Two Halves of a Whole: Dominic & I – PREVIEW CHAPTER ONE. Recently I moved into this new area, a nice quiet part of town, with some time finally for myself and to regain my independence. I was single yet again (lets just say I walked in on my partner of two years going at it with one of my so called “best mates”). Needless to say that’s behind me now, as I breathe in the fresh air of a new town I know this start-over is what I really need to maintain my sanity, or regain it. A week goes by and I’m pretty comfy and settled into my new unit, heading out to the store to grab a few things. Arriving back home while heading towards my front door with a couple of bags in my hands, stumbling over myself tripping and falling down (as I can’t see a thing), I hear a voice say: “Hey there, are you okay?” I look up to see this man now standing above me, he kneels down. “Need some help?” he asks. I remain silent, I’ve always been tragically shy, I kind of just give out an awkward nod,

Two Halves of a Whole PREVIEW

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This is a Preview of my newly published gay erotic/thriller book titled: Two Halves of a Whole: Dominic & I... Please, if you enjoy the preview or know someone that might like it send them to the link for the book or to purchase go to: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/131276981035?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649Many thanks.M.J.Hall

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Two Halves of a Whole: Dominic & I – PREVIEW


Recently I moved into this new area, a nice quiet part of town, with some time finally for myself and to regain my independence. I was single yet again (lets just say I walked in on my partner of two years going at it with one of my so called “best mates”).

Needless to say that’s behind me now, as I breathe in the fresh air of a new town I know this start-over is what I really need to maintain my sanity, or regain it.

A week goes by and I’m pretty comfy and settled into my new unit, heading out to the store to grab a few things. Arriving back home while heading towards my front door with a couple of bags in my hands, stumbling over myself tripping and falling down (as I can’t see a thing), I hear a voice say: “Hey there, are you okay?”

I look up to see this man now standing above me, he kneels down.

“Need some help?” he asks.

I remain silent, I’ve always been tragically shy, I kind of just give out an awkward nod, he smiles and leans down and takes a few bags in his hands.

“Well are you going to stand up? Or just lay on the ground all night” he says in a sarcastic manner still baring that rather mischievous smile.

I pull myself together and rise to my feet still flushed with embarrassment, I catch his eyes with mine, and they’re light hazel in colour, almost a honey shade…

“So… You going to stare at me or you going to help me take in your shopping?” he says confused.

“Oh shit, I didn’t even realise I was staring, oops, but hey I’m a sucker for a good set of eyes.”

“Sorry, I don’t mean to stare,” I say in an innocent voice.

He laughs and replies, “all good dude.”

Together we walk up to my door with bags in our hands. I unlock the door and push it open.

“Kitchen’s straight through there,” I said while pointing the way with my head.

This mysterious man walks into my kitchen and starts pulling out my groceries. Hmm that’s a little weird, I think to myself. He looks up at me as I’m just standing there looking at him seeking the correct homes for the various items. He just gives me a big grin and continues.

“So… do you normally just watch people unpack your shopping?”

Realising I was again staring, I walk over and begin to rummage through the bags and start putting things away, I was a little shocked, here I have this random putting away my shopping, and I merely said more than two sentences to him.

“I’m Dominic.”

Turning to face me, reaching out his hand to shake mine, I reach out my hand and we embrace in a handshake.


“Nice to meet you Kevin, you just moved in yeah?” Dominic asked.

“Yeah just last week.”

“Yeah I thought so, I wasn’t sure, I thought I could hear someone over there and then saw lights on, but I wasn’t sure whether anyone had actually moved in.”

Apparently my apartment had been empty for a while.

We finished putting away my shopping and I decided to walk him back to his apartment, after all it was right next to mine. We ended up starting up a conversation at his door, he invited me in for a drink and to continue with our chat.

“Sure,” I said.

We continued to chat for quite some time, and we got to know each other a little. He was an aspiring film student, who had a hectically busy schedule with school and work, no time for dating he mentioned because he often worked late. He told me he was originally from England but moved to Australia six years ago for a new experience and never looked back.

“What brings you here?” he asks.

“Just ended a relationship, and needed a change,” I reply secretively, I didn’t want to mention my last relationship was with another man, after all he had no idea he was even talking to a gay guy.

He then went on about how he hadn’t been with a woman in so long and that he’s almost forgotten what it’s like.

We talked for about thirty minutes more until I got a phone call from my mother asking how I was settling into my new place, I told her I would call her back, so I said goodbye to Dominic and said that I hope to see him around. He said I would.

I went back home and called my mother.

A few days later, I run into Dominic in the hallway after coming home from work. He is also just getting in from work.

“Hi Kevin, you have plans tonight?”

“No, no plans, I was just going to chill at home.”

“Cool, mind if I join? I have nothing on tonight,” he said.


“Okay let me just go home and change, will grab some beers and be over in a few minutes.”

He proceeded to his apartment, and I hurry quickly into mine to hide any evidence of gay-ness from his possible homophobic sight, so while I’m tossing a few posters and mags into my bedroom closet I hear a knock at the door.

I answer, and there Dominic stood, looking nice and yummy in a white tank top, track-pants, and the tank top showing off his nicely defined biceps. I could tell he enjoyed the gym, in his right hand was a six pack of beer, but the eye catcher was the track-pants, It seemed that Dominic had done the normal straight male thing and gone commando - yep, no undies - I could see the bulge in the front of his pants. My-oh-my I need to look at something else before I cry with extreme want for it. Dominic was a very appealing guy, in his mid-twenties just a year older than me, he had light brown hair, stunning hazel eyes, and nice big hands, you could just tell he knew what to do with them. There he stood with a grin on his face, I invite him in.

“Rad place man,” he said.

“Isn’t it the same as yours?”

“The layout is but I mean the deco stuff, it’s pretty sweet.”

“Thanks man.”

We stick the six-pack of beers in the refrigerator. Taking two out, Dominic hands me one, then we head over to the lounge and sit down, and Dominic starts talking about his day at film school and that they are working on this short film about zombies. Being a big fan of zombie flicks, I was intrigued to know more about it, so we talked about forty-five minutes when Dominic told me he was getting hungry, I myself was also starting to get hungry so we go into the kitchen and rummage through the pantry looking for

something to snack on. We decided on nachos so we whipped them up together in about ten minutes, Dominic was by that point onto his third beer, I could tell he was becoming more comfortable, he looked really chilled out on the lounge, and then it happened…

“So Kevin, tell me about your girlfriend, why did you breakup?” he asked. I sat next to him stunned like I had just been paralysed, Shit! I’m not sure what type of look I had on my face during that moment, but Dominic sort of brushed the question off and said “all good man, you don’t have to talk about it, if you don’t want to.”

I didn’t want to ruin the good bonding evening we had been having, but at the same time I didn’t want to make the situation anymore awkward than it already was.

“To be honest with you, it was a guy, not a girl,” I said.

Dominic paused for what felt like ages, and then said, “So, you’re gay then?”

“Uhh, yeah.”

He didn’t seem to mind at all, or at least it didn’t show.

“So, what happened?” he asked again.

“Monogamy didn’t seem to be a term he was familiar with,” I explained.

“Oh shit man, yeah I hear that kind of thing happens a lot now-days. I have a woman in my film group who broke it off with her fiancé, and another guy I used to work with also split for the same reason. That’s why I couldn’t be fucked trying to deal with work, school, and a relationship, at least while I’m still in school… Don’t get me wrong! I really miss the sex, but it’s too much hassle.”

I completely understood what he meant about relationships, at this point in my life I figured I'd be taking a break from dating and relationships also, to leave things behind.

“Totally agree with you man,” I respond.

Dominic holding up his drink says, “Cheers to that!”

We both take a swig of our beers.

“I still can’t believe you’re gay, I mean you don’t act gay, there are some guys in my school that are said to be gay, but with you I had no idea… It’s cool man, I don’t care,” he said.

In an attempt to change the subject I start asking him about the types of women he liked.

He began rambling on about how he wanted a woman who enjoyed being adventurous while also happy to please him. He said that most of the women he had been with didn’t enjoy giving head. It was a disappointment he said, I would often surf porn sites in search of that one video where you could really see the woman enjoy pleasing the guy and not just do it because she was getting paid for it.

“Let me ask you a question, what is it about men you like?”

“I love everything about men, their manliness, their scent, the way their skin feels, just about everything on a man to me is sexy.” I answered.

“Okay then, so what do you like doing with guys?” he asked.

My face burning red with embarrassment, he could see I was completely uncomfortable at this point.

He laughs, “Man, it’s all good, I'll go first. I like girls that are happy and willing to please me, not to sound greedy of course, but you know all little things like massaging my feet after a long hard day at work, likes sex and is willing to give me a blowjob; that’s the best, without me having to beg or waiting for a special occasion, you know that kind of stuff.”

Okay, this conversation had started to get a whole lot weirder, he was talking to me about the types of sexual things he likes, up until this point I had put him in the ‘No chance in hell category’ but I undeniably have an insatiable sex drive and my imagination was heating up. I was beginning to picture in my mind what it would be like to be that woman. How smoking hot would that be! Dominic was turning me on, there was something confident about him, he knew what he wanted, how he wanted it, and when. This made him very attractive.

Then, without realising it I am blurting out what I like.

“I’m the opposite. I love taking care of someone. Love giving massages. Love taking care of a guy, exploring every part of another man’s body and finding out what really gets him going, a guy who will be open with me and tell me what he likes or doesn’t like.”

Dominic said: “Really? Hmm, I sort of had you pegged for the type of guy that likes to be in control, maybe more into the feminine guys.”

“Nah, not at all, I am more attracted to the dominant type, a guy that likes to be in control but also likes to hand the controls over too.”

It suddenly occurred to me what I was saying and my brain was desperately searching for any connection possible to be broken to disengage my mouth from flapping! It was almost like I was hearing myself in the third person! Why was I telling this random guy I hardly knew all this stuff? Shut up Kevin!!! I say to myself. At what point was this guy going to run in fear from my apartment, straight guys don’t want to hear about this stuff.

“So what you’re saying is you’re like my perfect girl, expect you’re a guy!” he said.

“Yeah, that’s kind of a deal breaker, huh,” I said.

We both laugh and shrug it off as a joke. I wasn’t kidding, but he didn’t know that.

We continue to chat for a while more, about work, family, you know the boring stuff. Dominic looks at his wristwatch to check the time.

“Well, man I better head off, I need to be up early for work,” Dominic said in a monotone voice.

“Not looking forward to the early start hey?” I ask.

“No at all man… not at all”

I walk over to the front door to see him out.

“Thanks again man, we should do this again sometime soon.”

“Yeah, I’m keen,” I reply.

Dominic proceeds down the hall to his apartment, I closed my door, and decided I’d have a shower… a long shower, and then go to bed, knowing I would be laying there letting my mind run rampant about the guy sleeping in his bed only a few feet away from me.


Two days go by without sight of Dominic. He wasn’t kidding when he said he worked a lot. That evening after a long hard day’s work I sit back on my lounge in front of the TV with a bowl of ice cream, comfy in my PJ’s. Suddenly there’s a loud knock at the door.

“Wakey, Wakey Kevin,” a voice on the other side of the door says.

Hmm that sounds like Dominic, I feel somewhat embarrassed of the attire that I was wearing, PJ’s with space ships on them, WTF! Argh! Shoot me now if it’s him on the other side of the door. I think twice about quickly running and change, but decide to just grin and bear it, I walk over and open the door.

“Kevin ma-man how are you?” Dominic says as he stumbles into my apartment, he was drunk, or at least had had a few.

“Hi Dominic, I’m good. Just sitting back watching the idiot box”

By then Dominic had stumbled on over and sat down on the lounge. He threw his head back, closed his eyes, and then let out a sigh.

“My feet hurt, I have been walking for so long,” he said.

“Where were you walking from?”

He explained he had been out with friends at the pub watching the game and he left his wallet in his mates car and didn’t realise until he had left, and his phone was flat so couldn’t call him, so he had to walk all the way back home.

“Damn, that kinda sucks hey,” I say as I’m walking over towards the lounge. Dominic lifts his legs up as to give me space to sit down, so I sit, but to my shock he then lowers his legs back down across my lap. Fuck me! I’m a little shocked, okay a lot shocked.

“Kevin… is it cool if I take a shower, I’m all sweaty after my long walk?”

Again I am thrown back, he’s pulling out the shockers tonight, no pun intended.

“Is your shower broken?” (Stupid, why did I hesitate! He wants a shower! Don’t deny the man, because you might be able to sneak a peek) - I say to myself.

Before Dominic had time to even register what idiotic words just escaped from my mouth I quickly said, “Yes of course you can, let me grab you a towel.”

Dominic lifts his legs again and I head over to the hallway cupboard to grab a towel. By then Dominic has already headed into the bathroom and turned the shower on. Shit what do I do? I can’t just walk in, he’ll freak out, umm… I stand and ponder with my thoughts for a moment or two. I decide to walk over to the almost fully closed bathroom door, I call out.

“Dominic, I have your towel here, I'll just leave it here for you?”

“Bring it in,” Dominic replied.

My heart dropped. Wow he wants me to go in there. I don’t give it too much thought, I push the door open taking a deep breath before stepping into the room.

Damn it’s already so misty in here; all I can see against the glass surroundings of the shower is his outline, but my god what an outline, my eyes sneakily trying to get a full look without being seen. Okay I can’t risk it, I say to myself. I place the towel down over the towel rack and head back into the living room. Just breathe, I tell myself.

I decide to just sit and try not to think of the stunning 5’ 9” straight man showering in my bathroom a few meters away. I start flicking through the channels to see if there’s anything good on: nothing exciting - but I guess it’ll do.

A few minutes later I hear Dominic call out, “Kevin, I have nothing to wear.”

“Did you want me to go next door and grab you something from your apartment?” I asked.

“To much of a mess about, you have anything I could wear for now?”

“Umm, yeah sure, give me a second” I reply. I head quickly to my room to find something comfy for him to wear, geez I don’t wanna look stupid in front of this guy, I find a pair of track pants and a plain white t-shirt. I take them to the bathroom and pass them through the door.

“Oh what, no space ships?” he says jokingly while laughing.

“Jealousy’s a curse,” I respond while returning to my seat.

No more than a minute later, Dominic walks out of the bathroom headed for the lounge. He sits back down and to my surprise he slides his feet back around resting them on over my lap again.

“Ahh, that’s better,” he says.

I am again speechless… I just sit there praying I don’t get an erection.

“Kevin… can you rub my feet for me, they’re still so sore.”

Umm what the hell just happened? I wondered. Did he just say what I thought he said? Yes! Say yes! I tell myself. But I couldn’t form the words to get them out of my mouth! Argh! My eyes shot up, and he had lifted his head and was looking at me with this half grin that said: “I know you want this,” and sure enough he was right.