Understanding Ground Zero Evidence

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Understanding Ground Zero Evidence. The Nuclear Destruction of the World Trade Center Compiled By Donald fox June 1, 2013. Overview. Presentation will cover the nuclear destruction of WTC Buildings 1, 2, 6 and 7. Break down of evidence of nuclear fission and fusion at Ground Zero. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Understanding Ground Zero Evidence


Page 2: Understanding Ground Zero Evidence

Overview Presentation will cover the nuclear destruction of WTC Buildings 1, 2, 6 and 7. Break down of evidence of nuclear fission and fusion at Ground Zero. Evidence contained in the Department of Energy report Study of Traces of Tritium

at the World Trade Center proves nuclear fusion took place at Ground Zero. Evidence contained in the USGS report Environmental Studies of the World Trade

Center Area After the September 11, 2001 Attack proves nuclear fission. The official conclusions of the NIST report will be refuted. Judy Wood’s directed energy weapon (DEW) non-theory will be refuted. Steve Jones’ nanothermite theory will also be refuted. Planes and video fakery will NOT be covered. Real planes could not have caused

the destruction of these buildings and neither could fake planes. Research contributed by Ed Ward MD, Jeff Prager and Chuck Boldwyn.

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A Lot of Evidence at Ground Zero The main issue is how to sift through all of it. Not everything Steve Jones and Judy Wood proclaim about 9/11 is

wrong but at key points they lead you astray. The best evidence is USGS dust samples and the Department of

Energy water samples. Eyewitness testimony of very high temperatures at Ground Zero

for 6 months after 9/11. Surrounding buildings suffered damage as a result of the

explosions that demolished the Twin Towers – especially the Winter Garden Atrium and the Bankers Trust building.

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How Do Two 500,000 ton Buildings Get Demolished in less than 30 Seconds?

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Observed Phenomena of theDestruction of WTC1 and 2

Two 500,000 ton 110 story skyscrapers pulverized in mid-air Extremely rapid onset of “collapse.” Destruction proceeds through path of greatest resistance at near

freefall speed. 90% of the debris landed outside of the building’s footprints. No “stack of pancakes” as expected in a gravitational collapse. Buildings destroyed from the top down and inside out with debris

ejected upward and outward. Pyroclastic flow and mushroom clouds.

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Observed Phenomena of theDestruction of WTC1 and 2

A series of huge explosions before each tower “collapses.” One chunk of debris was ejected up at a 45° angle and out 603

feet from the North Tower into the Winter Garden. 1/3 of the buildings were completely vaporized and a cloud of

fine dust consisting of gypsum, cement and steel covered Lower Manhattan.

Human remains found in the Bankers Trust building.

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FEMA Debris Pattern Map

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The WTC Buildings EXPLODED!

They did not somehow magically turn into dust. Once you conclude the buildings did indeed explode that’s the

end of NIST, Judy Wood and Steve Jones.

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9/11 Was a Black Op

A black operation or black op is a covert operation by a government, a government agency, or a military organization. By extension the term may also be used for activities by private companies or groups. A black operation typically involves activities that are highly clandestine and often outside of standard military protocol or even against the law. Key features of a black operation are that it is clandestine, it has negative overtones, and it is not attributable to the organization carrying it out. A single such activity may be called a "black bag operation".

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NIST Cover Story

When a black operation is employed, a cover story is created before hand. The cover story is sent out to ”reliable” news agencies at the proper moment throughout the world. The cover story then becomes the history, a fait accompli.

The NIST Report was used to give legitimacy to the cover story that Muslim hijackers armed with box cutters flew commercial airplanes into the Twin Towers causing them to collapse at free fall speed.

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Sure Looks Like an Explosion to Me!!

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Storax Sedan 104 kt Shallow Underground

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Storax Sedan Crater

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WTC2 compared to Banberry 10 kt underground

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Let’s Dispense with the NIST Nonsense Right Off the Bat

No steel framed high rise structure has ever collapsed due to fire before or since 9/11.

On 9/11 three massive skyscrapers disappeared from the skyline supposedly due kerosene and office fires

Clearly the Twin Towers exploded and Building 7 was a controlled demolition using a combination of conventional explosives and mini-neutron bombs.

Only 929 cubic feet volume of jet fuel remained in the North Tower and 793 cubic feet in the South Tower

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North Tower

Gallons Cubic Feet Mass (lbs.)Total Jet Fuel 8,684 1,161 57,92220% Burned in Fireball

1,737 232 11,586

Total Jet Fuel after Fireball

6,947 929 46,336

Remaining on Impact Floors

3,474 465 23,172

Flowed away 3,474 465 23,172

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South TowerGallons Cubic Feet Mass (lbs.)

Total Jet Fuel 7,415 991 49,458

20% Burned in Fireball

1,483 198 9,892

Total Jet Fuel after Fireball

5,932 793 39,566

Remaining on Impact Floors

2,966 397 19,783

Flowed Away 2,966 397 19,783

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Just How Big is 900 Cubic Feet?

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WTC Twin Tower Interior Floor

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Intex Above Ground Pool is 1,017 Cubic Feet

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Jet Fuel Has No Explanatory Power for the Destruction of the Towers

The mass of one Twin Tower is variously estimated to be between 250,000 and 500,000 tons, a factor of 11,000 to 22,000 times greater than that of the jet fuel.

If 900 cubic feet of fuel was spread evenly over just one 40,000 square feet floor of a Tower, it would result in a film 0.27 inches thick, about the thickness of a pencil.

If 900 cubic feet of fuel was spread over all 110 floors of one Tower, if would result in a film 0.00245 inches thick, which is less than the thickness of one sheet of paper.

The belief that the kinetic energy of this inconsequential amount of fuel arriving at 500 mph could cause significant structural damage to these immense buildings is ludicrous.

Similarly, the belief that burning this inconsequential amount of jet fuel (essentially kerosene) could cause any significant heating of the structural steel of this building is preposterous.

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A Telltale Sign of a Black Op is the Cover Story Being Released

Prematurely Jane Standley of the BBC announces that Building 7 collapsed 30

minutes before it actually came down. Similar to the November 23, 1963 Edition of the Christchurch Star

newspaper in New Zealand printing info on Lee Oswald BEFORE he was charged with shooting JFK.

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What Can Cause the Observed Effects?

Jet fuel fires even if they burned hot enough and long enough would cause the buildings to sag and gradually collapse.

Jet fuel would not be able to eject debris up at a 45° angle and out 600 feet into the Winter Garden.

To explode steel an explosive needs to have a detonation velocity of 6,100 meters per second.

To explode cement a detonation velocity of 3,200 meters per second is required.

Kerosene only has a detonation velocity of 1,600 meters per second.

There is no validity to the official NIST story.

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The 4 Major Alternative Theories of the Destruction of the WTC

1. Dimitri Khalezov: Three 150 kt underground nukes took out the Twin Towers and Building 7. The “big nuke” theory.

2. Nanothermite planted in the Towers presumably used in conjunction with conventional explosives such as RDX or HMX. Steve Jones, Richard Gage, Christopher Bollyn and Mark Bilk promote this theory.

3. Tesla inspired directed energy weapon “DEW.” Judy Wood, Andrew Johnson and Morgan Reynolds are associated with this non-theory since Judy Wood claims to not have a theory.

4. Low-yield nuclear bombs the “mini-nuke” theory promoted by Dr. Ed Ward, Jeff Prager and myself.

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What is Thermite?

Thermite is a pyrotechnic composition of metal powder fuel and metal oxide. When ignited by heat, thermite undergoes an exothermic oxidation-reduction reaction. Most varieties are not explosive but can create brief bursts of high temperature in a small area. Its form of action is similar to that of other fuel-oxidizer mixtures, such as black powder. Thermites have diverse compositions. Fuels include aluminum, magnesium, titanium, zinc, silicon, and boron. Aluminum is common because of its high boiling point. Oxidizers include boron(III) oxide, silicon(IV) oxide, chromium(III) oxide, manganese(IV) oxide, iron(III) oxide, iron(II,III) oxide, copper(II) oxide, and lead(II,IV) oxide.

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Could Nanothermite Turn a 500,000 Ton Building Into Dust? Detonation velocity only 895 meters per second Thermite is an incendiary Thermite gets very hot, it produces molten iron, it can melt steel,

and it can catch things on fire, but it is absolutely not an explosive.

895 m/s is obviously too low of a value to account for the explosive effects observed in the catastrophic destruction of the WTC Twin Towers, including turning concrete and other materials into dust or separating and propelling steel members and other materials outward

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Steven E Jones

Promotes theory that high-temperature cutter-charges such as thermite, HMX or RDX destroyed WTC.

Denies Mini-Nukes were used to destroy the WTC Jones earned his bachelor's degree in physics, magna cum laude,

from Brigham Young University in 1973, and his Ph.D. in physics from Vanderbilt University in 1978. Jones conducted his Ph.D. research at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (from 1974 to 1977), and post-doctoral research at Cornell University and the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility.

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Jones has Extensive Nuclear Physics Background

Jones conducted research at the Idaho National Laboratory, in Arco, Idaho where, from 1979 to 1985, he was a senior engineering specialist.

He was principal investigator for experimental muon-catalyzed fusion from 1982 to 1991 for the U.S. Department of Energy, Division of Advanced Energy Projects.

From 1990 to 1993, Jones studied fusion in condensed matter physics and deuterium under U.S. Department of Energy and Electric Power Research Institute sponsorship.

Jones also collaborated in experiments at other physics labs, including TRIUMF (Vancouver, British Columbia), KEK (Tsukuba, Japan), and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory at Oxford University

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Is Steve’s Real Mission to Deny Nukes?

Promotes a theory (thermite) that cannot possibly explain what was observed on 9/11.

Has extensive background in nuclear physics and denies that nuclear weapons were used on 9/11

“But to date, all known hydrogen bomb-explosions have been started (“ignited”) by fission bombs. Our technology is not yet sufficient to have a “pure” fusion device of any significant size – we struggle to ignite small d-t pellets in a laser-bombardment environnent.”  

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The Judy Wood DEW Non-Theory

Judy has no theory for the destruction of the WTC buildings. Twin Towers destroyed faster than physics can explain by a free

fall speed “collapse.” Twin Towers destroyed from the top down and pulverized in mid-

air. Seismic impact was minimal – too small to be a conventional

controlled demolition. Denies explosives or high heat was involved. Tritium levels in Building 6 due to cold fusion – no ionizing


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What is a Directed Energy Weapon?

Beam Weapons, Energy Weapons, and Directed Energy Weapons (DEW):

I have used the terms "beam weapons" and "directed energy weapons" to refer to unconventional weapons (exotic weapons) that are energy weapons. I broadly define DEW as Energy that is Directed and is used as a Weapon. The full range of these weapons is classified information, so I make no limits or distinction of categories within the realm of energy weapons, as doing so would imply specific knowledge of all that is available. In the following paragraph, I have listed some of the possibilities we are aware of.

My critics have accused us of insisting that beam weapons did their damage from outer space, yet I make no claim about whether the directed energy weapon operated from a space-, air-, or ground-based platform. Nor do I make any claim about what wavelength(s) was used, what the source(s) of energy was, whether it involved interference of multiple beams, whether it involved sound waves, whether it involved sonoluminescence, whether it involved antimatter weapons, whether it involved scalar weapons, whether it involved HAARP, whether it involved a nuclear process (e.g. NDEW), whether it involved conventional directed energy weapons (cDEW), whether it involved improvised directed energy weapons (iDEW), nor what kind of accelerator was used, nor do I claim to know what the serial numbers of the parts that were in the weapon(s).

What I do claim is that the evidence is consistent with the use of energy weapons that go well beyond the capabilities of conventional explosives and can be directed.

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Hurricane Erin: Irrelevant to the Destruction of the WTC Buildings

Andrew Johnson: “One of the most striking pieces of the data presented is that from a set of magnetometers monitored by the University of Alaska. Several instruments show significant deviations from “background” or “normal” readings as the events of 9/11 were unfolding. A further selection of this data is presented in relation to variations during the hurricane seasons of 2001, 2004 and 2005. A later part of the study examines some of the data relating to patterns of earthquakes in 2008 and possibly associated unusual weather patterns, which may be related to secret or partially disclosed environmental modification technology (such as HAARP). However, the study does not establish any clear links between HAARP and the events in New York on 9/11.”

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Erin Posed No Threat to Land Several hundred miles out in the Atlantic, Hurricane Erin—the

first Atlantic hurricane of the 2001 season—was weakening as it began to turn toward the north-northeast, away from the East Coast. Though it posed no threat to land, Erin had been producing large swells along local beaches and was one of the main headlines early that morning. In fact, The New York Times weather report on September 11 included a special “Focus” write-up on what it called “Hurricane Day,” explaining how in “9 out of 10 years since 1886, at least one tropical storm or hurricane has raged in the Atlantic on Sept. 11.”

“For those heading to an airport,” the 9/11 Commission report stated, “weather conditions could not have been better for a safe and pleasant journey.” The 8:51 a.m. temperature reading was 68°F at Central Park, 72°F at La Guardia, and 73°F at both JFK and Newark Airports.”

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Erin is a Distraction Erin caused no precipitation let alone physical damage to New

York. Erin WAS reported in the New York Times weather section so it was NOT ignored in the media. A hurricane spinning out in the Atlantic happens 9 out of 10 years on September 11 so this was routine and hardly worthy of front page headlines. Wood fails to demonstrate HOW the hurricane was used to demolish the WTC buildings. The material on Wood’s website certainly is intended to lead a reader to believe that the hurricane played some role in the events of 9/11 but they DO NOT attempted to explain what that role is. One can conclude that they are using the hurricane as a distraction from what really happened to the WTC buildings.

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Survivors of Stairwell B Sixteen people survived inside the collapse of the World Trade

Center, and they were all in Stairwell B of the North Tower, in the center of the building. The survivors were spread out between floors 22 and 1. A step or two slower meant death, but so, too, did a step or two faster. Captain Jay Jonas and five of his firefighters from Ladder Six, based in Chinatown, had been on the 27th floor of the North Tower when they heard a rumble, felt the staircase sway, watched as the lights flickered off and on. A captain from another company let Jonas know the cause of the disturbance: The South Tower had just collapsed.

“I’m pulling the plug,” Jonas said, and gave the order to evacuate. He didn’t tell his men why; they didn’t know that the South Tower was gone. “For me, that was the scariest point,” said Jonas. “I’m thinking, we’re not going to make it out.”

They thought they were witnessing a nuclear attack.

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Judy Wood: 9/11 Gatekeeper

Is Judy “merely a gatekeeper, feigning the role of muckraker and champion of injustice, while all the time carrying water for the very power structures that she claims to rail against? Is she really exposing government collusion in criminal and treasonous behavior, or is she containing the limits of that exposure within certain 'acceptable' corridors of public discourse?"

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Nuclear Physics Basics Nuclear physics is the field of study that concentrates on

understanding the atomic nucleus. The atomic nucleus is a tiny massive entity at the center of an

atom. Occupying a volume whose radius is 1/100,000 the size of the atom, the nucleus contains most (99.9%) of the mass of the atom.

Along with neutrons, protons make up the nucleus, held together by the strong force. The proton is a baryon and is considered to be composed of two up quarks and one down quark.

The neutron is a baryon and is considered to be composed of two down quarks and one up quark. A free neutron will decay with a half-life of about 10.3 minutes but it is stable if combined into a nucleus. The decay of the neutron involves the weak interaction.

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Nuclear Density The nucleus is composed of protons (charge = +1; mass = 1.007

atomic mass units ([μ]) and neutrons. The number of protons in the nucleus is called the atomic number (Z) and defines which chemical element the nucleus represents. The number of neutrons in the nucleus is called the neutron number (N), whereas the total number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus is referred to as the mass number (A), where A = N + Z. The neutrons and protons are referred to collectively as nucleons. A nucleus with a given N and Z is referred to as a nuclide. Nuclides with the same atomic number are isotopes, such as 12 C and 14 C, whereas nuclides with the same N, such as 14 C and 16 O, are called isotones. Nuclei such as 14 N and 14 C, which have the same mass number, are isobars.

Nuclear density is about 200,000 tons/mm 3 Imagine a cube that is 1 mm on a side. If filled with nuclear matter, it would have a mass of about 200,000 tons. This demonstrates the enormous matter/energy density of nuclei and gives some idea as to why nuclear phenomena lead to large energy releases.

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Radioactive Decay Of the 6,000 species of nuclei that can exist in the universe,

about 2,700 are known, but only 270 of these are stable. The rest are radioactive, that is, they spontaneously decay. The driving force behind all radioactive decay is the ability to produce products of greater stability than one had initially. In other words, radioactive decay releases energy and because of the high energy density of nuclei, that energy release is substantial. Qualitatively we describe radioactive decay as occurring in three general ways: α -, β -, and γ -decay. Alpha-decay occurs in the heavy elements, and consists of the emission of a 4 He nucleus. Beta-decay occurs in nuclei whose N/Z ratio is different from that of a stable nucleus and consists of a transformation of neutrons into protons or vice versa to make the nucleus more stable. Gamma-decay occurs when excited nuclei get rid of some or all of their excitation energy via the emission of electromagnetic radiation, or via the radiationless transfer of energy to orbital electrons.

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Uranium-235 Fission If a massive nucleus like uranium-235 breaks apart (fissions),

then there will be a net yield of energy because the sum of the masses of the fragments will be less than the mass of the uranium nucleus. If the mass of the fragments is equal to or greater than that of iron at the peak of the binding energy curve, then the nuclear particles will be more tightly bound than they were in the uranium nucleus, and that decrease in mass comes off in the form of energy according to the Einstein equation. For elements lighter than iron, fusion will yield energy.

In one of the most remarkable phenomena in nature, a slow neutron can be captured by a uranium-235 nucleus, rendering it unstable toward nuclear fission. A fast neutron will not be captured, so neutrons must be slowed down by moderation to increase their capture probability in fission reactors. A single fission event can yield over 200 million times the energy of the neutron which triggered it!

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U-235 Chain Reaction For a chain reaction of nuclear fission, such as that of uranium-

235, is to sustain itself, then at least one neutron from each fission must strike another U-235 nucleus and cause a fission. If this condition is just met, then the reaction is said to be “critical” and will continue. The mass of fissile material required to achieve this critical condition is said to be a critical mass. The critical mass depends upon the concentration of U-235 nuclei in the fuel material as well as its geometry. As applied for the generation of electric energy in nuclear reactors, it also depends upon the moderation used to slow down the neutrons. In those reactors, the critical condition also depends upon neutrons from the fission fragments, called delayed neutrons. For weapons applications, the concentration U-235 must be much higher to create a condition called “prompt criticality”. This means that it is critical with only the neutrons directly produced in the fission process. For U-235 enriched to “bomb-grade” uranium, the critical mass may be as small as about 15 kg in a bomb configuration.

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Fission FragmentsWhen uranium-235 undergoes fission, the average of the fragment mass is about 118, but very few fragments near that average are found. It is much more probable to break up into unequal fragments, and the most probable fragment masses are around mass 95 and 137. Most of these fission fragments are highly unstable (radioactive), and some of them such as cesium-137 and strontium-90 are extremely dangerous when released to the environment.

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Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 Are the most dangerous radioisotopes to the environment in terms

of their long-term effects. Their intermediate half-lives of about 30 years suggests that they are not only highly radioactive but that they have a long enough half-life to be around for hundreds of years. Iodine-131 may give a higher initial dose, but its short half-life of 8 days ensures that it will soon be gone. Besides its persistence and high activity, cesium-137 has the further insidious property of being mistaken for potassium by living organisms and taken up as part of the fluid electrolytes. This means that it is passed on up the food chain and re-concentrated from the environment by that process.

Cesium-137 decay has a half-life of 30.07 years and proceeds by both beta decay and gamma emission from an intermediate state. Both the electron and gamma emissions are highly ionizing radiation. The gamma radiation is very penetrating, and the beta radiation, though very short range, is very dangerous when ingested because it deposits all that energy in a very short distance in tissue.

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Ternary Fission is a comparatively rare (0.2 to 0.4% of events) type of nuclear fission in

which three charged products are produced rather than two. As in other nuclear fission processes, other uncharged particles such as multiple neutrons and gamma rays are produced in ternary fission.

Ternary fission may happen during neutron-induced fission or in spontaneous fission (the type of radioactive decay). About 25% more ternary fission happens in spontaneous fission compared to the same fissioning system formed after thermal neutron capture, illustrating that these processes remain physically slightly different, even after the absorption of the neutron, possibly because of the extra energy present in the nuclear reaction system of thermal neutron-induced fission.

True Ternary Fission: A very rare type of ternary fission process is sometimes called “true ternary fission.” It produces three nearly equal-sized charged fragments (Z ~ 30) but only happens in about 1 in 100 million fission events. In this type of fission, the product nuclei split the fission energy in three nearly equal parts and have kinetic energies of ~ 60 MeV.

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Neutron Bomb A neutron bomb is a fission-fusion thermonuclear weapon (hydrogen

bomb) in which the burst of neutrons generated by a fusion reaction is intentionally allowed to escape the weapon, rather than being absorbed by its other components. The weapon’s X-ray mirrors and radiation case, made of uranium or lead in a standard bomb, are instead made of chromium or nickel so that the neutrons can escape. The bombs also require amounts of tritium on the order of a few tens of grams.

The “usual” nuclear weapon yield—expressed as kt TNT equivalent—is not a measure of a neutron weapon’s destructive power. It refers only to the energy released (mostly heat and blast), and does not express the lethal effect of neutron radiation on living organisms. Compared to a fission bomb with the identical explosive yield, a neutron bomb would emit about ten times the amount of neutron radiation. In a fission bomb, the radiation pulse energy is approximately 5% of the entire energy released; in the neutron bomb it would be closer to 50%. A neutron bomb releases a much greater number of neutrons than a fission bomb of the same explosive yield. Furthermore, these neutrons are of much higher energy (14 MeV) than those released during a fission reaction (1–2 MeV).

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Through the Neutron Looking Glass In a broad sense, the neutron bomb is an explosive version of the sun; that

is, the relevant energy it emits comes from thermonuclear, or fusion, reactions involving the very lightest elements. To be specific, its fuel consists of the two heavier nuclei of hydrogen, named deuterium and tritium. By means of a fission trigger, a mixture of these two nuclei is compressed and heated, as happens in a hydrogen bomb, to cause nuclear reactions whose principle output is in the form of very high energy neutrons. Also produced will be blast and heat, but so predominant are the neutron effects against human beings, who are a hundred to a thousand times more vulnerable to radiation than blast and heat, that by bursting the weapon high enough off the ground the only significant effects at the surface will come from radiation. In so doing, the blast and heat effects will not be strong enough to cause significant damage to most structures. Hence, a bomb which, accurately but misleadingly, has been described as a weapon that kills people but spares buildings.

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USGS Dust Sample Evidence We follow the various elements found in the dust samples taken

in lower Manhattan by the USGS team across over a dozen sample locations which then provide a snapshot of the events that took place on 9/11.

It is critical to remember that we follow over a dozen elements across even more locations and these elements must be viewed as they interact together, not as separate elements. The elements we’re about to examine work together, as we should expect. Thus, one might expect to see the presence of uranium refuted. One might expect to see the presence of strontium or the other elements refuted individually. Yet when the elements are studied together as they increase and decrease predictably across a dozen locations the outcome is clear.

The elements as they interact together and the tale they tell cannot be refuted.

Fission occurred in NYC on 9/11.

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Barium and Strontium

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Barium vs. Strontium

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Thorium and Uranium

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Thorium vs. Lithium

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Zinc Sodium and Potassium

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Zinc, Lead and Copper

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Copper vs. Zinc

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Barium vs. Lanthanum

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Strontium vs. Yttrium

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Chromium vs. Zinc

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Zinc vs. Strontium

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Pentagon eyes age of 'mini-nukes' Small weapons for small conflicts

And two of the nation's pre-eminent nuclear research labs -- the Lawrence Livermore Lab in California and the Los Alamos Lab in New Mexico -- want to press ahead with development of what the Clinton budget proposal calls a "precision, low-yield warhead."

The proposed 10-ton "micro-nuke," would pack a punch 10 times the size of the largest non-nuclear bombs dropped by U.S. forces during the Persian Gulf War. It would be 1/500th the size of the B-61, currently the smallest nuclear warhead in the Pentagon inventory.

The labs also are weighing development of a "mini-nuke," with the explosive power of 100 tons of TNT, to destroy nuclear, biological and chemical warheads in flight, according to Los Alamos documents.

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The WTC Mini-Nuke Theory The Twin Towers were destroyed by a series of mini/micro neutron

bombs planted in the core columns of the buildings. Conventional explosives were also used as cutter charges.

The mini-neutron bombs were detonated from top to bottom and configured to explode upwards so as not to destroy the bombs below.

This explains why dust and other material was ejected upward and outward and how the buildings were destroyed from the top down and the inside out at free fall speed.

Nukes explain how 1/3 of the Towers were completely vaporized with no desks, chairs, computers or toilets found in the rubble. This also explains the lower than expected seismic readings.

Underground mini-nukes destroyed the foundations of the buildings and the retained heat from these blasts explain the elevated temperatures for 6 months after 9/11.

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Mini-Nuke Theory Continued WTC 6 was destroyed by a mini-nuke or series of micro-nukes

exploded in the basement and configured to explode upward. This explains why tritium was found at 55 times background levels

11 days after 9/11 and enormous amounts of water was sprayed into the building.

Nukes explain why “temperatures were so intense that cement flowed like lava” in Building 6.

Building 7 was destroyed by a combination of conventional demolition explosives and three mini-nukes. The conventional charges were detonated above ground and the mini-nukes were below ground.

This explains why the building appeared to be a normal controlled demolition as it was going down but there was massive pyroclastic flow observed after the building “collapsed.”

Nukes explain why hundreds of dump trucks of dirt were hauled in and out of Ground Zero to clean up the mess.

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The Destruction of WTC2

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Chopper Spotted Over WTC2 Seconds Before “Collapse”

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Top 25 Floors Tilt as “Collapse” Begins

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The South Tower’s Mid-Air Miracles It was struck at the 80th floor, so that its upper portion consisted of a 30-

floor block. As videos of the beginning of this building’s collapse show, this block began tipping toward the corner that had been most damaged by the airplane’s impact. According to the law of the conservation of angular momentum, this section should have fallen to the ground far outside the building’s footprint. “However,” Jim Hoffman and fellow 9/11 researcher Don Hoffman have observed, “as the top then began to fall, the rotation decelerated. Then it reversed direction [even though the] law of conservation of angular momentum states that a solid object in rotation will continue to rotate at the same speed unless acted on by a torque.”

And then, as if this were not miraculous enough: “We observe [wrote physicist Steven Jones] that approximately 30 upper floors begin to rotate as a block, to the south and east. They begin to topple over, not fall straight down. The torque due to gravity on this block is enormous, as is its angular momentum. But then – and this I’m still puzzling over – this block turned mostly to powder in mid-air! How can we understand this strange behavior, without explosives?

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Doomed Structures Dancing and Walking

If someone were to ask how even explosives could explain this behavior, we could turn to a statement by Mark Loizeaux, the president of Controlled Demolition, Inc. In response to an interviewer’s question as to how he made “doomed structures dance or walk,” Loizeaux said: “By differentially controlling the velocity of failure in different parts of the structure, you can make it walk, you can make it spin, you can make it dance. We’ve taken it and moved it, then dropped it or moved it, twisted it and moved it down further – and then stopped it and moved it again. We’ve dropped structures 15 stories, stopped them and then laid them sideways. We’ll have structures start facing north and end up going to the north-west.”

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Banker’s Trust Building Heavily Damaged by South Tower Debris

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Victims' Remains Found Near Ground Zero In the week since a ceremony marked the end of the recovery effort at ground

zero, Fire Department and construction crews have found the remains of about a dozen victims in nearby buildings damaged in the Sept. 11 attack.

City officials had long suspected they might find additional human remains in these adjacent structures, including 90 West Street and 130 Cedar Street, office buildings that were struck and punctured by plane parts and sections of the twin towers. But they had put off the task of thoroughly sifting through this debris until after the work was largely finished at the immediate World Trade Center site.

Now, working day and night over the last week or so, recovery crews have discovered small bone fragments, a jaw with the teeth still intact, even parts of racks that held the luggage from one of the hijacked planes.

No date for the completion of this effort has been declared, in part because firefighters have had trouble getting into the last large building that must be searched, 130 Liberty Street, which is owned by Deutsche Bank and is commonly known as the Bankers Trust building.

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Destruction of WTC1

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Debris Ejected from WTC1 at 45 ° Angle

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The Winter Garden: Where the DEWS and Nanothermite Theories Go to Die

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Building 6: The Mini-Nuke Poster Child

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What is Tritium? Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, comprising

approximately 90% of the luminous universe by weight. Ordinary hydrogen (1H) accounts for greater than 99.985% of all naturally-occurring hydrogen, whereas deuterium (2H) comprises approximately 0.015%. By comparison, tritium (3H) represents only approximately 10-16 percent of hydrogen naturally occurring. Tritium is a rare but natural isotope of hydrogen (H), and is the only natural hydrogen isotope that is radioactive. The tritium atom is sometimes designated T to distinguish it from the common lighter isotope. Notwithstanding the difference in mass, tritium can be found in the same chemical forms as hydrogen. The most important forms, from the perspective of atmospheric behavior of tritium, are tritiated hydrogen gas (HT) and tritiated water (HTO). These tritiated forms behave chemically like hydrogen gas (H2) and water (H2O).

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Natural Sources of Tritium

Tritium is generated by both natural and artificial processes. Tritium is naturally produced primarily through the interaction of cosmic radiation protons and neutrons with gases (including nitrogen, oxygen and argon) in the upper atmosphere.

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Anthropogenic Sources of Tritium In addition to its natural sources, tritium also has a number of

anthropogenic sources which account for the dominant proportion of the global tritium inventory. Anthropogenic tritium sources include fallout from nuclear weapons testing, nuclear reactors, future fusion reactors, fuel reprocessing plants, heavy water production facilities and commercial production for medical diagnostics, radiopharmaceuticals, luminous paints, sign illumination, self-luminous aircraft, airport runway lights, luminous dials, gauges and wrist watches, and others.

Commercial uses of tritium account for only a small fraction of the tritium used worldwide. Instead, the primary use of tritium has been to boost the yield of both fission and thermonuclear (or fusion) weapons, increasing the efficiency with which the nuclear explosive materials are used.

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Thermonuclear Detonation During Nuclear Weapons Testing

Nuclear tests have been conducted in the atmosphere since 1945, producing tritium in amounts that greatly exceed the global natural activity, particularly during 1954 to 1958 and 1961 to 1962 when a number of large-yield test series were undertaken. The tritium activity arising from atmospheric nuclear tests can be estimated from the fission and fusion yields of the weapons tests or from environmental measurements. For example, the tritium activity produced per unit yield is dependent upon the attributes of the device, as well as on the characteristics of the detonation site, and tritium generation from fusion reactions is much higher than from fission. The tritium that is produced by a nuclear explosion is almost completely converted to tritiated water (HTO), which then mixes with environmental water.

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Ed Ward’s WTC Tritium Breakdown 1. Trace definition as it applies to quantity: Occurring in extremely small

amounts or in quantities less than a standard limit (In the case of tritium, this standard level would be 20 TUs – the high of quoted standard background levels.) http://www.thefreedictionary.com/trace

2. The stated values of tritium from the DOE report “Study of Traces of Tritium at the World Trade Center”. “A water sample from the WTC sewer, collected on 9/13/01, contained 0.164±0.074 (2ó) nCi/L (164 pCi/L +/- 74 pCi/L – takes 1,000 trillionths to = 1 billionth) of HTO. A split water sample, collected on 9/21/01 from the basement of WTC Building 6, contained 3.53±0.17 and 2.83±0.15 nCi/L ( 3,530.0 pCi/L +/- 170 pCi/L and 2,830 pCi/L +/- 150 pCi/L), respectively. https://e-reportsext.llnl.gov/pdf/241096.pdf Pico to Nano converter – http://www.unitconversion.org/prefixes/picos-to-nanos-conversion.html Nano to Pico converter – http://www.unit-conversion.info/metric.html

3. 1 TU = 3.231 pCi/L (trillionths per liter) or 0.003231 nCi/L (billionths per liter) – http://www.hps.org/publicinformation/ate/q2282.html – (My original TU calculations came out to 3.19 pCi/L, but I will gladly accept these referenced minimally higher values. http://www.clayandiron.com/news.jhtml?method=view&news.id=1022 )

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Traces of Tritium Lie 4. In 2001 normal background levels of Tritium are supposedly around 20 TUs

(prior to nuclear testing in the 60′s, normal background tritium water levels were 5 to 10 TUs – http://www.hps.org/publicinformation/ate/q2282.html ). However, groundwater studies show a significantly less water concentration: Groundwater age estimation using tritium only provides semi-quantitative, “ball park” values: · <0.8 TU indicates sub modern water (prior to 1950s) · 0.8 to 4 TU indicates a mix of sub modern and modern water · 5 to 15 TU indicates modern water (< 5 to 10 years) · 15 to 30 TU indicates some bomb tritium http://www.grac.org/agedatinggroundwater.pdf  But, instead of “5 to 15 TU” (which would make the increase in background levels even higher), I will use 20 TUs as the 2001 environmental level to give all possible credibility to the lie of “Traces”.

5. Let’s calculate the proven referenced facts. Tritium level confirmed in the DOE report of traces of tritium = 3,530 pCi/L (+/- 170 pCi/L, but we will use the mean of 3,530 pCi/L). 3,530 pCi/L (the referenced lab value) divided by the background level of 20TUs (20 X 3.231 p (1 TU = 3.21 pCi/L) = 64.62 pCi/L as the high normal background/standard level. 3,530 divided by 64.62 pCi/L = 54.63 TIMES THE NORMAL BACKGROUND LEVEL. 3,530 pCi/L divided by 3.231 pCi/L (1 TU) = 1,092.54 TUs

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Massive Quantities of Tritium = Nukes 6. This is my ‘fave’ because lies tend to eat their young. Muon physicist

Steven Jones calls 1,000 TUs “The graphs below show that hydrogen-bomb testing boosted tritium levels in rain by several orders of magnitude. (Ref.: http://www.science.uottawa.ca/~eih/ch7/7tritium.htm   ) – http://www.journalof911studies.com/letters/a/Hard-Evidence-Rebudiates-the-Hypothesis-that-Mini-Nukes-were-used-on-the-wtc-towers-by-steven-jones.pdf  Yet, calls the EXACT SAME LEVELS quoted in nCi/L as “Traces” and “These results are well below the levels of concern to human exposure”. http://www.journalof911studies.com/letters/a/Hard-Evidence-Rebudiates-the-Hypothesis-that-Mini-Nukes-were-used-on-the-wtc-towers-by-steven-jones.pdf  Interesting isn’t it.

7. Thomas M. Semkowa, Ronald S. Hafnerc, Pravin P. Parekha, Gordon J. Wozniakd, Douglas K. Hainesa, Liaquat Husaina, Robert L. Rabune. Philip G. Williams and Steven Jones have all called over 1,000 TUs of Tritium, “Traces”. Even at the height of nuclear bomb testing 98% – after thousands of Megatons of nuclear testing – of the rainwater tests were 2,000 TUs or less. https://e-reports-ext.llnl.gov/pdf/241096.pdf

8. It is also important to note that the tritium present was diluted by at least some portion of 1 million liters of water accounting for BILLIONS of TUs.

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Ed Ward’s WTC Rain and Fire Hose Water Breakdown

WTC 6 = 1 acre (approx.) WTC site = 16 acres. Rain = 4 million liters. 4/16 = 1/4 of a million liters deposits in WTC 6 in its 40

ft. (depth) by 120 ft. (diameter) crater. WTC 6 was hot – see thermal images 2nd article on WTC Nukes. Firemen = 12 million liters. Firemen would mostly be spraying the hot areas. There are about 5 acres that gradually increase to maybe a total of 6 to 7 acres, but let’s be

generous and say they sprayed 8 acres (this will lower the total amount of Tritium Units estimate). 8/16 = 1/2 of 12 million liters = 6 million liters spread over 8 acres = 3/4 of a million liters per acre. Rain plus Firemen = 1 million liters in WTC 6 in the 40 ft. (depth) by 120 ft. (diameter) crater. 1 liter of the pooled water = 1,106 TUs X 1 million liters of water = 1.1066 BILLION TUs JUST IN WTC

6 (no other places were checked.) This completely ignores 104 Million Liters (30 Million Gallons) pumped out of the bathtub and the

drain water of 51 TUs. 120 million liters X 51 = 6.120 BILLION TUs. This completely ignores the amount of Tritium in gas form that escapes into the atmosphere and

gets massive dispersal.

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170 Meter High Plume of Smoke Seen Rising from WTC6

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WTC6 Bombed Out and Blackened Before the Twin Towers “Collapsed”

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WTC6 Heavily Damaged Before South Tower Debris Hits it

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Overhead Photo of WTC6

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Reminiscent of the OKC Murrah Building

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Neutron Radiation and EMP Effects Neutron radiation and EMP appears to be responsible for the “toasted cars” found

near Ground Zero. What is neutron radiation? From the Shots Across the Bow Blog:

To understand neutron radiation, imagine a pool table set for the start of a game. 15 balls are in the middle of the table, with the cue ball set for the break. The cue ball is a free neutron. When the neutron hits the nucleus, one of three things might happen. First, if the cue ball doesn’t have enough energy, or hits at the wrong angle, it caroms off, barely disturbing the pack of balls. Second, if the ball has too much energy, it slams through the pack, breaking it up. This is fission, and results in fission products, more free neutrons, and energy. Third, if the ball has just the right amount of energy, it just makes it to the pack and joins in, becoming another neutron in the nucleus. Here is where our analogy breaks down, because many times, when a nucleus gets another neutron, it becomes unstable, and begins to decay, emitting alphas, betas, or gammas. This is called ”activation” and is one of the trickier problems with neutron irradiation and the physical properties of the irradiated matter can be quite different from the original. (“A nuclear power,”)

A large quantity of high energy neutrons bombarding an object will cause the atoms in the material to move i.e. heat up. This is why so few bodies were found at Ground Zero – most of the people that were near the Towers were vaporized either by the blast and heat effects of the bombs or the neutron radiation that was released

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The Toasted Cars Ted Twietmeyer has a post on Rense’s website that goes a long way towards

explaining the toasted cars found near Ground Zero. Twietmeyer attributes the damage to aluminum vehicle parts such as engine blocks and mirrors to strong EMP eddy currents produced by nuclear detonations at Ground Zero:  “and what else do eddy currents create? HEAT if the currents are strong enough. The stronger the eddy currents, the more heat which will be generated.  Although magnetic fields are being created, they are temporary in aluminum because it is not magnetic, but paramagnetic. This means aluminum will be affected by magnetism, but it cannot be magnetized.

A vector is simply a line that shows direction and usually has an arrow. Arrows are not shown above, in an attempt to simplify the image. The direction of force is from upper left to lower right. The notated image above provides a possible explanation for the location of the source of the magnetic pulse, and why some vehicles were damaged and others were not. This parking lot may be the best evidence in support of my theory.

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Cars were also Nuked Yellow lines indicate the pulse(s) blocked by the rear row of vehicles. It appears the

entire outside of all rear vehicles were destroyed. Note how several hoods on the rear row of vehicles have white dust or ash, indicating an intense heat originating from under the hood. This is probably caused by the engine block vaporizing, and the white dust may be aluminum oxide. If the vehicles are still around somewhere in a junk yard, some simple lab tests will confirm this. 

White lines show the pulses that reached the vehicles in the foreground. Orange shapes around each car show the damage threshold line. The cars are basically undamaged below these lines and some might be repairable. If it wasn’t for “sacrificial” vehicles at the rear, those in the foreground would have been completely burned.

Note that white and yellow lines are not meant to be a literal interpretation to show size of the pulse, how many lines of force hit each vehicle, etc… Each line is intended to show only the direction the pulse(s) came from. Regardless of whether this parking lot is close to the WTC or not, it clearly shows that the nuclear device (or pulse source) was high above the ground. If the pulse source were close to the Earth, then vehicles in the foreground would have been completely shielded from the pulse.” (Twietmeyer, 2007)

Ed Ward’s take: I believe some of what he attributes to EMP was done by neutrons – in particular his linear evaluations (angle computations) would seem more neutron than EMP. EMP should tend to flow around – seems to be a correlation of dust cloud carrying EMP. So the linear blockage of cars protecting other cars would seem to be more appropriate for neutrons. Other than that seems on the money, IMO

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Vector Forces Show Source of Neutrons was Above Ground

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The Pile Temperatures at Ground Zero were 600 to 1,500 °F or even higher for 6 months

after 9/11. Firemen were fighting fires at Ground Zero for 99 days after 9/11. AVRIS data showed that temperature in one spot was 1,341 °F on 9/16/01. These high temperatures could be attributed to neutron bombs that were detonated underground in order to destroy the foundations of the Twin Towers. Some of the hotspots may have been unexploded nuclear fissile material reacting underground. The workers at Ground Zero experienced hellish working conditions. One Ground Zero worker, Charlie Vitchers, describes the nightmare:

“The fires were very intense on the pile, the heat was very intense. In some places you couldn’t even get onto it. In some areas where you could walk, you’d travel another five feet and then you could just feel the heat coming up and you would have to just back off. You’d say to yourself, “I can’t see a fire, but I can feel the heat, so something’s wrong here,” and you’d back off.

That was one of the concerns we had about putting equipment on the pile, because the operators were sitting eight or ten feet up above the debris pile in their cabs and couldn’t feel the heat. But they’re carrying a hundred gallons of diesel fuel, hydraulic hoses, and other flammables, and there was nothing to stop the heat from wrecking the machine. If they got stuck in a place where the heat was so intense that it set his machine on fire, that operator wasn’t going to make it out.

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Fire Moving Under the Pile We were so lucky. We didn’t lose anyone. We lost a lot of equipment,

mostly due to collapses, but didn’t have any piece of equipment catch on fire or anything like that. But hoses melted, and there was a lot of damage to tires- some of them melted just from being too close. I mean, the bottom of your shoes would melt on some of the steel. Some of that was so hot you could feel the hair on the back of your neck start to burn when you walked by. There were cherry-red pieces of steel sticking out of the ground. It was almost like being in a steel-manufacturing plant. You just couldn’t physically go near that stuff.

Every time a grappler grabbed a piece of steel and shook it out, it would just fan the fire, like a fan in the fireplace. All of a sudden there’d be smoke billowing out. The Army Corps of Engineers eventually supplied us with infrared aerial shots of where the heat was. It was like looking at the blob. The fire was moving under the pile. One day it would be here, it would be 1,400 degrees, the next day it would be 2,000 degrees, then five days later it wouldn’t register over 600 degrees.”

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Project GNOME As an example of retained heat from a nuclear explosion, Ed Ward references

The Project GNOME detonation on December 10, 1961 near Carlsbad, New Mexico:

Measurements of an earlier underground detonation had indicated that roughly 1/3 of the energy was deposited in the melted rock at temperatures above 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. This information encouraged hopes that a nuclear detonation in a dry medium might cause heat to be stored long enough to permit efficient recovery. GNOME was developed with the idea that a nuclear detonation in a salt deposit would create a large volume of hot melted salt from which heat might be extracted. The possibilities to be investigated for the production of power were the tapping of the steam created by detonation itself and the generation of high-density, high-pressure steam by the circulation of some heat-absorbing fluid, like water, over the heated salt. This generated steam would be used to drive a steam or hot gas turbine coupled with an electric generator.

When workers reentered that cavity on May 17, 1962, they found temperatures around 140 degrees Fahrenheit but only small amounts of residual radiation. The earlier intense radiation had colored the salt of the cavity wall various shades of blue, green, and violet.

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Conclusions Evidence for fission and fusion abounds at Ground Zero. Tritiated water in

any significant quantity is a telltale sign of a thermonuclear explosion. A 170 meter high plume of smoke was observed rising from Building 6, and massive amounts of tritiated water were found in the basement. It appears to be beyond reasonable doubt that this building was nuked, because no alternative explanation is reasonable.

The Twin Towers were 500,000 tons each and destroyed in 9 and 11 seconds respectively with debris ejected hundreds of feet out. There can be no doubt that the Twins Towers were nuked as well.

The USGS dust samples prove beyond all doubt that nuclear fission took place at Ground Zero. Fission triggered fusion bombs such as mini or micro neutron bombs explain the dust and water sample evidence perfectly.

The destruction of the Twin Towers was an unprecedented use of nuclear bomb technology. The public had never before witnessed anything like it. While Steve Jones and Judy Wood, among others, have added to uncertainty over what happened to the WTC buildings on 9/11, the mystery has finally been solved. The World Trade Center was nuked on 9/11.