Turkey Bowl The Constitution and the Foundations of US Government

Turkey Bowl The Constitution and the Foundations of US Government

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Page 1: Turkey Bowl The Constitution and the Foundations of US Government

Turkey Bowl

The Constitution and the Foundations of US Government

Page 2: Turkey Bowl The Constitution and the Foundations of US Government

Which basic principle of the Constitution describes the division of powers between national and state governments?


Page 3: Turkey Bowl The Constitution and the Foundations of US Government

List at least 3 basic freedoms guaranteed under the first amendment.

• Freedom of express- speech, religion, assembly, petition,press

Page 4: Turkey Bowl The Constitution and the Foundations of US Government

An institution that creates and enforces laws

• Government

Page 5: Turkey Bowl The Constitution and the Foundations of US Government

The Articles of Confederation ultimately failed because the _________ government lacked power.

• National/Central

Page 6: Turkey Bowl The Constitution and the Foundations of US Government

What does article 6 of the Constitution say about national law?

• National law is SUPREME

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Those who supported the ratification of the Constitution and a strong central government were called ___________

• Federalists

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This important English document signed in 1215 assured due process, a right to a fair trial, and also became an important influence on the framers of the U.S. Constitution

• The Magna Carta

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Marbury vs. Madison was a landmark supreme court case that gave the supreme court the power of ________________ (one of the 6 basic principles)

• Judicial Review

Page 10: Turkey Bowl The Constitution and the Foundations of US Government

List the 4 characteristics of a state

• Population• Government• Sovereignty • Territory

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An agreement between the government and the people in which the people give up a little bit of their freedom to receive protection from the government

• Social Contract

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The amendment that abolished slavery

• 13th Amendment

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The amendment that protects you from unlawful search and seizure

• 4th Amendment

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Imagine you are one of the lucky people whose home was not damaged during Hurricane Katrina. The National Guard is trying to make you house survivors. What amendment will protect you from having to do this?

3rd Amendment

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The amendment that states powers not delegated to the U.S. by the Constitution are reserved by states and the people.

Amendment 10

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The amendment that includes Due Process, equality under the law, and states that if you are born in the US you are a citizen

Amendment 14

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Which amendment guarantees a trial by jury for all civil cases exceeding $20

Amendment 7

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The Articles of Confederation gave too much power to _______ governments and not enough to the central/national government.


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Which branch of government is responsible for creating laws?


Page 20: Turkey Bowl The Constitution and the Foundations of US Government

The right to bear arms is guaranteed by which amendment?

2nd Amendment

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The characteristic of the state that describes freedom or self-rule.


Page 22: Turkey Bowl The Constitution and the Foundations of US Government

Which amendment guarantees a speedy trial, an impartial jury, and the right to a lawyer?

6th Amendment

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Which branch of government has the power to declare war?

Legislative Branch

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Which article of the Constitution sets up the judicial branch?

Article 3

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Anti-federalists worried that the judicial and legislative branches would work together to create and uphold unfair laws. In reply, federalists told them not to worry because 2 basic principles of the Constitution protected people from that.

Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances

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Congress is divided into 2 chambers. What are they?

Senate and House of Representatives

Page 27: Turkey Bowl The Constitution and the Foundations of US Government

What is the role of the executive branch of government?

Enforce/execute laws

Page 28: Turkey Bowl The Constitution and the Foundations of US Government

Which article of the Constitution spells out the amendment process?

Article 5

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Which amendment protects you from cruel and unusual punishment and excessive bails and fines?

8th amendment

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Which article of the Constitution describes full faith and credit to, and relations among the states?

Article 4

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The introduction to the Constitution is called the


Page 32: Turkey Bowl The Constitution and the Foundations of US Government

The anti-federalists were opposed to ratifying the Constitution because it did not include a __________.

Bill of Rights

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If someone refused to say “one nation under God” when reciting the Pledge of Allegiance at school, which Constitutional right are they practicing?

Separation of Church and State, 1st Amendment Rights, Free Speech

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Which article of the Constitution sets up the executive branch?

Article 2