Great state. Great Opportunity TERM 2 2015 EDITION 7 13 th MAY NAPLAN Testing Time Again Our students in Years 3 and 5 will participate this week in the annual National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) to assess their skills and understanding in the areas of reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The tests are conducted in all state and non-state schools across the country from 12 - 14 May. An individual NAPLAN report for each child will be sent home later this year. Results provide additional feedback for parents, carers and teachers on how students are progressing in key curriculum areas. Best of luck to all of our participating students. They have worked hard throughout the year with their teachers to showcase their skills this week. Assistant Regional Director Visit Each term, the Assistant Regional Director for the Sunshine Coast Region visits the school to talk to the administration team and visit classes. Mr Walker visited classes in Year 1, 4 and 6 this week as well as a general tour of the school. He was most complimentary on the tone of the school, the quiet work being done in classes, the student goals on display in classrooms, the exemplary teaching and the upgrade to the school grounds. I am very proud of our students, staff and school – I wanted to pass on his praise to our community at large. Well done Tullawong! Sporting News Thank you to Mr Buckman and staff for organising the cross-country again this year. Students and parents enjoyed a sunny morning on the oval, cheering on participants as they ran the circuit around the school. Some very fast times were set again this year, with a large number of students qualifying for the district cross-country later this term. Congratulations to our house captains for their work on the day. Our students looked great in their colours and were proud to compete and accrue points for their teams. Congratulations too to Connor Scorgie-Ross who has been selected to play in the Regional Under 12 Rugby League team. Connor will compete at Rockhampton from 6 – 10 July. We wish him and the regional team good luck. Student Success Congratulations to our students who received certificates and awards over the last fortnight. It has been great to celebrate this success with students, staff and parents on our parades. Congratulations too, to Prep E who were in charge of our foyer display this week. The student work and colour make our foyer look spectacular! HEADLICE ALERT There have been a number of occurrences of head lice within the school community. Please check ALL family members for infection for both head lice and eggs If head lice or eggs are found, treat immediately Treat ALL the family – including yourself Change ALL bed linen Treat ALL family members again in exactly 1 weeks time Effective eradication of this problem is only possible if everyone is treated. TULLAWONG TALES Smiths Road, Caboolture 4510 Telephone Nos Office 5431 4666 Fax 5431 4600 Absentee Line 5431 4660 SEU 5431 4682 Tuckshop 5431 4629 Uniform Shop 5431 4631 FROM THE PRINCIPAL

TULLAWONG TALES · 2015-05-15 · TULLAWONG TALES Smiths Road, Caboolture 4510 Telephone Nos Office 5431 4666 Fax 5431 4600 Absentee Line 5431 4660 SEU ... Emily-May F, Ryder E, Jai

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Great state. Great Opportunity

TERM 2 2015 EDITION 7 13th MAY

NAPLAN Testing Time Again Our students in Years 3 and 5 will participate this week in the annual National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) to assess their skills and understanding in the areas of reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The tests are conducted in all state and non-state schools across the country from 12 - 14 May. An individual NAPLAN report for each child will be sent home later this year. Results provide additional feedback for parents, carers and teachers on how students are progressing in key curriculum areas. Best of luck to all of our participating students. They have worked hard throughout the year with their teachers to showcase their skills this week. Assistant Regional Director Visit

Each term, the Assistant Regional Director for the

Sunshine Coast Region visits the school to talk to the

administration team and visit classes. Mr Walker

visited classes in Year 1, 4 and 6 this week as well as a

general tour of the school. He was most

complimentary on the tone of the school, the quiet work

being done in classes, the student goals on display in

classrooms, the exemplary teaching and the upgrade

to the school grounds. I am very proud of our students,

staff and school – I wanted to pass on his praise to our

community at large. Well done Tullawong!

Sporting News

Thank you to Mr Buckman and staff for organising the

cross-country again this year. Students and parents

enjoyed a sunny morning on the oval, cheering on

participants as they ran the circuit around the school.

Some very fast times were set again this year, with a

large number of students qualifying for the district

cross-country later this term. Congratulations to our

house captains for their work on the day. Our students

looked great in their colours and were proud to

compete and accrue points for their teams.

Congratulations too to Connor Scorgie-Ross who has

been selected to play in the Regional Under 12 Rugby

League team. Connor will compete at Rockhampton

from 6 – 10 July. We wish him and the regional team

good luck.

Student Success

Congratulations to our students who received

certificates and awards over the last fortnight. It has

been great to celebrate this success with students, staff

and parents on our parades. Congratulations too, to

Prep E who were in charge of our foyer display this

week. The student work and colour make our foyer

look spectacular!

HEADLICE ALERT There have been a number of occurrences of head lice within the school community.

Please check ALL family members for infection for both head lice and eggs

If head lice or eggs are found, treat immediately

Treat ALL the family – including yourself

Change ALL bed linen

Treat ALL family members again in exactly 1 weeks time

Effective eradication of this problem is only possible if everyone is treated.


Smiths Road, Caboolture 4510 Telephone Nos Office

5431 4666 Fax

5431 4600 Absentee Line

5431 4660 SEU

5431 4682 Tuckshop

5431 4629

Uniform Shop

5431 4631




Prep to Year 1

Parents and families are invited to the Prep- Year 3 Cross Country on Thursday, 21 May from 8.40. This event was re-scheduled due to the rain.

Thank you to our families and staff who worked closely together to ensure the safe trip home during the recent rain event. It was a late night at school for some. There have been some extraordinary stories of resilience as the community has worked together to clean up and make repairs.

I would encourage all families to support their child/ren in the Reading Rewards Programs. Children learn to read by reading themselves and by being read to by family members. Just 10 minutes each night adds up to one hour of reading each week. Helen Williams Deputy Principal


Congratulations to our student award recipients over the last week. Your success in class and in the school grounds has inspired your peers and staff. Well done!

Prep Freedom T, Aimee S, Alvin D, Cayleb P, Tawhiri W, Porsha M, Abrianna F, Lyra G, Jesse J, Claudia B

Year 1 Connor Clay, Paige W, Elektra O, Hailey B, Malika E, Isla S, Jack H, Makenzie M, Loklan R, Xander R, Natalie G

Year 2 Nivam B, Riley P, Lakiesha K, Makayla H, Quantae S, Makayla D, Mikaela A, Jessica S, Storm D, Emily-May F, Ryder E, Jai G, Lane D, Eva B, Cedric B, Haami W, Chelsea L

Year 3 Tiana L, Alexander A, Hayley W, Raquel J, Layton D, Sydney M, Sebastian M, Dylan T, Allira C, Bushra A, Malakai H, Dante G, Tyra T, Tahlia F, Reese K, Tia C

Year 4 Indianna S, Chloe J, Charli B, Chloe M, Matthew M, Bailey G, Hailey K, Bailey B, Blake B, Erin K, Ebony D, Jordyn C, Jazmyn S, Coban O, Summah B, Myron T

Year 5 Marissa N, Josh H, Corben P, Madyson N, Jessica H, Bonnie C, Colbey C, Jack D, Mariam A, Pacey F, Declan M, Bianca W, Jackson R

Year 6 Marua B, Gaby S, Bradley M, Kane A, Jordden S, Kaitlyn G


We are desperate for small and medium shorts and skorts. If you have any unwanted uniforms that you could contribute to the school please hand them in to the Office.


Year 2 to Year 3

It has been another very busy week especially for our Year 3 students. We have been completing our Naplan testing. As I walked around the school this week, it was very encouraging to see all students working really hard and trying their best.

Reading Reward Program

All students should have brought home a reading record card with a reading goal recorded on it. Please remember to sign or stamp the box when your child completes their specific goal. Students are then asked to place their card in a box located at the office. Three

winners will be called out on parade.

This time of the year is a very busy one with class teachers getting ready to start their reports to parents. It is very important that all students are at school on time each day.

Tracy Hetherton Acting Deputy Principal

This week has been very busy. Students have begun their Naplan testing and seem enthusiastic to demonstrate their skills in Numeracy and Literacy. We had a highly successful morning tea today with invited guests from the school attending a presentation from Carers Link. This was in preparation for the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) that will start next year. We were provided with a wealth of information. Their care services include:

In-home and personal care

Domestic assistance

Respite care

Social support

Host home care

Day respite home care and

Transition care

If you require more information please ring 137 468 and a customer service advisor will help you. They also have a website – www.carerslink.com.au .

We were also presented with information from Lifetec who can assist with Occupational Therapy and Mobility Issues. They can be contacted on (07) 3901 1165 for more information.

A very big thank you to the inspirational parents who attended! Therese Daamen HOSE


Year 4 to Year 6

What a fabulous senior Cross Country event we had last week. A great day was had by all with every student putting in their best efforts to complete the races in record time. Age champion results are as follows:

Age Girls Boys


Tabitha H (6.13) Jaidyn V (4.41)

Unity D Shareef S

Heidi H Tai C


Taya C (9.46) Corben P (9.35)

Jessica W Austin C

Tarnia K Dylan R


Tarni B (16.18) Tyson M (14.42)

Jasmyne D Jack Kellaway

Keeta F Jordyn K


Skye M (17.39) Lachlan R (16.16)

Courtney K AJ A

Amber M Lachlan G

The overall winning house was Waran with 82 points closely followed by Maiba on 79 points. Third was Kabul with 71 points, with Bunyi finishing fourth on 62 points. Congratulations to all of the students for your excellent participation and a big thank you to all of the staff who helped along the route and with crowd control.

I can’t wait for our Senior athletics carnival coming up in week 8!

Vicki Hyne Deputy Principal Years 4 to 6

Senior Cross – Country RESULTS 2015

Another exciting morning of long distance racing was seen at the XXIII Annual Tullawong Cross - Country. Students have been training hard over the last three months, when the weather permitted, to get fit for their event.

This year we again ran the distances that matched those run at District level. The track has come together nicely and the students are learning how to pace themselves over the increased distances.

Perfect conditions this year led to some excellent performances. Students who ran the course deserve congratulations for a huge effort. Well done! (see a list of the winning students in the article above).

Special thanks to the teacher aides; Kathy, Tony, Mary-Anne & Juanita for working the check points around the course.

The 10, 11 and 12 year age groups will get the opportunity to represent the school at the Caboolture District Cross Country on Tuesday May 19.




$20 per student

The Tullawong P&C in conjunction with the School will be purchasing reading and maths resources. This year we are looking towards starting to AIR CONDITION CLASS ROOMS. We need your help to start this project. If every student paid their $20 contribution we would have $20,000 to go towards the start of this HUGE ENDEAVOUR.

Friday 15th May 2015 Come along dressed in a Costume or

Starting with any Letter from the word

F Flash, Flinstones, Frankenstein, frog, fish

(Nemo), fairy, fire fighter, Fantastic Five…..

I ironman, Incredible Hulk, Incredibles, Irish,

Indian, investigator, Indianna Jones

V vampire, viking, Veronicas, vegetable, violinist,

Violet fairy…

E Elmo, elephant, Elsa, Egyptian, elf, Elroy, Elvis…

Time: Prep - Yr 3 4.45pm-6.30pm

Year 4-6 6.45pm-8.30pm Tickets: $5 Entry $5 Wristbands for Canteen


Several parents are endangering the lives of students and parents by parking inappropriately in illegal areas near the school crossings. Parents are asked to park in appropriate parking areas to help keep all our families safe.

Also some parents are not using the school crossings but are crossing Smiths Road north of the crossing and endangering their lives and the lives of their children. We need a consistent and positive example of road safety to be shown by all parents. Parents/Carers please assist us with this problem.

Cashier Hours 8am to 10am

Monday to Friday Student Banking every Thursday


Day Camp 2015!

Start saving now for the most amazing

Day Camp ever!

Mums and Dads, kids and Grandparents,

Day camp is coming up in the June/July

holidays, on Monday June 29th to

Thursday July 2nd.

The cost is around

$80 for 4 whole

days of fun. The

theme this year is

"Secret Agents".

It is an excellent

program, organised

by retired teachers,

staffed by

volunteers for the whole 4 days.

It always feels like Christmas on the last


You'll love it!

Ronni Castles


What is it?

A free weekly playgroup open to all families with children aged 0-5.

When is it?

Fridays 8.45am — 10.45am

(Run during school terms).

Where is it?

Tullawong State School, Playgroup room, The Hub, Smiths Road Caboolture

Playgroup is an opportunity for children to be involved in a quality early childhood program where they can learn important developmental skills. Playgroup is a wonderful opportunity for families to build connections with others in the community.

Please bring a hat, water bottle, and fruit for morning tea.

It is facilitated by an Early Childhood Educator.

For more information please phone Loretta Takacs, on (07) 5431 4666.

Term 2

12 – 14 May NAPLAN Testing

15 May School disco for chappy

19 May District X Country

Yr 4-6 Parade

22 May Gala Day

25 May Prep – Yr 1 Parade

26 May Girls NRL Gala Day

Yr 2 – 3 Parade

2 June Yr 4 – 6 Parade

3 – 5 June Year 6 Camp

5 June 9 & 10 yrs discus/200m heats


9 June 11 & 12 yrs discus/200m heats

Yr2 – 3 Parade

10 June 9 to 12 yrs 800m/ball games

11 June P to Yr 3 Junior Athletics

12 June 9 to 12 yrs Senior Athletics

16 June Yr 4 – 6 Parade

22 June Prep – Yr 1 Parade

23 June Yr 2 – 3 Parade

25 June Arts night

26 June Last day Term 2

Term 3

21 Jul Ditto Show (P – 3)

4 & 5 Aug District Athletics


14 Aug Gala Day

24 Aug – 6 Sept Learn to Swim Yrs 1 - 3

11 Sept Gala Day

2 Sept Alpha Show

18 Sept Last day Term 3

Term 4



6 Nov Gala Day

13 Nov School Swimming Carnival

26 Nov End of Year Music night



The annual Junior Cross Country will be held on Thursday 21 May. Times are approximate only.

Time Age Distance

8.40 am Prep All one lap of an 800m

circuit around the

courts area.

9.10 am Year 1

9.40 am Year 2

10.10 am Year3

All races start and finish on the oval.