" / ¯ Oz~tllo 1R.. l~i[oFt, ]Publbdaox.. ’~’ex’ms==$i.25 Pox" Y0ax". vet 2~. HAMj~O~N~0N, + N. JUNE 16, 1888. NO. 2-.t=. Practical Watchmaker an d Jeweler, For the Republican. earl M’ C/ook, ..... .USE Id0SIIUITOES. D~,b.tJm ~r A complete line of Spgctacles and Eye-Glusses, that-are-reliable. .... G~Id-Pens and Peneitm--Ta-y ..... the celebrated Wil~ FountainPen. It’s the best+ WATCH" REPAIRING a SPECIALTY. 01d Gold and Silver Bought. There is a chance for as much "science" in defendiug oneself against mosquitoes as inany ethcr matter, and the commonsaving that "when you kill one a dozen will come to the fu- norM" is wide of th0 mark. The usual way of softly swioging a bush ’to drive them away simply drives them to bite in another place, and .one insect will be likely to bite several times; but if the bush comes down with a crushing force tho~ whichit hits will not bit~ again. Mosquitoesare not often very thick while the. sun shines brightly, except in places where the grass or other ber- b_ago gff0r+~!, .Lhe~_q _s_h_el~r_and_(o0d_,_~Lq+t when cue goes through a place wher~ they,re plenty a swarm generally for ]own, and in such eases, if, instead of makinggeutlc passes at them and cry- ing "shoo fly," you stand still a mo- ment to allow them to alight and then hit them to kill, m*ostof them may be going on ; so, willie we exercise ceasc- lc0s vigilance in protecting ourselves. don’t.let us wear ourselves out with fretting and grumbling at what we can- not help, and whichmay all the wllile be quietly aiding us in otimr directions. W~F. BAss~rr. lr~9~The two churehes in Elwood uuitcd in tile exercises of Children,s Day, at the M. E. Chmch--Rev. Crayno, pastor, took charge ofthe services, as. sisted by tbe Superintendent .ofthe Presbyterian School. The choirs had madeprevious selections. Theexer- clses consisted in singing, readings, and recitations, -- some thirty exercise in all at the morningsession. The principal address of the morning wan on "The -Otii~-s-6f L~i’e,,, ably lmndled by a lady ofth0 M. E. ~clety. Shnrt addresses by Superintendent Meredlth’~ of the Presbyterian School, J. B. Wright and tbePastor. In theevening, there were a fcw readings, and the services conclud- edby anadd-ress onPalestine, by the , ¯ ¯ PR&CTICAL BREh3), PIE, and CAKE BAKER, , Having leased the Ellis property, better known as the "Laundry builiting," second doorabove the Post-office, Bellevue Avenue, when we have ample room for baking our CHAMPION Home-made Vienna ]]read, Which has no rival, we are now able to supply the continued demand made on us for this nowwell-known bread. If them is any o.e in Hammonton who has not yet tried our peculiar tasting Bead,we will be pleased to send him a loaf, free--gratis Please call and see us,--nearly oppositeStockwell’s, C: E. Hall’s New Store Is the place to go to get yourhouse furnished, for he keeps eveDtbing in that line, such as-- Cook Stoves, Chamber Suits. Brussels Carpets, ParlorStoves, Chairs and Tables, Ingrain Carpets, Cooking Pot~ Spring Beds, Rag C~tl~ts, P~lls and Pans. MaLtrazses and Pillows, Oil Cloth, Wash Boilers, Baskets, Smyrna Rugs, Axes aud Shovels, Brooms, . Cocoa Rugs, S~tes, Saws, andSaw-horses, Nails by thapound orkeg. l~epairing promptly attended to.’~l disposed of and comparativequiet re- stored until another of their haunts is to be passed../In evergreenbush is the best wcauon,because tbe fine foliage allows the air to pass through, hits harder and does not blow them away, Whileupon this subject of insects, I wish to bring forward one view of it which is too oReuoverlooked. I refer to the changes goin~ on, seen only by their results, and brought about by the powerwhich is above and behind all ; and while I do not propose to very often inflict sermonsupon myreaders t I un- hesitatingly s.-ty that I consider that mental vision very narrow which does not see daily."sermoos in the trees" and every natural phenomenon around us. It is very common to hear grumbling about the weather ; but to howmany of us does it ever occur that in the econ- omy of nature, these vicissitudes of weather may be accomplishing far more desirable results for us than just thc condition we desire would do. Take for mstauce, the tact mentioned in my last, about the critical point in the life of the mosquito. In the earlier stages of its existence, large numbers are needed as toed for fishes ; but il all that ~sc’apetbis peril should survive, we would be fairly driven out by them ; and ~he-xlolenV~howcrs---and-m~ind~ ~storms; of themselves unplca~ant, by agitating the stagnant water in swampsand ditche~, save usfrom a worse evil. Take our common rose-bug foranoth* er example. 8omcthirty or morn years ago they had become anthick inportions o! NowEngland that itwa~next to im- possible tofind a rose which they had notmutilated ; andthey continued to increa~ until wc hada season in which thundcr sto}ms andstrong winds tel- lowed each other so closely through the whole term ofthe life ofthe rose.bugs, thatit nearly extelmlnated them. In = GW.O-O o,,o.+.o.ooo,+.+o, + .~IO D__~ i~.l..~ .k.’~ ~ have them destroyed ia the same way, Dry 00ds, +Boots ang sh0 s hut some in¥1’~ible fo0 iS gPadually lel+- gr0earias ++ + ++ +,+ +,.u forests were aunually divested el a large portion of their foliage by the oakworm t but tor the last two or three seasons only b~m and there a few could be seen, Floux", Feral, F~x~lllzex"s. a result which is nto~t undoubtedly the Ag icult al I plements etc etc effeetofeertainchaogestnthcweather, or some parasitic enemy, ii r ur m , e, - More than one Hammoutonian can " N.B.--Superior Family Flour a Speoial ~’,V testify to the dtsagreeable abundance of -d" the common apple trce caterpillar during the last two or three yeats, and the small :fleet produced bv file ill-timud New Hams! New Hams t a°d+c °nc°rtede+°rtst°’lestr°yth°m. How many have observed that compara- $’ t~voly few were ltatehed out during tim Spring just passed ? and tbat of these dt H Cttred t see o,,,, here and there one now. Home Cure ome I I tb,.k two uses have at work !1OI iced that in early Spring many st thc e+~Bseemed to ll~)p_gare(lan~ th~-t-S~ w hieh remallted were At J son’s. ] loo nod and o iiy l,u.od o+ ,l.o twi++ ack to which they had been attached. This may have beeu effected by sudden ehau- Euy one : Try one"! ¯ I ants later ia probably the work:of a ] parasite. " Change~like thfi~c am constantly Pastor, illustrated by a map of his owu drawing, fromhis reading and study of the country, pronounced by some who hadtraveled tbcre to be thebest map they had ever seen ofthat historic land. Thelccture w~sentertaining: and in- structive. Taken as a whole the excr- else. of the day and eveniog were very good,--some portions excellcnt. The house wnB decorated witb flowers, the attendance was good, the weather de- lightful. All appeared well pleased. Yours, W. WORTH I~NOWING. Mr. W. H. Morgan. mercbaot, Lake City, Florida, was taken with a severe cold, attended with a distressing cough and rnnning lute consumption in its first sta~es. H~ Iried many~o.ealled popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse, wa~ reduced in flesh, had difficulty iu bre4thing and wa~ unable to eleep. Fi- nally tried Dr. King’~ NewDimcoveiT for Consumptionand found immediate relief, and ¯fter using ab~mt a half.dozen bottles found himself well and h~ had no return of the dieea~e. No other remedy c.tu showso granda teoord of curesas Dr. King’s New Discovery far Consumption. Guaranteed to do jest what is claimed for it. Trial bottle hen, at Coehran’s Drug 4 Potatoes. .... Wehave on hand choice liO UL T O.~/" ROSE, From State of Maine. IIPiilTE ~;2VIR 111 URBJI.~’~ From NewYork State. Also, Imported ¯ ¢otch .~fagnums. Urders solicited. Joseph Driver &Co., Produce Commission Merelmnta, 319 lq. Front St., Philadelphia. Livery & Sale Stable t[brses for sale at my LiVery Stable, next to Alex. Aitkcn -~’s blacksmithslaop, Hammonton, Win. A. Elvins, Jr. HARNESS. A full assortment of li:md and machine made,--for work or driving. Trunks, V~ses, Whxps," Riding Saddles, :Nets, etc. L. W. -d x.Ey, .... I_ia-hi+hie iit~ m -, N .~j:-. - ~-HARTSHORN. lIah, mont~n. ~. J. Paperttanger, HousePaint or. Ov+}ers I,,Pt witb r4. E. Brown & Co., or in l~t~t, olllee box 206 will receive promp~ attention ~t Notice. Fresh arrival of NEW ~OODS A fine line of Dz.ess l~oods [n great variety. , ~osiex"¥ Indll styles aud colors. I i ~ WAI!T. __4 ~L~ t1~::~/~’ co#seer." /~/, ~/f:i/k o,,os~J ~ovm. +/+/+ +#/Ilit i~©o.*". It~t il!l ~_..WAISTS I~lt~ll il :,J// Wltt InOUte~ #Tmu~ tt]kJ~l ~ ff~mdF/~lgte~L ~tt,~at&ta~ DS-P0RT. SKIRT &DRESS C0. WI[IrEISPORT, N. Y, 1"Oft. ~,t LH 111" M;.SS Cor~ 1’)ewt cn. r .. HanJkerclsicfs.Ribbons, and Milhnery Coeds. GroccrLs, Fh)ur, Feed, Meats, Hay .nd Wood, AT ¯ E. Stoekwell’s

TUTT’$ - Atlantic County Library · 2003. 9. 3. · All the PATTERNS you wish lo nee during the for nothing (a ~aving of from $3¯00 tO $4¯00) by imbecrlblng for ublican .....--ANo--Dernorest’s

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Page 1: TUTT’$ - Atlantic County Library · 2003. 9. 3. · All the PATTERNS you wish lo nee during the for nothing (a ~aving of from $3¯00 tO $4¯00) by imbecrlblng for ublican .....--ANo--Dernorest’s





¯ ii










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~.’2 :




¯ . ECONOI~[Y IS ~WEALTILAll the PATTERNS you wish lo nee during the

for nothing (a ~aving of from $3¯00 tO $4¯00) byimbecrlblng for

ublican .....--ANo--

Dernorest’s [U.u.t’--’~t,~d !

[ With Twslvs Orders for Cut Paper Pattsrns of)’our own selection and of any size.


’Slr~EI~0RES T BE ST~Jl~ + THr.¯Of all the ~[ag-a~lnos. $~]~][~a STOmE~, POEMS, AND OTHEr~ LIT~]IA~


~llll.S~ated evitl~ Orifffnal ~tce~ J~nffrav-~11I~ , photoffravurca~ Oil 2Picturcs andl~- Woodowts~ ~nakin~ it the ModclJt[affc;-~1~ oJ" .dmerica.

]~seh:M~lga~inc coutains a coupon order entttlh~glie holder to the ~cdection of any pattern illustrated.211 the fashion department in that rxamher, and in~y Of the etzcs manufactured, making patterne4~t*tng theyearof the ~’nluo of over three dollars.

DE~ORt~tT’S .~IONTIILY ~ Justly enntlcd theWorld’e Model Mnc~zine. Tim Largest in Form.~oi.ll~k~eSt in Circulation, mad the best¯ TWO Do a~]Pmnl]y M .agar.lne issued. 1~7 will be the T.~’enty-ll~lrdyear of tta publication. It ix eont,inumlY ~m~Ira:reed and eo extensively as to place It at tile nea~Id* ~:IxUy periodicals. It c+m,ainu 72 pazes, largo.111111111~o, 8.h’xll~ Inches, clc~,mtly prin~d bud tully¯ nustr~ted. Pablishnd by "W. Jcuninga Dcmore~



Grcat’~ ation¯~l d,, ++: ~,:S.


Nail and~’~e Advocate o. ~ the Eest InternaLS o, ~ the

][lone--The l~ncrny ot the S.~tooxt.

~ho Frl~:ad o! Arnoxicart Labor.- ~e~ Fa~o P1 t o--New e.n~ pc r-~a f-Z------

People of i1eGned Tr.ste~Evcrs"whcra.



l~orl~..~ny 7car~. the dail.~ ¢.diUe:~ c.~ C’.to 3;e,~""~or¢ ~I.~il] ". AND E~s=I’RESS "~,t.t+ In;o:, reo.g-~Iz~t aetheleadlng afternn.r~ papr,r (,t ~,l,~mo:t3t’t¢olis, while ira WOeltlycd~tt~, has be-’~ ’l’lutL]rAVIIItITE ll(IME i’/tPVltin thOu-an,!;+ ,~framllte.’+ 1/1 every Sit, rein th. Uulon. ] t tta:~ ::ttaint,dIts grea, polu arty and lll~ucn,:o l)t" ll~ tmter-

i’prlsn iu ~hn colb’¢hcm nf news, the pt, r!t’: of l;sl~a0, an+l the ability and court:go o. it:+ ~,:7 :COny

~hO leghton all questions 0I publlc lnter0atItO[~ Ip ~L~P4 tho ~fAlL A.~D EXI’It~’J+& ~’ill l,o¯ 0tter paper than cTnr, ++t~tl, ~t~ ~ clean, ll~tcrea~-Ing, -Ir.z tructlve --

Home Newspaper,it s011elt~ i~mp~rl~nn with any other in t~e e~nn.try. It ia cheer the I.,ARGE~T I’APEll.~i PUll-

]LI[SP.ED anywhere, -lad spare~ notU:er labor norexpense to secure for its readers tl:o Tory best,In AU deparLmel~ta o$ ~owapapcc literature.

OUR POLITICS.’We believe the Republican l~arty to b~ the t~

trmtrument of the POLITICAl, PROGlt]~SOf the Amerleau people: and holding Ulat thellonastnnforenmentof lt-a pr~llclplca ls the be~tliuaranteo ot thl~notinnalwelfar% we ah,dl eup.ltar~them with all our mlgltt: but we shall alwayo

~ yt opposing partl~u with connl~.oratloa Aad ~tz

AGAINST THE SALOON,~O3IAILA,wn EX’I’RItRSIs the rec¢.,gnlgod lead.

Journal of tbo country m the greal~ Anti-sO0 Itermhllean movemenT. It bellevestllat

ehellquor traSlnan It extam to.d~yln the UnitedBt~toale the enemy Of ~o~lety, a n-oittnl ochres

£olSruptlon in poI1tles, r.he aUy of anarchy, aachool o%crlme, and+ with It~ avowed purpoeo ofl~@lKln~ to corrllptly control elcoLlong and leglsla-’:too, I~ a menace to the public welfare and do-Serv~e tho condemnation Of all good men.

In br/~f, an. who w~ah to /rove lu theirltome¯ s IrlI~.CI, AS~ NEWSPAPER of~A00~I Scope. broad ~.’low~. clean pages 0ald¯ ouragoo11~, yet kindly, utt~lmC~ On all ques-

.’ of general publlo Iztorest~. Will no~ be41aalTpotote4 111 the M~tlL AND ]LffXpItI~S. AUdwe r~apecttutly aollclt £1a~t" Influence and sup-

~BS~’~I~I[~I~I~ON RA’rI~.Ck--WEZKLT, per~U’_, Sl.001 alx month~, O0 cents; three molath~

centa. D/uLr, per your, SlKOOl at~t lmonth~,

tJ~0; tl~c0 moal2~, 81.}al cue monua, ~o


sends tea eentato pay for pa~ktng..and~eUl~ roeelvea ~ ~ prenealt from £ho 2~talI,

E.~P~di~a AN~r TWo of our elegant]Frl~Iom IPorlre.lte of Y.An0oln. Grant, Garfl+dd

~’syoa_ llk~mon~8, ’~Ir~71ncl~shxsl~u, saattoa~re~e free and l~mtpaldl.

l~OR I$1d~O we eond the ~fA’/~ Al~ Erd.ness

Inpatnttng wan

LIST of other lmpular ̄ nd vii.’/’hey ¢~,maot be

80xta tot our elrcul~.

AGENTS WA.NTED.~r ~W$ want ¯ So0d Agen1~ In ’every town sod. vii.IIIewlr4a’ewel~vonotono now at work. BondI~ ~ 81m!~lal CII~ahtr to &imam ~ NoMI~ ilD~n4 e~lrlll,

I~I}I~rlIL4kB~gRS. Imd theLr ABBIffPAI~JL~..I~ all ~ wllo ~ to laoru.~o their J~.

~~l~~_~_~rm.-~ u**~t ~-mmu-..l’IZt~ me~t Cree to ill app._

elm4 ~IO~A th~@d~reSl~I of



"~’I’141~ OLD R£UABLEJ"25 YEARS 114 USE.


~ t.morss.) many free trial bottles of Dr.

~~d~ I(infs New Discovery for Consnmption.Lom+ol memory,~lraxlib; trade i~ sin+ply em, rmous in this very

t~¢Yi ~arine ~--"~~~tttsr- ~.:tluable article, from the fact that i~ willDotsi~foreU~eo e always cttro and not disapI)oint. Coughs,ada0he Rs~tle~nemt c,dds, asthma, brtmchitis, croup, and all~coltrre0t urlne. ~ thr-atand lu+ng diseases quickly cured.

: l,y gettin~~’I~[J~,~WA~Iq~Gs~~]B~. "You e~’I) tc~t it before buyin~l)I~l/k~l~l/~ ~011 B| I)3TN~ig. :~ t,i;tl lmttla free, large size St. Every

TUT~S ]FI~ are especially adapi0d tO~aohcasee.onedoso e~ecis math aohan~ bottle warranted. 3

They lnct~mle me ~ppeUte, u~up c~_ .................. ~~e body to T~o 9n Ya.®;h, ~. us_, sL~tern is nou~lalb.ed~ ~ma Dy me~ TOn~a~uon on the I~tlv~ or~.u_z

TUTT’S HAIR DYE.o-.r .,m or wmsmms c~..g~ to

Gr.o~Y B~aCK Dy a single appacauon ......~-D’rl~. ̄ Ib Impaz~ a ~alaxx~. colctr, afild_

ln~tantaueouMy, Sold by I~_ gg/t~I, orsent by ~z1are~s O’~ r¢~IPt O~ ¯ h .. kOffice. 44 Murray ~St., now Tot ,

~, ESI DF~\"

HA]K~ONTON, : : N.J.

ins of six men that are supposed to bethose ofan extinct race of giants. Thebodies were much larger tllan those ofthe present day. The mound lms pro-dueed a large number of skeletons andmany interesting relics.

Their lht.~;incss l~oolning.Probahly no one thing has caused such

a gcnc,’al r,:vival of trade ltt Coctn’au’s(hug~toro as l’tis givin~ away to his cus-

The goat carriages in Central Park, camden and Atlantic 11aflroad.New York, ar0. likely to "go. ,t The I~IaIuIPIIlals June 25, I$$7ocommissioners ~ay the goats are too - ¯ DOWN TRAINS.great a nuisance. " " ------------- ~~

While worknlea were cam:god in dig- , a,m. I a.m. I p.m.p.m.p.m. [ p.m. l p.m. I p.m. eae., I e.m. [ a¯m.,[ !.m. [ ~

ging for sand at Van Motor’s Bend,nearlahlladelphla,....,.’---""--"----"--"~ 8-’--~1 9 4"~"01 2--’--’~ 2 i--’~ z-’-~l +--’-~" + s-’-21%"-~ 7--W v-"EI-,"~I , ~01 , 008101 ...... ~ 21,Kankakee, Ill., they unearthed the bed- Camden ............... ’~= 300I 4 ]( 4 401 5 1( ’t 10 7 40/ a lm a.1el ~, la

Haddonflold .......... S ~01 ...... , ................. , ...... 4 $81 ..... 7 ’20 ...... 8 1121 8 f~ll 4 ~0Berllu .................. 8 541 ...... , ........... 7 al ....... s 5el ...... I ~ li2;iii1 ......- .....At~o ................... 9001 ...... . ................ 5~ ................ . 9011 ...... 1 458

............ 5 85 ........... 9 t(l, lWutorford ............. " 9 06 ...... , ...............Win.low ............... O 18 ...... ~ ................ 5 4,5 ............ |t ’291 ...... I 5 17IIammoatoa ......... 9 2,5 10 36, .............. 5 ~0| 5 51 8¯~’ . ...... 9 ~71 9 28 ~ ~3

........... e lSl .................. ~ 4-’i ...... I s ~0

..... a s01 o r ;’~il 10 el S 431 5 4041s ...... I sin/ os s42L ff¯k~l~o~2 ...... I eta


(~on’t earn anrthtng but Rlmm~ntlsm. but it curvsU~atevery time¯ Itcm’t’d

SA?.~’L. BU~Ne. Lancaster, Pa.~I~. IL~nT~A~. SR,, Bloomaburg. P~M/~. I/.EV. R. IL ROB~ON. Staunt~n. ~t.

I~ 0ost~ ............... 9 8~ ...... , .........Elwood ............. 9 ~1 ...... , ....Egg 11arborClty ..... 0 52 l0 50+ .........Ab~ocou ............... I0 ISAtlantic 01ty ......... 10 ’25 li"i’5[ 8’{, ;d"~


Exp.[ Rzp. Su.Ac.18 .El 8nndoy Y.xpr bAclSExlSEA’8TATIONB. t,Ac.I Expr.[ Exp.I Acco.I ~zpr.D.m¯l~.m a.m. I a.m. I p.m p.tu. p.m. .~m. I ] I.IP n; poLIpm.[p.nl,

Phnadelphla ...... 9 051 12 0{ 6 ’201 7 ~01 II 2O 9 5tl ~ (~017 0518 ~,0111 ~t 7 ,qal~ 8.511120Camden .............. 8581 115[ 611 71o111 12

~[ 939 ~f~165917,~q[ltl~ 7~:~19’2/~]1]09Iladdonfleld ....... S~31 ~-! ~ 552 ~ -- ~l 9~ --IS46~_lSb 7t,71~,_..~-Berlin ............... 8211 ~ 580


__./ aS. ~ ....... IS~I 11421 ....

Watcrford ......... 8 0/4 .-- 5 19


S 4t ---,__-,___.~. L(I 271 ....Wln.low ............ 750 ~ 508 83; ~,~,__ ,___ t+I (k~l___ .__

6-1~1 S ~ 5 IIHammouton ...... 75~ 8"~ LI.I~ 502 ........ ibU I(i021__,__DaCoota .............. 7 47 ~ 4 57

~8 21 ....... t-- ;:~ 5ill ....

Elwood .............. 7 40 -- 4 4.~ ~- 8 II 15 4/~! ....- ....--. 555 __..;7 :Egg Harbor City 7 31 8-~ ~ 4 ~ 6 011 8 ()~ ~:~ ~t. ....

.............-[’" - -+ :’°/-:: :"’- -AtlantlcCity ...... 7 ’"1 817 103 4(K. 535 94~ 4 ~ 5~c~’2(q7c ta0515t)01945

A Stops only to take on pa~scng(.r~ forAt]sn.A. J’ sMITI-1, tic o,t,.NOTARY PUBLIC ? Stops oo]y on signal, to let off passel~get~

Stopo only on signal, Is tal~e on pal~eIH4eraAND The Hammonton accommoCation has noll

-~w ~ ~I~o’rlvI~TJPalNICC~Iebeen obnnged--leaves llammonton ot 11:05 a.m.and 12:35 p.m. Leaves l’hilnd~li~hia at ]1:00

-- a.m. And 0:00 p.m.Mortgagea,Agraomcnla,Blll~o/Sa3n~_ ,-.-On Sstnrday~ight~the~A tee A~commedotlon

andotherpapersoxecutcdtnaneato careful leaving Philadelphia (~l,rl~ct Street) atll:30.andeorreetmanner. runs to lrlAmmonton~ striving at ]2:55~nndHammonton,N. J. runs back to Ateo.

On and after 0el. ]fitb, 1857.Miss HATTIE L. BOWD01N Tralos wtll,,av, as fell,,, forATLAI~TIC,--

From Vine Street Ferry,--Exprcts week-daysTEACHER OF 3.s0 p.m.

Piano and Oz,~n~Suadays,A°°°mm°datl°n8.00 amweek’daYS’au,l 4.00 pro.8"00 am, 4.S0ila¯

’i" ’


¯ ’ Oz~tllo 1R.. l~i[oFt, ]Publbdaox.. ’~’ex’ms==$i.25 Pox" Y0ax".

vet 2~. HAMj~O~N~0N, + N. JUNE 16, 1888. NO. 2-.t=.

Practical Watchmaker an d Jeweler,

For the Republican.

earl M’ C/ook, ..... .USE Id0SIIUITOES.

D~,b.tJm ~r

A complete line of Spgctacles and Eye-Glusses,that-are-reliable. .... G~Id-Pens and Peneitm--Ta-y .....

the celebrated Wil~ Fountain Pen. It’s the best+

WATCH" REPAIRING a SPECIALTY.01d Gold and Silver Bought.

There is a chance for as much"science" in defendiug oneself againstmosquitoes as in any ethcr matter, andthe common saving that "when youkill one a dozen will come to the fu-norM" is wide of th0 mark. The usualway of softly swioging a bush ’to drivethem away simply drives them to bitein another place, and .one insect will belikely to bite several times; but if thebush comes down with a crushing forcetho~ which it hits will not bit~ again.

Mosquitoes are not often very thickwhile the. sun shines brightly, exceptin places where the grass or other ber-b_ago gff0r+~!, .Lhe~_q _s_h_el~r_and_(o0d_,_~Lq+twhen cue goes through a place wher~they,re plenty a swarm generally for]own, and in such eases, if, instead ofmaking geutlc passes at them and cry-ing "shoo fly," you stand still a mo-ment to allow them to alight and thenhit them to kill, m*ost of them may be

going on ; so, willie we exercise ceasc-lc0s vigilance in protecting ourselves.don’t.let us wear ourselves out withfretting and grumbling at what we can-not help, and which may all the wllilebe quietly aiding us in otimr directions.

W~ F. BAss~rr.

lr~9~The two churehes in Elwooduuitcd in tile exercises of Children,sDay, at the M. E. Chmch--Rev. Crayno,pastor, took charge of the services, as.sisted by tbe Superintendent .of thePresbyterian School. The choirs hadmade previous selections. The exer-clses consisted in singing, readings, andrecitations, -- some thirty exercise in allat the morning session. The principaladdress of the morning wan on "The-Otii~-s-6f L~i’e,,, ably lmndled by a ladyofth0 M. E. ~clety. Shnrt addressesby Superintendent Meredlth’~ of thePresbyterian School, J. B. Wright andtbe Pastor. In the evening, there werea fcw readings, and the services conclud-ed by an add -ress on Palestine, by the

Office Days,-- Tuesday, Wednesday, /dnB. W~t.~lF..ll,~o,l~30WylioSt.,Phil~lelphl~. HAZSwr0NTON, ~N.J. LOCAL TIRAI~S l:nO~ rH1LA.Thursday, Friday and Saturday. J.F. NEWTON. Cnmden. N.J. For Haddonfield from Vine and I~haokam¯xou

]~’alz.~Z M~KL, Mauch Chunk. Pa. ’~,00, 4:80, ft.00, t~:30 p.m. ,~o charge for extracting with gas, when ~EVERY ~ox ,~ _Apply at the residence ot C. E. HALL.

mm~m’a S~. From Vine St. only, 7:~0, p.m. ¯ ¯,e~h ,,,.e ordered, i ~+~’1,~-o, ~,= Suods, tr.io.,.a,, be,’. f,,rics.t~ nm., 1.00~+~:--~ ,~

--~John H. Marshall, And ’:00 pro. . PR&CTICAL

’~ " Agent for the MArket St,7;30 am, 3;00, 5:0{,, 10,30 and 1],30S* D* ,~--~O~’~ 2~J.A~’~ , +~ ~/~c~ceSI(l~IkTl~l~thLs~i~e.~"

From Pennsylvania ]~ailr(,sd Station, foot of

~ "~ne/~nmn~ wlthomt tb Is ~e-R~.~ /’- -~’,~t.~.*a~o~¢,~t~- PRICE50Attorney- at- Law~

Master in Chavcerv. Notary Public,Commissioner o’f Deeds, Supreme

C,lurt Cummissioucr.City Hall, Atl;tntte City, N.J

~£~c’,:-= =a.~ a ,~hc ~ h: iR::.ka_,’ ford’s I)lock

G.z~:m~’.= m :’.R~ :~ ".he ;.:s-. raauner.

For compteto in~orm~tion. Descriptive panic]phlet, with testimonta~ franc

Yor sale by nil dlnagwluttt* II one or the other isnot in position to f:trni~h it to yon.do not be ~r-euaded to take anything else, but apply direct to thoGeneraIAgent~. PFAE/.ZEIt 1~1~O-~. d[c (’O.~L’J da 82L l)luxl~et ~wect, Pkilndwaphla..

The WeeMy Press,OF

Philadelphia, Pa.

Subscription pet’ Year, ~1.00~ouring and Re,2airi::g p:)ml)tly done.

BestK0me in AmericaRates rcasonab!c. S:.ttslactioa guaran- zaperteed iz every ease.

This is n.t, bra~.

A. ~. ¯rr T ~,- ~., It is a plain statement of honest tact.r~. I l’q ~-~Or(Hn;~rily, the weekly issue of a daily

Resident ’ "’""’.~"~:t~, ~+ ~.s ~ pal)er ia estcen:ed to I)e metelya digest Ofthe week’s t:vws, suited alone for rural

Master in I:hanecty, N, t ~ry Public, [teal readers.Estate and ~lt~tll’;lIICt~ ,:*k~ellt.

Insures in Nt, I comp:ttAes, :lml at the This is not true in reference to the

lowest rat c~. Pers,,u.tt ~tt,¢:t:~.iou given Weekly Press.

to all bosiuess. It, is specially edited by a trained corpsr,,,ra sebic’ed Sir the

making the best paper.

The Ttibm e for 888 it is imp,’o,’emen enjoymeut of both sexes, of all ages, ofcvery family whethel̄ a resident of the

GREATLY .~.I~LARGED. city, villa~oe, or country.-- ;~otm*.word of crime or impure sugges-"( .(r ~"Much the lh~oc t (it’ all the tioniu any part of the paper¯

It ia aft ohl paper, aud carries its agoNew York Wet klics, and reputation equally well.

-- zN’ow we are seeking a new nnd largerGreater .Variety. of Contents, New citcleof readers. As an inducement to

Presses, ~ew Type, and Ne~, this end, the Weekly Press iu connectl0n

Appliauces. with any four dollar mag’.tzino iu Americawill be sent for the single subscription

-- price of such magazine.At the IIead of the Republican Press. Or, on application, ws will make a

sp~cml combination of arty two or moreThe Now York We¢.kly Tribn.+, will b~ ~nh, r~zvd on ¯periodicals .pnblished iu America, eitber

or her.re tlm Is: of Ja,,uarv l~i.st, t.y lh~ ad,tith,u of weekly or monthly, in COlljunct[un withfrom our to e ght mo, l,l,it~¢~ el i~:lnnl reading nn, tter the W~ekly t~t’¢ss~ ;).~ such low rate as will

an Increase st siz,+ .I’ gr,,at +’xI,’n~,’ to iIit~Trlbtll|e,but withe t ex! e ~ ~ - tim Hlbscril.¯r. [)~ equivalen~ to a year’s subscriptiou to

A octopi,to outitofthe n.w f,.hlb~g and lns~rtlng the Wgekly 1’less free for cue year.pr.t~, wl be put Into th,~ Tribnn~’~ pr+,~n-toon~ In We Inttke this: exceptional proposition~oYt.ulbl.r n11d Dl.c(,IZll,~-r ; ;tlltl ,if,. t’Xfl~.t IQIctt wlh L)"fold~l Into itn place in the mMr, ,t,,.et before tt cum.~ in order tll~t the tkeekly ])rens tll;ty go Onfront the prea~. The ~ml~rg, d ’l’rlbune will be theblggt~t aud be~t of.ll lh~ New Y.rh w,eklb.s, and ~ho

trial in a million houschold~ for au entire

n~w mael,h, ery wlH prinl it. J,l th,, enlarged Ibrm, at .yelil’.the rate of ~ve,,ty t~tb l lu)n~,ind c.I)i s per hour. Address,

~OW f(qttl:r,’l~ ;slid +i i:A ,.:tll~V vlirit,|y of coll[~l*t8 willbe raided U~ two Ttlbut,~ tl,t~h:g the eomll~g ymtr TH~ PRES% CO., Limited,R~aeel~ will Im giw,n nearly lmll u.ore for their mo,n.y . i)hiladelphia "Peuna.tbau ever bvrore.

Pension. f.r tl,~ o1,1 voln:.t~.r~, ~,speehdlySer’tle~Pcndon., arc belntr rig rou~ ~ agitati’~l In th. Tribune;,n,:rb .pace I~ 61".’,’,+ in ,,v,,ry is.,,,, to thi,+ ~t:l,jrct. u~tl ~+’~’~B,.t+er l’rot+,etion t- F;irtlH,l+ iin It¯r the tariff: thP ~]et~t~P’~ IO ~i/Hll I KU m+ l+:c..k tt,l~,t.~/itt~vtl +’~llrnl¢1’~c.. J t I +.~ t,,+ ;-. +~saiv,,tl .... f tt ......... lr.vf ...... tt .......... f h,teml ..... ~~~;~’..!~J~;,~q,~le,1 ,~’i:., ~...~

g~’~:l~.V~ Nul.m.r-’. ~ -.tnbll..; ~,l~

pm w~kday.. Sundays, t~;f>O am, 5.30 pro.Metropolitan Life Ins, Go., rot At+...from vie. A, ~,o,m,on ferrl,,,Takes risks on all sound lives, on the I S;~0, :od 11 am, 4;30, (~;00 pn~. Surdsy~weekly or Industrial plan, or Endowment [ 8;00 am, 4;00 pro. From foot of ~larket St.or Ordinary. All notices left with A, H. 11;30 pro. on week.days,Simon,, at the "Young People’s Block," [ For HAmmontnn, frem V’ine end Sback,maxonHammonton.willbepromptlyattendedto. I ferries, 8;0n. 11 am, S,30, 4.30, S;00 pro.;¯

I Sundsyt, 8;00am, 4;00pm. On Saturdayst For Marlton, Medford, Mt. Ilolly and lnterme.

to sell dials,tattoos, lea~e fo*t of ~larket StreetI



Infinitely the most valuabie because com-ing so closely from the f, mily circle and by amaster hand engaged in a"Labor of Love."Rlehly lltutylralell--steel l~ortrail, &e.Will sell immensely. Millinne want thisstandard Life of the greatest Preacher andOrator of the age. Quick! it the word.Territory in groat demand. Se0d forcireuhrsaud 50 ets. for outfit, to IlUBBARD ]]B.0S.~Publishers. 723 Cbe~tnut St.. PhiladeLPhia.

THE INDEPENDENTThe Largest, the Ablest, the Best

Religious and Literary Weeklyin the World.

once."- .Pall.Mail Gazette, London,England.

"The most influential religious organin the States.t’- flhe ~pectaWr, London,England.

: "Clearly stands in the fore.front as aweekly religious magazine.’--Sunday-school Times, Philadelphia.

Prominent fe~ttures of The Independent duffng tl~ecoming year wlU be promised

Religious and Theological ArticlesBy BI,hop nnnllngton,Bl.hop Ooxe, Dr. Theodore L.Cnyler, Dr. 11sward Osgu,,d, 1)r. howard Cro~l,y, Dr.We. R. Uuutlnglnn, Dr..tames Freeman Clarke, Dr.Oeo. F. Pent, vest, and othcr~;

Social and Political Articles

ance; aud :be rl,aCll~+ <~I 1he ’ itlit)ll~tl ~l:~crnlllellt floetl o I a ds of th. rebel laic:,,li~r¢ ; lh,,s,, .l,d al.I Ihcother live 1~,1~8 ( f t IP + ay ~,r+, r.,c,.ivin,, uggree.sP,’oettrne~t t*nd h)y.l Ir,.atment in the’l’ribune. 5° Dividends during the Year.

The Trllm,o ,1"o.~ not,,It+’ml)t Io mw~r,",d, lhe |,,cal ~[11"¥ tSa e~t.~lC ,t~’~lrCl~ n,lt in tht. grpatl’r.shleutlal We cra0~sa~0rT¢~tlmnlalat0thcFaet~_Every’ intelligent family weeds a goodconflict now at ,.~ ,I, every thlnklr:g lh’lmldlcan’°ld ~." 2t:~-~’~" newspaper. It is a necessity for parout~lootl paper nnd tllt~ .N~w Ytrk Tribune. attd ellil(lren.

l~.ubseription Bmtes¯--w,.,.kty, ~t ;~)’ear; ,,xtra


A goad way to make the acquaintancecopy with t very live. ~, :1W ,,.k v, $2 a .r.ar; -xtra of the £ndepend~nt is to tend 50 cents forcopy with every live. lhd’y. ~S.Sr~ i..,r y,.:tr. ,~uu(lay a "trial trip" of a month.~,~,,,,n-.. ~t r,~. N¢,, ,,,I,,crm,,,’~ ,,.e,l,,, ,l,, e,,p,r Specimen Copies Free.until J.n. 1, I+.h!,. It.In t u w,v~ I,v draft, checIt,s2xprt, ll8 or pontal llm0ey t~rdor, or’regiStered letter,

Premtums.--(1)Tl,oNcwYorkTrlb,,ne’slIlstory IMPERIAL ECC FOOD+f..lh~L’ntl~_d+_~gg.t,’+ apd P,,,’k,’l Atht~ .f thn World, __~II~k~ItEL[_!ll~ASE E~0 PRODU~I0],16am, 25+1 page:l, ~t’iil~.’~<) C50~I(l~gt’li, ltll+t" lidos"4{) eeut~t to uubscrlbers. 20ceot~ ; prelt[~t premium ~’~rongthsn Wsa# and droopln~ Fowls, Promotaf, hs ANDof the year--a fmeclnatlng rosining :,,:,tO:lilt of the H#a/thF Orowth arm Deuelopsmsrdof all

ttartftlss ~ tlnOnod gcnerltl IDtOr£uathltl. I;~) l’r~:.lKulf. euL*terlbt, r’s .anle ~nd plctur. ,,f hl~ choice for1’re#ldent nn the htm~le; ~H,, fi,r de~cr pl v,,clrcular. Itwlllhe pthotyl through moulUng wonderfully.

Will Imtb be,ent one y,’ar ~eb, to any perlon not a

Priceat rebdl.$1.75; b:ltglv,.n wllh the WeeklyltwnlfurnLshbonoand muscle for young chleksl, eul~crll~r t,, the Independent, fyrI<l.75. Ther~gular

yaar for 11.75 iwo otll.r, st) h’~ I~r hs~ IIioney. (~J) And thud nave them. l,rlce of boll: Is S-I,,~.~L Make romish:ace tn The Iod~-Prnvonts and absolutely Cnran the dlsoan0, In. pendent, I’. O. Box L~B7. New York.

Popular Pictur# (htll+,ry -- fi flu(. atg+J pictures, I,,C U" ~dcHt~ tO Poultry. ’ No paper~ ttre et’ot tO elll~o: Ibtrs aftt, r th0 Umepal4dlng the new olllcer~ of the U. A¯ It.. Mr. lllalne, forl:a~xp|rcd.Semator, Evart .... I 1,,e,,,,, "r,,,,i,,,f th. m,,y- GHICf~.EN CHOLERA ’fh. lmlapend,nt’eClubblngLI,twlllb-sentf~otoflower," +’Christ before l’!lato," and "Chl:+lren ~llll,lg It,) Santa Clanl"--iwnd for cl s:~lar. (4) Walthanl

raueu.-Ii~:thcreeultof woakness caused by a lack nnyom~asklngforlt¯ A~yono wlalll,tg tO Inl2t~ilhe

Watch expansion balance ale:tell:Pot ; RI+,III wJrl,]cr,Ot’ ~,hc urop(~ chnmlcals in thO" e~$tnm. TheBo arc for one ormoro l~,per~ or nlagaz[ne~ Jn eotl,l#cUon with

~tem.et ~ev,,nJewe.,n ok, ¢:ale, th,,r.ll~h v relblblnRaD’pIIMbyth°I’MP[’atIALI~GGFUOI" Ul. 1NnSPzNnENT. CaU .ave mone’¢ by ord0rla~ l~t’om

and an excellent w&lch ~ith lho V,’eehly Tribuu. one It Is nO i.’orcln[(t, ro¢c--; ~tou ~lmpl~’glvo them theour Club Lint Addre~

year. 97.5(I, (5) TrlbnnJ*"IIoo}~<,f(Jpwu AwSporl.." .,’2hcmloal’,2omnat2csqs, otacnst O~.lOS) thun. on? The Independent.(6) Wel~ltnr’s Uosbridgenl t)h!ll.nnry¯ (7) Wo~l’s

I~nt a wooL~ for o~h fowl. Ask for,t o! your loom

"II .... botd Mmllrtne." Tl ..... t ..........i+ .....not bn ~!mmaltf he,nee: notket~.~.ti~V+~N,r. 251 BroadwoyoNow York 0LIy.

dolerlb¢41n full her~,. Eendrorclrcular. ~lanufaeturer of Grnund Oyster Shelll And all

THB T27IBU2~, Now Yor1¢, PoaltrYSuppltes. l~llls.]02-11gCommerce,t~- om+,,~o~,~oo~-a~o~,~. . SUBSCRIBE F0~ THE$.J.II

week days, 7;30 sm, 8;~0 aud 5;00 pro. Sun-days, 5;30 pro. ~rrom Vi~e and fihaekeml~x.on St. ferries, 10 am. week.days. ForMed.ford and intermediate ~tntiot:t, from foot ofMArket St. tanndoy,, 9:00 am.A. 0. DAYT0~, J.R.W00D, ,

Sunerlntenden L Gen.Passr.~gt.


AYLANTIC CITY, It.J.,Re[erences: Policy holders¯ ir~ the tltlantiv City


Hammonton, N.J.,

Real Estate and InsuranceAGENCY.

Insurnnee phtced only in the meetreliable Compallies.

Deeds, Leases, Mortgages, etc,Carefully drawn.

OCEAN TICKETSTo and from all ports of Enrupe, mode

out whilu you wait, at the Compardcs,lowest ra~s rates.

Office. in Rutherford’s Block.

Having leased the Ellis property, better known as the"Laundry builiting," second door above the Post-office,Bellevue Avenue, when we have ample room forbaking our


Home-made Vienna ]]read,Which has no rival, we are now able to supply the continued

demand made on us for this now well-known bread.

If them is any o.e in Hammonton who has not yettried our peculiar tasting Bead, we will be pleased to

send him a loaf, free--gratis

Please call and see us,--nearly opposite Stockwell’s,

C: E. Hall’s New StoreIs the place to go to get your house furnished, for he keeps

eveDtbing in that line, such as--Cook Stoves, Chamber Suits. Brussels Carpets,Parlor Stoves, Chairs and Tables, Ingrain Carpets,Cooking Pot~ Spring Beds, Rag C~tl~ts,P~lls and Pans. MaLtrazses and Pillows, Oil Cloth,Wash Boilers, Baskets, Smyrna Rugs,Axes aud Shovels, Brooms, . Cocoa Rugs,

S~tes, Saws, and Saw-horses, Nails by tha pound or keg.

l~epairing promptly attended to.’~l’

disposed of and comparative quiet re-stored until another of their haunts isto be passed../In evergreen bush is thebest wcauon, because tbe fine foliageallows the air to pass through, hitsharder and does not blow them away,

While upon this subject of insects, Iwish to bring forward one view of itwhich is too oReu overlooked. I referto the changes goin~ on, seen only bytheir results, and brought about by thepower which is above and behind all ;and while I do not propose to very ofteninflict sermons upon my readerst I un-hesitatingly s.-ty that I consider thatmental vision very narrow which doesnot see daily."sermoos in the trees" andevery natural phenomenon around us.It is very common to hear grumblingabout the weather ; but to how many ofus does it ever occur that in the econ-omy of nature, these vicissitudes ofweather may be accomplishing far moredesirable results for us than just thccondition we desire would do.

Take for mstauce, the tact mentionedin my last, about the critical point inthe life of the mosquito. In the earlierstages of its existence, large numbersare needed as toed for fishes ; but il allthat ~sc’ape tbis peril should survive, wewould be fairly driven out by them ; and

~he-xlolenV~howcrs---and-m~ind~ ~storms;of themselves unplca~ant, by agitatingthe stagnant water in swamps andditche~, save us from a worse evil.

Take our common rose-bug for anoth*er example. 8omc thirty or morn yearsago they had become an thick in portionso! Now England that it wa~ next to im-possible to find a rose which they hadnot mutilated ; and they continued toincrea~ until wc had a season in whichthundcr sto}ms and strong winds tel-lowed each other so closely through thewhole term of the life of the rose.bugs,that it nearly extelmlnated them. InBy Pla)f Win. G. Sumner, Prof Rlebard T. Ely. I’rts.Jobn B ......,’r,,,. .,,,,,r ~. ,,.,lo,...,, o,bot, i WA NTE D ~."=Monthly Literary Articles - ==+,m.= GW.O-O

o,,o.+.o.ooo,+.+o, +By Theme, Wentworth lltggln~on, snd other cfltleal .~IO

D__~ i~.l..~.k.’~ ~ have them destroyed ia the same way,

ut~d llt,r,,’y artlch,, by ,l,,urlc,,’l’h,+ml .... Ch,rl,++

Dry 00ds, +Boots ang sh0 shut some in¥1’~ible fo0 iS gPadually lel+-

DtldIPy ~Vt, lner Jtlnle8 Pa),t, Andrew I.aeg, Iklnlund+ .....+ + ++++ .......... gr0earias

++ + ++ +,+ +,.ul~mlae In,o~ol, Gulooy. 11. n. Boy~en~ nnd others.

Poems and Stories forests were aunually divested el a large

~. t:, c. si~,ln,~., t:ll~l,,,th Stnart l’h-I~, ~’~d portion of their foliage by the oak wormtEver,,lt llab., liar:tot l’re~coU Sttofford. J,;lla Schayer, but tor the last two or three seasonsfit,s,+ T~,rry (’ookt.. Edith 51. Thom+t~, Alldrew I~ang,J, IH,.~k l~,ylt+shortO’It t.lllY,Serialandstory .the:. ;byandE. P. ~[~OE. only b~m and there a few could be seen,

Floux", Feral, F~x~lllzex"s. aresult which is nto~t undoubtedly the

-- Ag icult al I plements etc etceffeetofeertainchaogestnthcweather,

Terms to Subscribers. or some parasitic enemy, iio,,.oon,l ...........o,,e,,ur__, .....+ r ur m , e,’ - More thanone Hammoutonian can¯ ,., .........,i ...........7+ T+,,, ..............,,.,+

" : " N.B.--Superior Family Flour a SpeoialFnur month. ...... $1.00 Three y,~,,, ...... 7.t~, ~’,V testify to the dtsagreeable abundance ofS;X lUO,lthN ......... l.at) Fouryear~ g.-~ " -d"si,,o ,no,,th, ........ 2.’.’.’, Flvoy~,r, ........ 1o.~0 I the common apple trce caterpillar during

the last two or three yeats, and thesmall :fleet produced bv file ill-timud

New Hams! New Hams ta°d+c°nc°rtede+°rtst°’lestr°yth°m.How many have observed that compara-

$’ t~voly few were ltatehed out during timSpring just passed ? and tbat of these

dt H Cttred t see o,,,, here and there one now.Home Cure ome II tb,.k two uses have at work!1OI iced that in early Spring many st thc

e+~Bseemed to ll~)p_gare(lan~th~-t-S~ w hieh remallted were

At J son’s. ] loo nod and o iiy l,u.od o+ ,l.o twi++ack to which they had been attached. This

may have beeu effected by sudden ehau-

Euy one : Try one"! ¯I ants later ia probably the work: of a] parasite.¯ ~911.1~th6t.,l~lo~allo~ldll, I~ls.,~a. " Change~ like thfi~c am constantly¯ ~O y~tr~ ,Xlm~r~m~ tn ~II IIII~E¢’IIAIL dlmm.es. Per-

kily mlbr~ Ik~. weakened by early lad scre-do~,&o C_Jdlorwr~w. Advlcof~ctmdstrlctl~’eOnotldemLd,’ ]11~n; zz s,m, till a,--d ; to zo ~ t~,

\ ..

Pastor, illustrated by a map of his owudrawing, from his reading and study ofthe country, pronounced by some whohad traveled tbcre to be the best mapthey had ever seen of that historic land.

The lccture w~s entertaining: and in-structive. Taken as a whole the excr-else. of the day and eveniog were verygood,--some portions excellcnt. Thehouse wnB decorated witb flowers, theattendance was good, the weather de-lightful. All appeared well pleased.

Yours, W.

WORTH I~NOWING.Mr. W. H. Morgan. mercbaot, Lake

City, Florida, was taken with a severecold, attended with a distressing coughand rnnning lute consumption in its firststa~es. H~ Iried many ~o.ealled popularcough remedies and steadily grew worse,wa~ reduced in flesh, had difficulty iubre4thing and wa~ unable to eleep. Fi-nally tried Dr. King’~ New DimcoveiT forConsumption and found immediate relief,and ̄ fter using ab~mt a half.dozen bottlesfound himself well and h~ had no returnof the dieea~e. No other remedy c.tushow so grand a teoord of cures as Dr.King’s New Discovery far Consumption.Guaranteed to do jest what is claimed forit. Trial bottle hen, at Coehran’s Drug


Potatoes. ....We have on hand choice

liO UL T O.~/" ROSE,From State of Maine.


111 URBJI.~’~From New York State.

Also, Imported¯ ¢otch .~fagnums.

Urders solicited.

Joseph Driver & Co.,Produce Commission Merelmnta,

319 lq. Front St.,Philadelphia.

Livery & Sale Stablet[brses for sale at my LiVeryStable, next to Alex. Aitkcn-~’sblacksmith slaop, Hammonton,

Win. A. Elvins, Jr.

HARNESS.A full assortment of li:md and machine

made,--for work or driving.

Trunks, V~ses, Whxps,"Riding Saddles, :Nets, etc.

L. W. -d x.Ey,.... I_i a-hi+hie iit~ m -, N .~j:-.-

~-HARTSHORN.lIah, mont~n. ~. J.

Paperttanger, HousePaint or.Ov+}ers I,,Pt witb r4. E. Brown & Co., or

in l~t~t, olllee box 206 will receivepromp~ attention



Fresh arrival of


A fine line of

Dz.ess l~oods[n great variety.

, ~osiex"¥In dll styles aud colors.




__4 ~L~ t1~::~/~’ co#seer."

/~/, ~/f:i/k o,,os~J ~ovm.

+/+/+ +#/I lit i~©o.*".It~t il!l ~_..WAISTSI~lt~ll il :,J// Wltt InOUte~ #Tmu~tt]kJ~l ~ ff~mdF/~lgte~L ~tt,~at&ta~


1"Oft. ~,t LH 111"

M;.SS Cor~ 1’)ewt cn.

r ..

HanJkerclsicfs. Ribbons,and Milhnery Coeds.

GroccrLs, Fh)ur, Feed, Meats,Hay .nd Wood,


¯ E. Stoekwell’s

Page 2: TUTT’$ - Atlantic County Library · 2003. 9. 3. · All the PATTERNS you wish lo nee during the for nothing (a ~aving of from $3¯00 tO $4¯00) by imbecrlblng for ublican .....--ANo--Dernorest’s

, (




The Fugitive. ’ ] no noise, and Count A. was. about to i imired to trio chateau with the agents ’8F~ ’AND nRAvERY. ¯ ~Whfle the fever laztcd many

-- ~ . . [ la~ himself once again on the pillow, of bhe law, and a priest well known in a fond father:/ Went to work in theCould you have u~own how seep the love { when a’ remarkable sight met him. A the neighborhood1 to whom th c ~ory" "Meroiem’Shown by W0meu in F~ee’ mortl~g wi~h lfl~ clothes pinned on.

¯ yearlY, . ..... On arriving at the h ou~ the: care. It was tilm6bt~anlver~lly followed, but

Thy soul would have awakened, oh Le- Welk~t~ el0wly toward the bed. When taker endeavored to withstand rite tfi- The disaster to the steamer ~holten Out. ’Fortunes were madenero, he had approached within a few feet, truslofi~ but yielding to force, the gate In ~he English channel ~1~ said to have and lost in’ the ’manufacture of chromo

Who heedcth not my prayera or pain or he beckoned three times to the .Count was ooened~ ai~d the Count and the been made more dreadful by the wdd advertmlng cards.tear& as though wanting him to follow. priest proaeeded straightt O the room shrieks of thewomen..No doubt:the ~--""-----

Thy face, Loners, alone to me was Heaven. The Count gazed at him without wher~ the Incident had 0ecornd.. < ........report m accurate. " The shrieks Of We- i[ARNESSED TO OXEN.

Ah, lIoaven could not he ~horo thou art moving, when the figure, bowing cour- "I think," said the priest, this affair men are, perhaps, ~ be expected on An Idea of the Degrading Drudger~not, teously, turned round and wall~ed at present belongs more to me than to o~easlous of peril and dL~astor where which Foreign Peasant

And all repentant, pleading, unforgiven, slowly awaF, stopping from time to the law. Allow m¢ to i~pend the night they an present in conmderable num- Women Must Undergo.Love prayed to thee, but thou could’el time and looking hack, repeating his here alone. All I nquire Is a lantern bers. And yet the listener has an ira- "

hear him net. beckoning gesture with an imploring and a pmtoL There will be force presslon, gained upon three or four oc- I can never forget the feeling of as,Lifo had no hope save but thg love alone, gaze till he reached the door, when he within hearing, but I believe the mya- caaions of public disa~ter, where he tooishmant mingled with shams’with

lqodzeam of Heaven without theo~ love, disappeared. Naturally startled at tory can be solved more easily by one has been present, that rather the most which I first looked upon a w,man ~a~’was blessed, this .unusual appearance, Count A. man than by many.,~ The brave old strenuous demonstrations of tor~or at harnemmdMdeby side with an ox. It

What ~s there left mow that dreams have ro~ from his bed and walketl to the man’s offer was accepted. The Count such times are made by men, and he was on a lonely road in Switzerland,flown, door to see if it had been tampered and his attandantsposted themselves in has had thin iulpreesioa confirmed by near the Italian frontier. ’ Night hadI~or passionate, pulsing pain of heart, with, but it was still locked. Very other parts of the house, keeping the the observation of a gan’tleman who has already set m, and the bonfires lightedbut reel? -- weary, he turned In his bed and once cantaker with them. A tim was been the master of a steamer, and who by woodsmen on the steep mountain

Yea, I go forth into the darkness, go more fell asMep. About an hour later hglzted m the large room, and the on several occasions has" been present sides, hundreds of feet above my head,Knowing my soul will find no dream of he again started in the same sudden priest was left there alone with his during l~nles on I~ v~ls who as- gave scarcely light enough to pick abliss manner. Again he saw the same prayer-book, sures him that on- all those oocamone way over the rocky road. I hurried on~dkeNo thiSfutureOf canhwoe unutterablef°rever’ bUtat shallthls, knowfigure, this time nearer the bed. Again He had not remained long, when trio the women were easily quieted if some to reach the next village, and in my

did it beckon hlm to follow, and. mop- figure appeared beckoning to him, and cool-beaded man wou!d talk to them. hurry almost ran into a huge mass ofI wonder if God cares, if LoW doth lie? lug toward the door, turned with great he at once rose to follow. It passed "If the men could be kept cool," this moving hay. A woman was pulling

Thou could’st not hear my prayers, He eagerness, and still oftener than before, through the door, always looking from gentleman says, "the wome~ could be. that hay, and an ox--not her husbandheaxd them not. to repeat the same motion with his

Page 3: TUTT’$ - Atlantic County Library · 2003. 9. 3. · All the PATTERNS you wish lo nee during the for nothing (a ~aving of from $3¯00 tO $4¯00) by imbecrlblng for ublican .....--ANo--Dernorest’s


ii i:









they eueld haw made the same purchasefor the samemoney, and have saved them-selves the trouble and expense o! thotrip.

Our Special AimIs to cMI att euth,n i(, our stock of

A great many Persons j. s, TXAYER.Contractor & Builder

Who live in the country,Have the Impression that they c~n only IIammonton, N.J.

get good Clothing at reasonably price in Plans, t~peelfloat|onp, and E~timateasome ]ar~o city, reich as Philadelphia. furnished. Jobb|nlg promptlyand they take half.a.day, or more, from at~ndnd to.their work, pay on0 dollar, or more, earl Lumber for Sale.fare, buy tlmlr dinner, and, having made ! Also, First and Second Quality Shinglestheir pug’ch.~es, cams home, to flud thatI

HeatersFurnished and Repaired.

Shop on Vine Street n near Union Hall.Charges Reaaonah,ble.

P. O. Box, 53.

HATS-..Light IIats, Brown llats,

Soft Hats.Hats fo’r Sunday wear, Hat,

tot every-day Weur.Narrow Brim. Wide Brim.

Young Men’s Light Stiff liarsfor Summer wear

Straw tIa:s tbr Men, Yo’ungMe:,, and for Boys.

ts-for $2,50 ........x, ViU compare with hats sold in Phila-


The Bellevue Nursery

Tomatoes.~Ely’s King of theEarlies,

10 days earlier than any other variety.

A little later,

The MikadoUnsurpassed in size and quality.

delphia for the same money.~ " In Bedding Plant~, I have, besides

P-erei:re,tt mZonal Geraniums, J~uehsias, Salvias,Seeingis believing; Coleus. Vine,s, etc.," 1000 plants of that

come and see our hats. finest of all light foliage lflants, "Mad.Sallerol Gennium,’, and offer it at a

They range in price from 31 price within the reach of all who want

cents up to $2.50.a title border plant.

-~ I have also still left a few hundredChrysanthemums of the choicest varie-A carefifl exantinatiou will con- ties, and some choice Roses,

~inee you that you will find a s~complete stock of Cut :Flowers.

~ fill ~ The demand here will not warrant anexpen0iture of thousands of dollars iu

¯ x~ TaP. - -growing Orchids and other expensive

General Merchandise fiowc., but in ud to haveat all

times somethimz for cutting whicll isboth beautiful ai~d fragrant.


mtt Streets, Hammonton,--largo size,¯ good location. Bargain,, if sold soon.

[Entered.as seeondolae.s matter.] Gallon H.L. IRONS.Lots. -- Four building 10Ca for sale,

IA~sMONTON. A~L&NTIO Oo..1¢. dr corner of Third and Pleasant Street~ one................. ~ ............... of the best locations In Hammontou.

SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1888.

The Republican National Conventlouwill meet in Chicago on Tuesday next,to nominate the next President andVice-President of the United States,Who the nominees will be, is more thanany human being can tell. The liner-noes will not be done until after theconvention assembles, and no man willbe permitted to dictate either platformor candidates. "The Republican partyhas an abundance of the material fromwhich good Presidents are made, andcannot fail to make a good selection.

.... The -A dmln~tratihn__o fchanan had lust as much trouble tn in-creasing the Government income as the

i Admlnistration of Grove r~veland ishaving in i.educiug it. J.l~cratic in-

i competency and stupidity in financialmauagement has increased rather thandiminished with the lapse of time.

The "natural gas,, discovered in SeaIsle City, while drilling an artesianwell, turned out to be nothing but marchgas,--Landis, proprietor.

~ll~HurrahT for t he-Four ttrofJuly:The I~o~t and Camp are preparing anold-fashioned Celcbmtio-, and will askall Bammouton to loin them. Thejoint comhB’ttee will have their prognmready ~n good time.

Frank B. Cunninglmm, of Ham-mouton, was married on Tlmrsday eve-ning, at the residence of the bride,sparents, to :Miss Jennie Wilson, daugh-ter of the £:itted comedian, Mr. IlarrvWilson, of Vineland.

gt~’Mr. Adam Williams, a formerresident of Hammonton, died in Phila-delphia, this week, of consumption,

i aged 65 years. His remains were bre’t!here yesterday, by Undertaker Valen-tine, and buried in Greenmount.

Will. H. Burge~s has purchased

J. T. FRENCH.For Sale.--Store building lots, on the

T. B. Tllton place, Bellevue Avenue,Hammonton, N.J. Apply to

WM. RuT~n~OaD.

TOWN COUNCIL.Then is much mid about what the

Council do, and don’t do. There aresome thing!~ t ha_~t to bethings that the old Council neglectedentlrely,--and while the new members

i were not pledged to these things, proba-bly they will see the necessity for a

ire.form, and if it m tn their power, andnot prohibited by our Charter, we.haveno doubt there will be a change for the

better. The particular reform we makfor, is of the weather. We have greatfaith in the Town Council and goodweather, and so have provided a goodsupply of Spring goods. ~uch ms

Plows Wall PapersCultivators CarpetsHoes Carpet LiningShovels Door-matsRakes Stair-carpetForks Stair Oil-clothPoultry Netting Table Oil-clothLime, in cans Floor Oil-clothBrushes Shelf Oil-clothPaints Stair-rodsOils Window shadesGarden Lines Shade FixturesGarden Reels Carp’t Sweep’rsCherry Stain Dusting brush’sWalnut Stiiifi .............

Netting Frames and Springs

D. 1;% :l w om, ICONTRMYI~R AND

BUILDERHammonton, N. J.

Plans, Specifications, and ’Esti-mates/’urnished

JOBBING promptly attended to.


Lehigh Coal for sale fromyard, at lowest prices, in

any quantity.Orders for coal may be left at P. S.

flitch & Son’s store. Coal should beordcmd-oaa davdmfamRlaae~ed.



i8&TUBDAY. JUNE 16, 1888.

- LOCAL MISCELLANY.Thanks to Mrs. Robt. Thot~ for

a gilt ot berries.~- ’Mr. H. Harrald was at home this

week, on a visit.Mr. Cauffman Is to have a wintl.

mill--or has one.

School children In Winslow town.ship this year, 140,--a 1o~ of 45.

~" Horace Black startcd, on Wed-~ ~ ne~day, for a visit with his relatives in

Maine,We have a few copies ol the town

Charter lelt. Your can have one fore¯ quarter.

~i~-Tho-new-Wootley-btock-present~an lmpomng front. It is about readyfor the tin.reefers.

Master Arehie 3Iewhlnncy, son¯ of the late Presbyterian pastor, is visit-

ing his grandparents.

Mr. Newton C. Holdridge willoccupy the Baptist pulpit to-morrow,morning and owning.

D. Whitman Jacobs started forMa~mehusetts, on Wednesday, intend~lug to spend the summer.

~’-L~ay I-- hadn’t-you-ought-to call

~cxt door to the Bank and get yourI}ictum takeu, before the weather getstoo hot.

I~. Fire Company meeting, Mondayevening next. Don’t lorget it. Thenis business of great importance to every~member.

The school census enumeratorfound 672 children of school age inI:lammonton,--au increase ot ~2 overlast year.

The IIammouton Baseball Clubare having uniform suits made,--bluepants and shirts, red eal)~, belts, andstockings.

of a number of newhouses in contemplation in the early fall,and enid houses are to be fairly "nob-by," too.

, . ~’Miss Maud Wilson is the happyposse~or of a tricycle- the only one intown-and shares the plc~ure with her¯ companion~.

:Mr. Daniel Baker had Sharplcssstrawberries that wen just immense insize, nnd as good as they wen large.We’ve tried ’era.

~.The May’s Landin~ Club gave~ur Ilammonton boys a good game, lastSaturday, but had to yidd to superiorp!aying. Score, 16 to S.

Matthew Lantr7, of Aisles, lost aten-year old sou with ~carlet fever htstweek, and had another sick with thesame disease, at last rcport¯

g~ The widow of nut deceased towns-man, ~lr. Edwin Crowell, will receive$3000 insurauec from tile l~val Area-sum, of Camden, of which order he wasa member.

II~"Hammonton streets are well litthese nights--by tl~e moon-when theclouds are not too ,lense. And now thatthe new lamps are ready, night will bcrobbed el its darkness.

The Sons of Veterans gave a verysatisfactory entertainment, on Saturdayevening, and had a good audience, who.also proved liberal patrons when therefreduncuts were ready.

Cspt. tl. :M. Jewett is postmasterin Window. Wonder if the adminis-tration will object when lie shouts Ibrl]lainc, Gresham, Alger, or ~oine othergood Republican, next week.

Tim abumlant Spring rMns havegiven vegetatiou a gotal start, andevervth ug has grown well ; but theprevailing dry weather will have a badeffect if continued another week.

~YSt. Mark’s Church, Third Sundayalter Trinity, Juue 17th, 1888. lloly

Communion, 7::{0 A,ai. Morning I’rayer ]J,itany, aud Sermon at lO::10. Evtntng [Prayer and Sermon, 3:30 r.H. Sun,an [School, 2:110.

I~" Dr. G. 3[. Spencer.and wife willBpend a short limein II.tmnlo,t.u. Per.Bona tlcsiring to have their e.vcs c."xam-ined cuu have it ,lone, without charge,at the reshlencc of Mr. J: 1. llortuu, tora week or ulore.


Ladies’ Men’ d fldren’sShoes made to order.


Repairing Neatly Done.

A good stock ofsho~ of all kindsalways on hand.

First floor--Small,s Block,

Hammonton. : : N.J


be d !two patent "horse.sh0vels,,, and uses Garden Seeds, etc. B~ the use of

P S:Tilt0n & Son ANovelty. them iu his highway work. T. eyare-- CrescentWe have sown seed of ten varieties of mounted on wheels, and scoop up a

Ornamental Foliage Beets, which are whole cart-load at once,and dump itI ] represented as very flue, and will offer good naturedly wherever wanted. S, E, Brown & Co, Cough

¯ Hammonton, N.J. plants of them when ready,i~r Listolunolaimedlettersremaining

~ ~t~0r’r^l:-- in the Post Office at Hammonton, N. J~, ~¯



I have a good Stock of strong Tube’rose Bulbs.


On and after Jan. 1, 1886, I wlll sellOne-hor~e wagons, with flee body

sud C~lumoia sprlng~ complete,1~ inch tire. 1~ axle. for CASH. t~0 00

One-horse wagon, eomplet e, l~ tire~OI1~ axle, for_... ............................. 62 50

The same. with 2-lash tire .............. 65 00On~her~e l~ight Express..: ........ 55 00Platform Light Express ................ 60 00Rlde-~prlng Buggies with flue finish 70 09Two-horse Farm Wagons ......... ~ to 70 00No-top Buggies ................................ SO 00" - - -~ ~- ---

These wagons are all made of the bestWhite (~tk and Ilickory, an~l are thor-oughlv seasoned, and ironed in a work-manlike manner Please call, and beconvinced. Factory at the C. & A.:Depot, IIammonton.

ALEX. AITKEN, Proprietor.


"Old Reliable !"

:Please don’t forget that a generala~sortment of

Bread,--Oal es,-- Pies,



Confectionery:May still be found in great variety

and abundant in quantity at

Packer’s Bakery.


!.,,~- A



I14 .

A. C. YATES & Co.,


.In Philadelphia, .............

For Men and Children.


Sixth and Chestnut Streets,(Ledger Building.)

liP*..ft, ilOOD, Jiss$stm~t.Rvady-toattwnd~a~i.U calla, dayor night;Can farni,h anything in this liuo there isin the market, at lowest prices. Mr.Hood’s residence is on Poach St., next toC. P. Hill’s.

Order~ left at Cha~. Simone Livery willreooilre prompt attention.

Saturday, June 16th, 1888 :Mary H. I~(nsing.

Persons calling for any of the above

advertised.letters will please state that it has been New Barber Shop.CYnus F. OSGOOD, P.M.

Henry E. Andrews, see of our ~,I have opened s flzst elas~ Barber.shopOpposite the Post-Office,

Which for oouvenlence, complnte outfit,and cleanlineu, is not excelled in

HA~M~IONTON.6~an and Careful ~Tiaving,

Hair Gutting in the ]3est Style,~Immpooin~, either Ws~ or .Dry,

great can.

All patrons a clean dry towel at each_shavings, and every c~tomer shall have

my personal attention.

I respectfully trek you to call and give mea trial.

Adolph Butler.Ctgars and Tobacco of all kinds.

G. A. R. boys, formerly of the 95thPennsylvania Volunteers, will attendthe Gettysburg reunion with his oldregiment on the let, 2nd and 3rd ofJuly next, and the twenty-filth anmyer- :sary of that memorable battle.

Dr. W. N. Hedges has taken thelate Dr. Snowdea’s otllce and practice.He graduated in this country sixteenyears ago, practiced in New York Cityseveral years, then spent three years inVienna, Austria, in study and hospitaltraining, lie comes to Hammontonwith the best o! recommendations.

We understand the Grand Armyboys will soon have to look out a uew

hall, as the Ma~ons have concluded notto sub-let their hall. The "boys,~ canhold one more meeting, however, in theold place. The Sons of Vcterens and

If taken iu time. Or. perhaps, it wouldbe better to say then would be nu such

thing as Consumption, in moat cases, ffcare were taken to relieve the firstsymptoms of lung troubles ; and for thepurpose nothing cau beat.

Crescent Cough Cordial.

A. W. 000HItAN, Druggist,Hammonton, N. J.

I~.Chlldren’s hair.cutting done with ................... ~_ ....................


Win. Bern.house’s

Of Hamm0nton, N, J.

Capital, $50,000.

Sons ot Temperance arc in the samepredicament.

JBucklin’s Arnie~t Salve, the bestsates in the world for cuts, bruises, sores,ulcers, salt rheum, fever m~res, tstter,chapped hands, ehtlblsi,% corn,, and allakin eruptions, and p, sitively cures plies,or no pay required. It is guaranteed to

give perfect &~tisfactiou, or money re-funded. Price, 25 cents p~- box. Forsale l,y A. W. Cochra,,.

FOR SALE.--A new house, six largerooms, convenient, nicely located, fulltown lot, on Maple Street, l:tammonton.Will be sold she,l,. Apply to

W~t. II. ]~ER2gSIIOUS~.

Lumb’r YardFor all, kinds of

Lumber, Mill-work,Window-glass,

Brick, Lime, Cement,Plaster, .Hair, Lath, etc.

Ligh Fire WoodsFor Summer use.

$~re manufacture

W’m.Butherford, Notary Public, ] BerryCrates& ChestsConvey;toter, Reul Estate and Insur-ance Ageut. Insurance placed only in ] Of all kinds. Also,the most reliable coml)anies. Lowest I ......rates to nil. .No two-thirdsclausc, no l uectar ~inlngles.black-mailing. Address, llatnmon~n, [N J , ,¯ " ] ~’~ e have .iuat received our 8prlng

For Sale--Easy Terms. A nicc [ stock of goods.tweuty.acrv fruit farm. Would suit a Jman and[~mily. Iuquirv ata’~.x.n~L:c,~ I ....... Can furnteh-veryniceoffice, over thu Pogt-ofllce.

For Sale.--A sixty-acre farm, 1~ Pennsylvania Hemlockmiles from EIwood station. About thirty At Bottom Prises. Maeefacture oaracres have been cleared and tarmed. In- own Flooring. Sntlsfaetiot|quire of WM. BERNSHOU:~E, Guaranteed.

Hammonton, N. J.EDGED TOOLS of all descriptions--

forlorn a mowing-machine knits to a pairscisson--snarpenen , at the mill Ibot,

of Hammonton I~ke.Gzo. W. ELW~s.

R. 3. BYR~ZS, President.

M. L. J~cKso~, Vice-Pres’t

~V. R. TILTOr~, Cashier.

DIRECTORS :R. J. Byrnes,

:M. L: Jackson,

Goor~ Elvins,

Eiam ~tockwell~Daniel Colwell,

George Cochra,,D. L. Potter,

T. J. Smith,G. F. 8axles,

Edw. Whiffen,

J. C. Browning,Z. U. ],Iatthewa,

P. S. Tilton,

-- MONEYTO LOAN. .......... ’


Our specialty, this Spring, will Life 8.111:], Accident Insurancebe full frame orders. "AC~EIMT.

Office, Resideneo, C4tntral An. & TMzd 8t~’onr patnnage solicited.

1:tammo~ton’ ~. ft.

........ tx~=~vcrybody i~ l~l~scd_n’ith ourberry picker tickets. Tltey preventclieating, huvo time, enable every pi,:k~rto keep an- ~tcCou~L 0t Ida work~ don’tcost niuch, end htst for yeers. Wehave printed many thousand~ of them,yet can print as tumy more. lhing iayour orders.

tlW~..lesure with A. lI. Phillips, 1323Athtutt c. Ave., Atlantm Cit..~,

.tip The Council’s Committee on awater supply, att~ long negot lotion anddelay iu procuring tha desired wire,had a two.inch pipe driven, this week,near the intersection of Central Avenueand Third Street. Should the flow ofwater be ~atiefacter’f, a fores-pump willbe attached, and a test of capacity bemade, to see how long it will supplythe fire engine.

/flY"Base-ball fever rages. A newclub has been organized, so we weretold, calling: themselves th0 "Plug-hatNine." Whether they will wear their"plu~-while playing is undecided.

The Hammonton Club will play the"Plug Hats,, this aRornoon, and areworkin~ to get their grand-stand ready.The plan is to have two games on theFourth of July, and at lea~t one eachSaturday during the sea,on.

We had the pleasure of attendingthe Cliilai~i~- Day~o~iceTffTwo o|ourchurches, last Sunday. In the morning,the Baptist Church was profusely deco-rated with cut flowers and growingplants, the singing of birds minglingwith the children’s songs. There werereadings and recitations by meml~ers ofthe school, exercises by the primaryclass, and a collectiou for Sunday Schoolmission work.

In the evening, at the PresbyterianChurch, we were pleased with the recent

inttrnal improvements. The musicwasexcellent; bright-hued flowers madethe room beautiful ; there were addresses t

by the Pastor and Rev. Mr. Vaughn, Jrecitations by scholars, and th0 mi~lon Jcollection. I

We regretted our iunbihty to attendthe :Methodist Church, also, as we are !told that they had a delightful time¯

These occasions help to impre~s uponyoung m!nds the fact that "none of us

liveth to himself," and teach them the iblessedness of doing and giving for thegood of others.

I~i~’At their meeting, last Mondayevening, the Board of Trade adopted thefollowing Constitution :

’ ART. 1 Tills association shall bei; known as the Board of Trade of Ham-mouton. New Jersey.

Art. 2. Thi~ Board shall have for itsobiects the diffusion of information con-cerning the advantages of Hammontouaa a location for manufacturiug orother business ; the protection of all thebnsine~ interests of the town fromimpostors; and to fo~ter and promotethe prosperity of Hauimonton.

Art. 11. The officers of this Beardshall be a President, Vice-Pn~ident,Secretary, an~ Treasurer.

Art. 4. It aliall be the duty of thePresident to preside at all lnectinga, toappoint all committees, to r~fer all mat-ters requiring attention to thu propercomnfittees, aml to have a general over-~iglit of the aflhirs of the Board. HeMmll sign all drafts ou tim Treasury,and shall be ex-oflleio a member of t;.llcommittees.

Art 5. The Vice-President shall takethe place of the President In his absence,and be vested with his rights and privi-lethe, lor the time. In the absence ofboth President aud Vice President, thetuembers assembled may elect a Presi-ident pro tcm.

Art. 6. The ~:cretary ~hall keel,sccorate records of all the trlm~actionsof the Board, collect all moneys due theBoard atul pa£ them nve~ to the Treas.urer, taking his receipt theref,,r. HcshaU sign all drafts on the Treasury¯and shall ~tve timely notice of all meet-in~e of the Board.

’Art. 7. The Treasurer shsll receiveall moneys Item the Secretary, andshall pay them cut on orders drawn bythe Secretary and countersl~,med by theP~esident. He shall keep a just nndtrue account of all moneys received and~aid out by IAm, and shall make a semi-annual repmt of the financial affairs ofthe llnard, at the regular meeting inDecember aml June.

Art 8. The President ~hall appointthe standing committees trom the mem-bers of the Board, each committee toconsist of three persons, excepting thaton the Protection of Merchants and Bu-slness Men from Imix~stors, which shallconMst of five },ersons. The variousc,mmittees shall be as fifllows: OnFinances ; on Manufactures; on Rad-¯ cads and Transllortatiou ; on Promo.tics of Trade ; on Slatistics and Publi-cation ; on Legislation; ou [’rt, tectionof Merchants art,1 Business Men fromIm0ostors ; ,n Public Improvements ;ou Domcstie Prnduetlons ; on Arbitra-tion ; oa lnsurancu ; and an AuditingCommittee.

Art. 9. All oflleersof this Bnnrd shahbe elected by ballot( at the regular meet-ing in June, and shall held oillco cueyear, or until their success,ire nre elect-ed : a majority of all the votes cast, toelect.

Art 10 Anv person interested iu thewelfi, n of the town may become a,ttember ¢,f thin Board_by sinning_ theC, mstitutlou and paying a fec of OneDollar.

Art._lL The~ uuuaL4ucs__shalLh e_Two Dollnr~, payable quarterly,--thefirst quarter to begin Julylst, 1888, andauy nlember in arruars lot one ~ear maybe ,lropped fi’oln the li~t of members.

Any ofllser or member may be sus-pended or expelled by a two thirds voteo{ the members present, at a reguhtrIlleet ln~.’,

Vac.ucies shall bc filled at the next

. "r "

regular ,nesting of the Bonrd, or at aspecial nieetlug called tbr that purpo~,and shall hold office for thu unexpiredterm.

Art. 12. Nine members shall be aquorum for the transaction of huslnese.

Art: 13. Amendments to this Consti-tution must be made In writing at’¯ aregular meeting, and lay over until thenext re~uhtr meeting, and be approvedby a malority vote:

On motion, the Board proceeded tothe election of officers, which resultud asfollows :

Presider, Gee. W. Preescy.Vice.President, 3L L. Jaclmon.S¢.eretary, Ore, lie E. Ho?t.Treasurer, W. R. Tilton.

Next in order came the adoption ot theBy-Iatws, as follows :

Art. 1, ~cc. I. The regular statedmeetings ot the Board shall be on thesecond Monday ensuing of each month,at 8.’00 P. )t.--Sec.-2.-T be-President may_calLa~Im--clal meeting of the Board whenever hemay deem it necessary ; and shaU callsuch meeting: whenever requested to do8o by a majority of the members of anyone of the Standing Committees.

Art~ 2. The order of basines~ at sta-ted meetings of the Board shall be asfollows: 1. Minntes at previous meet-ing. 2, Communicatloas.. 3, Iteportsof’committees. 4, Unfinished business.5, M|scellaneons business.

Art. 3. One member rday call for theyeas and nays on any question.

Art. 4. No member shall speak oftenerthan twice on the sam~ subleet at the

-saran.meeting, e.xc~p t_by.conae.nt, or~b£~:way of explanation.

Art. 5, Motions shall be reduced towriting by the person moving, if requiredby the Chair.

Art. 6. The Chair shall be judge ofall questions of order, subjcct to appealto the meeting.

Art. 7. The motion to adjourn, andfor the previous question, shall not bedeba tahle. /

Art. 8. No persou except members elithis Board shall be permitted to enterIits rooms without speel:tl permi~ion, I"except as heniuaftcr pr6vided. 4

Art. 9. When two or more pemon~,[constituting a firm, become members at’Ithe Boars of Trade, in the name of the Ifirm, they shall designate whmh membershall represent them at the mcctinga atthe Board, by handing his name to the8ecretary, and he alone shall be entitledto vote at nil meetings. ]

Art. I0. Non-members may 1)e intro-]duced into the rooms of the Board by Jany member, and the name of the per-son so introduced shall be registered ina book to be kept lor that purlmsv in theroom~ of the Board, together,, with the~name of the member Introducing thcvisitor, and the date.

Art. 11. Cushing’s Manual shall bethe recognized authority on parhamen-tary rules.

Art. 1~. These By-Laws may beamendrd or cnlarged by a majority votest the members present at any regularmectiog, one ntunth’s notic~ of suchintended action having been given.

Art. 13. Thee By-I~v~s may be sus-pended temporarily, at any meeting, byuuanimous consent.

.......... _’_..

- tl~IIartT Arden, a travelling show-man, gave a~ainment in the hall,Monday evening, advertising admissionfree, but a collectiou to he taken. The

A. H. SIMONS’Pure, Home-made

Ice createBest that can be made.

Orders taken, and sPecial rates........... made .... to .... Dealers, Festivals,

Picnies, Sociables, Parties,etc., etc. ¯

_The_Hammon n_B0ot and Shoe Store.\

¯ D. C. I-Ierbert,All kinds of B00TS, SHOES, &Rubbers


Oust crr Work amd ,ooairi gNeatly. cx~.=a~z] ~t ~ort not~=,~.

In the new Brick Block.

Coal. Coal.Having leased the coal-yard formerly occupied by Clayton

R. SeuUin. ,nd having purchased the good-will andfixtuzes of the same, I am prepared to take orders anddeliver the

¯1Best Leh gl Coal

In large or small quantities, at reasonable prices,.......Tli~ 2):5.~d ~ill be stocked about the middle of September~

alter which a constant supply will be kept on hand.

Orders left at my store, or at lhe Post-0ffiee will receiveMarshal notified him that he must have!a license, under the ordinance, but affer-~--cousiderin.~ the matter he declined tocomply. On Tuesday the :Marshalentered complaint, the young man wasarrested, held under bail by JusticeAtkinson, and was tried by the sameJustice on Wednesday morning, blr.A.. J. Kingappeared 10r the defendant,and showed to the satisfaction of allconcerned that the license ordinancewas inconsistent with the state lawunder which it was passed, in that itdoes not limit thc requiring of a licenseto shows for money or gain. The casewas dismhsed. Mr. King also showedthat the ordinance prescribing methodsof proceedure in enforcing ordinanceswas also inconsistent with the TownCharter, and is therefore invalid.

W~II, the Couueil sre .-lad to knowthese Ihcts, and will doubtless revise allthe ordinances, without delay, andamend such as are defective.

For Sale.--81zty-slx acres of goodlaud, near the corner at" First Road andThirteeuth Street, Ilawumnton. Tenterse set to fruit. Price reasonable, and=.rn,s very easy. Particulars given atthe R~PUnLICAN Office.

The [Iowhmd prooerty wlll go ata trvmemlnnsbargaiu. I amempoweredto receive a fair olfcr. Terms almost tosuit any nun. It nl,~.~t be s,)hl. Tenminutes from IrWb railroad stations.

RUTIIERFOnD,Hammonton, N.J.

I~ Iluihlin~ lots for snlc,--aome of

__~p~ompt attn,!! !pn- .......... , .,.

George" :ElVins.

The Philadelphia weekly Press

and the Republican, both one year

for " "$1.20, sash.


After three years’ trial ; after severalcar.loads have been used in this sectionon plan|~, berries, trees, potatoes, corn,garden truck, etc.; after repuated trtal.swith other fertilizers, side by aide, byunbiased men, and evidenc~ given lu it"fay,r, we a~sk for.tuottter fair trial with

I any other i,bost, b.’tte or fertilizer you maychoose t(, n~e, and nots iml, ruved resultsin your crops.

This phosphate does not reduce theanti, but its banelits can be seen for yearssitar. For sale by

the best located in town, for the leasl Of Elm, N. J.amount of money. _W~L COL~¢ELL~ ....................

More Men WantedFor local and traveling agents, to sell ourFruit and Ornamental Stock. We givegood wages and steady work. Address,for terms,

E. B. Richardson Co.,Nurserymen, Geneva, N.Y. 1030 Allautls Avenue,

Heatlou thlspaper, ’ ATLANTIC CITY, . : N.J.

Youtake No ChanceBy uai,-g the

IHamm0nt0n Paint,For every ~allon is

GUARANTEED !Any one wishing to experimentwith Paint is asked to do so atmyexpense. Paint one-half ofany surface with H ammontonPaint, and the other half withany known Paint. If theltantmonton does not cover asmuch surface, and wear as:fiitddf ClUe- ~iii~ -eb-fidi ti6i~,

Send f.,r Circulars. Better ~till, call will pay for all the paint used.---~nd~,eet---Stili~et~r,-:l’a~ ]Ld3’~ ........................... ._.=.. ..........................................

JOHN T. FRENCH,Hammonton Paint Works:

IIammonto., N. J.

Send ibr sample ca:d ofUolors,


Allen Brown Endicott,Couns 10r-at-Law,




’ .t:


Page 4: TUTT’$ - Atlantic County Library · 2003. 9. 3. · All the PATTERNS you wish lo nee during the for nothing (a ~aving of from $3¯00 tO $4¯00) by imbecrlblng for ublican .....--ANo--Dernorest’s

"7 ....


x .



nut to crook than that which Is put be-tween the teeth of a young artist whohas a wife and brood to take care: of~".It was the artist’s wife who-’spokec Shewas lying on a sick bed with threebeautiful imps tumbling about her, anda house.expense book .clasped in herarms. ¯

"The first thing we eonsIdeg is therent. Themoment you begin to fallbehind in your rent you don’t knowhow long you will ~have a sheitsr fqryour babies >

"The next thing is how to pay yoursmall bills. The largo bills will wait,I always deal with the large grocersand green grocem. They never annoyme about my bills. They know I don,tmean to run away, and will pay themjust as soon as I can. But beware of

~a ali-m~n-.~h~ broad-man ;-the-4ce-man, the milk man and the gas man.They will haunt yom,~oors: lie in walt

¯ fo~ff~t before you’am up, harass you~gl~’you impertirtenee. Life isn’tworth living while tbose bills are un-ra:d."

"It m the small biilsyou must watch.If you havebables you can’t econo-mize much in milk. My milk bills are$12 a montlL If the cook wants milkfor the mashed potatoes she thinksnothing of sending to the grocer’s for aquart. Then I intercept the messen-ger and order a pint, The differencebetween 8 cents and 4 cents is nothing

..... At thoen4 of- the- meatball Aaeverything to me. Then, instead ofgetting bread from the grocer at 10cents, I get it of a baker for 8 cents.That 2 cents is worth my saving. More-over, I put down in my book every loafof bread ordered.

"That is what housekeeping meansto me. Every detail must be watched.Atleast we must not waste. It mayseem extravagant to pay 18 cents for abunch of celery, but the roots andgreeu leaves go In soup, the greenstems are cut and stewed as a warmdisk, and we eat the white parts.

"If we only had ready money I couldgo to the lower markets and buy fortwo thirds what I now spend. I havea fashiona’ole friend who has to econo-mize, who goes to market and buysbutter for 28 cents that ! pay 36 cents

......... for. In a month that saving amountsto something; but we haven’t themoney. At least ~ the advantage ofbills is that ifyou haven’t a penny you

eat your dinner in comfort, know-ing ’ou~nd oWOn’thavef to pay for It untilthe the month. That helps thedigestion.

"I have learned another thing. Oldservants eat;less than young bnes. Ayoung growing girl will cost you lessin wages, bUt she will devastate thecupboard. I had one who woifld getinto the orange marmalade until I for-bade her. Then I found a jar of rasp-berry Jam gone. When I called her toaccount she said: ".It was the orangemarmalade I mustn’t touch, ma’am.’

"How much, in round numbers, doyou spend on your living?"

"From my account book, which in-cludes fuel and lights, but not servants’wa~:es or rent, $75a month--S900 ayear."

Miss Corsono who teaches economyby a system, and says a family of threegrown people and two children, canlive on $509 a year, said:

__ ’Lcontendthat _such _a fatality_as Idescribe can live not omly e-o--m~ly-on $500 a year, which is tbe price ofthe food they are to consume, but thatthey can also share in what are calledthe luxuries. But to do this my systemmust be studied, not merely dippedinto, for in a matter of this sort it Isvery easy to get beyond the deptli ofyour pocket."

’̄But where do you begin?""With knowiog what to buy, where,

when and how much; next, ruth howto keep and use. First, buy grooermsIn such quantities, if possible, as willa low you a discount. Then keep themlocked to prevent waste. Learn tochoose meats and know how to utilizefat, bones and marrow. Learn how tomake tender and succulent tough parts,a mere t~ck of the trade which aFrench chef will do to perfection. Getyour green vegetahles and fruits fromthe early market and keep them tenderand flesh for several days, as I haveshown ybu how on $500 a year.

"But, Mms Corses, what are to bear "our luxuries on $500 aye ?

"Why not gem% .green turtle andtbrrapin?"

"Why not, lndeedl""It is perfectly practicable, properly

managed. ̄ You have friends. Get to-gether, and have your butcher or fisher-man get a 5~pouhd green turtle- anddivide it Up between you. I don’t sayyou can have diamond*back terrapin,but this great swell has some relptives,the gopher, snapper, land terrapin,fresh terrapin; and I got together somecapital recipes from Maryland and -Virginlaanntiesthat l’m sure you willnot despise. There is no reason whyyou shbuld not have venison steaks andpotted venison, and as for rabbits and~qmrrels the negro aunties have taught

- mo~-ahdq~h-ave tHedf6 ~ak~--cle~ f6-?you, the most delicious stews and rag-outs. One, a famous Washington squlr-

is not always cheap living, certainlyit Is not if it destrsys digestion andi~t!~su~on t!m taste. In all more nor-sous highly etrun~I organlzatlons, sucnas are chiefly to be found among artistsand l~terary folk, the quality of fond Ismuch mdre important than :the .quan-tity. It must appeal to: the imaglna-~onaa well as to :the grosset ceases,That it shall do this within the com-pass of a narrow income requires anentire readjustment of our economies.,,l~ow, don’t you think between uswe’ll accomplish it?"

"I:really believe it."

¯ The Story of a Celebrated Horse.

In the city of Coldwater, Mmh.,there ]s a large sorrel horse, known bytb~- name -of-"Otd~mJ L-He is the imost popular horse in town. In hisyounger days he was used as an omni-bus horse, and :he and his mate, a largebay, were so well trained that theywould turn up to the principal hotel,,and back the omnibus up to the side-walk to let the passengers out, wlthqutbeing guided at all by the driver.

One stormy night the train was late:and wifllo waiting at the train for pas.sengers the driver fell asleep. "OldSam" and his companion, after staud~Ing about as long as usual, started up’town on their own account, backed upat the hotel in the usual way, and then

went-~-the- livery-stable--wherethey were kept.

When the war broke out the citizensof Coldwater equipped the "LoomisBattery" w~tb some of the finest horsesthat went into the army, aud amongthem was "Old Sam." He was in a

;great many t~tttles, but came out un--

Page 5: TUTT’$ - Atlantic County Library · 2003. 9. 3. · All the PATTERNS you wish lo nee during the for nothing (a ~aving of from $3¯00 tO $4¯00) by imbecrlblng for ublican .....--ANo--Dernorest’s



Vii ¯. o




