Tweedehands boekenlijst met beschikbare boeken, af te halen in FORUM-gebouw, kamer 239 van WEP Openingstijden van ons forum-office: dinsdag t/m donderdag tussen 12.15 en 13:30 uur. (en ook als er een bestuurslid zit) List with available used-books, which can be purchased in the FORUM building, room 239 of WEP We're open: Tuesday till Thursday between 12.15 and 13.30 hour. (or whenever a board member is present) Bring cash money to pay for the books! No other payments will be accepted. Prices below are without WEP's fee of €1.- Auteur/Author Titel/Title Gaston K.J. Biodiversity. An introduction Meester, G., Oskam, A. & Silvis, H. EU-beleid voor Landbouw, Voedsel en Groen Ott, R.L. & Longnecker,M. An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis Carpenter,T.G. Construction in the Landscape Morrison,V.& Bennett,P. Gezondheids Psychologie Crowe, Jonathan; Bradshaw, Tony Chemistry for the Biosciences Alberts, Bray, Hopkin et al Essential Cell Biology McMurry, John Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry Vogel Steven Comparative Biomechanics Kang-Tsung, Chang Introduction to Geographic Information Systems Allmendinger, P. Planning Theory Berg, Tymoczko & Stryer Biochemistry Rademaker, Bram Basiscursus AntoCAD 2004 Berdendsen, H.J.A. De Vorming van het Land Berdendsen, H.J.A. Fysisch-geografisch onderzoek Odekerken, C.J.M. Gebruikte Bodem Berdendsen, H.J.A. Landschappelijk Nederland Plooij, F. Onderzoek doen Velden, J.W. van der Wegenbouwkunde Jonathen Crawe Chemistry for the Biosciences Avise, JC Molecular Markers, Natural History, and Evolution Jonnathan Crowe, Tony Bradshaw Chemistry for the Biosciences John McMurray Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry Johnson, Scholes & Wittington Exploring Corporate Strategy Engbersen, J, Groot, AE de Bio-organische chemie voor levenswetenschappen

Tweedehands boekenlijst met beschikbare boeken, …wageningenenvironmentalplatform.nl/Resources/DatabaseBooks.pdfTweedehands boekenlijst met beschikbare boeken, af te halen in FORUM-gebouw,

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Tweedehands boekenlijst met beschikbare boeken, af te halen in FORUM-gebouw, kamer 239 van WEP

Openingstijden van ons forum-office: dinsdag t/m donderdag tussen 12.15 en 13:30 uur. (en ook als er een bestuurslid zit)

List with available used-books, which can be purchased in the FORUM building, room 239 of WEP

We're open: Tuesday till Thursday between 12.15 and 13.30 hour. (or whenever a board member is present)

Bring cash money to pay for the books! No other payments will be accepted.

Prices below are without WEP's fee of €1.-

Auteur/Author Titel/Title

Gaston K.J. Biodiversity. An introduction

Meester, G., Oskam, A. & Silvis, H. EU-beleid voor Landbouw, Voedsel en Groen

Ott, R.L. & Longnecker,M. An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

Carpenter,T.G. Construction in the Landscape

Morrison,V.& Bennett,P. Gezondheids Psychologie

Crowe, Jonathan; Bradshaw, Tony Chemistry for the Biosciences

Alberts, Bray, Hopkin et al Essential Cell Biology

McMurry, John Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry

Vogel Steven Comparative Biomechanics

Kang-Tsung, Chang Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

Allmendinger, P. Planning Theory

Berg, Tymoczko & Stryer Biochemistry

Rademaker, Bram Basiscursus AntoCAD 2004

Berdendsen, H.J.A. De Vorming van het Land

Berdendsen, H.J.A. Fysisch-geografisch onderzoek

Odekerken, C.J.M. Gebruikte Bodem

Berdendsen, H.J.A. Landschappelijk Nederland

Plooij, F. Onderzoek doen

Velden, J.W. van der Wegenbouwkunde

Jonathen Crawe Chemistry for the Biosciences

Avise, JC Molecular Markers, Natural History, and Evolution

Jonnathan Crowe, Tony Bradshaw Chemistry for the Biosciences

John McMurray Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry

Johnson, Scholes & Wittington Exploring Corporate Strategy

Engbersen, J, Groot, AE de Bio-organische chemie voor levenswetenschappen

Pindyck, R. S.; Rubinfeld, D. L. Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts

Drickamer-Vessey_Jakob Animal Behavior

Engbersen, J, Groot, AE de Bio-organische chemie voor levenswetenschappen

Fox, Stuart Ira Human Physiology

Hickman, Roberts et al Integrated principles of zoology

Moore, DS & McCabe, GP Statistiek in de Praktijk

Collins Concise Spanish Dictionary

Bernstein, Crow & Johnson Rural Livelihoods: Crises and Responses

Dietz,F., Heijman,W.& Marks,P. Toegepaste Micro-economie

Lang,T. Barling,D. Caraher,M. Food Policy

Blackwell, A, T Haber Open Forum 2, Academic Listening & Speaking

Mount, S.; Shuttleworth, J.; Winder, R. Python for Rookies

Berg, Tymoczko & Stryer Biochemistry

McMurry, J. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry

Silverthorn Human Physiology

Leeuwis, C. Communication for Rural Innovatio

Devreux, S. & Maxwell, S. Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa

Rollinson, D. Organisational Behaviour and Analysis

Jerry J. Jaske Survey Research and Analysis

Colin Drury Management and Cost Accounting

M. Agostino Practical Bioinformatics

Verheugt, JWP Inleiding in het Nederlandse Recht

Moore, DS & McCabe, GP Statistiek in de praktijk

McMurry, J. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry

Engbersen, J, Groot, AE de Bio-organische chemie voor levenswetenschappen

Smart,B. Consumer Society

Deakins, Freel Entrepeneurships and small firms

Adams, Moss Food Microbiology

Prescott, Harley, Klein Microbiology

Moore, DS & McCabe, GP Statistiek in de praktijk

Willey, Sherwood & Woolverton Microbiology

McMurry, J. Organic Chemistry

Bunce, Jongman, Hojas & Weel 25 Years of Landscape Ecology

Zurita-Milla, R Mapping and monitoring hererogeneous landscapes

Wit, A de Regional crop yield forecasting

Lillesand & Kiefer Remote Sensing and Image Intepretation

Bader, MY Tropical alpine treelines

Engbersen, J, Groot, AE de Bio-organische chemie voor levenswetenschappen

Heijman, Dietz & Antonides Consumentengedrag: een economische benadering

Moore, DS & McCabe, GP Statistiek in de praktijk

Marian Burk Wood Essential guide to marketing planning

Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill Research Methods for Business Students

Crowe, Jonathan; Bradshaw, Tony Chemistry for the Biosciences

McMurry, J. Organic Chemistry

Blommaert & Blommaert Bedrijfseconomische Analyses

Solomon, Bamossy, Askegaard Consumer Behavior: A European perspective

Dirken,H. Productergonomie

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 2

Chang, Kang-Tsung Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

Drickamer-Vessey_Jakob Animal Behavior

Engbersen, J, Groot, AE de Bio-organische chemie voor levenswetenschappen

Heijman, Dietz & Antonides Consumentengedrag: een economische benadering

Rothman Epedemiology

Rubin, E. Essential Pathology

Moore, DS & McCabe, GP Statistiek in de Praktijk

Kumar, R Research methodology

Hart, 't, Boeije & Hox Onderzoeksmethoden

Drenthen, Willems & Zwart Ethiek v.d. Wetenschapscommunicatie

Perkins,D.H, Radelet,S.& Lindauer,D.L. Economics of Development

Macionis & Plummer Sociology

Boers,T. Takenboek Basisleergang Nederlands voor Anderstaligen Code 2

Blackwell, A, T Haber Open Forum 2, Academic Listening & Speaking

Perkins,D.H, Radelet,S.& Lindauer,D.L. Economics of development

Landreth Colander History of Economic Thought

Fox, Stuart Ira Human Physiology

Brouwen & Vooren Business: Een inleiding tot bedrijfskunde

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 2

McMurry, J. Organic Chemistry

Atkins, P., Paula, J. De Physical Chemistry

Lehmann, DR & & Winer, RS Analysis for marketing planning

Woods, M. Rural

Damodaran, S. & Parkin, K.L. & Fennema, O.R. Fennema's Food Chemistry

Linnemann.A.R. Food product design

Ott, R.L. & Longnecker,M. An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

Evert & Eichhorn Biology of Plants

Crowe, Jonathan; Bradshaw, Tony Chemistry for the Biosciences

Hickman, Roberts et al Integrated principles of zoology

F.R. Hallett, J.L Hunt Physics for the Biological Sciences

Pierre Huylenbroeck 40 Meesterwerken uit de financiele geschiedenis

Canterbery, ER A Brief History of Economics

Ott, R.L. & Longnecker,M. An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

Jonathan Crowe, Tony Bradshaw Chemistry for the Biosciences

Linda Lee-Davis Developing Work and Study Skills

Penguin Reference Dictionary of Geography

Townsend, Begon & Harper Essentials of Ecology

Cotton, Flvey & Kent Language Leader - Coursebook

Hart, 't, Boeije & Hox Onderzoeksmethoden

John McMurray Organic Chemistry

Cindy L. Stanfield Principles of Human Physiology

Philp Kotler Principles of Marketing

Roel Grit Project Management - A practical Approach

Aarts & Van Woerkum Strategische communicatie

Noelle Aarts Strategische communicatie

Neil Carter The Politics of the Environment

M. de Gee Wiskunde in Werking deel 1

M. de Gee Wiskunde in Werking deel 2

Alice Oshima Writing Academic English

Kumar & Clarck Clinical Medicine

Rothman Epedemiology

Willett. W. Nutritional Epedemiology

Moore, DS & McCabe, GP Statistiek in de praktijk

Moore, DS & McCabe, GP Statistiek in de praktijk Opgavenboek

Grit,Roel Projectmanagement

Johnson, Scholes & Wittington Fundamentals of strategy

Hayes, J. The Theory and Practice of Change Management

Lehmann, DR & & Winer, RS Analysis for marketing planning

Fox, Stuart Ira Human Physiology

McMurry, J. Organic Chemistry

Thomas H. Wonnacott Introductory Statistics

M. de Gee Wiskunde in Werking deel 2

M. de Gee Wiskunde in Werking deel 2

Engbersen, J, Groot, AE de Bio-organische chemie voor levenswetenschappen

Moore, DS & McCabe, GP Statistiek in de praktijk

Fox, Stuart Ira Human Physiology

Willey, Sherwood & Woolverton Microbiology

Avise, JC Molecular Markers, Natural History, and Evolution

Hallett,F.R. et al Physics for the Biological Sciences

McNeill Alexander, R Principles of Animal Locomotion

Becker,W.M., Kleinsmith, L.J., Hardin, J. & Bertoni, G. P. The World of the Cell

Knox & Marston Human Geography

Schrevel M & Leferink H Hightech English

Dean, R. Practical skills in chemistry

E. Brian Smith Basic chemical thermodynamics

Pauline M. Doran Bioprocess Engineering Principles

Alberts, Bray, Hopkin et al Essential Cell Biology

M. de Gee Wiskunde in Werking deel 1

M. de Gee Wiskunde in Werking deel 2

Crow, Jonathan Chemistry for the Biosciences

McMurry, J. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry

Griffiths, A.J. & Wessler, S.R. & Lewontin, R.C. & Carrol, S.B.Introduction to Genetic Analysis

Chapin, Matson & Mooney Principles of Terrestrial Ecology

Stewart, New & Lewis Insect Conservation Biology

J.F.J Engbersen, AE de Groot Bio-organische chemie voor levenswetenschappen

F.R. Hallett, J.L Hunt Physics for the Biological Sciences

Ebanyat, P. A Road to Food?

Hein, L Economics and Ecosystems

Cornelly, J & Smith, G. Politics and the Environment

Hoorweg, J & Muthinga, N. Recent Advances in Coastal Ecology

Ploeg, J.D. van der The New Peasantries

Ruben, R., Boekel, M. van, Tilburg, A. van & Trienekens, J.Tropical Food Chains

Alon, U. An Introduction to Systems Biology

Oshima, A. & Hogue, A. Writing Academic Skills

Daniels, Bradshaw, Shaw, Sideway Human Geography

Daniels, Bradshaw, Shaw, Sideway Human Geography

Wilterdink,N. Samenlevingen

Schulze, Max-Stephan Western Europe Economic and Social Change Since 1945

Metacalf Wastwater Engineering

R. Lyman Ott, Micheal Longnecker An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

Micheal R. Solomon Consumer Behavior: A European perspective

Berg, Tymoczko & Stryer Biochemistry

McMurry, J. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry

Rostow, WW Theorist of economisc growth from david humel to present

Alberts, Bray, Hopkin et al Essential Cell Biology

Colin R. Townstead Essentials of Ecology

John McMurray Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry

W.H. Freeman Palgrave Macmillan Introduction to Genetic Analysis

F.R Hallet, J.L Hunt Physics for the Biological Sciences

M. de Gee Wiskunde in Werking deel 1

M. de Gee Wiskunde in Werking deel 2

M. de Gee Wiskunde in Werking van A naar B

Rang,H.P.& Dale,M.M. & Ritter,J.M. & Flower,R.J. Rang and Dale's Pharmacology

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking van A naar B

Boiten, W. Hydrometry / A comprehensive introduction to the measurement of flow in open channels

Chrispeels & Savada Plants, Genes and Crop Biotechnology

Moore, McCabe Statistiek in de praktijk

This, H. Molecular Gastronomy: Exploring the Science of Flavor

Crowe, Jonathan; Bradshaw, Tony Chemistry for the Biosciences

McMurry, John Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry

Ober, W.C., Garrison, C.W., Silverthorn, A.C. & Johnson, B.R.Human Physiology

Robinson, Skelly Frame & Frame Undergraduate Instrumental Analysis

Moore, DS & McCabe, GP Statistiek in de praktijk

Bergstrom, TC & Varian, HR Workouts in intermediate microeconomics

Daniels, Bradshaw, Shaw, Sideway Human Geography

Lee-Davies, L. Developing Work and Study Skills

Kotler et al. Principles of Marketing

Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill Research Methods for Business Students

Wilterdink, Heerikhuizen Samenlevingen

Sismondo sergio Science and technology studies

Green & Thorogood Qualitative Methods for Health Research

Ott, R.L. & Longnecker,M. An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis

Daniels, Bradshaw, Shaw, Sideway Human Geography

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 1

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 2

McMurry, J. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry

Mount, S.; Shuttleworth, J.; Winder, R. Python for Rookies

Moust Probleemgestuurd leren; een wegwijzer voor studenten

Cunningham & Cunningham Principles of Environmental Science

Daniels, Bradshaw, Shaw, Sideway Human Geography

Daniels, Bradshaw, Shaw, Sideway Human Geography

Wilterdink Samenlevingen

Boers,T. Takenboek Basisleergang Nederlands voor Anderstaligen Code 2

Kampen Hinke &Stumpel Ruud Dutch for self-study

Hachette Le guide du routard

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 2

Daniels, Bradshaw, Shaw, Sideway Human Geography

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 1

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 2

Krugman and Obstfield International Development: Theory and Policy

Mankiw, Taylor Macroeconomics

Griffiths, A.J. & Wessler, S.R. & Lewontin, R.C. & Carrol, S.B.Introduction to Genetic Analysis

Becker,W.M., Kleinsmith, L.J., Hardin, J. & Bertoni, G. P. The World of the Cell

McAllister,P. Building the Homestead

Ploeg, J.D van der Landbouw Als Mensenwerk

Bankoff, G. & Frerks, G. & Hilhorst, D. Mapping Vulnerability

Ross, Westerfield, Jaffe & Jordan Modern financial management

Luffman, Lea, Sanderson & Kenny Strategic Management: An Analitical Introduction

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 1

The Commercial Press OXFORD Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Riet, K. van & Tramper, J. Basic Bioreactor Design

Slangen,L.H.G. et al Institutional economics and economic organisation theory

Chang, Kang-Tsung Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

McMurry, J. Organic Chemistry

M. de Gee Wiskunde in Werking deel 1

Crowe, Jonathan; Bradshaw, Tony Chemistry for the Biosciences

Luning, PA, Marcelis, WJ Food Quality Management

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 2

Kampen Hinke &Stumpel Ruud Dutch for self-study

Durst,P.B. Johnson,D.V. & others Forest insects as food: humans bite back

Madigan, Matinko, Stahl & Clarck Biology of Microorganisms

Crowe, Jonathan; Bradshaw, Tony Chemistry for the Biosciences

Cunningham & Cunningham Principles of Environmental Science

Frankham, R., Ballou, J.D. & Briscoe, D.A. A Primer to Conservation Genetics

Lilien et al. Principles of Marketing Engineering

Hosey, Mlfy & Prankhurst Zoo Animals

Sarah Mount Engineering Design Methods

Nigel Cross Python for Rookies

Motloch,J.L. Introduction to Landscape Design

Chang, Kang-Tsung Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

Mount, S.; Shuttleworth, J.; Winder, R. Python for Rookies

Fox, Stuart Ira Human Physiology

Hickman, Roberts et al Integrated principles of zoology

Ranjit Kumar Research methodology

Berg, Tymoczko & Stryer Biochemistry

McMurry, J. Organic Chemistry

Robinson, Skelly Frame & Frame Undergraduate Instrumental Analysis

Johnson, Scholes & Wittington Fundamentals of strategy

Daniels, Bradshaw, Shaw, Sideway Human Geography

Wilterdink, Heerikhuizen Samenlevingen

Ranjit Kumar Research Methodology

Ramsden, E.N. A-Level Chemistry

Verhoeven, N. Doing Research

Kotler, P & K Keller Marketing Management

Douma, S & Schreuder, H. Economic Approaches to Organisations

Johnson, Scholes & Wittington Fundamentals of strategy

Lilien et al. Principles of Marketing Engineering

Blackwell, A, T Haber Open Forum 2, Academic Listening & Speaking

Duncan, J & Parker, A Open Forum 4

Vries-Geervliet, Liet de Samen Werken

Claassen & Hendriks Decision Science

Dieijen visser M.P Antilichamen als reagens

Deelder R.S&Jong G.J.de Chromatografie

Kluwer polytechnisch handwoordenboek E-N

Kluwer polytechnisch handwoordenboek N-E

Elling, R., Andeweg, B. Rapportagetechniek

Buijs, A Statistiek om mee te werken opgaven

Kramers pals H Veiligheid in het Laboratorium

Coelho Zakwoordenboek der Geneeskunde

Turabian, K. A manual for writers

Tempel, Giesen Agrarische bedrijfseconomie, inleiding

Tempel, Giesen Agrarische bedrijfseconomie, inleiding

Tempel, Giesen Agrarische bedrijfseconomie, inleiding

Tempel, Giesen Agrarische bedrijfseconomie, inleiding

Lehmann, DR & & Winer, RS Analysis for marketing planning (copy by university)

Rao, V.R; Streckel, J. H Analysis for strategic marketing

Atkins, P & Paula J de Atkin's Physical Chemistry

Woerkum, van, & Meegeren, van Basisboek Communicatie en Verandering

Woerkum, van, & Meegeren, van Basisboek Communicatie en Verandering

Rademaker, Bram Basiscursus AntoCAD 2000i

Blommaert & Blommaert Bedrijfseconomische grondslagen, voor bedrijfskundigen

Korthals, Michiel Before Dinner, Philosophy and Ethics of food

Schlesinger, W.H. Biochemistry

Berg, Tymoczko & Stryer Biochemistry

Engbersen, J, Groot, AE de Bio-organische chemie voor levenswetenschappen

Engbersen, J, Groot, AE de Bio-organische chemie voor levenswetenschappen

Engbersen, J, Groot, AE de Bio-organische chemie voor levenswetenschappen

Woerkem, C. van, D. Kuiper, E.Bos Communicatie en Innovatie

Woerkem, C. van, D. Kuiper, E.Bos Communicatie en Innovatie

Grit, R en Guit, R Competentie-management: persoonlijk ontwikkelplan

Antonides, G, Van Raaij, WF Consumer Behavior: A European perspective

Ploeg, J.D van der De virtuele boer

Begon, M., Harper, J.L. et al. Ecology

Case, K.E., Fair, R.C et al Economics

Case, K.E., Fair, R.C et al Economics

Case, K.E., Fair, R.C et al Economics

Case, K.E., Fair, R.C et al Economics

Woolfolk, Anita Educational Psychology

Triebert Elementair Recht

Townsend, Begon & Harper Essentials of Ecology

Lancaster, Massingham, Ashford Essentials of marketing

Hoogh, de, J., Silvis, H.J. EU-Landbouwpolitiek

Johnson, Scholes & Wittington Exploring Corporate Strategy

Meulen, Bernd van der Food safety law in the EU

Jager,de & Mok, A.L. Grondbeginselen der Sociologie

Jager,de & Mok, A.L. Grondbeginselen der Sociologie

Verschuren Het ontwerpen van een onderzoek

Gallipoli, Capri & Bragulia High-frequency ultrasounds for the decontamination and intensive stabilization of sewage sludge

Michiels Hoofdzaken van het bestuursrecht

Knox & Marston Human Geography

Knox & Marston Human Geography

Knox & Marston Human Geography

Daniels, Bradshaw, Shaw, Sideway Human Geography

Jansen, Fonke Ijsbreker-basisleergang Nederlands

Engbersen, J, Groot, AE de Inleiding in de Bio-Organische Chemie

Engbersen, J, Groot, AE de Inleiding in de Bio-Organische Chemie

Engbersen, J, Groot, AE de Inleiding in de Bio-Organische Chemie

Hulleman, Marijs Internationale Ecomische Ontwikkelingen en bedrijfsomgeving

Schermerhorn, J.R. Management

Horngren,C.T. Management and Cost Accounting

Mullins, laurie J management and organisational behaviour

Laudon,K.C. Management Information Systems

Kotler, P & K Keller Marketing Management

Burns, A. C. & Bush, R. F. Marketing Research

March&,D.A. Mastering information management

Koeman Milieu Wetgeving

Blackwell, A, T Haber Open Forum 2, Academic Listening & Speaking

Duncan, J & Parker, A Open Forum 3, Academic Listening & Speaking

Duncan, J & Parker, A Open Forum 3, Academic Listening & Speaking

McMurry, J. Organic Chemistry

Schermerhorn, J.R. Personal Management workbook

Gramsbergen, Hoogl&, Deveer, Leezenberg Persoonlijke kwaliteit

Chang, R. Physical Chemistry with applications to Biological Systems

Hidding, Marjan C. Planning voor stad en land

Dean, R. Practical skills in chemistry

Bepro, stichting Procestechnologie deel 3

Bepro, stichting Procestechnologie deel 4

Brysbaert Marc Psychologie

Dumoulin francois&Brysbaert marc Psyshologie oefenboek (vragen&oplossingen)

Miquel & Sans Rapido Rapido (Libro del alvmno+cuaderno de ejercicios+reader)

Miquel & Sans Rapido, Rapido, Curso intensivo de Espanol

Elling, R., Andeweg, B. Rapportagetechniek

Luning, PA, F Devlieghere, R Verhe Safety in the Agrifood Chain

Wilterdink nico&Heerikhuizen bart van Samenlevingen

Anderson, K Speaking

Buijs, A Statistiek om mee te werken

Buijs, A Statistiek om mee te werken

Buijs, A Statistiek om mee VERDER te werken

Claasen Tekst en toespraak

Wilber, Ken The integral vision

Segal-Hork, Susan the strategy reader

Kuipers, F.F. Voor de variatie, Inleiding Statistiek

Kuipers, F.F. Voor de variatie, Inleiding Statistiek

Engbersen, J, Groot, AE de Vraagstukken bio-organische chemie

Engbersen, J, Groot, AE de Vraagstukken bio-organische chemie

Engbersen, J, Groot, AE de Vraagstukken bio-organische chemie

Huisman, P. Water in the Netherlands: managing checks and balances

Arets, Heijnen & Ortmans Werkboek pop

Gee, M de Wiskunde in werking

Gee, M de Wiskunde in werking

Gee, M de Wiskunde in werking

Gee, M de Wiskunde in werking

Gee, M de Wiskunde in werking

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 1

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 1

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 1

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 2

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 2

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 2

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 2

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 2

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 2

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 2

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 2

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 2

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 2

Gee, M de Wiskunde in Werking, deel 2

Marcus, J. & Dam, N. van Organisation & Management

Berg, Tymoczko & Stryer Biochemistry

Dietz,F., Heijman,W.& Marks,P. Toegepaste Micro-economie

Daniels, Bradshaw, Shaw, Sideway Human Geography

Bowser, J.R. Inorganic Chemistry

Bold & Alexopoulos & Delevoryas Morphology of Plants and Fungi

Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill Research Methods for Business Students

Aarts & Van Woerkum Strategische communicatie

Engbersen, J, Groot, AE de Vraagstukken bio-organische chemie

Engbersen, J, Groot, AE de Inleiding in de Bio-Organische Chemie

Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon Management Information Systems

Daniels, Bradshaw, Shaw, Sideway Human Geography

Cunningham & Cunningham Principles of Environmental Science

Vaus, D. de Research design in social research

Biemans, Jochems, Sprangers DNA: een blauwdruck

hickman Integrated principles of zoology

Boardman Cost benefit Analysis Concepts and Practice

Cunningham & Cunningham Principles and Environmental Sciences, Inquiry and Application

Robert Hay and John Porter The physiology of crop yield

Paulkristian et all Organic Agriculture a global perspective

Cindy L. Stanfield Principles of Human Physiology

Jeremy M Berg Biochemistry

Randy Nelson An introduction to behavioral endocrinology

Anthony J.F. Griffith Introduction to Genetic Analysis

Jonathan Crowe, Tony Bradshaw Chemistry for the Biosciences

McGraw Hill Animal Behavior

John McMurray Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry

Hickman Roberts Integrated principles of zoology

Brian Smith Basic chemical thermodynamics

Halliday, Resnick, Walker Principles of Physics

Down Lacobucci Marketing Models Multivariate Statistics and Marketing Analytics

Johnson, Whittington, Scholes Fundamentals of strategy

Colin Drury Management and Cost Accounting

Lilien et al. Principles of Marketing Engineering

Johnson, Whittington, Scholes Fundamentals of strategy

updated: 4-7-2013

Edition: Code chairgroup Prijs/price:

2nd. NCP 25.00€

1e 20.00€

6th. MAT 35.00€

1st. LAR 40.00€

MCB 20.00€

2nd. PCC 22.00€

3rd CBI 40.00€

7th. ORC 45.00€

2003 EZO 20.00€

5th. GRS 35.00€

2nd. LUP 35.00€

6th. BIC 35.00€

1st. LAR 12.00€

4th. 10.00€

4th. 10.00€

2009 8.00€

3rd. 10.00€

3rd. 8.00€

2008 25.00€

2nd 20.00€

2nd. GEN 45.00€

2nd 20.00€

7th. 30.00€

8th. MST 15.00€

2nd. ORC 15.00€

4th. AEP 15.00€

5th. EZO 11.00€

2nd. ORC 13.00€

11th HAP 29.00€

14th HAP 25.00€

5th. MAT 20.00€


1st. 5.00€

2004 ECH 5.00€

RSO 35.00€

English 15.00€

INF 38.00€

6th. BIC 42.00€

7th. ORC 40.00€

2nd. 25.00€

3rd. 15.00€

1st. RDI 15.00€

4th. 20.00€


7th. 30.00€


2005 LAW 20.00€

5th. MAT 20.00€

7th. ORC 55.00€

2nd. ORC 15.00€

CSH 25.00€

5th. MST 20.00€

3rd FHM 15.00€

7th. MIB 40.00€

5th. MAT 25.00€

7th. 20.00€

7th. ORC 40.00€




3rd. GRS 20.00€


1st. 8.00€

1st. 10.00€

3rd. MAT 10.00€

2007 15.00€

4th. YRM 10.00€

2nd. PCC 20.00€

7th. ORC 40.00€

5th. 5.00€

3rd. MCB 20.00€

PDQ 20.00€

2001 MAT 5.00€

5th. GRS 40.00€

5th. EZO 12.00€

2nd. ORC 12.00€

1st. 10.00€

1st. PHP 15.00€

5th. PHP 25.00€

5th. MAT 15.00€

3rd. YRM 15.00€

7th. YRM 25.00€

1st. APP 5.00€

6th. DEC 30.00€

5th. RSO 25.00€

8th. Dutch 25.00€

English 10.00€

6th. DEC 30.00€

4th. DEC 45.00€

10th HAP 40.00€

4th. MCB 20.00€

2011 MAT 20.00€

2007 ORC 28.00€

8th. 25.00€

7th. MST 32.50€

1st. 20.00€

4th. FCH 50.00€

2007 PDQ 20.00€

6th. MAT 50.00€

8th. 65.00€

2nd. PCC 20.00€

15th. HAP 55.00€

4th. 35.00€

2007 5.00€

2nd. DEC 25.00€

6th. MAT 30.00€

2nd 25.00€

2007 25.00€


3rd 30.00€

6 English 15.00€

8th. YRM 15.00€

8th. 35.00€

4th. 50.00€

5th. 25.00€

2nd 15.00€

2nd. COM 10.00€

2010 20.00€

2nd 20.00€

2001 10.00€

2010 10.00€

4th. 15.00€

6th. HNE 20.00€

1st. PHP 5.00€

2nd. HNG 15.00€

3rd MAT 20.00€

3rd MAT 10.00€

3rd. IWE 5.00€

2009 MST 30.00€

3rd. MST 35.00€

7th. MST 35.00€

10th HAP 25.00€

2nd. ORC 30.00€

5th. 13.00€



2nd. ORC 15.00€

5th. MAT 20.00€

9th. HAP 35.00€

7th. 35.00€

2nd. GEN 35.00€

4th. BIP 35.00€

1st. 25.00€

7th. CBI 45.00€

4th. SAL 35.00€

1994 15.00€

2002 GEN 20.00€

5th 12.50€


3rd 25.00€

3rd 10.00€

7th. 10.00€

2nd 18.00€

7th. 28.00€

9th. 42.00€

1st. 20.00€

1st. ENT 60.00€


4th. 15.00€


2010 5.00€

2nd. 30.00€

2003 4.00€

1st. RSO 17.50€

2007 20.00€

1st. 35.00€

4th. 14.00€

3rd. SAL 25.00€

3rd. SAL 21.00€

5th. RSO 5.00€

RHI 40.00€

4th. 30.00€

6th. 60.00€

5th. 50.00€

7th. BIC 47.00€

7th. ORC 30.00€

1990 BIN 30.00€

3rd 55.00€

3rd 27.50€

7th. 45.00€

10th. 55.00€

4th. 25.00€




7th. HNE 50.00€

2011 MAT 25.00€

3rd 30.00€

2nd. 40.00€


1st. MFT 25.00€

2nd. 25.00€

7th. 35.00€

4th. 10.00€

6th. ORC 50.00€

3rd. MAT 5.00€

7th. ECH 30.00€

4th. SAL 35.00€

1st. 15.00€

4th. 30.00€

4th. 23.00€

2007 RSO 20.00€

2004 TAD 15.00€

2nd. 15.00€

6th. MAT 10.00€

4th. SAL 30.00€

2010 MAT 14.00€

2010 MAT 14.00€

7th. ORC 50.00€

1st. INF 35.00€


4th. 28.00€

3rd. SAL 35.00€

3rd. SAL 30.00€

6th. 10.00€

Dutch 5.00€

2008 Dutch 30.00€

2008 9.00€

2003 MAT 8.00€

3rd. SAL 40.00€

2006 MAT 15.00€

MAT 20.00€

8th. 25.00€


9th. GEN 45.00€

7th. CBI 50.00€

REG 5.00€

1st. RDS 5.00€

RDS 15.00€

8th. BEC 30.00€

3rd. 10.00€

2008 MAT 5.00€

6th. E/C 15.00€

1st. ORC 45.00€


5th. GRS 40.00€

2007 24.00€


2nd. PCC 16.50€

1st. PDQ 40.00€

2010 MAT 15.00€

Dutch 25.00€

FAO 7.00€

13th. MIB 30.00€

2nd. PCC 19.00€

6th. ESA 30.00€

1st. 10.00€

2nd. MST 25.00€

1st. 20.00€

4th. FTE 20.00€

INF 30.00€

2nd. 35.00€

5th. GRS 40.00€

1st. INF 60.00€

9th. HAP 25.00€

13th HAP 25.00€

3rd 20.00€

6th. BIC 43.00€

2007 ORC 28.00€

6th. ORC 40.00€

1st. 30.00€

3rd. SAL 35.00€

6th. RSO 20.00€

2nd 15.00€

4th. 10.00€

3rd. 9.00€

5th. MST 10.00€

3rd. BEC 15.00€

2nd. MST 45.00€

2nd. MST 50.00€

English 5.00€

English 5.00€


2nd. ORL 40.00€

2nd. PCC 10.00€

2nd. PCC 10.00€

3rd Dutch 8.50€

3rd Dutch 8.50€

2nd. ECS 12.00€

7th. MAT 10.00€

4th. Lab 15.00€

27th 10.00€

6th. AEW -€

2001 BEC -€

2001 BEC -€

2001 BEC -€

2001 BEC -€

7th. MST -€

1998 MST 5.00€

7th. MLS 5.00€

2003 COM -€

1999 COM -€

1st. LAR -€


2005 APP 10.00€

8th. BIC 5.00€

5th. BIC 10.00€

2nd. ORC 5.00€

2nd. ORC 5.00€

2nd. ORC 5.00€

2nd. COM -€

2nd. COM 5.00€

HRM 5.00€

1998 MCB 5.00€

RDS 12.00€

NCP 10.00€

DEC 10.00€

1996 DEC 5.00€

DEC 10.00€

4th. DEC 5.00€

8th. 5.00€

1st. LAW 5.00€

1st. NCP -€

4th. MST 5.00€

5th. APP -€

8th. MST 30.00€

2006 LAW 4.00€

12th RSO 5.00€

11th. RSO 4.00€

3rd. YRM -€


2nd. LAW -€

4th. SAL 10.00€

2nd. SAL 5.00€

3rd SAL 5.00€

1st. SAL 5.00€

Dutch -€

6th. ORC -€

7th. ORC 20.00€

6th. ORC 2.00€

2nd. ECH 5.00€

7th. INF 5.00€

BEC 5.00€

6th. 5.00€

7th. INF 5.00€

12th MST 5.00€

4th. MST 5.00€

YMC 5.00€

2001 ENR -€

English 4.00€

2007 English 4.00€

2007 English 4.00€

6th. ORC 15.00€

8th. INF -€

BBI -€

2nd. MLS -€

2002 LAD -€

GEN 8.00€

1st. FTE -€

1st. FTE -€

2006 MCB 5.00€

2006 MCB 5.00€

2008 Spanish -€

Spanish 15.00€

ECS -€

2006 PDQ 10.00€

2009 RSO 5.00€

2nd. English -€

MAT 5.00€

MAT 5.00€

MAT 5.00€

2nd. -€

2007 ECS -€

2nd. 5.00€

1998 MAT -€

MAT -€

1st. ORC -€

2nd. ORC 2.00€

2nd ORC 5.00€


2nd. BMT 5.00€

2nd. MAT -€

2nd. MAT -€

2nd. MAT -€

2nd. MAT -€

2nd. MAT -€

2003 MAT -€

2006 MAT 5.00€

2006 MAT -€

MAT -€

2003 MAT -€

2004 MAT -€

2004 MAT -€

1st. MAT -€

2004 MAT -€

MAT -€

2007 MAT 15.00€

2003 MAT -€

2003 MAT -€

2006 MAT -€

1st. 35.00€

6th. 20.00€

2004 ECH 5.00€

3rd. SAL 15.00€

PCC 10.00€

5th. PHP 8.00€

4th. YRM 5.00€

2008 COM 10.00€

1st. ORC 5.00€

6th. ORC 7.00€

8th. 20.00€

3rd. SAL 15.00€

4th. ESA 30.00€

YRM 10.00€


14th 35.00€

4th. 71.00€

6th. 30.00€

2nd 40.00€

1st. 40.00€

4th. 15.00€

6th. 20.00€

4th. 30.00€

9th. 25.00€

2nd 10.00€


7th. 10.00€

15th 10.00€

5th. 12.00€

9th. 35.00€

Int 30.00€

2nd 40.00€

8th. 50.00€

2nd 20.00€

2nd 25.00€