A Career in the Specialised Division

UHNM Recruitment Brochure – Specialised Division

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A guide to the University Hospitals of North Midlands – A career in the Specialised Division.

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A Career in the Specialised Division

The UK’s most modern facilitiesand committed teams makeUHNM a great place to work.

THE University Hospitals of NorthMidlands NHS Trust (UHNM) isone of the largest and most

modern in the country.

We serve around three million peopleand we’re highly regarded for ourfacilities, teaching and research.

The Trust has around 1,450 inpatient bedsacross sites in Stoke-on-Trent and Stafford.

Our 11,700 strong workforce provide emergencytreatment, planned operations and medical carefrom the Royal Stoke University Hospital (RSUH)and the County Hospital at Stafford.

Our mission to provide the very best health careincludes recruiting the best people. Our goal is to be aworld-class centre of achievement, where patients receivethe highest standards of care and the best people come tolearn, work and research.


Employing WORLD-CLASSpeople will help deliver our HEALTH CARE VISION

Our goal is to be a world-class centre ofachievement, where patients receive thehighest standards of care and the bestpeople come to learn, work and research.

WE are a fast paced, dynamic andevolving organisation who canoffer a wealth of opportunities

to clinical and non-clinical staff interestedin a rewarding and varied career.

Excellent and safe patient care requirescommitment, compassion andcompetence.

Colleagues throughout UHNM have theseattributes in abundance and we arealways on the look-out for new talent tohelp us provide and develop world classservices. Our friendly staff will guaranteeyou a warm welcome.

We are proud to care not only for ourlocal populations in Stoke and Stafford,but for those from further afield who are

prepared to travel to our hospitals sothat they can benefit from the

high quality specialist surgery,research, treatment and

facilities available here.We are the specialist

centre for majortrauma for the

North Midlandsand North Wales.

Happy staffmake forhappypatients, andwith the helpof both wehave puttogether awide range ofdevelopmentand support

packages aimedat ensuring that

everyone has the

opportunity to fulfil their potential andmeet their aspirations as well as the toolsto provide great care.

Further improvements and investment aredue at both our major sites including newwards, renal dialysis and chemotherapyunits and orthopaedic theatre at CountyHospital and a fifth MRI scanner and twonew theatres at Stoke.

UHNM have now taken on responsibilityfor a number of beds at communityhospitals in Bradwell and Cheadle,offering further opportunities for thosewishing to work in a community settingas well as the acute sector, or across both.

Colleagues living locally enjoy thebenefits of the beautiful Staffordshirecountryside, access to the Peak District,fantastic transport links to major cities,excellent schools and lower than averagehousing costs.

If we sound like your kind of trust, we’dlove to hear from you.


Our staff tell us howproud they are to work inthe NHS and how theyfeel able to contribute toimprovements at work.

EXCITING OPPORTUNITIESto join leading health care team

WE work closely with Staffordshireand Keele Universities to provideexcellent placements for students

here at the University Hospitals of NorthMidlands.

Purpose-built, modern facilities at theUniversity of Keele, Staffordshire Universityand UHNM sites attract the next generationsof doctors and nurses to train and work at thehospital.

The university’s medical school trains more than130 students in each of the five years of itsundergraduate programme. All third years studyat UHNM, many spend years four and five at thehospital, with some working in Shropshire.

Meanwhile, hundreds of midwives, nurses andnursing assistants across a range of clinicalspecialties train at the university and go on towork at the hospitals.

Modern innovative curriculums for all studentsmake the most of purpose-built facilities at boththe university campus and the hospitals. It’s partof a learning and training package which aimsto develop the very best clinicians and nursingstaff and encourage them to stay and workhere.

There are lots of unique opportunities whiletraining at UHNM. A student-led volunteerscheme, Med-Path, has been developed inpartnership with the University Hospitals ofNorth Midlands Skills Academy, whereby

medicalstudents areinvolved indelivering activities and developing opportunitieswithin local schools and colleges.

And UHNM has seen year on year growth inclinical placements offered at the hospital, withan amazing 41,000 days completed and 200qualified nurses and midwives welcomed in2014/15.

For our registered staff we continue to offer apreceptorship programme and we supported347 staff to undertake a degree or masters levelstudy to ensure we develop our workforce tomeet the changes in service delivery.

There are also well-subscribed courses forqualifications in pharmacy, radiography andbiomedical sciences.

HEALTH PROFESSIONALSOF THE FUTURElearn at centres in North Midlands

UHNM provides staff withopportunities to learnand develop their role. Aswell as updating skills todo their jobs withstatutory and mandatorylearning, staff can seeUHNM mentors whoencourage colleagues tolearn more with coursesin the workplace or inlocal colleges or trainingproviders.

The Trust’s HealthcareCareers and SkillsAcademy is the home ofthe OrganisationalDevelopment Team whooffer a wide range ofservices to support teamsto achieve their aims andambitions.

These opportunities startfrom day 1.Comprehensive careersupport is on offer with anumber of availableroutes into UHNMincluding, workexperience, Prince’s Trustprogrammes and amultitude of NVQsincluding BusinessAdministration,Healthcare Support,Management andPharmacy.

Staff are fully supportedthrough theseprogrammes as the teamoffer advice and skillsaimed at equipping talentfor the future.

It doesn’t stop there! Asan employee of UHNMyou can expect on-goinglearning andDevelopment, includingLeadership Development,Mentoring and Coaching,Customer Care forpatients and a number ofother courses to boostskills and create excitingdevelopmentopportunities for all.

Opportunityfor all Trustemployeesto upskill

State-of-the-art facilitiesat the on-site Clinical

Education Centre.


THOUSANDS of patients sign up totake part in ground-breakingresearch projects that put UHNM at

the heart of developing healthtechnologies of the future.

Our thriving Research and Developmentdepartment strives to provide highquality, pioneering research atevery stage of patient care.

A core part of the NHS iscreating a culture ofinnovation and givingpatients the opportunityto get involved in allaspects of research.

More than 3,500patients per year arerecruited intostudies lead byinternationallyrenownedresearchers atUHNM to aid in avariety of areasincluding stroke,cancer, neurology,radiography andrespiratory medicine.

Within the department, research nursesand midwives work alongside clinicians,multidisciplinary teams and supportservices to identify potential researchparticipants, discuss trials with patientsand provide care throughout the studies.

Ranked in the top 15 per cent of researchactive trusts, UHNM works in partnershipwith Keele University to deliver ground-breaking studies that can helppatients all over the world.

Keele’s position as a leading university forcutting-edge research has beenconfirmed by the UK-wide ResearchExcellence Framework (REF), which

assesses the quality of studies in highereducation institutions in the UK.

The REF results revealed that 97per cent of the University's

research is classified as worldleading and of internationalimportance and withfurther academicinvestment, the UHNMaims to become anationally recognisedCentre of Excellence forhealth-related researchby 2018.


PhD research studentAbigail Rutter usingSIFT-MS breath analysisequipment with samplesof exhaled breath in bags.

Follow the Trust onTwitter @UHNM_NHSor like our Facebook

page to find out more.

Research programme shapes theDEVELOPMENT OF NEW CARE

Taking part inresearch hada positiveimpact onour lives.Patient involved in UHNMresearch programme


AT the Royal Stoke site eight majordevelopment projects areunderway costing £35 million.

A new 28-bedded ward with 12 singlebed side rooms has already been created,a new-build extension has given theCritical Care Unit 12 more beds, theSpringfield building has undergone amajor refurbishment and offices havebeen moved to give the Pathology labsmore space.

Due to be delivered by the end of theyear are more inpatient beds foroncology, two new wards and twomodular theatres, another

28-bedded ward with 12 single siderooms and a new two storey extensionfor an MRI scanner.

County Hospital in Stafford is benefittingfrom an investment of £25 million on 16projects with a scheduled completiondate of March 2017.

Already delivered are new ultrasoundfacilities and midwife-led birthing roomsin the Midwifery Unit, a children’sassessment and emergency centre and anultraclean theatre with lay up room.

The remaining projects are due on streamduring the next year and a half and firstinclude essential fire safety work, the

installation of an MRI scanner, phase oneof a 12 station renal dialysis unit andphased improvements to the emergencydepartment and outpatients.

2016 will see work start on a cateringinitiative, centralisation of pathology,phase two of the 12 station renal dialysisunit, the creation off a dedicatedChemotherapy Unit and theatrerefurbishment.

Also due are endoscopy improvements.Work starts in 2016 on a revamp of fivewards which will continue into 2017when the second phase of essential firesafety work takes place.

Massive development is ongoing at Royal Stoke, left,

and County Hospital, next page.

£60million commitment to invest inFACILITIES ACROSS HOSPITALS

Artist’s impressions of some of the new facilities to be provided at the Trust.

Additional bedspace has been

provided atUHNM.


Chief Nurse Liz Rix said nurses were at the heartof the Trust’s ambition to become a world classprovider of health services.

She said: “The nursing profession willalways face challenges both locally andnationally. By working as a team andthrough consistent delivery ofstrong nursing leadership at everylevel of the organisation, we areconfident that we will succeedin becoming a top performingTrust.

“We are passionate aboutmaking lives better. We arededicated to clinicalexcellence, inspiring andsupporting our nurses andputting our patients at theheart of everything we do.We would love you to bepart of our team. If you arepassionate, caring andenthusiastic, come and joinus.”

Nurse bankThe nurse bank offers theopportunity for people to workflexibly in services across the Trust.

Thousands of nurses and nursing assistants are employed at theRoyal Stoke University Hospital and County Hospital, Stafford,across four divisions – surgery, medicine, specialised services aswell as children’s, women’s and diagnostics.

The medical division alone employs more than one thousand fulltime nurses and over 500 nursing assistants at both hospitals.

We are passionate aboutmaking lives better.

Nurses at the heart of Trust’s‘world class’ ambition


Nutrition and Dieteticsis a well-establishedservice at theUniversity Hospital ofNorth Midlands. Thereare over 45 dietitiansworking for the hospitals whichinclude Royal Stoke University Hospitaland County Hospital.

We also have a service levelagreement with the local MentalHealth Trust and we support a varietyof Outpatient Clinics, domiciliaryvisits, dialysis centres and outreachwork for some dietetic specialities.

The dietetics team here is forwardthinking, vibrant and hard workingwith an ethos of doing our best forpeople using our services. Specialityteams include paediatrics, acutemedicine and surgery, community forGeneral practice clinics, MentalHealth, Learning disabilities, nutritionsupport, trauma, bariatrics and renaldietetics. Each of these teams alsohas specialities within themdeveloping a high level of expertise.

The department trains studentdietitians, taking students formCoventry University for A, B and C

placements and enjoys a high rate ofstudent satisfaction.

The dietetic teams working here arekeen to be involved in any aspect ofnutrition and embed the nutritioninfra-structure of the Trust includingnutrition support initiatives, Hospitalfood initiatives and Staff well-being.There is a continual drive with a rangeof colleagues from other professionsto improve nutrition standards in ourhospitals; our aim is to be the bestand staff are encouraged to developtheir potential with support ofcolleagues.

The Trust has busy research and auditdepartments supporting AHP’s to gaina better understanding of theprocesses involved and helping theseto be translated into practice an thereare opportunities to present nationally/internationally as well as inputting in toNICE Guidance and British Dieteticpublications.

Nutrition and Dietetics

Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy UHNM Therapies comprising bothPhysiotherapy and Occupational Therapyare the second and third largest AHPprofessional groups respectively with over200 staff currently working across theRoyal Stoke and County sites.

We cover the full range of specialitiesmaking us one of the most attractiveemployers of therapy staff, in particularnewly qualified. We offer experience in thegeneral areas of respiratory,musculoskeletal and neurology and offer awide range of speciality rotations. We areable to offer opportunities for staff togrow and develop their careers in astimulating and forward thinking service.This gives them the foundations to enablethem to take on more senior roles in andoutside of the service and organisation.

Our Therapists have a major contributionto make in delivering quality health care.Their role is invaluable in achieving rapidand best outcomes for patients andtherapists are recognised within the Trustas invaluable and key members of themultidisciplinary team.

We are the local clinical education providerfor both Physiotherapy and OccupationalTherapy undergraduates and have aproductive partnership with Keele,Coventry and Derby Universities. We havegained national and internationalrecognition for service improvement andfor leading in introducing transformationalchange and our staff have presented atconferences and good practice workshops.Our therapists at UHNM are innovative,committed and hardworking.

NORTH Staffordshire ishome to world-famousproducers of the mostbeautiful china, and iswidely-known as one ofthe friendliest cities in thecountry.

It boasts award-winningparks, museums, fivetheatres, mainstream andspecial interest shoppingcentres and a vibrant nightlife.

Staffordshire Moorlandsmarket towns and beautifulvillages are a short driveaway, as is the Peak DistrictNational Park – a mecca forwalkers. For thrillseekers,the popular Alton Towerstheme park is a 30 minutedrive away.

Housing across the area isplentiful and affordablewhile road and rail linksincluding the M6 and theWest Coast Main Linemean Manchester andBirmingham are less thanan hour away.

The main line service toLondon links the area withthe capital in 90 minutes.

With three internationalairports within a 50 mileradius, travelling abroadcould not be easier.

Potteriesarea has somany greatattractions

AS a forward thinking and progressiveemployer we aim to make sure youget the rewards your hard work

deserves to make your working life easier andyour personal life more rewarding.

We don’t just give you a salary and paidholidays – we also have an extensive supportnetwork and offer training to help youmaintain your professional registration whileimproving your skills as you look to advance.

When you join us, your package will include:

Pension: the NHS is one of very fewemployers still offering a retirement packagebased on either your final salary or apercentage of your pay over your wholecareer.

Pay: incremental scales subject to annualreview and based on your responsibilities and skills.

Holidays: at least 27 days’ holiday a year,rising when employment milestones arereached. Holiday minimums exclude BankHolidays which are given over and above.

Childcare Support: flexible working patterns.

Flexibility: scope for part-time working, jobsharing, term-time working as well asevening, weekend work and career breaks.

Carer Support: flexible working and specialleave policies.

Training: full or part-time learningopportunities to help you realise your potential.

Equality and Diversity: we make positiveefforts to recruit from the many diversesections of society to ensure all staff aretreated fairly.

NHS Discounts

TO deliver high quality patient care, theNHS needs staff that are healthy, well andat work. Looking after the health andwellbeing of our staff directly contributesto the delivery of quality patient care.

We have a range of wellbeing initiativesto support our staff including a healthand wellbeing programme, wellbeingcourses, staff support services and healthpromotion activities.

● The Royal Stoke choir and orchestrawelcome people of all abilities to join up andsing or play along. The orchestra plays aminimum of five concerts per year includingChristmas Carol events and summer cabarets.They rehearse every Thursday from 7pm until9pm at the Newcastle Baptist Church. Choirrehearsals take place every Tuesday from 6pmuntil 8pm at the Healthcare Careers and SkillsAcademy.

Supporting and promoting good health and wellbeing

Working life improved byPACKAGE OF BENEFITS



The Division encompasses a wide range of specialties eachsupported by an integrated therapy service. Our servicesfall into three directorates:

Heart Centre Directorate

Neurosciences Directorate

Trauma Directorate

Importantly the division believes in two key principles:

That our patients should have more control over the carethey receive

That those responsible for patient care – our doctors,nurses and other healthcare professionals should have thefreedom and be empowered to continually improve thecare of our patients

We have set about creating a clinically led division with theappointment of clinicians to key managerial posts and westrongly believe in a clinically led organisation with:

Designated clinical leads who have clear accountability formonitoring the quality of care in their service areas

Clinical involvement in all decisions affecting serviceprovision and patient care through service line meetings

Our clinical priorities are set out in our integrated businessplan which looks ahead to the next five years, this includesthe expansion of all our clinical services, the developmentof ambulatory care facilities and development of specialistnurses to support these changes.

All this will ensure that as a division we have a clear visionlinked to the strategic objectives which deliver safe andeffective patient centred care.

Ultimately we believe that having an engaged workforcewill show in our delivery of quality patient care – thismeans having the right staff, with the right skills at theright time.

The Heart Centre is a national centre ofexcellence for the North West Midlands,Shropshire, East Cheshire and NorthWales.

Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgeryhave led the way to provide an awardwinning Heart Centre who are a nationalforerunner in the delivery of Cardiac andThoracic Care, offering highly specialisedservices with excellent results.

We are in the top five Cardiac SurgicalCentres in the UK and we have the bestday case rates for ICD implants andpacemakers based on NCBC database.

As a tertiary centre with quick access tospecialist cardiac and cardiology servicesincluding minimal invasive proceduresand pioneering keyhole by-pass surgery,patients from Manchester, Birmingham,Wigan, Solihull and the Wirral choose tocome to us for treatment. We are one ofthree centres in the country that offersMinimally Invasive Coronary BypassGrafting.

Our facilities include:

64 inpatient cardiology beds including 13Coronary Care beds which facilitate directadmissions for PPCI patients with dailyinput from a team of specialistphysiotherapists and technical instructors

Cardiology Diagnostic Department (IP and OP)

Four Catheter Laboratories

32 bedded Cardiothoracic surgery ward

Perfusion Team to support cardiactheatres

Ambulatory heart failure unit (SHINE)

16 Critical Care beds -10 level 3, 6 Level 2

Cardiac Rehabilitation Centre

Outpatient diagnostic and ambulatorycare (County Hospital)

The Heart Centre

Neurosciences Directorate

The Neurosciences Directorate is oneof three Sub-Regional Centresoffering Neurosciences Services(Neurology, Clinical Neurophysiologyand Stroke) within the WestMidlands Region, currently serving apopulation in excess of 1.6 million. Allthree sub-specialties benefit from dailyinput by the therapies team comprisingof specialist occupational therapists,physiotherapists and technical instructors.

We provide a comprehensive range ofhigh quality Out-Patient services for themanagement of patients with acute andchronic neurological conditions supportedby a number of associated specialtiesincluding Neuroradiology, Neurophysiologyand Rehabilitation Services.

Our nationally recognisedNeurophysiology Department offersservices for paediatrics, sleep deprivation,ambulatory and video telemetry. We alsoundertake specialist work inintraoperative monitoring in bothorthopaedic and neurosurgery.

Our Stroke Service is jointly provided byourselves and the Staffordshire and Stokeon Trent Partnership Trust. Consisting of a26 bed combined Hyper-acute and AcuteStroke Unit (6 hyper acute beds and 20acute beds ) and a 19 bed specialiststroke rehabilitation unit at HaywoodHospital. Our services include; a dailyrapid access TIA clinic closely linking tovascular surgery, 24/7 access to CT, CTangiography, perfusion

anddiffusionimaging andMRI, a thrivingthrombolysis service.

We also have a dedicatedNeurological Ward comprising of 20beds, providing in-Patient investigationsand management of diseases of thecentral nervous and neuromuscularsystems, both acute and elective withaccess to an excellent externalRehabilitation Service.

Integral to the ward is an AmbulatoryUnit that allows patients to receiveessential treatments in a moreconsistent and

timely manner improving patientexperience and preventing inpatient stays.

Our 14 bedded Neurosciences Unit at theCounty Hospital has a mix of acute stroke,neurology and step down rehabilitationbeds. The unit is supported by a dedicatedmulti-disciplinary stroke team.

Trauma Directorate

The Trauma Directorate providescomprehensive and highly specialisedservices in Major Trauma, Orthopaedics,Spines and Neurosurgery.

The Major Trauma Centre (MTC) servesthe population of Staffordshire, SouthCheshire, Shropshire and North Wales andhas an excellent reputation, classed as2nd in the country.

Since the introduction of major traumacentres nationally, survival rates fromcatastrophic injuries have gone up by60%. At our own Trust we are seeingeven better results, with an extra 2patients per 100 surviving major trauma,compared to the national average.

In line with the Trusts 2025 Vision we arestriving to become a world-classinstitution for specialised services withdevelopments in Neurosurgery to providean Awake Craniotomy service supportingprolonged survival and improvedfunctional outcomes for patients.

Our fractured neck of femur length ofstay is the best in the country with

Orthopaedics being one of the best mortality rates in the country for the 3rdyear running.

The Directorate encompasses thefollowing services:

84 inpatient and emergency bedsincluding 10 beds for day cases at RoyalStoke with daily input from a team ofspecialist occupational therapists,physiotherapists and technical instructors

17 beds at County with plans for 10rehabilitation beds on a dedicated ward

24/7 emergency operating and dedicatedTrauma Orthopaedic and Neurosurgerytheatres 7 days per week

5 laminar flow theatres for electiveorthopaedic, spines and neurosurgeryat RSUH and 2 laminar flow electiveorthopaedic theatres at County withdedicated theatre staff for eachspecialty running 6 days per week

3 dedicated critical care beds forour neurosurgical patients

Consultant Led fracture clinic andoutpatient elective clinics

Specialist Outpatient service delivered byOccupational Therapists, Physiotherapistsand Technical Instructors providingtreatment to patients; including pre-operative patient education group fortotal hip replacements and total kneereplacements

32 inpatient beds for Neurosurgery andSpines with dedicated critical care facilities


TO FIND OUT MORE VISIT www.uhnm.nhs.uk

@UHNM_NHS or like us UniversityHospitalsofNorthMidlandsNHSTrust

JobsIf you are interested in joining the team at the University Hospitals of North Midlands see ourNHS Jobs pages for our latest job opportunities.

University Hospitals of North MidlandsRoyal Stoke University HospitalNewcastle RoadStoke-on-TrentST4 6QGTel: 01782 715444

www.uhnm.nhs.uk www.anewkindoftrust.co.uk

@UHNM_NHS UniversityHospitalsofNorthMidlandsNHSTrust

County HospitalWeston RoadStaffordST16 3SATel: 01785 257731