Uc2f1508 Cs It Cri Assign With Survey

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  • 8/15/2019 Uc2f1508 Cs It Cri Assign With Survey


    BM006-3-2CRI Individual Assignment Page 1 of 11

    Learning OutcomesUpon completion of this assignment, students should be able to:

    1. Explore the different types of creativity and creative processes usually found in theworkplace

    2. Explore and understand the many different facets of individual creativity. !dentify, practice, and increase one"s individual creativity skills

    #. Understand how team creativity differs from individual creativity$. Understand how creativity and innovation differ and how they are related%. Understand the leader"s role in fostering creativity and innovation in individuals and

    teams&. Understand the leader"s role in designing systems for fostering creativity and innovation

    in an organi'ation

    Objectives of the Assignment(o show ability in finding facts and defining the problems for the purpose of establishingthe framework for idea generation.(o display the competencies of using the creative tools and techni)ues for idea

    generation.(o exhibit the competencies in evaluating ideas and making comparison against availablealternatives.


    *ou are +roduct evelopment -anager of an existing company that manufactures consumerproducts . (he company plans to introduce a new product and sustain their competitive positionin the market. s such, you are assigned by the company"s /E0 to come up with a new product

    offering and present a proposal of the new product concept that appeal to the market. *our proposed product concept needs to be realistic and marketable within five !" #ears .

    !t is important that your product concept be able to show how innovative in comparison to theavailable alternatives in relation to S$%OOLS AN& STU&ENTS .

    !n addition, the value it can specifically provide to the targeted market.

    NOTE' *ou will have a +0 (E ! +3 * session during your tutorial time, 2 rd -ay 241%.

    *ou are re)uired to conduct a survey from:1. (50 627 cademicians 82. 08E 617 -anagerial staff at 8

    . (9 EE 6 7 students at +U

    (he main purpose of the survey is to get their feedback with regards to your proposed productconcept. (he information will then be used in your idea evaluation in (art ! of your report.

    Level 2 Asia Paci c nive!sit" of #ec$nolog" and Innovation 201%0%

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    BM006-3-2CRI Individual Assignment Page 2 of 11

    *our written proposal has to be submitted by the date of submission with a softcopy in /format.*our written proposal needs to follow the format given below

    Executive ummary• (able of /ontent• (art )

    ; !ntroduction about the company background; +roblem tatement < about the product that you want to proposed; /ompetitor nalysis, comparison of common attributes from two *" products from two

    direct competitors; 0b=ective tatement, written in one sentence

    • (art *; !dea generation

    • (art +; +roduct /oncept escription ; graphic design

    • (art ,; -arket !dentification < marketing strategy < product package, place, price and promotion

    • (art !; !dea Evaluation

    • /onclusion < discuss the problems of the existing technologies of product infrastructure• eferences• (art -

    ; ppendix. 6attachments of your survey > other supporting information to yourdocument7

    Level 2 Asia Paci c nive!sit" of #ec$nolog" and Innovation 201%0%

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    BM006-3-2CRI Individual Assignment Page 3 of 11


    A/ (rob6em Statement• 0ne sentence to indicate the specific area of focus to work on your idea generation.• *our problem statement needs to relate to your ob=ective statement• Important Note' *our problem statement will later be referred to in your !dea


    0/ $ompetitor Ana6#sis• /ompare and contrast two 627 products from any two 627 direct competitors 6table form7• !nclude the following:

    ; 0pening 6overall summary of competitors" profile7

    ; /ommon attributes 6essay7a. Uni)ueness b. 3imitationc. (echnology

    • (he above information of your /ompetitor nalysis will be used later in !dea Evaluation

    $/ Objective Statement• 0ne sentence to indicate the general scope for your creative focus.

    (A.T */ I&EA 7ENE.ATION 8 $hoose an# two techni9ues from the 6ectures

    ttribute 3istingnalytical (echni)ues

    @orce @itting (riggers9euristic ideation techni)ue

    / -+E Arainstorming

    (A.T +/ (.O&U$T $ON$E(T &ES$.I(TION

    • +resent the visual or visuals of the product concept− Bisual can be sketched by hand or drawn using available softwares.− Bisual is re)uired for all sides of the product− 3abel each components accordingly

    *Be as detail as possible. Avoid giving generic description of the product

    Level 2 Asia Paci c nive!sit" of #ec$nolog" and Innovation 201%0%

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    BM006-3-2CRI Individual Assignment Page % of 11

    • !nclude the following:− 0pening− vailability for purchase 6be specific on locations > countries7− @eatures− @unction−

    @re)uency of usage 6daily, weekly, monthly or occasionally etc7− +rice 6related to the target market"s affordability > competitors" prices 7− (echnologies

    *ou are re)uired to provide analysis on how different and innovative your product concept incomparison to the two 627 identified products in competitor analysis earlier in competitoranalysis section.

    *Be as detail as possible. Avoid giving generic description of the product

    (A.T ,/ 1A.:ET I&ENTI;I$ATION

    • *ou are allowed to target a sing6e or mu6tip6e market segment. Custify your marketingstrategies.

    • +rice• +roduct• +lace• +romotion

    *Be as detail as possible. Avoid giving generic description of the target market

    (A.T !/ I&EA E5ALUATION $hoose an# two of the techni9uesD 1. /ost;benefit analysisD 2. ecision treesD . elphi techni)ueD #. Evaluation matrixD $. @orce field analysisD %. ( !D &. ticking dotsD F. 50( analysisD

    (A.T -/ SU.5E3 attach in appendi

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    BM006-3-2CRI Individual Assignment Page & of 11

    • ate > signatures of your survey respondents are re)uired in 0LUE IN: ONL3• ll components in the survey form are re)uired to be filled• /ompleted survey forms are to be attached in the appendix • ttach origina6 completed survey forms with the hardcop# of assignment• !nformation from the survey forms will be used in idea evaluation <

    Level 2 Asia Paci c nive!sit" of #ec$nolog" and Innovation 201%0%

  • 8/15/2019 Uc2f1508 Cs It Cri Assign With Survey


    BM006-3-2CRI Individual Assignment Page 6 of 11

    1A.: ALLO$ATION0b=ective tatement, /ompetitor nalysis and+roblem tatement

    24 marks

    !dea ?eneration and !dea ummary 4 marks!dea Evaluation 24 marks+roduct escription and -arket !dentification 24 marks0verall Guality of the +roposal 10 -arks

    (E.;O.1AN$E $.ITE.IA ;O. O5E.ALL QUALIT3 O; (.O(OSAL

    • (his criterion will assess the overall use of language appropriate for writing a formal business proposal, the organisation of information and the presentation of your proposal.

    • !t also includes consideration of how you present your executive summary. *ou are to follow

    the below structure for writing your executive summary..; 8ame of the proposed product concept; (ype of product proposed and 6if applicable7 the technologies used; 8eeds of the market identified 6to show the reasons why the proposed product concept

    can solve the current problem or problems faced by customers in the market7; 8ames of the competitors and their competing alternatives; +roposed price of the product; !dea generation tools and techni)ues used; !dea evaluation tools and techni)ues used


    ;ormat of =riting

    *ou are to use the following format of writing.; ;ont t#pe' (imes 8ews oman; ;ont si>e' 9eading < )-pts , subheading < ),pts , normal writing < )*pts ; Line spacing' 1.$; $aption and the source of information are to be given to each diagram, chart, and table

    used in your answer.

    Level 2 Asia Paci c nive!sit" of #ec$nolog" and Innovation 201%0%

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    BM006-3-2CRI Individual Assignment Page ' of 11

    .eferences and $itations

    eferences and citations are to be written according to %arvard .eferencing S#stem .Ensure the format you use for writing your citations and references is consistent throughoutthe document.Ensure each citation has its corresponding reference and each reference has its citation in theanswer.*ou should on no account make reference to www.wikipedia.com , www.about.com , or thelikes as sources for your work. (hese websites can be useful to provide you with thedefinitions and the general ideas about the concepts within the module but it is not acceptablein your academic writing.

    =ord (ena6t#

    (he ma

  • 8/15/2019 Uc2f1508 Cs It Cri Assign With Survey


    BM006-3-2CRI Individual Assignment Page ( of 11

    Additiona6 Information• (he idea of Iinnovation" in this assignment will be seen in objective manner meaning the

    product concept you proposed must not exist in the market around the world 68ote: (his can be verified by the marker via online by typing in the relevant keywords7 and not from a

    sub=ective perspective where the idea, if applied, is considered novel to an individual, anorganisation or a nation. (his is to avoid students having simply copy an idea or taking a product which already exist in another country than merely applied to the country and marketof their choice which shows no creative effort.

    • 9owever, this does not mean that students have to create something new from scratch. (heycan use those ideas or products that already exist and propose something new by combiningtwo or more different functions, using different materials, modifying the existing product for different use, rearranging the parts of the product, minimising the si'e, etc. as long as the

    proposed product concept can appeal to the market and effectively compete with thecompetitors.

    Level 2 Asia Paci c nive!sit" of #ec$nolog" and Innovation 201%0%

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    BM006-3-2CRI Individual Assignment Page ) of 11


    #$is *uestionnai!e is to +e used +" CRI students ,it$ !ega!ds to t$e acce ta+ilit"

    and im lementation of t$ei! ideas. /ome of t$e info!mation given +" t$e!es ondents ,ill +e !e*ui!ed to +e inco! o!ated into t$e Force Field Anal !i!es eciall" t$e ans,e! and suggestion given in ( ) 10 12 and 13./uggestions given +" t$e inte!vie,ee s$ould +e !esented as !ecommendations fo!"a#i"i!in$ %&e !' or%in$ ac%or! and o! "ini"i!in$ %&e re!%ric%in$

    ac%or! .

    ou ,ill +e !e*ui!ed to e4 lain "ou! ideas to t$e inte!vie,ees and s$o, $o, it can!ovide value to t$e ta!get ma!5et and ma5e com a!ison to ot$e! availa+le

    alte!natives in o!de! to dete!mine t$e innovativeness of "ou! idea. #$e !es ondneed to +e a%%ac&ed a! a endice! in "ou! assignment.



    -OSITION :

    1. A!e "ou clea! ,it$ t$e idea!o osed +" t$e student7


    1 2 3 % & Verclear

    2. Is t$e desc!i tion of t$e ta!getma!5et s eci c o! gene!al7


    1 2 3 % & .i$&l! eci/c

    No%e: / eci c detail of ta!get ma!5et8s9 isdesi!ed !at$e! t$an !oviding a gene!aldesc!i tion.

    3. :ave t$e students e4 lainedt$e value t$at ,ill +e !ovided+" $is o! $e! idea to t$e ta!getcustome!8s9 o! use!8s9 clea!l"7


    1 2 3 % & Verclear

    %. :o, fa! do "ou ag!ee t$at t$evalue !ovided +" t$e !o osedidea is !elevant to t$e ta!getma!5et use!7


    1 2 3 % & .i$&lrele0an


    &. :o, innovative is t$e !o osedidea7


    1 2 3 % & .i$&linno0a%


    Level 2 Asia Paci c nive!sit" of #ec$nolog" and Innovation 201%0%

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    BM006-3-2CRI Individual Assignment Page 10 of 11

    6. :o, uni*ue is t$e !o osedidea ,$en com a!ed to t$eidenti ed com etingalte!natives 7


    1 2 3 % & Ver'ni1'e

    '. :o, fa! is t$e !o osed ideaconside!ed to o;e! su e!io!value ,$en com a!ed to t$eidenti ed com etingalte!natives7

    .i$&lin erior

    1 2 3 % & .i$&l!' erio



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    BM006-3-2CRI Individual Assignment Page 11 of 11

    I $e!e+" decla!e t$at t$e a+ove info!mationis !ovided +" m" good self in su o!t of t$e e;o!t made +" t$e student in ,!itingt$ei! C!eativit" and Innovation assignment.

    ?ate /ignatu!e of !es ondent

    Level 2 Asia Paci c nive!sit" of #ec$nolog" and Innovation 201%0%