TxEIS-An integrated Enterprise Information System for Texas schools using Student Applications

TxEIS -An integrated Enterprise Information System for Texas schools using Student Applications

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TxEIS-An integrated Enterprise Information System for Texas schools using Student Applications

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• The TxEIS product is web-based, fully integrated, and supports the operational and reporting requirements of Texas districts, charter schools, private schools, and education service centers.


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TxEIS Login


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TxEIS Application Directory


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The Registration application is used to set up the district, campus and student demographic information and serves as the main application from which other student applications draw student demographic data.


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Registration-Student Demographics System Features

• Enroll & withdraw students from campuses and special programs.• Maintain comprehensive student demographic information.• Pertinent or sensitive student information may be added as a comment.• Auto assign Local Student IDs & State Assigned IDs (System designed to

prevent duplicate ID numbers.• Historical Student Directory• The PEIMS fields in all the Student applications are indicated in bold print.• PEIMS edits are incorporated into the Student Applications to ensure

accurate data entry.


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Registration-Student Demographics Demo 1 screen


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Registration-Demo 2 Screen

There is a multitude of enrollment information that can be entered on a student from birth city, state, country and counselor to their Medicaid eligibility


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Registration-Demo 3

On Demo 3, for an example you can maintain Career Technology, SSI Promotion, Migrant, Immigrant, OEYP and Graduation information, etc.


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Registration-At Risk


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Registration-Contact Tab


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Registration-W/R Enroll


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Registration-Special Ed


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Registration-Title 1


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Prior Year Leaver Tracking


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Utilities Features

Contains many features-most commonly used:• Specific and mass reset functions (Reset Values)• Individual and group transfer of students• Create PET xml files• Create TREx files• Third party exports for Cafeteria, Special Ed, and FitnessGram.


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Registration Reports

In the Registration application there are 27 standard reports available.


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Create Demo Report

Each module also allows the user to create their own reports by selecting from a specific list of fields relative to each module.


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Historical Cumulative Reports

The Student Historical Cumulative Reports page allows you to view and print reports using historical cumulative Registration data.


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The Attendance application is written to incorporate the specific attendance rules and regulations to accurately calculate a total accounting of student attendance including special program contact hours and FTE’s.


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Attendance Features

• Multi-Track attendance calendars• Attendance audit log is stored in the database. The log lists all attendance

postings and corrections.• Special populations attendance accounting• Period by period or single class period attendance accounting• Excessive absence tracking & generation of user-defined attendance

letters to the parents• Perfect attendance accounting• Absences posted in the txGradebook are immediately available in TxEIS

Student. The postings in the txGradebook are real time. No imports or exports necessary.

• Update student’s yearly attendance records-stored by school year.• Create file of student absences for a phone calling program.


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Attendance Calendar

The attendance system allows you to create a calendar for each attendance track at each campus.


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Attendance-Student Posting

The Attendance Posting screens give users the flexibility to select the posting screen that best suits their needs. The Attendance Posting screens available are By Date, By Date/Code, By Date/Course, By Date/Control Number, By Date/Grade, By Individual, and Period by Period. On the By Date/Course screen, the office clerk may also post a comment for absence postings. The comments are available for the teachers to view in txGradebook.


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Attendance-Student Inquiry

•The count of Absences tab allows users to view a student’s number of absences by period.•The Count of Tardies tab allows users to view a student’s number of tardies by period.•The attendance by Date tab allows you to view a student’s absences by date, including the periods, course numbers, and absence codes associated with the date.•The Attendance Audit tab allows you to view a student’s posting information. The list includes the period, absence code, course number, user ID, and posting date/time associated with the absence date. Comments are also displayed from the attendance posting By Date/Course Tab.•District Yearly Count tab displays a student’s average daily attendance by school year.•The Cumulative tab displays a student’s attendance by year and cycle.28

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Attendance Letters

The Attendance application allows the user to create excessive absence letters. The attendance letter can be created using variables, which personalizes each letter that is generated. The campus determines how many absences are excessive and when a student reaches the excessive number of absences, letters may be printed and mailed to the parents.29

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Attendance Reports

In the Attendance application there are 31 standard reports available.


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Create Attendance Report


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Grade Reporting

The Grade Reporting application is used to maintain information on student grades and allows you to set district curriculum options that apply to all campuses within the district. It also allows you to set campus options, such as grade ranges, computation, honor roll, and posting information that apply only to the specific campus. You can assign courses to students, post grades, perform grade averaging, and transfer students from one course section to another.


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Grade Reporting Features

• Current & cumulative weighted grade averaging-numeric or grade point including high school credit courses taken at the middle school.

• Automatic generation of elementary master schedule and student schedules.• Comprehensive self-paced grade reporting concept.• Grades posted in txGradebook are immediately available in TxEIS Student. The grades posted

in the txGradebook are real time. • Grade computation and credit assignments.• Walk-in Scheduler.• Interim progress reports from TxEIS Student or from the txGradebook.• Blank/incomplete/failing student reporting.• UIL eligibility identification.• Multi-Year Academic Achievement Records (AAR).• Historical Grade Course Information.• Automatic assignment of Pass/Fail Indicators.• Creation of all the TAKS pre-coding files.• Accommodate Classroom Link requirements


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Grade Reporting District Course Table

The Grade Reporting application has a district course table. The district course table allows the district to have control over the courses that are added and deleted. It also helps to keep the districts course numbering scheme consistent. Campuses select courses from the district table to use on their campus.


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Grade Reporting - Campus Options

The Grade Reporting System allows the user to set their grade reporting parameters for each campus. The tab pages set the parameters for the Computation of Grades, Honor Rolls, Grade Averaging, Posting of Grades, and Printing Report Cards.


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Individual Student Maintenance

The Grade Reporting Student Individual maintenance provides many options for the user to access the student’s grade reporting information. The above screen displays a student’s schedule with a Print button option. The other tab pages contain course assignments, individual course information and grades, Career Tech courses, and the student’s grade averaging information. The Crs/Sec Change tab allows schedule changes where the grades and attendance from the previous course are automatically moved to the new course. Student’s prior year’s grade information may also be accessed.


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Cumulative Courses

The Cumulative Courses tab allows you to view and update a student's courses and grade information from all years. You can also print the student's AAR (SGR2047) from this tab.


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Walk-in Scheduler

A Course schedule can be generated using the Walk-in Scheduler for a student for the current year in a 2-semester or a 4-semester campus.


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Group Maintenance

Grade Reporting Maintenance allows group maintenance. The above screen displays a teacher’s class and allows maintenance on grade information for all students in the class. It also allows you to move students from one course to another, add a course, or delete a course for a group of students.


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Create Grade Reporting Report


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Grade Reporting Reports

There are 50 standard Grade Reporting reports to choose from.


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The Scheduling application is used to create the campuses’ next year master schedule and students’ schedules without affecting any current year data. This application allows campuses the flexibility to use various scheduling concepts, which include 2-semester, 4-semester, alternating modified block, or team teaching, etc. Tools are provided for building next year’s master schedule. The tools place the course sections in periods with the least amount of student conflicts, building the best possible master schedule for scheduling the students.


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Scheduling Features

• Resource Allocator or MSALGO may be used for creating the master schedule both tools place sections based around potential student conflicts.

• Section restrictions may be used to limit or group specific populations.

• Course requests can be entered by students through txMyZone, an online student course request application that is fully integrated with the TxEIS software.

• Running the scheduling loads to schedule the students is efficient, processes quickly, and does an excellent job of scheduling students.

• Comprehensive scheduling reports are provided to assist personnel in all aspects of scheduling.


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Scheduling-Campus Options

This screen displays the Scheduling parameters for a campus. Users may also access District Course Selection, Campus Courses, Campus Sections, Proxy records, Campus Instructors and enter txMyZone messages. 44

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Resource Allocator Information

This screen displays the resource allocator information for an instructor. You can preset instructor free time, the courses they teach and the maximum sections they can teach for each course.


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Student Course Requests

This screen displays a student’s course requests. It shows the total period control for the student’s request. It also shows if the request was enter by the student (thru txMyZone) or by a counselor.


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Scheduling Reports

There are 26 standard scheduling reports.


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The Health application is used by the school nurse to maintain student immunizations, TB data, vision, hearing, spinal, and acanthosis screenings, emergency data, accidents, medical conditions and physical examinations. It also includes the Nurse’s Daily Log. This application gives the school nurse the tools required to manage school health data in an efficient and cost-effective manner while collecting the required data to meet Texas Department of Health reporting guidelines.


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Health Features

• Consolidated Maintenance• Provisional enrollment management• Facilitating physical exam procedures• Nurse’s daily log• Mass Screening• Immunization due letters to parents• Referral process coordination• The four Texas Department of Health reports available• The Acanthosis Screening report available for the Texas

Mexico Border Coordination Office


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Student Immunization

This is the Immunization screen for a student.


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Consolidated Screening Tab


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The Emergency tab allows you to view and update a student's emergency information, such as emergency medical contacts (e.g., doctor and dentist) and medical alerts. Registration contacts may also be viewed here. 52

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Accident Log

The Health application allows the nurse to record any student accidents that occurred on the campus.


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Mass Screening

The Mass Screening page allows you to add screening data for groups of students to cut down on data entry.


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Nurse’s Daily Log

The Nurse’s Daily Log allows the school nurse to record each student or staff member he/she saw on a specific day and all the pertinent information regarding each visit.


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Immunization Due Letter

The Health application allows the nurse to create an Immunization Due Letter. The nurse can generate the letter automatically for students with overdue immunizations.


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Create Health Report

The Health application allows you to create a quick report for students at one campus or all campuses. The information is taken from the most current student record for the selected school year.


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Health Reports

There are 21 standard health reports.


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Test Scores

The Test Scores application allows you to view and maintain student test score information throughout the year, including TAKS, SDAA II, TELPAS, PSAT, SAT, and ACT. The TAKS scores may be imported into the Test Scores application by administration date and year. The test score data is maintained over time, so test score information from previous years remains available.


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Individual Maintenance-TAKS

The Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) tab allows you to view and update a student's TAKS data. This data is also available to instructors in txGradebook.


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Test Scores Report

The report lists students with their TAKS test score data.


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The Discipline application enables campuses to maintain information on student behavioral infractions and actions taken by school district personnel. The system keeps track of this data over multiple school years. The Discipline application incorporates all required data for PEIMS extracts and submissions.


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Discipline Features• Automatically generates discipline letters to

parents• Ability to add comments for incidents• Contains extensive tables with user-defined

capabilities• Saves digital photos in the database for

evidence• Accommodates Multi students incidents


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District Level Table Maintenance

The Discipline application has extensive district discipline tables, which include Offense Codes, Offense level, Action Codes, Location Codes and Reported by Group. The tables also offer the capability for adding user-defined discipline codes.64

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Student Discipline

The Incident Information tab allows you to create, modify, or delete a student discipline record. A student can have more than one discipline record (i.e., incident). One incident can have multiple offenses and corresponding actions taken. Comments about the incident can also be added. Pictures can also be imported as evidence.


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Student Discipline Inquiry


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Referral Letter

The user may create discipline letters to be sent to parents. The discipline letter can be created using variables, which personalizes each letter that is generated.


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Create Discipline Report

The Create Discipline Report page allows you to create a customized Discipline report for students at one campus or all campuses. The information is taken from the most current student record for the selected school year.


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Discipline Reports

There are 13 standard discipline reports.


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Special Education

TxEIS Special Education application is designed to meet the many state and federal guidelines in order to maintain report information on students receiving special education services. The system assists the user in determining that special education students are receiving the appropriate services and that the district meets the various assessment dates set for the student.


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Special Education Features

• Comprehensive tables containing the individual education program (IEP) goals and objectives

• Maintains student information for current year and next year

• Compliance Verification• Identifies Related Services provided for each student• Facilitates special education transportation


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District IEP Goals

This screen displays the IEP Goals that may be assigned to the special education students. For each IEP goal assigned, there are Performing Objectives and Enabling Objectives.72

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Program Information

This screen displays all program information for a special education student. The remaining tab pages on this screen contain the student’s special education dates, related services, hearing/visually impaired information, child restraint records, instructor information, and it also provides a local use area for the user to enter other information for the student.


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Child Restraint

The current year Child Restraint tab allows you to maintain information on special education students with disabilities who are restrained for emergency purposes


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Create Special Education Report

The Create Special Education Report page allows you to create a customized report for Special Education students at one campus or all campuses.


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Special Education Reports

There are 17 standard special education reports available.