accomplishments?How do those experiences relate to the work youll do for your NEXT employer? Ask, So what?

18Reflect about what makes you unique.Know how you work, your personality.Take MBTI, Strong Interest Inventory, eDiscover inventories, etc.Meet with a career counselor to talk about your interests, values, personality, abilities, and skills.Know what you are putting on your resume and why. What is the purpose of specific items being on your resume? Be able to explain any and all items on your resume.What are your past experiences and accomplishments that are going to be helpful to you to get a specific job.

Starting a resumeWrite down groups youve belonged to (Teams, clubs, volunteer positions, employers, etc.)Write down the roles you filled for those groups (Treasurer, member, captain, job title, etc.)Write down every task you did in the role (include the method used, why it was worth doing, & the result)Turn tasks into accomplishment statements: begin with an action verbAsk yourself what, how, why, with what result, and how much or how often Writing your resume- Think SKILLS!DutiesSkillsArranged meetingsDrafted correspondenceAnswered phonesDeveloped strong planning skills to ensure meetings ran smoothlyUtilized excellent communication skills to accurately convey information from executives to staffInteracted with diverse group of internal and external clients, providing prompt and positive customer service

Position- Administrative Assistant

Writing your resume- Think SKILLS!SkillsRe-energized ABC Homeowners Association to improve neighborhood communication and raise home values Together with executive board, created policy whereby association members received feedback on new building plans within one weeks time, resulting in increased homeowner satisfactionNegotiated bids for repair/refurbishment of neighborhood pool facilityPersuaded homeowners to take on additional annual fee for pool area

Position- President, Homeowners Association

Accomplishments vs. Tasks (skills vs. duties) Bad Example:ClerkOld NavyRan cash registerStocked shelvesWorked in fitting room

Good Example:Customer Service RepresentativeOld Navy

Met weekly with managers and team members to discuss store policies and promotionsGreeted customers and assisted in purchase decisionsAssisted in training 30 new employeesWon district challenge by securing most store credit card applications in a week

What Do Employers Want?Communication SkillsTeamwork skillsProblem-solving skillsAnalytical SkillsFlexibility/adaptabilityInterpersonal skills

Motivation/InitiativeComputer /Technical SkillsDetail-orientationOrganizational SkillsLeadership SkillsSelf-Confidence

2008 Job Outlook Report: www.naceweb.orgNational Association of Colleges & Employers

23According to the 2008 Job Outlook Report published by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, these are the top 8 qualities that employers seek. When assessing your strengths, try to incorporate some of these qualities. For example, Communication skills may be demonstrated by having a job with high-public-contact. Honest and Integrity may be demonstrated by having a job that required handling large sums of money or access to confidential information.Know What is AvailableKnow your market!What are the needs of your potential employer?Research the business. Be able to communicate your knowledge about the company to your potential employer.Know the field, and understand trends. If you havent done your homework, someone ELSE will.Use job descriptions to tailor your resume to each specific position.

Resume EssentialsUse sample resumes to find good formats, wording O*Net to focus on skills/knowledge employers want Show how your abilities match the positionUse bulleted statements, not complete sentencesStart with action verbs Avoid the pronoun I and articles a, an, theNO Typos, misspellings or grammar mistakes (from vs. form)Must be professional, as with your whole imageResume must be up to date, accurate and honestNote your achievements/accomplishments, not just tasksProofread, proofread did I mention proofread?!?!?!Organizing your resumeResume Formats

Chronological: Information in each section is organized in reverse-chronological order

Skills-Based: Experience, accomplishments, and skills are organized separately from your work history.

Your BEST information must be in the top half or third of the resume. (will change over time)Initially, employers spend 15-30 seconds looking at a resume! Will you make the cut?Chronological Sample

27Skills-Based Sample

Related Skills and Experience:

Office Administration Proficient computer use of Microsoft Office and MacWrite II Verified accuracy and completion of customer sales orders and invoices Maintained petty cash accounts totaling $5,000Customer Service Received recognition for highest sales 3 consecutive months in Mens Apparel department at J.C. Penney Provided prompt and courteous customer service at all times Responsible for serving up to 100 customers during rush periodsLeadership Trained co-workers on frontline service techniques Wrote shift schedules, ensuring proper staff coverage for rush periods Maintained accurate inventory log, completing order log for manager Supervised up to 4 co-workers in managers absenceWork History:Administrative Assistant, Boss Business, Inc., Indianapolis, INJanuary 2007 PresentSales Associate, J.C. Penney, Greenwood, INAugust 2005 September 2006Crew Member, McDonalds, Indianapolis, INDecember 2004 August 2005

28Work History and/or ExperienceJennifer Student [email protected] 123 IUPUI Lane Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-555-1212 Work History:InternIndiana Sports Corporation, Indianapolis, IN Summer 2009 Assisted with media relations for Indiana Sports Corporation Wrote press releases and conducted follow-up with media Edited Indiana Sports Corporation publications and event materials Served as primary media contact for Youthlinks Indiana Charity Golf Tournament Recognized by supervisors for strong on-camera presence Server OCharleys, Indianapolis, IN January 2008-May 2009 Successfully managed a 20-hour work week while attending IUPUI full time Used effective communication skills to take and serve food orders promptly and accurately Demonstrated expertise in handling multiple tasks in a fast- paced environment Selected by manager to train new staff members29If you have work experience, youll want to put it on your resume. Even if you think its not related. Again, the best indicator of future job performance is past job performance. This is not a time to list all of your responsibilities. You want to highlight the most important. You also want to highlight what you did well, what you were recognized for doing well. If you dont have a lot to put down for work history, thats ok. Just list your title or position, the name of the company or organization, the location and the dates.Header Jennifer Student [email protected] 123 IUPUI Lane Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-555-1212

30You definitely want to have a header. I recommend using it for your resume, your cover letter and your reference page. You want to create a professional document package. You want your very own letterhead. Keep it clean and simple, with name, address, phone # and email. Remember what I said about the email address. And seriously, dont type out the words PHONE or EMAIL. We know what those are.Objective, EducationJennifer Student [email protected] 123 IUPUI Lane Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-555-1212 Objective: Seeking an event planning/PR position that will capitalize on my education, experience and excellent communication skills. Education:Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies Expected December 2010Indiana University Purdue University IndianapolisIndianapolis, INMajor GPA: 3.5-Worked part-time and earned scholarship to cover educational expenses.When creating a career objective, consider: Seeking a position within the field of ____ utilizing my ____, ____, and ____ skills.

**Focus your objective on what you can do for the employer rather than what they can do for you!**31Employers' number one complaint about entry level resumes? Lack of a specific objective. This is by far the most important feature of an entry level resume. Without it, you are destined to languish in the sea of mediocrity, swallowed up by your own lack of direction. I do not mean the wishy-washy "Position with a progressive organization that will fully utilize my talents and skills . . . " objective that tells me absolutely nothing about what you are looking for. Your objective has to be clear and concise. If someone told you not to use an objective because it is too limiting, that person is obviously out of touch with the reality of the entry level job market. If you are not specific and directed, you lose. Plain and simple. The key to writing a successful objective is focus.

Examples: Staff accountant position in the public accounting field in the Houston area. Retail management position in the New York City metropolitan area. Reporter position with a major news daily. Open to relocation. Marketing position with a computer software vendor in the Chicago area. Electrical engineering position in the silicon chip industry in California. Multimedia software development position. Open to travel and/or relocation. Note that a well-written and well-focused Objective section is often what will set you apart when your resume is compared to those with no objective or a wishy-washy one.

Less than 25% of Americans hold a bachelors degree. Youve spent time and money-important resources in earning your degree. It opens doors and is often a minimum requirement for a job. Some people will tell you to put it last. I say put it first!

Should you put your GPA on your resume? Some employers say absolutely. Some say, it doesnt matter. If it is an issue at all, it is typically only for your first job or graduate school. Beyond that, employers dont really care. If you dont have a lot of work experience, employers may see it as a measure of your abilities. Heres my rule of thumb. If its above a 3.0, put it on your resume. If your Cumulative GPA is below a 3 point, but your major GPA is above, list your major GPA, but be prepared to answer a questions about why your CGPA is not listed.

Other Resume SectionsDepending on your experience, some of the following sections might also be included in your resume:

ActivitiesHonorsCertificationsComputer SkillsCommunity ServicePublicationsRelated CourseworkSummary of Qualifications

Common Resume SectionsExperienceThis section can include more than just paid experiencesInternshipsVolunteer workStudent organization involvementCampus jobsAny paid/unpaid experiences that demonstrate the skills and experiences the employer seeks in a candidate

Review Current ResumeOne experience at a time:What does each one say about you?How does it fit the position/company/organization?If it doesnt fit, rewrite or eliminate itWhats missing from the resume? Go back to job posting- is there more you can add?Emphasize your accomplishmentsWhat makes yours a better product than others?Proofread, proofread, proofread!

34Critical points in your job searchBe able to articulate skills, interests, etcJob correspondence has to be GREATNetworking opens up many more positionsDoing research shows your level of interestSuperb interviewing sets you apart

Then the cycle continues; more self-focus, refining job correspondence, new and further developed contacts, deeper research

35Set Goals for YOUR Career JourneyTake Action!

What will you do ___________ ? Today Next week In a month By summer 1 year from now

When a man does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is the right wind.-Seneca

36JANE SMITH221 Main Street Indianapolis, IN 46202(317) 274-4000 [email protected]

Highlights of Qualifications: Although Jane earned her office administration skills via three separate jobs, the experience can be added togetherSix years of office administration experience Effective organizational and time management skills Experienced with all Microsoft Office products Excellent oral and written communication skills

Related Work Experience:Office Support, THE HOOSIER COMPANY, Indianapolis, Indiana 2006- present Ready documentation for A/P checks Update weekly print-outs of compliance and job cost reports and ensure delivery to project managers Prepare and post outgoing mail Sort, open, date, and distribute incoming mail to appropriate recipient Copy weekly compliance reports in triplicate, sort, file, and mail to clients File Clerk, DUFFENS OPTICAL, Indianapolis, Indiana 2003-2005 Filed client records for daily optical orders and purchases Researched customers original and repeat optical orders Greeted and directed guests to appropriate department Delivered records with incoming job to appropriate workstation

File Clerk, REDIRECTIONS, Carmel, Indiana 2001-2003 Filed account documentation Established new files for new accounts Re-organized files in a more efficient location Performed annual transfer of files to storage

Additional Work Experience:Sales Clerk, OSCO DRUGS, Indianapolis, IN 2005-present Greet guests and provide a welcoming environment as they enter the store Position your indirectly-related experience near the bottom of the pageAssist customers with purchases Perform money transactions to conclude purchases Stock and straighten merchandise on shelves