i http://www.nedo.go.jp/english /index.html Two Demonstration Projects for Energy Efficiency in Thailand As a result of rapid economic development, energy demand continues to increase in developing countries such as Thailand. However, delays in introducing energy efficiency technologies have led to excessive energy consumption and environmental issues. In order to resolve these issues, NEDO carries out demonstration projects in cooperation with host governments to introduce Japanese energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies in Southeast Asian countries. The demonstration of the effectiveness of such technologies will contribute to the resolution of energy and environmental issues as well as broad international dissemination of the technologies. (Please refer to Annex 3) Facilities for two demonstration projects in Thailand have been recently completed with completion ceremonies scheduled to be held on January 16 and 17, 2013, marking NEDO’s new activities move into full swing in Thailand. (Please refer to Annex 1 and 2 for outlines of the ceremonies) Contact Persons 1. Technical inquiries regarding the model projects: Mr. Nakai, Ms. Yoshizaki, Energy Conservation Technology Department, NEDO Tel: +81-44-520-5284 2. General inquiries regarding NEDO projects in Thailand: Mr. Senda, Ms. Asai, Mr. Kimura, International Affairs Department, NEDO Tel: +81-44-520-5190 Accompanying Materials Annex 1: The Model Project for Reducing Energy Consumption in a Commercial Building in Thailand Annex 2: The Model Project for a Clathrate Hydrate Slurry Thermal Energy Storage Air-conditioning System Annex 3: NEDO Projects in Thailand January 11, 2013

Two Demonstration Projects for Energy Efficiency in … pump water pump CHS Chilled water (sending) CHS Solution Chilled water (return) Chilled water pump 1. Project Overview A memorandum

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Page 1: Two Demonstration Projects for Energy Efficiency in … pump water pump CHS Chilled water (sending) CHS Solution Chilled water (return) Chilled water pump 1. Project Overview A memorandum

i http://www.nedo.go.jp/english


Two Demonstration Projects for Energy Efficiency in Thailand

As a result of rapid economic development, energy demand continues to increase in developing countries such as Thailand. However, delays in introducing energy efficiency technologies have led to excessive energy consumption and environmental issues. In order to resolve these issues, NEDO carries out demonstration projects in cooperation with host governments to introduce Japanese energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies in Southeast Asian countries. The demonstration of the effectiveness of such technologies will contribute to the resolution of energy and environmental issues as well as broad international dissemination of the technologies. (Please refer to Annex 3) Facilities for two demonstration projects in Thailand have been recently completed with completion ceremonies scheduled to be held on January 16 and 17, 2013, marking NEDO’s new activities move into full swing in Thailand. (Please refer to Annex 1 and 2 for outlines of the ceremonies) Contact Persons 1. Technical inquiries regarding the model projects: Mr. Nakai, Ms. Yoshizaki, Energy Conservation Technology Department, NEDO Tel: +81-44-520-5284 2. General inquiries regarding NEDO projects in Thailand: Mr. Senda, Ms. Asai, Mr. Kimura, International Affairs Department, NEDO Tel: +81-44-520-5190 Accompanying Materials Annex 1: The Model Project for Reducing Energy Consumption in a Commercial Building in Thailand Annex 2: The Model Project for a Clathrate Hydrate Slurry Thermal Energy Storage Air-conditioning System Annex 3: NEDO Projects in Thailand

January 11, 2013

Page 2: Two Demonstration Projects for Energy Efficiency in … pump water pump CHS Chilled water (sending) CHS Solution Chilled water (return) Chilled water pump 1. Project Overview A memorandum

Completion Ceremony for The Model Project for Reducing Energy Consumption in a Commercial Building in Thailand

―Introduction of Japanese Advanced BEMS Technology into Commercial Sector― The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) is carrying out The Model Project for Reducing Energy Consumption in a Commercial Building in Thailand at the Amari Watergate Bangkok, a hotel situated in Bangkok. NEDO has entrusted implementation of the project to The Chugoku Electric Power Co., Inc. The project facilities have been recently completed and a completion ceremony will be held on January 16, 2013. The project is expected to improve the building’s energy efficiency by about 15% by replacing existing equipment, such as air-conditioning systems, with technologically advanced Japanese equipment. Using this project to establish a foothold, NEDO aims to promote the dissemination of commercial building energy efficiency technologies throughout Southeast Asia.

System overview of the Model Project for Reducing Energy Consumption in a Commercial Building in Thailand

Annex 1

Page 3: Two Demonstration Projects for Energy Efficiency in … pump water pump CHS Chilled water (sending) CHS Solution Chilled water (return) Chilled water pump 1. Project Overview A memorandum

1. Project Overview

A memorandum of understanding for the project was concluded between NEDO and Ministry of Energy of Thailand. The Chugoku Electric Power Co., Inc. and the Amari Watergate Bangkok have been entrusted to implement the project. Thailand’s energy consumption increased about 20% during the five year period from 2003 to 2008. In particular, energy consumption in the commercial sector increased about 29%. Dues to increasing energy demand, Thailand now depends on imports for 60% of its commercial energy supply. In order to contribute to energy efficiency in the commercial sector, NEDO is carrying out the demonstration project at a commercial building, by installing Japanese advanced energy efficiency equipment and technologies. The project also aims at the dissemination of energy conservation services such as energy service companies (ESCO) in Thailand in the future. The Amari Watergate Bangkok, a hotel situated in Thailand’s capital city, Bangkok, has been selected as the project implementation site. The project aims to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in a commercial building through the introduction of high-efficiency equipment, inverters to reduce transportation power, renewable energy technologies such as heat pumps, and building energy management system (BEMS) to optimize energy control and management.

2. Attendees The completion ceremony will be held from 10 a.m. on Wednesday January 16, 2013 (local time) at the Amari Watergate Bangkok. The Minister of Energy, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Energy, representatives of the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency and representatives of the Amari Watergate Bangkok from the Thailand side, and NEDO Executive Director Fumio Ueda and Managing Director Mr. Nobuo Watanabe of The Chugoku Electric Power Co., Inc., from the Japan side will attend the ceremony.

3. Future Outlook

Project name: The Model Project for Reducing Energy Consumption in a Commercial Building in Thailand

Project period: FY2011–FY2013

Project budget (NEDO portion): approximately 330 million yen (approximately 300 million yen)

Energy conservation effect: approximately 31 TJ/yr

GHG emissions reduction: approximately 1,800 t/yr

Entrusted company: The Chugoku Electric Power Co., Inc.

Project implementation site: Amari Watergate Hotel in Bangkok

Page 4: Two Demonstration Projects for Energy Efficiency in … pump water pump CHS Chilled water (sending) CHS Solution Chilled water (return) Chilled water pump 1. Project Overview A memorandum

Data from the demonstration will be analyzed and verified by the end of March 2013. Following completion of the model project, promotional activities will be organized in cooperation with Thailand’s governmental agencies with the aim of disseminating the system throughout Thailand and other ASEAN countries.

Page 5: Two Demonstration Projects for Energy Efficiency in … pump water pump CHS Chilled water (sending) CHS Solution Chilled water (return) Chilled water pump 1. Project Overview A memorandum

Completion Ceremony for Thailand’s First Clathrate Hydrate Slurry Thermal Energy Storage Air-conditioning System

-Introduction of New Energy Efficiency Technology for Air-conditioning- The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) is carrying out The Model Project for a Clathrate Hydrate Slurry Thermal Energy Storage Air-conditioning System at the headquarters of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT). NEDO has entrusted implementation of the project to JFE Engineering Corporation. The project facilities have been recently completed and a completion ceremony will be held on January 17, 2013. The project aims to introduce a thermal energy storage system for air-conditioning using clathrate hydrate slurry developed as a new refrigerant. The refrigerant utilizes TBAB*1, which stores more energy than existing thermal technologies such as chilled water storage and ice storage. This is the first thermal energy storage air-conditioning system to be introduced in Thailand. Using this project to establish a foothold, NEDO aims to promote the dissemination of energy efficiency air-conditioning technologies throughout Southeast Asia.

System overview for the Model Project for a Clathrate Hydrate Slurry Thermal Energy Storage

Air-conditioning System




水和物スラリー水和物スラリー 水溶液










水和物スラリー水和物スラリー 冷水(行き) 水溶液水溶液 冷水(還り)











水和物スラリー水和物スラリー 水溶液










水和物スラリー水和物スラリー 冷水(行き) 水溶液水溶液 冷水(還り)








Annex 2

Charging at night Discharging at day time

Cooling Tower





CHS pump

CHS Solution CHS

Chiller CHS Generator


CHS Solution CHS

Cooling Tower

Chilled water pump

Chilled water pump Chilled

water pump

CHS CHS Solution Chilled water (sending) Chilled water (return)

Chilled water pump

Page 6: Two Demonstration Projects for Energy Efficiency in … pump water pump CHS Chilled water (sending) CHS Solution Chilled water (return) Chilled water pump 1. Project Overview A memorandum

1. Project Overview

A memorandum of understanding for the project was concluded between NEDO and the Ministry of Energy of Thailand. JFE Engineering Corporation and the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand have been entrusted to implement the project.

The project uses the result of a collaborative project carried out between NEDO and JFE Engineering Corporation from FY2001 to FY2003. In FY2006, technology developed through the project was awarded the Prime Minister’s Prize at the Japan Industrial Technology Grand Prix. The technology was independently developed in Japan and has advanced energy efficiency capabilities.

The project utilizes this technology to introduce a thermal storage system for air-conditioning using clathrate hydrate slurry developed as a new refrigerant. The refrigerant utilizes TBAB, which can store more energy than existing thermal technology such as chilled water storage and ice storage. TBAB is an advanced thermal storage material that combines the attributes of water and ice. As it stores more than double the amount of cold energy compared to water, TBAB reduces thermal storage tank space in half. TBAB’s melting point is higher than ice storage and its energy efficiency is higher than ice storage. TBAB enables a refrigerator to operate at temperatures higher than ice during night-time heat storage and improves its coefficient of performance (COP*2).

Benefits of the technology introduced in the project include the following:

⁃ Latent heat storage of around 7%, which is near the temperature range of air-conditioning

⁃ Refrigerators can operate most efficiently during night-time heat storage ⁃ Improved efficiency as refrigerator operates at night when outside temperatures are low ⁃ Reduced size compared to non-thermal storage refrigerators ⁃ Reduced size of power receiving equipment ⁃ Reduced heat storage tank size as the refrigerator has two to three times higher heat

density than cold water

Project name: The Model Project for a Clathrate Hydrate Slurry Thermal Energy Storage Air-conditioning


Project period: FY2010–FY2012

Project budget (NEDO portion): approximately 270 million yen (approximately 240 million yen)

Energy conservation effect: approximately 276 toe/y

GHG emissions reduction: approximately 728t/y

Entrusted company: JFE Engineering Corporation

Project implementation site: Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT)

Page 7: Two Demonstration Projects for Energy Efficiency in … pump water pump CHS Chilled water (sending) CHS Solution Chilled water (return) Chilled water pump 1. Project Overview A memorandum

2. Attendees The completion ceremony will be held at 10 a.m. on January 17, 2013 (local time) at the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand. The Vice Minister of Energy, Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Energy, representatives of the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency and the Governor of EGAT from the Thailand side, and Executive Director Fumio Ueda of NEDO and Senior Managing Director Mr. Iwao Hanzawa of JFE Engineering Corporation, from the Japan side will attend the ceremony.

3. Future Outlook

Data from the demonstration will be analyzed and verified by the end of January 2013. Following completion of the model project, promotional activities will be organized in cooperation with Thailand’s governmental agencies with the aim of disseminating the system throughout Thailand and other ASEAN countries.

Glossary *1 TBAB

Tetrabutylaminium (TBAB) contains more than double the amount of cold energy compared to water. TBAB has come into wide use and is registered as a chemical under the Act on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of Their Manufacture, etc. TBAB’s use is not restricted by the Industrial Safety and Health Act, Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Act and Fire Service Act.

*2 COP The coefficient of performance is the ratio of heating and cooling provided over 1 kW of electricity energy consumed and provides a measure of performance for energy consumption efficiency for devices such as refrigerators.

Page 8: Two Demonstration Projects for Energy Efficiency in … pump water pump CHS Chilled water (sending) CHS Solution Chilled water (return) Chilled water pump 1. Project Overview A memorandum

NEDO Projects in Thailand Demonstration projects on energy efficiency technologies in buildings (FY2011–FY2012, FY2013) The projects aim to introduce and demonstrate Japan’s energy efficiency technologies, such as heat pumps, BEMS and clathrate hydrate slurry in buildings in Bangkok to verify the effectiveness of such technologies. Following the completion of the model projects, promotional activities will be organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Energy of Thailand with the aim of disseminating the technologies throughout Thailand and other ASEAN countries.

The Model Project for Reducing Energy Consumption in a Commercial Building in Thailand Project implementation site 1:Amari Watergate Bangkok Completion ceremony: January 16, 2013

The Model Project for a Clathrate Hydrate Slurry Thermal Energy Storage Air-conditioning System Project implementation site 2: EGAT headquarters Completion ceremony: January 17,2013

The Model Project for an Environmentally-conscious, High-efficiency Arc Furnace (FY2010–FY2012) The project aims to introduce an environmentally-conscious, high-efficiency arc furnace at electric furnace facilities in Thailand and verify the effects of energy efficiency and environmental improvement through material preheating, continuous melting and refining, and exhaust gas treatment. Following completion of the model project, promotional activities will be organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry of Thailand with the aim of disseminating the system throughout Thailand and steel mills in other ASEAN countries that consume large amounts of energy.

Project implementation site: UMC Metals Ltd.

The Model Project for Bioethanol Production from Cassava Pulp in Thailand (FY2012–FY2015) The project aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of Japanese technologies that produce bioethanol from tapioca residue (cassava pulp) using thermotolerant yeast, at a pilot plant with an annual ethanol production capacity of 80 kiloliters. The project also aims to disseminate the technology in Thailand as well as other ASEAN countries where cassava is grown. (A memorandum of understanding was concluded on December 17, 2012)

Bioethanol production from cassava pulp 1

Annex 3