UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements” UNC Transmission Workstream 11 th August 2005

UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

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UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”. UNC Transmission Workstream 11 th August 2005. Content. Ofgem Decision Letter on 0021 Impact of UNC Modification Proposal 0044 on User Daily Imbalance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

UNC Transmission Workstream

11th August 2005

Page 2: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”


Ofgem Decision Letter on 0021Impact of UNC Modification Proposal 0044 on

User Daily ImbalanceEmergency Curtailment Quantity (ECQ)

Calculation MethodologyFurther Curtailment & RestorationECQ Claims Process

Page 3: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

Ofgem Decision Letter on 0021

Non-discrimination Appropriate demand threshold for applying

ECQ trade processFacilitation of OTC Trades during an EmergencyDisputes ProcessDe Minimis Pricing Methodology

Page 4: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”


UNC Modification Proposal 0044 is seeking to; Change Cash-out Prices applicable within a Gas Deficit

Emergency Assign the Quantities of gas, associated with

Emergency Curtailment actions undertaken by Transporters, to an effective trade (NBP title transfer)

The trade would be between Transco NTS (in its role of residual system balancer) and the relevant User.

The introduction of an Emergency Curtailment Quantity (ECQ) title trade would ensure that a Users’ Daily Imbalance position, prevailing at the time of a relevant Emergency, is maintained.

This presentation focuses on the former

Page 5: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

Impact of the Modification Proposal on User Daily Imbalance - Start

For each User the "Daily Imbalance" in respect of a Day is the imbalance between the quantities (adjusted to take account of Trade Nominations including System Trade Nominations) treated as delivered to and offtaken from the Total System by the User on that Day.




















Page 6: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

User Daily Imbalance - short shipper








"Delivered" "Offtaken"

Disposing Trades

Aquiring Trades



User Daily Imbalance = -1

Page 7: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

User Daily Imbalance - Post Physical Curtailment (Prevailing Arrangements)








"Delivered" "Offtaken"

Disposing Trades

Aquiring Trades



User Daily Imbalance = +2

Page 8: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

User Daily Imbalance - Post Physical Curtailment + ECQ Trade (Revised Arrangements)








"Delivered" "Offtaken"

ECQ Trade

Disposing Trades

Aquiring Trades



User Daily Imbalance = -1

Page 9: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

Emergency Curtailment Quantity (ECQ)

“Emergency Curtailment Quantity” means, in respect of a User, the quantity of gas determined as:

The quantity of gas (in kWh) which the Transporters, in aggregate, reasonably estimate that a User would have offtaken from the Total System at System Exit Points in respect of which Emergency Curtailment has occurred but for the fact that Emergency Curtailment had occurred at those System Exit Points

A methodology is required that can be used to calculate the ECQ for any period of Curtailment

Page 10: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

Relevant Exit Points

The ECQ trade quantity applies to the reduction of the offtake of gas at all System Exit Points other than those that include;

NDM Supply Point Components Priority Supply Points.

These excluded System Exit Points are those that are protected by the GSMR Safety Monitor under the NEC Safety Case

It would be inappropriate to incentivise a demand response at such Supply Points as it would not be possible to accept or validate a Market based demand response.

Page 11: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

ECQ Calculation Methodology

The Methodology is in three Stages; Stage 1 ~ ‘OPN’: OPNs when available, represent the

most accurate proxy for ECQs as they can be used if Emergency Curtailment occurs within day.

Stage 2 ~ Historical Consumption: An algorithm will be used to assess the curtailed Quantity for non-OPN Supply Points based on historical consumption to quantify the Curtailment Quantity

Stage 3 ~ Scaled SOQ: If no OPN or appropriate historical data is available then the Registered Capacity (SOQ), scaled to match the forecast demand, can be used

Page 12: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

Why Not Use User Nominations?

Nominations do not provide any information about within day flows and therefore may be inappropriate for the assessment of the ECQ when Emergency Curtailment is initiated part way through a Gas Day.

Page 13: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

Commercial/User “Interruption”

Any notified User commercial “interruption” should not count towards the Emergency Curtailment Quantity

The process for the notification of User commercial “interruption” will be expanded to cover commercial “interruption” at both Interruptible and relevant Firm System Exit Points

Additional “P70 Firm” form for relevant Firm System Exit Points Prevailing “P70” form will continue to be applicable for Interruptible SEPs. These processes will apply at all stages of a Potential or actual GDE.

Must be clarity in regard to the notification of User “interruption” at both Interruptible and relevant Firm System Exit Points.

A User should notify User “interruption” only if the Supply Point reduces or stops the offtake of gas under any commercial arrangement with that User.

If a User offers demand reduction via a physical or locational action on the “OCM” then the initiated demand reduction should be covered by a “P70” or “P70 Firm”.

If a User “interrupts” a Shared Supply Meter Point* then it should not issue a “P70” if it intends to act as the User for that Supply Point* under other contractual arrangements such as the purchase of gas by the end-consumer.

Page 14: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

Information Transfer (To Transporters)

The Modification Proposal places an obligation; on all relevant Shippers at multi-Shipper System Exit

Points to provide the division method for the System Exit Point ECQ to the relevant Transporter not more than one hour after curtailment has been initiated, otherwise a Transporter default will be used.

on all relevant Transporters to calculate the ECQ for all relevant System Exit Points and pass the data, aggregated by Shipper, on to Transco NTS as soon as is reasonably practical after curtailment has been initiated.

Page 15: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

Information Transfer (From Transporters)

The Modification Proposal places an obligation on all relevant Transporters to provide to each User;

Specific data on to the relevant Users SEPs The basis for the calculation

To be provided as soon as is reasonably practical after the day that Emergency Curtailment has been initiated and in any case no later than D+4.

Page 16: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

Further Curtailment

Further Emergency Curtailment within Day would be managed by a Further ECQ trade

User disposing tradeRestoration within Day would be managed by an

‘opposite’ ECQ trade User acquiring trade

Page 17: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

User Daily Imbalance - Post Physical Curtailment (Revised Arrangements)








"Delivered" "Offtaken"

ECQ Trade

Disposing Trades

Aquiring Trades



User Daily Imbalance = -1

Page 18: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

User Daily Imbalance - Further Physical Curtailment (Revised Arrangements)








"Delivered" "Offtaken"

2nd ECQ Trade

ECQ Trade

Disposing Trades

Aquiring Trades



User Daily Imbalance = -1

Page 19: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

User Daily Imbalance – Restoration (Revised Arrangements)








"Delivered" "Offtaken"

ECQ RestorationTrade2nd ECQ Trade

ECQ Trade

Disposing Trades

Aquiring Trades



User Daily Imbalance = -1

Page 20: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

ECQ Claims Process

Transco NTS will, in consultation with the UNC Committee, appoint an appropriately qualified person as "claims reviewer" to review each claim.

This claims reviewer will; advise Transco NTS whether or not the calculated ECQ appears

to be justified and (if not); what the ECQ should be.

If the claims reviewer advises of a lower(higher) Emergency Curtailment Quantity, then

the User will be required to pay(be paid by) Transco NTS an amount determined by multiplying the Emergency Curtailment Trade Price by the difference between the calculated ECQ and determined ECQ.

The relevant User’s imbalance account for the Gas Day in question would be adjusted.

Either party may appeal the claims reviewer’s decision to the Authority.

Page 21: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

De Minimus Pricing

The cash-out price for Users with a negative Daily Imbalance will be set to the System

Marginal Buy Price* prevailing on the day the GDE commenced; and

positive Daily Imbalance will be set to the System Average Price prevailing on the day the GDE commenced.

0021 decision letter reflected concerns related to the potential for small quantity trades to set high marginal prices for a long emergency period

We have not included any mechanism for a more aggregated marginal approach incorporating either averaging of a number of trades or “de minimus” cash-out prices for the reasons set out in the Modification Proposal

Page 22: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

Why SMP buy

Provides consistent incentive between normal operation and Emergency arrangements which could otherwise lead to unintended consequences. This is in line with Ofgem decision letter on P135.

Residual balancing action assessment would include assessment of whether such action would have a discernable positive impact on the supply and demand position.

Provides the necessary incentive to encourage delivery of residual balancing actions and encourage Users to continue to actively manage their balancing position.

Page 23: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

Ofgem Decision Letter on 0021Revisited

Non-discrimination ECQ Trades associated with both Firm & Interruptibles

CurtailmentFacilitation of OTC Trades during an Emergency

Clarified within the legal textDisputes Process

ECQ claims process includedDe Minimus Pricing Methodology

SMP/SAP retained from 0021 Potential area for further development

Page 24: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”


Close out for reps – 22/08/2005FMR to the Joint Office – 26/08/2005Panel approve treatment of Reps – 31/08/2005Mod Panel Recommendation – 02/09/2005Ofgem Decision expected – 07/09/2005

Further Meetings required?

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Page 26: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

ECQ Methodology - Overview

Page 27: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

ECQ Methodology – Stage 1a

Page 28: UNC (Urgent) Modification Proposal 0044: “Revised Emergency Cash-out & Curtailment Arrangements”

ECQ Methodology – Stage 1b