% ' W e a th e r F orecast ';F&^{(aoudi','.illsb and low.'tdii-' Two Army Officers Killed in Grash of Planes at Boise. >. jdprney'^dm! Siberia ’ bewno'!>'\^t:^ i^ o r t browdea^AU;NiSht;^ •. ' ::'Throa^'';]^pftroV'■ 'NOME. AlMka, ;jjmo iB^nir): — .' Jimmy^JtotUaiJ,j;glob«lrcllnB fil- er; wSd [tqbU'btt from' I^barovfl)c i .•for:Komo'''Mondiy;y\w';'^ hero today.t£ bo could cnuat . tlma of Poat and Ontty. ' ‘ ' •• SomB .appwlibMloa' tor .his .earo-1 • ty,.waa folt herti when' IfWao' rc- ■•.ported. thaf-Jxuivy. foafl lwdr>oti| lied over Uuj.-Bprlns .ac- ------' hdd ut VUalU,-Cullf.,’ - . slaughter -cliarse. : Pollco thnt Bb<> skipped bor Infant son I durin? :.tho ■nlfsht, .b6cauM . the oblld's «rlcs.. dbtutbcd her Bleep.! When ahe.mvolce in tho tho;infnnt wafl dead. : . '.; A -largo 'crowd^whicli:•i^0id’-) ;.ma(ned .a t ’ Uii> airport aU nig Swas.wui scdnnlDfT.dv f(>r8lrtt oftho ruor.t . •. /Pott Bad' Gat^' jtu' ..ia.lO bours:iind 40 r tem.'had'bcen m'"n) auVm-UorlK' o'lO'tioura ________ ;:m..'.psTO • X '•• over I’ mr ^ .»>. KHABAilpV8K‘.(Slberla);.U.'8; S.' R., Juna‘ t3: (ICE)—Jimmy ^Mot- 'r ^ •tcrfl.na\^ted-.tao,Bang«r6uij!Beri,, ^coursexiro'iB.',the;'Ajslatlo inainJand-itffMird-i'JlomBi ' ' ' 'Lt- todayK’.*'ppro(icWnfcv'tho,^. Ei'v':'.- «onUn«t,itgaln>10|a4M’' Kj,--. tttkc;/off.;frpiii;:7 ]Wi^7??t : fllgbtvDUQdtthS'iWorltl'' moiit, a4Bk______ _ .. He;tya8;rdMhed'^ ^_hl Fifty: ;Falls bounty',Mon j ■;EQfralii;f9r Pir«t,Lcff‘ ' '■CTfly.'df Uio'moa'^ebitrnalcd: ,tho: ‘yDungor- group"''.of forest .: o n ^ . rccrulta' frbm ,:thi« :county ; .cntrtlned/.here.'tiila'nftnmoon for BoUoroa the*Xlrat:W «f arjour: which wilt. UluT Uom/into .tho Kills-Infant^ MNGW-S- Waives Talk Privilege to ^Consider Booaovelt Debt • Oablo. ...... SiiOTEttEHOE AIR TENSE _______ n areas of-Id.......... .......... , •;;>»«";pf -tho;, clvlllim.-v.bonflewaUoB VV •werolmiwti'reiiviri'at'Par- .^'toh'.hiiU .thI».momliig,by-;B.. J; ■■ '• Flniai;.ln--char«; of-ithq-county ■•:onrbllmont,vand\.oii'’ autbdrlty" of - thB governor’s', offlcif; dro. being : tnm»p6rt«d to.,tho BtQto's'capital ; where they wUl.bo-.tikon'iliyJnicki- ' to'-ldaho-City^: v-'-! : . • -..'Thla 'Muntys'quota’ tolallcdl'eo monxlO. ;of.;;whom'; hivo'. olreody been''; bnrollcdVat::'cdmp'%P-81 •',at •, : - -Kctclium'.,-c-^i" : ;.Thos6ileavliig--,toajQ'/cdraa :from liiE R M Flint Pblicd- Ohargo:Youth-. IT, •. ..With Matricidb-^o.;; Balfo' , :MocDoDaldr.'-X7-ydar;6W. belr to' oiio third.6f/a :? 1^000,000: it« :left -.hy.’i bla -'slain .ihot^Qri i5|ieW^ln!a-9o!l{<iw;-;^^>to^la^ j;,’.hu:arral^meat-.on., cl ;WarT,! -JL-BUrjrtao ihQVftlby,county, of*I fleloisseveral'"hours'-, rafter' tho I youtli confbased to'thom.that' bo had'.struck Mrs. Grace b ; Macr Donald,'CO.'oa.the head with o pair^Of bbolc'enaa.’on May 27. brought ysung'MacDonald before JuaUco.of tho;Tcace Fnuilt-Caln, Bdlfe'-sU»d>mute; a t . his. arraign- ment,'.and.the cdurt entcrtd a plea ' *E2ciuh?^i^ii.waa set'for'Frlday lefqro' Justice Coin. /. ' •' i.';,iouth Itcturnoa Thb-yoiith. waa.. 'rushed' hero roni Naabvlllo,-Tehh.', ,'qvcr .tho'; ./eoK. end with William . Tcrwllli-' :gcr,-,iO-ycar-blci-chum.witli whom 'bo-fled.ofUr tbo.ajaying. ' '.. Upoa . hla’ v arrival /here.- Balfo coafc8«a .BtrlklDff hia .mother, af- •ter a- dlMgrcoment .ovcr thelr ya- cation plans.'.'He'did .not know Mr8.':MacDonaId^ was dead," ho de* ;clarcd, uhtirho of tho.alay.r lag Inrff LdulavillQ newspaper^ ,'';,Balfe'.wcpt liut algbt.when . sIstcrsi'Gwcnlaurle and Janet, met him in the shcrilTa office. • Tears Pronch Promier Outlines Needs of Nation;. Japanese^,; Envoy Speaks Dy UnUod Tho deadline, for iSurope'siJune IB .paymcnt/on-'lUi'.war. dchta tb tlio. United States approacbcd to- day'with tension,growing on both aides of the Atlantic.’ • Great Britain apparently hail decldcd to moke a partial pay-; mcnt—somo .quarters said . 10 per ecnt.cf the $7S,OSO,000 due—while Italy was expected .to do tho same and .Franco to default. . _ The. economlo, conference at 'London was prcoecuplcd.with tho nby problem tmd debts ,were ;ln, intcrjcctcd :by speaUera. A -.-Jiig demand for currency sta- bllizatloa was diM manifest. - . A.Bcnsatlon ran , through :the conforencc'hail , when thd . Amer- ican'dolcgatlon failed to appear at today's session. . Tho only ' pianatlon.'.was that Hull was vising hls apcech. which will , be delivered tomorrow. d'dqwn-.thq youUi's'faco i ' .'various';. accUonii'■‘[ot:Atio '.'ccub^. , 'having .'.bc«n •chosoa .'bn ? a ' popiiia-. 'boarded .tho.’roralar^ai26i.b'olook: • passcager train." . i V■ HcroAto^siiportttiJ'tti'flr'wiidlog •• ;■ /ot,',tha^TOca-'t«ay.5'wMi:I.t.-;Lyan -Jiiifideaignated -v,Mllliird;!DawsoniJa^oJajtosofritJio. conllaAimt,’ 'liiid'v.lMwiWa-yff'lturn T p d a y 'S ’; G , ; ^ e s ; liliw^ York,-.li00^WMlAy5^ Boatan'‘.'j..:...-:001030 2 0 » ^ 11/. ;2 pjf;.;Brown,.>\VoaBtU;md;'FoTO .ciivbtoadV [Detroit’ h::____ . - ...... . .. . . , '-•.Btttterlcflv.'inildcbrafid-cuid'fPyt- laKi/.’Bridgw/ttflU'l^ot^^^^ • - 'I ouls___. — QOl 000-^i| 111 onpn ttum V Battcft^: . McDonald'-and ;Shba!, Wyatt,* Gmy^ aniKJrubo. 1 ‘ jj I M i:.,^;';ThQ iias;.Md>Scw ViNA'nONAt udAbuB ’ , Now;Ydrk-i;000 020^30-^ 0,. 0,'-. B6stoaV;-.;.'.-J<'..0Ol,lQ0lOOr-r.3 ^'Battorjos:‘:iiB«tia.KTihdi:;H(>gan)| •• ;oop,;oo4<. Moriya gray beard will waggle exclledly In tHcao parOi before lonff. And raony, a-venerable forefinger , will ocratch cfiually vencVable brows — pueUercd'in thought,'-.otf maybo wrlnklcd.'ln consteroaUon. • '^ . Veterans of the checkerboard; in ‘oUiec. words, will batUoat out in Twin Falls,uoon for tho,Cheek- .J Underpians announced ■ ^ _________ _____ &' tluslveiyjto, tho '4'. Evening Times today, enthusi- asU of- tho checkered board will start .a ................. wholesale hci glrn .from' Buhl,',Burley, Jerome,- Fncr:and other, towns .In this re-’ gWil lto' do battle hero, on-succca- • VSundays bfginnlng-July ,LONDON,'Juno 13 (in*J—Rcpre- laeatatlves of throe m ajor.,world 'powers,,one smaller-naUon and a .British - dominion.-ouUlncd their srbtary cSf.;StaU conferencb which l-.V S6orbtary. «.:Stato'. CkirdeU -Hull, out.'o*plonatl6a',!-lt.>i?a«;Bnnouncpd He' biad ivttlvod hlsiValunblo' open-^ ing time to Premier Edouard Dala- dicr of Franco.; From then on, tho ,- (Contlnued;,jbj Pogo.’Sovpn)' • sHilil liiiBis |Lcv^ Hits, Maii,ona^ ' on;Po^ent«;.'Kobinson -.Scprcsitflrloy '. 'WASHINGTONi Juno'13 .(URI-ii Debate on’ the-inJeeUoa o fth o war'.debt',queaUon'into tho L6a- ■don ,economic’,cbnforbncb broke I'out-.ln tho'Sonato'today wlth Sen- ator:' Lewis,-:- Deni, ;Ilt,'. chorging thatr■ It;-Jut' the ^ .United; States In tho ' posiUon; of■.‘wsJklng,'out oa Ui6-co9fo'rcnco.,6r,bolnffitrappcd.!',' • Senator-;Rdhinaon,.--Rep.,; .Ind, sald;;:“ln'. view.’of^the ptlmo„mln- Istcr’a spccch It seems ito: mO'that our;<lolegal*8ymlght as-virbH.---' homo. r-.,, 'C-Both,Lewis,-Rnd-'Robihaon .,havo' re'pMt^;rcrltici o'f.- nomlc cohfomco ond have oharig- cd that iti'uridbrlylrig'purpbsbwos d:.''sotti6mcnt'-;of,..'tho iwof;'debts question ' ';B6th’strosa6 d''tho.pbihtr;that tho •Unltsd-'atdtbs'-dclegates......... ' ' powor-Xoydt^cuss.'dcbts: I the :s''povi?«.'ft'tO'Vtovisa* - tL_ Uos..wh6lly>wlth''C6iigross:- M'.'Wo^haveirptatea.thatithbhi/WiU bo.n o '.N ^ ib n ,'-w..:oancoliatlon''-.6f d0b&;}rR0bln8bg-,B0ld.';:;','Ali^that . 0^6^p^csident.^u6 ^;■•tb>'BuBmlt•.• Is tHdt'-:thoroSls:A6'-:iBTOund.f6r;--dl8; cussloni Mcb; to;.th'ird^qu?StI6'a>at'rL.w, bponlng.-',btI.the(A^cwifMoaco'.-,but mBdi^t';cIeftr.^,;r9Ja'orks.;Svorft ■Jnsplwl by.:thls?UawtpeQtc<l^-‘ opmeat ..x U - - ^ h e y 4 l 7 ^ a ; g g l e B e ai'ds- In G H ecker o u rn a m e n t Ana .Vftora'nB \Vill-ScrntcU'i'Mnny « W.irrk'd Brow in , ' Quc^it.fo'r'SoiUlieni Idnlio tIHo eelvo 1 thclf p ro went, Organization of a Southern Ida- Che ■ B ILL 10 lORE . .OEPmONEYS PasBago Ex^^cctcd^^o Hasten Efforta to Adjourn ,.0oiigre3a INDUSTRY MEASURE NEXT lenf^o ..... taUvely b e in g conuidcrcd to- day, but until Its formoUon, entries In the-toumey wore belnffj recclvcJ .by Pat Daly and Merrill Ayres, Twin Fails.: ' ' ' ‘'Pmctlce"-aoBsionn .for tho checker athletes who want to.get back IntQ shape are to'be held for tho next three Sundays unilcr direction of* Daly ami Ayres. ■Tlicre aren’t any fees. -And parllclpanlii needn't sport |h flowing.heard. • ;Roosevelt . May Bring Prcssuro Against Effort to Halt , , Veteran Onta , WASHINGTON, Juno 13 HU!]— {Enactment of tho Ginns bank iiiii Including-provision, for Insumnco Britain Decides to lilake DeM b id »: on :; iTreosury -Begins, on Projeeta! •to ;Provldo ;8,00b,000, Witli. Employment 13''(JI,I5^ ___ already.-Ir " __.worlcs ' progt-ani 'dealgacd 'to .crcdto Jobs fbc'moro thafi 3,000,-; ooomen.- -/ ,, i; ;.Tho. trcasu[y,' It was Earned to- day, has called for bids;,on nearly a dozcn-projecia without waiting for*, final-passaifc of. , Uio public works- bUl by Cobgrcss or appro- prlatlon of-, tho neconaary funds. Tho bill la-,expcctcd.to bo enacted within & day or two.- “■ ■projccta. In- 000, 000,. havo bceh-docided Partial Slim May Be Offered oh June ...Installment LONDON, juno . ja (U,i:i-^han- cellor of.. the ICxcliuquer 'NuvlJIc 'Cluimberlaln. In hia war debt .speech before tho Itouso of Com- mons tonight, will announce tbsJ tho. cabinet has decided upon at least-a .partial payment'-of. thb 570,030.000 war. debt annuity due I'Thursday, to the',United States, U»o rUnltbd- Press learned: from well-informed British and’ Amc'ri- :coj^u'rcoi^'today.'-.t '■ '-Wfifclho-r " t£o’ .payment. -woulii represent, ^wi'proxlmately JO ■ per: contrary to all other, reports tho United Preas wVis assured tho cab- inet, had' decided bgalnst .default. Bends' Urgent Not4S •This •development was • made known shortly after the. British dispatched an urgent I amounting' to .'$100,000,1 would bo opened to bidd All now. building projocts'<vero halted'when the Itoosovclt'admin- istration camo into power, and all eonstrucUon funds .wort^i diverted to Mr.'-BoosovoU's reforesUtlen program.,- Blds'for new'construc- tion were being, called for in an- ticlpdUon, pf -swUt appropriatlot ,of-tho;hugOsaow.fuad. ,^',- • - , ,’Blds Wili Inoreoso, ::'Advcrllsliig;fbr; bids «f^ otlier! ■Jobs;was.cxpcctcd' ,to.. Increase' hitcudlly'.-from tho:currentIrato :of -about,two a day. : - -,. v • •; Officials' working r under - Gci al'Hugh S.. J6hnsoo; .on'plans .putUng.'Cia effect thc^ ladust regulotibn ..bill, ^whlch'-Is .tied', in: closely/wlUi tho-.piibllo -works' pro-, 8pMt,.'on-i'proJcQts. of,. ;this actor would.:,^v o ;omptoymei ....... IP BEHHlffli next-wbbIc^Twm;rall9',n>ayor,and Atidn"bf--^laM:-for;:regu'- — banlT deposits abii piuoiiifiu of three other major pIcccs oc legis- laUon wore agreed u|)on today by IDembcratlc corigrcs^lonal Icndifni !ttS they developed Uiclr fllmlogy to force speedy adjournment ■ of Congress. , Tho HouBo rosponcltd to tho ad- ministration call by paaslng tho Glaso bill,‘marking n victory for Democratic le.ader« In tho first stop o f. thb early adjournment program. .Tho vote wos JOl to 0. Chairman Harrison of the. Sen- ate flaanco committee who was In chargc Of tho pending Indun- try-control-public works program revealed. ,tlie plan. He exprcs.'icd confldenco tiiat. PrcalJent' Roose- velt would compel Congress to abandon plans , to prevent'reduc- tions In veterans' compensation decided upon by tho admlalatni- tlon. ' , Jfuy Adjourn Tonight Vlt may be possible -to adjourn tonight," Hatrlsoa told tho Ualt- ed Press.' . , I .-Tho’ i n d u s t r y . control-public Iworks . b i l l , tho.- W.^CO.OOO.r'"' Both British and American of- ficials told the United Frcsa that tho . British declsloa not to de- fault woulii'Imimrt. fresh stimi lus to tho world .economic -coh- Ifercace. ■itaUvciy stated that, Chamberlain,. Walter Bund- man..president, of thp, board of , trade,' -and a group-:ia the: cabinet llhat favored' default,.-..would ;not reslga-dcspito.Uns victory of Mao- Donald,-'r'Staaley ^Baldwin., .Lord urbsldent of the council,-'aad-;8thor mbmboM. of tho .cubluBt:favcrlng paymwjt ■ . a'V'token':-payment‘la controvert Is'qcpectT whether thb 'movq: really s. default. Merci^.- Today Goes To 98; begrces :HeVe SbuUierh' Idaho blistered'today, under ';tho hlghcst tcmpcrature^ot tho'scasoni, tho mcrcury,-'golng -.tO| Indications attbat.tlmo pointfii to' a ..deollnlng^:m?reury.';..,Clouds;itor ■day:<sWbldod'-Bomo'. of, ther^sun's ibrlght'-'rays.-'but: not,' cnough^vto !provoDt‘th8- i^roverbloi.= eaiutr |on. th<i 8lwe_t)6r “Ia.ltrI»t\ej,_ _ , t^^tiyorlty-ofiptw President. Urges" v; •^'irajbtatement Seeks‘rDivorcerzr: Ellziibelli llniii of Klllolt K<m*m....... nr llid'l'rivildriit, liiin iigrecdl wlUi her hiutliund to fllo a Rlmul-j ineoun roiiiiter.KuIt whni lin lutkHj dlv6rir« III llvno »lx weelw from CIIYPOSTPONES S S I Ships Look Wings and PlungCi. During Mook ■ Attack on Troops' ... [ BOISE. Idaiio,. Jiino 13 OU’t,---', Tragedy stalked tho Idaho.Natloa- al Guard cncampmcai at Boisa> - thla momlhg as LlouL Gcor; Hallct.and Ucut. Whitney .< ...r> two ileutcnaaU were pilot- .' ,lng Douglas oJacrvnUoa pUmen. Ifrom tho Spokane army olr Jjase,, IdlrecUng artillery flro of thp Ida-' ;ho National Guard.- Tho accldcnt occurred . o'n ■tho. Whitney Bench about., two .mllei» . BouUi of BoLw ehorUy after 8 o'clock. Motorized battalions.. oC ; tho H8th Field Artillery wore coa- vcrglng on.tho Bcnch and tbo two planes nppronchcd'from tho south, Bimulatlng ah air attack. . .Skimmed Tree* Flying In close w 1 I Council .Decides' to Await Add. cd Information Before Ask- .ing for Federal Money ' . formation, Utb pllota skimmed tho- top of tho '. ' treca a bare 100 foet above tho - ground, trying to mako tho attaclt. as sudden as~Sosslble. Oca bat-, lalion of the ortlllery.wos already, , tho Bcnch,-a few yards souUii ' the New Vork irrlgaUon'caaal..; Tho other-batlalion was opproach-;' Ing frotit the north, hiddon_bytho' trees and. embankment . of tho txmch; . When the planes .flew over, men In the-first battalion scattered to tako cover. It was then that tho - ilanes secerned to converge, wings : !fourth deficiency bUl and tho.in-, a'SnS*.y.'°vSffiS »orc ,thfl other-inba- iem<?Mntfc;-pr<igTOJn.. _____ ____ ofiiBgaiast udjoumi ment'witiiout somovklnd'of-banlci deposlt'insurahco rcsulted^ln rush-' 'ing.tho Glasa bill into law. ' (Oontinueo on Pago Two) planes sc locking. . . . I Mrs. Phillon Robinson,.resident,- , on a farm over whlch-tho plaaea,- :8e“tuSi'^out‘*'T^ta‘ for ippr,oximatcly- J230,0M ' ' • .WinifB-,.^-/..x-..- LMEROTTO:- CLEARITDHELL Ooansel Makes Final Stand'in. Banker’s Trial for Tax, Evasions Mayor Duncan McD. Johnston suggested tlint tiie matter be de- layed.' and It was explained that NEW YORif, .June 13 (lU'l— Trial ot' Charles-E. Mitchell en- tered llH final phases today when dcfentfe counsel opened a dctcr-^, mined, effort to clear tho former | banker of. chargcs of evading ?850,000 In income taxes. .---Joseph P. Read, brother of Mrs. Charles B.-Mitchell, suffering, a ■severo. heart .atUck. was unable to Ksiimo'hU .tcsUmony in de- fense .of Mitchell bnd- in his ab- 'senco ’.Harry ■ F. 'Mayer, a vlco president: of .-.the NaUonai'City company, was calloi. '.ChockbdJFiind- . .. . ' : Mayer, testified .that iato In 1020 .-ho.--checked‘Vover,:aiio Jsutus: of :lhB .company'il! RlanasemcnL. fund. as^^<!‘i»a£-ssl tbey.wero not to bo paid bttck..In- formatlon' now. Is that tho federal government will approve public worm projects on hlghwoys on a 100 per cent finance basis., as an imployment measure. . Meet Thursday Council rccessed to meet Thurs- day night, following fourth- publl- caUon on Wednemlay of Uie city's 1033 budget, to tako final acUon on tho 1D33-34 appropriation bill., Two .ordinances 'Wero paMcd.l 10 specifying that dogs'over til months of ago must bo licensed,' mates requiring a f6o of S3, ahd females JS. payable May I'of year, and ' tho 'other raUlng __ monthly fee for. pool-tables from J $1. $668,000.07 thb’;prbvleus JuljC-aml' decided that. tbd ^participants in tJio-5-.fuiid,-niiilit''consider.'..tholr shorts aa''ovoiiia^enta." ^' -■ '.Aftbt'.'-'coBBiUtlag,'/;HartT; W. Forbe's.-'fthe': baiik'S-'ottotaoy,' b'e drew up'ft form;bf',;a?celpt'’, to bo; ,tb;:the compaiiy.:for;;tl,b:nmomit8:: they had drawn ^ S ing that amoko and fumes coaati-i tue a nuisance. Thb .matter waa referred to • the city attorney., iGeorge M. Paulson, That, official -iported on a petition previously ibmllted to tho council,'-signed by a liirgo number . of,: bualncss firms iCnd employees, asking that stores bo clo.-wd at 6 o'clock under] terms of an ordinance.- It was also ' tlidt certain' days ' HILER’S NAZIS /•i.VlENNA, :'Junb -13 ..(UTJ-rCom- lplotb';supprcBslon:'of: th o ^ A u s t^ lT)ranch,of-Adolf.Hitler’s' Nail,pa^, 'ty'vwas pi^lcted ..today-Bs' police occupied;- .Na*i,;;..headquartcM ; (ContInu<^'oh Pago.Two), AiroiififfaES OlilTOBli Sets Out Provisions' with- Eo; - spoot to Mcotin'j^' and-;, - . ■-Payments',: ■ An opinion regarding tho courior , to be pursued.by.-.'tho':board o£. county-commlsilohcrs In tho mat- : , ter of .raeotlngs.and.aliownacojpe;:' bills In conformity'-with thQ,aot- • by the iBBt-Bcssion of.th'or uro designating Twln^FallJi.- : - ', ______ cond class county, hsis'beeoj iv: given by 0.'W.'-Withara.:proiccut-i..: . mg attorney,',for-' tho guidance; of- tho commlssleners aiid'tha;coun^,;.-, . auditor. ' '- Accordlng';to staUmcnt bf ^tho:,.;. •, . attomoy tho. county)board is.au- \ '• irized to,meet quarterly'for tho -bUlB. 8od'on other o o - ' ; M of bUls. and on other oi berB:of the'boatd, after tho clcrlc of tio.boahi'hSfl ^von:noUce'flva^-,,; . days .In advanbo ,Sjr -noUfyinff, tto.t t ^ - m o m b t r nnd-'by.-posUng'.la -. • ; .,-v, i .Ihroo'piaces in'lh'6 county.-v.‘.,v. ' . N o ,official ••.-business -'.■.can--;;'l».: itransactcd'by-lho bbard on oeca-- i Islonn:other S^moSod'oliUliiea.^ia^tW'b^lWvV,^ ■ot:Witham. If tho board canaito,- , Umo. to Ume;<tho' notification.-^;— *'; .SKaSf--'-

Two Army Officers Killed in Grash of Planes at Boise. MNGW ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF093/PDF/... · W eatherF orecast ';F&^{(aoudi','.illsb

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% 'W e a th e r F o re c a s t

';F&^{(aoudi','.illsb and low.'tdii-'

Two Army Officers Killed in Grash of Planes at Boise.

>. jdp rney '^dm ! Siberia ’

b e w n o ' ! > '\ ^ t : ^

i ^ o r t brow dea^AU;N iSht;^

• . ' ::'Throa^'';]^pftroV '■

'NOME. AlMka, ;jjmo iB^nir): —.' Jimmy^JtotUaiJ,j;glob«lrcllnB fil­

er; wSd [tqbU'btt from' I^barovfl)c i .•for:Komo'''Mondiy;y\w';'^ hero today.t£ bo could cnuat

. tlma of Poat and Ontty. ' ‘ '• • SomB .appwlibMloa' tor .his .earo-1

• ty,.waa folt herti when' IfWao' rc- ■•.ported. thaf-Jxuivy. foafl lwdr>oti|

lied over Uuj.-Bprlns .ac- ------ '

hdd ut VUalU,-Cullf.,’ - . slaughter -cliarse. : Pollco thnt Bb<> skipped bor Infant son I durin? :.tho ■ nlfsht, .b6cauM . the oblld's «rlcs.. dbtutbcd her Bleep.! When ahe.mvolce in tho tho;infnnt wafl dead. : .

'.; A -largo 'crowd^whicli:•i 0id’-) ;.ma(ned .at ’ Uii> airport aU nigSwas.wui scdnnlDfT.dv f(>r8lrtt oftho ruor.t

. •. /Pott Bad' Gat^' jtu ' ..ia.lO bours:iind 40 r ■ tem.'had'bcen m'"n)


________ ;:m..'.psTO

• X ' • • o v e r I’m r ^► .»>. KHABAilpV8K‘.(Slberla);.U.'8;

S.' R., Juna‘ t3: (ICE)—Jimmy Mot- ' r •tcrfl.na\^ted-.tao,Bang«r6uij!Beri,,

^coursexiro'iB.',the;'Ajslatlo inainJand-itffMird-i'JlomBi ' ' '

'Lt- todayK’.*'ppro(icWnfcv'tho, .Ei'v':'.- «onUn«t,itgaln>10|a4M’'Kj,--. tttkc;/off.;frpiii;:7]Wi^7??t

: fllgbtvDUQdtthS'iWorltl''

moiit, a4Bk______ _.. He;tya8;rdMhed'^_ h l

Fifty: ; Falls bounty', Mon j

■;EQfralii;f9r Pir«t,Lcff‘ '

'■ CTfly.'df Uio'moa'^ebitrnalcd: ,tho: ‘yDungor- group"''.of forest

.: o n ^ . rccrulta' frbm ,:thi« : county ; .cntrtlned/.here.'tiila'nftnmoon for

BoUoroa the*Xlrat:W «f arjour: which wilt. UluT Uom/into .tho

K ills - In fa n t^ MNGW-S-

Waives Talk Privilege to

^Consider Booaovelt Debt

• Oablo. ......


_______n areas of-Id.......... .........., •;;>»«";pf -tho;, clvlllim.-v.bonflewaUoB

V V •werolmiwti'reiiviri'at'Par- .^'toh'.hiiU .thI».momliig,by-;B.. J; ■■'• Flniai;.ln--char«; of-ithq-county

■•:onrbllmont,vand\.oii'’ autbdrlty" of - thB governor’s', offlcif; dro. being : tnm»p6rt«d to.,tho BtQto's'capital

; where they wUl.bo-.tikon'iliyJnicki- ' to'-ldaho-City : v-'-! :. • -..'Thla 'Muntys'quota’ tolallcdl'eo

• monxlO. ;of.;;whom'; hivo'. olreody been''; bnrollcdVat::'cdmp'%P-81 •',at

•, : - - K c t c l i u m ' . , - c - ^ i ": ;.Thos6ileavliig--,toajQ'/cdraa :from

l i i E R MF lin t Pblicd- Ohargo:Youth-. IT,

•. ..With M atr ic id b- ^o .;;

Balfo' , :MocDoDaldr.'-X7-ydar;6W. belr to' oiio third.6f/a :? 1000,000:

it« :left -.hy.’i bla -'slain .ihot^Qri i5|ieW ln!a-9o!l{<iw;-;^^>to la j;,’.hu:arral^meat-.on., cl ;WarT,!

-JL-BUrjrtao ihQVftlby,county, of*I fleloisseveral'"hours'-, rafter' tho I youtli confbased to'thom.that' bo had'.struck Mrs. Grace b ; Macr Donald,'CO.'oa.the head with o pair^Of bbolc'enaa.’on May 27. brought ysung'MacDonald before JuaUco.of tho;Tcace Fnuilt-Caln, Bdlfe'-sU»d>mute; a t . his. arraign- ment,'.and.the cdurt entcrtd a plea

' *E2ciuh?^i^ii.waa set'for'Frlday lefqro' Justice Coin. /.' •' i.';,iouth Itcturnoa Thb-yoiith. waa.. 'rushed' hero

roni Naabvlllo,-Tehh.', ,'qvcr .tho'; ./eoK. end with William . Tcrwllli-'

:gcr,-,iO-ycar-blci-chum.witli whom 'bo-fled.ofUr tbo.ajaying. ''.. Upoa . hla’ v arrival /here.- Balfo coafc8«a .BtrlklDff hia .mother, af- •ter a- dlMgrcoment . ovcr thelr ya- cation plans.'.'He'did .not know Mr8.':MacDonaId was dead," ho de* ;clarcd, uhtirho of tho.alay.r lag Inrff LdulavillQ newspaper ,'';,Balfe'.wcpt liut algbt.when . sIstcrsi'Gwcnlaurle and Janet, met him in the shcrilTa office. • Tears

Pronch Promier Outlines Needs

of Nation;. Japanese^,;

Envoy Speaks

Dy UnUod Tho deadline, for iSurope'siJune

IB .paymcnt/on-'lUi'.war. dchta tb tlio. United States approacbcd to- day'with tension,growing on both aides of the Atlantic.’ •• Great Britain apparently hail decldcd to moke a partial pay-; mcnt—somo .quarters said . 10 per ecnt.cf the $7S,OSO,000 due—while Italy was expected .to do tho same and .Franco to default. . _

The. economlo, conference at 'London was prcoecuplcd.with tho

nby problem tmd debts , were ;ln, intcrjcctcd :by speaUera. A

-.-Jiig demand for currency sta- bllizatloa was diM manifest. - . A.Bcnsatlon ran , through :the conforencc'hail , when thd . Amer­ican'dolcgatlon failed to appear at today's session. . Tho only ' pianatlon.'.was that Hull was vising hls apcech. which will , be delivered tomorrow.

d'dqwn-.thq youUi's'faco i

' .'various';. accUonii'■‘[ot: Atio '.' ccub^., 'having .'.bc«n • chosoa .'bn ? a 'popiiia-.

'boarded .tho.’roralar^ai26i.b'olook: • passcager train." . i

V ■ HcroAto^siiportttiJ'tti'flr'wiidlog •• ;■ /ot,',tha^TOca-'t«ay.5'wMi:I.t.-;Lyan

-Jiiifideaignated -v,Mllliird;!DawsoniJa^oJajtosofritJio.

conllaAimt,’ 'liiid'v.lMwiWa-yff'lturn

T p d a y ' S ’; G , ; ^ e s ;

liliw^ York,-.li00^WMlAy5^Boatan'‘.'j..:...-:001030 2 0 » ^ 11/. ;2


.ciivbtoadV[Detroit’ h::____ . -...... . .. . . ,'-•.Btttterlcflv.'inildcbrafid-cuid'fPyt- laKi/.’Bridgw/ttflU'l^ot^^^^ • -'I

ou ls___. — QOl 000- i|

1 1 1

onpn ttumV Battcft^: . McDonald'-and ;Shba!, Wyatt,* Gmy^ aniKJrubo. 1 ‘ jj

I Mi:., ;';ThQiias;.Md>ScwViNA'nONAt udAbuB ’ ■,

Now;Ydrk-i;000 020^30-^ 0,. 0,'-. B6stoaV;-.;.'.-J<'..0Ol,lQ0 lOOr-r.3 ^'Battorjos:‘:iiB«tia.KTihdi:;H(>gan)|

•• ;oop,;oo4<.

Moriya gray beard will waggle exclledly In tHcao parOi before lonff.And raony, a-venerable forefinger , will ocratch cfiually vencVable

brows — pueUercd'in thought,'-.otf maybo wrlnklcd.'ln consteroaUon. •'. Veterans of the checkerboard; in ‘oUiec. words, will batUoat out in Twin Falls,uoon for tho,Cheek-

.J Underpiansannounced ■_________ _____

&' tluslveiyjto, tho '4'. Evening Times

today, enthusi- asU o f- tho checkered board will s t a r t .a

................. wholesale hciglrn .from' Buhl,',Burley, Jerome,- Fncr:and other, towns .In this re-’ gWil lto' do battle hero, on-succca- • VSundays bfginnlng-July

,LONDON,'Juno 13 (in*J—Rcpre- laeatatlves of throe m ajor.,world 'powers,,one smaller-naUon and a .British - dominion.-ouUlncd their

srbtary cSf.;StaU

conferencb which

l-.V S6orbtary. «.:Stato'. CkirdeU -Hull,

out.'o*plonatl6a',!-lt.>i?a«;Bnnouncpd He' biad ivttlvod hlsiValunblo' open- ing time to Premier Edouard Dala- dicr of Franco.; From then on, tho ,- (Contlnued;,jbj Pogo.’Sovpn)' •

sHilil liiiBis

|Lcv Hits, Maii,ona^' on;Po^ent«;.'K obinson


'. 'WASHINGTONi Juno'13 .(URI-ii Debate on’ the-inJeeUoa o ftho war'.debt',queaUon'into tho L6a- ■don ,economic’,cbnforbncb broke I'out-.ln tho'Sonato'today wlth Sen­ator:' Lewis,-:- Deni, ;Ilt,'. chorging thatr■ It;-Jut' the .United; States In tho ' posiUon; of■.‘wsJklng,'out oaUi6-co9fo'rcnco.,6r,bolnffitrappcd.!','• Senator-;Rdhinaon,.--Rep.,; .Ind, sald;;:“ln'. view.’of^the ptlmo„mln- Istcr’a spccch It seems i to: mO'thatour;<lolegal*8ymlght as-virbH.--- 'homo. r-.,,'C-Both,Lewis,-Rnd-'Robihaon .,havo'

re'pMt^;rcrltici o'f.-nomlc cohfomco ond have oharig- cd that iti'uridbrlylrig'purpbsbwos d:.''sotti6mcnt'-;of,..'tho iwof;'debts question '

';B6th’strosa6d''tho.pbihtr;that tho•Unltsd-'atdtbs'-dclegates......... ' 'powor-Xoydt^cuss.'dcbts: I the :s''povi?«.'ft'tO'V tovisa* - tL_ Uos..wh6lly>wlth''C6iigross:-M'.'Wo^haveirptatea.thatithbhi/WiU bo. no '.N ^ ibn ,'-w..:oancoliatlon''-.6f d0b&;}rR0bln8bg-,B0ld.';:;','Ali^that .0 6^p^csident.^u6 ;■•tb>'BuBmlt•.• Is tHdt'-:thoroSls:A6'-:iBTOund.f6r;--dl8; cussloni

Mcb; to;.th'ird^qu?StI6'a>at'rL.w, bponlng.-',btI.the(A^cwifMoaco'.-,but mBdi^t';cIeftr.^,;r9Ja'orks.;Svorft ■Jnsplwl by.:thls?UawtpeQtc<l^-‘ opmeat ..x U -

- ^ h e y 4 l 7 ^ a ; g g l e — B e a i ' d s -

I n G H e c k e r o u r n a m e n t

Ana .Vftora'nB \Vill-ScrntcU'i'Mnny « W.irrk'd Brow in

, ' ■ Quc^it.fo'r'SoiUlieni Idnlio t IHo

eelvo 1

thclf p ro went, Organization of a Southern Ida-

Che ■

BILL 10 lORE .

.OEPmONEYSPasBago Ex^^cctcd^^o Hasten

Efforta to Adjourn



lenf^o .....taUvely b e in g conuidcrcd to- day, but until Its formoUon,

entries In the-toumey wore belnffj recclvcJ .by Pat Daly and Merrill Ayres, Twin Fails.: ' ' '

‘'Pmctlce"-aoBsionn .for tho checker athletes who want to.get back IntQ shape are to'be held for tho next three Sundays unilcr direction of* Daly ami Ayres.

■Tlicre aren’t any fees.-And parllclpanlii needn't sport

|h flowing.heard. •

; Roosevelt . M ay Bring Prcssuro

Against E ffo rt to Halt

, , Veteran Onta

, WASHINGTON, Juno 13 HU!]— {Enactment of tho Ginns bank iiiii Including-provision, for Insumnco

B rita in Decides to

lilake DeM

bid» : on:;

iTreosury - Begins, on Projeeta!

•to ;Provldo ;8,00b,000‘

, W itli. Employment

13''(JI,I5 ___ already.-Ir "

__.worlcs ' progt-ani 'dealgacd 'to.crcdto Jobs fbc'moro thafi 3,000,-; ooomen.- - / , , i ;;.Tho. trcasu[y,' It was Earned to­

day, has called for bids;,on nearly a dozcn-projecia without waiting for*, final-passaifc of. , Uio public works- bUl by Cobgrcss or appro- prlatlon of-, tho neconaary funds. Tho bill la-,expcctcd.to bo enacted within & day or two.-

“ ■ ■ projccta. In-000,000,. havo bceh-docided

Partial Slim May Be Offered oh June ...Installment

LONDON, juno . ja (U,i:i-^han- cellor of.. the ICxcliuquer 'NuvlJIc 'Cluimberlaln. In hia war debt .speech before tho Itouso of Com­mons tonight, will announce tbsJ tho. cabinet has decided upon at least-a .partial payment'-of. thb 570,030.000 war. debt annuity due

I'Thursday, to the',United States, U»o rUnltbd- Press learned: from well-informed British and’ Amc'ri- : coj^u'rcoi^'today.'-.t '■'-Wfifclho-r " t£o’ .payment. - woulii represent, ^wi'proxlmately JO ■ per:

contrary to all other, reports tho United Preas wVis assured tho cab­inet, had' decided bgalnst .default.

Bends' Urgent Not4S •This •development was • made

known shortly after the. British dispatched an urgent I

amounting' to .'$100,000,1 would bo opened to bidd

All now. building projocts'<vero halted'when the Itoosovclt'admin­istration camo into power, and all eonstrucUon funds .wort i diverted to Mr.'-BoosovoU's reforesUtlen program.,- Blds'for new'construc­tion were being, called for in an- ticlpdUon, pf -swUt appropriatlot ,of-tho;hugOsaow.fuad. ,^',-• - , , ’Blds Wili Inoreoso, ::'Advcrllsliig;fbr; bids «f otlier! ■Jobs;was.cxpcctcd' ,to.. Increase' hitcudlly'.-from tho:currentIrato :of -about,two a day. : - -,. v• •; Officials' working r under - Gci al'Hugh S.. J6hnsoo; .on'plans .putUng.'Cia effect thc ladust regulotibn ..bill, whlch'-Is .tied', in: closely/wlUi tho-.piibllo -works' pro-,

8pMt,.'on-i'proJcQts. of,. ;this actor would.:, vo ;omptoymei



B EH H lffli


Atidn"bf-- laM:-for;:regu'-

— banlT deposits abii piuoiiifiu of three other major pIcccs oc legis- laUon wore agreed u|)on today by IDembcratlc corigrcs lonal Icndifni !ttS they developed Uiclr fllmlogy to force speedy adjournment ■ of Congress. ,

Tho HouBo rosponcltd to tho ad­ministration call by paaslng tho Glaso bill,‘marking n victory for Democratic le.ader« In tho first stop o f . thb early adjournment program. .Tho vote wos JOl to 0.

Chairman Harrison of the. Sen­ate flaanco committee who was In chargc Of tho pending Indun- try-control-public works program revealed. ,tlie plan. He exprcs.'icd confldenco tiiat. PrcalJent' Roose­velt would compel Congress to abandon plans , to prevent'reduc­tions In veterans' compensation decided upon by tho admlalatni- tlon.' , Jfuy Adjourn Tonight Vlt may be possible -to adjourn

tonight," Hatrlsoa told tho Ualt- ed Press.' . ,I .-Tho’ in d u s tr y . control-public Iworks . b i l l , tho.- W. CO.OOO.r'"'

Both British and American of­ficials told the United Frcsa that tho . British declsloa not to de­fault woulii'Imimrt. fresh stimi lus to tho world .economic -coh-

Ifercace.■itaUvciy stated

that, Chamberlain,. Walter Bund- man..president, of thp, board of

, trade,' -and a group-:ia the: cabinet llhat favored' default,.-..would ;not reslga-dcspito.Uns victory of Mao- Donald,-'r'Staaley ^Baldwin., .Lord urbsldent of the council,-'aad-;8thor mbmboM. of tho .cubluBt: favcrlng paymwjt ■.

■ a'V'token':-payment‘ la controvert Is'qcpectT

whether thb 'movq: reallys. default.

Merci^.- Today Goes To 98; begrces :HeVe

SbuUierh' Idaho blistered'today, under ';tho hlghcst tcmpcrature^ot tho'scasoni, tho mcrcury,-'golng -.tO|

Indications attbat.tlmo pointfii to' a ..deollnlng :m?reury.';..,Clouds;itor ■day:<sWbldod'-Bomo'. of, ther^sun's ibrlght'-'rays.-'but: not,' cnough^vto !provoDt‘th8- i roverbloi.= eaiutr |on. th<i 8lwe_t)6r “Ia.ltrI»t\ej,_ _ ,

t^ ^ t iy o r lty - o f ip tw

President. Urges" v;



Ellziibelli llniiiof Klllolt K<m*m.......

nr llid'l'rivildriit, liiin iigrecdl wlUi her hiutliund to fllo a Rlmul-j

ineoun roiiiiter.KuIt whni lin lutkHj dlv6rir« III llvno »lx weelw from


S S IShips Look Wings and PlungCi.

During Mook ■ Attack

on Troops' . . . ■[

BOISE. Idaiio,. Jiino 13 OU’t,---', Tragedy stalked tho Idaho.Natloa- al Guard cncampmcai at Boisa> - thla momlhg as LlouL Gcor; Hallct.and Ucut. Whitney .<

...r> two ileutcnaaU were pilot- .' ,lng Douglas oJacrvnUoa pUmen. Ifrom tho Spokane army olr Jjase,, IdlrecUng artillery flro of thp Ida-' ;ho National Guard.-

Tho accldcnt occurred . o'n ■ tho. Whitney Bench about., two .mllei» . BouUi of BoLw ehorUy after 8 o'clock. Motorized battalions.. oC ; tho H8th Field Artillery wore coa- vcrglng on.tho Bcnch and tbo two planes nppronchcd'from tho south, Bimulatlng ah air attack. .

.Skimmed Tree*Flying In close


I Council .Decides' to Await Add.

cd Information Before Ask-

.in g for Federal Money '

. formation, Utb pllota skimmed tho- top of tho '.

' treca a bare 100 foet above tho - ground, trying to mako tho attaclt. as sudden as~Sosslble. Oca bat-, lalion of the ortlllery.wos already, ,

tho Bcnch,-a few yards souUii ' the New Vork irrlgaUon'caaal..;

Tho other-batlalion was opproach-;' Ing frotit the north, hiddon_bytho' trees and. embankment . of tho txmch; .

When the planes .flew over, men In the-first battalion scattered to tako cover. It was then that tho - ilanes secerned to converge, wings :

!fourth deficiency bUl and tho.in-,

a ' S n S * . y . ' ° v S f f i S»orc ,thfl other-inba- iem<?Mntfc;-pr<igTOJn..

_____ ____ ofiiBgaiast udjoumiment'witiiout somovklnd'of-banlci deposlt'insurahco rcsulted^ln rush-' 'ing.tho Glasa bill into law. '

(Oontinueo on Pago Two)

planes sclocking. . . .I Mrs. Phillon Robinson,.resident,- , on a farm over whlch-tho plaaea,-

:8e“tuSi'^out‘*'T^ta‘for ip p r ,o x im a tc ly - J230,0M ' ' • .WinifB-,. -/..x-..-


CLEAR ITDHELLOoansel Makes Final Stand'in.

Banker’s Trial for Tax,


Mayor Duncan McD. Johnston suggested tlint tiie matter be de­layed.' and It was explained that

NEW YORif, .June 13 (lU'l— Trial ot' Charles-E. Mitchell en­tered llH final phases today when dcfentfe counsel opened a dctcr- , mined, effort to clear tho former | banker of. chargcs of evading ?850,000 In income taxes..---Joseph P. Read, brother of Mrs. Charles B.-Mitchell, suffering, a ■severo. heart .atUck. was unable to Ksiimo'hU .tcsUmony in de­fense .of Mitchell bnd- in his ab- 'senco ’.Harry ■ F. 'Mayer, a vlco president: of .-.the NaUonai'City company, was calloi.

'.ChockbdJFiind- . .. .' : Mayer, testified .that iato In 1020 .-ho.--checked‘Vover,:aiio Jsutus: of :lhB .company'il! RlanasemcnL. fund.


tbey.wero not to bo paid bttck..In- formatlon' now. Is that tho federal government will approve public worm projects on hlghwoys on a 100 per cent finance basis., as an imployment measure.

. Meet Thursday Council rccessed to meet Thurs­

day night, following fourth- publl- caUon on Wednemlay of Uie city's 1033 budget, to tako final acUon on tho 1D33-34 appropriation bill.,

Two .ordinances 'Wero paMcd.l 10 specifying that dogs'over til

months of ago must bo licensed,' mates requiring a f6o of S3, ahd females JS. payable May I'ofyear, and ' tho 'other raUlng __monthly fee for. pool-tables from

J $1.

$668,000.07 thb’;prbvleus JuljC-aml' decided that. tbd ^participants in tJio-5-.fuiid,-niiilit''consider.'..tholr shorts aa''ovoiiia^enta." ' - ■ '.Aftbt'.'-'coBBiUtlag,'/;HartT; W. Forbe's.-'fthe': baiik'S-'ottotaoy,' b'e drew up'ft form;bf',;a?celpt'’, to bo;

,tb;:the compaiiy.:for;;tl,b:nmomit8:: they had drawn ^ S

ing that amoko and fumes coaati-i tue a nuisance. Thb .matter waa referred to • the city attorney., iGeorge M. Paulson, That, official

-iported on a petition previously ibmllted to tho council,'-signed

by a liirgo number . of,: bualncss firms iCnd employees, asking that stores bo clo.-wd at 6 o'clock under] terms of an ordinance.- It was also

' tlidt certain' days '

HILER’S NAZIS/•i.VlENNA, :'Junb -13 ..(UTJ-rCom- lplotb';supprcBslon:'of: tho^Aust^ lT)ranch,of-Adolf.Hitler’s' Nail,pa^, 'ty'vwas pi^lcted ..today-Bs' police occupied;- .Na*i,;;..headquartcM

; (ContInu<^'oh Pago.Two),


O lilT O B liSets O u t Provisions' with- Eo; -

spoot to Mcotin'j^' and-;,

- . ■ -Payments',: ■

An opinion regarding tho courior , ‘ to be pursued.by.-.'tho':board o£. county-commlsilohcrs In tho mat- : , ter of .raeotlngs.and.aliownacojpe;:' bills In conformity'-with thQ,aot-

• by the iBBt-Bcssion of.th'or uro designating Twln^FallJi.- : -',

______ cond class county, hsis'beeoj iv:given by 0.'W.'-Withara.:proiccut-i..: . mg attorney,',for-' tho guidance; of- tho commlssleners aiid'tha;coun^,;.-, . auditor. ' '-

Accordlng';to staUmcnt bf tho:,.;. •, . attomoy tho. county)board is.au- \'• irized to,meet quarterly'for tho

- bUlB. 8od'on other o o - ' ;M of bUls. and on other oi

berB:of the'boatd, after tho clcrlc of tio.boahi'hSfl ^von:noUce'flva^-,,; . days .In advanbo ,Sjr -noUfyinff, tto.t t^- m o m b tr nnd-'by.-posUng'.la -. • ; .,-v, i .Ihroo'piaces in'lh'6 county.-v.‘.,v. '. No , official ••.-business -'.■.can--;;'l».:

itransactcd'by-lho bbard on oeca-- iI slonn: other

S^moSod'oliUliiea.^ia^tW'b^lWvV,^ ■ot:Witham. If tho board canaito,- ,

Umo. to Ume;<tho' notification.- ;— *';


iife i

Page Two ' to'AHO EVESTNg’TP1T:5.' TOTN' FAI.T g. Wttinl''


"T w »— Programs Planned in|

Twin Foils for National


Flag tlay tomorrow wlll-bo ob*- nerved In Twin, Vails Jiy .nt lcn«t

IwM programB. imd by Ui'o Uccom- Hon of Twin Fulls bualncHB ntrccls wIUi flncB.

'N e w s i n B r i r f

Ito.ulern <>( tli« r.vcmlni; TlnUn nrA Itivllol -tn coiilrllmie brief

1IICWN llriiiH tu lliln Il(parlni«nt <>(

L»r Vi 'sb’

DocU Prom >!li](llc«vc!itMrs. Ttico Duorlg. and her s Orrvia Duorli;, have rolurned (rom mulor trip to the mlilillowcsl.

Itriiiriin fnlm Cnilforiiliv Jtrn.MlnnlqMorKnn returned yea- Icrdny friim’n vlnlt to her <IhiikIi. ter. llr». B, S. Cnmpbi'U. In IJxcter, CalUamlii.

o'clcicU event on Iho court houfto Iftwn, In chargo or t ie local Hoy Scout orgnnlzatlon, It la imnounccU today by W. B, Nixon, cluilrman ot tho committee tn chargc.

All Bcouta nad Bcoutcra. bielud- Ing cub scoutn und tho general public' oro. Invitedto tho event, which will bo reaturetl by a *lnK- rnlalng ceremony and by a 10- mlnuto nddrcs by Fmnk L. Sic-

' phon. Twin FoUs lawyer, and for­mer attomey-Ecneral. , t Tho othtP event will bo o tea tq,,

b« given In tho aftcmoon.between' 2 and IS'O’cIoeJt'at Legion Memor­ial hall, and iB being arranged by commltteea frotn local women's aunillarlca to patriotic organlza-

Ooca Tu Mo-Hcuw , „| Mina Jenny Wien W.illcr ....

ThP.day will boopened with a 7 Lg.„,,i„y ivi.pr,- uh,-

win attend tho imlvurlnty until ITall. when nho ex|)cctn to return to Maroa .north oC Filer


l*nrentJt n( Dnuglilcr Mr. and Mrs, Harry A. Hanly,

Twin Palls, arc tho parents ot a daughter bom Monday. June 12, at Wood’B Private Sanitarium, TS2 Second avenuu euat

Student Ileturiin MlAS Irene Parrott, daughter of

Dr. a«id Mrs. n. A. Parrott, baa relumed to her hpme from Moo-

whcro she completed hen men year.

charKo, and the.purpose of tho tea, U U ' cDCourago acqualnlancc among *"5 varloua

^'iP'women eligible to member-! nhlp in tho various.auKlllarlea arol Invited.

Goes to Tenehers CollegeAtfrnl Rlcchera, son of J!r. and

Mrff. J. C. Rlechcra of Holllatcr, will leave Wednesduy morning for Greeley, Colorado, whero ho will attend Bummcr hcIiooI at tho r~’- rado suite Teacher's collegt.

together wltij the - committccwo- men from’ cacli ara: Spanish Amcr* Ittan auxiliary— Mra. Frank Smltii. Mr&'C. F. McNeely; War Mothera —Mrs. O. F. atrobeck; Ladles of, tho G. A. R.—Mrs. J. U Taye. Mrs.- Bert Carlson, Mrs. Joseph Blako;' American Legion Auxiliary—Mrs. nay D, Agetand Mrs. Harry Be- nolt-

Membera of tho D. A. R. and ot tho auxiliary to tho Dlaabled American Vctcnms ‘ ' elal gucsta.

Each of tbc sponflorlnc groups huB'takcn rcaponslblUtx for a IS- mlnuto pi

|Uack from HehuolJoo HelnHch. son of Mr. and

[Mrs. C. A. Heinrich, returned Monday to spend IHo Bummer ' 'the homo of his parenU on B .-Lakes Boulevard. He has eompl cd hla sophomore year at tho U 'verally of ilLsaourl.

College Leiulor Hero Houaton Trollnger, president of|

, tho student bo<ly at the University lof Idaho,, aoutliem branch. Poca- kIlo.,haB returned home. Mr. Tro­llnger went to tho Gato City Mon- day by auto tho bring his — here for tho summer.



IfiTERESI CUT;Bcck8- Agrcemont-on—Froscn

Short Term Foreign

CrodiU ,,

LONDON. Juno 13 (lU!) —.Ger­many today opened a campaign

further rcduellonn In the In- •Hi raU'B on her "frozen" short n foreign crcilits covered no-called atawl«tl|l ngreemonl.

The credits are ouCltliruHriirt-rUlC [amount of about J3.000.000,000.

i’rcBsurc waa brought at i emergency meeting ot tho “Btand- ailll" committee ai Martins bank Tho meeting originally was sched­uled for July 7.'

Althoufilv tiie •■atandaUll' credlto •0 not Included. In tho •morator-

■_ra, on foreign debt, service rc- eonlly declared by tho releh la bo cffecUve July 1. II wan obvious Germany waa uslng'tnal procla­mation as a club over her .credit­or's heada In demanding further curtailment of Interest chargca.

Two Officers Dead In Crash at Boise(Contlnuod from Pago One)

moment thcco appeared to be only glganUo plane. Then the wing from one the cnift and tiiey

FInod for Illegal Fiahlng Albert 13. Huff. Twin Falls, ucsacd a fine of 525 when ho

iileaded guUly to a mlsdeimeanor charge In probate court here yes- terdby. Tho complaint was filed by Grover C. Davis, game warden. Huff was accused of having fished at Salmon dam without a license.

(Continued from Pago Ono> picked Howard Ward and William Graham' aa .aides.'’

' : While awaiting ' transportation • from herb today the l»ya bad to "rustle their lunch"' Mr. Finch

.'Bald'this'.afternoon, but the wol- ;faro'oife^laxllcin took carb dt'tbc

. • ■>‘ounff mtn'o'fooH rc^ulhi.mchlA foi lator la^tho day'by', preparlns and paclting- 40 luachca to^bo de-, voured tonight on route to Uolse.

Four of the group of, 60 arb al­ready In Boise„they being in Bilm- mer' camp with the.. natloniU

‘ guard.' When* the camp Is <Ha- . missed tho four will Join tho for­

est army. They aro: Davlu Pipes, Sebastian KoWcs, Twin Falls; und Wlllfam V. Joycc clnd Floyd Pro- bOBCO, Buhl. ]

HERE’S LISTTha list of conservation army

workera.wlio cntmlnod'trom Twlnl Falls county for Boise today tol-| lows: . '• • TWltf Falls-M. F. Adams. Rol- lina Anderson, 'Cliarlea Conrad, Harry Briggs, Herman Benson, Homer Boren, Eugeno Barrickman,

• Harry Mooro, David Pipes, Ervan apcflccr, Howard 0. Ward. Roger Campbcil. George Crawford, Jo-

.Mph Wheeling, Leonard H. Dlaas, ICennotli Drury. •Millard A. Daw-

.! soni Gerald F. Denny. Gcorgo Erb- land, Jr.. William Graham. .Thos. McRllI, Leland Hardin, Sebastian Kohles. Frederick Loudon, . Lloyd

. McConley.Hansen—Jesiio' IlcynoUls. . .-

bum U Banks; Don Tilley. War- ren'T. Staley. Sidney Oinnlncliam,

• David . Adamaon, Lcit.er Heinbold, Marlon Jtothershed.

. . Filer—Dean S. Caller, Hyly Bru- met, Harold J. Mooro.-,■ Buhl—William V. Joyce, Mayne Hplker. Claud ICeun. Arllo Mastcra. J. aien Joluuuien. Alfred Schenk, William A. CltJichall*. Huwiel H. Brandon. Lauren W. Shrlver. By

- ron it . Olson, Darol Womak, Gor­don Merrill.- Harry.M. Campbell,


School Board in Snuilon ■ Members of the board of .truB- tees of Independent district No. 1 mot last evening and transacted routine business. On ticeount ot tho absenco of two members of tho board, •contract for tho opera- Uon ot one of,five motor Buses for transportatloa of pupils next! • - i' was ^siponcd.'- . _

Hemo From Coast •- Mr. and Mra. J; HownuxI £ accompaaled by the iattor's and her husbimd, Mr. and Mra. Fred Small, Santa Monica, Cali­fornia, arrived this morning by auto from the coast. - Mr. ijpccr, 'proprietor of the coffee shop 'whleh bears his name; went to Calltoralu about 'Uirco weeks' ago.

Ito South AmorlciiMr. and Mrs. Lynn C. Beau­

champ,-who have spent this ter hero at the' home of the mer-H parents, Mr; and Mra. J. C.- Beauchamp, are retunilng this week to South America where they formerly resided. -They will go to Brazil, whero Mr. Beau- champ'has.been In tho employ the tlcclrlc Bond & Share co pany. ______

Fined for Ulegnl I’onscsslon John iXclabaclt, 21. plcndcd

guilty to Illegal possession charges before Guy T. Swope, JuBllco of the pcace. hero' yesterday, and was scnunced to pay a flno-of 5100 and costs, or to serve a term

10 county Jail at tho day. The chargea w ,

.......,1 by Sheriff K. F. Prater,whn salrl tho nibn Jtad been dla-

AZANA IK rOWEIl MADRID. Juno, 13 (ttl’i—Man-

. iiol Asanu, atrongcst politician of , Iho jupubllo, wasTnatallcd ln pow-

; cr again today, having demon- , ntrnted'Uo was tho only ruiii able

to form a. cabinet, ' "




cd Informatfoa Before Aak-.

Ing for Federal Monoy '

Bon ruled that this would bo i

crest of the bench, and crashed aboul 75 yards opart.

Lleuleounts Ilallet nnd Close iwcro Instantly killed, crushcd in "le wreckage.

Norris Jensen, an employee tho Robinson fam). waa one. of flrBt to reach tlie scene ot the . cUlent.- Both men. he said, w.ero battered beyond recognlUon. Of­ficers and men of tho artillery battalions reached tho -crash in time to prevent Iho planes from

*’”'So*wreclt was the end of tho flral attempt to use planes in artil­lery work In Iho Idaho guard en­campment Tho planes arrived In Bolso from Felts field. Spokane, IcarryUig four men; Captains Rob- lert W. Owen nnd Claude Owen, in I addition t6 the two lloutenants.' Tho two captains had remained at the airport while tho attack on tho nrtlllery was being made. Later tho planes were to return :for them' and the four officers were to direct practice fire,of tho ; battalions.. Colonel F. C Hummel, comman­der of tlic national guard camp, imniedlatcly appointed a boanl ot Inquiry to investigate tho Occi­dent Col. S. Hays. LUut Col.

- - - - - Hailey,and first

Lieut, b ; E. Fisher were members of tho board. ' '

Tho ships woro^No. 30,413. and 30.41-i,of tho obscivaUon squad-

■' ■• Captain • Claude • Owen, on

the men wlio'camo with planes from Spokane, called tho Sppkano-field Immediately after tho accident Major It. G. Brccnc,

regular army officer attachedthe llflUi-ObMrvaUon ........-

roA of tho. WnshlngloQ nat guard 08 an liisUuclor,. left for Bolflo-lmmedlately. Ho waa expect­ed to .nrrlvo shortly afUr 11 o'cJoclt. .

Two observation planes were also to-Jcavo Spokane forjBolse. the capUiln Bulil. Whether or not tho' plimes were coming merely to plcK' op. tho two. captains to’continue with tho guard m: euvera at Bolac, 'Captain Owen did not itnow. Ho cxpccted, how­ever, that, tho work' In Boise would continue.' >

Lieutenant Hallet waa married, Captalii Owen said, but had no family. He waa on employe of tho stale highway , department-. of Washington. Lieutenant Clo^e had been associated wlUi his falh-- la tho operation of a iheat mar­ket In Bpokano. Both men were considered' wonderful flyers and had been fiylng for several,years. Hallet, before being employed by tho highway department, had been flying commercially since 1022 i f o r e s l ........................ ..

--- valu^-at'-m6ro'than-?1U.*

JQB-K.SATSf. , 'Love Is a necessity,to cvw*

-body’a • - life.. -«ie troublo. J« , tliough. • .that’ so many, more

a Just around ;tho-,comec .

'.AT-JOE-K’S-'-' ;

Glass Banking: B ill Passago]

Expcctod to Hasten


(Continued.from rage One) Also pending are oeverul rc

jluUons to modify President Roorc- Ivelt's.plpn to aavo 525,000,000 by

•organizing govemment depart­ments.

Object to CulA Principal objection was made tc

ireduetlon of federal aid to ataU ngrlcultuml colleges and to a pro­posal that - •

Harrison expressed tho opinion that It probably would-be oary for President nooseiveto tho independent offices---protect'hla economy program. But Democratic loaders \Vere cortaln they had tfio votes to sustain'a|

' in Uio next fiscal year tiiai icrans" approprlatloa for this;

year. » ' '■Such a -resolution'would pro­

vide Jlr. Itoo-ievclt with almost*1.000,000,000 for tho • vfterans.But he would have, aa well, tho authority of the economy act en­abling him to reduce veterans compensation lo any level desired.'

SENATE AGREFit * WASHINGTON. Juno 13 (lli!l—

Tho Senate today accepted tho confercnco report on tho long pending Glass-Stcagall biynhl: bill providing for the Inaurance bank deposlU and sent the me . Burb to President Roosevelt for signature.

Mercury -Climbs to New. High at Boise!

BOISE, Idaho, Juno ,13 lUJ!) —'new seasonal mark waa reached

in Bolso yesterday when the ther­mometer slipped gllghtly nbovo-it4 dogrecB. • » .. .

In Pocatello.-temperatures lioy- crcd around 00 degreoa'to reconl 'tho warmest, day of tho year there.

Agriculturists reported that tho ,-arm weather haa nomewhat Im­proved. their . crop, which iiad n-cn fliawed by u cold spring.

.jigh tempertiturca wlll -''c«nl today, weather forecasta 'said.

LAW UNCON8TITUTIONAI.BOISE. Ida., Juno 13 .mi’.l—Un-

conalltutlonallty oC tho new law I providing thnt.vlllage truiftces be; taxpayers today was declared by ttio attorney goneral'B officc.

---- ... .Qtlgn olialloffice

holding, the. attorney gencrafo of- flco'aa school .lions.’

No properly qualltlca 0 required for'- voting -•ding, the.ottomey gencrafo of-

raald. excepUng la Instances of ool districts 'Und dlatricl dec-


« M E W «

Uic'erdTnnjico requiring tiiat d a^ .

luenta bo^frM. from Bang*a dlncnse. 'she argued Ihat lWa rcii. ted In .dairymen having to suffer losa by,destrucUon ot therds., and ex­pressed'tho belief that such loss iahould bo bomo by. tho slate. W- iBtead of by tho Individual dafry- 'man.:Tho city attorney, oald pjcro already waa a bIaTo law tovorlag llila. • ■ -i- ■

N<i action- Virna taken by the council and Mayor Johnson-said the-, milk ordinance, which waa drawn In conformity wlth.apcclfl-., tatloas of tho U. S. publlo hcaith acrvlce,. was now governing , tlio i«lluatlon In tho case of »omo ten jmllllon populaUon. Ho oald, loca dairymen had expressed approval 'of tho ordinance, whlcli would Icomo effecUvo in July and tliaj. Ichanges in any of its'provisions '----to.<»ntcmpJatJon.

CASCADE. Ida., Juno 13 IIIHI— Police today continued their ihvcs- llgatlin Into the mysterious'deolh'l

Wilson "Shorty" Benson,' *' dhojie ijody was found BU3pci\ded /in a nittcr miapeadea from an W- lated Salmon river district cabln.j

Charles Walker, , commercial] pilot, brouglf tho l ^ y to Ca/ itonduy. He %vns sent to the,.— In by a brother ot tho dead youth,] Robert Benson, who told Walker he feared Wilson waa : suffering from spotted fever. It wos.boljov-. ed the,younger Benson had l>cca dead one week..'

Lamb's- Combbl, ■Cortiedy. Toiniiid Jerry Cartooni Tmvcltallc,

NOTE: AU.ta'Fun, and Wo

Never Itaiso Our'l’r|ceat


i Seventeen stales. -- , penaiona and: such .bllls. aro bctoro four. other ,.sUte. leg is la tp^

Tune.in the Greater




penning home brew at u Kimberly.

Lciivo For Undo Uuiich •■ Claude Ellle.ipe.'manager, of the] Rocky Mountain Club. Idaho dude] ranch, who has been In town qualntlng various buslneai i with dotiilla aboul Uio club, lefttoday - .accompanied by Harold Bunna. Miss Maxino, Smith, Miss Helversan. and Mrs.,Mary Emery, in compimy wltlv #everal ; Boise nnd Idaho . Falla girls, will leave for. tho club tho latter part ' this week.

' Dr. Itoyengor. Tbs Foot 8| U t Room 8, over rbaney “■ Adv.' .........

FO R SALE-■ 15 New and Used

ELECTRIC RANGES! priced ks low as $ 1 5 .0 0 each. WIU trade for coal rangca;* . Sco US before you buy.

25 New and Used >

COAL RANGES ;'^ pricoifto snU'as b w a a $1 0 .0 0 . ■

I -Wo have ft fdw ve6^ ico boxes left that wo. wo closing out >'a t 10 per. cont .diBcount for cash

Phone .

M O O S E S, P h o n e

.......... ..............................................

Com)? a n d f u r n it u r e s t o r e

ro v r

t patrols and for tho lilnmer

Squadron d cast In id:

LIcutenaL___ ,.ot age nnd Lieutenant Closo 3

Men’s clothing Industry la the accond largest In Now .York; womon’a garment,'lndUBlry, ranks flraf.



'Dental Gold, ,rJacor'

deld and Itl\-cr Gold.' Do not

;Burrendor your'gold'until you

' gel our prlcca

• D. W . HEN D E Iok ,

' jrowolor':.



. ;• Gentlemen .v

25c• ladles’ Free •,





■ iPhm ios 'O ap tu roT ^

■ NEW YQR{{.-Jtiac-13-[.UEj= , Tiie 'flounilorlrig Brooklyn Dwlgera

iWero ilown In Bcvcnlh pl_acc In the___ Maiionttl. League ■ standing, again

tCKln'y after .ilropplng 'n 7 to 4 decision. to,.ti«-talI:«>a PhUllen, enabling tfio idlc.'Ubaloii Uravcjg to tnko oyer nlxtli'pdolUon. ''. Oiycri Corrollf who Jman't. fin-

' l8hc<l • a carno ..for Iho , Dodgcri • nlncc May 16.'waa.thc .vJcUm ora

. Philadelphia: oltacK- that.- netlcxl' • ■ flix runa b«foro Uic'foUvin frame

wtu cbmplStcd.',■■■ Colw.Losn.,............

With MwJ0cer.D0nl0>Hu8h.backon Clnclnriatl’fl;, tench,' after.,-i> monlh’a; lIliicM, .me.’noOa downed Chicago. 0 to.G;. thorn’s triple, with-

. ctl and two'but featured the Beds' (lecldlng.foiir run rally In the sev­enth; Bdbi-Smlth held the Cuba to eight liltii,- while Malonq — ' Bush yielded 13. -

' , ■ They were the only National ICBBUogamca.played.;.;;'. ■ 'I,

Only ona gam»--------- —

..........................booatlne • •' the .,ild|c„‘^hl|odplplllu Athletics Into .third, .poolt,lon/Bnieo Camphell . wpn:.'lho.£aniewith a homor in llie eighth, drlv- Ini;'In a'runner ahead of. hlni. .

Davis Defeats Ohio • iBoxer in. 1,0 Rounds.TORRE HAUTB, 'Igd-i ^unb-13

aUU—Jackie'. Davis,"H I •poiinda.• aeveland, capturetl a fleclslon .vic­tory In lO .rouniJa hero laat nluht irom Roy Mitchell, m , Contralla. III. Other-^Uttitfl',Included: Bud Creed,~IOO, Lima; O., defeated• Clyde PIfer, 100, Areola,-111., (0); Pat Murphy. H i; Danville, Jll., knocked out Oconro Vency, 141, South Bend, Ind.

Clover People Go :■ On Nebraske .yjlW y

, cL0VEn,'JuBe-i3--.tfPMiaWr?;:r ‘ Mr, and Mri. tdmund tnncD.iina,-:. J i l id r children Loretta. • Eilcla, Md

' -*«.Thur«lay.f(lrVB9H ■b.,^hpro.-tlwy ,j»ui:'.vJ5tt ;

several wcoka with Mra. Ulrlob'^ pnrenlJi and attend u family « • .

t union. , ' ■Lutheran church plontc at Bd«» ■■

liiat Bufidoy wiifl attohded by A l­bert Llcrmun. P. Matthleson, Pr* . hurQt Ucrmitn. Frod Lut*,-..ond., Uiclr fumilles, " ■ " ‘

cl ilta. W.- f ; poehlho xujd, „ BdufttoTof'Concor-"'

— Seward, arrived .............. 11 Seward lout week.

I Mr. and Mrs, Fred LuU oro ■iloavhiK Thursday for Salt.Loko. • • CUV. where they will vlBlffrlcndii ;

for BL’Vcral days. • ■ - .,Mr. and Mrs. -Idea-.and ••

dniiKhUT, EmB, of Byron.. Neb., liounfl guenUi at the homo-of

-II. Kiirnc^t Relnkc.

UPIOMKUINDAcorns Havo OI)anco-tp Lowcr|

. Stnrs.from.Firat PJaco

bn' Ooast .

I t W a s a H a y z m r e W e e k ^

B u t S c r ib e - G r in s A t I t

By United rrcsii ' 't George .Grilniham, Reds — Tripled with-baiieJ! loaded and two out In seventh to win B»n>6.\ Bruco Campbell,- Browna —

■ Won' gatoQ by driving out hpm- .- cr In eighth wlth-mate aboard.

Arizrtendi Defeats • ■io' FeaChefweight King> SAN FRANCISCO,' June • 13 .dlPl

—Freddie MIlIiri.N.^B.-; A. feolh- erWelRht ; champf0n,.rdr9ppcd-.- a ,

•, non-tlUa decision,bout. laot .night to .Baby'Arlamcndi; .of;-,LM vAn- Kclci.‘ oUi#ra.'oa:.thd--card were; Harry^Thomas/.SOa,'Lob. Angeles.

■ spalD,'i Mat-'Choi-llo-Hernandez,. 140, ;aaB.;^nclaco,.(4). • -

Barrymore Nine Is • In Lead at Jerome

JEROMB,"Juno la=(Spcclol)-• Btandliiga.' In, the -Jerome buflh• I o a ^ .to..dat«.;ioUow

- Bariymaro --- 0 -PJeasant.Ptalna ...... 4 ,■ CaziyonBldo •.—

•, stocI^ardB' . 1-4Married Men'...—..... 2 ..Appleton •.

.T h e L e a d e r s

. Leading Hlttera:-.Simmons.. V|ilte Sox...

-.Chapman, Yankeea ....'Schulte. Senators -..-i..

Home Runs:Ruth. YankeesFoxx. AtlileUca ---------- ---'achrig. Y a n k e e s : 1 3 |

. Bci'ger.'Bravea --

I Country Club-Reds ■ Capture Golf Play-.- Twin-Fails CQun^ club •Reda.'

, with 10 points, ouUeoped Canyon -'Chat, :8. oiid‘ 3erom6;’.3;!.herc.;ln.• Intercity.-golf.:matches tover,. the

o r c t .

CosgrW. -Corrjco ond SwciBloy ahot .:BCoroa, of.,74.-_" ......... -

Burley GoIfers Wm I! In Intercity W t 4

33 - --- -•■Burloy'.’.tumod^fbaek,.^.,-

c; payidMn

Oa k la n d ; June is (W l—The .Oakland Acorns, original lender.-) of this year'a.Coaat league race, barred the path of the Hollywood alara today,. seeking to widen their lend In first'pluce.

■Barring an unexpected alump. le stars should ..Improve their

Btatua at the expense of Oukhind, lolling along in nlxth. place.

Sacramcnto's position wn.i less ^rnislng. The Senators, crowd-

_ g Hollywood’s hc81s, arc incut- Ing Missions wllb unseated Port­land from leadership laat weelc • Portland hoped to recoup Its fortunes today os It launched a serlt^’ ngalnat the Angela at Los, •AnKclea. ' -. F o r th e second . time in two weeks, tlie cellar position was at stake wllb San FranelsCo and Se­attle-shifting the scene of hostlli- tlcH to the Seals home field. S.nn Franclscq_was holding the lowly spot by a two-gti'mc margin.' No games .wens played yc.iter- day, as thO'ttams- were traveling;

^ t^d in ($ 5.. • . NATIONAL LEAOUE


like Mrs. Ailliem's boy, Abou Ben. you liiid Ii7:un awakened from a deep dreiim cif ptuee Inst.Wcdnen- day night li> find iin iingol sitting on the liuuci uf your bed, and that ii'ngcl. with a kno>ving look In' 111* eycH liud imld, "IJrotlier. If you're «m«rt you'll pluy Baer

' whiit would you ' have

It would you have , for I................

....18 34 .340

Wo mean whi done Thursday, tulnty you'd havu spent the nialndor of Wednesday niglit jsqOarely in the middle uf a caS' [Of galloping Jillera and promislni

hove dc us.

Rob Bliby’s i ' Would you have robbed, baby's , bank, cleaned out the sugar Jjo'vl, looked behind tlie clock on t ' - mantloplkce and then lammcit for the t!omer bookmakers, there to 'plu'y tho Angelic visitor’a Ups? Or would,you; like us, have sold that angel had his nerve waking you -up scaring you' out -of six ycava'groivth with a batch of oof- ty-goofty . aclectlona ., that . had noltndr niyir»6--noif'rtfi?on?>.'.-’',.;.r

•Pertohiuiy. ' wo' would,, have shown' the-angel , the.- .door, or wKhtever. It la that angels' use. in leaving In a huk-ry. F6r last Wed­nesday Baer, Goodman and ‘Hurry Off seometl nlMiit as’sound an. In- vcstnient as Jhsull. Kreuger andGoldman-sachB,' -c.

Sounded. Impowtlhlo.Baer, a hitter and nothing else,

wua up agnlnst a. feilow who (or wc thought) • Cbuld not only hit hard as hc-'could, but could

: onswer moat of tho other ques- I tiona.a guy gcl3;asked In a ring. 'I f tlie-angel haa eaia "Baer by a

ducliilun" wu nililhl lmv<- hulened lo liliii. Uut UiiuV by u UnucUout sounded not only ullly but lin- pos-sible.

Goodman, lu.'il Thurmliiy, np- pearoU even a worse gamble than Hiier; the 20 to 1 oddii on the Omaha, kid were gencroiiii. There lie was, a' 24-ycar.olil kUl without

too much cxpurlenco, faced Lhe touglicat gultinit field hi world, and, 72 nieiin, ornery

hole.s, under a binding aun, to go. Hut, If Goodman wemed n long- shot than Baer, tHen Hurry

tf, lhe black son of Hnate by Blue Gru.s.1, wan a »IIU longer shot than Goodman. Here's how long q shot he was. Lest Wednesday ufleinoun (just a few hours be­fore our angel plclicd him) Hurry. Off could havu been claimed for' $4,000. In other wordp,- Owner Jo­seph Wldener thought so much of Hurry' Offs Belmont chances ho gave tlie world' a clmncc to buy him for what tho boya in our act call four .grand.

.Tips Be Hanged!You can. Just ImoRine Jiow the

'lihllermon, , those, fltiarp.-ihor*--' who make a'JIvlng claiming lies and tben 'runalngilhem back- In tlie.stttlics 'In wlimh..^!' ullglble, - felt 'wlien’ Hurij->2/ banged , down in front^.to :nnffl}y Uitf ?4iJ.<00-'pursi‘.v"But-i>tth6y’<l liavo beeli^aps to take UjcMgcVs Up; for form.:not.tlp9,'^a -ttWonly way to'plclt n winner,',ax)u,-Hurry Off had taken' thc dust: of such beetlca as the.End and ;Sugar Pea in enrller rnccK. )• .. L-.'. So. with u- nmllo on '.flur faces

and . our chdaUi out; il?t-a-forget last wcek./plittlng it wldo as sev­en days'- that went July^vlrc, and conltniia';to play farm. from, the beaches: to the prl7.« ring.- And tliiit rcmhida us-Sharkey looks 111* a-Shoo-In over thin Camera thing. .

Who aavn wo can t take ill

Hansen C hurch i Has Celebration]

dr.w rli'liVor..Dl.slrltt aii|)rrint(.n.lc.iil ' .JletiuiillHl i;|)li!cci>:il i-hiit (be fdllowi-.l by ii l>;i:ilt.'l ill the nfli'piiHtn Hr I’.irk ain'iilc. Tht: [iiirpiw.- (.1 lion Ing Uiiy In lu crliOmilv ii voriuiry uf Itu- ili'iUi'ulluii church, which' occiin eil ■ Invitiiliiins

1! wh.> t lli:ilser.vlci!

nded the Haiiiieii church In ; irly years. Next Sumliiy, .lime

will 1« V.mng Pvopu-'H day. Rev. F. K. Klnlcy Imfi nslK'd Ihnl all young pw>jile In the amiimm- ity be prc.Hi'Ut.

Mrs, Evans was clceted Junior vice president nml Mrs. i'ntnk Trunkey reerived the office of pa-, trloUc in.Htruetor for. the Idului ludk*il of lhe G. A. It. at the slate IfconvcnUon at Emnielt. They have returned home, with Mm. M, A. Hoblnson. Mrs. Mike Goodmon. nnd Mrs, E. Cailey, who ulleiided the convention also,

Mrs. L, J. Prior was honored with n,birthday piU'ty Frltlay <ve- 'nlng.at her home by her sons und daughters. ' . . . ,' I :^trsi.,.CIara •C.'uhoron. who has

visiting her -si.ltcr,

iWasbmgton ., Philadelphia-. Chicago Cloveland. .v... Dotrolt St; Louia Boston:'.....-.;..

; ^ u p e r J & o l f e i ^ .

Dempsey Gonfers'jOn Baer-SharHey Bout

r.< .ORANOEBURO,vN,':5r.ilJ^9-?» (Ulil-^^acK-■ Dempsey., and ■.Jotoay,

JJBcK,.w— .............r, . .. .

a y r s - if is 's s a i i :

champlopg con(}ltioo j

snosnoNB w fts

... „

) I Browning Gets Wm • Over “Jumping Joe”NEW YORK.-'Juno. 13 (llE).—

Jim -Browning of Verona, Mo.i re- ;.|talneU. hla claims, io;;the'.vroriu ); heavyjs-eight, wrcstilnp champion­

ship last-night ,by winning n closis decision over ■-■JunJplng-aocv Sa-

.voldl,'- former.-Notre -Daroo:-grid star- after 1 houc CS mlsuUa and- S ac'conds of--grappling' before' .0,000 fans at Yankoo. aUdium; .-V,

Browning.. rccognUcd , at . title, jlder- In'New- .York- state,; np-

...wrcd tho-rrcsher ,:and. had. piled, lup more.polntfl when their schsd-' lu l^ flrilslijhntch'waa-halted'bo-

- -tho-.-ll.'o'ciock-.-eurfew

Bnton, Retains V His •World Championship;-.LONDO».^auno :13 .lUK-r^rackie,


[V.-WilliamB. If -.....—.0 1E. -Williams, s s ...........C. 2Ostcrhout, cf .......;...... 0 . 2Anaerson. c ........-.... -5Hamilton.- 2b ...........;...0. 1W.-.Willlama, lb ..........(J J "lBort*.'3b .............fHansen.'.p. .....—....... R' i

• ■Willlaihs.i rf 0WlUlaifiB. r f ....-..-..2 , 1

IBrown'bf England last’ Djght fc* I tiiln«U ;:hU::.<jlqlm« v t«.. theworld lfly^elgbt>:?cboiriplQhfllUp .by :,wln--

.. 18? -round. •dpclBldn - -over Arigolmariti -‘of iVahco ■ at ;Btadlum!^vBrown;'.-who Is

Church Membership 7 Sets Record Mark

iviflpWf iXORK,S! June; ia'-niEI Church rocmberihlp In Amcriea In-

..........todfy.'-'-'rv-;V'.-*-JB. )ptiW,Ienllon-;T-dtoi

raplto, c(^ntrlbuUonB lastycar woroj ^ r e i S o u T ' w ^ - v r i U i , * 2 2 . 6 2 ^ t t o I

y ji FolJrtK'fleorglft-.Dtot»Ict fTO'maoiS

. V. ^ t ; V


HAZHLTON— ' Summera,-- 3b ........Dunn; 2b -u.......—Loacc, If Kelly.

...DO-10 10


42 1 11bv Inning*! .......

- .041.422120-tlC lO:' .210100 003-^3.11 j


HansenTliunidoy evening with Mr. nnd Mrs. E. C. Montgomei-y at their

iQ on the North side. All I aro rcquesicu to be pi

... important business wl tronsacted,. An afternoon tea sponsored hy ;ho ladles of the O. A. U. will be leid . at tiiu ciiurcn Weuneacmy. riic public is cordiauy mvited to attend.

Miss Leone Walker has relumed •oin Pocatello, whcro she has at- nueu tne southern branch of tin

'nlveraiiy of Idaho.


• By Uidlcd Press SenatorDebates conferencQ ' report

natlonal-.rccoveiy bill. • . . .Bonking nulKominlttec considcra

pruceaure for continuing-'banklni; InvcaUgallon.

Hoa-jo:; , , i Acts on confcrencc report

Giiss'bonKing bill.

GatcS'Imposes Fine yOn Buhl FishermaniBUHL. June 13 (Special)—C. O.

Davis, has been fined S25 here by Justlcp -J. C^ Gatea for exceeding ho.-;bag -limit vThO'- offenso' ommllted r Salmoil'Uam.


TO TAXPAYERSiReal estate taxes musti bo paid bejFore the

fourth Monda in June (June 26) to

avoidipayraent. of; penalty and interest

0jti:«cc0nd half. If not paid that timie

mterestr.will ,-date fj January 1, 1933.

'.YENSaiib County

BR.©NZEILfJL " ( a G Ix W l / 1

■ w k o Z a dcu-i -tju k a C a cc^-^

-uukd-t a. CJff

T h e a s t o u n d i n g t x u th - o t t h e x e a l

d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n C o n o c o B r o n z e . ; .

a n d o t h e r g a s o l i n e s h a s m a d e p e o p l e , . .

t h i n U o f Its i n t r o d u G t i o n a s t h e b e g i n n i n g ; ■ ,

o f a n e w d a y !

F r o m , e v e r y s i d e , -we h e a r e n t h u s i a s t i c

r e c o g n i t i o n o f C o n o c o B r o n z e c l a im s o f

i n s t a n t s t a r t i n g , l i g h t n i n g p i c k - u p , i m ­

p r o v e d a n t i - k n o c k , e x t e n d e d m i l e a g e

a n d g r e a t p o w e r .

A . m o d e r n a c h i e v e m e n t — k e y e d t o h i g h ■

p e r f o r f n a n c e - ^ e v e r y t i m e — e v e r y w h e r e ! ■ . . . -

: T r y . a t a n k f u l l t o d a y . A t t h e S i g n o f t h e .

: H e d T r i a n g l e .


, , . - p E A - e B ^ - T H E - O R J E i

. I t is evident ;that Japan's triumph in Manchuria and jiorth China is about.to be cemented more oi less permanently in a Sino-Japanese treaty; and whatever may be said in criticism of tlie treaty, it ■vi l at least be a welcoine thing in one respect,— it ’.will bring to an end an “unofficial” ljut singularlj bloody jand expensive war. .

Early reports indicate that the treaty will strength' eri the foundations of the pui>pet stale of Manchou- kuo, that ,China■^vill permanently lose the i)rovince

. of Jehol, that Japan’s prestige in the far east w ill bff greatly increased and that the nile of the “war lor&” in: north China will be ended." This much could have been predicted months ago.

In Bome respects the treaty is reassuring. Jai)an ap-■ parently has no desire to tiy to dismember Clima

properl Her new influence in Manchoukuo and Jehol may eventually turn out to be a stabilizing and civil­

iz in g force badly needed in those iinivinces.

WOMEN DRIVERS .■ The old'argument about whethev jiien or. women are better automobile'drivers gets a new fillip 'in

.figures compiled recently by the National Safety council. These figures ^eem to give the women a

-gbod.talking point; for they show that while one out of every 21 mile drivera is sooner or later involved,

' in a crashj only.one in every 86 women drivei-s comes to grief.‘ A ll of this probably’won’t settle the argument. It •will go on, probably, as long as we continue to drive care, . 'The petulant male has a -way of remembering

'every odd b it of piloting he has ever seen a woman commit on the highway; and no matter how many statistics you feed him, he will always have a way of saying “Those women drivers!” that, will reflect

; his own unconquerable feeling of superiority.

' THE CLOSING CONGRESS ■Completion of the work of the congress, the most;

momentous peace time session in American His­tory, constitutes an amazing record of accomplish-

■ ment under- the direction of President Roosevelt•,'A'Bummary of the session reveals it has enacted

• the fdllowingimpprtant legislation: , ,,Banking—^Emergency, legislation enacted March

9, during the national bank holiday.. Unemployment—Reforestation bill, providing for

. 250,000 jobs signed March 13. A 'b ill for'develop­ment of the Tennessee valley and Muscle Shoals signed in mid-May. Unemployment relief grants of

. $500,000,000 were authorized in: the Wagner, Act. A $3,300,000,000 public works program is provided in the national recovery act.

Farm relief— An admittedly experiment farm re- ief act was signed May ,12. I t gives the secretary f, agriculture .wide 1)0^13 to imjirove the status

ef'farmer^ ' . ■ '^In fla tion— Attached as a rider to the fann relief Sctj the'inflatiori provisions open the way for credit expansion, revaluation of the dollar at the‘discretion b fthe president', a new money issue and acceptance pf silver for war debt payments. The powers are dis­cretionary with the president, fc/Economy— The :president, given unprecedented power 'to reorganize government departments, • de­creed economies ,pf $400,000,000 in veterans’ bene- !fita’ The cuts were.'reduced later when congress ex­perienced a change of heart and voted increased appropriations to veterans. The dispute was com- proihised in. last -'mihute conferences.^^Prohibition— Beer and wine of 3.2 alcoholic con­

tent; ,wi2re. legalized. Physicians prescription privi­leges'were broadened., ,• M ortage relief—Farm mortgage relief was pro­vided in,the fai*m“ relief.act. City dwellers were, pro­vided for in the home mortgage act.. '.Securities control-A bill to ])rotect investoi-s agwhfit fraudulent promotion schemes was enacted. r .;,Kailrbads^A bill to appoint a federal rail co­ordinator, and suspend anti-tmst laws was enacted

'irii'the interest of the railroad economy and eai-hingpb'wer.:'-'-'.'''! • ....... ■

;-;,v’.,Ta>cation— The gasoline-electricity b i l l ' provided foKcohtiriuation of thes^ emergency levies, for an-

J6ther'year..'v ;. Gold— The “gold clause repeal’ - resolution approv-

,*ed::,by congress'followed up the administration's ; abandonment of the gold sUindai'd. It provided for ^pajraent, of public and private obligations in legal tender- other than gold.,,•vl.'The^congress has proved t h a t ,it can produce action,-^ohce it h ^ leadership. Perhaps the'most im- pQrtant:historicai;result;’of the session \vill be that

i^iiiturel'bodies Avill be jlidged in comparison Avith 'ithis'-.briel'jr-'-'-v-

Congress believes, as- does the President and the vAinerican people,, that it'has not only set a new ;;recprdffpr accomplishment, "but also a splendid • re-

constructive legislation • w h ichw ill be rc' m-increased prosperity, happiness and se-

tivo about tills assured man ol

'Jlo'a tliQ Bort nho i;«t« what ho waotii. nlu-ays," tliousIiL tho Klrl nlirowdlr. U must bo w<rn-

8 to BO DbouC wllli a man lat, to to pcttcil, lakCD caro

..j If you wore o TftluaWo ploco of porcclahi.

T70R Ibo firot tliiio Blnco hor <Jo- riilon to -«o with MiH Coroy

..... liilton form, Mo'nnld wss ‘cally kIuO.

"Mnybo 1 can frco mysolf from ihlfl obnc/iBloii about nan."

Kow CO ON wrrii Tiin stoiiy CIUPTliR ix x i l

AS Miss AnBllco said aflorward, Arthur MacUonilb. .>jho' Ti-ae

tho lall tiitfn of tho tboBtcr otJvoD' tiiro. wna "Buch a porfcct koqIIO' man." MIbh Anailco had licon r hit (Ilulurbntl after obo and Mon­ica had arrlrod at Iho liotol to rciillio tlioy bni] driven neroas town "wllh B jiorfoct BtraoEor." And Buch torrJblo tblnRS Uop- jionod lu New Yorltl But It bad bui'ii tho rulti and tho worry of KutlliiB her plum-colored wrap i>l.olloU wlilcb had plunfioil Ml<a AuBtlco Into this darlnc.

Ami. aftur all. nolhlns had liap- jioncd. Mr. MadkoMle. flulotly nBiiurod, hi..! tnia tlio chnulTour to drop tbom at tho Splcnilobllt ao tuko Jilm on to a plac* thi naundoil to Monica llko -rbo Flre- ny." Sho had rcaU only lliat ( liUir; in llw nownpiiPLT of a ,j iilnht cUiU of Hint luimo.

Oluvcrly. dfittly Mr. Maelcoi had elldlcc] from Mias AiikIIco fact tbcy. wcro iiaillim on tho n row. llo had, nmllinirly wlnbcd tbom a pleasant voyaRo. . Monica, alltlnK domurely in one corner ot tho liURo car, had cauRbt n flash In tho man's dark eyca Avhcn Mlirs Anotico iiiontloned Ibo. in

-tho boat. Thoir Unit trip. .. bow dellRhKull He vrliihcd ho nilBhl havo tho—or—tho pleasurfi of obowInR MiBB Corby nnd MIsa O'Daro hla favorite ba' 'I’arla. They v^uld Ioto I paid. In a quiet, anaurc tbat neomod to brook no contra­diction.

Tho car nlld under tho drlp- pliiB awnluB of Iho SpKindobllt nnc) Mr. Mackcntio forestalled tbo action of Ibo cbaudour in helping tho ladloB to allEht. A tall, im- poBlnc nguro in his ElcamlBG hlncli nnil whlto, bo nlood.th’~~ 19ut it had been n real picas bo wao nasurlnc them. Ho ,uaa been charjned. lie cuto Monica's nllm clovcd band a quick pres* auro. nilur flnccra tluBiod ntter- ward.'. "Have you Kot all your thlngo iri order?" Mins Anotico was ncr- vouu.- Tlioy would bAvo to bo tip, 'oarly, ahe told Monica. Ooo oC her pci borrora vas tho thought of .mloalnir & train or a boat ■" shan't eloop a wink." obo pro-

' pheslod. ‘Uut later Monolo board her deep nnd quiot hreatbinE as iiho borselt lay wldo-eyod. lUton- inc to tho rftia on tho windowo.

Tho dlty lay bclow-tboi........only partially somnolont bcaat. Tbo bum of traftlc, o t. taxlcaba GklddlnB alonB tbo.Bleamlng pavo- mohta, tho haaty ocrccch of brakco reacbod bor cara.' Wby.hnd oho liked. Arthur Mackonxlo quickly,

-on BlEbt aha vondoredT Was,It bocauBo lio -reminded hei CbarlcaT llo wasn't tho least bit •llko blui, really., Wby. lio bo .40! .But bo waa.nlco. Thcro Avas aomoihluc doDnltely nitrac-

soft murmur of laucbtei 1. sroupl-lMnckonilo.lQok-Uonfca'j.. arm and sbo could not rCBcol tho- scsture, BO'Impcraonal It naa. lie

illod down at ber. rf ■."** ' "Let'd cot out ot tbla crowd,

shall wot Wbero Is MUa Coroyt" Monnlo oxplalnod, cooscloua ot

lioiElitciiod color and oC a qulpk-.. onod pulso." Tlio man mado an talk eaally nnd ■woll. Ills manwns psrfect. • Ab, obo mUDt__this—and Ibatt .Woro they'to lo ­in London for tonsi Ilia Blstor. Lady do Cassan, was down In Sun-

and’ tbat -- "

been days when nhe was certain Bbo had conqucrcd tho wild, u KOTornablo ancuiah. But thon . ebancQ look, n word, a quoted lino ot verse, would'sot tbo old pain to throbblnB nRaln. Woil, sbo would put halt a world hetweei tbcm niid -perhaps tlm t would boip.

Thoy had an early brcaktan and worOoady ft full bour.hofor' tbo tlmo appolntoil. tholr bac: atrapped and waltinc.

Tbo clork says be'a aondlni aomo mall,*' Mias Angtlco nn

. meed, turninB away from' tbc telephone. Uonnlo's bcsrt savo n wild loap. A lottor—tho lone* awaited letter ni)r:ht bo amons Iheml Dut tlioro was only a bon voyago noto from Kay and an­other from Cbarioa Euolaco.'Sho bad to throtllo tier dleappolnt- mont. Sbo bad been- lioplni agalDst bopo tbat. Dab' mlgb sond hor oiio llttla lino to taki wJUi hor lo »ll Lbuio> «trau£o plucea.

■'Any noWBt" Miss, Anatlco looked -up from her chcckhook.

"No'Jiowal" Monnlo omiloU .-ftllflutly to UIdo lho huTt..-._,

Sho stood on tho dcck n litllo lator, walchlnc lato comcrs board LhOBhlp. MiBsAnatleovraalub' :ahln but oho bad sent Monli jut “lo soo'tho uxcltoDfint.'' iillm w»n<l ot a Birl In a coat Ot humor's green, bor amhsr o: Btarry ahovo Iho collar ot d< brown (ur, oho drew many oj Portera alrugglcd with trunka tho dock, loisurcly nea with brief c*Bca strolled aboard. Thero was ono bridal party, youtbtul nnd dlstingulahed, dreased wltb' caro* leas oleganci!. maklbg farowollD. Sho Rin bad n long, palo, nrla.to- eratlc face. Sho.was wrapped aus­terely in black caracul topped by a lot ot allver fox. Monnlo .could hear hor alow drowl.

"My dear, wo'll aco yon In DlarritE next montii. Don't look

Itonnlo—IhoRo drinks last

' "Vou’llboal Corey aaldt" probcnalvo.


Ai tlio comcuiDiuoway ontranco they again bncoontorod the girl in tho blnek fura, nIODO. Negll- Ri'iitly slio said.'glvinc; Mackonxlo n half-nioon of a smllo, "Nlco to uco you, Arthur."

ilQ healtatod. "Miss O’Daro, Mr*. I'anoway."

Ncnrly 1000 traeUd lo Uio•Sunday to. seo the ball bu....... -tween Rupert and IV in Falls. Aft­er the, gumo thero .waa .r- ‘---plalnlns by tho apcctntora . . . . recelvlnR.tholr money’s,worth.Tlio -nggrngotlon—froro—Jtupert.bna ft rop’u tt t t ld n that' would rcach; arouml the diamond,nnd there wsa enouKb to warrant , tbo nrUelo of ball to be deilvcretl. The reaultwas on'8 to 0 Bcoro lii favoe of, Twin' Falls. The llneupa were: uupert-r Burke, SwarRcn, Barbcrm, Fritr, Slaelc, Rowe,.IUoman, Dunn mid C. Rowe; ’Twin Falls-^Booth, Robert-

, Shephard, Smith,-HoyoJi. Holo-

..mohow, Monnlo tboiiebt, tbla girl didn't' ll't tho picture ot tho happy bride.’ Sbo looked cool, disdainful, far from radiant.

"Good morning, MIsa O'Daro.”

I'hlo < oaten face, waaher Rood Samaritan o( ibo' nigbt before, Arthur Mackenilo. ‘ ‘i'

’Oh, how do youjdol, Ton'ro; Bcclni; somo ono .ottV

IIo abook hla bead, oajoyinc her nmaxc’mcnc. "No, I'm aaillnc. Discovered I had e omo ucRcni bUBlnosn tn Spain nnd thought:I might as well'make tbla boat. It'a my favorite." .. Tbo Bin in tUo Bllyor fox glanced tbelr way nnd Mackenzie bowed to her Ironlc&lly.Blanco Included Monica and sho aald eomelhins in n lovr tono her companlona.' Tbero was

iknowlodgedjtho io- troducllon shyly and tho tall

Bid lowod. Bivins bor an apprala- hig Rlaneo.wllh sometblns Inlmi-. cal Urblnd IL At that insiani little MtBs Corey’appeared-from,

vlioro’a t a high pitch ot ox-_

'Oh, Monica, my. dear, ihera are!" Miss Austlco’s com-

jioaure, meotlnc Mr. Mackonxle, a (lorfect. "Such a nlco sur- iic. Mr, Mackonzlo. I bad no s, Isat lilBbt— '• • ’ '‘Nor did 1-" ilia amootb tone.

aouDded recrotful. "It waa a xuddea thlnK. 1 waa juat^pliot- Ing Mlnu O'Daro around."..-',. Monnlo thought slio aaw a flash'

)t Dmuaoment-in tbo taU-8<rl'« imlln as' oho drlttod.awayl'-1.;!!...

"Soo you tomolimo, Xflbur,” tho Klrl'a voice noatod hack.-, •'tho. loan, bronsed young man who had been at her'sldo rojolncd her.'

'Is tliat Corinth Candell'-who Just married Harris Fancw'ayl" breathed Miss Coroy wbd always

d n il. tbo soeioty sections' ot newapapera.'Vea. I.ovoly. Jon't shoT Her

father’s my partner." c"Very pretty. Very pretty.”

Mtss Anatlco. ralaod tho-Iorgnetto jiho had been, training on Dolvo- ilora srfcloty for 20 years.' Pri­vately sho tbouEht that Monica wllb bor dollcalo, wild roao col­oring and'starry gaio'was much nioro dollghttul to look at but this Kaaeway , girl had Btylo.

"Ail aahoro." called tho uni-' formed man cominn toward them. "All aBbore," echoed tbo men bo low. . • , . I ■ •'

Tbero woro tho usual prolonged farcwolle. lldndkerchlefa waved trom tho dock. - All at.onco. with, n.clamor ot: bolls nnd n throb ot bnglnes, tho'creat ship began to

ijAi^tlio.'trlo watohed a mesaon- Eof Vo'y 'cnmo trotllDg down .tho •ramprv^rjnff yollow 'allp. • .:

,‘!Somo bf/;gar's missed.hla mea* Base,’' co'mmentod'n fat man bo- □!do Monplo. Sho Uatoned dream­ily to ibQ.barbor B0\inds. watch- Ins'the plees slip past. Sho waa

.00 bor way at laat to advonliiro. ,Tbo mesa'cuEor.boy an4 his tardy telegram meant .nolbtrtg to her. How, was obo to knoW’,that Dan bad aont hern wlro aftho hotel nnd that It'had,been forwarded lo tho boalT'

Dan had said. “Forglvo toollab letter. •Waltlog to hear^from you.LOTO."

<To llo Continued)

Y o u - M a y N o t

K n o w T h a t—

iJV l-AUL aiALLON 1VASH1NGT0N — Few people in oul-talk Mr. Roosevelt. Ho lo

hifl beat wiien ho mceta hla op- ponenta fnco to faec.'' The W’ay ho put over the .labor

in tho Railroad bill • public word

1 illustration

fighting mad. Iforo import- ,vero the objectlonB lodged l>y

IClmlrmnn, Sam Rayburn ' “iHuuao Committee nnd -- -Eiifltman wiio Is to administer the law. Rayburn could, havo killed tho bill. Ho inutlKUtcU n private mcetlnK"'vlth Uio I’rcsldcnt Ennt- -an waa present. They were lo •rsundfl Mr. Roonevclt that tlie

, _____things are aecomplished;.thVn' this gener-ic’and the. n e x t h a v e am ple .rea^n to'

ises^oh'sihd BcaBon noiv' causo



liliiiin Iiiis (.lift largc.st

<iis|>Iii<'Oil Ixmldi'r iii/f lin

.world, rt is Jociitcd.' fivo

•'mih'K I’liKl. of McOall.niiil. is

pvt-r •lot) feel •Tlierp

is a

-top.of llic liouklcr.' • ,,.x:tontrlbutcd by C. IC. Blabeo

.upldly wllh nameo of "jiiapecta. 'Anyone who is considered "unrc- llablo" In hla attltudo toward the

rcRlme cflh bo miro lo get spcclal attention from Gochrlng'fl G. P. U. Many American namca nre In Uila file, capeclaily news- puper publlshera nnd, edltoni.

A Nazl'deputy rcocntly made Bpcceh proclalmlQg that, tho par­ty would not rest 'AunUI ,the G.cr- nan flap floats in every fomer.of,Jic Relcii, on the royal; elmteau, at Poxnan.'nt.Kattowice. at Dan-xltj. ln the clUcq. of Alsace and L.ormlne. in Schleswig nnd In Aus- ria."SubstanUal German bualncM

--- viailinB New. York will teli'____ _ie aamo thing .quite gravely.It occasion,offers.

TS ' .lUtomobllo nalea. havo up nine wcelia stralRht wecit's gnln was, the

blBcest . . . Tho Juno fieuro may wnehij00,(}00 ;. .!ThQ:moat cx: pcnsivo'-makca^nro beglnnlnff to fccl.lt too . ... The Rock Island haa.no money to pay IntercBt on July 1st-. Tho R. F. C. won’t, help . . . The bankers may have to even if it burti]^J . .-Some of tliclr o^vn will get it In tho neck It they don’t , ' ■(Copyright, McCldro Newspaper



JEROME, Juno 13 (Special) — "Ruth ln< a Rush,” a ploy, waa preacrvlcd by. members of thol

•• -diat Epworlh League

I .behind tho scenea In WashUigton and Ncw..Y6rk—an Intimoto Insight Into tbo Inner workings ot polIUcs, .forivcnirig Times.Jtcadcra-every.,

day nnd:OTcry:whcre.


Fifteen mlnulca later they camo out of the coiifcrcnce plcdRcd.to Iho Rooaevelt plan. ,

When Rayburn had concluded the Pny.l<ient threw up hU hjinil.-i saying In effcct: "You fellows bet­ter-.get together. behind those

Ho Is a very capable man nnd did Ills Job Uioroughly, it somcwhut re- luctnntly.

Eastman was not n« iitrongly op-: poned lo-tho nmendmentfl iis Rn>^

fight ngolnat the bill. They may cooperolo-with the, ndmlnlstraOon nml then ngaln': Uiey may • not.Tliclr spokesmen wl • — “---proljably go nlong ----------only when it is to their advantngo to do no, '

Incrca«ed->trafflo Is alrcady.'on- Icournglng them to ceoso mourning 'about tho legialntlon.Xoodlngs'last week wero Ml,000 cars: That Is ob- toundlng;',-Usually .buslncHs .drops ott tho lant week In Ifdy on a sum- mcr’fl'‘lccllne..'nila; tlmeMt In­creased. Itfovoment of graln, lum- ber-and manufnclured-products Is inrgcly - responsible. ■ • Peopll) • -oro

they tear prices will bo higher lat- |

mntlcr W happy uio' rallroadB get,you may bo auro thoy, will not bond any Ucs to help tho program along.; ■,. Tlio proapecifl now potot lo soma mcasuro of ducccss for tho -pro­gram. but not very much, Ecoii- omleii .will be wrought but noUi- Ing.Ilke the.cconomlca Mr. Rooso- , vclt-liad in mlnd-.»U wcelts baclc,,|

PARTV ' ,Tho Roosevelts.Imve woh ' tho

Wnflhlngton press corps, \Tlio final touch was a prIvAtb

party for 400 newsmen and their wivcn at tho -Whllo Houac. It wan tho first time n press party ,hfid bccn hfcid b^ n Presldcnt._Tho iw o

[human tnlstnltes. Timt means tliey ’h^levo there ,wero only, about

~ rlrato loiiil tltnn

C.lOO ihlstukcfti Tho prh ot Senators indlcutod mi

Aaaistant Treusury S o o r o tur Douglan ond-J. O'Connor Roborti gcRfrul cotinsel ot tho Votorans'

it to.wear. Some b

Dy JAMES McMVj j Iin •-NEWYORIC—Tho Congression­al nivolt against'President Roose­velt haa pepped vip bis conBcrva- llvo New ;York, opponents no end. " - though tlia revolt Is chle'’"'...... 10 rtullcal oldo they «eo un iportunlty to drive a.wedge into party support which will split c<

^.tlvos away from him, ■ ••

lallconln. That in the'usual garb

they.^decldvd lhnt Ik a Deniocrallc ndmlnla black tics would bo In oniei'.

Tho 000 guests found Mr. Rooao-, volt lounging in a comer of- tho East.Room..He wore a linen^ult full ot wrinklea.'

When someone asked him abdiit It ho replied; "Tills la my tennis

Tho amooth.lnformttlRy ot tho party wna unmatched In Uieao' s u f...............ulnco the Andrew Jacic-,

There .was no rewlvingundlngs i n period.

him out for M r.. Roosevelt’s own quwtot.

sang somo songs. I t is compuacd :otthree newspapermen, and one ,of Uio secretaries. Tho tenor was tlio worst, but Mr. Roosl-vcit thought It noundc<l sweet after . recp; ‘ noUfta ho bos hyard from Cdngna , Mr.'.CooIldgo.servcd Ice vratcKi mepUons. .The Hoovcra.eorved t crcam.'Tho RooaevclU had eart wlches.alao. ........ v. ;

TWs. may souad like a social .ii

VETER^VNS ■\-Tho Inaldo on tbo.vetorans’. takes U not Imrd to anden They tried to do 0 months',In 80 dnj-s. They worked thi...„_ 01 regional offlcc*. Officials bn- Uevo cach oXUc« probably .nadQ —

Thoso who drew tho ri

high’ school abdllorlum'lost Fri­day evening. Proceeds will bo used for Institute purposes this sum­mer. Tho cast waa as. follows:, ;Mrs. Brownell, Wanda Ottoi Juliet' iRnymond. Lois, Kennedy: Ruth 'MacDonald Moore,. loin Cbugh- teiy; Susie, Gladys Flathers; Leonard Bruce,, Jack Snodgrass; Wayno A aho lc y , Bob Brtice; Dwight LamljfVt Lloyd. Halver­son;. Peggy Pltton, Qmco Horton; Gilbert Lansing, Richard Leo; Phllip . Grant.' Sam.. Otto;. Badk Sodoatrom, Margaret .Lee; Jean Mooro Foster, Ruth Sturgeon. .,

Senior Guild held a cake, bak­ing contest Friday evening in tbc p a r lo r s , of tho • Proabytorlan phurcli, with,Jeromo Milling tuid

___ liao not been translatedinto noUon. They spread tho w o ^ .

uuit- ho will not bo ablo 0 and

Iwlll'get lia involved In rulnoua 'flatlon.'

•Tlilfl'clomcnt’.haBn't. maijQ'many [coavcrts^yet.but they arc apuirlng

are ki constnnt-touch wiUi friends In Washington—lai Co,ngro8S .and, out—who. can -tao counted, on ,to, fan tho flamca.:Tbey know enough' to keep mum 80 far'aa Uio public Is'concemcd but'aro '’boring from within". In nuarticrs whero. thoy thlnk:lt,wlll do, the moat good/!: There la not quesUon of a stfihd- ord-bea^r yet Tho Immedlato-ob-', ieetivo la: simply to spread, the! Idea- that Mf. Roosevelt is getUngi lu up i'' n^mozo of \mpra -

n iA N C B ,. Tlic French are afraid, tlmt' tbo Britlah 'Jonn to .tbelr TrcaBury. will be exhausted.io'. two montha;ond , Uint.Froticfl'wUl bo unable to-meot. her: obligations ,to' England at; ran-. turily-'.Thla'wouId probably.'result ln!;int1atlon-rather. Uuu) default. Thero la-Bald:-to 'bo small'Tjopct- Umt ■■ financial .-whabllltatlon. .-can bo ..brought-about in .tlino..to^nvold

OEUJVIANY .'•Tho Index of-Uio now German i£of9t poUcQ,.}s:{xiuiss'

'Tho butcher won’t glvo us ony more crcdlL

Elevator compjiny,' ao JpoaSoro, in­troducing lliclr cakff i flour, ,Sno- Klat. In Uie'spongo division Mra. Charlea Trounsoa .reeelved flwt nnd -Mrs. Louise Lindsay .accond; in tho llglit'butter cnke division Mrfl. Anna Dudley first and Mrs. Ruth Soule second; In. Uio dark buttcr'dlvlalon Mrs. Florcnco NlmSi first and Ura. W. A. Austin.and Mra. L. R. Goodrich Ucd for sec­ond. Mrs. H.-B. SmlUi and Miss Valotta L'bcrrlson were judges. Saturday Uio, cakes were sold, and overyono buying ono received

bag ot Sno-Klst flour. •. _-jo Misses Sarah,'Eleanor,-and

Uarguerilte Frfceman.- daughters ot Mr. and Mra. H. J. Freeman, havo returned-homo,from Albion State Normal school for the sum­mer.'^Misses Sarah - and. Eleanor wero graduated , this sprlng:-.Mlss Morgucritlc will return next fall to comploto her course. - '-


KNULL. June''is (Special)-:- Mro., Minnie Bennet ,1s vlslUng ' wlUi her.'parents, • Mr. and ,Mrs. .-. Frank Johnson. . -, •

Mrs. Jeiinlo. Lowey -ftnd daugh- tcr, ot ‘Oriion, aro visiting Mrs.- •Lowey’s sister, Mra. D. Bcrryi ond Mrs. IT. Lincoln, r . - .

•Tho-Inst week of Blblo'.school ,cloflcd with o picnic., Sbcty wero enrolled at-that-Urae. It Ima been • in session'for two weeks. Miss , Hazel Holloway is Mpervlsor.. Word .has been received, from .' Rev. Albert: Beasley, of their safo , arrival In. Tennessee, and ion.lm-'. provemcnt.ln- his mother’s .b'collh.

Tliero wlll bo a buaincM.meet­ing at tho'Baptist 'chiirch' Sat* urdfiy, Juno'17.. Rev. Mt. Shanlta: '

; will-bo pccsenl. ..

•roang'HVESiya tbtf.?: T\xTyT.nxg. tocto •

dreaif through that Uicy tuid

■Trdasuro .Worth $5,000,000' Is

at'.^taka In- OolorM.,'

' ■ ‘ '.‘ So'a Feud .

'NbRFOLlC. 'Vo, tttfi) — A vivid noy<chDptoc.in tho hlato^.of marl*

' tlmo trcasuro tiunts In bolni; writ*• ten by .Iho prows of two weather* I

bcatea.Balvago. shlpn in the chop* I py Atlantic- waters off Capo! Chnrlo8.'Va.

Port of tSo^atlrnng Btory, too,: will flow from the 'fountaln pcna of official rcportcrn- In Norfolk courts, whCns-gtlMlctl leiulfirs of rival,'cxpcfUtl'inX' will flniah'.theli

. blttcf contcst-for- tho gllttcrlnf. 50,000.000 treasur6:;Jockc(l In the

• • sunlccnltncrMorida’ahuU.Captain H. L.,BowUoln nnd hlB

crcw on ^ho Salvor/isslnt that by ■ t il tho Ehoata brant wattr —,• they hove the flret rlchl tod----

tho trcaauro./CaplUln John,Hall, Gloucester flahcr^tin, ■ and Kliuw Evorta, nolcdiNorfoik Ulvcr. and tho crcw of six. on'their boat, tho Theresa and Dan, claim an. equal rlBht.toiMiiroh-fo-r tho bullion that has. been Uckod In tho alrong-room of tho Ucrlda'^lnce JOll.

•ScftDranm•' All tho dmma o f.: an • ............, yom,surrounds .'.the jycenfconnict .ot;tfca between-tho <wo nalvttglni' partles. Oh May llth'Captaln Hal. and Evarla Qlaiw. gavo up their atttmpt at aalvagc unO relumed lo Norfolk to'Inlfo legal, ntcps for re*

■ .nigh courta, They elnliuMJ luid bcen .prcvtnled from

vngaging In lawful salvage opera­tions ond fluffered a acvore finan­cial ioss — posalbly $&0,000'_ l>o-

' cause tho Sijlvor Oldn’ luivo sea- mannem.: •

I t dovclopcO.lbot 'Captain Hall ,iu3d Cvortu liod placed «lx unclii)rn over , tho place In lljo ncu.wliuro thoy. Judged tho nunlccn .trcuauni repoHcd, Tliclr ohip .wiui bobbing about In tho mlddlo or the circle. When the, Salvor crew sjlled up tho. Theresa' and. Dan group

, warned.tlicm ;to‘ /move off tho tnarkad'onchomgc. Captain Bow-

- doln'and'hia wen .refused 16 sail awoy; Thoy.' ciitiic-wjtliln tho. clr* cle, dropped, tholr . anchors, and proparcU to otay. . ;

•daptdln.Hall acnBda daifger. Hi Ruhunoncd the coaat guard ani.

, usUcd for protection. The Destroy- . cr Davb woa sent to’ the flcenc, but

waa-forbiddea'to toko action un­less 'actual fight took place be* •tween tho two c r e w s . ,... ' Cnplflln* Claah

. ; Ohe night passed; Nothing hap- pened. 'But on'tho second day tlic

• trawler: sejx Cull of tho Salvor . .oamo 'alongside tho .Theresa and ,. 'D&n. Captain' Bowdoln announced

that he woa.'coming.in to sweep awoy' tho anchors.- Ho.waa report* ed'to have thrown his cable ver

'. Ihd cable ot the- rivnl boaC pulled, .. ,tho Ship out-of position, cut Its:

onchor. cable, on'd coat Uio”BhIp; . .i^rlft- .. , '. MounUmd,-; Captain Hall,

'evifrU/had told Citptnin'Bowdoln .they -.wero- wlUlnp 'to work’, with - Iilm and shore, tho treasure.- Tho . latter had decllaed..S-n." -rt-A-..'. nr,.»

P>.P. loa

SMdiidlers Thrive-With Postak Frauds AUncle Sam Keeps Watchful Eye On Mail Rackets

• NBW-yOIUC:^Bondltry.-by-mo(l S'- almost as old aa' tho ponAl lervico Itself, Yet tho oomcthlnK* 'or-nothlng-boya continue to proa- icr with . (he . oanio old sehemes nuigih? from tho simple aalo of worthleoa merchohdlao to, tho BbU6ltatldn of; funds from; tho "hclra" of' nbn-cxlstcni •forlunca. All thla despite vlgllanco and m * lentleoa prMecuUon by postol ou* thorlUes. . ' .r’

Mcdlcal .nostrums and <iuack

___ to tlio American people of$170,000,000 a' year. Other kindn of goods, wortti n fifth to o tenth part of tho prices paid, take an almoat equal toU. As for tho more inCrlcato and costly ' dlrcct*by* maii swindling schemes, consider tliot the Drako Estate racket alono mulcted o 'relatively small

of Americana of at least

Captain Hall nnd hl8;chlof diver ' d lawyera,' claimed that

, ...id suffered 520,000 df----__i also :Lo<i rccolvcd "a‘ ;act-bock on their chanco at i

. to the'auDlcen-gold. A trl 8chcdulcd,'whlle tho Salvor in tho wattir...: . .■' Tho .1 Morido, .wlioso. huU la

led with silver bars, gold ii' ond precious.’Jewels, went

- oDwn onlTay 13, ID ll. whcnadark fofj swept tiic BOO.'There were 200

' 'posscngera on the boat, all,, of whom were fleeing with their for*

' tunea from tho Mo ■ ~ ■

-thSy*!.ond a

-• weighted .1 bullion,'on

arles vho had stormed Juarez Cruz 0 few days'before. The people ' ’ put their treasures In the st....„

•room. When .Uiey. reached. shore ' they would bo safo—and.rich.

AMDBROfllB DISCOVEUED .I CORVALLIS. Ore. IIU'I—A Cur- jloua, . dlsagTccably*smclllng." sub- .stance picked up .on--Ncskowin •Beach was foynd.to bo p'Uro'am* . borgrla of 'tho golden \typo when

d-hore at tho Oregon Stote ■ Ambergrf I,. Is scldor

The deportation from Engldnd ! Oscar Merrill Hartzell, one*

Umo lowo farmer'who claimed to be n dircet .deacondont of Sir Prancia Drako nnd on h e lr ^ that ancient mariner’s phantom SS,000- 000,000 estate. • actually hui brought scores of letters of bit*

>rotcat to'high U. S. govern*___ . officials from gullible, vlc-Uma who havo been contributing their savliiga to Hartzcll for the' pant ton y«am.,

, Big IlctiirnH Tiic mvlRdler had sent nppcnls

far and wide through the miildle wu.nt, osldng financial aid for lilii legul figlil to collect the uatntc, and promising InvestoiTi JtOOO for every dollar Invested. Through

cntii In Town, South Dakotu. ...Inncnota .and.. Tcxaa, Hnrtzeli managed to convince Ills contrlbu*' tors tjutt'u settlement always waii

' ent, requiring' only u few____ dnllnrn to oflHure iiuccea-i.Ono of hilt letters declurid-thathu had infdnncd. King Ccorgo of hi?i

rtss,-iind that tho Monarch's' us lllpcss a few yeors ago tho rcsult.'of worry about ao

I much . money being, taken from ■ iountry.

... and'"thon I'lT'cal-.. Crooks flUll try to collert fundi auo, in. the nanio of the “rlghUul owners." for an imaglnaiy $800,-000.000 fortune said to havo ,grown out of the gold, ruah of 'HO, and.'now . claimed . to bo in Federal. valuta. .Four men. were indlctcd lost' Septombcr forswlnd^ ling ICOO persona of $700,000 In, .V,-. rfiii— appllcoUons • for

old Spoiilsh land grants In California.

Another amazingly recurrent graft revealed by tho files of IJor-. ace. J- Donnelly, Solicitor of tho Post Office Dephrtment. lu the: "Spanish prisoner" gag. Tho, schemo was worked from Spain I for.nearly 60 years, but tho poor' old prisoner now seems to bo In- capjcrateUuIll; Mexico; . Ho

a. banlior..who 'Ijai______-.for bankruptcy while try-

.Ing. to flee hla country with a 'fortuno in .U, S. ci)rrcncy. ’and Igemfl In- sccrot compartment ;of

trunk,Thlfl trunk already Is safe

U. S. Customs) but the banker can’t get nt .lt unUl-he gets out |of Ja i l . . , ' , , .....................

Graiss Growing. on SKeep’s WooI Coatl

BRAINTREE, VL' (UP) — A live sheep with grass' growing on Its' back la a curiosity ot Fred Pllnfs form.on Bralntreo Hill. -.

ReccnUy Filnt'noted something Unusuul about: ,tho ‘ shcen^s wool and closer inspcctlort tf^vealed that tiny shoots of gross oproutlnfe.from it. - . • >

I t . seems that the'sheep got gross seed into its wool some­how and..wo sout'In tho roin;

1.Tho. sccd» took root and thrived until now-a coat of verdant grasa blankets.the animal's bdch

Reno Attorney Suggests Ubo

Of Carbon Monoxide

In Executions

RRNO, Nev. ilM'i—ICx.-cuUon by,! carbon monoxide: gan was iiukkohI

cMlny by Anthony M. 'niruno Reno iittofncy and Mliid’t-iit <if p.-n olngy.Navada'fl "p.ilnlc


tonj SS,000,006.000 wtatJ. WurIiib 7»u iiliuniiFii); fight on fruuduirnt HQlifiiUTH iH-iit’ mi BPjcinitliiK . Yrom your iiionoy U lliu Nullunul Ikttcr UubIih-hn Uuroaii, of w'liktli I-M»'»td I- <ir>'<-iiu (ujiIht rlglit) Ih'

j gmcru) miimiRcr.

m m m m

Tin Phn Alloy Sccma to Stick

to Lvgiibrious Themes,

• Rector Says

PHILADELPHIA titl!)—Modem oonga,ufo filled with a phllouophy of despair and fullllty. In tho opin­ion.ofDr-^scph F0rt-N<iwlb'n,.C0T rector'oj^® ^ tcs tan t Episcopal ChiircK of^ ''Jum rs .,

^'Wo'ro' In a social slump." lio said, “and'.there has been a.dim­ming down nf'thc sense of the worth of life. , • •

"Tho question • moat frcguently demanded by-youUv today la*a rea­son for iifei.d desire to iaiow. ‘what ft’s all abouf."

Dr. Nowton oj.....lecturing to.'collcgo students.

"RccenUy 1 heard Rudy .Vallee say'that four out of nine of .the popular • oonga toll, of wcafine.ts. lonellncas and futility," lie aald. "I

time chda—and it soon ends,’ and that Wrcwoltzlng In tlic wonder of why wo're here,’ and'‘that time hurrlca by.ond we ore hero, and gone'.'’ -

Dr. .Newton

- BERRIES BROUOUT SJ - ANDERSON. -Mo. Ittl?l---Thfl firat craU of early atpkwl grown hero brought $10 on 1 col' marl«ot.:Tho' .berries. turned over., to members of the Chomber of. Commerce-.for. ,a

Dogs Pay for Farm, Stock It for Owner

JACTOON. Mich., iU.ni-D!anca, „ snow while police dog. owned by Clyde E. Rcdlnger of Uila city, Ima reared enough puppies ■ the past nine years to buy und stock the 10-i»cro farm of her master. 1 • The'dog. In whose pcdigren the fftinoiiB Stronghuart oppcars three limes, was one of nine snow y,'!ilto

Texan Adds Gani^^d Rose to AssortmentFORT WORTH, Tfic.’ -CDP)-:

City Foresteif. Raymond'Morrison luis added conned rd'aca to the curious assortment'' ,o( canned fruit, cann biscuit. • ,

A severe /reczo ' last winter killed roac' Dushca'In.cliy parks here. Spring .cani^’ ond It w"" too ' late, to, replant.: .Morrl wont 'to' a . nursc'ry,: produced supply of "canned'' rooes,'. treated Uie tin. pots and sot t^em out. The cans will ..rust -.away, nllow- Ing thcr rose rootA to expand In

wishightthat tho youth of tho nation

read "that great low. Blblo, ohspearo.", ......... ..

RESIQNES APrER CO YEARS ' BOONVILLE; .Mo,. IIUII—T.: B, Robartsoh has resigned , hUi goal-, tlon 'OS'school cleric, a job ho held 00 vcora ot on.annuol aaloiy, of $10.

Tho income of clergj'nicii In 70 porlshea.ln Iho diocese of London Is less than, $1000 u year.


100th graduating clasa' of Stcph- I Collene, famous Bnptlat girls'

school here, will dlscanl caps and gowns atid wear-tho-coatume-of tho i m gmdurite.i In the ccntcn*

Noted Girls SchoolWiirBe Modernizedt""*'Sfil!TSCoffed‘,

ninl c n Uilsyciir.■ "A Century of Progrc.M In the

l-ilueiitloii,of Women" wIIl.Tw the. tlicmo o f' Commencement Week. May 2G to Muy 30 IncUi/ilvc, Ste- Iplicns griiduiites. IcnderH In the Ifli'ld of education and famoun wo- mrn from various fluids of iietlv- lly ’will lake part. Degreea will 1)0 awHWied t<) 100 K'rls-

, Tho »th.i..l wan .'.itiibll.Hlica ori- cxoeutlon" by |,;itml1y im Ihe Lucy Wiilen Female

Flax Crop of 1

' CRAWFORDSVJIXE,•-tA cro-p -5r-nffini5i years oko and bUII in bales I* stoi-v<l in u Frank ond Walter Drattbn,ilUT E . . . , . ...... Hero. The flaJc was hnrvestoa-.'-■In J802. The farm has been In.tho -; Bratton family for 05 yt no reoKon wa« given why


faulc<l ehlckcn In

Nevada's lethal gas exMullim eliamber, tho' only <mr In Ihc- ] world, has been In oj>vraLli>n hIikn-, 1021. Sb< persons liiivr iH'en rxi-' cuted by tho Kweel-Hineiling hy­drocyanic gas.

Prior to piissage of tho giis cx<-- eullon law, prlnonem were e-\«cut- cd by firing stjuada.

The original purpose wiis lo provldn a painless death,

After consulting doctors and witnessing an execution, Tunino lias concluded thiit o gas execution carries no liumano ndvnnliige over a well-performed hanging, or elec- troeullon lUid Ihnt a certain unuiunt of pain nnd mental torture ]irccedes the ordeal.

"There ore many kinds of lethal gas that are well-known to pro- duco painless deatli by Inilueing preliminary sleep," he said. 'The handiest of Uiom, In fact, If Iho ioast expensive, lii lo Ix: fii

dual tiuallty of narccit pliyxlunl." Turdnu deeh i,l dealh could be fixedly.

"At the lime ehoueii. could be glv.-n iiii

b e f o r e y o u r e y e fCARR.ENE


Explorers Like Jam And Jelly in North

NEW YORK (I.MI1 - - Up in the Arctic where men are I'xpiciriTS. tiiey cot bread and Jeiiy and love It, Bays,MaJor Anthony Fiala. wlin



YOUTHPyLlRKMissouri Physicians Saya Ho,

• Is Yo^ingest Oivil War

Vet Livings

JEFFERSON cm '.:M o. H'.l!)— .YgijiigcsL.Qivll War'vetemn nllvo Is'or. Robert Tyler, 70, of Joplin, 'Mo.'";,.;.. ■. ■,...“■'The physician, 'fllrong and vlg- orous'iii Hpllo of his age. enlWlcd In the Federal navy In 1803, at 10.

von a cabin Ijoy^tlio term was "powder shooter" back In those daya—and saw actlvc service on tho firing line before the war cnd-

Ud. • •'.Tyler’s memory of. the bom*

bonlment of Fort Sumpter atlll ia vivid,'.' I .

Tyler ls-ccrto)ri of his claim of being the youngeal Civil War. vet* cran now living. Ho has chccked records with tho. War Department, Howa8 70 on-Morchl2., Tyler recently won elected i mandci- of tho 02nd annua! <!n* aimpment of tho Missouri Grund Army of.tlio Republic;

onlfltiingIr engnged ............tie.Hs of advising iexpodlllon.1, Flahi, .......... ,.......hlmBolf, accoiiipiinled the lute President. Theodore RooBevi;ll i,n

s expedition In South Amcrlca. Becauao Jams and Jellic.i are

heat ond energy foods, the f.lajor Includc-T them among the rallons of explorers, particularly when liie expedition Is going' north. Me allows cach man three oxmces of

ily small bSs*-'i^wn tall. Ab* nee of., liquors, Floia cinims,

I perks up the appetite for foods,

SQUIRUE1.S COLIJ5CT IIAI.LS. SEBACO;„Me. lUJil— , While worklng-ron • on' .'icehouse here,

lOrvIlle B. Dennison,' Jr. nnd Earl I Day discovered 34 .golf balU hid* den In sawdust by squirrels.


Phone 1500 B l f


M A Y O N N A S S EA Blir Ff 0 uff of Perfect MayonnftUo ^ ^

M e a t sPicnic Hams

10C,lb. •I ^

Pure Porfcs Sausage;

7c lb .I

Hanibiii g<*r

v?C IbSirloin Steak

t ^ m c i b 'Shoulder Pork


lOC lb »

J e l l P o w d e r pU-QuoUty Beeona to None 3 ^

E g g s irwahCointry Doz.

C O f F E E




PERSONAL CARll'.'nw nBiir.Ford .contertllilo Calirioief »- ^5.ilMts tho inod«muodojUi tiwrta cor

;Tbo4’«'ct «IiV l^o f BedToid eoid clotfaor .: rgeonlhi#':I€itlj l^'forlli- toriortrfot«t»o :


T}i<! nciiMalionul i

lu it tilu t Ih . . .

• N on-Toxic

• N o n-E xp los ive

« Non-Ct>rrosive

'• I\ 'on-lnjlommablo

hi u word—SAFE—and iiBod ONLY in thcncw rcv

olutionary Grunow .

Ciul'u (Icmonstratioii

today. I t ’s Buiuzin('.

Bargains in Ne'iv and Used Ice Chests .•


Phone 1295' .


M U S T G O ! I

Genuine Goodrich Tires at Glearance Sale Prices

W e ’v e s i m p l y G O T t o m a k e r o o m . f o r ;

o u r n e w L i f e - S a v e r S i l v e r t o w n s

I t ’s Hke giving away tlious-

ondB of to!Ic3 fr«s! v

. they’ve flot to fio r ^ i r d i ^ , ' i

of cost.' VVe’vc go t to iMkoV,

' for o u r j newl-ttfc-i I

:^SaVer .Golden; Ply

;'t6w iis.. And ioi<an't'mU.-' _


4 50-20 $3 95

4 75-19 $3 85

5 75-19 56 00

5 50-18 „ $7 95

6 56-18 $12 60

' Each of. them is^a pS fcct

tire.- No SGCoads'.'.'i n o -

•fldws.'.'All brand new. Cer-' r.

tilled G o()drlc Ii'QuolIty .'

I f % I w I Lti I ' ]| 4 f r

;;a real.tIt6,.buyTT«Jme ond.<;-

ftct thorn H iirryl


G o o d r i c h T i r e s

B RA J -----------


Sbeieiy and■'Clittlj'' News

Peggy’s ill no Hurrr toAgain—And She'U Pick 13tlv

T J f & 'v O fficers

: : 1 : . In s t a l le d ^ H iJ re

New otnccra of the linuKhlcra of AWDHcA.wcre Innlnll.Kl ycjitcrduy:; jiflcrnoon ul tlicir mccUnB county home of Mrs.

■' Wlxht lira. W. MonlooHi. I’nst Coutifllor. con,dticlc<l Iho InHtallu- tlon, -iit wlilch Ihe followlhj; lotiU;

roKlcer' . Mti|. Rnymon 0011111100. council­or: Wr*. J..K . SHinp. Junior IMhI councilor: M n: D. J. Olbb. AiLW- clutfl Junior Piuil Councilor; Mri.

■_JyLJ; -AlcCracHiffl.-AMaaclattL-Cuun:. •clluiTMrB. I-'r.'«l DWho. VlocCoiin-

clltir; Mra. W. SunKcr. AnsiHlant VlcoiCouticllor; Mrn, F. M. Rlr»<l. Inaiao Sentinel; Mrn. W.'W. WlKht, OuUldo 3 o n 11 n c 1; Mm. Floy.I Cnmphcll, Conductor: Mrfl. U. 11. Dunulicc, Warden: Mrn. J. J. Kli'fii- IntTi TrciiBurur: llrw. I-Twili Ooti*ly' Uoonlx, Klnunclal Swrctnry: Mlmi Mildred Rlrod. Ui-cordlnf S.<ro- lary; Mrn. O. W. WUlmm, Mn» JuniM Smxl^ami * nn<l Mrn, I. I-'. BwccU TniulccH.. IlefrcshmenlB wore oorveil tn !7

• inombcrs:■ 'On June 20 llio orrnnlaitlon will

• meet Jolnliy with the Junior Order of Atncrlcatt Mt'ClmnlKi.-und 11 pic­nic supper will bu held nl llurumti pork. / • •

: ♦ + ♦• BUSINESS >VOMKff

• DISCUSS CONVENTIONMcmUor.1 of Iho Twin I'lillH nii:

Jnt and I'nclub met Monduy 'uvi'nlni; itl lli lioma or llic jircaldenl, Mla'i

.Dower. ■npporlfl on Ibe ntiilo eonveri

• tion at Coodlni;,'were Klveii D HIM JMttn. AtcCoy, Mrn. II, V Clouclidc und .Mlx.i linwvr, wM oL-io roftd a reporl ]>rcp>iritl b

. lira. Gciicvlcvu Dwl|(lil. A «ei onir dlAusslon of thi-‘uccui.ii.liHli; monlii at the coiivcnllon rolluwcd.. Tho • followlnB prosTum.

chureo of Mm. Ufflc Hinton,KlvcJi:' Vocal Boloa by MIsh Uowiic Onrleon, nccoinponicd hy Mrs. C, H. ailnson, reatllnir by Marjorie

.'Sloek and niflo n musical rcailUiSwlLb^pltuo accoinpanimcnt.]iluyc<]

; by Helen Slaclt.P]ana wore announcca f(

next mcetlnir on July lOlb a picnic In Harmon park.

Uurini; tbo bunlnosa scsalon Lbu-■ prcaidont , appointed ft bouHlnjf iommlttcc Icompoaod of Mlm.

' Mary Doblnnon. clmlrmun; Wr«. Ella George and Mins liny Smith, lira. Cora Slovcnn wus nuiiinl •«lcloCTlo-to iJur-blcnnlal convention

' of the national organlzalion al Chicago In


Mr. and Mrs. Dclvcrt, C.' WolT-■ Icy who wore recently married In . tha Salt Loho City Temple, were

cucala of honor nt a wedding din- '.nor given a l tho H. C. Howell'

. .home last nlBht by, Mr. and Mrs. 5V,How«U . and ;\V: 13. Clovcland- V. Oueila present were Mr. and Mrs.• ■ H. ».-Jcnacn. V. N,Usher, J. K. •AIIrcJr£--A; Hansen, L. Ulcc. Ji'»n|Sla/fbnl, Filer, und E. Miller and tho Jllsics Carmcii Hollanil. Mary.

' Mabic, and MyrUo Darling. Good­ing, and Geno Cleveland.

Mre. AVolflcy was formerly MIm . Deulah Cleveland. Mr. nncl 6!ni.

Woltley aro Icavlni;-today fot Ihelr home In Etnii, Wyoming. They will be accompanied l)y Mrs. Woincyii aLiter, Gene- Oh •

♦ +• + m«i>E o r MONTHJS SIlOWEimONOIlEB . illM crcon'e Coleman, whoM

■ marrlBgo. will take place IhU ■iniJhlh. wiui honored by u. shower glvtn Monday evening nt the hotno of ML-h ' Dorothy Hcdstrom, who was-Joint hosteaa with Mrs. Ellis

•; Gftttner. Mrs, Philip mvls. MlM r Moyme Coleman, and Mm. W..A.

O.itrandor.•Maiiy beauUfill jrifta-wen*

■ ncnled In a novel nianner.-.im . Uw ovcninir. a feature of wlilch• a mock , weddlnir. Twcnlyi

i;uuta wore preaent.

---- It^-DAN'-'JPHOMAS— --J lOLl..Y\V00D-r-If. .I’efiEy.. PP:

Joyce over imtrrles again,II she inoHt cerlftlnly expects I. llie.woddlng will Wku placc ,e thirteenth day nl the monUi, nidnih will-do, but It musl be .hlrtcentli.

That wns whut'lhc^Wl-nian'lcJ (I juiil lui frequently divorced, ly Iiaid IIN lihe dialled in her;

ilii'dlu di<R(ilni; room upon,her ,-ii1 h.TO to niiike ■■International 1UH0,'' her flr«t tnlking plcturo, ■•Thlrlucn Is i)iy liieky nurjibcr. Imvc nnticccl that a' nuinhor of

iloe thtiiKJi havi? hapiK'ned to m 1 llif- lliirloi-nth," Mliiri Joycn dc

■ ■ ■ (UH’lin and iini'i;».f

S h e ’s H onyw o

Cnlifoniin nilii apparently dor.HM-l ..t:r-.u with her.

'■Have yim cviT liocn mi'.n'led III.’ Ihlrt.-cMthV" I lnt|Uln'd. fig- iiriiig * Into no made lliir chiincc

•'No, l>iit I'thliik I will 111.: ncxl «imo - H might bring me biater liiek tlmu I've l«on having," shu

Miirrliigr? Nol Now!. ■•In Ihgru liny tnith to the iitatc-

.•iilji iitlilhiile<i to you Ihift you •' with mtirrlage for thn

I' l«'lni; niid arc going to devote yii'ir tlnio to working?"

•Kor tho llmi- iM'lng.’ yes. I lie out Ikt.? U) make plcliireR I wiili til- work Ihiit reijuirl'a I I N' (<>.1 iia'<l to liii any playing


Succumbs-nt Mason

■ City, .Iowa.

ACKQmA, June 13 (apeclal) — ; b. J.-, ComHloclt hna received word of the death of;his father. A. R. Conmtoclc, 83. ’ at Mason City, town. The niswii was unexcpectcd. as .the lost won)'from him.liad been that ho was In-hla. uiunl| heallh. Mr., Comstock had made hin homo with his son Herman. Comiitock ulnco Ihc. death of his,

110 II........... dftughlctii, nil of Iowa,ilr. und Mrs. Herman .'Comstock 'Isitcd hero last summer.

MrK. Fred Slovens and dnughtcc !vi'lyn left last week for Porl- and, Ore.. to vlnlt Mrs. Slovens' ■nidier. Wilson Bolby; and fam-

ljly*for a fe»» weeks.Mr. iihd 'Mrs. A. J. Owens went 1-aiil Sunday to visit their . 11. Owens, who reccntly ' '

........ OwenR will have tho Iigeinonl of a branch sloro of . Coipstock and company.-s. .1. B. Hurd pf this city,

by Mrs. Ida Carlson I

i[M-ndlng n

niiitucv I’Aiic .■MAUICIKn I'UIDAV

Of int.Tcnt to hcT 11.) hi) frlc'iKlli IH (In- I Iho nmni!i|;n <if mik Uuclmnuii. of liuilj-y. ' UUHJi nlw> .if I, bride Ih the ili>ii|;hti:r o

I cQimly, Tile marriage >cu FrUiiiy lit tho home o

.... Ide, Ubihop Untindor.offlcli [Only Immedlalii roliitlvcu 1

•I honeyni 1; couple V

t. Ad-

ithe youi Uurley.

+ + +COlIl'f.K ll.N'lTKt)AT WKIJDINO IIKItK •SIlsui Maxine Judd, dauglitor <if ,tr. and Mm. \\’llfor<l Judd, and

James A. OlawHon, non of Mr, und Xlrs. O- C. CIliv/Hon, were iiniteil In marriage ul 5 o'clock Saluitliiy ■evening, June 10. nt the MethodlBl

Crsomige. Ucv. iSlljnh lIullLong- ftko road . the ring ceremony,

which wnii witneRiii.ll by Mrs. WII- ford Judd and JJra, Alniii Fair-, child. Till! young coujde will be lit home nl the Cambridge iiparl- menUi,A * * *■


Children of niembiirs of the Eaatehi Slai Uil,i aftemiHin ul it party In the city'park. Gmiii-s Wfri- Ihe di- -- --cl juizi.......................... ......

U>VAt. NEKilllKHlS WIJ.1. MKKT ritlHAV

The ni'Xt iiiecting‘-i( the l/i; Ni'IglihorH will be al Ih.- lionu- Mix. Anna Chri/itiuniion ..liine They laal met a

bit of hi-r lime U U> Us sure that boforo nhu litOpu|' a« and micro. '

alt other

! liVCi- I

churn<• Mr.H,

nr I

'AI.KNDAU OF Cl.XilJ INI) U)J)(iE BVBNTa Mr-nlor eliib will moot '.Vinlnps-

lay afternoon with JJr.i. Rtnicbt'ck.

M. S. unil S. club win meet v Mrn. A. C, VIelor. liO .Sixth nvt noilb, Wednciiday, June U, 11

nnd daughicr Ruth and . ... lor nnd Robert, and MlflO Tj i Nell iMvndunliall ^f/Rupert, a'• •Ipto Soda Springs Saturday.

Tvvo local high school girls, .one member of tho class of '33, wcro

..larrlod In Twin Palls Thursday: ,Ml. i Ida Hoag, daughter of Mr, nnd <1™. John Hoag, was .married

I,, nixmt thiir*" MoHel liooao ot Dcckt: MI1L1 I nochford. daughter gf Mr*;'

^,™"^^,f"r'Arlhur Robinson, '’bccamoi w ‘"■I'*'-' of Vomlco Culley, no.i

ililii,-<i f.iriTii .,f n,I.M M*" Gulley, who■• No i.uiitop h,.?J of Accfjuia:■«,' r«•'; A- L. Jtontgomery rctumcd,

wny,- in tint ihi. -rf/ .\vm ^ r 'itiii.e from Alwrdcun Monday oft-, .VvcV-' “ "''‘Kl't, Wlll l . ^ . l „ duys,Hpcnt vlsillng her-

J________;____ _____ _ .' idiiughter _Mni, Knink Ho.ss . and

SHOWER HONORS 'homo^’by’" her gnindaori,"'BuBUir|

I RUPERT B R I D E '^TJioiio who nttcndcd Stnko Ijuar.i- RUPERT. Junn 13 ispceial) — terly conference of.Iho Latter Dajw, 'Honoring. MlsJi l..cnn Stcelo, who Suiniii In Rupert' Sunday and cp- I will be a bride of the month, a joyed llalenlng to ApooUo Richard shower was given by Mni. N. K. R- Lyman of Salt Lnko City w crij

Men. n»sisli;il bv Mrs. W, liunt- Bishop C. A. Brcwcrton and fam- . nnil Mrs. \V, w. Newcomb, at an** M™- P- -I- Larsen nnHlor home Juno 0. Games, a short family, Mrs. Rube Moncut anu nunlcnl program, and Uio opening' children. Will Haascn and fam- ' '- T many bonullful girts *»-

Ilolb-ivood'e uluiniplon parly hnslens Is Marlon Davies, abovn. Ui like many .'other movin Htam who Hcldum entertain n)um tiiun a fo.. clnso friends, IMurlon roph In for largo and i-luborala parlleti wllh from

[■20D to.aotr porsmw III utlcni}uncn..'.. ' . ■

_ ' Hy. A.lvln Calnull and family, Mr. ■ <llvcrflioV.'nf” lhc “afternooa' "n'l M™- D;,

■ About forty giiesta wore present. C. BuUer, Mm, J. B. Jol-Mrii. Elalo Harris left Saturday >'y daughtom, Mr. and Mrs.

lonilng for Kellogg to attend -Tom Whlltle and mother. Mrs.

b u n ; anti Bradstrcct Statistics

Show Dccrcasing: Number

of Bankruptcies

.-N.I2\'/'YORK, Juno 13 (UP)— A furtiitr decrease In buslne; failures was sliown today In the report 0/ Dun & Bradotroct. Inc., for the week ended June 8, which showed -H)l bankruptcies, ngalnsll 071 In the corresponding week of I 1031*.-

H o m e m a k e r ’s.

E x c h a n g e .

CJrnnd' Lodge of the’ Easb and Masonic onlcrw

inGIIKjc WAfiE-S iJARTKORD, Conn.—Waeo lit-

creasco of from 10, to l2'5 por cent luid an offer of employrtient

ana ifooeimn ‘y .. to 350 more workers were an-............ by tnem'fiors, ncmlay aftamoon. Tho guests In-,JiwunccJ lotlay )iy ihc Oro.'Jvenor';vlcea at tho ChrLi- 5.’.“' * $ ^ P-WJnnlrord. Mw.'dalo mills »* „m.

III.! I. 0. O. lodge were following IIllan church Sunday ,..v..u.ih- ■■■ -■ -...............-........ -.............Orcn. .Oruhood delivered the ad-dieK/i, nnd tliu chglr rendered spc- W. C. Mitchlll, Mrs, H,cial mmiic. . " n-.vnnlH. nn,I Mr,

y morning. Rev. 'V, 3. McAllister, Mrs. .0. H. Seii-

Rc/reiihment;i of Ulxli: cupn and \i. caliiTs wore the' guMtn

by Miii. C. J. Suh A. H. . Cluyton, cUarg.! of the "

• OLI).rASHIONKl> STUAW- li At The Theatres I nerving' refrea hmcntT' Mrs"^!en- MEUIIY SIIOllTC’AUE -- 1~:--- 1--- dcnhall..won lie prize for high

.wbcrrico. .- Two Feminine Stars ., J and Reynolds for low. . , --- Mr. i and Mrs. J. A. Bennett

In Next' Roxy Fllni ”*"' cJ»lldron;.May Bade and Hor-

::='..rT£....sSi £?* ,;;iLother shortening and bilUer mixed, feminine roles in "Tho Cabin in


which Postpon6 ' Wmc' Bill

'.l^r, W .W In nhorlenlng^'wllh wUh ^

IlONUUKl) »V . !oMl'n):erlt.'''culT/l^^^^^^ b rrowi-.Y’ Jo^an wiii;, been'estimated that lessH1UTIII>AV PAUTy Ir. nofi dough., Divide dnugh In U‘an 20. per ccnt of Iho Inmates• The blrthdiiy o f llttlo Ml;^ imivcn and roll lightly on n floured .“ ’a , 'of our-penal'Institutions havo hadiGayle .Ccrgen wnn the occasion molding l)oiird to fit baking pan.' HrelV un^nv^mMnn^- «» ‘“ l education.'of a party In Her honor glvon I Piac; In pan which has been-oiled ,, ,1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -by lln i. A.Ja Mahtmoy loiil Frl-lnml floured. Spreail generously I The Womanday. Games were played und'with noftene<l butler and .cover - - ' •- ........ . -- ' " Iwiili remaining ilough which hni

bs«i rolled, to fit lower .section.Put into a modonilu oven—3r>0 l.-gree.-i !■'. — nnd gi'udually In-

iplll iK'ctlini apart. Spreiul-lowor

guesLs present gave many allr.ictlvo glfl reeolvi-d a .rJiivcr fu

Mlnrf t7erg nmiiv in- ■ " ’‘'=‘y" l^unuld Cook, llaqill'l 0 -I06’ ilogrce.i lM3ake';^“‘;;^;i"'’.‘‘

SALES UP NBW YORK—Siiarply higher

automoUlIo salcg were reported to­day by llio Chrysler Corp.- Sales to Ulotrlbuton) and dealers In'thai first five months of lDS3-wcro 131,220 cara.,n.nd,tf:ucks, pgulnsl 1111,106 In the oorresjwhdlng- po- riod of 1032, It was rejtorted.

SET AIK KECOlUJ NEW YORK-Juno tnifflc over

Unlled Alr-Llnen to dalb has sur- paiwcd the corresponding period of any munth 'ln .he company's hls- lX)ry,.ll was reported toilny.

One mllllu'n irucks In iiervlcc In tho United States arc catimutcd to- , haul 1,430,000,000 tons freight annually; 134,.t00,000. tons .of this rcprcjicnu farm prod*

Seen TodayA neeming revival of'a' num-

Ijcr .of k^l year's iiuminer sultn . -. Thrco Bcore • young ’ men galhentl around Parish' linll hi

Uiin Kummdr clly of 1032 auto license .tags

'Tcmlndbig hla'*"cllentfl''’that hla office, and thoflo of hla fclloW- praclltloncm, will bo closed oach Saturday afternoon this sum­mer . . . • Lovely ladles, lovllcr than ever In summer frocks . . . Tho Saturday Bvcnlag Post boy making bis weekly rounds'on I'ucsdnyo Instead of Thumdays uc was Uio COSO aopio of the nldstcrs were I\)st boya . . . Notlco bn Iho postoffieo tliat windows aro closed Satur­day afternoons . , . Notice' on thn First NnUonel • bank door Uibt it Is closed Saturday after* noonn.

iW il ffliws m

Hupe .D lr i^b le Serenoly.Ridea .■ .Throush Heavy Gale on'

Lake Brio -------

CIHCAGO, June 13 (UPj'-Tho dlrlglJjle Macon, flying her« from Akron. O:. for a ,v isit, to the' World'n. tair. arrived in Chicago shortly after dawn. * "

ThD big flhlp' flaw along , tho lake.front,--over tho loop and pro- ceeiidd along tho north shore.

Tho Macon took off from her hangar at Akron early last night

.anil headed out ovci- Lake Erie' huBnn~amo: m -cncountcr-a-hlgh—• wind that rcachcd near gale forco about midnight. . . . ,

Tho dirigible, making .ti 48 hour enduranco cruise’which may bo tho last of 'her trial flights, ar­rived over Cleveland during the' worst of.tho blow,' Trees wore felled. • lightning ptruck several

and small lake craft wore blown against Uio'; Lalto Erlo ' ahorc __ .

• Wcathent Btorni >rho' " Macon rodo - serenoly

through the storm,' and shorUy lifter midnight headed for Chl- :Cttgo nnd the Centuiy of Progreas. i The huge ship.dipped over Iho Century of-'Progress exposition grounds, and govo-inousands'of worlds fair vlsltom their .first glimpse of tho pride of tho navy's air fleet Tho Macon will return to her alrdock hero at the end of tho 48 hour cruise. '

Lieut. Com.- Alger JI;. Dresol WAS In 'command of tliCv Sl'lp. whtcfi cnrrle<| flTV persons,;lnclud- Ing tho crcw. of ,00 men, 1». offi­cers, two 'members of the navy board of "luspcclloh and survey, iwp navy-lnspecturs, roprcKenlat- Ivca of Iho Goodyoar-Zeppelln company, • und 23 workmen and technicians.

Idaho FalfcReiajr ' To Open Well WorkIDAHO PALLS, Juno 18 (UP)

—Construction of tho .now Idaho Falls city. 3O'0-f6ot' well.' was scheduled Uy. Mayor ;B. W. Clark to start early thU wcelt ; ; _

Tho program Includes, building largo storage tank lnl6 which

„io additional, water will be pumped during hours when less water is used.' The pumps and other machbery will bo built In tho dry side of .tho well, Mayor Clark said. ' .,

ISenate Probe Will

IMMIOUATIOK DROTS '■ ■ tiSTOCKHOLM ' .lUlli—Emigra­tion from Sweden 'has dropped •

U U Di.- almost nothing. In,April-onlyHit Danking. Irio 40 persona 20 men, and 20 wo-

WASHINGTON. June 13 ittiy— 'men, left tlirough;tlio main ports Senate stock market Investigators of Stockholm, Gothenburg _and

I'today order’cu tho, Inquliv 'inorclal >n<l private’• bankers!

> be I mod a.t 10 a. m.; J'2G.-,,Uy, !unai)in^ouH of the Jh'- vestigallng... cdmmltlce it waa agreed that . Ferdinand Pecora, comniitlct! counsel, could begin on June 2Q examination'of represent; .atlves of.any one of three banko-jr Dillon,. Reed . & Gompariyi Kuhn I/oeb i Company-or the\.Chase National hank. .. ..

This compares to 43 in 1032. 65 ln-103I,-«7 In-,1030, and 1,032 In 102D. ^ ■ •


MLia Mary Lano, who has served as.a roral ncwopapor correspon­dent for tho last 20 years, re­tired from actlvc duly at . the nge of 84. ■ ' . . ..•

■ 'Genuine,.. -DUART WAVE ,

Siiect'al.PriocK-oii-All OAliRr ■ ■ fWnvDs* . ; , Home Beauty

Shoppe ‘Loisai'od'.on the.Highway as

ybii enter KimDorly .; Tolophono 69, Kimborly

ruhiliow.'iI hl|;h iiltltude ..^...iiiwllim with hutlor uml ctivor with

lu lliick liiycr or lic-rrlea and juice. I Pul-on li.p Hectlim of biscuit and

---,jad<i innn- hcrrlcn. Thia , may bu

NEW Allt 8EUVICK NRWARK. N, J.. June 13 ll'.l!. New York and San Kr.-meliico cru 'only 20 hours apart today,

new piuisonger uervlcc re<iulr- irnlsliwlwith ii*K 2U houra for the'westbound

•rrley which hnvo; fllKhl and 21 >4 for the oaiitbound puriKi;«'.- Sorvu ] wus Inaugurated ycstenlay by iini. lUnlti'd Air llne.i with the dop............ ’ ■..... ■' a 'lO pasiiongcr Hoe.

wark olriHjrLihurlcako the d«ut:li can Ire cut In | from oumls to maliu Individual ciiki's. < rhcae aro nplll and servi-d like llu


W<1 can almost lieii'i' liltln glrlJ iH’Kclni? for thti cuoubiK frutk. Ifi nluiple nnd nta l.. . . p.-rfect f<n iDinpln)' about, on Hummi-r ilaya KhidliiJT niaI(.-H nuch' ii pi'etly trln '. . . here 11 acc.-nUl the y.lke unuHloev.'H: tin- imwH nru of riljl»on.; i-5ylf i,onor of Mrs; ICei-mit We like pkals for fulnoiw and lub-'||,„n_ ,iTecenl brldo. Thu ever liable cotton;; In giiy prints for;was-spent'playing "Kootec," fabTlu.'. . WooHwa.svm miitcU. of lU.Uclfius lunch .wns served. Mrs.


Spaniards C.omplete Longest Water HopHAVANA, June 13 (ULf)—Cap.

tnin Mariano Bardcran and Lluut.

I-'ILTtR. -Juno 13 (Spcclal) —-j Cuba Iciday after- llielr at... Newlwrry gave a mlsfeli- i froni Spain at Ihe ^nd' o!

iiwiw,'r..nt her iii>mf> iimt ovcr.waler flight

ceivcd many attrncllvSiiiall viewwithout nlceven.. .

Pat.tein M'iO nmy be ordered] cuib mot Thursday aft-

. jl.i; yi.r IM bln. n,j. ' -lMr«. C. W. Cnne' M biicsIb. Mom-

£5'wIlli this pattern. - k'fre served.

Sflild FIl'TKKN'CENT.S In colnn Star .Soclar club will' hold its or stumps <colns preferred) for,regular meeting and luncheon lU C If MAItlAN SIAUTIN puf. Wedne.«< av at the homo of Mrs.

n « ik “ Club mot

t„ « ord„ca.

JIIST OPl'' THE l ‘KE!?S—TUEl Complimenting her house guest, •MAItlAN MARTIN HOOK OP Mrs. K. SIiowers, of Lo.i Angeles, SUJMMEIl PATTEUNS, ,of(criug a i;ni. n. H. Showers wo-i hi>sto.ss wide ns.iortmenl of .advance rlyles nt a luncheon Wednesday, to kcc|) you and .your younpitera The Misses . RhoUn andilercedcs i:oot, comfoitiiblc ami appwpriate-'tjarbezal. left -Wednesday for ly,dr<:s*waiWlietlicr you are spend-.Nampa, whoro they will asalst at Inir ybur Summer In town, nt'the the-wedding of n schiwlmiitc.■■

• slinrc or In-Iho country. Thin book| Mr. mid Mrs. Paul Ludlow loft win ■ lielp you' plan a stunning Ratiinlay- for Logan, Ulali, to at-' v/arUrobe of yasy-to-makestylesuf lend summer vhool. , .a surprlslnglylnw cost. OKUKIl! Mrs.'I. Hicks left-Wc<lncsday to VOOK c:Oi-Y TOOAYl PllICB Ol^utteml- nummer iichooV al Scatlle. P A T T E R N ' IK)(Ut. -ni'TEENI Mi'.,and' Mrs. H, P.'Eliler mo CENT.S, HOOK AM ) PATTBRN torcd to M. flOow .Thursday.-Tlielr T O G K T H EK ,' TWENTV-nVE son, Joe, a nltidcnl ut Oio.unlvcr- CKNTS. -• :.' -.lally. wUI rclUM wUll thira. -•

j The aviators-landed at Cama- guey, at the eastern uml of Cuba and continued Ihclr flight h<:ri yeatcrday. They Intend lo fly oi to Mexico- City.;


C." Come and gel j-our turtle'. Thus, might Mrs, L, E, Roach ad­vertise In the Personals coliunn, Mrs,. Roach, found. In her back yard a turtlo bearing on its nliell tbo foregoing Initials and tho dato IDIU. Mrs. Roach said would give, up tho turtle upon proper. IdenllficaUon.

N E R V O U S W O M E NT a io Lydia E JP inkha in ’a "

. VcgetuWo Compound

T a king t k e Gh a s e

Out- ADVERTISINS benefits the .man who b iiy ^ s well as .

the man who sells; I t is part of the fioidfen Ruie: 6f

Business and it works b'oth ways. ■ . , . ;

' . Don’t miss, the advertisements m':.this newspaper.,;.

■Many of them, are'interesting .just becaiise - of theh’ ;,

■ iic'.vs and educational value alone.; : !;

■ But more than that: Advertisements take;.the chase

—r out!:of purchase and make every'peims db-its .full'd^^^

: ' ‘ This last gtiU;(imentjs one irai.'ticularlyip be remem-:,'

.. bered when common--Sense ecbnb'ihfcis npt'o^

; ' itional duty; but ah individ.ual necessity;, - -


; , k i u a '[ i y . y b j : ' , l J w t


' Each Insertion,' per IId'q .00 -(ForflMtainncrtlona) Subs^ucnt 'Inafrlloaa,.' •

Twolvo i'monlhs' ___tract, every luue, coch’ ’ . / Inaertion, per lino __'.02

No mla.itiikcn lor Icoa than Z.Unca. Ulnltnitm

odfl muflt bo ordc:^ ':_for_ii_BUiUHl.lspsth.i)I_


- .25' •


N e w T o d a y

ler.- 117-llth AVC-. Buhl.

Oirburctora. enrb parts..... ....... 0 for cncn. truckn, ami tractora. P. g; H. Motor Sorvlce,.230 Bho. BLW.


ED. Pi ... Icoso proven gold dlatrlcV must have car lnd aomo caah. Wrlto Box 472H, Caro Tlmcfl:

. PEONIES; • 160 por dozen.' AV, ■ ■ y Smith, 1 mile north of; Waah-

n School.CTay SmInswn E


WANTED—Hny dcrrlclt, work' able and cheap. Cash. Robert Pork­er. l u mllca eo. of depot. Routo

. No'. 1. •

‘ WANTED TO BUY—1000.«

F o b SALE—IdiscDllancous

larry X U il >1, Idnho.

t;acd Paita Pept Phbno 22S-T

WANTED—Uaed fumlturo arid

WANTED—To , UBo Btorago In'gooil home. Timea.

' WANTED-Cowa to posture. 2 ml. No. E. Waah. acbool. T. M. Cutler. •

•WANTED — In ;narkot for , Wheat and CloVcr aeed. Globq

Scod * Grain. Phono iOl.

MATTRESSES recovered.-Clean wool carded, 20c lb. Woflhed and' cardcd 30c, Fuml­turo upholaterlnf;. Bowen and Bv- wton. tbono Bl-W, ' •

. GET GENUINE C ra^ CrysUh- nnd drtaJtyour woV-to health. H. ,J. SchwitzcrMTbo Rawlelprh Deal-

723 Main-Ave.. E„ Twin* Falla.



• .THREE.ROOM'fumlflhcd mod- im ap t Newlow ratea._|Bunpalow /Vpls,, 2 nd Ave. E.'






MAYOR .AND CpUNaL OFTHE. c r ry o p t\v in p a l l s . IDAHO:,SccUon 1.' ThatSoctlon Two (2W

j f part Three (3) o f Chapter V III of. the Revised Ordinances of tho City of Twin Falls, Idnho, bo amended to read aa follows:. "Section 2. Tho llccnso tax shall

be for caeh male or spayed fcmalo dog, over tho ago or Alx months. thrcQ dollaro por yeari for every femalo do; , not spayed, ovi r the‘ ago of oIjc months,, flvo dollara per vf.Ar.'All llccnscfl.ahoU expire on


FOR SALE—PlontS:ond parden I'oed, any amount, priced right. "• crhart & Buma. Phoqo 500-W. uain'So. •


New and used furniture « f ^ l kinds. .Conr ranges oa low aa JlO tach. Wo trade and buy or i Will pay cnah for stoves and

l iv e s t o o k a n d p o u l t e y

BABY.CHICICS ..now -57. hundred, niggcrto,.Quality Hat- •chery.

10 first day of May of each year. Scctlon 2, All Ordioanccs an.

parta of- Ordinances In conflict herewith are hereby repealed.

Poaaed by tho Council Juno 12, 1033.^.^agncd by tho Mayor Juno 12


Attcat: W. H. ELDRID.GE, Clerk.

I Absence of Yankee Group Stirs Parley(Contlnueil from Pok® One)

delegates- paltl ocant allcntlon to t)io a[>eaUcrn,

Debt Brings Shift The Unlteu Pres.i ynderstooil

Brllaln'n wnr debt maneuvcrH . caused Pri-sWon RooBOVcJt to icablo Hull during tho night, aug- I scaling Bovcml alterations and In- luertlons In hla speech. The cablu waa not dcco<Icd until this morn­ing, n few mlnut<M baran Hull was to go to tlie confercnco. Ar- rangtmenta wery made for Hull U . speak. WednesdJ/y afternoon, and the American delegation remainedat tho,hotel to • help Hull redraft i , . • , the speech, tho United Preno waa "tartcd by nion-toiir by smoltors,! informed. ' twffby ca'mpflren, anil one by deb-'

MacDonald NervouH | rls. Lightning BtarU-d flvo fires. tV’ftl/o Daltullcr. Finance Mlnlalcr Nine were reported In tho

Guido Jung, of Italy, Viscount Kl-' ....................

Today’s Market and Financial NewsLIVESTOCK

MISSOULA, M<m(„ Juno’ 13 —Twcniy-four forest Jlrc.i 1 occurrcil in nurllicm Idiiho niid Montana during Ihc ImI 10 days,

a report of regional hendtiunrter# and''s7.7r.; 3oVu> 30 p.mndHtor the forest scrvice tcHlay'dla-l and $.|,70; belter grade IBO Clo-wd. to ISO pounds S4.ri0 imd Sl.'.'i:

Seven flre.1 In Montana were Plajn louden 'and 53.7o;


Hogs: 27,000, Hlow, triin<l mlxod; moHl kUcji fully Htcad.v: good to choice lilll to 20rt ixi

WHEAT GOES 10\m\m m i:










(3) of Part Tlirec (3) entitled "Ll- censea—Card Rooms" of Chapter V n of.Rcvlscd Ordinances of Twin. Palla, Idaho' bo nmcndea to read

I follows: . ■ . ,. Scctlon 3.'; Tbo applicant shaH pay a llccnso fee at the time of hIS application'of. ond.dollar for eaclv card tabib or other paraphemalla, per 'monU], upon which may be

kujlro Ishll, of Japan, General Jai) C. Sinula of South Africa, und Fi­nance Minister Pedro : Coslo. of Uruguay, were ,.speaking. Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald, pre­siding Ofl conference chairman; glanced nervously • at the empty desks of the American dclegntlmi. He appeared both w ^ lcd and ctjn-

Mft’cDohakl Injected the war debt Issuo In the confcrence yca- tcnlay, <lespite tho fact that It wan not part of the agenaa, by <lo- clarlng economln reuloratlon de­pended .upon sottlemcnL "

Many dolegatlonn wore convinc­ed Hull was walling for official iin-

of the BrIllHh

d roadatcr ih A v; . W.

with Ruxtcli oxlb.


lo st — .Ladlcfl’^u lov a wrlat watch. Initial H. L- K. on back. Phono 1^3-J, reward. •

' All. Ordinances, and

Passed.by tho Co'uncll Juno 12,: 1033.' •. '■ V '

Slgned by tho-.Mayor Juno, 12

, EXPERIENCED B ook k cepcr and typlat. wonU: poslUon. Phono D387-J2. ■ ........


■Twin m u* AlptuibotiwiUy.Ap;

r. t h ro w ;: AWAY.iT .........wv.,lMrtabl6.':*boc8, — ,

■ ins-'fihMhonQl

s fe s a a ______

.. .. to<luy before opecel)..'

LnHt Mlnilto Changes American Bourcea-sald Hull dc- yed his specch becauoe the' T ‘

...Inuto altoratlona mado.'lt lm( sibic to assure tho wide publlcal Washington desirco. 'I Even as delegates glanced ni. loualy toward the empty .American ' benchca, with' war debts: fdremo.nt In .every mind. Jung injected tho question Into.' tho confercnco dia- cuBSlon,' •.'Theao debts’ must.'al last find

____ _ medium anil heavyweight packing sows SS.T.I and 54; light welghla:S4 nml S1.2.').

Cattle: S.OOOl- ciilvts 3.000; nol much dotic; .slrlctly good and

Solway, ami three In tho Clear- cholco Blcura and yoarhnga rela- water forc.sts of nortliem Idaho, Itlvely scarce,.mostly iilcady;- low-

A' total, of 80 aci-ea of.Uinhoricr gradcn predominating: under- land wail burned over. Tho re- tono weak tn 25c lower, hclfcr »iid port did not Includo a 100, acre'mixed yearlings steady to weaU, blaze near we.H Yellowstone, cows weak and bulla slow, steady; which was controlloLhy tho Yel-*, bidding : lower‘on vcidera medium lowstoiie park acrvlce.' ” |to Bood grado-i prc.lom nallng In. Several daya of .hot, ralnlcM-Wra and yearlings bulk of weather would dry out forests m'Hy and condllloh to acdl at SiMontana and northern 'Idaho, lol'u.d jSU^Q;;-HlrjcUy . cholco 1 4£

tho danger point, doJipUo

CHICAGO. Jun.- i:i (1 Whunl ralltcil from Uic luv day after an ci>rly lircak o( Umn a cent a luiilio!. biil with fractional Iosuck.

Support wn.i <:nc<iuragi'il by Hlrcngth In Htnclcii nm tftvoriible crop rcpurtii tnim

held al' .I - EiiMp:- .7,ooo> .traaing. alow; mip- Iply lambn mostly medium to.good Iwelghts generally light,

yuuaily wet spring,'iVegln'nar'li'or-)r,—_

cetorUi will not la reJ.m-d durlnjf''^' P"’' " a t J8 ami $8,W:----7|Wlth BolcctecUklnds to oulsldera

I at 58,50; lattc)’ oalen very scarce; I'gcncr/il, market steady, Wddmg [eajiy on clipped yearlings; : fat 'owes mostly steady a l 52 and S3 iXor Iretlcr kinds _ and Kiln, lightweights downwnhl from Jl.CO.

DUNCAN McD. JOHNSTON ;■ ^ • Mayor.

AtUat: W.’iH. ELbRIMB,.ClorT<.

. bODEN MVESTOOK ' • OODEM,’tJtah,;-June 13 ilU:i (US

D A ) i— Hogs:, ;l^capU-l,217;’ steady to strong,.spots higher; top «i.QS Oh :160 to 210 lb. weights; bulk .160 to ,200 . pound avoragcs m o to $i.65:.2Cp to SOO pounds S3,75;t0 «55:'. cjctwm0: '

i-.CatUo! Re'colpts; 100; I gcnorally itMdy;'odd hood TOOd.steere Ji.60; medium to go6d'ilght beirere.$3.C0 to M-2^5, Xcw 'gbod, COWS/J3.25 .Xo S3.BO: comnioa to-m^lum:$2.00'to »2.60;-cutt«rB.:ond.iow-,cuttora'.»l to ;$2.00;'ddvu Bcaioii few good .bullaj^»2,28 V)'«-70,i ; --.-•-'v

pound^Ameked'Inv loihbs'9 Q;50 ; to

d '- S lu u t^ i l i a ^ ‘,'wUt«'- 09ti; _ _ ,c ;i£ r t ’,wlhtor;a2.p«r,cent;70oj dUk'HaM'WlBtAr/U^p^icont-Ceci; --‘t:rwhlt«S •eiHoi i'-WMtemrwhlto,



12,000; market steady, Oc 'lower;S1,50;'bulk ?4.25 to $<.45.

.attic: U.OOO; market alow 10 to __

Olr.01; inmb.and yearlings opened 2Cc lower; S O U T H ^ N FRANCISCO,1 sheep unevenly loWcr; light ewes’ juno l3 (USDA) ,strong, heavy ewes weak; feeding.fairly 11 v e, early cicaranco|' lambs dull tending lower. • " . lights, butchers and packing sows

' around 2Dc higher thaii Monday,' top S5.75 on arotmd 400 head good to «holco 171) to 205 pound fomlaaT bulk. good. 140 to , pound SS.BiTnTnd J3.7B;-common to 5B; packing sows mostly $3,76. .: Cattle: 200; moderately actlvo Ion .small ^lupply, trade'on cleanup Ibasla; load medium 1040 pound iholdover grass'stcora-SI,50; high ‘medium to low good under 1,000. l>ound nuolableioround $S.CO; me­dium 1135 pound cows 53 bulk low, cutter to me<llum Jargoly| 'dairy type, $1.25 and 52.C0; goodi Ibullfl quotablo to $3,70. '' Sheep: 450; dull, no .early tlon; medium lnmb.1

a final,settlement," he aimertcd.He, said war debts should be

Imndled.on Iho Han)(i. plan other economic proUlema.

D O Y O U K N O W H E R ?

•• Kni.'li

iH f>rr Vj I

.ada.At the c

»i cent lowH cent iinci oui:i were cent lowpr. ^

GUAIN TAIII.K giiiCAqo, June in n'l

rnnce;---- ' •Wkciit: Op«n Hlgli I,n»v Chiw

July ....;.77iA 77;;. 70%ScpC......:70V, • 80 78»i ■ 70%

I_DCC. .....81Corn:

-I-’’'% 40 , -IS 48./, ,% niiji wit;

OiitH:ji>iy .... 28% 28%Sept .... 30% 3_0-i 2U% 30U

,...32i,i 32'^ 31

...G2i/, 03',i

Dec. Ityo: -

July Sept

July .... 381/. ,38Vj 37>i a7i;-i., SepL .,,...40% 401/j 30>(, 30vf. - Dcc........44 42Vj 32-

Anierlcan Tfli'plmnr •• Aliii.'rleiin Tuti ic-cu iJ Aiiilrondii Cn])l»T Atclilnon, Tii[i<-lc!i & San' Albnllc Hi'dning , Aiilairn Molnni lliiUiiiion- A Ohio H.-ii-ll.\ Avl:.ll..i; .Bi thlehL-m Slotl .........lloiihrn Co. —..........J, 1. Ca.sc 0>................Clil., Mil., ill. l*:iul ft 1'

„ , I CUrynhT Corp...............■nraialc,

ccaiinu.-icuii SolvcnUi ...« ?j«iilbi:rn ...

ConUiumtiil OJI of Di'ln'Oim Pr<Kluct«............Drug Ine..... ................Dll Pont do Nomciura .Riinlmiin Kodak ........EIcelrlq,I’o-.vor & LightKox'Pilm ...................

Icicncrul Klcclrlc .........;OcntTal PckhIh ............General Mntoni .........Goo<lycnr Tire ’ ..........

, Inlcmallonnl Hiirv'”diT C2i/. fi2%ijnicmallonal Tr

r thu c

. 81%

r 1 li) ;i polnW miide In • ];itu.- i-ailU-r <luallngii were wiped' .».! oiil In uKitil miilancca and losses ;i ;iiii>iiliinli'd.i th.' |ale, decline new

, ! lilghH fur Ihe your or longer wero hv 11. R. Slecl at 58 1 up

AmiTlcan Telephono 132 up 'American Can 05% up

lll.'d Chemical 122% up Unr .n Pnclllc 1171 , up Caao111. up U-;: New York CenlraV.

up J'-'-; OwonH Illinois Glaa.i r ll-'H, uii :i%: (Jener.il iMolors 2ffTi .II) ‘ i; tx-lawaru & Hudson SO'Jii

'Saksi UiUIed.0,200,000 .flharca. ^

Local Marketsfollowing

C/\SI! OKAIN CHICAGO. June 13 ,<lM:i-


Jolins, Manvlllo .. lit Copper

.. .. Inc. ........itgomery Worn

Nash Motors •... Nntlonal Dairy it I.-ew York Centnil I'iickar.1 MoUirii .. i’nramount FiihlUPenn. R. R. ..'....J. C. Penney Co.Pure Oil ... .'.......Rucllo Oirn.

lions' I..............— - - . .Idaho livening mnies jmd rcpro- '

^ •n t the average prices. paid, nci conllng to the beaf available In. !• fonnallon. .The prices aro auhjcct '"-

(to change without ;nollce by tho 11 ■ dealor."!, li'iwever. R e a d e rs iw t .I urged l/> watch tho natlonal m.ar-// ' kcu, wltli which these local mar- kola will rlsu and fall.

ing.'ihoal bids weak to lower nl$ir'and 'down, good to cholco wopled

nrv<iidon *fund rnuirf

-'■tasfniitfnnl, l7P«'

g i g s.;-rr.

i tW-

______ „!S!'X.::-;;

---- l in if f iK & '.f ; :

f ■. ‘ ' , '-n e n u i r , . . ' ‘UKorlhraVt.-’-'

^ ...

ps E E

i » i ; g

1 ’ ’

Uplp® \n

V'i'.lj |

: vTv yi'.3

S j M n i s


W \ f t B

... Wheat: No. 7. hani 77'/.- , v• .Com: No..2 mixed 41-44. No.,2 hmixed (old) 44',4; No. 2 yellow! j...... .....................43iA', lo 45V4:'-'No. 2 yellow (oUDijijvai,, Kellh"Orpkuut.. '46Mi; No, 2 white 441.; to 4&i/j 1 Hcvnoldn Tolacco D ., ' Oata: No. 2 white 20 i.

Barley: 30 to 55.•Timothy: $2,78 to $3.25.Clover; $7.50 to $UJ1L_


Dieklow ...... .......................Ffdcratlon ..................... .....

mill reed0ran,,lOO lbs. ---------Oran, .'>(10 lbs. .

HI- ■

eligible nt" :'cuii'<

' . DENVER SHEEP , DENVER, Juno 13 aiiH-rShecp:

Recolpla 4200;- market 25c lower. Fat lambn $G and • 5T-00; cwca 51.S0 ,tUid,- 2,ti0.'.- .


(USDA) • Hogs: 200; market ateady -quality considered bulk amWi'Iotfl,-handy.weight; buUh^ ora- 53.85.and $8.40;-tops quotable to=;55.B0: i.hcavlea' down, to $4.70 picking 8owa $3.00 , and , 53.76.'I •. CatUo:clOO:,'calvM-.10; market fully 'ateady : two loads Montana fod lo, $0.85',part:,load $ G .7 6 !^ d cowii 54,70 odd head coi6mon,'.-cow8'.-:$72.B; .'and' cuttcra....... ................. ....

(pHICAOO CHICAGO, Juno 13 iI'J:)—Pro­

duce: •Egga; Mariiei imseuiv'i, jiriccH nchanged.'Rncelnia 2l,i)2» cases;

!extm flrstii 11‘ic anu ii-uc; urnui

10c; dlrtlea, 8 ' Butter: Mt —ichangcd' to ^ii 10,000-: tubs: .Fj 22VjCr extras, zi 21c . and 21,1 20c; • --

jowoTf; thon'vyeaterday’a- average iOOo-boiow day^a top;-beBt quolablo inrbti^^'50.2B;'; bulk- good- lQts'-50 ;modluih:klnd8;$0;arid.-$5^0: num-


Btdayi'ld«il,'54;oo;i<),$ii.oo; quoti

Safeway Stcirea,.


.Spurs Roebuck .. 'Shell Union Oil ..Simmons Co.......

ly Vacuuii

Slock food, 100 ll«. ----05o .Slock food, 000 llKL.™---- Me,

Sugar .I Sugar, beel, cwt. .........._„;55.70./[Sujfur, cane, cwt',..... -----$5.00u

I’oullry•Colored linns, 4i/. lo 5 ^ lbs __...7c Mghl- hens.......... ......... .......;— Co „

Roulhem Pncltlc.........Slandanl Hrantlii .......Slimdnnl Oll'nf Ciilif. . StnndivnI Oil of Ni-y Je; Te.Nim Corp..................

Colorcil bnillers I,/'i;liiira brollcra . Old c<ielia _______

ards 22C1'.:'; "•• : ,

. LOS ANGELES ', LOS ANOELR.<3,'Juno 13 «tl*) iButler.and','cgg8: '

Butter:'Extras 23c:'pTlmc.flrt |22c; atandards:22c; firstA'210,

Egga: Unch gcd


T-Qiitter:, 02 score'83c! 01

>ni' Molor (

United Fou'nl

Corporate Fund. Inv Q art

an^ 20cratric^combiag mboiumb

VotuSI.- TO^ c. w

r^PO T A T O E i"

Eggs, .

rwelght bulchcr»;.20O ,to ,

BOND --- r'-NEW-VORK'. - JMnQ,13 lUE).An - irreguiajiiy iighor- price. trend; took placij on the bond market: to-t

r ^ B - .^ lu t ld ' the^domcaU* poratlon. GTuup, low-prieed'---tntarod a gtiod.s^Millatl

iborty 4Ut 4« s 3^ JO



'B K O A D O A si'rV oK

9 IS

U 4511:30

5 P

K rr


' T he a n n o u n o o m e n t is m ade n o w because ou r S um m e r S a le s liavfc t is u a l ly 's lJ a i te d i l io u t th is t im e . T te y h a ie b een a t te n d e d by.people

of th e S o u th - C e n tra l Id a h o s e c t io n from -po in ts as d is ta n t a s 100 m ile s fro m T w in F a lls , a n d ou r cu s tom ers hayfe le a rn e d to p la n th e ir ■

Sum m e r 'p u rb lia se s in a d v a n c e a n d to ta lc e a d v m ta g e of th e ^e sales . ' '

• .Never i n .the h is tq r y of th e Id a h o D epa rtrnen t S tore h a v e shocks h e m rem pyes one n e c e s s h y for. s u c h a sa le i 'T-hm .

too, r a p id ly a d v a n c in g p rides p ra c t ic a l ly p ro h ib it t h e t.ype o f o ld ^ iip S j h o n e S , s tore-w ide re d u c t i .sales t h a t w e h a v e a lw a y s g iv e n

ou r custom ers . A n d t h is is th e o n ly jy p e of sale t h a t i n c u r o p in io n re a lly deserves th e n a m e " S a le . " . ' ' .

Arid So There; W ill 'Be No; Annual Glearance Sale This Summer But—

F rd in t i in e to t im e .th r o u g h o u t th e S um m er y o u w ill be o f fe re d io u ts ta n d in g b u y in g o p p o r tu r iit ie s on seasonab le goods t h a t m u s t -;

be closed o u t before F a l l , S uch o ffe r in g s w i l l be d e te rm in e d e n t ire ly b y th e o o n d it ib i o f o u r s tocks o n those ite 'm s.as th e S um m e r sea-_

ispnprogresses.. ' ' " . ’ \ ■' ^ \ '

W h e n su c h o f fe r in g s are p re sen ted you w i l l k n o w exac tly w h a t ; t l ie y are . l o u w i l l b e to ld w h e th e r th e y a re re du c tio n s o n ou r re gu ­

la r s tocks or speo ia j,'purcha ’’ses m ade by dur buye rs w h ile i n th e E as t. Y o u wiU; be to ld t h e fo rm e r s e llin g ' p r ice o f the- it'em .m dur:

s torij, a n d th e re d u c t io n . . Y ou w i l l k n o w th e n u m b e r of s u c h item s b e in g offered and w h y t ^ are pffered.; , .

. E V E R Y T H IN G W IL I , B E D O N E T H A '^ A N B E DO N E W H JC H .W IL L E N A B P 'U ^ TO C O N T IN U E H O L D IN G -THAT W O p E R F U L : CON-,

. F ro E N C E A N D m i E F W fflC H o p G tlS T O M E E S S E E M TO H A V E IN T H E m A H O D E p M m EN T S T O M r . ?

Don’t Buy Anything You Don’t Need Don’t Speculate On Merchandise

r ’ W e be lie ve in th e so und ness of the se tw o a d m o n it io iis ; I f y o u J ,r e M o w i n g them in y o u r b u y i i f e th e n w e w a n t to sky to y o u th a t '

needed- item s p u rc h a s e a n o w seem exceUent in v e s tm e n ts fo r th e f u t u i ’o. P rices of e ve ry t h i i ig f rb m ;th d .j) f td u c te th e f ^ ' in s to tlioseV

o f th e fa c to r ie s 'h a v e a lre a d y ih a de a s to n is h in g p e rce n tag e g a ii is d y e r :th e if low ng iu ts e a r ly t h is y e a r . I t is or.ly a q u e sS o n p f .tlm e

i .a re g la J , t h a t a l l p r ices are g o in g u p and so are w e . B i it .r e n ie m h e r r ^ it is n o t y e t toou a fiil r e ta i l p r ice s fo llo w 's u it ; ' Y o u .e

.w o n d e rfu l s a v in g s on y o u r p u rch ase s a t the

jD A H O O M P T . S T O « j“I f I t I s n ’t R i g h t B r i n g I t B a c k ”

P ' ' ‘ <1