t S d r OCAtA EVENING = TAR TUESDAY AUGUST 3t190t f h 0 u U- n 0 JiJ IVBNINGST AR C L littifliw and R R Carroll Editor and Publishers 1 r t C U BITTINGER Edito- rIt It CARROLL Buslncw Manager + i LETS HAVE AN AUCTION lit this we do not refer to an auction- of city Jots of merchandise for we have Individuals who are looking after such material affairs but an auction of seats for the opening of the new opera house This happy thought originated in the active and enterprising mind of Mr David S Woodrow who is ever on the alert to add something to the well be ing and welfare of the people of the Brick City He suggested the plan at Mrs Looneys table the other day around which festive board ten per ¬ sons were enjoying creature comforts The conversation turned on the breaking of ground for the proposed new epera house and how long would it take to complete the building to have It ready for the first performance The cost of the building was discussed- as was that of its asbestos drop curtain and the chairs to comfortably seat the audience r I Every one of the tin persons around that table expressed a willingness to- t buy a ticket for the opening night and pay alG bill for same This brought- on more enthusiastic talk and the fur ther suggestion was made that the opening night be set for January 1 1910 and that the play be presented- by home talent and with that end In vIew a public auction be held for the sale of the seats that this fact b e thoroughly advertised so that not only the public of Ocala but the people of the neighboring towns of Anthony Citra Sparr McIntosh Lowell Ken drick Martin Dunnellon etc have an opportunity to send representative delegations The auction itself with the prestige- of popular presiding officer and an orchestra of good music would create- an interest and driving power that would assemble one of the most rep I resentatlve audiences ever gathered In Ocala The gathering would create an enthusiasm and emulation that would prove contagious and the prices realiz- ed I would warm the hearts of the mem- bers of the building committee of the new opera house and its manager Mr J W Sylvester In recognition of what such an event would foreshadow for the pecuniary advancement of the new temple of amusement and its furnishings we need but remind our people of a sim ¬ ilar undertaking which occurred a de- cade ¬ ago under the stimulating in ¬ fluence of Dr S P Eagleton who took i this method inaugurating a hospital service In this city and which proved not only a very enjoyable evening to I li large audience but in the sale of 4t rtierchandlse tendered by the merch = ants proved an unqualified success and netted the sum of 450 a success that waaEten days wonder Let us repeat the pleasant occasion Wand by our willingness to give the new- T T opera house movement a glorious send- off have an auction of seats for the Initiatory night All of which we re i spectfully submit to the building com mlttee Manager Sylvester and the public Let us put the date say the first week In November when all our i summer tourists have arrived home and all will have a chance to aid this worthy enterprise IIIt EXTENDING HARD ROADS h County Surveyor Alex Moorhen has been busy the past week surveying a beeline road from Anthony to Citra it which is now being cut out under the r Instructions of County Commissioner is WJ Crosby of Citra and the same L will be hardened It will prove a boon to the people of Sparr and Citra who r have been patient and long suffering but their hour of rejoicing Is near at hand and the Star extends congratu- lations fit f DEATH OF A LITTLE GIRL j A little daughter of Mr and Irsl Pat Randall of Connor a year and a iP half old died of convulsions last night The little one had been ill for a ref y short time The community Is deep y i grieved over the death of the baby Mr R A Brice who Is In the gov- ernment ¬ 1k service as machinist on a tugboat at Port Inglis was in town the latter part of last week on his way to Newberry S C to meet his family t and visit old time friends for a tow t days Mr Brice has had but a weeks vacation all the past year He can e home a day before Christmas to eat it that dinner with his family and he i and his good wife had planned all t manner of delightful things for that happy occasion when a dispatch came front Port Inglis demanding his im- mediate ¬ G presence there and he had to t leave immediately without any Christ- mas ¬ r repast a dire interference with S his anticipated pleasure May better f fortune attend Mr Brices coming Xmas dinner and family reunion t Judge W S Bullock is spending a- very strenuous vacation In his chamb- ers ¬ g adding the work of Judge Wall t of Tampa to his already crowded docket and doing it all out of judicial courtesy a labor of love and good fellowship which Judge Bullock pos- sesses ¬ In a very large degree There are Sew men In any community in whose heart flows the milk of human rt kindness in greater abundance than in f the heart of this splendid citizen and worthy judge May his tribe increase- r i < and Mrs J A rreeman of Bel levlew were in town today shopping- and reported that their daughter Miss Lorena Freeman who Is spending the summer with friends In Pittsburg was having the time of her life She went all through the Carnegie art gal- leries ¬ and museum that cost six mil- lion ¬ dollars and saw objects of Inter- est ¬ from every country In the world Kiss Freeman looked upon this mon- ument ¬ to Mr Carnegies glory as one of the wonders of earth Her man- trIendaare delighted to know she is having such an enjoyable and profita- ble ¬ t j L- c outing > A BIG DELINQUENT TAX LIST The Tampa Times Is publishing the HillBborougli county delinquent tax list and the joo is worth 2000 to that paper it being of the largest tax lists of any county In the state What is the matter with tax matters in Hills borough The Marlon county tax list Is now ivorth about S700 per year to the printer it being one of the smallest of the large counties of the state 100 REWARD 100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been obis to cure in all its stages and that Is catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a con- stitutional ¬ treatment Halls Catarrh Pure Is taken internally acting direct- ly ¬ upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving- the patient strength by building up the the constitution and assisting nature- in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for list of testimonials I Address F J Cheney Co Toledo 0 Sold by druggists 75c Take Halls I Family Pills for constipation I Mr J W Nance one of the veterans who wore the gray came in today from Oak and nail the Star office a pleasant call Mr Xance up to the big freeze was one of the successful orange growers of Marion but since then although making heroic efforts to rehabilitate his fortune has yields to time and the infirmities of years ante now makes his home with his friend Mr Lee Howell assisting him in keeping order about Ills home The Montezuma did a big business yesterday and among the guests pres ¬ ent were O P Dayton Webster J X Moffett North Carolina R C Robin- son ¬ Gainesville J M Hewitt Lees burg Robert Monroe Anthony J S Jennings Lakeland J W Hall Bruns ¬ wick G H Russell Lakeland E R Trammell Lakeland C P Savory Inverness W B Johnson Martel and- E W Ferguson Dade City DeWItts Little Early Risers the pleasant safe sunifeasy little liver pills A salve 3ounjaj > always depend I upon in any casfe where you need a salve is DeWltRaCarbolized Witch Hazel Salve especially good for piles Sold by all druggists Miss Beatrice Sinclair who has been- ill so long at the home of her mother- In this city lelt last night for Talla ¬ hassee to resume her position as sten- ographer ¬ for the railroad commission Miss Sinclair was too weak to make the trip alone and her sister Mrs Old field the trained nurse accompanied her Mr J1 Freeman of Belleview who has charge of the Camp sawmill- at their big dam on the With acoochee river was in town today and reports that all work on the dam was sus ¬ pended owing to the extreme high water line but the work would be re ¬ sumed in the course of a week or two If your liver is sluggish and out of tone and you feel dull bilious con ¬ stipated take a dose of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight before retiring and you will fell al- right 1 in the morning Rev Thompson and daughter Miss Irene of Belleview were callers to ¬ day Mr Thompson reported the re ¬ turn of Mrs McPhail station agent at that place from her trip to the Pacific Coast and Seattle He said she ex- pressed ¬ herself as being glad to get back to Florida There Is no game law against any- one hunting for PLANKS CHILL TOXIC Its guaranteed to cure ma- laria ¬ chills and fever Price 23 cents per bottle Ask your dealer hell probably know Mr J W Perkins and son from across the Oklawaha were In town today He reported the serious ill- ness ¬ of Mrs Lee Wilson and her little I girl and boy The whole family lea r fever for a week and the doctor could not break it We are showing the best 25c box of writing paper that we have ever had and if you want tho entire value of your quarter dont fail to buy this from the Postofflce Drugstore FOR SALE Haarvard piano near ly new 125 easy terms AI Lans ford phone 328 Ocala tI ROI1 R N The Proof is m the BREAD- If you are not usmc it now its a good time to begin We sell it exclusively in Ocala MARTIN CARN OCALA WINS FROM SANFORD 1 Jt AVERY ClOSE GAME I Ocalas Recently Organized Crack I Team Takes the First Game I During this years season of base ball as heretofore Ocala has been putting her local boys on the diamond j to bear her colors to victory or de ¬ I feat and nearly always we have come I out just a little to the good but the I other teams of the nearby towns have j been composed mostly of professional- men In the game with Gainesville in that city some weeks ago when the score was 5 to 0 in favor of Ocala and the game played in this city by the Oak Halls and the locals when the visitors scored shutnut Ocala was playing an amateur team of home j boys against a team wearing the Gainesville suits with scarcely more I than two or three home men in the i i lineup The Ocala baseball enthusiasts and I Manager Bennett decided the only way to play ball with our neighboring I titles and their professional teams was to have a team of that class and I yesterday afternoon the Ocala team considerably strengthened played the 1 Sanford team one of the fastest In the i state and won with a score of four to oneIt was a pretty game Windham 1 recently of Orlando was in the box for i Ocala and Jones the man who in an eleveninning game in Gainesville re cently between the Sanford and Oak i Hall teams drove out a twobagger winning the game did the twirling for the Celery City boys In the last half of the third Bennett was hit by the pitches Galloway at- tempted to sacrifice him to second but was out on a foul to the catcher Jimmie Windham swung on the first ball and drove it out for two bases Bennett landing on third Donaldson dropped a single over the infield and Bennett and VIndham scored The locals tallied again in the fifth and eighth making a total of four runs In the sixth Vibbert for Sanford singled to center and stole second Morris was out on a fly to Galloway White dropped one over third and Vibbert came home on a poor throw to the plate The Sanford and Ocala teams will play again today and tomorrow and then comes the games with Gaines vine The game Thursday will un- doubtedly be the largest attended of any game on the local diamond this year The stores will close at 1 p m allowing a great number of people who could not otherwise go to attend the game and Gainesville will send a big delegation the Coast Line having giv tit them a special train This will probably be the last week of baseball in Ocala this season and j much depends on the attendance at the remaining games as the manage- ment ¬ will be put to considerable ex- pense ¬ in maintaining the present team and If the patronage justifies it Ocala t may have a strong team next year if j a Central Florida league is organized- If you want to see good baseball in I Ocala in the future and help the team Out in a financial way this year go I to the games this week I i ONE WEAK SPOT j Most Ocala People Have a Weak Part and Too Often Its the Back Everyone has a weak spot Too often its a bad back Twinges follow every sudden twiM Dull aching keeps up day and night Tells you the kidneys need help For backache is really kidneyache A kidney cure is what you need Doans Kidney Pills cure sick kd r nets J Cure backache and all urinary ills Mrs W R Pell of Third St San- ford Fla says I am pleased to recommend Doans Kidney Pills taking in view what they have done for me- I have suffered from backache a great deal and at times was so lame that I could scarcely turn In bed Some mornings my condition was such that I found It difficult to dress myself Whenever I stooped sharp pains would dart through my body espe- cially in the region of my kidneys I also had some trouble from the too frequent action of the kidney secre tions After I had used several reme dies with only slight benefit I heard of Deans Kidney Pills and procured- a box I used them and they brought- me the desired relief I am now able to rest well at night am free from pain and lameness and fell stronger and better in every way I Plenty more proof like this from Ocala people Call at Tydings Cos 1 drug store and ask what their custo- mers i report For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents FosterMilburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States I Remember the name Doans and take no other THAW IS LIBRARIAN I Matteawan X Y Aug 31 Harry t K Thaw murderer of Stanford White has been appointed librarian of the I Matteawan institutions Your complexion as wen as your temper Is rendered miserable by a disordered liver By taking Cham berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets you can Improve both j I TEACHERS EXAMINATION- The state uniform examination for teachers certificates will begin at 9 a m on September 7 1909 The work I for white applicants will be conducted- at the Ocala High School building and that for the colored at Howard Acad- emy ¬ Each applicant will pay a fee of one dollar at time of beginning and will supply himself with legal cap pa ¬ per pens and ink Any other Infor ¬ mation pertaining to the examination will be cheerfully furnished by J H Brinson Superintendent- The I best remedy we know of in all cases of kidney and bladder trouble and the one we canalways recommend- is I DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills pills be positiyeCtnat you get De Witts KidmjyJmd Bladder Pills There are Imlta Ions placed upon the market to deceive you Get DeWitts Insist upon them and if your dealer cannot supply you refuse anything else in place of them Sold by all druggists i 5 or 6 doses 666 will cure any case of chills and fever Price 25c I I Bathing caps just received at the I Court Pharmacy I A HANDSOME JOB OF WIRING Mr H W Tucker the electric con- tractor ¬ Is putting in a very handsome- and complete job of wiring and fix- tures ¬ In the remodeled residence of Dr W V Xewsom on Fort King av- enue ¬ All the latest designs in early fall millinery may now be seen at the mil linery establishment of Haycraft DeCamp New goods are arriving dai- ly ¬ and the big line of street hats they are now displaying is one of the most elaborate they have ever carried Call in and see them Considering that they are of the very latest designs- and this Is early In the season the prices are exceedingly low Mrs G D Washburn went down to Fivuy yesterday afternoon with her daughter Miss Emma Washburn the capable nurse who is In charge of the new hospital at that place and Is do- ing splendId sorvice for the help of the big lumber mill at that place Miss Washburn had thirteen patients In as many days and the thirteenth patient- was the only patient to die since the- hospital opened It has been running 28 days and 27 patients in that time had attention If you are run down Foleys Kidney Remedy will help you It strengthens- the kidneys so tar y will eliminate the Impurities front1 the blood that de- press I the nerVesli3iirf cause exhaus- tion 1 backache rh matism and uri- nary i irregularities which sap the vi j taUty Do not delay Take Foleys I Kidney Remedy at once Sold by all deale- rsi i i C H Dame has spent a very successful week In Alachua county in j the interest of the Woodmen of the- i World While there he organized a- new I camp at Mount Tobor ten miles south of Live Oak and greatly refresh- ed ¬ I and strengthened the Bell camp I When it comes to organized woodcraft Dame has no equal He was born with- an I ax in his hand and knows how to make the chips fly- I i People with chronic bronchitis as i thma and lung trouble will find great I relief and comfort in Foleys Honey and Tar and can avoid suffering by commencing to take it at once Sole i by all dealers I I Messrs H W Jones and R E- Yonge Sr will leave tonight for New York City where they will spend a few days Mr Jones will then go on Ito Amhurst Mass to visit relatives- and Mr Yonge and his son Rossie of Jacksonville will spend several weeks seeing the sights of the great city and other places of interest Miss Affleck has just received a lot of pretty new tailored hatsjust what one needs for the season They are marked at very reasonable prices and anyone wishing a new stylish hat would do well to call and see them Mr Jesse Neely the popular and efficient postmaster at Summerfleld was business caller in the city yes terday driving across country to Ok lawaha where he took the train for Ocala Mr Neely reports everything in a very prosperous condition In his neck of the woods The Air Dome gave its patrons a bully little show last night and the spectators stayed by it notwithstand- ing the showers The pictures were all excellent particularly His Wife Mother which was one of the fun- niest things that ever came down tho pike Mr Z Spinks of Whitney the brick and cypress shingle manufacturer came up today to look after some bus r + c 1- It a r r i- tktJ J L- I f 00 1 j iL 1 iI j tiTh- e Brush Runabout j If you are interested in or are thinking of purchasing a small runabo A i car there Is nothing for the money so powerful reliable and possessing suck hillclimbing and sandpulling qualiitles as the Brush You can get de crlpt i tine catalogues by calling on or writing Vr R R CARROLL Agent for Marion Couty STAR OFFICE OCALA FLA v q PISftrrnzsT- O Ti J FIT ANY RIMS OLTEDON CLINCHER QDCLINCHER 1- a a 0 9 t It 1 WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF F1SK TIRES At i r t r WELL AS OTHER AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES AUTO 1 REPAIRING AND TIRE VULCANIZING DONE PROMPTLY AT REASONABLE PRICES f I OCALA IRON WORKS r OCALA FLA A L A < s v T tit 4 1i ROLLINSt- R t OLD EST COLLEGE f t COLLEGE ACADEMY AND SCHOOLS OF MUSIC EXPRESSION- FINE + ARTS DOMESTIC AND NDUSTRIAL ARTS AND BUSINESS + I f I Carnegie Hall and third mens dormitory now completed electric f lights steam and furnace heat large faculty perfect health condi ¬ tions fine gymnasium athletic fields boating tennis courts golf links baseball football and basketball teams champions of Florida in 1W Nearly a quarter of a million dollars endowment expenses moderate scholarships available Christian but u undenominational stands ort f a- t I CHARACTER CULTURE r CINBUIT i For Catalogue Address the President Win F Blackman Ph D Winter Park Fla I > J c X > + W 40eXW HiAM1Y NN ewwH t r I 4- rHE r FLORIDA ONCRETE AND PYINGCO Y J We are prepared to fill your orders for cement work of whatever kind Manufacturers of cement brick building blocks hexagon and eatagin blocks and all kinds of paving material We employ skilled workmen and our motto is to please H i Temporary quarters phone 256 MGR v 1 W- i > ST JOSEPHS ACADEMY i LORETTO Near Mandarin FLORIDA Boarding School for Boys Conducted by the Sisters of St Joseph Young Boys from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along Physical Intel ¬ lectual Moral and Social Lines Healthy Location Magnificent Swimming t Pool Complete Equipment In Schoolrooms Dormitories Dining Hall and 4 s Recreation Rooms s Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIOR St Josephs Academy Loretto Florida- FALL TERM COMMENCES TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 7TH li w ea le BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN t m mm mm mm m mmmm Have Your Lawn Mower Sharpened by the Ver Latest Methods r We have just received one of the famous Idea- L awn Mower Grinders a machine especially Built for the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers which does the work perfectly If you will favor us with your patronage we guarantee to give you back the Mower in better condition than the day you bought it It will be sharp and stay sharp longer than the old style way which is usually done by inerpe1- s rienced workman with a file or an emery wheel < t Next time your Mower needs sharpening bring it in or notify us and we will r make it eat so nicely it will surprise yov r MARION HARDWARE eo y 1 t t f e = 7 J > > f ft1t f a S t u

U- IVBNINGST AR Jtufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03259/00367.pdfi this method inaugurating a hospital service In this city and which proved not only a very enjoyable evening

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Page 1: U- IVBNINGST AR Jtufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03259/00367.pdfi this method inaugurating a hospital service In this city and which proved not only a very enjoyable evening



n 0 JiJ

IVBNINGST ARC L littifliw and R R Carroll

Editor and Publishers1 r


rIt It CARROLL Buslncw Manager


lit this we do not refer to an auction-of city Jots of merchandise for wehave Individuals who are looking aftersuch material affairs but an auctionof seats for the opening of the newopera house

This happy thought originated in theactive and enterprising mind of MrDavid S Woodrow who is ever on thealert to add something to the well being and welfare of the people of theBrick City He suggested the plan atMrs Looneys table the other dayaround which festive board ten per¬

sons were enjoying creature comfortsThe conversation turned on the

breaking of ground for the proposednew epera house and how long wouldit take to complete the building tohave It ready for the first performanceThe cost of the building was discussed-as was that of its asbestos drop curtainand the chairs to comfortably seat theaudience r

I Every one of the tin persons aroundthat table expressed a willingness to-

t buy a ticket for the opening night andpay alG bill for same This brought-on more enthusiastic talk and the further suggestion was made that theopening night be set for January 1

1910 and that the play be presented-by home talent and with that end InvIew a public auction be held for thesale of the seats that this fact bethoroughly advertised so that not onlythe public of Ocala but the people ofthe neighboring towns of AnthonyCitra Sparr McIntosh Lowell Kendrick Martin Dunnellon etc have anopportunity to send representativedelegations

The auction itself with the prestige-of popular presiding officer and anorchestra of good music would create-an interest and driving power thatwould assemble one of the most rep

I resentatlve audiences ever gathered InOcala The gathering would create anenthusiasm and emulation that wouldprove contagious and the prices realiz-edI would warm the hearts of the mem-bers of the building committee of thenew opera house and its manager MrJ W Sylvester

In recognition of what such an eventwould foreshadow for the pecuniaryadvancement of the new temple ofamusement and its furnishings weneed but remind our people of a sim ¬

ilar undertaking which occurred a de-cade


ago under the stimulating in ¬

fluence of Dr S P Eagleton who tooki this method inaugurating a hospital

service In this city and which provednot only a very enjoyable evening to

I li large audience but in the sale of4t rtierchandlse tendered by the merch

= ants proved an unqualified success andnetted the sum of 450 a success thatwaaEten days wonder

Let us repeat the pleasant occasionWand by our willingness to give the new-

TT opera house movement a glorious send-off have an auction of seats for theInitiatory night All of which we re

i spectfully submit to the building commlttee Manager Sylvester and thepublic Let us put the date say thefirst week In November when all our

i summer tourists have arrived homeand all will have a chance to aid thisworthy enterprise



County Surveyor Alex Moorhen hasbeen busy the past week surveying abeeline road from Anthony to Citra

it which is now being cut out under ther Instructions of County Commissioneris WJ Crosby of Citra and the sameL will be hardened It will prove a boon

to the people of Sparr and Citra whor have been patient and long sufferingbut their hour of rejoicing Is near athand and the Star extends congratu-lationsfit



j A little daughter of Mr and IrslPat Randall of Connor a year and a

iP half old died of convulsions last nightThe little one had been ill for a refyshort time The community Is deep y

i grieved over the death of the baby

Mr R A Brice who Is In the gov-ernment


1k service as machinist on atugboat at Port Inglis was in townthe latter part of last week on his wayto Newberry S C to meet his family

t and visit old time friends for a towt days Mr Brice has had but a weeks

vacation all the past year He can ehome a day before Christmas to eat

it that dinner with his family and hei and his good wife had planned allt manner of delightful things for that

happy occasion when a dispatch camefront Port Inglis demanding his im-mediate


G presence there and he had tot leave immediately without any Christ-


r repast a dire interference withS his anticipated pleasure May betterf fortune attend Mr Brices coming

Xmas dinner and family reunion

t Judge W S Bullock is spending a-

very strenuous vacation In his chamb-ers

¬g adding the work of Judge Wallt of Tampa to his already crowded

docket and doing it all out of judicialcourtesy a labor of love and goodfellowship which Judge Bullock pos-sesses


In a very large degree Thereare Sew men In any community inwhose heart flows the milk of human

rt kindness in greater abundance than inf the heart of this splendid citizen and

worthy judge May his tribe increase-

ri< and Mrs J A rreeman of Bel

levlew were in town today shopping-and reported that their daughter MissLorena Freeman who Is spending thesummer with friends In Pittsburgwas having the time of her life Shewent all through the Carnegie art gal-leries


and museum that cost six mil-lion


dollars and saw objects of Inter-est


from every country In the worldKiss Freeman looked upon this mon-ument

¬to Mr Carnegies glory as one

of the wonders of earth Her man-trIendaare delighted to know she ishaving such an enjoyable and profita-


tj L-





The Tampa Times Is publishing theHillBborougli county delinquent taxlist and the joo is worth 2000 to thatpaper it being of the largest tax listsof any county In the state What isthe matter with tax matters in Hillsborough The Marlon county tax listIs now ivorth about S700 per year tothe printer it being one of the smallestof the large counties of the state

100 REWARD 100

The readers of this paper will bepleased to learn that there is at leastone dreaded disease that science hasbeen obis to cure in all its stages andthat Is catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure isthe only positive cure known to themedical fraternity Catarrh being aconstitutional disease requires a con-stitutional


treatment Halls CatarrhPure Is taken internally acting direct-ly


upon the blood and mucous surfacesof the system thereby destroying thefoundation of the disease and giving-the patient strength by building up thethe constitution and assisting nature-in doing its work The proprietorshave so much faith in its curativepowers that they offer One HundredDollars for any case that it fails tocure Send for list of testimonials

I Address F J Cheney Co Toledo 0Sold by druggists 75c Take Halls

IFamily Pills for constipation

I Mr J W Nance one of the veteranswho wore the gray came in todayfrom Oak and nail the Star office apleasant call Mr Xance up to thebig freeze was one of the successfulorange growers of Marion but sincethen although making heroic effortsto rehabilitate his fortune has yieldsto time and the infirmities of yearsante now makes his home with hisfriend Mr Lee Howell assisting himin keeping order about Ills home

The Montezuma did a big businessyesterday and among the guests pres ¬

ent were O P Dayton Webster J XMoffett North Carolina R C Robin-son


Gainesville J M Hewitt Leesburg Robert Monroe Anthony J SJennings Lakeland J W Hall Bruns ¬

wick G H Russell Lakeland E RTrammell Lakeland C P SavoryInverness W B Johnson Martel and-E W Ferguson Dade City

DeWItts Little Early Risers thepleasant safe sunifeasy little liverpills A salve 3ounjaj > always depend I

upon in any casfe where you need asalve is DeWltRaCarbolized WitchHazel Salve especially good for pilesSold by all druggists

Miss Beatrice Sinclair who has been-ill so long at the home of her mother-In this city lelt last night for Talla ¬

hassee to resume her position as sten-ographer


for the railroad commissionMiss Sinclair was too weak to makethe trip alone and her sister Mrs Oldfield the trained nurse accompaniedher

Mr J1 Freeman of Belleviewwho has charge of the Camp sawmill-at their big dam on the With acoocheeriver was in town today and reportsthat all work on the dam was sus ¬

pended owing to the extreme highwater line but the work would be re ¬

sumed in the course of a week or two

If your liver is sluggish and out oftone and you feel dull bilious con ¬

stipated take a dose of ChamberlainsStomach and Liver Tablets tonightbefore retiring and you will fell al-


in the morning

Rev Thompson and daughter MissIrene of Belleview were callers to ¬

day Mr Thompson reported the re ¬

turn of Mrs McPhail station agent atthat place from her trip to the PacificCoast and Seattle He said she ex-pressed


herself as being glad to getback to Florida

There Is no game law against any-one hunting for PLANKS CHILLTOXIC Its guaranteed to cure ma-laria


chills and fever Price 23 centsper bottle Ask your dealer hellprobably know

Mr J W Perkins and son fromacross the Oklawaha were In towntoday He reported the serious ill-


of Mrs Lee Wilson and her littleI

girl and boy The whole family lear fever for a week and the doctor couldnot break it

We are showing the best 25c box ofwriting paper that we have ever hadand if you want tho entire value ofyour quarter dont fail to buy this fromthe Postofflce Drugstore

FOR SALE Haarvard piano near lynew 125 easy terms AI Lansford phone 328 Ocala



The Proof is m theBREAD-

If you are not usmcit now its a goodtime to begin Wesell it exclusively inOcala




Ocalas Recently Organized Crack I

Team Takes the First GameI

During this years season of baseball as heretofore Ocala has beenputting her local boys on the diamond j

to bear her colors to victory or de¬

Ifeat and nearly always we have come I

out just a little to the good but the I

other teams of the nearby towns have j

been composed mostly of professional-men In the game with Gainesville inthat city some weeks ago when thescore was 5 to 0 in favor of Ocala andthe game played in this city by theOak Halls and the locals when thevisitors scored shutnut Ocala wasplaying an amateur team of home j

boys against a team wearing theGainesville suits with scarcely more I

than two or three home men in the i

i lineupThe Ocala baseball enthusiasts and

IManager Bennett decided the onlyway to play ball with our neighboring


titles and their professional teamswas to have a team of that class and I

yesterday afternoon the Ocala teamconsiderably strengthened played the 1

Sanford team one of the fastest In the i

state and won with a score of four tooneIt was a pretty game Windham 1

recently of Orlando was in the box for i

Ocala and Jones the man who in aneleveninning game in Gainesville recently between the Sanford and Oak i

Hall teams drove out a twobaggerwinning the game did the twirling forthe Celery City boys

In the last half of the third Bennettwas hit by the pitches Galloway at-tempted to sacrifice him to second butwas out on a foul to the catcherJimmie Windham swung on the first

ball and drove it out for two basesBennett landing on third Donaldsondropped a single over the infield andBennett and VIndham scored Thelocals tallied again in the fifth andeighth making a total of four runs

In the sixth Vibbert for Sanfordsingled to center and stole secondMorris was out on a fly to GallowayWhite dropped one over third andVibbert came home on a poor throwto the plate

The Sanford and Ocala teams willplay again today and tomorrow andthen comes the games with Gainesvine The game Thursday will un-doubtedly be the largest attended ofany game on the local diamond thisyear The stores will close at 1 p mallowing a great number of people whocould not otherwise go to attend thegame and Gainesville will send a bigdelegation the Coast Line having givtit them a special train

This will probably be the last weekof baseball in Ocala this season and j

much depends on the attendance atthe remaining games as the manage-ment


will be put to considerable ex-pense


in maintaining the present teamand If the patronage justifies it Ocala

tmay have a strong team next year if ja Central Florida league is organized-If you want to see good baseball in I

Ocala in the future and help the teamOut in a financial way this year go I

to the games this week I



Most Ocala People Have a Weak Partand Too Often Its the Back

Everyone has a weak spotToo often its a bad backTwinges follow every sudden twiMDull aching keeps up day and nightTells you the kidneys need helpFor backache is really kidneyacheA kidney cure is what you needDoans Kidney Pills cure sick kd r

nets J

Cure backache and all urinary illsMrs W R Pell of Third St San-

ford Fla says I am pleased torecommend Doans Kidney Pills takingin view what they have done for me-I have suffered from backache a greatdeal and at times was so lame that Icould scarcely turn In bed Somemornings my condition was such thatI found It difficult to dress myselfWhenever I stooped sharp painswould dart through my body espe-cially in the region of my kidneys Ialso had some trouble from the toofrequent action of the kidney secretions After I had used several remedies with only slight benefit I heardof Deans Kidney Pills and procured-a box I used them and they brought-me the desired relief I am now ableto rest well at night am free frompain and lameness and fell strongerand better in every way I

Plenty more proof like this fromOcala people Call at Tydings Cos 1

drug store and ask what their custo-mers


reportFor sale by all dealers Price 50

cents FosterMilburn Co BuffaloNew York sole agents for the UnitedStates I

Remember the name Doans andtake no other


Matteawan X Y Aug 31 Harry t

K Thaw murderer of Stanford Whitehas been appointed librarian of the I

Matteawan institutions

Your complexion as wen as yourtemper Is rendered miserable by adisordered liver By taking Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tabletsyou can Improve both j


TEACHERS EXAMINATION-The state uniform examination for

teachers certificates will begin at 9a m on September 7 1909 The work


for white applicants will be conducted-at the Ocala High School building andthat for the colored at Howard Acad-emy


Each applicant will pay a feeof one dollar at time of beginning andwill supply himself with legal cap pa ¬

per pens and ink Any other Infor ¬

mation pertaining to the examinationwill be cheerfully furnished by

J H Brinson Superintendent-


best remedy we know of in allcases of kidney and bladder troubleand the one we canalways recommend-is


DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pillspills be positiyeCtnat you get DeWitts KidmjyJmd Bladder PillsThere are Imlta Ions placed upon themarket to deceive you Get DeWittsInsist upon them and if your dealercannot supply you refuse anythingelse in place of them Sold by alldruggists i

5 or 6 doses 666 will cure any caseof chills and fever Price 25c I


Bathing caps just received at the I

Court Pharmacy I


Mr H W Tucker the electric con-tractor


Is putting in a very handsome-and complete job of wiring and fix-tures


In the remodeled residence ofDr W V Xewsom on Fort King av-enue


All the latest designs in early fallmillinery may now be seen at the millinery establishment of HaycraftDeCamp New goods are arriving dai-ly


and the big line of street hats theyare now displaying is one of the mostelaborate they have ever carried Callin and see them Considering thatthey are of the very latest designs-and this Is early In the season theprices are exceedingly low

Mrs G D Washburn went down toFivuy yesterday afternoon with herdaughter Miss Emma Washburn thecapable nurse who is In charge of thenew hospital at that place and Is do-ing splendId sorvice for the help of thebig lumber mill at that place MissWashburn had thirteen patients In asmany days and the thirteenth patient-was the only patient to die since the-hospital opened It has been running28 days and 27 patients in that timehad attention

If you are run down Foleys KidneyRemedy will help you It strengthens-the kidneys so tar y will eliminate theImpurities front1 the blood that de-pressI the nerVesli3iirf cause exhaus-tion1 backache rh matism and uri-naryi irregularities which sap the vi

j taUty Do not delay Take FoleysI Kidney Remedy at once Sold by alldeale-



i C H Dame has spent a verysuccessful week In Alachua county in

j the interest of the Woodmen of the-i World While there he organized a-

newI camp at Mount Tobor ten milessouth of Live Oak and greatly refresh-ed

¬I and strengthened the Bell campI When it comes to organized woodcraftDame has no equal He was born with-anI ax in his hand and knows how tomake the chips fly-



People with chronic bronchitis asi thma and lung trouble will find greatI relief and comfort in Foleys Honeyand Tar and can avoid suffering by

commencing to take it at once Solei by all dealersI


Messrs H W Jones and R E-Yonge Sr will leave tonight for NewYork City where they will spend afew days Mr Jones will then go on

Ito Amhurst Mass to visit relatives-and Mr Yonge and his son Rossieof Jacksonville will spend severalweeks seeing the sights of the greatcity and other places of interest

Miss Affleck has just received a lotof pretty new tailored hatsjust whatone needs for the season They aremarked at very reasonable prices andanyone wishing a new stylish hatwould do well to call and see them

Mr Jesse Neely the popular andefficient postmaster at Summerfleldwas business caller in the city yesterday driving across country to Oklawaha where he took the train forOcala Mr Neely reports everythingin a very prosperous condition In hisneck of the woods

The Air Dome gave its patrons abully little show last night and thespectators stayed by it notwithstand-ing the showers The pictures were allexcellent particularly His WifeMother which was one of the fun-niest things that ever came down thopike

Mr Z Spinks of Whitney the brickand cypress shingle manufacturercame up today to look after some bus



It a r

r i-tktJJ L-





1 iI



Brush RunaboutjIf you are interested in or are thinking of purchasing a small runabo A i

car there Is nothing for the money so powerful reliable and possessing suckhillclimbing and sandpulling qualiitles as the Brush You can get de crlpt i

tine catalogues by calling on or writingVr







a a 0 9t It 1












Carnegie Hall and third mens dormitory now completed electric flights steam and furnace heat large faculty perfect health condi ¬

tions fine gymnasium athletic fields boating tennis courts golf linksbaseball football and basketball teams champions of Florida in 1WNearly a quarter of a million dollars endowment expenses moderatescholarships available Christian but u undenominational stands ort f a-


CINBUIT iFor Catalogue Address the President

Win F Blackman Ph D Winter Park FlaI >J c

X > + W 40eXW HiAM1Y NN ewwH tr I




JWe are prepared to fill your orders for cement work of whatever kindManufacturers of cement brick building blocks hexagon and eatagin

blocks and all kinds of paving material We employ skilled workmen andour motto is to please H


Temporary quarters phone 256MGRv 1 W-




Boarding School for Boys Conducted by the Sisters of St Joseph YoungBoys from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along Physical Intel ¬

lectual Moral and Social Lines Healthy Location Magnificent Swimming tPool Complete Equipment In Schoolrooms Dormitories Dining Hall and 4 sRecreation Rooms s

Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIOR


wea le

BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN tm mm mm mm m mmmm

Have Your Lawn Mower Sharpened by the VerLatest Methods

rWe have just received one of the famous Idea-

L awn Mower Grinders a machine especially Builtfor the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers whichdoes the work perfectly If you will favor us withyour patronage we guarantee to give you back theMower in better condition than the day you boughtit It will be sharp and stay sharp longer than theold style way which is usually done by inerpe1-

srienced workman with a file or an emery wheel


t Next time your Mower needs sharpeningbring it in or notify us and we will

r make it eat so nicely it will surprise yovr


1 tt



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