U- tile U or befor- eARLANJ I o DeceLl5CiJ 2nd Tnlatritri 4tL8TATE S- 3i dece 11 d n rIbQ Prtvat d real tate Interest ° 80utbcSt in flge erllllan I Utah U 2 S i on or ate r at 1909 Writ II- I the ofli y tor Iret- rtah NaUon I Terni at time o upon COT H Y for AdDlIn- j REAl Es IJ SALE cenaed II Ltt prhatp bed real C tate 1nths 215 Jorth half ot section thlr CG north lo Salt Lak In Weber J on or after Irnbcr 1955 hld the Ittorney for First Ka Kden Utah per at Jlance Upo- nInlstrator ° y for Ad t TORS 26 1909 Iflfig sewers Icing Chlld3 South 34742 o of Chllds- speclfica I I r Engineer Council will f f the City at Ogden lock p m Imber Ihambcr on Itll the time I II for said is received and read reject any Iny defects founcll- iglneer 1900 1909 j ir land L1ahi id lloc to Steep u trjIu tr AMrg- newMr Ii oIe13 It Jand znoirt n li bears brai mccban- UaI j IUTION j I tbf J wf head nt tM whole tbu < j p Ubiu 01 chnulstD la 80 irrncRH n the moutk tbe PP bin yes I- IDd J ted In dOf tbl effect tbal j ten n tlroUI- D of unce- iorable I i re- v l came lO- hospital 1 yesterday and other 11 from his is expect- ore purchased- Tho buying j inoy not to I i I r NO GUESS WORK ARE STANDARD GENUINE DISPATCHES AND GUAR ¬ 11 I W iW t 1 WEATHERFORECAST H 1 I ANTEED BY THE GREATEST jT1rttyNlnthY- earFo295PriceFiveccnta 1t UTAH THAT THEi THE WEATHERWILL INDICATIONS IARE BE I NEWS GATHERING ASSO- CIATION ¬ t f i GENERALLY FAIR TONIGHT i IN THE WORLD + SATURDAY FAIR I OGDEN CITY UTAH FRIDAY EVENING DECEMBER 10 J909J2 PAGES Entered ac Second Class Matter at the Postofflce Ogden Utah I OGDEN IS IN TE UST Of CgTES j NVESTIGA TED fOR WHITE SLAVES Immigration Commissioner Makes a Report Which Contains Stories of Revolting Prac = tices of Procurers of Women Washington Dec IStorlcs of re- volting ¬ practices of American anti for eign procurers of women for importa- tion into the United States for im moral purposes are told In a report is- sued today by the Immigration com- mission ¬ The recommendations of the commission contemplate a closer scrutiny of tho admission of alien women and renewed efforts to stamp out the socalled white slave trafllc In explanation of tho fact of laying hare to tho public the horrible details of discoveries by its agents tho com- mission ¬ says that the white slave tralllc Is tho most pitiful and tho most revolting phase of tho immigra- tion ¬ question This business has as- sumed ¬ largo proportions and It has been exerting so evil an influence upon the country that tim commission declares It felt compelled to make a thorough Investigation Since the subject especially liable to sensational exploitation the report saYR It Is Important that the state ment of the commission should deal with undeniable facts which may form- a basis of reasonable legislative and administrative action to lessen the evils The inquiry covered New York Chi- cago ¬ San Francisco Seattle Portland Salt Lake Ogden Butte Denver Buf- falo ¬ Boston and New Orleans No at ¬ tempt was made to investigate condi- tions ¬ in every Important city But the commission believes that enough essences of women of different races and nationalities and living under dif- ferent ¬ conditions has boon obtained from localities sufficiently scattered to use tho report an a siitucient basis for legislative and administrative action The report deals with methods used by men and women procurers to lure women into this country for immoral purposesrhe methods differ as adopted In different countries In some countries men and women In the buiji jiess pLenJJclng Jnnoccut gfjJs ipjhj United States resort to proffers of at ¬ I tractive positions and In many cases offer themselves in marriage and fre- quently ¬ risk prosecution on charges of bigamy In order to attain their de sIres Much of the evidence taken by the I agents of the commission is given in i proof of statements made in the re- port and there are also affidavits from police officers and letters from govern i mont officials giving the character of evidence on which the report has been based I The report says concerning talk of a great monopolistic corporation whose business it Is to Import and ox ploit theso unfortunate women The commission has been unable to learn 0 8 any such corporation and I dons not believe In Its existence It Is stated however that persons engaged In such Importing business doubtless have a wide acquaintance among themselves and in many In- stances ¬ they have rather close busi nesB relations one with another so as to prevent their victims from getting out of their clutches before the have I realized the desired profits from their base ventures Under the head of Recommenda- tions the commission says Owing to the difference between American and European regulations regarding prostitution cooperation for the suppression of the white slave traffic cannot be expected from most of tho European nations only I along certain lines Most European countries are rigid In their regulations regarding tho procuring for puposes of prostitution of minor girls or of an woman by means of fraud and deceit Women who are of ago however mIl who enter tho business of their own accord arc not interfered with From continental countries where these conditions exist practically no cooperation It is believed can be ex- pected ¬ to prevent professional prost lutes from sailing to the United States Such governments probably would cooperate to prevent the seduc- tion ¬ of minors or tho fraudulent or forcible exportation or their women In tho main however tho United States government must rely upon its own officials for the prevention of this traffic A number of suggestions of admln Mratlvo changes and moro rigid on ¬ forcement of existing regulations by the department of commerce and hi bor particularly by the bureau of 1m migration and amendments of the im- migration act itself arc submitted by the commission MISS ASQUITH IS THE OBJECT- OF MUCH ANNOYANCE Winchester England Dec lflMlss Viola Anqulth was found yesterday I watching nenrby the hospital In hcster where tho Hon Archibald Gordon second son of tho early of Aberdeen lies critically 111 While Miss AKjuithB name has been bandied about In oonnecton with Poet N otsons effusion she has been endur ing the agonies of suspense while tho life of Gordon has hung In the hal ¬ ance There has been no announcement or- an eugaRempnt between thenlthci- elot friends hBo not hinted at It hut the tlrelts vigil of Miss ABqult- hpTinittM IjI to read Its own loe tale PACIFIC COAST MAN IS INVITED TO BANQUET i IlttEbiirp Pa Dee 10 William C Temple of Winter Park CaL will roach NOW VmU next Tuesday arid will bo n guest at the great l a oball I banquet to be glvou by the Pittsburg worlds champions to basoballdom next Wednesday evening Temple who was formerly ono of the moving spirits in tho National league being president and owner of tho Plttaburg club comes from tho Pacific coast on an invitation extend- ed by Barney Dreyfuss of Pittsburg and there is a report hero that In- case the HcydJur forces nre not strong emugh to reelect the present incum bent Temple may be offered by them as a compromise candidate Bnrneyi Dreyfus yesterday received a letter from Temple announcing the acceptance of his invitation to bo the champions gu- estPRCS Of- GROCERIES Government 0 ff icials Are After the Big CombineN- ew I York Doc 10111gb price- sf foodstuffs are being investigated by the United States district attor- neys office here because of complaints by the larger wholesale grocers that there seems to exist a conspiracy among some manufacturers to main- tain ¬ prices to the consumer It Is learned that several leading manufac- turers ¬ orfood products have been call- ed ¬ before District Attorney Wise and jnfqcmed that the contracts they have boorruning to force wholesalers to keep up prices are in restraint ol trade and a violation of the anti trust law- CLOSING I j QUOTATIONS OF VORLDS MARKETSN- EW YORK STOCKS I Amalcamated Copper S7 7S American Beet Sugar 17 1S American Car and Foundry 72 American Cotton Oil GS 5S American Locomotive Gl 12 American Smelting 100 1S American Smelting pfd 110 7S American Sugar Refining 123 7S Anaconda Mining Co 10 12 Atchison Railway 121 7S Atlantic Coast Line 135 Baltimore and Ohio 117 14 Brookly Rapid Transit SO 0S Canadian Pacific ISO 12 Chesapeake and Ohio 87 14 Chicago and Northwestern 17G l4 Chicago Mil and St Paul 15G 7S Colorado Fuel and Iron 50 7S Colorado and Southern 57 31 Delaware and Hudson 183 14 Domer and Rio Grande 19 1S Denver and Rio Grande pfd SG 1S Erie Railway 01 3S Great Northern pfd 143 Great Northern Ore CUs Si 12 Illinois Central 14G 34 Interborough Met 21 7S Interborough Met pfd G2 11 Louisville and Nashville 152 11 Missouri Pacific 70 34 Missouri Kansas and Texas 49 12 National Biscuit 11G 12 National Lead 87 5S New York Central 123 1S Norfolk Western 101 Northern Pacific M4 14 Pacific Mail 43 Pennsylvania Railway 131 Peoples Gas 114 12 Pullman Palace Cat 100 Reading Railway 170 14 Rock Island Co pfd 89 14 Southern Pacific 131 11 Southern Railway 31 34 Union Pacific 202 lS United States Steel 90 12 United States Steel pfd 125 14- Wahash Railway 21 3S Wabash Railway pfd 57 12 Western Union 78 Standard Oil company 656 i Chlc l9Livestock Chicago Dec 10CattleReceipts estimated at 1000 market weak i hooves IOOoS75 Texas steers 380 a4SO wcnlcrn steers 425a700 I stock r8 and fenders 310an2o cows I anti heifers 210a565 calves 9700 I a950- HogsReceiptH I estimated at 20000 Market strong to 5c higher light 58 OOaS50 mixed S10aSGO heavy S 2GaSG5 rough 820oS35 good to choice heavy S35aSG5 G90a I 785 bulk of sales SOaS55- SheepReceipts estimated at 10000 Market strong native S360ar50 western 75a5SO yearlings G25a- 7G5 lambs native 57508 CiO west- ern ¬ 3575aS50 Omaha Livestock Omaha Net Doc lOCattleRe colptij 1400 slow Native steers 4 OCaSOO cows and heifers 300a5 00 western ateors 350aG26 cOWs anti heifers 275a540 canners 255 350 ttockiTB and feeders 275a 600 calves 350a720 How Receipt GROl steady Hcnvj S30aS10 mixed anti light SS30aS35 pigs 675a775 hulk of sales S30a835- SheepReceipts 1400 steady Year- lings 5GOa700 wethers 490a570 ewes 100a525 lambs G70a7SO Chicago Close Chicago Dec 10WheatDecem ¬ ber 110 May 10S7S109 July 99 CornDecember GO May G4 July 63 12G3 58 Oats December 43 18 May 44 3S July 4- 2BarleyCash 5GGS RyeCash 757G December 73 May 7612- CloverMarch 1525 Timothy March 395 Pork January 2155 May 2115 July 20 90 Lard December 1330 January 12G5 May 1l0l1S2 12 July 117212 Ribs January 11S5 May 110712 I July 110i 12 I Sugar and Coffee New York Dec 10SugarTtaw quiet centrifugal 9G teso rln 12 molasses sugar S9 test 355 12 Re- fined ¬ dul- lCoffeeSpot quiet No 7 Rio 8 38 S 12 No 4 Santos S 34 Metal Market Now York Dec 10LeadFJrm 445450 Copper Quiet standard spot 127 I SU300 January 751300 I Silver 52 cents- DEFALCATION I OF FUNDS I OF DAUGHTERS OF REVOLUTION I Washington Dec Defalcations amounting to several thousand dollars belonging to the Daughters of the Am- erican ¬ Revolution by a clerk employ- ed ¬ at the national headquarters of tho society were made known today from Information which leaked out Officers of the society havo decided not to prosecute the woman who confessed- to the peculation which covers a per- iod ¬ of three years The clerk how- ever ¬ was dismissed What has become of the money tak- en ¬ is a matter which is puzzling the secretarys officers Tho woman who confessed the embezzlement was pos ¬ sessed of an income sufficient to inako her Independent It is said aside from an ample salary she drew the office She lived quietly anti without any outward display of even such luxury MS she could afford with I her salary and income ENGLISH WRESTLERS ARRIVE New York Dec 10Two notable English wrestlers Tom Cannon and Jim Esson ore in Now York en route- lo Chicago where they expect to meet several American wrestlers on thy mitt Cannon Is a former English champion while Esson claims the present open championship title ShOULD BE PUNSEDSe- nator Rayner Wants Zelaya Persued and CapturedW- ashington Dec 10A resolution authorizing the President to take tho necessary steps for the apprehension- of President Zelaya of Nicaragua anti for his punishment on the charge of murder if the facts In the possession- of the state department warrant such action was introduced today by Sen- ator Rayner The resolution recites the circum- stances ¬ connected with the execution- of two Americans Groce and Cannon by order of President Zelaya as gen- erally understood through published reports from NIaragua The resolution will lie on the table and Senator Rayner has given notice that he will address the senate in its support REPLY A POLITE NEGATIVE London Dcc 9The reply of the protesting powers Great Britain Rus- sia France and Italy to Turkeys re- quest for a definite settlement of the status of Crete Is a polite negative Identical notes were handed to the Turkish ambassadors at the capitals today stating that tho moment was Inopportune for negotiations as they might arouse dangerous excitement in Turkey and elsewhere and load to serious complications with tho pow rH VIOLENC AT COLLIERIES Sydney N S W Dec 9 Violence In connection with the strike at the collieries of the Dominion Coal com- pany ¬ has broken out afresh At the Dominion colliery Glace By today a crowd of 300 strikers armed with clubs gathered about the entrance and threatened the men who wore going to work The police arrested four Angus Mclean employed at No 3 colliery was shot and scrously wound pd by unknown persons AEROPLANES WILL WITNESS MANY GREAT CHANGES New York Dec 10Tlierc will be the same degree of difference between tho aeroplane of today and that of I 1920 as that between the ox cart and the automobile said WInthrop B- Scarlit former president of the Auto- mobile Club of America In a state ¬ j W rr J ment to the Aeronautic The- reaLest peacemakerIn the world to- day said Mr Scarlet Is the twelve inch gun The greatest peacemaker ol the future will be tho aeroplane Thcre- will he Gettysburj > n the air whlcn- I will teach the nations to end all war I MILLIONS FOR THE POOR OF THE CITY OF ST PAUL- St Paul Minn Dec 10 Adminis- trators of tho estates of Mrs Fannie S Wilder A H Wilder and Mrs Cor- nelia Day Wilder nre preparing to place 2200000 devised to charity In St Paul to uc before January 1 Seven nephews and nieces living in California who have been tring to break the joint will for 15 years employing twentyeight attorneys in the attempt received an adverse decis- ion In the United States supreme court Wednesday titus releasing the estate for the benefit of the poor The estate Includes large properly holdings In Illinois Chicago Wiscon- sin Iowa Montana and Minnesota The fortune was amassed by Albert H Wilder anti by him his wife and his daughter left as a legacy to St Pauls poor but it lint been held up by litigation p DEAD MAN WEIGHED 461 12 LBS Ottawa Out Dec 10 Canadas heavyweight citizen was buried at Quoyon Quebec near here Wednes- day when in a speclallykleslgned cof fin J J Muldoon a farmer aged 55 of Muldoon Pontiac county near Ot tawa was Interred Muldoon weigh- ed Hit 12 pou- ndsSTARTED A JOY R DE Which Resulted in the Death of a Man St Louis 116 10 Two drinks of beer are said to have started Russell Howard a 17yoarold chauffeur upon a wild joy ride last night that end- ed In the death of a man and the ar ¬ rest of Howard and three companions early today Thats what a kid gets for drink- Ing was iHowards excuse after land Ing in a cell Two womenand a rnpiiwcre with Howard in theJutbrnoblle He said whon they drank beet ho wanted to have a big time So ho took his employers machine from a garage Then reckless of speed or safety he drove the big touring Ca r- over the boulevards and back to the business district Dennis Short failed to dodge the machine It struck him squarely and killed him instantly POLIICMAN CONVERTED Found He Was Going- to Hades on an Ex- press ¬ TrainN- ew York Dec 1OTack Brown- a strapping policeman who quit the force swore off on liquor and turned evangelist announced yesterday some of his conclusions after wrestling a year with the aid of prayer Instead- of the night stick Here they are m briefThe police department of a big city is an express train to hell 1 decided- to take a local so I left it Then I changed cars and am on an express train for heaven A policeman can be a Christian as well as any one else if he wants to lint no one ever heard of one wanting to Besides if he was one he would have to leave the department There- Is no place there for a Godfearing man of honest purpose- If the police of the city followed Christs example they would help more lo wipe out sin than all the preachers In the world Think what It would be if they gave a helping hand to the weak had pity for the Magdalen a sympathetic ear for human suffering I believe in an oldfashioned church no denominations just tho re- ligion ¬ of Jesus I try to live every day to be more like him and that Is the religion I teach my flock WOMAN INDUSTRIAL WORKER SENTENCED I Spokane Wash Dec 10 Elizabeth Gurley Flynn national organizer of the Industrial Vorkers of the World last night was convicted of conspiracy to Incite violation of the aws of Spo- kane and was sentenced to three months in the county ja- ilooooooooooooooooo o o O GOVERNOR MILLS O o OF NEW MEXICO o OO o Washington Doc lOThe O o president today sent to the 0 I o senate the names of William O o H Mills and W A Pope both O I O of New Mexico to be governor O O and chief justice respective O C ly of that territory O- OOOCGOOOGOOOOOOOO o 0 n rrvr 1 ARRIVAL Of DSMOINSCr- eates I ¬ Greatest Enthu- siasm ¬ Among People of BluefieldsBl- ueflclds Nicaragua Dec 10 General Estrada was dumbfounded to ¬ day when he learned that the object of the conference of Zelayan envoys with General Fornos Diaz representing the Insurgent leader was to demand the surrender ot the insurgents army General Vasquez in command of a division of the government troops non Rama on Wednesday proposed a con- ference ¬ to General Estrada I The latter believing that Vnsquez sought opportunity for an advantage ¬ ous surrender sent General Diaz to meet him Tho government envoy proved to be Julio Eonllla antI Major ¬ Eva Accompanying General Diaz for the inriurgents was Major Zelaya a nephew of the president When Diaz heard the demand for the surrender of the insurgents he immediately declared that Vasquez- was the ono who should surrender declaring the Insurgents position at Rama Impregnable and that the Unit- ed ¬ States was supporting General Es trada The conference continues to ¬ dayTho arrival of the United States cruiser Des Moines has created tho greatest enthusiasm and drawn the whole town to the water front TIle cruiser hand played tho Star Spang ¬ led Banner Commander John H Shipley of the Des Moines conferred today with Tho- mas P Moffatt the United States con- sul ¬ at Blueflclds Zelayas Successor Washington Dec 10 Evidence is multiplying that Zclaya Intends to re- tire ¬ as president of Nicaragua Re- ports ¬ 10 that effect are general throughout that country and the Am- erican ¬ consular officers seem to give credence to thorn Tho latest news from Nicaragua reaching the state department today said Jose Madrlx was being talked of as Zelayas successor lu the ab- sence ¬ of definite Information on this point It Is assumed this suggestion come from Zelayas friends and for that reason as well as others his se- lection would be far from satisfactory to this government Madilz was chairman of the NIc- araguan delegation to the Central Am- erican ¬ peace con ferenco held hero In 19U7 and he was also elected secre- tary ¬ of the conference At present iio Is the representative of the Nlcarnp- unn government in the Central Ameri- can ¬ court of justice at Cartage which- is charged with tho settlement of questions arising among the several Central American countries His se ¬ lection would not bo satisfactory L- ithe Li United States The cruiser Albany and the gunboat Yorktown received hurried orders last week while In Magdalena bay CU lORt- DEliGTED With Cold Air Treat ¬ ment in the Schools of Chicago I Chicago Dec 10Pupils in the Graham school arc undergoing cold air treatment for their health under the direction of Principal William E Wattt The experiment has been In progress for three months- A I room containing ninety first grade pupils was found yesterday with win- dows ¬ i wide open and children studying with their wraps on I The children arc delighted said Principal Watt to breathe pure air all day in school and out They are not compelled to sit in the room under such conditions but there are many I moro clamoring to get In It has been a most successful experiment Pupils have been cured of catarrh swollen glands have been reduced to normal size and tubercular symptoms have disappeared Their resistance to disease tins been raised and they nrc much more healthy NO TRACE OF THE- MISSING THIRTEEN MEN Detroit Dec 10Captain Grubb ot the Point Pelcc light house In Lake Erie reported by telephone this morn- ing ¬ that nothing had been neon of tIn missing life boat and thirteen men- I from the burned steamer Clarion Captain Grubb stated that when the weather cleared a little today ho sighted a big steam barge aground on southeast shoal A west wind was rolling up a heavy sea The stranded barge as seen bM Captain Grubb Is evidently the steam CI Joseph G Munro of Tonawanda upbound Her position is not danger ¬ ousThe crew remained on board CHARGED WITH MURDER- IN LOS ANGELES Los Angeles Calif Dec 10Hal- E Hardy formerly of Rockport Ind Is under arrest here in connection- with tho killing on Wednesday night- of Wm Moore keeper of a midnight lunch wagon- Ioore was about to close his place when approached by a drunken man who demanded service On being told that it was too late tho stranger drew a revolver and shot Moore through the heart On clues supplied by wit- nesses ¬ I detectives arrested Hardy Hardy stoutly denies any knowledge I of the crime Ho is said to have ad- mitted ¬ to the detectives that ho was I drinking on Wednesday night but In- sists that ho has no recollection of any trouble MOTHER EXPECTS THE RETURN- OF HER KIDNAPED CHILD Louisville KytDee 10Alrna will be home today is the belief express- ed by Mrs TP Kollner mother of I elphtvenrold Alma Kellner who is believed to be held for ransom by kid- napers I Following the visit to Mrs Kellner late yesterday of the negro servant Katie Martin and her deliv- ery ¬ of a message entrusted to her by I two white women one of whom as tho servant said was a man the mother has prepared to meet emis- saries ¬ of the supposed kidnappers at some unknown place today Doubt Is expressed that the kidnap- pers ¬ will meet Mrs Kollner as the entire agreement was made public In the newspapers today nnd the police undoubtedly will follow Mrs Kcllnor DUKE THINKS OF HIS LOVE AFFAIR Rome Dec10Tbo Duke of the Abruzzi has named tho highest peak he climbed among the Himalaya mountains The Fiancee The name chosen for the mountain has excited surprised C lnlll1- entMANIAC S ATLAREft- oley Creates a Reign I of Terror in the Country i Shrcvo Ohio Dec 10Arter pass Ing the night at tho home of Mrs Charles Cart whom ho forced from her home Oscar E Boley the escap ed maniac who yesterday killed Sher- iff ¬ Jacob Bell early today eluded his guard He returned to the home of Ro Lee where yesterday he shot- Boil and burned the mattress upon which the sheriffs body lay Bole then struck out for the country and was pursued by a posse headed by lo- cal ¬ militiamen and Captain Emmett Jijddy n sharpshooter Bple was traced lo some timber and surrounTF oil Boley caused terror in the country- near here last night and farmers bar- ricaded ¬ their homes Boley ordered Mrs Carr to prepare him supper She did and then was ordered away Boley went to bed Mrs Carr notified the officials and a I guard was stationed outside the house Those men Boley eluded Boer then I went to Lees house burned the mat- tress ¬ and lef- tAstronomers I OBSERVllN lItCO11T 1 to Plan the Photographing- of Halleys I Madison Wis Dec 10The Astro- nomical I and Astrophysical societyi of j America through the chairman of its I committee on comets Professor Geo I C Comstock of the University of Wis- consin has just Issued a statement to astronomers throughout the coon ¬ try in regard to the observation of Halleys comet I A long and continuous photographic campaign in order to secure the best possible pictures of the interesting visitor to the solar system Is urged h committee As there is no observatory with proper facilities for photographing the comet in tim largo area of tho Pacific ocean the com mittcc is about to send an expedition to the Hawaiian Islands to photo- graph ¬ the cornet during Its greatest brilliancy which will be in May I i OPERA TICKETS FOR GIRLS WHO ARE WAYWARD Kansas City Mo Dec 10Opera tickets for wayward girls as a means of reformation was advocated by Miss Sadie American secretary of the Na ¬ tional Council of Jewish Women In an address delivered here last night Miss American deplorod the effect the average moving picture show has on girls and declares that the unnec- essary ¬ degree of darkness In these places has a baleful influence We must give the girl tho things she likes the speaker explained We must stop telling hOI to dont and o inufit not try to force things on her O that she does not care for 0 o HORSE TRACKS AS EVIDENCE o o Lyons Ran Dec1OllorSe tracks o made last Juno and carefully pro o served by the state authorities since o that time wjll be Introduced In evi- dence o in the trial of Ora Turner hero O today who Is being tried for tho mur- der ¬ o of Roy Snyder o Tho hoofprlnts were found near tho o scene of the murder and the state o will attempt to show that they are o Identical with those of Turners horse Iloofprints of Snyders horse have been taken in clay and will also be o exhibited Doth IUPIJ were rivals for the hand of a young woman CUMMINS IS R4D CAl ills Bill Will Precipitate- a Railroad War in CongressW- ashington Doc 10A controver- sy ¬ over railroad legislation will be l reclpltatcd In congress this winter which in Importance promises to sur- pass ¬ the legislative conflict over rail- road ¬ rates four years ago The first gun was fired tidny by Senator Cum- mins of Iowa when ho introduced a bill proposing radical changes in the interatao commerce act In a largo sense the Cummins measure Is a siilhstatue for the present Interstate commerce act It is expected that the measure pro ¬ posing amendments to the law will be introduced early in January by Sena- tor Ellcins which will differ from the Cummins bill in many Important dp tails In brief the Cummins bill re- quires ¬ the interstate commerce com- mission ¬ to promulgate a uniform class- ification ¬ of freight and to prepare a plan for the statement of freight rates which shall hereafter be made in a uniform way Carriers are re- quired ¬ to adopt this classification The commission Is authorized to con- sider rates on Its own motion with a view to determining their reasonable- ness ¬ and Is empowered to fix maxi- mum ¬ and minimum rates- In any action Instituted In court to set aside an order of the commission respecting rates tho courts are pre- vented ¬ from Inquiring into the reas ¬ onableness or sufficiency of any rate fixed b the commission The bi- tproldcs that changes in rates shall not become effective until they are ap ¬ proved by tho commission It pro¬ hibits tho acquisition or control by anyi common carrier of any parallel competing line or from acquiring the capital stock or bonds of any other carrier that Is a competitor- By the terms of the bill a carrier- is prohibited from isstilnrr any capi- tal ¬ stock without payment at par elth ¬ er in money or In property and in effect tho commission shall have sup- ervision of the issues of stocks and bonds by any carrier Specific direc- tions ¬ are given for the disposition of the of any sale of bonds Af- ter ¬ January I 1911 no carrier doing interstate business shall bo permitted to engage in any other business than that of a common carrier t MADAME SEMBRIChi TRYING 1 t TO SAVE LIFE OF HUSBAND1 I Los Angeles CL Dec 10 Madame Sembrlch the singer is hurrying to ¬ ward the city today according to tel 1 egrams In a race to save the life of her husband Herr Stengl Stengl was stricken with a severe attack of pneumonia In Salt Lake City and the singer cancelled her engagements there to bring him he- reDEfENSE OF- DLCOWt Star Capella Now is a Part of the Polar fight Snn Jose Cal Dec 10That tho statements reported to be contained- in affidavits sworn to by Dunklc and Loose and published by the New York Times cannot be given credence by anyone who has lived In the Arctic regions Is the belief of Maurice Con- ch n United States weather observer here and survivor of the Greely expedi- tion ¬ Connoll says It is stated that this exnavigator Loose swears that having the basis of an observation of the star Cnpolla he warned Dr Cook that his narrative must say the star rose at 4 oclock on the morning of January 15 As a matter of fact the star Ca ehla neither sets nor rises during the Arctic night Its northern declination- is about 4G degrees Stars with a northern declination of moro than 23 degrees never rise or set anywhere within the Arctic circle They revolve around the polar star just as do cir- cumpolar stars in this latitude Furthermore why should Dr Cook mate a star observation to determine- its position In January when he knew his position being in the village of Annatook When he started out from that vil- lage ¬ on his northern journey and up to the time ho lost sight of land ho had Hood Arctic charts to guide Ills course and locate his position every- day oooooooooo 00 00 0 00 0 MOTHER AND CHILDREN 0 o BURNED TO DEATH 0 0 Concord Kas Dec 10 0 At Wayne a village In Repub- lic ¬ 0 county fourteen miles north 0 of this place Mrs Frank Hicks 0 and four children two girls 0 t and two boys aged from 3 to 0 10 years were burned to death 0 last nIght A crude oil stove 0 exploded setting fire to the 0 I house Mrs Hicks carried her 0 i nlnemouthsold baby in thp yard unharmed and went back 0 I into the houso for the other f- o I children Mr Hicks was se- verely ¬ 0 o burned trying to put out 0 the fire The hodles were re c covered this rnornlu- irOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 I

U- r STANDARD GUESS WORK DISPATCHES W1t iW€¦ · July 20 90 Lard December 1330 January 12G5 May 1l0l1S2 12 July 117212 Ribs January 11S5 May 110712 I July 110i 12 I Sugar and Coffee

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Page 1: U- r STANDARD GUESS WORK DISPATCHES W1t iW€¦ · July 20 90 Lard December 1330 January 12G5 May 1l0l1S2 12 July 117212 Ribs January 11S5 May 110712 I July 110i 12 I Sugar and Coffee


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I OGDEN CITY UTAH FRIDAY EVENING DECEMBER 10 J909J2 PAGES Entered ac Second Class Matter at the Postofflce Ogden Utah I



Immigration Commissioner Makes a ReportWhich Contains Stories of Revolting Prac =

tices of Procurers of Women

Washington Dec IStorlcs of re-



practices of American anti foreign procurers of women for importa-

tion into the United States for immoral purposes are told In a report is-

sued today by the Immigration com-



The recommendations of thecommission contemplate a closerscrutiny of tho admission of alienwomen and renewed efforts to stampout the socalled white slave trafllc

In explanation of tho fact of layinghare to tho public the horrible detailsof discoveries by its agents tho com-mission


says that the white slavetralllc Is tho most pitiful and thomost revolting phase of tho immigra-tion


question This business has as-


largo proportions and It hasbeen exerting so evil an influenceupon the country that tim commissiondeclares It felt compelled to make athorough Investigation

Since the subject especially liableto sensational exploitation the reportsaYR It Is Important that the statement of the commission should dealwith undeniable facts which may form-a basis of reasonable legislative andadministrative action to lessen theevils

The inquiry covered New York Chi-cago


San Francisco Seattle PortlandSalt Lake Ogden Butte Denver Buf-


Boston and New Orleans No at ¬

tempt was made to investigate condi-tions


in every Important city Butthe commission believes that enoughessences of women of different racesand nationalities and living under dif-


conditions has boon obtainedfrom localities sufficiently scattered touse tho report an a siitucient basis forlegislative and administrative action

The report deals with methods usedby men and women procurers to lurewomen into this country for immoralpurposesrhe methods differ asadopted In different countries In somecountries men and women In the buijijiess pLenJJclng Jnnoccut gfjJs ipjhjUnited States resort to proffers of at ¬


tractive positions and In many casesoffer themselves in marriage and fre-quently


risk prosecution on charges ofbigamy In order to attain their desIres

Much of the evidence taken by the I

agents of the commission is given in i

proof of statements made in the re-port and there are also affidavits frompolice officers and letters from govern i

mont officials giving the character ofevidence on which the report has beenbased I

The report says concerning talk ofa great monopolistic corporationwhose business it Is to Import and oxploit theso unfortunate women

The commission has been unable tolearn 0 8 any such corporation and I

dons not believe In Its existenceIt Is stated however that persons

engaged In such Importing businessdoubtless have a wide acquaintanceamong themselves and in many In-


they have rather close businesB relations one with another so asto prevent their victims from gettingout of their clutches before the have


realized the desired profits from theirbase ventures

Under the head of Recommenda-tions the commission says

Owing to the difference betweenAmerican and European regulationsregarding prostitution cooperationfor the suppression of the whiteslave traffic cannot be expected frommost of tho European nations only I

along certain lines Most Europeancountries are rigid In their regulationsregarding tho procuring for puposesof prostitution of minor girls or of anwoman by means of fraud and deceit

Women who are of ago howevermIl who enter tho business of theirown accord arc not interfered withFrom continental countries wherethese conditions exist practically nocooperation It is believed can be ex-pected


to prevent professional prostlutes from sailing to the UnitedStates Such governments probablywould cooperate to prevent the seduc-tion


of minors or tho fraudulent orforcible exportation or their womenIn tho main however tho UnitedStates government must rely upon itsown officials for the prevention of thistraffic

A number of suggestions of admlnMratlvo changes and moro rigid on ¬

forcement of existing regulations bythe department of commerce and hibor particularly by the bureau of 1mmigration and amendments of the im-migration act itself arc submitted bythe commission


Winchester England Dec lflMlssViola Anqulth was found yesterday I

watching nenrby the hospital Inhcster where tho Hon ArchibaldGordon second son of tho early ofAberdeen lies critically 111

While Miss AKjuithB name has beenbandied about In oonnecton with Poet

N otsons effusion she has been enduring the agonies of suspense while tholife of Gordon has hung In the hal ¬

anceThere has been no announcement or-

an eugaRempnt between thenlthci-elot friends hBo not hinted at Ithut the tlrelts vigil of Miss ABqult-

hpTinittMIjI to read Its own loe talePACIFIC COAST MAN IS


IlttEbiirp Pa Dee 10 William CTemple of Winter Park CaL willroach NOW VmU next Tuesday aridwill bo n guest at the great l a oball Ibanquet to be glvou by the Pittsburg

worlds champions to basoballdomnext Wednesday evening

Temple who was formerly ono ofthe moving spirits in tho Nationalleague being president and owner oftho Plttaburg club comes from thoPacific coast on an invitation extend-ed by Barney Dreyfuss of Pittsburgand there is a report hero that In-case the HcydJur forces nre not strongemugh to reelect the present incumbent Temple may be offered by themas a compromise candidate

Bnrneyi Dreyfus yesterday receiveda letter from Temple announcing theacceptance of his invitation to bo thechampions gu-

estPRCS Of-


Government 0 f f icialsAre After the Big



York Doc 10111gb price-sf foodstuffs are being investigatedby the United States district attor-neys office here because of complaintsby the larger wholesale grocers thatthere seems to exist a conspiracyamong some manufacturers to main-tain


prices to the consumer It Islearned that several leading manufac-turers


orfood products have been call-ed


before District Attorney Wise andjnfqcmed that the contracts they haveboorruning to force wholesalers tokeep up prices are in restraint oltrade and a violation of the antitrust law-







Amalcamated Copper S7 7SAmerican Beet Sugar 17 1SAmerican Car and Foundry 72American Cotton Oil GS 5SAmerican Locomotive Gl 12American Smelting 100 1SAmerican Smelting pfd 110 7SAmerican Sugar Refining 123 7SAnaconda Mining Co 10 12Atchison Railway 121 7SAtlantic Coast Line 135Baltimore and Ohio 117 14Brookly Rapid Transit SO 0SCanadian Pacific ISO 12Chesapeake and Ohio 87 14Chicago and Northwestern 17G l4Chicago Mil and St Paul 15G 7SColorado Fuel and Iron 50 7SColorado and Southern 57 31Delaware and Hudson 183 14Domer and Rio Grande 19 1SDenver and Rio Grande pfd SG 1SErie Railway 01 3SGreat Northern pfd 143Great Northern Ore CUs Si 12Illinois Central 14G 34Interborough Met 21 7SInterborough Met pfd G2 11Louisville and Nashville 152 11Missouri Pacific 70 34Missouri Kansas and Texas 49 12National Biscuit 11G 12National Lead 87 5SNew York Central 123 1SNorfolk Western 101Northern Pacific M4 14Pacific Mail 43Pennsylvania Railway 131Peoples Gas 114 12Pullman Palace Cat 100Reading Railway 170 14Rock Island Co pfd 89 14Southern Pacific 131 11Southern Railway 31 34Union Pacific 202 lSUnited States Steel 90 12United States Steel pfd 125 14-

Wahash Railway 21 3SWabash Railway pfd 57 12Western Union 78Standard Oil company 656


Chlc l9LivestockChicago Dec 10CattleReceipts

estimated at 1000 market weak i

hooves IOOoS75 Texas steers 380a4SO wcnlcrn steers 425a700 I

stock r8 and fenders 310an2o cows I

anti heifers 210a565 calves 9700 I



estimated at 20000Market strong to 5c higher light 58OOaS50 mixed S10aSGO heavy S

2GaSG5 rough 820oS35 good tochoice heavy S35aSG5 G90a I

785 bulk of sales SOaS55-SheepReceipts estimated at 10000

Market strong native S360ar50western 75a5SO yearlings G25a-7G5 lambs native 57508 CiO west-ern



Omaha LivestockOmaha Net Doc lOCattleRe

colptij 1400 slow Native steers 4

OCaSOO cows and heifers 300a500 western ateors 350aG26 cOWsanti heifers 275a540 canners 255350 ttockiTB and feeders 275a600 calves 350a720

How Receipt GROl steadyHcnvj S30aS10 mixed anti light

SS30aS35 pigs 675a775 hulk ofsales S30a835-

SheepReceipts 1400 steady Year-lings 5GOa700 wethers 490a570ewes 100a525 lambs G70a7SO

Chicago CloseChicago Dec 10WheatDecem ¬

ber 110 May 10S7S109 July 99CornDecember GO May G4 July

63 12G3 58Oats December 43 18 May 44 3S

July 4-2BarleyCash 5GGSRyeCash 757G December 73

May 7612-CloverMarch 1525Timothy March 395Pork January 2155 May 2115

July 20 90Lard December 1330 January

12G5 May 1l0l1S2 12 July117212

Ribs January 11S5 May 110712I July 110i 12I

Sugar and CoffeeNew York Dec 10SugarTtaw

quiet centrifugal 9G teso rln 12molasses sugar S9 test 355 12 Re-fined


dul-lCoffeeSpot quiet No 7 Rio 8 38S 12 No 4 Santos S 34

Metal MarketNow York Dec 10LeadFJrm

445450Copper Quiet standard spot 127

I SU300 January 751300I Silver 52 cents-



amounting to several thousand dollarsbelonging to the Daughters of the Am-erican


Revolution by a clerk employ-ed


at the national headquarters of thosociety were made known today fromInformation which leaked out Officersof the society havo decided not toprosecute the woman who confessed-to the peculation which covers a per-iod


of three years The clerk how-ever


was dismissedWhat has become of the money tak-


is a matter which is puzzling thesecretarys officers Tho woman whoconfessed the embezzlement was pos ¬

sessed of an income sufficient toinako her Independent It is saidaside from an ample salary she drew

the office She lived quietly antiwithout any outward display of evensuch luxury MS she could afford with

I her salary and income


New York Dec 10Two notableEnglish wrestlers Tom Cannon andJim Esson ore in Now York en route-lo Chicago where they expect to meetseveral American wrestlers on thymitt Cannon Is a former Englishchampion while Esson claims thepresent open championship title



nator Rayner WantsZelaya Persued and


ashington Dec 10A resolutionauthorizing the President to take thonecessary steps for the apprehension-of President Zelaya of Nicaragua antifor his punishment on the charge ofmurder if the facts In the possession-of the state department warrant suchaction was introduced today by Sen-ator Rayner

The resolution recites the circum-stances


connected with the execution-of two Americans Groce and Cannonby order of President Zelaya as gen-erally understood through publishedreports from NIaragua

The resolution will lie on the tableand Senator Rayner has given noticethat he will address the senate in itssupport


London Dcc 9The reply of theprotesting powers Great Britain Rus-sia France and Italy to Turkeys re-quest for a definite settlement of thestatus of Crete Is a polite negativeIdentical notes were handed to theTurkish ambassadors at the capitalstoday stating that tho moment wasInopportune for negotiations as theymight arouse dangerous excitement inTurkey and elsewhere and load toserious complications with tho powrH


Sydney N S W Dec 9 ViolenceIn connection with the strike at thecollieries of the Dominion Coal com-pany


has broken out afresh At theDominion colliery Glace By today acrowd of 300 strikers armed withclubs gathered about the entrance andthreatened the men who wore goingto work The police arrested four

Angus Mclean employed at No 3colliery was shot and scrously woundpd by unknown persons


New York Dec 10Tlierc will bethe same degree of difference betweentho aeroplane of today and that of I

1920 as that between the ox cart andthe automobile said WInthrop B-

Scarlit former president of the Auto-mobile Club of America In a state ¬

j W rr

Jment to the Aeronautic The-

reaLest peacemakerIn the world to-

day said Mr Scarlet Is the twelveinch gun The greatest peacemaker ol

the future will be tho aeroplane Thcre-will he Gettysburj > n the air whlcn-

Iwill teach the nations to end all war


St Paul Minn Dec 10 Adminis-trators of tho estates of Mrs FannieS Wilder A H Wilder and Mrs Cor-

nelia Day Wilder nre preparing toplace 2200000 devised to charity InSt Paul to uc before January 1

Seven nephews and nieces livingin California who have been tringto break the joint will for 15 yearsemploying twentyeight attorneys inthe attempt received an adverse decis-ion In the United States supremecourt Wednesday titus releasing theestate for the benefit of the poor

The estate Includes large properlyholdings In Illinois Chicago Wiscon-sin Iowa Montana and MinnesotaThe fortune was amassed by AlbertH Wilder anti by him his wife andhis daughter left as a legacy to StPauls poor but it lint been held upby litigation p


Ottawa Out Dec 10 Canadasheavyweight citizen was buried atQuoyon Quebec near here Wednes-day when in a speclallykleslgned coffin J J Muldoon a farmer aged 55of Muldoon Pontiac county near Ottawa was Interred Muldoon weigh-ed Hit 12 pou-



Which Resulted in theDeath of a


St Louis 116 10 Two drinks ofbeer are said to have started RussellHoward a 17yoarold chauffeur upona wild joy ride last night that end-

ed In the death of a man and the ar ¬

rest of Howard and three companionsearly today

Thats what a kid gets for drink-Ing was iHowards excuse after landIng in a cell

Two womenand a rnpiiwcre withHoward in theJutbrnoblle

He said whon they drank beet howanted to have a big time So hotook his employers machine from agarage Then reckless of speed orsafety he drove the big touring Ca r-

over the boulevards and back to thebusiness district

Dennis Short failed to dodge themachine It struck him squarely andkilled him instantly



Found He Was Going-to Hades on an Ex-



ew York Dec 1OTack Brown-a strapping policeman who quit theforce swore off on liquor and turnedevangelist announced yesterday someof his conclusions after wrestling ayear with the aid of prayer Instead-of the night stick Here they are mbriefThe police department of a big cityis an express train to hell 1 decided-to take a local so I left it Then Ichanged cars and am on an expresstrain for heaven

A policeman can be a Christian aswell as any one else if he wants tolint no one ever heard of one wantingto Besides if he was one he wouldhave to leave the department There-Is no place there for a Godfearingman of honest purpose-

If the police of the city followedChrists example they would help morelo wipe out sin than all the preachersIn the world Think what It would beif they gave a helping hand to theweak had pity for the Magdalen asympathetic ear for human suffering

I believe in an oldfashionedchurch no denominations just tho re-ligion


of Jesus I try to live every dayto be more like him and that Is thereligion I teach my flock



Spokane Wash Dec 10 ElizabethGurley Flynn national organizer ofthe Industrial Vorkers of the Worldlast night was convicted of conspiracyto Incite violation of the aws of Spo-kane and was sentenced to threemonths in the county ja-

iloooooooooooooooooo oO GOVERNOR MILLS Oo OF NEW MEXICOo OO

o Washington Doc lOThe Oo president today sent to the 0 I

o senate the names of William Oo H Mills and W A Pope both O I

O of New Mexico to be governor OO and chief justice respective OC ly of that territory O-


n rrvr






Greatest Enthu-siasm


Among Peopleof BluefieldsBl-

ueflclds Nicaragua Dec 10General Estrada was dumbfounded to ¬

day when he learned that the object ofthe conference of Zelayan envoys withGeneral Fornos Diaz representing theInsurgent leader was to demand thesurrender ot the insurgents army

General Vasquez in command of adivision of the government troops nonRama on Wednesday proposed a con-ference


to General EstradaI The latter believing that Vnsquez

sought opportunity for an advantage ¬

ous surrender sent General Diaz tomeet him Tho government envoyproved to be Julio Eonllla antI Major

¬ Eva Accompanying General Diaz forthe inriurgents was Major Zelaya anephew of the president

When Diaz heard the demand forthe surrender of the insurgents heimmediately declared that Vasquez-was the ono who should surrenderdeclaring the Insurgents position atRama Impregnable and that the Unit-ed


States was supporting General Estrada The conference continues to ¬

dayThoarrival of the United States

cruiser Des Moines has created thogreatest enthusiasm and drawn thewhole town to the water front TIlecruiser hand played tho Star Spang¬

led BannerCommander John H Shipley of the

Des Moines conferred today with Tho-mas P Moffatt the United States con-sul


at Blueflclds

Zelayas SuccessorWashington Dec 10 Evidence is

multiplying that Zclaya Intends to re-tire


as president of Nicaragua Re-ports


10 that effect are generalthroughout that country and the Am-erican


consular officers seem to givecredence to thorn

Tho latest news from Nicaraguareaching the state department todaysaid Jose Madrlx was being talkedof as Zelayas successor lu the ab-sence


of definite Information on thispoint It Is assumed this suggestioncome from Zelayas friends and forthat reason as well as others his se-lection would be far from satisfactoryto this government

Madilz was chairman of the NIc-araguan delegation to the Central Am-erican


peace con ferenco held hero In19U7 and he was also elected secre-


of the conference At present iioIs the representative of the Nlcarnp-unn government in the Central Ameri-can


court of justice at Cartage which-is charged with tho settlement ofquestions arising among the severalCentral American countries His se ¬

lection would not bo satisfactory L-


United StatesThe cruiser Albany and the gunboat

Yorktown received hurried orders lastweek while In Magdalena bay

CU lORt-


With Cold Air Treat¬

ment in the Schoolsof Chicago

I Chicago Dec 10Pupils in theGraham school arc undergoing coldair treatment for their health underthe direction of Principal William EWattt The experiment has been Inprogress for three months-

AI room containing ninety first gradepupils was found yesterday with win-


i wide open and children studyingwith their wraps on

I The children arc delighted saidPrincipal Watt to breathe pure air allday in school and out They are notcompelled to sit in the room undersuch conditions but there are many


moro clamoring to get In It has beena most successful experiment

Pupils have been cured of catarrhswollen glands have been reduced tonormal size and tubercular symptomshave disappeared Their resistance todisease tins been raised and they nrcmuch more healthy


Detroit Dec 10Captain Grubb otthe Point Pelcc light house In LakeErie reported by telephone this morn-ing


that nothing had been neon of tInmissing life boat and thirteen men-

I from the burned steamer ClarionCaptain Grubb stated that when the

weather cleared a little today hosighted a big steam barge agroundon southeast shoal A west wind wasrolling up a heavy sea

The stranded barge as seen bM

Captain Grubb Is evidently the steamCI Joseph G Munro of Tonawandaupbound Her position is not danger ¬

ousThe crew remained on board


Los Angeles Calif Dec 10Hal-E Hardy formerly of Rockport IndIs under arrest here in connection-with tho killing on Wednesday night-

of Wm Moore keeper of a midnightlunch wagon-

Ioore was about to close his placewhen approached by a drunken man

who demanded service On being toldthat it was too late tho stranger drewa revolver and shot Moore throughthe heart On clues supplied by wit-nesses


detectives arrested HardyHardy stoutly denies any knowledge

Iof the crime Ho is said to have ad-mitted


to the detectives that ho was I

drinking on Wednesday night but In-

sists that ho has no recollection ofany trouble


Louisville KytDee 10Alrna willbe home today is the belief express-ed by Mrs TP Kollner mother of

I elphtvenrold Alma Kellner who isbelieved to be held for ransom by kid-napersI Following the visit to MrsKellner late yesterday of the negroservant Katie Martin and her deliv-ery


of a message entrusted to her byI two white women one of whom astho servant said was a man themother has prepared to meet emis-saries


of the supposed kidnappers atsome unknown place today

Doubt Is expressed that the kidnap-pers


will meet Mrs Kollner as theentire agreement was made public Inthe newspapers today nnd the policeundoubtedly will follow Mrs Kcllnor


Rome Dec10Tbo Duke of theAbruzzi has named tho highest peakhe climbed among the Himalayamountains The Fiancee The namechosen for the mountain has excitedsurprised C lnlll1-



oley Creates a ReignI of Terror in the


i Shrcvo Ohio Dec 10Arter passIng the night at tho home of MrsCharles Cart whom ho forced fromher home Oscar E Boley the escaped maniac who yesterday killed Sher-iff


Jacob Bell early today eluded hisguard He returned to the home ofRo Lee where yesterday he shot-Boil and burned the mattress uponwhich the sheriffs body lay Bolethen struck out for the country andwas pursued by a posse headed by lo-


militiamen and Captain EmmettJijddy n sharpshooter Bple wastraced lo some timber and surrounTFoil

Boley caused terror in the country-near here last night and farmers bar-ricaded


their homesBoley ordered Mrs Carr to prepare

him supper She did and then wasordered away Boley went to bedMrs Carr notified the officials and a


guard was stationed outside the houseThose men Boley eluded Boer then I

went to Lees house burned the mat-tress


and lef-




lItCO11T 1

to Planthe Photographing-

of HalleysI

Madison Wis Dec 10The Astro-nomical


and Astrophysical societyi of j

America through the chairman of its I

committee on comets Professor Geo I

C Comstock of the University of Wis-consin has just Issued a statementto astronomers throughout the coon ¬

try in regard to the observation ofHalleys comet I

A long and continuous photographiccampaign in order to secure the bestpossible pictures of the interestingvisitor to the solar system Is urgedh committee As there is noobservatory with proper facilities forphotographing the comet in tim largoarea of tho Pacific ocean the committcc is about to send an expeditionto the Hawaiian Islands to photo-graph


the cornet during Its greatestbrilliancy which will be in May



Kansas City Mo Dec 10Operatickets for wayward girls as a meansof reformation was advocated by MissSadie American secretary of the Na ¬

tional Council of Jewish Women Inan address delivered here last night

Miss American deplorod the effectthe average moving picture show hason girls and declares that the unnec-essary


degree of darkness In theseplaces has a baleful influence

We must give the girl tho thingsshe likes the speaker explained Wemust stop telling hOI to dont and oinufit not try to force things on her O

that she does not care for 0o


Lyons Ran Dec1OllorSe tracks omade last Juno and carefully pro oserved by the state authorities since othat time wjll be Introduced In evi-


in the trial of Ora Turner hero Otoday who Is being tried for tho mur-der

¬ oof Roy Snyder o

Tho hoofprlnts were found near tho oscene of the murder and the state owill attempt to show that they are oIdentical with those of Turners horseIloofprints of Snyders horse havebeen taken in clay and will also be oexhibited Doth IUPIJ were rivals forthe hand of a young woman



ills Bill Will Precipitate-a Railroad War in


ashington Doc 10A controver-sy


over railroad legislation will bel reclpltatcd In congress this winterwhich in Importance promises to sur-pass


the legislative conflict over rail-road


rates four years ago The firstgun was fired tidny by Senator Cum-

mins of Iowa when ho introduced abill proposing radical changes in theinteratao commerce act In a largosense the Cummins measure Is asiilhstatue for the present Interstatecommerce act

It is expected that the measure pro ¬

posing amendments to the law will beintroduced early in January by Sena-tor Ellcins which will differ from theCummins bill in many Important dptails In brief the Cummins bill re-quires


the interstate commerce com-mission


to promulgate a uniform class-ification


of freight and to prepare aplan for the statement of freightrates which shall hereafter be madein a uniform way Carriers are re-quired


to adopt this classificationThe commission Is authorized to con-sider rates on Its own motion with aview to determining their reasonable-ness


and Is empowered to fix maxi-mum


and minimum rates-In any action Instituted In court to

set aside an order of the commissionrespecting rates tho courts are pre-vented


from Inquiring into the reas ¬

onableness or sufficiency of any ratefixed b the commission The bi-tproldcs that changes in rates shallnot become effective until they are ap ¬

proved by tho commission It pro¬

hibits tho acquisition or control byanyi common carrier of any parallelcompeting line or from acquiring thecapital stock or bonds of any othercarrier that Is a competitor-

By the terms of the bill a carrier-is prohibited from isstilnrr any capi-tal


stock without payment at par elth ¬

er in money or In property and ineffect tho commission shall have sup-ervision of the issues of stocks andbonds by any carrier Specific direc-tions


are given for the disposition ofthe of any sale of bonds Af-ter


January I 1911 no carrier doinginterstate business shall bo permittedto engage in any other business thanthat of a common carrier t



Los Angeles CL Dec 10 MadameSembrlch the singer is hurrying to ¬

ward the city today according to tel 1egrams In a race to save the life ofher husband Herr Stengl Stenglwas stricken with a severe attack ofpneumonia In Salt Lake City and thesinger cancelled her engagementsthere to bring him he-



Star Capella Now is aPart of the Polar


Snn Jose Cal Dec 10That thostatements reported to be contained-in affidavits sworn to by Dunklc andLoose and published by the New YorkTimes cannot be given credence byanyone who has lived In the Arcticregions Is the belief of Maurice Con-

chn United States weather observerhere and survivor of the Greely expedi-tion


Connoll saysIt is stated that this exnavigator

Loose swears that having the basisof an observation of the star Cnpollahe warned Dr Cook that his narrativemust say the star rose at 4 oclock onthe morning of January 15

As a matter of fact the star Caehla neither sets nor rises during the

Arctic night Its northern declination-is about 4G degrees Stars with anorthern declination of moro than 23degrees never rise or set anywherewithin the Arctic circle They revolvearound the polar star just as do cir-cumpolar stars in this latitude

Furthermore why should Dr Cookmate a star observation to determine-its position In January when he knewhis position being in the village ofAnnatook

When he started out from that vil-


on his northern journey and upto the time ho lost sight of land hohad Hood Arctic charts to guide Illscourse and locate his position every-day

oooooooooo 00 0 0 0 0 00


0Concord Kas Dec 10 0

At Wayne a village In Repub-lic

¬ 0county fourteen miles north 0

of this place Mrs Frank Hicks 0and four children two girls 0 tand two boys aged from 3 to 010 years were burned to death 0last nIght A crude oil stove 0exploded setting fire to the 0 I

house Mrs Hicks carried her 0 i

nlnemouthsold baby in thpyard unharmed and went back 0 I

into the houso for the other f-


children Mr Hicks was se-verely

¬ 0o burned trying to put out 0

the fire The hodles were rec covered this rnornlu-irOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO