Issue 01 January 2010

TUSK Magazine January 2010

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TUSK Magazine January 2010

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Issue 01 January 2010

Page 2: TUSK Magazine January 2010


2 TUSK faddiscreative.com January, 2010

Why?why not?

I thought people might enjoy a light easy read on their lunch break WHILE STUCK AT THEIR DESK.

I love writing, photography, creative direction, and Design. this way I could combine All Three.

For years I did page layout in quarkXpress, I had used Adobe InDesign but I wanted to become more efficient.

TUSk will keep me fresh in all aspects of my job as a designer and Photographer.

For Fun!


I have a tendency to want to try it all, and then I often wonder why I can’t find balance in my life. In fact, the older I get, the more I discover that I can usually only handle juggling three things at a time. Especially if I want to have any real success in each arena. Now, I’m speaking of three areas in my life, not specific tasks. For instance, if I’m doing really well in my career, my husband and I are getting along great, and I am going to the gym a few days of the week, my house is probably a disaster. So, why the heck did I decide to start working and creating my own magazine? My only real answer is passion. After working as an Art Director for a couple of plastics magazines the last few years, and now being away from it for a while, I have realized that I miss it! There are so many things about designing a magazine that I miss, even though I am loving owning my own company and freelancing. Mostly because 80% of what I do now, is photography. I certainly didn’t have that opportunity or the creative freedom that I have now, when I was working for a large publisher. So, I figured why not? If I can make the time by working on TUSK at night and keep it to a few simple pages, I might be able to handle this. In true form for me, I only decided I wanted to go after this project two days ago. Now, I’m sitting here with a few pages roughed and I’m writing my first ever letter from the Editor. Ha, Just typing that makes me think of how far from an acutal editor I am. But, the truth is I love to write, and I always have. It’s another form of creation and art for me. However, after working with amazing writers and managing editors, I know how much schooling, and time, true editors invest into their craft. So please forgive me when you find mistakes and realize I am an artist first off, and only a wannabe writer. Hey, here’s a good time to ask - if there are any inspiring writers out there that want to donate their time to edit for TUSK, please contact me. After all, I am currently designing, writing, and producing the photography.

When I woke my husband up late a few nights ago and told him about my idea to create a small magazine, I realized a few important things. First and foremost, I did not want to do this for money. I’m not going to think about marketing or who will read it (or maybe more realistically, the millions that won’t be reading it) or, if it will be successful. I simply want to do it for fun. So many projects in my life have so many parameters. So many walls and directions that must be followed. I figured I would approach this with abandon. Write about things I want to write about whether they make good sense or not. I will let this simply evolve or go extinct in the next few months. Only the future knows that, however, I want to thank you for reading my first ever issue. It really does mean so much to me.

DeniseOwner of Faddis [email protected]

Only myself to blame...Publisher: Denise FaddisEditor: Denise FaddisPhotographer: Denise Faddis and contributing photographers listed.Art Director: Denise FaddisGraphic Designer: Denise Faddis

Ramblings from me

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I recently discovered a clothing designer that I really love. In fact, for a few years now I have really found peace with a fairly minimalist approach to goods. I mean, I stepped away from the sociatel urge to want to buy things to feel complete. I have bought so few things in the last few years. For the most part I have been wearing out what I own. From my sweaters to my 16 year old mattress. Also, as part of our new approach, my husband and I decided to go television free 7 moths ago when the government deemed it fit to require a spying device in people’s homes to get free TV (wait, that might be too much information about me).. Anyhow, working towards that minimalist behavior has been challenged when I happened upon Alberta Ferretti’s clothing.

I crave fashion and classic design, but with little funds, I often put together affordable outfits out of rare thrift store finds and one or two of my investment pieces. When I do find a piece of clothing I love, and recognize the quality of fine fabrics and lasting style, and I happen to have the needed money - I will purchase it.

Next time I have a surge of extra money, I will pay respect to Alberta Ferretti’s beautiful art and buy one, or even two, of her stunning creations.

The sharp colors, clean lines, artistic detailing, gorgeous fabrics, unique yet classic cuts, and flattering styles that seem to work with a women’s body, have drawn me in. Her website is perfectly done with top notch photography and inspiring creative direction. www.albertaferretti.it/home.htm

A few of my favorite things

This month I Love...


this dress!

Photography: Karl Prouse/Catwalking/Getty Images

Updated Art


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A few of my favorite things

Bunny in a BeanieI’m not sure if it’s the adorable nose and mouth combo, the full body length ears, or, my favorite part, the removable beanie - but this handmade bunny brings me joy. I mean real Joy! How crazy is that? I often find joy in the simple things in life, and this bunny seems to sum it all up for me. It only stands about three inches tall, and I think that makes it even more lovable. The best part, one of my closest friends, Erin, made it for me. Erin said, get this, it reminded her of me! Often I have wished to be such a simple and uncomplicated being. Living in a children’s story book forest, surrounded by friends and life is only beautiful and kind. I guess for now this bunny in a beanie will have to be the closest I get.

Inspiring FriendsLately I have had this incredible realization that I might have the coolest and most inspiring friends a girl could ask for. Don’t get me wrong, I have always been thankful for my girlfriends and our relationships. All of my friends are strong, independent, compassionate, head strong women. Women who actually like other women. A rare gem of a quality any women you ask that has ever had to deal with jealous, competitive, frien-emy girls, knows is a true find.

A few of my friends in particular have given me a new push in my life to up the ante. Step out on a ledge and have the ovaries to do something outside of my comfort zone. My friend Vanessa has recently become a Zumba instructor at the Rocky Mountain Kravmaga studio. I have gone to a few of her classes and she is absolutely incredible. While the rest of us look like dancing fools, she looks like a girl right out of a MTV video. Not just that, but she is a kind and encouraging instructor. Now, you have

to understand, Vanessa is a little shy and this was definitely out of her comfort zone. Just seeing how well she does, and how fit she has become, makes me so proud of her and genuinely encouraged.

I also have a friend Liz who has just recently tried out, and was picked for, the Rocky Mountain Roller Derby Girls! How rock and roll is that?! She has always been a kick ass and tuff chick, but this had to take some real courage. I know she will be one of the best. I can’t wait to go cheer her on! I will include updates on her team and when you can see Liz in the next issue. Thanks for being my

friends ladies, and thanks for inspiring me.

Find out more about Vanessa’s Zumba classes at the following website. http://47134.zumba.com/www.kravmaga-crossfit.com/

My twin?

Get it, Girl!

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A few of my favorite things

Vine Street PubMY new favorite neighborhood restaurant is Vine Street Pub. Vine Street Pub is part of the Mountain Sun Pub and Brewery out of Boulder. Most of the beers poured at Vine Street Pub are brewed at Mountain Sun in Boulder. These are truly original and tasty beers that go perfectly with the delicious food. They have amazing burgers and sandwiches and a good deal of vegetarian fare. The best part of Vine Street Pub is the atmosphere and people who work there. You really can’t find a more laid back environment in Denver that also takes pride in great service. The environment is low key, relaxed, and inviting. The restaurant is kid friendly; not always a plus for me. However, I don’t know if it’s the pub itself, or the regulars who frequent it, but I have never had to deal with a screaming kid while dining at Vine Street Pub. Maybe they secretly slip them marijuana suckers - just kidding!

If you decide to give Vine Street a visit, know that they take cash only. They do have an ATM on site, so that’s easy enough. In fact, one time my husband and I had dinner there and I did not have cash on me. I was fine to go ahead and go to the ATM, but our waiter was so unbelievably cool and actually told me I could simply send a check when I could!

1700 Vine St Denver, CO 80206 (303) 388-2337 www.mountainsunpub.comLogo and graphic pulled from their website

It’s no wonder why I love this place!

The BlowThe Blow is a band out of Portland, Oregon, that I can’t get enough of lately. I discovered them only a year ago, but they have been around since 2004. If you haven’t had a chance to hear The Blow, check them out. The band now only consists of Khaela Maricich, one half of the former duo (Jona Bechtold recently decided to leave the partnership to go after his new project, YACHT). In 2004 they recorded an EP called Poor Aim: Love Songs. I adore this album. When I listen to it I feel light, floaty, tranced, and happily angsty. One of my favorite all time songs, Hey Boy, is on Poor Aim. I also have to mention the songs: The Love that I Crave remix, and, The Sky Opened Wide Like the Tide remix, both great. Paper Television, another of their albums, is pretty good as well; notably the song: True Affection. Learn more about The Blow at www.theblow.us

“Hey Boy, why you didn’t call me?”

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Sisters Sweetly

Bird & DragonflyPhotography & Creative Direction

by Denise Faddis

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Dragonfly, why so coy?

I don’t want yourdolly.

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Bird, what’s behind your


Only MonaLisa knows.

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I love photography, but truth be told, second choice has always been psychology. I consider myself a pretty good arm chair psychologist. Of course, I have no training - unless you count a college psychology class. That’s not going to stop me from combining two of my favorite things! Heres how it works, pick you favorite image on this page - the one that you are immediately drawn to. Once you have that decided, jump on over to the next page and see how well I did explaining your personality. Not even close? What can I say; try again next month!

1. 2.

3. 4.

Please, sit on my arm chair

A few photosfrom amazing travels, to far off places.

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So, did you choose your favorite image?

1. You love beauty, life, and new adventures. Always hoping for new opportunities and searching for the next interesting possibility that is just around the corner. You enjoy art and composition, and prefer clean classic furniture and clothing. You are physically fit.and most likely athletic.

2. You have a love for the unknown and unexpected. You are enticed by things that scare you, rather than running the other way. You tend to be introverted and introspective. Often mistaken as a loner, but really you are a loyal companion once you admire someone.

3. You are classic and thoughtful. You enjoy romance and old movies. You are social and good with people. You have a zest for life and learning. You see opportunity in everything and have a positive personality. You may also be a bit mysterious.

4. You have a love for quiet and calm. You can be found taking care of yourself and others. Drawn to physical activity that incorporates mind and body. Your health is important to you. You are either spiritual or religious. You are good with people and tend to be a caretaker


TUSK is part of Faddis CreativeAll rights reserved

Please contact me and tell me what you think. Love it? Hate it? (Actually, if you hate it, keep your negativity to yourself) but feel free to send con-structive advice or ideas for the February issue.

Do you know a great company or restaurant you think I should visit and possibly write about, let me know! Do you own a product or clothing line you want me to feature? Contact me.

I look forward to hearing from you. Enjoyed this issue? Send it to your friends and coworkers.

Peace and love,

[email protected] I would like to dedicate TUSK to my amazing husband, Shane. He is always supportive, and is my biggest fan. I love and respect him more than I could ever express.

The Conqueror Worm

by: Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)

Lo! ‘tis a gala night

Within the lonesome latter years!

An angel throng, bewinged, bedight

In veils, and drowned in tears,

Sit in a theatre, to see

A play of hopes and fears,

While the orchestra breathes fitfully

The music of the spheres.

Mimes, in the form of God on high,

Mutter and mumble low,

And hither and thither fly—

Mere puppets they, who come and go

At bidding of vast formless things

That shift the scenery to and fro,

Flapping from out their Condor wings

Invisible Wo!

That motley drama—oh, be sure

It shall not be forgot!

With its Phantom chased for evermore,

By a crowd that seize it not,

Through a circle that ever returneth in

To the self-same spot,

And much of Madness, and more of Sin,

And Horror the soul of the plot.

But see, amid the mimic rout

A crawling shape intrude!

A blood-red thing that writhes from out

The scenic solitude!

It writhes!—it writhes!—with mortal pangs

The mimes become its food,

And the angels sob at vermin fangs

In human gore imbued.

Out—out are the lights—out all!

And, over each quivering form,

The curtain, a funeral pall,

Comes down with the rush of a storm,

And the angels, all pallid and wan,

Uprising, unveiling, affirm

That the play is the tragedy, “Man,”

And its hero the Conqueror Worm.

“By a crowd that seize it not”(I love Poe!)

A few photosfrom amazing travels, to far off places.