Featuring the MESHUGANOTES (The Ohio State University Jewish a capella Group) Adults and Teens are welcome to join us for an evening of karaoke, drinks, snacks, friends and fun! $5 charge at the door. Reservations preferred to Shani Kadis. OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY Our mission is to ensure the flourishing of Jewish life through educational, social, and Conservative religious experiences in a warm and dynamic community. Founded in 1866 Publication No. 8180 • Vol. 88 • Issue No. 1 27501 Fairmount Boulevard Pepper Pike, Ohio 44124 216-831-6555 FAX: 216-831-4599 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.bnaijeshurun.org February 2015 Shevat/Adar 5775 Tuesday, February 3 7 pm A Kabbalistic Tu B’Shevat Seder for Adults Tu B’Shevat has taken on many new and modern meanings, each of which has added new layers, but this seder will follow closely the original, traditional Kabbalistic seder. Kabbalists understand an upside-down tree to be a metaphor for the way that God’s light flows into the world. Through ritual, song, meditation and food, the seder seeks to celebrate the ten sephirot (aspects of God) through which God’s blessings flow and to bring that shefa (flow) down upon ourselves to cause our lives and world to blossom. No knowledge of Kabbalah is necessary. The seder includes four glasses of wine, fruits, nuts and a sumptuous dessert. $5 per person (subsidized in part by the Weingold Adult Learning Fund). RSVP to the synagogue office. Your Full Color Ad in Tidings! Beginning next month, we will be printing Tidings in full-color. We invite businesses to advertise and individuals to place announcements in our new, improved bulletin. The ads will be interspersed throughout, like a newspaper or magazine. We reach over 1,000 households and organizations, offer reasonable rates and a variety of packages to suit your needs. To secure your space now, or for more information, please contact Diane Shalom.

Tuesday, February 3 • 7 pm A Kabbalistic Tu B'Shevat Seder for Adults

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Featuring the Meshuganotes(the ohio state university Jewish a capella group)

adults and teens are welcome to join us for an evening of karaoke, drinks, snacks, friends and fun! $5 charge at the door. Reservations preferred to shani Kadis.

open to the coMMunity

Our mission is to ensure the flourishing of Jewish life through educational, social, and Conservative religious experiences in

a warm and dynamic community.

Founded in 1866Publication No. 8180 • Vol. 88 • Issue No. 1

27501 Fairmount Boulevard • Pepper Pike, Ohio 44124 • 216-831-6555 • Fax: 216-831-4599 • EMaIL: [email protected] • WEBSITE: www.bnaijeshurun.org

February 2015shevat/adar 5775

Tuesday, February 3 • 7 pm

A KabbalisticTu B’Shevat Seder

for Adults

Tu B’Shevat has taken on many new and modern meanings, each of which has added new layers, but this seder will follow closely the original, traditional Kabbalistic seder. Kabbalists understand an upside-down tree to be a metaphor for the way that God’s light flows into the world. Through ritual, song, meditation and food, the seder seeks to celebrate the ten sephirot (aspects of God) through which God’s blessings flow and to bring that shefa (flow) down upon ourselves to cause our lives and world to blossom. No knowledge of Kabbalah is necessary. The seder includes four glasses of wine, fruits, nuts and a sumptuous dessert.

$5 per person (subsidized in part by the Weingold adult Learning Fund). RsVp to the synagogue office.

your Full colorad in Tidings!

Beginning next month, we willbe printing Tidings in full-color. We invite businesses to advertise and individuals to place announcements in our new, improved bulletin. The ads will be interspersed throughout, like a newspaper or magazine. We reach over 1,000 households and organizations, offer reasonable rates and a variety of packages to suit your needs. To secure your space now, or for more information, please contact Diane Shalom.

February 2015 | Shevat/Adar 5775 [email protected]

Submissions for the april Tidings are due by Monday, February 16.

Candle lightingFebruary 6 ........................................5:29 pmFebruary 13 ........................................5:38 pmFebruary 20 ........................................5:47 pmFebruary 27 ........................................5:55 pm

torah PortionsFebruary 7 .............................................. YitroFebruary 14 .................................Mishpatim/ Shabbat ShekalimFebruary 21 ...................................... TerumahFebruary 28 .....Tetzavah/Shabbat Zachor

daily serviCe sCheduleMonday – Friday 7:00 am, 7:30 am & 6:00 pm February 6 evening service is at 7:00 pm

saturday 9:00 am & 6:00 pm

sunday 8:00 am & 6:00 pm

My colleague, Rabbi Donald Rossoff, once wrote a sermon he entitled, “Kaddish Deficiency Syndrome.” In it, he mourned the fact that so many people no longer choose to come to say Kaddish for their loved ones on their yarzheit (anniversary of death). Sadly, I see that same phenomenon in our congregation as well. Every Shabbat, I am saddened to see

how many names we do not read, because no one is there to remember them. There are also names we do read – because they were called in – but still there is no family member present to hear the name and honor their memory. It is a phenomenon that breaks my heart, because the recitation of Mourner’s Kaddish is among the most sacred and significant of all our traditions, one which is also a deep expression of love for our family and of our faith in God. In eastern Europe, in the shtetl, it was common for fathers to refer to their eldest son as “mein kaddishel” – my little kaddish. Mein kaddishel refers to the fact that the oldest son (today as Conservative Jews we would say ‘or daughter’) will say Mourner’s Kaddish for me – at the time of death, for the first year, and at every yizkor service and yarzheit – when I pass. It is a nickname which brings great comfort and is an expression of love. It means I have trust and faith that you, my son, will not forget me, that you will maintain a sacred relationship with me even after I have left this world. It means you will advocate for me before God that I be forgiven for my sins and granted blessing and reward for my good deeds in this life. It means that you will maintain the faith and heritage I have passed down to you from my parents.

Welcome to all of our new Members in 2014Please give a warm welcome to our new members as you meet them in services and see them at programming.

· Sheldon & Sharon auerbach· Jeffrey & Barbara Beder· Irving Bell· Michael & Robert Belusko· Howard & arlyne Bochnek· Ellen Buscemi· Robert Cohen· Ronald & Marilyn Cohen· Ryan Cohen & Ellen Oldfield· Carolyn Cole· Susan Dalessandro and her daughter,

Marissa· alan Davis· Robert & Sharon Epstein· David & Melissa Feinerman· Philip & arlene Fine· Dan & Fawn Glick· Elad & Iris Granot and their children,

Tom, Dean, Maya and Dana

· Stephen & Cheryl Greenberg and their son, Noah

· Ted & Judith Hersh· alexander & Lillian Holodny and their

son, aaron· Robert & Susan Hurwitz· Eric Juli & Julie Kaufman and their

sons, Samuel and Gabriel· Dan & Shani Kadis and their sons,

Spencer and Gabriel· alan & Lisa Kornspan and their sons,

Spencer, Zachary and Justin· Jonathan & Candace Koslen and their

children, ayla and Cole· Justin & Rachel Lappen and their

sons, Gavi and Elliot· Mitch & Judith Lauer· James Loeb & Judy Mitchell-Loeb and

their sons, Jason and Jonathan· Larry & Carolyn Marcs

· Michael & Debbie Marks· alan & Dawn Nickman and their

daughters, anna, Emma and Mollie· Jacob & Stacey Orville and their

children, Chase, Owen and Lucas· Sandro & Kim Piunno and their

children, Cody and alyssa· Shelley Rood· Shaina Rood· adam & Elizabeth Rosenberg and

their sons, Jack and Joshua· Ran & Hana Saggi and their children,

Navot, Yoav, Dan and Ruth· Sheila Sanders· Rabbi Paula Sass· allison Siegal avatichi and her

daughter, Talie· Max & Dita Wohlauer and daughter,


continued on page 14

February 2015 | Shevat/Adar 5775www.bnaijeshurun.org 3

Rabbi Hal Rudin-Luria

as I seek out topics for this column each month, I often look to the upcoming calendar for inspiration. Frankly, I didn’t have high hopes for February as the weather tends to be grey, cold and snow-filled, and spring is still a long way away. Then I noted that February 3rd brings us the holiday of Tu B’Shevat, the New Year for trees. as we celebrate the beginning of the blooming

season in Israel by eating fruit (grapes, figs and dates are among my favorites), it is a wonderful, mid-winter reminder that spring will eventually come again.

as I looked a little further down the calendar, I realized that Tu B’Shevatis a predecessor this month to the holiday on the secular calendar that I appreciate much more now than I ever did before…Presidents’ Day! When I was inducted as President of our congregation last May, it never occurred to me that I would have my own holiday, but there it is, in black and white on every calendar I have in my house. and even better, since I work for a bank, I get the day off work! I think maybe I’ll sleep in, cancel my synagogue meetings and go to the schvitz in celebration of me…oops, I mean of Presidents! I recently had my first opportunity to participate in Shabbat morning services at a conservative shul other than B’nai Jeshurun since becoming President. I was visiting friends and family in Philadelphia and decided to daven at adath Jeshurun Congregation in Elkins Park. a friend of mine is the current President there and I very much looked forward to catching up with her and experiencing Shabbat with their community. From the moment I arrived, even before I was able to locate my friend, it felt comfortable and familiar. They had celebrated their 150th anniversary in 2008 (just as we will in 2016), and they had a beautiful exhibit area with information and artifacts from their history. There was a Bar Mitzvah taking place that morning, and I saw the familiar, nervous pacing of family members and the wandering around of guests who were not quite sure what to do or where to go (including me!). Once the service got started, I was surprised to find that they do not use the Sim Shalom prayer book, but instead one that was written by their congregation many years ago. Even some of the music was unique to this particular congregation, which made it difficult to sing along. Yet for all the differences, I still felt very much at home and I was reminded that Conservative Judaism is indeed one large community, often separated only by geography. During announcements, they welcomed me as a friend and as President of B’nai Jeshurun, and I was proud to be there in both capacities. It is my hope that we are able to make visitors to our synagogue feel as welcome and as comfortable as I felt in theirs. Happy Presidents’ Day.

B’shalom, Jody Katzner

“Why is Torah compared to a fig tree? Because most trees, like olives, grapes and dates, have their fruit picked at one time. But the fig tree is picked gradually. So it is with Torah. One learns a little today...and most of it later. It

is not learned in only one year, or even in many years.” (Midrash Rabbah) “Take the fig tree. as long as you search, you can find figs. So also with words of Torah. as long as a person meditates on them, he will find meaning in them.” (Eruvin 54) The Jewish mystics, Kabbalists, transformed the 15th of Shevat (Tu B’Shevat) from a produce tax date marking the end of the yearly harvest into a celebration of the deeper meaning of the fruits in our gardens and those native to the Holy Land, Eretz Israel. By the time of the Mishnah, this date was set aside by our farmer ancestors to pay our annual tithe before the spring harvest. This is the day the first spring buds on the almond tree begin to blossom in Israel. Even though our local Cleveland crops lay dormant in the winter chill of January and February, we too mark the beginning of spring in Israel with the purchase of trees to be planted through Jewish National Fund and eat from the seven species from Israel: figs, dates, olives, grapes, pomegranates, barley and wheat. The mystics created a new seder ritual to celebrate the earth and its produce, thanking G-d for the miracles of our sustenance by the land and G-d’s daily miracles. Four cups of wine mark the four seasons and full plate of varied types of fruits embody praise for Torah, G-d, Israel and the Jewish people. The Tu B’Shevat Seder is a multi-sensory Kabbalistic meal of wine, juice, fruit and nuts to connect with the deepest part of our souls and the highest ideals of our traditions. I invite you to join me at our (adult only) Tu B’Shevat seder on Tuesday, February 3, host your own Tu B’Shevat Seder (we can provide seder booklets or links to them online), find great Tu B’Shevat recipes for dinner that evening including the seven species, take another step to protect the environment, or plant a tree in Israel.

“ From the moment I arrived...

it felt comfortable and familiar. ”

February 2015 | Shevat/Adar 5775 [email protected]

Kinder shabbat / open playroomevery Friday • 10:15 am

Drop in for our popular “get ready for Shabbat” program with challah making and singing.

Free and open to the community.

elmo’s Winter clubhousesunday, February 22 • 9:30 – 10:30 am

For children ages 18 months – 3 years with an adult. Join Mora Risa and Elmo for havdallah, play, music, Jewish art projects, stories and snack.

Free and open to the community.

Little gym Birthday partysunday, February 22 • 4 pm

For children birth – 6 years with an adult. a birthday party for the trees celebrating Tu

B’Shevat with cake and lots of active gym fun. Held at Little Gym, 20707 Chagrin Blvd., Shaker Heights

(near Warrensville Center Rd.) $5 per child ages 1 & up.

Queen esther’s candylandsunday, March 1 • 2 pm

For children ages 3 – 10 and parents. Make your own shalach manot candy and treats for Purim at Ellie’s Sweets and Chocolates, 14486 Cedar Rd. (corner of Green and Cedar). $5 per person per one box of handmade kosher candy and treats; free

to spectators. RSVP by February 23.

someone special & MeWednesdays • 9:45 – 10:45 am

Continuing through March 25, sign up now for the spring semester beginning in april. For children 15 months – 3 years with an adult. Join Mora Risa for art experiences, music, play and socializing. Free

and open to the community. Registration and emergency paperwork required.

To RSVP, or for more information about any of these programs, please contact Risa Roth.

In December, our USY chapter took a group of excited middle schoolers to a Toy Story-themed Kadima Kinnus in Columbus. USYers also joined together for two lunch and learns to discuss

Jewish texts over mac and cheese and again for “cholent and chat.” We also hosted a movie night where USYers bid on which movie to watch, the proceeds of which went to our tikkun olam fund. This month, USYers can look forward to a surprise mystery event. Kadima and Jr. Kadima are off to a great start! If you have an idea for a program, please email Dana Blocker. We’ve really appreciated all the programming input from the kadimaniks. On February 22, Jr. Kadima and Kadima will have some fun at Whirlyball (more information to follow) and February 26 – March 1 is the USY Specialty Kinnus, hosted by all three Cleveland USY chapters. Join us at Shaarey Tikvah for Shabbat lunch and singing.

Naomi Shapiro, BYJUSY President

gemilut hasadim: Jewish or universal? The rabbis of the Talmud declared that the world stands on three pillars: Torah, avodah (prayer), and gemilut hasadim (acts of loving-kindness). While Torah and avodah are uniquely Jewish,

the concept of gemilut hasadim is seemingly universal. How then, do we internalize this as a Jewish concept? The text that most strongly informs my own connection is a story about two prominent rabbis, Yochanan Ben Zakkai and Yehoshua, who were walking in Jerusalem after the destruction of the Temple. Rabbi Yehoshua looks at the ruins and says, “alas! The place which atoned for the sins of our people through sacrifice lies in ruins!” Then Ben Zakkai shares these words of comfort: “Do not be grieved, my son. There is another way of gaining atonement even though the Temple is destroyed. We can now gain atonement through deeds of loving-kindness, for it is written, “Loving-kindness I desire, not sacrifice” (Hosea 6:6). Hosea’s prophecy, “For I desire goodness, not sacrifice; obedience to God, rather than burnt offerings” (Hosea 6:6), is a remarkable prophetic message and the message the rabbis use to inform their connection to gemilut hasadim; with acts of loving-kindness, we are fulfilling God’s will. I must admit that I feel gemilut hasadim is special not only because God asks it of us. When I see someone or a group of people in need, it is my natural inclination to want to do anything in my power that might help. Fortunately, many people in our world are ready and willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. and yet, our own heritage helps provide a unique perspective on gemilut hasadim. Jewish tradition teaches us this is the world that we have inherited, and we must be committed to tikkun olam, helping repair it. “You are not obligated to complete the task, but neither are you free to desist from it” (Pirkei avot 2:21). as our Youth and Learning Center partners with Chesed projects in our congregation to help our greater community, I encourage you to get involved. There is so much to be done, and we each have the power to make a difference.

Josh Foster, Education Engagement Rabbi


February 2015 | Shevat/Adar 5775www.bnaijeshurun.org 5

Photos courtesy of Lynn Katz Danzig

June 21–July 3Join Rabbi Hal Rudin-Luria for a multi-generational,

hands-on experience of the land of Israel in all its fascinating dimensions

• Parallel tracks for all ages and abilities as well as first timers and veteran travelers• Rafting, hiking, winery touring, relaxing – the choices are yours• Optional Bar/Bat Mitzvah experience included. Gift of Israel eligible.

$4,998 per person air & Land Package • $2,920 Land Only Package (double occupancy; based on a minimum of 25 participants) • $790 Single Supplement

Contact Rabbi Hal or Diane Shalom for more information. Full itinerary, pricing and registration are available

on the synagogue website: http://bnaijeshurun.org/be-with-us-travel.


February 2015 | Shevat/Adar 5775 [email protected]

We extend our deepest condolences to all the

members of their families.

We note with sorrow the passing ofLesteR BRoDsKy

Father of Jerry Brodsky

BoBBie BRoWnMother of Chris auerbach-Brown

MoLLy cohenGrandmother of Jacob Orville

noRMan DougLassFather of Richard Douglass

Joseph FRanKeLFather of Jesse Frankel

*eLaine gReenWife of Bernard Green

cLaiRe goLDenMother-in-law of arda Golden

RosaLinD KRasneyMother of Sherry Feuer

MicheLLe LeVinMother of Doug Levin

BeVeRLy LichtinMother of alan Lichtin

Jean LoRBeRMother of Ira Lorber

*ReBecca MiLLeRWife of Richard Miller

Mother of Howard and Marc Groedel

caRoLyn RippneRSister of Richard Glueck

MiRiaM paineMother of Sharon Schmelzer

estheR schReiBeRMother of Shelley Scher

aLan stRoMBeRgBrother of Robin Rood

Uncle of Shaina and Shelley Rood

MaRy WoLFMother of abraham Wolf

*B’nai Jeshurun member

tree of Life...

• Daniel & amanda goldstein on the birth of a daughter, Lily aileen. Grandparents are susan & David goldstein.

• stephanie & Joshua Levin on the birth of a daughter, Rebecca Leah Levin.

• Risa & Mark Roth on the birth of a granddaughter, eliana Ruth agee.

• paula & Randy Botkin and Lois teitelman on the birth of a grandson and great-grandson, harrison hayes Botkin.

• shelley & Mark scher on the birth of a grandson, nathaniel Jacob scher.

• stephanie & Mel Jacobs on the birth of a granddaughter, Madelyn Rose cohen.

• Renee & Brian heller on the birth of a grandson, paul Jacob heller.

• nicki & gabe adler on the birth of a grandson, Logan Benjamin Mandel.

• Karen & Mike Barson on the birth of a grandson, eitan shai Jacobs.

• Rowena & Maurice sanders on the birth of triplet great-grandchildren, yisroel Meir, Dov gedalia and esther chaya pardeson; a great-granddaughter, ellie shay Kramer and a great-grandson, Max Fixler Kramer.

• olivia Killam & Dan potash on their recent wedding. Parents are Bonnie & howard potash.

• holly & alan Levine and Rae Levine on the marriage of their daughter and granddaughter, Mindy, to Daniel Kotz.

• anita Rosenbaum on the marriage of her son, Ben, to amanda Berman.

• etole & Julian Kahan on the marriage of their granddaughter, Lauren Kahan, to adam Weiss.

• elayne & Richard glueck on the marriage of their granddaughter, nikki (Basha) Leavitt to sam sadoff.

• susan & Jeffrey nash and philip Moskowitz & Ruth Koway on the engagement of their daughter and granddaughter, Jenna, to Michael eichberg.

• Marcy & edward Rosenthal and Rosalyn & harry abraham on the engagement of their daughter and granddaughter, erica, to adam hirsh.

• Michael Feig on his engagement to Lauren Best. Parents are carol & Joe Feig and grandmothers are Bea Franklin and helen Feig.

• alice Roth on the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson noam Roth.





potash Kotz


Rosenbaumhirsh & Rosenthal nash & eichberg Best & Feig

e. Kramer

M. Kramer Roth





February 2015 | Shevat/Adar 5775www.bnaijeshurun.org 7

Vivian singerVivian’s early career was in computers, which she found ways to combine with her other loves. When the atari 800 first

came out, she designed a Hebrew font for it, which led to contract work for Davka Corporation, writing Jewish educational software. Her favorite was a program that could display a line of Haftarah and play the trope for it with a bouncing ball.

In 1983, Vivian and her family went to Israel where they enjoyed Kabbalat Shabbat services at Kehillat Har-El in Jerusalem, a Progressive synagogue. Many american tourists daven there and were completely lost because everything was in Hebrew, even the page announcements. Vivian offered to make a book with Hebrew on one side, English on the other and some transliterations for songs. The English Companion to Ha-Avodah Shebalev was eventually born and is still in use in many Israeli Progressive synagogues. and that was the start of a new career. Over the years, she has created a number of books for special occasions, mostly siddurim for B’nai Mitzvah services and wedding benchers and slowly a hobby turned into a part-time job, which became CustomSiddur.

The most exciting project Vivian has had (not counting the Shabbat Rocks! book) was the siddur for Women of the Wall. according to anat Hoffman, it is the first siddur ever created just for Rosh Chodesh and they have just finished the 4th edition.

Vivian started coming to the 7:30 am minyan in 1995 to say Kaddish for her father. after 11 months of being there every morning, she didn’t want to let go, but found herself coming less often and finally she stopped completely. In 2012, she returned to a somewhat changed group, but still warm and wonderful, to say Kaddish for her mother. This time, she was determined to help maintain the group for others who need it. She comes every Tuesday morning and gets a kick out of “davening Yishtabach” whenever the guys ask!

Vivian was the assistant Regional Director for UaHC (now URJ) for five years and is also a member of Fairmount Temple.

Eleonora ashleyDeborah auerbach-BrownNancy BerkMarilyn BrickmanC.H. Pete CopelandMichele Cydulka-Weinsteinallen DanzigJudy FreedmanElayne GlueckLouis GreenbergDavid KaplinMathilda KoltJustin LappenKimberly Levin

Cheryl LyndonFred MillerNathan OscarHarold PollovJeremy RosenthalJay RossGerald RothschildHarriet RubinSonya SaichekPenny StraussShirley WeissNorman WeissmanMarvin Wolf

February Milestone Birthdays

If you have an achievement or Mazal Tov to share, please contact Diane Shalom. We are happy to share your good news!

Milestone listings recognize birthdays at 5-year intervals beginning with age 25, and each year after 90.

anniversaries are recognized at 5-year intervals.

Linda & Jerry Siegan 35 Years

February Milestone anniversaries

• Murray Berkowitz has been awarded the Ma’asim Tovim award by the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs. This is the highest recognition a Region can give to one of its members. It is given to individuals who have worked on behalf of the region for many years and is presented at the FJMC Convention.

• alan Rosskamm received the Close-Caputo Educator of Humanity award at the Project Love Rescuer of Humanity awards Dinner.



Robert’s parents were part of the Bielske Partisans, the resistance group depicted in the film. This group was the only all-Jewish Resistance group; their purpose was to survive and to save as many fellow Jews as they could.

this is a high school program open to the entire congregation and community.it is intended for 7th graders and older, as the film is rated R. Free.

Film screening of Defiance andtalk/Q&a with Robert Zelwinsunday, February 8

8:30 am Breakfast sponsored by Men’s Club 9:00 am Film Screening 11:20 am Robert Zelwin answers questions and dispels some of the misinformation in the movie

February 2015 | Shevat/Adar 5775 [email protected]

Multi-generational tea partysunday, February 8 • noon

Wear your finest and bring your mom, grandmother, special person and friends to a formal tea. $12 per person. Pre-paid reservations with the number of children and adults by February 1; questions to Rifka Claypool (216-704-0282 or [email protected]).

charlotte goldbergcommunity Mikvah

sunday, March 1 • 9:45 amEnjoy an informative study session led by Elise Braverman-Plotkin (M.a. in Talmud and Rabbinics, JTS) followed by a tour led by Sandy Berkowitz. Discuss modern uses for the mikvah over brunch. Located at Park Synagogue Main, 3300 Mayfield Rd., Cleveland Hts. RSVP by February 20; $12 per person. Please make checks payable to B’nai Jeshurun Sisterhood and mail to Harriet Rosenberg Mann, 23575 Shelburne Rd., Shaker Hts., OH 44122. Questions? Contact Harriet at (216-765-0824 or [email protected]). Space is limited.

We are pleased to announcewww.bjcgiftshop.org

for your shopping convenienceOur new website will allow you to pick up your purchases at the synagogue or have them wrapped and shipped. The Gift Shop will remain open on Sundays from 9 am – noon, or by appointment. If we don’t have that certain item you’re looking for, we will be happy to special order. Please contact either amy Berman or Bonnie Huston ([email protected] or [email protected]) or call the gift shop’s new phone number: 216-245-8202.

Lunch & Learntuesday, February 17 • noon

history of cake and Breadwith Robin Rood

$10 per person includes lunch and program. RSVP to Robin ([email protected] or 440-338-5090). Please make checks payable to B’nai Jeshurun Sisterhood and mail them to Robin Rood, 113 Silver Springs Trail, South Russell, OH 44022.

cheseDFebruary 25 & March 266 – 8 pm • adults only March 125:30 – 7:30 pm • Family night

Family night is open to families with children ages 6 – 11 years. Cheese pizza is provided. Contact Karen Nash (440-461-0813) to sign-up or for more information.

hazak happeningsHazak, B’nai Jeshurun’s senior adult group, is an

active affiliate sponsoring many cultural, religious and social events. To join, or for further information,

please contact Membership Chairpersons, Barbara Warshawsky (440-473-0614),

adelle Gloger (216-292-2665) or President, Betty Fishman (216-591-9550).

Winter Frolic Luncheonsunday, February 15 • 12:30 pm

Kelly & Joe Monaghan present a musical program,

“tell Me on a sunday”Chairpersons: Judy & Bob Goodstein

(440-246-9419). Hazak members: $15; Guests: $18.Reservations close February 9.

saVe the Date:Luncheon and program

sunday, March 22

Welcome to our new memberIrving Bell

Mezzuzahs & Martini night athands on pottery

Thursday, February 12 • 7 – 9 pm$22 if RSVP by February 9; $25 if RSVP after or at the door. Light snacks and beverages

will be served (and martinis, of course!) Space is limited. For more information,

contact Elyse Willen ([email protected]) or Elana Cohen ([email protected]).

February 2015 | Shevat/Adar 5775www.bnaijeshurun.org 9

Join the World Wide Wrap sunday, February 1

@ park synagogue east8:10 am • Wrapping Workshop

8:25 am • MinyanCelebrate the mitzvah of tefillin. Get a wrapping lesson from our tefillin coaches, then stay for minyan where we will welcome a guest speaker. Make plans to stay for a special breakfast following services. Open to all men and women. Free. No RSVP necessary.

Sponsored by the Men’s Clubs of B’nai Jeshurun, Park Synagogue and Shaarey Tikvah.

L’dor V’dorIs it important to you that B’nai Jeshurun remains a strong, vibrant community for generations to come?

Consider including B’nai ]eshurun in your will, or naming us as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy, IRa, or 40l(k).

For more information, suggested language, or to let us know you have already included us in your estate plans, contact Kim Cole.

Lunch & Learn saturday, February 21 following kiddush

Led by Rabbi Weiss, participants can ask questions on any topic – customs, Israel, prayers, Middle East, politics, B’nai Jeshurun, etc. Free, but reservations are required and space is limited to allow for a lively discussion. RSVP by February 16 to David Cohen ([email protected] or 330-425-4989). This event is open to the entire congregation.

Motown Night on December 13 was fantastic. For the 2nd year in a row, we had a sold-out event. Everybody danced, sang and enjoyed themselves. It was a joint event with the Park Synagogue and Shaarey Tikvah Men’s Clubs. Murray Berkowitz did a tremendous job with the food. We are very appreciative for all the time and effort he puts into events to make sure they are successful. Thank you to everybody else who helped with the evening.

Photos by Lynn Katz Danzig

you can still dedicate a paver in the rejuvenated Linden Family courtyard! Make your dedication by February 2015, to be installed Spring 2015. Courtyard pavers provide a lasting way to:

• Honor a family member or friend• Pay tribute to a loved one• Recognize a special event, wedding, b’nai mitzvah or milestone birthday

Pavers are $180 (8x8) • $360 (8x16) • $720 (16x16)For more information, contact Kim Cole or visit


One Happy Camper The weather is blustery and frigid outside, but the hearts of our B’nai Jeshurun campers are warm with the memories of Summer 2014. Melissa Rothschild and Rebecca and Sean Abramovich attended Camp Ramah in Ontario, Canada.

Melissa, a 4th grader, remembers, “I liked when I tried the batting cages. It was really, really fun. I’m so excited to go back to Ramah next year.” Rebecca, also in 4th grade, said, “Camp Ramah was great! I made lots of new friends and learned new things!” And Sean, a 2nd grader, told us, “I had so much fun! We did lots of activities. My counselors were super funny!”

Want information on finding the right camp for your child? Contact Wendy Dobres ([email protected] or 440-542-1298).

Rebecca and Sean are the children of Elena & Yuri abramovich

Melissa is the daughter ofDebbie & Barry Rothschild

February 2015 | Shevat/Adar 5775 [email protected]

Received as of December 10, 2014To better manage administrative expenses, it is requested that contributions be at least $10 or more each.

Thank you for helping us reduce the synagogue’s costs, which increases the actual value of your gifts.

ABRAHAM FAMILY COURTYARD FUND By: Michael & Hana Loewenstein In Honor of:Marriage of Brad Myers to Christina Wild; Engagement of Rabbi Paula Sass to Jeremy Rose by Harry & Roz Abraham. In Memory of: Albert Abraham, David Dobres, Phyllis Ross, Julia Berger, Norman Douglass and Stanley Koslen by Harry & Roz Abraham.


In Honor of:Milestone Birthdays of Savine Gross Weizman and Yaacov Taxer by Charles & Linda Gruenspan.

In Memory of: Roz Yomtovian by Harry & Roz Abraham.

JULIE ABRAMS MINYAN FUNDBy: Dolores Stein SpielmanIn Honor of:

Milestone Birthday of Julie Abrams by Robert & Ronna Zelwin, Arnold & Joy Kohn, Arlene Willen, Harry & Roz Abraham…Robert Zelwin by Andy Szabo…Dale & Karen Nash Hattan v’Kallat Torah by Bob & Judy Goodstein and Gary & Harriet Mann…Milestone Birthday of Malcolm Brahms by Robert & Ronna Zelwin.

In Memory of: Leo M. Rothman and Samuel Greenberg by Bob & Judy Goodstein…William Jones’ mother by Bill Jones & Linda Schoenberg…Fanny Jacobs and Alexander Spiegel by Bruce & Sandra Vinocur…David Dobres and Roz Yomtovian by Kenny & Yael Cohen…Fay Feldman and Roy Marder by Mitchell Marder & Mara Feldman.


In Honor of:Bat Mitzvah of Judy McConnell, Judy Riga and Ronna Zelwin; Milestone Anniversaries of Lee & Janet Shapiro, Nelson & Lynda Newman and Rabbi Michael & Sheila Hecht; Milestone Birthdays of Amanda Kurland, Daniel Wolkoff, Ethel Klein, Evelyn & Malcolm Brahms, Herbert Marcus, Jeffrey Gottlieb, Jocelyn Saltz, Karen Nash, Larry Miller, Larry Turbow, Lori Abraham, Murray Berkowitz, Nicki Adler, Ronna Zelwin, Roslyn Kowit, Savine Gross Weizman, Sharon Schmelzer, Sylvia T. Rose and Zehava Galun by Ernie & Eunice Benchell.


In Honor of: Mary & Murray Berkowitz by Todd & Leah Polikoff…Suellen Kadis by Dan & Shani Kadis…Birth of Murray & Mary Berkowitz’s grandson Robert by Murray & Connie Altose. In Memory of:Beverly Lichtin, Esther Schreiber and Norman Douglass by Murray & Mary Berkowitz.


In Memory of:David Berman, Emil Lippa and Manuel Leeb by Michael & Lana Jacobson.


In Honor of:Hospitality and Torah reading by Dan & Miriam Rose.


In Honor of:Bat Mitzvah of Judy McConnell by Jerry & Cindy Brodsky and Betty Fishman…Bat Mitzvah of Judy Riga by Barbara Amper, Jerry & Cindy Brodsky and Jody & Laura Katzner…Bat Mitzvah of Ronna Zelwin by Betty Fishman…Bat Mitzvah of Suellen Kadis by Rick & Debbie Hoffman, Michael & Hedy Milgrom and Mary Ann Shamis…Bat Mitzvah of Terry Amon by Harold Ticktin, Jerry & Cindy Brodsky, Michael & Hedy Milgrom and Betty Fishman…Bat Mitzvah of Tong Zomber by Betty Fishman…2014 Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class by Michael & Laura Bennett.

ALIYAH FUND By: Dean & Faith Eisenberg, Howard & Susan Levin. Mark & Robin Rood, Joshua & Pnina Wiesel, Bob & Sandy Berkowitz,Ted & Judy Hersh, Michael & Sherry Milner and Marc & Judy Freedman.

In Honor of:Henrik Sperling and Nelson Pole by Bill Jones & Linda Schoenberg…My Milestone Birthday by Sylvia Rose…Lily Steiger by Jon & Darby Steiger. In Memory of:Dorothy Kohn, Sandra Lertzman and Tommy Lertzman by Arnold & Joy Kohn.


In Honor of:My Aliyah by Matthew Banchek.

In Memory of:Lil Weinstein by Susan Banchek, Amanda Banchek, Betty Hickle and Meredith Banchek.


In Memory of:Harold Eisenberg by Marlene Rose.

B’NAI JESHURN CHESED FUND In Honor of:Dale & Karen Nash by Rowena Rubin…Milestone Birthday of Ronna Zelwin by Gary & Harriet Mann…Bat Mitzvah of Terry Amon by Sylvia Kugelman…High Holy Day Aliyah by Ruth Dobres.

In Memory of:Anita Dorris by Howard & Arlene Harris…Esther Gutterman by Ruth Dobres …Samuel Klein by Allan & Marilyn Klein…Alan Stromberg and Roslyn Yomtovian by Bill & Shirley Haas…Beverly Lichtin and Joseph Frankel by Ruth Dobres…David Dobres by Howard & Susan Levin, Joel & Rachel Schwarz, Sylvia Kugelman, Ileen Tepper and Rabbi Alan & Jean Lettofsky… Esther Schreiber by Mark Cohen & Miriam Vishny, Bill & Shirley Haas and Ruth Dobres…Phyllis Ross by Betty Fishman… Roz Yomtovian by Joel & Rachel Schwarz…Harry J. Abrams by Ronald & Sylvia Abrams.

BOHNEN SCHAFFER GARDEN FOUNDATION In Honor of:High Holy Day Honor by Aaron & Andrea Canowitz.

In Memory of:Norman Douglass and Miriam Paine by Aaron & Andrea Canowitz.


In Memory of:Phyllis & Jules Bookatz by Jeff & Sherry Morris…Jules Bookatz by Selma Bookatz.

February 2015 | Shevat/Adar 5775www.bnaijeshurun.org 11

TEMPLE BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT FUND In Honor of:Honors received by Avery & Susannah Cohen…Lance Colie by Joshua Polster & Eliana LeVine…Stuart & Marilyn Greenwald by Renee Lieberman…Char Rapoport Nance by Bruce Bohrer…Dale & Karen Nash by Harvey & Shirley Basch, Mel Weinberg and Vic & Sue Amster,..Debbie Rothschild by Stephen & Michelle Freireich…Harvey & Michele Sass by Rick & Debbie Hoffman, Bernie Sass, David & Amy Sass, Mitchell & Carol Rose, Ira & Karen Levinsky and Vic & Sue Amster…Ian & Gloria Abrams by Fred & Susan Valins…Bat Mitzvah of Lauren Matasar by Sherrie Foxman…Maya Isabelle Stulberg by Alexander & Monica Parnes…Speedy Recovery to Ronald Kabert by Emily Kabert…Bat Mitzvah of Roni Lee Peleg by David L. Cunix & Sally Mandel…Milestone Birthday of Savine Gross Weizman by the Richards & Gluck Families…Our Clergy by Arda Golden.

In Memory of:Abe Perry by Cele Laderman… Esther Wish by Oren Baratz & Susanne Wish-Baratz…Ethel Magar by Arlene Magar…Eugene Klein by Helen Klein…Eva Gerson by Florence Schreibman…Florence I. Schneider by Bob & Sandy Berkowitz…Harold Hiedovitz by Harry & Caren Lever…Helen F. Klein by Joel & Janet Mercer…Henry Beitner by Anita Rosenbaum… Herbert Miller by Jon & Darby Steiger…Joseph Lomberg by Marsha Moses… Lawrence Wolf by Mitchell & Judith Lauer…Lillian Goodman by Florence Goodman…Louis Gilden & Shirley Gilden by Arlene Temsey… Ludwig Newburger by John Newburger…Max Shultz by Elvin Shultz…Nathan Brown, Arlyne Levine and Sam Bradley by

Brahms…Simhat Torah Honor by Dale & Karen Nash…Milestone Birthday of Malcolm Brahms by Gary & Harriet Mann…Milestone Anniversary of Joel & Nancy Kay by Flora Jacobs…Birthdays of Judy Heller and Stan Krawetz by Raymond & Sandra November…Bat Mitzvah of Judy McConnell by Len & Karen Steiger, Sylvia Rose and Sylvia Knell…Bat Mitzvah of Judy Riga by Joel & Cindy Herman and Len & Karen Steiger…Bat Mitzvah of Ronna Zelwin by Joel & Cindy Herman, Len & Karen Steiger and Sylvia Rose…Bat Mitzvah of Suellen Kadis and Terry Amon by Len & Karen Steiger…B’not Mitzvah Class by Bernice Rothman…Our granddaugther, Stella Halvorson’s baby naming by Bill & Sandy Lieberman…Bat Mitzvah of Tong Zomber by Len & Karen Steiger…Speedy Recovery to Louise Gips by Vera Isaowitz.

In Memory of:David Dobres by Jeffrey & Jill Zimon, Mark & Robin Rood, Len & Karen Steiger and Jay & Leslie Weller… Adele Frosch by Ruth Weil…Our relatives by Aron Greenberg & Dina Krukovskaya…Hilda Kohn Margolis by Carol Spero…Irving White and Paul Isakowitz by Vera Isakowitz…Louis Berwitt by Martin Berwitt…Sadie Ritsky by Frances Ritsky-Kluter…Miriam Paine by Len & Karen Steiger…Norman Douglass and Stanley Koslen by Jeffrey & Jill Zimon and Len & Karen Steiger. GENA AND ETHAN COHEN YOUNG FAMILY FUND

In Honor of:Mara and Allison Cohen reading Torah on Yom Kippur by Avery & Susannah Cohen.ALAN D. COHEN TORAH READERS FUND

In Memory of:Bertl Loeb by Rabbi Alan & Jean Lettofsky.

Joel & Jane Novack…Rose Blackman by Moses & Gayle Safenovitz…Selma Goldberg Kramer & Abraham D. Kramer by Renee Kramer…Leon & Freda Abrams by Rosalind Bernstein…Alan Franklin by Steven & Julie Deutch…Alan Stromberg by Jay Ross & Susan Warshay… David Dobres by Jody & Laura Katzner… David Levine by Harold Ticktin, Arthur & Rose Gelbart, William & Eunice Leizman and Marilyn Herman... Esther Schreiber by Nelson Pole, Barbara Amper, Jeff & Sue Wyner, Jody & Laura Katzner, Louis & Cynthia Chaiten, Matt & Pam Goss, Jay Ross & Susan Warshay and Bill Jones & Linda Schoenberg…Rose Feuer by Douglas & Ilene Friedman…Jacob Shedroff by Art Shedroff…Joseph Frankel by Jeffrey & Jacquelyn Shafer…Lil Weinstein by Elizabeth Hickle and Jeffrey & Jacquelyn Shafer...Marvin Friedman, John D. Aub and Michelle Levin by Jay Ross & Susan Warshay…Max Hoicowitz by Morton & Eileen Hoicowitz…Michael Shagrin by Frani Shagrin…Norman Douglass by Ben & Faye Finer, Dan & Wendy Dobres, Jeffrey & Jacquelyn Shafer, Jody & Laura Katzner, Jay Ross & Susan Warshay…Roz Yomtovian by Bill Jones & Linda Schoenberg…Morris Stahlberg by Harry & Caren Lever.

CANTOR’S MUSIC FUND By: Richard & Rebecca Miller. In Honor of:Cantor Shifman by Aron Greenberg & Dina Krukovskaya, Ernie & Eunice Benchell, Joe & Carol Feig, Marv & Sharen Halpern, Robert & Ronna Zelwin, Dale & Karen Nash, Jeff & Meryl Goldberg, Michelle Sudow, Helaine Razovsky, Jay Ross, Jerome & Elaine Kohn, Alan & Dawn Nickman…Our Aliyah by Malcolm & Evelyn


In Memory of:Alan Stromberg, David Dobres, Esther Schreiber and Norman Douglass by Steven Polakof & Paula Schaffer-Polakof…David Dobres by Gerry & Shu Erenberg.


In Memory of:Frank Friedman by Robert & Carole Langus.


In Memory of:Lillian Marcus by Barbara Warshawsky.

GINSBERG FAMILY UNITED SYNAGOGUE (USY) FUND In Honor of:Our High Holy Day Honor by Mel & Diane Ginsberg.

In Memory of:Clarice & Milton Simon, David & Esther Ginsberg and Sadie Simon by Mel & Diane Ginsberg.


In Memory of:Saul & Bertha Gobstein by Howard Gobstein.


In Honor of:Wedding of Seth Gottlieb & Katie Marks by The Proper Analysis Corporation. In Memory of:Phyllis Ross by Alan & Judith Riga…Saul Gottlieb by Kenneth & Terri Kraus.


In Memory of:Saul Schermer by Donald & Judy Schermer.


In Memory of:Ida Robinovitz and Sol Sevin by Eugene & Phyllis Sevin.

February 2015 | Shevat/Adar 5775 [email protected]

BESSIE HERSHEY RELIGIOUS SCHOOL In Honor of:Milestone Birthday of Malcolm Brahms by May Hershey…Owen Orville’s consecration by Molly, Marc, Margaret, Dennis & Ira Cohen…Paul Koret and Sheila Hecht by Spencer Kawalek & Family.

In Memory of:Jonathan Hershey Beck by May Hershey…Karen Steinreich by Barry & Shawn Simon…Max “Lefty” Weisman by Jed Weisman…Harry Peskind and Rose Hermann by Anita Siegal…Sam Torch by Ron & Michele Torch…Sol & Rebecca Cohen by Ellen Alweis…Alan Stromberg, David Levine and Phyllis Ross by Richard & Shari Rood…Esther Schreiber and Norman Douglass by Michael & Laura Bennett…Howard Hyman and Phil Bachman by Aaron & Julie Sukert.ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND

In Memory of:Shirley Light and David Light by Marv Light…David Dobres by Alan & Judith Riga.JACK JACOBSON AND BELLE WINOGRAD MEMORIAL LIBRARY FUND In Honor of:Rabbi Stephen Weiss by Bob & Barbara Bilenker.

In Memory of:Esther Gardner by Sheldon Gardner…Harrice Berke by Bob & Barbara Bilenker….Irwin & Lillian Sockel byJon & Diane Sockel…John Dressler by David & Gail Kaplin…Alan Stromberg, Beverly Lichtin, Esther Schreiber, Fayvel Grinberg, Gertrude Mae Singer, Mary Wolf and Thelma Schwartz by B’nai Jeshurun Fellowship…Saul Gottlieb by Ellen Widen.ETOLE AND JULAN KAHAN FINE ARTS ENDOWMENT FUND In Honor of:Milestone Birthday of Peggy Lipp by Julian & Etole Kahan.

In Memory of:Dorothy Macks by Dawn Brown...Dorothy G. Macks and Simon E. Macks and Simon Lipp by Julian & Etole Kahan.ARLENE F. KARKLIN LIBRARY FUND

In Honor of:Our Yom Kippur Aliyah by Steve & Debra Karklin.CLARENCE KOHN ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND

In Honor of:Our Aliyah by Abraham & Idelle Wolf. In Memory of:Esther Kohn and Lillian Weinstein by Mel Banchek.SAM AND DOROTHY KOHN FOUNDATION

In Memory of:Dorothy Kohn and Sandra Kohn Lertzman by Jerome & Elaine Kohn.SANFORD AND GLORIA KURLAND EARLY CHILDHOOD FUND

In Honor of:Risa Roth by Aaron & Allyson Schwartz and Mark & Lauren Freiman.MITCHELL LEUTENBERG SCHOOL FUND

In Memory of:Al Carl and Shirley Chorney by Jay & Ester Leutenberg.HOWARD AND SUSAN LEVIN SCHOLARSHIP FUND

By: Howard & Susan LevinIn Memory of:

Stella & Leo Bernstein by Howard & Susan Levin.LINDEN FAMILY CEREMONIAL COURTYARD FUND In Honor of:Our Aliyah by Alan & Judith Riga…Hunter Cooper Levin by Sheldon & Faith Schaffer.

In Memory of:Mannie Rabovsky and Eric Glassman’s mother by Michael Rabovsky & Laurie Linden-Rabovsky…David Dobres, Esther Kohn, Mary Wolf, Phyllis Ross, Roslyn Yomtovian and Phyllis Bookatz by Michael Linden.

MILDRED ROSE AND GEORGE MANDEL EDUCATION FUND In Honor of:Milestone Birthdays of Morris J. Mandel and Ed Blumenthal by Millie Mandel. In Memory of:Liza Leibowitz Weinstein and Marvin Shapiro by Millie Mandel…Harry Solganik by Vivian Solganik.MAZON HUNGER FUND By: Don & Eileen Epstein.

In Honor of:Murray & Connie Altose by Bob & Sandy Berkowitz…Abraham & Bonnie Kay, Alan & Judy Riga, Barry & Maureen Sokolov and Jerry & Cindy Brodsky by Dale & Karen Nash… Rabbi Weiss, Rabbi Rudin-Luria, Rabbi Schachter, Rabbi Hecht, Cantor Shifman and the entire staff of B’nai Jeshurun by Bart & Carole Bookatz…Dale & Karen Nash by Alan & Judith Riga and Jerry & Cindy Brodsky…Birth of Robert Axel Rosenberg by Jerry & Cindy Brodsky. In Memory of:Betty Solomon and Steven Siegan by Jerry & Linda Siegan… Sol Greenland and David Dobres by Dale & Karen Nash.MOSKOWITZ ENDOWMENT FUND FOR OPERATIONS

In Memory of:Marvin Friedman by I. Ron Moskowitz and Jan Moskowitz Families…Miriam Paine by Ron & Bunny Moskowitz…Robert Goodman by Jan & Linda Moskowitz.


In Honor of:Marriage of Florence Goodman’s daughter and granddaughter by Richard & Elayne Glueck. In Memory of:Victor Vertes by Richard & Elayne Glueck…Herta Chalfin by Libby Lerman.


In Honor of:Milestone Anniversary Ellen & Bob Cole by Dick & Marilyn Myers. In Memory of:Miriam Rubin by Elmer Rubin.NICKMAN CHAPEL ART FUND

In Honor of:Bat Mitzvah of Emma Nickman by Mildred Borovitz.LEONARD OSCAR BUILDING MAINTENANCE FUND

In Memory of:Leonard Oscar by Dana & Howard Darvin.PAYNER-BESUNDER FAMILY FUND In Honor of:Bat Mitzvah of Ronna Zelwin by Jerry & Jane Payner and Estelle Payner.

In Memory of:Elliot Besunder by Pam, & Sandy Besunder…Minnie Litt, David Levine, Harriet Mandel and Sylvia Blumenthal by Estelle Payner.BERNARD POTASH MEMORIAL FUND

In Memory of:Irwin Lashley by Howard & Bonnie Potash.SYLVIA AND NORMAN PRICE ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND

In Memory of:Norman & Sylvia Price by Cheryl Greenhut and Barbara Price.RABBIS DISCRETIONARY FUND

By: Joyce GoodmanIn Honor of:

Rabbi Stephen Weiss by Aron Greenberg & Dina Krukovskaya, Ida Baron, Daniel & Goldie Ermine, Ernie & Eunice Benchell, Joe & Carol Feig, Shirley Gold, Dale & Karen Nash, Jeff & Meryl Goldberg, Michelle Sudow, Helaine Razovsky & Jay Ross…Our Anniversary by Art & Rose Gelbart…Milestone Birthday of

February 2015 | Shevat/Adar 5775www.bnaijeshurun.org 13

Malcolm Brahms by David Wakser…Bat Mitzvah of Emma Nickman by Alan & Dawn Nickman…Milestone Birthday Aliyah by Jocelyn & Peter Saltz…Birth of our great-granddaughter, McKenzie Lucas by Richard & Rebecca Miller…Baby naming of our granddaughter, Stella Halvorson by Bill & Sandy Lieberman…Rosenbaum-Berman Wedding by Mark Cohen & Miriam Vishny….Speedy Recovery to Judy McConnell by Alan & Judith Riga…Speedy Recovery to Louise Gips by Vera Isakowitz…Rabbi Hal Rudin-Luria byIra & Laurie Davis, Ernie & Eunice Benchell, Joe & Carol Feig, Alan & Peggy Lipp, Dale & Karen Nash, Ira Lorber & Sandra Falck, Meryl & Jeff Goldberg, Michelle Sudow, Helaine Razovsky & Jay Ross, Jerome & Elaine Kohn, Bill & Sandy Lieberman and Joel & Jane Novack…Speedy Recovery to Joyce Ronen by Joel & Jane Novack…HarrisonBotkin by Ira & Laurie Davis…Ian & Gloria Abrams by Jeffrie & Sheryl Greenberg…Birth of Jackson Tyler Amster by Jay & Leslie Weller…Rabbi Stanley Schachter by Marc & Nadia Groedel…Rabbi & Mrs. Michael Hecht by Jerome & Elaine Kohn.

In Memory of:Our relatives by Aron Greenberg & Dina Krukovskaya…Bessie Kusenitz by Ida Baron…Blanche Clutter by Ralph & Donna Weiskopf…Raymond Willen by David & Carol Willen…Irving White and Paul Isakowitz by Vera Isakowitz…Jerome “Jack” Shnider and Pearl Ermine by Daniel & Goldie Ermine…Lawrence L. Shagrin and Norma Shagrin by Frani Shagrin…Raymond Webb by Alice Bigley…Jenny Dwosh by Shirley Gold…David Dobres by Steve Sender & Abbie Nagler Sender…David Levine by the Rae

Levine and the Alan Levine Family…Esther Schreiber by Jeffrey & Jill Zimon…Freda Davis, Jackie Davis and Hyman Smith by Bob & Ellie Davis…Harry Teitelman by Lois Teitelman…Pauline “Polly” Shultz by Elvin Shultz…Ronald Weller, Irwin Sokol and Sarah Sokol by Jay & Leslie Weller…Steven Slomovitz by Evelyn Slomovitz…David Dobres, Esther Schreiber, Phyllis Ross and Roz Yomtovian by Ira & Laurie Davis.ESTELLE ROSENBERG SHAVUOT FUND

In Honor of:Yizkor by Gary & Harriet Mann…Gary & Harriet Mann by Barbara Amper. In Memory of:David Dobres by Gary & Harriet Mann.LILLIAN AND HARVEY PHILIP ROSENSTEIN BOOK FUND In Memory of:Harriet Mandel, Charles Wolf & Ruth Wolf, Art Mirkin, David Dobres, Esther Schreiber, Mary Wolf, Norman Douglass and Randi Greenwald by Paul & Helen Wolf.RABBI RUDOLPH M. ROSENTHAL MEMORIAL FUND

In Honor of:Our Honors; Dale & Karen Nash, Hattan v’Kallat Torah and Harvey & Michele Sass, Hattan v’Kallat Beresheet by Avery & Susannah Cohen…Harvey & Michele Sass; Milestone Anniversary of Rabbi Michael & Sheila Hecht; Bat Mitzvah of Judy Riga by Arnold & Alta Rosenzweig. In Memory of:David Dobres, Roslyn Yomtovian, Goldie Rotman and Norman Douglass by Arnold & Alta Rosenzweig.JONATHAN ROTH TORAH FUND In Honor of:Rob Altshular; Birthday of Yaacov Taxer; Murray &

Mary Berkowitz in their new home by Alice Roth…Birthday of Yaacov Taxer by Arda Golden…Holiday Aliyah by Howard & Donna Sperber.

In Memory of:Jonathan Roth by Mark & Yehudit Roth, Alice Roth and Arnold & Joy Kohn…Beverly Lichtin by Bobby & Wendi Shapiro…David Dobres and Rozalia Zicherman by Alice Roth…Leah Dobres by Ruth Dobres.THOMAS AND RICHARD SHATTEN MEMORIAL FUND

In Memory of:Norman Douglass by Shirley Shatten.RONALD AND NATALIE TITLEBAUM ENDOWMENT FUND

In Memory of:Harold Uhrman and Teri Levine by Ron & Natalie Titlebaum.TORAH PRESERVATION FUND

In Honor of:Milestone Birthday of Ethel Klein by Herb & Marilyn Bell. In Memory of:Frances O. Bell by Herb & Marilyn Bell.ALFRED AND HERTA WEIL FUND

In Memory of:Irwin Sokol by Frank Anderson & Marcia Sokol-Anderson.WIKAS FAMILY LIFE CYCLE FUND

In Honor of:Dassi Shtern; Our Clergy by Schield & Cheryl Wikas…Bat Mitzvah of JayAlexandra Tillman by Randy & Paula Botkin.WYNBRANDT FAMILY FUNDFOR BUILDING AND MAINTENANCE

In Memory of:Ruth Wynbrandt by Daniel & Rose Lash.ALBERT AND EVETTE YEDID TORAH FUND

In Memory of:Norman Douglass and Roz Yomtovian by Ike & Joan Yedid.


In Memory of:Roslyn Yomtovian by Danielle Hoover, Paul & Shirley Eisenberg, Howard & Lisa Rose, Jack & Linda Lissauer, LifeShare Community Blood Services, Ernie & Eunice Benchell, Ronald Cohen, Nora Hirschler, Terry Gernsheimer, Thomas & Denise Rybicki, Friends from the VA Medical Center, Ken Moss & Jill Weiss, Jordan & Ilana Moss, Lindsay & David Weiss, Murray & Mary Berkowitz, Nelson Pole, Melissa Ariel Cascio, Barbara Amper, Len & Karen Steiger and Louis & Cynthia Chaiten.


In Honor of:Yizkor for my parents and High Holy Day Aliyah by Beverly Galun…Milestone Birthday of Ronna Zelwin by Harry Zelwin…Bat Mitzvah of Ronna Zelwin by Brett & Ashley Garrard, Jody & Laura Katzner, Ted & Judy Hersh, Roger & Susan Bamberger and Brittany & Gabe Zelwin. In Memory of:David Levine by Robert & Ronna Zelwin.

IN MEMORY OF DAVID DOBRES By: Howard & Bonnie Potash, Murray & Mary Berkowitz, David Epstein & Stacey Hader Epstein, Nelson Pole, Ira Lorber & Sandra Falck, Barry & Carole Koster, Ben & Faye Finer, Pete & Doris Copeland, Jeff & Sue Wyner, Louis & Cynthia Chaiten, Michael & Hedy Milgrom, Richard & Mady Kaiser, Sam & Terry Roth, Charlene Winger, Stuart & Marilyn Greenwald, Ben Altose, Arda Golden, Betty Fishman, Lois Teitelman, Marlene Ricanati, Sylvia Rose, Sonya Shultz, Rifka Claypool, Roseann Hudock, Stephanie Fogle, Joel & Cindy Herman and Lipson & Altman Families.

February 2015 | Shevat/Adar 5775 [email protected]

Please note: Donations may be made by mailing or bringing in a note to the synagogue office detailing the name of the fund, the reason for the donation, to whom acknowledgement should go, and the donor’s name, along with a check made out to B’nai Jeshurun Congregation. It would be greatly appreciated if checks for donations were separate from other checks to the congregation.

For Sisterhood Enrichment Fund, please mail your donations and full information to Millie Mandel, 25805 Fairmount Blvd. #103, Beachwood 44122. For Torah Fund, please mail your donations and full information to Lynne Friedman, 180 Fox Hollow Drive #304, Mayfield Heights, 44124.


By: Annabelle Weiss, Lee & Theresa Markowitz, Jonathan & Ellen Brown, Aaron & Andrea Canowitz, Dale & Eleanor Goldstein, Jody & Laura Katzner, Randy & Paula Botkin, Richard & Joanne Prober, Jeff Brown & Kim Cole, Martin & Carolann Cohen, Joel & Rachel Heiser and Rifka Claypool.


Rafi Simon by Jim & Judy McConnell.

SISTERHOOD ENRICHMENT FUND In honor of:Lynne Friedman by Ruth Weil.

Sponsoring an oneg, kiddush or bima flowers is a lovely way to celebrate a simcha or remember a loved one. Partial sponsorships are also possible. Please contact Diane Shalom.

thank you to our november/December kiddush & bima flower sponsors:november 1: The kiddush was sponsored in part by Sheila Sanders in memory of her husband, Richard David Sanders and mother, Eleanor abrams.

november 8: The bima flowers were sponsored by Flo Chelm and Roslyn & Ed Kowit in memory of their mother, Mollie Kowit.

november 15: The kiddush and congregational luncheon were sponsored by the Weingold Family in honor of the Weingold Guest Scholar Weekend.

november 22: The kiddush was sponsored by Bonnie & Howard Potash in honor of the aufruf of their children, Olivia Killam & Daniel Potash.

December 13: The extended kiddush was sponsored by B’nai Jeshurun Sisterhood in honor of Sisterhood Shabbat.

December 20: The bima flowers were sponsored by Sheri & David Gross in honor of the Mincha Bar Mitzvah of their son, aidan Gross.

December 27: The bima flowers were sponsored by Stephanie & Mel Jacobs in honor of the naming of their granddaughter, Madelyn Rose Cohen.

TIDINGS Vol. 88, No. 1

February 2015Shevat/adar 5775

(ISSN 2327-2341)is published monthly

except July by

B’nai Jeshurun Congregation27501 Fairmount Boulevard

Pepper Pike, OH 44124

Periodicals postageat Cleveland, OH.

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TIDINGS 27501 Fairmount Boulevard

Pepper Pike, OH 44124

Some will say: I can honor and remember my loved ones who are gone without saying Kaddish in synagogue. To those, I respond, yes. You honor them all year long in many ways. But, there is a singular indescribable power to the recitation of the ancient words of the Kaddish. It is a public proclamation made in the midst of community. It is a moment of connection to their souls, and of connection to the Divine Spirit within which they are now embraced. To those who do not regularly come at the prescribed times to say the Mourner’s Kaddish, I say to you, “Come back.” Come back to your spiritual home and discover this incredible source of comfort and strength, guidance and inspiration. Come discover how good it feels to do something even now that helps your loved ones, to give back to them as they for so long gave to you. Discover the way in which saying Kaddish can elevate their souls and change your life. Do it for them. Do it for yourself. Do it for your children, your “kaddishels.”

Rabbi Stephen Weiss

From the senior Rabbi Continued from page 2

February 2015 | Shevat/Adar 5775www.bnaijeshurun.org 15

Shevat/adar 5775

sunDay MonDay tuesDay WeDnesDay thuRsDay FRiDay satuRDay





























Tu B’Shevat

9:45 am Someone Special & Me

7:00 pm Tu B’Shevat Seder

7:30 pm Men’s Club Meeting

8:10 am Men’s Club World Wide Wrap @ Park East

7:00 pm Service; Birthday Shabbat; Zamir Choir

9:00 am Service

9:45 am Open Tent Minyan

7:00 pm atid @ Hands On Pottery

9:45 am Someone Special & Me

7:30 pm Board of Trustees Meeting

8:30 am Men’s Club Breakfast

9:00 am Defiance w/Robert Zelwin

10:00 am Sisterhood Board Meeting

12:00 pm SisterhoodTea Party

Rosh Hodesh Shevat

12:00 pm Sisterhood Lunch & Learn

Presidents’ Day

12:30 pm Hazak Lunch & Program

Rosh Hodesh Shevat

6:00 pm Service; anniversary Shabbat

9:00 am Service

12:00 pm Men’s Club Lunch & Learn

6:00 pm K-2nd Grade Havdallah

7:30 pm Purim Coffeehouse

USY Kinnus @BJC

9:45 am Someone Special & Me

6:00 pm Chesed @Cleveland Foodbank

9:30 am Elmo’s Clubhouse

4:00 pm Little Gym Birthday Party

Jr. Kadima/ Kadima @ Whirly ball

USY Kinnus @BJC

6:00 pm Service

USY Kinnus@BJC

9:00 amService

9:00 am Service

9:45 am Someone Special & Me

6:00 pm Service

RecuRRing eVentstuesdays at 10:30 am Torah Study with Susan Wyner

thursdays at 12:10 pm Lunch & Learn Commerce Park IV (corner of Chagrin & Green)

Fridays at 10:15 am Kinder Shabbat & Open Playroom

saturdays at 9:00 am Starbucks, Bread & Torah

saVe the Date! B’nai Jeshurun tribute Dinner

honoring hedy and Michael Milgrom


sunday, June 28, 2015  

If you are interested in being onthe Tribute Committee, please

contact Paula Botkin.

February 2015 | Shevat/Adar 5775 [email protected]



February 2015 | Shevat/Adar 5775www.bnaijeshurun.org



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phone: 216-831-6555 • Fax: 216-831-4599eMaiL: [email protected]

www.bnaijeshurun.orgStephen Weiss, Senior Rabbi ....................................................ext 104 [email protected] Rudin-Luria, Rabbi ................................................................ext 101 [email protected] Shifman, Cantor ...............................................................ext 112 [email protected] J. Schachter, Rabbi Emeritus ......................................ext 106Michael Hecht, Rabbi Emeritus ................................................ext 105Josh Foster, Education Engagement Rabbi .........................ext 124 [email protected] Ross, Executive Director ......................................................ext 107 [email protected] Cole, Development Director ............................................ext 132 [email protected] Stahm, Controller ............................................................ext 111 [email protected] Kadis, Membership/Programming Director ...........ext 131 [email protected] Rosenfeld, Executive Educator ................................ext 121 [email protected]. R. Raphael Simon, Librarian ................................................ext 114 [email protected] Blocker, Youth Director ....................................................ext 120 [email protected] Roth, Early Childhood Director .......................................ext 125 [email protected] Shalom, asst. to Rabbi Weiss/Newsletters Editor .ext 104 [email protected] Botkin, accounting/Cemeteries/Calendaring ........ext 109 [email protected] altmire, School administative assistant ................ext 123 [email protected] Berman, assistant to Cantor ...........................................ext 102 [email protected] Haas, School administative assistant. ....................ext 122 [email protected] Taxer, Receptionist, assistant to Rabbi Rudin-Luria and Jay Ross .........................................ext 100 [email protected]

Sunday, March 1 • 9:30 am Mishloach Manot delivery to Menorah Park Sunday, March 1 • 2:00 pm Mishpachot Queen Esther’s Candyland @ Ellie’s Sweets & Chocolates Wednesday, March 4 • 11 am Mishloach Manot delivery to Montefiore Wednesday, March 4 • 7 pm Megillah reading and festivities! Thursday, March 5 • 7 am Megillah reading and combined minyan Sunday, March 8 • 11 am – 1 pm Purim Carnival with new activities, new prizes and fun for everyone!