UndocumentedStudents and the DREAM Act: Current Law's Effect on UndocumentedStudents and Proposed Reform bv Channins Turner has been approved April20l0 Dr. Serena Carpenter, lThesis Director Nancie Dodge, 3rd Honors Thesi Committee ACCEPTED: Dean.Barrett. The Honors Collese APPROVED (printed name, signature);

Undocumented Students and the DREAM Act

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An undergraduate thesis examining the current law and proposed reform affecting undocumented students living in the United States. see also: www.undocstudents.com

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Page 1: Undocumented Students and the DREAM Act

Undocumented Students and the DREAM Act:

Current Law's Effect on Undocumented Students and Proposed Reform


Channins Turner

has been approved

Apri l20l0

Dr. Serena Carpenter, lThesis Director

Nancie Dodge, 3rd

Honors Thesi Committee


Dean. Barrett. The Honors Collese

APPROVED (printed name, signature);

Page 2: Undocumented Students and the DREAM Act

Undocumented Students and the DREAM Act:

Current Law’s Effect on Undocumented Students and Proposed Reform


Channing Turner

A Thesis Presented in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for Barrett, The Honors College


April 2010

Page 3: Undocumented Students and the DREAM Act



Illegal Immigration has become one of the most contested and controversial issues facing

United States policy makers today. This analysis focuses on reform for a particular

population buried under the inadequate policies of the whole: undocumented students.

Under current law, undocumented students face a kind of legal purgatory. Their

immigration status does not prohibit access to higher education; however, in many states

it enjoins them from receiving state financial aid, in-state tuition, and formal

employment. Proposed legislation known as the Development, Relief, and Education for

Alien Minors Act, or DREAM Act, would allow these students to earn and use their

education as legal residents. This thesis combines policy and literature review with

interactive multimedia reporting to connect the law, stories, and impetus for reform.

Page 4: Undocumented Students and the DREAM Act



Thank you to the trusting, patient, and unnamed students, without whom this project

would not have been possible, and those advocates and experts willing to step in front of

the camera. Thanks to my Thesis Director, Dr. Serena Carpenter; Second Reader, Terry

Greene Sterling; Third Reader, Nancie Dodge; and all Walter Cronkite School of

Journalism and Mass Communications faculty who contributed vicariously to the project.

Also thanks to my ever-supporting parents, the foundation holding it all together.

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2 CURRENT LAW…………………………………………...….………...10

Plyler v. Doe………………………………………….……….…11

Federal Legislation…………………………………..…………...15

State Legislation and Interpretation………………………..….…22

Problems with Current Law……………………………………...24

3 PROPOSED REFORM………...………………………………………...27

DREAM Act Provisions…………………………………………27

The DREAM Act’s Estimated Impact…………………...………29

The DREAM Act’s History…………………………………...…31

4 DEBATING THE DREAM ACT…………………………………….….33

Deportation is the Solution………………………………………33

Rewarding Unlawful Behavior………………………………..…34

Chain Migration…………………………………………….…....36

Conflicts with Existing Legislation……………………………...37

Limited Financial Resources………………………….…………38

Unfair to Citizens………………………………..………………39

Hostile Political Climate…………………………………..……..40

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Graduation Requirement………………………………………...43

Employment Requirement…………………………….………....43

Address Undocumented Immigrant Taxes………………………43

Eliminate Permanent Residency Benefit……………………...…44

6 CONCLUSION……………………………..…………………………...45

END NOTES………………………………………………………..…...………………46




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“Undocumented Students and the DREAM Act” contains two parts: this policy

review and a separate multimedia documentary available on the Web. The two parts were

designed to complement each other, the policy review providing rational analysis and the

documentary illustrating the human impact of current practices. Though I believe both

suggest similar conclusions, ideally, one should not be viewed without reference to the


This pairing is intended to provide the discourse with a synergy I believe it

currently lacks: the interplay between the human face of a policy and the rational

considerations that contribute to its adoption. The relative importance of either part can

be debated, but it should be uncontested that both play a role in our society’s law and

both weigh heavily on the topic at hand.

Regardless of my personal views, this analysis is intended to be fair to both sides

of the debate over reform. This does not mean, however, that a conclusion cannot be

reached. Even an analysis of facts and policies must hint at an intended answer, and I

make no pretentions of distancing myself from this eventuality. My experience

researching and reporting this subject has shaped my personal views, but I believe that

this does no disservice to those who would disagree with me. As I have, I implore all

readers to keep an open mind — both rationally and emotionally — and to form their

own conclusions.

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Chapter 1


Illegal immigration has become one of the most contested and controversial issues

facing United States policy makers today. Many advocates, disgruntled with current

policies, support comprehensive immigration reform; however, the issue’s complexity,

polarization, and political risk make it a mire for lawmakers and voters. Much of the

current system’s inequity comes from its omnibus approach to illegal immigrants — a far

from homogeneous population. Immigrants come from diverse backgrounds and face a

variety of circumstances — considerations a just legal system should take into account.

To create effective reform, immigration law must provide for discrepancies of fallibility

and adopt forward-minded policies that ensure just application of legal principles to

unique immigrant subpopulations. This analysis focuses on reform for a particular

population buried under the inadequate policies of the whole: undocumented students.

The circumstances surrounding undocumented students make their situation

ethically unique. They arrive as children, accompanied by parents trying to make a new

life in the United States. They grow up in American communities, absorb American

culture and integrate into American life — many times without knowledge or

understanding of their legal status. They attend local primary and secondary schools —

some excelling academically — and become heavily involved in their communities.

Upon graduation from high school, however, they face tremendous, sometimes

insurmountable challenges.

Under current law, undocumented students face a kind of legal purgatory. Their

immigration status does not prohibit access to higher education; however, in many states

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it enjoins them from receiving government financial aid, in-state tuition, and formal

employment — considerable challenges to founding a future. Approximately 65,000

undocumented immigrants graduate from high school annually,1 and each struggles with

the next step.

Despite the obstacles, many undocumented students pursue higher education.

Some see college as the necessary next step, eager for the promise of professional

employment. Some view it as the most valuable asset they might acquire in a country that

views their presence as illegitimate. Others simply don’t know what else to do. For these

students, education becomes a race against time and money — before an unexpected

incident ends in deportation or private scholarships run dry. Even graduation opens few

doors. Those who succeed in earning a diploma face little opportunity for employment in

the field of their education because federal and state laws restrict the willful employment

of undocumented immigrants.

Nonetheless, undocumented students hold out hope for policy change that will

allow them affordable access to education and a chance to use their degrees in the United

States. Undocumented students feel unequivocally American — lacking only a crucial

piece of paper to legitimize their patriotism. They strive desperately for a pathway to

citizenship — any way to earn an equal place in the only country they know.

The unique plight of undocumented immigrants has not gone unrecognized.

Proposed legislation know as the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors

Act, or DREAM Act, would allow these students to earn and use their education as legal

residents. If passed into law, the Act would grant temporary residency, allowing easier

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access to higher education and a pathway to permanent residency upon completion of an

undergraduate degree or term of service in the military.

However, the unfavorable political climate and policy disagreements have kept

the DREAM Act a dream since its initial introduction to Congress in 2001. Opponents

claim the Act would allow undeserving immigrants access to limited state resources,

encourage chain migration, and reward unlawful behavior. To date, these arguments and

an atmosphere of inimical politics have prevailed. However, fervor from activists,

educators, and students continuously mounts for reform, and policy regarding

undocumented students has become one of the primary issues in the immigration debate.

This analysis will discuss the history and problems of current law, impetus for

reform, and debate surrounding the DREAM Act in order to establish a clearer view of

undocumented students’ place in immigration polity and the need for reform.

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Chapter 2

Current Law

Current law proves extremely adverse to undocumented students seeking

education. The Supreme Court ruling of Plyler v. Doe guarantees all minors residing

within the country, regardless of residency status, equal access to state primary and

secondary education, but higher education has no such guarantee. While federal law does

not explicitly prevent attendance, several pieces of legislation indirectly restrict the

ability to attend institutions of higher education by barring access to financial resources

and in-state tuition. Specifically, these restrictions come from the Personal Responsibility

and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) and the Illegal

Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA). Both acts

place strict financial barriers in the path of undocumented students — effectively limiting

their ability to attend college.

Some sympathetic states have chosen to interpret the statutes in ways that allow

them to bypass federal control — California, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico,

New York, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah and Washington — setting their own criteria for state

financial aid and tuition rates. However, the legality of these interpretations is tenuous at

best. State courts have delivered conflicting rulings over federal preemption, and as a

result, state law remains ambiguous and widely varied.

In sharp contrast to the ambiguity of aid criteria, the law presents a

straightforward answer for undocumented students seeking pathways to citizenship:

There are none. Neither federal nor state law allows undocumented students seeking

higher education to gain lawful citizenship, leaving them to a life in limbo.

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Plyler v. Doe

Decided in 1982, the Supreme Court ruling of Plyler v. Doe forbids states from

denying children “who were not ‘legally admitted’ into the United States” access to

primary and secondary education.2 The Court concludes that according to the Equal

Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment all persons residing within the

jurisdiction of the United States have a right to primary and secondary education.3

Facts and Initial Arguments

The case specifically addressed a Texas statute barring undocumented students

equal access to primary and secondary public schools. Before 1975, Texas used fairly

standard statutory language to provide children with access to a state education. The law

stated under section 21.031 that “(1) all children between six and eighteen years,

regardless of their color, were entitled to the benefits of the Available School Fund for

that year; (2) that every child in the state between the ages of six and 21 was permitted to

attend the public free schools of his or her district; and (3) that the board of trustees of

any public free school district in Texas was required to admit, free of tuition, all students

between six and 21 who resided in the district.”4 However, in 1975, Texas amended the

law to qualify “all students” as meaning only citizens or legally admitted aliens —

removing the right to free access for undocumented children.5 Two years later, the Board

of Trustees of Tyler Independent School District implemented a policy requiring

undocumented students to pay tuition — approximately $1,000 annually.6

A group of Mexican children unable to prove their citizenship filed suit in the

United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas to challenge the statute’s

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constitutionality.7 The district court found the Texas statute unconstitutional under the

Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, reasoning that undocumented

aliens were entitled to the protection afforded by the Fourteenth Amendment because the

Amendment applies to all persons within United States jurisdiction.8 Aliens gain

Fourteenth-Amendment protection from the moment they enter the country.

After finding basis for constitutional protection, the court sought to find “some

rational relationship” between the legislation and “legitimate state purposes.”9 In its

defense, Texas argued the statute advanced state interests by managing the “allocation of

limited educational revenues.”10 It contended that undocumented immigrants would

otherwise take resources away from lawful residents. The court, however, rejected

“saving money” as a sufficient justification and found no rational basis for the State’s

“policy of exclusion.”11

The court further examined the issue of whether the Texas statute comported with

federal law. It viewed the statute in question as inconsistent with the ethos of federal

intent, noting that “federal laws consistently demonstrated a strong congressional

commitment to education, in particular the education of disadvantaged children.”12

Denying certain children equal access to education contradicted the efforts of federal

policy, particularly those “serving low-income families and requiring bilingual education

programs.”13 Ultimately, the district court ruled in favor of the children and prohibited

the School District from denying free public education to any child based solely on their

legal status.14

In re Alien Children Education Litigation

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At the same time, the District Court for the Southern District of Texas

consolidated five similar complaints into the combined case of In re Alien Children

Education Litigation (1979). This time, the court elevated the level of judicial review

from a simple rational basis test to strict scrutiny, a more rigorous test of state interest

requiring the state to show that the statute was necessary in promoting a compelling

governmental interest — that the basis for unequal treatment was not capricious or

irrelevant — and that there were no less-restrictive alternatives.15 Again, the court found

no such compelling interest to justify the restrictive statute. However, in contrast to Doe

v. Plyler, it held that the statute did not inherently contradict federal policy.16

On appeal, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit affirmed both rulings on the

issue of equal protection, but overruled the initial decisions regarding preemption, finding

that federal law did preempt section 21.031.17

The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court consolidated both cases into one: Plyler v. Doe.18 The Court

first examined whether undocumented immigrants are granted protection under the

Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause, the guarantee that the government

cannot deny any person equal protection under the law. It affirmed the decisions of the

lower courts, finding that such protection is not limited to United State citizens but

extends “to all persons within the territorial jurisdiction, without regards to any

differences of race, of color, or of nationality.”19

Second, the Court sought to establish an appropriate level of judicial review. As

established by Court tradition, strict scrutiny of the law only applies in cases “when a law

sought to disadvantage a ‘suspect class’ or impinged upon a fundamental right.”20 This

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prompted two inquiries: (1) Are illegal aliens a disadvantaged “suspect class,” and (2) Is

the right to primary and secondary education a fundamental right?

Addressing the first question, the Court found illegal aliens were “persons” as

defined under the Fourteenth Amendment and therefore entitled to protection. However,

they could not be considered a suspect class.21 Furthermore, the Court found that the right

to primary and secondary education is not a fundamental right guaranteed by the

Constitution.22 The Court did note that “education is perhaps the most important function

of state and local government,”23 and reasoned its importance warranted higher-than-

minimal scrutiny. In addition, it considered the circumstances surrounding undocumented

minors, concluding that because their entry into the U.S. resulted from acts of their

parents, the children could not be held legally culpable,24 and an exclusionary policy

toward their education could result in “a lifetime of hardship on a discrete class of

children not accountable for their disabling status.”25 The Court therefore settled on an

intermediate level of scrutiny, subjecting the Texas statute to elevated standards of

justification but not the highest level reserved for breaches of fundamental right.

Ultimately, the Supreme Court ruled the Texas statute was unconstitutional based

on its significant cost to undocumented children. It found the state’s interest in resource

protection and fiscal savings insufficient to justify denying children access to public


Plyler’s Impact

Plyler inhibits states from passing legislation that denies illegal immigrants access

to free public education. However, the ruling applies only to education through the

twelfth grade.27 Had the Court established a basis for strict scrutiny, advocates could

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build on a much stronger precedent to justify expansion, and state laws restricting access

to public postsecondary education would be unlikely to survive legal challenge.28

However, the Court’s decision to use an intermediate level of scrutiny limits the ruling’s

expansion to postsecondary education29 — an expansion some argue is warranted by the

decreasing value of a high school-only education in a modern economy.30

Advocates of expansion point to Justice Brennan’s stated fear that denying

undocumented students access to education would lead to “the creation and perpetuation

of a subclass of illiterates within our boundaries, surely adding to the problems and costs

of unemployment, welfare, and crime.”31 Brennan’s rationale for protecting education

comes from his belief that it is necessary for “self-sufficiency, self-reliance, and

participation in society,”32 as well as crucial to “an individual’s economic, intellectual,

and psychological well-being.”33 Some argue that this basis supports the underlying

rationale for why a right to further education should exist, asserting that the premises

applied by Justice Brennan to primary and secondary education in Plyler apply equally to

postsecondary education today.34

Federal Legislation

Thus far, no law or court ruling has expressly denied undocumented immigrants

admittance to institutions of higher education. Nonetheless, federal and state governments

have indirectly addressed access by enacting laws that deny undocumented students

access to financial aid and in-state tuition rates. These statutes are the Personal

Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) and the Illegal

Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA).

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Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996


8 U.S.C. § 1621. “An alien…is not eligible for any State of local public benefit…The term ‘State or local public benefit’ means…any retirement, welfare, health, disability, public or assisted housing, postsecondary education, food assistance, unemployment benefit, or any other similar benefit for which payments or assistance are provided to an individual, household or family…by an agency or State or local government…”

Congress passed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity

Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) as part of a larger Clinton-era effort to reform

welfare; however, the legislation also prominently addressed undocumented immigrants.

The Act’s passage accompanied “intensive anti-immigrant propaganda” and “anti-

immigrant initiatives.” In fact, the strong anti-immigrant rhetoric of the time precipitated

an unintended 71 percent drop in welfare applications from legal and otherwise eligible

immigrants, who were later suspected by policy analysts of “mistakenly believ[ing] they

[were] no longer eligible” due to the fervor surrounding the Act’s intended impact on the


In current immigration law, PRWORA denies undocumented immigrants access

to federal, state and local public benefits, such as retirement, welfare, healthcare,

disability, assisted-housing, education aid, or food-assistance. Regarding education, the

term “benefits” includes “postsecondary education…or any other similar benefit for

which payments or assistance are provided.”36 Thus, the Act focuses solely on monetary

assistance and does not specifically address attendance.37

Additionally, the Act only excludes “non-qualified aliens” from receiving

benefits.38 If state or federal governments enact legislation expressly granting

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undocumented students qualified status, they would be allowed access to benefits under


Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996


8 U.S.C. § 1623. “An alien who is not lawfully present in the United States shall not be eligible on the basis of residence within a State…for any postsecondary education benefit unless a citizen or national of the United States is eligible for such a benefit (in no less amount, duration, and scope) without regard to whether the citizen or national is such a resident.”

Passed during the same wave of Clinton-era policy aimed at reducing dependence

on welfare, fiscal responsibility and anti-immigrant sentiment,40 the Illegal Immigration

Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA) affects in-state tuition

requirements for undocumented students. Specifically, section 505 of IIRIRA makes

illegal aliens ineligible for postsecondary benefits based on residency — namely in-state

tuition rates — unless all citizens of the United States would also be eligible for that

benefit.41 In other words, if an institution of higher education grants undocumented

students in-state tuition, it must also offer that same tuition rate to all U.S. citizens,

regardless of whether they live in- or out-of-state. State universities that allow

undocumented students in-state tuition therefore loose additional financial support from

out-of-state students — a heavy incentive to make undocumented students ineligible.

The Act’s effect on the affordability of college can be drastic. For example,

Arizona State University’s in-state residents paid $6,797 of tuition for the 2009–2010

year, compared with an out-of-state cost of $19,382 — a difference of $12,585 a year.42

Combined with PRWORA’s financial-aid embargo, undocumented students are denied

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over two-thirds of all financial aid in the United States,43 leaving only private

scholarships and employment to make up the difference.

While no court has found PRWORA or IIRIRA to prohibit states from admitting

undocumented students into public postsecondary schools, they significantly limit

undocumented students attempting to pay for college. Their affect on the affordability of

higher education is undeniable.44

The Question of Federal Preemption

In response to federal regulation, many states have chosen to interpret PRWORA

and IIRIRA in ways that still allow them to set their own criteria for tuition rates and

state benefits. However, the legality of such interpretations remains in question as state

courts deliver contradicting rulings.

For example, on November 8, 1994, California voters passed Proposition 187,

also know as the “Save Our State” initiative, denying public benefits to undocumented

immigrants. The proposition mandated heavier enforcement by requiring that law

enforcement, social services, health care and public educational personnel verify the

immigration of any suspected persons with whom they come into contact.45

In League of United Latin American Citizens v. Wilson (LULAC II), a California

district court sought to determine whether federal law preempted Proposition 187. Should

Congress intend federal law to have complete regulatory control over illegal alien

benefits, any state law that set a different standard for enforcement would be preempted

and annulled. Therefore, the court investigated whether Congress’ intent in passing

PRWORA and IIRIRA amounted to “complete federal control or occupancy of the field

that the state law regulates.”46

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In its inquiry, the court employed a three-part preemption test established by the

Supreme Court in DeCanas v. Bica.47 Known collectively as the DeCanas test, the test

preempts state law if the statute in question: (1) attempts to regulate an

“exclusively…federal power;” (2) if Congress intends “complete federal control or

occupancy of the field that the state law regulates, even if the state law does not conflict

with federal law;” and (3) if it “stands as an obstacle to the accomplishment and

execution of the full purposes and objectives of Congress.”48

Applying the three tests, the court ruled California’s Proposition 187 invalid

under the second DeCanas test.49 The court interpreted PRWORA to be a “sweeping

statement by Congress” and to express Congress’ intention take “full control of the field

of regulation of public benefits to aliens.”50 It also ruled that because PRWORA and

IIRIRA are comprehensive, “states lack the power to legislate in the area of public

benefits for undocumented immigrants.”51

In spite of LULAC II’s ruling, states hardly agree on the issue of preemption.

Seven years after LULAC II, a Virginia district court came to the opposite conclusion,

finding no basis for preemption. In Equal Protection v. Merten, plaintiffs challenged a

policy set by the State’s Attorney General that denied college admission to

undocumented immigrants. They alleged that the policy was unconstitutional based on its

violation of the Supremacy, Commerce and Due Process Clause.52 Plaintiffs further

challenged the legality of the Attorney General’s encouragement of educational officials

to report suspected undocumented students to immigration authorities.53

The Merten court used the same DeCanas test but found no basis for

preemption.54 Under the first test, the court found a state may implement a policy denying

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admission to undocumented immigrants “provided that in doing so, the institutions

implementing the policy adopt federal immigration standards.”55 Since Virginia law

adopted federal standards in their policy, the court saw no justification for preemption.56

In regard to the second test, the court denied LULAC II’s use as precedent, saying

that “LULAC II is neither controlling nor persuasive.”57 The court pointed out

PRWORA’s exclusive regulation of financial benefits — it only addresses postsecondary

aid: “monetary assistance…not admissions.”58 Contrary to LULAC II, the Merten court

found that Congress “has failed to legislate in this field at all and thus has not occupied

any part of it, completely or otherwise.”59 Further, the court concluded section 1623 left

much to the individual states to decide in legislation.60 Thus, neither PRWORA nor

IIRIRA preempted Virginia policy.

LULAC II and Merten interpret the issue of federal preemption in completely

opposite ways, illustrating the law’s current ambiguity. It remains unclear whether states

can set their own criteria for enforcement of immigration laws and the extent of the

federal government’s control over state benefits. As a result, state policies that regulate

undocumented students’ admission to college and access to state financial aid vary

widely from state to state, from outright prohibition to express access.

However, the two cases deal only with whether federal legislation controls the

manner in which states determine admittance for undocumented students applying to

college — in other words, their eligibility status for certain state benefits. It is

unquestioned that institutions of higher learning themselves can admit undocumented

students under PRWORA and IIRIRA.

Interpretation of In-state Tuition

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Another contentious interpretation of PRWORA and IIRIRA comes from federal

restriction of in-state tuition benefits. PRWORA and IIRIRA do not provide airtight

prohibition of in-state rates because they fail to address the manner in which states

determine residency.61 Uncertainty arises from unqualified use of the term “benefit” in

both acts, raising questions of whether state residency status can be considered a benefit.

States sympathetic to undocumented students can choose to interpret the term in a way

that grants in-state tuition.

Three interpretations have emerged for the term “benefit”: (1) regulation of only

monetary benefits such as scholarships or financial aid, (2) regulation of status benefits

such as residency status for tuition purposes, or (3) regulation of both.62 If the acts only

regulate monetary benefits, states are free to determine their own criteria for residency.

However, if the acts regulate residency, states would be reluctant to grant benefits to

undocumented students because to do so, they would have to pass a law affirmatively

giving undocumented students residency and, due to IIRIRA, offer in-state tuition to all

U.S. citizens, regardless of their state residency status.63

For the purposes of its ruling, the Virginia district court in Merten interpreted the

term “benefit” as monetary aid, but failed to address the in-state residency distinction

directly.64 According to its interpretation, “public benefits” mean only monetary benefits,

an interpretation most likely springing from section 1621’s qualification of benefits to

include “any…benefit for which payments or assistance are provided.”65 In addition,

section 1623 measures “postsecondary education benefits” in terms of “amount, duration,

and scope”66 — terms that appear to imply monetary regulation. In-state residency status

is not a monetary benefit; it is a status categorization.67 Therefore federal law under the

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Merten court’s interpretation would not regulate it. However, the Merten ruling does not

extend to the question of residency, and thus the issue remains unresolved.

Should a federal court rule in favor of state authority using an interpretation

similar to Merten, states would be free to determine their own in-state residency

requirements — an approach several states already employ through legislation. In this

way, undocumented students can be granted in-state residency based on criteria

determined by the state, allowing for much greater flexibility and the opportunity to

qualify for lower tuition rates.

State Legislation and Interpretation

Circumventing In-state Tuition Regulation

Much of how current federal law is applied to in-state tuition regulation regarding

undocumented students relies on individual state legislation and interpretation. Despite

the seemingly prohibitory statutes enacted by Congress, 10 states have passed laws

allowing undocumented students in-state tuition as of the end of 2009.68 Reacting to large

undocumented student populations, these states have enacted more affordable tuition

polices in hopes of fostering increased school attendance and education levels.69

In response to soaring public-school dropout rates and a deficit in students

attending higher education,70 Texas became the first state to pass legislation allowing

undocumented students in-state tuition on June 16, 2001.71 The legislation relies on an

interpretation of section 1623’s term “benefit” that does not govern residency for tuition

purposes.72 It qualifies students for in-state rates provided they (1) resided with a parent,

guardian, or conservator while attending a Texas high school; (2) graduated from high

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school or attained equivalent of a high school diploma in Texas; (3)resided in Texas for

at least three years prior to high school graduation; (4)registered as an entering student at

an institution of higher education no earlier than fall 2001; and (5) filed an affidavit with

the institution of higher education stating that he or she will apply for legal status as soon

as the are able.73 Similar legislation has passed in California, Utah, New York,

Washington, Illinois, Oklahoma, Kansas, New Mexico and Nebraska.74

The constitutionality of these laws, however, remains in question. Proponents of

such legislation believe it complies with federal law because “IIRIRA focuses on

residency requirements, while these laws generally focus on where the student graduated

from high school.”75 Opponents contend IIRIRA supersedes such legislation by

“prohibiting a state from offering in-state tuition rates to undocumented immigrants

unless the same advantage is extended to all United States citizens”76 — interpreting

“benefit” to include residency for tuition purposes.

Thirty-two states have considered in-state tuition legislation, typically following

two legislative models.77 The first model defines residents as “those who have studied in

and graduated from a state high school, usually for a minimum of three years.”78 States

following this model include Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Texas and


The second model accomplishes similar results by attempting to “completely

circumvent section 1623 by omitting any reference to ‘resident.’”80 This model provides

exemptions for payment of out-of-state tuition to students satisfying criteria similar to

those in the first model.81 States employing the second model include California, New

York, Oklahoma, and Utah.82

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However, several states have taken the opposite approach, enacting tougher

residency regulation to ensure undocumented immigrants cannot reach state aid.

Concerns over undocumented students depleting state financial resources garner heavy

support from financially conservative lawmakers and electorates, justifying tighter

regulation of in-state tuition.83 Ten states have considered laws that overtly ban in-state

tuition for undocumented students.84 Four states have succeeded: Arizona, Georgia,

Mississippi and South Carolina.85

Day v. Sebelius

No Supreme Court cases have emerged to answer the question of whether states

can enact their own laws and criteria, but Day v. Sebelius may be a test case. In 2004, six

parents and 18 students brought suit against the United States District Court for the

District of Kansas to challenge the constitutionality of a Kansas statute granting in-state

tuition rates to undocumented students.86 The plaintiffs contended the law treated them

unfairly by offering lower tuition rates to undocumented students while denying similar

benefits to lawful citizens with out-of-state residency.87 They claimed the statute violated

federal law, including PRWORA and IIRIRA. However, the court dismissed the

plaintiffs’ case due to lack of standing. They were unable to prove they had suffered an

“injury-in-fact” and therefore lacked appropriate standing to challenge the statute.88

While Day v. Sebelius failed to reach any crucial interpretations, legal

commentators believe a similar case could arise with appropriate standing to warrant

game-changing court interpretations.89

Problems With Current Law

Page 26: Undocumented Students and the DREAM Act


Current Avenues for Undocumented Students to Gain Legal Status

Under current law, most undocumented students have no legal way to self-petition

for residency status while remaining in the United States. Under certain Title 8 CFR

provisions, undocumented immigrants may petition for a visa while remaining in the

country. For example, an undocumented immigrant whose visa has expired may petition

for a new visa after marrying a lawful citizen.90 However, undocumented students who

enter the country illegally and without any paperwork are prohibited from applying for

adjustment of status,91 regardless of their desire to become lawful citizens.

Visa Waiting Times

Opponents of legalization measures often argue that undocumented students

should return to their country of birth and wait their turn to be admitted under standard

visa laws. However, the waiting times accompanying visas make them immensely

prohibitive for students not willing to put their lives on hold. Lawful permanent residents

wishing to bring a spouse or child from Mexico to the U.S. can wait more than six

years,92 while citizens petitioning for adult sons or daughters wait more than 15 years.93

Visa allocation standards and numeric caps — currently limited to 226,000 family-

sponsored and 140,000 employer-sponsored visas94 — have created enormous processing

backlogs that cause extensive wait times.95 Such long waiting periods mean

undocumented students may abandon their lives in the U.S. for up to a decade. Given the

choice, many decide to delay petitioning for legalization unless deported.

Employment Eligibility

Numerous state and federal laws prohibit the employment of illegal immigrants,

making employment eligibility a major hurdle for undocumented students attempting to

Page 27: Undocumented Students and the DREAM Act


reap the benefits of higher education. Inability to gain employment or legal status that

might lead to employment “renders the diploma largely ineffectual”96 — leaving

otherwise employable and productive students in limbo. Absent a guarantee that

education accompanies the possibility of residency status, undocumented students cannot

expect to find legal employment. Instead, they attend college to gain one more asset in

their struggle for legitimacy, and in the case of deportation, an asset most other countries

will gladly allow them to use.

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Chapter 3

Proposed Reform: The DREAM Act

Faced with the problems and ambiguities of current law, legislators drafted the

Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act) to provide

undocumented students who wish to remain in the United States legally a pathway to earn

lawful residency. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) originally introduced The DREAM Act

in 2001 as bipartisan legislation that aimed to “amend IIRIRA to permit states to

determine state residency for higher education purposes and to authorize the cancelation

of removal and adjustment of status for certain students who are long-term United States

residents and who entered the United States as children.”97 In other words, the Act would

provide undocumented students an avenue to legalization.

The DREAM Act has two goals: resolve the question of whether states can grant

undocumented students in-state tuition by repealing IIRIRA; and make higher education

and employment more accessible by providing undocumented students an opportunity to

obtain conditional residency upon graduation from high school and permanent residence


DREAM Act Provisions

To accomplish its goals, the DREAM Act establishes a two-tiered approach for

granting permanent residency. The first tier establishes “requirements for cancellation of

removal and adjustment of status,”99 meaning eligibility for the DREAM Act’s provision

of conditional permanent residence. These requirements include:

1. The alien has been physically present in the United States for a continuous period of not less than 5 years immediately preceding the date of enactment of this Act, and had not yet reached the age of 16 years at the time of initial entry.

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2. The alien has been a person of good moral character since the date of enactment of this Act.

3. The alien complies with certain sections of the Immigration and Nationality Act (viz. 8 U.S.C. 1182(a), 8 U.S.C. 1227(a)). Specifically, the alien does not present health risks, has not committed significant crimes or been judged a security threat to the nation.

4. The alien, at the time of application, has been admitted to an institution of higher education in the United States, or has earned a high school diploma or obtained a general education development certificate in the United States.

5. The alien has never been under final administrative or judicial order of exclusion, deportation, or removal.

6. The alien has not yet reached the age of 30 years on the date of enactment of this Act.

(DREAM Act 2007 Sec. 3)

After proving eligibility under the proposed legislation, undocumented

immigrants are granted conditional permanent residence, which allows individuals to

avoid or cancel deportation.100 The status remains valid for a period of six years,101

during which time the individual must petition for full permanent resident status under

second tier requirements. Conditional permanent resident status may be revoked if an

individual fails to meet the requirements of tier I, has become a public charge, or receives

a dishonorable or other than honorable discharge from the uniformed services.102

During the period of conditional permanent residence, an individual is expected to

“petition to remove condition,” gaining permanent resident status.103 Petition

requirements boil down to completion of two years of a college degree or two years in the

uniformed services. Permanent status is granted after the completion of the following


1. The alien has demonstrated good moral character during the entire period the alien has been a conditional permanent resident.

2. The alien is in compliance with 3(a)(1)(C) — (Tier I requirement 3) 3. The alien has not abandoned the alien’s residence in the United

States…for more than 365 days…

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4. The alien has completed at least 1 of the following: a. The alien has acquired a degree from an institution of higher

education in the United States or has completed at least 2 years, in good standing, in a program for a bachelor’s degree or higher degree in the United States.

b. The alien has served in the uniformed services for at least 2 years and, if discharged, has received an honorable discharge.

5. The alien has provided a list of each secondary school…that the alien attended in the United States.

(DREAM Act, Sec. 4, Tier 2)

After satisfying tier II requirements and following petition procedure, an

undocumented immigrant gains permanent residency.104

Additionally, Section 7(b) provides for employment during conditional permanent

residency — “an alien whose removal is stayed … may be engaged in employment in the

United States …”105 Section 10 makes students under conditional permanent resident

status eligible for government student loans and federal work-study programs,106 making

college more affordable.107

The DREAM Act’s Estimated Impact

Benefits for Undocumented Students

A 2007 Migration Policy Institute report estimated that 360,000 undocumented

high school graduates between 18 and 24 years old would be eligible for conditional legal

status upon enactment of the DREAM Act,108 and an additional 715,000 students ages 5

to 17 would be eligible in the future.109 Policy analysts predict these individuals, no

longer hindered by their legal status, would be more likely to stay in school, become

involved in their communities, increase their quality of life and, as a result, generate

greater tax revenue for the system.110

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Given the opportunity to utilize their education, undocumented immigrants would

gain real motivation to complete their education — opportune for a country facing high

dropout rates. A survey conducted by former U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige

indicates that immigrants are more than twice as likely as native-born Americans to drop

out of high school.111 In addition, the Hispanic-student dropout rate is close to 45

percent.112 The DREAM Act would relieve undocumented students of the impediments

imposed by current law, remove the stigma of their status, and create concrete incentives

to stay in school and become more involved in their communities.113

Benefits for the Nation

Nationally, higher education levels would create a more skilled workforce,

increasing the U.S.’s global competitiveness.114 Many argue that policy promoting the

education of that workforce shows a forward-thinking approach to the country’s

international competitiveness.115

Furthermore, increased education levels could make long-term fiscal sense. A

2006 Center for Immigration Studies report concluded that the state financial burden of

both legal and illegal immigrants correlated directly with their education level.116 It found

that “the primary reason illegal aliens create a fiscal deficit is that an estimated 60 percent

lack a high school degree and another 20 percent have no education beyond high

school.”117 Citing a National Research Council study, the report estimated that an

immigrant without a high school diploma creates a net lifetime burden of $89,000 on the

state, reduced to $31,000 with a high school education.118 However, an immigrant with

education beyond high school provided an estimated fiscal benefit of $105,000.119

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Increasing immigrants’ earning potential would provide long-term benefits through

increased tax revenue and reinvestment in the economy.120

The DREAM Act’s History

Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) first introduced the DREAM Act in 2001. He

described the bill by saying: “While I do not advocate granting unchecked amnesty to

illegal immigrants, I am, however in favor of providing … children who did not make the

decision to enter the United States illegally the opportunity to earn the privilege of

remaining here legally.”121 Hatch said the bill was part of his larger effort to create a

“fair, compassionate and lawful way to deal with the illegal immigrants already this

country.”122 The Act was sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee and placed on the

Senate legislative calendar for the 107th Congress, but never received a floor vote,123

meeting with “little initial support or attention.”124

In 2003, Hatch reintroduced the Act to the 108th Congress but again made little

progress. Some believe the bill’s second failure can be attributed to its introduction on the

cusp of an election year.125 Facing a tight election year, President Bush and other

lawmakers may have decided to postpone taking a decisive stance on such a controversial

issue.126 Furthermore, despite bipartisan support, the bill’s reintroduction was criticized

as an attempt by Republicans to pander to the Latino vote.127

Concerns also emerged over the Act’s impact on “limited state resources,” with

several lawmakers claiming “each slot an illegal immigrant takes at a state college or

university … is one less spot for American students.”128 Again, disagreement of the Act

stalled its progress and it never received a vote.

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In 2005, the Act was introduced for a third time by both Senators Hatch and

Richard Durbin (D-Ill.), and by the next year, it had made its way as an amendment into

the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (CIRA).129 As part of the larger bill, the

Senate passed the DREAM Act with a 62-36 vote.130 However, perhaps as a result of the

CIRA’s complexity or continuing political controversy, its progress halted soon after,

stalling until the bill was terminated at the end of the 109th congressional session.131

Faced with the failure of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act, the

DREAM Act’s sponsors took a more fragmented approach to reform. Senator Durbin

authored a new version of the DREAM Act as a stand-alone bill, introducing it to the

Senate on March 6, 2007.132 Several provisions of the Act also appeared in a defense bill

in September 2007; however, the provisions were removed due to concerns that their

inclusion in an unrelated defense bill was inappropriate.133

On October 24, 2007, the DREAM Act failed to meet the required two-thirds

majority to pass on a procedural vote.134 With 52 votes, the bill came just eight votes

short of the required 60 to pass in the Senate.135

The Act’s failure to pass can be attributed to a variety of political pressures.

Immigration’s current status as a hotly debated issue makes lawmakers hesitant to enact

legislation that may offend their electorate.136 In addition, differing opinions on how to

implement reform and whether it should be passed as a stand-alone bill or included in

more comprehensive reform have made reaching a consensus within Congress


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Chapter 4

Debating the DREAM Act

While the DREAM Act has not been reintroduced to the Senate since 2007,

debate over its passage continues. Opponents urge alternative measures and raise several

policy concerns, both long- and short-term. This section enumerates those viewpoints and

offers counter arguments from Act supporters.

Deportation is the Solution

Many opponents of the DREAM Act and Comprehensive Immigration Reform

call for increased deportation, fence building along the U.S.-Mexico boarder, and laws

that “get tough” on undocumented immigrants.138 Such measures have proven popular in

several states, buttressed by conservative concerns over use of limited state resources on

undocumented immigrants and anti-immigrant sentiment, leading to the enactment of

stringent laws and enforcement in Arizona, Georgia, Mississippi and South Carolina.139

While appealing in its straightforward approach to tougher law enforcement, Act

supporters believe the “get tough” approach may not be as straightforward as many

lawmakers and voters believe. Efforts to tighten enforcement and border security do little

to address the economic and social issues that drive immigration, such as high wage

earning disparity and family separation,140 the implementation of an extensive

deportation policy presents several prohibitive problems.

Deportation cannot solve the problem of illegal immigration. First, deportation of

all undocumented immigrants is a practical impossibility. The Department of Homeland

Security estimated that 10.8 million undocumented immigrants resided within the United

Page 35: Undocumented Students and the DREAM Act


States as of January 2009.141 Many policy analysts doubt the federal government has

sufficient resources or personnel to deport even a significant portion of this population.142

Second, little evidence supports the claim that deportation deters new

undocumented immigrants from entering.143 Many immigrants belong to mixed-

citizenship families containing lawful citizens and undocumented immigrants. These

families will be inclined to reunite even after the deportation of a family member.144

Further, deportation removes undocumented minors from the only community they know.

Rather than making a new life in a country they know little to nothing about, many

undocumented immigrants will choose to remain in or return to the United States,

continuing to live in the country without education, earning power, or potential for


Amnesty Encourages Further Illegal Immigration by Rewarding Unlawful Behavior

Many oppose the DREAM Act because they believe its provision of residency

amounts to a policy of amnesty, rewarding immigrants for breaking the law and

encouraging further illegal immigration. This concern has been specifically addressed in

Congress by Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), who contends that threatening deportation

for unlawful entry while simultaneously granting citizenship sends a confusing and

contradictory message.146

To counter such concerns, Senator Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) maintains that the Act

would not reward unlawful behavior because eligible minors should not be held

responsible for their illegal entry. The responsibility for breaking the law belongs to their

parents.147 Capability, he says, cannot rest with minors who “were brought to the United

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States when they were very young and did not have the opportunity to make an

independent decision about where they would live.”148 Nevertheless, current immigration

law criminalizes undocumented minors despite their lack of responsibility.149

Many legal commentators believe the legal responsibility of undocumented

students who entered the country at such young ages “is, at best, speculative,” and any

alleged deterrence value gained through withholding educational benefits for minors is “a

misdirected effort.”150 In no other area of the American legal system do the laws permit

the punishment of minors for the actions of their parents.151 Operating correctly, the legal

system should impose punishment on those responsible for wrongdoing, not for the

misconduct of another.152 This line of reasoning also follows the Supreme Court’s

rationale in Plyler v. Doe, which held minors as faultless for entering the country


In addition to lack of culpability, the DREAM Act seeks to grant citizenship to

only motivated, hardworking immigrants — those willing to contribute and become

lawful members of American society. The Plyler opinion noted that by denying basic

education to undocumented minors, “the State was in effect barring their ability to

contribute back to the country.”154 The DREAM Act addresses this concern by extending

benefits only to those immigrants proven committed to giving back through pursuing a

college education or enlisting in the military.155 It restricts eligibility to only those

individuals with a genuine desire to contribute to their communities — individuals ready

and willing to serve as lawful residents.

Pathways to Citizenship Encourage “Chain Migration”

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DREAM Act opponents contend that granting undocumented immigrants a

pathway to citizenship would encourage a practice called “chain migration,” the use of an

Act beneficiary’s status to sponsor additional family members.156

In response, the Act’s original sponsor, Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), explains

that the Act was drafted to avoid chain migration. First, the Act would not apply to all

undocumented immigrants living in the United States, nor would it affect future

immigrants.157 “The Act specifically limits eligibility to those who entered the United

States five years or more prior to the bill’s enactment … who already reside in the United

States and who have demonstrated favorable equities in and significant ties to the United

States,” he says.158 The DREAM Act would not have long-standing effects on

immigration law. It simply offers a one-time pathway to citizenship for a narrowly

selected group of immigrants already residing in the country.159 It would not create a

continuing option for immigration relief.160

Furthermore, the Act would have no bearing on the families of undocumented

immigrants. Eligibility for residency under the DREAM Act would only apply to

individuals and would not allow family-wide amnesty.161

Indirectly, however, beneficiaries might sponsor immediate family. Should a

DREAM Act student gain full citizenship, he or she could petition for immediate family

— children, parents or a spouse — to gain residence.162

Nevertheless, this process could still take years, and fear of chain migration

pertains only to the immediate family of the Act’s beneficiaries. Should an immigrant

decide after earning residency to naturalize, he or she would be permitted to sponsor

parents, siblings or a spouse living abroad.163 However, since the Act would only benefit

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immigrants who arrived in the United States before their sixteenth birthday, it is likely

that any children born to eligible students would have been born in the country and

therefore already be citizens.164 Extended family members such as grandparents, cousins,

nieces or nephews are not eligible for visas.165 Any family members living in the United

States illegally are subject to the same penalties that require them to leave the country for

10 years prior to becoming eligible for a visa.166 Any family member attempting to

reenter the country after being previously removed or deported would still be required to

follow the ten-year waiting period mandated by the Immigration and Nationality Act

before becoming eligible for a visa.167 While the possibly of chain migration exists, its

impact is drastically tempered by current restrictions.

Finally, should visa requests increase with the passage of the DREAM Act, the

wait time would extend even longer.168 The current backlog of visa applications would

swell while admittance caps remain constant, further delaying applicants. Family of

DREAM Act beneficiaries would still be forced to wait years for legal status, limiting the

Act’s effect on immigration.169

The DREAM Act Conflicts With Existing Legislation

Challengers and opponents question whether the DREAM Act conflicts with

existing federal legislation, citing its radical departure from the objectives of PRWORA

and IRCA. However, all three laws can operate simultaneously.170 The DREAM Act does

not seek to replace or reverse immigration enforcement as a whole. It only bars

deportation of undocumented students and minors upon completion of certain


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Furthermore, the DREAM Act would resolve confusion over enforcement of the

IIRIRA at the federal and state level.171 Currently, states rely on differing interpretations

of IIRIRA to guide policy regarding in-state residency and benefits. The DREAM Act

would remove ambiguity and provide lucid instructions for state enforcement and


The DREAM Act Further Stretches Limited Financial Resources

The most significant argument against the DREAM Act is the premise that its

provisions would stretch limited educational and state resources, burdening already

tenuous budgets and leaching off benefits meant for citizens.173 This argument relies

primarily on an appeal to fairness, contending that taxpayers should not be required to

subsidize the education of illegal immigrants and that their inclusion abuses tax-funded

public benefits.174

While this argument has garnered extensive public support from its appeal to

fiscal conservation and fairness, some legal commentators believe it relies on several

misconceptions regarding undocumented immigrants. The first misconception springs

from the belief that undocumented students do not pay taxes. In fact, all undocumented

immigrants pay sales taxes on any items they buy, and studies indicate that a majority pay

federal income taxes.175 To find employment, many undocumented workers obtain fake

work papers and Social Security Numbers.176 They then pay income taxes through their

fraudulent Social Security numbers, at times paying more than lawful citizens because

their status makes them unable to obtain a tax refund.177 In 2004, Social Security reported

that approximately 10% of the Social Security surplus came from undocumented

Page 40: Undocumented Students and the DREAM Act


workers, whose money was collected and stored in “earning suspense file[s]” designed to

organize money contributed from incorrect or fictitious Social Security numbers.178 Some

analysts believe undocumented immigrants actually subsidize the overall Social Security

system by contributing money for benefits they then can never reclaim.179

In addition, Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) believes the DREAM Act will not

create a financial burden on state and federal governments. In his 2003 congressional

report, Hatch cited an estimate from the Congressional Budget Office on the costs of

enacting the DREAM Act.180 It indicated that the increase in direct spending for the

student loan provision would not significantly raise costs from 2004 to 2008.181

Granting Undocumented Immigrants In-state Tuition is Unfair to Citizens

Opponents claim offering in-state tuition rates to undocumented students is unfair

to lawful citizens not afforded the same benefits. Under the DREAM Act’s provisions,

state universities would grant undocumented immigrants lower in-state tuition rates while

denying the same benefit to out-of-state citizens.182 Some educational institutions also

object on the grounds that the Act would deny them added financial support from

undocumented immigrants paying out-of-state tuition.

In response, advocates contend this argument ignores several basic facts about

undocumented immigrants and the DREAM Act. First, undocumented students pay taxes

in the state of their residence. They pay the same sales and real estate taxes183 as well as

income taxes through false Social Security numbers used to gain employment.184 In fact,

the U.S. Social Security Administration has estimated that three-quarters of

undocumented immigrants pay income taxes, contributing billions of dollars to Social

Page 41: Undocumented Students and the DREAM Act


Security that they are unable to claim or refund.185 Therefore, undocumented immigrants

appear to merit in-state tuition based on the same reasoning it is afforded to in-state


Second, opponents argue DREAM Act beneficiaries would take opportunities

away from lawful citizens by filling admission space and receiving limited financial aid.

Supporters contend the Act only awards educational benefits to those immigrants that

show promise and commitment equal to lawful citizens. The Act does not automatically

grant admission to institutions of higher education. Beneficiaries would be required to

demonstrate academic eligibility and merit for admission to a college or university same

as any student.186

Last, instead of depriving educational institutions of revenue, supporters argue the

Act would contribute to higher enrollment, and therefore, generate more tuition revenue.

Facing out-of-state tuition rates, many undocumented immigrants choose not to enroll at

a college or university, eliminating all potential revenue. Allowing undocumented

students in-state tuition may actually boost revenues by making education affordable for

more students, providing educational institutions income they would not have otherwise


The Political Climate is Too Hostile to Pass Immigration Reform

Political pressures and the controversial nature of immigration policy make both

Democratic and Republican lawmakers extremely wary of supporting the DREAM

Act.188 Their reluctance pass reform stems from a fear of alienating constituents and

public interest groups that hold strong views on the nature of immigration reform.189

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Further, the controversial nature of immigration reform polarizes lawmakers, making it

hard to establish a clear consensus. Many opponents claim the time simply is not right for

passing immigration reform.

This response, however, is unacceptable to advocates and students waiting for the

Act. They refuse to see the unfavorable political climate a justification for delaying

reform because, for them, time is limited. Should the Act be delayed too long, many who

are currently eligible will loose the opportunities and benefits promised by the Act. While

lawmakers debate the timing of reform, undocumented immigrants face withering

possibilities and darkening futures.

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Chapter 5

Proposed Changes to the DREAM Act

Confronted with the Act’s failure in Congress since its initial introduction in

2001, several legal commentators have suggested changes to the DREAM Act that might

aid its passage. These changes attempt to address the concerns of opponents while

retaining the legislation’s primary objective: to help committed, motivated minors gain

lawful residency.

Graduation Requirement

Legal commentator Jessica Sharron, writer for the Santa Clara Law Review,

suggests the key to passing the DREAM Act rests in reassuring opponents that

beneficiaries will give back to their community.190 In its current form, the Act only

requires two years at an institution of higher education, regardless of graduation or

completion of a degree.191 Extension of the Act’s requirements to include graduation

would highlight the expected social benefit of granting undocumented students

residency.192 Sharron believes a graduation requirement would “make clear that what we

are seeking is people that actually receive a degree which will provide them the

opportunity that I think this bill is determined to provide.”193

Commentator Aimee Deverall, writer for the John Marshall Law Review, also

supports a graduation requirement as a method to gage immigrant dedication.194 Deverall

believes that opponents need a more concrete promise of long-term benefit. For example,

Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) justified by his vote against the Act because it contains

“no firm requirement for the illegal immigrant to graduate with a degree,” and therefore,

Page 44: Undocumented Students and the DREAM Act


no assurance of social benefit.195 Adding such a requirement may win over hesitant

lawmakers looking for a more definite payback.

Employment Requirement

In addition to a graduation requirement, Sharron also suggests a provision

requiring DREAM Act students to maintain employment during their time in school. She

likens the period of conditional permanent residency conferred by the Act to that of

parole, proposing that, like any individuals attempting to reenter society, undocumented

students be required to become “constructive member[s] of society.”196

In her suggestion, Sharron seeks to address merit and financial arguments against

the Act. Maintaining employment during school would demonstrate a commitment to

excel in education and give back to society.197 Additionally, it would require immigrants

to pay income taxes and justify their receiving state and federal benefits, eliminating

problems of fairness and financial contribution.198

Commentator Koko Ye Huang, writer for the Seattle Journal for Social Justice,

suggests a similar approach involving a training component that would require students to

work for one year while attending school or after graduation.199 This requirement would

ensure undocumented students gain the practical skills needed for future employment and

counter concerns that beneficiaries would become a drain after finishing school.

Address Undocumented Immigrant Taxes

To counter financial and fairness concerns, several legal commentators suggest

adding provisions that specifically require undocumented immigrants to pay taxes. These

Page 45: Undocumented Students and the DREAM Act


provisions would grant undocumented students Individual Tax Identification Numbers

(ITINs) in place of Social Security numbers, allowing them to officially enter the tax

system and contribute income taxes.200 Along with a provision mandating employment,

ITINs ensure that undocumented students do not receive any subsidized benefits from

citizens and legal residents.201 Mandating the payment of taxes guarantees that

undocumented students contribute to the funding of federal loans and work-study

programs they benefit from, eliminating issues of fairness and financial burden.202

Eliminate Permanent Residency Benefit

A more radical approach, proposed by commentator Koko Ye Huang, involves

eliminating the DREAM Act’s provision of permanent residency. Huang suggests that

limiting undocumented students to provisional residency status would allow them to

utilize educational resources and employment opportunities while abating criticism from

opponents of amnesty policies.203 By providing extremely narrow allowances and

opportunities, Huang believes undocumented immigrants would at least gain social

mobility and begin to contribute back to society. They could then pursue residency

through traditional means, such as H-1B employment visas or employment-based

permanent residency.204

Removing the provision of permanent residency could increase support for the

amendment as well as address concerns that undocumented students should not receive

preferential treatment over legal immigrants.205 Undocumented students would still find

relief from their legal limbo and be free to pursue permanent residency through the same

avenues as legal immigrants.206

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Chapter 6


While arguments can be had on both sides of the debate over the DREAM Act,

the evidence — and good conscience — points unequivocally toward providing

undocumented students some form of relief from the current policies of immigration law.

For them, reform would alter their future from a life of perpetually living in the shadows,

unable to utilize their skills and education, to a productive and fulfilling one. For the

country, reform would bring a capable and motivated group out of obscurity and into a

position to contribute to, and help strengthen, our communities.

Yet, lawmakers continue to oppose such reform. What justification for their

resistance remains? Appeals to financial concerns strength the case for reform. Appeals

to fairness strengthen reform. Appeals to moral uprightness strengthen reform. It would

seem the opposition has little to support their refusal in the way of rational policy

considerations. Only the political pressures of anti-immigrant public opinion support

opposition to the DREAM Act — a tangible enough consideration but lacking in


This analysis has illustrated the unacceptability of current immigration law. In so

far as the scope of reform offers these inculpable minors a pathway to legitimacy, the

case has clearly been made. It follows that the status quo must not stand unchallenged. To

delay reform further only increases the gross irresponsibility of our current practices,

eroding our country’s commitment to the cherished values we claim to espouse —

fairness of treatment, equality of opportunity, and justice for all.

Page 47: Undocumented Students and the DREAM Act



1 Nat’l Immigration Law Ctr. DREAM Act: Basic Information (March 2009), at http://www.nilc.org/immlawpolicy/DREAM/. 2 Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202 (1982). 3 Id. 4 Doe, 485 F. Supp. at 572. 5 Jessica Sharron, Passing the DREAM Act for Undocumented Americans, 47 Santa Clara L. Rev. 599, 604(2007). 6 Id. 7 Id. 8 Id. 9 Doe, 458 F. Supp. at 585. 10 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 604. 11 Id. 12 Doe, 458 F. Supp. at 591. 13 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 606. 14 Id. 15 Id. at 607. 16 Id. at 608. 17 Id. 18 Id. 19 See Plyler v. Doe, supra note 2, at 210.. 20 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 608.

Page 48: Undocumented Students and the DREAM Act


21 See Plyler v. Doe, supra note 2, at 220 22 Id. 23 Id. at 222. 24 Id. 25 Id. at 223. 26 Michelle A. Wheelhouse, Federal Limits on State Benefits for Higher Education, 12 J. Gender Race & Just. 655, 672 (2009). 27 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 610. 28 See Joshua A. Boggioni, supra note 28, at 459. 29 Joshua A. Boggioni, Unofficial Americans – What to do with Undocumented Students: An Argument Against Suppressing the Mind, 40 U. Tol. L. Rev. 453, 459 (2009). 30 See e.g. Michelle A. Wheelhouse, supra note 26, at 673-674. 31 See Plyler v. Doe, supra note 2, at 230. 32 Id. at 222. 33 Id. 34 Id. at 460. 35 Welfare Reform: An Examination of Effects, 107th Cong., 1st Sess. 47 (2001) (statement of Linda Burnham). 36 8 U.S.C. § 1611(c)(1)(B), § 1621(c)(1)(B). 37 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 610. 38 Id. at 611. 39 Id. 40 See Welfare Reform, supra note 35, at 2. 41 Id. at 612.

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42 Ariz. State Univ. Tuition and Cost of Attendance Estimator, http://students.asu.edu/costs (last visited 18 Jan. 2010). 43 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 613. 44 See Joshua A. Boggioni, supra note 28, at 462. 45 Id. 46 Id. 47 DeCanas v. Bica, 424 U.S. 351 (1976). 48 Equal Access Educ. v. Merten, 305 F. Supp. 2d 585, 602 (D. Va. 2004) 49 See Joshua A. Boggioni, supra note 28, at 463. 50 League of United Latin Am. Citizens v. Wilson (LULAC II), 997 F. Supp. 1244, 1254 (C.D. Cal. 1997). 51 See Joshua A. Boggioni, supra note 28, at 463-464. 52 Id. at 464. 53 Id. 54 Id. at 465. 55 Id. at 464. 56 Id. 57 Merten, 305 F. Supp. 2d at 603. 58 Id. at 605. 59 Id. 60 See Joshua A. Boggioni, supra note 28, at 464. 61 Id. at 466. 62 Id. at 468. 63 Id.

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64 Id. 65 8 U.S.C. § 1621(c)(1)(B) (2006). 66 Id. § 1623(a). 67 See Joshua A. Boggioni, supra note 28, at 469. 68 Id. 69 Id. at 471. 70 See Michelle A. Wheelhouse, supra note 26, at 674. 71 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 613. 72 See Joshua A. Boggioni, supra note 21, at 471. 73 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 614. 74 See Joshua A. Boggioni, supra note 21, at 470. 75 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 615. 76 Id. 77 See Joshua A. Boggioni, supra note 28, at 469. 78 Id. at 471. 79 Id. 80 Id. 81 Id. 82 Id. at 472 83 Id. 84 Id. at 470. 85 Id.

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86 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 615. 87 Id. 88 See Michelle A. Wheelhouse, supra note 26, at 675. 89 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 616. 90 See 8 U.S.C. § 1154(a)(A)(iii). 91 See 8 U.S.C. §§ 1182(a)(6)(A), 1182(a)(9)(B)(i)(II) (2000). 92 Aimee Deverall, Make the Dream a Reality: Why Passing The DREAM Act is the Logical First Step in Achieving Comprehensive Immigration Reform, 41 J. Marshall L. Rev. 1251, 1261 (2008). 93 Id. 94 Visa Bulletin: Visa Bulletin for February 2010, U.S. Dept. of State (February 2010), available at http://www.travel.state.gov/visa/frvi/bulletin/bulletin_4611.html. 95 Id. 96 See Joshua A. Boggioni, supra note 21, at 478. 97 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 620. 98 Id. at 621. 99 S. 2205, 110 S., 1st Sess., Sec. 3 (2007). 100 Jeffery N. Poulin, The Piecemeal Approach Falls Short of Achieving the Dream of Immigration Reform, 22 Geo. Immigr. L.J. 353, 354 (2008). 101 See S. 2205, supra note 90, at Sec. 4. 102 Id. 103 See S. 2205, supra note 90, at Sec 2. 104 See Jeffery N. Poulin, supra note 91. 105 Id. at Sec. 7.

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106 Id. at Sec. 10. 107 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 624. 108 See Joshua A. Boggioni, supra note 28, at 480; New Estimates of Unauthorized Youth Eligible for Legal Status under the DREAM Act, Migration Policy Institute, Oct. 2006, at 1, 4. 109 Id. 110 Id. 111 See Robert G. Gonzales, Wasted Talent and Broken Dreams: The Lost Potential of Undocumented Students, 24 Immigr. Pol'y 1, 201 (2007). 112 Id. at 202. 113 See Joshua A. Boggioni, supra note 28, at 483. 114 Id. at 481. 115 See for example See Joshua A. Boggioni, supra note 28, at 483; Aimee Deverall, supra note 92, at 1270. 116 Immigration’s Impact on Public Coffers, Ctr. for Immigration Studies, <http://www.cis.org/articles/2006/sactestimony082406.html>, (Aug. 24, 2006). 117Id. 118The New Americans: Economic, Demographic, and Fiscal Effects of Immigration, Nat’l Research Council, (1997). A summary of this report is provided on the Ctr. Immigration Studies website at www.cis.org/articles/1999/combinednrc.pdf. 119Id. 120 Nat'l Immigration Law Ctr., Basic Facts about In-State Tuition for Undocumented Students 3 (2006). 121 S.1291, 107th Cong. (2001); S.1545, 108th Cong. (2003); Diane Urbani, Hatch Pushes Immigration Bill, DESERET MORNING NEWS, Aug. 31, 2003, at B1. 122 Sen. Orrin Hatch on Immigration and Border Security, Feb. 26, 2010, http://hatch.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=IssuePositions.View&IssuePosition_id=b137379a-ba2b-4c07-a734-4b7d92f65dee

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123 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 626. 124 See Jeffery N. Poulin, supra note 91, at 355. 125 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 637. 126 Id. 127 See Diane Urbani, supra note 109. 128 Id. 129 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 627. 130 Id. 131 Id. 132 See Jeffery N. Poulin, supra note 91, at 355. 133 Id. at 356. 134 Id. 135 See Michelle A. Wheelhouse, supra note 26, at 680. 136 See e.g. Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 628, 638-639. 137 Id. 138 See Aimee Deverall, supra note 93, at 1269. 139 See Joshua A. Boggioni, supra note 21, at 470. 140 See Aimee Deverall, supra note 93, at 1274. 141 Department of Homeland Security, Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: January 2009, <www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/statistics/publications/ois_ill_pe_2009.pdf> (January 2010), accessed March 20, 2010. 142 Id. at 1272. 143 Id.

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144 Id. 145 Id. at 1273 146 S. Rep. No. 104-224, at 12-14 (2004). 147 See Aimee Deverall, supra note 93, at 1263. 148 Id. 149 Katie Annand, Still Waiting for the DREAM: The Injustice of Punishing Undocumented Immigrant Students. 59 Hastings L.J. 683, 690 (2008). 150 See Joshua A. Boggioni, supra note 21, at 476. 151 See Aimee Deverall, supra note 93, at 1263. 152 See Joshua A. Boggioni, supra note 21, at 476. 153 See Aimee Deverall, supra note 93, at 1264. 154 Id. 155 Id. at 1265. 156 Id. at 1266. 157 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 628. 158 Id. at 629. 159 Id. 160 See Katie Annad, supra note 131, at 703. 161 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 629. 162 See 8 U.S.C. §§ 1154. 163 Id. 164 See Aimee Deverall, supra note 93, at 1268. 165 Id.

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166 See 8 U.S.C. §§ 1182(a)(6)(A), 1182(a)(9)(B)(i)(II) (2000). 167 Id. 168 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 631. 169 See Aimee Deverall, supra note 93, at 1268. 170 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 631. 171 Id. at 633. 172 Id. 173 Id. at 628 174 See Joshua A. Boggioni, supra note 21, at 473. 175 Id. 176 Id. 177 Id. 178 Id. 179 Id. 180 S. Rep. No. 104-224, at 7 (2004). 181 Id. 182 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 635. 183 See Joshua A. Boggioni, supra note 21, at 474. 184 Id. 185 See Aimee Deverall, supra note 93, at 1270; Randy Capps & Michael Fix, Undocumented Immigrants: Myths and Reality 1 (Oct. 25, 2005), http://www.urban.org/publications/900898.html. 186 Id. at 1269. 187 Id. at 1271.

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188 See e.g. Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 628, 638-639. 189 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 637. 190 Id. at 639. 191 See S. 2205, supra note 90, at Sec. 4. 192 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 635. 193 Id. at 634. 194 See Aimee Deverall, supra note 93, at 1277. 195 Id. at 1278. 196 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 640. 197 Id. 198 Id. 199 Koko Ye Huang, Reimagining and Redefining the Dream: A proposal for Improving Access to Higher Education for Undocumented Immigrants, 6 Seattle J. Soc. Just. 431, 458 (2007). 200 See Jessica Sharron, supra note 3, at 641. 201 Id. 202 Id. 203 See Koko Ye Huang, supra note 190. 204 Id. at 459. 205 Id. 206 Id.

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