Healthcare With Peace Of Mind TM TM Insulin Care Guide Item: 55741 Revised: 07/2012 1-866-OCHSNER l ochsner.org © 2012 Ochsner Health System (ochsner.org) is a non-profit, academic, multi-specialty, healthcare delivery system dedicated to patient care, research and education. Healthcare With Peace Of Mind TM TM Understanding Insulin Insulin is a natural next step in the treatment of diabetes. Insulin is a hormone made by your pancreas that helps your body use sugar (glucose) for energy. This sugar comes from the foods you eat. This sugar should move from your blood into your cells for energy. Sugar can only get into these cells if enough insulin is present. Insulin works like a key to unlock the cells, so sugar can get into the cells and give your body energy. When you have diabetes, there is not enough insulin or the insulin you have does not work to unlock the cells, so the sugar cannot get into the cells, and your blood sugar levels rise. Using insulin may help you manage your diabetes.

Understanding Insulin - Amazon Web Services...Insulin is a natural next step in the treatment of diabetes. Insulin is a hormone made by your pancreas that helps your body use sugar

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Page 1: Understanding Insulin - Amazon Web Services...Insulin is a natural next step in the treatment of diabetes. Insulin is a hormone made by your pancreas that helps your body use sugar

Healthcare With Peace Of Mind



Insulin Care GuideItem: 55741

Revised: 07/2012

1-866-OCHSNER l ochsner.org

© 2012 Ochsner Health System (ochsner.org) is a non-profit, academic, multi-specialty, healthcare delivery system dedicated to patient care, research and education.

Healthcare With Peace Of Mind



Understanding Insulin

Insulin is a natural next step in the treatment of diabetes. Insulin is a hormone made by your pancreas that helps your body use sugar (glucose) for energy. This sugar comes from the foods you eat. This sugar should move from your blood into your cells for energy. Sugar can only get into these cells if enough insulin is present. Insulin works like a key to unlock the cells, so sugar can get into the cells and give your body energy. When you have diabetes, there is not enough insulin or the insulin you have does not work to unlock the cells, so the sugar cannot get into the cells, and your blood sugar levels rise. Using insulin may help you manage your diabetes.

Page 2: Understanding Insulin - Amazon Web Services...Insulin is a natural next step in the treatment of diabetes. Insulin is a hormone made by your pancreas that helps your body use sugar

Insulin Injection Sites

Insulin Pen Storage

• Keepyourunusedandunopenedinsulinpensinthe refrigerator. • DONOTPUTUNUSEDINSULINPENSINTHEFREEZER.• Onceinuse,keepitatroomtemperature(lessthan86°F) forupto28days.• Forlaterinjections,followstepsabove.• Itisimportantthatyouuseanewneedleforeachinjection.

Sharps Disposal Guidelines

Some medical conditions require administration of medication that can onlybegivenbyinjection.Youaretaughthowtoselfadministeryourmedicationusingasyringe,penneedle,andperhapsalancet.Howyou dispose of that equipment is important.


• Toprotecttrashcollectorsfromaccidentalneedlesticks• Tokeepusedsyringesandneedlesfromgettingintothewrong

hands• Toprotecttheenvironment• Tokeepotherfamilymembersfrombeingaccidentlystuckbya

used needle

Knowwhatthelocalrulesarefordisposingmedicalwaste.Callyourlocal trash collector to find out what they require. If there are no special rules, follow these guidelines:• Neverthrowloosesyringes,penneedles,orlancetsinthetrash.• Puttheentiresyringe,penneedle,orlancetinahardplastic

containerwithascrew-ontop.Examples:FabricsoftenerorliquiddetergentbottlesuchasTide,Wisk,etc.Donotusethin plastic bottles that are see through such as milk or water bottles.

• LabelthecontainerasMedicalWaste—Sharpsandkeepthecontainer out of reach of children.

• Putinaplasticgarbagebagandplaceinthemiddleoftheregular trash.

• Donotplaceinrecycletrashcontainer.

Back or sides of upper arms

Stomach but not within 2 inchesof belly button


Pleasenote:Yourinsulinpenisprefilledwith300unitsofinsulinandno refilling needed.

Step 1: Getting Started

• Washyourhands.• Pulloffthepencapandwipetherubberstopperwithanalcohol

swab. Forcloudyinsulinonly:Gentlyrollthepententimesandinvert


• Removetheprotectivetabfromasingle-useneedleandscrewontotheinsulinpen(Useanewneedleforeachinjection).

• Pullofftheouterandinnerneedlecaps.

Step 2: Perform Airshot Before Injection

• Turnthedialto2units.• Withtheneedlestillpointingup,pressthepushbuttonasfaras

it will go and see if a drop of insulin appears at the needle tip. If not, repeat this procedure (called an airshot) until a drop of insulin appears.

• Ifnodropappearsafter6airshots,donotuse.

Step 3: Setting the Dose

• Checkthatthedoseselectorissetatzero.• Dialthenumberofunitsyouneedtoinject.• Thedosecanbecorrectedeitherupordownbyturningthedose

dial in either direction. • Whendialingback,becarefulnottopressthepushbutton,as

insulin will come out. • Thepenwillnotallowyoutodialmorethanthenumberofunits

remaining in the reservoir.

Step 4: Giving the Injection • Choosetheinjectionsite.Usetheinjectiontechnique

recommended by your doctor or healthcare professional. • Pushtheneedleintotheskin,pushpenbuttonuntilfully


• Removetheneedlerightafterinjection.

Simple Steps for Use of an Insulin Pen