THE WASHINGTON HERAED SATURDAY JULY 30 1910 2 f MOODY WILL QUIT SUPREME BENCH Formal Announcement Will Ee Made in Fall TWO VACANCIES NOW EXIST Taft Reluctant to Accept Rcslsma lion but Will Find It Xcccnaury to Appoint Two Men to Bench Much Weighty UntilncflM to Come Before the Court Term Thin Fall Beverly July It became definitely known in Beverly tonight through friend or Associate Justice Moody the Supreme Court wbo have soon him at summer home in Magnolia north of that he has Informed President Taft of his intention to retire The was not told of the dp of Justice Moody In a formal way The communication according to the story from Magnolia was made verbally Mr Taft has been to Magnolia twico since ho camo to the summor capital and It was understood here that Justice Moody told him that ho wished to quit on one of these The formal announcement probably will not be made until the late autumn Un dor the retirement act passed by Congress Just beforo adjournment Mr Moody hal IWo months In which to stop down Prob ably ho will take all of tho time allowed by Congress Wanted Him to Remain Tho President It was said hero tonight did not wish to embarrass Justice Moody- or nafton hie retiremont In tho least de- gree nor did Mr Moody on other hand wish to stand in the way of the appointment of a successor Tho Presi dent hoped that the justice would find his condition so Improved that he could return to his duties in the fall The fart that the Supreme Court has some of the weightiest business that has ever confronted It up for digestion next fall however and tho fact too that Mr Moody has regained his strength but slowly determined the justice in his posi- tion Ho feels that he is not equal to tho task of taking up his labors again and knowing the Importance of the courts approaching session will permit the President to name some one to suc- ceed him With Justice Moody determined to quit President Taft is confronted with the knowledge that will have to name on more associate justice and ono Chief Jus- tice He baa already had confirmed by the Senate the nomination of Gov Hughes of New York to succeed the late Justice Brewer That leaves the seats held by the lato Chief Justice Melville Fuller and Mr Moody to be filled Gov Hugh has for weeks been pointed out as the man who undoubtedly would be named by the President to succeed the late Chief Justice It was expected that the President would withdraw the gov- ernors nomination as associate and send in another naming him as Chief Justice Many XtimcJ Considered Tonight it was reported that while Gov Hushes is still the most formidable candidate he has not by any moans got the Chief Justiceship In his pocket Tho President has considered many men for both associate and Chief Justice and will not make up his mind until late in the autumn There are scores of names from which he may choose and It has been said that he regards many of those mentioned as eminently qualified to fill either of the vacancies For the vacant associate justiceship Supreme Court Justice Swayze of Now Jersey is known to have been considered most seriously Just who may be con sldered for the Chief Justiceship besides Gov Hughes Is not quite so plain but the President is now understood to upon the naming of the New Yorker Will Announce Retirement Magnolia Mass July 21 Associate Jus- tice William H Moody of the United States Supreme Court stated today that he will announce his retirement from the bench prior to the expiration of tho en- abling act passed by the last Congress In order that the President might be re- lieved of embarrassment due to con- flicting reports it is said that the jurist some time ago informed the Chief Mag- istrate of his purpose to quit the bench The President hu twice been at to see Justice Moody since ho came to Beverly and on both occasions urged htm to tako all the time he desired In making up hie mind Justice Moody that his decision was irrevocable WEATHER CONDITIONS- U S of Agriculture Weather Barca- nWaah toa D C Friday Jab 8 p n Muck tower tcvpontur i reported front J V bratfca MitMari ud Kumt but high tcmperatnrea were n iwwteot in Ariumas OkhhmM and NorUMn TOM ta vrhicfa Stats naxtaMua Friday were store HO dcgsco The tot ware will bo broken hi OfckboBUt and Arfeaama aOMnkjr and a duns to tower tmpemtare Is protaUe ia North eta TMM by fetanfer night Local TcnipcrntnrcX- ldnlsht 2 a m 7 4 a m K 6 a a- L It M a m It 12 noon 86 p m 86 4 p a p S S p a 81 M p m 7 Maxtam MteimeM- Retotife lr idttjr4 a au 78 2 p 41 8 p m tt lUhrfMI S t M to 8 it m B Hour of MiMkiM Ill pn CM f ixMMWc MMMIM K- TtBpemtwv IMM dMe lest je r iteMim 80 Temperature In Other Cities TH ent r fa OUMT cttte itctther with the BBMMtt rttafeR for the tnentyfotir hwirs ended at 8 p a jurtoeBr are M Mtocs Rain Mar Jlln 8pni fall AjherOte X a Attest OR Si- Htamucfc N Dk- B4Mta 0 1 le N Y tt go m- Clarinaati Ohio 3- Cbejr Rn We 54- iHvenport I m v M- GalvMtoa Tea at helena Most Iti- MHaaapaMft lad tt JMkMBftlle Fk M Little Ark ft Los ABgrlM Qa H- Manrxttt 3IWi 16- M mrM Tom K- New Yont K 1 ra- Onaha Xctr- lltttlmac Pa M rerthnd M B- Porttaarf Owjc Salt lAM City Utah S St Look Mo 88 u 8C Paul Wtaa M II SMI Ftatnefeeo C1 SpriR U In S- Ttewstt Wash 65 Altaio OMo v M 63 VUitan Mbs K T6 Tld Table Todajr Illsh tide SsSt a m and 2S3 p m Low Ud 8 6 a ffl and 8 p ra- Uda a m and 933 p m Condition of the Water Special to Tho AVaohicston Herald Harpers tVrrr Va July 23 Pctanao clear AUld iLcnaruicttli or his here cis Ion die he Mag- nolia re- plied Dept read a I JL 11 IC i iZ SO city J e 88 it a faa I fI ro oii n 5 a II et 011 72 Ii so 82 IS 10 tC IO Ut i6 010 Rode sa t6 II 96 itro fiS 73 i1 o to II sa it IE it 16 S6 oit S iO SI tW 3 a m Po In Low tI W mud 1- t visits usUce be- set 12 D 4 mkiisi 8 LII Atstle N i rs p Z K 04 Teewll1 h and 3 03 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > QUITS THE SUPREME COURT BENCH I WILLIAM H MOODY Associate JustIce ot the tnltcil States Supreme Court who irlll retire Iiccanao of illneja EXPECTS TO MEET THE GRIM REAPER East Indian at Union Sta tion Chants Prayer Dainau Abdulla an Hut Indian nerv- ously paced tho welting room of the Union Station last night watching for hte death While in Ntw York earlier In the day some one told him he would meet death on his way to his home in Savannah and like a true Mohammedan be took the prediction at Its face value When he arrived In Washington to change for Savannah his terror had so intense that he began preparing for the other world His lips moved fast and nervously he chanted his prayors and walked rapidly about station Tomorrow maybe nothing ho re- marked shrugging his shoulders I no worry What come will come My friend when you havo friends you like love My friends I waving his hand my love friends no more I do not care now It is God My friend look It is all God Three hundred people travel In train Something happen One man got killed other 4M no get hurt What say you Maybe all get killed cept one Whet say you Its all God In India whon child Is every- thing is sot down for him all before Him die by thte one ct killed an- other one must die by plague All bo fore so you see All God SOCIAL CLUB FOR MACCABEES Plan Proposed at Meeting of Na- tional Hire Drill Team The drill toam of National Hive No 1 Ladles of the Maccabees of World hold a special meeting at Pythian Tem- ple laet night Miss Annie M Holeer captain of the team called the mooting for the purpose of making plans for the formation of a- social club among the members Thu purpose of tho club is to promote good feeling among the members and to ar- range for trips to Niagara Falls and At- lantic City to be taken next season TIRE IN T STREET Tailor Shop and Dam- aged About 1OOO Fire which threatened adjoining houses broke out In 1772 T street northwest used ag a residence and tailor shop yesterday afternoon about 3 oclock causing 1909 damage The houeo was occupied by Caroline Noll and the tailor shop by Ber nard Hutt By the time tho firemen arrived tho building wee wrapod In flames and the firemen concentrated their efforts to pre- vent them from spreading streams of water wore played on tho neighboring houses Tno origin of the fire Is not known Mrs Nolls loss is about 400 while the damage to the tailor shop Is placed at WO not Including 1000 damage to the building which is owned by Salvatoro Scogllone of 1146 Eighteenth street north wast Smoke House Has Fire Swift Cos smokehouse at 312 Pennsylvania avenue had a fire last night An overheated furnace started the blaze which did 50 damage The building Is owned by Mrs F H Ap plch and tho loss IB covered by insur ant Capital and ProflU Over JlTOOCOO steal your jewels or for fire to destroy your val uable all risk by renting a Safe Deposit Box in our fire and burglar proof vaults Cost only 5 year upward National Savings and Trust Company Cor 15th and N Y Ave FOBTXFOOIITH YEAR i I be- come a the themyou lovebut hundredAve born fir th Dont Wait for Thievest- o papersavoid Residence ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ COMMITTEE WORKS FOR CONVENTIONS Chamber Body Will eek to Land Four- At a meeting of the conventions com- mittee of the Chamber of Commerce lust night ways and means considered at groat length for setting several meet- ings of national bodies In Washington during the next two years QraaviUe Hunt prodded as chairman of the com mittoo and Thomas Grant as secretary The first proposition was the annual mooting of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners In 1911 The con- vention meets this year on September IS at Des Moines and the committee Is anxious to bring the body to Washington for its meeting two years hence A special tfommlttoo was appointed to get national body with a vIew to influencing them to work in cooporatlon with the conventions committee Wants Postoffice Clerks Mr Hunt placed before the committee the facts regarding the meeting of the convention of postoffice clerks which it is possible to bring to the Capital in 1111 This association meets this year at Saratoga Springs In the month of September and It appears that members- of the local body are willing to work to bring the convention here next year The convention has about K76 delegates and is usually In session for six days The delegates often bring their wives and the following of the convention Is about 1009 Mr Hunt and Secretary Grant were empowered by the committee- to gather data and report at a subsequent meeting with reference to this convention Special committees were appointed also to look after the convention or the Social Order of the Mooso which meets this year In Dotrolt In the month of Septem and could come to Washington in llll Similar efforts will be put forth to bring about the meeting hero of the national gatherings or the National Union and of tho Royal Arcanum both prominent in- surance organizations Wants headquarters Here Another subject considered was the pos- sible removal of tho headquarters of the Locomotive Firemen and Englnemen too Washington This matter Is already in the hands of a special committee which did not have a report ready last night It appears that the headquarters of the organizations is now at Peoria Ill and that the magazine of the order with about 191000 subscribers te published at Indianapolis Tho organization sacks to bring the headquarters of the body and the offlca of publication of the magazine to the name city and among other places It IB understood that tho executive commiUoe of tho association is considering Wash- ington It was determined Jast night to urge the national body to send a repre- sentative to this city to look over the ground and consider carefully the ad vantages this city has to otter In the way of headquarters and offices of pub- lication for the brotherhood magazine In case the brotherhood should dodd to como to Washington It will mean the erection of a 360060 plant for the maga nine with offices In the building for the national officers The subject of handling tho publicity end of conventions when they come to Washington wits considered In an In- formal way by too committee Tho sug gesUon wii ade that tho meetings the convey el wore sometimes treated In a j ictur way by the press duo to tho Islc o facilities In tho conven tions fo Deporting the essential things dono proper preparation for the local newspapers and the prose asso ciations A member said he had boon Informed that reporters sometimes difficult to get at the Interesting things done by tho conventions and he believed It was up to tho committee to devise ways and means to remedy this defect It was suggested that tho committee mlghtelther put a man In the convention to act as press agent or that some mem- ber of the body should act in that capac ity with far bettor results In the way of publicity than are usually achieved City Farmer Trial Set Georgo Winnie was In Police Court yesterday morning on a warrant charging that ho had planted vegetables In his front yard at 437 New Jersey avenue Mr Winnies act of converting his park- Ing into a garden Is in violation of one of the District police regulations His trial was set for August 4 wore In touc1 the local branch of the bore or IS pc un found- It with ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ MODERATE HEAT FATAL TO THREE Victims Die Before Arrival of Medical Aid SOME STRICKEN IN STREETS Aged Mount Vernon AVomnn Is Over come While Shopping In the City and Dies In Ambulance on Way to Honpital ProNtratlona Mark Com- paratively Cool Day DEATHS FROM HEAT Snrnh 31 Wilkinson clshtytTro years old of Mount Yn John Ileelnn flftyaix yenr old of 1117 Sixth street north vrc t Louisa Tucker negro of 404 Third street iioutlicnat Threo deaths from the heat In one day 4 t record for the summer yesterday At no time did the thermometer in the kiosk in Pennsylvania avenue register above 90 degrees Tins mark was reach- ed at 3 oclock and even then cool breeze from the west was jtweepint over the city All three deaths occurred before medi- cal aid could be summoned Mrs Sarah H WUdnsoa eighty two of Mount Vernon was overcome at Seventh and D streets northwest She was assisted to a drug store and first aid remedies applied before the ar- rival of UM ambulance Dies in Ambulance She died on the way to the Emergency HosptUL Her daughter aooosapsuitod her to the city and was with her when she Burly in the afternoon Mrs Wil- kinson complained of footing the heat but after a rest thought ibtut she WES able to continue her shopping Coroner Nevitt gave a certificate of death from exhaustion John Heetatn flftystx years old was stricken while sitting in the yard at his home 1117 Sixth street northwest H was assisted to his room but was seized with hemorrhages and died before a physician could reach him The coroner retorned a verdict of death from natural causes brought od by heat exhaustion Louisa Tucker a negro forty years old of 4W Third street southeast was taken to the Casualty Hospital after be ins overcome while at work about the bouse yesterday afternoon She was taken with hemorrhages and ffed before reaching the hospital Many Arc Prostrated Several prostrations were reported from the hOspitalS but with few exceptions the patients were able to go te their homes alter treatment William Let thirty years old of IMfi Ninth street northwest was in Eighth street 4 ambulance was called from the Emergaacy Hoapltal It was said last night that the young man would Mrs Margaret Wilson slxtyftve years old of MM Illinois avenue northwest was found by the Second precinct police about 7 oclock last evening walking about in a daaed condition In Seventh near P street northwest She said that she had been overcome by heat during tile afternoon and was going to a park She was taken to the Homeopathic Hospital in a patrol wagon She wa later transferred to the Washington Asy- lum Hospital It is thought that the womans mind was affected by the heat BABYMALAM SCARES Isolation Advised for All Paralysis Cases Since June 1 there have boon three deaths in tho District from infantile par- alysis Tho victims were Thomas Lawton Norwood Seven years old 1100 L street northwest Leo Martin Kramm two years old of 24 Fourteenth street northwest Charles F Blew five years old of 831 D street northeast While no estimate has been made of the number of cases it is thought there have been about twenty The death rate has been put at about 16 per cent Medical science knows so little of this dreaded disease that It is at a loss as to how to handle the cases adequately but every means to effect cures is eagerly sought It is not known whether it is contagious but Dr Woodward said yes- terday It would be advisable to Isolate all cases Cases of Infantile paralysis are found mostly In dusty streets Yield I nil Evangelist to Speak Openair Gospel meetings will ba con ducted every night next week except Saturday in front of tho Central Union Mission Louisiana Avenue near Seventh street Those services will bo oon ductod in Yiddish Hebrew and English by Philip Slflersky tho Yiddish evangel- ist of Baltimore Steroopticon pictures and special music will bo features ABE MARTIN V et a cUed heat over- come recoVer 5 t Mrs Vernon aged ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ a You never hear o any girls quarrelln over a model young man Miss Germ Williams recipe fer knotted spaghetty is recelvln much favorable comment j WOMAN CLERK DROPS DEAD Employe of Stott Stationery Store Victim of Heart Failure Miss Elizabeth McGolHck a qlerk for Charles G Stott Co stationers 300 Ninth street dropped dead yesterday from heart failure The botly wag taken to the homo of her niece Miss Mary Austin at 41 M street northwest where Miss McGolrick- raslded Only two weeks ago Miss McGolrick returned from a vacation in excellent health and her sudden death yesterday was a complete surprise to her friends She had been employed in the store past seven years She is survived by one brother E J McQolrlck in business at 1896 Ninth street two sisters Katherine Hop- kins and Miss Teresa McGolrick be- sides her niece Arrangements have not been made funeral Miss McGolrlck was born in Baltimore about fifty years ago TWO BOOKIES CAUGHT Negroes Jail Into the Net Stretched by the Police VICTIMS UNABLE TO GOLLEOT Operation Alleged to Have Taken Place In South AVnahlngton Bet tor to Collect on Winner at 5 to 1 antI the Police Are Given a Tip beginning1 of a Breakup Continuing the warfare against the making of beta and pools on the races opaoed up by the pOlice officials three weeks ago Detectives Armstrong and Little of the Sixth precinct yesterday arrested two negroes on charges of vio- lating section W of the District Code The men were operating about South Washington end a hotel m lower Penn- sylvania avenue collecting bets in some instances as high as J38 They were taken into custody on evi- dence placed in the hands of the detec- tives by several of their victims who had been unable to collect Caught in the Aot Milton Plummer and John H Ellis each aged fortytwo were arrested De- tectives front the precinct force had been on their trail for the peat week but were unable to locate them until yes- terday They were in the act of registering a bet of on a horse at the Empire track with another negro at Missouri avenue and Fourandahalf street when approached by the detectives When told that they were under arrest Plumm r who Is sid by the POllee to he the real offender and to have only em- ployed Ellis and several other negroes as runners made a break from the de- tectives and started to run Detective Armstrong pulled his gun and ordered him to stop They were taken to the Sixth precinct station house on charges of making hand books end held without The information which led apedsfeaUy to their arrest was given to tha detectives bf a South WaohiDgton resident who Jut Tuesday registered bet ot at odds of 6 to 1 on a horse at the Windsor track The horse won but when pltmg r attempted to collect the money Plummer told him there was nothing doing Plummer even refused to return the amount of the original wager and the man whose name i TvJthheM for the present went to the police Nay Mean Breakup It Is said that the arrest of these two negroes will be but the beginning of a general breakup of an extensive series of like operations among the negroes Bets and pools are said to have been made not only upon the outcome of the races but upon the local baaeoait games at the American League Park and upon trotting races at nearby tracks Plum rest te said to have been In active opera tion at the matinee races this spring upon th Speedway but was too clever to fee caught In the act by the police In the cues against the eight men arrested about two weeks ago by the First precinct officiate in their raid on two wellknown downtown saloons mo- tions were yesterday introduced in the Vnlted States branch of the Ponce Court to quash the charges against Philip J Roche and Charles and Joseph Downing Flv counts were registered against Roche and two against each of the Downing brothers The motion contends hat the charges flied contain a lack of accurate informa- tion upon which to hold the men The motion will be argued in court on Mon dayNAVY DROWNING REPORTED Carpenters Mute Victim of Boat Accident in Porto Rico The Navy Department received a report yesterday of the drowning of Frank G Taft T7 S N a carpenters mate second class on July U last A sailboat in which Taft was returning from Vieques to Culebra Porto Rico was capsized Tho accident was reported by the com- mandant of the naval station at Culebra Taft had been in tho naval service for two years and seven months His father F M Taft resides at Glens Falls N Y COLORED ELKS ADJOURN IVhenton of Xctv York Elected Grand Exalted Ruler The convention or tie colored Elks was CloSed last night Boston was sected for the IIU convention J F Wheaton of Now York as a dark horse was elect- ed grand exalted ruler Other new officers are Grand leading knight T B Nutter Charleston esteemed loyal knight S K Hoyt Boston esteemed lecturing knight R Jacobs New York secretary Harry Page Memphis treasurer L S Gale Washington trustees M K Johnson Now York I N Hlght Des Moines Ia J A Still Reading Pa Morning Star Columbia Lodge of Washington won the prize for largest membership URGES CONTROL OF WIRELESS Admiral Schroeder Amateur Operators Hamper Service Because of constant interference by amateur wireless operators Rear Admiral Seaton Schroeder commandorinehiof of tho Atlantic fleet in his report for tin year ended June 30 strongly ur ae the government to take control of all wire- less plants The flag ship of the fleet which tool on an average 200 messages a day was requentb anncy Kl by amateurs who completely suspended wireless operations- at times tho th Mrs a the om ers saw th I for- e for- e Fail 15 I I Says I I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CLOSE AT 6 P M TODAY It Pays to Deal JL at Goldenbcrga Seventh and K PepenaaMe Store YOUR BEST CLOTHES OPPORTUNITY Choice of Blue Serges Choice of Fancy Cassimeres- You will not find another such chance to buy stylish welltailored Summer Suits at such immense We have been giving the men of Washington superior clothing values all we propose to outdo all previous records in this clearance sale of mens Summer Suits we inaugu rate today The variety is broad enough to meet every requirement The assortment embraces mens fine quality Navy Blue Serge Suits and Fancy Worsteds and Cassimeres the latter in a large range of stripes dark mixtures grays and oordty effects of the most desirable description Sizes 32 to 46 in the lot Choice of former 1250 15 and 1650 values at 850 I I I 1- 0 s I Mens 1250 1500 and 1650 Suits Choice Offered at 850 moneysaving seasonand- now 4 The ¬ NEGRO THIEF CAUGHT Two Weeks Chase of Robert Jones at End LAUGHS AT HIS CAPTORS After Admitting Ttventyflve Rob- beries In Various Parts of District He Tells Police They Had Hint Once but Permitted Him to Oct Away from Them to Rob More Robert SOUlS career house breake- rs at an end He was captured yesterday afternoon at Nineteenth and K streets hr Policeman Strtngfellow of the Third precinct bicycle squad after a two weeks engagement and was locked up Jones is a negro eighteen years old Ha admits he te the muchhunted burglar Trrcntyflve Hobberlos White he held sway twentyfive houses were entered and he blandly assumes the credit At the home of Claude 3 Parker 1MB Rhode Island avenue north- west he got 4B cents and a bunch of keys At the home of Mrs C V Russell This Eleventh street he got 38 In many eases he was frightened away sad got nothing He cannot remember an the places he entered Ridicules the Police Tonall had me once the negro said while under inveeOgatioa laet right out you didnt know it I was arrested in the Eighth precinct for stealing a coat Tko cue was not strong enough to hold and I was soon free I passed po- licemen on the street in coming from houses I had robbed But I pees Im caught now OKLAHOMA ON RISE Oensus Figures Show Large Increase in Ten Years The census of Oklahoma wee made pub- lic at the Census Offlce last night The total population of the new State lack- ing tho returns of three enumeration dis- tricts te lsa U as oomaared with 1417177 according to the special census of HO This shows an increase of 18 per cent in somewhat less than three years the census of 1900 being taken in April and May and that or 1907 in July sad August PATIENT HAS SCARLATINA Mrs Mary Ccntnnnl Recently In- jured Develops Mrs Mary Ceataanl the aged w 7nan who wag Injured to an altercation with somo Italians recently and has boon te- a serious condition at Casualty Hospital was yesterday sent to Garfield Hospital having developed a case of scarlatina Although in a very bad condition sur- geons think there to hope for her re covery PLAN EMERGENCY CURRENCY National Association Is Organized Under Law of Congress Now York July 21 The National Cur- rency Association of the City of New York was organized today at a meettag in tho clearing house attended by repre- sentatives of twentyseven national banks from the five boroughs Under the law enacted two years ago there must be at loast ten national banks in each aseoda tion and the aggregate capital and sur- plus of those banks must be at 5100000 The AldrlohVroeland bill which pro- vided for the formation of these associa- tions was passed on May M 1906 but over since provisional bylaws wore drawn up at a meeting held In June of that year tho further organization has been allowed to wait some special im- petus It camo early this month when Secretary of tho Treasury MacVeagh strongly recommended that immediate action be taken Many of the bankers of this city shared the Secretarys view that the right time to perfect such an association was when there was no Imminent danger of put- ting It Into use In fact the general I I mOo Case I I ass last ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CALIFORNIA PRICOT WINE ReaL for dilution in tee water A gn lifting and refreabiDC sum drink Sic fun qt Sold at CHRISTIAN XANDERS S Family Quality House OnO7fh PhauHLm OU No bmrh IKMM SPECIAL NOTICES JC0T1CK IS HEREBY btVgK THAT partamhip rastiag berwai Napoleon Hill ant ot both JMMI In will hcoceteth be CMMtactai bf Xnwt U who muMtd tft affairs of In f- tPRBSH PEACh ICB CHBAMS- ftlloa me H pOtom 0 B Bctatacer 2 G aw Phi NO BRANCH STORES j Q Ds Big Print Shop at your MtricB to get oas that tt ot- pri ti K Jut M jtw Mt it ud la beery Judd O Detweiler Inc TBX BIG paINT SHOP O2 laB IN MAKING ICE CREAM other Irene dainties diuuuts and coc- feeOnwra vfll tod oar FREEZING SALT and FLAVORING EXTRACTS iarmritUly ttlf- nwMrjr Can us op for CTNO CONSUMERS SUPPLIED B B Earnshaw Bro WHOLESALE GROCERS Bib and U tU te Lawyers Appreciate Or Facilities for Printing Briefs sad Motion We work qvfcfetr art aecBiatdjr sad tab pride te Motetac tO factory service Byron S Adams SRS5L Phone M ISO DIED COLISON Members of the Association of the Oldest Inhabitants of Dis trict of Columbia are respectfully in vited to attend the of late associate CHAHLES C COLJSON at his late residence 93 Virginia avenue southwest Saturday IB at 3 p m Noyes President Benj W Roles on Friday July 29- JMO at his residence 1117 Sixth street northwest JOHN Funeral from Ceetellos chapel 12 H street northeast Saturday July 3o at SJO p m Friends invited HBELAK The members of Washington Commandery No 1 Temp lars are notified of the death of our Frater Sir Knight JOHN HKE LAN which occurred suddenly at his residence 1117 Sixth Friday 3 1MO Funeral at which your attendance is requested Saturday 8ft at 2 p m from Costellos chapel 12 H street northeast Gabriel F Johnston Commander Attest J Claude Kelpw Recorder McNAMARAOn Friday July 29 191 at 4 p m at her residence W B street southeast MARY IRENE youngest of the late Catherine McNamara nee Chambers Notice of funeral hereafter Baltimore and Philadelphia papers please copy SEHONDSOn Friday July St 110 at 9K m at his residence ttXf North Carolina avenue northeast STEPHEN beloved husbanCLof the late Mary Isabel Slmonds Notice of funeral later FUNERAL DESIGNS GEO C SHAPEEK Bid ofl d risns wry leacaMbfc 3tt6 Mate Mlh Xyo k wr FUNERAL FLOWERS Of Bwey DMcrtptioo fodentafcr Pifatd GUDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS GEORGE P ZTJRHORST 301 East Capitol Street J WILLIAM LEE Funeral Director ad B tobn Lhcnr ta laooMctfon Oonnodioua- Cbapol and Modem CropMUxiiM nkw- m PewNvJwni nw Tdtshowt Mate 1911 opinion seemed to be there might noveL be the necessity of issuing eraer- poncy currency but the associations value as a precautionary institution was considered to be very great Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Andrews erne over from Washington for todays meeting mm mmn g A met ii uw i1mn TB X Bat 1IiJ pseUsi boss doJwd sad tW Bat baa I1UIauI Sl K SIr I i- II a fIrItodui fqIdJ and J 1 NETK s- ow r HEELANSud JUELAN street Jul I 1I1 I Frnrrl DeIIp lWIeaI Wed th t t if ff Xr has utl west oest Yer Iesi Ilils sies ivies Dl51rOtt see > ¬ ¬ ¬ = = = = < °

TWO BOOKIES CAUGHT Choice Offered at 850The first proposition was the annual mooting of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners In 1911 The con-vention meets this year on

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Page 1: TWO BOOKIES CAUGHT Choice Offered at 850The first proposition was the annual mooting of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners In 1911 The con-vention meets this year on





Formal Announcement WillEe Made in Fall


Taft Reluctant to Accept Rcslsmalion but Will Find It Xcccnaury toAppoint Two Men to Bench MuchWeighty UntilncflM to Come Beforethe Court Term Thin Fall

Beverly July It became definitelyknown in Beverly tonight throughfriend or Associate Justice Moodythe Supreme Court wbo have soon himat summer home in Magnolia northof that he has Informed PresidentTaft of his intention to retire

The was not told of the dpof Justice Moody In a formal way

The communication according to thestory from Magnolia was made verballyMr Taft has been to Magnolia twicosince ho camo to the summor capital andIt was understood here that JusticeMoody told him that ho wished to quiton one of these

The formal announcement probably willnot be made until the late autumn Undor the retirement act passed by CongressJust beforo adjournment Mr Moody halIWo months In which to stop down Probably ho will take all of tho time allowedby Congress

Wanted Him to RemainTho President It was said hero tonight

did not wish to embarrass Justice Moody-or nafton hie retiremont In tho least de-gree nor did Mr Moody on otherhand wish to stand in the way of theappointment of a successor Tho President hoped that the justice would findhis condition so Improved that he couldreturn to his duties in the fall

The fart that the Supreme Court hassome of the weightiest business that hasever confronted It up for digestion nextfall however and tho fact too that MrMoody has regained his strength butslowly determined the justice in his posi-tion Ho feels that he is not equal to thotask of taking up his labors againand knowing the Importance of thecourts approaching session will permitthe President to name some one to suc-ceed him

With Justice Moody determined to quitPresident Taft is confronted with theknowledge that will have to name onmore associate justice and ono Chief Jus-tice He baa already had confirmed bythe Senate the nomination of GovHughes of New York to succeed the lateJustice Brewer That leaves the seatsheld by the lato Chief Justice MelvilleFuller and Mr Moody to be filled GovHugh has for weeks been pointed outas the man who undoubtedly would benamed by the President to succeed thelate Chief Justice It was expected thatthe President would withdraw the gov-

ernors nomination as associateand send in another naming him as ChiefJustice

Many XtimcJ ConsideredTonight it was reported that while

Gov Hushes is still the most formidablecandidate he has not by any moans gotthe Chief Justiceship In his pocket ThoPresident has considered many men forboth associate and Chief Justice andwill not make up his mind until late inthe autumn There are scores of namesfrom which he may choose and It hasbeen said that he regards many of thosementioned as eminently qualified to filleither of the vacancies

For the vacant associate justiceshipSupreme Court Justice Swayze of NowJersey is known to have been consideredmost seriously Just who may be consldered for the Chief Justiceship besidesGov Hughes Is not quite so plain butthe President is now understood to

upon the naming of the New YorkerWill Announce Retirement

Magnolia Mass July 21 Associate Jus-tice William H Moody of the UnitedStates Supreme Court stated today thathe will announce his retirement from thebench prior to the expiration of tho en-abling act passed by the last CongressIn order that the President might be re-lieved of embarrassment due to con-flicting reports it is said that the juristsome time ago informed the Chief Mag-istrate of his purpose to quit the bench

The President hu twice been atto see Justice Moody since ho came

to Beverly and on both occasions urgedhtm to tako all the time he desired Inmaking up hie mind Justice Moody

that his decision was irrevocable


U S of Agriculture Weather Barca-nWaah toa D C Friday Jab 8 p n

Muck tower tcvpontur i reported front JVbratfca MitMari ud Kumt but high tcmperatnreawere n iwwteot in Ariumas OkhhmM andNorUMn TOM ta vrhicfa Stats naxtaMuaFriday were store HO dcgsco The tot ware willbo broken hi OfckboBUt and Arfeaama aOMnkjr anda duns to tower tmpemtare Is protaUe ia Northeta TMM by fetanfer night

Local TcnipcrntnrcX-ldnlsht 2 a m 7 4 a m K 6 a a-

L It M a m It 12 noon 86 p m 864 p a p S S p a 81 M p m 7Maxtam MteimeM-

Retotife lr idttjr4 a au 78 2 p 41 8 pm tt lUhrfMI S t M to 8 it m B Hour ofMiMkiM Ill pn CM f ixMMWc MMMIM K-

TtBpemtwv IMM dMe lest je r iteMim 80

Temperature In Other CitiesT H ent r fa OUMT cttte itctther with the

BBMMtt rttafeR for the tnentyfotir hwirs endedat 8 p a jurtoeBr are M Mtocs

RainMar Jlln 8pni fallAjherOte X a

Attest OR Si-

Htamucfc N Dk-B4Mta 01 le N Y tt

go m-

Clarinaati Ohio 3-Cbejr Rn We 54-

iHvenport I m v M-

GalvMtoa Tea athelena Most Iti-

MHaaapaMft lad ttJMkMBftlle Fk MLittle Ark ftLos ABgrlM Qa H-

Manrxttt 3IWi 16-

M mrM Tom K-New Yont K 1 ra-

Onaha Xctr-lltttlmac Pa Mrerthnd M B-

Porttaarf OwjcSalt lAM City Utah SSt Look Mo 88 u8C Paul Wtaa M IISMI Ftatnefeeo C1SpriR U In S-Ttewstt Wash 65Altaio OMo v M 63

VUitan Mbs K T6

Tld TableTodajr Illsh tide SsSt a m and 2S3 p m Low

Ud 8 6 a ffl and 8 p ra-

Uda a m and 933 p m

Condition of the WaterSpecial to Tho AVaohicston Herald

Harpers tVrrr Va July 23 Pctanao clearAUld iLcnaruicttli



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WILLIAM H MOODYAssociate JustIce ot the tnltcil States Supreme Court who irlll retire

Iiccanao of illneja



East Indian at Union Station Chants Prayer

Dainau Abdulla an Hut Indian nerv-ously paced tho welting room of theUnion Station last night watching for htedeath

While in Ntw York earlier In the daysome one told him he would meet deathon his way to his home in Savannah andlike a true Mohammedan be took theprediction at Its face value

When he arrived In Washington tochange for Savannah his terror had

so intense that he began preparingfor the other world His lips moved fastand nervously he chanted his prayorsand walked rapidly about station

Tomorrow maybe nothing ho re-

marked shrugging his shoulders I noworry What come will come Myfriend when you havo friends you like

love My friends Iwaving his hand my love friends nomore I do not care now It is God

My friend look It is all God Threehundred people travel In

train Something happen One man gotkilled other 4M no get hurt What sayyou Maybe all get killed cept oneWhet say you Its all God

In India whon child Is every-thing is sot down for him all beforeHim die by thte one ct killed an-

other one must die by plague All bofore so you see All God


Plan Proposed at Meeting of Na-

tional Hire Drill TeamThe drill toam of National Hive No

1 Ladles of the Maccabees of Worldhold a special meeting at Pythian Tem-ple laet night

Miss Annie M Holeer captain of theteam called the mooting for the purposeof making plans for the formation of a-

social club among the members Thupurpose of tho club is to promote goodfeeling among the members and to ar-

range for trips to Niagara Falls and At-

lantic City to be taken next season


Tailor Shop and Dam-aged About 1OOO

Fire which threatened adjoining housesbroke out In 1772 T street northwest usedag a residence and tailor shop yesterdayafternoon about 3 oclock causing 1909damage The houeo was occupied byCaroline Noll and the tailor shop by Bernard Hutt

By the time tho firemen arrived thobuilding wee wrapod In flames and thefiremen concentrated their efforts to pre-vent them from spreading streams ofwater wore played on tho neighboringhouses

Tno origin of the fire Is not knownMrs Nolls loss is about 400 while thedamage to the tailor shop Is placed atWO not Including 1000 damage to the

building which is owned by SalvatoroScogllone of 1146 Eighteenth street northwast

Smoke House Has FireSwift Cos smokehouse at 312

Pennsylvania avenue had a fire lastnight An overheated furnace startedthe blaze which did 50 damage Thebuilding Is owned by Mrs F H Applch and tho loss IB covered by insurant

Capital and ProflU Over JlTOOCOO

steal your jewels orfor fire to destroy your valuable all riskby renting a

Safe Deposit Boxin our fire and burglar

proof vaults Cost only 5year upward

National Savingsand Trust Company






themyou lovebut





Dont Waitfor Thievest-





















Chamber Body Will eek toLand Four-

At a meeting of the conventions com-mittee of the Chamber of Commerce lustnight ways and means consideredat groat length for setting several meet-ings of national bodies In Washingtonduring the next two years QraaviUeHunt prodded as chairman of the committoo and Thomas Grant as secretary

The first proposition was the annualmooting of the United Brotherhood ofCarpenters and Joiners In 1911 The con-vention meets this year on September ISat Des Moines and the committee Isanxious to bring the body to Washingtonfor its meeting two years hence Aspecial tfommlttoo was appointed to get

national body with a vIew to influencingthem to work in cooporatlon with theconventions committee

Wants Postoffice ClerksMr Hunt placed before the committee

the facts regarding the meeting of theconvention of postoffice clerks whichit is possible to bring to the Capital in1111 This association meets this yearat Saratoga Springs In the month ofSeptember and It appears that members-of the local body are willing to workto bring the convention here next yearThe convention has about K76 delegatesand is usually In session for six daysThe delegates often bring their wivesand the following of the convention Isabout 1009 Mr Hunt and SecretaryGrant were empowered by the committee-to gather data and report at a subsequentmeeting with reference to this convention

Special committees were appointed alsoto look after the convention or the SocialOrder of the Mooso which meets thisyear In Dotrolt In the month of Septem

and could come to Washington inllll

Similar efforts will be put forth to bringabout the meeting hero of the nationalgatherings or the National Union and oftho Royal Arcanum both prominent in-

surance organizationsWants headquarters Here

Another subject considered was the pos-

sible removal of tho headquarters of theLocomotive Firemen and Englnemen tooWashington This matter Is already inthe hands of a special committee whichdid not have a report ready last nightIt appears that the headquarters of theorganizations is now at Peoria Ill andthat the magazine of the order withabout 191000 subscribers te published atIndianapolis

Tho organization sacks to bring theheadquarters of the body and the offlcaof publication of the magazine to thename city and among other places It IB

understood that tho executive commiUoeof tho association is considering Wash-ington It was determined Jast night tourge the national body to send a repre-sentative to this city to look over theground and consider carefully the advantages this city has to otter In theway of headquarters and offices of pub-lication for the brotherhood magazine

In case the brotherhood should doddto como to Washington It will mean theerection of a 360060 plant for the maganine with offices In the building for thenational officers

The subject of handling tho publicityend of conventions when they come toWashington wits considered In an In-

formal way by too committee Tho suggesUon wii ade that tho meetingsthe convey el wore sometimes treatedIn a j ictur way by the press duoto tho Islc o facilities In tho conventions fo Deporting the essential thingsdono proper preparation for thelocal newspapers and the prose associations A member said he had boonInformed that reporters sometimes

difficult to get at the Interesting thingsdone by tho conventions and he believedIt was up to tho committee to deviseways and means to remedy this defect

It was suggested that tho committeemlghtelther put a man In the conventionto act as press agent or that some mem-ber of the body should act in that capacity with far bettor results In the way ofpublicity than are usually achieved

City Farmer Trial SetGeorgo Winnie was In Police Court

yesterday morning on a warrant chargingthat ho had planted vegetables In hisfront yard at 437 New Jersey avenueMr Winnies act of converting his park-Ing into a garden Is in violation of one ofthe District police regulations His trialwas set for August 4


In touc1 the local branch of the























Victims Die Before Arrivalof Medical Aid


Aged Mount Vernon AVomnn Is Overcome While Shopping In the Cityand Dies In Ambulance on Way toHonpital ProNtratlona Mark Com-

paratively Cool Day


Snrnh 31 WilkinsonclshtytTro years old of Mount

YnJohn Ileelnn flftyaix yenr

old of 1117 Sixth street northvrc t

Louisa Tucker negro of 404Third street iioutlicnat

Threo deaths from the heat In one day4 t record for the summer yesterday

At no time did the thermometer in thekiosk in Pennsylvania avenue registerabove 90 degrees Tins mark was reach-ed at 3 oclock and even then coolbreeze from the west was jtweepint overthe city

All three deaths occurred before medi-cal aid could be summoned

Mrs Sarah H WUdnsoa eightytwo of Mount Vernon was overcomeat Seventh and D streets northwestShe was assisted to a drug store andfirst aid remedies applied before the ar-rival of UM ambulance

Dies in AmbulanceShe died on the way to the Emergency

HosptUL Her daughter aooosapsuitod herto the city and was with her when she

Burly in the afternoon Mrs Wil-kinson complained of footing the heatbut after a rest thought ibtut she WESable to continue her shopping CoronerNevitt gave a certificate of death from

exhaustionJohn Heetatn flftystx years old was

stricken while sitting in the yard at hishome 1117 Sixth street northwest Hwas assisted to his room but was seizedwith hemorrhages and died before aphysician could reach him The coronerretorned a verdict of death from naturalcauses brought od by heat exhaustion

Louisa Tucker a negro forty yearsold of 4W Third street southeast wastaken to the Casualty Hospital after beins overcome while at work about thebouse yesterday afternoon She wastaken with hemorrhages and ffed beforereaching the hospital

Many Arc ProstratedSeveral prostrations were reported from

the hOspitalS but with few exceptionsthe patients were able to go te theirhomes alter treatment

William Let thirty years old ofIMfi Ninth street northwest was

in Eighth street 4 ambulancewas called from the Emergaacy HoapltalIt was said last night that the youngman would

Mrs Margaret Wilson slxtyftve yearsold of MM Illinois avenue northwestwas found by the Second precinct policeabout 7 oclock last evening walkingabout in a daaed condition In Seventhnear P street northwest She said thatshe had been overcome by heat during tileafternoon and was going to a park

She was taken to the HomeopathicHospital in a patrol wagon She walater transferred to the Washington Asy-lum Hospital It is thought that thewomans mind was affected by the heat


Isolation Advised for AllParalysis Cases

Since June 1 there have boon threedeaths in tho District from infantile par-alysis Tho victims were

Thomas Lawton Norwood Seven yearsold 1100 L street northwest

Leo Martin Kramm two years old of24 Fourteenth street northwest

Charles F Blew five years old of 831

D street northeastWhile no estimate has been made of the

number of cases it is thought there havebeen about twenty The death rate hasbeen put at about 16 per cent

Medical science knows so little of thisdreaded disease that It is at a loss as tohow to handle the cases adequately butevery means to effect cures is eagerlysought It is not known whether it iscontagious but Dr Woodward said yes-terday It would be advisable to Isolate allcases

Cases of Infantile paralysis are foundmostly In dusty streets

Yield I nil Evangelist to SpeakOpenair Gospel meetings will ba con

ducted every night next week exceptSaturday in front of tho Central UnionMission Louisiana Avenue near Seventhstreet Those services will bo oonductod in Yiddish Hebrew and Englishby Philip Slflersky tho Yiddish evangel-ist of Baltimore Steroopticon picturesand special music will bo features









5 t















You never hear o any girls quarrellnover a model young man Miss GermWilliams recipe fer knotted spaghetty isrecelvln much favorable comment



Employe of Stott Stationery StoreVictim of Heart Failure

Miss Elizabeth McGolHck a qlerk forCharles G Stott Co stationers 300

Ninth street dropped dead yesterdayfrom heart failure

The botly wag taken to the homo ofher niece Miss Mary Austin at 41 Mstreet northwest where Miss McGolrick-raslded

Only two weeks ago Miss McGolrickreturned from a vacation in excellenthealth and her sudden death yesterdaywas a complete surprise to her friendsShe had been employed in the store

past seven yearsShe is survived by one brother E J

McQolrlck in business at 1896 Ninthstreet two sisters Katherine Hop-kins and Miss Teresa McGolrick be-sides her niece

Arrangements have not been madefuneral Miss McGolrlck was born in

Baltimore about fifty years ago


Negroes Jail Into the NetStretched by the Police


Operation Alleged to Have TakenPlace In South AVnahlngton Bettor to Collect on Winner at5 to 1 antI the Police Are Given aTip beginning1 of a Breakup

Continuing the warfare against themaking of beta and pools on the racesopaoed up by the pOlice officials threeweeks ago Detectives Armstrong andLittle of the Sixth precinct yesterdayarrested two negroes on charges of vio-

lating section W of the District CodeThe men were operating about South

Washington end a hotel m lower Penn-sylvania avenue collecting bets in someinstances as high as J38They were taken into custody on evi-

dence placed in the hands of the detec-tives by several of their victims who hadbeen unable to collect

Caught in the AotMilton Plummer and John H Ellis

each aged fortytwo were arrested De-

tectives front the precinct force had beenon their trail for the peat week butwere unable to locate them until yes-terday They were in the act ofregistering a bet of on a horse at theEmpire track with another negro atMissouri avenue and Fourandahalfstreet when approached by the detectives

When told that they were under arrestPlumm r who Is sid by the POllee to hethe real offender and to have only em-ployed Ellis and several other negroesas runners made a break from the de-tectives and started to run DetectiveArmstrong pulled his gun and orderedhim to stop They were taken to theSixth precinct station house on chargesof making hand books end held without

The information which led apedsfeaUyto their arrest was given to tha detectivesbf a South WaohiDgton resident whoJut Tuesday registered bet ot atodds of 6 to 1 on a horse at the Windsortrack

The horse won but when pltmg rattempted to collect the money Plummertold him there was nothing doingPlummer even refused to return theamount of the original wager and theman whose name i TvJthheM for thepresent went to the police

Nay Mean BreakupIt Is said that the arrest of these two

negroes will be but the beginning of ageneral breakup of an extensive seriesof like operations among the negroes

Bets and pools are said to have beenmade not only upon the outcome of theraces but upon the local baaeoait gamesat the American League Park and upontrotting races at nearby tracks Plumrest te said to have been In active operation at the matinee races this springupon th Speedway but was too cleverto fee caught In the act by the police

In the cues against the eight menarrested about two weeks ago by theFirst precinct officiate in their raid ontwo wellknown downtown saloons mo-

tions were yesterday introduced in theVnlted States branch of the Ponce Courtto quash the charges against Philip JRoche and Charles and Joseph DowningFlv counts were registered againstRoche and two against each of theDowning brothers

The motion contends hat the chargesflied contain a lack of accurate informa-tion upon which to hold the men Themotion will be argued in court on Mon



Carpenters Mute Victim of BoatAccident in Porto Rico

The Navy Department received a reportyesterday of the drowning of Frank G

Taft T7 S N a carpenters mate secondclass on July U last A sailboat in whichTaft was returning from Vieques toCulebra Porto Rico was capsized Thoaccident was reported by the com-mandant of the naval station at Culebra

Taft had been in tho naval service fortwo years and seven months His fatherF M Taft resides at Glens Falls N Y


IVhenton of Xctv York ElectedGrand Exalted Ruler

The convention or tie colored Elks wasCloSed last night Boston was sectedfor the IIU convention J F Wheatonof Now York as a dark horse was elect-ed grand exalted ruler Other new officersare Grand leading knight T B NutterCharleston esteemed loyal knight S KHoyt Boston esteemed lecturing knightR Jacobs New York secretary HarryPage Memphis treasurer L S GaleWashington trustees M K JohnsonNow York I N Hlght Des Moines IaJ A Still Reading Pa Morning StarColumbia Lodge of Washington won theprize for largest membership


Admiral Schroeder AmateurOperators Hamper Service

Because of constant interference byamateur wireless operators Rear AdmiralSeaton Schroeder commandorinehiof oftho Atlantic fleet in his report for tinyear ended June 30 strongly ur ae thegovernment to take control of all wire-less plants

The flag ship of the fleet which toolon an average 200 messages a day wasrequentb anncy Kl by amateurs whocompletely suspended wireless operations-at times tho





om ers saw






























It Pays to Deal JL at Goldenbcrga

Seventh and K PepenaaMe Store


Choice of Blue SergesChoice of Fancy Cassimeres-

You will not find another such chance to buystylish welltailored Summer Suits at such immense

We have been giving the men ofWashington superior clothing values all

we propose to outdo all previous records in thisclearance sale of mens Summer Suits we inaugurate today

The variety is broad enough to meet every requirementThe assortment embraces mens fine quality Navy Blue Serge

Suits and Fancy Worsteds and Cassimeres the latter in a largerange of stripes dark mixtures grays and oordty effects of themost desirable description

Sizes 32 to 46 in the lotChoice of former 1250 15 and 1650 values at 850



1-0 sI

Mens 1250 1500and 1650 SuitsChoice Offered at







Two Weeks Chase of RobertJones at End


After Admitting Ttventyflve Rob-beries In Various Parts of DistrictHe Tells Police They Had HintOnce but Permitted Him to OctAway from Them to Rob More

Robert SOUlS career house breake-rs at an end He was captured yesterdayafternoon at Nineteenth and K streetshr Policeman Strtngfellow of the Thirdprecinct bicycle squad after a two weeksengagement and was locked up Jones isa negro eighteen years old Ha admitshe te the muchhunted burglar

Trrcntyflve HobberlosWhite he held sway twentyfive houses

were entered and he blandly assumesthe credit At the home of Claude 3Parker 1MB Rhode Island avenue north-west he got 4B cents and a bunch ofkeys At the home of Mrs C V RussellThis Eleventh street he got 38 In manyeases he was frightened away sad gotnothing He cannot remember an theplaces he entered

Ridicules the PoliceTonall had me once the negro said

while under inveeOgatioa laet right outyou didnt know it I was arrested inthe Eighth precinct for stealing a coatTko cue was not strong enough to hold

and I was soon free I passed po-

licemen on the street in coming fromhouses I had robbed But I pees Imcaught now


Oensus Figures Show Large Increasein Ten Years

The census of Oklahoma wee made pub-lic at the Census Offlce last night Thetotal population of the new State lack-ing tho returns of three enumeration dis-

tricts te lsa U as oomaared with1417177 according to the special censusof HO

This shows an increase of 18 per centin somewhat less than three years thecensus of 1900 being taken in April andMay and that or 1907 in July sad August


Mrs Mary Ccntnnnl Recently In-jured Develops

Mrs Mary Ceataanl the aged w 7nanwho wag Injured to an altercation withsomo Italians recently and has boon te-

a serious condition at Casualty Hospitalwas yesterday sent to Garfield Hospitalhaving developed a case of scarlatina

Although in a very bad condition sur-geons think there to hope for her recovery


National Association Is OrganizedUnder Law of Congress

Now York July 21 The National Cur-rency Association of the City of NewYork was organized today at a meettagin tho clearing house attended by repre-sentatives of twentyseven national banksfrom the five boroughs Under the lawenacted two years ago there must be atloast ten national banks in each aseodation and the aggregate capital and sur-plus of those banks must be at5100000The AldrlohVroeland bill which pro-

vided for the formation of these associa-tions was passed on May M 1906 butover since provisional bylaws woredrawn up at a meeting held In June ofthat year tho further organization hasbeen allowed to wait some special im-

petus It camo early this month whenSecretary of tho Treasury MacVeaghstrongly recommended that immediateaction be taken

Many of the bankers of this city sharedthe Secretarys view that the right timeto perfect such an association was whenthere was no Imminent danger of put-ting It Into use In fact the general


























PRICOT WINEReaL for dilution in tee waterA gn lifting and refreabiDC sum

drink Sic fun qt Sold at


OnO7fh PhauHLmOU No bmrh IKMM


partamhip rastiag berwai Napoleon Hill antot both

JMMI In will hcoceteth be CMMtactai bf Xnwt Uwho muMtd tft affairs of In f-

tPRBSH PEACh ICB CHBAMS-ftlloa me H pOtom

0 B Bctatacer 2 G aw PhiNO BRANCH STORES

j Q Ds BigPrint Shop

at your MtricB to get oas that tt ot-

pri ti K Jut M jtw Mt it ud la beery

Judd O Detweiler IncTBX BIG paINT SHOP O2 laB

IN MAKING ICE CREAMother Irene dainties diuuuts and coc-

feeOnwra vfll tod oar FREEZING SALT andFLAVORING EXTRACTS iarmritUly ttlf-nwMrjr Can us op for



Lawyers AppreciateOr Facilities for Printing

Briefs sad Motion We work qvfcfetr artaecBiatdjr sad tab pride te Motetac tOfactory service

Byron S Adams SRS5LPhone M ISO

DIEDCOLISON Members of the Association

of the Oldest Inhabitants of District of Columbia are respectfully invited to attend theof late associate CHAHLES CCOLJSON at his late residence 93Virginia avenue southwest Saturday

IB at 3 p mNoyes President Benj W Roles

on Friday July 29-

JMO at his residence 1117 Sixth streetnorthwest JOHN

Funeral from Ceetellos chapel 12 Hstreet northeast Saturday July 3o atSJO p m Friends invited

HBELAK The members of WashingtonCommandery No 1 Templars are notified of the death of ourFrater Sir Knight JOHN HKELAN which occurred suddenly at hisresidence 1117 Sixth Friday

3 1MO Funeral at which yourattendance is requested Saturday

8ft at 2 p m from Costelloschapel 12 H street northeast GabrielF Johnston Commander AttestJ Claude Kelpw Recorder

McNAMARAOn Friday July 29 191 at4 p m at her residence W B streetsoutheast MARY IRENE youngest

of the lateCatherine McNamara nee Chambers

Notice of funeral hereafter Baltimoreand Philadelphia papers please copy

SEHONDSOn Friday July St 110 at9K m at his residence ttXf NorthCarolina avenue northeast STEPHENbeloved husbanCLof the late MaryIsabel Slmonds

Notice of funeral later


GEO C SHAPEEKBid ofl d risns wry leacaMbfc

3tt6 Mate Mlh Xyo k wr

FUNERAL FLOWERSOf Bwey DMcrtptioo fodentafcr Pifatd



GEORGE P ZTJRHORST301 East Capitol Street

J WILLIAM LEE Funeral Directorad B tobn Lhcnr ta laooMctfon Oonnodioua-

Cbapol and Modem CropMUxiiM nkw-m PewNvJwni nw Tdtshowt Mate 1911

opinion seemed to be there mightnoveL be the necessity of issuing eraer-poncy currency but the associationsvalue as a precautionary institution wasconsidered to be very great

Assistant Secretary of the TreasuryAndrews erne over from Washington fortodays meeting

mm mmng



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