Two Kingdoms- Lies & Fear vs Truth & Love

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  • 8/13/2019 Two Kingdoms- Lies & Fear vs Truth & Love


    Two Kingdoms - Lies and Fear vs Truth and Love

    At the root of every system the enemy tries to set up you will find Lies andFear, and at the root of every true Godly work you will find the opposite, Truth

    and Love. The Word of God shows us how to discern what is Godly and whatis not by telling us about fruit. aying that a persons!system or kingdom" canbe discerned by the fruit it is producing. An evil tree cannot bear good fruitand a good tree cannot bear evil fruit. A tree is recogni#ed by it$s fruit.%at,&'()), %at,*(&* and Luke,+().%ost people would know that a poor tree that has a bad root system hasprobably poor soil or lack of water to nourish the tree and it$s fruit. Thereby

    from this we can deduce that we should be dealing with the hidden things of the tree to help itproduce good fruit.

    Luke writes of -esus telling a parable about a fig tree that for ) years bore nofruit to eat, the owner tells the vineyard worker to cut it down, but the workersays, leave it alone for one more year and / will dig around it and fertilise it./f it doesn$t bear fruit then you can cut it down!Luke,&)(+01". This should

    make you happy because God is in the business of producing good fruit in2is children and doesn$t give up. The worker had to attend to the root systemof the tree so that it could receive the nutrients and water it needed. 3ut,notice that there was work to be done, firstly removing the dirt around it andthen applying fertiliser and water. The dirt here is like the cares of this world,which needs to be removed before anything good will penetrate, and then the tree will comegood!or maybe not, lets look a little deeper". What about the root system4, / mean what kind ofroot system would cause a tree to be barren4 an immature root system maybe, or what aboutrotten roots or some type of root disease4

    This is what / am getting at, if the root system is not good the tree is basicallyfinished. The root system /$m referring to here is the old kingdom that stillmanifests in our lives, and unfortunately not only us but everyone close to us

    can see any bad fruit hanging on it. We are all similar as 3orn Againbelievers, we have the old!supposed to be" dead kingdom still abiding in usand then when we became born anew God$s new kingdom came and set upresidence in us. The old roots are the things that have been long forgottenabout that tries to hi5ack the new kingdom of God in us. /t will try to preventGod$s kingdom from bearing good fruit. The old kingdom can do nothing but

    eventually bear bad fruit, and it$s foundation initially is built upon lies that produce fear. The rootsystem of the old kingdom was fertilised and watered in this world from the time of being a seedto sapling, until God came and set up 2is new kingdom which nullified control of the old. Thefoundational lies of this old kingdom were things of fear which caused re5ection, insecurity andfear itself to take root, which soon enough turns into bitterness!unforgiveness", anger andrebellion. From here the bad fruit has begun to sprout but not fully come due yet into fully fledgedevil fruit such as perversions, murder, witchcraft and addictions.

    What Lies?

    6ach one of us has had particular lie7s told to us by the enemy very early in life so as to build atype of kingdom that he can control and set up for his own ends. For e8ample, the foundational liethat grasped my heart as a child that / now see after many years of progressive stuff ups andfailure, is that / am no good and something is wrong with me. / carried this belief deep in myheart all the way into adulthood from my childhood. /t was very well hidden and masked and as /got into my '9$s and )9$s it got worse with depression and despair and thoughts of suicide.

  • 8/13/2019 Two Kingdoms- Lies & Fear vs Truth & Love


    /f these negative lies of past bad roots are not dealt with effectively with the Truth of God$sunconditional Love they will eventually manifest e8tremely bad fruit.The lies / listened to and believed as a child through seeminglyorchestrated events which the enemy used to produce fear in my life,caused a fear of re5ection, self re5ection, fear of nothing good will evercome my way and fear of being no good and unaccepted. These liesprogressively became worse and worse as more lies and fear were addedand laid upon the foundation already believed as a child. / guess there aremany variants to the lies the enemy tells people growing up and will usewhatever situation is at hand to build himself a home. /f your parentsattempted to abort you as a baby, the lie would be/$m not meant to be here, / don$t belong. /fyour parents wanted the opposite se8 as a baby, the lie would be,/ am wrong, something iswrong with me. /f you feel one or both parents abandoned you, the lie would be/ am no good, /am not worth it. With all these lies the fear comes as re5ection and is a deep seated painful rootsystem that causes God$s people to strive as the world does for approval and acceptance. -esussaid 2is yoke is easy and burden is light and came that we might have life more abundantly.God$s love for us is real and tangible if it can get through the net of lies and fears and reach intothe depths of the heart.

    atan can tell no truth, this is what -esus says about him ( ...not holding to the truth, for there is

    no truth in him. When he lies he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.-ohn,:( ;/hrist like life.

    /f the lie7s were accepted in childhood at the heart level it can change part of the person$scharacter and we say,That$s 5ust the way so and so is. 3ut, so and so is like that because the lieflawed their character when fear entered and re?uired a defensive structure to protect the heartfrom the pain of the lie7s. The lie can only be overcome by the Truth in the Word of God and thefear only overcome by the perfect Love of God. The pure love of God will not penetrate the heartfully until the lie is recogni#ed, repented of and replaced with the truth, and the lying spirit alongwith the fear spirit is cast out. When the @ingdom of God is planted firmly in ones heart, it$s workis to overcome the old kingdom fully and bring glory to our Father in heaven as a righteous treethat stands as a spectacle in this world and bring >hrist$s light and love to it. God$s plan is for you

    is to have all surpassing peace through >hrist -esus, that means all surpassing peace in yourmind and soul as well as your heart. God has not given his children a spirit of fear, but of courageand sound mind....A%6;.

    $There is no fear in love, 3ut perfect love drives out all fear, because fear has to do withpunishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love$.&-ohn,(&:;/