... I'O LUME XXXIV (TWO DOLLARS } En YE , \R) ' FI D ., TUESI>A Y, MARCH 3, 1893 ( SING.:OE TW(l CENTS ) I 16 DIED. r. This (F)-idny) nft er n _lonsr Jln t'ttl!, Roht>rt Alb rt Tnylor, ICJ\vtng a rife nnc l chilrl to mourn theic l01s , nged yenrs. Fnn l'r:tl ,.on nndny n<'xt , f"Om the of Ct\pt. X. F itz· nL pm. \I n,.. rn'!l CO\'I',nn SJ.ltllrrl n\'. th e 2-ith Jl!., <'hild.of Andr(' \\' md 'f:nt hn nl"nnths. \t C'nrhnnt':lr. on tlH' 2.'t h f . Cho rlr11 :\f cC: lTI hy. .,ti ._ m ornin::, )[r;. E ll rn I! ·t 1 r. yenrs, form<"rly of Ri\'- zl ·:ul- lU.P. . \! lb1ifnx, .. nn th1• lith ult .. of · F.liz..'lhl'th . hC'IO\ 'Cd wi ft' .':11m's :\f cC'.om lnl'k. lnte oi John's, · hl.. in h<'r :!.ith yc: u. Harbor Grace . tl'EPARt'M tNT LEHR li t t<'d np .' : : : : " I..(TOX " li Ol'!':F.. for nt• . will ll(' ptun•cd to nucn<.l to nny .11 .- \\ nltlmr n oom,., Oprr ntlnt: J>cnnrt· •t : \lld'Ln\'ntory \1'111 be rou nd compl ete. \TATER TREE'!', lL\RBOR GRACE, . - · )l ncle in nll etyles nnd sizes. ensi t>et \TOrk ing, s!\feet,simple- , m t nccurnte. most compnct. nnd modern. For enlc by nll deniers .1mus. Cntnlog1,1ea mniled fr eo!by The Fil·e Arm Co., X f: w H . \n< .• t ·.:'.A. Notice to Mariners. No . 1 of 1893. 'I IIE BEL L Bi OY t h<' l'nl r.tlll'l ,,f Hnr ('hnnn• !. h:l .• tlri\'NI :r •. m its its ! I'' , ilin•J i! un· CEO. \\·. :'t 1 r. l:lry l't1anl \\' orke. Bargains! J:U:st Received andFor Sale: ___ ____;. ___ --'------ . --=- 1 -----.- - - 3 cases American OIL CLOTHES, K eystone Brand . A. Few "> of · Our 'ti· i pccl Fl a nnel ette 7. c. pe r y <l; Bleached Ca li co 4 c per yard 2 cases Long Black Oil Coats, (Leather bound, Shee tin g, 14 c; Fl eece ttlico u c; w hlie h irti ng 5 c. English Make. . · kin 13c ; Bl ue , ' c r gc T able Li ne n, 15 c. 16 dozen Hamburg Ho se., Double -\ Vidth T'rced:. 37c · Men' 1 hirts a nd PantR 3 7 c. 1 0 do. Men's Cardt" gan Jackets, f rom Gc : B l ack C: d11ne re 20c. ('u1 ,)rccl job L ot-1 0 c. Rt> n1 l 1 apcr. 3 c. 10 do. Dory Hats, :o c. w or t h S 2.30 l• 'u r Co ll ar s from 40 c. upwnrds. 5 do. Yellow Sou'-Westers. L:trg \ .Jacke t s, L.20: u lst .! r ', fro m Sl.tO The above will be sold Cheap, whole- T\\'CCd I ft:om .... 2. 0 upwa.rd sale and r etai l. early and g'et your choice. American and Canadian money taken at full value. · MU M. J. JONES, . Sign of the .LIO N •. .E . is King New & Popular M USlC Machines. Song Folio, Paper 75 c., cloth SI.50. "Roynl" Folio of Music, Pnper 75 .c., cloth Sl. 50. · Th o "Co ron6}" Music Folio, Pnper 75o. cloth $1.50. . Th o" Imperial" Music Folio Paper, 75c cloth Sl.50. ; {;ni\'crsi ty of Toronto Song Book, paper 75 c., cloth $1.50. College Songs, 1 The Popular Song Book,' 50 ecoLe. Uni\'ersal nnd Giere. 60o. of th e P<'riod" (comic) Folio,50c Folio-\'ol. 1, 2, 3 & 4, each 50 eta. Piano Folio-:--\'ol. 1. 2. 3 &. 4, each 50 eta Dnnce Folio-vol. 1, 2, 3, 4 &. 5, encb 50 c Comic and Varieiy from 14 c. each. Sacred Songs Books in great variety. 500 sheets of Vocal nnd Instrumental Muaio at 6 to 10 c. t>nch. LISTS ON APPLIC ATION. M USIC DE APPROV AL S E CAR LAND Book-Seller ' & S tati oner. Water andBond Sts., ST. JOHN'S. A. S MIT H 'S M arble Works. ESTABLISHED 1847. W c to in for:n the public that we h a.Ye moved in to our ne w and ' lt,)w - room, next to Sail ors' H ome and o p- po!" ilc our o hl :S ta ud . " He re we have in 'stoyk o ne of the l arges t :md bc"t -sclcctC'd St ocks of · · H EAD STON ES, MONUMENTS, &c._, Hand and F ooL i\rnchinee nlwnYs on hand, and sell ing cheaper than e, :er. All Stock is imported direct from the Fnctory at Cleveland, Ohio. Outport Orders promptly filled. We keep Nee.dtes and Oil of beat. quality. The Whjte Sewing Mach ine Co JOHN CASEY, Gen eral Agent, Water St. , H a rbor Grnce, Nfid. · ' Skinner's Monumental Art Stutlio Q UR Rue in PfiS Place a nd entire Stock was destroyed in th e Great Fi re of Ju ly 8. We have sin t; socceeJe<.l in erecti ng a mnnuf11cturing S hop and on the old spot. We have a large su pply of Marbl e, fresh from th e qnnrries; together with a nuro ber of t.he latest nnd moet eautiful qesi gns for Cemetery df>Corn.tion !t, in R eads t one3 an d Monumeotll. Marble or GrnnitP. Also. a few piecPs of Ital i an Art, which are exqui site in and finish, for Chu r ch purposes. or h ome o rnamentation . Pnson:tl attention is to eac h o rder, small or We are ns well prepn.rPd 11::1 evE'r t o. r Pc,..h·e ntH.I ex ecute ord ers. Ev ery- thing is new, everythin g is good. \\'til ou r pntrunH und friends note 'l As in th e pnet. we will do notb ing Lut. work . and thus susLam th e JlOOd r epu lnti on enrned in nin,teim Years of successful bu si · Dt'SB life. Too!s. Cel\lent, P la ster. and ,\lullett:s ·r or s ale. XOT rCF. r;:; Jn:t : ::r: Y 1 , 1 all ' CC II in \"" e wf o und l:t nd . Hav in g purc hased the stock. TERRA NOV A MARBLE WORKS, wh •' : ,,,. li lt• '!•'i<·:l· I or! hL· Au :x .• ' )11Tft nt n r nte far. bel ow cost. the Duckworth St. , eu ·t of n eck's Hill, St. John's. 1 :n.tlw · . " ,,:. \,, H n: ' j, i u a no:-;ition t o sell dur in " this year e Yeryth in" J r )fln C'r:ll. i llll ll nral . . . b o 111111 : , ,. 1. •. - , ·it r to 10 h1 · hn e nt lo w er r ntc th:t n en:! r be fore. ; _ .' th.<l:ly ·. th 11 "' ir Bes t Stock and first-class Workmanship . w H THOMPSON & co t 1 1C'R l1 0n :111 t !:ll. •• "'·:t •!0\nle , • • . · n, d('Strnyt' d in t l. t•r· "' tl t <!a te. Own trength a nd B eauty. 1 , 1 ' \ pplicntion. lor L •• :•JWW:t. o!· the -_\... t;:\I H l.' H' MARBLE WORKS 1 Grnnts. LlcCm"" nr l. l nsrs \\'I ll be . C HARLES F MUIR 'p 'v(>d nt the n bovd) tlit:•' (u pon ' . ' ROPRIETOR. Wholesale and Retail Druggists. proof f! i,·en o( t he fi ling the same), and ta ke prec.edt'nce <?f F R • h b f fl d others for th t> enme tocnu on, unut or lC ee avor an . ' ' . first dn\' of Mny O (' Xt, nfter whi ch Outport Ord rs .Pe!-"sonally and promptly attended - THE- QUEEN . Insurance- Coy. L ost in the Gren.t Confingrn.tio n . the sum of $541,ooo and the QUEEN IN URANCE CO. paid o ut to 398 of i ts patrons, wh o e polic ie s w e r e invoh ·ed in the fire cxnctly n. similn amo un t, viz., $541,000 JOHN CORMACK, A gent, S t . .Toh n 'e. A. T. DRYSDALE, Agent, H a r bor Grnce . Higgins' Hair - Dressing Rooms, · [Two doors west of the Telegraph Office] WATER STREET , HARBOR- GRAOE. Visitors and travellers can rely on ba ving the ir requ irement& aatiafac&orilJ ttended to. P. IDGGINS, Proprietor. I Agents to sell our choice and hardy N Stock . . We h.R. Ye mR.ny 11pec ial \'nrte tl rs. both tn fnuta nnd oml\men• tale to offer, which are controlled only us. We pny commiMion or salary. Write us nt once for terms nnd secure choice of terril on·. ' Jan3010i ' MAY BROTHERS, Nurserymen. Rochester, N .Y. J. A. Whit:rp.an, Custom Tailor, Will guarnntec Fit , Workmamhl and Style. Gi>c us a cn.ll. Out port orders rccei ,.e prompt attention CoR.'v"l:R YICTORJA WATER STREl."T8, HARBOR GRACE, l\fld .. - \\' l. i\ TEn-\\ 'l•lto-"••kn '"'" rken enl'- .>tlEPr•s PIIOTOG RAPBB ott ba \ Vok l .O"; tho grl'•to"t book on earth ; ooetlag 1)100 ,000; rct•ll •t <lolt, cub or lotlall· mepll; m•mmolb lllu1tr•ted clrculare a ud t erm11 free; dally one put o•er 1 600 •olum•'· A,rentl wild whb Mr. T ho1. L\ llar tln, 01' 1l• Tox., cl eared lli ll ln'9 daya; Hl11 Roae Ad•m•, Wooeler 0. 1 28 doll.ra Ia 4o mlnutte; Huv,.l, a .. ,,.rJ Madle oa L,.ont, N,Y,, 101 dollo rt lu 7 bn ur11; a bonaniA; IWiaal.lloeo& ou16t noly 1 dollar, Boob on oredh, Frelp:bt Blbli Publl.blng Co., No. 72! Chottuu f:l., Pblla ., P•., or M8 De.rbOru tH., Chl<l"ll'n, II, f:p'lMII II . ... '"'n' .. ns the feeding qualities cf beef to. carefully .• at St. John's, this 5th day of ATTENDANCE ON SuNDAYs-10 to 11 am · 2 to 3 and 8 to 9 p .m N 0 ' 1'1 CB l .. .. e .. .. .. .... . l .. n '"" 'e ''' n' ' t' " ES .. TABLISHE . D - - 1855 ·. ·T he uncl el'J!ign ed beg to inform the trad e that having put up a . new and im proved Machinery .for . the manuf act ure of . ................ .. ........ : .. .... 1893. MUNN'S MnhognnySofa. It is th e P. mbodimeut of all that is nourishing in tb .e choicest Liquid FISH CLUE, Barometer: B ee f. so t re a ted th' nt th e principle of the B eef can be digested The undersigned are prep A rin! a full stock of N etting and they are prepared to fill orders for 1 w it h ease by the most de bilitated stomach. A pe rf e ct food iq its Twine of their now manufacture, s uitab 'e for the a ny quantity,-in casks from 6 to )folnases-hy th e r uncht'on. cons titu ents and digestibility. ' and La l- rador of 1 H93. and inv itt! the favorable at te n- 10 i in cans from t gallon to 30 Tuba Butt er. t iCJn of th e ' r patrons on t h . I sla nd. - l ptnt'; in 1 and 2 oz. bottles ti lor!•. ,\ ppks. p by th e gross. 6 lltt:J..... E arti c ular att e ntion given to the making of Co cl Tra p-. od We Chal l enge the S trength J. lfGRPRY, F I s H R I E s J and Nets. OOID.OSSIOX AJC- . .. Pri ce nnd terms satisf ac tory. ie artic le a gai nst all Competi· TIOXEER, WA'IER STru:ET, H. \RilOR ouc£. William. Stowe, MuNN & co .. I A MERICAN NE& TWINE · Glollcester Commercial st., Eu r ope, United States and the 34 Commercial Street, Boston, Mass. Harbor - Grace - Pharmacy. GU.ARDJ.AN D ' ' f C d. MANUFACTURERS OF ommton o ana a, 'O D- . H MORRISSEY wishes· to thank his customers ! Fire and Llfe , will be oloaed at the P ost Office, 1.--J E l,{ KING AN D Q_t\.P IN . d tll bli ll Assurance Coy Harbor Grace, on / OF LONDON. ESDA X- 7lh nnd 21st March. J N l{ s. to buamesa to. merl t & continuance of the same in e future -- •• - -ith · April. H L""JRR . INALSGO 'N JJe alaci begs to intimate that he has alw&ya on hand a fuli ESTABLISHED A.D. • 1812. A. T. r: CJ 'J Qf all the luglish and 4merican Patent Medi.. 8tnl8canixn O•l'rr.u.. ...... .£2 ,000,000 St.g. ALL :>B' TJH.: VElR"l BE;:,l' AND MAD£ OF OUlt oinea; &laQ, Panoy and '.J'oilet 4rticles , Sponges Brq,ehes Per .. , Tor.u.lM"VEBtED Fu1rne up. · "' 108 Drv Pa.inta V a.rniahes Glue ' lU.RDS OP .................... 2,7ro,OOO Btg. HEP . I. GO L 0 \ , f"E l \ L . .., , -.., . ., , ' . ' . Aloro.u.lxcola UPW' DS OP 8lK) 000 B&c. S l{ L) ' '" 1•!. ) n J;)iapenaa.ry ·Department will be fotllld oomplete - ' ¥tentlori given t4 Phymoiani .... ;: ._...,. atreet, • - - - :bQt Grace, Nfld. moatcrem.'bto tom- . .J.'..I• 1 1uren, 'Yia., unCloub&od •&abilh7, of wbbb •• are lLI! ODIJ .IIIaaafaotaren. able t.l1DI and J)l'OIDp\ 1ett.lement to olalmlfor 1-. · 'l'be l1Dd.alped belll apo I fOf NewfoiJv!lpct are blue Polloi• aplan Jo. .. .

TWINE· - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · A perfect food iq its Twine of their now manufactu re, suitab'e for t he ~wfoundlnnd

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Page 1: TWINE· - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · A perfect food iq its Twine of their now manufactu re, suitab'e for t he ~wfoundlnnd




DIED. r. This (F)-idny) momin~, nfter n _lonsr Jlnt'ttl!, Roht>rt Alb rt Tnylor, ICJ\vtng a rife nncl chilrl to mourn theic l01s, nged ~ yenrs. Fnnl'r:tl,.on nndny n<'xt, f"Om the r~':oid<'nce of Ct\pt. X. F itz· :··~ 1<1. nL ~.30 pm.

\I n,..rn'!l CO\'I',nn SJ.ltllrrln\'. the 2-ith Jl!., \llt!lll'l ll!'.tlnrl in~ <'hild.of Andr('\\' md 'f:nthn Kl'nn~'<h·. n~<'d ~ nl"nnths.

\t ~uth ~i•l<'. C'nrhnnt':lr. on tlH' 2.'th f . Cho rlr11 :\fcC:lTI hy. n~Nl ~ ' yC'n~.

.,ti._ ( Fritlo~ mornin::, )[r;. Ellrn I! ·t 1 r. :~ r:c-cl"tfi yenrs, form<"rly of Ri\'-zl ·:ul-lU.P. .

\! lb1ifnx, X.~ .. nn th1• lith ult .. of · ~<umptinn . F.liz..'lhl'th. hC'IO\'Cd wift' .':11m's :\fcC'.omlnl'k. lnte oi ~t. John's,

· hl.. in h<'r :!.ith yc:u.

Harbor Grace . E·NtAc·~ ·· tl'EPARt'MtNT

1· LEHR h:l\'in~r nC'wt~· lit t<'d np .' : : : : " I..(TOX " liOl'!':F.. for

nt•. will ll(' ptun•cd to nucn<.l to nny .11 opcrntlon~t.. .- \\•nltlmr noom,., Oprrntlnt: J>cnnrt· • t :\lld'Ln\'ntory \1'111 be round complete.


)lncle in nll etyles nnd sizes. L~~orgeet, on~<'st, ensit>et \TOrking, s!\feet,simple­, m t nccurnte. most compnct. nnd ~~ modern. For enlc by nll deniers .1mus.

Cntnlog1,1ea mniled freo!by

The ~Iarlin Fil·e Arm Co., X f:w H .\n< Co~~ .• t ·.:'.A.

Notice to Mariners. No. 1 of 1893.

'IIIE BELL BiOY th<' l'nl r.tlll'l ,,f Plv·:-nn·l ~:~~•l'l•' Hnr • ('hnnn• !. h:l h« .• tlri\'NI :r •. m its

its ! r.·~•·nt I'' , ilin•J i! un·

CEO. \\·. ~fE\\'~. :'t 1 r. l:lry l't1anl \\'orke.

Bargains! J:U:st Received andFor Sale: ___ ____;. ___ --'------. --=-1-----.-- - 3 cases American OIL CLOTHES, K eystone Brand.

A. Few"> of · Our 'ti·ipccl Fla nne lette 7. c . per y <l; Bleached Calico 4 c per yard 2 cases Long Black Oil Coats, (Leather bound,

Shee ting, 14 c ; F leece ttlico u c; w hlie h irti ng 5 c . English Make. . ~Iole ·kin 1 3 c ; Blue , ' c rgc ~3c; T able Linen , 15 c. 16 dozen Hamburg Hose., Doubl e -\Vidth T'rced:. 3 7c · Men' 1 hirts a nd PantR 3 7c. 10 do. Men's Cardt"gan Jackets, Drc~~ Go()d~ from Gc : B lack C:d11nere 20c . ('u1,)rccl C:t~hn1cre-:t job L ot-1 0 c. Rt> n1 l1apcr. 3 c. 10 do. Dory Hats, ~cal :\Iun·~. :o c. w ort h S 2.30 l•'ur Collars fro m 40 c. upwnrds. 5 do. Yellow Sou'-Westers. L:trg \ ~--l: .Jacke ts, L.20: u lst .!r ', from Sl.tO The above will be sold Cheap, whole-)[eu·~ T\\'CCd I ·n~t~, ft:om .... 2. 0 upwa.rd sale and retai l. ~Call early and g'et your choice. American

and Canadian money taken at full value. ·MU BROS~ M. J. JONES, 93J~£~R~i'~~~ET, . ~ Sign of the .LION •.

. E

. T~White is King New & Popular M USlC ~ooks ~ewing ~F Machines.

" Ro~·nl" Song Folio, Paper 75 c., cloth SI.50.

"Roynl" Folio of Music, Pnper 75 .c., cloth Sl.50. ·

Tho "Coron6}" Music Folio, Pnper 75o. cloth $1.50. .

Tho" Imperial" Music Folio Paper, 75c cloth Sl.50. ;

{;ni\'crsity of Toronto Song Book, paper 75 c., cloth $1.50.

College Songs, 1 The Popular Song Book,' 50 ecoLe.

Uni\'ersal Colle~c Son~s nnd Giere. 60o. "Son~ of the P<'riod" (comic) Folio,50c Son~ F olio-\'ol. 1, 2, 3 & 4, each 50 eta. Piano Folio-:--\'ol. 1. 2. 3 &. 4, each 50 eta Dnnce Folio-vol. 1, 2, 3, 4 &. 5, encb 50 c Comic and Varieiy Song 'Albums~ from

14 c. each. Sacred Songs Books in great variety. 500 sheets of Vocal nnd Instrumental

Muaio at 6 to 10 c. t>nch. LISTS ON APPLICATION.


S E CAR LAND Book-Seller • • ' & Stationer.

Water andBond Sts., ST. JOHN'S.

A. SMITH'S Marble Works. ESTABLISHED 1847.

W c be.~ to infor:n the public that we h a.Ye moved into our new Work~ltop and ' lt ,)w -room, next to Sailors' H ome and op­po!"ilc our ohl :Staud. " Here w e have in 'stoyk o ne of the largest :md bc"t-sclcctC'd S tocks of · ·


Hand and FooL i\rnchinee nlwnYs on hand, and selling cheaper than e,:er.

All Stock is imported direct from the Fnctory at Cleveland, Ohio.

Outport Orders promptly filled. • We keep Nee.dtes and Oil of beat.


The Whjte Sewing Machine Co JOHN CASEY,

Gene r a l Agent,

Water St., H arbo r Grnce, Nfid. · -·~

' Skinner's Monumental Art Stutlio Q UR RueinPfiS P lace a nd entire Stock was destroyed in the Great F ire

of July 8. We have sinc·t; socceeJe<.l in erecting a mnnuf11cturing Shop and ~Vareroom on the old spot. We have re~eived a large supply of Marble, fresh from th e qnnrries; together with a nuro ber of t.he latest nnd moet eautiful qesigns for Cemetery df>Corn.tion!t, in R eadstone3 and Monumeotll. Marble or GrnnitP. Also. a few piecPs of Ital ian Art, which are exquisi te in dE't~i~n and finish, ~uitnhle for Church purposes. or home ornamentation. Pnson:tl attention is ~h·en to each order, small or Jnr~e. We are ns well prepn.rPd 11::1 evE'r to. rPc,..h·e ntH.I execute orders. Every­thing is new, everything is good . \\'til our pntrunH und friends not e ~is 'l As in the pnet. we will do notb ing Lut. fir:~ L-cln."S work. and thus susLam the JlOOd repu lntion enrned in nin,teim Years of successful busi· Dt'SB life. T oo!s. Cel\l ent, P laster. and ,\lullett:s ·ror sale.

XOTrCF. r;:; Jn:t: ::r: Y t.J\'E~ 1,1 all <.~"c.r ' CCII in \"" e wfo und l:t nd. Having purchased t h e stock. an~ TERRA NOV A MARBLE WORKS, ·-,on~ wh•' ma~· : ,,,. li lt• '!•'i<·:l· I hu·It~c~:; or! hL· bt~ Au:x .• ' )11Tft nt n r nte far. bel ow cost. the Duckworth St., eu ·t of n eck's Hill, St. John's. 1 :n.tlw :O: l'n.':~:Y• · . " ,,:. \,, Hn: ' ~ub~rri bcr j, i u a no:-;ition t o sell durin" this year e Yerythin" J

r )flnC'r:ll. i llll ~. , ._~ ll nra l . . . • b ~ o t--===~~=~~"":"':=:-=-:::-:.~-:::-.::-_ -::_=-=======~=~ 111111: Li<'~>nsu' , ,. 1. •. - , ·it r to 10 h1 · hne nt lo wer rntc th:tn en:!r before. ; _

.' th.<l:ly ol.ln~ ·. ~ ~ ~ th 11

"'ir Best St ock and first -class Workmanship. w H THOMPSON & co t 11C'Rl10n :111t!:ll. • •• • "'·:t ••!0\nle , • • . • • ·n, d('Strnyt'd in tl. t•r· "' t l t <!a te. Own Aor--t>ttra l nht~· . trength a nd B eau ty . 1 , 1 ' \ pplicntion. lor L •• :•JWW:t. o!· the -_\... t;:\I Hl.'H' MARBLE WORKS 1

Grnnts. LlcCm"" nr l.l nsrs \\' I ll be. CHARLES F MUIR 'p 'v(>d nt the nbovd)tlit:•' (upon ~nt is- ' . ' ROPRIETOR. • Wholesale and Retail Druggists.

proof bein~ f!i ,·en o( the fi ling ~==~~~~=-:-::-~~__.::-~~===~~~====~=~= the same), and take prec.edt'nce <?f F R • h b f fl d ~ others for tht> en me tocnu on, unut or lC ee avor an . ' ' . first dn\' of Mny O('Xt, nfter which Outport Ord rs .Pe!-"sonally and promptly attended

- THE-

QUEEN . Insurance- Coy. L ost in the Gren.t Confingrn.tion

. the sum of

$541,ooo and the


paid o ut to 398 of i ts patrons, who e p ol ic ies w e r e invoh ·ed in t h e fire cxnctly n. similn a m oun t, viz.,

$541,000 JOHN CORMACK,

A gent, S t . .Tohn 'e. A. T. DRYSDALE, Agent, H a r bor Grnce .

Higgins' Hair - Dressing Rooms, ·

[Two doors west of the Telegraph Office] WATER STREET, HARBOR- GRAOE.

Visitors and travellers can rely on ba ving their requirement& aatiafac&orilJ ttended to.

P. IDGGINS, Proprietor. WANTED~ I

Agents to sell our choice and hardy N u~e~y Stock . . We h.R. Ye mR.ny 11pecial \'nrtetlrs. both tn fnuta nnd oml\men• tale to offer, which are controlled only h~· us. W e pny commiMion or salary. Write us nt once for terms nnd secure choice of terril on·. '


'MAY BROTHERS, Nurserymen. Rochester, N.Y.

J. A. Whit:rp.an, ~~ Custom Tailor,

Will guarnntec Fit, Workmamhl and Style.

Gi>c us a cn.ll. •

Out port orders rccei ,.e prompt attention


- \\' l. i\TEn-\\'l•lto-"••kn '"'" rken enl'­•~h~ro fl'r" .>tlEPr•s PIIOTOGRAPBB ottba \Vok l.O"; tho grl'•to"t book on earth ; ooetlag 1)100,000; rct•ll •t 8.2~ <lolt, cub or lotlall· mepll; m•mmolb lllu1tr•ted clrculare a ud term11 free; dally one put o•er 1600 •olum•'· A,rentl wild whb auceea~. Mr. T ho1. L\ llartln, 01'1l• tre~lllt, Tox., cleared lli ll ln'9 daya ; H l11 Roae Ad•m•, Wooeler 0.1 28 doll.ra Ia 4o mlnutte; Huv,.l, a .. ,,.rJ Madleoa L,.ont, N,Y,, 101 dollort lu 7 bnur11; a bonaniA; IWiaal.lloeo& ou16t noly 1 dollar, Boob on oredh, Frelp:bt p~14 Addr~Giobe Blbli Publl.blng Co., No. 72! Chottuu f:l. , Pblla., P•., or M8 De.rbOru tH., Chl<l"ll'n, II, f:p'lMIIII .... '"'n' .. \~~~~~:~~lr6r'~~! ~~~r:i~~ ns the feeding qualities cf beef to. Pres~rlptlOP,S carefully co~pounded .•

at St. John's, this 5th day of ATTENDANCE ON SuNDAYs-10 to 11 am · 2 to 3 and 8 to 9 p .m N 0 '1'1 CB l A.D.IJ~·~~e~<;<>~~e.ral . ~~~"?Pr' .. .. e .... _.~e" ' 'm ....... l .. n'"" 'e'''n''t'" ES .. TABLISHE. D - ~ - 1855 ·. · T he unclel'J!igned beg to inform

the trade that having jut~t put up a . new and improved Machinery .for

. the manufacture of .

PIA~Bargain,· ................ .. ........ : .. .... FISHER.~ES, • 1893. MUNN'S

MnhognnySofa. It is the P.mbodimeut of all that is nourishing in tb.e choicest Liquid FISH CLUE, Barometer: B eef. so t rea ted th'nt the lif~ principle of the B eef can b e digested The undersigned are prepArin! a full s t ock of N etting and they are prepared to fill orders for

1 Ch~~· w ith ease by the most d ebilitated stomach. A p erfect food iq its Twine o f their now manufactu re , s uitab'e fo r t h e ~wfoundlnnd any quantity,-in casks from 6 to ~ )folnases-hy the r uncht'on. con s tituents and digestibility. ' and Lal-rador Fi~heries of 1 H93. and inv itt! t h e favorable at t e n- 10 ~allons i in cans from t gallon to 30 Tuba Butter. t iCJn of the' r patrons on t h . Island. - l ptnt'; alt~o, in 1 and 2 oz. bottles ti lor!•. ,\ ppks. p by the gross. 6 lltt:J..... E artic ular attention given to the making of Cocl Trap-. •od We Challenge the Strength

J. ~ . lfGRPRY, F I s H R I E s J ~eioes, and Herrin~ Nets. OOID.OSSIOX A.GE~T ~D AJC- • . .. ~ Price nnd terms satisfactory . otofr~sb. ie article against all Competi·

TIOXEER, WA'IER STru:ET, H .\RilOR ouc£. William. Stowe, JoH~ MuNN & co ..

~~~tM~~~: jf~;tice I AMERICAN NET· & TWINE· C~. Glollcester N~t an~~~~ ~~8~4 Commercial st., ~j~:~:!~h~,;~;!:ri;;i~ Europe, United States and the 34 Commercial Street, Boston, Mass. • Harbor - Grace - Pharmacy. GU.ARDJ.AN

D ' ' f C d . MANUFACTURERS OF ommton o ana a, c·'OD- . H MORRISSEY wishes· to thank his customers ! Fire and Llfe ,

will be oloaed at the Post Office, ~ 1.--J E l,{ KING AN D Q_t\.P I..~ IN . • d tll bli ll Assurance Coy Harbor Grace, on / tt;t.1!cfi>!'tr~~;:rhrrt\a~~nd h:pe~Qby 0a~~o~e~:te~ti~! OF LONDON. •

ESDA X- 7lh nnd 21st March. ~ r~: J N l{ s. to buamesa to. merl t & continuance of the same in e future --

•• - -ith ·April. H L""JRR.INALSGO 'N L~'f""'. JJe alaci begs to intimate that he has alw&ya on hand a fuli ESTABLISHED A.D. • 1812. A. T . DRl,~f~~!~r. r : CJ • 'J ~ Qf all the l~g luglish and 4merican Patent Medi.. 8tnl8canixn O•l'rr.u.. ...... .£2,000,000 St.g.

ALL :>B' TJH.: VElR"l BE;:,l' QU.U,~TY AND MAD£ OF OUlt oinea; &laQ, Panoy and '.J'oilet 4rticles, Sponges Brq,ehes Per .. , Tor.u.lM"VEBtED Fu1rne up. · f\ime~Oi "'108 Drv Pa.inta V a.rniahes Glue ~P- • ' lU.RDS OP .................... 2,7ro,OOO Btg.

HEP. I. GO L 0 \ ,f"E l \ L . .., , -.., . ., , ' . ' ~· . Aloro.u.lxcola UPW' DS OP 8lK) 000 B&c. S ~\ l{ L) ' ~ '" 1•!. ) n J;)iapenaa.ry·Department will be fotllld oomplete - '

Jl~ . ¥tentlori given t4 Phymoiani ~acriptiana. · ~ ·~hot!= J:~; ~~.ii "fWJ~r~ ....;: ._...,. atreet, • - - - :bQt Grace, Nfld. ~oeefod\'&Dtap moatcrem.'bto tom-

. ~., .J.'..I• 1 1uren, 'Yia., unCloub&od •&abilh7, fa~

of wbbb •• are lLI! ODIJ.IIIaaafaotaren. able t.l1DI and J)l'OIDp\ 1ett.lement to olalmlfor 1-.

· 'l'be l1Dd.alped ba~ belll apo I ~te fOf NewfoiJv!lpct are

blue Polloi• aplan Jo.

.· &~•::&

.. .

Page 2: TWINE· - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · A perfect food iq its Twine of their now manufactu re, suitab'e for t he ~wfoundlnnd

()~ nf'"t'JOYS ~ Both the m ethod :.!!1 r~::!i:.s whcr.

SYJ;Upo~Fi~;: i~ t:li: ~n; ~tis pl~ · and rafreshi:1::; ! " 41

'" l:>~t3, O.!ld :lC. gently yet J,>ro· c·~ · :· J K1dn ey· Liver and Dn. ~· ~s the sys t~m eifdctu :-.:Jy, 1.L·, •J CO lOS, D:ead: aches n~ fonr:J and. cu:-es. hn~1tun.. c onstip:1tion. SI :"UJ> of Figs ·lS t h F only remedy or ' t:; l:k d. ever/ror duccd, plc::...:u!: b t!.:c t:lStc np a?­cc~bla to 1!·c · : :·~:tcJ, p~om.pt .m i ts action ::~~.~·.:':!.,, ·~c!lcw.l m Its e ffects, p:-c"'::=c.i. c ,· frv::l the mC?st henltby:L~,\ ::~!" ... c: -~c.su!>~t:mces,I~s m anyc:xc .. . lcdqt!:ui Icscommend1t io o.ll ~nd b.~ m.1de it t h e most popular rclll .1:{ L:.nown. •

Syn·p of Figs. IS for so.lc m .'15o botUes bT" ~ll b :tding druggiSts. A ny reli:.:b o drU{;'!;ist .who may nC?f4 kse it on h:md will :r-rocu.ra 1t p romptly for ~ny one wbo wiSher to t.ry it. Mmufacturcd only by th~

CALIFOHf~ ~ IG SYRUP CO., SAN Yo:: ~ • .'~!011300, OAL.

l.()l1ISVILLE. ::::. NEW YOBK.li• ¥

Wistars Balsam


'Wild Oh1rry

Thle old reliable apeolflo for couaha, cold& and all dleeaaea of a pulmonary n ature eaally retains Its popularity amona the peo· pie, thousands of~ whom may almost be said to h ave been raised upon It s ince It has eo long b9en the unl· ve·sal cure-all In so many homes. Its record for up­wards of a half century Is known t o all and attests Its r emark able m orlt. For sale by all Dl'ugglsts.

Seth W. Fowle & Sons,

Do nQt be ·D~pressed


b ecause you have been

unable to rid yourself of that obstin: te cough.

You have bee n experi­

menting with new and

worthless compounds.

Cheer up! There is hope for you

~ if you will try that stand­

ard preJ?lration that has been in use for more

than 50 years...

Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.

It wiD Cure You. Sold by aO Vntggists-


Assu ranee Co; • Established 1836

L0111"DON: L lfOlWATE STREET, • • E. C. --IN~n .LVI> FONDS (1887.)

Fir• Premiuma .... . ....... . ....... . .. £607,000 Lifu Premiums ........................ 197,000 Iotereat ..... ............... .... ........... l413,000 Accumulated Fund. ............ .£3,4211000

The Undersigned are empowerea to effect inaurancea on all kind. of Pro­~Yin Newfoundland at current. Rates Ol Premium.a.

The above Company I. well-lmown lor · f1a liberality and promptneu in aettling

~tuaeal.Foan. ol application lor :rtr. aDd ule ~ and all odler ial~tion c.n be obtablecl at .... ol. •

. A. 0. JIA. YW.AJU), er.Joa'J.

. ftlorX.P.LD. ..,.~.~,..~




Open tho Ro~ublioail Houeo of Jran'81. Highest of all ill Leavening Power.-Latest p. S. Gov't Report.

ToPEKA, Kan., F ebruary 15.-~e moet diaordetly sc11nes yet enacted 10 the dual houl.e of the Kanaaa legisla­ture were -litneaaed to-day, and the capital city ie in a state of excitement bordering_nlmoet•on civil war. The ar­

·reat of B.ili)a~·n liich, clerk of the populist-house, an hie rescue frorn the officers, yesterday ave served to argu­ment the feelings or h ostility between the rival factions. FollowinR the en­counter on ~e streets yesterday after~ noon the governor and the speaker of the pOPulist ~rancb addreaaed communi­cations to tlle aheliff (lf this (Shawnee) eounty. al'tting forth that. the populist house is the legal!( conetttuted body f. that Benjarqin C Rich ie the lawfu clerk thereo~: thnt they havn ~een ~o­lrst ed in the dil!cha!'Jte of pubhe duttes hy f\ lnwlcM body of men,Rnd demand­i .;~ that a force or peace officers b e p ro­Yitled to protect the le~alature and i~ nfn<'era from furth er molestntion.Sheriff Wilkl'raon, who is a repuhlican, de­<'lined to interfl're in the controversy or to take nny a ctidh which misrht b e cnn­~tnteted Ae a: rPCogt1i tion by h im of ~be le~ality of l'ither of the contendm~ houses This was a disnppr.intment nnd n. · p ro,·ocRt ion to thf' populists, which feelin~ wns intPn~ified by the arr,.,.t of S. M. C'on , W. H. Rynn. John F Willetl11 nnd P. X. Gish for the as· ~~~ult on oflicen~ oft hi' rPpuhlicnn housf' who bnn th<' Chief C'lerk Rich in CU!I· INh·, The four men named were tnkrn h<'fore nju11tic!' of the .pea~e, and gn,·p honds to npnrn~ fo~ trtnl m one "':ePk. l"pon consultnt10n m caucus l~U~t m~ht. th<' ponulis~ d~ciderl to take the law into thl'ir own hnnds once rnore, and rn•vPnt the·Tepublicnns from issemb­

111ufh"oo thPv will t.um off the electric lil!'hta tn-nisrht. ThA republiCAnl'l a.dont· Pd tho foJJowin~~; adlirf>llll covering the can11PII of tn-il~'·" rli11turhAnre:

To thn !AwAbidinsr citizens ofKan11M: An nn!anized cnnr~pimcv to suhvPrt th111 conetitntion nntl Jn.w11 of tho 11taoo. nnrl to OV('li\W(' thP )AWful h01111!' Of r'Aorel!fiO· tnth-<>11. is 1\t thi111 m omf'nt in full oper· atinn At thP capitAl nf thf' 111tAtf'.

The Jawfnl Authnrity of tht~ house nf rl'pr~"l! ~'ntAth·r"' Willi :V<'I'Ittrday openly nnrl fl~l!rllntlv rlf'fiPd h~ nn A!II!Rult upnn the offiePno nf th!' hOUJIC in thfl dill· rhnrJ!P of their dutiE'I!. ThP Allllattlt took "J'I)al'(' in thP prel!<'ni'P of th l' 20Vem nr. Ancl wn111 ll'rl hv .T. F . WiiJPt~ .. J. W. BrPidPnthnl nnd oth<'r Jnwlcssly diepos· l'cJ nPrllflOII.•

lin~ in repr<>l!entnth·e h f!-11. This mon:t· in~ in puraunnce of th111 p)RD, Of t h1111 nla~ .,l.!tlArdll were nlnced in charszeof 1111 nr11~.

.th<' (!ntrnncl'a fo the hAll. Two guR~t' At this writina thPv ArA 11till tberP, wrre on dutv At tbA foot of thA mAin hu t ArP hnnrlv thrPat(.ned "ith A con· stl\itw&V. and siX Other& at the landin_~r flict with•thP. fOrCell Of anarchy Anfl TI'­AhOYe. ·One,. guard had, ,.. Winchester \'nlutinn. who opPnly' proolnim thPir rifle. and t)1e othen .had revolYera. determfnAtinn in Advance to di11resrard which they ;nok no patne to conceal. anv judgment nf fhe courts contrary to Tl'" bnok stairway was likl'wiee guard- tbi>ir own wi11hee1 and to continue in ed and the announcement boldly madP rlefiance of the constitution ""d' the

Thi11 mnrninsz whl'n thf' housE' of~,._ prPIIrntntiV<'II " 'Alii Rhnut tn mf'Pt. tts ml'mhrr W<'r <'·cnnfrnntt>rl'nt thP 11tnirwAy b\" a forCI' atm!'d with ri flPII, \lOner the COffi'"TliiOrl Of the l'rljutan~POI'TI\l Of th P stAtP. The ml'mhrrs of thP ho1111e of rPprPsentnti """· n ee,·rre strn~crlP. forcPrl thPir w11.v to thl' entrRnce o f the hnJJ. ann. After hA.ttPrin l! OOWD the rl nnr. which hRrrPd a~rain!lt th l'm. POfPrf'rl the hAll of tne house nnd proceeded· to busi·

th~t oniy populiata would b e admitted la'WII. • to the ball. Postmaster Bunn of the re- ThR membera·of theilouae of l'f\'J'r<'e· publican. hou11e wu Also refueE'rl ~d- RntativPa have eaml'etly aon~tht to minion with tbe morning mail. Notice brin~t the qneetion involved to AD issue w111 anon !riven to tb1i republicAns in thE\ courts. onlv to bR m At with an thrnu,~rbout the citv that they b ad been opPn prorlamAtion of"diereepect and locked out. In a short tirne they fonn- dE'fiAnce of tbP courts. Pd in a body,headed by Speaker Geol'J!'e The CAnae of thA constitutional _~rov· I.. DouJtl8!1 and Speaker pro t ern E. W . emment Is At l!tak~>.-and It becomes H ock and marched to the cnpftal, &e· every law Abidinsr <'ltiEen'e duty to tAkA COmp~nied by 50 &lll!i&tant 8P!'JtPant.-llt hie l!tAnd in h Phn)f Of the prfnrfTilC!I Of ~rms. who Wl're 11worn In durin~t the frP<' szovernmrnt. In the condition of niaht in rmticipat[on of the Pmergency. Afi'Ain~ we deem- it proRer to apprieA ~nd follo"·<'d by a lnrJte crowd of 11oec- vnn thRt your repreaentathe11 n eed llt tatora. Th'e republicans were not chRl· this moment your moral and active lenaPd until they reached th~ foot of~he support. mnin 11tnirwnv, when a popuhst eTclRim· GEORGE- DOUGLAS, Speaker. Nl: •. Yon CRnnot szet in h ere." nnd The hOll!lf' nlso passed · a-resolution ··urthrr proj.!Tr @s wna disputed by the Rn thorizinl! thf' eenrennt-nt·arme to ar-fh-e gunrdfl . who r, 111 t .T. W. Br<'idPnthnl, S."U. Scott . .J. F .

FI.Ol'lUSH'ED TrtEIR WEAPO:>S, ,,.illitl'l nnn D. M. H owRrd, nnd hrin~ 1\nrl ccmtim1"d to 11hout: "You can 't th C' m bl'fm:e the h otll!<' tn.nnl!wPr to the '"'r t in hl're ~· The. crowd pr<>e~~Pd . for, rhn~e of contPmpt in interfering with n·nrd. hnwf'\'rr . and thC' ~runrde wprr nnrl a!'enultinj!" nn offirl'r of th<' h ouse ,frh·rn hn<'k, but the main doors WPr(' while hi' WRI! serving 1\ Jegn) procee11 r fnund to hr l'rrurl'ly lockro. SpPnk<'r B. F . Rich. , nou~rlns orderr rl the J:llllrds n"·ay. hut THE SLEDGE \nTI! 'Wmcll-TIIE-DOOR w !I th!'v r t>plirrl : ·'We nrP instn1ct<>d by the n ,\TrEREO oow~ 'l ttorney·J:Pneml ~o nllow no one t? ·lr0 wns up~n ·motion of RepresentAtive in her!'." To whtch Donl!"l88 reph ed: Hall , pr<>eenterlto 'SpeAkl'r Oon~Jne1for ·• \\'e nrc the m embers of the b ouse of u11o ns a gAvel. and in recognition of rl'pree<>ntativea. and Rl speaker of such his brav<>ry. The"apeaker · in · response hnusc I order you to ~tet out of the way·" said h e ncoepted the Jtift, and wo6ld ThP JroRrdl! resi11ted. and again tried to use it not only ae a gavel. but to pro­intimidate the republicans with a dfs· teet the bouse and!lawful~government plAy or weapons. W. ButtPrfleld . who 1\j!"Ainet AnArchy. hRd obtained an entrance throu~th the R. B. Welch , of Topeka, was awom in pre1111 door, appeared at the b ead of .the to-day 81 lleeistanteenteant-U,.arrne, and etA irs and shouted: ,, Men for GOd'a· in11truot-ed to swear' in 200":or rnorp"de­&Rke don' t ah'oot ' ' Don't be raeb ! • Let to usist in supporting therepu!r there be no bloodshed I Come on, the ......... ~ ..... wRv ie clPar."

This diverted the attention of tntards, nnd the crowd rushed rn .... R,P¥1 with irreai11tible force. One guard was 11truck in the face and dropped bta ~n~n. The othen were driven into the hAll. but locked the doon behind them. The 11ide door W8S broken open and the re­publican• pounced into the hall through the cloak roorn, The main door WAf atillloclced, and tbepopuli.etgua~ br.d rliaappeared with the key, Bpenlcer Douglns bad provided blmael! "jth 11. al~ge-bammer, and after making th ree demands that the door be unlock· ed h e proceeded to breaktbe pan ela with the hRmmer, uaiated by Re present&· tives W. B. Swrm and A. C. She~an.

The first blow tore a large bole 1n the hea,•y door and with a. piCDe pf the wood Lawy~r Clt>men, ai~~d a b!ow ~ Rl'prPeentatlve Swan, etrtktng htm 10 thf' band. AnotheJ' populist drew a Winchester to bie shoulder and was


newe of the newa'orthe:con· been oirculat.cd thrpugh the

to Topeka, the people cotDn:lencCC1 pouring Into the city from every direction in wagona,on honeback and by raUroRd, mott or the new arrivals being populist aympathizen.

Later in the day the governor ie111ued a proclamation occupying about a


Pimples Blotches /Scrofula

are all cause d by

Impure . Blood

Be 'IV:lfncd I Nat are must be u­aittef to throw off tne poisons. For thla. purpose nothing c:an equal N,.,.,,., o~ assistant .


&king Powder

column in which he drolorecl the 11ituR· lion, but. nlaccct tho blnmP f'ntir<'ly on the reJnthlicans. He upholds thP nonu· list hranoh 1\1'1 bPins.t Je~RIIy consti tut<'d in Avery pArticnlnr, R~d nc~n""" th".rc­pnhlicanl! or nhlltructlon, tn!lnrrectlfln and personal violence, nnd cloeee ne fol­lom~ :

Nnw. therefore. derming the pr<'l'lf'nt condition of nnblic affnir11 n!l pr<'I!Pnl!'lnl!" An e.xtmorrlinnr.'· occn11inn; nml All

wrumntin~ the ~crei11f' of pnwl'r vr11t rrl in m e hv tno COn11titntion nf thl' Stntr tn I!Cfl thnt the )Rws nrP fnithfnlly <'X<'­euted. thnt fl"RCI' mny h r prr~l'n·NI and nJJ pprsons who nnlnwfulJy ohl!t met the hnnsc "f rPpr<'l!f'Jltnth ·rll nr mrmhora or offireno thPrrof in propl' r rli~chllrtrr of thPir nutin1 nll\\" hi' ri'Tl'lO\·NJ. nnrl thAt all unlrLwful rr!"'nnizntionll IIlii\" hi' 1'1\lr· prr11~rd nntl ,·iolen<'<' Ancl hloocll!h rn n\·ertf'rl. I.. L. D. Lcwell in!!'. ~mrrnor nf th<' stntc of KAni!"S, in ,·irtnf'' ·nf "thl' pnwl'r ,.,!lt!'d in me M cnmmnnd~r. i~­chief. " ' ith TIOW<'r to cnll out the m1h t1n tn rXPf'lltf' thl' Jaws nnd for thl' 1!11pJ'IrPII· I' ion of inlllltr<'<'tion. do hPrcby cnll forth tht' militin. or th ill stl\t(' in nrrl<'r to 811p­

prel!8 Raid nn!Rwfnl """"mhlnc:<', to rl'· 11tor1' pl'a('f' nnr! nrnt<>ction non tO CRUSt' thf' J~w" .to be liuly ,.x,.rut,.d.

Adj t . Gen. Artz is h<'rehy cha~aNI with the nrCI'!Isnrv orr!Pr!l to cnrn· tntn pffect thA pnrpni!E'·h,rPin b r for" dri'!Ar· ed. I appenl to all loyrLI and IRw nbitl· inJr citizPns to fR vor. facilitate anrl nid

'in this effort tn maintnin the 11111 nrrmAcy of th e JRW. and the honor nnd integrity anrl pPrp<'tuit.y of th P a tnt<'. 0~. ARTZ J:\[){'f:DJATEL Y ORDERED OUT

' THF. E~"TIRE ~ITLlTIA FORCE of the state, whioh consi11!Jo of !Pas than 2.000 mE-n. Cnmpany C of 011klan1. 1\ 1mburh nfTopPkA. WR!I thP firattoarrtvP . hy cnmint:" P)Pctrlc cnra. Thf'~' mRrcherl immerl intf'ly to the "tRte house, and were wPlcomed with chi'Prll by th<' popu­liete. CompAnv G. of MRrion•and com­panv B. or H olton cnme i n lntPr hy &l)Pcial trAin. Bn.t t.Pry B ofToprka wn11 callPd out. a l11o ""ction A. nf tho li l!ht ArtiJJerv of Witch itA with 11. GAtling Jtlln BatterY B took poel tion of the •)'!l'nal in Capitolenuar<'.nnrl RrrftO)!Prl fnr i111111· tnjt Rrmll, nmmunitinn And c)othinsr t"' the aolrli ~>n~. Col. Hnchr11 or Toopkn Will! p)ncrfl in comm'lnd Of nil the militin to he concrntrnt!'d in Tnp!'kn. nnd in nnd nronnn thf' l'l llltf' ho\11!1'. Thrt¥ cnm pRni!'!l Of \'OftmtPel'l' wr rt' o rganizrd at thP ri'Qill'llt of thP JtOVPrn• or nnd nrnird with carbines from the stale n.raennl.

MET ' INSTANT DEATK. . Thl' fl'W who br('n ffil' 1\WI\rl' Of thr

end frcrt~ Wl'rf' startled to lrnrn,Tll<'!~cla~·. of the t errihlr ncrit!Pnt on Plea!ll\nt strPI't, hy wpich :\fi!ls Lynl'h , dan~htrr nf )fr. Peter Lvn<'h. m <' l in11tnnt. clrnth. l'he afflictedre!Mh·es will hnvo the deep svmpnthv o~lnr~P circle of friend•, who ff'e)'deep fOr the RJ:<'d pnre11111 in this time of a e bereav<>mcnt. Mlu Lvnch hnd-.,een nt•the Orpheue con­oertand was On hPr wny homP. AOOOm· panird by hPr aieter- )frs, Wiib~·. n daught('r of Bishop o .urtnPy. a t. lrd lady friend. nnd by All'rrd ~. Whitmnn, bArriat.er, ThA party hnrt ~one down Pleaaant etre'6t And were in the act of croeein~ to Tobin atrret when

T it£ AW"FVL TRAOF.DY .fiAPPE~'EJ). A horae owned anrl drh·en by Frn11er

Cameronl thoroughly uncontrollable, dubed aown the street with the vel· ocity of the wind, and on(\ of the ebnfta atmck Miu Lynch in the throat. She fell to the ground' and the horror of the friends can hardly bo imngined wheu they found h er• dead. At fiflt, per. haps, they did not realize tho terror of the aituntion, but the fenrful truth was not Ion~ ht breAk in~ in upon them Tho body wna removed to the houeo of Frank Roberta, At the corner pf Tobin anrl P lenfll\nt. etree!.8. ar.d Dr. Fnrr<>l /CAlled in, but the lady h:lrl for some time been, beyond tho "nirl of enrthly physician. The lik<'lihood Ia thnt tho An~el of denth en me in11t.nntly nnd thRt Miss Lynch neYer rtnlized tho fnto thnt cnme upon her. An hout lRter the body wns r<'movccl by Undertnker Sno"'

.to the residence of ~[r. Lynch, a hnlf dozen doors up Tobin street.

1'1fl: i ATAL 'l'P.A~f

hut deai11ted on finding hims~l( covered by two revolvers in th o bands of W. P. \\rilcos: an al!aiet.ant sergeant.-at.-arm11 . lli. Sw~n, wbo is a boiler-milker ~y trnde soon broke ..tha ""'ck on the !WJlrl door ' nnd JVitlt cheera the fepubhcane. <>nte~ed, too\ wsseuion . 0 tbe bRll. Fi ve minuie~&!ter the.door yield~ tbe rrp!Jblican bonae~ organtzed, caU.ed tho roll and Ji.tt.en~io the' prayer C!r the chaplain. ~.uii~~t'Proooede<l~U~ tf there had been nodl~tb~UJce. The popu' list memben were not p.re.en,t., an.d the populist gaarda, doorkeepen &l)d p~her officers 'Were foreed to ret.ire lrom tbe hall. although no efl'on ,.... macle &o eX: elude the legular populla~ memben who h eld certUic.ta Of "*"'~· A~ noon the repubUO&PI had eDtiN ooatrol or the hall, and the nooulUII did _. t-empt to bolJ a aeulou:- •o tclllCIJ!t;. ment waa &&ken at DOOD, ba& a~ republioao~ wen NJ"'ed wi&h cl1DDer tl•e colcnd men. I>ariD« &be •~ 110011 dla _popallata who bl4 ollup of

had be<>n In uee by Mr.Cnmeron during the a!ternoon and the bors<' 11cem <>d as qnie ' llncl docile 88 usuAl. It ie n young cbeetnut mnre, three quarl<>rs bred, nnd wns purcltnsed hy Frneer CAmeron not long ngo from Willinm R~l><'rtson. by whom she hnd been ob.W ncd from Church, ()( E:ent"ille. ~[r. Cameron was in tho City Cluh nt t en o)clock nnd hnd telephoned to Newcomb~'e stn.bles for the U>a m to be sent down to bim. H e lcept it at.anclin~ in front or tlio club for ~ few minutes and then drove to Orpheus hall for hie mother-~ra. R. J .Cilmeron-and hie aiater. The young nan left.lfl•• Cameron at the h"ll in

with MI .. Jennie Donll, and take bla mother horne, pro­

C::~~!:~= ll'!"·n*ln~ to return for the voung ladi"•· tc~ ,. .... .u, .. , r~~pldl7 down Pieulln~ street

cune~ ali1hlctl atlhe Preolc·


&he~ ol &he ..... Jauue .~ 'IODID OI"J .. WBD BIIA1'

fiOia ........... " MJI, ~ Jt .. ~

horne up VIctoria . prett)' tree and oo aooount of •


. . of trouble on baokPleaant street It WtLI in of the Ladiee' college that Cameron met)fisaDou-J!&U and hie t er. nnd turned and took. t hem into 11lt'i);h. No soonr r were the thrro aca thA.n tho animal made 1\ suddrnltn)t URahed down.PieaaRnt l'llreet with. tho \'f'lcJCiloy or the wino. The driver ~rAsped botm rf iDII ,nd pull· I'd with 'all bie 11trrncrth but without :wail. and h e trnvt>rsed thn snow-piled 111treet nt a terrific pacP. The m rLro wu . beyond all control. It W88 nt tho mo­mrnt Miaa Lynch nnd h r r frien rl111 were crossing PleAsAnt atrcl't, to go into Tobin, that tb~t the rnnawRy flew put ·

WlTfl SUCH TF.RRLDLY SAD RF..SUr.T. ThP. OCCUORllts Of tho t eam k nP.W th~ty hAd 11truck someone. hut the poss ibility nf dPRth hardly dn.wnP<l upon them. The scrr am ofthP two lad iPS \VI'rC piteouft hut on the friaht<>nE'rl animnl szn1lopPd till thn EaolnnRrlc hnd been paut'rl. Mr. f'nmrrnn k"ot tho.1h orM 111trnil!ht, drh·· in~ pR!!t Vic:.Ori:l rond. which wa!l 1\

fortnnnte mnttrr. or thPrP wonlrl hnvp h"rn n sc<'ond · accitlent. Polic<'m n.n McK<'nnn I!RW tho runnwn.y a pporach· i nJ!" nnd ehout~d to tprn the )"torsc in~ thc"RnowbAnkl'l At th r ·ront!l!tcl<'. Thl!l hr d id , nne! inn frw momPnts mnr(\thP mnrr· hnrl <':thnnstrtl hl'l'llelfnnrl l'l tOJ'In<'d. Till' lncli r11 wnJk,.d hom <' 11nd Mr. Cnm­eron noel thr policemen retnrnrrl i n t~e lllf'ich to learn the sAd news thnt awnlt· ed them.

~--------~------B ay J.'obct'l.~ . ~J>l 10, I '!12. (.TO TilE l:fWJ'OI! OF Tlllt: ..;T,\ ~ 0\HJ).l

~tn.-A \\Tite r in yonr nap<'r o f the ilh in st., uncler the h ead r.f '·Ba y R ohcrt Notel'," !!la te:;; n:; follows: " Althou~rh ten d n,·s ha\·<' e lapsed since the' body of Philip TTo(){ls was bron(!ht h ome no en(]tti r~· ha hecn h old.'1 I am in a p~silien to say that many persons in t he district hnYe r eqttested me to bring the matter of this mnn·s death under th e notice of the Gcwernment. hein~ one nf the oldest .T P s .. if n ot t h e oldest, in Conception Bay, a nd h e n ncar n eigh bour of your own. W e think t hat you ou~ht to net on be­h alf of our father , sons and broth­er , who h av e to occn ionnlly nvni,l o f these steamers to r eturn h om e, when siclt, foP n o one ~ows who will h e the n ex t.

In comJ!ljnnce with t h ese severnl requests, and on behalf of t h e m others, wives and s i ters. who on the death of father-. hu11bands or brothers, would be brought to sor­row and suffering, n in the cnse o f poor )fr. · TToods. T stepned out.~ ide t he line of action which, for the pnst few year s , cir cum ts\nces cau eel m e to ndopt. T wrote the TTonour­nblc t h e AttorneY Gene ra l nnd Premier a statement c,f t h e facts. as all kno w them : Thnt the man took pa!;sage on one of the steamers, .~ick. for h ome. That on nrriYnl at TTnrhor Grnce, h e wn.<~ put into o. carriage. nnd ,di<'d before l1o rea ch­ed t h e RiYc t· }Tend, TTarbor r.rnce. T n !go " ' roto the FT onnm!l hie the Colonial err<>tnrv. i'tatin~ thnt T ha d sug~re. tee\ to t h e·.\ t tom ey Gen­eml an inYesl'iC!'n tion in t h e matter from, tile time M r . TTood went on bo;trd the steame r till lie tea.~ plnrrcl ,·n tlte carria,qe to 09 to B ay R oberts. ns such investig ation would tend to clenr tbe innocent from blame, if n ot sufficient to bring the JtUilty, if nny, oo justice. T snid that it wn..q at the request of mnny (fisherm en nncl their wives nnd mothei'S) that I wrote. These things cannot be entered into in a burry, and I expect to he~r sh ortly t h at m y request will b e complied with.

"Aug~st, Flower

Perhaps you do not believe these statements concerning Green's Au­gust Flower. Well, we c~·~m~e you. We ~n't force conviction m-

to your bead Qrm~d­D oubtlng · icine into your

throat . We don't Thomas. want to. The m oney

is yours, and the misery is yours; and until you are willing to believe, a nd spend the ot;~e for the relief of the oth er, they will stay so. J ohn J:I· Fost~. 1122 Brown Street, Phtladelph1a, says: "My wife is a l ittle Scotch oman, thirty years of a~e and of a natural~y d elicate disposition. For five or ~lX. f) years past· she aas been suffenng

· from Dyspepsia...sb,e/ Vom it be:c1me so badatl~t

that she could not Sit Every Meal. down to a meal but

she bad ta vomit it as soon as she bad eaten it. Two bottles of y our August F lower have cured h e r after many doctors failed. She can n~w eat a nything, and enjoy it · and as for Dyspepsia, she does not k~ow t hat she e ver had it." a



E\"lm 0Fk'£.RE.D TO TUE P OBLlO.

Iu "tho IArgttr~ bcwpl~ltt tho world, pt'Hic!e4 OTU b,- t be moat t.k.lllhll ot 11.-tq Pb.T•l~taua. t ho ln~lenta are pre.crl~<tmoro than twlCII u often u 11.U otbera put toget.bcr.

~RIPANS.; ~TABULES s._~eu~ (.



Alld enr7 other 8;rmptom or DU4!cae tlult rtmlle. ..tJ"Om II.D.)' Dllordcr ot t.bo

Stomach, Liver or Bowels. Rtp:\os Tt1hute1 bnnl<h roln ond prolong !Ire. ,_ · RlpcM Tnbulr~ c:onrnln no thing tlul~ CAll bo ._.

luriOWI to lbo mo.t tll'llcM.-. lltPfi.UA Tnbulcs or.; pl•·~"'ot to tal:r. IA!o ll.lld 111-

.,.~h: ~~~~:;~...?t"~n11n~~J:~~:,:SI~~~L~r olfeffil to the publle. Clrcula~ k'nt on or;:ttentlon. ..._

l.J:l'('ru'nC'\.'<1 r.ntl tbor\IU!ihh" qu;>JI&~-4 p~, ... ans 3 1'l' <'<•DDl'C~ With I hi! Ulpll:>ICbt!:t>letll Com­pnov " "'lt>."Jcma ""' tuYitellto \'Tit<' ror•n«<Al tnarn'•~·ll •n• lu ~niJar ,.""""- Tt:•·lr lot~il will """'''"" aucb nttcut lou tu UtcJ ro:quln, !roo ot c:b.;:\';1;.~·., kct'P Rlpnn" T nbnl<·4 ln the hoUIO a nd wlien ) nu tr.wcl tAI<o lllllllo \>ltll you. TheJ' nro pnL "\' In ""'"11 \'It\ I$, '"~lth tna,• lio con,..,JU.

. "utlJ' CArr ~-<1 In t llll \L'IIl r<>cl:ctor rtmolllli!Jo.

Sold by Drum:t•ta . .... ~ lw mall 1.:1 the ! oUo• log QUDntlllea u pou t•"<"o lf'L nt prlco: 1 Bottle. • 16 cents.112 ilo:t!os. • S 1.25 6 Bottlu, • 76 cents. 24 tlottlc;, • 2.b0


THE RIPANS CHEM ICA!.. CO •• 10 &Pnuc: ST., N,IW YORI'..



odLiYeronl ArfD T H I: [

HJ"Pophospbftcs or limo ana Sc(!a. ,

No o!:!ler E:':luls!on is ~o IJ e~sy to t:::.:;~ . (

I It doe:; o ct s~pa.~t~ nor 'l

1 spo: •.

It b o::h~ys ::r.-.,-c~t a:; crc~o. -J. '·c --c .,+- .... --:·.·7., s'"o.....,ach · 1.6 ... , ,;;.J .,..o;~ ....... _ ..... ""' ... ,...., t

1 cz.:1 retain it. f I I ~c~r.cs , j-- ~ Scrc!"u!ous ru:~

't ~~ .., .... ;,. , • r- l·,..,. ,.,.n.,. " , . ... , '-.... , ... ......, -.,\,;w..~ .... .;:a. J• C~.-on:c C o u f';h. ·

L r:-.. - 2.. l.f._?Ct~c. Me:::u :>::d 1 :~rJOl!.:. /

:"0~~:--=.~:_,. -:. Ge . •• . ":'"'- ·•·•· -· !' .... .. ~t: ... ... ut.;._.___J, ~""""- .

r:~~.re e~ c.;~:: 1::..~~!:':u. .ti.:!t !or ·•t'·~ !"!. r· t..'· r- :'· ~- l\:lC: re~u::e

j - - ·h-1 c:J o~c:::. i

t'IHCC ~OC. Ml tl t-: <'ItA :lOTTL!!.

~~e father ~rau ~taubad• -AND-


As to the question, " what course is the best to talc e to s eou.re care for the sick ftshermen on these steam ­ers?" The flrst thing to do; is to prov~ t hat the s lck fisherman does not r~oeive proper care. If this cannot be shown, the thing must rest where it is. Tf it oan, then let those inter­ested in the person r equiring such service when sick, mak~ out their case in this particular, and petition the A ssembly to vote a sum of m oney to pay for the required car e a nd medical atte ndnnce. The fisher­man consu mes food and u ses cloth­ing) also the mnterin.l ior his busl­n es!#, and as from th e auty on these is chiefly drawn the revenue of the country-consequently it is n ot an unreasonable r equest to make : to ask t hnt proper medical at. tention and care be provided, if not; now provided, for t h e sick fisherrqen who m ay be stricken 'down by sioknes;J, in the act of building \ijl -the t r9de and fish eries of th~ oountry, as o of the lnbor­ors in our great oo-pnrtnersltip of trade. No one knows whose turn m ay come n ex t . The s upply system is so depcmient on the end of the voyage,-a poor man m ay be at the time of hi$ slokness indebted to his supplier, \Vbo onnnot be e;q>eoted to mak\_ further advances with no prospect of payment-that i t Is natura). tq expeot the ~eneral pub­lio to bear each other s butdens in t bls conneot.ion. There oan be no doubt but that all necessary care will in the fature be provided for the 1iok' 1lshermen of tbil bountry if properly eought for.

I a prlnte<l and puhilabed eve~ Tueada,r an4 Frldar even Inc, at tbe St&Dtird omee, Vlo­

t.orta Street, Harbor Graoe, b7 M'1nt!f 4 OX..

I remain; .I~tll'B ~. · a.w. & s~ .

817B801UPTJowa RAftl :-tt per unum: tt.e'J)er baJr~r; totorelp au.crtbentbe ra~ wm be f3 60.

ADVJarnaUro B.Ana :-ao oea\1 per hlch lb ant lnMrUOD ;twaL7.ceu=rlacb ton.­OOD&lnUMIOD. ....... "'"oft DlODlba. TIM II ot llu loU Of actnru~~e ..... a lit llpeiUied b7 • ,....,.. . .

Page 3: TWINE· - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · A perfect food iq its Twine of their now manufactu re, suitab'e for t he ~wfoundlnnd




f'oriNTERNALasmuchasEX~RNALuae. , Dropped on Sugar, Children love to e It

For Croup, Colds, Coughs, Sore-Throat. Cra ps and Paine. .l&'marnolocaabo•IIIAIU' dllf-t eompla.lntaltwfUsre. Ita IC:rOftlr IJCilftl II• In~ r.- tMtlaaeto~ ,IMUq all ....... Bllml &lid arv.-.llke ~ &tl.le- allmaiU>er cit Bowel Ooml)la1AI4 To be lallea lA - :

Think of it I Althouah orlalnated by an Old Family Phyalolae ID 1'9 I 0 Johnson's Anodyne Unlment could not have

aurvlved ov6r elah ty years u nleea It poaaea•es extraordinary rp..n.. JNH,A.LE IT FOR N ERVO US HEA.DA..CHE. .

U NLIK E ANY OTaa. For ParcJ., Doaedlold v ...

9...~ 1111\amii\O..UN\ ht boob or Umb II Ito raacle. t5 """.J.,~Aahma. C..t&rrb, OoU~oler& ll~ ffi~alr&~~J!~~~·, ce11.:.u:.:J:n~ S dru!Ntiltll. t: II. JORIIIlOII .t 00 •• 1\ooton. v ...

-----=----...::;..-_....:;.;_.....~.:t;.;...J OOTHJNq.HZALINO,PENETR.ATlN

'#1·1.. - ·-.

::~: C!L~i"\'=~3, c:::L.:.:, c::..:: . UIA:ma~.l, "'OYS£!\"!":: . . :.-,

c::ou:~;l r.:c:::::·"::, :!.::d ::.!1 i:o·;n::.. co~ '?L-~:::·.:-~.

r:o ru::.1 =~·r cc:JAL:l

rl :; = P:'\ l f>:': :..L:: ;:. :-. ,... .n~~· : r.- C !"" • .... r:: n ci ::,.,·"\'C''

r.:. ,,, ,,:!.:1:.:. •:c ri ; -. ... ! L-l I:" ~:c..u. : ; ,., ..::"-:l ln :1 vet·.,-~.-.. ..,,. t ., ...... .

·, :: = r:::c~-;- r.;. ;AILY Rt :,u:oY FC O

:::;~::.::, L:~UIS~S. ~PI'....t .. r::::;, RHEl:l\'!ATISM ,

NEURALG:A ::.=:1 TOOTE."..S:::3.

1> M ' ..._. -• ;:Np t .'!\.' f • ... •r!t:J tu !JOOtl ord~·. r O.,.,,...e f"'l ''1 "" r'"':,.... .. ~

• _ j. i::) :.; , ·: ''""tl' O:lt., J:u:.UL"7 1, , 1S9oo _..,. _ .-.,. \'.' . 1'. C_,..c,T' .. "C", U.•• vl.!lc, O •• t. .•

\ D ' ~r-·-·' Dr •.•'>•·,-'o'•o!!l""L,, Mcrso'a l ndlanRootPllla" \ , 0 ~1· J "' 1 i ;;: ~ "" \nlr· · . t-· ~· r"'· {t' r i ,CIJ ilOMthalhamanlty _ .., "'v • h -'· ··· - ' c •. a ., • : .... • . • • :!:', :imo pl«:o : frail r.nd delle&~

.,;....------~·----- - .. ··•·• •:t;'<.l ··• v '1:::.. t . tiny parllclo offorelpl

D M C) I · • .. • .u .... . ·" , .,_, <.J : .. , ~!.o s•nal.c tt wheel l.n t!lo works. r. tn\r~n. G/. n ( • ·.L.~ i l • • • • • '' " ' ··~ :~::.:it ?-"-l bN,oniY"'all&blditfcreoca ~- ~v .,;)' -- :.L 1 .o:·-~·' :, ... , 1"1 ln cicur·l:MI•~n~ bu twa.hyou; u

R -.. •-. ~ t • r•· .••. . 1 r uw::s, tho i rrt"( u lari ty becom•

00+ [· i ( . ~~ tr · , ,., .I"': ·~•. · .• lo3: c" ultl bave b«n rec!Uiecl tJ ... . .!,_.:,..... . •\ t '1 •• :~ ~,; !t ~H!lle, ia eh"" b:'t:lnn ing, will nowrequlre

r • -.~ t."; • ' · l:"f"a ~,._:,. c 'c.u"in t: &he en tiro worka.

D ~[ J t• • l ; 1 - '\ \)''{h i d~n.t:IRQIICDI II nCf-

r Orso Cl 'il' -:-"' ,..i :., --- - .., . ''· 'I. ~ . ·~·~-. imperceptibly :u li"l, • · V :~ .~,t'...:_1~_ ... :_. • • " , • •• '· • couldb in the bo!ginAinllt

'T""\ # • • , • , ~ • ,... . , ~ • • ' • • ,:o trou le, bt<Omea almoat · ..., "' · t-'1 ~, • · I. • ;> •" • 1 • " .• I ,,Jvisc ftll to purify the ·- - ..lV '-l .1_ 1.!.• • 1, ···:!: . "'·• · t. " u:c c ftlotse'sPW .. and

-------- __ - --- :...J: .~o. ... :.J\.;\ t ; .. . ;.J-.•·.a• •l~v.

D M 1 _ , I ~ "-"' C.ulhfully,

r Orse (~I ' -;-. d10 -1"1 H. P. AT>nt.L. t - 'l.J l....L ....: :.:. I :.. :. ~·t:rr: ; ,.,, • Snj'e-Gunrd.

.,........, "' -1-): '!, '1 _ 1 i ."A .• ·.. ' l,"o::o, N.S., Jao. 27, 'S~Cl, r . ·.• "':'\~·. . j '·' ·; :r . .; ·: , . I ,.., .lr, O:t:.

c..'~....._, '<-1 '!) ..-'. • · • · ..;\ ! ... ·' t :. t-c ~ • ·l 1ec.r~ 1 ha•o beon a 4n::D-o - ----- -- !· .. l"', , ;. ·• , .• , .. :.., •. : :~1 • .-.!'& Ind1:l!1 Root Pilla."

I ,. : ,. , ', ) r, •,. :•"( 1'1 confi.Jtnc:c wro ught by • , f... : , . ~ ... ! ' .t:·. ticn: e o ( their value and

· ... :. . . . . " " :. w'ta th31 I spend much of • t n·: ,,, .... y 11 ~.:. 1' ·• ~e. aud I wuultl noc coo­T; r, r~· r-:,:-2'.~ ,.., ~ r~ .... ,.; ;,,y ' : .. " •• n:uv c :.. •.~ t t:" rr.p!e:o wi~o:Jt a bos ol

-...:..JJ ..J ._·· • • .. :., ..:;:}w •••. n .o':. i •• :-.. ~ ..... :::<,..:c..

==------ ---- : :. l!.. ~ fehc :as.

.., .. 1 .. ,:;.

~To - I 0

s~..te : .. ': .. . : .. : J U.:;') : .. ; ! ·. ,:;.,~. :'\.S., J:m. IJ, 'go. ,., i .- • c. tf• : ...... \~'1"\ 0nt.

' '. : L' • c •.:y 1:1~1 I de:~! In Patellt : ;. • • ll, I ~, ••• .) ~:rut~ of v.a.. I se.U

TH E BEST F~r.>: : LV r-::..L 1. : r- r ... , :l4:r.tt 1 .. ••1 :. ·~· ' .1r.U~t Vil!~ th.an ofall

U -..:. 1 •he otla '" -~• .u .... •. T1 .. ·~ ~.!ea l luld a re etilllDo

FOR SALE BY I: LL 0 £/.!.!:':S I c:• .J!Joc;. • • . u . he .• :; . L. :';ICUOLSOX,

The Dysp~ptic needs Nourishing Food--easy of digestion.

A Food that has these essential quaHttea is -



A FearfUl Halocauat in an ~o Asylum.

-L'\mm, X. D ., l·\Lrun'l'-~· JO.-Th o count.y in,.,.ne n11,vlum, four milee feom here ·wae laurtt• ·· , ... ,.nigl\t. and 44 li\'ee were loat. A.L .i.V o'ofook, \vhen t.be \\'Rtchmeo mnJe a trip int.o the ineane asylum, b9 found fire coming out of the cell occupied by a woman named La­fountain. The watchman at once gave tho alarm. William Dryecoll, the keeper, with h ie family lived ih the building, and bo at once broke the looks off tho cella and tried to ~et the inmatea ou~7 1 He then got. out bts wife nnd the chiMren, none oC whom were dressed. or the 48 inmates


When the fire wne,dieco,·ercd the hoee pipes connected with n .tank of 30,000 J;tnllons ~pacit.y in the attic of the main bunding w<ro utterly ine ffectual. SoreRms of n~ony nod the b~rrid laugh­t<'r of the' raving cr('atures inside or the building ndded tnrror to tho scene. A telephone alnrm ,.,·neeent. down to Dover with nn appen) to ueo eYer endeavor to rrnch the plncc, ns soon as possible. The engines of the centrnl hose were immcdiRtely J!O in reR~ine~s nnd the etnrt wne ronde for the county fnrm, which wRs rl'achcd !>5 minutes nftcr. The road ie n hnrd one nt hrst., and nt this pnrticulnr !l<'nson of the yenr ~ terrible for whet>lcd Y<'loielre, repeciRlly hrn ''Y fire engi n('e t o t.ra ,·erse. Tho yi etcling enow ronde pr<>$:le!ls slow and thr jnded hon~t>e soon becnme nlmost U!l<'li'Pll. l\fennwhile ~speciAl tmin hnd been fitted up nt Do,·er depot and an en¢ne wa.e pine~ on a flnt cnr nnd hurrit>cl off to th<' SCPnr>. Aiel wns al110 nl'ltrct of Rochl'!ltE'r, which !irs nhout six miles to the north of tho county farm. Rncl of Great Fnlls, some four miles to north enst. Arrnn~rcmente were quick­ly begun to aend aid from these places THE FIRE HAD ~OW DECOltE A HOLOCAUS'r .

The raYing v.•retch t'll coulct bn plRinly lll'en inside the burning J.uilding, nm­nin~~; to and fro, nnd e\'ery little while fnllin~t int.o the seething ahy1111 of flame behind them. The doort1 on the ~trouud floor were battered dr.wn by long beams by t~e on the outsidP. But non -swPr­ing rush met their efTorte. Thn lunRtiCII wPre either crnzed by fear and had not l'reeence or mind enough to t>ecape, or the,- had ht-eome overpowered by the amoke and ftamt'e.

With r~ard t.o last ni~tht's holocRuet. WAtchman Wilbur Chee!Py en~·e that while mRidng his 10 o'clock round11 he discoYt>red in the cell occup1e<l bp Mn!. Lnfnunt.nin, at t'he foot of the bed. He pulled a woman ont of tho room and cloeed the door. He calll'd Keepl!r Drvecoll who h elped to brenk the looks, nnd ~nve a s;renernl n!arm. The LR­fountnin womnn nnd Frank Doucbcau ran out io the Yard. The fire rRn rapid­ly throuJth the building, ne if it was e"nturRted with oil. TherQ wne no way of gt>tti,ng to the inenno people. Chee­l('v, himself, bnd to run thrQut!h a eht>et of fln;ne to szet to the c.utside door. H e l'nnlcl do nothinc: to ~~RYe th r nsylum. Keeper Dryacoll, who Ih·Nl in t~e hnila ing, snY!I he tnn frmo hie room if! his nigh"t clotht>s M el J id nil h e pos ib'tt could to get out tho inmntt>s. H111 hnnds wer& badly burned. Hr had to hrr nk trough 1\ double window from the outside to reecuo hie wife anlt children clad only in their night clothes. Dry­scolj enye there were 46 inmatt'll in the cells and only thrre Pllcoped. The ch.r­pentel'll bad been doing some work at the uylum, but it wAs not known thRt the LafountAine woman got any ofthe abavin~. She made her way by•eome meAns to tho yard "'hich ~ surround­ed by a high close' fence and must ba"o

routed ali"e. Doucheon managed to imb •the fence an(i was anved. Cb ea DeWerrett, euJlt. o( the farm

almt bouse eaye. "I was awakened a wa$Chman. There w'1t'e 90 pau­

pe in the alme houae. Forty of thf'm were women in the wing next to the aaylum. I got them all into them all into the other wingand such ort!1emen aa were able did gOod work with water in pails and aaved the main brick build· ing. Coroner Daniele, 1 oC Rocbeater, bt-gan the inqu~t Rt 1 o'clodt to day. The scene is fiv! miles from this city, over one or tbe•wol'llt roads ever travel­led. The ·body or 1d'&ry Roberta, of Great Falla, -ha.e been identified.


have been taken from the ruine of the insane aaylum fire. Tho other seven known to have pella bed ie not yet found. One of the escaped inmates eeema to have become eano since the fire. A pouible clue to the origin or the lire may be found in the fact thnt eomt. insane pauper-.., habitual \liiCJ'II of tobac-. co, were allowed three frictior. matches each to take to their Ct'lle with which to light their pipae. Keeper Driscoll ie of the opinion the fire cRught from a defective chimney- tho sides of the latter being pnly a thickness of one brick. .

Minard'• Liniment. cure4 G!lrget in CoWII. '

llood'• Curet.

1 ~~~:~~~~~~~ digestible eo tliat the en expenditure· of 'rita~ ..., ~ UlimJlattcm. ·

ln aayinJ thnt Hooe's Saraapa.rill& ourOI', ita pJPprietora make no 1dle or extravagant olaim. Statement. from ~houu.o(la of reliable people or what Hood'• B&raapariUa baa done !or them, oonclutlTel7 &ram the . fact-BOOJ>iS ea.partll& -

• - I


From the w estern a H.&.nnoa BBITOS, Feb.

I I have "rery litUe in the way n ewi

to 'J:ive you. Judsing from whnt one. see ina We pnpcra, the report.e concern· ing the berrjng Jiehery have been rather conftiot.irig, though no£ irreconcilable by tbose wlio know tho localities. A re­port comes from · Bay I' Arge&~t "Splendii herring fiebery, people will do beLter them for 15 yeal'll past," nnd people conclude that Bay 1' Argent rc· pre.aenta Fortune Bay. Bny d•t Nord next report~ herring ecnrcc, and Amori: cane doing nothing, and the fishery is reported ae ~ failure. Now it hnppen11 that at Bay 1' Argc:nt they seldom uQ anything with the herring, 110 thnt to have done " better than for fifteen yean~ past," m'ay be enying little as rcgnrd~ the fishery generally. From what I have beard the herring fishery hns

on tho wh,olo proYcd nt leAst nn aYerage one. In the early part of the eeaaon herring were acnrce (i c. lR!'Jte herring) nnd few were bl\rred. Failing to goeth e qunlity~nnd 'qtumtity they lO<¥>ked for, some of the Ameri­cRns contented themselves with the Rmaller;'herring, : and thus )2'0t thrir loads a.1d went to market, whilst th e majority waited in expectation of their 11tl'ilcing in. Latterly, finding that thoy did not do eo, the people took to what. they · term "pun~ing ,.. them, i. o., they shot their seines round the herring in the deep water, and then by means of reeving strings at tl>e foote 1\nd b ends, pureed ... or:mnde a bag thereof. T~is tboy then. towed into shoal wa~er, and took the herring .lut, or in ~orne cases they did ao out in the deeper wA.ter. By thla m eans most of tho .~mericane have aucceeded in gettingtheirc&rgoes, and are away to market. Aa no great bare have been m~de, it mRy be thought that there baa not be m auch a wasteful destruction of herring aa there wu last year, but report aaya otherwise, for a a the general ruu of h erring wae small, thouaands o( barrels of theJte~I\Ve been !brown awa.y. The "pun~ing:" of bait fish, 10 'tie ' said, bad much to do with the ruining of tho fishery in Canadian w~ten, R.nd;if this be true, it woqld be well for our legielat.ore to sec into this ~tter. W e talk much about the value of our bait fishery, and yet how few the ~tepa taken to preserve it! Now that the Yankees hnve been eupplied, our p~o:>le will no doubt. be ofT to St. Pit>rre with bait for th e French,"nnd hnm)rede perhaps thousands, of lJnrrele of..hcrring will be tbro"'Tl nwRy. But for)he;t>ait, the trade with St. Pierre nnd:tbef:t.unee­quentamug!fllng would re:killed!by~the preaent tariff on tbat~Ielaud. It would almost tempt our people to smuggle t o

rather than :a thatfplaee. Two more g -aceidenta~have taken

plac.t In this Ba lately. A "youn~ man or Rencontre wbilet deer hunting had two oC bla fingers and his thumb ao ehattered that they bad to be tRken off, and one Jae~ JeQeen of this place bad his band abattei-ed and his face very much out through their· gune 1Jurating. When one bean or 9 fin~ with a bullet on the top a• a load,"[..>ne hardly wondera that accident. do aometimee take plcr.oe. Oul(dootor hu had e. buey time in oonaequence thereof.

The bad time: aeem to be affecting some of the neighboring eettlemente if one IPAY judge from the eall.e m'de upon our Poor Coapn.isaioner.

The lfe&ther hae or late been very et.ormy wilb rather severe rroat, but the glue baa not been l'>'i"U tqan SO below %ero. Fishing bas not been even thought of llltely in these parte.

On Monday last Newint\n & Co'e ship Retriever was deapatched to market, the 8. 8. Greyhound towing her out t.o sea. Favoured by tho weather Mr. Gill­lop, their agent here, haaeecured a large supply of ice for the coming fishing sea­eon. In quality it ie far superior to any they have had of lRto yeal'll. Tho cutting and atoling thereof hu giYen employment to quite a number of peo­ple who would ot.berwilo have been idle at this aeuon of tha year.

Found-the reuon for the Jtl'C&t J>OPU· larity of Hood'a .8aaanpcniUa-atmply thla : Hood'" Ctnu:s. Be eure to get Hood'a.

o. o. BloB.uDe & Co. · GDTI.au,-In driving over the

~oan&alaa I took a •e•ere eold whlob tiUled ln my bcr.olc aad kldnioauaing .. ...,, ·= .. hta or n. The 811& aPI)Uoa on Qf ~AR '8 LlNI· MDT io "eel me that 1 tell into r. ·~- ooaapl"' ~eNn".,- tbozt.. b" . :ron e. JlclaQ, .

.AaM,alfl. .

.... -

The Pomcra · n Buffers from Wi .. d and Wave. '

Losoos, Fe . 11 • ....:..Tbo Allnn lino ste"ruer Po eronilln, from Gtasgow January 27, vi Moville, for Nc,., York, hn11 rcturn~l GrC'I'nock nrt<'r l~in~ n number of b~r crow nncl ptl.il31:11);\:re inn heavy storm. The Pqmera.nilm waa About 1,L50 milca weetward frojn Gllll· gow when she encountered weather of unueunl ae,·erity. Tho galee had in­creaeed with {ro•t euddcnnl'u until a hCJ\VY aea unexpectedly swept .over the ·leek, carrying evt>rythmg before it like An vRinncbe. Tho deck ealvon, the uhart houee, bridge nnd the bonte were .smashed nnd swept away by the tre­mendous force of the wM·ea, and whtn Lhe sea hRd pnued over the decks were i'scenc of nun, nml thcehrieke of perish­In$: snilore and ' pnasengcrt1 could ba hcnrd in tho waves thnt surged 1\hout tho d iemnntled etrt\mcr.' A.pt. Dnlzial hnd been on the bril.lge wluin the avn­lanche sLruck the \'CMel. H e Wll.Bewept from his poet and was d1111hed ngninet. Lhc bulwarks, where he lay stunned and helpless. The mntes, John Cook and fohn Hamilton, who were on the bridge with the cnptnin, wt're 11wept out to sen nno drown('d. Be&idee tho fi ret Rnd Rl'cond officers nnmedl two qunrier­mnst<'rtl, two stew&rds, four fin~t cabin pnssen~t>"' nnd one &t'concl cnbin paas­cnJr<'r pC'ri6hrd hy drownin~r. Jnm<'e nnd Lilian Gih11on. of DnlkC'ith ; Jnne ratrr>ry. of l ,ond()nd<'rry. nnd John tunrt of Ulas~ow. were the fin~t cnhin pMsen­crrrs lost. They wPre in tht• deck snloon nt th P. time of the cli!!nat.cr nnd wPro hurled O\'r rbonrrl with tho ruins of the 11aloon. Thry W<'rl' ncvt'r 11ecn Rj1'1\in, hnt survivor~~ say n tlPApnrint! cr.v pit'rc­rd the llir even nmid the Lhunderoue roar of the WA\'t>s. Pett>r F orbes, of Onnctee, WAll the aecond en bin pns!'IE'n~er mill11ins:. nnd thr stcwnrils were Jnml's Pritchnrd and 'Fred W t>sthui-y. Tho stewArds wC're cngn):'ed nt the time in their u11uRI ctutiPs when borne off thl'ir feet Rnd awept into the sea. T"·n III'R­

men named Pet·er McLenn and Willil\m Urquhart. who WPre on duty Rt the time, nleo pe.rished. F or a moment after the cntnetroph o tho ,.nrdvon~ wrro too 11tunned to net. With the captain dis­Rbled Rnd tho flrt1t and second officer~~ clro"11ed, there WI\& no one for a moment to give orilei'II, or from whom orilert1 were expeeted. Everyone l[kPd Rbout tn IIPP. whowna in command Then tho third officer quicklv brous:t the crew to their aensee Rnd' Look prompt action t.o 11\\'e the- eteamer and ite humRn frf'htht (rom (urther MlRmity. All the instruments for nR\'igntion had been Rwept nwRy- excopt the aftt'r compRBe, by which tho etPnmt r bl\ct t.o be nil vi· tznted. CApt. Dnlzit>l wne hl')rne below. Bia· iniuri,.lf were fatal nnd h e died on the following morning, The crew cleRr­rcl awav the wreckRge nnd tht> ve1111el started"on ita return voyage, making ite wny bnck slowly and carefully to Green­ock. .Tho survivors of tho pnsecngers and crew are in a very ~xhnusted condi­tion nftPr their terrible experirnce,

The Pomt>mninn hilS nrrh·t>d iu Glns­JtOw. From ndditionRII\CCOtmls reJ:Rrd­inc: the t errihlc CAinmity on Ff'brunrv 4 it Rppenl'l' thnt Rrter Ctpt. Dnlzicl hnd brcn en rri i'Cl he low nnconllcionll, the V('sseJ wns brOUJ:ht nhout hy order Of th r offir er in commnnd. nnd kept run­ning beforr tho gnlt'. The crew clcRred nway the dC'hris nnd battened down the hntchee. The "'·avcs swept over the dec~from stem to etern,nnd flooded the pMsengctll' qunrtertl. There wall nOJ pAnic, and tbe crew had everything anug before dark. The gRle continued t.o rnge with fury until W ednc11dl\y Jnet, when it nbat.ed eqmQwhat. On Thureday the weather a~ain b ecame etormy, and gradually rose to a hurricane. Inniatu­hull light, off tho moat northerly pnrt of the Irish coaet, WM aight.ed on Thul'll· day evening, and the position of the veMelucertnincd. Owing to the terri­flo weather it waa neceuary to lie to until Friday morning, when the Pomet<­anian wu ateered for Greenock.

J.. SAD &Cmffi, 'fbe ecene at the burial or Capt . Dal­

ziel wu one or th e uddeat ever wltneaa· ed at ae£. The captain breathed hia Iuton Sundarmordng, and at midday hie bod7 wuoommlt.cd tothe Rea. The crew and puaen~era stood by ellently weeping durin~ the afmplo and mourn· ful ceremony, The waves were run· ning mountaina blgb and aU fel~ thRt they, too, miJZbt aoon be wl\h t!tclr dew parted captain. Yeter&n eailol"ll y;ho were on board deola~ tlaat durlutr an experience of 80 year~~ th • ~~~ortij \\' '·" tbCI wort1t they ever encwmlc•ra·• l. lf the ehip had not been i tnunc:h nncl well disciplined they won1 ' 11n \' l' fotllhlt•red.

Purser Low was R~o l 1 • innn int.cn ·iow why the vessel did ""' coutinun on it. wot westward. H e replit'd that hlld not tho surviving officcrt1 decided t.v run bnck noae would hnve been left to tell tho tnlo. One h OI\\'Y aen, he elat ed, cn~ried away the two qunrt.ermastcre from the wheel swept nwny tho chnrta nnd compnuce Rnd dteabled the atoering nppA.mtue. Tho Pomcmnitm then swung h er head around, Rnd tho officer~~ saw no alt.eruA.tive but to keep 1\WI\Y by the wind ne muoh 1\8 possible.

Speaking · of tho neral of Dalziel. Purser Low &1\id tlill it wae the moat solemn epectnolo he bnd ever wit.neaeed. One ltundred nod twenty people were grouped &round tho body, motely anti­cipating their own death, and following w1tb tear-ewimming eyea the remains of their late commander cUeappearing in the hungry waves, that aeemed t.o roar for addition~ prey. The paaaen­gen~ delighted on leaantng tbatthe veael waa triimd bcr.o~ and al\bough the dlacomfort. Lllat bGd been 6ndur9d waa yert_ areat. nobod;, oomplalnod. EYU7boC:lylookod forw&rd "ltll ~81" neu to aafe arrival ~ land, and all were ~to &lad to be &llTe to com~n of 1aok of &0001Dmod&$1oaa. 'lbe ' ln. tid~ ol t~e Pamaaalallla ~ daat­llecl,....S1fP!~__."'~' " . : .


_DyspapSi~ uenu Su.Jfet•Lno fot" 8 ~ra- .ao­

B!ored Co Porjbcf. RcaUf\.

.... , . t'::t:·P' · : "'.t ,. '' at·,· : " '·•"'! ~~ •"r.~\"' lUll\ cl)'&IICi' )l:l f,,,fl wr. l: . .A . l(ciiii. ... IOU, a

well kOOIVll ; fl.(.'l"ruC St:mulon, ,-~. nb~l .... "Ddoru lSi~ I w.t:~lu uccllc:nt he:tDh. ~ log oYer 2qo ;•outul.4. Ju thnt Jl!:lr "" .anun.•IJI

· clovelo{'Cd Into :a·ulo (I;·~IICI"'I:l, nnd 1101m I W3S rodt!ccd tO IC2 JHIUUtl.S, S11:;(! r111J buntlJ«

I t scn~tlcl\.'1 !1: 1 h? ~tt~r:-~'\cl~o

n en~a pnlpltnllon (I( tho hc:u-t. uagy 111\li.~CII , lll)cl lncll(tt!I!DOD. . I could nut 11lccp, lost Ill)

lle:lit In my woTk, h:tcl nts of mul:mdloll:l; and .or (!3)'11 :1t :1 limo I would hnvo w~leomeC .!catlt. I bcc:uno morol!C, liUllcn aud lrrlt.nltlo. and Cor clt:hc-y•·nrM lifo \ \'!13 n. lm nlt:n. 1 trle4 m:wy Jlhys!c:laus :uulm:u:y r.::n t dlcs. One ilily :1 '1\'o rkm:t!t cmployrtl by nto 11n~cd thM

I tnlto (' ff 1 llood ' a

~:rs~~~ tl) u en n nr ~!~~ t:'i! \T itO of G dy~pep.. &Ia. I cllcl 110, nud hctoro :a:.tng tho whole 4f a l>otllo l llc~::m to Ct:cl llku a llt''.v m:w. no terrlltlo p:tlns to which i h:ul hl•en &ubJrctc.l, CC:lsed, the rml11t:!:!un uC the hc.'lrt r.u&ll\ldY?! my t toinnch bt:cnmo c .ts!('r , n :lUSC:;l d~"\ll • JIClrcd, :md my t'nl!rc "Y~t~m ltrg:IIJ ~"' tone up. With n·:t:n,1n): n y Strength c:unu :~t• l 1\ II;; 1t ~ \IJI ~ ~ rs mimi :\1111 lit(!'/, IJdn:·· 0 ~~e lhr firth hct:lo w.:~ : .:!<~;: 1

•.~··! n·~~l:u•ti u:y r 1 :.no~ ,·· ·.~tr!tr :t :': n:'lturc.l :ll!ttil. I :n.a !It<! :· ~· \•l'li ;p,d 1 :uc: lbc " : in~ u .,.,,l', S u ';~! :tnUt.t." ·~. Jf Y' u cl· t•!li!' 1u : .1 ~•· !l~.t:·r. S.'\.~ .. 1 do nut he lmiuccJ lu IJ:1y :my oUter.

~ ~1 ]) ... firU (»~ Z1 $

Sa·r~aroau:9 Ua t:

Sold 'lly all tlru;:~lstJ. fl ; ah: fo= f'S, P:oparecS oni.J ~ C. I. liOVU .:: c;.o,, A!'Qtltcear!ns, Lowell, llu&.

100 Doses One Dollar

,Avoid \Ammonia ...... ... ......... (alum.

~-~-~~.r.~ {:~:~:mcneu BY GSING





ESTABLISHED-·- I~ 11~ 2.

TRUSTEES AND DIREOTOB81 Joeeph W. Baxendal!z_Eao,

Brltt.ow J:JOVIIh_~. The ~on. J&m&a B~

John Olutton Ea<J, Oo\av\ue E. Coope, Eaa,. M.P.

• Oeol'l[e Artbnr I'Uiler1 Ztq, OhiU'lea E. Ooodo&r,, E.1q.

M .• Rhode Hawtlna e.q, atr John Lubbook, biirt., M.P.

Cbarlea Tbom11 Luau, :e.q, Ch&rlee MaarnllJ', Eaq.

The Hon. Edwin B. I'ort.man, Eet. Dudley Robert Smith, Eaq. .

Willi~.!.~~~. ;t'bompeon, Etq. llou.. DlrectO!'-.JOHN J . BLOOMFIELD,Eiq, Wa.I.LUl 0 . MAODO:fALD l Joint P'LUfOU B. K.AODOKALD ~ 8.!cretarlea. --

Tho enrqement.e~t lble Ollloe &re p~~.mo. t eed by " numero &ncl wealthy Pro ~ tan·, tn 1\tiiiiUon \0 la,e ha"'Ud C&p~ 1 1\nd the promptitude &net Ubel'&llty wtUi wbleh clnlme ba•e ••••1'1 beer. met are well-known and Mknowledpct.

Tho lmJ)Ormnce or the \r&D~M&to~ of ~u PHCENIX F)4lE OJFIOE

ml\y bel Oattmatecl n-Gm the fa.et tb&L IIDOII .. eat.nblllbment-now over 0 11' z H'vwDaD YKAR&-the pllymentt In eatlen&cUon of SM olalml for Lcielell hi\VO exooeded POURTED MJLLIONS S~rllng.

_.. InsurnnQt's apln~l. Loa by Ftre &Dd Llchtnlng are etrootec:t by tho Oompo.ny nJIOQ every deeerlptlon or PrOpert;,, on tbe ma.a f&vorablo term.:

W. & G. RENDELL. St. J'ohn'a, Agente for Newt:oundlAndi

W.J. Russell Bu ShiD, Sip Ill ~ Pitmr .

Venet.lan BUnda made, zellUecl aacl renovated.

J8,.Satlafa.ctlon ,_ • ._!let, ..

Page 4: TWINE· - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · A perfect food iq its Twine of their now manufactu re, suitab'e for t he ~wfoundlnnd

tturbor Qlract Stnnbarb -AN1>-


FRtoA Y, MARCH 8, 1893

SusTAtN'ED !-Reference bas beforf' macle in these columes t, the

porh."lt case which , a short timf' •\"as referr~d to tbe J urticial mitte~ ·of the Imperial Privy

neil, in r egard to the imprison­at Na~!II\U, l1ab&ml\8. vf thfl of the Guardian of that town.

blishjog ~ le tter signed "Col-,, containing SOill,! sarcl\stic al ­

t.J.uluu••~ to t he,.Chie f Justice. who dem ·mct>d him to give u p

name o f the writer of t he atticle hand

1uv er the manuscript.

s b e declined t o d r• a nd wa~> ere\1 pon ordrretl to b imprison ed

· og the (:hie( j u lice's plea urt­eonte"l pt 1>f Gourt and to ptl y nmg.lMltin~ to jxty .s:x pounds her with !.he co l s of the p ro· iugs. His E xcellenc y the Gov­

of the BabamaA- tb:lt old ~ewfounrtlnmler, Si r Am·

h:~equeoth• onleratl itor 's r elease. The matter a great d enl of interest there

W+>ll as h ere; and the d ecision of e Privy Council was a wa ited with

x pectnncy. It bas la tely h~en tsl ed by that august tribunal t~at

r.he sentence imposerl by tht; Cluef ice w:u1 illegal. T h us establ ish­bevCind !liJ doubt that Sir"

..... ~ ... n,· . .. was right in the action took.

LICEriS:&:s To BE G RANTED.-The JUblic min!i of t~e n~igbboring

n was g reatly perturbed the part o f t be present wee~. \Then

kno wn that licensei to spirjtuous liquors were again to

granted . Some t 'l·elve or fourteen m on ths

it seems, a case of the il legal ing of intoxicants came up be·

Mr. HippislPy, the respected rStipend inr.v. The r esul t ,

appearP. wns thnt legnl n ut.hoi-ity nt to show tl!at, owing to some

ion or ne,lcc t on the part of e T emperance people, the Local ption Act, ·hortl }" bf:'fore the I aw

i t he Qi.;trict, hntl llecomo a d ead . ·A npl i•:nt iot l 11·as tbere 11 pon

ade b)· s~veml per:.~ous for I icenses. ut tlw :-\ti pom li••ry .\l 11 gi~trate

etl it ath· i ~alll e. under the cir­ta n<'•'"· to r·•fer Lhe m a lt<' r to

J udgr" qf the "upr eme Court, o. it i:. -:t id. l.n,·e given it us wei r nio n that. for the rea5on a f•, re· . Cnrbotlcn r i n licE'n~ed d is t rict. a l ocal u pti ,HI one; Rnd t hat

ore the .\lagi3trntc. when ap· tion is wade to hitu for licenses.

ld not but grant t bern. T h is, •t s. wns k no w11 f11r the firs t t i we

Car botw:lr nn Saturd a y, and on a y and Tuesdgy ap.plica.tion s

licenet:s were again mlid~. The perance f11lk in the meantirnf'

out petitio ns. which received the te o ne-fi fth of signa~ures,

which were irumed •ately !!~tnt to the !llugistrate. Whereupon

who ·b nd applied for the 1~\;vuovo were informed that it was

e for them to be g ranted se of the act j uet referred to.

ce the excitement afor,.sa.id . Thus the matter s to.nda. Whether not the licenses prayed for should grnnted until October next , when

fresh v ote onn \Je taken ; or wheth· the D istrict ehoold remain u nder

law which has governed it for • pas t year or two, ia D<~W a matter ~ting s9lution.

he B: & .11'. Bible Society Meet· held in St. Paul's H all last

__ ,. __ ,.., was fairly well attended, proved a v ery successful one,

e oqair wns occupied by R. S. E~q. 'fhe apl\akers were the

Messrs. NMl. M•coab, White P aine. · T heir t xcelleot ad­

.,~ARRAII were listened to wi~h muub . The si~Jging wns under

diroolio n of n ch oir fr.:>m the t. churches. The full llC­

t. of · th~:~ m eting prepared (or iSdue, is for want of spa~e held until nex~ ia11ue together with

local matter. '


The late Frederick \\lill.iaDi Golder.

On.FricJ&y morninr: last, a report 11pread s wiftlf frp rn e11.r to ear throughout thts litUe city, bearing lbe sad messa~e that our fellow­townaman. )'<>Or Mr. Golder. was dyinp;, and b efore ~he daw!' of an other day we learnt that hte brave <~birit had pa~over that bro11.d nnl\nnel 'Of myet~ tha.t divides liJe from n eath. Hi end wu one of neace. hnt the inten11e, indescribable R~nnv wbioh he suffered duriog the l•111t f<>W mnnthunfl inflP80 Up tO th P. lllllt few bop rs of hi11 life wl\8 trnlv t111rrihiA, the witne!IAin~ of which miv.h t hi\TA mblten 1\ hea'l't of st"n~ ; f\r10 1\8 t~incere fru;mds o( the d e · ~'PA.OAd , wfl cn!" on fy ree:Arrl his 11ncl rJpnth at the earl v 1\J!'A of 49 1\8 A hnnov rAlMsA frnm 1\ lif" of intenPe on ffPrin ll:, 1\11 II. nivine r em e r'J,- for 1\

rl rPI\t'lful OiRt~MA thAt Cl"llld never luwl'l hopn cmr~d in this wnrld.

Mr. Go1 n er's c1n ePr hnA heen in mRnv WA TII n. remArkabl e ona. ~tno rlurin~~: n l ife. ml\rkarl hv con ntle!IS 11.dvanture~ nnn v icil!!litunAR. h A hns PvPr h een nntPd nnrl 1\0 mired for hi" i n rlomitAhlP. pluck Anrl zea l. anrl fnr t h a Tt:>A.dv I!PniuA he coulrl al · WI\VR brine: to bPar upon anT suh· j t>l't thnt occn pierl hi" lltlention.

He WI\A hor n 11t; Bri~htrm. Ene:· ln.nrl . •mel in ~>Mlv hoyhnod 1\ilopten the p eri louq life o f a sailor· on b oA.rn "mRn-of·war. H e ~erverl for manv TART!! in H~r Mnjestv'R St'll"ViM, on the 'Formidn.bl" . ' I' H vri ra.' 'Roy&l GMr(!ll.1 a nn oth.,r larg e V8/lflels: &nd it WA.!4 onlv ow'n~r to an accident -a fall from A.loft .wbil11t on "vov­age on the coast o£ Africa---that h e w11.s compelled-helng rlbahl11d-to lt~l\ve the R ova.l Navv. H},a dis· charp:e from all these shipe of Battle clAarly sh ow bow highly bls aer­vir es anrl abilities &I a seaman were apnreciRted by their officers.

Mr. Qolder was for a long time connected with the Atlantic CAble Boats. an~ diAtinguisbeQ hi0111elf on many occasion s by a cta of (treat rluinp: and llt all times }.ly hi• faith­ful nnrl eminently prai~eworthy at­tention to his d u ti,s. He served on houd thA' GrPat E astern,' •cting as cnpta in of the Ln.unch. Rnd Q11nrter· mnAter. and "lottP.r written to him hy Cn.ptnin Hnlpin. Commander o f the 'Grt>at EMtern, ' s p eak s in hi l!'h·· •'Rt terms of our late frienn'R p: rent ah il it\· . innuqtrv s.nd 2ood cnntiuct .

\Yhen Pervin'g ns 2nd officer o n tho · Rohert Lowe. 1 on n vovaJ?e fro m Nowfoundlnnd to Enjlfanri: thr g reat 11k ill and courage of Mr. Golri t>r PRved the vessel nod. her nM:oengerR from a watery ~ra-ve. the indiapnRit ion of the captain a n d b is h t officer h:n· ing plnced him in commanil .

~fr . Golder wns 2 nrl officer on the Cable s toam ·ahlp ·Minia, when he rPsolved t o give u p the se11. a s n profession. and enter tbe em pll)v o f Mes!ln. J ohn Munn & Co., at Har,. bor Grace. A letter froN CRnt ain Welch. commander of the Minia. again testifies · t() the many ~oo<f qualities anJ undoubted ability of Mr. Golder. For many yean Mr. Golder'a name ha.e been associated with the firm of Job• Muon & Co .• and his able aervices and inventions at the Harbor Grace Beaoh Premises will long be remembered by hie many buaioess and otb~r friends. He was a man hydra-b eaded. full of a hundred resources, and of an ever ready , inventive steniua. He con· ducted th e Glue Factory, the Bone­less F ish F actory, the Smoke Houae. and oth er industries of Messrs. Joll~ Muon & CCJ., In a manner 'h•t will certa inly never be exct~lled in m erit. and the hearty intereat and spiTit with which h e entered into all he under took r eflect J:ionourably on hia ~toon n a me-a Mtqe that will never be forgotten in rl ~rbor G race. Tn 1 ~83 h is ~eni us, s b o \Jn jn ~be con · strn<'tion of a m odel of a sealin~ Kt .. a m ~r. ohtnined . for him a Gold ~lednl e.nd Di P.loma fro m t he direc· tnrA ,r the IniernMional Fisheries Exhibition at L m"Jdon, ,l).nd he wns again rewarden b!Ja f!l~d.~l ,ooqff3rr· ed on him at the .HJxhtb1t10n at Bar­celona (or some o( his inventio ni . A fAw vears llgo, Meaars. J ohn Munn & Co. p resent.ed Mr. Gold.er Jrith a hand@ome g old Wl}teb a11 a m4rk of t heir great a ppreoiaLion of hie good service!, and it iR!lonly a1lmlttin~t · the t ruth to sav thiit this tribute of praise was in full m

1eaaure deaer.ved.

All a manll_ger o t ·men, Mr. Golder was al w•ys j UJ~, ~Dd lf at times during the ,laet te,r y~• Jlp JJ)ight have been regard~ by 1001e · u IOOltwbat irritable whets ~IHngiJ were 1JM ~rrie41 out aooordln1 $Q hia viewa •n4 ~'''moat be re­membered tba' he ,., • p~uf· few, and u eome of at tAO , ~~ If often a bl&t~rly bard tuk to r a 1mooth and • .,.PIJP.1 ·face for the world, wJ!en an~b yl&b!IJ· ·

Oar ~ ftleod bu leii"a· .U.. one wlio bll betn a ~ wife to lal.,.U...-~\tMbacllal•,


and a host of frie moos in admhtln and generous frie menting the loas f'd in one of 'h Harbr1r Grace.

• who ar• un•ni· hie ability, zeal ship, wbilat 1&­

ey han aostain­ead_ing ligb's of

The dark cloud of Deatll-a whirl wind tba' . respects none,) from the young to the old, from the m onarch absolute to Lhe beggar wretched­has once again Bl9ept over our land, "nd gathered unto himMlf a treas­ure th~t ·we could ill afford to lose -our depl\rted comrade.

Mn.y that ever good and rich Pro· vidence that h o urly provides for ne creatures here below, have so provJded i p her b ountiful munifi­cerure for our dear friend, witllin '!bose bref\qt bea t the h ea.rt of a good •m d true Eoglisbro~~.n, as in the s wiftly appr •achin~ hour of our own demise, she shall provide for u s I

C. H. B.

By Telegraph. ~Inrch, 1.- T be amendmeDt to t bP

f ':u1nd iau f3u,h!et WI\S defe:~tert . Tb e Go\"ernment oonjority was 54.

A tqrrible h lizzard bas r aged in the W estorn tates.

The British P1' rli:Lment r ejects tbe m otion asking the Goverment to u se its infl uence to reassembll) the ~Iooe­lotry Conference

Gladstone moveu that H o m e Rule tAke prnceden ce of all oth e r buHi· n ess . C llrriecl by a major ity of 42

MARCH 2.-Tbe Danuoe hal over· flowed its banks, riai n~t twenty feet . Whole villages in Hungary have beAn destrnyed ; m any lives :ost.

The Anti·O otion Bill was defeated in Wasbiogtoo. .

The severity of the winter reduces the receipts on Canadian railways.

P nna•LJ a Cannl revelations impli · ollte De Freycinet, Clemencean and Floq uet.


DEAi"Sm,-The letter which Rppenr"-i in

your paper of the 20th u lt . flif{nen ·'I. J. 0 . .'' na also that of " A 1 ph11. '' in the .Evening Telegram. on t};)e above subject. have been read here "ith much inte reet.

The sugJl:e'ltions of th~e writers 'lre very good, Rod worthv of furthPr con11id~'~rRtion by Rll who wish to av11.il of the fiACUrity of Tn~ur11.nce, 1\0d who will to 11. (!'l'Aat extent be rleprived of this securitv in conRA· quence of thA_hig;h prPmium n o1v nhl\rJl:Arl bv the sevArnl Tnsorn•lcn CQm pllni~s. The increa<~l:i rl rnlt>'l frllm I per cPnt ~n 2t on nriv:lh' nrn­nArty. nncl from 1r pe r cent t o 2t nn ch urohPs is n very h en.v v tn.x indParl. and it is qnite within t hi'J pow~r of t h e l"Af'ple to r eliavP th~m'!elv~>q n' it. if thev will onh~ tnke 1\ li ltlA t r on.hl e and work to.gether fo r thPir mntuAl hP.n"'fit. ,

I mil:!ht go i nto t he mntt~>r nt l P,n~th, hnt~nrefer m akinf! n Rllt!,I!PR· tion that some 1\Ct.ion ba taken· for the spP.edy formntinn of n Mutn:ll Tns urROI'A't ~ohe ne for t.h e n ntpor tq on ly; a nd I thi n k tho m o11t Pffr ctunl WI\V t o acr.omplish thio; would he to have a public meeti n_g i n ~'vrry town ~r settlemant. !iO ns tu no;cPrlni n the number .,.bo wonld h~ willing to Tns ure nn d Msis t i n evorv wnv pnl! · sibla t" mRk~> the Schem·,. n. s ticcoss .

ProhA.hly you will have nn or·· portonitv of h anding my card anrl the others which T t>ncl n!le to vour correspondent .. J . J c .. 11 nnd in this W&J' WA may henblA lo exchnnge ideas bv letter. if h e wishes til write one of us. We wou ld IllS" be pleas1vl to· heii.T from'' Al pha' ' Perh &ps " J . J . C." may be able t o pass ourcar.ds over to him. · Hoping ' this matter will take tlln~tible shape and m ePt with the success it. d eAer\"eS. I am, S ir,

Yours truly ,

will kinrlly afford ua inform your numer-· may hnva been de­

prived of the n uuu1111rA of being present at- our public ng nn Monday la&t) of tho succeas of our ef nrts to en~ogo the attention nf tbe ptnllio. on*"" Tem­perance question. And WI' consider our succest1 n brilliant one. The- spoachE>s by our honorary m omhcrs, R<'VII. Mfl.C· nn.b 1\nd Paine, by Prof. U..wton 1\nd 1\Ir. B. Parsons Wf're enrnCllt, fnithfnl a p· peals to the common sense-of Rll, true to the mA..rk, full of fire nod pa thos; woulrl well reward one to bo thHo Rnd h ear thnse four nlnne, sonhly did they dC'al with the subject. of 'l'l'mprrancC'. But we wrre not so surfl' it cd wi th th is solirl food, os not to enjoy ht'R.'rtily, without nny fcnr of dyspopsiB, !.hE' l i~ht<>r nnrl more- oxhilltrntin.c:- nnrt nf the pt o· c rammt'-firilt , " thl' f,.nst of r rnson O(ld th t'n t.h ~ flow of I'Oul." or nrist il'nll\" in­tNminj! INI to su it the- most. fn!'Li(liou<~ tnste. f:,·<'r.v part. tak<'n WI\.."~ 110 well timrcl thn t thcro was no wcnrinC'S'i from the !l fli'I'Chc-s. and wr nf'edPd no morl' to gl:\rldl'n wh E>n t.he \"en· npproprinte son~!!! nnd mit!lic wert' rl'n.dcred. '

T suppose I m n.y n:W11e our inrll'fn.li -~blr R. S!'l'., )fr:\ P:dn,., nnli )fN--ni. 'mith nnrl Russl'll. nur l'nion Chni<~ l<• l"!'l

nnrl ndd another tn the- li t who rlnyecl !lkilfully on n 11trin~cd insl rumt>nt, (n dcpnrturc from mode-rn usn~es, h ere nl IC'nst), in n musicnl dn<-t nv t ,,.l) \"01111~ Indies-one on tho n~nn i\nr! thl'. oth~r on the Yiolin: air," wect Byrnnrl By<-." SomP of the compnn~· were forcibJr re­m inded of tho" Sweet Long AA"o," or. ns some mn.y 81\\" , " Auld Lnn_(! . yne," nnit think the viol CJIIi te n. plcn!lin~ Ad· ditinn to our instruml'ntnl m usic, es· pecinlly when t.he strings are touched hy the gentle fi ngers of n Woman ot:the Union.

I think it · may nppcnr in'"idious to mnke distinctions'as to the m erits of am· who nssi.sterl i n tho mueicnl and .chornl pA.rt of the entertainment; b ut we must gh·e tho m ead to the li ttle s tnr of the C\"cning, bect~.use these remarks wont h <>r, nor will nn~· enYy h er laurels -1\Iiss Winnie McNnb. Nor quite forget the young gentlemlln who gnvo us such a usefu l lesson on th e beginnings of evil.

'Local and other Items·. -Tho remains of tho lnte Bryan ~!it.­

chell wi ll bo brought on to St. John's from New York for interment.

~Two sch ooners belonging to Cap£· Farquar,-the Pioneer and tbe.Cabooae -:-both purpose prosecuting the Gulf seal fishery.

' · -The steamer Grand Lake on her las t voyng~ from H&lirax brought ns JJAsl!engers-MCStlrs. George Crosbie, M. J. SommN'8, A. H. Cas"~eUs, A. C. Dou· oc-tt, H . D. RPid, and E. Murphy; and Mi~es Walsh (2). .

-An Allo.n steam er is 1ent"ing Glne­J:rOW. nbout tho middle of t.he m onth, d irect for St. . .John's. It is thou~htsome of .tho buyor~~ m11.y return by h f'r, or else by WRY of Ht~.lifax, leaving I ,i\'Crpool on the !lth inst.

-)[rss~. Job RrothN"R & C'o'R 90-ton Rchnon,.r \ "ic:ilnnt. ( ' n t.E1<~tm:m. f)l'~e­rut<'lllhcOnlf!u•nl fi~llf'tT: qhc-sn ilMI on Tuc-sdA.~· for ,..lutmwl. wli" r•• she will ot1-~~~g-e h<-r crew of aJ. .. ur :!0. ·

- . m: H rT ,, :0:1 \:7"\" F ,.,. ~ '\t·.-The. !'\ ~chootH'r ('anfnr•r. (' q 1. (;jt, ,1~ / An ili l_l!! in the Oul f on th .' IMI ' , . .,_,.:l~C', ' rnn 1nto n IIPRF :1hout ~•..;ty f " I ln:l)t, ami hrokt' il rn two; nnd •tltcrwn/J s sailed through n lot <1f wrrckn,;". ,'

- -- ( R.\~ ,\ ,;noHr..-Tt i <~ ><:tid thnt th,.. llO

ton Glm•rC'IItt'r Rehomwr E'iz:\ H. l'trk­hurAt. f'npt. )fnhr>r. m n n~horc- du rin~ n l'nOw!'ltorm. on . ''tllr• lll \" on n sho:~.l pomt irt Pltlcc-ntin Gut . ·nv' ,·t·~~c-l is ne-w. She sustn inctl .Ill"> hur~ .

A P roclJtmation nppral"ii in TtH''Id rr v's Gnzr ttc declaring thnt it is nnt Her )fnirRty's plensurct to (li11n.llon· .._cc. S of 1).5 ~·ict . , Cnp. 1-(Rnt'nuf' .\ct.)-A ll dn tl l'l!, thr rc-fore, cnlll'ctcd or n or.rht ~h·en under the Rc,·cnue Act ol 1. fll were lej:rnlly collecte-d or ~i \"<'ll , nnd no snit can be maintained to lhd contrary e ffect.

Canada reduces duty on French wioea, almonds and soap. France admits at minimum rates Canadian meata. fish, herring and wood.

MA ROEI 3.-Lord Roseberry says it is inop~ortune to summon an­othe r Colonial Conference owin~ to the Australian depres3ion a nd the Home Rule excitement . He ap­proves of the nims of the Imperial FederaH<>n L eagua.

CTVI S. Trinity, February 20th. 1893.

The Pension Fund-


A lett<'r signed'' Blackboard" in rl' tho 'l'eachcra' Pension Fund appcnrcrl in nlate is~ue of thc. T I ~DARD. I ngrN• with what the wril <'r hn'i Mid rC'SI}E'Ct· ing thn.t. prcpC'o!lterous ~ch<'me. :.nd nsk space in the columns of your impnrtial paper to join issue with him in th o fn ir and mnnly etnnd which h e hns tn.ken. The P ension ch cm <' which wns formu­lated !net year i11 nothing but Rn nbsurd m&aaure, to liB)" the least of it, nnd should be st.igmntized M n gro~s in· jus_tico by evE>ry TeAcher in the IslnNI. It 1s \"Cry reru~onablc to think that th<' ir v1ews s:iould have hi'C'n consulted before the obno::dous Act. wns passed by tho Legislature. There wns no one hr tt c-r q_unli fied to su;::~est th e terms of n Pe-n· s1on Sch eml' thnn the TenciH'I"ii tht•m· selves; but they were not permnted to take either net or pnrt in its constitu­tion, ROd WhAtO\"er OpiniOn thm· might ha\"e had on the subje-ct. it wn..j utterly ignored. It lwas fom1ed by the Super­intendent. just to plense their own over·

W e h eard from the Preaident, U rs. MncMb, the increll83 of work dono by thd" p nion since lnst publ~'c meetin~. the tncrPnsc of m emhcrship now o,·cr fi fty) nnd of the opening o n night srhool for m othcn> or young . p<'rsons who cannot a.mil of dnv school, n.ncl of th l' prnctic1\ l help b,· friends toward the sn me object:- ·

H~:.wy F.ATIIEn.- Thn .\ linn lll<'nm· C'l"!l Xl'stnrinn nod l\lonj.!ol inn, which llr­rh ·ecl n_t Halifax yesterd~y week. r <'por t t~xcept tnnally severe- weather on t.h c- pns· 11ngc onrl continuA.nce of hr-nd winds. Tho '!ICRS severn I timN1 swept them, hu t no dtUUil!!f' c-nsurd. Thl' formf'r wns :!0 dnys. or 12 O\"erduc-, nntl the latter H, or G O\"erdne. ,

-T.o:--n 0 \"F.ROL"r..- )fnl'h nm:il't \· s ti ll cnnlinnl'll to 'prl' \":li l with rt:' IIPI'Ct to t~C' linn .. Jnhn Rork,•'>~ h nrrtm'nt ine ~[nne!. f'npt. .Tm·, nn<l thC' :· . J ohn's hriJ.!tt ntinr.\\'c-n'~<'r llt'll". Capt. Ot•nr~o 'f . . mith. ThC' form• r i" r•ut 9r) dn,·s frnm Tmpnni.tht' IHt• r 10:1 ·tl:n·~> t"niu tlw !'l'\11\t' pl:tc<'. R;.th :~ri' s.tlt 1:\ IC'n:

Civil war is ~aging in Rio Grande do ol, Brnzi l. ·

~!nny m embers supporting th e C11uadian Government urge a tariff revision.

The Gnr man G overnment expres­ses its wil li ngnt>ss to j oin England nod the U nite.J States to e~Jtabli sh arhi t rntion fur s ettling interna tional difficu lties excep~ r egard ing Alsace nnJ Lorraine.

- T he lfon . M. \l onroe·i4 Pchr. S. M. Lako. Capt . B oLlnd , left Fortuo~ B1' .V on Sntu rda.y , Just, with a cargG of 800 barrels h erring for BoPton 'fM Sylph-of the ea me firm a rrived tberjf afte r a nine clo.ys pas1age, and met a good market- •

, weening fustasies. Tho right which

\\'r nrc mce_tinc:- '~ith very J;TC'at cn­courngc-mt'nt Indcc-<1 R nrbor f;rn<'inns seem to taUe kindlr to this Womnn'e work. · ·

Tho fil"!lt .<~f the SPI'C'Ch<'s wns to ficht to~th nnd nai l agn i!l:'t the demnralizing e~·ll .• :tnd use every t·fli)rl to brin~ Pro­lnhlt wn, one rn t'nns bdng to ~h· to wom en the rit!'ht to mte-n pe tition b cin_g"in th e hnnds or the Cnion. to be kncd by ~omen, to bring a bout this de~irnblo objE>ct.

Many thanks nrc rluc- to nil ou r friends who a~nin nRsistcd in the clN·nr:ttrons. ~or cnn \-re fo~et i\1 r. Russe-ll's Lhnnght· ful courtl'sy, who presentPd the oflic<'rs of the Cnion with n n~nt ly printl'd badge to wear on the orcnston. And lnst but

. not !~net, yet a cl,lgrr!ls inn from our mat me~tmg, n. good collc•ct.ion. Then the natiOnal anthem , nnd the compnm· tii­sporscd highly pleased with themselves nn<! with e\·erybody else.

Cor. Sec. W. C. T. U. -...We repqbtish in to-day's iss ue, they nMumec~uld not bo exercised in the letter of G. W. R. Bierliby, Eeq., a. more hi~h.hnn erl manner, nnd Teach· D Lcb

f B R era were comma dcd to bow submiss· - r. r's bwiness Cnrd will be o ay oherts, on the m atter oftbe ively_totheirwill whether itsuitcd them found in another column. accom rnodation of .sick persona oom or suited them not. It is th e Teneher i ng from Labraaor on Lbe ooaatal alone who is to be affected by the opertC· steamers. tion of the Act. His on h1s shoulders

.-The S. S. l;ndy GJo,'br returned ,J:nth_er yeste;-d&y, after bringing some seahng orows,&o St. John's. . e pub lication of the letter now the burden of supporting tho Fund ha,

may ave the effect of dt&wing the been cast; nnd it is nnturnl to suppo11.e tt t" f tb H ( l that the terms'.lof the Fund should hnvo Th a l\)0 o . e ouse o Assemb y been submitted to his con~idcrntl® ~ e stCD:mers will likely len,·o for

to e mntler. a t the coming seeai:in. even if his opinions we re t\ftcrwards r~ Greens pond 1\tonday or Tueeday next . .The ubjeot is one which notde oare- jected. On 1~ pr~ent. lin~ very lit~le ·---ful coneJder~~Jon, ~ocJ earl;r remedi- adv~ot.age can Qe expected from it. AcorD~~--A. lad ofl7, AlbcrtBrnzil al m !&au r es: · Soll)e of tts conditionsare all together oh ~0~ of Mr. John Brnzil, rccei ved se,·er~

-.. - . --:- j ect1onnble, and i t imposes a burdef\ on lnJuriee on W ednesday IRst, on his way

D U many of ~he Tel\cpe~ ;yhic\1 Cl\nnot be out of the woods. While coming down - f!~T~ ~I}ER 8usprct ous C{R.- borne by thei}: f\lrelldy m iserably small the bill on the North side of Lady

OU)(STA~OK:~,- 1 n J.be hosr ~~t.~l, at ~t. ll!llalies, A. malo,. Teacher thirty-nine Pond, {the path being Yer)' slippel'y) J ohn's on Satur~y nigh there tiied yeara oC age is c~mpclle~l to pnv no the •hde, laden wi th wood, ~n obnrg'e a young mno, 82 years of age, Rich· annual premium of $20.41; oncl " how of t~o la~'s brother, r~" swiftly down , ard Mo ulton, o f Bnrin. The un . bo can afford to do this wiLh n sl\lAry commg ln contnc~ Wlth n rock. The

· t ' to h s1nn slide ove•tur.Ocd, and fell on tho fortunate IDil.O wa• nagnulted ooe a moun ''lilt no more t IUl vv, may I ' " ...., .. b "I · · d B • h • · 1 poot fcl ow. H e wns brought out with nl. "ll ' al>ou• .... V"D ... u,~, k· nero b)' c Cnal y tmagtne . u .. t a~ ls not t le II h t 1 D 1

"' ~ • "" " " "' " r- k t t At th f t"f · n na e,IUl< r. A IIUlscnt for. Itwns two r1eraon.,. n e" r P1' t ts' whnrf. one cenes cu · e ag_c 0 1 l>·~•Hnc, f d h t h 1 1 1 " h e bas mA.do ~Wellt)' arinnnl pn.ymonts, onn .t n t o _n( 's eg WM broken in of whom lll ruqk bi tn with a 1Jeavy l1ut. ahould be have the misfortune then th e th1gh. H e Js now progressing aa stick, co.u .. i ng fracto res of tbe ~tk u ll to offend tho pr~aiding dcitv (the Boord) fM·ournbly ns can be expected and cor.s~qu~nt il tjury to the brni n, he is not onlv de prh·cd or" his position' Another accident. happo.ncd tho snmo frmo • t bti effects oi which he d ierl but forfeit.a Rll claim u pon the Funcl' day. I ~r. Jumes StevcU:SOI'I while in S and ·t011e "'" c • !" t l ~•oo oo' thc.wpods,;cident.nlly g~a,·e hi" ~oo• a o far tbo 1niscr"1'11ts II"V~ no• be·~n 11 e\", .• y en. o 1o ~- , o •

"• " ' " "' b' 1 b b t "b t -' \Vh so\"cre c~t. "y th e stroke of a ho.tohct. fouod , U e wus a quiet , inoffensive w lc' o ns con rl u cu. o says man. who h·~· l o nl.1· a Rh ort time be. that this is not an eyo for an eye w~tq Minard's Lin.ime.n• c" "e• Dt"p'hthcrt·". -, 1\ ·vengeance? Tho origin a to"\ of tll1s · ,. ..., • ., • .. fore carno.fr0 ''l tlnrjn nwl he!en "m· ~hyloolt edict shollld nn+c extended it pl oy t!d b.r Mr. Uell, shl p.:t~~rpent ·r futther,. an'd l>ealdes ficecin~ him of bu who spellks we ll of him. Helet\ve~ ll'loney \. order his right nnnd to be a wife and Lwo obildreo. - on .Tu't"d· plAced u pon the blocK Also. R o' •e\'e; tiay afiernoQn ~Qe r~TJl ti 'l' on h e I) n. ~oh!y tbe j~egilll\f cont1tlci Of n·1'enoher (oftqoate I'Tl". n were ponve.ve" to t h e may tleaerve punishment, when~~ comea

'4 4 to robbing h1m of the m oney which he atumcsr Viriini11 J...•,,e for tratJ.-· ·baa h ooe1tly earned.~ I think it is high

St:<\~SQ So~oo~"'ER WRECKED.- News l\os been. received of the ln11s of the :Novn Sootll\ {choooor c .. H. Tupper in the sea.Uog bus in est~ of BritishColumbia.·

ho was driven on~ l:ock in o. aalo t.wo days o'ut of (rom Vi.c&.Oria :nd waa pounded to pieces. AlMfands ~~j)ed. She waa commancMd by Cl\pis.iu Wen~ worth B&k~ ~( yan:Qoqtb, N. S: ___.._ ~nard's Liniment. cures Colds, eto,

miselon to Burin. The hP&l'll Wll!l time tho Hoe ahoula be drawn, "The followed by Bir Jarne.a Winter and Teaoberi'' Peneion Fund" affords room Dr. 'fai~ (t.lJo wember11 fur tbe die- enough tor criticism, but I 've no time lriot), D. llorieou, M. H. A., •nd 50 to aay more a.t .preaent. The Te~~el'Jt poqpl' or mourn•rs· ~pemteh·e· llh0'-!14 ~~ vo 11\ten~~. 'There

'j.lhe 4e•t.P ot bet bapleaa man ~o~UiHe e~~~t r r?treaentativea -The train since MQ{\d&~ b'aa been Moqltoll ~ooqrr~<l under saob very f'nd th.,r! Ia ye~ 'l~~e:~ ~~~n:~~ 0~dm~ ~ept, buay bringin~ o;n eealera &o St. IUfl.(llolout olrOQUl•lartON ~ba' nn '&II tbolL o~ohn~.:. .. ~9.\l~ 200 went ovor on llon· dou""bt a rigid ln'flltlaatlob wlll be Youn very truly ~~rv~~e~!"o'e oCt.Q~%ob~: bthJ1 10 ~laM 'bo per~rak)n ol the · :f4ffi ~A~ 011 COve Bea\dea tbeee otb61'1 J'olll mfad~ m•r be ~reP"'~' lq OGM~~Clfl ~f· ~·~· ~I '1~93. . '. went OD ~ ~e Nonh Shore, Bay llob-juttloe. 'l'o . aTl ~11'Mtllft '*II~ ···- . erta Mm-- Prom the laat named-

IJJ'1Jiffcl no'b1n1 abould ~ lift 011 =' ll nt.l. . JatPs'- ~ uo. At wu to be ex~

- \ '; .\ rctm:\'T .w •nr I :-• St. .fohn's ''ll T•u .- lay t' \"l'ni n~.,n 1 .. ,.\r.! t'~t~ s t<'<l lll­'c-r ~•vrli o . h_r whirh 1111!' ·, f tlw C'"I' W, wlu l<' lowrrtn~ furnnrl'·h •r' dolwn in•o t ht' .!-lnkr•-room. rt'CI'i\·rd u(!h· rhmn::-o. Tht• wr.•nch-ltandl!' Jlt-w :"r•llll. h i• hnnd, :lll«<. l-t: nrk him, hrcnki n~ h i10 t li"SC, a nd tn lhc 1ng mhPr wonndR. wltil'h. i t js t:lO••t:hr. wi ll nnt ht' nttcmiC'd with snri­otts C01.8<'Ciii<'OC('!l.

Rwr. rr Ol" l:nnoAH>•.-'nh' . -orw<-rTi:ln Rchoon"r ( ;a~Ptt<', <. 'npt . C'hristinn~t>n Hi dnyt; from ~t. . . John. ~ .B., nrriYNl o.t St. .Joh:1'" :'\Ucl., nn Tut'~r l :> Y. .. h e wns lumhl'r lnrlt'n. She m et ,:en· l' tOm\y WE'athc·r. At dnyli~ht on tl1e 2-1th a. hug<' sen. swept ov<-r l\cr ~t<'rn, starting tho bont and dn,·its thl'rl'. r.nd flooding th e cnbin. The mntc-, tlnn Ol~en n~rcd 27, a nntive of Xorwn\· nnd unmnrriPd A~mpted to secure tho hont, but whil~ so e~~a~ed anoth er tremendous wn.ve s~ruck her nnd swcepin~ forwnrd carried h1m and afterwards tho bont. nod dn ,·ita O\'Or t he s1de. The condition of tho sea wns such that the captain belie'"ea that there wos no possibility of saving h i mself, but that his death must have been a lmost instantaneous. The entns· t.rophe occurE>d in lat. 45.40 K ., long. 57.-40 W., about 30 miles west of St. Peter' a Bank.

-TH'E .. J::AL FISHERY.-Messrs. John 1\{nnn '~ Co's s ten.m ers Vanguard and Greenland arc now getting prepn.red fof the Yoyn~e. They will be ready to star~ nex~ week for n sailing port, should th ero be nny probability of danger arising from ico in tho bay. H eavy slob _as w11s la tely nbout, nnd n ohnnge of wtnd to the t:>ns twntd might chnnc& to olo e Lhr port. 'l'his h ns b <:en dono before, nod w1th disa11traus conscquencos to the l'enlinJ:; fleet.

Messrs. Baine Joh nlltntf & r o•11 steam­er IIopc, Cnpt. Brett, with ::!00 men will len vo St. John's ''en· sh ort 1\·. ' 'ho will cngn~e in the norihcrn seni .fishery h~ purp c~ leaving forCatnlinn, from

winch place, report snys. ~b<' wiU ~(I to eldorn-Come-D,·, thence to aaiJ for the

fishery. A .great. many..,.of tho crew of tha ]:{opo'e old commanUer-capt. Rich­Rrd Pike-who lnlcly \\"Cnt to St. John 's by tn\in from Harbor Gmcc and Car­bonea r, cxpC'ctiog to get bortbs in the nbove a.hip, m Pt with disap,P?intment, and bad t.o return home. OwmK to ill­neM, we n.re sorry to ea.y, Capt. P iko was un~bto to tnke charge this time: and Cnp•. Brett bas taken his crow from o~her eourcee.

Tbe St. .John's Sealina- Company's: steamer Algerine, Capt. Henry Bo.rtlett,. tak~ " oro\1110£ 205 men. She nlso proe ~ntea the fishery to the n otlhwo.ra.

llees111:Balne Johnston &Co. 'a stca~ er Panther, Capt. Wi!Un.m Bartlet t with: • a crow 170 men: llf!48rs, Job Brotbera & Oo.'e· eteamer Nlnuod, Capt. Moeca B&rtlett, wbh a ~ oC 160 men, are to engage in the Gulf seal ftabeq. Latter purpoeee aaillngforCballDel ~morrow.

Ulan wu m~rderod.:..trOtal r"mar- ~BI:iiiiit;\iot .Le:t 1embly "'~ ~ Pl~ e ~r Glover conveyed to s~. 'IWcJ ··alfl Mit ~·t&ertq tht bq~ · . ~ ~Oil>~ "~~e, &&'< ' t'J.alao Ul~e Halla BaY: train wu &lao kep& ._ . , ~Df:'..~ Ia&--, lul, IOU~b ae&len en route !"or ' t,.....,...,. 'flln• .. ._ obla'I. IO ihe ....U. ....... ;


The orew .. or &he A~ and Terra Nova Are now aisnfng,Tbey will aoon be read7 to a&U for Qreenepond or aome other North~ porta, &liuoe w ole&t' lor tb~ ...... - --.,.
