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CONTENT Part A ACCA 课程架构 .................................................................................................................................... 3

1. ACCA 课程架构 .......................................................................................................................................................... 3

2. 应用知识阶段 Applied knowledge ...................................................................................................................... 3

3. 应用技术阶段 Applied skills .................................................................................................................................. 4

4. 战略专业阶段 Strategic professional ................................................................................................................. 4

5. 学期计划表 ................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Part B ACCA 学习资源及方法 ......................................................................................................................... 6

1. 公共学习资源 .............................................................................................................................................................. 6

2. 学习方法 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6

3. 复习注意事项 .............................................................................................................................................................. 7

Part C Basic knowledge ................................................................................................................................... 8

Chapter 1 Business and Technology .................................................................................................................... 8

1. Organization ................................................................................................................................................................. 8

2. Corporate governance .............................................................................................................................................. 9

3. Audit ................................................................................................................................................................................ 9

4. Macro-economic ....................................................................................................................................................... 11

5. Micro-economics ...................................................................................................................................................... 12

Chapter 2 Financial Accounting ......................................................................................................................... 15

1. Financial statements ................................................................................................................................................. 15

2. Accounting process .................................................................................................................................................. 19

3. Accounting equation ............................................................................................................................................... 19

4. Double-entry .............................................................................................................................................................. 20

Chapter 3 Management Accounting .................................................................................................................. 23

1. Classifying costs ......................................................................................................................................................... 23

2. Time value of money ............................................................................................................................................... 24

3. Budget-actual performance .................................................................................................................................. 25

Part D 常见问题总结 .................................................................................................................................... 29

Answer paper ................................................................................................................................................ 30


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1. ACCA 课程架构

2. 应用知识阶段

3. 应用技术阶段

4. 战略专业阶段

5. 附-学期计划表

1. ACCA 课程架构

2. 应用知识阶段 Applied knowledge

⚫ 获得初级商业会计证书

BT 商业与技术 Business and Technology

MA 管理会计 Management accounting

FA 财务会计 Financial accounting

Business and Technology

Financial Accounting

Management Accounting

Financial Reporting

Performance Management

Audit and Assurance

Strategic Business Leader

Strategic Business Reporting

Advanced Audit and Assurance

Corporate and Business Law

Advanced Performance Management


Financial Management

Advanced Taxation

Advanced Financial Management


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3. 应用技术阶段 Applied skills

⚫ 获得高级商业会计证书

⚫ 可申请牛津布鲁克斯大学应用会计理学士学位

LW 公司法与商法 Corporate and business law

PM 业绩管理 Performance management

TX 税务 Taxation

FR 财务报告 Financial reporting

AA 审计与认证业务 Audit and assurance

FM 财务管理 Financial management

4. 战略专业阶段 Strategic professional

⚫ 可申请获得伦敦大学专业会计硕士学位

⚫ 成为 ACCA 准会员


SBL 战略商业领袖 Strategic business leader

SBR 战略商业报告 Strategic business reporting

选修课 (四选二)

AFM 高级财务管理 Advanced financial management

APM 高级业绩管理 Advanced performance management

ATX 高级税务 Advanced taxation

AAA 高级审计与认证业务 Advanced audit and assurance


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5. 学期计划表

学期计划表 寒/暑假






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1. 公共学习资源

2. 学习方法

3. 复习注意事项

1. 公共学习资源

⚫ ACCA 官网

步骤1:登陆 ACCA 官网 www.accaglobal.com

步骤2:点击 “Student” 内的 “Student support resources”

步骤3:点击 “ACCA Qualification”

步骤4:选择相应的学科,例如FR (财务报告)


1.1 学习资源

Syllabus 学科大纲

Examinable documents 考试范围

Examining team guidance 考官文章

CBE specimen exams 机考样板卷

CBE past exams 机考真题

Paper past exams 笔试真题

Technical articles 专业知识文章

2. 学习方法

基础课(重要) 线上题库 考前复习





回顾 summary




(summary) 录音或网课有重点回放重听


约 2 小时/章节,约 3 页纸 summary/章节



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3. 复习注意事项

⚫ 学习顺序 (先看网课,再做题)

⚫ 学习计划 (学期计划,月计划,日计划)

⚫ 知识框架

⚫ 错题整理

⚫ 模拟练习 (注意时间管理)

3.1 学习小工具

⚫ 计算器

⚫ A4 纸

⚫ 尺子

⚫ 红蓝黑笔,荧光笔

⚫ 耳塞 (神器)

⚫ X mind (APP)


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ACCA-前导课 PART C-chapter 1

Part C Basic knowledge

Chapter 1 Business and Technology



2.Corporate governance




1. Organization

1.1 Definition

An organization is a social arrangement which pursues collective goals,controls its own performance and has

a boundary separating it from its environment.

1.2 The reasons for the existence of an organization

⚫ Overcoming limitations (physical and intelligent, or mental) of individual or groups

⚫ Synergy-combined output exceeds the sum total (1+1>2)

⚫ Specialisation to achieve best results more efficiently

⚫ Time saving (division of labours)

⚫ Knowledge and experience accumulation and sharing

⚫ Pooling of expertise


1.3 Types of organization

⚫ Public sector

Organization owned or run by central or local government or government agencies. Public sector

organization are accountability to the People, the Government, and the Parliament. They are funded by

public funds, such as taxpayers’ money, Charges (e.g. bus tickets, hospital charges) and sometimes borrowing.

Public schools and education institutions

The public health system and hospitals

Local authorities

The Army, Navy and the Air Force

The national social and security organization

⚫ Private sector (business organization)

Organization not owned or run by central or local government, or government agencies. These organization

can be categorized into sole trader, a partnership, or a limited liability company.


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ACCA-前导课 PART C-chapter 1

1.3.1 Limited liability company

Company is legally a separate entity from its owners (shareholders) and managed by board of directors.

The shareholders of a limited liability company are only responsible for the amount paid for their shares.

⚫ Shareholders

The equity shareholders are the owners of company. Decisions made by voting rights attached to each

category of shares through the general meeting (Annual General Meetings).

⚫ Board of directors

In simple words, BOD is responsible for managing and controlling the operation of company. Decision

made by consensus (simple majority) through the meeting of BOD.

2. Corporate governance

2.1 Definition

⚫ Corporate governance is the system by which organization is directed and controlled.

⚫ Good corporate governance is important because the owners of a company and the people who manage the

company are not always in same,which can lead to conflicts of interest. The board of directors of a company

are usually the top management and are those who are charged with governance of that company. The

responsibilities and duties of directors are usually laid down in law and wide ranging.

2.2 Contents

⚫ Establish the internal control system. Internal control is the process designed and effected by management

to provide reasonable assurance about the achievement of the entity’s objectives

⚫ Introduce the role of non-executive directors

⚫ The existence of sub-committees such as remuneration committee,nomination committee,audit committee

(internal auditors)

⚫ Introduce the process of external auditing

3. Audit

3.1 Definition

⚫ External audit

The members of the company usually appoint a firm of registered auditors to investigate the financial

statements and report as to whether or not they show a true and fair view.

⚫ Internal audit

Internal auditors are employees of the company whose duties are fixed by management and who report on

the effectiveness of internal control systems.


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ACCA-前导课 PART C-chapter 1

3.2 Comparison of external and internal audit

External Audit Internal Audit

Objective Provide an opinion Advise management

Appointed by Shareholders Audit committee or BOD

Reports to Shareholders Audit committee or BOD

Status Independent Employee

Legal basis Legal requirement Not a legal requirement

Reports on & Responsibility

The truth and fairness of the

financial statements and their

compliance with the Companies

Act and Accounting Standards.

A wide range of issues including

risk management and internal

controls and corporate


Scope Financial focus All areas of the organisation

3.3 补充

⚫ 四大会计师事务所 Big Four

普华永道 (PwC)

德勤 (DTT)

毕马威 (KPMG)

安永 (EY)

⚫ 国内八大会计师事务所










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ACCA-前导课 PART C-chapter 1

4. Macro-economic

4.1 Definitions

Macro-economics is the study of the aggregated effects of the decisions of individual economic units. (national

economy or international economy) It focus on the aggregate demand and aggregate supply.

4.2 The business of trade cycle

A. Recession

B. Depression

C. Recovery

D. Boom

4.3 Main economic objectives

Macro-economic policy of a country (or more specifically of the Government) has the following main economic


To achieve economic growth

To control price inflation

To achieve full employment

4.3.1 To achieve economic growth

Economic growth may be measured by increases in the real gross national product (GNP) per head.

Gross domestic product (GDP) is a monetary measure of the market value of all final goods and services

produced in a period (quarterly or yearly) .




Macro-economic factor

Mirco-economic factor


Business environment







Actual output

Trend in

output A





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ACCA-前导课 PART C-chapter 1

4.3.2 To control price inflation

Inflation is the name given to an increase in price levels generally. It is also manifest the decline in the

purchasing power of money.

Deflation is a decrease in the general price level of goods and services.

Stagflation is a portmanteau of stagnation (slow or no economic growth) and inflation, is a term used in

economics to describe a situation where an inflation rate is high, the economic growth rate slows down,

and unemployment remains steadily high.

4.3.3 To achieve full employment

The statistics of unemployment at any time is measured by government statistics and survey. The rate of

unemployment in an economy can be calculated:

5. Micro-economics

5.1 Definitions

Micro-economics studies the behaviour of how the individual modern household and firms make decisions to

allocate limited resources.

Microeconomics examines how these decisions and behaviours would affect the supply and demand for goods

and services, which determines prices, and how prices, in turn, determine the quantity supplied and quantity

demanded of goods and services.

5.2 Demand

Demand for a good or service is the quantity of that good or service that potential purchasers would be willing

and able to buy, or attempt to buy, at any possible price.

5.2.1 Demand curve

⚫ Expansion and contraction in demand curve: The price of the good

⚫ Shifts in the demand curve:

Households’ income

The price of other substitute goods or complement goods

Tastes and fashion


Number of unemployed

Total workforce × 100%




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ACCA-前导课 PART C-chapter 1

5.2.2 Price elasticity of demand

The price elasticity of demand (PED) is the relationship between change in quantity demanded and

changes in price.

Elasticity PED Explain

Relatively inelastic < 1 Necessity

Unitary = 1 --

Relatively elastic > 1 Luxury

5.3 Supply

Supply refers to the quantity of a good that existing suppliers would want to produce for the market at a given

price. Generally, suppliers will be prepared to produce more goods and services the higher the price they can


5.3.1 Supply curve

⚫ (AVC is average variable cost)

⚫ Expansion and contraction in supply curve: Price of goods

⚫ Shifts in supply curve:

Cost of making the goods

Price of other goods (substitutes in supply)

The objectives of producers and their future expectations

Changes in technology

Other factors (natural disasters, industrial disruption)

PED= percentage change in quantity demanded

percentage change in price=


Q ×100


P ×100




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ACCA-前导课 PART C-chapter 1

Quick Quiz 1

Which TWO of the followings are benefits of creating an organization?

A. Speeding up communications

B. Sharing knowledge

C. Simplifying decision-making

D. Pooling skills

Quick Quiz 2

Which of the following reflect the corporate governance responsibility of a non-executive director?

(1) To protect executive director

(2) To scrutinize other directors

(3) To provide an independent perspective

A. (1) (2) and (3)

B. (2) and (3)

C. (1) and (2)

D. (3) only

Quick Quiz 3

To whom is the external auditor responsible?

A. The audit committee

B. The government

C. The board of directors

D. The shareholders

Quick Quiz 4

Which of the following describes an economy situation of “stagflation”?

A. Positive economic growth and rising prices

B. Zero or negative economic growth and stable or falling prices

C. Zero or negative economic growth and rising prices

D. Positive economic growth and stable or falling prices


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ACCA-前导课 PART C-chapter 2

Chapter 2 Financial Accounting


1. Financial statements

2. Accounting process

3. Accounting equation

4. Double-entry

1. Financial statements

The objective of financial statements is to provide information about the financial position,performance

and changes in financial position of a business that is useful to a wide range of users in making decisions.

Financial statements Contents

The statement of profit or loss and other

comprehensive income (income statement) Period of performance

The statement of financial position (balance sheet) Financial position

The statement of cash flows Liquidity

The statement of changes in equity Movement of equity

Notes Information to be disclosed

1.1 The statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the year end

Sales revenue X

Less:cost of sales (X)

Gross profit X

Other income X

Expense (X)

Profit before interest and tax X

Interest expense (X)

Profit before tax X

Tax expense (X)

Profit for the year X

Other comprehensive income

Gain on revaluation of property X

Total comprehensive income XX


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ACCA-前导课 PART C-chapter 2

1.2 The statement of financial position as at year end
















Non-current assets



Current assets


Trade receivables

Cash (Bank)

Total assets

Equity and liabilities


Equity share

Retained earnings

Revaluation surplus

Non-current liability

Bank loan

Current liabilities

Trade payables

Total equity and liabilities XX


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ACCA-前导课 PART C-chapter 2


Company ABC was incorporated at 1 Jan with equity shares of $7,000,000 and borrowed bank loan for

$1,000,000. During the year, the transactions were as following (assumes all transactions were cash

transactions) :

Cash transactions Amount (in $’000)

Buy equipment 2,000

Purchase goods ( = goods sold) 5,000

Rent expense 1,500

Interest expense 50

Tax expense 50

Other expense 1,900

Sales revenue 12,500

Preparing the Income statement and balance sheet at 31 December.


The statement of profit and loss and comprehensive income for the year end


Sales revenue 12,500

Less:cost of sales (=purchase) (5,000)

Gross profit 7,500

Expense ( 1,500 rent + 1,900 others) (3,400)

Profit before interest and tax 4,100

Interest expense (50)

Profit before tax 4,050

Tax expense (50)

Profit for the year 4,000


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ACCA-前导课 PART C-chapter 2

The statement of financial position as at year end

Assets $’000

Non-current assets

Equipment 2,000

Current assets

Cash (Seeing below) 10,000

Total assets 12,000

Equity and liabilities


Equity share 7,000

Retained earnings 4,000


Non-current liability

Bank loan 1,000

Total equity and liabilities 12,000

Cash receive and payment

Equity shares

Amount (in $’000)


Bank loan 1,000

Buy equipment (2,000)

Purchase goods (5,000)

Rent expense (1,500)

Interest expense (50)

Tax expense (50)

Other expenses (1,900)

Sales revenue 12,500

Balance at year end 10,000


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ACCA-前导课 PART C-chapter 2

2. Accounting process

2.1 Source documents

Business transactions are recorded on Source documents. Examples includes sales orders, purchase orders and


2.2 Books of prime entry

The details on source documents need to be summarized and recorded so that it knows what is going on. Such

records are made in books of prime entry. Books of prime entry includes sales day book, purchase day book and

cash book etc.

2.3 Ledgers accounts

Ledger accounts summarize all the individual transactions listed in the book of prime entry. There are two sides

to a ledger account, and an account headings on the top, and so they are often referred to as T- account.

2.4 Trial balance

A trial balance is a list of all ledger account balances. The purpose is to test the accuracy of the accounting


3. Accounting equation

⚫ Five elements

Before introduce the accounting equation, we should understand Five elements first:







Source documents

Books of prime entry

Ledger accounts

Trial balance

Financial statements


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ACCA-前导课 PART C-chapter 2

3.1 Assets

An asset is a resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events and from which future economic benefits

are expected to flow to the entity.

⚫ Non-current assets: for the purpose of continuing use (more than 12 months) within the entity

⚫ Current assets: for the purpose of turning into cash within 12 months

3.2 Liability

A liability is a present obligation arising from past events and the settlement of obligation is expected resulting

in outflow of economic benefits.

⚫ Non-current liability: repayable beyond next 12 months

⚫ Current liability: repayable within next 12 months

3.3 Equity

The residual interest after assets less liabilities.

3.4 Income

Increase in economic benefits during the accounting period

3.5 Expense

Decrease in economic benefits during the accounting period

4. Double-entry

Double-entry bookkeeping is the method by which a business records transactions. The idea is that every

transaction has two effects, which is the dual effect. If you were purchased a car for $1,000 cash, you would be

affected in two ways:

(a)You own a car worth $1,000

(b)You have $1,000 less cash

⚫ If you got a bank loan form bank:

(a)You have $1,000 more cash

(b)You owe the bank $1,000


Resources inside Supply by outside

Assets Liability Equity= +


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⚫ If you spent $500 for repairing the car:

(a)You have $500 less cash

(b)You have incurred a repairs expense of $500

⚫ We use Debit and Credit to describe the two effects of each transaction. This is the double-entry

bookkeeping. The rules of double-entry are as followings:

⚫ Notes:

(a) Purchase of goods are recorded as increase in " Purchase ".

(b) The sale of goods are recorded as increase in "Sales".

⚫ Rules of double-entry

Increase as Debit Increase as Credit

Assets Liability

Expense Equity

Purchase Income


Assets Liability Equity= +

Assets Liability Equity (excludes profit)= + Profit+

Assets Liability Equity= + Expense - Income+

Assets Expense Liability + = Income+Equity+

Call as Debit

Call as Credit

Call as Credit

Call as Debit


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ACCA-前导课 PART C-chapter 2

Quick quiz 1

List down double-entry for the following transactions

(1) Sales for cash $500

(2) Purchase for cash $500

(3) Pay rent expense for cash $1,500

(4) Buy a machine for cash $10,000

(5) Borrow money from bank $2,000

Quick quiz 2

Which ONE of the following statements correctly describes the contents of the Statement of financial position?

A. A list of ledgers balances

B. A list of all assets owned and all liabilities owed by a business

C. A record of income generated and expenses incurred over a given period

D. A record of the amount cash inflows and outflows in a given period

Quick quiz 3

Statements True False

The financial statements consist solely of the statement of financial

position and statement of profit or loss

If financial statements are audited , then the responsibility for those

financial statements instead falls on the auditors instead of the


There are generally no law surrounding the duties of directors in

managing the affairs of a company

The objective of financial statements is to provide information about

the financial position , performance and changes in financial position of

a business that is useful to a wide range of users in making decisions


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ACCA-前导课 PART C-chapter 3

Chapter 3 Management Accounting


1. Classifying costs

2. Time value of money

3. Budget-actual performance

1. Classifying costs

Costs can be classified in a number of different ways:

⚫ Element

⚫ Nature

⚫ Function

⚫ Behaviour

1.1 Element

Costs are classified as materials, labour or expenses.

1.2 Nature

Costs are classified as being direct or indirect.

Direct cost is expenditure that can be directly identified with a specific cost unit.Prime cost is the total of direct

material cost, direct labour cost and direct expenses.

Indirect costs / overheads: are expenditure that can not be directly identified with a specific cost unit or cost

centre and must be ‘shared out‘ on an equitable basis.

1.3 Function

Costs are classified as being production or non-production costs.

Production costs: are costs included in a stock valuation. The product cost is the cost of making, or buying.

Non-production costs (period costs): are costs that are not attributed to product costs, but instead are treated

as a cost of the time period when they arise. Non-production costs are taken directly to the income statement

as expense in the period in which they are incurred (eg. administration cost, selling and distribution cost, finance


1.4 Behaviour

Costs are classified as being fixed, variable, semi-variable or stepped fixed.

Fixed costs: are costs that are not affected in total by the level of activity, but remain the same.

Variable costs: are the costs that change in total in direct proportion to the level of activity.

Stepped fixed: costs that are constant for a range of activity level, and then change, and are constant again for

another range.

Semi-variable costs: are those which have both fixed and variable element.


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ACCA-前导课 PART C-chapter 3

2. Time value of money

The time value of money (TVM) is the concept that money available at the present time is worth more than the

identical sum in the future due to its potential earning capacity. This core principle of finance holds that provided

money can earn interest, any amount of money is worth more the sooner it is received.

TVM reflects the people's time preference for $100 now over $100 at some time in the future. Discounting in an

evaluation technique which takes into account the time value of money.

2.1 Discounting and compound interest

⚫ If we were to invest $1,000 now in a bank account which pays interest of 10% per year, with interest

calculated at once at each year end, we would expecting the following returns:

After one year :

$1,000 × (1 + 10%) = $1,100

If we keep all our money in the bank account, after two years, it would be:

$1,000 × (1.1) × (1.1) = $1,210

Similarity, after three years:

$1,000 × (1.1) × (1.1) × (1.1) = $1,331

This example showing how compound interest works. The amount of interest earned each year gets larger

because we earn interest on both principal and previous earned interest.

⚫ Therefore, the future value can be calculated as:

FV = P (1 + r) n

P = present value

R = interest rate

N = number of years

⚫ Present value can be calculated as:

PV = FV / (1 + r) n

2.2 复利的奇迹:

Example 1


公元1626年,荷兰总督察Peter 花了大约24美元的珠子和饰品从印第安人手中买下了现在的曼哈顿岛地



Example 2






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ACCA-前导课 PART C-chapter 3

3. Budget-actual performance

3.1 Budget

A budget is a quantified plan of action for a forthcoming accounting period. A budget is a plan of what the

organization is aiming to achieve and what has been set as a target.

Budgets can be categorized into different types such as production budgets, marketing budgets, sales budgets,

personnel budgets, purchasing budgets and research and development budgets.

Example 3

A company makes two products: X and Y. Sales for next year are budgeted to be 5,000 units of X and 1,000 units

of Y. Planned selling prices are $95 and $130 per unit respectively.

Sales budgets

X Y Total

Sales units 5,000 1,000 6,000

Selling price $95 $130

Sale revenue $475,000 $130,000 $605,000

3.2 Performance analysis

The purpose of performance measurement is to control and motivate the organization to improve performance.

Performance measure can be divided into two groups:

⚫ Financial performance measures

⚫ Non-financial performance measures

Performance analysis

Financial performance Non-financial performance

Profitability Debt Liquidity Market share Innovation Quality


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ACCA-前导课 PART C-chapter 3

3.2.1 Financial performance

⚫ Profitability ratios

These ratios are concerned with the effectiveness of the firm in generating profit. A very popular means

of assessing a firm is to assess the amount of wealth generated for the amount of wealth invested.

Return on capital employed (ROCE)

Capital employed = Shareholders’ funds (Equity) + long-term liabilities

Asset turnover

Operating profit margin

⚫ Gearing

Gearing is concerned with the relative sizes of the funds provided by shareholders, on the one hand,

and by loan creditors on the other. This is an important issue in business finance.

⚫ Liquidity ratios

Liquidity ratios are a guide to the risk of cash flow problems and insolvency. If a company suddenly

finds that it is unable to renew its short-term liabilities (for instance if the bank suspends its overdraft

facilities) there will be a danger of insolvency unless the company is able to turn enough of its current

assets into cash quickly.

A simple measure of how much of the total current assets is financed by current liabilities. If, for

example the measure is 2:1 this means that only a limited amount of the assets are funded by the

current liabilities

A measure of how well current liabilities are covered by liquid assets. A measure of 1:1 means that

we are able to meet our existing liabilities if they all fall due at once.

profit before interest and tax (PBIT)

Shareholders' funds+long-term liabilities×100%


Capital employed(in times)

PBIT (operating profit)


Gearing ratio =Long-term liabilities

Long-term liabilities+equity×100%

Interest cover = Profit before interest and tax (PBIT)

Interest(in times)

Current ratio =Current Assets

Current Liabilities

Quick ratio (acid test) =Current assets-inventory

Current liabilities


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ACCA-前导课 PART C-chapter 3

3.2.2 Non-financial performance

Objectives Measures

Market share Market share in terms of percentage its product serves

Innovation Number of patents, copyright, spending on R & D

Growth Growth in turnover, profits, employees, assets

Productivity Number of units by shifts and hours, labour hours per unit, etc

Quality Number of claims, number of returned goods, warranty expense

Social aspects Amount spent in social areas (quantifying this might be a problem)


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ACCA-前导课 PART C-chapter 3

Quick quiz 1

The following information is available for company X:

20x7 20x8

Profit 7,500 9,000

Sales 50,000 450,000

Capital employed 37,500 60,000

Using the figures in the question above, calculate the asset turnover for 20x8.

A. 0.075 times

B. 0.13 times

C. 7.5 times

D. 13.3 times

Quick quiz 2

The following summarized statement of financial position is available for company L.


Non-current assets 31,250

Current assets

Inventory 35,000

Trade receivables 40,000

Cash 1,250


Total assets 107,500

Equity 47,500

Current liability (payable only) 60,000

Total 107,500

Calculate the quick ratio.

A. 0.6875

B. 0.7093

C. 1.2708

D. 2.0000


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ACCA-前导课 Part D

Part D 常见问题总结 ⚫ 英语不好怎么办?

⚫ ACCA 都是计算吗?

⚫ ACCA 必须按照顺序考试吗?

⚫ 挂科怎么办?


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ACCA-前导课 Answer paper

Answer paper Chapter 1

Quick quiz 1 BD

Quick quiz 2 B

Quick quiz 3 D

Quick quiz 4 C

Chapter 2

Quick quiz 1:

Dr Cr

$ $

1 Cash 500

Sales 500

2 Purchases 500

Cash 500

3 Rent expenses 1,500

Cash 1,500

4 Machine 10,000

Cash 10,000

5 Cash 2,000

Bank loan 2,000

Quick quiz 2 B

Quick quiz 3 False False False True

Chapter 3

Quick quiz 1 C

Quick quiz 2 A