.» ^ — _ —. Water Works Meeting.—An impromptu mcel lngof citizens and Aldermen was held at t Mayor's olllce last evening tQ discuss tho Wati r Works question, Mayor .Moore, in the Chair. It was staled that u contractor from Connecti cut Would take the entire Job, with the proviso that the city should advance $:Xi,CfK) and aeeepi of one hundred and lil'ly hydrants Instead oi' four bundled, as was first named. It Mas a!- i tobOstipulated tli.it but ten tuilca of the pi; •• should be Iron, while the remainder should be ot whatever material the contractor saw lit. Tho plan was not looked on with much favor by the majority of the meeting. A committee was appointed to report to the next meeting ^•i the Common Council the action of tills meet• Ing, after which an adjournment took pln.ee nin, ».«.— —.-.

UlliV KVBiMiMJ BXPRBKX. At COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS, · i**** »IK-*TIC imv noons OKNT'N **,.. II • n ivniaination, ' NO. 10 STATE ST. 1111 mi——— II in •« '."t^——i^^

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Page 1: UlliV KVBiMiMJ BXPRBKX. At COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS, · i**** »IK-*TIC imv noons OKNT'N **,.. II • n ivniaination, ' NO. 10 STATE ST. 1111 mi——— II in •« '."t^——i^^


»IK-*TIC imv n o o n s OKNT'N **,.. II • n ivniaination, '

NO. 10 STATE ST. 1111 m i — — — II in • « ' . " t ^ — — i ^ ^

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Elegant Black DsossSllka, Superb Mantilla Sllke, Fancy Silks, Small Check do., Worstocl and silk Grenadines, Now stylos Fitf. Crenadlnos, Fine Fronch Muslins, French Cambrics, Plquosand MamolHes.

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U l l i V KVBiMiMJ BXPRBKX. Official Paper of City and County.


psi ri'sn.o.N.

T h e r o u v o n t i o t i in lln« C i t y . Tho l'-*i Up*Uon Fraternity lic-Kl it3 Aiituia!

Convention in this city tlie day before yt«tir-dav. The day was ppc-nt in cnttrtaininic the delegate* trota at>road. The butlncea meeting was held yesterday in the f\M I'le-bylerian Ciiurcli Chapel. The following Colleges were represented i

Ti.eta Chapter, I'nlon Collogo, 0 . A. Tower, A. C. I'rentiee, Wiili.tin II. I'a-e and (Inn. J, Fox. . , ,,

Delta Chapter, New Y"rk UniYOrsltY, 13. 11. Bayllw. (ie.>. Palcn, Jr., and A'frcd Nelson,

luta Cliaptor, Vale CoHcgo, U (-*• Wade and C. Brewatet

Qalma Chapter, Amhent College, n. Car. Uileh.ut and H. 1.1, Wneeler, .Ir.

'/eta Chapter, Uarlraouth CoUofto, A. Drown. Lambda Chapter, Columbia College, Daniel

Lord, Jr. Kappa Chapter, li.mdoln College, 8. B. Car

ter and M <i. s.iwver. P*l Chapter. liawUton CoJlego, M. V Brewer,

J . i;. i r.in.-, \V. I. Towpsend, E. llaldwlu, F. E. (;iiii>i", B. J. NVlkson and VV. B. KHIDK.

XI Chapter, Woloyan Unlvoralty, E. J. Uayne« and l>. \Y. Northrop.

l'lil Chapter, Ann Ari>or, (i. Prunell and A. K. Mudgo.

The exereloes last evening cotialatOd ol .̂ n address and poem.

Charles A. Dewey, Eaq., of this city, presided and Introduced the orator, Dr. Joicph K. King, of Fort Edward.' The addrcaa commenced With an allusion to the Fourth of July just past, thy natal day ot our common country, the Alma Jjau, oi us all. He conftsscd to sharing in tho popular I'ren/.y, and counted as ft lieathen the man whose taste should be oflended by the Biuell 01 saltpetre and the explosion ot i;m.

* powder on that day. lieaiinonnecd IM his sub-' Jcct "The New Nation and its scholars." Thl<

model Republic, ho i-'i'id, had just been OOgagCd In a trial tor its lite. The COnlllCt had been a

. war of the Titans. The lOVOrolgDS Ol I" nope, Jealous of the prosperous Deuioeraey, had ex­ulted over the {alt t 'nlon, but the masses had been on our ~ide and had lent us the. moral aid of their sympathy ell through the war. The national shlpdiaTKUJfted towards the breakers, but a BtrODg hand hftrl held the helm, and the pilot had kept his ear attentive to the voke of Ood. At last the command eame, "Cast tho anchor of freedom to ihc windward," and tho F.ei luipation Proclamation was Issued. Many nt thu time had doubted the ellieaey ol this, but from that moment the sUy had cleared, and the haven ol national |»foty had at last been reached. The torrid cancer of slavery had been destroyed, and tho body politic restored to health. ThOfamOUl boast of CuiTM>,if truooi England, was not true of her alone. The 6tone of UuWcrsal llborty, re­jected by the builders, bad 1 OCOmO the head ol the corner, and was now the keystone of ot r government. This is the New Nation. What, then, is the mission ol American sobolars? op­portunity ehallcngeft to action eveiywlieie. I'.nt this is not all. ThOrC is a Special wink for eve ry man Of special aptitude, and the sehohuly man will bo ante to lind it II he takes counsel ol CQMOloncG a n d h l l o t h e r f r i e n d s , mid o b e y s t i e

Intimation of Proildcnco. In these modern days the Interpreters ol nature and Of religion need not despise one auother. They may delve Into the recesses of chemistry or explore with tho telescope the fields Of heaven until they have reached the utmo-t limit ot the material universe. Truth is the end ol iclcncc. Let christian scholarship help the faith Of the peo­ple. What problems of finance, of currency, ol the national debt, of tariffs, of taxes, arc still to be solved! Tho application of these belongs to the scholar and thinker. The s p e k e r then re­ferred to the myriad! of forelgoor* who are con­stantly coining to settle in this Country, and said that this complicated the matter, and that some count] must be marked out, by which these forces shall be kept in check. The emancipation of tho slaves, he said, had introduced a new element into the problem, What shall be done with these freed-men, these "wards of the nation in chancery," as they have been called? To lilt up these de­graded uud Ignorant fellow Uings, black and White, to a higher plane of Intelligence, to as­similate them into the body politic, Is the sub lime duty Of the patriotic scholar. The i \ i^ , ft. cles ot the present day need no concentration ol intellect In COnsplcUOU places—the treat neod Is the direct work of teaching, the broad. easting of Inst root Ion, ' the future of this na­tion lies utterly and absolutely In the hand* Of tho Instructors of our youth. The children ol the mauc* must be educated at whatever ex-penSO, lie begged the yOUOg men to pause be­fore they declined the 1 ro.Vssors' or teachers' chairs that might be Offered for their accept­ance, gome generous souls must abjuro their favorite pursuits, and work In the vineyard Of their Master. There are, he said, two incident­al services which Scholars can potformj they can recommend education and urge it upon the young, ami they can contribute, both of their own personal mean-* and by Inllucncing others to the .thoroughj and complete ondorwmonl of those light-houses of laarnlng, the Universities of the land. This will overthrow the worship of mammon, the prolific source ot political cor­ruption, and they will lay the foundation for a Republic of Letters.

The future historians Of this country shall not rummage In the lulerno of nations lor the matoria'a wherewith to build tho structure of its fame; he will lind them grounded in it.. graniU base. The speaker clo.-ed with an oloquont description ol a National Pantheon, in which the lolticst niche ohould be reserved lor tho Christian scholar.

The Poet ol the eveuing was Judge Cuy 11, Mc.Mastcrs. This gentleman was obliged to be absent, aud the Poem was read by Ceo. 8. Tnckerman, Esq, Of this production the Democrat of this morning says:

" W h a t was it-, subject, where was Its scene, what was Its plot, it- moral, or Its catastrophe, we are unable |.> offer the remotest conjecture."

Without giving any opinion ns to Its appro prlatcness to thcoccaslon.wo think that a short analysis can bo given revealing « subject, scono aud moral; of what yuaJUy, each must Judgo lor himself. Tho " lampoon ," written some ton years ago, was ovidsntly intended for

that " b n s y potentate" N- ^poieoo I I I , a'4(1 t l l 0

following Is a short ana) y^g o f t ) l 0 lK> c m . T U c

tempest presents to CV ^ r a v l s l o - - 0 t absolute dominion, to which air . , ) l t i l t CMfM ^ ^ ^ his step* With the d< , te rmlu- . t , o n o f ft l l f e

pose, lie walks ab- , t r a < , ^ , ftn)l(, ^ ,, , throng and sees w j t h , R n c e r , H o p i n g up the homage ' rf , | j j 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ y f l ft{>

tempts to exc AX) fl r c v o i u t U ) 1 ) ) b u | i, ( . l k c „ p , . j ? . oner, an< Mf} <jjy,„p|nn mansion becomes a dungeon. . j , , , , , 1 h r 0 l J £ j | , p r | s o n hari m , n l l .y

castle* ^i(. r tm before him, and he waits for op-' o r , ' ally to ripen. He escapes from prison and

""' A In the revolution ol Is is "\\ urn suildcUy (lo(|'s ttuuidtrliolt camo down Ainl cre»lic<l I lie rO)«l arches"

his long awaited occasion. His airy castlo be­comes all adamant from base to dome. He en­rolls himself as one of tho Knights of " Liber­ty's Hound-Table," that battles with her sword only to destroy her. He quells rebellion among tho people but finds in his own breast a rebel horde of ambitious thoughts which chafe nt the restrictions of the Dover CIHIs and the river Rhino that clip his dominions " like some mean ditch that bounds the peasant '! farm." The poem closes rather weakly with a dialogue be­tween the tempter and Cie3ar, In which the for­mer when reproached for not kooplng his prom­ise replies that "t ' i»o dominion Is In the iheml majestic souls Inspire." Wherever Cavar In­spired one tear, driven slumber dom one eye, there has he solo dominion. The moral is that the point of mere ambition for power is dust and ashes.

The poem abounds with passages of beauty. The following description of morning is very line: " I'.nt >oon In the shy*-, day's ohftmplon,

Tin- .i.iu-born Hercules, uuno in wi.uh, ••'liiijClViK III-" lion hide Of t s« ny cloitils "'I \\\\ \;t«t shoulders, «nii with KOd-lllJO stride Nmklng the b'Mt.spraiiH mi tho horizon rasmnnt i Fall w\ the hosts ot night hr. hurled I.N trlurlcx ; They tied in aitxuuih, pierced with darts of l lsmc.

The following is very graphic: - The unn.nl sad brazen helllcd canaon. i;estlni< their tuonze Jaws upon the rook, I.Ike iloni gronpotl upon toiao lonely steep, And ifiizlng on the herdsman's fo ldhelow. t union lumped behind,like unlcMlied tlraaons, Cheered at the <iuany hy Inferiml huntsmen. Ciesar beholds ft way to realize, his ambition:

—A nsrrow stair out.rollcd, Slowly descendliu.'. like Sll OpSlttng scroll. And dropped trom rock to rock, fall to the vale, A n l rcStSU only St the watcher's feet.

• » » •

R a i l r o a d C o m p a n i e s a n d I t n i l r o n d Ku-g i n e e r s .

\S'e have before us an address adopted at the recent session of the Grand International Divi­sion of tho Brotherhood of Locomotive Engl' ocers, held in this city on the l'Jth of June.

Our readers have been pretty well informed of the objects and purposes of this association, and every fair minded man will concede that it is governed by none other than principles of right, equality and Justice. Tho Convocation was principally to investigate the. diillculties between the managers of the M'ehigan Southern and Northern Indiana liallroads, and the Engl' iieers, said difficulties having oulmluatod In a Strike, causing all parties SOtlOU* inconvenience.

The convention, "af ter fully investigating the difllettlty alluded to above, conic to no eon-elusion other than blaming both parties. A lit­tle consideration could have prevented an im­mense loss to the Company and meat distress and trouble to the engineers. Many things have been done by both parties that were not right and should not bo sustained by tho com­munity at large on which both parties arc de­pendent lor their future prosperity. Men hold-

lug official positions arc apt to allow temper to influence them too much, and Vfl'l insist on having their OWI) way notwithstanding the ruin that must ensuo to the property entrusted to their charge, if they pursue their wilful and per­sona! <ums.M

The address also embodies the total declina­tion of any Intention to control Companies or w;i!i; , a n d m e r e l y t o f u r t h e r t h e i r o w n Inter­e s t s in t h o s o c i a l ecttlo t h e r e b y , m o r e ful ly entitling tbomtolvos to the respect and esteem of employer!. The committee rolor to ihc New York Central Railroad and say, " O n this road nearly every OOglnOOl' belong! to the Brotherhood, Wo are Informed by the engi­neers that their relatione with the Coropanj arc ol the most friendly character, and in tholr opinion the danger of .any Interruption to Inni-i n ' - by a strike, his been lessened just in pro-

portion a- they iiftvo succeeded in gelling fully organized, and being mutually understood as woi'vii, ; lor ea'-h Other1! intere.; . We are in-l ; i! i.i nunnroti'-, cases that COttU) be re­ferred to showing the advantages of this Asso­ciation in reforming many of the. men. The Brothers on that railroad inform us that they are willing to stand or fall on the. verdict of th« ir oiiiccrs. If the officers on that road say that the BrolhOrllOOd has been an injury to them as a company, or iu their judgment it Is an ob­jection to the engineers, then all will allow that they nr< laboring Uttdor ft mistake. This cannot appiv .ion-' to this Company, but many more that h.'.ve taken time to Investigate this matter, will In i> agree with the New Votk Centrfil Company,1;

They also give at the commencement a state-m< nt *h it the engineers "are organized as an As­sociation under tin; name of the ' Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers.' At the present lime there are over eighty separate. Division! (as they arc styled), located in almost every State in the Union, and comprising nearly four thousand member*, all acknowledging a Grand, International Division, which is composed of one delegate from each EJub-Dlvlsion.

" T h e objects of this organization are mainly (o Improve the condition of Locomotive Engi­neers ; first, by insisting that they must be men of good character, and that practices that have been common since tho commencement of rail­roads in this country, such a:; drinking to ex­cess, or being guilty of any improper conduct that would tend to injure their reliability ns en­gineers, or characters as men, must he aban­doned, or they could not eontlnno to bo mem­bers Ol this organization. It Is asserted by some that the object is solely to make arbitrary demands lor wages. Th's we cannot admit, as the history Of our Association will not warrant any.-uch conclusion!, On many of tho roads Where our organization Is the most thorough, there has been the lctst trouble between the Company ami their engineers, and we are wil­ling to let the companies that are best Informed in regard to the intentions or practical working Of our order answer this objection. .Some assert that we wish to dictate rules for running the roads. This assertion we nro willing to have to the saute parties before alluded to. We are aware that difficulties haw occurred and exist

at tho present lime, which perhaps will not Warrant the above conclusions,"

It i.i almost needless for this Journal to reit­erate any statement! it has mado concerning its position with regard to Ihc I!. Of L. E. We have seen its effect!) and kYiOW that them has been no move among railroad nun within Urn past ten years productive of so much good as the organ­isation of the Brotherhood, and there are no reasons why it should not be an Institution fos­tered i.y every Railroad corporation. Wh>u < • title, and know that a member ot the Hroth-Srhood stand! at the foot-board, Wo know that he is charged With more than the nsual respon­sibility ; that he ,-, iH ia accountable not only for the safe conduct of the lives In his hnnd, bnt that he Is also held to a strict accountability to tho Brotherhood, for a faithful and attentive disc barge of hi- duty. That the, i,and w i , | 0 ; , should be ever ready to " r e v e r s e " or whistle "down b rakes" Is not unnerved by drink, nor tho eyo that should keep a sharp lookout ahead, working in p< rfect connection with a cK-ar brain, is not dimmed by that which "stealeth away the senses." The establishment of a perfect, working Brotherhood, upon every railroad line In the country, should bo hailed with delight by managers and directors, as well as the traveling

public. • • • — •

A Prlvato Trot. -A trot between two mares, owned In this city, came off at the I'nion Haec Track, in tho pre-enec of about one hundred lr vitc.I persons, yesterday afternoon. Tho favor­ite was a brown marc, owned by a well known disciple ol the healing art, but after the lirst heat the other animile, a bay mare, owned by n representative of the legal profession, con­vinced the spectators, thftt physic hadn't the points that law had, and consequently tho bay came In winner In three straight heats. Time 8sP3, 3:13,8;W,

T U B S H I P C A N A L .

T h e Di l l W i l t N o t he P a s s e d . [Special Dispatch to tht Kothcster ExpW-1

WASHINGTON, July 0, 1>S0T>.

Whatever may be the appearance to the con­

trary, the Hbip Canal Bill will not pass at th"

present session. I think I may safely say i

know that no llnal action will bo had upon It

until next winter. —Theabove comes from as high.and trust

worthy authority ns there Is in Washington on this subject — En-.. EXPRKSS,

I .u ineut t ih lo K e r o s e n e A c c i d e n t — A l .ndy

jhidiy Burundi Last night, about S o'clock, Mrs. Whitney,

wife of Capt. J. J. Whitney, ViO Plymouth avenue, was horribly burned by the explosion of a kerosene lamp. She was lighting it, and as it burned dimly,'she commenced picking it the wick with a pin, and Immediately the lamp ex­ploded, covering hcr.clothlng with the burning oil, and she was soon enveloped in llam.CS. Vciy unwisely, she ran into the yard, and from thet 00 into the adjoining house, where her mother, Mr*. Cassldy, resides, Mr. Whitney, who is re­covering from a severe UlnosB, followed her rs fast its he could and threw an overcoat over her. Her mother also enveloped her in a water-proof cloak, and the fiainea wcro suppressed, but not until the unfortunate lady had been seriously burneil--her hands, arms, sido, neck and breast were fearfully scorched, and the Intense Miller-ing she endured can bo more easily imagined than described. Drs. Little and Matthews were

The Shoemakers' I ' ic-Nic . EDITORS Exrnsss : Plcaso allow me, through

your columns, to state that tho above affair did much credit to the "craf t ," as a more social and delightful gathering never assembled at QlCUWdod Grove, and I hope to see the Inaugu­ration of so pleasant an assembly continuing in its COU.rSO. Its origin may bo somewhat inter­esting to the public, and a like incentive given to working men In general, that they may lay aside the occupation of ono day at least in tho year and meet together in social union and pas-time.

The above nllalr was inaugurated among the employees of the llrm Of Messrs. Pancost, 8m:o Jc Co, under the direction of Messrs. Byrne nod llenncsey, tho iible Superintendent of a bran :i of manufacture in the above-named firm.

According to previous arrangement, I'erkii...' Band headed tho procession, discoursing their sweet music through some of the principal streets of the city, then proceeding to Qlu:-wood, marching to the "Wearingof thd (Jrcci.'1

under the fjtftr* and Stripes. Arrived at the drove, tin: order was given to fall out—to fall in again to tho meriy dance, wives, children, and children's children joining in—with other amusements of the day—everything passing oil' harmoniously, and the whole occasion bcli. r one of the most pleasant that I have ever at­tended. A refreshing shower catno down in the evening, warning all In the drove to return to their happy homes, well dollghtod with the festivities of the. day, and resolved to mcetngam under similar circumstances at the time next

appointed. Kx-cm IT-MAN. • .» ^ — _ — .

Water Works Meeting.—An impromptu mcel


J\1S1> •


Kr.-Waltc I n * :

tcr Hrown * Co.'s Wool Cir

called, and measures suitable taken to alleviate lngof citizens and Aldermen was held at t her sufferings, Very fortunately, she did not inhale any of the gas, and her Injuries are entire­ly external. Hopes are therefore entertained of her recovery. This morning she fell asleep and was temporarily out of pain.

"Accidents never come Singly," and this maxim was exemplified In thlac.tse. A younger sister of Mrs. Whitney upon hearing of the mis­hap that had befallen sister, was seized with a succession of fainting fit!, which caused her (fiend! considerable alarm. She, wa* b t t e r , however, this morning.

The burning fluid fell upon some of the fur­niture and ignited it, but Messrs. Melvin, Dent and other neighbors came promptly to the res­cue, and extinguished the llames. Wo hope to hear ot Mrs. Whitney's specify recovery.

Musical.—Mr. J. M. Tracy will close lt|sCOUrsC of classical concert on Tuesday even'nur, July I burned bill the freight house. Mr. Jph 10th. This gentleman is a thoroughly-educated ] Brastovv, track master, resided at (ho 8tatl0i pianist, having had advantages which fi w Amer­icans possess—a El|r0pcftn education. The reii-

Mayor's olllce last evening tQ discuss tho Wati r Works question, Mayor .Moore, in the Chair. It was staled that u contractor from Connecti cut Would take the entire Job, with the proviso that the city should advance $:Xi,CfK) and aeeepi of one hundred and lil'ly hydrants Instead oi' four bundled, as was first named. It Mas a!- i tobOstipulated tli.it but ten tuilca of the pi; •• should be Iron, while the remainder should be ot whatever material the contractor saw lit. Tho plan was not looked on with much favor by the majority of the meeting. A committee was appointed to report to the next meeting ^•i the Common Council the action of tills meet• Ing, after which an adjournment took pln.ee

— nin, ».«.— —.-. Fires.— Bel ween live and six hundred cords ol

WOOd were burned by the lire at Warner's St.'. Hon, yesterday morning. Everything vv; s

tiering of Beethoven's Sonata* by Mr. Tracy | ) a 8

been most mngniiieent, and in every Instance his superb and beautiful touch has charmed even those who are not fond Of piano music. I'm the past few months he has devoted all his lime to perfecting hlmsolf In his profession, and has be­stowed much severe labor upon ii. This may be prOVCd to be the case from the fact that per­sona passing by No. t' Troup st. uny thai Mr, Tracy's piano can be hoard every day from l,: I" I o'clock.

In giving this series of concerts Mr. Tracy has met with serious opposition ami contended with prejudices, oujanatlng from sources where ho should have met with eneonra«einciil Instead ol hindrance, 111 his endeavois to educate a few potions to appreciate a higher order of music, To stem such a current Of almost popular IndlP. fcrenee requires pluck, and, as he has not faltered In his laudable entcrprbe, WO prOSUUiO he has enough of it to carry him safely through.

There ought to be a sufficient number ol lov­ers Oi true musical art In Rochester to sustain an a r t i s t l i k e Mr. T r a c y , for h e ha? d o n e t\ n It

dea l t o ra i se t h e s t a n d a r d o f t a s t e hove , and is

sn ornament to his profession, lie i-= one of the lcaeh6ii In the Normal Mutlc School at'Uetl-

but succeeded in getting out his furniture, &, Sparks from the night express going wt -t nl I '.'::;i I, we re Mo" Origin.

Some wood i u l h e Norlh-st yard <"iui;hl fire, yesterday, but the flames were promptly ex tltigulshcdi

The plarm of Uro Thursday afternoon wi>: caused by the Ignition o f ' t ome bed clothing lioinu lire cracker thrown into thO Shcrmai Block, on Ford St. No damage done,

• - • * • . • —

ThoParadoof tho 54lh.- -The 01th Regiment, Col. Clark commanding, headed by Newman'. Regimental Band, turned out for battalion t!:i:: ami parade at Jo'nc! Square yesterday afternoon. Tho number was quite light, about •'••>0 being Ii I'no, Tho movements of tho various eompa nlos were finely executed, especially tho Zouave • i r" of Co. (.:, (Light Guard,) Capt. Preden burgh. Co, B. (Grenadiers,) Capt. Prod. Schocn, were out In lafgcsl number, numbering about slx.y men. The RogllUOllt, on returning 10 tin Armory, marched "company from,'' the las; named company inking the street from cuf°b t-curb.

IVof. Black's Concert ami Art Distribution will t, I , place at Corinthian Hall on Thursday, UNI, ^ M S U ^





lfi S t a t e s t r ee t . mftyU*(Wo(i*oow

FIRST EDITION. Special D i spa tches at 9 o'clock A. M.

Mexican N e w s , Ni:w Vouu, July 7.—The Herald's Mexican

corrospoudouco wrltton from Mexico City on the 33d, Yora Cru/ on the -Olh and Tnninico on the l'.Mh tilt., goes to show that the Mexican people were becoming more and more united In the cause of the Independence of their country,

The Imperial forces, French and native, had sustained a number of detents of greater or loss severity lit the Held, and the cause 01 Maxitnib Han was still more gloomy in consequence.

Santft Anna still engrossed a largo fchtifO of the public attention.

ThO Mexican Liberals proclaimed tho theory that an understanding had been come lo he tween Mr. Seward, the Emperor Napoleon and the President, by which Maximilian W" id be let down gradually.

Santa Anna was' restored and elected Presi­dent, the Cnlted Stales Cabinet holding Itself ready to approve of the eventualities arising from the change of Executive.

The, Liberals who were imbued with tbU Idea did no! entertain such an implicit confidence in Mr. Seward's friendship aa they did some months ago.

Santa Anna, il, is said, will remain unpopular with them no matter in what olllcial loi in he lnay be presented.

'1 lie etiy of Tiunpieo was closely besieged by Ihc Liberal forces, who had made a flashing at­tack, titling into the very Btl'COts of the place at out: time.

Desertions from the Imperial lo the Liberal army were frequent.

Tho Idea of annexation to the United States was widely fostered in the Liberal ranks

Maj. Van do Grodon, an ox-ofllcor In the 08th Regiment of New York Volunteers, was burled Willi considerable, pomp by the (,'eriuan-Ainei-ieaus in M'xieo City. A very friendly feeling was expressed towards the United States army on tho occasion.

The lever had Considerably abated in Vera Crujs,

A Icltor from (Jon. Almonte, Maximilian's Minister at Bails, which Is undoubtotllyuulhen-tie, written from Paris under date ot May 31st, says that the financial committee will not pay the salaries of the legations,' whole draiis had arrived In the city, i .e asks advice in the mat­ter, as this summary proceeding interferes con­siderably with his household arrangcmenls,

P a y m a s t e r P a u l d i n g . Nicw VOKK, July 7.—Tho morning papi vfi con­

tain the following special tlispatclu-slrom Wash­ington :

I t 1-; r e p o r t e d l ie re tO-u ighf tha t l ' ayn ia? le i


culm has H,,. following Tliere lm» tiecn n declilsdly netlvo market for wool

•Inrlnx t iclant tl.li ly <l;,yni esrly In tlio montli price* tin-K«n m Improve, nml hy tfinnU'l'lle an Advance of ftt»7c V n. hnu been i--.tulilistu-it on llerces, which It fully nmln talin.l at ihe clusc, ImMers Ijelii'u very linn.

Tlie p-niwHi-a aililiiiDn In ihci lntytin lorilitn wool , tho comparatively small M e c k e l AniMlrnn wnnl on Imucl, "ml the stublen list) In tug dreniiuni on KOIII havo eom-blticil to make tho reaction from the depression of t w o mnnilia slne.e, verv niaiked, ]

In the liesi Wool growing dlstrleta ther-' has been con-si -lu-.i'.l.- evi Itena-M. mid prlets, especially ot clioleu clips, have rupl lly ailvaneoujhut at tho litKlieat point nnyeis are iinwllliatr to opufjte; and many ol tliinn.hav uiit secured mod>'ratn »npp | l* ,arc ieliiin(n;c to i|,u Kant; others, who hid HHMI^III of jod".' W.-st to pincleif . . ,have i••Miebided to '. ;, a-I >e > may need In the Knxtern tnnr-Kiis uiiH will have a temli-utw In create n Rood demand lor mieli wools as may he cnnfl;;ncil, ninl enable shippers to reall'e inttufactoiy li-rniSLT

!-•> ue k'oo I loiaof ilusiriililtKWoolaroimvvnrrlvlnar.nnil we litvo already a very lidf kssorlinent to offer, with a prosiicct ol lntreased reeethu as the season progrcsia*: we tldiik oar market will allaffl a bet terse lection ol llj<lit well haitdleil wecN than l i i f t to lore , and that thin will result to tlm uilvniiiii>!u of both COIISIKUOIS and con-sinners.

lXmieslic ITceccs .New Vofk, Michigan and Indiana— : . i \ oay lleei e. i'. •>. e'e; tlire.o quarters am) fall blood We-l ino lieei'e, IJOVIMC; ball ldo<J<l fleece, Wi»i«i:; ijtl»rter


; half bloou llecce, oniinon Ufecc, 50

W w o n s i n . Iowa. Vet niont and Illinois- -Three iinarters and tnll-blood Meilno i!,-,-, r.fi fvlWCi ball blood llecce, 53 < '••,•, ,,it:iri..|-.i,|ooilat:ece, « li-Se.

( I i - lee tub.ws-.hed w o „ t , j j H) 0 , average tub-washed Wool, I ••••,'..•.-, Inferior and bflWy wool,93'-f'Vtc.

Now York M a r k e t . I By Ttltgraph.] N R W YORK, .inly 7-1::»1' . M. i:1,?.',1',? -MAI kot dull nt I ksse tor tnlddllnc bl .Oblt l(«0slpM,0,039 km 1. Market dull and com

nion I'I.V! . rule. In buyer"! avor. Bales 0,000 bbl» at, the fallowing quotations:

Satu-rflne Kiiito , • I tli.VK3.7n Kxtra State t. . . . 7 70^8 70 f'-o-ei-fV.a'" 8 K'kJlO IS Bap'-i'i'.ua Wivtern ; 5 W 'JO vomii-.oii 10 niedlue.) extra WuAtvin... 7 i.V4 a-'.H) Interior to good sliippingrj^andacxtrA

roini-t l-.oop Ohio a i.'t'alO ;'•) t'ana-la Hour dull and drooh B , Bales ¥->l bbls -

t'oinmoii , , II 004*10 31 kx 1 i n s t a t e M I. 10 404i:l (M

Willi \7 >)\':i

I'-lond j'.i-.-oe, .'-ikiiaici couuu.m lleeeu, -irt̂ .'K'c. "hl->, I'.'iaisvlvatua and Virginia • (:holce seleeU-dH?

ony il,.,.,.,. 7jysnc; Saxony i\c >eu,70v}?3e! three <|tinrU s''d lull blood Merino lleee.«.r,Vtf70e; I ' ' . '•one; iiuarter-blood Ib-eea, iftSOOc; c

;;; •;; ••;•• wii'oftt," iila\

l i l iAIN-l . ' -ce lptd ot VVjMt, ti;il\ bnsb. Market v . -y dull and i.tmaion ;;iade slroni.ly tending down ward.

Stiles )l.000 bush new N'o. I a ttwaulcee nt Wl^MOc. lly. l-iiiiH-r. Sal. . V'..ft0oB i h at 10l'*10Jc for West­

ern, and l'y*.41'sK-o for da le . Inn ley D u l l . Kei.cipts 01 Corn, lir.,'is-.i im«ii. Market active and lc

bolter sales '..'.'i.neo bash nl !C,,JSJ,-J ,-,,r unbound new mixed

Western; s-.i.>;ioc p ; r s ,„„ , | ,\ , m,\ ij),. | 0 r | , | j , | , m i x e d yel low.

rltduli il t»:lt (,'.., I V:> W . i u

• '.el 11. I wer. V- lor now mc«i, closing ) .or old do.

(i-t«- (juiet.'.ir,aiefori PUOVI.suiNS -I'orkdnl: Sa'ei i v o b b l i . , At

«t K*l 'ia cash, aud Heel' H'.eady. Out Meals lint hanircd. U r d -l>uU slid heavy. SidoJ iw-' ht'ls. nt \%i'i\X II ; iter-(Julet a! VtVAOc tor O'1-'-'; U3WI0c. lor BUIM

- . - • -Dul l ai '!\i-::a. WUIMt\-- Dull and noi:lu«li At It'H-.iVMc. for WOS'CMI.

Itciief for Portland. PiwiiuiNCK, il. I., July 7 . - T h e citizens held

a mooting to day and authorized Acting; Mayor Jones to notify the Mavor of Portland thai ho would at once honor a draft forfl(l,(KX) in aid ol the sufferers by the terrible calamity.

Liberal subscriptions are being; made, and the amount will doubtless be much exceeded.

Pun.ADKi.PHiA, July 7.—The Com Kvehangc has appropriated *l,000 for the relief of the Portland luffbrdra,

)!trr.vi,o, July 7.—Members of the Board ol Trade have taken measures to have Mayor Wells call u public meeting to M;<] reiief lo'th.e sutlerers by the Portland lire.

Weather cool; thermometer 70 this noon, 80 this afternoon.

Tho Weather. POHTON, July 7.—The thermometer Mailed

tills a. in. at 85, and at ten o'clock reached '."I in the shade.

From California. 8 A \ FKAKCISCO, July ti.—Chung; Won, the

first Chinaman ever executed in 8au PrauclSCO, was Imnff tO-day for murder.

Information has been received from San Bias, Via Acnpiileo, uttttln^ that the Republicans havo taken the city of .Santiago, and threaten San Idas and Topoo.

Mining shares arc trenerally lovrer. Savage, !)00. Heleher, 181. Yellow Jacket, 01)0. Uholler, 100. Imperial, 10:S. Legal tenders, 70.

insurance Company . N B W H A V B K , CONN., July 7.—The Home In­

surance Co., ol this city announce that they hold policies in Portland. Mo., tothoamonnt of 1109,000, mostly on merchandise, und they , - i i -mate their loss at $75,000 lo 180,000. In view of which the Directors llOVO VOted not to declare the usual seiniaunual dividend.


1:1 A V'- f

OT i : i;() III . I ;i • I I i l l

WASUIXOTON, July 0.—The Sonato has agreed to Ihc Conference report on tho Tax bill.

M o n e y M a t t e r s . NEW YOIIK, July 0.— The Post's money article

says: Thorp is more activity in tho loan market,

which is (udtc easy. Discounts qvlet at oj^atf. Utodk market animated and higher. Ooveru-

ineiits in lively requoat. Kallroad shares active, especially Erlo, Keadintr, Michigan Southern, and Northwestern,

Latest quotation lor Krlc CS%. Port ign i'.veliange linn.

vv 111•-KN - Hull ..nd no-nlnul.at Sales 00 bpls, Stnto at 0W.

Sugar- (Inlet ami steady. 1 I'jflTlOl.KtJM -Pull III 00. lor . crude, and 00$00c for

: llrtcd In bond.

I . n f i ' r : t : . I I i . i - i . LOliTi K X C l U N t i l i . « . V., .Inly 7 1:10 1'. M

I- l . ( ) | i | ( - ( ; io ed dull and Aoninion grades strongly tend d o w n * avd.

i lKMN vviu.at close-l duQ pud conimoii grades tavor buyer.

Oom (,'lonsd dun, I'KOVISHtXS -l'oi'f riove^ flyvvr. New M-^s |"l 7ft

ontli. br.vd- C|..i;ed dull all 1 hi .tvySt l'.WI.'-,«.

New York Mtoch M a r k e t . (t)l l ielal Itojiott.)

NICW VOKK. duly 7. 1KW. STOCKS Stronger. MOKKV- On call ill I'.f'V per «OUt. B'lK.'d.lNtl l.Xt'HANCK Qdlel atl ir';; . 0 0 1 . P - opened at lr.i - , andf.losivl at lf:iM

Kiie t',\'C Rrle pr.'t - -C l t l . & N . w my. CTll. .V- N. VV. pret id'.; Mil, & St. I'nnl... ,v!.:. $ Bt, Paul prof.,, -Mai IpoiQ Msrlposn prof — II, H. :>••!<) coup. o | V...lir, I ' .S . 10-40 coup le N. C 0"B...., ^̂ N. Y. Cunt Wl III. Cent, Kcrlp r." Westeiii t:,.a.,i ... 51 ' llentttng HI, , | l Incii-o -v. i i , I Oi Midi. So - , .y I Ctcvn. A PUIS f3>J , ('. ('.A- c I I , I Clove. &. T"i nr.t |

oflc-ksllver 47K <;sii'on !>'•'(, C. II. t i ) l ' l

<v T . i i .IJ IO'S.., . "iS I tl'S Oi H r.'s nt 'M COUP....I'll 1. Wft* West :» Its. 1't. W.& Cld. . . . b]K

iTr'-ri'sof 'SI rev 1 9 is. l't. vv.A c.il . '̂ d m

SB *• Cld. i'd M Mil. St. raid 1st •.« m n . Coal Co 1.11 M Twin, c - i-l Itrfcton Wat-r Tower.. :i> :>*lile. Man i l l

• ,0 'S ot til COUp,.,,10R>< p. r.-vo coup, oi 'iu ,iosx

Min ing Slocl;'-

lesl, 'flic larjjo number of hue works to bo tii trlbuied, renders It the grputost culCi'l)|l!Q ol

eseo, which holds a mtsionof ei-lil weeks every 1 ! ' c 1 : , | u l CVOr oll'ered in Wcstoin New i'ork, Si". -uniiner. Ite will give it concert there ev. ry | ^ " ' I M of net. PrlcO Of tlbkots, fl,00, Like tin-I-'tlihty evenln.'i, u^lne; the i ame (ir ind Piano Ruropcau mode ol 0L--1 riDi'tin/c picltircs, tir which Wehli used at hUtOQueerie In re. plan gives oppoiiumty for r 'l classes lo possess

valuable wor!< ol ail, ami frtv'os lo tlio tnasscs -

Last Night of Pass in Boots.—To-night U the. last of the wonderful production of " Puss in Boots," nt the Opera House, and those who do not see this exccediiu;ly funny combination of drama, sconlo etllet and !lago mochanlsiu, will miss th t Ouportunlty, which niiy not occur again in years. We congratulate Mr. Meech upon the success which has crowned Ids efforts in bringing out novelties.

— • • - . Thanki.—We are indebted to Mr. John Alex­

ander, book-keeper at Woodwork's Pctfumory 'eatabllshiuent, for "The Commonwealth," u YOfy haud^omo English paper,

Central Railroad Tinio Changed,—The follow­ing Change! In thO time for arrival and depar­ture oi trains on the Central ivoid go into ell'eel OH Monday next :

The Steamboat train on BtlfTrtlo Plid 1'alL Lton.l1, which left lit 0:1b p- 111., Will !."> :-n hour earlier, leaving at 6il5,

vast gouf'CO ol' p l e a s u r e w h i c h o t l e - r w l s e cnnilOt

( >n|)0t be e n j o y e d . T i c k e t s s h o u l d bo In.il it:

once, ami lltcy may bo had by mail byflddrcs sing Powoy's Book Store.

T I v? v i i - . . i, ,- , i i. o supposed i:''.intieide, the. body of a uevviy bor Ihc New ifork iixpioss ou Buffalo and Pulls , . , .

, , . ,, , , .,, , .. ,,... ,. . ; iiii.tnt luiviug been found m the canal nco load at '.i;IO vvi'l leave at '.i.oo—live minutes '

I earlier.

The Cincinnati Expi'OSS f?Olllg Mat on the Direct Koad. which has' h-It at lo."", a.m , vv ill herenfter lewo at 1:10a, in.—lliiuy live in'tiutos later.

ThO Accommodation train, which has h i t at

Infanticide--Coroner Hohb was cf1,0tl to ' Btlghtoti this morning to Invcstlgatoa caso oi



Biighlou ilrst lock. The body wii! dlscovored , floating In tho canal early thh morning by John 1 SlpplC, a laboring nuin, and the Coi'01101 vva-

notified. Dr, W, M. Hcming gave it us his . op :- Ton that the c l l ' d had been thiown in the ! cana1 ftBvo, shortly nltur blilli, (proliably '.'i

hours,) and that it wi's ft healthy, well formed cb'ld. 'flic verdict w.'s in a- cordance. with the facts,

Another Sign.—Our friend Nolle, of the "Observer," :* very popular Gorman paper

11111 : printed In this building, put out this moyulnga

very Tine looking sign, the. work of Vftlloson. lo - i lav .

7;0() a. in., will now leave at 7:0o—live minute later.

The train on the Auburn Koad, which arrives at 0:10 p. in., will hereafter arrive at i>: W—-thirty- Spiritual Meetings.—Leo MiUcr, of MaSsat'hll-I'rve mlnutOS later. sett , vvT1 speak in Coil'lthlan Hall to-morrow

^ « . . (gj,pduy) molding and oveulug, at the usual Tho Brockport Coliegiato Insl i luto-Doubt of hours. Subjects, 1st, },vPhoNowDlsi)ou!ation.V

its Continuance. - -The Brockport Uopublte of the :»l •< Tho Mlnlstiy oi A'igcH lt< a'i/.ed." Mb says: " The Sprint,' Tel in of the Brockport (MI»S JSTbtlfo Colbuiil, tjio eloquent trailCOinc-Collegiate Institute having closed, vvv rogrcl to dlltm Ppcakl at '.' 1*. M. learn that tho continuance ot the school Is con- , Voluntary contribution! to pay expenses will tlngcnt on the location of the Normal School be received at tho door. here. The debts against tllO Institute property : -•*•> keep up constant disntrre.-able ombarrassment, Burgliry.-- 'I he hov-m of ill ad ford King, near which it has been found lmpo!s|blo i" avoid, ' tlio Wklowntcr, was entered by burglars last and which would he forever rcniov, ,1 If a Nor- night, who opened a window, and stole a $::<) tnal School is located here, as the condition and 8Hvcr watch, Silver ?itoons and forks, and $!,!() provisions for snoh location extinguishes nil In money. Tlie theft was not d'soovored until Indebtedness. ThO Village bus voted $SrT,0l •> in lb' - morning, aid of the Object, and nt present the chief obsta clo to success is tho raising of $-1,000 outshh the village to in tke the total ami fequlfill OfWl.000,

At the Metropolitan Gift llookstoro, No, .ii ' _ . _, ~:—**"~~~~:"~ . , , XI „ x. Ku.inb. street, you can find the largest. lock ot: f a ' K e t Sl l03t ' •Oprnpony " O," - ith N, i . N, standard works, new publiealions,'Matio.,e. y ol <! ' C ' , , I>Ul i" 'To, 'U> C ' S m i U ' ' "^ l , f tV0 ° , n , ' " t ' t

all kirn's, photograph album!, laiicy PUIOICS, B h 0 0 t ftt t U 0 N c l v l ) t ) r t " 6 " % Irondcntoit Bay, < AC, in the city. AM books and oiherni t ieles . ° " M o , u l a y n 0 * £ . ^ ^ are sold nt tlie usual rot! 11 ptiecs, nnd Willi ev.-. Plymouth Congregational Church.-Kev. Thos. ry purchase amounting to one dollar end up K. bcochcr, of Klmira, will prcftob in I'ly ,noutlt wards, yon are sure of receitlrig, In mhiitior, a . Congvcgatloual Church to morrow morningpnt'l hani'some present viitylng in vnlue from .'T oVOiilng, cents to f-|( ). Anvglit ftlVOll "lit etn be ex-, , , , _ _ „ nT"""**"", "" CJmngOd for f) cents wo.ih of station,, e. . • W ' U" T ' ° o

0 ' ~ T l 0 j ) r c 0 ' 8 0 l l l , t e o f , i i c r ( " Hardly n day passes but what we hear of BW)H> ' ^ ° V . v [Uv^T^ ^ °f ?? ^ l i> T ' , lucky str ike, made at the Motlopollion, H Is ( °' ''' N ° W Unk l m "°l y C l b c 0 n l u , l y ( k c l ( l c < 1 I IV l " ° Senate today, were, Thos. Harlan.l, of

'. . ,. , , . , oh, ; -NOW i ork, to be Deputy Commissioner ol Kev cerlah-ly the place to buy your books. ^ „ ; o n u 0 ( v l ( , . D , (.:. Whitman, resigned,

« " ~»'",*.*",', Coroner Kobb may be found at Ihc loll when \Vni. Hamilton to be Collector, and James A Baiuch ft Dransfield.-By rolerenec lo onr W I U O 0 ( I j0i> luduests iV-e dtf I Nroftson A»6 seor of SocortU Collection Dlefiic*

advertising columns it will bo!cqn,yittt Messrs, Kauseh ,v. Di'onsrtohl have toinnil a cO'partner- : 'ship as Opticians. This is an entirely nt vv Una, Mr. Hanseh being a brother of the one fotiuerly ; I'OllCfl U>tOltigOnOOi In business h o c . Mr. Drnnstlehl la a well- ; duU'ce K. W. liryan l'resliMnt.. know n citizen, and brinies energy nnd ability to ! H?.U?coft ( i r o c " 1,k''"K'" '"" ;;,"",y '" k,:t | ,I"K \ M T

. ,,. ,. , J . ol IH-iair.e, and tier eotuisei bad ball (-ntcrcl to take the bis new enterprise. Ihc establishment Is a c««o to tho Comity Conrt, large one, and the prospects of the new firm are. ; HUeabcth Williams, inmate, took the sarao conno, verv brii'ht. » Joinilo Stains, Inniato, pleaded o-niit.r. stnl paid f23,

— .. .<*«. -Mrs. liebecea Urocn, who was belore Coniuilsslonci' Itaro Bargains in Summer Bress Goods, Wnito Itowo yesterday afternoon, disclaims tho charge for l l n b n a a Corr tns

OiOdS, Ac.—Messrs. Taylor & Hancock, dei'ier.v , whlcltalto wasarrcsled, vU: keepin-a bouseof Ill-lame, . . . . . . - ' , ' , " , ., ,,. , , . , . . „ , . , . , . , ' and denies Hint she leei -s anvthlii" but a re-l>ectable M ^ " 1 OKK, d u l y i . - A s p e c i a l t o t h e V\ 01 hi n mourning goods, No. 0 Mam M e t hr dge, ' " ' l , t m i /- Ui!il " . , ' 0 0 1 a" 5 1 "';- l " , , , l , i"1-''' '" . Charleston 4ivs-,,, ,. ., . . , , , , ~ ,, , 7 ' hoard n;: botwo, for llioncconinioilntionofiadlos.of gen- "«"ii V/uancsiou BHTB ,

will, lor lb.- n.-vt thirty days, offer their entire I „,,„..„ „„, Ui.,,. w l v „ , s l „ , , , . , , . , , , U) , m v o l l l0 „m(1(., (,en Connor, counsel for Keep and others, Stock of summer dress goods, consisting Of all , , ,.m.-.l h, tho County Court, she reMd»e on I.nts i?"vi,c,(;<

1' ]'\ ° ™tt\ \IV11I',l1

,!i/,, W * ? M ' '" ,, , . /? ,, . . . u»™ , Tiers iii tlie Aiidei.s,onvil)e district, anil now con-the various, makes oi Grenadine*, Organdtos, | w»ur»ii*o!lKo.io. lined in Onstlo Phwknoy.^sned out a writ of I'opiins, ,vs , together tvlth a largo at0q)< oi « % . ' ,",''' " ' Mflo,f~ habeas eorinie boioro Jatlgo Bryan to-dav. Gon, White Ooods tot IDoVtand ttMiW nt the actual ' , ' ' " ' , " ' , " , ' ; ' , , , ----,,., ! tickles refused to obey the writ; and Judge COiL Ladiesin want ol goods of this cla-is,till A , , , „ „ ,..,, '' . . - , , . , , . 1 ^ M-re.,,ut T „ - „ I '''''VV1 ' r f !^*.^l.^fVi1.^ f » U " c , " n 0 n ' :"-'nll,M

^ A (MllUt- Ol.o. vv. BTKUUIN8, Merchant lanoi SleklCS lor contempt ol court. find this a rare opportunity to gcotiro bargains, lias re-oponed.ftVNo \ BiuiHi's Aroad«i ovor KUonltsIm \ —... :_

-••*- •• e:'.. ami Aliis, Watet-vA Co.V* i'.anklnp Hoitsu, wttlt a lull ! ( a O l i e r n i I t l l t l o r . A Pleasant Trip.—The new Sophomoro class ilnnol ImportedClotba and Cs/slmoroy. npi-i-itii ; NflW YOKK July 7.-—Surrogate Tucker ha,-

in t)m I'niversity (1809) t aken trip to l.rouilo : WA K A l l K C I l A N C B F O U I N V K S T M I ' . M ' ! ng summoned General Boujamln V. Bullor to quoit Hay to day to celebrate the completion n| '-1' el son Ward 4 Uro, Will bo received at par in paj- , .ceount lor his administration of the estate of their Freshman year. This is on excelleul mod,- l ' ' 1 ' '"' ,:i "itoresttn what Is deemed one of the ben | tliolato Colonel A. J. Hutler, the (leneral yes nr <...i..t.r..,i... ~' i ' . ,. ., ..,.' hivei • •• ' • • t ti;e day, It appllcaiionls made at ouco to O tvulmuing an Important era In C o l i c , ' . - • , , .. M.:IK1NA1>1), NJ. h) > M l U V s &rcft<le) RoeU«tor,or ami vv i.eitftlly wish tho excursionists and v | ,., \VXli H oitKNNKLL, Custom House, Reynolds' Ar-concerned a pleasnnt tluio. rjado. m)-.;.iti

pay a Hup of ffl,00O, and be Imprisoned for the period of one year, lie is still 111 elOi 0 COUlltie-l l i en t .

Culifornla Cot ton , T)>o Committee of Agriculture has Just re­

ceived samples of eottou from II, I). Dunn, ol San I'Tnnci.-eo, California, One Is :i sample ot ot Tuhlgrowtt cotton from sea island seed.

ThO quantity raided In I80fl was about tvvo hundred thousand pounds, the whole of Which vya?. exported to France nnd ICngliuii).

Tho ot-hor sample is from California grown cotton, from upland or short staple seed (n'owii in L- .'wigelf. (county by Livingston and Char­ier, who ginned down twenty thousand pounds

T h o Tnr i f l . A vigorous movement Is on foot to secure

enough votes to have the Tariff liill postponed until next Deeeniber, hut Is is hardly probable that it will succeed,

Bounties, Mr. \\ ilson Intends to call up, ns soon as pos­

sible, the bill for the equalization of bounties. Its pnsr-age in tlie, Senate Is considered doubt­ful. A strong prosstiro from claim agents is being brought t<> bear, ii Is estimated that out of every $10 voted by Congress under this bill the soldiers will got'fl and claim agents $0,

P a c i l l c Hil l S i g n e d . Tho Kansas branch of the Pflclllo Railroad

to-day triumphed In SOCUjIllg the signature of Hie President to the bill allowing thorn to run their road up the Smoky Hill Ball road to Den­ver City, and to allow the California end to build eastward, Heavy pressure had been brought to bear to defeat it and secure the veto, but they all failed.

Recoiled* Ex-Congressman Norton, of Illinois, was re.

etitly nominated for If, S. District Attorney for Northern Illinois. To-day the 1'rcsldcut re­called It.

S o u t h e r n i . n i o n C o n v e n t i o n , The, coll for a Convention of loyal t'nlon men

of the Southern States, to be held in this city during the summer, is now being made out un­der tho direction of Gov. Hamilton, of Tojcn*, and several other prominent South-in I niou men. It will be ready by the early pari Of uuxl week.

T r i a l ol UTj i t l lcsoy . A telegram from Kaleigh, N. O , slates thsi

the Whittlesey Court Martial has not adjourned, and the. trial of Col. Whittlesey will ooinnioncu

H n n o v i i l s . There, is no probability of any action he,: •

taken by Congress lo provout removals from ollicc by the President, alter the adjouiuinen1

of Congress. Confined to his R o o m .

Senator Morrill is conllned to hie room, quitO ill.

Revenue UocOipts, The receipts from Internal rovenuo lo-d y,

amounted to ^l, i;;s,(joo,7.s. Noni i tml ion .s .

Among the nominations sent by the. I'i csith nt

-«.', from f>'i>\ I'run-JO, 1S00.1

',(KI bw no

{/ll/S/H ' •' /• '••li'iin I" thtl , ;,-„,,i.it.' i hi

(iouiii iv Ciury K'avsttn Cliollar-l'otosl (iplilr II -h- .'. N.ii.-o...-11| OVVn Point Yellow Jaoliol Il.-l -In-r Hill !•• S 111, Alplil, Imperial (per share), California Ktoom KavlgAfJ sau I'rsiu Iseo Otut Co I Cnllfoililil 8tat0 Teb":rnnb j

itliltvnukt'O Marke t , [Special Dls/mlc'i fflir'Ae SxprtM,]

Mli.w.vvlBR.-lnly i—l!f:f0 1*. M Wheat aboard, No. I, per hll h f.'.OV^ vv'iu-ui aboard, No.-.', per bol I i.kT Oai", ab"aid, per lHitn.. . , 'B t I w

1.1X1 M0 700 I IS

'iitii loo

Por t l and Bufl'erors. BANbOB, Me., July 7.—A nubile meeting wa>

heltl here last evening to take measures for the aid of the Portland sufferers.

The Mayor presided, and tho principal cltl* zens were present.

Seven thousand five hundred dollars were raised, ami a committee appointed to raise more. It was voted to send $10,000 this morning. '1' . 1 " • •—' " '••

F . M T A H I . I H i m i I N I I .

Took First Premium at State Pair 1884

H o u r c i ty



VAN ZANDT DROS., Mantitac.turera an,l Wholesale Doslen 10


(,'Otfee In pound pael(ape« and 111 bttIK from 9 tO 60Ctf, BplCOS ai-d MtUttsra <d all qual l tb i . A .1 /*-. . 1 nr.- In N!I ground and warranted to r.lvi- latlsfaetloa.

Dollveroil In any part of the city l i - e ol exp.-r.<e, ami no charue for paeVajti-fi. The best thine in th.-m.iri.it lor (he prloe Is our Kiifle and Flour City Collee,!n pound paekaue.s or In bulk. Our Cotleo and Spier* an- o>l I by irocors generally In tlie. city and YVcutorn New Votk.— Try tbem. .1. ,1. VAN /.ANHT

M. N.VA.N / A NT>T. 11. U. VAN / .AMU'.

Koeiienter. May 1st, l*i-V IHI.1 dly


3 -,.*Tr*-v*sT"",'*!V

^ € ^ • ^ ^ v

It. celptp, btmh.. Kblpinnnl i bmti ITi-lel-l to lt"..lrt!o. Wheat,]

41/KW t;:|,0i»


OMveao M a r k e t . i/.'v /'••'• vrti/ih.] O en--. .Ii.lv , l ' - i r . M l-T.OIT! -Dull ,Sa!"R N'o. n B i h u ' a t f l l V . l i (.00 CO

c l i OOfQI red WltltCI'l 113 MV-ttJEa for double. c \ t t a. UHAIN Wheal (|itlvl. Bn^B^CO hush Miiwauke

el-ib on p, l. C a n - s t e a d y al WJc t"r N'o. 1 Hi;. . . . ftyo I'lifiinnpeili CANAI. l-T;i-:i(i|l'l';>-WTu-itlSM:<e. com lUVftlle

Now York.

- W l e a t j f c . ' i e ,

Htt l ta lo I I . I ! , ' i .

f,\'o. 1, and closed iinn

(//'/ 7def/rii)r>.) I l e i - f i t o . July 7-U'MOl'. M. l-T.Ot'K -Kxtra Stnto v0 'i-'Kaili Wl; while double, extra

VVr-tetn (U Silw.ll » ; WeslcrilDllilK J>10 50(^12 '.'.1. OKAIN -Wheat ijitlet, Held ih ivo views of buyers.

N'o. 1 Milwaukee.-.pine.: al 'MiifSfl Coin Ope-ied (pii'.I it; ..',7".e f(

at I'.'IC. o.il-. No. 1 ( l.b-i ••> il :'••; Ko. 1 .Milwaukee held at

He. Peas—Nominal. I'.arlev Nominal. llye tjitli t and un-.'-b-'.n-fcl. Held N'o. 1 Chicago nt P0c

ami No. 1 Milwaukee nt IWi I ' o r k - f t ; S0a:is CJ. l.:.i 1 Tfqtd af.'l,'./..l'«e. w IffSKV Noinlnol. t ' .W.M, l'KI'HIll I .S-To N ' o M Y o r k wheat mo. c o n

II'', 1'V.e, oals l ie . TO Allniiiy.IBp-al 00c. coin H u l l oat- '.';{c.


The 1'oilowlu? are, the Impo i^^or 'il hours ending to daj at tioi

No. 96 State Street. auga id ly


:J1 B u f l h - l O * 1 . LOVK Ac H A M I L T O N .


Klo-ii, b'..;<.... Wheai, liusll,, Cora, bush . , . , O.lL.bll-dl . . . . Itarley, linsli.. l lye. husii

CANAI, KKM for i be week

l ion: . . l.'.N Will bu.ll Coi i), bnsji i n s , b.i-b Kyo, binl i

TllO Idlowinrc arc He- Csiinl ioum:

ITintr, bills VVI , , - a t . l u e - l i . . . . Corn, bush Oat*, bulb I Hyo.biwli £

. . 2.(1?! .. ii.i-'; . . lni . iss .. 85.150 . . 0).(X» .. lO.Mi'J

'10..W/ mo.'.i'i MO.'.'iS 4s9,li.-<J 75,911

BoitS for the paat 21

Si.TM S,|( )

C h i c a g o . i l i i r l icU-Ji i ly (>,

r at le advance, but for No. 1 and OJOc for

wanted for Inquests, ,V'C. • •• . . .

r m : cOtiltTS. o| Missouri.

(ifJO* N locum. (ien. Cii.tnt has selected (Jen.'sslocnni to sue-

eced (len. Hancock In eoniinand at Haltitnorc. Mr, Stanton does not approve thisscicctloi), ami the dlfl'cronce Is not yet settled.

Tim Weather. Ntivv YORK, July 7.—The thermometer this

morning In Associated Press ollice marked !'i degrees, aud vv;n rising.

Tt„Oorinr, n-Mrnh 7\ i T " , . OH A It LK» E. UI DKK, nl, l>„ unitarian vnurcn,—owln-» to the -.'inm-i- m . . .

"-llCC (I , t)ii--> bis ^veluslve attention ti­ll' t'se Bar, trro'.i'.c- hours from U to H A.M., and from -V. Kivue, ot'.New Orleans, tluring the military

Society to -morrow. The Suuday School win - ' ° ' •*• M -.OVITT'.' iic.i «i Stat.- t. Meiers, by consent, i occupancy- of that city.

the Pnator, there will Ue no aorvlcoa of 1,1)0 Bar. icty toinorrow. The Sunday School will - '

me. I at 12 M. Mr. -lonathan Watson, to whom : l " the Society is so largely indebted, will speak at

tei'day obtained an extension of time until the J3d Inst., when his account of receipts and ills-bursoments is to be rendered.

Among'ho claims llled In the Surrogate's of-| lice is one lor $TO,000 for cotton, sugar, car-

rlagOS, i^c., to that amount, alleged to have licasot of tho Kye SJ d j „.,.n golzed by Colonel Hutler from one Robort

Da, i:. M . » M O O B « ,

i>a. H. t VtONToeysi,^ P-t. -A". VV. IvLV, the Church at lO.'j 0 clock, ihe public are : !ob$-dii

",vi,,ll,n!,,,c,!!l: , # . iTHB OLD AND.,RE^6NSIBLE Summer Drass Uoods. — Messrs. Uurke, Fit^


Other claims are avvniling the rendeilng • ot General Hutler's account of the !>;;(|

in.vt, tho adjudication of which Is ex pet ted to involve, some Interesting questions,

B e l i e f for 1 'or t lunr i . A Montreal special to the Herald says It has

'icon determined this evening to hold a public Meeting hero on Wednesday next lor t l iep i i i -;nse of raising money in belialf of the slricTcn people ol Portland.

The meeting will be prcsidotl over by Mayor Staines.

BREGKNEU'S SKIN 80AP. I he best .Soap lor the Toilet oyer manufactured. Hr. en used for many years, and h UQtqU&lod for prodUC-

D,LBARY'8 Simons, Hone e\; Co. are Bolllug, at reduced ca fi» i , ' A A T prices, a large variety of SuinmcrUre.s t ioods,; t , I W o i l l f ' f l l l d C l e a i l s i n t r H u e , Shawls, Mantlllua, Ao. , * - U t o y u y t U I { , a u u ^16.1118111^

They aro also giving bargains 111 Jaconet, I i B S T A B L I S I I M B N T , SWIM, and Nainsook imislius, and all kinds of i T w o »«'"'••«>•• VurU. Rorih or iho N. Y. C.

I t i iHi . iM,! I l . | i . i t , . n d i l l l . . I , , , I,. WllltO (fOOUS. ^ ^ UOIMIB 0 » I 'LATT-ST. , (BBOWH'S ISAOE.) Koou1'»u, D.Y,

m i , d „ . w - ~ « « - Tt. i^ i^^ . . . . . . ,11 i , .. . Tho Reputation of thin Dyn House since 1X.1, bar In-H a p p y Cal. W a g n e r . — 1 h i s Itreprc.-Sl l ' le rep- ' dared otf.em to counterui t onr SIKKS. check* and bufl-

rcsentationof the cork opeia will open a budget i ^ V t t W T 0 , 1 , C C t t t o f °" r , m l i ' ""« . tfl nnrtead of hur .cs ,„e and nunlc at Corlnminn ha l l to-1 j f c § ^ f f i S p * « W ANV BmiUK to- j ^ ^ S f f i ^ ^ night I'U'IJ. 'I lie i t lraetions are nuniefoiH, and Crane, l'roeh.-, Cashmere and Plaid ShavVts, ainl sll ' i !)\V8()4P,inatl«of u^QUe»lin.<t«Jal*nnJ aouccntcd. ineUule .). E. (irci-n, of mocking bird tamo. ^e^^»» ' t a » D « 'M" '«os . c Ic» n >edwf t f .on t^ ,r, , , , . , , i i K t m i i K „ K | . ( M-, l>n.«lHt, " C a l . " Is assoeiatctl in U.ia pntarprlee with Jay ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ ' '" Stanton, \V0ll known to tin- profession. i pllk, Woofor Cmton Qood»oi jvrry iintcrlpUon dvel

• all colors, »nd llnislieil WITI lleatll(•^H and d.npateu, on . « *. _ . . . j y e f y r c w „ n t | , l l ! l « r t l W .

For the B a y . - T h e line little steatner "Flour : flro-oii>dyed HlacK every Tiuns.iay. . „ . , , / , . , , , , , , . W " AlH-ooda r.ttiirm-d In onn week. C i t y , C a p t . J. II . I . e d y a r d , l ias r e t u r n e d t r o m ' W ^ O o o d s rec»lved and rete.rued by Kxpross.

the excursion toSodus, and will make two trips I R S l ! " " ^ by f?jffitiOuWlrsai, to tho Newport House tomorrow, leaving the i ~*f^l Cor.rutt.itocbwUMr.N. Y. upper landing at 1 0 * A. M. and ̂ £ M, I 2"̂ v<>̂ W^^WnS^T1

my i". d.v. "iu 111 Buffalo It,


nil. OOItiPANV,-An Election of Plreqtori of tni-i Company will take place on the THIRD MONDAY O'P .lliLV, luo ll'.tli Inst., at 11 o'clock M., at the oillcool tho si crctary, over No.«. 31 aud *J UuH.ilo »t, Masonic Hail Dlock.clty of {{ocltCBtcr.N.Y.

|y2-d«w w, i\ UUhm*, Secretary.

iTiir i : Market dull, in; \ i x - vvhcni opened Mrs

ejoueil dull, wlll| salei at |85$B c'-.i-t a-.-Tve; aisle.- at * vvV.IVclfor No. 1 and, 5S®5S){C

for No '.'. ';..' :i • a i l s i - lv:-a-I l(->.'ci sales at ai'-WTV, fo;

l.aitd .vK-aic tor N'o.5. , O V I - I ' K M Mm K. I dull Mc-s Cork *00 iyx.-.00 ffl. IfltJllWlXKS - AellvisaUVIc. j Klil-.Ii: II I'S Active and advaHfed X ^ l C

K K e n u - ™ l-lour.bbls •',% r.rvx) Win ai httsli C 'jj.ooo Corn. iei-I : rui.llOO Oi ls , b'bh MM, sl.OtO

. a'-.-r:-.-, rs. n-e-.s-, v.: ; , 1,-/0 Wheat bush •,$'• 19,000 Corn, !III-!I ,11, '.!ta,nix) Oi l - , Im Ii I (O.MX)

Albnny Market*-July (i. l-T.'Ui: ANT) MK.M. T !.- t.s |*iio new lenturc to note

in Klour. The demand M ler.tJH iled to tlie Iniiaedlalo want-o l the Had- nt abn\'. pre Ions pilee*. The biml lie.s iloliiR le inodi-rato (Hid toff l l ' -d to c h o k e and fa yorltO trail" bratel".

( -.,-u Me-! :- -.siea'-l.-Ml v! -.'I,,,, ;i| V <M tl.s. OK VIM -Wheat Is In belter Rt]|Jily, bnt the llrmnei-s of ,.:• i i p.gii |, i. oporsllons. |{ye relief and stvitdy.

• l lp l s by canal din an K'otWIlliStaildlug tho heavy i f plpta by canal iltirin;.' tin: week, Corn nib'- veiy I.I in, rilli a slcaily unwar-l lelldone) and a good Hade deffl pd. fcnles UO.nOO plisli Wesl'-rii inive I ul. si(-',s..c, s l l o j j pid Iu car load, at tlio depol... At the c loie : M iviw n l B for car loads at I-.--1 Albany.

(i.e.- havo Improved in v a l u e , ! Ii a moderate dema-d .

Kni— o.-vAi bttaii No. i Western • y^>c. IT:KI» -'tin- supply i< ttood wilji ii moderate demand.

!'„iv. pi tons medium on p. I. ITiOVISloXS I'ork railur .ptjet but unclinii-rp.il In

value. Cm Meats arc sellingI'roawat lull prtoos. Hutler in s:o,:<! Mi::piy and Kteaily. h s r a i i i - u . I'III-I-HI, steady.

WIU-'-lvV-A'iuli!'. tnaiket, Nrjsabs .

I Albany Journal, Hrighlo i i Ctil t lo Mai k o t — J u l y 3 .

A* mark'-t tor Hi", e-.rieiit vve tK Cattle, l.'i'il; Hhrer tts.d la. i '•-, I.' ". Mi ,t.- •,..'.; '•'). Naiiilii-I --I vVesli-rneaf. t!.-. l.l I.; Ma-tern c.ittb-, I . Wo kin;: Oxen and North-em e.-ilil--,';'!-, Catlle b It over l ioio I-e-l vvoek.lW .

|.|:ieK-,,Tj I1KKF CA'I ll.t-. -Kxtra. *ia.:aB4A'->; 1st ouall ly, $13^ O'lallty, *tti,',v.«IV,no »<

, lullow an.I ilreSN.al

I ft; ilrlgliton Hides, for C'ountry; llrltd.ton

O.la,;.V ; M ((iiality, fllJiO(S I-.'.'-1*; loi lf.̂ . tl!,..- total wefgllt Of hi beer.)

Illl>i::s-Country H i d e s , S . ^ 5 nwraiflic.

TAI.I,OW-:':il .s at iV^XC • a ! ' . : - ' I •

I.A.MllSKIN;; 1 .•,!.-. !.h"arnd IMieepskini" .'Wf.'/.c Calfskin:) v'.V-iOOc f 1'-.

RXMARfl The supply of Cuttle at u u r u t H mostly from the

West. Prices Of tllO bolt KrndHContinue uiiebnnged, bnt upon oidlnary grades there Is a decline of about .Vi(-V 100 It.'-. The trains cot In eaflf , and trade has been veiv ni-tiv... 'lias liu.illiv of tb l Wistern cattle wat moiiily orilinary, I 'u ie bcniK but JMW extra ones anions them.

S lo i ; i :» -N'ear lya l l Hiesmnl lMl lebrot i c l i t lo market at lids M-a-oa 01 tins year arolift i tb' "|i by bitlcbers to -lauitbter. Mif. lew- -tores In.vvltmie exception of work-ins oxen aiel inllcli coa ...

WOilK I N'O o . \ I'N Prices ranMfrom fl506t.'«-, V pair. Tin-re are bnt few at m a i k e t , M ) : ! 01 which were If it over from MM week.

Ml la II COWS - I ' I - I C M di-pcnSmtltoifetlior upon the fnaev of the purchaser. Sales • • ordinary at |>/x.-<,sii; ex'1 a. *-S'"'l-."i. Store (own at t j B 5 U ,

Mil ; , A M I 1. VMK v., ,.., ,-, . ,,, , ..., ., „, 11 6 n'- 50 >' head, yearllnrt at Htf-'.'-,.: V It,,, an-l old sh.-ep al I,',!'.' e. I h" Mipply |^ l«r^,- ami trndi! l.< dull

SWTNI-; c.jiiin.blaCotuily Spi tH| I'lsrs are si-uing by v\ holivalo 1 •;.....'-•. V It.; and by rraffll yy.i,Vs, I'at Ho

oiitt market; prices !0V(ivvilo, _ (I!-)ston Traveller.

11 ART'S Adjustable Concave Pad Truss,

THK BUnaoitlBBH is Hie Inventor and mannfaflluroi 01 an Adjustable concave fad Truw, which 1» warrant ed superior lo any other now In use. He. I- DOW stopping

the N A T I O N A L I t U T K L , l l u t l i i t u H I . ,

KOcbeHtcr, N. V. OfBco and place, of liuslni**, No. lllllll I t , ,opp0l l t0 the

Novelty vvoiks, vvhrro be will keep constantly on hand Double, Single, and UmbllRClO Trusses, or anything In bis line ma-le to order. OonjUltsUOJui private and conildenllnl. HH.A8 IIAKT.

|{.)ci.(»l--r. March 87, IftCO.--rtSin

PATENTS! PENSIONS! Back Pay, Pr izs Monoy, Otticor*' Ac-

couuts, and all War Claims,

INCbCIIIN'O SCsl'KNDKD CLAIMS KOI! I'l-.N'SION'S Bo lint IM Mack I'ay and llonnty t^ind, COlleOtOUOn Hie

most rea*onabli: tea iu» al my ollloe,


Having resigned my position awKXAMlKKK OF CLAIMS in HielV.uieon Olllce at VVaHHllKlon, l a m now

P repared lo devotu my eiisne Attention to l i e prosoou-Ion of War Claims, Patents and OlnoeiV Ae.cou'it*. Thme havluc claims wloob have been a long lin.e on

file In the various Departinentt, and who HIO anxious for nvpvoily Kettleineiit, will llnd It to tbolr Uleti-M lo call on mo. I have niiperlor advantages for tho H.IJU. t-tnent of ollleers' Account*, procuring pay for HOIM-S iosl In the service, obtaining Artlllelal Lfinbs, Commuta­tion Oi llallotis, i'ay to Families of rilaonera of War Price Money, An. A lis-t ot all ilia prize* captured by our Navy, which are, ready tor distribution, ean be, seen at my olllce. My laellllles are not oouallcd by anv other Agent in tlie country who baa not been similarly em­ployed. Communications promptly nniWOrod. Money a-Uanecd on llnal statenieiitti and other claims.

WM. CHAIT'Kl-L, NO. 81 ItoyDOld*'ArCldO. fOb2«aily I to ch as lor. N. Y.



94 State Stroot. mbiS-rttl

I ' o r t l u n d F i r e . i'oKTi.iM., Me., July ('..-Five car-loads ol

provisions camo down imni Boston last ni^ht. and are being distributed to (he people A lire company of eighty strong from abroad have been working nil night on the ruins, i.ar^c oi lUta Ol supplies have come in from various places. They were greatly needed. Most ol lite provision stores had been burned. There was hardly anything lcfi to be bought, ami our p e o p l e w e r e m o s l l v l i v i n g o u bread a l o n e ,

T h . A t h e n a - t u n L i b r a r y w a s t o t a l l y d e s t r o y e d . T h e C i t y l iu i ld in irs and C u s t o m H o u s e b l a z e d up ii.c.a.n litis morning, and occasioned another alarm,

The city was In darkness', last night, owing to tho iras being cut off,

A rain is falling now, but It Is scarcely needed, as the flftniCS Wcro SO flei'CO that all vegetation is burned off tho groand.

The 1-irsl National Hank funds iml sccurltic. ate nil -avid, sure, and Ithcro is no doubt In re-trard to any ot the others.

Ira I'. 1'armlngton shovld bo added to the list oi clothing dealer* who havo suffered.

The brass work establishment oi L. Crockett was not bumod,as reported.

The tieiiiendous exertions to aavc Wilson A: Donne's Planing Mill were SUCCOSSful, which saved ( oiiiiipni.il steeet and the the lower aide ol Free street.

baTBH. I'-d-.Ti.ANi), July .r».--Thc National Traders'

Hank and money are all saved; nlso tho papers ol the Ocean ItiturailCO Company.

Workmen aro busily elonjlng the ruins, and ovcrybody Is at wink getting up temporary res­idences and place ol business.

Our shade tn-es arc mostly ruined. Thp newspaper ofllces are Issuing slips, and

will probably go out of town to print lor the prc:-i n l .

Owing (0 thO noble character ol other towns and cities, 110 one Is Suffering for food.

Aid from New j o r k . Nr.w Vouu, July0.—A meollugoi prominent

citizens Is lo he lii hi at the A tor lloii.-e lo inor-row l\ M, In bohali'ol thoiuilercrsbyUicflrcot I'oithuul.

RolloJ lor Ihc su f l c ro r s . NBW liiu NSVVH K, N. .),, July 0.—A public

meeting was hold In Ibis city this evening, to lake in-asures for the relief of the sull'eici,. at Portland, Me.

Mayor Jenkins presided, and addresf.es were delivered hy lion, (iariett Ii. Adrian, UeV. J. W. Seheiick and othi rs.

I.filcr rfoWd r.iitTi.VM), July 0 - 1 I\ M.—The property of

the gecond National Hank is nil safe. Congress.

WASHINGTON, July 0—SBKATB.—Mr. Kd-monds, Irom the Commlltoo On Commerce, re-porled the lloti-erc. olulioii Im a joint Commit ice on Retrenchment.

Mr. Wilson, front the Military (Jommiltee, reported the bill for the cquallEatlon ol ihc bounties.

Tho Committee o| Conference ou tlie tax bill then made a report.

The Committee repot! in favor of a Comprom­ise Oil the t:.\ on cotton, in iking it three cents a pound.

Sir. Wilson, in the House d i lu te on the bill, said he hoped the present taiill bill would be defeated, it it was not wry much modified New Knglnnd did no! waul the bill, [lor Inter­ests Were already sii/li.ii nfly protected. TllO demand for the new tariff conies from Pennsyl­vania and tlie north-we i.

Tho Scuolo agreed to the conference report o n t h e tax bi l l ,

ThO bi l l t o p r o v i d e lor I h e p a y m e n t for Q u a r -tcrinnatcr stores and subsistence supplies fur­nished to tho army was then taken up.

Hut si:.—Mr. Stevens having got leave to make a porsonol explanation, filed for publica­tion In tin; Qiobo,v some remarks in connection with the statement of Mr. I.e Blond after tin speech ot Mr. Harris, Iu which it was asserted that the views of Mr. Harris and of Mr. .Ste­vens In regard lo • cccssiou coincided.

He Stevens denied that during the four yean, of Hie war, the. Rebellious Stales were in any sense In llio I'nion.

The Hill lo grant Ten: Ions lo the officers and soldiers of the war ol \-\ J, CBII10 upjin order.

After debate) the bill was modified so as lo In-elude Bailors,

The bill was then re-committed to tho Com-inline on invalid Pensions, together with all amendments and substitutes, so as to have u complete hill reported.

Mr. Peiham asked leavo to report a blllgraut-g Pcusloyii

in necessity. ing Pensions to those soldiers of IM'i, who are

t i i l l g i i, wbc

Mr, Hale asked whether the bill included sol­di' rs ofthe late war.

Mr. Peiham replied that it did not. Mr. Hale objected to any bill flint did not ex­

tend the same right lo sohllers ol ihe late war as to tho soldiers of any other war.

Mr. HiibiArd, of Connecticut] from tho Com-mlttco on Patents, reported a bill to allow Jni ('. Cook to apply for an OXtOIISlOH Of ills patent bull' ' acks and connecting eye.,.

Th- ' ' u'e. went into Coniinittceof the Wboie on Die • ol the Union, Mr. Bcofleld ill Ihe (hair , i . II -iimed the consideration of the Tariff bill.

Waster I Plaster ! 1 / A I t d R A M O U N T nl tine Kionnd White I'lai


A l / A l t d K A B I O I N T Ol tine (trotind Wldle l ' . u i V tcr lor t*W al my Milll i'i (iarbuttuvllle, Seoltsvlllu aiTd Mumford, J. W. UAUUb'TT.

Oarbiittsvllle. Ilee.ii-'i.-r : ric« "'

Fire Works,


Al «*iaV' VJM,

'C "0,

**h %

99 < i «<•

State Street' **£>M


— D I I : I ) .

Tl "Ml I I.I. At iianitndalprua. J i n Wtli, Mrs. Cliai lotto I), Tutltlll, agod -u years, •CoMM At r,|s ri-KbU-iifi- In thu city, on l'riday, July

(•lb, I nomas l iomin, axed tS) yearly

KHH OV n i A N I ) . I binds ol Ornamental lias always on band

Hair Work and Jewelry. MRS. C. WILBUR GRIFFIN.

Over 5 0 and 5 8 Stato atreet,

Ct O N T l N I ' F M T I I K IIIlMIJi / KAOTl'UIXO and deallin; t i l l

Hair Willi Hair . lew,-hy, e l e . WjB a coniftb-le-loek of (roods In lid' line, fciteli an Win lor lad.is end irentbinen, Hr%|( n, Cutis. Waterlalh Bwltcliei .and makesMicnxo (r-let In Ibe nbdmst st.yii oi tin- art,

In ll.ii .l^-.v-by ilienismtment sexcelb-iit, Inclndln, t i l tho modern o ,,. • .

Toilet ar'.ielta, Cotinftllen, I'».rfinnery, y'anoy Oomba ltiu^ltL.-,(l!a."'e», e t c . In ulmnil«iicfe-

Min. (haiai sroes to New Votk ntjattorly.or oltcner to be posted In the ntylcs und to roulwtilsb hei htoe):.

Ladies can have bftlr diOaM-d forpart losor other oeca .Metis 111 the iiio.-t Ia-h:oii:>.t,le ttylo on idiorl notice, l.u-dies' and Cblldrona' lialr out BIII! curled to Order. AH work IM this lino Is perfectly executed, aud all Roods sold arc warranted to please customers tosyW-ory

j . D. HUSBANDS, Jr., Manu/'itcturfrM' Affi >•'<•

Kvory IDosorlption ol


Hoso, IMl i i i^ , Steam Pack ing , H O O T S A M ) S H O E S ,


%W Everything made from l.'ubber in Htoc k and

made to order. j . D . n i - - i i A M i - . J r . .

myS-dAcSm ^Ml U l a l e H I I - P « , » .

!•;. Ilcuiin^toii X Sons

MANt-T'AOTtil(filth OK


For the United States Hei vice. AlfO, r o c k e t u n d D e l l K c v o l v c i i . , H c i x i i t l i i H I ' IM.

IOl*i H i d e ( ' m i e n , t t o v o l v l n g Kll l l i -w, lt l l leund shot Onn Harrils and (inn Material* Mid by

Oun Healer* a a l tlio Trade generally, in UioMdtyj oi liouiqbroaKlng and Kobbcry, every

House, Ktore, lta>>K ami Olllce should bave one ol

R E M I N G T O N ' S R E V O L V E R S . PtrtleS tleslrlnx t i avail tboroielves nl Ihe late Im-

nrovemenuTn PlstoU, sad suberfor worJiniaiishi|i an i form, will llnd all eonibliied la tin- New

REMINGTON REVOLVERS. (Iro.u'urs eontalidng cuts ami t lcsci lptkti ol our Arms

will be. l^i .Ubc. l .upo^ap^llea. loin ^ ^ ^ N y >

mylSdam MOOBI & NlOUOI.S, Agent* . , No. 10 Com (land lt . ,NOWX0T«.

I ' O I ' N I -

/ I R W l U B T - T l i o b C b t Oatno and IinpYjKWKV'S.0

\ j t t ie .et* .

J miiY^aw'toSs. begin ot sll WW^jjjfcWg™

. . . . , « < , • > i * i A N i l I V K K K I . V I ' A I ' K l t H - K o t p l l T O I M A I . A N \ v i - . r . t v j . nr.vVKY'H. J . HUH week. Oct H" I" . . x i KW NOVKlyH NBW IIOOKH In l'oetry,

, T N ,ON I'lCANKUIHJitN-'Tbe b.-l ( lanunia-le U I vr sal" at who csale »nd retail by \J ler*ai MKIUCK, IIAYI» * CO., all Htate street. ( j V O l ' O I ^ I ^ A - N N i l A I . IWtft ^ . n b g r i -

fflgk OF FW>#>imWiUma. M DBWBYII.

r s^o i l .KT S(»AI'M' w» aretselling liuira Toilet I b v ^ s a t l ^ a r y , . ^

O F ,U V O W N M A M : K A l : T f l l l K , Silesroom al r.vi.MEit'H Bt'ORTlNQ DKl'oT,

1 1 0 l l i i l n Mlii-,-1. . I A 1 I K M I ' A I . I I K R ,

jc'j-dti _^__ I'yatcc.iinist.


Kvery description o l sroo«U dyo<l and ftnl*hed Willi tho itn.ost care and dbpnlcli .

Oood* received and and returned by l-.xnn*s. I). W. I.K4HV,

Iv l i i > r t t H/Khe»l«r N. y .

.»•<>/• J r / ; . V O T I C K IH I I B H B I I Y ( J 1 V K N Ibftt im apnll J l cation will bo u n d o to t b c o u v i n.or . ior tho |.ai<l>>ii oi Milan So inber i ' er , - t the cvplratbin ol lour weike li->ni the lli.-t nnblbsitlon of Oils u o t h e .

Kot hosier, Juno 9, \^*>-[Albany Jonruslcopy.) jetMlm

Removal. riVlLK si; i iKt:iniiKa baa Raniovod bit IIIIAHU

I l o i \ i n : v to Mill Kiiei.t north ol l l t e N . V . C . K. i!.. ciiposlii. Messrs. Cbantn & Terry S Office, where ho Will be pleased to see nlf Ids ol-l frbii' ls and custom'ID.

HI.NKV WHAV-iHei i i - ' - r , May b i i •''••—hi

KIO blils, Oat Weal, 50 bills. Hyo Flour, 40 bblfli <ana«ja Timothy Seed,

lust received an-l tor «»le by K N. IH.'KLL, No .7 Kicbange I'lac^-

March ' 0.13C6.

Vopartnir$htp Jtollce, W K M A V K A D M l T T B b Mil. II. C. MKUKICK

a* a member of ourl lrm. VVe shall continue th" Wholesale and Kotnll Grocery and Wooden Warelbisi ness umler the firm name ol Merrick, llhyea A ( » . . a t the Ol-I *tnii(I.MSIii'.-,.t. MKIll i lCKA IIAVK8

Itocbesti-r, J u l . B. 18*1.

GODFREY & COS Sunbeam Photograph Qallery%

O V B K N l Ml i l N H T . , l l m - l i r U r i , N. V .


H. S. H0GOBO0M, I . A W O l I I C K ,

No. 33 A E O A D E I Q A I . L E U V .

}<\ POX, / I A S . H T K A l l A N I 1 W A T K I t P I I ' R K I T -\M TRIt, beg* leave to auuoiineo to flto cll lfen* ol Itoeb.-.ier and Vlolnlty, Hial bo I* now prepared (-. lako contracts to n t u p Cliurcbes., l a e t . - i . . - . II • • , ' ' ' : ' . ' a d DweHinw.ort the most reasonably ferms V'dM'prt-,-M notice. All work » 'rranleil. u r t o w o .n ho loll nl i m r i o e X e i ) o torool (•!."• W. HAK.Il-l'. H» Main »••



'J lie Most Economical Refrir,erator Kver ollcrcd In tbl* market.

MEAT, VK«KTAB1>E8, Or whatever Is de*lr«blo to keep «J»iT'JLih« WMIO weather,ean bo retained BWKKT and UtRHIl lonfior iban In any other Hefrlizorator In u*e.

Tho ice ftox Is no arrangod that all tho moUtorj \» eon-(lensc.l inul pawe* out, thu* keeping tb# artlclcsi coolaud

d and for aale by I nit08.,eole Agent,, 10.1 and 100 M»m «t<

dry s c l ami passe* out, uiu* uoi-pin . M*nufict«trod and for sale Ir

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